n I .IR - 1 i: - i'4 'rfi ? -- 1v U i- I j: v ..oltuulms Jftmnral. WHDNEHDAY, MAY '. 1HP. . .XnEET.V2LS. Pase. Fri?iit. ((Hrif '"clanjbnb. D-.mt t "itj i :35 a. m. iOp. m. s6 " 8:20 " 9-1S - 4:15 p. as. lOir: 7:5 " II 3X a. in- 10:50 " Tlif piWmier lrHV" Lincoln at rt:W p. m-.ani mt!. :it t'olumlmi, p. m; the freiiriir leaven -Tviln .it T.ir. i. .aaliiiTSTcH at Columbus at I t : m. CNION PAiEFI'TClE-T.VBLE. .1IJ4JEHT IOIVO WEST. V ' m.i ir Ex. ' a. p.. H-fic Kx. HI-I5 P- m i .hV, ! in -n Denver fcx.. - l.S p. ni !..-.. il 2 r ii. m UmiiMl 5-i p m i ,.r. Iil . " " u in Lx-il Fr't tiJtt) ;u rn n. S. Fnt.t Mail. enrrst-i pw-e!i.rir for tlirt.unh iMiintf. ti.iim: - tt sx p. m.. ar Dri ,it Denver T n i. in. S. . Pant Mail cnr- r.--..M.i.r imnir H-t at 1:5! P. ni. T'le frrtidit train Ustrtiii! here it rtMl p, rn-. pa--niTM from tii-n- 'o Vnlley. ir- i!irtcii.s..'i.CMinTs ivb-hocx ntr. 1'Htf-tiKtT arnvt fn.m Sioux rity ''-'-'. P- m ,vh-, ilunihiiH for Line a l-v p. m airtv- from Lincoln "UI p. m -:-: iavt-i fir!5ioix 'ity 3 Si p. ai - Mixb.1 !uar-!. Cor Siur City tu) .-urn Ufcnt! MrrivHa ...- IDsJJ p. at ylU AtntOM ANDTCEDAH'BAPTDH. I'tiWnitar leave- .Miiixl leaVerl tHrui Hrri"v Mi nil .imvi'ti 2:10 p. m rjK p. m -i:lU p. ai Horicfu JJatices. &P V.1 ii Uc- clifcrU:-! it ". r-ie tiiitiT 'tut, tiettihn.; ill be it $U i jr & I KH.wNON LODdE No. "W. . P. .fc A. M. K.-4nlnr mr-nn.ri M W.nint-iiay in .irh ji-iutii W lirvthrwi minleil t iHeatl. E K. ' n3SBF.as. W M. i. !fa Ufcif. Ah- aJl Wli.UK'i LODliE Ni. . 1 J.O.F nr-l !'ll-raia -VniUiTI "f Mftcil ( r-. ij )it-ir liall -m rhirtt-entli (,.1 Bitinj' bnitjnvn eoninUlj fi i NjnvsiA.H, S. ii. - rai i . y Zjanyi-tf invito t. W tl. - R EU1U. V.i-lfc.D. HUU -H. OF LATTKH-UAX " -. - sm muit rnZ';HK -Tomato, cabbage and. sweet potato 1 p. oi., PmjrmwUnnWedniai ayninif WN. , , " . , . at tl"ir chupuenraprof SorUi ntrm-t :inil racini' f l. n. !!., pni)a mmuaii u ,. i -- . uiwi.cnniproi iorumiir Vll irMOnitUully nritL .Afr-nnn tSiuim hJer ri. J lirtisoN. HB-iidunt- umnninitiMiniiuiiuimiiMiiiimiiimiii PHOTOGRAPHIC IT PAHT No. l. I Columbus Jouraal Coupon. 1 li'iiij ir linn out- .impiiu liki .lis nii lo futii in cnin ' Thk i .n.!"um' l'niNvi iiiiinlmn. N.-lir:tBki. iiiiiiiminiimmHiiniimiimiiiiUMiMiiii Kramer keeuH a full line of hum miR'lis. 2m-lr-3t -Mrs. Frank Hauel is amicted with measles. -Mrs. Demur has been very sick for a 'ek pi.nt. -Hennarv -mnjeon.ornre liu ;V-r 'jiistoiiii'i. -Dr. T tL I'larli. ohvc -ureet. Tn nilii'e at 'lurhUi. Look out fur Kramer a ice cream parlor opening. For fine candies and choice fruits. iro to Kramer's. BoiHantl. onal. Fa? Shenif Kavauaugh was at Maiiison Fnilay on business. - Cut dowers for sale .it Jie City green houwe. I'eieplione tf "if" il "II I ALlYn)V0t t K..Mi1jrfTniHH-t M ' . -'I'l "" imiie e!nmse rode his wheel over fnnii Beilwomi Monday Scores .f urn planters are being sold at Coi'imims Mjih spring. Carl Kramer se-ls st.itionery. books. - y '..nn ., I'm- Jurnsii. fur iob work. ' Nii-u. Bia&rter uuihw tlh Bismark - Xffv H'ywijijingwViifi'r rtl - Lr Van E. v sensftiuVul: tf?thAirlv TTrttI S legtd I blanks. et . it lowest prices. H. Lews shippeii .1 load of cattle from this point lu.t rhurstlav aight. A W inlv ennumTnn entr lo r tiarmi Ii net ion. ? For rent, l Fifteenth street. -,fven room house, on Call at tate Bank, tf A psyj eti into realuui r. man faun js)I:l Sr. Li'il Ptai ActyrtToX L realuijju nuiiianJLro fainoTLplisr Henry Loseke has been very sick for the past two weeks lung and stomach trouble. - Toiuato. cabbage, canliriower ami V. sweet pntaui plants for stile by Mannoy . .tSu immons. H. M. Wmslow shipped hogs of his own feeding to South Omaha Monday night. --Mrs. C. M. Y Ming Sunday ami suffered nuw better again. had the measles i relapse, but is Hemclt is painting and papering hia establishment, adding wonderfnlly to its appearance. Elder James Caff .ill will preach at Latter Day Saints church tomorrow (Thursday s p. m. William Kieffer and Miss Christina Nanenburg were married in this city hist week. Tnesday. Miss Jennie Land goes to Lincoln thm week to attend the marriage of her jister. Miss Fannie. -E.J. Arnold. M. D . physician and Two doors north of Brod- surgeon. fuehrer s jeweiry store. tf GABPETS. "Fitzpatnckcan save yon money. We have it. you want it. and ten cei cents in com witn a .jouexai. coupon, willnrocureit. See advertisement. tf TmufecemlenMly beauffil 'le L sceneiin thttav0jjfn.Vr-?peifci a ioad of t 7Qy,l ?S? gtraiinder ypurcar- " "Washuufsone ofjjll kmiV alio V Bert Coohdge has severed his con nection with the Viking club and ac cepted a position with C. L. Stillman. A When m need of an auctioneer, call Yon Dave Smith. He will act for you with promptness, safety and dispatch, tf. . J) Sundav Sonthside Colnmbus played s. Rn31111 ajjainst Bellwood to the tune of 14r iA. to Q; and tununst the Northside. 