,4TiraiirT -, Imtmal (Mmaim r --. - ii i ' ' i VOLUME XXV.-NUMBER I. COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 18, 1894. WHOLE NUMBER 1,219. m IK ?? It .- :"; t" M k z. r t- NEBRASKA NEWS. Harvard is about to build a $15,000 school house. There is not a vacant bouse in Vcr don. More arc needed. The village of Plymouth, in Jefferson county, is to be incorporated. Emerson's hotel, a fine structure, is rapidly approaching completion. Shiloh veterans had a reunion at David City, with a large attendance. Gov. Crounsc was in Grand Island last week to inspect the soldiers' home. The town of Miller, in the Wood Riv er valley, wants a tonsorial artist badly. An elevator with a capacity of 12,000 bushels, is to be erected at Nemaha city. Grand Island's new postmaster has received his commission and entered upon his duties. Several stores in Pleasant Dale, a small village in Lancaster county, were robbed last week. E. II. Uerggrcen, of Fremont, fell through an elevator shaft into the cel lar and broke his neck. Leo Marks has been bound over to the district court of Lancaster county on the charge of forgery. Jim ISaker of Otoe county snared twelve young wolves in one day, and the harvest from their scalps was great. For the fourth time in seven years Jimmy Mattison's general merchandise store ot iiuoocl lias been broken into ot tiers to quit. J lie striking men re and burglarized. j gard this as a victory. Isaac Dean, a pressman employed by A man by the name of Miller, living the Lincoln Newspaper union, was se-' on the farm formerly owned by J. Ster rionsly but not fatally injured by being I ling Morton, three miles northeast of caught in the machinery. I Syracuse, lost a hor.se in a peculiar F. M. Dawson of Stnfcvillo wn: taknn I manner. He was working with his before court upon the serious charge of selling the meat of debiliatcd ani mals. A jury found him not guilty. Dr. Parkinson, a prominent Stockville physician, fell dead from heart trouble while eating supper. His remains were sent to Monmouth, 111. , for interment. Thieves broke into the grocery store of Arnup A. Ncdrick of Tekamah. The cash drawer was broken into and about SHI jc Hired. Cigars and confectionary were also taken. j There are preparations being made in North Platte for a big race meeting j for the Fourth of .July. The track is j being worked now to have it in good shape by that time. William C. Peterson of Dodge county j was bound over to the district court in ' the sum of S'MM to answer to a com- , plaint h'lcd by Ida Jordan charging ' illegitimate parentage. ! Arrangements arc rapidly being com-1 pie ted for the erection of a new seven-' vy-livc barrel roller mill at Waunteta. j Teams are now at work cutting the race j and grading the grounds. J The waterworks bonds voted by Cal- ' loway last fall have not been sold. It j is the intention of the incoming board of trustees to push the matter and get ' the work started early in the summer. i Mr. and Mrs. Parkhurst, an esteemed i old couple of Heaver City, were given a reception at the court house by the cit izens, and presented with Sii.1 in gold. They hail been married justsixty years. W. A. Dal ton, who was arr-isted in Table liock some tim since and taken I to Humboldt, charged with forgery, I was sentenced to eighteen months in the penitentiary in the district, court last week. j The hardware store of J. II. Castle at Clarks was burglarized last week. ' About SH0 worth of knives, revolvers' and raors were stolen. Entrance was effected by prying up a window with a I railroad spike. ' Elmer Sears, a prominent farmer of j Otoe county, was bound over to thedis- trict court last week in the sum of $.10:) on the charge of disposing of mortga- I ged property. The charge was brought bv tne liank of Palinvra. The hardware store of George Schei- del at Platte tenter was burglarized i last week. Entrance was gained through a back window and razors, knives, silverware and revolvers were j taken. The los is about S300. Despite the hard times merchants of Calloway are doing a fair business. . Not a single failure has been recorded during the panic, and with the prospect of a good crop this season conlidcnce J and prosperity will be restored. Peputy United States Marshal Allan j was in West Point last week to levy on ' the property of the West Point Water ' Power and Land Improvement coin- pany. and a sale will follow to satisfy , judgments against the company. Prof. A. T. Waltz of Pes Mo nes has accepted the position of principal of the business department of the Frp- i mont Normal school. Mrs. W. II. Clcmmons says they have -100 students to commence the spring term of school. ' A telegram from Henry Furaam, for merly of Fremont, states that he has been acquitted of the charge of cmbez- j zlement of the citj- funds of Seattle in I connection with the city treasurer. It I is understood that the deficiency has ' been paid. I'ostoflicc Inspector Stein was ' Heaver city last week taking evidence ' in the postotliee matter. An attempt had been made to remove the oflice to a new location without the consent of ' Postmaster Ager. No decision has yet been given. The jury in the Sehultz murder case at St. Paul came into court with a ver iiad been rendered Judge Kendall sen-1 tenced Sehultz to the penitentiary for twenty years. The farm mortgage record for Lin- ' coin county in March is as follows Total amount nf fn m. ,. ., , S3.4SC32: amount. rnl,..l 5,. I;..'. ! mortgages tiled, S2,S10: released In, chattel mortsra-es tiled. sni7.