The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, June 27, 1894, Image 4

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    -ThFi-?,' gaa
I .
i 1
Titer' Jnct one thing a man can bate
3b til tula world of woo and strife.
Rut makes the bntineaa not too bad,
And that ore thing' an eaer wife.
Dost fancy that I lore my girl
For ro-y chreka or revrn hair?
8bc hoMfl my heart becanm the laughs
Uocause alio laughs, and decant care.
I put my boots Juet where it traits.
And find them where I put them, too;
That ia a thing, you mnit allow,
A chap can very ncldom do;
I leave my japera on luy desk,
8I10 netcr durta tbetn In a heap.
Or takes to light the kitchen store
The Tery one I want to keep.
On winter night my cozy Aami
Will warm her toes before the fire ;
She nerer aooUa about thr lamp,
Or wants the wick a trifle higeer;
On Sunday she is not so fine
But what her ruffle I can hug;
I light my pipe J oat where I please,
And spill the ashes on the rug.
The bed is never filled with " shams "
A thing some women vilely plan
To worry permits half to death.
And spoil the temper of a man.
She lots me sleep to any hour.
Nor ralrrs any horrid din
If It just liappena now and then
To be quite late when I come In
I toll you, Jack, if you would wed
Just get a girl who lebi things run
Shell keep her temper like a lamb,
And help jou on to lota of fun.
Don't look for money, style or show.
Or blurhlng beauty, ripe and rare;
Just take the one who laughs at fate
Who laughs, and chows she doesn't cam
Ton think, perhaps, our household waya
Are Just perchance a little mixed;
Oh, when they get too horrid bad
We stir about and get things fixed.
What compeDHation has a man ""
Who ear a his bread by sweat of brow.
If home is made a battle-ground,
And life one long, eternal row?
Harper' Xajazine.
Tho dojr. cliase out tho quail, Lu the
eagle claims it.
The ignorant ore never defeated iu any
M asafvaBBBaV .aaaflLai?. bLbbbbbbbV
I feel it a Duty
To tell tho world that Ilood's Sarsaparllla has
Bavcd my life. I had dizzy spells, nausea and
palm in my side, caused by had condition of my
g Sarsa-
liver and kidneys. Soon
after I commenced to
I Itcrati to feel better.
I took four bottles and I now consider myself a
well woman." Mns. Pauline Kuet, Buffalo,
Iowa. Bo Bure to pet only noon's.
Hood's Pllto arc purely vegetable. Sc
Unlike the Dutch Process
No Alkalies
Other Chemicals
aro used in tho
preparation of
icltich in absolutely
jture and loltiblc.
i Ithastnorrfnnnfftrref Imea
the strength of Cocoa mixed
with Starch. Arrowroot or
'Sugar, and is far nioro eco
nomical, cosiiwj less titan one cent a cup.
It is delicious, nourishing, and easily
Sold by Grocers everywaere.
W. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Mast.
Davis Inter
national Cream
Hand or Power.
Every fanner
that lias cows
should have
one. It saves
half the labor,
makes one
third more but
ter. Separator
Butter hrimrs
one-third more
money. Send
for circulars.
Davis & Rankin Bldg. & Mfg. Co.
Acents Wantkd. Chicago, 111.
IIuMk tho worst n'l""
turr mthrasouiiitrriil.
cirrMlnManctrs IVrftft
AiiJutnH-nt. Comfort
mlOire Nrw FMcntcd
Improvements. lllu.
trail! catalogue Bl;
rulrs tor eir-misiir
ment sent senir"lT
Soiled. U. V. JiOU.sL
alFU. CO., 744 Broad
arajr. Mow Yori C'tj-
A rrrrr,t'CC thr f rt thai thru-ant! of
of I he U. S. hr Dt trvl im (arc tlrauh,fn
vrcoart of prlr- whirl. i ft rt tntll,an4
In oolrr that ail dia tfreit a fair trial. I
c will tend a UoUl,Mfr!r parkM. all
jcharpwifrepau!. on trvflj rf S. FACH
I BLc ACH rmof an cte ftu-platrir all
I frorklrv, iDiplm, nvth. MarkhM.1, Ball aw.
I., am. rrrm. wrlnaU-a, or rnuglifwin of
kin. and IsnsatEfifulhfmfiplfiloti. A4-lrr
me. A. RUPPERT,0 E. 14th 8t.,N.Y.CIty
yfllf fnrri-lianJpnor. Suclisecuritya;
HIIHl11 W 5u lutti. returnatilc In -avyi.iy.
IRVIlai I miaut; Apt.. waiitl lnr-r Kn-al-ibh
it ; enclose Ktac for part leulars.
Uba iuettuanCo..OIiio Nat-ltk.uUTf:.Wasli'ii.D.U
n IIJ.UA Business
Urn AH A Houses.
Electric Supplies Mt r.
Kltctrle l.lclit etc Wtilf
Icctileto.. lC15l4i'tol Aa
timates promptly funilMuMl.
omalia Mate Hooting Co.,.H S. Utb
Vaccine Virus"
rcsh every lav, 2"c a tiolrit.
5 fir Mc; discount to ilrnt
ulsts ami dortois. Cash to
accompany orJcr.
KU1IN & CO . Onialu, Neb.
lailiard and Tool Tables.
liar Ilasware. Send for
catalogue, tiato t Itj riV1IIBPO
Geo. Boyer, McCoy & Co,.1
Fo tnnaba. I.tve Stoek CosasBla!on Menhnnts.
( orrrsi ondenoc M.llcllod. Market quotations f ro..
WANTED salesmem SP,,
" " sell Catlfornla lnn
i ralary. Sire to
I nor month &.
sell California w incs. Srn 1 1 ivm-
tjie:aaip for full r articular. M. J. MAMX,
lSlO laraaa Mret, tlaaahs. Neb.
1 " W Watch sire, loiiled
" views. Caialoz f roo.
lleja i'hoto Supply Co. Kxclusive An nt. 1215
irnan St.. ( niaba. Kvcrrthtng In l'liuto Supplies
for Professionals anil Amateurs.