28 to 3. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. x W. T. Eickly shipped two IoikIh of cattle to South Omaha Tuesday night of lust week. Charles Stonesifer and Ben Brod fnehrer were at Platte Center Tuesday of lust week. Platte Center now ban three saloons, the last beint by Herman Brodfnehrer and Henry Achidle. -Dr. C. D. Evans started Friday for Galveston, Texas, to attend the national convention of railway surgeons. Thursday 3Ir. Ely at Schnwder's mill fell and hurt his side so that he will be laid up for several days. lira. John Wolf was taken to the hospital last week to be taken cars at while under the charge of a physician. Mrs. Frank Xorth of Fremont, who has been here several weeks under the care of Dr. Evans, is rapidly improving. Walter Elley of Madiaon. passed through the city Friday taking two car loads of fat cattle to the Omaha market. Mrs. S. C. Gray sustained a fall Fri day, backwards, from the fourth step of a step-ladder. The injury was not serious. The 19-month-old baby of M. C. Caito had a leg fractured Saturday morning by the fall of a screen dear upon it. -Gargus, the man who was arrested last Saturday tor disorderly conduct, was taken to thehospital Monday a very sick man. W H. Wfnterbothain of Genoa has sold his hardware business to Wm. Moran, who has been im tb drag-boai- ness there. 1 When buying a wheel don't target 4hn Eagle Altair Aluminum, runs with G. .t J. corrugated tires. At Genard's Wheel Works. 2-2t i -John Wiggins was in Omaha Friday, aud while there called upon Frank Preisa. who h:is been very sick ,for several months. Pat Salmon was down from Craatnu Saturday He is about to open a livery barn at that place in connection with the Clark house. Charles Schroeder left yesterday for Texas with a party of ten, who intend to make that state their future home if the land suits them. .... . ,A ... .. n ,... piuuuj cuu uo uuu u uiu uuuiu ui uuu " . ln.4 it- Tnnnnliill'a rrraan Virtnaa Brim- uicu iiu mummm a iiuou u'iu. blecom .t Young. !Jt-p H. M. Winslow is putting a stone foundation under his large barn at his old ranch and is budding a new houaa on his upper ranch. - Dig the canal and harness the Loup. What communities need is cheap, available power, and this wdl give it for Columbus. The A. O. H. lodge of this city to the number of forty goes to Omaha today to attend the national convention, and will remain three days. With irrigating canals the Platte valley could raise hemp enouajkfor the world's use, including ropes to ttaag the obstreperous criminals. -The Y. M. C. A. has Ieassd- the half block north of their rooms of Hugh Hughes and have commenced fitting it up for croquet, tennis, etc Mr. ami Mrs. Farrand took the morning tram last Saturday for Omaha. whither thev went to consult a doctor about Mrs. Farrand's health. I , ,, , , fames M. Ryan s will is being , Rev. contested, the contestants alleging that it was not legally executed, and that the trust created is a perpetuity. Julius Ernst of the vicinity of Dun can was in the city Saturday on busi ness. Like all the rest of us. he never saw finer weather this time of year. NC When in town call at Gerrard's Wheel Works, manufacturers1 agent of high and medium grade wheels. Also bring in your repairs. Prices ngnt. I Clark Gray went last Sunday to Hutchison. Kansas, where the Knight Templars of the state meet; he is Grand J Commander for the state of Kansas. IX iv.): real estate tax is due ; Xay 1st and can be paid at of fice ot Bee her. 4ae:r:ri jt Co. ti N A glorious scenic spectacle, thril fing in its realism, gorgeous in effects, intensely interesting in its strange in cidents. Faust. Opera house May IH. George S. Truman was in the city over night Wednesday on his way home from Lincoln accompanied by his daugh ter. We acknowledge a pleasant call. J. M. Gondnmrs house is umier way. Dr. Nanman's is about completed and Barnev McTaggart's is being en closed all in the same neighborhood. H. M. Winslow returned last Mon day from Ctah. where he had been pur chasing stock. He brought back 490 stock hogs and lost only one on the road. Peter Fetterseu. the rustling brick yard man of Humphrey, passed through Ihe city Thursday on his way home from Fnllerton. where he had been on busi ness. No better locatiou m Nebraska as a distributing point for manufactured products, and no better