The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, July 04, 1894, Image 3

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Columbus gcmwal.
I eavet Colnmbns
" David City....:
Arrivei-nt Lincoln
J 6:25 a.m.
. ' 856 "
.1 S:18 "
. 1022 "
ll-fa. m.
230p. xn.
8:20 "
4:15 p.m.
1050 "
The pasvnjrerJeaves Lincoln at 6:10 p. m., and
rriren at Colnmbu 9:10 p. m; th freight leaves
t.inroln at 7:15 a. m., and arrives at Columbus at
4:03 p. m.
Atlantic Ex. 7 30 a. ra
r.;n.Ttw! 2:25 d. in
Pacific Ex.. 1015p.m
DcnvwEt. .. 152 p. m
Limited .... Map. m
Ixal Fr't . 30 a. m
I'ol. Ijncal . . 5 50 a. in I
Ni . Fart Mail. carries passengers for
through oint. Ooin wot-t at ) r. in., ar
rives at Denver 7:10 a.m. No. 4. rart Mail car
rier pawwng.-rs, going east at 1m2 p. m.
The freight train leaving here at 0: At p. in. car
rion iMuwH'iwen. from here to Valley.
1'tiH-wnKt-r arrives from Sioux City
leaves Colnmbns for I.n
12.35 ti. m
,inc'n 155 p. m
arrive irom Lincoln
h-av- for Hioux Oitl
Mixed leaves for Siour Citj
Mixed arriveH
... 4
. 2 :." p. in
. 8X) a. m
. 10:0 1 p. ni
1'ahsonger leaves
Mixed leaves
Passenger arri ve- . . .
Mixed arri vert ..
2:10 p. m
6:00 a. m
12:25 p. in
8.10 p. in
oriettr Motices.
13-All notices under tins holding will lie
charged at the rate of $'1 a jear.
- Itegnlar meetings 2d Wednesday in each
JJK month. All brethren invited to attend.
r K. H. On uibekh, W. M.
1bs. O. Becufr, Sec'j. 20july'.v i.nnriKNn.4i. I.O.O.F..
iiie-ts Tuessluy evenings of each
Pi-ISST" WeeU at riieir nan iu iiiinwaui
. -i . t rm .... . .1.
Tlm street. Vis, ting brethren cordially
invito). H. C. Nkwman, N. tl.
W. K. NoiKsfKiN. S-o'i. -JjanVH-tf
Saints hold regular er ices every Sunday
at 2 p. m., prayer uniting on Wedutfda) evening
at their chattel, corner of North street aud 1'acilir
Avenue. All are cordially invited.
13iulsy Elder H. J. HUDSON. President.
I Toor of tie Woi. I
PART No. 16.
Columbus Journal Coupon, i
E Send or brim: one couKtn like
thin with 10 cents in coin to Tin:
Cm.UMBr.s .Jouhnl, Columbus,
1 1 iTT f 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 m 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 ill 1 1 1 1
Now enjoy the Fourth.
--Dr. Naiunnnn, dentist. Thirteenth
atriH't. tr
Horn, .Time 2:5, to Mrs. Walter Whit
aker, a son.
Niowohner has a nice new lot of
Emerald rings. i!t
Dr. T. R. Clark, Olive street. In
office at nights.
-SherilF Kavanaugh had business in
Humphrey Monday.
Strawberries every day, at
Peas, beans, cucumbers and toma
toes, at Christofforsen'e. 1
Remember liixby, the wit, spenks
today at the celebration.
Everybody is evpected to be repre
sented in the trades display.
Sup't Ashley of Wayne was in the
city Friday on his way home.
Applicants for the superintendency
of our city schools are numerous.
Beat Standard and Sisal binder
twine at 8 cents. S. C. k C. C. Gray. 2t
-.Taegi k Schupbach shelled their
largo cribs of corn the first of the week.
Mr. Atherton, the blacksmith, ex
pects to move back to Monroo this week.
Sup't and Editor Howard and Editor
Sprecher of Schuyler, were in the city
The awful heat of Monday didn't
seem to have any terrors for the bill
Everybody says that Columbus is
uhead of "most places for business these
dull times.
George Scott is remodeling his liv
ery barn on Nebraska avenue and thinks
of renting it soon.
Farm loans at lowest rates and best
terms. Money on hand, no delay.
Becher, .Taeggi A: Co.
H. J. Arnold, M. D., physician and
snrgeon. Two doors north of Brod
f uehrer's jewelry store, tf
Reduced fare on the cars for the
Fourth of July. Everybody make cal
culations to come to Columbus.
E. C. Hockenberger has been en
gaged to represent Becher, .Taeggi t
Co. in their outside insurance business.:?
When in need of an auctioneer, call
on Dave Smith. He will act for you
with promptness, safety and dispatch, tf
Thirty-Gvo dollars aud freight will
buy one of the celebrated Buckeye
mowers by applying at once to Henry
Lubker. 13jnnSt
The case of a man named Chapman
of Merrick county, charged with man
slaughter, is being tried here on a change
of venule.
A light shower Tuesday morning
and a cloudy sky as if we are to have
rain, is the indication as we write this
Business is demoralized at all points
in the Union Stock Yards, as no freight
trains can be moved east with any de
gree of certainty.
Fred. H. Howey of Lincoln has pur
chased the interest of WT. H. Illian in
the Citizens' bank at Humphrey and
will become cashier.
After the dissolution of the injunc
tion against the school board last week
by Judge Marshall, an appeal bond was
filed in the sum of $300.
Maurice Gross passed through the
city Monday from South Omaha. He
says business is demoralized down
there, on account of the strike.
Louis Zinnecker left Sunday for
Montana where he joins CapL A. Haight
in an outing of three or four weeks,
after which they will return home.
1893 real estate tax is due
May 1st aud can be paid at of
fice of Becher, Jaeggi & Co. tf
The fast mail train going west Sun
day night had m two Pallman cars.
