The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, May 30, 1894, Image 2

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Cjolnmfrtts gomntal
Entered at the Post-office, Colambos, Nab., aa
cond-class mail matter.
rasuzD imi rr
Columbui, Neb.
tksxs or BCBSCBirnoH:
One year, by mt21, poetaga prepaid, 2-(S
Six months,. LOO
Throe moat hi,. '
Payable in AdTance.
tVSpedmen copiea mailed free, on applica
tion. ToroaaavBxu.
Wbam aMcrfbers chance their plr.ce of resi
dence they should at once notify 09 by letter or
postal card, giving both their formor and then
present post-office, the first enables ua to readily
find the name on our tn"'ling list, from which,
being en type, we each week print, either on tho
wrapper or on the margin of jroar Jccbnal, tl.u
date to which your subscription is paid or ac
counted for. Remittances should bo inailH
either by money-order, registered letter or drart
lajable to the order of .
M. K. Trjalimn A Co.
All communications, to secure attention, muM
l-a accompanied by the fall samr ol the writer.
W" reserve the right to reject any manuscript,
and cannot arcree to return the same. Wedir.
a rorrenponaent in every school-distnct 0'
1'Intte county, one of good judgment, find r
liahlu in every way. Write plain;', each :tei
separately. Oifana facta.
A saving of about S1O0 a day to the
Btato will accrue by tho investment of
the school fund in outstanding warrants.
Mil Gladstone had his right eye op
erated on Thursday for a cataract,
taking no anaesthetic. He bore the pain
with fortitude.
S. E. Holtzman of Butler county died
recently of blood poisoning supposed to
" be caused by the use of a salve bought
of a traveling peddler.
Fifty years ago last Thursday tho
first telegram was sent from Washing
ton to Baltimore. Today there are !!,
1(00,000 miles of telegraph.
Send 10c to W. F. Wakenian, New
York, and get ''American Tariffs from
Plymouth Bock to McKinley"(9tf pages),
published by the American Protective
Commonwbalek Have ye an ox try
coat, ma'am?
Lady Yes; extra coat of whitewash to
put on tho back fence
"Huh!" Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Two mines were blown up at Cripple
Creek, Colo., Friday morning by miners
using dynamite. Twelve men were down
in the shaft guarding the properly, but
no particulars of injuries had been
heard from.
At a democratic convention held re
cently in tho Chattanooga congressional
district, resolutions indorsing the ad
ministration and tho president were
loudly hissed and then laid on the table.
A bitter anti-Cleveland man was then
nominated. There is really some hope
of the country.
The president of tho Council Bluffs
school board announces himself in favor
of filling all positions by residents, so
far as possible; that only one should bo
employed in a family until all other ap
plicants had been disposed of; that
those dependent on their own efforts for
support should be chosen in preference
to others, and single persons, rather than
those having family duties.
La Salle, 111., was in the hands of a
mob Thursday, and in the riot three
sheriffs and livo striking miners wero
wounded. Tho lfrOO men who engaged
in tho lawlessness of last week are des
perate anarchists and will stop at noth
ing. Amid their wild cries of ''Vivo
l'anarchie" and similar foreign and
equally un American expressions, re
spectable citizens were derided, and
officers of tho law defied.
Since Gov. Crounse has withdrawn
from tho race, many would like to see
Hon. A. E. Cady of St. Paul nominated
for governor this fall. It seems to be
the prevailing opinion among men of all
parties that Cady is built just right to
lit tho executive chair to a dot. He
would certainly receive many votes that
Tom Majors or McColl could never hope
to get, and would lose very few from
either. Cady would run far ahead of
either in this locality. There is only one
better man in the state, and that is Hon.
James Whitehead of Broken Bow.
Either would sweep everything before
him. Greeley Leader.
Judge Holmes of Fremont has left
the democratic party and joined the re
publican party. He says that since the
democratic party has been in power "it
has conclusively demonstrated to my
satisfaction at "least, that the policy of
the democratic party is destructive to
the best interests of the American peo
ple. They have demonstrated, to my
mind that in order to keep our wheels
moving and our men at work wo must
legislate for our own and not for other
countries. I, during the years that I
supported the democratic ticket, had
never realized that tho question of a
protective tariff entered so largely as it
does into our national life and property.
I am convinced now that the policy
that must control in this country must
te American and nothing else.
For thirty long years it (the republican
party) very largely controlled the policy
of the country and during all that time
all honest and willing hands could find
something to do; during that time this
country advanced as it never did before;
during that time wages constantly ad
vanced and men bettered their condi
tion." SerlonMy Tlurt by a Cow.
Nebraska City, May 29. Mrs. John
Mischnick was attacked by the family
cow while milking, the animal hooking
her in the throat, making deep gashes.
She will probably recover.
Preferred Death to Poverty.
West Polnt, Neb., May 21). An aged
lady named Boldt committed suicide
here by eating pans green. The cause
of the act is attributed to long continued
illnes and poverty.
Aged Farmer Commits Suicide.
Guthrie Center, la., May 29. .Tames
Arvin, a prominent fanner, aged CO,
committed suicide by hanging. It is
thought he was insane, as no cause for
the deed is known.
Ran Out of Coal.
Cuxton, la., May 20. The mills of
the Columbia Straw Paper company,
both here and at Rock Falls, Ills., have
closed down owing to lack of coal.
