The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, July 04, 1894, Image 2

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    I! .- -
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(&Blmnhxs goitrual.
Entered at the Fost-oOoe, Colambna, Nb.,
-econti-class mail matter.
Columbus, Neb.
One year, by mtS, poatags prepaid, ."...$2.00
Six months. 1.(0
Three months, Wl
Payable in Adraace.
ySperimen copies mailed free, on applira
- tion.
When tnbtcribera chanfe their plnce of resi
dence they should at once notify na by letter or
postal card, giving both their fennnr and then
R resent post-office, the first enable us to readily
nd the name on oar mailing list, from 'which,
being in type, we each week print, either on the
wrapper or on the margin of your JOUBN At, tbp
date to which your subscription is paid or ar
.counted for. Remittances ehould be rna'ii
either by money-order, registered letter or draft
(arable to the order of .
M. K. Tcxira A Co.
All communications, to secure attention, mo1
lr accompanied by the full name of the writer
' Ws reserve the right to reject any maniiccnpi
and cannot agree to return the same. Wedeo.p
a correspondent in every school-district o
1'lelto county, one of good Judgment, and r.
liable in every way. Write plain!;', each iti-i
separately. Give as facta.
Kepuhliran Congressional .Convention.
The republican electors of the Third congres
Htonal district of Nebraska nre requested to send
I'lelegaten from their Beverul counties to meet in
convention in the city of Norfolk, on Tuesday,
August 'i, 1691, at 7:30 o'clock p. in., for the pur
Ioae of placing in nomination a candidate for
congress from will district.
The Hevend counties are entitled to represen
tation as follows, leinK bised Un the vote cast
for Hon. I. M. Kaymond for presidential elector
in 1S92, giving one delcgato-at-large to each
county and one for each 100 votes and the ma
jority fraction tlicriof:
Del.iCounty. Del.
.. i'.Mndison 11
10. Merrick 7
ll'Nance 7
.. 8,1'ierce. 5
. Vjl'latte 10
.. it Stanton ft
"iThnrbton 6
8 Wayne 8
Dodge. l.
Knox 11
Total 1ST.
Dated Norfolk, Nubr., June
KcitT Mapes,
in, iku.
C. C. McNisu,
Coming Events.
Colfax county fair, Sept. 19-22.
State fair at Lincoln, Sept. 7-11.
1'latte county fair, Sept. 2j. 20. 27.
The republican Mate convention will In? held
at Omaha August Zi, 10 a. in.
Prohibition state convention at Lincoln.Tues
day, July 2, at 2 p. in., 1'latte county entitled to
4 of the 130.
I'eoplo'ri hlate convention at Grand Island.
Wednesday, Aug. 15. at 10 a. in., 1'latte county
entitled to 10 delegates, Madison 10, Stanton 1,
Colfax 7, Iiutler 18. l'olk 12, .Merrick 7, Nance 8,
lioone 11, of tlie7.'il.
Dun's Review says that most lenders
now require a stipulation for gold pay
ments in all time loans. Tho market
for commercial paper is singularly nar
row, with extreme caution in the scru
tiny of names.
Tun Washington Post wishes to know
where tho republican party can find a
safer, a stronger or a wiser leader than
Henry M. Teller. He is certainly a good
man. and tho republican party has many
such, who would givo us an administra
tion worthv of the countrv.
Titn groat body of tho voters who
helped to put in the present administra
tion aro completely tired of the "change"
thus made, and are now ready for au
other. It is well enough to think twice,
esecially if you are thinking to vote
anything but the republican ticket
protection to till American interests.
Tnx Chicago Inter Ocean is very sen
sible in claiming that it is time to quit
trifning with anarchism as a political
proposition and consider it as a patho
logical problem. Tho man who belioves
it is his mission to' slay his family to the
glory of God, wo claim tho right to ar
rest and incarcerate on tho first mani
festation of that tendency. The mono
maniac who has an idea that he is
divinely commissioned to destroy socie
ty should be similarly dealt with" before
no iiau an opportunity to matte a prac
tical illustration of his theory. The
profession of anarchy should be n crime
do facto, and wo should be no moro
lenient with the man who utters anarch
istic doctrines than with the man arrest
ed at night with a burglar's kit in his
possession. A criminal tendency should
be as serious a concern of law as a crim
inal purpose, and tho best law is that
which does tho most to j)revent crime.
President Tkacy tit tho League meet
ing in his speech had this to say in a
brief summary regarding a subject in
which wo are all more or less interested
just now:
Inl8Sl when the Democratic party
let go" of its power, the credit of tho
countiy was impaired; it was threatened
by rebellion and its Hag disgraced, fac
tories were closed and workmen wero
parading its streets clamoring for bread.
When it returned to complete power in
181M, it found a happy and contented
people, a nation at tho very zenith of
prosperity and new enterprises and pro
jects fairly encompassing the continent.
It found tho new West thrilled with the
movement of mighty industries which
were developing her mines and demon
strating the great forces and resources
of her territory. It found that in thirtv
years the United States had made tho
most remarkable material and industrial
advancement in tho history of nations;
that in that time it had risen front tho
level of dishonored credit and protested
national notes to the wealthiest and
most honored nation on earth, and all
this under the republican policy of pro
tection to American labor and American
industries, and under tho leadership of
such statesmen as Lincoln, Grant, Har
rison and Blaine."
