t:. tfhnnb us flour n al. Entered at the Post-ofioa, Cotamboa, Nab., econd-closs mail matter. T8SUKD KTXBT -jrKDXXSDAY XT M. K. TURNER & CO., ColumbuB, "NeTb. txbxs or BUBSCaiFTIOH: Ppujear. by msL postage prepaid, 12.00 Six months. 1.00 Thre tnouUia, M- Payable in Advance. fT'Spccimsn copies mailed free, on applica tion. TO WJWCBIBCTB. When sabscribeia chance their pbxe cf r?si dence they should at once notify us by letter or postal card, giving both their forxsor and then H resent post-cffire, the first enable us to radil n.i the name on oar mailing list, from wuich being in type, we each week print, either on tin wrapper or oa the margin of your JocHJtAL, tL (Litu to which yoor subscription ia paid or &c counted for. Kemittances bbonld be wadi fithtr by money-order, registered letter or drafi I arable to the order of . M. K. TomitBB & Co. TO OOBBKSPOlTSSITTa. All communications, to secure attention, roc I accomanied by the fall nanip of the writ-i WV reserve the right to reject any mannscnp' and cannot agree to return the same. We ! r a correspondent in Tory achool-dietrict Platto county, one of good jadgmBnt, and r liable in every way. Write plftinl;'. each ;' siurutely. Gireos facta. WEDNESDAY. JUNE -'7. 18i'l. Republican Conj:reMOii:il Convention. The republican electors of the Third conret sioual district of Nebraska are requested toend delegates from their several counties to meet in convention in the city of Norfolk, on Tuesday, August 2-5. 1W, at 7 -SO o'clock i. in., for the pur HtM of placing in nomination n candidate for congress from Kiid ilistrict. The several counties are entitled to reprcseii tation us follow, ln-ing based U'kiii the vote cast for Hon. 1. M. It-iyinond for presidential elector in lVJl, giving ne ilelegnte-at-large to eacli couutj and one for each lU0otes and the ma jority fnirlion thereof: Count j. Del.'Countj. Del. Autelote "J Madison . . . ... II Hoone lO.Merriek 7 Hurt. II Nance ... .7 Cedar n Pierce. " Colfax .. .. 7'Platte 10 Cuming '.Stanton ." Dakota. .Vfhurston B Dixon. KjWajne H DfHlge. . . ir, Kuox. .... ... Ill Total Km Dated Norfolk, Nelir., June Is, i-iil. Hukt M i-E, C. C. McNisii, S-cretrj. Cliairman. Coming Events. Colfax county fair, Sept. li'-ii. Hlate fair at Lincoln, Spt. 7-14. Platte count fair. Sept. -, -'. -7. Tlie republican Mate convention will lx held at Omaha Augunt Zl, 10 a. in. l'rohiltition Mate-convention nt Lincolnruei ibiy, July 3, at Z p. in., I'latte count, entitled to 4 of the 430. People's; Mate convention at Grand Inland. Wednesdsj, Aug. IS, at 10 a. in., I'latte count entitled to 10 delegates, Madison 10, Stanton 4, Colfax 7. llutler It. I'olk 12, Merrick 7, Nance ti, Hoone II, of theTf.I. At Eullorlon Wednesday last hail knocked ont nearly all the ;lass on the eolith and west Rides of tlie houses. Tirn first train of the Pike's Peak Co road was run to the summit last week. Tho snow prevented the opening of the "road two weeks ago. At Lyons, France, Sunday evening, President Carnot was assassinated by an Italian anarchist named Caesar Gio vanni Santo, aged 2. The president died at 1245, Monday morning. Duwxo these days of democratic su premacy at Washington, the women of the household are becoming quite la miliar with the rei-nost: "Please, madam, can you give mo something to eat." Ik Colorado they grow alfalfa in rows fifteen t twenty inches apart, irrigating and cultivating between tho rows, get ting'a yield of fifteen bushels of seed to the acte. Wouldn't that make- a splen did income here, at the present price 'r Ix Saline county last Wednesday evening tho wind was furious, houses were unroofed, barns blown away and horses in them killed, windmills de molished, etc. In one barn there were nine horses when it was blown away, but not one of the horses was injured. Pit. IToFrK ink's remedy of inocula tion against cholera was tested in a vil lago in India, where, of 220 inhabitants, Kkl were inoculated: there were seven deaths by the disease, and these had not been inoculated, and of those inoculated nut one took tho disease. Tuesday evening of last week a ter rible tornado struck Chadron, unroofing many houses and barns and tearing some buildings to pieces. John F. Tenzer was blown across the street and thrown violently against a blacksmith shop, ding in a few minutes minutes afterwards, his skull being crushed. Many narrow escapes are reported. Tho direction of the storm was from southwest to northeast. C. S. Coxr.v. who is serving his lifth term as superintendent of Stanton coun ty, is a candidate for state superintend ent, subject to the action of the repub lican convention. It is highly proper that successful superintendents in cities and counties should aspire to the state superintendency, and our information is that Jlr. Coney is deserving of the prominence given to his candidacy, having placed the educational work of his county in the front rank as to tho enthusiasm of the teachers and their efficiency. Mr. Coney is, without doubt, one of tho leading educators of the state, and as Supt. Goudy is serving his second term, there is no good reason why he should not be succeeded by so good a man as Coney. several Ilrldges Swept Away. Leavi xwokth. Kau.. June 215. A terrific rainstorm visited this city aud vicinity. Nearly four inches of water fell, and much damage resulted. The Mission and colored Methodist chinches were partially