Accident to an Amateur Rainmaker.
Blue Hill, Neb., May 29. Lawrence
May went out with some amateur rain
makers and on the second blast lost part
of his foot and several toes.
Burglars at Garrison.
Garrlson, la., May 2. Baum &
Mentzer's general store was entered by
burglars and f600 worth of goods, princi
pally watches and jewelry, were secured:
Kd Hall's New Paper.
Grand Island, Neb., May 29. The
Free Press, under the editorial leadership
of that veteran newspaper writer, Mr.
Ed J. Hall, has made its appearance.
Topolobainpo Colony a Failure.
Abilene, Kan., May 29. Attorney
Witherspoon of the Sinaloa company,
organizer of the Topolobampo Co-operative
Colony on the west coast of Mexico,
returned here after three months spent
at the colony. He says less than ;t00
people remain in the colony. Co-operation
has been given up, and those who
mnaiu will settle on irrigated lands.
Several Speeches In Favor
Retaining Present Duty.
Favors the Income Tax and Free C"
of Silver Without International As
liienl Captain Sampson' Testiiiimi
Armor Plate Frauds ErccUluri.l
Motion Overruled..
Washington, May 29. The sn:i
nt eight hours Monday discussing
1 vtion of free lumber. Not a vote
. 11. The tariff bill places lmnb-'-r
loush on the free list. Thed.'
--:i.- upon Hale's proposition to trm
r lumber to the dutiable list .1
:'il rates fixed in the McKinley 1 iw.
Senators Frye and Hale (Me.) and P.-.
l:ius(Cal.), Mitchell and Dolph (Oim
whose states are most particular' -effected
in the lumber industry, occuvii
the major portion of the time in 1 .
support of Hale's amendment..
Mr. Walsh, the new senator fro?
Georgia, delivered a speech on the g.-u
eral subject of the tariff. Referring I
an assertion by Hoar in a recent spew
that the south was endeavoring to ru
the industries of New England to z
even, Mr. Walsh declared the people i :
no hostility for the people or the in. .
tries of New England.
Wafoh Favor the Income Tar.
"The senators from the south,"' he s:: :
"are in this body to simply carry ont :
pledges made to the people by the Dc-.u
ocratic party to reform the tariff and 11.
connection with the tariff reform 1 u
they champion an amendment to it
which provides for a tax upon income .
The south favors the income tax, not
from a sectional or partisau standpoint,
but lwcause it is equitable and right.
The Wilson bill as amended in thesenate
is a compromise. It will Ikj so construed
and accepted by the great majority of
the American people who elected Pm-i-dent
Cleveland and placed the Demo
cratic party in pow?r.'"
In reference to the silver question he
said: "While it is desirable to secure
the remonetization of silver, by interna
tional agreement, still, if the opportuni
ty offered, I would not hesitate for free
coinage, with or without international
agreement, believing th immense re
sources and productive energies of this
country would enable our government
to sustain it on a parity with gold and
compel recognition for it from the en
lightened governments of Europe.' lb
also favored the repeal of the tax on
state bank circulation.
Government Han Paid the Cost ir Carne
gie's riant Several Times.
Washington, May 29. In the armor
plate investigation Monday Captain
Sampson, in explaining the matter of
taking samples, said an employe of the
Carnegie works took the samples and
subjected them to machine tests. The
Carnegie employe called off the results
and the government inspector took tno
figures as called off.
"In other words,'" said Chairman Cnin
mings, "the government tests were made
by Carnegie employes, with a Carnegie
machine and were accepted as conclusive
by the government?"
Captain Sampson said this was cus
tomary the world over. In the intricate
processes some reliance had to be placed
on the company employes. The testing
machine had a dial on which the govern
ment inspector might sea that the check
ing off was correct.
The ltf-inch armor of the Monterey had
numerous blowholes with the acknowl
edge of the department. Tho plates
were hurriedly made in 1M)2 and would
not bo accepted now. The Monterey
plates were the first made. The Chilian
trouble w:is ending and tho department
was desirous of hurrying forward the
Chairman Cummings asked as to the
statement of Representative Coombs (N.
Y.) that the first government contract had
paid the Carnegie company for the cost of
their plant, and yet now contracts were
being made at the old rate, thus paying
the Carnegies several times for their
plant. Captain Sampson said he thought
it was to some extent true that the more
recent contracts were based on the
earlier contracts, when the cost of the
plant was considered in making the
price for armor.
Commanding Officers Responsible.
Washington, May 29. The many oc
casions of late for the employment of
federal troops to assist judicial officers in
protecting railway and other properties
from organized bodies of lawless men
and the misconception of the real func
tions of the troops has caused the issue
by General Schofield of instructions to
arnry department commanders to the ef
fect that when troops are so employed
they cannot be directed to act under the
orders of any civil officer. Tho com
manding officers of the troops so em
ployed are directly responsible to their
military superiors.
Recommended by Carlisle.
Washington, May 29. Hearings were
given by the house committee on ex
penditures in the treasury department
on the bill of Representative Curtis
(Kan.) to abolish and consolidate a num
ber of customs ports. The bill has been
recommended by Secretary Carlisle.
State Sovereignity Ouestion.