It is no uso to refer to tho present
state of tho country, under democratic
administration it is apparent to all.
Compelled to Eat Human Flesh.
Port Townsend, Wash., July 3. The
steamship Queen has arrived from Sitka
andreports that Captain Huntley, the
third mate and 15 survivors of the whal
ing bark, James Allen, wrecked in west
ern Alaska, had arrived at Sitka ami
taken passage for San Francisco. The
survivors report they endured great
hardships, aud were reduced to such cir
cumstances as to be compelled to eat the
flesh of their dead comrades. Four men
were drowned by a boat capsizing and
two died of starvation. Fifteen more
are missing.
An Attempted Assassination.
Madrid; July a. The Marquis de
Cuba, one of the leaders of the recent
Spanish pilgrimage to Rome, had a nar
row escape from assassination. The
marquis was visiting the new cathedral,
which is now in course of construction,
when he was attacked by a workman
armed with a dagger. Another work
man interposed to protect tho marquis
and received dangerous wounds. The
marquis escaped unhurt. The would-be
assassin was arrested.
Second Trial or Sattley.
Kansas City, July 3. In the criminal
court at Independence the second trial
of Elmer C. Sattley, cashier of the
wrecked Kansas City safe deposit and
Savings bank, was begun.
To Consider Mr. Katolli's Policy.
Rome, July 0. The pope has appointed
a committee of cardinals to consider the
policy pursued by Mgr. Satolli in the
United States and an early decision is expected.
Senators Offer Resolutions or.
the Pullman Boycott.
XUs Amendment to Have Repeal of the
Hngar Bounty Take Immediate Effect
Was Adopted Representative Crain
Favors Congressional Action to Settle
Pullman Strike Washington News.
Washington, July 3. The Pullman
Strike had an echo in the senate Monday.
Mr. Call offered a resolution for the ap
pointment of a joint committee of five
members of the house and senate to in
quire into the cause of the existing Pull
man strike, the justice of the demands of
the workingmen, and to report by bill, or
otherwise, and Mr. Kyle offered a reso
lution, indorsed by President Debs, of
tho A. R. U., and General Secretary
Hayes, of the K. of L., looking to the
protection of the strikers from federal in
terference, except to insure tho trans
portation of the mails, and declaring
that the detachment of Pullman or other
parlor or sleeping cars from a train
shall not constitute an offence against
the United States. Both resolutions,
under the rules, went over until tomor
row. The senate began formal consideration
of the tariff bill amended in committee
of the whole in the senate Monday, and
much progress was made. The sugar,
which overshadowed the other schedules,
being considered, the pivot upon which
the fate of the measure depended, went
through the trying ordeal and escaped
with only one amendment. That amend
ment made the repeal of the bounty and
the schedule to go into effect upon the
passage of the bill. The adoption of
this amendment was a signal victory for
Senator Hill. In addition to the Repub
lican votes in favor of it, four Democ
rats, Messrs. Coke, George, Irb' and
Pugh and Mr. Peffer (Pop.) joined Mr.
Representative Crain Favors Congressional
Action to Settle Matters.
Washington, July H. Representative
Crain (Tex.) introduced a resolution in
the house for investigating the Pullman
strike. Mr. Crain was a member of the
Curtin congressional commission of 18S5
which investigated the great strike of
the year and succeeded in securing a
settlement after much trouble to both
sides. The resolution directs the com
mittee on interstate commerce to at once
investigate the causes that have led up
to tho Pullman strike and its successive
stages of development, and to rewrt at
the earliest 'practicable time as to the
means of overcoming tho present conflict
and prevent similar trouble.
( Mr. Crain said of his resolution:
'Technically it ma- be said congress is
to arbitrate, but in these great conflicts
which cross state lines and involve the
whole country congress is the only pos
sible power to act. Moreover, the moral
effect of a congressional investigation is
sufficient to check the conflict, and pos
sibly stop it. There is a natural will
ingness on both sides to defer to what a
bodj representing congress may suggest.
The strike of 18S5 cost the Knights of
Lalor thousands of dollars a day, yet
the settlement which the Curtin commit
tee proposed and which I had the honor
to write was accepted by Master Work
man Powderly on the one hand and the
railway men on the other and that strug
gle was ended."
The President anil Members of the Cabinet
Uelri a Long Conference.
Washington, July 3. An extended
conference was held at the White House,
lasting from i) o'clock until midnight
Monday. There were present besides
the president Secretary of War Herbert,
Attorney General Oluey, Major General
Schofield, Secretary Gresham and Gen
eral Miles.
When the conference was adiourned
the officials were very reticent in regard
to its result. It was learned, however,
that the situation had been reviewed in
detail and the general policy of the ad
ministration outlined. The views ex
pressed were generally to the effect that
while the strike was likely to fall of its
own weight and from lack of thorough
crganization, yet it was necessary for all
authorities to be on the alert and to
check at the outset any overt and law
less acts. It was held that tho law was
amply sufficient to authorize federal in
tervention whenever conspiracy was
shown, as well as when mails were in
terfered with or the interstate com
merce act infringed. No specific di
rections were given General Miles. He
will leave for Chicago immediately and
resume control of his forces.
