The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, April 25, 1894, Image 4

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    - -.
The total gold output of Victoria,
-Australia, during -last year was valued
"at about 515,000.
So far as can be discovered, the first
use of an iron roof was on a building
. erected in Ohio in 1SG3.
The Sierra Nevada range of Cali
fornia is nearly r00 miles long, 70
ividc and from 7,000 to nearly 15,000
feet high.
Greenland's interior is estimated to
- be covered by a shield shaped cap of
- snow and ice not less than 5,000 feet
'or o32 mile in thickness.
- TJis system of numbering the hours
- of the day from one to .twenty-four
has been adopted by the Italian rail
" roads, and is used for all time
fn the proportion to the numbers
engaged, Waterloo was the bloodiest
battle of modern times. ' Over thirty
fire per cent of the men engaged were
hi 1 Led or wounded.
Our nickel five-cent piece gives a
key to the intricacies of the metric
system, as it weighs exactly five
grammes, which is exactly two centi
meters in diameter.
Why does a rooso come out of the water!
For sun-drv reasons.
Ill Yormelker, Jr.
Cleveland, Oliio.
A Mere Skeleton
Very Much Reduced After
The Crip
'food's Sarsapariila Soon Cave Ap-
tite and Healthy Digestion.
" C. I. Hood & Co.. Lowell. Mass.:
" Gentlemen: In December last, I was
stricken tloivn v.ith tlie grip, ami cannot express
n:y suSTerlng. When the ilNe.10 left me, I was
v.uak arl ha-J little hope of recover-. 1 was
wa a mere skeleton, hal no appetite, an.l
Everything I Ate Distressed Me.
5!y wife called my attention to Hood's Sarsapa
riila. I tol.l the doctor I thought I would begin
to take it, and he said it might do me good. So
I began, and the first dose of Hood's Sarsapa
nlla'scerr.ed to give ms a desire for food. I con-
tinned to improve, ar.d, to make a long story
short, I was soon aLle to attend to my business,
lone all to Hood's Sarsapariila. and think it
should bo kept In e cry home." F. W. Yokmei
kek, .la.. ISO r.rooklyn St, Cleveland, Ohio.
Hood's Pills arc the best after-dinner pills,
:t-l.;t dieestiin. c:ire li,iflieln ?.V. ner lioj .
Driving the Brain
the expense
the Body.
While v.'c drive
the brain we
must build up
the body. Ex
ercise, pure air
foods that
make health- flesh refreshing
sleep such arc methods. When
loss of flesh, strength and nerve
become apparent your physician
will doubtless tell you that the
quickest builder of all three is
Scott's Emulsion
of Cod Liver Oil, which not only
creates flesh of and in itself, but
stimulates the appetite for other
Prepared by Scott A flowne. N Y. All dniggirta.
Ely's O.esrn balm
. Apply Palm lntocachnojtril.
ELX B&OS-,3 WorronSUN.V.
Spading Boot
then hole lfiiclliorthfMhclivr:i tot
the IippI. nnilirtlnt the inE
tlltcliinc. dlpKiii).-. .tc Ih-st quality IlinnighiMit.
CUttS WHtHF ill
Best Cough Syrup. Tartcs Good.
in imie. tsld riy drusxUta.
AGENTS MAKE S5 a Dav9reatest KitAcn
, ,.
tcnsil invented.
U. to
kiub f,u lu u ituu.e. Sanilc otAge
J-'OKMiKK a: MaKIS, Cincinnati, Ohio.
urODlCV! PinTU'lIC PnUDIHVOin.iiia.tmr
nxunnoftn uiuin.nij UUPI,,n,Viirhi! Cat-
aln:ue Is ready. It costs you nothlns. Write for It.
OXFORD Knrojienn Restaurant In con
lKction Ilth harnnin. Itlslcy & Wil
klns Prop rs. l;cjl t cars j avith? door.
Wholesale and Ketall
iioriHmn's Supplies.
i rite lor prices. 11CS. 15th
Council Bluffs. la,
A IS51 Farnam SU,
Omaha, Neb.
I UvJUULU, """. V'.'-,uca'uG:
.,. -m. 'A"3.VS,""-..r,"PP',s,-.yvc-
.-..... . mri.OTiuw.wotaraiasb
King Paper Co
witArriNo r-A-
rnt, Twisrs. '
Ktc. 1409-11 S
Howard Street,
Planing Mill
Sh, Door. Sfouldlnc.
Stair. Interior FlnUh.
Turninc. Scroll Pnwlns. Etc.
Bank and Office Kurniture a fcpecla-tv. gj. jj,
VVASU'L, 102 So. 18th St.
Ship or write
prices to
Established 1ST).
121t Harney Omaha
Hotel Dellone
Omaha, cor. lltli
and Capitol Are.,
K Mk from loth
Council BlnS
Omaha ear llnaa.
Ife-ti . a dajr bouse In thc state. Hre proof
EEACASEir, lToyrlcion.
"'- T Jw7 va
if W L gJ
1 rJaaaaaaaaaaaWraaa'w 1 tfa I aaaaaaaaaaaak m
nvHBMflFi'v laaaaaaaaaPrsr M
- ' J A
igjfessgSS I
Forestalling the Slant.
