l R - m ' ". i r Columbus gourual. WEDNESDAY. APRIL 23. 1894. A. A: N. TIME TABLE. Pass. ' Freight. leavee Colunibue.. IMlwood . Divid City Seward ... Arrivfoal Lincoln 8i'i a.m. SS " 9:18 " 1052 11:3: a. m. 2:30p.m. 3:20 M 4:15 p.m. 7:43 10:50 " The pahs"n2er If uvf Lincoln at 6:Wp. m., and Trivff at Columbus 9:40 p. m; tha freight leaTea I tnroln at 7 ;15 a. m., and arrives at Columbus at 4 00 p. m. UNION" PACIFICT1ME-TABLE. OOINOEWT- flOISOWKST. Atlniitic Ex. 7 20 a. m . Pacific Ex. 10:l.i p. m Chic .-wo Ex.. 12:40 p. ni Denver Ex.... Id-' p. m LimitM.. . Siip. m Limited ..SiAp.m (Vl. Local 3'iOR.m Local Fr't 6:30 a. m No. S, Fat Mail, carriws poHengerti for through pointn. Going e-t at 900 p. m., ar rive, at Denver 7 :10 a. m. No. 4. fast Mail car ri pnsmmrrrs. uning east at 112 p. m. The freicht train leaving here at 6i0 p. m. car ries paineniters from here to Valley. LINCOLN, COIXMBCS AND SIOUX CITY. IVisenuer arrive from Sioux City . 12:35 p. m Imivm Columbus for Linc'n. 1:55 p. m arrivm from Lincoln 4:10 p. m leavei for Sioux City 3.33 p. m Mixed leavi-j for Sioux City 3.C0 a. m Mixed arriver 10:0J p. m FOK LBlON AND CEDU HAPID9. l'waenKor leaves Mixed leiivea lfeinter arrives Mixed arrives . 2:10 p. m t'iKX) a. m 12:25 p. m 8:10 p. m acieh Notices. SaT" All notices under thin heading will be cliarged at the rate of $2 a year. A LEBANON LODGE No. 5fi, A. F. & A. M. mMX lU-guhir meetings 21 Wednesday in each XJK montlu All brethren invited to attend. ' E. H. Ch xbebs. W. M. lies. ft. Bkcheu, Sec'y. 20july VIL1)E LODGE No. 44, 1. 0. 0. F., L- mitiii liiewlay evemngH eacn "w.s-lc it their hall on Thirteenth street. Vimting brethrea cordially Lnvitel. H. C. Newman. N. G. W. It. NotesTEIN. Sec'y. 27jan91-tf E0H(JAN1ZED( HUI'.CH OF LATTER-DAY SuintH hold regular service every Sunday at 2 p. m., prai er meeting on Wednesday evening at their chapel, corner of North afreet and Pacific Avenue. .All are cordially invited. 13iuls9 Elder II. J. Hudson. President. iiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiumiiii PHOTOGRAPHIC I Toor of i Wfli. I PART No. II. iolusibus Journal Coupon. Send or bring one coupon like H this with io centH in coin to The CoLUMBrs JorRNAL, Columbus, ZZ Nebraska. 1IuT7lIllll41IIIIIIIIiltIlllIlllltlllllllllltUlll She frowned on him and called him Mr., Bemuse in fua he'd merely Kr., And then in spite. The follouing nite. Tlu naughty Mr. Kr. Sr. - Life. Merrick for picture frames. -To Mitchell's for flour and feed. - Pure vaccine matter at Dr. Clark'a.l Haled oat straw, for sale at Mitchell's. Come to TnE Jockkal for job work. -The Haywood Sleeper at Merrick's. Hock ami barrel salt for sale at Mitchell's. 1 Born, Monday, to Mrs. C. W. Spicer, it daughter. Look out tor Cassin's corn-fed steers about May IsL Dr. Van Es, veterinary snrgeon, office over postofiice. lm S - Attorney Ellis of Madison was in the -v city Thursday. Dr. T. K. Clark, Olive street. In otlice at nights. --Boys knee pants from 25 cents up, at J. B. Delsman's. 2 Cut flowers for sale at the City preen house. Telephone f0. tf Last Sunday was as perfect a day as " could well be imagined. George Spear of Norfolk was in the city Monday oa business. Dr. E. II. Nauman's dental parlors in North block. 13th street. tf Our Success folding bed has no ..: equal. Fred. W. Herrick. Earl Phinney of National City, Calif., arrived here Monday. G. W. Elstou has good reports from his mining interests in the west. Baby buggies at Herrick's. Mrs. J. E. North has left National City, Calif-, for her home in Omaha. Christofferson's new delivery wagon makes a neat showing on the streets. L. Hold of the C P. force, has been f sick for a few days but is around again. The U. P. train from Norfolk carrieB a car through from Sioux City to Lin "crtn. What's the matter with cleaning up all of your back alleys about this time of year? We learn that Lottie M. Gaffney and E. L. Hartley are on Mrs. Hattie Wright's appeal bond. Tomato, cabbage, cauliflower and eweet potato plants for sale by Marmoy .& Simmons, tf Hugh Hughes is making a number of improvements on his hotel property. The Meridian. ' Mrs. Hamer is going to build a mod ern house on North street, in Becher Place addition. H. J. Arnold, M. D., physician and surgeon. Two doors north of Brod f uehrer's jewelry store, tf A. T. Wood, a banker of Madison, passed through the city Monday on his way home from Lincoln. Do you use straw under your car pets If so, call at Mitchell's flour and feed store. He has it for sale. 2 We have it, yon want it, and ten cents in coin with a Jouksai. coupon, trill procure it. See' advertisement. -" Wheatel," for sale by all dealers. Try it. When in need of an auctioneer, call on Dave Smith. He will act-for yon with promptness, safety and dispatch, tf Mitchell's store has been moved to one door north of Basmussen's old stand, (now Christonereen's), where he can be . found with his line of goods, at all times. Children Cry for Pitcher's Caeterla. . Baled hay at Mitchell's. 4 The First National bank building is much improved with the fresh coatings of paint. We have an assortment) of new fold ing beds. Just received. Fred. W. Herrick. 