Cleveland's Position on tho Strike.
Washington, July 3. The president,
who at first had been disposed to regard
the strike as existing to a large extent in
the minds of what he calls the sensa
tional press, expressed himself, after
listening to Olney's official story, as be
lieving the matter to be of a very serious
character. He declared that the govern
ment must protect its own property, see
that its business is transacted and be
ready to give prompt assistance where
ever it could legally do so.
Indian Land Title Good.
Washington, July 3. The secretary
of the interior has ruled the Pueblo In
dians in Colorado hold such title to their
lands as to withdraw the question of
their land lease from the jurisdiction of
the interior department.
Comparative Treasury Statement.
Washington, July 3. The compara
tive statement of the receipts and ex
penditures for the year ended June 30,
1894. shows the following receipts $29t',
900,336, and the expenditures ;G(i..'93,
S59, which leaves a deficit of $9,G33,023.
The customs receipts show a falling off
of about- $01,000,000, aud internal
revenue about $14,000. There was an
increase of about $4,500,000 in tho ex
penditures on account of the war depart
ment and about lJidO.OO on account of
the navy. There was a decrease of over
1,300,000 in the civil and miscellaneous!
expenditures about 3.000,0u0 on account
of the Indian service and a decrease of
over 18,000,000 on account of pensions.
-titer Sleeping Car Monopolies.
Washington, July 3. Representative
Brickner (Wis.) introduced a bill in the
house aimed at sleeping car monopolies.
It is as follows: "That on and after
Jan. 1, IS'j-3, all railroad companies en
gaged m interstate commerce shall own
or by lease control all sleeping cars oa
their roads or branches operated or con
trolled by them. All railway companies
which fail to comply with this act and
use sleeping cars upon their roads not
their own, by lease or otherwise, shall be
subject to a fine of 10 per day for each
and even' car so used.
Medals of Honor Awarded.
Washington, July 3. Medak of
honor have been awarded the following
named privates who volunteered for the
storming party at the siege of Vicks
burg: J. C. Aj'ers, 8th Mo., Moorhead,
Mich.; A. T. Goldsburg, 12 th ills., May
nard, la.; J. S. Cunningham, Sth Ms.,
Burlington, Kan.; H. F. Frizzel, 6th
Mo.. Fredericktown, Mo.; William
trim ummmmemmmmmmmmmmmmjfa
Campbell 30th Ohio, Dea Moines, la.;
H. G. Trogden, 8th Mo., Chicago.
Kyle Asks For Information.
Washington, Jnly Si. Senator Kyle
introduced a resolution calling on the
secretary of the navy for information as
to what Admiral Walker had done or is
instructed to do at Pearl harbor, in the
Hawaiian islands.
Public Debt Statement.
Washington, July 3. The public
debt statement shows the- interest bear
ing debt on July 1 to have been f63n,
041,fc90 au increase for the fiscal year of
$jO,0o4,7!0 and for the month of $50.
Lexington Bridge BUI Parsed.
Washington, July 3. The senate
passed a bill authorizing the construc
tion of a bridge across the Missouri river
at Lexington, Mo.
Refuses to Handle Freight.
Hiawatha, Kan., July 3. AU freight
trains on this division of the Missouri
Pacific road have been laid off on ac
count of the strike and the local office
refuses to handle any freight. This
orders 20 crews out of work. The
switch engines in the yards have also
been taken off.
Missouri PaclBe Shops Closed.
Sedaua, Mo., July 3. The Missouri
Pacific shops were closed here Monday
for a period of nine days, and if the
strike to enforce the Pullman boycott
has not been amicably settled by that
tune the suspension will be continued
Soldiers Ordered to Los Angeles.
Sax Francisco, July 3. Six compa
nies of the First United States infantry
left Monday night at 10 o'clock for Los
Angele3 on a special train. The soldiers
aro in command of Colonel Shafter and
uumler 300.
Circus Business Ruined nim.
Creston, la., July .';. F. J. Taylor's
circus, a Creston production, was closed
at Bethany, Mo., by the Creston Na
tional bank on a chattel mortgage of
Passing Away of an Iowa Pioneer.
Creston, la., July 3. Tyre Kinser, a
resident of Union count' for 39 years, is
Oklahomans are experiencing intensely
hot weather, the thermometer registering
120 degress.
Edward Grampettiner was arrested in
New York for the abduction of a Leaven
worth, Kan., girl.
Masked men shot and mortally wounded
Albert ltanhause of Leo, Ind. Xo motive
for the crime is known.
The Illinois Federation of Labor has
been called to meet for u political confer
ence at Springfield.
Three lines have been forced to abandon
their tracks at East Atchison on account
of encroachment by the river.
Chauncey M. Dcpew is highly pleased
over the prospective passage of the
amendment to the interstate commerce
law permitting pooling.