As many farmers are at this time
considering the question of how they
can be sure that their seed wheat and
oats are not infected with smut, we
call attention to one method of pre
vention. The vitriol or bluestone pro
cess has been in use for nearly a cen
tury. It consists of soaking the seed
in a Eolution of copper sulphate (blue
vitriol). The following mode of appli
cation is recommended by the Indiana
Experiment station (Hulletin No. 32):
"In treating oat seed we use cold
ram water with one pemnd of copper
sulphate per gallon of water A com
mon wash tub was filled about two
thirds full of water and enough finely
powdered coppes sulphate added to
give the above strength. A bushel of
seed was put into a coarse woven
grain sack, and immersed for
five minutes in the copper solution,
turning and kneading the sack so as to
thoroughly wet the seed. The sack
was then placed on bars across the top
of the tub to dram a minute, after
which the seed was spread thinly on an
airy floor. The process was repeated
with another bushel of seed and so on
until enough had been treated. To
hasten the drying and prevent much
swelling .of the seed, it was dusted
heavily and repeatedly with land plas-
ter (pulverized air slaked lime will an -
Rtrer as well) and mixed thorouirhlv.
j jt 8 wen continue the stirring
every few minutes for a few hours, and
if the seed can be exposed meanwhile
to the sun or in a good current of air,
so much the better. As each bushel
will take up a portion of the solution,
it must be replenished from
time to time, adding both
water and copper sulphate in
the proper proportions. He sure that
copper sulphate is finely powdered, or
the solution will be too weak at first
and too strong toward the last. A
man and a boy can treat six or eight
bushels of seed in an hour." If these
directions are carried out this method
gives very good results. This method
can be improved upon by having a sec
ond tub or vessel in which to keep a
stock solution of the chemicals. This
vessel can also be used to catch the
drain from the treated seed.
Cost. The wholesale price of the
copper sulphate, in barrel lots, is about
eight cents per pound. The cost of
the chemical and the labor to apply it
will make the treatment about four
cents per bushel.
Caution. The strength of the solu
tion and the time of contact must be
carefully attended to, or the grain will
be damaged by the action of the chem
ical. Farmers' Review.
Squash nags and Tobacco.
About twenty years ago, says a Mr.
Murray, when I built my house up
here on the banks of Charles river, I
planted a number of melon and cucum
ber hills;.and I found, to my sorrow,
that these black squash bugs were
makinc complete destruction of all
my vines, I commenced to kill them,
but the smell made me sick. I col
lected a lot of them, and poured
boiling water upon them, and
destroyed them in that way. I put
shingles down under the vines, as Mr.
Phiibrick suggests: but I could not
stand killing the disgusting insect. I
thought, if I lived another year, I
would try another experiment, which
I did live to try, and verj successfully.
I found that tobacco was very repug
nant to these black bugs; and, when
I found they did not like it, I
went into Boston, and bought about a
barrel of tobacco stems from the cigar
makers, and took a quantity of the
stems, and cut them up with a hatchet
upon a block, as you would cut up hay
to feed horses: and then I collected
it all in a basket, and went to my (
melon and cucumber vines, and laid it
about two inches thick all around my
vines. I watched the process very
closely to see what would be the re
sult whether those fellows loved to
bacco or not. I never had a better
crop of melons in my life than I had
that year. I had no trouble whatever
with the black rascal. He never came
near me; or, if he did, he kept
out of
my sight, it is a very cticap expert
ment I think I paid half a cent a
pound for all I wanted, besides the
expense of bringing it, up by express
Thk Georgia Experiment station has
been making some experiments to
ascertain what disposition of a crop of
cow pea vines would give the best ceo-,
nomic results. The following conclu-,
sions were reached: 0) Hiat the best
disposition of a crop of field peas is i to !
convert the vines into hay (2) The
uwi, unt m w IWmi ine reionpt:n ,
, ,T? - lu - I,aure ll. cm''
vv ...u.Ug i..u ...c:. n..u in.-iuiibi.iut: ,
them to lie on thc
surface and plow-
ing under in November was decidedly
better than turning the vines under in
August. (11 Turning the vines under
aaaaaaSaaaaaaaaaaaaaaB'iSflPSf '-Tj f ' cflb " AaaaBaaMaaataM' J"5ij3'Hri wm ti aYaYla? I -. t
PWpyhl Bt 3" MryJC "3fc aaSj XnBBafaaBBaaaaaa'N VSjKUV aaaaaaaaaflaaaaBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal jaaaaaaaaaTaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalBalTBiWjftji fA?fr ljr ai w4
. -
turned under green as when cut and
leit on tne suriace, or as
ripened peas were picked and
M . f , , K. . '
ble turned under after frost. In both
1 cases, where the vines were cut and '
left on the surface and where the peas I
were gathered, the ground was turned !
over early in November. Put the
turnmg under of the green vines be
i fore the hot weather was over Feemed
to result in some deleterious action of
thc soil. I
Daiky Kr.coitDS. Thc farmer who '
"has no time" to keen a rlairr rponrd ,
:. ..-..ii4i. i c.,-'i:r 17
uouuiii iuc uuc vrnu uuua Lime 10 I
sPena aL l? '""age store or grocery,
-, -.., -,, . i
ana to riaicuic ine attempts ot ms
neighbors to improve their land and
farming in general, says the Massa
chusetts "Ploughman."
green gave the poorest economic re-
suits. It would seem that turning Sukki'Doctoks TiiKMSKi.vrs. A vet
under a crop of green pea vines in i erinarian says: In the state of New
midsummer or early fall, is not the ' York the older farmers would go into
"proper thing to do." The vines prob- the woods and cut down pine and hem
ably added as much to the soil when I lock boughs, and draw them into their
! Drainage of Pottf.d Plants. In
putting the soil into pots, care must be
J taken to put bits of potsherd broken
oyster shells are better,though cinders
' will do and a few pieces of charcoal
in the bottom of each pot. to insure
good drainage, nnd especially is this
commended to the novice whose only
recourse, whrn plants become nale and
sickly looking, is to water them,
whereas this abuormal condition is
much more frequently caused by thc J
want of air and lujht rather than by
any lack of moisture.