Hotel Dellone
Omaha, cor Uth i
and Capitol Ave.. I
H blk from Loth
Council niutTs ft
umauacar tinea.
Best a dav house to tbo ctate. Fire proof
VEEaV Jt CASEY. Froprloiora.
and Dress Goods!
The Iar
at aiKl
tv-st tock i
1 fashlonniiloMiks.DrrasGonilsandflno
Laces In Aructlca at lowest nrles 4
ever known. mp!os fr.e It pari to keep pOMoU. I
Write to HAVUEIt BUOI.. Osiaka.
Wall Paper 4c Roll
Only I.OO required to paper walls of
room J.rxl5, Including border. Send l)e
postage and ret rKKt-:. loa beautiful sam
ple, and puldc how to paper. Asrents'lanre
sample book 1.O0; irittLi: with a S0.O0
erden Write quick.
le-10S UearfM St.. - OMAHA. NEB.
Wenknes and Secret
Disorders of
Everr care ;usranteed.
It years experience,
l-ermanently locate la
lamiba. Book free.
nth anil Farnamctv..
KM 1 at f laVaa-
m - lVA
TH1 Ik. ttr 1
IS i I K.-.rVT
Rwa i 1 . iliH-l.
Mil MM
E'bbbbbG sbbbbbbV
at HlBEsPeBU"'
mWn 3i!
Jht (djarm.
Jnuneno Loss of Butter.
An Iowa bulletin says: In studying
the question of how to make the dairy
most profitable, two problems are pre
sented for solution. The lirst of these
problems is, how to produee the great
est amount of butter fat at the least
cost; the second, how to save all the
fat produced and market it in the
form of high-priced product. Both of
these problems arc being studied, net
only on thousands of dairy farms, bat
at many experiment sTution"?.
During the past nine months
wc have been devoting especial
attention to a study of the loss of fat in
the buttermilk in churning, with the
hope of ascertaining the causes of the
loss, whether it ean be avoided, and if
so the conditions necessary to secure
the best results. This report gives the
results of the work we have done so
far in this line. If the value of the
butter fat annually lost in the butter
milk in the creameries and dairies of
the state of Iowa alone could be ac
curately ascertained the ligurcs would
reach such astounding proportions ab
to be almost incredible to those who
have not investigated the matter. Dur
ing the past summer wc have tested a
great many samples of buttennilk
from creameries and private dairies.
In only one sample did we And the
amount of fat as low as two-tenths of
1 per cent, while in a number of caes
we found the fat in the butter
milk to be above ! per cent, and one
sample tested as high as 7 2-10 per
cent. The loss on the farm and in
private dairies is much higher than in
the creameries, but we have found as
high as 2 J-J per cent of fat in butter
milk from creameries; but this we be
lieve to be exceptional. It is quite
common, however, to lind as much as
one-half of 1 per cent of fat in the
buttermilk from creameries; and if
the amount of fat lost was carefully
determined by daily tests it would ba
found that the creamery that
is not suffering a loss of sev
eral dollars a day from this cause
alone is the exception, while in
some creameries, where lanre quan
tities of cream arc handled, the value
of the fat lost in the buttermilk would
pay for several extra men and then
leave a very comfortable profit. We
have before us the report of one day's
work in a creamery in this state. The commission man happened to know
amount of milk received was 10, l!2 , something about cheese himself, and
pounds. In running this milk through he felt there was a Senegambian in
the separator a total of 1..1 pounds of , the wood pile somewhere. He had an
fat were lost in the skim milk, but in ' examination made by an expert, and
churning the cream the next day it proved to be the very poorest
twenty-nine pounds of fat wore lost In J cf composition. filled rind that
the buttermilk. Considering this fat : ever masqueraded under a title of
worth 20 cents per pound, which cheese. Kverv known test was used,
was about its value at that, time, the ami as far as could be found out oleo
loss m the buttermilk for one day i mar-j-ariiiG was nuritv itc..1f WMr. t1
would be $5.m). Some creameries re
ceive many times the amount of milk
or cream mentioned above, ami in
them the loss, at the same rate, would
reach ligures that would rendei tho
owners most decidedly uncomfortable.
From the investigations we have made
we venture the assertion that bom of
the larger creameries lose from $l to
SoO daily during the season of greatest
milk How, from suffering fat to pass
off in the skim milk and buttermilk.
We know that these ligures are start
ling, but wc believe that careful inves
tigation would sho.v them to be close
to the truth. The important question
is, can this loss be avoided? From our
study of the question during the past
nine months wc are inclined to believe
that if it can not be avo'ded it cm be
greatly reduced. During January
and February, 1SH.1. Mr. F. A. Leigh
ton made study of the conditions neces
sary to the most thorough churning.
He found that the temperature of J he
cream at the time of churning, the
amount of cream in the churn and the :
condition of the cream as regards ripe
ness, seemed to be the controlling fae-
tors in thorough churning and on sev-! inches apart, so that the crop may be
eral different occasions he succeeded in I "octl or weeded in some way. This
churning with practically no Ids of'"!18 a pre'al importance for the
fat in the buttermilk. The main dilli-1 yield of the crop. If the seed only
culty teemed to be in
ecurlng the
same conditions each day.
was, ot
consre, an easy matter "to secure the !
same temperature csch day. and to
place the sum.: amount of eream i-t the
churn; but the difficulty lay in deter-,
mining when the cream v. as in j
proper condition asregauis ripeness
Farmers' Kcvicw.
A Washington correspondent says, j
If there was to be an equal division of j
property in the Tnited States, as soma j
of the socialists, recommend, cich j
man woman and child would seceive '
Sl,03'J as his share, r.ceer lin r to the
valuation of Uncle ham's real estate !