wrecked, and a number of bridges swept away Ths river has risen six inches since last night. lu Salt Creek Valley, northwest of this city, a cloudburst is reported. A great many farms were flooded and wheat fields devastated. Heavy Rains In Kansas and Missouri. Kansas City, June 2C. Dispatches from Kansas and Missouri show that heavy rains were general throughout these states. Chopped Up by the Cars. OrruMWA, la., June 26. As extra No. 127 was pulling through the west end yards, the brakenian saw two men steal ing a ride. He ordered them off, and Eric Anderson, a Swede stranger, one of -the men, started to climb off and fell under the cars. One leg was cut off and the other foot smashed. Both legs were amputated, and the man will probably die. Several men who saw the affair say the brakeman pushed Anderson off. No arrest has vet been made. Accidentally Killed His Wife. Beytsgton, la., June 20. S. Shipman station agent of the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific railway, recently pur chased a revolver to defend himself against a gang of tramps. He was in the kitchen cleaning the weapon when it was discharged, the ball entering his wife's neck, killing her instantly. Cat to Pieces by the Train. Dts Moines, June 20. The mangled remains of an unknown man were found on the Hock Island railway west of town. The head was found more than a mile from where the body was picked up. It is supposed the victim was a tramp steal ing a ride. . SACKED THEIR STORES. Mob Makes It Decidedly Warm For Italians. OABNOTS rUKEEAL 2TEXT SUNDAY Casimlr-Pcrier Formally Announces tho President's Death to the Chamber of Deputie .Sympathy of tlie Austrian. An Italian Killed at Toulon Premier Crispi'i DUpatcIi. Lyons, June 2. As the da-advanced Monday the rioting in the city became more widespread and at one time it ap peared as though the mob would take full possession of the town. In the Guilletoire quarters the disturbances were particularly violent. Thousands of men and boys paraded the streets and attacked and sacked even Italian store they came across. Crosso's distillery, Silveti's iron monger and Carpinelio's grocery and wineshop were among the large places attacked. A policeman was seriously wounded in the Jirotteaux quarter while defend ing an Italian wineshop against an at tack by a frenzied mob. The streets are -r FtiESIDEHT CARKOT. strewn with debris of every description. The leit side of the River Rhone was the scene of the worst acts of violence. Here the troops were summoned to aid the po lice and the utmost difficulty in restoring order. Dnring Monday night a total of 800 arrests made. Threats Against Italian. Were it not for the presence of the overwhelming force of troops stationed in and about the city, there is little doubt that tho mob would attack the palais of justice and wreak vengeance upon the murdeier. Mourning emblems an worn by nearly every man, woman and child in the city and no dwelling seems too poor to display the emblems of grief. During MonIa a mob, including a number of members of the various gym nastic societies, who had arrived in this city to take part in the fetes, began to gather about the cafes Casati, Mattosi and Maderni aud about the Italian quar ters. Another large crow 1 gathered about the hall where the well known Italian Harmonic club meets and most serious disorder was apprehended. Threats were heard on all sides against Italians and anarchists. Several of the Italian wine shops were attacked and partly wrecked and the Italian cafes mentioned were stoned and otherwise damaged in spite of the efforts of the police and military. The side walks in front of the Italian cafes were strewn with wreckage. The troops are held in reserve under arms at their bar racks. A company of infantry is also held in reserve in a hoiue adjoining the Italian consulate to be ready to support the police in case of an attack. At the request 6f the local authorities the Italian consul has removed the Italian flag from outside the consulate. Forced to Flee For Their Live?. Some of the more hotheaded men proposed an attack upon the Italian quarter and the proposition was received with wild crie of applause, and in a moment an enormous mob, at the head of which was carried a French flag, was enronte to that part of the city given over to the Italians. Before the police could intervene to prevent the tronble the mob had attacked all tho shops be longing to the foreigners aud sacked them. Tho proprietors and their fami lies were forced to flee tor their lives. In the meantime another large band marched through other streets and by threats compelled ever Italian who kept a cafe to close his place. The crowds in the Rue do la Repub liqne became threatening and refused to disierse and it was finally necessary to command the curaisters to charge the crowd. Carnot! Hotly Taken to the Train. The body of M. Carnot was taken from the prefecture Monday evening and placed on the train that will convey it to Paris. After prayers for the dead had been offered the c;tsket containg the re mains were carried aud placed on a gun carriage. While this was Iving done salutes of artillery were fired, trumpets were sounded and drums were beaten. All civil and military honor was shown the dead. The street m front of the pre fecture was densely thronged as were nil the streets leading to the railway station. Troops and