Michael Foley, 91 years old, was killed
in his home at Guilford, Ills., bv falling
J. A. Maury, a photographer at Mar
tinsville, Ind., has mysteriously disap
peared, leaving his family destitute.
William G. Greene, a lifelong associate
of Lincoln and Yates, died at Tallula,
Ills., aged 82 years.
The sugar trust has already accumu
lated raw sugar enough at Xew York to
insure a profit of $4,000,000 under the new
tariff bill.
Striking miners in Alabama fired a
railroad bridge and shot a man and his
little daughter, who attempted to extin
guish the flames.
As a result of the failure of congress to
pass the naval appropriation bill about
1,700 workmen in navy yards have been
laid off.
A letter to Columbus, Ind., announces
the murder of Jacob Filian, a student at
a missionary college at Antioch, Armenia,
by a schoolmate.
Sailors of the cruiser Xew York allege
that Lieutenant Ilea Id is a perfect de-pot
and have deserted the ship in Mich num
beis as to set loudly interfere with her nav
igation. The steam yacht Oztic was run down
and cut in two by the excursion steamer
Sam Sloan itt Hell Gat. A panic ensued
among the passengers, but no lives were
That Cleveland Badge.
The "Cleveland Badge" has, we are
pleased to know, met with pronounced
success. In fact, it has been the most
successful free trade party measure or
emblem since March 4, 1893. It has
"caught on" with the people, who recog
nize its peculiar appropriateness. The
Macomb Journal will long be remem-
gJLEMEikfl ma-Baas!
bered as the originator of the story, while
the idea of adding a sketch thereto orig
inated with The American Economist,
where the original drawing is highly
prized. Believing that this important
"badge," the emblem that represents the
free trade party of poverty, should be
perpetuated, we submit a new design
that we may expect to 6ee worn upon the
proud breasts of all free traders during
tue coming1 congressional
throughout the countrv.
Free Coal Would Be Worse.
One of the most unfortunate and re
grettable recent events is the failure of
the Cleveland (O.) conference to settle
the soft coal strike.
The difference between the wages the
miners want and the wages the opera
tors want to pay is only 14 cents a ton.
Of course the demagogue free trade
journals are seizing upon the declara
tions of President McBride of the Miners'
union that the wages offered by the mine
owners mean starvation for the miners
as evidence that protection does not pro
tect wages.
But how long could the soft coal min
ers hope to maintain a strike for 79 cents
or 70 cents a ton if the 75 cents a ton
duty against the soft coal of Canada was
taken off?
The highest wages paid in Canadian
soft coal mines is only 40 cents a ton.
Let it in dutj- free, as the original Wil
son bill was going to do, and no Ameri
can soft coal miners will ever be heard
of again striking for a wage rate of 79
cents a ton. New York Becorder.
I MATiBflAL BAtHliag I
It''TB A- m 1 W
fflmBM 1JvWi
isTi aWl IP)
Strikers at Chicago Do Net
Heed Court Injunctions.
Railroad Officials Chafing Under the Em
bargo on Business Federal Troops Or
dered Out In Colorado and California.
Mrs. Stanford Royally Treated Strikers
Trying to Arbitrate at St. Louis.
Chicago, July 8. The regular troops
at Fort Sheridan have been ordered to
move. Their destination is not known
at present, but is supposed to be Blue
Chicago, July 3. Monday's develop
ments in the great Pullman-American
Railway union strike were prolific in
sensationalism, the principal theater of
action being in Chicago and adjacent
suburbs. Wild rumors were rife when
it was announced that orders have been
issued for the Second regiment to pro
ceed at once to Blue Island, 18 miles
out. Extra editions of all evening pa
pers, with warlike headlines, were
eagerly scanned bj- thousands of anxious
people. This report proved later to ba
unfounded. The first serious clash oc
curred when 200 deputy United
States marshals were surrounded at Blue
Island by 2,000 strikers, who openly de
fied federal authority. Weapons were
drawn on both sides and Deputy Mar
shal John A. Logan was painfully cut
with a knife, bnt when a bloody con
flict seemed imminent the deputies re
tired to their barrack cars to await re
inforcements, leaving the strikers mas
ters of the situation.
Locked Horns With the Authorities.
In the evening an injunction from the
United States conrt was read and bul
letined. Tho anthority of the court was
openly derided and after a few minutes
quiet the riotous spirit of the strikers re
asserted itself. At midnight reports of
other disorders were current, it being
stated that the strikers were tearing
down the bulletin mandate of the court.
Fearing to precipitate bloodshed the
Rock Island decided after its 8:30 ex
press had been gotten through not to
make any effort to move trains. Th-i
strikers have now locked horns with the
state and federal authorities. Tho rail
road officials are chafing under tho con
tinued embargo on business. The des
perate condition of their lato employes,
determined not to work themselves no
to allow ethers to do so. is evidenced by
the flood of reports of individual conflicts
here and there coming from all over the
Number of Trains Derailed.
A number of trains have been .derailed
by misplaced switches. A Panhandle
passenger train was partly ditched at
Kinzie and Caual streets but was not
seriously dela3ed. The strikers are steal
ing brasses from the axle boxes of cars,
and in some instauces dropping coupling
pins into the cross head guides of the lo
comotives, causing the destruction of
cylinder heads.