6-2t Dr. Geer informs us that J. F. Siems and Mr. Bartels, who have been very sick, are improving. R. Ballard of Kalamazoo, Madison county, was in the city Thursday on his way to Beatrice. J. A. Eehoe of Platte Center passed through the city Thursday homeward bound from Lincoln. W. T. Rickly shipped five loads of fat cattle from this point to South Omaha Friday night. F. M. Sackett of Albion was in the city Monday with fat cattle for the South Omaha market. W. J. Irwin of Woodville passed through the city Monday with fat cattle for the Chicago markeL Drs. Martyn & Evans were at Kear ney Friday, called there by the very serious illness of Dr. Humphrey. Conductor Pohl has been sending out music to the different societies to be represented here at the Saengerfest. See the advertisement of Mike Cas sin's meat market. He keeps a very neat market and his stock is of the very best. George W. Clark and R P. Drake of Humphrey were in attendance at the funeral of Dr. Siillman Tuesday of last week. According to the city treasurer's books there is 11,897.19 on hands, of which $10,298 belong9 to the Bchool fund. Tom Mortimer of the Wood & Ban croft ranch in Stanton county, shipped four loads of cattle to South Omaha Monday. For 2Ti cents you can hear a good literary program and have a good laugh. Congregational church, Friday evening, April 27. 'Ha! ha! ha!" is what the man says who has teen the Peaks of Alaska. Con gregational church, Friday evening, April 27th. The Congregational society of this city has called A. J. Rogers of Chicago, and he will begin work the second Sun day in May. Mike Cassin is repairing his side walks, etc., and is fixing his screens in good shape. There are no flies on Mike or his meat. Thanks to Congressman Meiklejohn for a pamphlet giving statistics in re gard to electrical industries in the state of New York. - See the changes in the Union Pa cific time table. Some men got left the other day by not noticing them. It pays to read the papers. Good nice German millet seed for sale at 60 cents a bushel. Call on John Sissle. or address him through the mail, Columbus post-office. 3p It is thought by his physician that A. Debney, the wife-murderer, will not live until the time first set for his ex ecution, Friday, May 4. Judge Sullivan pronounced sentence upon Mayuard Elston, convicted of assault and battery a fine of $100 and the cost of prosecution. Millet seed for sale at 60 cents a bushel, cleaned ready for sowing. A sample maybe seen at Journal office. Inquire of John Eisenmann. 3 Mr. B. Delsman, father of J. B. and F. W. Delsman of this city, died at Man itowoc, Wis., yesterday morning at 2 o'clock, aged 72 years and 6 months. If you would like to see the best folding bed made, call on Fred. WT. Herrick. He will cheerfully show you the bed and explain its construction. Dr. Humphrey of Kearney, brother in law of Dr. Evans, has been very sick for some time, and the doctor has been called from here to see him several times. Reminiscences of the Fair, sixteen portfolios of the World's fair, given away to our customers. For particulars call at J. B. Delsman's store, Eleventh street, tf One of our subscribers Came in Mon day with ten coupons and with the addi tion of $1 received in exchange ten copies of our Photographic Tour of the World. The Women's Christian Temperance Union will hold a mothers' meeting at the Congregational church Friday, the 27th, at 3 p. m. All ladies are invited to attend. Frank Preiss has suffered another stroke of paralysis, and he and his fam ily will probably make their future home in this city with her father, Mr. John Eusden. Mrs. Ellen Meyer, who is visiting Mrs. E. D. Sheehan of this city, fell on the sidewalk Tuesday, and fractured her arm. She is improving under the care of Dr. Martyn. A train of thirty-one double-decked cars filled with sheep, and one car of horses passed east Thursday. There is no better feeding-ground for stock in the United States. Several stock buyers from Madison county passed through the city Wednes day homeward