location for cheap ami good water power. Dig the ditch. The Jo uhnai. says : "Dig the canal ; dig it as soon as possible; get your full money's worth of work and material, and you cannot easily make a better invest ment. R. L. Rossiter was in Eellwood Fri dny. He says the crops between here and there look splendid, and that it is a plensure to see the way they keep their ro.ids. -Large hind and lot owners in this vicinity are especially interested in TZZl CUkClJllOO IT4A1UU JlUIMlUVtJ WW 4W" velop our industrial interests. Dig the Uitc; port Ltch. t Reminiscences of the Fair, sixteen rtfolios of the World's fair, given away to our customers, r or particulars cidl at J. B. Delsman's store. Eleventh street, tf The Looking Ghias announces the arrival of a 10 pound boy at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. K. Strother on the morning of May tld. Mother and child doing well. At the canal meeting Monday night held at the council chamber, the attend ance was so small they decided to post pone the meeting nntil Thursday even ing, this week. Rev. and Mrs. Goodale returned to Columbus from Rapid City, South Da kota, one day last week. He reports all Colnmbus people there well, but busi ness auite dulL R-Hernck says he has just put in a I haft ton of new. neat and clean styles of green, brown, white and cream picture frames of such wee, nice little patterns. Call and see them. 2t A heavy storm of rain and snow fell April 30 and May 1 about Denver and north of that paint which is sure to make good grazing for stock, but it was a little tough on Winslaw's hogs. Superintendent Rothleitner lust week visited schools at Humphrey, Wattsvdle, Lindsay, Looking Glass, Palestine and the Jewell district. He says small grain is looking very fine. Died. Thursday, May 3d, of measles and lung fever Arthur, son ot Mr. and Mrs. August Sehak. aged 1 year and 3 weeks. The funeral services were held at the German Lutheran church Friday, Rev. Meissler preaching the sermon. Children Cryfer Pitcher's Castoria. 'OU don't yon. don't you wish. You could catch a. catch a fish As Io&jf aa a ten toot pule. When you go between the showers An did Finecr and Amen. Bnt not fall into a deep water hole?' George P. Billups. a business man of Lindsay, passed through the city Thnrsday last on his way to Kingfisher. O. T., to make a short visit to his broth- tr-in-Iaw, J. C. Caldwelu lk Say, do you know that the best breaiaast food on earth is "Whea tel?" H. J. Hudson. Harry Newman, W. B. Nbtestein and several other members of Wildey lodge. LO.O.F. went yes terday to Silver Creek, to take part in the-anniversary exercises of the order at that place. C. W. Brewer and WilL Thompson came down from Albion Sunday on their wheels, making the distance. .10 miles by wagon road in a little less than 5 hours. They returned on the early freight Mon day morning. Baker Post No. 9 G. A. R. voted at the'r last meeting to attend services the Sabbath preceding Memorial Day. May 27th, at the Catholic church. As fur ther particulars are known, we will anno Ac nounce them. A terrible warning, a great sermon. chance of your lifetime, to learn how fn samm aarpetual misery or eternal pleasura, witness thatr intense play,. Faust At opera house, this city, Wed nesday evening. May 1(. Paak Sisters' concert at the Congre gational chnrch last Wednesday evening was- well attended. They gave a good entertainment, some of the pieces being remarkably well rendered. The pro ceeds to go to the church. Our new water commissioner Davis is watching close for those fellows who attach hose to their neighbor's hydrants and use the same for lawn irrigation. Gentlemen, build the canal and then we will have plenty of water. The twenty-seventh annual conven tion of the Nebraska State Sunday School association will be held at York, June u, ti and 7. On two of the morn ings, services begin at sunrise. A very interesting program has been prepared. The Columbus Wochenblatt has been changed to The Nebraska Biene with an appropriate display heading that sets it otT in hue shape. It is Mr. Elian's intention to make the Biene a state paper, and give it more than local importance. During a drive through the country these days one can hear the check, check, of the droppers as the machine picks up the wire and crosses the plant er. What would some of the eastern farmers think of our immense fields here in Nebraska, and not touched by the uoe At hoe during the season.' Abta .fe Stupfel have opened a meat ket in the place formerly occupied by W. T. Bickly, on Olive street, where thev keep, for tlie accommodation ot . - , frw4i. muJltt, Q, .,n