Tons of fruit, vegetables, ice, meats
and other perishable goods stand in the
cars under a boiling sun, no one caring
or daring to move it to its destination.
Dumb animals crowded into stock cars
suffer thirst and hunger, and prices of
vegetables and fruits are going up.
District Attorney Milchrist, when
asked if troops had yet been ordered out
from Fort Sheridan, said: "I do not
think they will be called out until the or
der of the courts has been violated and
the judges recommend that such a meas
ure being taken to uphold the dignity oi
the court aud justice. Unless the trouble
is brought to an end soon, it is my opin
ion the strike will terminate in blood
shed." The fiiemeu on the Lake Street Ele
vated road decided they would strike to
assist the A. R. U. Tho specific cause
of the strike is that the elevated road re
ceived some coal delivered by the Pan
handle, boycotted by the A. R. U.
Telegraphers Not Takiug Part.
M. V. Powell, grand chief of the Or
der of Railway Telegraphers, said: "We
are not taking any part in the strike.
We are affiliated with the other railroad
brotherhoods and will be guided by any
action taken by the federation. We
cannot afford to come into a strike
which was ordered without consultation
with the other railroad organizations. It
would have been better all around had Mr.
Debs aud his people, before ordering tho
strike, consulted with us, then he would
have had some claim upon us, but it is
now presumptuous for him to ask us to
strike at his bidding.'
Say That Seventeen Chicago Roads Are
More or lss Embnrraased.
Chicago, July 8. The general man
agers of the Chicago roads Monday even
ing issued the following bulletin: The
worst reports come from the Kock Isl
and, which was not able to move any
trains on account of a crowd of 2,000
at Blue Island, who controlled the situa
tion. The United States deputy mar
shals and the Cook count' deputy sher
iffs being powerless to handle the mob.
On the Michigan Central the indications
are that there will bo trouble on ac
count of the employment of new men to
take the places of the striking switch
men. The Illinois Central is still in bad
shape regarding suburban business, but
is moving through trains. The Milwau
kee and St. Paul is also badly embar
rassed by the striking employes. On
these roads occurred the most serious
Seventeen roads in Chicago are more
or less embarrassed by the strike and
many passenger trains are being moved
as on the Panhandle, under heavy guards
of deputy marshals for mail trains and
deputy sheriffs for other trains, in order
to get them through the strikers and
other sympathizers who congregate
along the tracks. The railroads have
not altered their position, the bulletin
continues, and they will not parley with
the men wia, ust to aarike. The places
of the men who struck will be filled as
fast as possi'tlf and force will bo met
with force to the extent of asking the
state for troops to keep the roads ops n
whereever their action becomes neces
sary. If the stato cannot afford ample
protection the railroads will ask the
United States government to send troop3
to the scene of th disturbance.
Committee at St. Loufe Met a Cool Recep
tion From the Merchants Exchange.
St. Louis, July a. The status of the
railroad strike here Monday evening
was that of almost complete interruption
of freight traffic, while passenger trains
made up by yardmasters and a numbet
or terminal association switchmen whe
had returned to work were moving prac
tically on time. On both sides of the
river all switchmen have struck except
those of the Wa'jash and the St. Louis,
Keokuk and Northwestern. In all about
1,500 men have gone out in all the yards,
and perhaps 2,000 more have been thrown
out in unskilled lines of labor by the de
fection of the switchmen and their al
lies. The only addition to the ranks of
the strikers Monday were the freight
brakemen of the St. Louis division of the
Louisville and Nashville, who have laid
up that division. The managers of the
lines entering St. Louis continue their
tons to fight the strike, ana ae
they will soou bo in good shape
United States District Attorney Clap
ton received instructions from Attorney
General Olney to see that there is no in
terferenco with mail trains here. In ac
cordance with this order. United States
Marshal Lynch has stationed deputies at
the Union depot to protect trains and ar
rest all persons offering interference.
A committee of strikers called on
Mayor Walbridge to secure his good
offices in the direction of arbitration of
the strike. The mayor agreed to act
with others that might be selected with
the assent of all interested parties. The
committee then called on' tho directors oi
the Merchants' exchange, but they wen
received very coolly. Later the commit
tee were informed by letter from the
Merchants' exchange that the strikers
had made such threats that they stood in
the light of lawbreakers and therefore
the directors declined to act as arbitra
Delegation of Strikers Transferred Her te
Another Car so She Conld Reach Home.
DuNSiium, Cal., July . A felicitous
incident over the great strike on the
Southern Pacific system was witnessed
here Monday. Mrs. Jane Stanford,
widow of the late Leland Stanford, had
been for two days stranded in her private
car north of here. The burning of a
trestle on Sunday made it impossible for
her car to proceed. A delegation of the
striking A. R. U. men proceeded to her
car with carriages, brought her to this
city and put her on board another car
that the men had decked in bright colors
with flags and bunting. A brass band
headed the party.
While a locomotive was being coupled
to the cars Mrs. Stanford thanked the
men and assured them that were her
husband living the present trouble on
the Southern Pacific would not have
"Would this offer be made to Mr.