"Mur'-""-" r-'i"-11.- ' Ly -cxi-us ,
returns. In isr.o the total valuation '
was a little over S7. 00 CUKi.tlT.:. or SP.OS
per capita of population
Il 1'.) it
was SIG.000 00) ) I '. or il I per capita.
In 1ST0 it was S 5 J.o n no -.0 . or 67-0
P' "l,lu- llll.-..lU?I.....Ul-.l,U,l.-
..,:. i.. i. , .,, -..., ,...
uuu, or t;.u per capita, wane in lV-t it
was S03.037,0'Jl.(M0,orS1.03tp,r capita,
an increase of r.).0. per cent in ten
years. .New one is the richest state
in the I nion.with t.y.OJ.OOO o . lvnn-,
sylvania is secomi vuii 5-'. OCO.O ) j,oo.
Illinois is third with 55.00 uco.OjO.
ana uaio net wnu ncany c-ijUJu.'-WJ.
000. Then come in order -Massachu
setts, California, Missouri, Iowa. Texas,
Michigan, Indiana. Wisconsin. Kansas,
New Jersey, Nebraska, Iveatu:
'.v j
TiiERs aro lots of pe-sn'o . ho mis their : against them and Julsre Ikiiley sus
religioa with Imsin&s. but f.rto; to stir :t . taintd the verdict. They appealed,
up well. Asare3u!t tho lui'ajsi invaria the Appellate court reversing the
bly rises to the top
Is Yolloiv .lustnino Honey I'oIsodous?
Mrs. C. L. Rice of Bamsey, La.,
writes to American Be Journal as
follows: I have seen the several arti
cles in the Bee Journal and Gleanings,
about the poisonous yellow jasmine
honey of the south, and thought I
would give our experience with it. In
lSS we cut out comb from our hves,
which was filled with pollen (or bee
bread), with a few cells of honey in
terspersed. Five of our children ate
freely of this "bee-bread," as it is
called by old bee-keepers. In a short
while they became so weak that they
could not stand, and complained of
blindness. In alarm we sent for a
physician, who pronounced it an over
dose of yellow jasmine. We were be
ginners in those days, and had only
one story to our hives, and squeezed
the honcj'. Now we use two and three
stories, and extract, and so we never
get the pollen and honey mixed. At
the time our children were poisoned,
other members of the family ate of
the honey alone, and were not in the
least aliicted. We now use extracted
honey without fear of the result.
Is it not possible that all cases of
honey-poisoning could be traced to the
pollen? 1 know many old bee-keepers
advise eating the "bee-bread" with the
'bee-honey," consequently some are
made sick, especially by honey taken
from tiie tree at the famous bee-tree
cutting picnics. The yellow jasmine
grows plentifully around us, yet we
never have had any siekness, as the
result of eating extracted honey. The
liowers open in the very early spring,
before the orange, and I should think
the honey would be used in rearing
brood. Dr. Brown says, in Gleanings,
that it kills the bees; but why does it
not kill all? I rather think the disease
mentioned in Gleanings, is bee-paralysis,
for it is not the whole apiary that
becomes afTected only a few colonies,
wherein will be found a quantity of
sealed honey from last year's harvest.
With due respect to the experience of
others. 1 submit the foregoing, hoping
to see the subject sifted to the utmost
Fii.m:i C:ii:i:si: One of the promi
nent cheese dealers in Minneapolis had
heard a good deal of the low prices at
which jture full cream cheese was be
ing offered in a town about four hun
dred miles east of here, and ever eager
to be in li:ie,and handle the best goods
at the lowest prices, ordered a trial
bov, which was duly received, and
billed at I cents per pound. Now. this
conglomeration of fats sent to the
commission man. He intended to turn
it over to the state dairy board, but
changed his mind and shipped it back
to t lj original house, demanding his
freight that he had paid for getting it
here He received his answer yester
day, ami in words more forcible than
elegant was told titat he was a chump
if lie expected full cream cheese at i)
cents a pound, and that they did not
care to do business with any man
that wasn't sharp enough to sell
cheese at 1 1 cents per pound that he
could buy for '., when the public knew
no difference. Minneapolis Daily Pro
duce liiilletiu.
Souixi; Flax. The seed of this
crop is sown at the same time as oats
that is, as nearly in the spring as
the soil ts m good condition and the
danger of frosts i.s past. March or
April is the uual time of sowing. The
land should be plowed iu the fall and
left rough until spring, when a culti
vator, or harrow, is used to level and
m.-Il-Av the surfac-2. It i, best to sow
the teed by a drill in rows about eight
is desired,
to the
acre is sown,
the thin
encourages the branching of the
s"1'5 and the larger production of
Rrairi- If for the iiber, two brushes
aro -;v"-. ike thicker growth making
,css branchy and longer and straighter
-''3. The fiber is also liner in quality.
1 Ike c:op i grown for the fiber, the
plants are pulled up by the roots when
the bottom of the stems appear of a
yellowish color. After this period the
seed is formed at the expense of the
iiber. which becomes coarser arsd
woody. If grown for the seed, the
plant is left to ripen completely, when
U.e s,tems are quite yellow anil hard.
use ics- iaml lor tins crop is
sod on a rich, line loam. Ex.
KK-. A case of tome rvnernl infnrnsr
litis 1 ifml v !mn linfi-i, ,.. :
J .... uuuwuiwiu
T.l .,.,.. .,-, ih
the circumstances are
that when a lo(?:il prnmwrr mc v...;i
:quitca number of x, men jQ
Himt5ngtoll subscrib;d money to the
cnterprise. as thev alleged, only for the
purp0ie of i.elpin- the matter alon,
- c.aoll onc ; ving. s.-0 or ?loa Af tcp te
; creamerv. association fai'ed an effort
was made to make them liable pro rata
j to the amount each pa'd. 'J he defen
dants contended titat tney were not
stockholders in the tense that thev
would bo thus liable. The jury on the
trial of the case in Circuit court found
lease. Lx.
Dairy WUdoaa.