Washington. May 29. Something of
a controversy over tho state sovereignty
question has been stirred up in the house
judiciary committee over a bill intro
duced by Representative de Armond
(Mo.) to define the duties of federal courts
regarding contempts, which provides
that state, county or city officers shall
not be punished for refusal to collect
taxes or assessments under the judg
ments rendered by federal courts against
states, counties or cities where the levy
ing of such taxes or assessments shall be
conrray to the laws of the state as con
strued by its highest courts. The bill
has been favorably reported from the
fomintttee by the Democrats and Rcj
ientatire Wolverton (Pa.) The ininoi
report is drawn by Representative 1
(N. Y.) and signed by Messrs. R.
Powers, Stone, Updegraf and Chil
The report characterizes the measure
an effort to revive the exploded doctri:
of state sovereigntv.
Ban Placed Upon an Eminent Hebron -American
Washington. May 29. Resolution.
submitted by Representative Rayno'
(Md.) to the house recites that th
Russian government has denied ad
mission to that country of Rabbi Krau -kopf.
an eminent Hebrew ecclesiastic o
Philadelphia, and that this action is a
breach of the treaty which gives Ameri
can citizens right to enter, sojourn an 1
travel in Russia the same as Russian ci:.
zens are admitted to this country. Th
resolution will direct the state "depart
menttomakea demand on Russia f.-
the full observance of the treaty and i
case of ji refusal will direct theseveraiu
of all treaty relations with Russia.
Dr. Krauskopf came here recently :
was accompanied by Representat
Tracey and Representative Strauss
calls on President Cleveland, Secret:
Gresham and other officials. It v:o
then arranged that Secretary Greslia
should notify the Russian government -
Dr. Krauskopfs proposed visit and to
certain if there was any objection. T
response camo quickly that the czar's o
ficials could not "permit the visit. I J
Raynor now- presents tho question of tb
treaty right of an American to go t
Russia without ref erapco to his religic
or former natioilin The propoo
visit of Dr. Krauskopf was for the put
poso of visiting the ninth provinc
within which Russia restricts the Jev.
and to ameliorate their condition.
Ordered a Favorable Report.
Washington, May 29. The hous
committee on public lands has ordered ,1
favorable report on the bill introduced
by Representative Lynch (Wis.) effect in ;
settlements on public lands under what
is known as the stone and timber act.
The act prowdes that lands should be
offered at public sale, but many entries
were made in good faith upon sections
which were not so offered. The bill is
designed to give those settlers clear titles
to their lands.
MrMasters Requested to Resign.
Washington, May 29. The resigna
tion of Alexander M. McMasters, snpr
visiug inspector of steam vessels in Buf
falo, has been requested by the secretaiy
of the treasurv.
Breckinridge' Motion Overruled.
Washington, May 29. Judge Brad
ley overruled the motion of Colonel
Breckinridge for leave to file a bill of ex
ceptions in the'Pollard-Breckiuridge case.
Predictions on the Tariff Kill.
Washington, May 29. Senators Year
nee?. Jones and Hants predict tho tariff
bill will pass the senate within three
Rrecklnridge Meets His Opponent.
OwnsTOX, Ky.. May 29. Colonel W.
C. P. Breckinridge and Sir. Evan Settle,
opposition candidates for the Democratic
nomination for congress from the Ash
land district, both spoke here Monday.
Two thousand people were present, in
cluding delegate? from Scott, Franklin
and Henry counties. This is Mr. Settle s
own count" 4 I friends and enthusiasm
were on his ssTtle.
lllack Hills Mine Sold.
Hot Springs, S. D., May 29. The J.
R. mine, one of tho best-paying gold
properties in the southern portion of the
Black Hills, is reported to have lven
sold to Chicago capitalists, who will at
once work the property with a full foui
of men. The consideration was $99,K:0.
Conner- and .lack Vevy Matched.
Sprinofielo, Ills., May 29. Articles
of agreement letweeu Jimmie Conners
of this city and Jack Levy were signed.
A Chicago Failure.
Chicago, May 29. Bennajab C.
Rogers, mens' furnishing goods, assigned.
Assets, $20,000; liabilities, $30,000.
Chief Karmay Exonerated.
Denver, May 29. The telt graphers'
convention exonerated Chief Ramsay.
reeretary Hoke Smith Decides a Numl
of Ahland Land Casru.
Ashland. Wis., May 29. A batch
2T land decisions rendered by Secret.
Hoke Smith at Washington reached th
city. In this instance all entries we:
thrown open, which as a test case, it i
thought, will reopen a large amount o
the Omaha and Wisconsin Central in
demnity lands opened in 1891. The de
cision generally favors the squatters wh'
located upon land prior to the opening
day as against the filers who stood iv
line, and will result in continued litiga
tion. Tiie secretary also denies the open
ing of cases after once settled. One of
the cases decided by Smith was where
3,000,000 feet of pine had already been
cut and barked and the contestant has
taken iwssessiou of the logs, leaving the
other man to whistle for his pains. Each
case seems to have singular circumstan
ces introduced in evidence so that hU
last lot of decisions furnishes the mot
varied assortment of land laws ever
known in the history of the couutiy.
Olatlotone Receiver Callers.
London. May 29. Monday was tli3
best day Mr. Gladstone has had since the
operation was performed upon his eye
and he was permitted to read and write
for a short time. Among his caller.;
during the- day were the Prince an I
Princess of Wales, the dukj tad tlnches
of York, the duke and duchess of T'c.
Prince and Princes Christian and J!:.
