I I.: " -".-. ! : I : -.. ? : r -TJTw Columbus gourual WEDNESDAY. JUNE 20. 1SSI. A. AN. TIME TABLE. Page. ! Freight. esvet Columbus.... Bfllwood DHviilCiij..- Seward Arrive, it Lincoln .. St?..") a. m. 2:S0p. in. S-5Q " ' 2:20 " !l8 " .4 IS p.m. 10:22 " ! 7:43 " llisr a.m. 110:50 " Tht? pif"nzf r loaves Lincoln at fl:40 p. m., and rriv.-n r.t Coluiubue 9:40 p. m; the freight tores t in.-oln nt 7.ir. a. m.. and arrives at Columbus at 4 OJ v. . UNION PACIFICTIME-TABLE. Al la.-it ic Ex. 7 ' a. m ' r inr Lx. !0 1- p. m hn .to Er. l'J:0 p. m Denver Ex.. . 1J.2 p. m l.ir.,itM. . S-. p. mi ! l.ii'il , ArA,'-,n Col. Ixwal 5k. in iocal l-i'l 00 h. in Xo " F-t Mnil. oarrii-r pa"Hiijrer for throughWmt. Going vW at J00 j. m.. ar rive at D.-nwr 7 -J') a io. V. 1. ra4 Mail car ried paH-'nR-rf, roing 'apt at 1&2 . m. Tin- fr,-i;'l.t train leaving here at rt:'0 p. in. car nt.,1,aN.a(;(.n. from here to Valley. LINCOLN, :oi.riurs wi siot'X city. Pnwngeran ivif from Sioux "it j- ViXi p. leave- Ciliiiiihu for Linc'n l-'.rip. ttrriti- friitll f.ifirt.lll 4 It) I. m 4 li) o. m leave forSion Citi 51 ixe.l leave fur Sioux City .Mixed arrive- :t X. p iu ) a. m 10.Mp. UJ l-'OIl Al.MON AMI GK1K llll'IDS. I'jtMrtiKor leaven MlAisl lOHVett L'anr-enger arrives Mm-. I arriv- . 2:W p. m t"rt) . in 122.1 p. in M:10 p. m tifri pother. f-fT-All notu-e-i under tliirt heailing will I hirge.1 at tin- rale of $2 u j-:tr. a LEBANON LODGE No. M, A. F..V A. M. i-Cfjr lU-gular ine.(tinH 2d WedneMlnj in each XjK month. All brethren invited to attend. ' E. 11. Cll me us. V. M. p. ( Bicur.K. Ser'j. "JOjuly V.'ILDIA LODGE No. II, I.O.O.K, tmo-in Tiw!m fveiiincH of each ft' .r ..f. ... ,l...p I. 11 ..i 'I'lii rf.w.tit )l "" hlrr.-t. Ninitim; liretiirt-n ooi-iliallj iuvil.1. II. C. Newman. X. O. V. II. X.itkstkin. S-m-'j. 'JTiunyi-tf v-. ,-,k i .i(-ii - ... ... - ..... RKOK.iAMLDCtlijKCH OE LAI'l'Lll-DAY An lit n liolii n-iittir iM-rvicri -rj iinclaj lit V. p. in., pia,-r int-ftink' on Wolnt-rila ewniiu; at tl.rir I'lmiM-I, (4ruerof Xojtli ntni-t and I'ltcilu Av.-niif. All hironliull iuit-il. l'iidl-.H 1 Id.-r II. J. Hipson. I'r.-nideut. liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiHiMiiiiiiiiiinmiui P1IOTOURAPHIC or PART No. IC. Columbus Journal Coupon, S.'inl or l.rini; one roiiMtn like ZZ flits with 10 rentM in coin to 'I'm: Coi.fMiit Ji;usi., Coluinliiit, Xi'liniiku. j 1 1 ill 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 : 1 1 1 i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 f 1 1 1 1 1 iTi 1 1 1 1 lioru, Jiiut 1(, t Mra. ). M. Doty, a tiitn. Horn, to Mrs. V. F. Scott, .luno 14, a Hon. - Dr. Xmimani), dintist. Thirteenth btreet. tr Mitchell ha.s olosod out his feed tttore luuiinosa. - Nietvohner has a uiiv new lot of JCmeralil riajs. lit Dr. T. H. CMark, Olive street. In o!liw al tiihts. - A lifjh- .''h.iwer Friday afternoon took t lit ojijiressiveness out of the air. Messr:. Wurdeman A Spieer have purclia-xii the Ariiis-tron: planing mill. - Sunday there were a grant many cases of prodt ration by heat, in the east. Sheriff Kavauutih took John Lin der to the us lum at Norfolk yesterday. -The republican elub meets at the Famine house tomorrow (Thursday), eveninR. -The U. P. boys are about to or ganize a base ball nino and challenge the world. .lesse 1$. Heeher returned to Lincoln Mond'iy to attend a ctmrse of lectures through vacation. Farm loans at lowest rates and best teruiH. Money on hand, no delay. JJeCher, .raeggi A- Co. - Icecream in the park next Friday evening by the Presbyterian ladies. Von are cordially invited. - II. .1. Arnold, M. D., physician and surgeon. Two doors north of llrod fuehrer's jewelry store, tf - Omaha excursion Sunday, Juno '24, via the Union Pacific System. Special train. $1 round trip. Congressman Meiklejohn is at homo for a brief visit. He passed through the citv Thursday to Fullerton. .Reduced faro on tho cars for tho Fourth of July. Everybody make cal culations to come to Columbus. Tho next meeting of tho Farmers' club will be held at the residence of Wm. Meays, jr., Friday, June 2i. Miss Alice Watkins finished a ten months' term of school in the Newman district three miles east of the city. D. 1. boys rejoiced last Monday r the lilthv lucre the company dealt out to them from tho pay car. --W. E. Kent, Henry Carrig and A. J. MTokler were among the attendants from Platte Center at the funeral Sunday. -We give such portion of the official proceedings of tho board of supervisors as has been furnished us by the clerk. E. C. Hockenberger has been en gaged to represent Uecher, Jaeggi A Co. in their outside insurance bnsinees.. When in need of an auctioneer, call on Dave Smith. He will act for j'ou with promptness, safety and dispatch, tf Herrick, the furniture man, is paper ing and otherwise putting a shine on things generally. Drop in and see him. Our exchanges are pretty generally noticing the session of the Saengerbund that is to be held here August 24. 25 and 2G. Thirty-live dollars and freight will buy one of the celebrated Buckeye mowers bv applving at onco to Henry Lubker. 13junSt The engine on the Norfolk train was disabled at David City last Thursday, making the train out of here about two hours late. Henry Gass attended the three days' convention of the state undertak ers' association in Omaha, returning Thursday. If we can get occasional showers as we have had the past week, we may have considerable corn, besides other things that may yet be raised. Sunday, June 24, 1894, is the date of the Union Pacific excursion to Omaha. Special train leaves Columbus at 8:20 a. m. Only 1 for round trip. 1803 real estate tax is due May 1st and can be paid at of fice f Beclier, Jaeggi & Co. tf Children Cry for Pitcher's Cattorla. Bring your orders for job-work to this office. Satisfaction guaranteed, and work promptly done, as agreed upon. The Seventeenth anniversary of tho marriage of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Pollock was duly celebrated hist