Huntington?' asked Mrs. Stanford.
"No; Mr. Huntington would not be
allowed to even walk on this road," was
the answer by the spokesman for the
When the car was pulled out of Duns
muir a guard of strikers went along to
see that it should not fall into the hands
of the company's officials.
Coal Famine Threatened In DeuTer.
Denver, July 3. The strike is in the
hands of a general committee composed
of representatives of every department.
The shops of both the Santa Fe and the
Denver and Rio Grande are working
with full forces. The Rio Grande men
ntill refuse to strike. Potatoes are sell
ing at 1 per 100 pounds. Not more
than 200 toas of coal is in the hands of
dealers, aud if the strike lasts two days
longer the cable lines will have to stop
running. The electric line has a three
months' supply on hand.
Uncle Sam's Men at Trinidad.
Trinidad, Colo., July 3. The United
States troops arrived here Monday night.
Slow progress was made, because every
bridge and switch was examined before
the train was permitted to cross. The
arrival of the troops was a surprise to
the strikers, as they had cut the wires.
The only occurrence in the way of a dis
turbance was an attempt to pull the fire
man from tho engine, whereupon the en
gineer aud fireman were taken to camp
under escort.
Unable to Handle the Strikers.
Santa Fe, N. M., July 3. The United
States marshal has telegraphed for at
least 200 United States troops. It is ex
pected the troops will be ordered to
Raton. Not a train has moved over the
Santa Fe system in this territory for one
week. United States marshals are
unable to handle the 8,(Mrt) strikers in
New Mexico.
He Has Cheapened Goods, Labor, Wages
and the Presidency He Secured Votes
Under False Pretenses Where the Peo
ple Are Anxious to See Him.
One of the important things guaran
teed under your contract (with the na
tion) was that you would make things
cheaper. You have made some progress
in that direction which honesty requires
you should be given credit for. Arti
cles of food, however, though much
cheaper than under the lower tariff four
years back, are not much changed in
retail price from a year ago a fact I
throughly tested in my timo of want
and such difference as does exist, store
keepers tell me, is temporary and due
to the fact that the smaller quantity
used by the working and other classes
during the past year has left an unusual
store of such products on hand, which
farmers and owners have had to sell in
order to get money or avoid loss.
But some things you have made de
cidedly cheaper. You have cheapened
clothing, dry goods and nearly all kinds
of manufactured articles, temporarily
down to one-third the regular price and
one-half the cost to make, through bank
rupt stocks on all sides, with many rare
bargains which I would gladly jump at
if I only had my old job and money to
buy with. With these you have also
cheapened our labor until over 2,300,000
workingmen have been months unable
to sell it at any price and 3,000,000 more,
through reduced time or pay, for more
than an average of three-quarters its
former value. You have cheapened the
country by prostrating its industries, de
creasing the consumption of its products
and a loss of over $15,000,000,000 of busi
ness in a single year.
You have cheapened the nation before
the world by a miserable attempt to force
a brass mounted queen over a friendly
people. You have cheapened the presi
dency by its use to intimidate and cor
rupt the people's representatives in their
official action and to secure their co-op
eration in an effort to degrade a large
part and to cheapen the whole people.
You have cheapened your party by show
ing through its leaders its hypocrisy,
want of settled principles, incapacity to
legislate for the country's welfare and
its treachery to American and favorit
ism of foreign interests. You have cheap
ened your supporters by exhibiting their
weakness, cowardice, servility and their
readiness to sell their votes and the in
terests of their constituents for official
favors, and, lastly, you have cheapened
yourself by betra3Tal of public trust
through misappropriation and use of a
public office to repay money used to se
cure your election. In fact, you have
been so generally successful in this par
ticular that both you and your support
ers will pass down through the ages as
the Cheap Johns of American history.
For over six years you have repeatedly
told us that if we should ever lose our
jobs there is always plenty of good pay
ing work to be had. This you said to
secure our help, through our votes, in
your intended destruction of the salt
makers, wool raisers, woolen manufac
turers and other industries, and the
turning adrift of their help. A large
number of us who then believed you
now desire to see you about that state;
ment. We want yon to make it good;
to go to New York and find jobs for
from 70,000 to 100.000 idle there; to go to
Brooklyn and get .work for 05,000 to 8Q.?
000 in that cify; to Boston, with 89,000
there; to Buffalo, your old home, and
provide places for the 15,000 unemploy
ed, large numbers of whom helped to
raise you from harmless obscurity.