gens d" armes kept the route clear. The procession that followed in cluded all the civil mihtarv authorities of Lyons and a large number of delega tions from different cities and towns. Every man along the line of march re moved his hat as the body passed by him. The people, who had heretofore stood yeverent and mute before the nation's martyr, when the body had passed gave vent to their pent up excitement and rage. Ever where could be heard cries of: --Long live Carnot and death to hi-, murderer. " Upon the arrival of the cortege at the station, the casket was tenderly lifted from the gun carriage and conveyed into a saloon carriage. The remains were attended by the officers of M. Car not's military household, who had ac companied him to Lyons. In another carriage were Mme. Carnot and her three sons. A large crowd was assem bled about the station and, as the train started on its journey for Paris, many signs of the deepest emotion were dis played. CHAMBER OF DEPUTIES ADJOURNS. Caslmir-Pcrler Formally Announces Presi dent CarnotN Death. Paris. June 2f. The chamber of deputies was thronged to the utmost Monday and there wa great excitement when Premier Casiniir-Peiier entered. Every person present arose and stood wuile the premier read M. Dnpuy's let ter making the formal announcement of the death of President Cirnot and add ing that the whole of France was stupe fied by the abominable crime. Dupuy also said: -'From all parts expressions of sorrow are arriving. Franc- weeps at the loss of the loyal servant and up right citizen who carried with honor and fidelity the national flag, and who awakened in Europe feelings which show how much is the ordeal through which we are now passing. The republic wili ever remember President Carnut. Our sympathies ate with the family which mourns his los and which, like him, is worthy of France. The whole conntn joins in the indignation felt at the crime.'' M. Casimir-Perier, after he had fin llBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBSSs!' W -yWfR - ished reading, said: "The chamber of deputies and France associate themselves with these words. Let us bow respect fully before the tomb which closes over a life of devotiou to the fatherland and to the republic. France remains ibrave and strong tts on the day of national mourning." The chamber of deputies then adjourned. The senate was crowded Monday even insr when the president, M. Challemel la Conr, made an address expressive of the senate's feeling at the death of President Carnot. "Europe,' he said, "is appreciating the nobleness and strength of his char acter and share's in France's grief." The speaker then voiced the sentiment and condolence with the family, saying: "If any man's innate goodness should have guarded him from hatred and fanatic ism, it was President Carnot. The crime has strengthened our energetic re solve to defend the fundamental rules of society and to prevent outrages upon human life." Funeral to Be Held Sunday. London, June 0. A dispatch from Paris says: The funeral of President Carnot has been fixed for Sunday. The remains will be laid in the Pantheon, where Victor Hugo is buried, beside those of Lazare Carnot, the president's grandfather. The correspondent of the paper adds: I am told that M. Carnot shrank from going to Lyons. He was long in deciding to make the journey on account of the weariness arising froui his ill health. When, however, his friends began to talk of the Lyons an archists avenging Vaillant's death, "the president thought he was in honor bound to go. There has leen no disorder here. There is absolutely no feeling in Paris against the Italians. Despite the public grief, which is sincere, the Parisians never had such cool heads. Daily since Vaillant's attempt the president has re ceived manacing letters. Premier CrispPs Dispatch. Rome, June 20. Premier Crispi's official dispatch to the French govern ment reads as follows: "Deeply afflicted at the news of the shocking misdeed which has iobbed Franca of her firt magistrate and Italy of a friend, I beg to express the feelings of horror and pain felt by the king's government and the whole Italian nation and my personal grief for the illustrious man France has just lost. He was attached to me not only by ties of admiration, but by sin cere friendship. Assassins have no country and the countries to which those criminals owe their births are the first to repudiate them. France and Italy can see in the assassin only an euemv of humanitv." Searching for Accomplices. Lyons, June 20. The police are ac tively engaged in searching for accom plices of Santo. They are particularly anxious to find a hair dresser's assistant named Marius Violley, who is said to have repeatedly predicted that President Carnot would be murdered on his ar rival here. An Italian woman who proves to have been Violley 's mistress and one of Violley's associates named Roux have been arrested. Violley, him self, however, ha9 disappeared, but the police are hopeful they will be soon able to find him. Recently while drunk a friend of Violley exclaimed, "I hear the tolling of the lells, Violley has written an article aud we are betrayed." An Italian Killed at Toulon. Toulon, June 20. Here, as elsewhere in France, the smouldering indignation against Italians requires but a breath to fan it into a flame. The British steamer Richardson was being discharged by a