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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (June 27, 1894)
11 lu fr t; . . HH---: I A olnmbns gonvnal. WEDXESDAT. JUNE 27. lfclU. ?, A.AX.TIMETAHLE. Pass. Freight. 2S22fiflR0E. MHvi9iwwf3HaN5sPHDRr . , f eavr (dnnibus 8:35 a.m. 2:30p.m. UellwtHid S-JW " 8:20 " !:tvi.l City 9:18 " 4:lip.m. Seward 10.22. " 7:45 " Arrive it Lincoln 111 a.m. 10:50 " The pa-Mnser leave- Lincoln at fi:10 p. m., and rrives at Colnmhus 9:40 p. m; tin freight leaves ! inroln at 7:15 a. m., anil arriven at Columbus at 4 0.1 p. m. " union1a7Tfictime-tahlk. ooivok.nt. ! ooi.vnwr.HT. AHii.tirKx. 7 l a. n. I 1'arific Kx. W.15 p. m Chit aso Ex. 12:l p. n I Denver Ex.. .. 11 p. m Limited.. . . 2 2:. j.. in ! Limited ... 5Ap.m Col. Ucal 5-V1 a. in ! I.ocal It t . t.20 a. m No. 3. Eat Mail, carrie- pa-en;er for through t.oint. Goini; w.t at K0 p. ni., ar rive at Denver 7:1" n m. No. 4. ra-.t Mail Carrie- pa-eniser-. Kointr eat at 1:52 p. m. Tin freight tniu leaviiur here at f.u p. m. car rier, p-i eneri from lien to Valley. LINCOLN, OOM'MIII'S S1) SIOUX CITY. lti-.-.eiH;er arrive from Sioux City 12:35 p. m leave Ctiliimliiis for Luic'u. lilS p. in arrive from Lincoln 410 p. :n leave-, for Sioux Citj 3 3" p. in Mixed leave for Sioux City S.C0a. in Mixed arrives 10.OJ p. in KOil ALIIION AMI Cl:l)K K1'IIS. l'Sen?er leave- Mixed leaves . . l'asKen.;er arrive Mixed arrive . . . 2:10 p. in r.nj a. m I2:2r. p. m 8:10 p. m Socictv Jloticcs. fay-All notices under litis heading ill he charged nt the i hit of $2 a year. A. l.KHANON LODGE No. 5s. A. F..IA. M. O-- UeKiilar ui(-etiui.H 2d Wednesday in each 7Vy month. All brethren invited to attend. ' x H. 11. ClIAMBKllS, W. M. liUR. !. IlKClirlf. See'. 2"jlll WILDLY LODG E No. 44, 1. 0. 0. 1'.. meets 'fuel-liny evenings of each week at their hall on Thirteenth fttrcvt. iitin brethren cordially 11. t . Newman, N. u W. It. NrMKsTKiN. Sec'y. 27jan'.l-tf REORGANIZED CHUUCH OF LA1TEK-DAY. SniliU hold regular hen ices every Sunday t 2 p. ui., prayer meeting on Wednen.1 ij evening uX their dispel, corner of North Mreet tnd i'aciln At..uub. Allaiecordiallv invited. lSinltf'J hide H.J. Hudson. President. iiiinuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiUiiiiMiiimiiii PHOTOGRAPHIC Of PART No. 16. I Columbus Journal Coupon. Send or tiring one coupon like ZZ Ihi- with lit renin in roinloTltr ClIl.l'MHI'S .lot'BNM., Colunibll-i, 22 N'ehralH. ill tTi itiiiiiiiitiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitii iTi mi Ir. Nuuiiiauii. dentist, Thirteenth .street. If Horn, Saturday, to Mm. .1. S. McAl lister, a ton. A. Anderson had business in Hum phley Monday. Xiewohner hna a nict now lot of ltuerald rinjjs. lit lr. T. H. Clark, Ohvo fltrwit. In ollit't at nights. Choice strawberries every day, at 'hristott'erseirs. -OliMtl Uro's dt'hvert'd 41 head of fat hos to W. 11. Louis Monday. -lJ.'t5t Standard and Sisal Lindor l uu at S tviitri. S. (.'. A- C. C. (iray. it A floiitl lnirst on Uu Lookin-Klasa Wednesday laat reminded of old titties. The U. '. Cim Club had another jrood shoot at their grounds last Hun day. H. M. Winsluw loaded out four ears of cattle ami Lewis one of hogs Sunday night. - Reports all around show that the al falfa crop has not been greatly shortened by dry weather. Horn, Monday evening, .lune 2Tth, to Mrs. Henry lloelcenberger, a bou. All doing nicely. Miss Musetta Wheeler is attending the summer normal school at Fremont, starting last week. - -Farm loans at lowest rates and best terms. Money on hand, no delay. Hecher. .laeggi A- Co. H. .7. Arnold. M. IX, physician and surgeon. Two doors north of Urod fuehrer's jewelry store, tf Reduced faro on the cars for the F Mirth of .Inly. Everybody make cal culations to come tti Columbus. Wm. Hoefelmann of Grand Prairie was in the city yesterday. He says that this is just the weather for corn. The next meeting of the Farmers' club will bo held at the residence of Win. Meays, jr., Friday. Juno 2i. E. C. Hockenberger has been en gaged to represent Hecher, Jaeggi v Co. in their outside insurance bnsiness.3 When in need of an auctioneer, call .on Dave Smith. He will act for you with promptness, safety and dispatch, tf - Thirty-Ove dollars and freight will buv one of the celebrated Ruekeye powers by applying at once to Henry ibker. lojiinSL Rheumatimi or the brain is a dis ease not frequently mentioned but there was a fatal case of it in Council Bluffs Tuesday. It is simply wonderful and almost incredible, the difference on the vegeta ble world before and after the rains of last week. -Mrs. Thomas Keating fell down stairs about a week ago, receiving inter nal injuries from which she is confined to her bed. In the storm of Wednesday evening last, one of the windmills at the farm of M. K. Turner, uorth of the city was blown down. Dr. McKay and Tom Malone passed through the city Thursday as rearguard of Madison's delegation to the silver convention at Omaha. Mrs. J. M. Russell went to Denver Thursday last. She has lived here the past ten years, and now goes to make ber home with a sister. Frank Kersenbrock, son of the pres ident of the Columbus Brewing Co., has taken a situation in Lamhofer's drug store. Shuyler Herald. Robert W. Saley of this city was married at Fullerton, June 20, to Miss Mary A. Palmer of that place. They went east for their tour. Seven thousand dollars yet remain to be subscribed to make the 50,000 needed on the canal scheme. Why not close out the gap at once? It is somewhat strange, but those three doctors, Martyn, Evans At Geer have officiated at the" birth of boys only the past week, and nine of them. 1893 real estate tax is due May 1st and can be paid at of fice of Becher, Jaeggi & Co. tf Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. i&vitcd. Mr. Woosley says that in the region west of Bellwood the meadows and oats fields look fine and promise very fair yields. Union services of the Presbyterian, Congregational and