kinda ;uid varieties anything you may wish in their line of business. Fish alwava on hand. Telephone No. 10. tf iM iernatt force Abbott lays, ituml knowledge whiau a fie possess. Shexmly kaowsvthat sh thin A. the oWiAof which; dred vars agoVwoWd her to ertain eiiBh. Dail London. Nit ope: A party of mover passed through 1 the citv Saturday. They were pretty well provided for travel, having neat dwellings, substantially made of boards. They said that Madison. Platte Center and "Columbus were the liveliest places that they hail struck on their journey so far, going from Minnesota to Oklahoma. print today the statement of the ColuTtHius State Balnij-at the oso of bnsinessHjjril 'i?th. "Tlraold.reliSble'' shows a veVsJjdthy staiwajf affairs. wlh stock paiuHi?83,0)0; mSiyidnal deposits subject totaiek. nearly 343,- 000: tn certificates ot TTWumJt. over 304.000. autkioans and disconu 10. The preparation Dr. Nauman is now g for painless extraction ot teem beats anything thht has ever been used before. Perfectly, safe in every respect, it ib a great, coinfbrt to those who need to have teeth extracted. The Dr. says: -I am bound to have the best, even if it does cost me a good deal. The comfort of my patients must be considered." tf Ben Brodfnehrer was held up by foot-pads Tnesday night of last week in the west end of the city. He thinks they were tramps. They went through one of his pockets and secured his pocket book with five dollars in money and molested him no farther, while he wore a valuable watch and chain and had money in his other pockets. Generous scoundrels, truly! All drivers of wagons and buggies who have occasion to cross the railroad tracks should keep a very close watch for trainB. We saw a lady drive over the North street crossing one day last week who came very near being caught by the i5 o'clock passenger tram west bound, in fact, had she been just one second to the rear she might have been dragged under the cars and killed. The concert give at the opera Fridav bv the Miss Ellen Beach Yai Co.,Ninder the anSpiass of the Knifehts of this city, was a success urvery way. v-u en- in the entertainment wereartists of greatly superior abfljtv. Thecoiapass of Viral Yaw's voice iaBflecially tphe- nomenaNwMiss Lay as pianiat anbMr. Dick as violinist were eunal do all ex pectations. sold lme. andy, justa- tongneiess At 10:45 yesterday forenoon fire was noticed to issue from under the tin roof of Valley Weavers dwelling house in block E, Becker's sub-division, outlot 3, on 13th street. The house was occu pied by Joseph Frevert and Mr. Lin aberg. Two streams from the water mains were soon playing upon the burn ing budding, and it was but a few min utes until the names were subdued. The budding was insured for 3700 in the Springfield of Massachusetts; loss estimated at 3200 to 3250. The cause was supposed to be a defective due. The marriage of A. G. Arnold of this city and Miss Bessie Holloway of Papillion, Nebr., was solemnized at 6 p. m. last Wednesday at the parlors of the Meridian hotel, by Rev. Jaudon. The groom is a well known yemng busi ness man here and the bride is a beauti ful aud popular joung lady of Papillion. Those present at the ceremony were Miss Helen Chase, an intimate friend of the bride, Dr. H. J. Arnold. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. North of Fremont. Mr. and Mrs. J. G Pollock. Mr. J. S. Wells of tins city and Mr. D. J. Chestnutwood of Norfolk. During the evening the Co- lively serenade. Ths Joubna& wishes tha happy couple abundant prosperity. Kr-TnKunreUousaart wasdiat the lady hadao mnscrdarSievelopmeHt It Scotlamaw At ohara 'house. MaVlTth. i Vio claims to su- oneerimng mo Sb or cantrols. ean dthese mi f fiTTMsn it vs cSndemed v Tfirapliv;, ylh. ) S5fi. "W ifein a following coin pkmters.are bv HPIrvilrfbkeraarlom. steeilf r; TaifldiJlfbanilKsit's Jbi f) thoJQ ApaWayprnnL EvanVfJ btacrajfe6ejBW PiuKth PlanwKsome- seTlsMhe NSKesb andvfm: Ismrni ClMperlrtraKBSdMfcgan N mandie toafcelflBatliyfteulJrbd seen bv everybody aJrejBsts to May a cnltator wBlplqise. 