The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, July 11, 1894, Image 1

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    J-.- . .
Tecumseiis niiltia company Trill be
The Dakota county teachers' insti
tute begins July U.
The Elkhora depot at Esving was to
tally destroyed by nre.
A half section of harpy county land
was sold lateiy for 51-, 000.
Workmen hare commenced operations
on 'arh Bends new cepot.
KeUevue vrill no louder be a play
ground for Sunday baseballists.
A boit of lightning struek the roller
mill at Ithaca, doing1 considerable dam
age. Hooper vrill hare ten months schooi
next year. The levy -was placed at :)"
The wheat crop of Pavrnee county it
the best that it has been for several
Every combined museum, circus and
mecajene teat camps at Fremont is
taxed cllO. "
Coiumbus is figuring on securing a
sugar factury in tne near future. The
projectors want a bonus ot ."ifl.o:o.
All the circusses traveling- through
Nebraska have the usual nnmber of
sneak thieves following' in their wake.
The wife of Captain Nye of Puwnee
City arose in her sleep and fe.d neail
long down eeliar, receiving- serious in
juries. The base ball players of 'smond orer
to match any team m northern Nebras
ka for a contest and will wager S-wj on
the result.
A mass meetinc will be held in Ne
braska t'iry to organize a law and or
der league. There is too much Sunday
R. J McMichal of Pawnee "ity.
charged with a Vionious assault upon
a htlie giri. has ueen jailed in default,
of Sl,.itiO bail
Fred . hambers. the li-year-td son
or Walter chambers of Aurora, was
Crowned in the aeep hole of the creek
north of town.
In recocnition of good work at the
recent e.evator tire in snnerior Uie Dur-.
hngtoa made the local are department
a present of S"j.
.1 V.'iliis Welis. who is in the Adams
county jail awaitinsr trial for petit lar
ceny, tried to enc his trouoies by taking-
clorsL He was pumpe.i out.
tTianile Fevei. an .ncomjrioie lad. of
Superior was arrested at the instance
of his motner ace sentenced for eleven
years to the Kearney reform ichooi.
jlr and Mrs. W mtersteen of Fre
mont have been married half a century,
and last weeit the event was celebrated
by tbeir relative. and friends in larg-e
Thiev, went throug-h the residence
of C. A. Simon of NeorahKa ( ity curing
rne circus parade and secured anuut
SlOt) m jeweiry. several minor bur-g-ianes
were reported.
During- a circus performance at Nor
folk the tent cauch: are and a panic
was prevented omy by the cool eon
duct of the men who estingui-ned tne
names before great damage had bt-en
John C. Condon and J Stephens were
arrested at Louisville eharg-eri with
stealing- harness from farmers m that
seetion. They had in their possession
a couple of sets beiOnging to a man
near cretna.
A heavy rain visited tne seetion of
country about Ptattsmouth. during
which a barn of Mrs Jim lldes. about
Jive miles -outh. was struck by nght-ning-
anc burned to the ground before
anything- cou a be saved.
The question of establishing1 a mis
sion of tne Episcopal church at V ayne.
and procuring" a rector has auout ueen
decided upon, tie WiL make Uarne
his place of residence, but will devote
half his time at Har wanton.
Mr and Mrs. onnincham. of Mil
ford who have resided m :hat vicinity
ior the past twenty-tive years, cele
brated tneir tiftietn wecomy anmver
sarv last week. They reieiveu many
presents from fwenos abroad.
While diirging a well Tom Beard of
Stella narrowly escaped a deadiy '.hemp
on the head from a bucuet o: ciay
The rope broke when the bucicet was
near the top and the man below saved
his neck by a timeiy jump to one side
Frank Hunrnan. a Bonemian curar
maker, attempted to commit suicide at
Crete by shooting him.-eif m tne head
with a 3,-calibre revolver The cai.
entered tne head just back of the left
temple. lodging bacu of the left eye.
He cannot live.
The residence of Charles Hager of
Beatrice was destroyed by nre. It was
located m the extreme eastern part of
the city. The are originated trom a
oeiective nue and tne loss was
complete, ontv a few arucies of
ture being- saved.
The Sutherland
and Paxton Land
and irrigation company of utnerland.
Lincoln county fiied articles of incor
poration last week. The autnonzeu
capital is ?"-o.ti(H) and the incorporators
are David Hunter Alexander Neiiscn
and John IL Conway
Even the S10 ' reward offered by the
National Humane society fails to stim
ulate the local authorities m arresting
any of the riders or owners of horses
killed- in the iate cowboy race at chad
ran. W arrant. were issued, but tne
constable declined to serve them.
Owing1 to the recent acitation of the
Law and Order league against base bail
and other Sunday amusements the Per
sonal Rights league of Nebraska 1 ity
is fcems- revived, and a mass meeting
has been -called to take detinue -.(eps
toward the organization of tnat society
"Money wiii never be very plenty in
Nebraska as lone as people -end aii
their money outside tne s'ate for tneir
supplies. Factories are employing labor
and put money in circulation. rarreJ
vt Co s brand of syrups, jellies, pre
serves anc mmce inert. Morse-coe
boots and shoes for men. -women and
children: American Biscuit fc Manufac
turing Co.. Oraana, crackers.