number of French and Italian steve dores. One of the latter spoke insult ingly of the dead president and several Frenchmen fell upon him. The Italian was struck a fearful blow on ' the head with a bar of iron, badly fracturing the skull. The Italian had strength enough left to draw a knife, but was disarmed. llie police nau the greatest uitiiculty m saving him from the crowd. The Italian is dying in the hospital. Santo. Early History. Rome. June 2i. Ceasar Giovani Santo, the man who murdered President Carnot, is the son of Marie liroglio and Antione Caesavio. He joined the anarchists' as sociation at an early age. In January, 18!2. he tried, with two fellow anarch ists, to start a newspaper, but was un able to raise the funds necessary. The police watched him until tho end of lsu;-", when he went to Switzerland. Sympathy of the Austrian. Viiinna, June 20. Count Kaldolcy, Austro-Hungarian minister of foreign af fairs, and Prince Wiudisch-Gratz, Aus trian prime minister, called at the French embassy here and extended their con dolence. Emperor Francis Joseph has telegraphed his regret and sympathy to Mme. Carsotand Prime Minister Dupuy. Wyoming' League Club. Cheyenni:. Wyo., June 20. Wyom ing League of Republican clubs was or ganized here. COAT OF TAR AND FEATHERS. Young Nebraska Alan Roughly Handled for Mistreating His Father. Salem, Neb., June 20. Monday night a crowd of about twenty-five men took Martin Thayer, a young man, from the streets of Salem to tho fair grounds, where they stripped him of his clothing and applied a liberal coat of tar and feathers and warned him never to again make his appearance in this town. The day before the young fellow had allowed his aged and invalid father to be taken to the poor house of the county, while at the same time he had been known to have had nearly $100 in his possession during the week. The town and precinct have been prac tically supporting the old gentleman up to a recent date, and the young man lay around aud helped eat the donations. Public feeling is running high and trou ble will ensue if the fellow bothers this vicinity again. Siiutrott Leaves Chicago. Chicago, June 2. William A. Sims rott. late treasurer and secretary of the Switchmen's Mutual Aid association has left the city. He was discharged from an inebriate asylum and quietly took his wife and child and went away. His relatives said he did not tell where he was going, but he said he would be absent a mouth. Considerable comment is occasioned by the discovery that the ex-official, whose accounts are said to be short upward of $25,000, left without any word as to his whereabouts. Gun Fired Every Hour. San Francisco. June 20. Many flag3 floated at half-mast in San Francisco Monday out of respect to the memory of President Carnot. The news of the presi dent's assassination created the greatest excitement among the men on board the Dngay-Trouin, the big French man-of-war, now in this port. The ship's flag was put at half-mast. At 8 o'clock the first gun was fired, and thereafter until sundown a gun was fired everv hour. Iona Man Lynched In Texas. Eldora, la., June 20. Word has been received that William Stacey of Iowa Falls had been hanged by a mob in Texas. He was a former prominent citizen and manufacturer in this county and went to Texas and engaged in a land swindling scheme. A vigilance commit tee waited upon Stacey and left his dead body dangling from a tree. Stacey's family reside at Iowa Falls. "in n i m m1 n i - n THE INDUSTRY OF THE INDUSTRY 1S92 We denounce a policy which fosters no industry so much as it does that of the sheriff. Democratic Platform at Chicago. 1S9-1 We practice a policy which fosters no industry so much as it does that of the sheriff. Democratic Performance at Washington. DENVER GAILY DECKED. Ready For the National Repub lican League Convention. WESrEEN MEN TALK FOE SILVER. Eastern Men I.Ntcn Itut Say Nothing. MinnpapnlU aud Clnvclaud Want tho Nest Ciimviillon Already Three Thous- an.l Hum- Arrived Clark -.on Unable to I Attend Montana l'opu!lt IMatforin. Dhnvei:. June 20. Everything is in readiness for the convention of the Repub lican league. The arrival of so many strangers prompted the laggards to effort and flags and bunting wave from every business block, while bras bands keep the air vibrating. In addition to those who arrived Sunday delegations came in Monday from Maryland. Flori da, Texas, Illinois, Minnesota, Idaho and Missouri. The Minnesota crowd is activelv working to have Minneapoli selected as the phire of holding the next convention of the league and the Ohio men are working just as earnestly for Cleveland. In all about 5,C0U people are here and more are expected. James S. Clarkson has sent word that it will be impossible for him to be here. Silver is being talked of by the delegates from western sections and the men from the east generally lihic-n patiently and give noncommittal answers. Montana Ponuliot Platform. Deep. Lodoe. Mont., June 10. The Populist state convention which met here Monday contained 849 votes, five counties out of 21 not being represented. The platform adopted declares for free coinage of silver at a ratio of 10 to 1; in favor of labor organizations; denounces the issuance of interest bearing bonds; fa, ore postal savings banks; government control and ownership of railroads: de mands an increase per capita to at least $.'0; favors an