evening at the Meridian. George Lehman has purchased the Thurston hotel with three lots adjoin ing it on the east, of the Columbus Im provement Co., consideration 820,000. Fifteen dollars to Colorado Springs and return via the Union Pacific June 11th, 12th, 23d and 24th. See me, J. R. Meagher, agent U. P. system, Columbus. Fifteen dollars to Denver and re turn via the Union Pacific, June 11th, 12th, 23d and 24th. See me. J. R Meagher, agent U. P. system, Columbus. Fifteen dollars to Pueblo and re turn via the Union Pacific, June 11th, 12th, 23J and 24th. See me, J. R Meagher, agent U. P. system, Colum bia. 2t Becher, Jaeggi & Co. insure build ings and personal property against fire, lightning and cyclones, in good and reliable companies at lowest current rates. More hitching poBts are needed at tho cemetery, as most of those who drive down are obliged to sit in their car riages and hold tlieir teams or return home. - Kuiuiniscences of the Fair, sixteen portfolios of the World's fair, given away to our customers. For particulars call at J. B. Delsnian'u store, Eleventh street, tf - Tho Epworth League state conven tion moot in Grand Island from the 21st to 21th of Juno. Rev. and Mrs. Bross and Miss Cora Scott will attend from this city. -For rent, to a small family, the new Congregational parsonage, eight rooms, everything complete, corner North and Seventeenth streets. Apply to Rev. A. J. Rogers, tf Mrs. James Finney, who went to Grand Island to see her husband a few days ago, died at that place Monday and her body was brought to Columbus yes terday lor burial. You should visit Courtlaud Beach at Omaha. Grand excursion Sunday, Juno 21, via Union Pacific. Special train leaves Columbus at 8:20 a. in. SI for tho round trip. For sale, a thoroughly reliable fam ily horst, fit for lady and children; also a buggy, harness, blankets, etc., very cheap, if taken quickly. Apply to Rev. F. Kilhp, Oconee, Nebr. 2t - Mrs. Mary E. Tves, widow of tho lato E. R. Ives who died April 18, re ceived $2,000 June 0 from the Modern Woodmen or America order, of which Mr. Ives was a member. A son born to Mrs. Leopold Plath Friday, died Saturday and was buried Monday. All will sympathize with the parents in their loss of a child whose earth-life was so very brief. Ole Oleson, an old-time resident of this city, is superintending the construc tion of "the court house at Fullerton, and it is safe to say that the people will get the full value of tlieir money. - The Union Pacific gave tho deputy U. S. marshals going to tho field of con llict a swift ride Thursday night of last week, making tho run from Omaha to Grand Island in .') hours and 40 minutes. Tho memorial services of the I. O. O. F. were postponed, on account of tho funeral, from Sunday last to Sunday next, at 2 o'clock. All Odd Fellows are requested to bo present at the hall, aud bring carriages. Miss Mary Keogle,, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Keogle of Joliet town ship, and Mr. James C. Sweeney of Green River, Wyo., were married at the Catholic church in Platte Center, Tues day of last week. - Don't stop the cultivators this dry weather in tho corn fields, but keop tho plows going, then if wo have rain any time by July wo will have a good corn crop yet, for we all know that July and August make corn. The committee to solicit canal stock are doing fairly well, and have hopes that work may commence 60011 on final survey. Wo think no one can make a mistake in subscribing for as much stock tis tlieir means will allow. -All the preachers and their wives of the city spent Saturday evening at the beautiful residence of Mr. and Mrs. A. Anderson called there by invitation, in honor of Rev. Rogers or Chowen, Minn., father cf Rev. Rogers of this city. -Paul Krause, says the Albion News, left a package of Paris green where his cow got at it and ate a portion of its contents. Ho now has neither the Paris green nor tho cow. This is quite a sovere loss as the cow was a very fine one. P. II. Wintersteen, deputy organizer for tho Order of the World, is here from Omaha securing charter members for a lodge in this city. This is the only fra ternal order in tho world that receives women on an equal footing with men. Considerable interest has been man ifested tho past week in tho prospect of action by tho school board in the selec tion of a superintendent for tho coming year, not only by our own citizens but by interested applicants from other places. --1I. P. Coohdge received a telegram Sunday from Carroll, Iowa, stating that his brother. T. W. Coolidge, had de parted this life at 4:30 p. m., at that place. H. P. Coolidge and son Joseph attended the funeral at Glenwood, la., yesterday. Rock Island vs. Omaha. Come and see the game of ball to bo played at Omaha June 24 between tho Rock Island anil Omaha. The Union Pacific will run a special excursion train on tho above date, leaving Columbus at 8:20. $1 for the round trip. Fifteen dollars to Denver and re turn, to Colorado Springs aud return, to Pueblo and return, via the Union Pacific. Tickets on sale June 11th, 12th, 23d and 24th. For further particulars call on J. R. Meagher, agent U. P. sys tem, Columbus. 