TLe strikers evid'.ntly didn't feel like
opposing Uncle Samuel in his carrying
, of the mails.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castorla.
Miss Mary Turner entertained
several lady friends Thursday evening,
in honor of Miss Belle Beid of David
City, who was a former resident of this
Becher, Jaeggi k Co. insure build
ings and peKonal property against fire,
lightning and cyclones, in good and
reliable companies at lowest current
rates, tf
Reminiscences of the Fair, sixteen
portfolios of the World's fair, given
away to our customers. For particulars
call at J. B. Delsman's store, Eleventh
street, tf
J. K. Smith of the vicinity of Oconee
was in the city Friday. He reports
crops looking fine, with a continuance
provided we have seasonable rains from
now on.
D. C. Owen of Duncan was in the
city Saturday. The rain, of which we
had a light sprinkle Friday evening,
they had an abundance, the best for a
long time.
For rent, to a small family, the new
Congregational parsonage, eight rooms,
everything complete, corner North and
Seventeenth streets. Apply to Rev. A.
J. Rogers, tf
Married, June 1G, at the M. E.
church in Humphrey, by Elder A. Hen
rich of Platte Center, Mr. Albert Cloe
ters and Miss Anna Kuhu, both of
- "No trains east today," was the an
nouncement made Monday morning.
If this thing continues, horses may be
come valuable again. The trains came
all the same.
Editor Parks of the Telegram was
at Greeley Center last week. He says
that J. M. Scott, late superintendent of
schools here, is an applicant there for a
similar position.
-G. W. Phillips got to his office
Thursday for the first time since his
illness, but tarried only a few minutes.
"Steady by degrees" is a pretty good
rule for convalescents.
Editor Saunders of the Argus might
have been seen in Madison Friday last
shaking hands with ;dl the leading
democrats and that while on his way to
a populist meeting at .Norfolk.
Harry Reed was at Albion last week.
He says that among crops corn and
sugar beets look fine. The small grain
is very different, because of dry weather.
Hay was selling at $12 a ton.
T. P. Johnson of the Duncan neigh
borhood was in town Friday on busi
ness. He thinks that if the season is
favorable from this time on, Nebraska
will have an immense crop of corn.
The Looking Glass says that in
Monroe and Monroe township there are
twenty-six free-holders, and among
them all, twenty-four signed the remon
strance against a saloon, and two the
petition for it.
Mrs. Cynthia Thurston has been
granted a divorce from her husband,
Herbert Thurston, with the custody of
the three children. The case comes
from Nance county, but was heard hero
by Judge Sullivan.
The next meeting of the Farmers'
club is to be held at the residence of
George Galley, jr., Friday, July 27. The
last meeting was very interesting and
the next one is expected to equal if not
excel it in that respect.
We notice by the Bell wood Gazette
that our old friend, Fred. Henggler has
been elected director for his school dis
trict. It is unnecessary to say that ho
is ono of the men who will be found
doing his duty every time.
- Gus. Lockner of Omaha, was a Co
lumbus sojourner between trains Satur
day, flitting through so rapidly that ho
barely had time to say "How do yo do?"
There is scarcely a face among us that
looks more natural than Gus's.
Rev. W. D. Elwell has accepted the
nomination of the prohibitionists of this
county for representative in the state
legislature, and expresses his desire to
arrango for debate with other candi
dates, when they shall have been named.
Tho Leigh World is authority for
saying that the Alberta colonj from our
adjoining county, Colfax, are incensed
at Agent Gadsden, who induced them
to locate there. According to report
they havo lately experienced a severe
W. B. Dale went east Monday as one
of the committee to make arrangements
for railroad fare to the national en
campment Knights of Pythias at Wash
ington in August. Quito a number of
tho brethren of this city expect to
Sup't Hughes of Schuyler was in
tho city Monday, having with him his
two children. He says that Schuyler is
erecting a new school building that will
cost about 20,500. It will be fitted up
in line shape and have all modern ap
pliances. The N. W. G. A. held one of their
delightful picnics in Peter Schmitt's
grove on Shell Creek Sunday last. The
following officers were elected for the
ensuing year: Marve Elston, president;
"Boney" Clark, secretary, and "Turkey"
Hagel, high chief of the commissary
Maid, wife or widow need never fear
to make that contemplated trip east if
she will trust to the Chicago, Union
Pacific .v. Northwestern Line. Quickest
time. Fewest changes. Union depots.
For full information call on or address
J. R. Meagher, agent U. P. System. 2
All our Nebraska exchanges are
putting in their best licks for the state
and their respective counties these days.
The "order of things" includes tho work
of mankind as well as the rains in their
season, and when all work harmonious
ly, prosperity must necessarily follow.
Abts k Stupfel have opened a meat
market in the place formerly occupied
by W. T. Rickly, on Olive street, where
they keep, for the accommodation of
their custom, fresh meats of all kinds
and varieties anything you may wish
in their line of business. Fish always on
hand. Telephone No. 10. tf
Many men of many minds, but they
all agree that the solid vestibuled trains
of the Chicago, Union Pacific k North
western Line distance all competitors
with ease. No change or delay at the
Missouri river. For full information
call on or address J. R. Meagher, agent
U. P. System. 2t
Monday afternoon about thirty
little children congregated at the hos
pitable home of Mr. and Mrs. Win.
Hagel, jr., for the purposo of celebrating
little Chauncey's fourth birthday. Ice
cream and refreshments were served and
to say they had an elegant time is put
ting it mildly.
We call attention to the new adver
visement of W. L. Douglas 83.00 shoe
which appears in our issue today. We
have every assurance from tho manufac
turer that the recent improvements in
style and quality will give more satis
faction than ever to the wearers of these
popular shoes.
W. N. Hensley as vice-president of
the State Silver League for Platte
county, has issued an invitation to his
fellow-democrats to communicate with
him at once with a view to uniting all
the democrats of tho county in favor of
the free and unlimited coinage of both
gold and silver.
John Elliott came back Friday from
a trip to his farm, upper Shell Creek.