income tax; declares against pauper immigration; against the alien tow uership of the public lauds; favors the election of the president and vice president and United States sena tors by a direct vote of the people; de clares against the employment of con vict labor. TERRIBLE CYCLONE IN KANSAS. Wiped Out of Village of KeiKhley Nearly Existence. Wichita, June 20. At 7:110 Monday evening a terrible cyclone from the eotithwest struck the village of Keighley, Butler county, and nearly wiped the lit tle town ont of existence. All the tele graph wires are down and the informa tion was brought to Leon by a courier who rode a swift horse. Owing to tho fact the courier left immediately after the cyclone passed over, the details are meager. It is known, however, that Ed Thurmau was crushed to death in n stable. Many were pinned under falling houses and their tearful wails indicato serious injury. It is thought many were killed, as the cyclone swept on its coursn as far east as the people could see it. Two general stores, the largest buildings in the village, were crushed like egg shells. A freight train was standing on the 'Frisco track at the time and six box cars were lifted up and turned up side down. This would indicate the cyclone was at least 200 feet wide. Tho wreck is standing on the track piled ISO feet high and trains cannot pass. Crar' Life in Danger. Berlin, June 20. Advices from St. Petersburg state that a number of 1ku1 aud an infernal machine have leen found in a cellar near the imperial pal ace. Two officials of the imperial cabi net are compromised. Italian Flags at nalfmnt. Rome, June 20. The flags on all buildings through Italy have have been ordered halfmasted and all the ministers, senators and deputies aud tho elite of Roman society called during Monday at Hie French embassy. Democratic Inaction. The tariff bill lias been before the sen ate for many weeks. Over -100 Demo cratic amendments have been proposed, and- the long debate on each of these drags from week to week, from month to month. Meantime the country waits; industries of every sort, paralyzed by the threat of the repeal of the present protective tariff, stand idle or working on short time until some definite legisla tion is in sight. This long delay, this continued tension of the business situa tion, is wholly due to Democratic inca pacity. Look at the record of delays. Mr. Wil son's bill was so altered and amended in the house that it was hardly recogniz able. It went to the senate to be re vamped in secret caucus and loaded down with over 400 amendments. If they had a mind of their own. why did they not speak it in their first bill? Why, if the Wilson bill is wrong, are we to be lieve that the Wilson-Voorhees bill is perfect? The mere careful consideration of a tariff bill demands time. If to tlmf. '5 added 400 amendments by a Democratic committee, many weeks must be con sumed. All the Republicans ask is fair discus sion of each paragraph and principle. It is not their fault if a fluctuating Dem ocratic mind brings 400 new topics to be debated. They have a few rights; should be ex pected to propose some amendments, but they are not standing in the way. They have dared the Democrats to bring it to vote. They stand ready to press the matter to a speedy decision. All they will demand is that after fair and full discussion there should he yea and nay votes on all important topics, so SHERIFF. that there can be no Democratic hedg ing, no hiding behind unrecorded votes. The Democrats have full control of the executive, the house and the senate. That they do nothing except talk and quarrel among themselves is no fault of the minority. When the Republicans had charge, they knew their mind and spoke it aud got their legislation onto the statute books in good order. That the Democrats fail in this duty is be cause they have no mind or so many dif ferent oues; because they are unable to rise to the dignity of initiative, but pot ter and dodder while a nation waits in idleness and distress. "Protection, Protection, Protection! The Mark Lane Express, the repre sentative organ of the English agricul tural classes, in its issue of May 7 has the following strong and significant re marks: "Protection, protection, protection! The Liberal hears the triplet in every political note, and there is truth in the sound now. The Liberal must recognize one fact, or he will find his fetich ruth- J Jessly dismounted from its feet of clay. This is a world which refuses to be gov erned by abstract principles applied with mathematical exactitude. Circum stances alter and vary, and to apply the same dominating inflexible principles to ever social condition, no matter what the circumstance, suggests a mental sto lidity absolutely out of harmony with common sense. The Gladstonians have resented every suggestion against the omniscient value of their free trade Mumbo Jumbo until they have disgust ed men with their remorseless, unthink ing devotion. The principle for which agriculturists have so long contended is indeed a parliament nearer recognition.' The Industry of the Sheriff. The platform of the Democratic party at Chicago vigorously denounced the in dustry of the sheriff, which, it was claimed, had been fostered by protection. j Remembering how busy a time tho sher iff has had since March 4, 1893, it is as well to see how the Democratic perform ance has agreed