The millinery store of Mrs. J P Se
nick of Fremont has ceased to do busi
ness. The proprietor and her assistant
departed on a tram gome east witnout
previous notice and it was some time
before the public discovered that thev
had taken anytning but a brier vaca
tion. Secretary Ford of the Hastings school
board has received official notice of the
world's fair awards given tne Hastings
public schools, nrst. for careful training.
neat arrangement, accuracy, power of
analysis and good anc regumr work in
all cranes: second, for marisec atta.n
ment of pupils in drawing, penmanshin
and language.
A destructive tire occurred at the Til
lage of Summerneld on the Wyandotte
railway, eighteen miles soutneast of
Beatrice. The entire business portion
of the village was burned. The princi
pal business house, tnatof R. W. liemp
hili sustained a lossof S3,590. Insured
for SUSW. The origin of the tire could
not be learned.
Contrary to the statement heretofore
printed, no receiver has been appointed
for the State Bank of BrainartL That
institution has had no trouble and is
" on a sound and substantial fonndation
as shown, by its last statement to the
state banking committee. The item
was an unintentional error.
In attempting to board an. approach
ing freight car John scctt of "Lincoln.
aH. iil. sw-.tchman, was thrown un
der the wheels and instantly killed.
The car had been "kicired" down tne
track by a switch engine, and sott.
wno lived near the tracks, atttempted
to jump on the brake beam. He was
-7 years of age and leaves a wife and
The contract for the erection of
H lmilton county "s new court house has
been let to AtKmson Bros. &. Co. of
"olcrado Springs tor 3j3.3'J5. There
were twelve oiuders. some of the bids
running as high as ;G,000. The base
ment story is to be faced with Manitou
red sandstone and tne remainder with
pressed bricic and trimmed with red
sandstone and terra cotta.
A tire broke out in the roof of the
stock exchange building near the pack-ins-
houe m Nebraska City On ac
c unt of poor water pressure the build
ing was damaged to the extent of about
51. 000 before the re was uncer con
trol. It is fully insured. Secretary of
Agriculture Morton is largely interested
in the J'nian Stock ards company.
which company owns tne buiidmg.
Fire broue out in. a barn in the rear
of the National hotel and adjoining C
H. Hogue i: Co."s lumber yard and
warenouse in Kearney The nre
spread with wonderful" rapidity and m
an instant tne hotel and warehouse
were also in names. The tire depart
ment succeeded in saving the lumber
yard and crilce and part of the hotel.
The barn Lel'ned to Mr. liutterneld
and wa not insured.
The heirs of Wiluam J MeAnnelly, a
a switchmen who was killed in an acci
dent February 3. l-'JO. at the Union
s.oek varus. South Omaha, have just
had a decision handed down by the su
preme court tneir claim for
:...' on damages. He was 7 years old
a', the time of his death, leaving a wife
and three children. The suit for 5-".'i 0
resulted in a verdict for the full
amount now affirmed.
The supreme court decision in rela
tion to the Lauility of cnurch property
for special taxes is considered wttn
g'-cat complacency bv tne city fathers
of Lincoln. Something like 540,000 for
special purine taxes had ueen levied in city airainst cnurcn properties and
a tormer decision of the supreme court,
whicn came after the levy had been
made, left the city just tnat much in
tne hole.
A sad event for Coon Creek, says the
Wayne Herald, was tne suicide of Miss
1 ena Nelson, sister of Mrs. Chris
Thompson, aired i. She came from
Miehuran last fall and has, resided witn
her sister. Mrs. tenton. ever since.
1 hey reside about two and a naif miles
north oi Randolpn. Lasj Wednesday
she went to poison potato Dues, but in
stead of putting tne poison on the vines,
dranir some of it, and was found two
ni.les from the farm. Medical aid was
summoned, but it was of no avaiL
The limaman of superior, who re
fused to register was taKen to Nelson
to be examined as to nis sanity. On his
return, he immediately went to north
part of town, where it is thought he
had ecreted money, he failed to tind it
and becanit. so v.oient tnat tne marshal
arrested him after a struggle, in which
tne celestial attempted to cur the offi
cer's throat with his large sharp linger
nails, intiicting a deep irash on the lat
ter's Seek. He -till refuses to register.
W ord reached Louisville last week
that John Boom nad lost ail nis house
noid eifeets by tne burnmir of his farm
house He and h.s wfe were workimr
in tne held wnen they saw smoke in
th- direction of tue house, which is
hidden from the rield by a dense grove.
They went to the uou-e at once, but
the names had gained such headway
that the buildme. an old frame struct
ure, was beyond hope and was soon to
la, iy destroyed, together with all its
The local officers of the American
Railway union at Omaha have taken a
deeded stand on the question of pre
c pitatmg a strike and will refuse to do
anything with that end m view. Pres
ident eoree Muler asserted that he
was satistied that a call to strike here
c m.d only result in a display of tne
weaicness m tne tram service, and that
it womd tie simpiy ca.unir out just o
many cierirs. trucumen and rousta
bouts who never see tne inside of a
Pullman car and who jrarely see the
outside of one. out of tneir poor posi
tions. He said ne would resign before
ne woiiid call a strike, being satisfied
tnat ne is right in this conclusion.