William Waldorf Astor.
luvra and Dakota ltihops Present.
London, May 29. The missionai y
conference of the Church of Englan
under the auspices of the Canterbu
and York boards of missions, opened :
St. Paul's cathedral. The archbishop
Canterbury welcomed the visitors, w'
included the bishops of North D.d:
and Iowa.
Fryc Made Commander-In-Chlet.
Cincinnati, May 29. General Frye,
just Itefore leaving this city, received a
commission from Coxey as commander-in-chief
of tho commonweal army of tho
United States and General Frye has gone
to Hyattsville, where he will make his
Missionary Uaptistt Meet.
Saratoga, N. Y May 29. The
American Baptist Missionary union be
gan its 18th anniversary Monday. The
annual address was delivered by the
president, Rev. Dr. Augustus H. Strong
fcf the Rochetier Teological seminary.
Solomon Osborn, an old soldier, was
killed in a runaway at Kokonio, Ind.
Charles Prescott was struck by a saw in
a saw mill near Columbia City, Ind., and
instantly killed.
The Will county grand jury returned
31 indictments, 10 of them being against
Joliet, Ills., saloonkeepers.
Mrs. Eliza Topliff, widow of Charles A.
Topliff, who was killed in the Kipton
wreck on the Lake Shore road, got a ver
dict of $10,000 damages against the rail
road company.
The wife "of Dr. W. H. Kendall of
Quincy, UK, died from fright during a
runaway. In n subsequent run the horse
dropped dead.
Sixty-nine descendants of Daniel Zil of
La Rose, Ills., were present at the celebra
tion of his 90th birthday.
The coinage of gold at the Philadelphia
mint during the present fiscal year will
reach 50,000,000, the largest in its history.
Albert Hagnie, aged IT, while bathing
in the canal at Keokuk, was drowned.
The application of Belva A. Lockwood
for leave to file a petition for a writ to
compel the court of appeals of Virginia
to admit her to practice at its bar was de
nied by the United States supreme court.
Western colleges have been asked to
Bend delegates to a meeting in Chicago to
form an intercollegiate tennis association.
At St. Petersburg Count Sonogaub and
four other persons, including two lawyers,
were banished to Siberia for forging a
will. The count's son killed himself
when he heard the sentence.
A Baltimore and Ohio passenger train
was wrecked by a landslide near Pine
Grove, Md. The engineer and firemen
were killed and their bodies were burned.
George T. and J. C. Xickles were ar
rested at Galesburg, Ills., charged with
swindling fnrmers by means of bogus in
surance policies.
The Goulds are said to have given up
their residence in New York. An Increase
in the taxable valuation of the personal
estate is alleged as the rfMon.
Cripple Creek Mine Owners Re
fuse to Arbitrate.
At Denver One ihousand Armed Men
Ready to March to the Aid of the Striken.
Conference of Colorado, Wyoming aad
New Mexico Miners to Be Called Mines
Loaded With Dynamite Strike News.
Denver, May 29. The mine owners
have decided not to arbitrate differences
with the Cripple Creek miners and
trouble may begin at any moment.
Information has baen received from
Cripple Creek that even had the strikers
been driven from the camp, the men
who took their places in the mines would
be in immediate peril. Every mine in
the camp over which there has been
trouble is "loaded." Large quantities of
dynamite have been stored in the shaf to
back of the timbering by the strikers
and hidden wire; attached to these
charges in such u manner that they can
be exploded and every person in the
mines instantly killed, while the men
who start the battery remain out of sight.
Ex-Policemaa Hobart, second in com
mand in the squad of deputies organized
here and sent to Cripple Creek, has re
turned for the purpose of recruiting men
to take tho places of deserters. About
15 of the origiual force refused to serve
longer on account of the hardships to
which they were subjected.
William Ho wells, a member for Colo
rado of the national committee of the
United Mine Workers who attended the
Columbus meeting, has returned. Mr.
Howells will issue a call to the miners
asking them to send a delegate repre
senting each mine in Colorado, Wyom
ing aud New .Mexico to a convention to
settle the question whether they will
join in a general suspension of work or
not. Speaking on the national situation
ho said a compromise basi3 will un
doubtedly be reached in the course of a
short time.
Sheriff nml Striker- Are Roth Strengthen
ing Tliir Forces For n Conflict.
Cripple Crei::;, Colo., May 29.
If trouble breaks out again, and it is im
possible to see how it can b avoided, the
results bid fair to be far more terrible
than those already witnessed. The arm
istice declared was made use ot by the
sheriffs to increase their forces. Nearly
400 men have been recruited in Denver
and on the slightest outbreak will be
forwarded to Cripple Creek and sworn
in as deputies. The strikers seem to
have taken courage from the action of
Governor Waite and affect to believe
that the militia would tend to aid them
in carrying out their purpose. Be this,
as it may, the strikers are being en
couraged by the temporary absence of
the deputies and are becoming bolder
ana more imperative and intolerant.