bound from South Omaha where they had struck a 15-cent fall in the cattle market, John Nelson formerly of Platte county, who has been the past year in the old country, has returned with his family and expects to make this his home. Lindsay Post Charles L. Stillman left Sunday for Chicago, where he has been attending a pharmacy college, at which he will grad uate, and then return here and take charge of the drug store. Superintendents Rose of Aurora and McKelvey of Central City were in the city Saturday interviewing members of the school board as to a change in the superintendency of the schools here. The bridge builders among readers of The Jocbnal will find in today's paper an advertisement of Mr. Lueschen, clerk of Sherman township, asking for bids for the construction of a bridge. 3 The Fremont Herald says that the second lecture by Robert Nouree-was one of the most eloquent efforts ever listened to in that city, and delighted a good audience. He speaks at the Con gregational church here tto evening. Mrs. A. J. Downing on her way to Boone county last Saturday, was carried from the train to the Meridian hotel, where she gave birth to a child within about five minutes from her arrival. Conductor Overton now makes the run into Columbus from Norfolk, and goes right back, while Conductor Knaub makes the run from Lincoln arid return, the two exchanging trains at this point. The ceiling and wails of the The Joubxai, chapel have lately had spread over them twenty gallons, (less or more), of white paint, and they fairly glisten with light. The office towel looks lone some. S. J. Ryan, J. D.Cox and John Pow ers of the Ancient Order of Hibernians, went to Omaha Monday to make arrange ments for the order to go in a body to the national convention to be held there May 8-11. The Farmers' club meet at Carl Rohde's Friday of this week at 2 o'clock. This is an authoritative announcement, and we so state it because there has been a misunderstanding as to the hour of meeting. At the Lancaster County Farmers' meeting the other day Prof. Ingersoll spoke of the profit realized from alfalfa. He reports ten tons per acre from three cuts at the state experimental station last year. Mrs. Hattie Wright was sentenced to three months imprisonment in the county jail, being convicted on the charge of keeping a house of ill-fame. She appealed to the supreme court, and gave bopd for $500. Sheriff Daugherty of Cheyenne county passed through the city Monday on his way to Lincoln with Thomas Noonan and Jack Abbey, convicted of burglary and sentenced to one year each in the penitentiary. See W. H. Randall's advertisement in another part of today's Journal. By the way if you have not owned a pair of mules see that you get them there is no animal that can be relied on to the extent that the mule can be. A farmer bought ten hogs at a sale February 23, fed them until April 12, when he sold them, realizing 48 cents a bushel on the corn that he fed to them. Of course the hogs were good ones and did their part of the work all right. George Savidge of Humphrey, re turned from Texas last Monday. He was caught in a little railroad wreck, and was laid up for about ten days, though not seriously injured. George says the crops look good down in Texas. Adolph Streakenberd, cashier of a Switzerland bank, who was here looking after the interests of his house, left for home last Saturday. He is very favora bly impressed with the resources of Ne braska, and Platte county in particular. Miss Ellen Beach Yaw, accounted the most remarkable soprano since the days of Lucrezia Ajugari, is to be in the city in a few days. - She sings from G below the treble staff to E natural above high E, a compass of nearly four octaves. An exchange says that the postmas ter general has issued an order that hereafter mail be not taken on the mail car unless it first passes through the post office. The custom has become so prevalent in places as to overburden the railway mail clerks, hence the order. J. H. Wurdeman recently sold forty five steers to be delivered the first week in May for $4.00 a hundred. They were bought by a dealer at Leigh for export to England. On the 6th of March they averaged 1432 lbs., and Mr. Wurdeman says they gain at the rate of two pounds a day. An entertainment under the auspices of the Congregational Y. P. S. C. E. will be given at the Congregational church Friday evening, April 27, 1894. At the close of a program rendered by home talent there will be a laughable farce by the Peak sisters of Alaska. Program next week. For Sale! A rare opportunity is offered to any one wishing to step into a beautiful home, complete in every par ticular and elegantly furnished, on Fourteenth street. This is one of the most desirable localities in Columbus. Terms can be made to suit purchaser. Alonzo Haight. 