Batter Bacteria.
The theory is now advanced that
the peculiar taste and pleasant aroma
of butter from sour cream is caused by
bacteria, and that, with experience,
this particular breed of bacteria can
be cultivated and kept on hand and
added to butter by rule, just as yeast
is added to bread, says an exchange.
Experiments are now being made in
capturing and growing these aromatic
bits, and it is hoped that the mistress
of the dairy may soon buy or raise her
supply of them to add to her sweet
cream to produce the proper "ripe
ness." Meantime, the other bacteria,
that bring undesirable flavors, are to
be banished. Mutter from a certain
dairy in Germany was found to con
tain a certain kind of bacteria. This
butter had a peculiar "nutty" flavor,
but was soft and lacked keeping quali
ties. It is therefore argued that butter
for immediate consumption may be
made by adding the proper bacteria,
while another kind will produce an
article warranted to keep a long time.
The fact is that the scientists are just
beginning to get down to the practical
1 things of earth which relate to what
we eat and what wc drink, and butter
s one of the things they are studying
with good results. Meantime, the
markets are taking all the good butter
made by the old process, bacteria or no
Bight Time to Churn,
Joseph Yuill says: The right time
to churn is when the cream shows the
first sign of acid. When the cream is to the touch it is ready to churn.
Take a yard of cheese cloth and strain
the' cream into the churn. This will
take everything that will make white ing a valuable fertilizer where i
s-pecks in the butter, except one thing, do the most good, the trees are
t'ut in your butter color and if the fited. with no item of loss cha
cream has been put in the churn pure,
add one-fourth waler. Raise the tem
perature by using warm water. For
ten gallons of cream a quart of hot or
cold water will increase or reduce the
temperature. It is a bad plan to
warm the cream above churning tem
perature, as the butter will be soft.
From 58 to fiO degrees in sum
mer and from C'J to Ot in
winter is the correct heat for
churning. I do not like to use cream
over CO hours old, because the butter
would be bitter if the cream was much
older. The skim milk is warmed and
fed to the calves. Butter should come
in from 30 to 35 minutes, until the
butter is as large as clover seed. Put in
a pail of water at 4. degrees and churn
for a minute or two, put in more water,
churn again, add more water and a cup
of salt, strain with a wire sieve, the
butter being as fine as timothy seed.
Farmer's Review.
The Corn Stalk Dieease.
Mr. L. J. Bettannier, herdsman of
the Icarian Community, at Corning,
Iowa, gives in the Homestead the fol
lowing facts witn reference to the
death of a number of cattle belonging
I to that corporation, which will be
read with interest. The mischief is
j caused by cattle eating a poison se
creted by an insect and deposited in the
1 corn plant. About thirty hours of
time are required before the symptoms
of the thus far fatal disease can be dis
covered by the inexperienced and un
suspecting farmer. After the lapse of
thirty hours the symptoms are unmis
takable, the progress for the worst is
swift, varying, however, according to
the strength of the constitution of the
animal, and, probably, "also, in the
ratio of the quantity" of poison eaten
by it. He gives the following from his
notebook: '-On December 28, 1S93.
fifty-two head of yearlings
had access to the corn field;
in which thirty - three cows
had been feeding about five hours
daily since November 28. One of these
cows, a two-year-old, was found dead
on December IS. The yearlings were
generously salted on the morninc of
j the 2Sth, went to the water tank, then
to the corn field and remained five
hours: passed to the water tank iu the
evening, and then to the yard, where
tliatt 'Mf rrr-r n 1 m Loww 1 fitrrl
vv'f ,,?. i, ii, . .i '.i
were driven back to the pasture instead
of the corn field 0n thlat evcnin P one
of tl,em took s5ck and dJed inbfoar
hour8 frora thc time that the first
m tom efrusal to drink at lh
trouh was not(L Krom tIie u hc
began feeding on corn stalks until his
death.was about thirty hours. Thc
next morning two more were noticed I
K;0u :in j j;, .:,,; !, o
I10t;,,i0 tmtnro is il,:,t. tl... old r
, escaped, a fact which has not been
noticed by thc government experts
.,..... ni.a.2.iiiiiviii..iia.3 .'
sheep yards. They said the sheep
when the ' nerded'something green, but the fact J dr under the roist, but should becol
1 thc stub- , is they needed something else. The lectd daily. Mix one peck of kainitc
sheep is by nature his own doctor, and
when he is allowed to run out in the
fields he wiil eat bitter weeds that no
other animal will touch. Now, he
doesn't always eat those weeds be-
cause he likes them, but because it is
necessari for his own medicine and
nutrition, perhaps, to a certain extent.
Many of these weeds, if we examine
them, we find to be anthrometic That
is one reason why sheen love the nine '
, !,o r" "'Z iTrfiV .,
. - " - ; - -iy n ..m Komg
introduce anv mprlicinn Ttrh-itnvni. in
sheep, it would be in the nature qf tur
- : " -.. .. ..... ,. ,vf
pentine or tar.