Go to Philadelphia, with its 90,000; to
Pittsburg, with 50,000 more; to Chicago,
with yet 65,000 more; to Cleveland, Cin
cinnati, Louisville, Indianapolis, Mil
waukee, St. Louis and San Francisco,
with their 75,000; to the manufacturing
districts of the eastern, middle and
western states; to the mining regions of
New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania,
West Virginia, Ohio, Michigan, Indiana,
Illinois, Minnesota, Missouri, Tennessee,
Alabama, Colorado. Nevada, Montana,
Idaho and California; the lumber sec
tions of Michigan, Wisconsin and the
northwest; the farming and wool rais
ing territory of the central, western,
northwestern, southwestern and Pacific
In fact, you are badly wanted in near
ly every city, village and township in
the eastern, northern, western, north
western, southwestern. Pacific and some
southern parts of the country to show
what over 2,800,000 of us have been un
able to find for ourselves good paying
jobs or any at all. And we want you
right away too. We want to go to work
at whistle time tomorrow morning. Not
only come yourself, but lock up your
wrecking congress and bring the other
Cheap Johns along with you. We want
to see them also. They made the same
statement and led us to give you and
them government jobs on the strength
of it. We don't want bombazine char
ity work or more promised soapsuds, but
good steady jobs, with hard cash at the
back of them in fact, our old places and
wages. From a Workingman's Letter to
President Cleveland.
A Word oa Kxports.
A free trader is always telling us that
under protection we are not able to sell
our goods in foreign markets, but that if
we have free trade we shall be able to
sell in every market in the world. Dur
ing the last 20 years England has been a
free trade country while America has
been protected. We can see how the ex
ports of the two countries have increased
from the following figures:
England. America.
18TO-1880 aw 124.0
1880-1880 5J 39.7
Average increase 21,0 Ri.3
It thus appears that during these 20
years the average increase of exports has
oeen only 21 per cent in free trade Eug
land while it was 84.3 per cent increase
iu America. This fact is calculated to
tipset another free trade theory.
"Reform" is a sort of Jekyll and Hydo,
The double faced figure of Janus repeating.
The mantle he formerly carried with pride
Is now used to cover up all kinds of cheating.
With copper and lead and stuff that is base
He made yellow coin that was "queer" and
was funny.
And when the attorney of state called his case
He said it was only "reform of the money.'
It had horns like a bull and a tail like a cat.
Claws, head, legs and trunk without any re
lation. When the fellow that stuffed it was asked,
"What is that:-"
He declared it a worthy "reform of creation.
When our mills are closed up and our indus
tries dead.
And our gold sent abroad to pay foreign ad
vances. He tells the strapped workman to hold up his
It is only a needed "reform in finances."
When the toiler in idleness, hunger and want
Tries to borrow a dime from his hungrier
The goods he once made he could buy "cheap
And this is "reform for American labor."
Reform your protection and take off your tax.
Give the paupers of Europe your markets
and wages.
Lay the burden of poverty on your own backs
Is the plan of the "tariff reform" and sages.
Stephen E. Koot, M. D.
In the Dentist's Chair.
,It has always been claimed by the
party of free trade that "unprotected"
industries are in no way affected by the
tariff. This 13 all wrong. What affects
one industry affects others, and if a pro
tective tariff causes prosperity directly
to one class of the community it indi
rectly brings prosperity to others.
The American Protective Tariff league
has sent blanks to 120 different dentists
in the city of New York propounding
the following query:
"Supposing 100 represents your collec
tions for the month of January, 1893,
what percentage of 100 more or less will
represent your collections for the month
of January, 1891'r''
The answers received showed a wide
range, in one case a dentist had only
collected 25 per cent as much last Janu
ary as he did in January. 1893. In an
other case the collections were 20 percent
larger than last year. But the average
of all the replies shows collections of
only 59 per cent. In other words, for
every $100 collected by these dentists in
January, 1893, they collected only $59 in
January, 1894.
It appears that the Cleveland hard
times have not affected the amount of
work of the dentists in very many in
stances. But people call for less expen
sive work. Consequently the earnings
of the dentist are less, besides his being
nnnble to collect what he does earn. It
is a point that dentists in every city in
the country should remember that under
a-free trade administration collections of
money earned fell off 41 per cent within
a year. For every $100 they only got
$59. Protection to other industries makes
the dentist's business the more prosper
ous. Kxrnrsion to Aslmry i'ark, N. J.
The Baltimore and Ohio R. R. Co. will
sell excursion tickets to Asbnry Park,
N. J. and return from nil points on its
lines, July 7ti, 8th and 9th, good re
turning until July ICth with privilege
of extension until September 1st, provi
ded the return portion of the ticket is
deposited with the Joint Agent at As
bnry Park, on or before July 13th.
Tickets will be valid for passage via
New York and will be issued for the
outward journey via B. k O. K. It and
Washington and for return journey via
any of the other through lines.
The round trip rate from Chicago will
be 822 and correspondingly low from all
other points on the B. fc O. system.
ncKets will also be eolct at all princi
pal offices throughout the west and
For information in detail address L.S.
Allen, Asst. G. P. A., B. & O. R. R,
Grand Central Depot, Chicago, III. 2
EKGLisn Spavin Liniment removes all
bard, soft or calloused lumps and blem
ishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs,
Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles,
Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat,
Coughs, etc. Save $50 by use of one
bottle. Warranted the most wonderfnl
Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by C.
B. Stillman. druggist. 2Cnovlyr
When Baby was sick, we pave her Castoria.
Vbeu she was a Child, Uie cried for Castoria.
When she became Miss, she cluu;? to Castoria.
When bhe. had Children, iJie gave tbura Castoria.