2t -Rev. Rogers of the Congregational church was ordained as a minister Fri day eveniug. The JouhxaIj gave the program last week. The services were very impressive and Rev. Rogers, father of the newly ordained minister, preached an excellent sermon. Travel seems to be quite heavy, all trains carrying good loads, people going to all points of the compass, and we notice a good many prairie schooners sailing along the roads with their jib booms set to catch the breezes with the sturdy pioneers at the helm. F. II. Gerrard met with a painful accident Thursday morning. He was putting a board into his irrigating dam, when his foot slipped and he fell, put ting out his right hand to save himself and running therein a rusty nail making an ugly wound. Monroe Looking Glass. If a man owned a tract of 40 or 80 acres of land next to the bluffs north of tho city and had the canal built so he could get water onto it, he could raise potatoes so large that they would sur prise even John Tannahill. Let us dig the ditch, and Columbus will begin to reap the .fruits at once. Abts & Stupfel have opened a meat market in the place formerly occupied by W. T. Rickly, on Olive street, where they keep, for the accommodation of their custom, fresh meats of all kinds and varieties anything you may wish in their line of business. Fish always on hand. Telephone No. 10. tf Children Cry for Pitcher's Cattorla. Kev. McKillip of Oconee was in the city Friday. He had been two weeks in KanBas visiting friends. He expects shortly to leave for England, bis old home, going by way of Montreal. He says he can get a ticket from Oconee to Liverpool for $46.75, which is pretty fair fare. One thing that shows the pace set for all things in Nebraska is the almost fabulous growth of South Omaha. A late evidence of how things are going there is the fact that one of the several large packing establishments, that of Swift, is erecting a chill-room with a capacity for 4,000 hogs. We are in receipt of the back num bers of the Monroe Republican, a candi date for the favor of newspaper readers. These copies show the ability of the proprietor, R G. Strother, as a printer and news-gatherer, and the Republican will be another helper in the upbuilding of Platte county interests. The motion to dissolve the injunction directed to the school board to prevent them electing a superintendent during June, was heard by Judge Marshall Monday, Sec'y Taylor and Members Gal ley and Lehman being examined as wit nesses, the briefs to be submitted, the court taking the matter under advise ment till next week. Agatha Bogatz complained against John Kastalanda for breach of the peace. The evidence showed that John shied an oyster can at a cat, missed the cat, but went through an 8x10 light of glass. Score $5 each, Police Judge Hudson act ing as umpire. The cat can still be heard yowling on the back fence, but "It Won't Come Back." Walter Graves returned Wednesday from Houston, Texas, whither he went with Charles Ziegler several weeks ago. While leading a horse on a pavement, tho animal slipped and fell upon him, causing serious injury, from which it is hoped he may soon recover. He is af flicted with partial paralysis affecting the left eye, side and arm. The Teachers' Institute is in ses sion under the supervision of Sup't Rothleitner. L. H. Leavy of this city, D. C. O'Connor of West Point, and A. E. Parsons of Creston, Iowa, are present as instructors, and State Sup't Goudy, Chancellor Canfield and Prof. Beatty of the State University are expected to be present some time during the institute, which closes June 30. Tho Fullerton News says: The water bonds voted in this town some time ago are no good, because no ordi nance was passed providing for their issuance. All the work will have to be done over The Fullerton Milling Co. secured the contract for furnishing Hour to the Genoa Indian school for the year beginning July 1 ; it will require about 110,000 pounds to fill the contract. The sun ppots are charged up with the sample of weather we have been re cently having, and those who are accus tomed to observe the sun (through smoked glass and the telescope), inform the unlearned public that the sun spots just now are of unusual appearance. We are assured that the maximum spot display has now been reached and that they will grow smaller from this on. The U. P. Gnn Club is composed of a gentlemanly and large-hearted set of boys, and if any ono thinks they can't shoot, all they will have to do to be con vinced to the contrary will be to attend one of their meets. They had a good meet at their grounds last Saturday and made some fairly good scores. Gus. Schroeder and Gus. Speice came out late to the meet but made each a score of 23 out of 25. Last Thursday's iuBiieof the Central City Courier contained the following: Cards are at hand announcing the mar riage of Mr. Will C. Cates and Miss Laura Leedom at Hooper yesterday. Both of the young people were formerly residents of this place, and aro known to many friends here as an eminently wor thy young couplo, upon whose felicitous union congratulations will be especially numerous and hearty. John Powers lives on a half-section farm in Platte county, attends strictly to his business of Tarniing and stock raising, and has sold since last Novem ber $1270 worth of hogs of his own raising, marketing them at tho average age of eight months. He has 230 acres to corn, 90 to oats, wheat and barley, the barley looks pretty well, the corn may turn out all right, but the oats and wheat don't amount to much, owing to tho dry weather. The tramp nuisance still continues in these parts, growing by what it feeds upon of course. So long as these men can go from town to town, begging their way and thus making their living with out work, they will continue thus to do. Doubtless there are some among them who would, the right circumstances sur rounding, become worthy men after awhile; communities and individuals should do what they can do to prevent this growing evil. Several months ago The Journal spoke of a water-lifter, make by A. W. Armstrong of this city, that has proved a very decided success for irrigating land and raising crops. The elevator is after the fashion of an endless-chain pump set at an angle in the stream whenco water is drawn. The method is being put into use here and there throughout Nebraska, and will certainly prove a profitable investment to such as have the stream. Hub Pepper brings specimens from his mine near Manitou, Colorado. He has great faith in the future worth of his property Tom Duncan and his son came near losing their lives by the caving in of a brick wall in a well C. H. Walker of Surprise lost a good horse last Saturday from the bite of a rattle snake The school board give