Solution of Daiuv Proklkms. W.
H. Gilbert once said: '"There are three
things to watch in feeding a cow.
Watch her while she eats, to see if she
eats at once and with good appetite
what is put before her; watch the ex
crement to see that she" digests, and
watch the milk pail to see that she
pays for it." This in a few words tells
the whole story. The cow to produce
milk must hare tbe necessary con
stituents in her food, and these con
stituents to produce milk economical
ly must be in the right proportions.
The chemist may help lissome, but the
cow and the pioclical dairyman are,
after all. lhe mil's tnni-lr rmt. tli
I problem. C. 1. Goodr'eh
Poultry 1b tbe Orchard.
At the recent meeting of the South
ern California Farmers' Institute at
Pomona, Mr. H. G. Keesling of San
Jose, well known both as a fruit and
poultry grower, gave a suggestive es
say from which we take the follow
ng: That there is money in chickens
s as self-evident as that there is monev
in fruit, for in each case all depends
on management. The fruit-grower
selects nis janu careiuiiy, plants
with good judgment, and cultivates,
prunes, sprays and cares for his trees
with the best of his ability and with
the advice of older heads who have
been successful in growing fruit. He
likes the business and succeeds, be
cause he is determined to do so. If a
fruit-grower has mistaken his calling,
the sooner he disposes.of his orchard
the better for him and all other
fruit-growers. The same is true of
poultry-raising. To combine poultry
with fruit-growing, and allow the lat
ter to support the former, would be
folly, and the partnership should be
dissolved whenever a lively interest
and proper care can not be given to
both. As fruit-growers, we know that
proper management will make the or
chard profitable, anil as poultry
raisers that there is money in
chickens. Now if the conditions are
right, as indicated above, docs it not
follow that a combination of these
two industries will largely increase
one's income? On one hand, the
chickens are beneficial in the orchard
or anj'where else where a fertilizer
will be of any advantage to t he crop
With a Hock of chickens ranging all
over an orchard, picking up insects
that are injurious to fruit, scratching
and lightening the soil and distribute
Farmers' Review.
t vril
rced on
the poultry account On the other
hand, when a poultry business is es
tablished by itself, the use of the land
is an item of expense that is eliminated
where the orchard furnishes free
range. The establishment of a poul
try plant in an orchard takes up no
room vhatever in our mild California
climate. Small buildings among the
trees are no detriment I have poul
try roosts and runs among cherry and
apricot trees that have not been
plowed or disturbed for ten ye irs, and
yet the trees make good growth and
bear well. You can all readily see
that the two businesses conducted on
the same ground are reciprocal in
action, and the question that must de
cide whether or not a flock of chickens
.will be located in the orchard is the !
capacity of the owner to oversee them
or to secure competent help to proper
ly care for them.
Com! Stock I'as.
I was visiting a farm recently where
I saw 1,000 chickens of all sizes, grades
and lineal descent, says I. K. Felch in
"Farm and Home." Anything was a
chicken and so much per pound. I
asked the farmer why he did not raise
thoroughbreds and "thus have two
strings to his bow and work up to a
fiancier's position. He replied that the
sales for thoroughbreds were so few
that it would not pay. "But," I re
marked, "there is not a bird on your
place that will s.ll forSl.SO.while'nine
out of ten will not sell for SI each.
Suppose you sell only 10 per cnt
of those you raised for S30 per
dozen, the balance, though they were
thoroughbred, would bring you as
much per pound as those you now have.
Would not this item furnish you a
nucleus for a bank account? You say,
by hard work, they pay yon as you are
now running it.' He was silent a few
seconds and finally said. "I reckon we
"' "" gen'ug- an out 01 iins mar, we 1
m,ff. i u iah man lS S,l,rely at, tl,e The judge's motion was overruled on
iootofthcladder,doingtheyeiylarltnatTCJcasionas thc conrt resounded
est amount of labor for a dollar. Poul- with mcrriment, in which he was
iry cunure is a means or converting
one s labor into cash; he who labors
in the right direction and with the
best breeds secures the highest price
for such labor. Again we see the
poultry raiser who acknowledges the
fact that the product from crossing
thoroughbreds pays a larger profit.and
he it is who purchases eggs and stock
of the fancier to produce his workers.
They grow quicker to a salable size
and are better producers of eggs, which
are Irs staple product, and find a
daily market the j-ear round. He dis
poses of one half of his product for
poultry and sells for breeding and
show purposes only those of the high
est merit. We sec him enjoying the
best of reputations as a fancier, his
pocket book well filled, and ever alive
to the interest of his calling.
Keeping l'oultry .'Manure Damp.
At this season the droppings are
quite an item, and they arc more valu
able in winter than in summer, be
cause the food is more concentrated,
says "Farm and Fireside." To keep
them properly they should not become
(German potash salts) with one bushel
of dry dirt or sifted coal ashes. Now
mix this with the same quantity of
droppings, and place them in a barrel
or hogshead. You may also scatter
some of the kainite and dirt under the
roosts. Instead of keeping the drop
pings dry, as is frequently suggested,
keep them moist (not wet) with soap
suds. The result will be that the
moisture will prevent loss of ammonia.
the sulphuric acid of the kainite and
the fat acids formed from the soap
suds, will form several chemical com
pounds, which will not only preserve
the valuable qualities of the drop
pings, but will render them more solu
ble, as well as prevent the formation
of silicates (which happens when the
droppings are dry), and when you at
tempt to use the droppings the am
moniacal odor will convert you to the
damp process.