National Stockman says:
It won't pay to let the cows fall off
in their yield for want of grain feed;
the corn meal and cottonseed meal
may be reduced somewhat, but bran,
middlings and linseed meal must be
fed as usual.
Cows going to pasture in good con
dition are all ready to increase their
milk, but if they are in poor order
they must use a lot of spring pasture
to make flesh.
The rule should be never allow the
cows to go hungry.
The full fed cow is the paying one.
It pays to seed a field especially for
pasture if it can be spared from the
totation; a mixture of grasses is better
than the old stand-bys, timothy and
red clover.
In seeding for pasture don't sow
grain with the grass to "protect it;"
you might as well put a lot of big
pigs with the little ones to protect
There is nothing equal to atop dress
ing of fine manure to give grass seed
a start, and the more manure the
sooner the grass will be ready for
grazing and the better the feed.
Give the young grass rich soil and
it won't need protection from the sun.
Sometimes a loss is made by turning
out the cows too soon; the way to tell
is not to judge altogether by the size
of the field, but by the forwardness of
the grass and the kind of weather wc
arc having.
If a pound of butter sells for only
2G cents wholesale, and a bushel of
wheat only sells for 58 cents, which
pays the better to produce?
A good cow will make enough
pounds of butter to count up against
many acres of wheat; and the butter
crop is the surer of the two.
The butter does not take any of the
farm's fertility when it is sold, but the
wheat does.
We have to feed the wheat as well
as the cows, but the latter convert a
good per cent of their feed into wheat
Is it not a fact that on some farms
the dairy paj's for growing the wheat,
but the owner of the farm believes that
the wheat is the better money crop?
The butter comes in in small sums,but
the wheat money in a lump; the lump
makes the man feel big, but the small
sums keep him out of debt
Wheat is a good crop to grow on a
dairy farm; it is a good crop to seed
to grass with, it supplies bedding to
the cows, and if the price of wheat is
low the cows will cat it and turn it
into butter, which will make the wheat
net a good price.
Wheat in the cow is all right, but a
cow in the wheat is all wrong; this is
the time of the year to put the fence?
in good order.
Epizootic Abortion In Cows.
From the evidence which has re
cently been brought to the no
tice of the society, it is con
sidered desirable to recommend to
the special attention of stock owners,
in whose herds abortion has appeared,
the system of preventive treatment,
which is described in the following
quotation from the article on abortion
in the Society's Journal. The plan
which Prof. Nocard recommends to be
used in cow sheds and -premises in
which epizootic abortion occurs year
by year is the following;
1. Every week the places in which
cows are kept must be well cleansed,
and especially the part behind the
cows, and then disinfected by a strong
solution of sulphate of copper (blue
vitriol), or a solution of carbolic acid,
one to fifty of water.
2. The under part of the tail, the
anus, vulva, and parts below of all
the cows must be sponged daily with
the following lotion, which is a strong
Uuiu water or distilled water. .2 gallons
Corrosive snbliiuate '2y drachms
Hydrochloric ocid y ounces
During the first season of this treat
ment only a moderate amount of im
provement is to be expected, but after
the next season abortion .vill cease en
tirely. It would very much assist the
Society in their inquiry if members of
the Society whose herds have been
affected by abortion would inform the
secretary at once if they propose to
adopt this system of treatment in their
herds; and, afterwards, if they would
send him particulars of the results of
the treatment When the owner de
sires it, arrangements will be made
for a veterinary surgeon to visit the
farm at the cost of the society, and to
advise as to the preparation and ap
plication of the solution. It appear;
that in some districts no precautions
arc taken to destroy the Actus after
abortion. This should be done with
out delay in every case by burning or
burial in quicklime. The latter should
be freely scattered over the ground
contaminated with the discharge.
Crops in Ontario.
Tiie yearly average of the crops for
Ontario for twelve years ending 1693
are given in the United States depart
ment of agriculture report for Decem
ber. The average per acre was for
wheat 18.2, for oats 3 .0, for barley
25.7, for rye 1G.1, for peas 10.2, for
beans 17.1, for potatoes 115 bushels,
for carrots 331, for turnips 417 bushels
respectively. The hay crop averaged
for hay and clover combined 1.70 tons
per acre. These crops excel those of
Uncle Samuel and bid him look out
for his laurels. It is easy to see how
it is that Canadian hay is sold on our
markets. Can wo not equal their
oust hold.
Kabr'a Compliment.
His father and mother were both away.
And baby and I had been friends all day
Many and gay were the games we played;
Baby ordered, and I obeyed
We carta not at all for the rainy ky.
We built us blockhouse three feat high;
We threw pine knots on the nureerr tire
And watched the flames mount higher and
We hid in the most improbable nooks,
We looked at the pictures in all his books;
We ran in "tag" till his cheeks were red.
And his curls were tangled about his bead.
So when the twilight was closing down
Over the fields and the woodlands brown.
And nurse declared he must say good
He clung to me still in the firelight
He trampled my gown with bis rough little
He climbed on my lap and kissed me sweet,
And, as be scrambled from my knee,
"You'd make a good mother," said baby
I have bad compliments, now and then,
From grown-up women and grown-up
Some were commonplace, some were new,
Never was one of them rung so true,
Never was one seemed balf so real
Baby compared me to bis ideal!
S. St G. Lawrence, in Happenchance.
Fractional Script.
The fractional currency of the
United States was the most profitable
form of money ever issued by the fed
eral authorities. All of it that was
lost or destroyed, and this is estimated
by the New York Herald in round
figures at 58,000,000, but is probably
more, is figured as a clear gain to the
government The total amount of the
currency emitted, including reissues,
was $303,720,079.51. The total amount
redeemed aggregates S353,447,G20.50.
This would apparently leave outstand
ing 815.272.443.01. but in the last an
nual debt statement the outstanding
amount is set down as SG,900,50M2.