The Fremont "hautaiuua has ar
ranged to devote a iaree part of tne as--embiy
to Sunday scnooi work. In
struction in Sunday s -nooi methods.
bioie study, normal work and junior
-iass w-ric. will ne given in the tore
no n of eacn day by competent instruc
tors. In tne afterni on the institute
w.U be addressed by noted "-unday
schooi workers, amone whom may ce
mentioned. Chance. ior Sims. New ark.
Samuel Linrisey. St. I ou:s. Major
'Lure"' Halforu. imaha: Chamuin
Bruner, Illinois: Prof. Andrews. Lin
coln. E. A. Stevens wrand Island, and
many others. Thursday. Ju.v Uth.
wi!" be Sunday sencol juoPec day and
basket picnic
Something like a dozen years ago.
says the Papilhon Times. Thomas Do
.an. son of Martin Dolan. of Forest City
precinct, left the nome rancti. near'tre
tna. and started west to teeic nis for
tune. He visited all the western states
and territories, examining tneir resour
ces, testing- tne.r soil and exDer.ment
ine with their c.imate. From c0;0raco
to t'tan. tnence to Idaha, Montana,
t ahfornia. Oregon and Arizona ne trav
elled, tinaliy settiine in Utan. the land
oi tne Marman. His faith in sarpv
county was unshaken by his wander
:n:rs. and from time to time he sent
money back home to eo toward tliepur
cnae of .and here and a few days ago
ue appeared m person and while visit
ing nis oid home completed the pay
ments on two hundred acres of Sarpy
county dirt.
Nenraska Ls deeply interested in a
bil introduced in tle house by Con
gressman Meikiejohn. which in brief is
as rollows. "Tnat the lands allotted
to. or which, may hereafter be ai.otted
to any Indian m severalty, or wmen
may be tne property of any Indian cit
izen of the L'nited states, when sneu
Indians under the provisions of any
e-sisting law have beeome, or shall Le
ome entitled to the benefits of. and
suujeet to the laws of any state, shall
be subject to srate and local assess
ments and taxation, the same as any
otUer lands similarly located in sucn
state provided, however. That noth
ing herein ccutaiaed snail authorize
the sale or incumbrance of any sucn
land on account of any such assess
ment and taxation, or m anv manner
interfere witn tlie trust in which such
lands are heid by the L'nited States
while such tmst continues: and pro
vided further That during tue contin
uance of said trust said taxas so as
sessed and levied shall be paid from the
treasury of the t'nited states to the
toanty treasurer, or other leeaiiy au
thorized officer of the cauntv or mu
nicinality to which such taxes are nay
able, at saeh times as said taxes snail
become cce and payable " Thurston.
Kox and Boyd are the Nebraska coun
ties directly aifeeted by this bill. It is I
estimated that this measure will add tc
the taxes of these counties the follow- ,
ing- sums per yeat Thurston, 513, 00 J;
Knox, SMMMi; Eoyd, 3,000.
3I0NG the families
that crossed the
Alleghanies for
set tlement in
Western Pennsyl
vania a few years
before the out
break of the fa-
.mous Pontine war
was one of the
name of Urady.
Ted Brady from
the first was a
fcarle" young rover of the woods,and
gun in hand he was often to be seen
in the forest, either in search of jrame
or setting traps for the smaller ani
mals that abounded in the locality.
Durinir one of these excursions into
the woods the boy had the fortune to
capture a very small bear cub. which
he carried home without trouble. He
raised the cub by hand, and had a
good deal of fun with him as he grew
older. At last he became the pet of
the household, and often would follow
Ted into the forest.
At the approach of nhrht. no matter
where Jack was, he would turn his
face toward the cabin, and in one
corner of it was sure to find a sleep
ing place till moraine-
With the uprising of the Indians,
led by Pontine, the Ottawa chief, one
of the bravest and most relentless
Indians, of his day, the whole frontier
passed from the sunshine of peace to
the shaviow of war. The Bradys heard
of the coming storm some time before
it reached them.
It was reported that the Indian
spies were abroad in the land, spyin"
out the weaknesses of the settlements
preparatory to a swoop upon them,
and one day several were seen in the
vicinity of the Brady cabin, Ted had
been trapping along a little stream
near home for some time. The boy.
who was stout and quick for his li
years, though not very large, had be
come an expert in trapping th fur
Learine animals of the forest and
stream, and Irs stock of furs were
known to be the best and most valu
able of any in the neiehborhood.
Michael Bra Iy. tlu father, thoueht
that the whole frontier should be
made acquainted with the true situa
tion regardine the Indian uprising,
and as he had picked up a good deal
of reliable information he deemed it
his duty to spread the news. There
fore he set out on his mission one day,
intendine to be eone nearly a week.
"Watch the house weU," said the
Celt. "Know everything that ap
proaches it. and on no occasion open
the door to anybody but Jack."
One evening the boy went out to
his traps. He had that morning car
ried them to a new trappine ground
and he thoueht best to take another
look before leaving them for the
The nieht promised to have the
lieht of the full moon. The skv was
perfectly clear and the crisp leaves
that lettered the eround gave forth
musical sounds as they crackled un
derneath the boy's feet.