55t 'Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" will be impersonated and lectured upon by the wonderful Washington, D. C, dramatical orator, Robert Nourse, on Wednesday evening, April 25th, in the Congrega tional church. A rare opportunity will be lost if our citizens fail to hear him. Admission 50 cents. Abts & Stupfel have opened a meat market in the place formerly occupied by W. T. Rickly, on Olive street, where they keep, for the accommodation of their custom, fresh meats of all kinds and varieties anything you may wish in their line of business. Fish always on hand. Telephone No. 10. tf Anton Sakowski was arrested here last week by Policeman Phillips under suspicion of being one of the men want ed for the robbery of George Scheidel's place some weeks ago of about $200 worth of goods, some of which, we are informed, were found in his possession. As we go to press he is having his hear ing before Judge Hensley. County Superintendent Rothleitner has a scholarship, to give away, entitling the holder to tuition from October next to the following May, in the Martin Col lege, an oratorical institution, Washing ton, D. C. The scholarship is worth $100 and the only conditions are that the holder must be a resident of Platte county and a studious person of good moral character. The following corn planters are sold by Henry Lnbker: Barlow, steel frame, Tait's Iron Dandy, Tait's Jim Dandy, the old reliable Standard, Evans adjusta ble frame, Beloit Pick up Planter, some thing new, don't fail to see it He also sells the Norwegian and Rock Island Clipper Plows. The Norwegian Nor mandie tongueless cultivator; should be seen by everybody that expects to buy a tongueless cultivator. It will please. 4 Seme ten or twelve boys for three nights scared the folks at John Elliott's residence by use of the tick-tack. Four of them were called up before the police judge, who lectured and warned them. As the racket was made after some of the family had retired for the night, and frightened the others considerably, they thinking that it was an attack of tramps, the mischief-loving boys may well con gratulate themselves in not being trounced, by the Colonel. M Trip IRftui Will you go Costs too much gttttfr Not a bit Read on and see We propose world iu the next V wonderful works of God and man in all lauds under the sun. These su perb photographs have been gathered by one of the greatest travelers and lecturers of this country. They have been reproduced in plates, 10 x 12 inches, at an outlav of thousands and thousands of dollars. THIS GRAND Magnificent Palaces Celebrated Churches ART COLLECTION OF Noted Inns Picturesque Scenes Glories of Art Marvels of Architecture Will be issued in sixteen parts, each part containing sixteen plates. Accompanying each photograph is a vivid and accurate description of the scene or object depicted, prepared by one who has personally visited the places, and knows whereof he speaks. Part Eleven AND ILLUSTRATES AFBIOA Fl m m pj. AND CONTAINING Bird's Eye View Cairo Street in Cairo Palace of Gizereh Ascent of Great Pyramid Pompey's Pillar, Alexandria Egyptian Water Caniers Arabic Harem Women Arabic Wedding Procession Luxor Temple Temple of Abou Simbel, Nubia Temple of Isis, Philce Algiers Dahabeyeh on Nile Sphinx Inundation of Nile Suez Canal ow to secure this unprecedented offer. . . In each copy of this paper is printed a coupon. Bring or send oke of these coupons, together with ten cents in coin to our office, and you will receive one part of the series. Back num bers can be had on the same terms. Be particular to state the number of the part desired, give your lull name and address, and inclose the and ten cents. NO ONE SHOULO MISS THIS V 1 mK imiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiHiimiiiiiuimmiiuHHttMUiiiiiHiiHiimti I JOURNAL. liTiiiiiiHUHimiiinmiiitiiiiHiiBMimiiiiimHtHmimHHtiiu to take all our sixteen weeks. readers around the How can we do it ? Simple enough. We have, at great pains and expense, been able to secure for the exclusive use of THE JOURNAL a most magnificent series of larire photographs of the Renowned Ruins Ivy-clad Abbeys is now ready THE DARK CONTINENT v necessary coupon CHANCE JEE THE WORLD FROfl TOUR EATY CHHR WITHOUT LEAVING HOME WITHOUT EXPENSE Number eleven of our Tour pictures, I due this week, and ready for you, con tains scenes in Africa, that