This amount is merely an estimate of
the authorities, but clearly illustrates
the fact that S8,2'c 1,938.79 has been
marked off to profit and loss. The
government still stands ready to re
deem its fractional currency and has
no intention of repudiating any of it,
although congress has authorized the
marking off of 58,000,000. Very little
of it is now turned into the sub consequence of the rarity
of certain issues and the fact that
large quantities are in the hands of
collectors, who would not part with
their specimens for ten times the
face value. There tf ere redeemed last
year exactly 2,953 worth of this
profitable currency, and so accurately
aro the accounts of the treasury de
partment kept that the exact amount
of each denomination destroyed can
be ascertained. They were as fol
lows: Three cents, S3.40; 5 cents,
$28.43; 10 cents, SG02.05; 15 cents,S-"0.11;
25 cents, 1,093.42, and 50 cents,
1,178.50. Fragments of bills arc, of
course, redeemed in proportion, which
accounts for the apparent impossi
bility of redeeming total amounts that
are not multiples of the face value of
the notes.
Fractional currency was a feature of
our money from Aug. 1, 18G2, when
the first issue was authorized, until
Feb. 15, 187G, when the last or fifth
issue ceased. The emission of it,
therefore, covered a period of fourteen
years, and it is eighteen years since
the last notes were issued. Consider
ing the length of time since the gov
ernment discontinued the issue of
fractional currency, the amount out
standing is enormous, greater by far
than any other form of the public debt
unredeemed from the foundation of
the republic down to 1SG2, when the
legal tender notes were authorized.
It is not likely now that more than
50,000 of fractional currency will ever
be presented for redemption, so that
the total profit to the government will
in the end amount to fully 515,000,000
from its issue.
A curious fact about the presenta
tion of fractional notes for redemp
tion is the large proportion that spuri
ous bills bear to the total. Last year,
when but 52,958 worth was redeemed,
counterfeit fractional bills to the
amount of 5224 were turned into the
treasury andicstroyed. The propor
tion is very nearly 8 per cent, which
illustrates two things: how extensive
ly the fractional currency was imi
tated,and the tenacity with which per
sons who had been taken in by the bad
money clung to the hope of eventually
obtaining its value Farmers Kcview.
Farm Snrrouiiclincs.
A speaker at an agricultural con
vention said: Onc prime reason why
the boys arc so prone to dcEcrt the
farm, and the girls arc so unwilling to
follow the occupation of their moth
ers, is, that the home, with its build
ings and surroundings, is not made
more attractive. The difference be
tween the odors of the pig pen and a
plat of geraniums, is perceptible, ia a
marked degree, to the olfactories of
every one whose sense of smell has not
always been abused and blunted, till
it has become insensible to any
odor that has not attained to
the rankest smell. These waste
not their fragrance on the
desert air but offend the senses of the
inmates doomed to inhale them, till
the perfume of the pen and pool is
preferred to that of the sweetest fra
grance that may or should be around
every farmer's home. The pen, the
pool and the privy, arc the necessary
concomitants of every well-regulated
family; but it is the manner in which
they are regulated that makes them
tolerable or unendurable. How thall
these unseemly parts of the farm
house be made comely, and turned
to profit, converting by natural pro
cesses the noxious ellluvia into elements
from which spring vegetables, fruits,
and liowers in their varied plant
forms? Let these be surrounded with
shrubbery, evergreens, or vines, sub
stituting the beauty of nature for de
formity of art Nothing generated in
nature's laboratory is more thorough
ly disinfectant, a better absorbent,
more free or accessible, than dry
earth. Let sufficient quantities of this
be secured, gathered from the wash
ings of the roadside, from the mounds
around the walls, and from every
available source, freely used each
day, and a double purpose will be
achieved, a nuisance abated, a ferti
lizer created.
Two Interpretations.
A young farmer who had been con
verted at onc of the ievivals went be
fore the next conference and asked for
a license to be a preacher. "I know I
am born to preach the word." said the
applicant, "for I have had three vis
ions, all the same, and it has made a
lasting impression on mc."
"What was your vision?" asked the
"Wal, I saw a big, round, blue ring
in the sky, and inside, in great gold
letters, were 'P. C It meant 'Preach
Christ,' and I want to join the confer
ence." The argument was about to carry
when an old pastor stood up in the
back part of the hall and said:
"Young man we don't doubt your
intentions nor do we doubt you saw
the vision with the golden P. C.,' but
I am of the opinion that that 'P. GV
meant 'Plow Corn."
The convert is still a farmer. Cin
cinnati Times Star.
pc I
Backwheat for Greea afaaarlaf.
Some years ago, at an agricultural
convention in Massachusetts, Milo J.
Smith related his experience in turn
ing under buckwheat for green ma
nure. As it is but a single experi
ment it can not be counted as stand
ing for much. Nevertheless we would
like to hear from readers of the Farm
ers' Review as to their success with
buckwheat It must be borne in mind
that the results in Massachusetts
might bear little relation to results
obtainable in the west. The state
ment of Mr. Smith is as follows:
I will state my experience with
buckwheat as a fertilizer. Some thirty
years ago I had a lot of land a little
distance from my barn that had been
cropped for a long scries of years with
but little manure returned; and, of
course, crops were light 1 was de
sirous of improving the land and in
creasing the crops. I had not the ma
nure to do it with; and I had read
glowing accounts of how cheap and
quickly land could be brought up by
plowing in crops of buckwheat; so
I prepared four acres of that
lot and sowed it to buckwheat,
with the intention of plowing it
under at its full growth, and sowing
rye after it The buckwheat grew
finely, and made a heavy crop. Just
before the time for turning it under,
there came a 6hower, with high winds,
and laid it down flat I attempted to
plouw it under, but found it diilicult
I put on a drag, thinking to straighten
it out, so that I could plow it; but it
pulled up and dragged into heaps, so
that it would not work. I called on
extra help with hooks and forks, and,
after getting over one acre of it, gave
it up. I let the rest of the piece stand
and ripen for seed, then mowed it off,
but had to mow it being lodged
so badly. lSy that time it was too late
in the season to sow rye. The next
spring I plowed the whole piece, put
on a light dressing of manure, and
planted it to corn; and to my great
disappointment, when the corn came
to grow, the very poorest part of the
piece was that where I turned under
such a mass of greenstuff. The corn
looked yellow and s'ckly all the se a
son; and by standing up on a bank so
as to overlook the piece, one could see
a vast difference in color and growth.