4 M T Pi Fi PWW a tx aa. :m NH Will you go H Costs too much a xn f to Not a bit r i Read on and see lllUTilllHHHf V wonderful works of God aud man iu all lands under the sun. These su perb photographs have been gadiered by oue of die greatest travelers aud lecturers of this country. They have been reproduced in plates, 10 x 12 inches, at an outlay of thousands and thousands of dollars. THIS grand Magnificent Palaces Celebrated Unurcnes Renowned Ruins AflT COLLECTION Op Noted Inns Picturesque Scenes Glories of Art Marvels of Architecture Will be issued in sixteen parts, each part containing sixteen plates. Accompanying each photograph is a vivui and accurate descripuou of the scene or object depicted, prepared by one who has personally visited the places, and knows whereof he speaks. WU-; - -" Part TMrteen AND ILLUSTRATES CUBA, CALIFORNIA, Etc., AND CONTAINING vYlagarct Falls Cuba Columbus Chapel Nicaragua Nicaragua Canal Muir Glacier Lick Observatory Point Rey Light Souse Stanford University Chinese Quarter, San Francisco Panorama of San Francisco Glacier Point, Yosemite Mirror Lake, Yosemite Senti,nel Rock, Yosemite Thousand Islands, Sitka Labrador Esquimaux Falls of Yellowstone Minerva Terrace aw to secure this nnprtudenttd offer. . . Tii each copy of this paper is printed a coupon. Bring or send one of these coupons, together with ten cents in coin to our office, and you will receive one part of the series. Back num bers can be had on the same terms. Be particular to state the number of the part desired, give your lull name and address, and inclose the necessary coupon and ten cents. NO ONE SHOULD MISS THIS msbV - -v, JHf s?33p sKXvKl Sal 5K: At: A UJlIlt 1 en e 'BoSsriSfxs: & tl? H F' nm IJOtmNAL. Mt mmiisiiBWimmirHwu We propose to take all our readers around die world iu the next sixteen week3. How can we do it ? Simple enough. We have, at great pains and expense, been able to secure for the exclusive use of THE JOCR2N AL a most magnificent aeries of large photographs of the ivj-viau xa.wjra is .now ready CHANCE JEE THE WORLD FR0A YOUR ELfY CHIIR WITHOUT LEAVING HOME WITHOUT EXPENSE PERSONAL. Matt Eeid was over from David City Friday. P. W. Beerbower was in Nance county Monday. Frank North ot Fremont, was in the city Saturday. Mrs. Toss and Miss Ward visited at David City Saturday. W. A McAllister went to Lincoln Sunday, returning Monday. Miss Nellie Maher of Platte Center was visiting her friends, the Misses Pitzpatrick. last week; Mrs. Harry Coolidge with her two children came up from Havelock last Friday. They will spend a week or two visiting with relatives. City Council. FaiDAr, May -L Councilmen present. Chilley. Murdock, Welch and Wells: Gray being absent. Committee of Welch. Wells and Mur dock on an extra night watchman re ported in favor of the same. The report was adopted. Committee on fire consisting of Welch. Oehlrich and Galley, reported in favor of purchasing new apparatus for the use of fire department. The report was adopted and same committee instructed to make the purchases. The committee on printing consisting of Oehlrich. Welch and Galley, to whom had been referred the communication of the Telegram, referred it back without action and recommended that the city clerk be directed to solicit bills to be tiled m his otfice on or before t o'clock p. in.. May 11. ISH. Adopted. Committee on streets and grades, Welch. Murdock and Wells, recommend ed, that the petition of R. B. Kumraer and Gns Schroeder lie reported back for action in open council. Adopted. Committee on streets and grades re ported on the proposition from AEeintz for lighting the city for the ensuing year; laid over until Saturday evening. The bond of Julius C. Phillips as po liceman was presented anit approved. The bond of Joseph F. Berney as city attorney was presented and approved. Catherine and Walter W. Whittaker received the contract for sprinkling the streets for the ensuing year, considera lion, 3850. The following bills were allowed. Bonton & Way, 34.50; Gleason A: Merrill, 35; M. Whitmover, 387.50; Wm. Becker, C. & M Whittaker, !SJ; J. C. Phillips, 355; F. A. Coleman. 32.70. Bill of F. A. Coleman for 3W) allowed. Council adjourned until Saturday evening, May 5. SATtrnDA.r, May 5. Adjourned meeting from Friday even ing. A litjuor license was granted to Michael Nicholojack to sell at retail. On motion of Gray a contract was or dered to be drawn up by the city attor ney between A. rleint. and the city, and to be submitted to council at next meet ing. On motion of Gray the petition of Kummer Schroeder was referred to committee on streets and grades with instructions to confer with the city at torney to prepare ordinance. Moved and carried that report of dnance committee be adopted and state ment be published as soon as a contract is let for printing for the ensuing year. A resolution passed that committee on dnance make a list of ail who are liable to occupation tax. Adjourned to Friday, May 11. The writer made a trip to the southern part of Stanton county last week, going by way of Madison and across the old Township farm to his des tination at the fann of E. M Thomas. In the early '70s Mr. Thomas worked for Becker & Wolch at Sholl Creek mills, went north, engaged m the herding business, and now has one of the best of farms of his own, besides, with one of his neighbors, Mr. Scripture, having a considerable temporary interest in other tracts. With them, for years, the grass has been the first source of revenue, bnt now that eifort is being concentrated on smaller tract3. corn, oats. etc.. are re ceiving more attention, and we noticed one field of forty acres at Mr. Thomas' sown to oats and alfalfa. Up that way they have no missriinrs about this crop they have tested it. ami among other things, find it most excellent hog pas ture, a specialty needed in Nebraska for a long while. Mr. Thomas believes in warm weather fatting of cattle, and of course has the nsmd percentage of pork ers to go with them. His facilities for watering, feedinir, pasturing and shel tering his stock are models of comfort, and well worthv imitation. little, iiv- have opn- nativei or 1 pg at 1 tan the m plai puenomenal pnwer At opera house In a communication to Acting Chief of Police Julius C. Phillips informing him of the appointment of Charles Brandt as special policeman, the mayor called the attention of the acting chief to the provisions of the ordinance re quiring saloons to be closed on Sundays, and tells him that he shall insist upon a strict compliance therewith: also the provision requiring saloon windows to be kept unobstructed by paint, blinds, etc. Houses of prostitution wdl not be tolerated, and the chief is specially charged with the enforcement of the ordinance restraining and suppressing them. The Jocbxai. is glad to make this note of the mayor's determination to carry out the wishes of his constitu ents as expressed in the ordinances. rLost, four promissory notes, all payable to Fred Stenger, or order, all dated Feb. tS, lts93, and all due Feb. 23jJ icu. tiau iiutsnuurseu lo .a-iuert. oienger; one for SHILjo given by J. G. Burke and signed by ,j. F. Dmeen; another by J. F. -Dineen 3ti3, signed by J. J. Burke; an other for 318 by John McGUl. signed by Owen McCann; another by Thos. John son for 3100. The public is cantionea" against negotiating for these notes, as they all belong to Albert Stenger. A reasonable reward will be given for then return of the notes to the owner. 9m3t F. Stexgeh. A Lilac social wdl be given by the Y. P. S. C. E. at the residence of Mrs. ,T. P. Becker this Wednesday 1 evening, May 9. The following is the program: Vocal solo. Miss Kendnck; instrumen tal solo, Mrs. Geer; recitation, Miss Martin; vocal solo, Mrs. Rusche; piano solo, Mrs. Garlow; vocal solo, Mrs. Evans; violin solo, Mr. Schroeder; re citation. Mrs. Brindley; piano solo, Mrs. McAllister; vocal solo, Mrs. Warren; vocal solo. Mrs. Reeder; solo, Miss Florence Gleason. Entertainment and refreshments. 15 cents. does she do? Bneriv she the force oL gravity or she This hardly expresses exerts he mysterious" powi a nongontal as wbU as a ver- tical bbott is sltaall. frag ilean It woulX.be im possible perform ner raats bv muscular other ail size and most em areVnot of a tUTB where phv couiu oe used. Spectator, house, May 17. ndon. 3t onera Sals bills pnnted at thia offic. Miss Atoio Abbott, "tiie (ngjelectnc nWgnet.') seemsVo trollof abvmwuul jorce o onerenau KsgEexjiaiiMiti ov tu or dinary anwpcmtlioiu. 1 BuriAgj a tesi under h dnecuonVi piWsicTans her teiaperamrranrawnb ST ilegitetib-. whi e yftgr puBefveiirardAnd stri lai yAIVare SgrAau tllHtmis nutnns cul: Dstrmgtn rWJ' Uo it mabe hyt tismVpBctloWy, mltaninah. "hn not smV orVeef)pcujL-itV3Biin. Ger ma y, pl KV'lfVtfsisVeiN mjfting tli me icalexanKation. nu tAin verdictu wai : "!N4cre rce. derlQce bv cer- nerTeTenteri, and sat treeAte act to LClulltK capwity' lButytln like nk another exnllmatidb. does not ex n and Mss Ab atoti'i exercise f a iwer lSXstlti a wonor. Way I7fli. VLhat ovferawKta supprnmema it. the iilka for she r an a hnn dTfcreVjsBesHinav roc av to struxtn because TifHhem ara 'sisal strenstli. Boll of Hounr. Puails who have- been neither ab sent nor tardy, who have been per I feet int deportment and who have not i fallen, below the required standard of scholarship : IDA 31. 