with its denunciation of the sheriff's industry. During 1893 there were 15,oG0 trade failures in the United States, being 52 per cent more than in 1892. Tlie liabili ties of those who failed in 1893 were !f4G0,000,000, as compared with liabilities of $108,000,000 in 1892, an increase of $352,000,000 in a single year. Was there ever such an arrant humbug and fraud as this Chicago denunciation of the sheriff? United States to arise at once and de mand the immediate cessation of the pol icy of prostration which the high sheriff is thrusting upon the American people and to "denounce a policy which fosters no industry so much as it does that of the sheriff." American Economist. A New Name. It is proposed at an early day to havo a public christening of the tariff measure now before the senate, (ireat uncer tainty has arisen as to the parentage of tho bill, and in order to settle the con troversy as to whose name it shall bear a public christening will take place, at which the name will be published by a proper representative from the executive mansion. This tariff bill will appear somewliat as a curiosity for the lack of a godmother. The godfather will be chosen from the Whisky or the Sugar trust. Some of the names suggested are in the form of compromises, as follows: Voor-Harris, Gor-Mills, Voor-Hill-Mills or Gor-Voor-Brice-Land. The commit tee on nomenclature and title of the bill object to the use of any long words, as it is expected in the next national campaign that the name of this splendid measure will need to be repeated quite often; hence a very short, pertinent name will be needed. Some of the following are most popular: Trust-Land, Cleve Hill. Among the many bills starting out with the original Wilson bill, the Voor hees bill, etc., the most popular seems to be the Sugar bill. A dispatch has been received at th senate from some foreign beneficiary, without the fear of the Lord in his heart, who suggested the name Canadian bill. This would be a give away and would not do at all, as the purpose of this bill uuqestionably is to cover, as far as pos sible, the exact results expected to be ob tained. People are becoming so impa tient in waiting for the passage of the bill that some one has suggested the due bill. The gentlemen of the press are re quested to forbear making any refer ence to this variously unnamed bill un til such time as the committee on financu are able to give out officially the name by which it must afterward be desig nated in all communications sent out from Washington. This Was Under Protection. Gradually, but surely, the United States is penetrating markets which Great Britain has tenaciously held and controlled for many years. In corrobora tion of this view one of the leading Eng lish trade journals says: "British trade with British Honduras, judging from the latest official statistics, is not in a healthy condition The imports from the United ' Ti'iiin-ilnin ltova MonfAocnH in rolna vst-i iviiiguuuiuino utwitoogu iaiuc nuui $744,000 in 1683 to 682,000 in 1892. On the other hand, the imports from the United States have increased from $452, 000 in 1883 to f 793,000 in 1892. The ex ports of the colony also show a decline as regards the United Kingdom, while those sent to the United States have in creased from 253,000 in 1833 to $530,000 in 1893. The total foreign trade of the colony has increased, but the United Kingdom has been a loser." These are facts and are in every sense important. American Mail and Export Journal. Rev. Charles Baker of Denton, Tex., is still miMiwj, Buy Homemade Goods. If yon are employed in a factory that makes dress goods and your wife and your neighbor's wife should each buy a dress pattern that was made in England, they are depriving you of work because there must bo a smaller demand for the goods you are making, and your employ er cannot make more goods than the peo ple will buy just for the sake of finding work for you. See that they buy goods made in your factor. Tally Another For Free Trade. A drummer man from Chicago drop ped into one of the big hardware stores a day or two ago and stared in wonder at the busy clerks. As one of the part ners approached him he said, witha deep sigh of satisfaction: "Don't disturb me; don't say a word; just let me sit and enjoy this picture of activity. I haven't seen anything like it for the past six months." Cleveland Ex amiuer. To the Credit of Brutus. U.C. 41. When Brutus did assassinate Old Julius Cioar. i'omaii great. His dagger pierced one man alone The imperator on the throne. It was reserved for later times To witness more llasitiou-. crimes. The Human imperator's dead, Aud Grot'er Cleveland reigns instead. A.0. 