land of mys tery, which the world has read so much about in the explorations of Livingstone and Stanley. By the stupendous works the ancient Egyptians have left, we can understand something of their life and times, but Africa as of old will doubtless always be a wonder world to the human race. State Sup't Gtoudy has given it as his opinion that when school districts vote bonds, it should not be done unless the petition provided by law has been presented, and then should be in a meet ing entirely separate from the annual meeting, called at a different hour. As quite a number of Platte county dis tricts are contemplating the voting of bonds at the June meeting, it will be well to keep these things in mind. Of all the great, great newspapers of the middle and western United States, the Chicago Inter Ocean, as a paper for the home, is the best, because it can be enjoyed by every member of the house hold, and the paper has not only struck its gait, but is bettering it every week. We have made arrangements so that we can furnish you this paper along with your other literature. Come and see us about it, or drop us a line. In the line of raising additional rev enue, the city council should consider the large number of bicycles owned and nsed in the city. The man who owns a 25 plug has to pay taxes on it; why should not the $125 bicycle be taxed? Besides the wheel is more of a luxurv than a necessity. The foregoing is from the Schuyler Herald. If the bicycle is taxed, that will be an expense that most of the owners have not calculated upon. We hear of a Madison county man who borrowed a pair of mules of a neighbor, placed one of his boys on one of them, had another hold the plow handles, while he, with a club, beat first one mule and then the other, from nine o'clock in the forenoon until four o'clock in the afternoon, not ceasing for dinner, and at the end of that time the poor animals were exhausted and shortly died. What ought to be the punishment for such a fiendish deed? Dr. Wilson applied to his patient, Mr. Ives, the cleansing method of wash ing the stomach with warm water and discharging it with a pump by way of the mouth. Lodged in the folds of the stomach had been since October 1st last, hundreds of grape, tomato and apple seeds, and some fish and potatoes were held in the stomach eight days. The day before his death, after one of these cleansings, the patient threw up, for the first time, some unusual looking sub stance that under the microscope, proved to be cancerous matter. A large number of our readers in Nebraska, Iowa and Ohio, were acquaint ed with Walter B. Beebe of Cadiz, Ohio, he having had large landed interests in all three states. Of late years he had been living at Columbus, Ohio, where he died April 17th, aged 77 years. His father, Gen. W. B. Beebe, was one of the first settlers of Ohio, and a prominent man of affairs. Twenty-four years ago Mr. Beebe make an investment in lots in this city and tracts of land in this vicin ity, which he afterward gave to his son-in-law, Col. John A. Xorris. The National Educational associa tion meets this year, July 0th to 13th, at Asbnry Park, N. J., one of the most beautiful seaside resorts on the Atlantic coast, 40 miles from New York City and two hours ride from Philadelphia. The program of meetings will be made up of addresses and lectures by men and women of national renown as educators and orators. A number of Journal readers will desire to take advantage of the reduced railroad fare to attend this annual gathering, which is becoming one of the important educational events of these times. An exchange says: ''Liraberger cheese laid away in cupboards" and re frigerators will drive away ants." And another responds; "No doubt of it, it will drive a spike through a brick; it will drive a dog out of a tan yard; it will drive a tramp away from a meal of vic tuals; it will drive a mule through a barbed fence;, it will drive a herd of cat tle over a precipice; it will drive a negro away from a chicken roost, or a man into insanity who stays five minntes within ten feet of its unsavory presence. And yet some men will sit up and eat the stuff and profess to like it." George W. Turner of The Jocbnai. force leaves Thursday, this week, for New York, to join "Buffalo Bill's" Wild West show, which opens its eleventh season there the 12th of May. George has been with the organization almost continuously, with the exception of one season, since its formation in this city in 1883, has traveled over a vast territory both in this and foreign countries, which he has thoroughly enjoyed. He will