notice of an examination of teachers who wish to teach in the city schools the coming year. David City News. F. H. Lamb and Louis Schonlau went from here to Creston, Humphrey, Platte Center and home again Sunday on their bicycles. Being asked as to whether they attended divine services in each of those places, Mr. Lamb said that there was plenty of service while ascend ing some of those hills, and left us to infer the nature of it. Ho says that there was considerable mud on the route, and that the growing crops looked good. He says the talk of poor prospect for crops makes him very tired. Postmaster Davis informs us that after June 30, 1894, no postal notes will be issued. Fees on money orders will bo reduced to the following: Not exceeding $2.50, 3 cts. Exceeding 8 2.50 not exc. $ 5.00, 5 " 5.00 10.00, 8 " 10.00 " 20.00, 10 20.00 ' 30.00, 12 " 30.00 " 40.00, 15 " 40.00 " 50.00, 18 " 50.00 " 60.00, 20 " 60.00 " 75.00, 25 " 75.00 100.00, 30 An exciting game of base ball was played here Sunday between a good nine from Schuyler and "Mike" Abts' "Tenderfeet" The battery of the Schuylerites was loaded almost too heavy for our boys, hence they got "done up" to the tune of 23 to 16. Come again. A number of Schuyler people came up in carriages and on bicycles to witness the game. At the same time there was a game started between the Pumpkin Ridge nine and Smith's Cyclones, six innings recording 14 to 6 in favor of the Cyclones, at which the players ad journed to witness the other game. Children Cry for Pitcher's Cattorla. PERSONAL. Frank Clark arrived here yesterday. A. J. Campbell and Walter Henry started Thursday for Oklahoma. Patrick Ducey of Lindsay tarried in the city Wednesday night of last week. Joseph Marshall of Salem, Ohio, a nephew of Ed. Fitzpatrick, is here on a visit Miss Kittie Way returned home Mon day from the State Normal school at Peru. Dovie Becher returned Saturday from Hebron, where she has been on a three weeks' visit. Mrs. Annie Chapman of Omaha arriv ed in the city Saturday, and is visiting her mother, Mrs. Hamer. Dr. F. H. Geer returned Wednesday from Chicago, where he spent several weeks in hospital practice. I. Gluck goes to Chicago Sunday to accompany Miss Mamie home, who has been attending school in that city. Miss Martha Turner returned Thurs day from Chicago, where she has been for three months attending the Art In stitute. James Stuart, the hustling banker of Madison, passed through here east Thursday morning en route home from Grand Island. Henry Zinnecker returned home Fri day from Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, where he spent tho past nine months in a school for foreign missionary preparation. Miss Bertha Krause returned home from Albion Saturday after spending several weeks with her brother. Mrs. J. Krause of Genoa accompanied her, re turning homo Monday. The Nebraska City Press of June 15, has the following paragraph: 'W. H. Gardner, who set everybody connected with the schools in this city by the ears during his superintendence, is after a similar position in the Colum bus city schools." If he is, we have not known it to a certainty, and the information here in regard to him would certainly lead the members of our board of education to make a very searching inquiry, at least, before employing him. Columbus is not in search of a man of doubtful moral worth, inferior scholarship, lack of en thusiasm as an educator, or lack of ex perience in school work. The teacher or superintendent who faithfully, con scientiously and enthusiastically de votes his time and talents to the benefit of the pupils under his charge need never be anxiously striving to secure a place; there are plenty of situations yearning for just such instructors. John Burrell, charged with crimi nally assaulting a Polish girl about 13 years old, had his hearing before Police Judge Hudson Friday and was bound over to the district court in the sum of $500. Tho proceedings were tho result of a report by one Jack Lannin, who, it seems, had had trouble with Burrell and threatened to get even with him. The little girl was frequently at the water works (where Burrell is engineer), to get his clothes for the wash, or deliver them, wheu laundried, and it was on one of these occasions that Lannin claimed to see what ho reported. Burrell and his attorneys are very confident in being able to prove to the satisfaction of a jury that there is a conspiracy against Burrell. The Schuyler Quill says: Owing to the fact of the city of Columbus and the Union Pacific railway company not agreeing on water rates the engines have lately been taking water as far as possi ble at Schuyler George Poole has applied for a divorco from his wife, Belle Woods, to whom ho was married several years ago, but who has never lived with him. Our readers will re member this as the most peculiar mar riage of the times, the bride claiming that she was married to Poole against her will and without her knowledge while acting as bridesmaid. Poolo told a different story and has so far held the marriage contract firm. Millions of cubic feet of water are Mowing down the Platte rivor and being dumped into the Missouri. Thousands of acres of Platte valley produce and grass are wasting away for want of moisture. This vast waste of water spread upon our farms would make the valley a garden of Eden; prosperity would sit upon our thresholds and we could laugh to scorn hard times and its consequent untold privations; and pov orty, wan, gaunt and hollow-eyed would give placo to plentiful contentedness and progressive prosperity. How does the simile strike you? Lexington Pio neer. Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Parks returned Saturday from Chicago whither they had gone to see his nephew, R Carberry, who was reported very seriously ill, but who, he thinks, is in a very fair way to recover. Coming through Iowa he was told that the rain of Friday night and Saturday morning, which they had through" all that section, was the first good soaking rain of the season. Iowa had not been so seriously affected by dry weather for a generation past as up to date this year. Instead of the usual green of spring was the "sere and yellow leaf," and the brown fields of autumn. We are pleased to be able to an nounce that the publisher of the Inter Ocean has made a special offer on the weekly edition of that paper during the present political campaign. He will send the weekly Inter Ocean for six months to any subscriber on receipt of thirty cents. This is a very low price for one of the best and ablest republi can newspapers in the country. Good republicans should try to increase its circulation. Subscriptions will be re ceived at this price from June 1st to August 1st. After that the regular prices will be restored, tf Through some mishap a communi cation in regard to tho closing exercises of the school of Miss Berger at A. W. Clark's grove was mislaid, and did not get in print. "Refreshments were served, after which the school proceeded with a program of exercises consisting of songs and recitations as arranged by their teacher, ffhich were very well ren dered and were very interesting, and showed to the patrons of the school that Miss Berger had done credit to herself in the management of our school during the term just closed." The Platte Center Signal says: Mrs. Pollock of Columbus visited tho family of S. E. Phillips on Monday; David Thomas and daughter took a trip to the county seat Wednesday; Miss Johanna Hayes of Columbus is visiting the Misses Cronin; Lawyer Cornelius visited this place Friday; Charles Segelke was among our business men Friday, as was D. Schupbach; Miss Lena Costello came home from the county seat to attend the dance at her father's residence Saturday evening. For exchange, a quarter section of good land in Rock county, Neb., with living water, good meadow land, house and barn, for a smaller farm in Platte county, near Columbus. The quarter lies within three miles of railroad station, Newport, on M. V. R R Inquire at C. E. Harrington's coal office south of B. & M. depot, Columbus, Neb. H. II. Tyler. SampMn the Great. The celebrated Shire Stallion Samp son, formerly owned by WTm. Moore, will stand the balance of the season for service at the livery barn of Fred Stevens, Thirteenth street. Columbus. Terms, $10 to insure. See posters for pedigree. Fbed Stevexs, 23m4t Manager. Sows for Sale. I have ten sows, with pig, shortly due; they are high-bred Poland-China. Call Boon, six miles northwest of Columbus. IP JOMN POWJWS, GREAT GUNS ALIVE. THE NATION'S NATAL DAY TO BE ' FITLY CELEBRATED. In Columbus. Patriots will Talk. Sing. Ran, Climb and Toot, la all Shades aad Ways. Columbus has decided to celebrate the Fourth of July. The one great ob ject and aim in this particular is to make a stem-winder entertainment that will be enjoyed by all who may attend and reflect credit upon the city. So far the committees have done good work, and they are working now with a vim which means big success. MOBXIXQ PBOORAM. Morning salute of forty-four guns at sunrise. 9 a. m. Grand parade and trades' display. Headed by the Columbus Cornet band, followed by the mayor and members of the city council and citi zens in carriages, fire department and visiting firemen, calithnmpians, bicycle clubs, etc. First prize for largest number of visiting firemen in parade in full uni form, $25. Second prize, largest num ber, $15. Columbus fire department not competing. Literary exercises, held at 10 a. m. in r raniciort square: " Music by the band. Singing. Address of welcome, by the mayor, G.W.Phillips. Reading of the Declaration of Inde pendence. Speaking. Music. Following the literary exercises there will be a grand basket picnic in the park from 12 m. to 1:30 p. m. AFTERNOON PROGRAM. The fun commences promptly at 1:30 p. m. Exciting game of base ball between the Columbus Cyclones and neighboring club. Prize, $10. Game of foot ball between city and country teams. Prize, a Rugby or Spanlding ball, value $5. Boys' Foot Race Open to all boys under age of 12. Prize, S1.50. Boys' Foot Race Open to all boys under 15 years of age. First prize. $2, or leathor-covered foot ball; second prize, base ball or $1. Fat Men's Race None under 200 pounds to compete. First prize, silk umbrella or $2 in cash. Slow Horse Rice Bring along your horses, the more the merrier. First prize, $3; second, 82. Donkey Race First prize, S2; sec ond, $1. Greased Pig Turn out and see the race after the greased pig. The one who captures the pig to keep it for his prize. Climbing Greased Polo Open to all boys under 18 years. Prize, $2, on top of pole. Potato, Sack, Wheelbarrow and Frog Races First prize, $1 each. Bicycle Races The principal feature of the day will be tho long distance bicycle race, to be a handicap two-mile race, under L. A. W. rules. Grand display of fireworks in the even ing. Heath of Prof. L. .1. Cramer. Died, at Tiffin, Ohio, Juno 12, of apo plexy, L. J. Cramer. Mr. Cramer was born near Tiffin, Sen eca county, December 7, 1845; entered Heidelberg college in his native town at the age of 16 years, graduating in 1869, receiving the dogree of Master of Sci ence. Foraliout three years ho engaged in civil engineering in his nativo state. Sotuo of his friends, noticing his aptness to teach persuaded him, against his wish, to take tho charge of a certain school, and from that timo forward teaching was his profession, though oc casionally lie engaged in surveying. In 1877 he started for Oregon, but on his way stopped off to see Rev. Hull horst of this city (who had been a col lege classmate of his), and was solicited to take charge of tho school here, which he did. Since that time he had been continu ously engaged as an educator, either as principal of our high school, superin tendent of city schools or county super intendent, until health failing he sought the mountain air, and engaged as super intendent of schools