A simple-hearted and truly devout
country preacher, who had tasted but
few of the drinks of the world, took
dinner with a high-tonpd family, where
a glass of milk punch was quietly set
down by each plate. In silence and
happiness this new Vicar of Wakefield
quaffed his goblet, -and then added,
"Madam, you should render thanks
every day for each a good covf"
Bismarck's Fabulous Offers.
A man of position in one of the Lon
don book houses tells me that the Eng
lish publishers are having as interest
ing a time bidding for Bismarck's auto
biography as they had for Stanley's
"Through Darkest Africa." Unwisely,
perhaps, the great German statesman
gave out the fact that he was working
at his autobiography, and since that
time he has been practically flooded
with offers. One authoritative offer
consisted of a pa3'ment of f 100,000 for
the complete rights for England and
America. But even to this, which is
believed to be the most generous offer
made, the great Bismarck has made no
response. The fact of the matter is, as
my friend who has just returned from
a visit to Bismarck as an emissary of a
London book house writes me, the auto
biography is not yet eveu completed.
For that matter, it is scarcelv written.
During his recovery Bismarck gave some
attention to the work, and wrote and
dictated several pages per day as much
as his returning strength would permit.
The prince is not ready with the pen.
llow'a This I
Wc offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for
anv case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by
Ball's Catarrh Cure.
F.J. CHENEY & CO.. Props., Toledo, O.
Wc, the undersigned, have known F. J.
Chen y for the last 15 years, and believe him
perfectly honorable In all business transactions ,
and financially able to carry out any obliga
tion made by their firm. I
West & Thuax, Wholesale Drujrfrlsts, Toledo,
O. Waldixo, Kinsan & Makvik, Wholesale
Druggists, Toledo, ().
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken internally,
acting directly upon the blood and mucous
eui faces of the system. Price 75c. per bottle.
Sold by all Druggists. Testimonials free.
Bolivia's army costs SI, 800,000 yearly.
There are few spinsters in the Cau
casian settlement in South Africa as
the men outnumber the women ten to
Since the repeal of British naviga
tion laws in 1810 British shipping has
increased seven times faster than the
Vessels of 2,000 tons carry seven
anchors, four of a maximum weight
of eighteen tons, with about 300 fath
oms-of cable.
The queen of Greece is president of
a sisterhood devoted to the reforma
tion of criminals and she personally
visits prisoners.
Twenty-three Pittsburg firms man
ufacture, flint and lime glass. The an
nual production exceeds 24,000 pieces
of tableware alone.
The chief duty of Russian frontier
guards consists in preventing smug
gling and the introduction of Nihilis
tic literature into Russian territory.
The greatest depth recorded of
Lake Michigan is ST0 feet, or about
one-sixth of a mile. The mean depth
is about 325 feet, or one sixteenth of a
A sugar maple chair that was a wed
ding gift to the parents of Mrs. A. D.
Morris of Albany, Qrc., nearly seventy
years ago, is now in the possession of
Mrs. Morris.
When Lord Pahncrston was buried
in Westminster Abbey the officiating
clergyman threw into the grave sev
eral diamond and other rings as a
peace offering.
Equal parts of ammonia and tur
pentine will take paint out of cloth
ing, even if it be hard and dry.
Saturate the spot as often as neces
sary and wash out in soap su Is.
On the night of June 11, 1S52, there
were heavy frosts all over New Eng
land, and in Livingston county, New
York, 300 sheep that had been sheared
a few days before were frozen to
The ltest Men Wanted.
( ''Yes, sir: wc want some good men. men
of first-clnss chnraeter and ability to repre
J sent us. Among our representatives are
many of the noKet and I e-t men in
I America, nnd jmrties of thnt stnmpcnn nl
wnvs find a splendid opportunity at our es
1 tablishinent." That is the way Mr. H. F.
( Johnson, of the firm of h. F. Johnson & Co..
, Richmond. Yn.. stated the ease iu reference
to their ndvertisment in this paper.
Not Too Old.
In a certain part of West Virginia
some years ago there was a local court
presided over by an honest old farmer,
who in his earlier years, had been an
attorner at law. The judge was a
j quick temperod, impatient man, but by
no means ungenerous, and possessed of
a keen sense of humor, tine day while
on the bench he saw in the audience an
old negro whom he had engaged to
haul some timber from his sawmill near
by. but who had been aflerward per
suaded to do the same kind of labor for
another person to the neglect of the
judiciary. As soon as he caught sight
of his recreant toiler the judge sus
pended the trial, quitted the wool sack
and approaching the old African, said,
with great indignation and a very red
"You old rascal! Why didn't you
haul timber for ine, as 3011 promised to
do? You'll have to be taught a lesson!"
The old negro gave one look at the
indignant judge, then squared oft and
throwing his coat to a bystander said,
"Come on, massa! Dis ole chile use
to spank yo' when yo's a trillin' boy,
an' I reckon he can jis do it again if it's
obliged to join.
Mrs. L. A. Lvford, Proprietress of
"lhe Hollywood"' 1IG Turk street, San
Francisco, says: "I am absolutely
amaed at the great good I alderwood's
Rheumatism Cure did my daughter
Fannie. She was atlhcted m her feet
and ankles with inflammatory rheuina-
tisra and had to use crntihes to get
about My family physician treated
her for several weeks but the girl grew
worse and so I'scnt ?.' to the othee of
Calderwood'.s lUicumatisin Cute, on
on the '
corner of Market
ud Fourth streets, '
San Francisco, ami soon a messenger
came back with three bottles of the
rcincdv whi h she began using, and ,
before the medicine was gone she had
llirownawaym.Ti-iuai.ra "' """ j
sound and well.