There is no danger that a nonpartisan
will be fired upon withont first being
warned, but when ordered to stop, it
means that he must stop just where his
feet are resting. It is but a step from
this attitude to one of most reckless dar
ing, and people in the camp? fear the
All day Monday strikers were search
ing for arms and ammunition in the
mining camps, and wherever arms, am
munition or provisions were found they
were confiscated and receipts given for
them. No one about the camp3, except
the strikers, are permitted to carry arms
aud the striker, who reign supreme,
have issued the order that every able
bodied man found in camp when the real
contest comes will be forced to carry
arms in their ranks. The result is that
many people are moving away from the
camps to the city of Cripple Creek and
elsewhere. Town and county officials
are utterly unable to do anything in the
face of such an overwhelming number of
desperate men. Parties of men who are
in sympathy with the mine owners have
gone to Midland, where they will met
the deputies and conduct them to the
strongest points about the scene of trouble.
A large party of strikers have also
gone towards Midland to meet the depu
ties and retard their progress as much as
possible. The country about Bull Hill,
the strikers' stronghold, for eight miles
is held and patrolled by the strikers.
The miners have received telegrams in
cipher from Denver. Pueblo, Leadville,
Ouray, Coal Creek and other points, of
fering them aid if a battle becomes in
evitable. It is said that 1,000 armed
men will Ikj sent to tho strikers on 48
hours notice.
Miners Recapture Coal Train.
Wcnona, Ills., May 29. Three coal
trains guarded and escorted out of
Minonk Monday by troops were re
captured by the strikers here a few hours
after their triumphant release from the
blockade. Strikers to the number of 100
waylaid them aud taking possession of
the trains sidetracked them. Word was
sent at once to Sheriff Leuza at Mata
mora and he appeared accompanied by
deputies. He tried to persuade the
strikers to abandon their obstruction.
The- finally declined to do so. After ex
hausting all peaceful measures the
sheriff sent to Toluga for 100 Winches
ters and 4.000 revolvers. He has wired
state officers and requested Governor
Altgeld to send troops.
Trouble Threatened In Pennsylvania.
Uniontown, Pa., May 29. Trouble
seems imminent at the Kyle plant, near
Fair Chance, where 400 strikers have
been camped since the early part of last
week. It is reported that a raid will be
made upon the plant and the company's
officials are preparing for the attack.
Deputies are all around and it is said the
itrikers are well armed and mean busi
Less. -
Federal Troops Ordered Oat.
Leavenworth, Kan., May 29. An
Irder from Secretaiy of War Lamont
was received at Fort Leavenworth for
firee companies of military to move im
lediately to McAlester, I. T., to sun
press tho mine trouble and restore t'
owners the property now held by ihf
rtrikers. The troops will beconiinand-d
by Lieutenant Colonel Andrews and
Major Haskell.
Issued an Order Restraining Miners.
Terse Hacte, May 29. W. F. Lyford,
general solicitor for the Chicago and
Eastern Illinois, arrived in this city with
a restraining order, which he secured
from United States Judge Baker, enjoin
ing the striking coal miners and all others
from interfering with the.progress of the
coal train of 24 cars, which the strikers
sidetracked at Clinton Locks Saturday
and now have in their possession. Tho
miners have sworn the shall not be
moved, and most of them are armed.
Kelly's Army at St. Louis.
St. Louis, May 29. Kelly ,s army,
1,100 strong, arrived in St. Louis Mon
day evening from Alton, His. Kelly's
army during its sojourn in St. Louis
will have no reason to complain of a
lack of food. Aside from the prepara
tions which the various labor organiza
tions have made, Nat Sebastian, a saloon
keeper, has provided 12, cattle, 12 sheep,
a wagon load of vegetables and 1,000
loaves of bread. He will entertain
"General"' Kelly and the two ladies of
the party at his bojgg.
Horse Racios; Not a Lottery.
Brooklyn, May 29. Philip J. Dwyer,
who was held for the grand jury on a
charge of maintaining a lottery and
whose case was brought before Judge
Gaynor in tho supreme court on a writ
of habeas corpus, was discharged on the
ground that his arrest was illegal under
the Ives law. The judge in his decision
says: "There is no foundation for the
contention that horse racing is a lottery.
It is not a lottery, either in common
speech or within legal definition."
Big Oklahoma Land Case.
Perry, O. T., May 29. One of the
biggest cases ever tried in Oklahoma will
, be called for trial before Register Carey
of the Perry land office. The case is be-
, tween 5,000 townsite settlers and about
20 homestead settlers, and the amount
involved is 640 acres, said to be worth
$500,000. The property upon which is
' located North Perry and Northwest
Perry is the land in question. There will
be nearly 1,000 witnesses in the case.
Will Cut the Union Pacific
St. Paul, May 29. A special from
Portland says: It has been discovered
here that an attempt is being made to
' force the Oregon Railway and Naviga
j tion company into the hands of a re
' ceiver. If that is done it will have the
effect of cutting off the western end of
the Union Pacific svstein.
English Syndicate Bay the Elgin Works.
Elgin, nis., May 29. President Avery
of the Elgin National Watch company
notified the stockholders that a repre
sentative of an English syndicate has
offered $7,000,000 for the plant and that
the holders of three-fourths of the stock
have agreed to the sale.
Michael Schwab a Citizen.
Chicago, May 29. Michael Schwab,
who was recently pardoned by Governor
Altgeld while serving a 15 years' sen
tence for complicity in the anarchist
riots in 18K, has taken out his final
papers as a citizen. He came to Chicago
in 1S79.
Prominent Denver Man Dead.
Denver, May 29. John A. McBeth,
ex-register of the Denver land office, was
found dead in his room. He was a Col
orado pioneer, a prominent Shriner and
ex-grand ruler of the Denver lodge,
B. P. O. E.
Lucky Illinois Electricians.