Quite a number of fields of small grain
have been plowed up and sown to mil
let. The artesian well at Wolf's has a
good flow from a 2-inch pipe, and the
prospect of artesian water for almost
any farm, is quite enlivening to that
section of the county.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castorla.
Married, Wednesday, June 20, at the
residence of the bride's parents, near
Okay, Mr. James Gillan and Miss Lucy
Fellers, Rev. Shuman officiating. The
bride is one of Platte county's efficient
teachers and the groom iB one of our
well-to-do farmers. We extend congrat
ulations to the happy couple. Monroe
The Bellwood Gazette says that
Grandpa Cornell, father-in-law to Steven
Nickerson, was stricken down on Sun
day with paralysiB and ever since lies in
an unconscious condition. On the day
he was stricken down he was 85 years of
age. Undoubtedly, few people know
that we have a man in Bellwood so closo
to the nineties.
The Abts Tenderfeet played a second
game Friday last, at Schuyler, with the
Schuyler Quills, resulting in favor of
the Tenderfeet, 20 to 17. We give the
result by innings:
Tenderfeet 0 4 3 14 3 3 2 0-20
Quills 5443 0 1 0 0 017
The last game of the three will be
played here next Sunday.
He didn't do a thing but make the
trip to Chicago on the Chicago, Union
Pacific k Northwestern Line. Why?
Time the quickest, solid vestibuled train,
no change of coach at the Missouri
river. Through first and Becond class
sleepers and dining cars. For full in
formation call on or address J. R.
Meagher, agent U. P. System. 2t
For exchange, a quarter section of
good land in Rock county. Neb., with
living water, good meadow land, house
and barn, for a smaller farm in Platte
county, near Columbus. The quarter
lies within three miles of railroad station,
Newport, on M. V. R. R. Inquire at C.
E. Harrington's coal office south of B. k
M. depot, Columbus, Neb. H. II. Tyler.
Trades display procession will form
promptly at 9:30 at Franklin square and
proceed south on Nebraska avenue to
Twelfth, east on Twelfth to Olive, south
to Eleventh, east to L, south to Ninth,
east to Washington avenue, north to
Eleventh, west to L, north to Thir
teenth, west to Franklin square. Lit
erary exercises will follow immediately.
C. S. and E. A. Clark, publishers of
the North Yamhill (Oregon) Record,
send us a copy of their paper and ask
an exchange, which we gladly grant,
not only for old acquaintance sake but
because we wish to see more of tho Re
cord, and thus learn more accurately
regarding the country which it so ably
represents. Hops seem to be their great
A good motto for the Fourth of July
or any other day, and if the spirit of this
stanza could be allowed to have full
sway, what a wonderful country this
would be!
"Difwentions, be gone! Qod avert any other.
Hero's a lesson we'll hae the world evermore
Who loveth the flag in a man and a brother.
No matter what birth, or what race, or what
"Change cars," nay! nay! Not if
you niako the trip via the Chicago, Un
ion Pacific Northwestern Line. Few
est changes to Chicago and other eastern
cities. Through vestibuled trains, com
posed of dining cars, first and second
class sleepers and free reclining chair
cars. For full information call on or
address J. R. Meagher, agent U. P.
System. 2t
Burglars again on the north side.
Somo time during Sunday night Chris
toffersen's store was broken into and the
till rifled of about 87.00; the burglar
made an entrance by prying open the
front door. Mr. Christofferscn tool:
about $120.00 in currency and checks
from tho till late Sunday evening. He
and Mr. Friedhof begin to suspect who
tho guilty party is.
The Jocbxai. editor is in receipt of
a double ticket to Fremont Chautauqua
Assembly, July 4-19. Ross Hammond,
the vice president, assures us that they
will not only welcome us but will gladly
have us stay tf. We can tell Journal
readers that the program provides talent
of national reputation; the grounds fur
nish facilities for boating, bathing and
sports of all kinds.
A surprise for our German readers!
The Lincoln Freie Presse, the best Gor
man paper in the west, offers to all
subscribers a new premium book: "Dor
Deutschen Hausfrau Kochbuch," neatly
bound, containing 300 pages. $2.00 in
advance, pays for the The Columbus
Journal, the Freie Presse one year and
the book given away on receipt of 10c
for postage all three $2.10.
An unusual interest seems to bo
taken all around this year in school
matters. At Cedar Rapids, a great many
ladies cast their ballots at tho election,
and were very active in endeavoring to
bring success to their candidates. At
Bellwood, an auditing committee of
threo was appointed, at a fee of $2.50 a
dtiy and were ordered to go back over
the books for ten years past.
Herman Oehlrich expects to start
Thursday for New York city, which ho
will probably reach in time to pass Sun
day with friends. He will sail for Eu
rope in the Furst Bismarck the first of
next week; meeting Mrs. Oehlrich at
Berlin, they will make a tour of Europe
together, returniug in November. Their
many friends here wish them an enjoy
able sojourn and a safe return home.
A case was up Thursdav before
Judge Hudson growing out of a little
difficulty between Conrod Baumgart
ner's herder boy and Chester Albro, the
charge being against young Albro for
assault. The decision was "no causa of
action," and the costs, amounting to
$4.8j, were taxed up to Baumgartner.
It was evidently money out all around,
as they got out of the corn field to come
into court.
The Journal seems to havo been
doiug most of the gathering of local
news in the city for some time past, not
only for the benefit of its own readers
but also for the benefit of some of the
other papers of the city, which, without
credit, have been using our work as their
own. Of course The Journal is not
copyrighted, but some recognition, or
other acknowledgement of our work is
certainly due from these contem
poraries. C. R. Coulter, A. T. Reynolds and
Chas. Locke of Toledo, Ohio, arrived in
the city Saturday on bicycles. They aro
on their way to San Francisco, claiming
to average sixty-seven miles a day, riding
thirty-pound wheels and carrying forty
five pounds of baggage. W. C. Whitall
and G. G. Blyrngs also came in; they
are from Minneapolis, bound for Los
Angeles, and are averaging forty miles
a day. This exercise seems very favor
able to health.