at Montrose, Colo., from which place he returned about a year ago, remaining here a few weeks to visit, attending the World's fair and going to see his aged parents, at Tiffin. About eight months previous to his death ho suffered a stroke of paralysis from which it seemed for a long time he was not likely to recover. The final day came as above recorded, and after writing letters to friends in this city, he was stricken down while walking from his desk, at 1 :30 p. in., re maining unconscious until 4:30, when he died. The remains reached here Friday even ing and on Sunday at 2 funeral services were held at Maennercbor hall in the presence of a large concourse of sorrow ing relatives and friends, the Knights of Pythias and Modern Woodmen of the city and vicinity attending in uniform. Rev. Goodale of the Episcopal church officiated, M. Whitmoyer delivering an address, paying a feeling tribute to the merit and worth of the departed. Mrs. Evans, Mrs. Chambers, Mr. Cornelius and Mr. Schroeder, accompanied by Miss Elsie Morse, rendered very appropriate chants and hymns. After the services a large concourse followed the remains to the cemetery, where they were con signed to their final resting place, E. H. Naumann, as chaplain of the Knights, pronouncing the prayer of the ritual. The deceased leaves a widow and his aged mother to mourn the loss of a lov ing husband and son. Tho best tribute of respect to the memory of our departed friend is the recollection of his kindness of heart, the inspiration of his thoughts guided by a judgment unusually clear. Himself a trained thinker, his pupils especially, and all who came under his influence felt the subtle power of his intellect; tho true intellectual life of many began under his teaching and in the hearts of these his lasting monument is. He hated Bhams of all kinds and degrees, and was thoroughly imbued with the scientific method, applying its ever-sure tests to all with which mankind have to do. Let us believe that wherever there is intelligence, honest worth and faith ful endeavor to do right, there the spirit of onr departed friend will ever find a homo. We Sweep the World. It is an old saying that a "new broom sweeps clean" but when we say "we sweep the world" we mean that among all the railways of the world none stands higher in the estimation of the public, in all especial points, than the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway. It is the only line west of Chicago which runs electric-lighted, steam-heated and vesti buled trains between Chicago, St. Paul and Minneapolis, and between Chicago and Omaha. Try it. F. A. Nash, Gen'l. Agent, 1504 Farnara St, Omaha. W. S. Howell, Trav. Passenger and Freight Agt. Ten Tons of Medicine Won't do you as much good as a week's stay at Hot Springs, S. D., the greatest ueaiiu uuu pleasure resort, in me wesi. The Burlington's local agent will gladly give you full information, and also if you ask for it a beautifully illustrated folder. J. Francis, G. P. & F. A., 1 Omaha, Neb. St. Patrick's Pills are carefully prepared from the best material and according to the most approved formula, and are the most perfect cathartic and liver pill that can be produced. We sell them. C. E. Pollock & Co. and Dr. Hsiotz, druggist. Tke Canal. The committee appointed to solicit stock have been very industriously at work and have secured $32,000 in sub scriptions of $100 a share. There is no thought of perfecting the organization until after $50,000 shall have boon subscribed, and it is very de sirable that this be done, at once, so as to preserve all the rights of our locality. The gap of 818,000 ought to be closed up at once, as can very readily be done, if those to be benefited will promptly step to the front with their subscrip tions, large and small, and give to Co lumbus, Columbus township, Oconee and Monroe an improvement that will conduce to their welfare more than any other one thing that may be imagined. Give us irrigation for our farming community and cheap power for our manufactures, and the future of this section is secured beyond a peradven tnre. The following resolution was adopted at the last meeting of the stockholders: Resolved, That each party paying in cash on his stock subscription shall re ceive certificates equal to the amount of such cash payments, which certificates 6hall be receivable by tho company from any party holding such certificates in payment for power, light or water at the full faco value of such certificates. This is practical, business-like, and suggests the sound sense that will doubtless characterize the work of the company after the organization shall have been completed. It is, too, a prop osition in strict line with the objects of the company, and will meet the hearty approval of all who may become mem bers. SynopiN of Supervisors' Proceeding. Official Tuesday, June li. 1S9L Hoard met in rogtilar session at 2 o'clock p. m. as a Board of Equalization, Hon. Niels Olson, chairman, O. W. Phillips, clerk. Roll called and entire board present. E. A. (lerrard presented complaint of exces sive assessed valuation upon tho lots in the s. '.i of block "II," cast addition to the town of Mon roe. On motion tho samo was referred to special committee. II. T. Snoerry appeared before the board ask ing that the provisions of tho law. rolativo to the assessing of parsonages, parochial schools, etc., be fully carried out, claiming that except in a few instances the assessors of the county had not listed and assessed same. On motion of Sup'r Weidner the complaint of Mr. Spoerry was referred to tho following special committee: Sup'rs Weidner, Lisco, Johnson, Oriscoll and Schreiber. U. S. Dickinson apiieared before the board complaining of the manner in which parties owning an interest in school land in his town ship wore assessed, claiming that such owners were escaping their proportion of the taxes. On motion the same was referred to the samo special committee above noted. Motion