1S9I. Now our dictator on his throne. His poinard sharpens on the hone And stabs with much apparent glee Tho busy hives of industry! Excursion to A-lmry Park. N. J. Tho Baltimore and Ohio R. R. Co. will sell excursion tickets to Asbnry Park, N. J. and return from all points on its lines, July 7t'i, 8th and 0th, good re turning until July 10th with privilege of extension until September 1st, provi ded the return portion of tho ticket is deposited with the Joint Agent at An bury Park, on or beforo July YMU. Tickets will be valid for passage via New York and will bo issued for tho outward journey via B. t O. R. K. and Washington and for return journey via any of the other through lijies. The round trip rate from Chicago will be 822 and correspondingly low from all other points on the B. .t O. system. Tickets will also bo sold at all princi pal offices throughout tho west and northwest. For information in detail addrebn L.S. Allen. Asst. G. P. A., B. Ar O. It. R.. Giand Central Depot, Chicago, III. 2 We Sweep the World. It is an old saying that a "new broom sweeps clean" but when we say "wo sweep the world" we mean that among all the railways of the world none stands higher in the estimation of the public, in all especial points, than the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway. It is the only line west of Chicago which runs electric lighted, steam-heated and vesti buled trains between Chicago, St. Paul and Minneapolis, aud between Chicago and Omaha. Trv it. F. A. Nash, Gen'l. Agent, lf04 Farnam St., Omaha. W. S. Howell, Trav. Passenger and Freight Agt. English Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft or calloused lumps and blem ishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles, Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs, etc. Save 50 by use of ouo liottle. Warranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by C. B. Stiliman. druggist. 2("novlyr - Rheumatism Cured in a Day. "Mys tic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 da vs. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mys terious. It removes at once the cause and the disease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits, 75 cents. Sold by A. lleiutz, druggist, Colum bus, Neb. 14-y When Baby was sick, we pave lur Castoria. Y.'htn .sha ias u Child, the cried for Ca.-.!oria. Wh.-n lu lKt-amu MLs, slw ohm, to Castoria. heu .she had Children, .sho i;uve tliem Castoria. Not I'llllMtul. The Union Pacific will sell tickets to 4th of .luly excursionists at one fare for the round trip. See your nearest U. P. agent for full particulars. 1 Cheap Kates for the Fourth. One fare for the round trip via the Union 1'aciGc. See your nearest U. 1. agent for particulars. 1 justness potties. Advertisements under this head five cents a lineeach insertion. fX7M.SCHILTZ makes boot sand shoe's in tho " best styles, and uses only the very beat stock that can be procured in the market. ""i-tf COLUMBUS MARKETS. JiyOurUot:itiiif-of the market sari-obtained Tuesduy afternoon, ami are correct and reliable at tlie time. nRUN.KTC. Wheat . Shelled Cm.. Ear Corn Oats Mixed oats ... awjw Flour Butter Cf,ES .. ... PotatKs Fathoms , Fat cows Fat sheep Fat steers Feeders 23 3.) SO 3i . is)e-40 8J12 8 I 20 n 00a 1 to f.!00i-2 M i2Wft3 00 1'KODUCK. LIVESTOCK. 3 003 75 . t'2 UkQJ SO LEt'AL NOTICK. Daniel Boileou and Boylson. his wife, (first name unknown), defendants, will take, notice that on the 23d day of June, 19V4, Nick Adamy, plaintiff herein, filed his petition in the district court of Platte county, Nebraska, against said defendants, the object and prayer of which are to cancel a certain agreement for tho sale cf the Southeast Quarter of the South east Quarter of Section No. Five, and the North east Quarter of Section No. Eight, in Town ship Seventeen North, lianjfe Ono East, in Platte county. Nebraskn, executed by (. W. Brown to the defendant, Daniel Boylson. and to remove the cloud from anil quiet the title to said real estate in plaintiff. You are hereby required to answer said petition on or before the 6lh day of August I8iU. NICK ADAMY. I'laiutitl. Uated this 23d day of June, 1MH. McALLIrfTFR & CoRXELICi, 27jiine-tt Attorneys. NOTICE TO REIIKEM. To Fred Cioetz: You are hereby notified that on th 27th day of September, 1W2, the follow ing described premises to wit: Lot No. four (4) in block No. two hundred and two (202;, in the city of Columbus, county of Platte, and state of Nebraska, was sold at private tax-sale to Mason Beall. for non-pa) ment of delinquent taxes levied and assessed against the s-ime for the years 179, 18a2, lbs3, lir.l3oB. 1867, 18h8, lsfland 1890. Said lot was taxed in the name of Frwl Ooetz. and the time of redemption of said lot from said sale will expire on the 27th day of September. 1MU. 'j"nt Masox Bell. NOTICE TO REDEEM. To Steele Jc Johnson: You are hereby notified that on the 31st day of Octolar, lStfi, the follow ing described premises to wit: Lot No. six (rn, in block two hundred and sixteen (214). iu the city of Columbus, county of Platte Und slate of Nebraska, was rold at private tax-sale to Mason Beall, for non.pajment of delinquent taxes assessed and levied against the same for the years 1S77, le-'tt, 1&S3. lfei!, Is67. lsi, 1m and 1. Said lot was taxed in the name of Steele Jc Johnson, and the time of redemption of said lot will expire on the 31st day of October, 1S34. ojun:i .MABON HKILL. NOTICE TO KEDKKM. To A. D. Jones: You are hereby notified that on the aistdayof October, IMC the following described nreuiiseH to wit: Lot No. four (4) in block two hundred and bixteeu (-16 J in the city of Columbus, county of Platte and tttate of Ne braska, was sold at private tax-ale to Mason Beall, for non-payment of delinquent taxett aggeseed and levied against the same for the jeare 1674. 