That very day Ted ha I taken the
ritie apart to eive a thorough over
haulme. and every part had been in
spected and oiled. With tne weapon
slung over his shoulder the Ir'sh nor
tramped through the woods, found
th traps all right, and. after seeing
that the triggers were well set. turned
ami beean his homeward trip.
By this time the sun had gone
down and the long shadows of dnsk
were falling between the trees. But
over the hill on his right rose the full
orbed mo-.-n. and more than once Ted
stopped and watched its stately
He had reached a little stream near
the cabin and had set his feet
on the foot log ior the purpose of
crossing it. when he caught sight of
something moving toward the cabin.
He could see the house through an
opening in the forest. The moonlight
feil around ii. revealing it in the little
clearine with uncommon distinctness.
"It is Jack going home."' said Ted
with a smile, when he had watched
the moving object for a while. "He's
been off on another excursion and is
just getting in."
Then he thought of surprisine the
bear with one of his shrill whistles
and placed his fingers to his mouth to
sound it -when he suddenly stopped.
The bear had stopped, too.
Not only this, but the next moment
Ted Brady's heart took a leap into his
throat, for the animal rose on its hind
feet near a tree and remained stand
ing a full minute . s straight as an
Indian. While Jack was capable of
doing a great many tricks and could
walk on his hind feet with consider
able dexterity Ted had never seen
him get nzs with such, grace of move
ment. The bear appeared to be looking
straight toward the house from the
tree where he stood, and Ted. who
jumped down, from the log and sprang
to a tree near by. looked on with a
boy's keen curiosity.
"Maybe it's another bear," rushed
through Ted's mind. "And what if it
isn't a bear at all?'
He was not close enough to get a
very good look at the animal, and in
order to do so he crawled along the
ground to another tree, from, behind
which, he took another look.
By this time the bear had dropped
! S.
to the eround again and all at once
Ted saw that it had a cat ear, wfaielr
was just what Jack had had for tlitee
Once more Ted was in the act of
whistling to his pet, when, the animal
started toward the house on all fours,
running over the ground in a manner
not exactly in accordance with the
usual locomotion of bears, bat not
very unlike either.
"I never saw Jack run that way
I before,"' cried the boy as he bounded
i on. "He is heading for heme and
i wiU beat me there if I don't make bet
ter time. Maybe Jack has been
wounded, the boys down on the creek
shot at him twice last summer, ami "
Ted stopped, for enca more the
bear had checked his course and was
, . .. , t.iji ui man w3 ucver very
moving across the c.earmg toward the- g In mfd-September the com
httle cabin m one ot whose little win- ufbn parts were sold at about 3d. a
dows Mrs. Brady had set a light. Ted j pfumL begt
watched the bear moving over the J g chfltces6 part (excludinff the
stumpy clearmg with his head point-1 -jj which, was the recognized
mg toward the shanty, but all ath,;.-'. t.uZ?& mri,i k ,, rn
once he saw more than this.
That which he saw was enough to
thrill him as he had never been
thrilled before. It was nothing less
than a moccasin, where one of the
hind feet of the-supposed bjar should
have been, and the more he looked
the surer he was of this.
The skin before him was Jack's,
bnt an Indian was inside it, and. of
course, for some diabolical purpose.
Weil did tne red man know that he
could never get beyond the door ot
the Brady cabin in his own dress;
therefore, probably knowing soms
thine about the boy settler's pet. he
had killed Jack in the forest and had
undertaken this stratagem to carry
out his evil des.ens.
Ted knew that if his mother should
see the supposed Jack in the clearine.
she would hasten to open the door to
him, without suspecting anything
wrong, and when he thought of the
peril that menaced her he could
hardly suppress a cry.
The Irish boy had reached the frinee
of the clear. ng. and. in the brilliant
moonlieht. he saw the object that
moved across it. Not a moment wn
to be lost: yet a shot must tell, for if
thrown away, the young marksman
would have upon him one of the
dread courees of the frontier, and he
mieht be the first victim of savage
fury in that locality.
As the boy trappers rifle touched
h;s shoulder, the cabin dor opened,
and he caught "sieht of his mother.
.She had opened the door for 'Jack,"
and the redskin had only to sprine up
and with a bound carry himself be
yond the threshold. Controlling his
nerves with the coolness of an old
marksman, Ted covered the shaggy
head and tired.
At the sharp report a dark object
seemed to spring into the air. and the
next instant it lay on the ground,
while the white-faced woman in the
doorway gazed across the clearing,
too frightened for a moment to stir-
Ted ran forward, so as to be seen In
an instant, and as he cleared the
ground between the scene of his shot
and th cabin he was recognized and
his mother cried out:
"It is Jack you have killed, boy!
Didn't you recognize the old fellow'."
Ted met his motnerat the door, and
for a moment, looking up into her
face, he could not answer her: but
after elancine at the silent fieure
amone the stumps, he made reply:
"Jack -never wore moccasins,
mother The bear cut there happens
to be an Indian."'