St. Patrick's Pills are carefully
prepared from the best material and
according to the most approved formula,
and are the most perfect cathartic and
liver pill that can be produced. We
sell them. C. E. Pollock & Co. and Dr.
Heintz, druggists.
What is
Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infauts
and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor
other Narcotic substance. It is a, harmless substitute
for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing: Syrups, and Castor Oil.
It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years use by
Bullions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays
feverishncss. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd
cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves
teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency.
Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach
and bowels giviug healthy aud natural sleep. Cas
toria is tho Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend.
M Castoria is an excellent medietas To- v!l
dren. Mothers have repeatedly to'.J mo of iU
good affect upon Uteir chiUrva."
Do. Q. C. Osgood,
Lowell, Jtlass.
Castoria is the best remedy for children of
which I am acquainted. I hope the day 1 not
far distant when mothers will tlio real
interest of their children, and use CastorLi iu
stead of the various quack nostrums which exo
destroying their lored ones, by forcinopium.
morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful
agents down their throats, thereby 8endhi
them to premature graves."
Da. J. F. KctcucLoc,
Conway, Ark.
Tk Caatanr Company,
Vr, .
Prairie Farmer,
Omaha Weekly Bee.
The Columbus Journal.
Begin your subscription at any time. Whether you -g
2 nre ucm" receiving The Journal or not, pay only one year in ZS
advance, (regular price two dollars), and add fifty cents extra, p
Bv and get the three papers. -9
You cannot select a better combination of local, general
and farm literature for the money. ""5
4. The coming year is destined to be an eventful one in the p
history of our country. Industry, upon which rests tho real P
progress of this world under Providence, will move forward
during tho coming twelvo months more than in tho last thirty. Z
Keep with the front of the column. -0
Etabliahed 1S70.
-A-rLd. "EBeaJ. E3sta,te.
MONEY TO LOAN ON FAKMSat lowest rates of interest, on short or lung tim. in auionn
to suit applicants.
BONDED ABSTltACTEKS OF TITLE to all real estate in lMnttei-ountr.
Represent THE LEADING INSURANCE COMPANIES of the World. Our farm policie. ar
the inost liberal in use. Losses adjusted, and promptly paid at this olKce.
Notary Public alwas in office.
Farm and city property for sale.
Make collections of foreign inheritances and sell fteanifhip tickets to and from all par
01 turope. luutf'UI-lf
Daniel Iiolson anil iiojlson. his wife
(hrst name unknown), defendants. Mill take
notice that on the 23d day of June, 1591, Nick
nuamy, piainim nereiu, niel Ins petition in the
district court of Platte county. Nebraska,
against said defendants, the object and prayer
of which are to cancel a certain agreement for
the sale of the Southeast Quarter or tho South
east Quarter of Section No. Five, and the North
east Quarter of Section No. Eight, in Town
ship Seventeen North, Itange One East, in Platte
county. Nebraska, executed by (i. W. Hrown to
me ueienuant, Daniel KoIson. and to remove
the cloud from and ijuiet the titlo to said real
estate in plaintiff.
Yon are hereby required to answer said petition
on or before the Cth day of August lo94.
,. .,.,.. Plaintiff.
Dated this 23d day of June, lsttl.
JIcAli.istkk & Cornelius,
27junelt Attorneys.
J. Will Illustrate
To you theadvantagoof buying
From him. If a splendid stock
and low prices cut any
lijfure, you will
be satisGed.
Always on hand.
Ilis stock of
Dry Goods
Is large, well selected and
everything you want will
be found in stock
at low figures.
T3T Country produce a spe
cialty, and always taken at
cash prices. All goods deliv
ered free.
Telephone No. 22.
jyt, L. VAN ES.
Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College. Office I
OTer poat office. ISaprtf '
" Castoria to so well adapted to chltdrea t
I reccuimend it as superior toauy prescription
Litown to me."
IT. A. Arcs, M. D.,
Ill So. Oxford St., Urooklyn, N. T.
" Our physicians ia the children's dspsit
nieut lrive siwbeu highly of their experi
ence in their outiiio practice with Castoria,
&::d although we only hAvo anion; oar
i. ml i-al supplies what is known as regular
products, yet we aro treo to confess that the
merits of Castoria has won us to look wltlt
favor Ujvou it."
Aijxn C. Smith, l'rrs..
Murray Street, New Tork City.
(of Chicago).
W. L. Douclas
And other speclaltle for
Gentlemen. Ladlet. bo
and MUses are the
Best in the World.
See detcrlptive adrertlid
Blent which appears In tali
Takt bo Sttatlttte.
InsUt on Laying W. L.
iou;lah shoe.
with name and price
stamped on bottom. Hold by
ltiirial loodst
Do Eiuhaliiiintr.
Conduct Funerals.
E-i!ave the finet Ifwin-e in the county.
""r. Nebraska Ave. and) n.l-.L... U.L
"irtrnthSt.. UUIUH1UU5 HIB.
NING or TORNADO insurance
on city and farm property; if you want
an ACCIDENT POLICY; if you want
to buy or sell farm or city property; if
you want bargains in real estate, call at
the Real Estate and Insurance Agency,
I Door East of First National Bank.