Chicago, May 29 E. S. Karoly, an
electrician of this city, and his brother,
C. S. Karoly, also an electrician of
Aurora, Ills., have fallen heir to an es
tate in Hungary estimated at 2,000,000.
General Sanders Gives Bonds.
Leavenworth, Kan., May 29. San
ders and his engineer have given bonds
for their appearance for trial next Sep
tember and the remainder of the men go
on their own recognizance.
Want Twenty-Five Hundred.
Denver, May 29. The local brigadier
general, R. W. Morris, says the Denver
commonweal army will not start for
Washington until 2,5)0 men are enrolled.
Maher Knocks Oat Godfrey.
Boston, May 29. Peter Maher, Ire
land's champion, knocked out George
Godfrey, Boston's colored heavyweight,
in the sixth round.
Pioda May Succeed Claparede.
Berne, May 2S. Dr. J. B. P.:
secretary of tho Swiss legation in I:
will probably be sent to Washingto.
succeed Dr. Claparede, Swiss ministt
tho United States, who has been sel-.
to go to Vienna.
Royal Nuptials.
Brussels, May 29. Tho marring
Prince Charles of Hohenzollern-S:g
ingen to Princess Josephine of Flan
niece of the king of Belgium, took 1
Berlin Workmen Killed.
Berlin, May 29. Four work?:'
were killed and six injured by the c
lapse of a house in Kochstrasse wine:
was in process of reconstruction.
Prussian Agricultural Congress Opens.
Berlin, May 2'.). The Prussian agri
cultural conference has opened. H. rr
von Heyden, minister of agriculture, de
fended the government policy.
Asks to Be Reunited.
London, May 2S. Countere Russel
asked the courts for leave to petition for
a restoration of conjugal rights with her
husband, Earl Russel.
Racing Yacht Disabled.
London, May 2.. The Times says
that the yacht Satanita has sprung her
mast and will be unable to compete in
any race for a week.
Princess Is In Good Health.
BiXDON, May 29. The reports that
Princess Alix of Hesse, the fiance of th-;
czarcwitch of Russia, is in bad health
are officially denied.
Severe Shock of Earthquake.
Naples, May 29. A severe shock of
earthquake was felt in the town of
Lagonegro, in the province of Potensza.
Anstro-Rnsslaa Treaty.
Vienna, May 29. The commercial af
fairs committee of the unterhaus ap
proved the Austro-Russian treaty.
Will Go Under the Needle.
Paris, May 29. Jules Simon will
have both eyes operated on for cataract.
Chicago Grain aad Provisions.
CmcAGO, May 28. Fears of crop damage
again aided the bulls in wheat today and July
closed with a c gain. Corn and oats each
closed c higher and provisions scored a
slight advance all around.
WHEAT Firm. Cash, Mtfc; July, :Vc;
September. 57?c; December, &D6c.
CORN'-Higher. Cash, 3Tc; July, 38J4a
334c; September, 33c.
OATS-Steady. Cash. 33Jc; July. 3ia$c;
September. 26gc.
PORK-Firm. Cash, fll.80; July. Sll.sJ6;
September, J11.87H-
LARD-Firnv Cash, $6.80; July, f.72;
September. 16.80.
RIBS-Flrmer. Cash. fC.20; July. fO.20;
September. $6.20.
Chicago JAva Stock.
Chicago, May 23. CATTLE The week
opens with a good bulge in prices for useful
grades of cattle. Buyers put up W&5c ad
vance readily enough where the quality and
weight were suitable. Prime heavyweight
steers sold at S4.55&I.G0, and sales of choice
beef and shipping steers at 4.15(&.30 were
numerous. Most of the fair to good dressed
beef cattle were bought at $3.802,-10. Light
and medium steers and stockers and feeders
sold more slowly, but prices for I such were
strong to 10c higher. Choice fed Texans sold
up to $3.89, and most of the fair steers at $3.15
HOGS Trade opened weak, at 5 10c de
cline from Saturday's range. The best heavy
hogs sold nearly up to $1.80, and choice me
dium and mixed lots went slowly, around
$4.75. The great bulk of the offerings .of all
weights went at ft.H5-Q.4.7.". with inferior
mixed and low grade stun at J4.30St.60. The
late market was more active and was 5c
above the weak morning prices.
SHEEP All the good, fat mutton stock
met firm demand, and sold steadily at the
closing prices of last week. Choice to prime na
tive and western wethers sold largely at $4.10
G4.40. The inferior, half-fat lots and feeders
were unsaleable property and a burden at 10a
decline. Sales of thin to fair native and Texas
Hheep ranged chiefly at $1.75&3.25. Mast of
the choice mutton stock went at $3.75&l.40.
The lamb market was firm for all grades.
Receipts-Cattle, 13,001 head; calves. 250;
bogs. 37,000; sheep. 13.030.
South Omaha live Stock.
South Omaha, May 28. CATTLE Re
ceipts, 1.700 head; 1300 to 1500 lbs.. $3.8'x&4.10;
1100 to 1300 lbs., $3.&3.90; 900 to 1100 lbs.,
$3.503.8.T; choice cows, $2.70&3.G0; common
cows, $1.5OS2.e0; good feeders, $3.00a3.i0;
common feeders, $2.502.90. Market 3c to 10c
HOGS Receipts. 5,100 head; light. $4,403
4.57H; mixed. $4.50&4.55; heavy. $4.50&4.fl0.