After awhile mother an 1 son
dragged the body to a secluded spot
behind the cabin. There a grave was
made, and m it they placed the corpse
of one Indian who would never re
trrn to foilow Pontine across the
If the Indian had compan.ons in the
neighborhood, they retreated without
seeirine to revenge the death of their
py. and when the tide of war flowed
into that region, the Bradys had
taken refugj in one of the more
eastern forts, where they remained
till the uprising ha 1 b-en put down.
Ted Bradv grew to manhood near
the scene of his adventure. He be
came noted for his marksmanship:
but he alwavs called Lis best shot the
one which aved his mother from the
tomahawk of the Indian in Jack's
Cbanrn; Hi 3Iin I.
rounding the post
uhile rounding the post at the
head of the stairs on his way to bed
the sleepy old father of the family
knocked his tenderest corn against
something bard. In the recoil he
upset a broom, a dust-pan and a coal
bucKet that some ody had left
standing near the top step and the.
went banging dn the stairway In
the purior sat young Spoonamore.
As he listened to the horrible racket
and the energetic loca outburst
from tho floor above that accompa
nied it he turned pale.
Is your father taking that method
of showing his dt.-piasure at my
coming here. Miss linfcie.J he whis
pered, anxiou-ly.
You needn't be afraid of papa,
Mr. poonamore." she aaswere i. He
has changed his mind about you."
Is is that the way he changes
his mind3" he inquired, nervously
fingering his hat.
The Modern ""tyl.
I wonder." said the Oid theater
goer, "if the old stock comnany
methods will ever be revived "
StocK company." responded Mr.
Barnes Tormer. "why. we are going
out on the road next season with a
company composed almost entirely -of
stock three horse, a doz?n
chickens, two goats, a calf anl two
pig." Indianapolis Journal
3Takin? sonn-tluni Oat of Xothlnr-
Bigheaa- What distinguishes the
gods from men is, that the gods can
make something from nothing.
Pertly Well, the girls must come
pretty near the gods, for thev can
make bathing suits out of almost !
nothing. Town Topics. j
1 '
Contributor Where is that poem
of mine you promised to publish and
didn't'' Editor I'm sorrv, but
burglars entered the office last week t
id took all the valuable-? they could j
y their hards on. Detroit Tribune, i
A SnflScient Keuon.
Mr. Doiiey Miss Flypp. why do i
you suppose it is there is no'marry ing
nor giving In marriage in heaven r"
Miss Flypp. promptly So men there-
Judge- j
Sralts to Which tlio Frenl Citizen
Warn Reduced.
The bulk of the horses lived n ao
sicry a fashion that it was a mere
wee to divide their nour cnrxni'dea
l&Bto the three categories of the first
quality, second quality and "II let,"
Xhey fell dead of debility and leaa
sa.oa their way to the slaughter
louses. It is easy to imagine that
the "bouillon" and cutlers from
saeh steeds were not strong in nour
ishlnrr qualities. And yet these
Skarved. anatomies were the only
aaurce of meat in . the cit, during
September and October- About fifty
ofthem-juere daily consumed, ac-cerding-to
the Gentleman's llaeazine.
ft- - .
u. a pound. Jor were the prices
any higher the day befo-e the capit
ulation. But by then there was
about as much nutriment in a carpet
bag a5 m til? black un-u ghtlv lumnd
i wntch dis gured the butcher's sho-is.
After the siege a con-ideruble
number of horses ware offered for
sale at from 1'f to 10f apiece. For
their reputation's sake they had
better have died and been eaten a
fortnight previously.
Milk. lard, salt and vegetables
were th article -, of which Metz most
felt the lack Beef at s "M a pound
and eegs at iv franc apiece were
manifestly indulgences fir the rich
alone but the sudden dep ivation
of milk was a moa' serious affair
The death rate of children during
the siege was double the normil
nine. It could hardly have boen
otherwise. 1 e mother., could
neither suckle nor buy milk for
their new-born babies These, with
few exception i. speedily found their
wav to the cemetery past the
salt .-oon ran alarmingly short. It
got up to twelve francs a pound.
Tiun some relief was foand by the
free distribution of salt water from
a certain saline spring, which the
proprietor generously made over to
the city for the time. The chemists
al-o put their heads together an i
manufactured a substitute for natur
al salt. Until the capitulation how
ever, this deficiency was much felt,
and declared itself in the iu-healsh
of the people. The salt water con
tained only three parts of salt in a
Little by little, too. the grocery
and other stores lost their stock
1'he army were th greatest con
sumers here. Early in the siege the
officers made large purchases, as if
they foresaw a time of hardship.
Sugar became aimost as rare as sa't.
and nothing after tobacco was o ac
ceptable a pre -eat in the hospitals as
a little bit of it stewed in a piece of
Walter iV.w Grateful. Bnt He
IVould 'nt Change the Coffee.
There is one battle which Generr.1
.L M. Trumbull did not win. It was
fought in a Chicago restaurant, not
long ago. He entered the res
taurant and wa3 very obse juiousiy
ushered to a seat by an ebony waiter,
who was clearly impressed with the
general's appearance. The darker 's
countenance registered several de
grees lower when General Trumbull
gave his order:
('o'lee and rolls."