At Linstrum's all $40
suits at $30 through Ju
ly; $35 at $25. These
are all our own make
and of excellent mate
rial, and must be sold.
Call immediately and
secure a bargain.
Resolutions were passed by the
teachers of the institute thanking the
county superintendent and the instruc
tors and board of education, the organ
ist, Miss Julia Heitkemper, and the
Congregational society for the use of
their church, and also Profs. Clemmons,
Goudy and Mrs. Edwards, also the jan
itor, Mr. Warner. Sympathy of the
teachers were extended to Mrs. L. J.
Cramer for the loss of her husband, who
was beloved by all the teachers.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castoria.
Rheumatism Cured in a Day. "Mys
tic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neuralgia
radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its action
upon the system is remarkable and mys
terious. It removes at once the cause
and the disease immediately disappears.
The first dose greatly benefits, 75 cents.
Sold by A. Heintz, druggist, Colum
bus, Neb. 14-y
For a short time Wednesday even
ing Schuyler and vicinity was threatened
with a destructive wind storm. The
wind came from the southwest, and
filled the air with dust and rubbish, but
beyond the breaking of a few limbs from
the trees and upsetting a few 6mall out
houses little damage was done. E.
Klein's barn on his beet farm in north
Schuyler, was rolled over until it stood
on the roof among the growing saccha
rine plants. As it was empty there was
nothing hurt but the beets. Herald.
The case of Holly Thew at North
Bend is one of those occurrences calcu
lated to call attention of the public to
the manner in which school affairs are
conducted. While experimenting in the
high school laboratory of that place, an
explosion occurred, from which, we are
informed, he has become totally bund.
At the school meeting the other day a
committee of six was appointed to in
vestigate the matter thoroughly. At
torney Strong gave the opinion that the
school district was responsible for
D. L. Bruen of Grand Prairie was in
tho city Friday. As ever, he is a great
friend of tho creamery as an institution,
and of ours he says it is the best enter
prise ever started in the county. In his
neighborhood alone, farmers have had a
regular monthly income from sales of
cream, of $20 to $70 right along, which
has been to them ono of their largest
sources of revenue and profit. The man
who strikes a blow at the dairy interest
hits Bruen where he lives. Butter and
eggs are two among the most important
elements of our national wealth.
C. J. Watson, living about eleven
miles southwest of Columbus, in Polk
county, had on Friday noon 200 acres of
corn standing about two feet high. It
looked strong and good. In the evening
it was subjected to tho pelting of a
myriad of hailstones, large and small,
followed by a good big rain. W. H.
Lewis had specimen stalks from the
field Saturday, and when he was told
that the corn would likely bo all right,
probably wasn't hurt, etc., he was in
clined to question the veracity of tho
"relators" and insist that, if that was
the fact, we had better have more such
The tendency of the times is toward
specialty lines of work in all industries,
and in this, certainly, rightly managed,
is more profit than in general work, be
cause special preparation and fitness
give increased custom and this builds
up business, making profits still greater,
and again adding to facilities to make
the specialty more effective. In Tenn
essee there 'are two men who on a farm
of 700 acres make a specialty of raising
potatoes. They grow two crops an
nually, get about 125,000 bushels, em
ploy a groat many negroes, make their
own barrels, and clear some good money.
We believe that specialty farming would
pay well in Nebraska.
T. Morris of Crestou was in tho
city Friday. He had been up at Peter
son's, west of Platte Center, to holp
straighten out a corner in dispute, and,
although he differs from County Sur
veyor Rossiter, he thinks he is right.
Mr. Morris returned soveral weeks since
from Wyoming. Ho says that country
has bright possibilities before it when
railroad communication becomes more
general; it has a wealth of natural re
sources outside of agriculture, which of
course depends upon irrigation. Oil in
some places is dipped up like water and
used for lubricating engines. The
places which depend on mining havo a
precarious existence at best, and just
now are languishing.
The county institute is now closed
and the teachers dispersed to their sev
eral homes. The attendance was some
thing over one hundred and the teachers
generally expressed themselves very
enthusiastically over their instructors.
A number of the teachers were in favor
of continuing a few weeks to have sum
mer school, but the condition of the
funds would not justify the superin
tendent in this expense. Prof. O'Connor
of West Point and Prof. A. E. Parsons
of Creston, Iowa, have made many
friends who will be glad to welcome
them back again any time. Thursday
and Friday were examination days and
now the teachers will be out seeking
fall terms of school.
Wo go to press a little earlier this
week, mailing The Journals on Tues
day so that all the forco working on the
paper can fully enjoy the whole of the
Fourth without a thought of ordinary
business. This day, above any in the
whole calendar, (if any difference is to
be mado of days), should lie held sacred
to patriotic memories. With all tho
faults of varying administrations, our
form of government, our constitution,
is the best yet devised by men, and the
people of this country, with all tho fa
cilities which they have for informing
themselves, and with their well-known
energy for righting matters when a crisis
arrives, will continue to demonstrate
their ability for self-government, and
tho management of every interest en
trusted to them, no matter what ob
stacles may bo presented.
Peter Schmitt now has a mill on
Shell Creek, run by water power, with a
capacity of fifty barrels of Hour a day,
that is a delight to see, and doubtless
will prove to him an excellent invest
ment, though ho has put into it a very
considerable sum of money, somo $9,500
in the way of improvements over the
original purchase, which itself was a
considerable sum. And still he goes on
improving, Frank Clark and George
Andrews having the contract for a new
flume, which is to be completed in ten
days; in the meantime the mill will not
bo running. Tho additions to the mill
make it, in every respect, equipped for
first-class work tho flour product is the
very best. Mr. Schmitt has a little
sample of irrigation two acres planted
to potatoes, upon which he has been
piping water from the creek. He ex
pects, ono of these times, to put in a
California pump, and irrigate his little
farm of forty acres. He has no doubt he
can do this very readily.