Baptist churches were held Sunday evening nt the tent on east Eleventh street. W. B. Dale was under the weather last week, and for the firat time in thirty-four years, sickness had the better of him for a little while. Judge Kelly and Co. Att'y Licey of Norfolk passed through the city Monday en route to the meeting of the republi can league at Denver. Messrs. Wurdeman & Spicer, the new firm at the planing mill, are young men of ability, and will fill all orders with promptness. Give them a trial. C. A. Beardsley dropped a heavy sharp-edged stone Friday on his left foot, nearly severing from it the great toe. Of course it was a painful injury. - Yesterday was a pretty sultry day, but as it is just the weather to make things grow (with the moisture), the usual amount of growling is not heard. - Becher, Jaeggi & Co. insure build ings and personal property against fire, lightning and cyclones, in good and reliable companies at lowest current rates, tf Cozadians have appointed commit tees to solicit money for the employ ment of engineers and to file water rights. Whv should Columbus longer delay? As was expected from the holdings of Judge Marshall at the hearing, it is understood that ho dissolves the tem porary injunction issued to the school board. Reminiscences of the Fair, sixteen portfolios of the World's fair, given away to our customers. For particulars call at J. B. Delsman's store, Eleventh street, tf For rent, to a small family, the new Congregational parsonage, eight rooms, everything complete, corner North and Seventeenth streets. Apply to Rev. A. J. Rogers, tf - Mr. Jessie Meeker of Asbury Park, X. J., nephew of Abner Tumor, deceased, is in the city. Mr. Meeker contemplates taking charge of the Turner farm south of the river. -Wo learn that Rev. Leedom has re (i;mpd liifl imsitinn as nastnr of the M. r.-- i c . E. church at Hooper and will go on the road as a representative of the Chil dren's Home society. Dr. Geer, u week ago, notified the proper authority of two cases of scarlet fever at Mr. Staab s on Kummer street, but through some mishap, the house was not quarantined. I). C. O'Connor, sup't of West Point city schools, inado The Journal office a pleasant call Wednesday afternoon of last week. He is here as an instructor at the teachers' institute. We understand that the principal of the Columbus schools the past year, has in his application for our schools here. He in said to lie a most excellent teacher.- (David City News. Julius Ernst was in the city Mou tlay and says to put him down for the fat man's raco on tho Fourth. He will get tint his pumps and kneo pants and be "iu it." Ho will weigh in at '20,-. Tho United Brethren will have quar terly meeting services with preaching next Saturday evening, Sunday, morn ing and evening, and the baptizing of fifteen persons Sunday afternoon, at the river. - Wildey Lodge I. O. O. P. held me morial services Sunday, H. J. Hudson delivering the address at the hall, and J. D. Stires tho address at the graves. A large number of the fraternity were in attendance. Schuyler people don't know wheth er they want to celebrate on the Fourth or not; some report a celebration, while others say they are not going to have any "doings." A great many are com ing to Columbus. Rumor has it that parties from Omaha agree to put in a sugar factory equal to the one in Norfolk for a bonus or $50,000 or will build the factory for tho free uso of tho canal power for the term of five years. -Dr. Voss, after ten days spent with live hundred other homeopathic doctors at tho institute held at Denver, returns with an enlarged idea of his particular profession and the country in general. lie tells some facts that wo will make use of again. A number of the Maennerchor singers recently visited Fred. Stenger's place and gave him a serenade. Of course, they were called in and had a good time of it. Tho occasion was the thirty-seventh anniversary of Mr. Stenger's birthday. Tho second artesian well has been struck on the farm of F. B. Wolf iu the southwest corner of Burrows township. Tho vein was found at a depth of one hundred feet and has such force that it throws the water out of a two-inch pipe to tho height of thirty feet abovo the surface. - Abts & Stupfel have opened a meat market in the place formerly occupied by W. T. Rickly, on Olive street, where they keep, for the accommodation of their custom, fresh meats of all kinds and varieties anything you may wish in their line of business. Fish always on hand. Telephone No. 10. tf --July 1S-2G, at the Chautauqua assembly grounds at Crete, is the time selected for the summer bible school and missionary conference with Rev. R. A. Torrey, superintendent of Moody's bible institute as chief instructor. Board, lodging, instruction, etc., is guar anteed not to exceed $5 for each person. Remi Miller and wife returned Thursday from Illinois, where they had been to answer a telegram stating that Mrs. Miller's father had died June 13, in Henry county, 111. His name was Weber and ho was aged 82 years. His children were all present. Mrs. Miller had not seen one of her brothers for twenty-four years. -Rev. Bross look the train Monday for North Adams, Mich., to be present at the marriage of a sister and to visit friends. Rev. Olcott will preach next Sunday forenoon, in Mr. Bross' absence and the Ep worth league will hold ser vices iu the evening. Sunday week, Rev. H. L. Powers will preach, morning and evening. - Ed. Bowers goes to Columbus the first of next week to practice veterinary with a man at that place, who graduated at the same school Ed. has been attend ing iu Canada. After a few months practice at Columbus, Ed. will return to the veterinary college at Toronto, Can ada, and complete his profession. Ce dar Rapids Republican. About thirty of Eddie Coolidge's little friends ranging from 8 to 14 years old went iu a body and surprised him last Friday afternoon, the event being his tenth birthday. To say that they had a hilarious time would be putting it mildly. About 0:30 they all sat down to a bounteous supper, winding up with a dessert of several kinds of cake with ice cream. George Fairchild returned from Chicago last Friday. He represented the American Railway Union of this city. He reports an enthusiastic meeting and a good time, there being 318 delegates, most of whom were from the west and south. George says the endorsement of the populistic principles was rail roaded through before most of the del egates knew what they were doing. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. P. II. Wintersteen of Omaha is here organizing a branch society of the Order of the World. Its principles as 6et forth are true fraternity, benevolence and progress by associating its members together for counsel and consideration in the everyday walks of life; mutual relief against all trials and adversities; protection and care for the widows and orphans of those who have been worthy members. The game of base ball Sunday be tween the Cyclones and the Punkin Bidgers was decidedly the best yet played in the city, so we are told. The Cyclone battery was Murphy and Hem pieman; that of the Bidgers, Corbett and Herring, the umpire, Scott, the game lasting 2 hours and 15 minutes. The score stood: Punkin Bidgers. Cyclones .0 0001000 5-6 .0 0010104 2-8 We give in this week's Journal a considerable portion of the official pro ceedings of the county board of super visors; the remainder will follow next week. We notice that the board are looking sharply after claims against the county, rejecting some, reducing others, etc. As to the matter of drawing a warrant on the general fund, in favor of John Stauffer, ex-county clerk, for S2, 108.22, claimed as illegally paid by him, after considerable discussion was finally referred to the county attorney for his written opinion. It was a gratification to everybody but not a surprise to those who were in formed, when artesian water was struck on the Hen rich farm; the same was when a second well was bored on the Fred. Wolf farm eight miles north of Monroe, from which the water gushed with still greater force than it did from the first well. We say that this is no surprise to many because for years, in wells 30 to 185 feet deep, water has risen nearly to the surface, lacking G to 20 feet. In boring deep wells we are apt to find valuable deposits. We are pleased to be able to an nounce that the publisher of the Inter Ocean has made a special offer on the weekly edition of that paper during the present political campaign. He will send the weekly Inter Ocean for six months to any subscriber on receipt of thirty cents. This is a very low price for one of the best and ablest republi can newspapers in the country. Good republicans should try to increase its circulation. Subscriptions will be re ceived at this price from June 1st to August 1st. After that the regular prices will be restored, tf The popular resort, Burlington Beach, has been greatly enlarged and beautified, and is today without an equal in the state of Nebraska. Every facility for boating, bathing and sailing is pro vided. The steamer ''City of Lincoln" is once more in commission and is pat ronized daily by delighted hundreds. The outlook from the cool, shady, breeze-swept rloor of the big dancing pavilion is as pleasant as can be found anywhere. A hrst-class brass band is in constant attendance. There are half a dozen refreshment booths. In fact, ev erything that contributes to the enter tainment and amusement of visitors is' at hand. Monday morning about six o'clock lightning struck the house of Clark Cooncy in Council Creek township and literally riddled the east side of his house. It struck the chimney and came on down passing through the bedroom occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Cooncy and their two youngest children. The side of Mrs. Cooncy's face was burned some what and all more or less felt tho effects of the shock. The carpet was set on fire but this was immediately put out. The house was damaged to the extent of about $300, bjit as no one was seriously injured, Clark feels as though the damage was light under the circum stances. Fullerton Post. The Dussel horse took a notion Monday morning to break away from the hitching post on Eleventh street. He was caught in three minutes on Twelfth no particular damage. Just a few minutes afterwards the Segelke team started up from a freight train near the U. P. depot, landing Charlie Segelke and Frank Lucas under the wagon, spilling out several cases of pop, the end of the tongue plowing the ground for a few feet and then the wagon-bed rising and falling with a crash which freed the team. They started for a free-for-all raco through the town, but were stop ped by a switch east of the U. P. pas senger depot. The young boys in sight wero of course attracted to the spot and had plenty of free pop to drink. No body hurt. Niels Olson drove down Saturday from Creston for the purpose of attach ing his signature as chairman of the county board of supervisors to the war rants ordered drawn at the last meeting of the board. Clerk Phillips, however, has been sick, also Mr. Dale, and as the warrants were not ready for Mr. Olson's signature, he went home to await the call of the clerk. He tells us that with the rain of Wednesday last there came quite a bit of hail, some stones as large as walnuts, and that small grain looked considerably worsted after the storm. Thursday forenoon they had an old fashioned, soaking rain. Coming from Creston in, the appearance of tho grow ing crops was so changed for the better that, after a week's absence, the country was scarcely recognizable. We would like to devote a column to institute notes and work, but must content ourselves with deferring it till next week, suffice to say that tho in structors, Leavy, O'Connor and Parsons, with Sup't Bothleitner, have been in dustriously at work all week, and