"I'es, suh," was the waiter's dis
appointed reply He had looked for
a big order and did not ?et it.
When he returned with the coffee
the general looked at it a moment in
supreme disgust. The fluid had
slopped down the side of the cup and
half rilled the saucer.
I don't want that coffee. Bring
ne some in decent shape," ordered
the general.
Pat all de kin" o' coffee you gwine
t' git." replied the waiter
Look here " said the general
sharply, ! fought four years to give
linerty to the like of you. and I'm
carrying three bullet- in my body.
Get me some decent coTee. "
With this telling stroke tne gen
eral began to unfold his newspaper,
considering the matter settled.
Yes. sah! You done it! You
done it. sah! But dat's all de coffee
you gwine to git heah." obdurately
replied the negro
And the general was obliged to
take his ungrateful medicine in
A. alaible
itone I Uncovered in a
tranije Manner
By a curious combination of
chances a diamond that was lost
more than twenty years ago at Bir
mingham. England, has been discov
ered, and 1-. now in the hands of the
chief constable- ome days ago one
of the worknen in the employ of
Mes-rs. Taunton safe manufactur
ers, was engaged in repairing a safe
a d came across a piece of paper in
a crevice, in which was a large dia
mond, estimated t j be worth at least
l'Jj. The condition of the paper
indicated that the stone bad been
undisturbed for a long time,
and the finder considered he
was entitled to what he had
found, fe me Inquiries were after
wards made, which resulted in the
discove y that the owner of the safe
bought it four years ago from the
late Mr Davis Mr - J. Daris. the
son. explained that some twenty
years ago his father gave his mother
a huge diamond, which she placed in
a piece of paper with the name of
her on. and then dep ;sited it some
where for security, -he hid it so
effectually that it could not be found
afterwards. The niece of paper in
which the
does bear
and there
diamond was wrapped
the name of Mr. Davis.
is little doubt the stone
belongs to him.
neforc and After.
Caller You say this photograph
was taken
hen you were a voung
man1 I never should suspected
it- It looks like the picture of a
big. good-natured boy. Was the ar
tist making you laugh about some
thing? natural expression- It was how I ,
looked before taking Mrs. Kajonea. f
Chicago Tribune. i
iatemtlas Scenes IVhrn the Fruit In
Klpo Tree Are Sat Stripped ot tbe
Coldra Boll st Ontt Time Loajp
linadled Haired and Chute.
Orange rrowinr in Southern Cali
fornia is an industry fifteen vears
old- In 1875 and W7i there were a I
few orange groves in Los Angeles '
and near the historic old mission of
San Gabriel. It ia estimated that
there is now invested in urange
growing in Southern California over
3:5,0)0.0 )'X There are in bearing
about I'J.OO' acres of oranee groves,
and about 80,0 JO more acres are
The Californian rejoices in the
fact that his oranges are not ripe un -
ti late in the winter, saying that
human nature craves an acid when
a long winter is over and spring
comes on. and for that reason East
era consumers will pay much more
for oranges in March. April ar May
than at any othe- season
The orange trees are not stripped
of their fruit at one time, as are the
Fastern apple, peach or pear trees,
but are picked at different times in
the course of the month, the picker
knowing whether the fruit is ready
for packing by its color and form.
Fie picks all the fruit that is ripe on
the trees at one time, and repeats
the process again a week or two
later. The first picking is made
about the middle of February in the
Pomona valley, and from the 1st of
March for three months the gather
ing continues unabated.
A few weeks previous to the pick- ;
ing time t.te wholesale shippers go
tbe rounds of the groves, tome of
them have arrangements from year
to year with the owners, while moit '
of the producers prefer to make new
contracts each season. The agent
inspects the grove an! offers ro
much a box. or so much for the fruit
on the trees, and here the responsi
bility of the owner ceases. The
shipper puts his pickers and packers
at work, the grower receives his
check, and anoth?r year is begun :
The picking of the orange in large j
orange centers, such a San Gabriel
Valley. Pomona. Riverside and Red- '
lands, is announced by an addition
to the floating population. Gangs '
of pickers.Mexicans. Chinese. Ameri
cans, men and boys, gather from far ,
and near, and the groves are filled
with laughter and song. i
The orange grove of the imagma- I
tion is a stretch of trees filled with
golden fruit, where one can lie in
the soft gra
s and luxuriate in the i
signt. be actual grove, while
beautiful to the eye. is not a place
for lounging, as the ground is. or
should be, kept cintinually plowed
and irrigated But the traac ar at
tractive. Ever green, thev often
show ripe and green fruit and white
blossoms at the same time.
A gang of men under a leader, or
overseer, take possession of a grove
bright and earl in the morning, two
or three men being appointed to a
tree, and the picking begins. Tall
step ladders enable the pickers to
reach the top branches, an! each
orange is carefully cut from the tree
if it is pulled and the skin broken,
it will soon decay. The picker wears
a bag about his neck, and into this
the fruit is dropped.
When the bag is filled the fruit is
handed to the washer or scrubber.