1!j75, lSTO. 1877, 1S7S, 1679. ISfcO. lhsl, 1SS2, 1833, 1684, l&r.. lSatf, lss7, lba8, 16a9and lfett. Said lot was taxed in the name of A. O. Jones and the time of redemption of said Jot from said sale will exDire on the 31st dar of October. lefiJ. ejuns HA30S Beau What is Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is :i harmless substitute for Paregoric, Irop3, Soothing: Syrups, aud Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years use by Millions of Mothers. Costoria destroys Worms and allays feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea aud Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giviug healthy and natural sleep. Cas toria is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. Castoria. "Castor! is an excellent med'eino fo- ' it drea. Mothers havo repeatedly io'A mo of iu good effect upon their children. " D.i G. C. 0.-aooD, Lowell, ilx-ci. " Castoria Is tho best reraejjr for children f -f which I am acquainted. I hope tho liy b tot far distant when mothers will consider the rv.il interest of their children, ant us.; Car.ton.i 1:1 stead of the various quack uo-arums which are destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup ami other hurtful agents down their throats, thereby seuJiu them to premature graves." Du. J. F. KiNcucLot:, Couway, Ark. Tke Centaur Company, 77 Murrey Street, Now York City. BHMHHHnHHBMBJMHIHHHa smmmmmmimm v .P . ft X) fSSSi Jdt- z Prairie Farmer, Omaha Weekly Bee, g The Columbus Journal. Begin your .subscription at any time. Whether you "40 2. re novv receiving Tin: .Ioukxai. or not, pay only one year in advance, (regular price two dollars), and add fifty cents extra, p and get the three papers. -p 1 You cannot select a better combination of local, general f and farm literature for the money. . The coming year is destined to be an eventful one in the p 4P history of our country. Industry, upon uhich rests the real 4B 42 progres.1 of this world under I'rovidenee, will move forward JJ during the coming twelve months more than in th last thirty. ? 4 Keep with the front of the column. p 44444444444444444444444444444444444 ("U.S.O.UKCHKi:. LKUl'UhllJ.-KCtil. Katnhlirthed 1"70. BEGHER, Jr-EGGI & CO., REAL - ESTATE - LOANS - INSURANCE, -A-rLd. E2ea.l "Estate. COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA. MONEY TO LOAN ON FABMS at lowest rate- of interest, on short or loni: time, in aiuoun to suit applicants. BONDED ABSTKACTEHS OF TITLE tonll real estate in 1'Iattecounty. t. fw'TrintTIl:LEA1.)IN(5 INSUKANCE I'OMI-ANlKSof the World. Our farm ,..!icfe r the ni(.t liberal in use. Losses adjusted, and jiromptlj paid at this oflice. Notary Public always in otlice. Farm and city proierty for sale. Make collections of foreign inheritances and sell steamship tickets to and from all par or turope. laiiK'HI-tf J. B. D Will Illustrate To you theadvantageof buying your GROCERIES From him. If a splendid stock and low prices cut any figure, you will bo satisiied. THE FINEST FLOUR E L s Always on hand. :o:- II is stock of Dry Goods Is large, well selected and everything you want will be found in stock at low iigures. M A N :o:- tST Country produce a spe cialty, and always taken at cash prices. All goods delir ered free. Telephone Xo. 22. UNDERTAKING! TAKKy ALL KINDS OF Iturial Goods, Do Km hal niing, Conduct Funerals. tST"HHf the finest Hearse in the county. FRED. W. HERRICK. cw-S?hj&',,,,( Columbus, Neb. IjjanSin JJR. L. VAN ES. VETERINARIAN. Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College. Office OTer poet office. 19aprtt ' -"Slr5fcrB5iiJjVWMl Castoria. " Castor';-, ii so v.el! adapt rd to children thai I rvcotniiiend it cssupenortoany prescription Lxiuwu to me." H. A. Akcucr, M. D., ill So. Oxford St.. Urooklyn, N. Y. " Our phys:cLuw iu tho children's depart ueiit hte spo.en highly of their expert u.f iu their ouuide pnictico with CabtorU, 111.1I although uo ou!y havo amoug our i-.u-tbirol supplies uuat is Luowu as regular codiu-t.i.yet wuate frvo to coufess that tha morns nf Castoria lias wou us to look with f..voi-uiou it ' U.MTtU HosflTAl. AND 11SP.N&RT, LtOitou, Masa. Viiev C. Smith, Ii?s., THREE rou - $2.50. (of Chicago), 11 i.. 1. not Ki.M!Kit(ii:i: l.-'lliltl-K.NSr'.V CAUTION. ir a doater offers W. I. Dougta shoes ut ix reduced price, or say lie Ii: them without nnnio utampud uu bottom, put aim down as 14 fraud. ?.0k. W FOR ladies $Znn Nil I.7S 8L W. L. Douglas fi9 QUAE? BEST IN OO OnxPEa THE WORLD. XV. L. DOUGLAS Show are stylish, eay fit- tin-. and ;ive better slisi.iction at the pritis ad- ertiscd th.in anv other make. Try one pjir and he convinced. The stamping of v L. ljoui'!a name and price on the boitom, which guarantee their alne, saici thousands of dollars annual) to those n ho wear them. Dcalerj v. ho push the ijle o. W. L. Douglas Slioe gain customer. v!ui h helps to increase the sale oa their full line of oJ . 'I hv in afford to ell at i less profit, ana v.e IkIic.c y.m can aemoncv by hi vini'aii your foofne-ir of theuViIcr advertised nelm." Cital.i.i. Ire.- iij-on .p.n'iciliwii AuJ:t AV. t.UOUliL.Ll-, roektou,Ai.. i.ld tn, GrmFFKlNT & GrRAY. 3jan-5iu C. 1. NEWMN. REE - ESTATE . AND istjrajstcp:. W HEN' you want FIRE. LlfiHT- NINO or TOKKADO insurance on city and farm property; if you want an ACCIDENT POLICY'; if you want to huy or sell farm or city property; if you want bargains in real estate, call at the Heal Estate and Insurance Agency I Door East of First National Bank. COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA. Wjnl-y NEWSPAPERS AjT uwm. -nw m an- 1 KL.il i V .JH-'.'2'-K "MM. I SJL ll'A-. H- f ci-..ri V5C ivk& VnXKJMBF&X -O-W.-'m. Fiii-HyX -Bnwim nh'fBk. fl r 7