.. i .i..- .i : ..
llnnnnn'ri IUair ora -v."
W.irnirmM tm-nn-or ri' i.-f nul.-.l. Ask. your I
druggist for it. 1'ik Ijr.-nlis
The man who can't control himself gen
erallv wants to I oss the most.
Billiard Table, tecond-han I. For s-a'e
cheap. Applv toor address. H. C. Akin,
511 S. I'-'th St., Omaha. Neb.
People who are not to te trusted in tri
fles arc not to be trusted any w here.
No one can get out of life
puts in.
more than he
is tue most important pair
fourths of the complaints to
realize how vital it is to
0nr T'KiiK0F?.:y.'SteM
A novel suit is on in the courts at
Manchester, N. H. A girl of that
town married, and her adopted mother
gave her furniture, silver and other
gifts. More than that, she invited the
young people to live with her. Two
years later-there was a family row,
and the young people began packing
up. When they attempted to take
their wedding gifts the mother-in-law
locked them up. Then the daughter
sued for their value. While the case
was in court the old lady died, be
queathing the goods to her niece, who
continues the fight for their possession.
The story is told that on a certain
occasion, when a company of persons
was discussing in a crowded room
sacred subjects and certain prominent
men. one suddenly exclaimed: "I
should like to meet that bishop of
Litchfield; I'd put a question to him
that would puzzle him." "Very
well," said a voice out of another cor
ner, "now is your time, for I am the
bishop." The man was somewhat
startled and taken aback, but pres
ently recovered himself and said:
"Well, my lord, can yon tell me the
wav to heaven?" "Nothing easier,"
answered the bishop, "you have only
to turn to the right and go straight
Little 'Rastus was entirely too fond
of asking questions, says Harper's
Drawer, so his father said, and in
order to shift the burdens which he
found too great for his uneducated
shoulders to bear, old 'Rastus sent
the boy to school, where the following
colloquy is said to have taken place
Little 'Rastus Wy am de sun
brighter'n de moon, 'fessah? Prof.
Johnson We dun no' fo' shuah dat
he am, honey. Yet sec, de moon's
got the night ter light up, an'de sun
has only got de day. Dat's er power
ful sight er diff'runcc, I tells yer.
Mebbe, if do sun done tackle de big
job de moon's got on his hands, he
couldn't do ez well."
A Standard Hearer.
In thecru-ade inaugurated nearly half a
century hro aaiiiM the profesioiia"l is;iior
ance of the old .clino! of medicine. Hostet
ler's Stomach Hitters wa-,;istaml:ml hearer
Its vletorie-overdNoaM'-. when the old time
snecith's proved abject failures, proved that
the cudo-phiIosophy which sanctioned the
administration of violent remedies where
the r:i-c mini red none, which laid down as
1111 ilterable rules blood let tin:;, violent pur-
1 ration, the useofemeth
aiid the employ
ment of corroive and cumulative poisons
in simple cases of liver and malarial com
plaint, was It: fact t lie wor-t of utipliilosopliy.
contrary alike to the laws of true medicinal
sience," of hyjiiene and of common sense.
ltilioi:siicss, const ipation and chills and
fever, as now treated bv the Hitler-,
piomptly yield where before they obsti
nately resisted old fashioned medication.
S do dyspepsia, 1 li'-iimatUm and kiduey
complaint all Mirely ecu iiierahle by this
afe and really philo-ophlc remedy.
Duchess and Viceroy.
I heard a rather amusinir storv in
which Lord Houghton, the viceroy of
Ireland and the Duchess of Manchester
played a part, says a writer in the
Philadelphia Press:
They met the other day on the steam
er running from Kingston to Holyhead.
Houghton imagined, no doubt, that he
was still among the gloomy magnifi
cence of his vice-regal court, most gra
ciously beckoned to the duchess to take
a seat, and was even affable enough to
indicate the right chair adjacent to
him, where he was pleased to permit
her to sit by a vice-regal pat with two
fingers. The duchess was a little taken
back by the condescending manner of
the 3oung viceroy, whom she had
known from babyhood. She, however,
complied with the signal, and during
the voyage across exerted herself to be
pleasant. But the moment she set her
foot on Holyhead she considered her
duty fulfilled, for his excellency the
viceroy in Ireland is nothing but plain .
Lord Houghton in England. It was
with the most imperative ring in her
voice that she turned to him and ex-
claimed: "Here, Bobby, Bobby, bring
me my dressing bag, please, and nowi
run ahead and find me a good compart
ment." "ISrown'g Bronchial Troche" arc widely
known as an admirable remedy for Bron
chitis, Hoarseness, Coughs and Throat
troubles. Sold on' 11 in lojr.
Cut Off His Tail.
At Madras, some time ago, a valua
ble lion, having incautiously allowed
his tail to stray into an adjoining cage,
the tail was siezed by an evil-disposed
leopard, close to the lion's body, when,
as the lion attempted to escape, almost
the whole of the skin of his tail was
stripped off. This was followed by
such an amount of inflammation that
the lion's life was in danger. Surifcon
Major Miller, brother of the late Prof.