Prof. Clcmmons of Fremont on Friday, pres ent for a few minutes, gave an interest ing talk; Mrs. Williams of Lincoln visit ed the institute Friday in the interest of the reading circle; Prof. Miller of Lincoln also called on Friday, and State Sup't Goudy delivered an interesting lecture to the teaohers at the Congrega tional church Monday evening. The institnte closes this week. Instructors O'Connor and Parsons, unknown before to our teachers, have made many warm friends by their evident zeal and effi ciency in their work. Last Wednesday forenoon there was quite a flurry on Olive street. Police man Brandt was after a man (one of five suspects who scattered when the officer put in an appearance), he follow ing the supposed leader, and making a 6hot that took a nip off the Telegram office. The fellow ran up against W. R. Brock and was squaring off for fight, but thought better of it and gave up. When Brandt came up he was consider ably excited and struck the man over the head with his billy, when he was offering no resistance whatever, and while he was being held by Mr. Brock. Evidently Policeman Brandt was too much excited to act coolly, or else by the blow he wished to punish the man for running away, so that, so far as the arrested man was concerned he might be thankful of escape with his life. Mr. Brandt has probably tired of "mon keying" with so many tramps every month, and if the word goes out that the policemen of Columbus are in the habit of making a target of tramps, there will be a host of them go around this city. Another version of the affair is that the tramps concerned had jewelry on their persons (presumably stolen), and were being taken to the lock up, when they burst away from the police man. An on-looker says that the tramp made a lunge as though he would get away, and that Brandt tapped him so lightly with his club that he laughed at the blow "it wouldn't have killed a keeter." Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. PERSONAL. E. von Bergen was in Humphrey Wed nesday last. Joe Wells has gone to Montana to visit his father. Mrs. D. F. Davis visited relatives and friends at Schuyler last week. Mayor Phillips was quite sick a few j days last week, with pleurisy. Mrs. Rev. Bross went to Grand Island Thursday to visit her parents several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Hudson went to Silver Creek Thursday to visit a few days with their children there. Mrs. O. Johnson and three daughters started for Chicago Friday to make a three months' visit with relatives. Mrs. Voss started yesterday morning for a three weeks' visit with friends at Kansas City, Mo., and Holton, Kas. Mrs. J. C. Martin and family of Clarks are visiting relatives in the city. J. C. came down and visited over Sunday. Miss Cora Sumption of Kansas, vis ited Mrs. E. G. Brown Monday and Tuesday, on her way to Cedar Rapids. Theo. Brugger, now a teacher in the public schools iu Council Bluffs, is vis iting his relatives in and near the city. A. J. Campbell and Walter Henry returned Saturday night from Okla homa, where they made quite a sojourn. Charles Compton of Creston, la., ar rived in the city Friday night to visit with friends, returning home by way of Lincoln Monday. Grandma Coolidge and Mrs. L. Tinkle of Denver, visited friends in the city a few days last week and left for home on the fast mail Friday night. Mrs. Gus. Krauso and two little boys of Del Rapids, S. D., stopped in the city a few hours Tuesday of last week, on their way to Oregon, for an extended visit with her parents. Rev. Christen son, Mrs. Krause's father, accompanied them, he returning home from the east. DIED. Schrasl June 20, 7 a. m., after an ill ness of five weeks, of hemorrhage of the lungs, Caroline, wife of Michael Schram, in the 75th year of her age. She was born in Germany in February 1820, came to America with her hus band in 184C, settling in Illinois, whence they removed to this city, where they have lived the prist 22 yoare. Four sons, Jacob, John, George and Daniel, with three daughters, Mrs. Car oline Mast, Mrs. J. P. Becker and Miss -Lizzie Schram, with her aged husband, survive her. The funeral services were held June 23d, at the German Reformed church, Rov. Fleischer officiating. Numerous friends paid their last respects to one who had endeared herself to all who knew her. Gentleman June 23d, 1 p. in., of old age and general debility, after being conuned to bed three mouths, William Gentleman, in the 84th year of his age. He was born in Ireland in 1810, came to America about 1848, and to Platte county in 1870, living on a farm near Platte Center ten years; since then he has lived in this city, the last five years with his daughter, Mrs. D. C. Kavan augh. His mind was perfectly clear to the very last, and he had no real suffer ing except during the last two days. He leaves his wife aged 74, with three sons, Thomas, Robert and William, all of Omaha, and one daughter, Mrs. Kav anaugh, four sons having preceded him into the Summer Land. The funeral was at 3 o'clock Sunday from the Catholic church, the remains being placed in the Catholic cemetery in the presence of a host of friends from different parts of the county. An Eye Opener. Editor Journal: At Capernaum Jesus paid tribute without grumbling, although not a stranger, and according to Matthew, 22, 21, "Render therefore unto Caesar, the things which are Caesar's; and unto God tho things that are God's." duty to the state comes first; duty to God afterwards. If a man will not pay the first, he will have no respect to the last. Therefore no true follower of Jesus will refuse to pay his just ap portionment of taxes. "Equality before the law" is the motto of Nebraska, and the working principlo cf our free gov ernment. How does it come, then, that the property of our protestant ministers is assessed and that of the priests of the Roman hierarchy is not assessed? How does our county board make out that kitchens, dining-rooms, dormitories, with