3IATI"S KOOM. Csrl Schrketler. .folia Early. Otto Svlirrfber. Lulu Mesrew. Alberr Brtmser, L'ollle Hucher. AVlllli! Urewer, Hoy Lucas, HeihviirSollolier. hl:i Kiiuer. LiHiH Derrj'i r.ulu CoIfrtiKln, s. nORIISN ROOM. Mary Fleck". Ethel Donovan. Si'.die Wilson. Hm.su Wtsem:in. (inii'e a uem ser. A'-ua Gum ls JuluiMin, Mlckie Huirel. Amv Malinoit. Lottie HockenberRer. Willie Galley. Emma Luers. Sammy Hector. Ilolpli WlRStlW, Marv Lewis. AJtlo Httintz. LKAVVS KOOSI. Frank BauuiKirt. Emma Scnreiu Albert Smith, Era LoMiDauetil .taiMf Dussell, Mil! UTt Mul'arlaail Ueasiii Shannon. Gretclien Ununignrt, v AleFarlaiiil. SCOTT'S ROOM. It Mil: Myrtle Hewitt, Herbert Way. Sam M.ilmnil. Alfred Wilson. Elsie Pohl. .Ilmmie Love, Bettte Brock. Uowant Met 'ray Paul flnnpeii, Daviil MalUHiil, Clara Fnns. Ella .MeAULster, Kena Corbet, lie 1MU. nvrou Way. ' E.title duck. Georgia Love, (Hen Boutnn, Florence Hiiiiel. Kilule McTowiert, Frstz Abbeslen, (xeorsie Fr.ils. lieorjiie Hummer. W AIK.S. MI UILL'S ROOM. W H. Lehman, t'ora eott. Beiilah Wheeler. Annie Stuutt'er, John Clark. Grace Clark. W. J. Rlckly, Kittle Speicp. Waynle Blerbnwer, Oley Urttell. Florence Elliott. Hob MeCrav r. 11. tmi'fKLL'S ROOM. Amjust W.ujner. Clam Inlay, Henry Kauan:, Florence HouLson Walter Gallev, Bertha Stauner, Jessie Newman. Henry Taylor. Mettle Hensley, Anna Hoppen, .lay CuMinuj. Lester Lelmi.m. I.'; Homer riifanv. Luev Cross. Howard tieer. Lillle Kealtnir. Fra k Iverseiitiroek. ,fesie Williams, lenntos-aitron. Low lfarlev. ll-uuts -tchreilior. Kretl Rollins. Dnvttl Martvn. Frank Cliainu. mini' ilson. uiss M. WIILi'ir KOOM Man Tilfany, Grace Hottinaii. Myrtle UoUhiati. Otm lloen. Fred Friedluif, Lottie Lee. Homer Martyn, Ralph awartsley, .resiu linif.n. Hoy Colfee, iV.uert uecker. .Fran it Viimiir. Aiiini 1 uuniUKli.im. Nellie Matthews. Koliert Menrv. fiarrv Martvn. (Minnie McCoy. Ethel Hem- eh. 11 Arris i'. Annua Amle, w H. Gertie Whittroyer. Jessie awnrrsley, Frext dchtam, IC.irl Becker, Mam Fnedhiii, Josle Tllfanv. Willie Zlnneeker. n:; .Hi: Kit KOOM. Huh e Elsas. ER'S ROOM. M:uli;c Cushlnt;, Ktltlie ilasai. Tena ICiintzieinun. Georse Brmlieiiher. I'ena Zlnnerker, luillo L.uihliu. Albert Raslllil-seii. Faume Merrill. Ifent dtires. rtluir IJ nton, Helen Jenune. Gmca CotTee. Ralph Coollttqe, Guy Fox. Fannie Cotfllo, 'LAMA 1A11TIX s itOO.M Rosu K'aus. Paul .I:iL"'i. Chester Ernat. Rosa Gum. Etltlle ShtHian, Ml Manila Stauiter. Alfred liirttnner, Charles Feilt, Fretl Piath. Tottte nhaunon. iS WVRD'S ROOM. Roy Cool ill t;e. Frances Goinlr Eloi.se Roeii. sammie Elston. 1;, IIie MiiMrnivi', Vtra tevenson, Hermie W.ill. Harrv Jenune Fnst i lark t larenee Holleuheck Ami.i iturjeim Paul Elliott MaiRttu Will:! Henrj' WIIcKei: Anna uoya Nettie Gontlnni; Fred Hullcnutfvk fillbS RICR'H ROOM. Allllie Bf.eltt ler Bernie Hudson Tony Roach Lena Boettcher GeorRie Flyini Katie Slemjer Johnnie Keating Hurley H:irrint;ioii Walter faesr; Lenu Klaus Mayie Hertflienhan Sophia Herrlienhau Frank Keat H;usa HarrniiMoii M. Jl.VXTIIKW'3 ROOM. Fretl Bnkcr Jiilinuie Iloiluiaii lfn-d Xmler-nii Lulu Matthews W lite Mtitilmmh lim-e lt:isiiitsse:i Uuu Vilii-n K.iy Hiter ti'eilitnlV" (. ti !n Willie Dawsl Fannie Mow EuIaSrtteriei1 .uinie Hrortlue' rer Jitl.sie Roeu Daisy Dninunun Mabel .MKiilaim Howanl Frevret Ralph Simler MaryZlniiecker hie I'o-tle frene M11 id s till.. I. TnKitiXK rv Delia Newman Willie Bake--Lloyd Drummtmd Charlie Wmilev William I-inte lliltlre t Davis (Jeorse Seott Veteet Martyn Axehie-tinlTeii Willie Wlllard tills 11. t-r .Mlartl 1 lames utthait) ' har! :iNil .lullll Weill Flor-nce ICn' ..ittri Pats Uvtii RniilftiehrV Ediliet'tiolfilne FnctUwltalKiter. We weep the W.irhl. ;it 1 "'H'W brr.Diu Lt is an out saving tnat 1 sweens clean" but when wo sav "v sweep the world" we mean that .11111 'n all the railways of the world none t.i higher in the estimation of the puhm all especial points, than the Chicago Milwaukee A: t. Paul Railway Er s rht only line west of Chicago wtiicn nins electnc-lightetl. steam-heated and vesti buleti tnuns between Chicago. St. P ml ami Minneapolis, ami between Chicago anil Omaha. Try tt. F. A. X vsu. Geu'l. Agent. I."04 Farnain St.. Omaha. W. S. E0WR1.L. Trav. Passenger ami Freignt Igt. Retil Estate rransrers. Becher. .r:eggi .t Co.. nai esUite agents, report the following real estate transfers filed m the olfice of the county clerk for the week ending Mav .1. iJJ-t. Charles E. CInpp to Ufrwl Millnnt -1 il. iot in Milianl .ulti. to t ohiinhut. wd. $ C. A. Guti- and 1. K. Gates 'o f. i. Johnson, jtv'i 'UlU-w. 'vtl D. '. Kavanatmh. shenif. to ura I F. Smith. ne 5-lti-tw. -tlieriiFs ic.it Same to Michinn Lunn t tjannii i n lot T and W S. hi 11. tii'rrnnt'n .uiu. wiL J. W. Daley to Caleb W Camp hall. Ii.r -1. hi i. t "nxton. "vd 1 '.! t Five transfers, fotal -IM C. L. S. t. Will meet at Dr. Xanman's oliico Mav 15. Roll call Xews items or original spring poetry. "Classic Latin course in English. " chapter x.. Miss Alice Matthews. "Song and Legend from the Middle Ages." from page 112 to 121) Miss Clara Martin. "Biographicid sketch of Dante. W. A. McAllister. Select Reading, Mrs. Herrick. General Discussion "A Better System of Roads" -Opened by C. C. 