Miller of Edinburg. the surgeon to the
governor of Madras, volunteered to
perform amputation. Lhe lion was
Lite lion
seized in hjs cage and Ins Jieau covered (
with a cap containing a considerable .
quantitv i chloroform. He was then
dragged to the edge of the cage and the '
tiil nassed through the bars where '
.'? ,K, , tnrougn ine uais, w ncrc
Dr. Miller cleverly performed his oper-
ation. The animal made a good re-.
Stik tiptheliver, remove disease, promoto
good cheer nnd good health, l.y tho use of
iieechani's Pills.
Talk on Ittncklierrics.
C. II. Hamilton of Wisconsin says
this subject:
They "would grow anywhere, bi;
would choose lc?vel ground, well drained,
and soil made rich with a liberal dress
ing of well-rolted barnyard manure.
Plant in rows seven feet apart and
three feet in the row. Some low-growing
crop can be raised the first year be
tween the rows. Cive the plants win
ter protection by laying down and cov
ering with earth. I use wire to protect
the plants and set posts or stakes,
about twenty -feet apart, on which to
(fasten the wires. .Mulch with green
j clover and pinch off tiie young canes as
j soon as they gat to be twenty inches or
two feet high. Thc same plantation
t can be kept twenty years. I have one
fifteen years old which is apparently as
it ever was. 1 usually let an tiie plants
which come up in the hill remain until
the following spring, then reduce to
four or live, and treat all other plants
between irills and rows as weeds.
i i? 1 ..... ...;ti ...t.;,... :........ i ..:.. i
dies which have leome yellow from
nn,j constant esc
.-.-... ..- . ..... .......... ...... . ......
Thc young mouse
when it see a trap.
T. JACOBS OIL PerfecT Cure of
oi your organism, i nreo mm
which the system is subject j9
1r -. --
Keep It Pure
For which nothing equals S. S. S. It effectually
removes all impurities, cleanses the blood thor
oughly and builds up thc general health.
3 AH other powders are f
3 cheaper made and in G
3 ferior, add leave either E
3 acid or alkali in the food c
id ijJ
Small Frnlt Discussed. I T"' HrseV Food.
R. J. Coe of Fort Atkinson, a practi- T,lC horse's natural food is grass.
cal fruit grower, had for his theme ' There is, nothing else upon whL-h he
"Strawberry Culture," at the iscon- will do so well or live so lon;r. His in
sin horti.-ultural meeting and made the; ternal economy can accommodate itself
following points: to the dried, seedless salks of winter.
Never nlantstrawbcrriesafter straw-'the luxuriant foliage of spring or the
berries, for if rotation is good practice
everywhere, it surely is for the straw
berry bed. Don't use plants from an
old bed, nor small, inferior specimens
from a new one, but always choose
good, strong plants from new beds.
Prepare the ground the year before
by having it well manured. Sow rye
in the fall and turn it under earlv in
the spring. Dig the plants a few days
before setting and keep in a moderately
cool, shady place until the roots begin
to M:irk- rrms norfnetlv strniir it
. .. .. x j
and cultivate once a week through the
season. Pick oft all nlossomsantl treat
the first runners as weeds. Trim upi
the rows to eighteen or tvventy-four (
inches. Cover in autumn with marshy ,
hay or other litter which is free from
weed seeds Mow the b d as soon as
picked ami, when dry, burn mulch and
all. Never keep a bed over two crops.
Mr. Woodward of New York would use
commercial fertilizers at the rate of '
100 pounds of potash and (300 pounds of
I bone dust to the avre.
What ship contains mora people than the
(Jreat Eastern? Courtship.
J Cy
It will, perhaps, require a little stretch of
the imagination on the part of :ho reader to
recognize the fact that tho two portraits at
the head of this article aro of tho same in
dividual ; and yet they are truthful sketches
made from photographs, tnkon only a few
months apart, of a very much rsteemed citi
zen of Illinois Mr. C. II. Harris, tvhoso ad
dress is No. 1,023 Second Avenue, Rock
Island, I1L Tbo following extract from a let
ter written by Mr. Harris explains tho mar
velous change in his personal appearance. Ho
writes : 'Dr. Pierce's Golden
covery saved my life nnd has
JMedical Dis-
made mo
J13"- My homo physician says I am good for
"y Jirs yer. iou win remember that I
""just between hfo and death, an.l all of
my fnends wero s,lro it wa3 a f d t-
untii 1 commenced taking a second Lottie of
MJoIden Medical Disoovcrv' when I lnvnmn
able to sit up and tho cough was very much
better, nnd the bleerfin'j from my lunyi
etoppeil, and before I had taken six bottles of
tho 'Golden Medical Discovery' my cough
ceased and I was a new man and ready for
I now feel that it is a duty that I owe- to
mv fellow-men to recommnnd to thm rh
B :: - -" :?. BBl BBBhv''" j&Z' - v'----
KC'a VBSBsiBmHftV-M ..V. '.79 HBBBaBBK
iMHib vkulBWJ &
' Golden Medical Discovery ' which saved my
t, ' life wherf doctors and all other medicines
ianea to no mo any good.
I send to you with this letter two of my
photograph! ; one token a few weeks before I
was taken down sick in bed, and tho other
was taken after I was well." These two pho
tographs are faithfully re-produced at tho
bead of this article,
Mr. Harris's experience in the use of " Gold
en Medical Discovery" is not an exceptional
one. Thousands of eminent people in all
parts of tho world testify, in just as emphatic
language, to it3 marvelous curative- powers
over all chronic bronchial, throat and lung
diseases, chronic nasal catarrh, asthma, and
kindred diseases.