It is almost incredible that there
could be so much change in people as
the following would indicate. Wm.
Lawrence and Alice DeMoss, known to
quite a large circle of Journal readers,
seemed all the world to each other when
they were here, years ago. A nicer
young lady you would scarcely ever see,
and Lawrence seemed all right. A
special telegram to the Inter Ocean from
Cleveland, under date of June 18, says:
"William H. Lawrence, one of the pub
lishers of the Ohio Farmer, and a man
prominent in social and business circles,
has been sued by his wife for alimony.
Mrs. Lawrence accuses her husband of
the grossest kind of cruelty, alleging
that he has assaulted her on an average
of forty or fifty times a year, blackened
her eyes on Christmas Day, bruised her
head against a register, and otherwise
made her life a burden. Once, 6he says,
he chased her through the house to
throw her from an upper window, but
she escaped by running down the back
stairs. Last Thursday, Mrs. Lawrence
asserts, she was out driving with her
husband, and because she would not
hold the horse in front of a saloon while
he went in and took a drink he swore at
her so terribly that she left the vehicle.
He followed her in the buggy, swearing
at and abusing her, and at Erie street
deliberately tried to run over her. On
Murison street he jumped out of the
buggy and began to drag her along the
street, thus attracting a crowd. As a re
sult of this they separated. Lawrence
16 worth $250,000.
Dr. Evans went to Omaha Monday.
Tom. Wake was up from Seward Fri
day. George Scheidel of Platte Center was
in the city Saturday. ,
Miss Carrie Shephard is homo again
after a nine months' absence.
Clark Cooncy of Nance county, was
in the city Monday on business.
Mrs. Hanna of Burwell has been vis
iting her friend, Mrs. S. L. McCoy.
James Stuart of Madison, passed
through the city Monday to Omaha.
Charlie and Maud Kramer of St. Paul,
Neb., children of G. Kramer, are in the
city visiting the family of their uncle,
Carl Kramer.
I. Gluck returned Sunday from Chi
cago, accompanied by his daughter, Miss
Mamie, who had been attending school
there ror the past year.
Mrs. Albert Morefield of Chicago,
stopped several days with R. H. Henry's
family last week, on her way to Denver,
whither she went Sunday.
Mrs. Charles Brindley, Mrs. C. A.
Brindley and Miss Delia Newman re
turned Monday from Creighton, after a
threo weeks' visit with relatives.
Charles Kavanauch aud wife and
mother, of Milwaukee, Wis., arrived in
the city Friday and are with D. C. and
family. Mr. Kavanaugh is hero for his
School Board.
A meeting was held at the office of C.
A. Speice, called to order at 5:30 p. m.,
present, Henry, Taylor, Schupbach, Gal
ley, Speice and Lehman.
The minutes of late previous meet
ings were read and approved.
President Henry reported that he had,
on the 27th day of June, the next day
after being authorized by the board.
forwarded $7,000 to New York for the
payment of bonds, and doubtless the
same reached there by July 1, the date
for payment.
The bills of J. H. Galley for 70 cents
and of Friedhof k Co. for $5.35 were
On motion of Taylor the board then
adjourned sino die.
Immediately upon adjournment as
above, on motion of Henry, D. Schup
bach was elected temporary chairman;
tho selection of J. N. Taylor as tem
porary secretary followed.
On motion of Taylor the board then
proceeded to permanent organization.
Henry and Schupbach were placed in
nomination, both expressing a wish not
to be considered as candidates for the
position. Balloting proceeded and
Henry was selected, by a vote of four to
two for Schupbach.
For vice-president, J. H. Galley was
selected on tho first ballot by a vote of
five, to one for Schupbach.
The board then proceeded without
nominations to vote for secretary. The
ballots stood:
First Taylor 2, Turner 2, Schupbach
1, Lehman 1. The remaining ballots, to
the sixth, stood: Turner 3, Taylor 2,
Schupbach 1.
At this point, about G p. in., the board
adjourned to meet at 9 a. in., July 3, at
the council chamber.
After roll call and upon call of Presi
dent Henry for ballot for secretary,
Turner stated that in consultation with
those who had supported him it was
thought best to withdraw from further
contest of the election of Taylor.
Tho teachers so far selected are Misses
Matthews, Ward, Welch, Taylor, Rice,
Martin, Watkins, Rickly; Mesdames
Brindley and Merrell. George Whaley.
Tho board aro in session as wo go to
press 2 o'clock to hear applicants for
The Canal.
What promises to be the greatest en
terprise over developed by the citizens
of Columbus is now well started, the
requisite amount of stock to begin with
having been subscribed. We give the
names below, and it is to be hoped that
tho work will go bravely on.
The following named persons sub
scribed twenty shares each for the canal:
Leander Gerrard, A. Anderson, F. G.
Stenger, Bocher, Jaeggi k Co. Ten
shares each W. A. McAllister, O. T.
Roen, Albert Stenger, William Ernst, J.
E. North, J. H. Kersenbrock, J. W.
Lynch, Bert Arnold, J. S. Wells, Fried
hof k Co., A. Heintz, Franz Luchsingor,
L. F. Gottschalk. Five shares each J.
B. Borowiak, Charles Segelke, Arnold k
Gabler. C. E. Early, L. C. Voss, L. A.
Wiley, Abts k Calto, R. W. Dodd, J. P.
Abts, Hagel k Stevenson, E. H. Cham
bers, G. W. Phillips, D. C. Kavanaugh,
M. Whitmoyer, Jaeggi & Schupbach, H.
Hughes, Charles Pearsall, J. J. Sullivan,
S. C. Gray, C. E. Morso, G. A. Scott.
Carl Rhode, G. A. Schroeder, J. B.
Delsman, Q. D. Evans, K. E. Wiley, J.
A. Barber k Co., D. F. Davis, A. Heit
kemper, L. A. Lee, Swartsley & Burns,
Henrv Ragatz k Co., H. Rodehorst, D.