by Sup'r Pollard that a committee of five bo appointed on equalization of the assess ment throughout the county. Motion carried. Chair apiointed Snp'rs Pollard, Becher, Dris coll. Speice and Asche. The Board of Equalization continued it& ses sion until .r o'clock p. m., when upon motion recess was taken till tomorrow morning at 0 o'clock. Wednesday, A. M., June 13, 1M. Hoard of equalization convened at 0 o'clock, a. in., Hon. Niels Olson, chairman, G.W.Phil lips, clerk, and entire board present. Board re mained in cession as a board of equalization until 1-o'clock noon, and upon motion took a recess until 1:20 o'clock p. m. Wednesday. P. M.. June 13, 1S94. Board of bUiervisors as a board of equaliza tion met at lilO o'clock p. m The Honorable Chairman, Clerk and full board present. The bpecial committee to whom was referred tho matter of the asset-Mnent of church property, presented the following: Wo, your committee appointed in regard to assessment of church property, beg leave to re commend that all real estate and other property held by any church in Platte county, be assessed the same as other property of Platte county, ex cept such amount of it as is actually occupied for church services and cemeteries. JonN P. Joussom, 1 R. Y. Lisco. ic William Schbeibf.b, f com 1). Duihcoi.l, j Motion by Sup'r Lisco, that tho report of tho committee be adopted. Amendment offered by Sup'r Speice that further action be indefinitely postponed. Roll call for voto on amendment. Becher, Heesacker. Dodds, Driscoll. Elliott, Gerber, Kiernan, Mylett, Sieice, Thomazin and Weidner voting aye 1 1. Asche, Johnson, Lisco, Pollard, Schreiber, Tschudin and Mr. Chair man, voting no 7. Amendment declared car ried. Tho special committoe appointed to investi gate and report upon the assessment of school lands in this county presented the following: We, your committee appointed in regard to the assessment of school lands in Platto county, beg lcavo to report recommending that all school lands in this county bo assessed as per sonal property, and valued the same as other real estate adjoining said school land. Jacob Weidneb.1 D. DniscoLL, Wm. Scubeibeb, rCom. J. P. Johnson, I R. Y. Lisco, J Motion to adopt, roll call for vote. Dodds, Driscoll, Johnson, Lisco, Mylett, Schreiber and Weidner voting aye 7. Asche, Becher, Heesack er. Elliott, Gerber, Kiernan, Pollard, Speice, Thomazin, Tschudin and Mr. Chairman voting no 11. Motion declared lost. On motion of Sup'r Becher that a committoe of three be appointed to submit the levies nec essary for the coming year. Carried. Chair appointed Sup'ra Becher, Tschndin and Mylett. The board remained in session as a board of equalization nntil 4 JO o'clock p. m. and then upon motion took a recess nntil 11 o'clock a. m. tomorrow. THtTRSDAT a. m., June 14, 1894. Tho board of equalization convened at 9 o'clock a. m., the Hon. Chairman, clerk and full lioard present. Motion by Sup'r Weidner that all property upon the assessment books of this county for the year 1894 listed in the name of any church and upon which an assessment has been made be stricken from said books. Amendment offer ed by Sup'r Lisco that further action in this matter be indefinitely postponed. Amendment carried and motion as amended carried. The board remained in continuous session as a board of equalization nntil 12 o'clock noon, when upon motion a recess was taken until 2 o'clock p. m. Thursday p. in., June 14, 1891. Board of equalization met as per adjournment, present Hon. N. Olson chairman, G. W. Phillips clerk, and entire board. Sup'r Johnson presented the following: Whereas, It appears on the tax list of Platte connty that some real estate held by different churches has been assessed, and some has not been assessed, therefore be it Resolved, That all real estate held by any church for church services or cemeteries be ex empted from taxation not to exceed ten acres, and be it further Resolved. That all real estate held by different churches above that amount be assessed the same as other real estate adjoining same. J. P. Johnson. II. S. Elliott, D. A. Bechkb. Motion by Sup'r Johnson that resolution be adopted. Roll call for vote, Asche, Becher, Dodds, Driscoll, Elliott, Gerber, Johnson, Lis co, Pollard, Schreiber. Tschudin and Mr. Chair man voting aye 12. Heesacker, Kiernan, My lett, Speice, Thomazin and Weidner voting no 6. Carried. Motion by Snp'r Johnson that a committee of three be appointed for the purpose ot examining tho several assessment books and reporting to this board an equitable assessment upon all church property in accordance with the above resolution. Carried. Chair appointed Johnson, Dodds and Weidner as inch committee. The special committee on equalization sub mitted the following: We find that the average assessed valuation of all lauds in the county Is S2.83 per acre, and while in our opinion Ibis is a very low average vaiuattou some of the townships are exception ally low. We would therefore for the purpose of a just, fair aad equitable equalization of all property, both real and personal in the county, recommend thr following changes: BEAT. ESTATE. Deduct from the assessed valuation of Lost Creek township 13 per cent Deduct from the assessed valuation of llninphrsy township 2 per cent 91!,M9 GO 1.403 00 $10,373 00 $3,289 00 5,810 00 Add to assessed valuation of Bismark township 5 per cent.... Add to assessed valuation of Bur rows township 10 per cent Add to assessed valuation of Qran TlUt towBshjp ft percent............... 