take his old position in Prof. Win. Sweeney's celebrated Cowboy Band. Before pro ceeding to New York, George will visit for a few days the scenes of "childhood's happy hours" at Cadiz, Ohio. At a meeting of citizens held at the council chamber Friday evening, over which Jonas Welch presided, and J. A. Barber served as secretary, a committee was appointed to devise ways and means for starting the canal project, their re port to be laid before a meeting to be held in the near future. The committee consisted of W. A. McAllister, Albert Stenger, O. T. Roen, M. Wbitmoyer, A. W. Clark, John Wise, Patrick Murray, J. H. Galley, Adolph Jaeggi, L. Gerrard and G. W. Phillips. If you have any suggestions to make it would be well to confer with some member of the com mittee, and after the chairman announ ces the time of the next meeting, be sure to attend. Word was received last Friday after noon that little Otto Borcher, aged two years, had accidentally hung himself. He had been playing around home all afternoon and about 4 o'clock his mother missed him, and it was at first thought that he toddled off to a neighbor's, but as he could not be found there a search of the place was made and he was found hanging under a self-binder, dead. It is thought that he crawled under the machine to. play with some pups and in going out a piece of iron that is intended to prevent straw from wrapping around the axle caught under his clothing at the back of his neck and he was unable to free himself and slowly strangled to death. The bereaved parents have the sympathy ot their many friends. Scrib-ntr&ewa. PERSONAL. Ben. Brodfuehrer had business in Mon roe Monday. A. J. McKelvey of St. Edward wa3 in the city Monday. J. E. North and son Ed. were up from Omaha over Sunday. J. S. Graves of Humphrey was a guest of the hotel Clother Sunday. Harry Phillips of Henderson, Iowa, is visiting his sister, Mrs. Ellis Brown. Mrs. Frank Stevenson of Columbus, is visiting "Charlie's" folks in this city. Fremont Herald. John Wiggins is up from school at Fremont, visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Wiggins. E. M. Thomas of Butterfly, Stanton county, was in the city yesterday on business. He was on his way home from Omaha. Dr. and Mrs. J. F. Wilson of Chicago arrived in the city Saturday, the Doctor returning home Tuesday. Mrs. Wilson will remain awhile and visit friends. Mrs. Frank Bridell arrived in the city Sunday from St. Louis. Mr. Bridell has been here for some time, and they ex pect to make Columbus their future home. In Memoriam. Sorrow sits brooding in our midst. The alarm which no one cares to hear and no one dares to challenge, has come to the door of our asylum. The angel of death received the fatal mandate, and on Saturday evening, April 14, 1894, just as the shadows lengthened and twilight deepened, Sir Knight Charles B. Still man bade us good night here to say good morning yonder. "The palseleiM hand lies quiet oa his breaat, Theawonl ia theathed, the knight id at his rent." The record of his life is one of thor ough integrity and tried manhood. He was a tower of strength to the Masons of Columbus, in blue lodge, chapter, council and commandery. Upon his shoulders rested the prelate's mantle of our order when he received tho final summons. He believed in and loved masonry; he modeled his daily life upon its principles and precepts, to which he adhered in the strong belief that he would thereby reach the holy city of the Divine Master. A good man has fallen, Brother, companion, frater, hail and farewell. To the family of our deceased frater we extend, all that we can do, our deep sympathy in their great loss, with the assurance that our tears mingle with their own, and that the recollection of the many virtues of their husband and father, our frater, will be a sweet fra grance in the halls of memory forever. It is recommended that the prelate's chair, the alter of our asylum, and cur sword hilts be draped in emblems of mourning for the period of sixty days. Clark Grat, i J. D. Stires, ( Committee. CD.Evaxs, S C. E. Pollock, Recorder. Companions: As the sun quietly passwl from sight below the western horizon, closing in darkness the .beauties or the.duy, an.t on the morrow rises In all its glory and splendor, so passed away another of our companions Chales O. Stillman. ot this chapter of Royal Arch Maioni. We mourn for the loss of our past high priest, who bade us farewell at his horns in Co lumbus on Saturday. April 14, 1391, at 4:25 o'clock. A Ma.on of thirty year?, courteous ill demeanor, faithful in friendship, learned in Masonic law ami