The latter, generally a Chinaman,
washes the black stains or rust from
the fruit, polishing it with a cloth
after which it Is passed to th2 as
sessor Sometimes a simple ma.-hme
is used, a runway, so that the
oranges of the same si-e will all
collect together This accomplished,
each orange is wrapped in variously
colored paper and placed in the box
ready for shipment. A counter
keeps tally of the boes.
In some groves various machines
are usel. Thus one patent is a knife
on a long pole which is connected with
a canvas tube. The orange sepa
rated from others in thi way drops
into the tube or "chute." and by an
arrangement of traps, drops from one
to another and lina.iy rolls into a boi
uninjured. The ordinary method of
picking is b. hand
The first oranges in Southern Cal
ifornia were planted by the old mis
sion fathers, who undoubtedl :
brought the seed fro"n pain. where
it was originally carried from Arabia
by wandering tribes The orange is
a remarkable tre It flourishes in
what is apparently the poorest soil,
is always green, ripe fruit will hang
on its limbs for a year and is always
in frui or blosoa. The tree will
bear when 15 ) or 20 ) years old.
while at Versailles there is a tree
known to be 4 years old. and older
still is a tree at Nice that is fifty feet
high and still bears ",'))') oranges a
year Its exact age is unknown, but
it is xi product ot antiquity
Tue orange craze, as it has been
called, is most alluring. The pros
pect, as viewed bv the novice, is of
sitting down and waiting for the
agent to come round yearly and buy
the crop, yet constant work and at
tention are necessary. The orange
grove requires to be irrigated,
plowed and weeded throughout the
year, but the chief trouble lies in
its various parasites Five years
ago a number of the groves of South
ern California were almost ruined by
the white scale. Orangemen were
in despair an I orchards wortn thous
ands of dollars were literally given
up to the destroyer, and looked as if
flecked with scow.
The government sent a commis
sioner to Australia, who discovered
a Iadv bug that proved an enemy to
the white scale, and to-day the trees
are again in tine condition. The
white scale is unknown there now.
despite continual investigations and
searches for it 'by the many local
r orticultural inspectors and associa
tions. In Happy China.
The emperor of China is not con
tent with the respect shown him by
his subjects, and recently issued the
following peculiar order- --After
bringing our sacrifice recently to
the highest being, wc heard upon
our return to the palace, near the
gate leading to the imperial quar
ters. a rather loud noise caused by
talking. This show that the peo-
pie have not the proper regard for
--- - .
the majesty of the ruler, and also
that the officers of the bodyguard
have failed to do their duty properly.
The officers who were on post at the
pecuUar rate must be punished,
therefore, by the minister of war.
In the future, however, all officers,
high or low, must see that a noise
so improper shall not occur in our
presence.''' - 1" Tribune-
He Wanted to Skow Hi Skill a a Plpe
Smaaher nil the Shoot.
Last summer, in .Northern Wiscon
sin, a party of three, consisting of
-the gar'ner,' Reddy" and the
writer, went on a fishing trip. We
camned at Left Foot lake, a few-
miles from Ellis Junction, the near
est railroad station, and had some
glorious sport but this isn't a fish
ing story.
Red" had brought with him
! something like two dozen clay ptpes.
and. of course, we uidn t break a
pipe during our entire three weeks' ,
stay. (In our last day at the lake an j
inspiration seize I the "guv'nor " He
w a fair shot with a revolver and
had done a great deal of -grand
stand" target shooting the "gran d
stand consisting of the two daugh- j
ters of a farmer whose house stood a
j few hundred feet from our tent. It
was a bright sunshiny day and the i
' two girl were sitting on a bench in
the dooryard. occupied with sewing
' and knitting
The guv'nor" unfolded his
scheme to "Red " It was that the
latter should stand before a tall pine I
some i feet from the tent and he -"the
guv'nor" would shoot at clay
pipes which "Red" was to hold t:i
his mouth. After he had explained
j how he intended to do it -Red"
; readily agreed to hold the ptpes.
There was an outcropping of granite
under the tree, and a the "guv'nor"'
fired into the lake "Red" was to
1 drop the pipe from his mouth, the
granite would do the r-rt.
They took their po-itions. and. as
they expected, after the first shot
the girls became vtiry much inter
ested. -The guv'nor" fired five
shots and five pipes were broken-
-Red" isn't a very bad shot him
self, and he wanted to share "the ,
I guv'nor's" glory, so he persuaded i
the g iv'nor" to change places with
But poor "Red" was doomed to dis- i
appointment, for after firing a shot
"the guv'nor still held on to the pipe
He tried twice more, but the pipe
didn't drop, and -Red" quit in dis
gust, vowing he'd get even some
The girls hardly knew which to
admire most, "the guv'nor s'" splen
did shooting or the reckless nerve
he displayed in holding up a target
for such a poor marksman. Chicago
KanilT .Vrran:rei.
Young Wife, in tears O oerald.
TVi-at. uo you xninKt Tb canary naa
gone to laying egs'-
L'nfeeling Husband I don't see
anvthing heart breaking m that,
Elsie. It's a perfectly proper thing
for a canary to do.
Young Wife Yes. but I've always
called it Cen"
Unfeeling Husband Well, you can
call it Ben Hur now.
Pir" "T:merl tne."