'Sheldon, followed bv members of the circle. E;.gijsh Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft or xillouaed lumps and blem ishes from horses. Blood Spavin. Curbs. Splints, Ring Bone. Sweeney, "'tides. Sprains, Sore ami Swollen Throat. Coughs, etc. Save S30 by ufce of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful Blemish Cnre ever known. Sold by C. B. stillman. druggist. iltinoviyr Rheumatism Cured in a Day. "Mys tic Cure" for Rheumatism and Xeunilgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable ami mys terious. It removes at once the "ause and the disease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits. 7.1 cents. Sold by A. Hemtz. druggist. Colnm bus, Xeb. 14-v Commander W. Bi. Lewis has re ceived a cordial invitation from Com mander K. H. Wootis of Phil. Sheridan PoHt of Schuyler, extending hospitalities to Eaker Post to attend a camp-fire at Sonny ler, this (Wednesday! vning. May 9th. Gov. Crounse. Department Commander Howe and Adj. C,.;n. '"rag" are expected to be present. Not Ire to CnnMUiiers of Saxilme. and after date, I will furnish gas- line at 15 cents per gallon, .-ash m le livery. The old style of thirty days time cannot and will not he rooside-d as cash, and will be charged it 'he old rate of 20 cents per gallon. 2t IE. H.iFFMCJ. ToUi con rh works tions '5. ordinance 1 o: -i. VJIAA-C. sioner. Children Cry for Piterier's Castoria. t An v Vtteiitiiill. v i conanmers t5 cituater- x. erewithvCail youKlttTSiiun ;iter oBlinimceTSnd iSDeclMlv . x: l!Wnd ii: aijntVi ivVuf h cihpe llsd aNriie itysirki CT)vng 1. watr LommB COLUMBUS MAEEETS. JQurt!mitntionaothemarkotHnroobtain8l raeMkiyufteraoun.aail are correct anil roiiabla at the tune. Whest Shelled Cora. Ear Cora Onta , Mixed i i.its Uj-e Flonr Butter EK3 Potatoes Fathona Fatcowa Fntsheep Fac steers Fietlera B.vi;t,2Ta. U 25 .... t002t0 101S .7.7. tw M U2i24 IS .. .. i 1C2 50 ... 4:042 0U $S003 50 .... JU 503 00 PUODCCS. ravs stock. Sasiness attczs .Vdvertitvmentrt antler thm huntl dvt ceata a liueench mfertiim. WM. SCIIILTZ makoa (Hiots and shoe in. the best styles, .intl iibm only the very beat stock that can be unicuroti in the moricot. XZ-tt MY MAMMOTH JACE ! Fiv vearsohi yUis 4insiu.s .1 oal black, LI iMmiw Ui-jM. won built, good dat bone, ami weighs l.otM) poumis. He is one of the finest bred Jacks m the country. TERMS FOR JACK: To insure a live, standing colt. 51!L;"Q; to insure with foal, S10.00. money to be paid when coit complies with tins insur ance contract. A privilege will be extended to all breeding to the above Jack, by the sea son or insurance, to make payment of 5.00, and a receipt m full will be civen if such payment is made on or before thu first day of July. IMH. In case such payment is not made on jr before the first day of July. ISiH. it is to bo consid ered that such mares are to be insured according to the abovi ontracr. anil the full amount of such contract will be collected if colts are foaled according to it. W. H. RANDALL. GEO. W. RANDALL, Manage. r (T'l'iH f '' Hurt' old twrn .j;i C 1 '- -nth ; -f. nnuktt. 'line if HIT JSitlirtf Pn.pn.tur .f u. l Ll MBCH m 49 ; Sash, Doors, Blinds, Moulding, Stair Work, Etc. Do scroll Sawing. I'lirinng, House . Finiching. 111 fact planmg-mill worlc of all kinil. U;lji :liJ vv.dl as large jobs . solicited, satisfaction gnaninteeti and. work finishetl in time promised. :: S?EtJinati-4 uiatie y.'nifto; fur you on-aas' tiling you wish in uu-ul ivpjf! Ghoies Field n ;i i-i Clover, Timoiiiy, Orchard Grass, imm l.i MMhl iw i ill Blue Grass, etc. -CVLL VT W ierasji Oehlrich & Bro's. M. C. CAS31N, Game and Fish :n reason. S(52 jfce Highest market Hides and Tallow. prices paid far A. F. AFiSTEOI, IM 1 1 Seeds, mm H m&rb THIRTEENTH ST., COLUMBUS. - XEERASKA. D. r. il-vann. M. D. 1 D. ivuh M. D. F. 11. '.EEB. M. D. DCCTCP-S MARTYN, EVANS I GEER, ' OSriULTDMx Physicians - and - Surgeons Tj 2f. Mary 5 Hospital and St. Franeis Academy. COLUMBUS. XEBBASEA. Cmtiil -tateH Kzaininini; urseons. Vitfiatant jurttMin- r. imm Piciiw. " . N. x. J. H. Biul'xa-M- Z"OlHi-. iDon iiunt mil lav F'-inpnone No. i'.. Tto hi i-Kb iiirth ''in.n Paeirie Dfpiit. misty i mum, 'iV. -ills V FII 11 SALT MEATS, FISH. STC, Sleveath Street. Cclumbua. JTeb W . iIi'VuLi.rRn. W M. '.mriELics. jW'cAI.USTZR 3c CORN2XIUS, V'rriRNY AT LAW. oi.r-unr:i. VEBIL1SK.V. Ujaatf A "L3SS.T & RZEDEH. .vrraR"EYs at law Office irer First Nutioaut Dank. COLTaCS, NEBRiSKi., 3Uaatr