all the utensils and appurtenances thereto, are used "exclusively for re ligious purposes," and therefore, under the law, exempt from taxation? H. T.Spoerry. Heal KMate Transfer. Becher, Jieggi & Co., real estate agents, report the following real estate transfers filed in tho office of the county clerk for the week ending June 23, 1894: Albert W Armstrong to Clias Wurde man and Chas W Spicer, lotn 1 and 2 in block 121, Columbus, wd $ 3100 00 Sarah A Baldwin to Bridget Farrel, lotrt 11 and 12. bl IS. Oerninl'ri add to Columbu, wd Friedrike Koester to Palmateer Bros., lot 2, bl 1, Creston, wd Loman Porter to John lieitz, u!i ne1 18-20-lw, wd Columbus Land and Investment Co to Hush Hughes, lot 7. bl rt. Highland Park add to Columbus, wd Same to same, lot 12, bl It. Highland Park, wd 700 00 ro 00 2600 00 150 00 60 00 Six transfers, total $ 7460 00 Republican Club. The club met in regular session last Thursday evening at the Engine house, Clark Gray being selected as temporary chairman. The officers elected for tho ensuing year were: W. A. McAllister, president; H. M. Winslow, first vice-president; J. A. Barber, second vice-president; Bert. Galley, secretary; Frank Wurdeman, treasurer. On motion the chair appointed the following named as an executive com mittee, to act with the president and secietary: E. H. Jenkins, J. S. Hat field and Carl Kramer. Next Friday evening Mr. Fattoosh of Zahlen, Mt. Lebanon, Syria, will give a rare entertainment at the Presbyterian church, consisting of a lecture on the customs and home life of the people of Syria and Jerusalem, Bethlehem and other places, illustrated by stereopticon views. He will appear in Syrian cos tumes and will sing in his own language both American and Syrian tunes. Ad mission 10 and 20 cents. Sampson the Great. The celebrated Shire Stallion Samp son, formerly owned by Wm. Moore, will stand the balance of the season for service at the livery barn of Fred Stevens, Thirteenth street. Columbus. Terms, $10 to insure. See posters for pedigree. Fred Stevens, 23m4t Manager. For exchange, a quarter section of good land in Rock county, Neb., with living water, good meadow land, house and barn, for a smaller farm in Platte county, near Columbus. The quarter lies within three miles of railroad station, Newport, on M. V. B. R. Inquire at C. E. Harrington's coal office south of B. & M. depot, Columbus, Neb. H. H. Tyler. For Sale. A family horse, very gentle, weighs 1120 pounds. Also buggy and harness, only $50 for whole outfit. Apply- to Robert Killip, Oconee, Nebr. 1 Just One-Half the regular fare will be charged 4th of July excursionists on Union Pacific lines. See your nearest U. P. agent for dates of sale and limits on tickets. 1 Peas, beans, cucumbers and beets, at Christoffereen's, GREAT GUNS ALIVE. THE NATION'S NATAL DAY TO BE FITLY CELEBRATED. In Collating, Patriot) will Talk, Hins. Kan. Climb and Toot, in all Shade and Ways. Columbus has decided to celebrate the Fourth of July. The one great ob ject and aim in this particular is to make a stem-winder entertainment that will be enjoyed by all who may attend and reflect credit upon the city. So far the committees have done good work, and they are working now with a vim which means big success. MORNINO PROGRAM. Morning salute of forty-four guns at sunrise. 9 a. m. Grand parade and trades' display. Headed by the Columbus Cornet band, followed by the mayor and members of the city council and citi zens in carriages, fire department and vioihuk ureiuen. camnummans. uicvcie 'clubs, etc. First prize for largest number of visiting firemen in parade in full uni form, $25. Second prize, largest num ber, $15. Columbus fire department not competing. Literary exercises, held at 10 a. in. in Frankfort square: Music by the band. Singing. Address of welcome, by the mayor, G. W. Phillips. Beading of the Declaration of Inde pendence. Speaking. Music. Following the literary exercises there will be a grand basket picnic in the park from 12 m. to 1:30 p. in. AFTERNOON PROGRAM. The fun commences promptly at 1:30 p. m. Exciting game of base ball between the Columbus Cyclones and neighboring club. Prize, $10. Game of foot ball between city and country teams. Prize, a Rugby or Spaulding ball, value $5. Boys' Foot Race Open to all boys under age of 12. Prize, $1.50. Boys' Foot Raco Open to all boys under 15 years of age. First pnze. $2, or leather-covered foot ball; second prize, base ball or $1. Fat Men's Race None under 200 pounds to compete. First prize, silk umbrella or $2 in cash. Slow Horse Race Bring along your horses, the more the merrier. First prize, $3; second, $2. Donkey Bace First prize, $2; sec ond, $1. Greased Pig Turn out and see the race after the greased pig. The one who captures the pig to keep it for his prize. Climbing Greased Pole Open to all boys under 18 years. Prize, $2, on top of pole. Potato, Sack, Wheelbarrow and Frog Bacea First prize, $1 each. Bicycle Baces The principal feature of the day will be the long distance bicycle race, to be a handicap two-mile race, under L. A. W. rules. Grnnd display of fireworks in the even ing. Synopsis of Supervisor!' Proceedings. Official. 