Eminent physicians prcsrribo "Golden
Medical Discovery" when any of their dear
ones' lives aro imperilled by tfcat dread dis
ease, ionsumpuon. unuer such circum
stances onlv tho most reliable remedy would
; upon. Tho following letter is to
tbo point. It is from an eminent phvsician of
nuinip'5, raiayciiu k,u., jtk. mo says :
"Consumption is hereditary in my wife's
family : some have already died with the div
easo. My wifo has a sister, Mrs. E. A.
Cleary, that was taken with consumption.
Kbe used Dr. Pierce's Golden MIicaI Dlscov-
( cry, nnd, to tho surpriso of her many friends,
sho got well. My wife has alo had hein-
complimented orrjurjes from tho lungs, and her ster in
sisted ou her using tho ' Golden Medical Di-
vr. l. Toi:ni..s Sa snoc
vj ! f i-tom -nt,, cn-tin trom
J4 I1 5. l""t a ir lor thc money
1 1 t'tc ,1 .,yip and prirc .
"''i;cl on thc b-ttton. I-very I
in a .Intnl. I .K-nosulxti
' v'ljjicaai:
rtt . J.ic Iotal pjtictt, for hi I
i--p!i"iot v rcJrrplete
'.nr. inr 1 Mlit-s. asirl gen
txr.rn r-r --t1 Io' ll-
IwtrateA Li'talogue
iMir in-
st-t.cions '
dcr bv mi '. Pn.tacc fre- rm r - gel the best
bargains of lca!er v. ho jnish o-r slices. I
Threshers and Horse Powers.
'rlt tor Iliustntsd Catalogue. mallc-l Free.
iPafpnts. Traita-Marlcs.
Kiatnliiatfr'C kuu AilUe t lu I'sttBUbllliy ct iI.. I-M-U'l fil " ItlVclitf.lV Ulililr. or How to itt
a I aim:" rAXSSS TfOSSlL, TrtSfOtVOf, P. C.
i H
highly nutritious seed pods of Mimtner.
The stalks preserve his health, the
green foliage fattens him and the seed
pods invigorate and strengthen hiin.
Xo horse, however lightly worked,
should be fed on hay alone. The ra
tion should in.'lu le grass or roots and
when the work is hard enough a suita
ble quantity of grain. Xo horse that
is lightly worked should be lightly fed
or grain. It is a common and eostlv
practice which causes 111:1113 a horse U
I c uisjaruesi long o.-iore ills lime.
coo' Couch llnlaant
ithfnM-t ami !". u mil iir-:ik m iiwiiim
h Try
er than an thine ei.-, ithaiwawn-it
Freneh journalists are criticising the
attitude of the I'nited States delegates
to the sanitary convention at Paris.
The American:, haw opposbd every
measure tending to muUe quarantine
less rigid. Their object is to make the
regulations so close I hat quarantine
measures can be used to restrict imuii-
I gration.
Truth never touches
I him 11s it found him.
mini and leave-
covery.' I consented to her using it, nnd it
cured her. She has had no symptoms of con
sumption for the past six years. People
having this disease can take no better rem
edy." Yours very truly,
rFrom tho Buckeye State comes the follow
ing : " I was pronounced to have consump
tion by two of our lest doctors. I spent
nearly ?300, and was no better. I concluded
to try Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery.
I bought and used ei"ht liottles and I can
now say with truth that I feci just as well
to-day as I did at twenty five, and can do just
as good a day's work on the farm, although I
had not dono any wort for several years."
Truly, your friend,
Mr. Dulaney's address is Campbell, Ohio.
"I had catarrh in tho head for years and
trouble with my left lung nt the same time.
You put so much faith in your remedies thnt
I concluded to try ono bottlo or two, and I
derived much licnefit therefrom. I used up
three bottles of Dr. Sago's Catarrh Remedy,
five bottles of your " Golden Medical Discov
ery," and in four months I was myeelf again.
I could not sleep on my left side, nnd now I
can sleep and eat heartil v. So as I have
your medicines on hand 1 Lave no need of a
doctor ; I do not think my hcuso in order
without them. Yours truly,
Marlow, Baldwin Co., Ala.
If it would be any more convincing, wo
could easily fill the columns of this paper with
letters testifying to tho cure of the severest
diseases of tho throat, bronchia and lungs,
by the use of "Golden Medical Discovery."
To build up solid flesh and strength nfter tho
grip, pneumonia, (" lung fever'"), exhausing
fevers, and other prostrntin;t diseases, it hn.i
no equal. It does not Moknfnt lik-cod liver
oil nnd its nasty compounds, but solid, whole
some flesh.
A complct treatise on Throat, Pror.chial,
nnd Lung 1)jt-'s : nlo including Asthma,
and Chronic Nasal Catarrh, nnd iiiiting out
fiico-ssful nicansof home treatment for thesy
maladies, will lx mailed t any addn-ss bv tho
World! Dispensary Medical" Association cf
I'ulfalo, N. V., on receipt of six cents in
stamps, to pay postage.
The Housswife's
v,aHii:r:ni j
"kifS I, l.rl tifil.l.
w. ". '
lliiialin io iwt.
Wheu Aiivf rliijj Atlwrtltrmt'ntt Kiuill
airiitiou tll l'rtjer.
HT ;H 'X. "" ? o
P j m - ''' 7
&TT J-ri5 .
KaHl -ji
aClala. S' b
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