It seemed to poison and sour the lnda
to such an extent that it took at least
three years to get over it I can not
say but results might have been differ
ent with a rye crop; but I have never
sown a patch of buckwheat since.
A Feed Mixture. My present feed
ing mixture consists of eight bushels
of ground oats, four bushels of ground
wheat, 150 pounds of meat scrap, 300
pounds of wheat bran, and 300 pounds
of malt sprouts. For GOO hens I take
about fifty pounds of this mixture in
a water-tight box that sits on the rear
end of a buckboard wagon, and pour
over it a forty-quart canful of sour
milk. The can of milk is set in a box
of hot water over night and in the
morning it is hot whey and pat cheese
instead of skimmed milk. The hens
cat it greedily and seem to be thriving
on it You ought to see them pick out
the chunks of hot cheese. At night I
give them whole grain, either corn or
wheat. I question the propriety of
giving any whole giain at all in win
ter. My hens are very plump and fat
although they lay reasonably well. I
think I shall try keeping some of
them entirely on the more bulky
food. I can not always get the skim
milk in sutlicieut quantities. In that
case I use hot water to mix the feed.
Correspondent of Rural New Yorker.
A Crime for the Ilansman.
A kki'okt from St Paul says: Statt
Dairy Commissioner Anderson has or
dered all the filled cheeses seized in the
commission of the city shipped back
to Chicago, and instructed the commis
sion men to produce the certificates
from the railroad companies that they
had been shipped. The commission
men arc glad to do this rather than
have the cheeses destroyed, throwing
all the loss upon them. Ihcse filled
cheeses have an outer crust of the real
article ana the interior is filled with
lard and cottonseed oil. It looks well
for a short time, but iu a couple of
weeks it turns green and is filled with
bacteria. Farmer's Review.
Calk's Heart Koasted. Clean ana
soak the heart in slightly warm water
for an hour, let the water run from it
by placing it upside down, the broad
end upward. Make a stulling of a
breakfast-cupful of bread-crumbs,
mixed with a large tcaspoonful of
flour, a little salt and nutmeg, a large
teaspoonful of minced parsley, and a
teaspoonful of minced lemon-thyme,
or a very little of grated lemon peel.
Mix the ingredients thoroughly, then
add one or two tablespoonfuls of
melted bacon fat see that all is well
mixed; do not use suet or egg and
stuff the heart with this. Spread an
ounce of butter over a sheet of fools
cap paper, tie this over the top of the
heart where the stulling is put in, and
roll the heart in the remainder of the
paper. Hoast for an honr and a half,
then take off the paper, rub a little
butter over the heart, flour it well, and
let it quickly brown. Serve the heart
in good gravy (but not over it), in
which is a tablespoonful of good mush
room ketchup, or a gravy made of two
tablespoonfuls of Hour, half a pint of
milk, one ounce of butter, half a tca
spoonful of sugar, a grate of nutmeg,
but use no water.
The Great School The world is a
school in which all arc students and
all arc teachers. It is given us to be
aiders and abettors of each other's
welfare, and ho has not learned the
lesson who does not every day sur
mount the fears and perplexities of
the day before. To bring the burdens
of yesterday, which is not, into to
day, which is, is a mistake;
to carry them into to-morrow, which
never comos, is equally reprehensible.
The traditions and symbolisms of the
past have subserved their purpose;
and opened the way for a more per
fect exposition of all that has grown
out of them. It remains for us of
later days to more carefully and
thoughtfully weigh the import and
"form of sound wordi," that good and
practical results be born to the indi
vidual and to the racj. 'The dy is
at hand and now is" that a full and
comprehensive knowledge of the
esoteric meaning of thoughts and
things, which include each other, as
the two ends of a stall, of all we sec,
hear and feel, has become absolutely
necessary to a true gro.vth of both
child and man. We must know for
ourselves and no longer permit others
to do our thinking. Wc have come to
know that each, if he would learn the
secret of his own being anditspjs
sibilities, must perforin that service
for himself. This is our foreordained
privilege and duty, and must be ful
filled some time and somewhere. Ex.
I would say to all: Use your gentlest
voice at home. Watch it day by day as a
pearl of great price, for it will I e worth
more to you iu days to come than the be-,t
iearl bid in tbo sea A kind voice is joy,
like a lark's Rong, to a hearth at homo, it is
a light that sing? at well as sbiuots. Elibu
The Royal Baking Powder is in
dispensable to progress in cookery
and to the comfort and
nience of modern housekeeping.
Royal Baking Powder makes hot
bread wholesome. Perfectly leav
ens without fermentation. Qual
ities that are peculiar to it alone.
A Ueneroaa Hatband.
Tho miller's wife was just breathing
her last, the family and neighbors were
praying, while above the soughing of
the wind could bo heard the husband's
fervent "Amen" each time a neighbor
ing widow repeated "O, Lord, thy will
be done."