1 (Continued from last ireek.) Total $ 7(H 00 These changes increase the total assessed valuation of the CDiiuty oyer and above the de ductions recommended in the sum of 22,!t2I.O0 which amount added to the assessed valuation returned by the several assessors would make the totnl assessed valuation ol the county S2,50t..475.OO. We therefore recommend that the clerk be tlirected to have I he foregoing deductions and additions made and prepare the tax lists in accordance ulth the forepoing schedule. All Of which is respectfully submitted. W. M. POLLA15D, Ukkh. Aschk, II. DltlSIIOLL, C. A. SPKICK. II. A. ItKCHKII. Committee. On motion the report of the committee was adopted. The special committee appointed for the purpose of examining the assessment books and reKrtiug church property for assessment submitted the following: We, your committee appointed to examine the aasessors' books to ascertain what amount of real estate owned as church property in Platte count over and above 10 acres aud not assessed, beg leave to report, that there is 3a acres in the northwest ;4 of northwest 4 of section 5. town 19. range 4 west, that has not been assessed and we hereby recommend tins aud all other pro erty owned by churches in Platte county be exempted from taxation. John P. Johnson, Jacob Weidnkic, Jk., Wm. F. Dodds. Committee. Motion by Supervisor LIsco that report of committee be rejected. Amendment offered by Supervisor Johnson that report or committee be adopted. Amend ment carried, Supervisor Olson voting "No." Motion as amended now came up for vote and roll call being ordered resulted as follows: Becher, Ilecsacker, Dodds. Driscoll, Elliott, Gerber. Johnson, Kieraan. Mjl tt, Pollard, Speice and Weidner voting aye 12. Asche, IJsco. Sehreiber, Thomazin.Tschudin and Mr. Chairmam voting no-c. Motion as amended declared carried. The social committee to wnom was referred the complaint of E. A. Gsrrard of excelsive assessment of certain lots in the east addition in the town of Monroe presented the following: We, your committee. And that in the com plai jt of E. A. (Jerrard this boird lias no juris diction to act. (i. ASCII R. j). bkiscoll, Wm. 8chkeibf.ii. Committee. On motion the report of the committee was adopted. The special committee on levies presented the following: Your committee to whom was referred the submitting of the levies for the year 1891, would respectfully report, that we And the assesed valuation of the county to be S2.50C.47.7 00, mid we recommend the following levies: For county general fund 8 mills For county road fund 2 1-10 mills For county bridge fund 2 mills For county poor house fund I mill For Int. s,otr) Co. refunding bonds, 1 iJ-10 mills For soldiers relief fund j-io mills Total county levy, 15 mills. We would further recommend that a levy of 4 mills on the dollar be made on all taxable property lu the city of Columbus and Columbu township for payment of interest and 5 per cent of principal on 525,030.00 Columbus pre cinct railroad bonds. Also that a tax of 214 mills on the dollar be made on all the taxable preperty In Columbus township fjr the payment of interest on 810.000.00 Loup bridge bonds. We would further recommend that a labor tax ot S3 00 be levied and assessed against every person in the county liable under the statutes. Respectfully submitted, D. A. Bechkr, Jacob Tschudin, TH03 P. MVLETT, Committee. Ou motion the report of the committee was adopted. On motion the clerk was directed to enter upon this record the following city, village and township levies for the year 1891, the same hav ing been approved by the board, and the clerk also directed to extend the tax lists in accord ance therewith: CITY or COLUMBUS. For General fund, 10 mills. For interest on water bond and expanse of running water works, seven mills. For interest on Loup river bridge bond?, 455 mills. For interest on Platte river bridge bonds p,$ mills. Tctal 23 mills. VILLAGE or HUMPHREY. For general fund. 7 mills. VILLAGE or PLATTE CENTER. For general fund. 10 nulls. VILLAGE OF CRESTON. For general fund. 7 mills. VILLAGE OF LINDSAY. For general fund, ten mills. COLMMBUS TOWNSHIP. For general fund, 3 nulla. For roid fund, 2 mills. For Iridgn fund, mills. Total 7 mills. BISXABK TOWNSHtr. Forgoncral fund ftlHil "" " bridge " 3 mills. Total. 8HXBMAX TOWNSHIP. For general fund " road " " bridge " Total CRESTON TOWNSHIP. For general fund " bridge " Total SHELL CBEKK TOWNSHIP. For general fund 3 mills. S mills. 3 initio. road " 2 bridge " !"!!"!!"! '.'.'.'.'."'.'. 2 GRAND PRAIRIE TOWNSHIP. For general fond a HUXPHRET TOWNSHIP. No levy made. BUTLER TOWNSHIP. For general fund 2 mills. mill. roAil 1 LOOP TOWNSHIP. For general fund 1JJ LOST CREEK TOWNSHIP. For general fund 3 mills. road ........ 2 " bridge " ..".."".".".".".."."."."".. 2 " Total 7 BURROWS TOWNSHIP. For general fund 3 mills. " road " 2 " bridge " ".."."."."..."."". 2 Total 7 ORANVILLE TOWNSHIP. No levy made. MONROE TOWNSHIP. For general fund " road " " bridge " Total JOUR TOWNSHIP. For general fond " road " 3 mills, i .. 1 tt " 3 mills. " bridge " " Total 7 ST. BERNAHO TOWNSHIP. For general fund S mills. WOODVILLE TOWNSHIP. For general fond :i mills. " road " l " bridge " l Total 5 WALEEB TOWNSHIP. For general fond 3 mills. " road " 2 " bridge " l Total A On motion, the board adjourned 6ine die. of equalization now Friday a. m., June 15, 1S91. Board of supervisors met as per adioumment at 9 o'clock a. in.. Chairman Olson, Clerk Phil lips and entire board present except Snp'r Dodds. Minutes of March meeting read and approved. On motion all road matters and all bills re ferred to their appropriate committees. Claim of Nick Adamy for interest assessed against si uoh section 30, town 19, range 1 east, for tho ear 1S87, amounting to $10.Sd was on motion referred to the judiciary committee. Tho following official bonds were approved: J. C. Wilson, clerk Woodville tp; John Heany, constable Walker tp; August Dahlberg, same; John II. Sacrider, justice peace Monroe tp; W. J. Newman, same Columbus tp; Stephen Ger man, road overseer Granville tp; Hoy Clark, same Woodvillo tp; William Conner, same Shell Creek tp. The application of James Cromer for admis sion to the soldiers' home was approved. The claims of M. P. Chrietenson, Hans Jacob son and E. A. Gerrard for rebate of taxes paid upon excessive assessment were referred to judi ciary committee. The appraisers appointed upon application of Joseph Froeme, presented their report on noi sw'i section lt, town 20, range 1 west, $15 per acre, and on hwf4 w!i same section f 17. On motion report approved. Tho statement of Co. Snpt. M. M. Rothleitner, showing condition of institute fund June 11, 1894, read and ordered placed on file. Application of Co. Sup't Rothleitner