G. Bartels, Ed. J. Niewohner, W. N.
Hensley, John G. Pollock, Jonas Welch,
Charles II. Young, O. L. Baker, Albert
k Reeder, Thomas Flynn. Three shares
each Ed. Fitzpatrick, Franklin Hall,
M. Brugger. Two shares each J. S.
Hatfield, A. W. Clark, R. S. Dickenson,
L. G. Zinnecker, "Warwick Saunders, J.
M. Gondring, John T. Cov, O. C. Shan
non, Jim Frazier, J. D. Willy, Fred D.
Naylor, L. Christofferson, Chas. Schroe
der, Carl Schubert, V. II. Weaver, L. W.
Weaver, J. F. Berney, Louis Schreibor,
Ludwic Esslinger, N. H. Parks, von
Bergen Bros., J. H. Galley, Henry Gass,
Louis Held. One sharo each Horace
Fobes, Thomas II. Johnson, Carl Kra
mer, Bayard Fuller, E. Y. Haughawout,
A. L. Coon, E. H. Naumann, O. D. Butler.
Sup't R. J. Porter of Culbertson
was in the city Monday and gave this
office a pleasant call. He will bo re
membered as teacher in our high school
several years ago. During his brief stay
here he made a number of friends among
our best citizens. From here he went
to Creighton, and has been at Culbert
son tho past two years. Ho says that
Dundy, Chase and Hitchcock county
are in sad plight this season on account
of the dry weather. "The past two years
they had splendid crops, but this season,
so far, has been so very dry that tho
crops amount to comparatively nothing.
People have been disposing of their
horses, cattle and hogs, in anticipation
of a scarcity of feed, ono woman recently
selling eighteen good cattle for $100.
In his visit to Denver recently Dr.
Voss had quite an experience in going
up and down a railroad where the grade
at times was 200 feet to the mile. We
traveled over that same road, on the
"loup;" above Georgetown looking out
ward from the circling track, it seemed
as though our car was hanging in mid
air without any support whatever. Tho
doctor tells us that he sat on the plat
form while making that particular part
of the journey, and didn't get light
headed either. Alfalfa is, he says, one
of the greatest productions of eastern
Colorado, western Kansas and Nebraska.
At Dodge City, Kansas, a man has alfalfa
that he gets three to five tons on the
acre, and although they have had no
rain this season, the alfalfa looks very
fine, and the roots go down ten feet.
(rand Prairie.
School meeting wa9 held on Tuesday of this
week; as atraal. the affaire of the district were
fixed op in good shape.
We understand a wee new comer has lately ar
rived at the home of Mr. E. C. Morrow. We did
not learn whether it was a boy or frirl.
The recent rains haye greatly revived all vege
tation and also the spirits of our people, so
much so that they feel like celebrating tho
Fourth in good old-fashioned style.
A lively runaway took place one morning last
week., Mr. Sam Gertsch's hired hand was haul
ing milk to the separator and undertook to run
a race with another team, when bis wagon upset,
spilling the milk over the ground and damaging
the wagon to some extent. Fortunately no
bones were broken.
Bring your orders for job-work to
this office. Satisfaction guaranteed, and
work promptly done, aa agreed upon.
Crossed ia
Love, a Youajr,
Own Life.
Man Takes Hid
James Cook walked from Creston
Wednesday of last week to his brother
Frank's in Bismark township, his
brother taking him back by conveyance,
but noticing that he didn't seem quite
On Friday he came down again, but
his brother and Mrs. Cook were absent
from home, nobody being there but the
James asked Louis Dickey (step son
of Frank Cook), for a pistol; he told him
they didn't have any.
Cook then caught sight of a shot-gun,
and took it down from its place.
He went out into the hog yard; the
lad, being suspicious that all was not
right, followed at a short distance, but
the fatal shot was fired almost as soon
as the yard was reached, and the man
dropped dead, tho shot taking effect in
ms oreast.
The unfortunate man was about
twenty-seven years of age, and it seems
that a young lady, to whom he had
given an engagement ring, had returned
the same to him. A letter directed to
her with this ring enclosed is said to
have been found after tho suicide.
These particulars wo get from Emil
Held, a neighbor, who says that Coroner
Heintz was at the premises, and he
thought had held aD inquest. Dr.
Heintz has been absent from the city
most of the time and wo have not been
able to learn further, but- doubtless the
facts are as stated.
Death of Coadactor Charles Hoffman.
At Omaha Saturday morning of heart
failure, Charles Hoffman, aged about 32
The deceased has for many years been
a passenger conductor on the Albion
branch of the Union Pacific road, and
was well known all along the lines as an
accommodating, energetic man.
He had been complaining a few days
of not feeling well and on Thursday
went down to Omaha, where his family
reside, and Saturday morning he died
suddenly as above stated. The remains
were taken to Albion Sunday, a special
train being provided from Columbus to
Albion by the IT. P. Ry Co., consisting
of two coaches and one baggage car, for
all friends of the family of the deceased.
The casket was opened here for friends
to take a last look upon the mortal re
mains of him who has passed to the
spirit world.
Mr. Hoffman leaves a wife and two
little girls besides his aged parents to
mourn his loss. The funeral services
were held at Albion Monday afternoon,
tho Masonic orders of Columbus, Genoa
and Albion taking charge.
Real Estate Transfer.
Becher, Jseggi k Co., real estate agents,
report the following real estate transfers
filed in the office of the county clerk for
the week ending June 30, 1894:
Eva Schroder to school district 10, 6x10
rod in nw'i nei 29-l?-le. wd
1 00
4200 00
1600 00
S00 00
1100 00
1600 00
I Sibbernsen to Harting Andreasson,
tHT4 il4 wT Will . a
Oeo Scheidel to Henry Schwarx, lot 5,
bl 10, Platte Center, wd,
J (1 Iteeder et al to J II ltausch, lot 4,
bl 7, Lindsay, wd
Mike Flea to C. P. Deland, wtf neU
ande't nw'j &M7-3W, wd
O P Deland to C (i Cylling, same. wd..