Market 5c to 10c lower.
SHEEP Receipts. 1,800 head; muttons, $3.90
tti,?$i mala- nmt. KutaStewft -
Iowa and Illinois Insurance Com
panies Make Up.
raneral of Colonel laird Aged Farmer
Commits Suicide Nebraska Minister
Goes to Iowa Accident to Amateur
Rainmakers Iowa Murderer Sentenced.
Burglars at Garrison.
Des Moines, May 29. The dispute be
tween the insurance departments of Ill
inois and Iowa has been settled and
Auditor McCarthy has admitted Illinois
assessment associations to do business in
this state in return for mutual conces
sions from the Illinois auditor.
The cause of the difficulty was that
certain Iowa companies granted certain
options to members from the reserve
fund which the Illinois law prohibited.
The companies preferred to stay out of
Illinois rather than comply with that
law, but finally made snch changes as
were satisfactory to the Illinois auditor.
Funeral of Colonel Laird.
Sioux City, May 21. The funeral of
Colonel S. M. Laird of Pierre, S. D., who
died suddenly on a train near this city,
took place Monday. He was postmaster
at Pierre 12 years, and at the time of his
death was United States Indian commis
sioner at Pierre and a member of the
South Dakota soldiers' home commission.
Iowa Murderer Sentenced.
Cresto.v, la., May 28. D. S. Clay
man of Des Moines, who has been on
trial at Fontanelle in the district conrt
for the murder of M. Menzer, was found
guilty and sentenced by Judge Hender
son to serve 10 years in the penitentiary.
Not Married Long.
Clinton, la.. May 29. Mrs. Tena
Grusendorf charges her husband Jolm
Grasendorf, with an attempted murder
in her recently liled bill of divorce.
They were married only a few months
ago in Chicago and soon separated.
Will Address the Old Settlers.
Palmyra, Neb., May 29. Hon. J.
Thomas Majors. Judge M. L. Hay want
and Professor Savior of the Lincoln
Normal university are announced as the
orators selected for the old settlers' cele
bration to be held here June 14.
Honoring Commissioner Dale.
Corning, la., May 2'J. The citizens of
Corning gave an ovation to Hon. H. F.
Dale of this city, who has been apointed
by the supremo court as a member of
the code commission whose duties it is to
codify the laws of Iowa.
Itarn ami Granary Destroyed.
Palmyra, Neb., May 29. The barn
and granary of Thomas J. Nash, four
miles southwest of here, was set on fire
by children and totally destroyed, with
contents. Loss, $2,000, with light in
Itarn With Live Stock Uurned.
Nebraska City, May 29. Tho large
barn belonging to Reuben Church was
bnrned. Fonr mules, two horaes and
some farming utensils were consumed.
The total loss was about $2,000; fully in
sured. Nebraska Minister Goe to Iowa.
Lyons, Neb., May 29. Rev. Hugh
McNinch, of the Presbyterian church,
preached his farewell sermon Sunday.
He has accepted a call at Red Oak, la.,
where he will preach next Sunday.
iTennett'.H Army Disbanded.
Hiawatha, Kan., May 29. Bennett's
army of couunonwealers disbanded here.
All of the men expect to join Sanders'
First Peaches of the Sea-ton.
San Francisco, Ma- 29: Local com
mission merchants received consignments
of peaches Monday, being the first of the
Married Her Leading Man.
Philadelphia, May 29. Miss Julia
Marlowe, the actress, and Robert Tabor,
formerly her leading man, were married
Emma Juch to lie Married.
New York, May 29. Miss Emma
Juch is to be married next month to
Assistant District Attorney Francis Well
man. Meet at Pittsburg Next Year.
Saratooa, May 29. The general as
fcmbly of the Presbyterian church ad
journed to meet next year at Pittsburg.
Monday's Baseball Gaines.
Pittsburg, U; Louisville, 0. Killcn and
Mack; Kilroy. Strati on, Mcncfee, Earle and
Grim. Umpire, Powers.
Boston, 13; Washington. 12. Connaughton
and ataley; McGuire and Patty. Umpire,
Kansas City, 27; Detroit, 4. MeGinnityand
Donhue; Clausen anil Croi. Umpire, Sher
idan. Sioux City, 11; Toledo. 4. Cunningham and
Twineham; Kettner ami McKuriand. Um
pire, Kerins.
Minneapoli-i. .'; Grand Kr.iiiiU, 10. Lincou
Frazer. Duryen, Par vis and Hurre!! ; Rhinea.
Wat kins and Spies. Umpire. Bennett.
Jacksonville. Itf; Das Moinei, 10.
When Baby was sick, we gave her Castorla.
Allien she wa a Child, lie crisd for Ca-.torid.
Whi-n she bti'ame Miss, bhe clun to Castoria.
Whcu she had Children, she gave them C'asloi U.
Can furnish you with
the BEST
Lnmlier, Lath, Sliingles, Doors,
BLINDS, LIME, Etc., and
everything kept in tbe
South of U.P.K.R. Depot, Colnmbiu,
Wines, Liquors and Cigars
On Eleventh t. Imported and domestic winee
for family trade a opecialty.