literature, esteemed and beloved, not only by the Masonic fraternity hut by all who kn-w him personally. In th quar ries as an overseer, or presiding as master, he was ever an exampleof fidelity and skill. His mission on earth is ended. He lias been ga'hered to his home on high, witli the com mendation of Ids companions ami the bene diction of the good and true. It Is recommended that as a token of remem branccd of our deceased companion, tlia chap ter hall and jewels be draped In mourning for the period of sixty days, and n page" be In scribed to his memory on our records, and that the condolence of this chapter be extended to his family, together with a copy of this resolu tion, and thaf these resolutions be published in each oour city papers. C E. Pollock. ;i' Ueoier, F. II. Geek. Committee. Whereas, Death has taken from us our well beloved brother Charles B. Stillman; and Whereas, We are desirous of giving expression to our high regard of his manv virtues; therefore be it Resolved. That while we bow in humble sub mission to the will of the Grand Master of the universe, we do not the less mourn for our brother who has been taken from us-knowing full well that the brightest light of our lodge has been extinguished that our ablest worker has gone. Resolved. That in the death of Charles B. Still man our lodge laments the loss of a brother who was ever ready to proffer the hand of aid and the voice of sympathy to the needy and dis tressed of the fraternity an active member of our order, whose best endeavors were exerted for its welfare and prosperity, a friend and a com panion who was dear to us ill a citizen whose up right and noble life was a standard for emulation to his fellows. Resolved, That as a token of our remembrance of our deceased brother that the lodge room be draped in mourning for a period of thirty days. Resolved, That the heartfelt sympathy of the lodge be extended to the family of our deceased brother. In tbis their greatest affliction. Resolved, That these resolutions be spread upon the records of our lodge, and a copy thereof be transmitted to the family of our deceased brother, and that publication In our city news papers be ordered. Cuas. A Speice, J. D. Brewer, J. J. Sullivan, Committee. DIED. Ives At Chicago, April 18th, at 2 a. m., of cancer of the stomach, E. R. Ives, aged 55 years, 3 months and 14 days. We are informed that Mr. Ives went to Chicago about six weeks ago to be under the care of his son-in-law, Dr. J. F. Wilson, formerly of this city, now a resident of Chicago. He suffered in tensely during his illness, and virtually starved to death because of his disease, his stomach being four times its ordi nary size. The body was received here Saturday and the funeral services were held at the Methodist church Sunday afternoon, at 2, Eev. Bross preaching the sermon. The Columbus and Silver Creek camps of Modern Woodmen of America, attend ed in a body. A large number of sympathizing friends of the family also attended the funeral. J.T.Morris started for Wyoming Snr day where he will be employed some time doing surveying for E. T. Graham. John Nyhoff went with him to work for James Graham... Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Wolf, Mr. and Mrs. Beck, Mrs. Stafford and Mrs. Haslock expect to soon become residents of Omaha. Mr. Wolf went to that place Wednesday to rent a house and complete arrangements for moving. Driving by L. J. Nichols's place a few evenings ago we noticed that he has put out a young orchard of five or ten acres just west of his honse. It is well sheltered by trees and makes a valuable improvement in his place. Creston News. Children Cry for Pitcher9! Cattorla. City Council. At the meeting Tuesday evening last all were present except Councilmeu Oehlrich and Wells. The petition of Messrs. B. B. Kummer and Gustavo Schroeder for the privilege of erecting poles for electric light and power purposes, using the latest improv ed machinery, was referred to the com mittee on streets and grades. The mayor then announced the stand ing committees, as follows, the first named being the chairman: Finance, Gray, Murdock, Galley. Streets and grades, Welch, Murdock, Wells. Claims, Murdock, Oehlrich, Wells. Police, Wells, Welch, Murdock. Printing, Oehlrich, Galley, Wells. Fire, Welch, Galley, Oehlrich. The report of the committee to whom was referred the territory to be sprink led the coming year, was adopted, aa fol lows: 11th street from K street to cen ter of block 119; 12th from N to center of block 86; 13th from K to center of block 56; L from 13th to 10th; H from 11th to alley in