United States to II J Hendryx, a'A ne'-i
2-17-3w, patent -
D G Kavanaugh. ttheritT. to A Schubert
and HAbts.eS of w',; lot G, bl 85,
CohuubuH, deed
John Hazlett to West Hill Prea Church.
10 rods fcti in Be!i Be1 2-ls-lw, wd
K S Trauerman to Hojd Dawtton. nw1
nwl; and aw' uw'4 and w 30 acrett
nul nwl4 and seU uw'i ec 10 and
110 CO
1 00
lots , Z anil 3 hoc 10 and lot 1, sec v-
Omaha Loan & Trust Co to Peter Swau
Hon, seVi 28-17-'Jw, wd
COafi 75
800 00
Kleven transfers, total. .
.$ 16,083 75
Becher Thursday evening, at 6
o'clock, of cholera infamtum, after a few
hours' illness, the infant child, a daugh
ter, of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Becher, agod
10 months.
The funeral services were held from
the house Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock,
Rev. Joudon conducting the beautiful
Episcopal services. Tho remains were
laid to rest in the Columbus cemetery.
Synopsis of Supervisors' Proceedings.
Official. 1
(Continued from last iceel:.)
Upon recommendation of tho judiciary com
mittee the claims of Hugh Williams, John
Willinms, Willhelm Pillon, Join Jngnstyn, Au
gustus Kiolbasa, Hugh Hughes Guard and
Louisa Davis were laid over until the July
meeting, also bill of Wm. Bogut.
The judiciary committee to whom was re
ferred tho claim of K. A. Oerrard, $06 taxes for
lbV3, paid on excessive valuation of East addi
tion to Monroe, was referred back to tbo com
mittee of the whole, and on motion tho saino
was rejected.
The claim of Nellie MofTett for erroneous
assessed valuation on part of soJi se'4 section
12-1 3-2w was on motion referred back to claim
ant for additional proof of claim.
The claim of Mary Fromholz, $60 road dama
ges "Graves road" was on motion rejected.
The committee on claims reported back to the
committee of the whole tho bill of D. C. Kavan
augh, sheriff, $119.18 for fees for collecting de
linquent personal taxes by execution, also fees
on criminal cases, etc. Motion by Sup'r Becher
that bill lw referred to county attorney. Amend
ment by Sup'r Elliott that that portion of bill
in reference to the collection of delinquent per
gonal taxes, $22.43, be referred to county attor
ney for his opinion, and that tho balance,
$16.75, be allowed. Amendment carried. Mo
tion as amended carried.
The claim of tho Omaha Printing Co. for bal
ance due on printing 800 tax receipts, $23.80, was
on motion rejected.
Tho bills of S. L. .McCoy. $1.50, and E. D.
Fitzpatrick, $2.75, were on motion referred back
to claimants for orders of purcliasing agent.
Tho bill of the "Nebraska Biene" for $17.99
was on motion referred back for proof that
services had been rendered.
Tho bill of D. A. Campbell, $22.50, for Nebras
ka Keports, etc., was rejected.
The time for the special order having arrived,
the following preamble and resolution, upon
which action had been deferred at last meeting
of the board, was read, as follows:
Whereas, Two judgments, ono being for
$li5S.22, aud the other for $2,000. were entered
against John StaulTer in tho district court of
Platte county, Nebraska, in favor of the county
of Platte on the ltth day of April, 1892, upon a
claim for fees retainedas county clerk of said
county, which were claimed to be in excess of
that allowed by law. And
Whereas, Since said judgments were entered,
the supreme court of Nebraska hat rendered a
decision holding that connty clerks were not
liable in such cases as the case against said
StaulTer. And
Whereas, The said Stanffer having paid said
judgments and having acted throughout the
entire case in a perfectly honorable and honest
manner, and
Whereas, It was not the desire of the people of
Platte county to wrong said Stauffer in any
way. or to collect moneys wrongfully from him,
therefore lw it
Itesolved, By the board of supervisors of Platte
county, Nebraska, that a warrant bo drawn in
favor of John Stauffer upon the general fund
for the sum of $2,163.22 to cancel the amount of
said judgments.
Motion by Sup'r Speice that preamble and
resolution be adopted. Amendment by Sup'r
Lisco that the preamble and resolution be re
ferred to the county attorney for his written
report as to the legal right of the board to isuo
tho warrant as provided in the resolution. Itoll
now called for vote on amendment, Asche,
Ueesacker, Dodds, Johnson, Lifeco and Tschu
din voting aye 6. Becher, Driscoll, Elliott,
Gerber, Kiernan, Mylett, Pollard, Schreibor,
Speice, Thomazin, Weidner and Mr. Chairman
voting no 12. Amendment declared lost.
Roll called for vote-on original motion. Bech
er, Elliott, Gerber, Schreiber, Speice and Thom
azin voting aye 6. Asche, Heosacker, Dodds,
Driscoll. Johnson, Kiernan, Lisco, Mylett, Pol
lard, Tschudin, Weidner and Mr. Chairman,
voting no 12. Motion declared lost.
Mr. StaulTer now appeared before the board
demanding that action be taken by this board
toward carrying out the prayer of the petitioners
as provided in tho original petition asking for
an expert examination of the county records.
Motion by Sup'r Lieco that the action by this
board in rejecting the motion to adopt the
preamble and resolution be reconsidered.
Itoll called for vote. Asche, Becher, Dodds,
Elliott, Gerber. Lieco, Schreiber, Speice, Thom
azin and Tachudin voting aye 10. Heeaacker,
Driicoll, Johnson, Kiernan, Mylett,
I toe Tout Orders Early, and Aioifl ike Rnsk.
"Eat, Drink wi ht Mtrry."
Henry Ragatz & Co.,
Fancy groceries.