5,739 1 Leave Your Orders Early, an! Avoid tiie Rnsii. IHHMHTllIlllllimiHIIIllIHIIIIIlIlllUllllllIKllHHIlUIIIIUlllUllHIlUHlllIlllllWnrinilH "Eat, Drink and he Mtrry." Henry Ragatz & Co., -Si SI 43 -d 1 o 5 03 Si H E oq E u O E -3 E O E E 3 E -STAPLE AN FAUCI GROCERIES. Have mado a special effort to secure bargains for our customers. In Canned Goods wo have over 500 cases, at prices that astonish our many customers. Dried Fruits are of good quality at very low prices. We have Genuine Maple Syrup and Pure Buckwheat Flour. Our Cider can't bo beat. Apples are scarce, but we have them. In Nuts, Raisins, Fruits and Wo have doubled our order over last year, and havo an im menso stock. t3y All who purchase, will find it to their interest to look over our goods and get our prices. O Hi Crockery, Glassware aud Lais. I Our assortment was never more complete, at reasonable E E prices. Call and examine them. j Eleventh St., Columbus, Nebraska. 4tiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiTHnMM I Leave Yonr Orders Early, and Avoid tbe Rush. . I Add to assessed valuation of Joliet township 8 per cetit - - Add to assessed valuation of Wood ville township 20 per cent Add to assessed valuation of Walker l.)5 00 10.17S 00 township 10 per cent 8.581 00 Total S3;,S90 CO PERSONAL PKOPKHTV-HORSES. Deduct from assessed valuation ot Grand Pralrletownshlp25 percent $ 2,w2 00 Deduct from assessed valuation of Bismark township $ per cent St'.i Co Deduct from assessed valuation of Sherman township 10 percent CSC 00 Deduct from assessed valuation of Walker township 8 per cent SHI 00 Deduct from assessed valuation of Loup township 6 per cent "J51 cm Total - Add to assessed valuation of Colum bus township 5 percent.. Add to assessed valuation of Cres ton township 20 per cent Add to assessed valuation of Lost Creek township 10 per cent Add to assessed valuation of Monroe township 10 per cent Add to assessed valuation of Hum phrey townsliioS per cent SI.4SJ 00 S 41S 00 1,0! CO HSU CO 823 CO 313 00 S.-..M0 00 8 4S0 CO CATTLE. Deduct from assessed valuation of Sherman township 5 per cent Add to assessed viuuitlon of His. mark township 15 per cent Add to assessed valuation of (Iran- ville township 20 tier cent ...... Add to assessed valuation of Butler township 5 percent S 4?0 00 lJUiJO) G45 0O 1C0 1 Ulill MULES ANI ASSES. Deduet from assessed valuation of Grand Prairie township ii percent Deduct from assessed valuation of Uisinark township per cent.. Deduct from assesssd valuation of Sherman township G percent Add to assessed valuation of St. Bernard township 20 per cent Add to assessed valuation of Colum bus township 10 ppr cent Add to assessed valuation of Wood ville township 10 per cent... Add to assessed valuatioli of Lost Creek township Hi per cent Add to assessed valuation of Hutler township 10 percent Add to assessed valuation of Hum phrey township 10 per cent Add to assessed valuation of shell Creek township 10 per cent Add to assessed valuation of Cres ton township 10 per cent (Coiifmued ncx! ireek.) l,!16 00 S 23 00 14 CO 11 00 r.i ) 43 00 .17 00 IU 00 01 (X) 11 00 31 (X) 30 00 :r no When Baby was sick, we gave her Castorio. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria. Rheumatism Cured in a Day. "Mys tic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkablo and mys terious. It removes at onco tho causo and the disease immediately disappears. The first doso greatly benefits, 75 cents. Sold by A. Heintz, druggist, Colum bus, Neb. 14-y justness polices. Advertisements under this head five cents a lineeach insertion. WM.SCHILTZ makes boots and shoes in the beet styles, and nses only the very best stock that can be procured in the market. 32-tf HUGH HUGHES Can furnish you with the BEST M WINDOWS, BLINDS, LIME, Etc., and everything kept in the LUMBER LINE. South of U. P. R. R. Depot, Columbus, Nebraska. lOmay-lyr LOUIS SCHREIBER, SELLS THE DEERLVCr Self-BMer i Mower. These are perfect machines, i.troni whert strength is needed. Every lever within eaoy reach. "To be simple is to b creat." The binder has been reduced to a few simple pieces weighing together only 160 joui.dd. Soo the Deering nefcrc yon boy another. Shop on Olive Street, Columbus, Neb., four doors south of Borouiak's. 23maytf T)R. H. J. ARNOLD, PHYSICIAS AXD SURGEOX. Office two doors north of Brodf nehrer's iewelnr store. Office open day and night. Telephone 001 gles BlacKsnuui and Wagon Maker no. . feOC'Sldr-P COLCMXfS, NUBASKA. s t E E p i o I j E O E 1 I o E Pi E OB E H E P E l i--S v i p E P E P 1 E E O E P CD 01 cr if. Proprietor of the COLUMBUS P M INDFACTCKES Sash, Doors, Blinds, Moulding, Stair Work, Etc. Do Scroll Sawing, Turning, IIouso Finishing, in fact plauing-mill work of all kinds. Small as well as largo jobs solicited, satisfaction guaranteed and work finished in time promised. MT Estimator iimdoat once for yon on anv- thimejou witth in our line. Dr. CLARK'S INSTITUTE KOIl THK THRATMF.JJT OK THE Drink Habit ! Also Tobacco, Morphine and other Narcotic Habits. S3fi" Private treatment given if dosired. COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA. 13aprtf FOR- Choice Field Seeds, SUCH AS Clover, Timothy, Orchard Grass, Blue Grass, etc. -CALL AT - Herman Oehlrich & Bro's. 2Iffl3iii M. C. CASSIN, rnOPHIETOIl OF THE Fresh, and Salt Meats. Game and Fish in Season. B-iyHighcst market Hides and Tallow. prices paid for THIRTEENTH ST., COLUMBUS, - - NEBRASKA. Waprt f D. T. Martyn, M. D. C. D. Evans, M. D. P. 1 1.0 rait, M. D. DOCTORS MARTYN, EVANS t GEER, CONSULTING Physicians - and - Surgttns To St. , MaryV Hospital and St. rrancis Academy, COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA. United States Examining Surgeons, Assistant SiirueonUnion Pacitic. O., N. & B. II. Railways. !3yOfh"ce open night and day. Telephone So. 19. Two block north Union Pacific Depot. MARTY t EHBELMN, DKAI.KRS IK FRBSB Al SALT HEATS, Eleventh Street. Columbua. Neb W. A. McAllister. V. M. Coknklics. WcALLISTER & CORNELIUS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, COLPMIIL'H, NEBRASKA. Sljantf ALBERT 8c REEOER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Office over Firbt National Bank, COLUMBUS, J.-EBRASKA. 31Jantf Awnra anil Mill ! Dam Meat Market FOE. GOOD Wines, Liquors and Cigars CALL AT "THE NEW SALOONS " On Eleventh st. Imported and domestic wines for family trade a specialty. LUCHSIKOER & MCSSZLMAN, Smaytf Cor. Eleventh and M Sts.