block 117; N from 14th to 10th; Olive from 14th to 10th; Ne braska Avenne from 14th to 12; 14th from Olive to Nebraska Avenue. On motion of Gray the preparation ot a list of persons liable to poll tax was referred to the committee on streets and grades with power to act. The communication from the fire de partment was referred to the committee on fire. On this subject Galley express ed himself very decidedly in favor of providing the firemen with better quar ters and paying much more attention to their needs and then requiring more of them in return. Certain men are on the roll of firemen for the purpose of being exempt from jury duty and poll tax, and scarcely ever even attend tho meetings of the department. Then, too, they might get out to practice a little occa sionally, using the hydrants near the dead ends of the mains, which they have the right to open, for throwing water. The mayor then announced his ap pointments as follows: City Attorney, William O'Brien; Water Commissioner, C. H. Davis; Chief of Police, Charles Brandt; Policeman, Julius C. Phillips; Overseer of Streets, Robert McCray; Members Board of Health, Galley and Murdock. There having been objection made to the appointment of Brandt as chief of police, Mayor Phillips said that in ap pointing him ho had done so after mature deliberation. It was his understanding that the liquor license (to which refer ence had been made), was not to Charles Brandt. He had some experience as to Mr. Brandt's service when he held this office before and ho made an efficient officer, and knowing this he felt justified in making the appointment. For quite a little while nothiug was said. The silence was becoming op pressive, when the mayor asked: "Does the council wish to take any action on the appointments?" Galley moved that the nominations be all ratified except that of the chief of police and that action on same be de ferred to the next meeting of the council. Pending this motion every councilman present expressed his views. Galley say ing that it was his understanding that Charles Brandt was a partner of the firm that had not paid their occupation tax last year. Welch didn't believe ho would be sat isfactory. Murdock didn't doubt that the mayor was sincere, but he thought this ap pointment would be bad for him in the end as well as for some others. Gray thonght that the duties of a policeman in good part came in restrain ing the excesses about saloons, and that policemen should be entirely independ ent of that influence, and while Mr. Brandt may cot be under that influence, it certainly didn't look so. The police man himself should be temperate, not one especially opposed to the saloon business, as conducted according to law, but one who would perform his duty. It wasn't, to his mind, a good selection. Mayor Phillips said that because Mr. .Brandt had been engaged in the saloon business, it does not necessarily follow that he would not make a good peace officer. The fact that the council could at any time call him to account ought to be considered. It is assuming con siderable to say that because a man has been engaged in the business, he must bow down to it. He assured the council that no one desires to see the peace and dignity of the city prop erly maintained more than he did. He did not wish to urge this appointment further at this time. The motion carried unanimously. Adjourned to April 2C. Program Of the Peak Sisters' entertainment at the Congregational church, Friday even ing, April 27: past r. Piano Solo Miss Ethel Galley Vocal Solo. Mm. F.H.Geer Recitation Misa Beaaie Sheldon Song Treble del Quartette Instrumental Dnet $& fet!g?5i Recitation Mias Ida Martin VocalSolo Mrs. J. G. Boeder PAST II. L mghabje Farce. . -. Peak Sitters of Alaska Cose one, come all and laugh. For Sale Columbus State Bank Stock. A non-resident, wishing to close as estate, will sell $12,500 Columbus State Bank stock, in sums to suit. Address Fred W. Lee, Omaha, Neb. Children Cry for Pitcher's Cattorla. Business Rothes. Advertisement under thin head rive cents a lineeach insertion. WM.SCHILTZ inukes boot ind shoe in the best style, and us only th very beet etock that can be procured in tho market. 5'J-tt D. T. Marto. M. D. C. D. Evas, M. U. F. ii. I Ieee. M. D. DOCTORS MARTYN, EVANS t GEER, CONSULTING Physicians - and - SurgtMS To St. Mary's Hospital and St. Francis Academy. COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA. United States Examining Surgeons, Aaaiataat gargeona Union PaciticO.. N. B. H. Railwaju. TOffice open night and day. Telephone No. 19. Two blocks north Uaioa Pacific Sepot. 1