O s
U 3
Have made a special effort to secure bargains for our s f
customers. In Canned Goods we have over 500 cases, at prices a
that astonish our many customers. rj
Dried Fruits are of good quality at vory low prices. 3 p
We have Genuine Maple Syrup and Pure Buckwheat 3 i-f
Flour. 3 ?
Our Cider can't be beat. 3 C.
Apples are scarce, but we have them. p
In Nuts, Raisins, Fruits and
We have doubled our order over last year, and havo an im- s 3
mense stock. EST" All who purchase, will find it to "
E, their interest to look over our
I Crockery, Glassware ani Laps..! J
Ej Our assortment was never more complete, at reasonable s g
E prices. Call and examine them. 3 p
i Eleventh St., Columbus, Nebraska. I
I Leave Your Orders Early, aud Avoid (tic Rash I
Weidner and Mr. Chairman voting no 8. Mo
tion declared carried.
Motion by Sup'r Lisco that the preamblo and
resolution bo referred to the county attorney for
his written ropo4 as to tho right of tho county
board to refund said money, ho to filo his report
not later than tho July meeting. Boll called for
vote. Asche, Becher, Heesacker, Dodds, Dris
coll, Elliott, Gerber. Johnson, Lisco. Schreiber,
Speioe, Thomazin and Tschudin voting aye 13.
Kiernan, Mjlett, Pollard, Weidner and Mr.
Chairman voting no .". Motion declared car
ried. (Confjiiuerf next wee!;.)
For The Journal.
Who Will Next be Honored by the People
of Nebraska.
Tho above question will bo answered
by the republicans meeting in conven
tion at Omaha, August 22. In tho past
the republican party.has been particular
ly fortunate in the high character of tho
men it has selected to fill this position,
and never has it possessed as great a
number of efficient, capable mon to select
from, as it has now. Tho latter state
ment being true, it would scarcely bo
prudent politics to continuo the occu
pant for a period exceeding four years.
Among tho new men in the field, active,
capable and scholarly, tho name of no
one stands out more prominently than
that of Charles S. Conoy, of Stanton
county. Mr. Conoy is ono of tho most
energetic, scholarlv and enthusiastic
educators in tho state. This statement
is borne out bv tho high character of
the work of the schools of Stanton
county, and by tho educational zeal of
his teachers, patrons and pupils. Mr.
Coney is widely and popularly known
among the teachers of the slate, aud to
them particularly would his selection be
a source of satisfaction.
In the selection then of Charles S.
Coney for tho officoof superintendent of
public instruction, the convention will
have made a choice creditable aliko to
the cause of education, the party and
the state.
Let the next superintendent bo Charles
S. Coney of Stanton county.
E. P. U.
Card of Thanks.
To neighlxrs and friends who so
kindly assisted and offered to holp dur
ing the sickness and burial of my dear
wife and our affectionato mother, grand
mother and great grandmother, wo
hereby extend our hearfelt thanks.
M. Schram, Sit., and Family.
Humanity's Ailments
A good half of them -fly before pure air
and pleasant surroundings.
Hot Springs, South Dakota, has pure
air; and its surroundings -well, they're
more than pleasant.
The Burlington's local agent will
gladly give you full information about
Hot Springs, and also if you ask for
it a beautifully illustrated folder.
J. Francih, G. T. & T. A.
Omaha, Neb.
Call and 6eo our "Tour of tho World
Portfolio." Thoy aro worth twice tho
price wo ask, 10 cents, and a coupon cut
from Trie Journal.
justness Motices.
Advertisements under this head five cents a
lineeach insertion.
WM.8CHILTZ makes boots and shoes in tho
beet styles, and uses only the very best
stock that can be procured in tho market. 52-tf
tyOurquotationb of tho market feareoli t,-iin-d
Tuesday afternoon, and are correct and reliable
Shelled Corn.
Ear Corn
Mixed oats
Fat cows
Fat sheep
Fat 6teers
1 20
ft coat 10
2 O0G2 so
$2 5062 00
, 3 0043 75
. $2 00fe2 SO
Can furnish you with
the BKST
BLINDS, LIME, Etc., and
everything kept in the
South of U. P. R. R.
Depot, Columbus,
Office two doors north of Brodfnehrer's jewelry
tore. Offico open day and night. Telephone
Nn. 12.
Oaug'fle-lT-D Columbus. Nebraska.
goods and get our prices.
S 2t
These are infect innt'hintt, strong whero
strength it needed. Every leer within easy
reach. "To 1h mmplo N to Ik great." Th
binder has been reduced to a few simple pieces
weighing together only ttiO pounds. Seo the
IXt'ring before yu buy another.
Shop on Olive Street, Columbus, Neb.,
four doors south of Rorowiak's.
Drink Habit !
Also Tobacco, Morphine and
other Narcotic Habits.
Sayi'rivate treatment gien if desired.
Choice Field Seeds,
Clover, Timothy,
Orchard Grass,
Blue Grass, etc.
Herman Oehlrich & Bro's.
2if :
ruoi'itiETou or the-
Fresh, and
Salt jN'Xeats-
Cfame and Fish in Season.
JfEriJrHinhest market
Hides and Tallow.
prices paid for
D. T. Maiitvs, M. I). 0. 1). Evans, M. D.
F. II.Geer. M. I).
Physicians - and - Surgeons
To St. MaryV Hospital and St.
Francii Academy,
United State Examining Surgeon. Assistant
Surcr-on Union Facific. O.. N. it B. II. Railway.
JST'Oilice open nilit and day. Telephone No.
19. Two blocKH north Union Pacific Depot.
Eleventh Street. Columbus. Neb
V. A. McAllistku.
Office over First National Rank,
Wines, Liquors and Cigars
On Eleventh et. Imported and domestic wines
for family trade a specialty.
LrcHsisoKTt fc Mcssilma.v.
2majtf Cor. Eleventh and 31 Ste.
BlacRsDiilfi anfl Waeon Maker
Self-Blnaer i lower.
On Ilea