The wife turned to the sorrowful
members there and said: "I'm dying,
but before I go, Iteuben, remember I
want yon to promise mc you will put a
little flower on my grave. Will you,
The miller looked at the handsomo
young widow and replied, "My dear,
don't worry or let that detain you, for
you sha-shall have a-a bu-biirrel of
the best brand in my mill every sum
mer!" She recovered. Arkansas Trav
eler. The whole prospective product from
a peach orchard of 1,000 trees near
Ingleside, on tho eastern shore of
Maryland, has been sold for 823. Such
an orchard in what is called a "good
peach year" should produce 1,000 bas
kets of marketable peaches, worth
about $750 in the New York market
Those Little Sieves,
The kidneys, separate front the blood, as It
passes through tliem. Impurities for which
the final medium of liberation from the sys
tem is the. blailcler. When their function Is
suspended direful results ensue. Anion;;
these an dropsy. Hright's disease, diabetes
and maladies tvlilch terminate in some one of
these. Hosteller' Stomach Hitters stimu
lates the kidneys, not as an uninetlicateil
ale hnlic stimulant would by exciting them,
by by gently Impelling them to renewed
art ion anil iierpcttiatin their activity and
vigur. Tints the blood U once more Insured
piiriiicatinn and thcMirKutis themselves s;t veil
Irotti destruction. Malaria, constipation,
liver complaint, nervousness, dyspepsia and
rheumatism are all thoroughly remedied by
the Hitters, which Is, moreover. a must thor
ough appetizer, ccueral tonic and sleep pro
moter. Use It regularly, not seiui-occasion-ally.
He Liked It.
At n recent dinner given by a very
well-known Itostonian, where cham
pagne and other wines were freely dis
pensed, a member of the clergy was
lound isolating himself in an obscure
corner of the supper room and tenderly
hugging one quart of champagne to
his bosom.
His young friend of the laity, who
discovered him, remarked on the ex
cellence of the spread.
"Ah, yes." said the clergyman, with
embarrassment "and there is nothing
so well suited to my digestioii after
: uch a dinner as a good bottle of apoli
naris such as this." Koston Imdgct
Ilall'n Catarrh Curo
Is taken internally, l'rice, 75c.
Ico Water In Unwholesome.
The ice water drinker is just as much
of a "liend" as the morphine cater. In
many cases the habit of the former is
just as strong as that of the latter, and
just as hard to break. It has been fre
quently demonstrated that the drink
ing of ice water is an acquired habit,
ami not one that comes naturally.
(Jive an infant ice water and you will
notice by its action that the drink is
very distasteful. It usually has the
same e licet upon an Indian or upon any
persou not accustomed to it Kesides,
it is very unbealthful, and any person
who can avoid drinking ice water
should do so.
The Ladle.
The pleasant effect and perfect safety
with which ladies may use the Califor
nia liquid laxative, Syrup of Figs,
tinder all conditions, makes it their
favorite remedy. To get the true and
genuine article, look for the name of
the California Fig Syrup Co., printed
near the bottom of the package.
Deviled Kjcgi.
Uoil five eggs hard. When taken
from the hot water cover with cold
water to prevent the white from turn
ing dark. When cool, remove the
shells and cut in two. Take out the
yolks, and rub smooth with onc table
s)oonful of olive oil. Add salt, pepper,
mustard and vinegar to taste. When
well mixed till the whites with the
mixture, rounding it over on top.
Serve on water cress or lettuce leaves,
dressed with French dressing. Or
serve with water cress or lettuce sand
wiches. Ilrgmanaf ramphor Ice with Glycerin.
Tii'-ortcliial unit mil enuliiR. Cir-ChapillIaiN
uiul ro.e,ColU&orr,Ac. C (J. Clark CuOi.IIat cu.Cl.
A Measure of Kconomjr.
"It's taking that painter out there in
I he kitchen the whole day to paint the
woodwork." snapped Mrs. Chugwater,
"and lie could do it easily in two hours.
That's what comes of having a hand
some young chit of a girl for a cook!"
"I believe you are right, my dear,"
said Mr. Chugwater, soothingly. "Per
haps it would hurry him up a little if
you would h'm go out there a while.
Chicago Tribunc-
" llnnson'a Magic urn Salve-.
Warr.intNl to urc or n.nm-y rvtucdctl. Ask your
druzgu.t for it. Ivu-c 13 t-mt.
A voman with a three-Inch tongue can
slay r giant.
I'litieiKO is tho role of advancement in
all line.-, of life.
The" I at, hanging titsido down, laughs at
the tojihy-turvy worM.
Hilliard TaMc, second-hand. For sale
cheap. Applv to or addrev, If. C. Akin,
511 8. Ilith St., Omaha, Neb.
1'cfore trying to ride horseback
should leant to ride ou oxen.
Uncle John's Harmless Rtomach Powders
rure t-tcmnrh and towel complaints. Bend
- cent btamp for free ample to U. J. U. 8.
1'. Co., 514 1'axton Mock, Omaha.
It is more easy to evade the trouble
vhicli heaven sends u-s than that which we
bring upon our&elves.
JSVESTIOAIE the irrigated lands of
Idaho and you will
find them the cheap
est, the best and the
most accessible to
EMIGRATE to Idaho and you will
De nappy, its u new
country, its for the
poor man aud the
smaller farmer and
fruit grower.
IRRIGATE the lands of Idaho
and you have a
surety of crops and
fruit in abundance.
COGITATE? Of course you will,
then send for our
Idaho advertising
matter. Address E. L.
G. P. & T. A., Omaha, Neb,
Jfot Equal to the Emergency.
He looked a bit hard-tip, but ho had a
pleasant face and smooth address as he
walked into the office of a railroad run
ning West and asked for tho superin
tendent. When conducted to thut offi
cial's desk ho began:
"I want the favor of a pass to Buf
falo." "Can't have it," was tho prompt reply.
"I expected that answer, ami am pre
pared for it. I did not come hero with
a tulo of woo. I havo not been robbed."
"Not a rob. I did not lose my money
on the street I am not obliged to rush
homo to see my wife die. I am not a
consumptive who is anxious to get homo
and dio mnong his friends. All thoso
pleas aro old."
"Yes, very old and thin."
"And yet I waut a pass to Buffalo. I
feel that I havo a right to ask it."
"On what grounds?"
"This morning I saved the life of a
passenger on ono of your transfer boats.
llo was a big red-whiskered innn named
Clark. Had ho gone overboard, it would
havo cost you perhups $50,000 to settle
tho claim."
"Clark? liig man with red whiskers?