It is reported, notes the Critic.
that a copy, in excellent condition.
' of Poe's -Tamerlane" ( I-27). one of
! the rarest boo's in the wor' ha.
. recently been discovered an?' heid
at l.h"'JT. It is said to have been
pi ked up tn a secondhand book
' store in Boston -ixty yea-s ago and
to have remained in the possession
of the purchaser ever since.
The Olite-t f.ihr.iry.
The oldest library in the United
States L claime I to be the New
York society library in University
place. As its story is given, it was
established by the earl of Bellamont
in 17" m the new city hall in Wall
street, where the suo-treasury build
ing now stand-. New York had thei
a population of about ", "X
ink nrr With i,.i hep-r
In tests last year in the German
town of Dessau, it was shown that
cooking by woo 1 and coal costs more
than twice that cone with gas.
Visitor I suppose your daughter is
busily preparing for her wedding?
Mother Yes. s-.e is up in her room
now destroving a!l her old letters. Another peculiarity
about bir 1-- of parage is that thev
are no song bird . Preoeioi- Pupil
How abint a prtnri doma. pro
fessor? He I wish I had the key t- your
heart. She Indeed! What would
you do it? He Insert it in wed
lock. g:v; on tura anl thrjw it
away for vcr.
"Just or In-':'"" exilaim I the man
from the ru-tl distr'.et. -Tve turned
off that dame 1 el.-e-.rie light and
there ain t i m itch in th ri im to
light it again."
Mudg I w in ler why a girl always
shuts her eye! whn a fellow kissis
her? Yabsley I never notic;d any
thing of the sort, bnt I suppose it de
pends upoa th- kin 1 of lice the fellow
"Hit am er good t'ing." remarked
Tncle Ebn "fob. er fadder ter tek de
ciggereets wav Turn "L boy. But
some ob de mini effee'e am li'ble ter
be IoV cT tie ole man tu as in an
smoke- "em hiase'f."
Police Captain Wast is the matter
with you? i?rfi you let a tight go on
in a saloon for mir than half an
hour an 1 mak n j attempt to sto it
Officer Me r lbb ure. sor O'i fought
it was thj primary np.tair.
Mr El'tor" wro th-? soulful
maiden, "iie-3 are sjm vroi I have
written to eow m , den grief over
the lo of my pit cinary If you
think thev are worthy of publication
pleas: ssn 1 me 3? for them."
M. Fermain. on of thi "seconds My
principal, the count. r;fu-i3 to con
sent to a dii"l in ti? wool-' at dawn.
M. le "omte Whv not? M. Fermain
Morbleu! Think of th? risks. Both
of the gentleman might catch cold.
"See here," said Chollie. "isn't this
coat a trifle long?" "I don't know."
said the ta Ior. "Isn't it possible
I r.finr: Trmi'r n. ?: rH sh .-iff- nt
. - J . - w -- ...w -I........ .-...
' Chollie though of tlu overdue bill,
for hus x s;t an j Emitted that the '
tailor was right
Cohmlms - State - Bank !
fiyi litest oBic Deceits
IitslMS IB Sol Eatat&
: gnftSHI? : TZOXXTI.
mens xxb sincnsi
B. X. EENUT. Vic fnA
JOH3 STAU77ZS. Cwtike.
Authorized Capital of - $500,000
Paid in Capital, - 90,000
C. H. 3HELDOX. PreVc
H. P. H. OEHLRICH. Vice Pra.
CLAUK GRAY. Cashier.
DANIEL sCHRAil. Ass't Cms
H. 31. Wrtstow, II. P. H. OBaxaicn.
C. H. Siieujus, W A. McAcus-rxa.
Jos-is Wexu, Casi. lixzxxs.
3. C. Gbat.
Gzrhaoo Losszx,
CLAnx. Goat.
S Usxar TTcaamt x,
Hxxar Losxas.
Gko. w uaixkt.
A. F H. Oshlbicii.
J P Bscaza Eututs,
Fa3K Sonsiz.
SzascCA Bsccza.
nn!rnf danoaltt Interest allowed on time
deposits; buy and sell e.tcnanw -mr caiwl
states and Europe, and buy and sell argu
able securities. We shall be pleaaetl to re
ceive your business. Ww solicit your pat
ronage. TH H i
First National Bank
President. VlcnPres't.
O. T. ROE5. Cashier.
. IS-atMOJf. r. A5DOS05.
Statearat of the Oaditiwi at the Clew
f Badness Jaly 13, 18U3.
Loans and Discounts. S 341,i7 37
Real Estate Furniture and FLx-
tur"S .... IB."' 7)
U S. Bonds. . . 15.230 0
Due from other baalc9 JTCJ78 Tt
Cash on Hand 2L367 3d 59.74.1 "a
Total J333JW5 Z&
Capital Stack paid la
Surplus Fund
UndlvioVu profits.....
Circulation. .......
s saomno
4.5715 QO
r5.I19 37
KEU 36
ctnxe:rt atcer i
Coffins : and : letallie : Cases !
JSTBzpcxriMq of all kinds of Uphal
gLerg Goods.
Goiumfiu-s Journal
Hzqcxacn or a
mmm winwr nmxrrm cm