2majtf Cor. Eleventh and il Sts,
What is
I FAii. ill D F 1
Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants
and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor
other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute
lor Paregoric, Irops. Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil.
It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years use by
3Iillions of Mothers. Castoria destroys AYorms and allays
fevcrishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd,
cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic Castoria relieves
teething troubles, cures constipation aud flatulency.
Castoria assimilates tho fool, regulates the stomach
aud bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas
toria is tho Childrcns Panacea tho Mother's Friend.
"Castoria fa an excellent mrdU.-hjf tc- ' i!
dren. Mothers hae repeatedly told is.o ot i
good effect upou their childn-a."
Di U. C. Ojwiood,
Lowcl!, Mu.s3.
' Castoria is tho best remedy for children cf
which I am acquainted. I hope t::o lsy fa 1 ot
far distant whenmothers will coaUer the real
interest of their children, an.l aso Cistori.i in
stead of the various quack nostrums which aro
destroying their loved ones, by forciuopitmi.
morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful
agent3 down their throaU, thereby ik;udi:i
them to prematura graves. "
Dr. J. F Kischei.oe,
Conway, Art
The Centaur Company, TI
I Leave Your Orders Early,
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 j 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
"Eat, Drink and be Merry."
Henry Ragatz & Co.,
43 E
-3 I
Havo in ado a sitccial elTort to seouro bargains for our
customers. In Canned Goods we have ovor ."HO truces, at prices
that astonish our many customers.
Dried Fruits are of jjood totality at very low prices.
We havo Genuine 3Iap!e Srup ami Pure Huckwheat
Our Cider can't be heat.
Apples are scarce, hut wo havo Ihem.
fn Xuts, IiaisiiiH, Fruits and
We have doubled our order over last year, and have ait im
mense stock. 3?" All who purchase, will find it to
their interest to look over our jjoods and et our prices.
Crotey, Glassware and Lais.
Our assortment was never
prices. Call and examine them.
E Eleventh St., Columbus, Nebraska, e
1 Leave Your Orders Early, and Avoid the Rush. 1
Establish! W0.
.afl.2n.cL IEea,l !Esta.te
MONEY TO LOAN ON FAIIMS at lowest r.itt's of intir's.t, on uhort or lonj time, in Hinoiin
to miit applicants.
BONDED AUSTltACTKKS OF TITLE to all nKlvtnttin IMnttucounty.
KepresentTHE LEADING INSURANCE COMPANIES of thcWorl.l. Ourfunupolicw. r
I he iisot-t liberal in !! Loert adjusted, nu! promptly paid at tliintli-e.
Notary Public nlwayrt in otlice.
Farm aad city property formal.".
Make col hftionu off oruiKU inheritance- ami mI1 Htmuihhip tickets to u.l fioiu nil par
of Europe. lHuu'liI-tf
Will Illustrate
To yon thoatlvantagoof buying
From him. If a splendid stock
and low prices cut any
lijjure, yon will
bo satisfied.
Always on hand.
His stock if
Dry Goods
Is large, well selected and
everything yon want will
ho found in stock
at low iijjures.
22T" Country produce a spe
cialty, and always taken at
cash prices. All goods deliv
ered free.
Telephone Xo. 22.
Iturial Goods,
Do Embalming,
Conduct Fune"als.
jyiiave the fin-'Ht Ifraree in the county.
rw-8!rhAiK Columbus, Neb.
Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College. Office
over post office. 19aprtC
" Castoria fa so well adapted to children thai
I r.c'inmenJ it sssupcriortoany prescription
Luow u tu me."
IT. A. Arcrkr, X. D.,
lit So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. T.
" "ur physicians in tho children's depart
tuest h-vo spofceu highly of their experience-
in their otiLiiJo practice with Castoria,
!.:! although wo only huo among our
uiidical supplies what fa known as regular
jMniiuts. yet wearo free to coufess that the
ir.criis of Castoria lias won us to look with
f.tvor upon it."
United Host-mi. DisFEMuaT,
liodtou, "ua
AU.CV C. Smith, iVe..
Murray Street, Now York City.
and Avoid the Rush 1
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 : 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 iTi 1 1 1 1 1 1
E 3
E e
E t
1 W
E p
more complete, at reasonable
CAUTION'. ir a denier oflVra W. t,.
DoiirIim ."ihoeii nt u reduced price, or say
lio liHd them without nitfno btaniped ua
bottom, put Iilmtlnirn u-j a fraud.
W. L. Douclas
W. L. DOUCLAS Shoes are stylish, easy fit
ting, and Rive better satisfaction at the prices arf-ertiit-d
tlun any other make. Try one pair and
nunc and price on the bottom, which guarantee
their value, saves thousand of dollars annually
tothoe who wear them. Dealers who push the
i i!e o. W. L. Douglas Shoes gain customer,
which help? to inceae the sales on their full line
of col. They cm afford to sell at a less profit,
aad','- .-! c-jn s-ie money hv imyingall
your foot f advertised l lov.-.
Cat.1I01.-n free iion application AdJitss
V.L.IoyJLA.S, lirucliton.Jli,,. bold h
ilt -M a
NING or TOKNADO insurance
on city and farm property; if you want
an ACCIDENT POLICY; if you want
to buy or sell farm or city property; if
you want bargains in real estate, call at
the Iteal Estate and Insurance Agency,
I Door East of First National Bank.