Wretched man, yon know not what you
did! That's tho man who already litis a,
claim of 20,000 against us for breaking
his leg. If you had only let him go
overboard wo cotUd have settled with his
heirs for less than a quarter of tho
amount ! Go out go away. You havo
taken thousands of dollars out of our
pockets by your meddlesome act."
Tho beat walked out without a word,
but as he reached tho door ho was heard
to grumble:
"I thought I was tho best liar on tho
Atlantic coast, but I might us well hang
up from this dato !" Wall Street Duily
Mtllolt'a Consumption Ctiro
N wU on a iruunuitw. it t-un-u IiM-lpb-nt I oti-iirwv
Uoo. It B tbo Ui Ornish Cure. S.-tx..SUvt.SLUJL
Thero'a a joy without canker or carle,
There's a pleasure eternally now
Tis to gaze no tho Kla7c anil the mark
Of china that's olJ, and that's blue;
Who'd have thought they would come to lt, who
That o'er loot of an empire would liaiig
A veil ot Morriaian hue.
In tho reign of tho Emperor U want; I
These dragons their tallH, you n-mari.
Into bunches of lotus flower grew
When Noah rame out of tin ark,
l)theic lie In Mrait for his crew?
Ihry snorted, they Hiiapinil, and Ihey flow;
They wero mighty of tin and of fang.
And their ortral's l'e lex tills drew.
In tho reign of the Eiuerur Hwang.
Hire's a jxit with a house iu a park.
In a park where the jx-ai-li bloasoms ulcir.
Where the lovers eloped in the dark.
Lived, died, and were turned into two
Bright birda that eternally flew-
Tlirough the boughs of tho Mayas they sang;
TU a tale was undoubtedly true
In the rolim of the Emperor Uwan t.
Com. snarl at ray ecstasies, do.
Kind critic, your tongue lias a tang.
But a sage neer heeded a shrew
In the riik'n of the Emperor Hwang.
Auditw Ijihij, in Scritiner.
muliles tho more wlvnuen!
and Couaervallvo Sur-
geoaa of ti-iluy to euro
liiutiy (liseuseH without cut
ting, which wero formerly
regarded as IncuruMe with
out resort to the knife.
RUPTURE or Hreueh. U
now Tiullcallii cured with
out tbo knlfo and without
pain. Clumtty Trusses can
lo thrown awnyl
TUMORS, Ovarian. Fi
broid (Uterine) and many
other), are now removed
without the perils of cut
ting operations.
over large. Fistula and
other discuses of the lower
bowel, aro permanently
cured without puln or re
sort to tho knife.
8TONE In the,
matter how Iotkc. is crush
ed, pulverized, washed out
and perfectly removed
without cuttinR-.
For pamphlet, rcferrnef-o
and all particulars, send It)
cents (In stumps) to World's
Vtopcneary Medical Ahfo
ciation. No.GCl .Main Street.
Buffalo. N. V.
a Ono Panel Picture, cntltlod
In eichango for IB Large Lion
Ileail-, .ut from Lion Coffee
wrappers. nnl a Itccnt Mump to
pay iHtiii:i. Wrlti) fur llrt "f
our other line premium". Includ
ing books, n knife, ganie. etc.
Wootson Spicc Co .
4.V) Huron St.. Tot.cno. Onto
Illustrated catalogue Bhinrinif WKIJ,,
auumti, noun. xmiLLH. ii vdilauliu
Sent Fnrx. Havo been, tcetod and
au tcarruntrd.
Sioux City Engine Ik Iron Work.
Hitv4L.rir in l'wh At fir Co. T-
Moax llv. Inwa-iSSf7'!
1117 Union Ato., Kansas City. Mo.
WBnjs ear tnwrr walnut cr cak 1m
prmtHIffc Arm8lagtrn!nzm.vli!a
flatlr CnUheJ. nickel rial.!..!! t.i to
o4 hy work; (unMexl tar IOIr nilh
lilmallt KhMm Wladrr, S U-Tkmilmf f jll
4 ef 8441 AttMfcalitfhlfod A&T vthrrsca
30 Dtv'fc Trial. omoDT rmulred In adtinrr.
T3,M0 sew (bom World'! fair Medal wr4td macLln and ittuh
BrnUk Bay frTa factory uJu'l oVlI.r'l an.l ijtDtN prr.!i.
pppp Cat TkUOat and a-ad dY fr.r machln or li'r- f'.r
a HCC cata!otur,lr4t!iMii!Nn.t l!imrra of lb WorId'arir.
WIllK-tin early this yr. .nit the Crent Rock
aiana Rout " airraar ampin anu
rnavnirnta to transport the many wno
rfwi ar
take In
tow luvaiy covi ui LuiorauoJi
The Track la perfect, ami double orcr Important
DtTlalon. TralnKaulDnrntthr Terrhvat. and a av;il
S. Vr-itlbaled Train called the BIO FIVE loarra Chicago
aauy atiuy. m.anaorriTra reruna morning ui icuttr
or I olnrlilo Sprlnir for breakfast
Aar Coupon Ticket Amnt can (flro yon ratr. ami
further Information will ueebt'crfullyariil'i'iirklyre
spondcfltobwaddresalnsr. JNO .SKUASTIAN
Orneral Passenger Agent. Cblc0.
Wsililn"ioii. !.
8uocessfuily Prosecutes Claims.
atoPrtnctDiil Examiner U H. Houjloii Ilureo.ii.
Sjrslulaatwor, 13atUuihcatiucUiiuj, uttysiiiLC.
Catwtlp and puouia
I WBObare weak lnncsor Astb-
.sboaklusa Plso's Curo for
Consumption. It bos enrrd
Bsaatta. It has rot in inr-
lauwc ibonub uiu 1JlaK&
iiiiaiuu wsicoujn syrup.
sola eTcrrwnorc. 3Zc.
a ana in
W. IV. IJ., hnaha-S5 ltl.
Wkw Answering A!ertlsiuviit tvludly
Mention this fairer.
win i
Ely's CREAM BALM cures WZ-tt
BaawppwflBi,BW'BwvHaVn Mo A