for $100 for institnte fond. Motion by Sup'r Speice that upon a filing of a statement by Co. Sup't show ing the deficiency in said institute fund, that he be allowed a sum not to exceed $100. The county attorney now submitted a report of the present status of the case now pending in tho U. S. circuit court at Omaha, of the county of Platto plt'ff vs. John W. Early et al defd's. Board ordered that said attorneys dismist said action without delay, and that the prosecution thereof be abandoned. The following resolution was adopted: Resolved, That the connty attorney be and he is hereby directed to prepare without delay a blank form of settlement with township, city and village treasurers, and thereuion the connty clerk to procure a suitable number of said blanks. Tho application of Wm. Peitsch for aid and support was rejected. The official bond of W. J. Irwin, justice peace Woodville tp., approved. Albert & Reeder, attorneys, claim of lien for $50 tn account money due J. M. Morris was on motion referred to the county attorney for his opinion. The claims of Theo. Wenck $7.18, Nels Ander son $24.78, Ottis A Murphy $26.50, for collecting delinquent personal taxes, were on motion re jected. The application of Co. Judge Hensley for permission to remove his office to the Commer cial bank building was on motion laid over. On motion Sherman tp. was divided into two road districts, the wet.t half of said tp. to be known as district 17 and the east half as dis trict 3t. On motion board now adjourned until 1 JO p.m. Fridw p. m June 15, 1S91. Hoard met as per adjournment at 1:30 p. m., Hon. Niels Olson chairman, G. W. Philliiw clerk. Roll call and full board present except Sup'r Tschudin. On motion of Sup'r Driscoll, the bills of Theo. Wenck, Niels Anderson and Ottis A Mur phy were recommitted to finance committee. On motion the following bills were allowed on the 1893 general fund: Henry Gass, coffins and burial of Har- field and Boyle $ Ottc Heuer, preparing statement road and bridge fund Louis Sehreiber, labor order of sheriff. St. Mary's hospital, care of Pitte, Me- lone and Qnigley. Same, care of Harfield Samo, care of Boyle and Kenewenski Same, bill for May 32 00 10 00 1 05 21 15 24 00 56 00 3.1 28 105 00 85 00 83 60 70 00 70 50 86 60 212 00 92 00 m 50 77 80 60 20 105 00 80 GO 73 75 1 97 40 87 00 71 80 Gj60 C7 05 15 00 100 00 2W 00 39 CO 23 00 1 U) 4 (0 10 58 14 00 13 (5 22 00 SO 00 33 00 312 50 George Hcheidel, assessor Lost Crk tp Peter Znmbrunn, " Gd Prairie ' Max Gottberg. " Shell Crk J G Kummer, " Loup D T Dickenson. " Granville Philip E Fry, " Monroo Chas Wake, " City Col. Mrs Lmma Wake, up Ed Lueschen. " Seibert Heibel, I J Nichols, Geo Galley, jr., C J Anderson, " O H Clark. Sherman " Hismark " Creston Columbus " " Walker " Woodville " assessor St. Bernard J. C. FreshofT. township Thomas Jones, assessor Joliet town- W. II. Godkin, assessor Burrows town Joseph Olbrech. assessor of Butier township . C. O. Moore, assessor of Humphrey township G. W. Phillips, recording offic al bonds G. W. Phillips, salary second quarter, J. M. Gondring, county attorney's sal ary January. February and March, Mrs. Margaret Hamer. care Charles Hamer. per contract G. W. Phillips, can advanced the county John Stoviceic, work at court house. ... J. W. J.yuch, county treasurer, delin quent personal tax J. Gutzman . Hans Jacobson, tax paid iu duplicate. John Elliott. bailifTdistrlct ceurt M. P. Chnstenson. excessive taxes ISJI aud 1S93.... C. B. Stillman. commissioner of lu Hanlty J.G.Keeder.commlssioner of Insanity. H.J. Arnold.commissiouer of Insanity Jurors April term district court . J. W. Lynch, county treasurer, delin quent personal tax H. S. Lathrop, J. W. Lynch, county treasurer, dellil llnquent personal tax Jacow Wag ner, juror J. W. Lynch, county treasurer, delin quent persona! tax Mrs. Hensley. witness .....-.... .. .. J. W. Lynch, county treasurer, delin quent persoual tax Joseph Zuroski. witness . . ... J. W. Lynch, county treasurer, delin quent personal tax Andrew l)u. sel, witness J. W. Lynch, county treasurer, delln queut personal tax J. M. Curr.s. witness J. W. Lynch, county treasurer, delin quent personal tax G. N. Hopkins, witness insanity . .LC. Phillips, witness, State vsCassln. Joseph Kuta. wltness.State vsElston. Geo. Zuroski, witness, State vs Elston, Ed Halin, witness. State vs Elston R. Kummer, witness. State vs Elston. H. J. Arnold, witness, State vs KIston. T. K. Clark, witness. State vs Elston, B. Micek. witness. State vs Elstor 2 GO 10 10 4 50 2 10 00 3 50 4 10 4 50 450 5 10 440 4 10 4 10 4 10 4 10 1 Tbv.JaworkJ,witaMt,8MteTsElston, I Lea?e Your Orders iHMitimiHiiiiiHititutiiiiiiiHimittmitiimiimnimtmtniwttntmiintiHMHMi "Eat, Drink and he Harry." Henry Ragatz & Co., A E 03 S tf E E A E T3 O E E S -3 E 1 z S t i Si H E 09 U O E 3 O E f- E 3 E -STAPLE AND- FANCY GROCERIES. Have made a special effort to secure bargains for our customers. In Canned Goods we have over 500 cases, at prices that astonish our many customers. Dried Fruits are of good quality at very low prices. We have Genuine Maple Svrup and Pure Buckwheat Flour. Our Cider can't be beat. Apples are scarce, but we have them. Iu Nuts, Baisins, Fruits and CA1TD1ES, We have doubled our order over last year, ami have an im mense stock. 3T All who purchase, will find it to their interest to look over our goods and get our prices. O I o 08 I Crockery, Glassware and Lams. ( Our assortment was never more complete, at reasonable E C E prices. Call and examine them. E tm Eleventh St., Columbus, Nebraska. E 5 iiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMuiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiuiiiniinituiiiiiiitiiHiMHti 1 Leave Your Orders Early, and Moid the Rusii. I John Nelson, witness. State vs Elston, Wm.Nagel Sr .wttness.StatevsElston, II. C. Newman, witness StatevsEIston. J. F. Hahn, sheritr Polk county, fees and mlleatre .- - Charles C. Carrig, witness, insanity I. Duggan Pat Reagan, witness, insanity l. Dug Joseph Mltra. witness, insanity Mary Mitera Mrs- Joseph Mitera, witness. Insanity Mary Mitera 1 10 2 10 10 5 40 3 50 4 00 2 10 2 H Thomas Gentleman, witness, insanity Alary Mitera John Huber, witness, insanity Wm. Arnold Thomas Gentleman, wltne&s, insanity Wm. Arnold W.J.Irwin, witness, Insanity John Wei In D. W. Zeigler. witness, insanity Frank Cummins John Fox. witness, insanity Frank Cummins J. C. Carlson, witness, insanity Frank Cummins - D. C Kavanaiicji, witness, insanity Maria Semrotli John Huber, balllir April term court, C. H. Davis, material and labor county clerk's otliee - Citv of Columbus, water rent George W. Galley, house rent for midiii i4 Thomas Gentleman, constable, April term district court G. W. Philllns, attendance toTmeelliu: of county board at Lincoln May 15 and 1C, per order board D. C. Kavanaugli. sheriff, collecting delinquent personal tax and crlin inal fees....... . 1). C. KavanaiiKh. sheritr, attending district court...! - I). C.Kavanaiigli, sheritr, janitor three months, to July 1, 189! - D. C. Kavaiiaugh, sheriff, balance criminal fees D. C. Kavanaugh, sbsritr, jailors fees, etc M. M. Rothleitner. county superin tendent, salary six months C. W. Stonesifer, meals for jurors- .. James Kiernan, attending convention county boards, Lincoln It. V. Liseo, attending convention 2 10 2 10 7 50 5 40 5 40 5 4n 2 Oil 21 00 25 8.' 45 00 37 50 13 00 J 70 129 53 38 CO 37 50 54 99 301 65 COO 00 3 25 1G 70 9 70 212 1 21 00 5 0 S 25 21 50 county board-:, Lincoln J. W. Lynch, county treasurer, cash advanced for county, per vouchers. N. II. Parks, supplies for county Henry Ragatz & Co.. merchandise lor county - - J. II. Galley, merchandise for county, Henry Gass. merchandise for county. Henry Gass, labor and merchandise for county - 1). F. Davis, Mipplies for county G. II. Speice, clerk district t-ourt. post age, etc - Eugene Girtaner, binding newspaper State journal Co., road laws, etc M- M. Rothleitner. county superin tendent. postne. etc .... Omaha Printing Co., merchandise for county Omaha Printing Co.. merchandise for county - - Humphrey Democrat, publishing le gal notices, etc 33 23 12 62 4 (III 16 50 20 90 5 20 82 IS n; 8s On motion ofSupemsor Oertier the clerk re quested to apportion the county road and bridge levy for the ear ls9l between the re spective townships. Supervisor Mylett presented the following: Re it resolved by the board of supervisors of Platte county, Nebraska, That, Whereas, there is due Israel Glucfc from Lost Creek townshsp for road work done by L. II. Jewell "as evidenced lv orders given by Lost Greek township to said L. 11. Jewell and duly assigned to said Israel Gluck" cer tain sums of money. Therefore be it resolved. That warrants be drawn on the county road and bridge fund levies for the year 1591 iu favor of Israel Gluck to the amount of SIS 0."0 and same charged to Lost Creek township apportionment of the county road and bridge fund. Adopted. (Ciuifiiued next week.) St. Patrick's Pills are carefully prepared from the best material and according to the most approved formula, and are the most perfect cathartic and liver pill that can be produced. We sell them. C. E. Pollock & Co. and Dr. Heintz. druggists. HUGH HUGHES Can furnish you with the BEST ,11 WINDOWS, BLINDS, LIME, Etc., and everything kept in the LUMBER LINE. South of U. P. R. R. Depot, Columbus, Nebraska. lOmay-lyr LOUIS SCHREIBER, SELLS THE DEERIN'G Self-Binder $ Mower. These are perfect machine', rtrong where strength is needed. Every lever within easy reach. "To be simple is to bo irreftt." The binder has been reduced to a few simple pieces weighing together only 160 pounds. See the Deering before you buy another. Shop on Olive Street, Columbus, Neb., four doors south of Borowiak's. 23maytf TR. H. J. ARNOLD, PHYSICIAN AXD SURG EOS. JSLstmUi Liber Blacksmitfl and Waaon Maker Office two doors north of Brodfaehrer's jewelry store. Office open day and night. Telephone No. 12. 9tS'9t-l7-i CQITOTO, NlBKAflKA. Early, and iToif the Rod. o E P E E o IS 3 S E O E E P. E O E l en E W 5 P E E 1 E P IS. E E E O E et fcr 11 e Proprietor of tl.o COLUMBUS Planus Mill ! 10 JMNCFACTUKCS Sash, Doors, Blinds, Moulding, Stair Work, Etc. Do Scroll Sawing, Turning, House Finishing, in fact planing-mill work of all kinds. Small as well as largo jobs solicited, satisfaction guaranteed and work finished in time promised. J3FE.-timates madoat onco for you on any thing you wish in our line. Dr. CLARK'S INSTITUTE FOR THE THEATMENT OF TnK Drink Habit ! Also Tobacco, Morphine and other Narcotic Habits. SPrivat treatment Kiven if desired. COLUMBUS, - - NEBRASKA. ISaprtf tFOR Choice Field Seeds, - SUCH AS Clover, Timothy, Orchard Grass, Blue Grass, etc. -CALL AT Herman Qehlrich & Bro's. 'JlfeUtiu M. C. CASSIN, l'KOl'ltlETOH Of TIIK - "Fresh and Salt Meats- Game and Fish in Season. tefyilighest market prices paid for Hides aud Tallow. THIRTEENTH ST., COLUMBUS, - - NEBRASKA. 25aprtf D. T. Martyn, M. D. C. D. Evans. M. D. K. H.Gr.r.n, M. D. DOCTORS MARTYN, EVANS t GEER, CONSULTING Physicians - and - Surgeons To St. Mary's Hospital and St. Francis Academy, COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA. United Htates Examining Surgeons, Assistant burKeouH Union Pacific. O.. N. & B. II. Kail ways. kOihce open nitcht and day. Telephone No. U. Two blocks north Union Pacific Depot. MARTY t ENGEtMIN, DEALERS IN FRESH AND SALT MEATS, Eleventh Street. Columbus. Neb W. A. MiALMaTKll. W. M. COKNELIC3. MTcALLISTER & CORNELIUS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA. atjantf ALBERT & REEDER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Office over Firfet National Bank, COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA.. atjantf ARHSTRONu Omaha Meat Market FOR GOOD Wines, Liquors and Cigars CALL AT "THE NEW SALOON" On Eleventh st. Imported and domestic wines for family trade a specialty. LtTCBSINOKn & MDS8E1MAN, fcaaytf Cor. Eleventh ad M 8ti.