-. ;." . leased, S10,27(J.T5. - .". f --,-. ..u, it- One of the most sweeping religious revivals ever witnessed in that part of i the state is in progress in Callaway, conducted by Evangelist Hoopingarner of Lincoln. People are coming for miles in every direction and almost 200 converts have been made. The store of Marsteller Bros, at Wil cox was robbed last week. The thieves effected an entrance at the front door by the use of false keys, broke open the money drawer, fronf which thev secured S2 or S3 and a gold watch. The tafe was drilled but nothing was in it. The Dawson mill, operated by a stock company of that place, was d'estroved by tire last week. The fire started in the chute that conveys the grain to the bins It fsnot known whether it was of incendiary origin or not. The mill was completed about a year ago and was in sured. Jefferson county mortgage report for March is as follows: Fifty-eight farm morigagesnied , 02,444.75; sixty-eight released, &oy,ojo. 50; sixteen city mort- , f?-:s "lea' '.;-.8a; twelve released, lJiS.SSPSa 13'..S0. -.,..v.., -w. ..,-..,, wiu. ct.'.- . A little son of Mr. and Mrs. Kennan oi. neuron lell while rnnmntr with a bamboo whistle in his mouth. His palate and throat were badly injured bv having the whistle driven well toward the back of his neck, but it is the late war. Adjutant-General Gae now thought the boy will sustain no of the state militia now has quite a cJl permanent injury. lection of flags and relics. Judge Furguson, in an exhaustive opinion, reviewing' fully the facts and the law in the case, has decided that Jefferson square in Omaha cannot be used for market house purposes. II. W. Cook, a blacksmith, said to be a heavy drinker, aged about thirty years, was found dead in his room in Sutton. IScsidc him was a bottle of laudanum with two ounces gone. In his pocket was a letter from Frank II. .Snodgrass, dated March 13, at Curtis, Neb. It is supposed to be a case of sui cide. The work on the Cody-Dilion irriga tion ditch, sa3.s a North Platte dis patch, is progessing rapidly. A large grader and sixty plows are at work. The ditch will water 2,000 acres of Col onel Cody's land. He proposes cutting the land into eighty-acie tracts and bringing a colony of Quakers here to farm it Lawrence Clark and William IJounes escaped from the city jail at Lincoln through the carelessness of a deputy, who left the door unlocked while he went into the next room for a bucket of coal. Clark is a young man about -0 years of aire, caunht in West Lincoln J a few hours earlier charged with horse stealing. I Judge Ferguson of Omaha rendered t his decision in the case wherein Frank 1 IJamge sought to enjoin his striking tailors from interfering with the men he had put to work in his place. The court decided that the strikers could use peaceable means to induce the team in the Held, when one of the hors ( es ran against a sunflower stalk, which ! penetrated to asufiicient depth to cause its death in a short time. Sheriff Kyd returned to Beatrice last ' week from St. Louis, having in charge .lack Marshall, a traveling salesman for the Kcd Cross Vinegar company, j who March 20 was a guest at the Pad i deck hotel and secured the endorse ment of the proprietors to a draft of ! his firm for 5?.". The act is liable to send Marshall over the road. The Lincoln labor club recognizes the existence of Coxej'"s army and has in I structed the secretary to forward the I following to the boys: "Kesolved, j That the Lincoln labor club, with its four hundred members, extends to Cox- ey't army its best wishes for tiie suc j cess of the object for which the army is , formed, and that we wish them god speed on their mission. " Sidney Sapp. who was arrested at Perry, Okl., and brought to North Platte on the charge of embezzlement, is once more a free man. It appears that the amount embezzled was smaller than claimed, and he was released on the original charge brought against him. The plaintiff declined to prose cute for any lighter offense, and Sapp was released from custody. The depots of the Ilurlington and Elk horn roads at Crawford were robbed while the agents were at dinner the other day. Thej' secured in all about S-10. Deputy Sheriff Handy of Chadron being at Crawford began search at once. He arrested two suspicious toughs and lodged them in jail, at Chadron, Craw foid not be ng eousitlered a safe place to confine them. A contest has been commenced by C. Christiensen, the democratic nominee for councilman in the Third ward at Fremont, against W. II. Harris, the re publican nominee, who has been de clared elected by a majority of three votes. It is claimed that live votes for councilman found in the box used for the school election were not counted and that they may change the result. It is stated upon good authority that the authorities at University Place. i hac discovered the identity of one of the parties implicated in the iucendi- ary tires which destroyed the Haish Manual Training school and nearly de stroyed the main building on three oc casions. Although no arrests have been made it is stated that the guilty party is a student and the sou of res pectable parents. One of the hardest postotlice fights in Nebraska occurred at Orleans. The successful candidate was Mrs Emma.), (raft. Mie owes her success to Hon. Jerry Farrell of that city. Mrs. Graft's husband was postmaster there under Cleveland's first administration. Mr. Graft and Jerry Farrel were bosom friends. Since .Mr. Graft's death Jerry Farrel i has looked after the welfare of his friend's widow and children. April 7th was a gala day at Pine Ridge, occasioned by tne visit of Col. Cody (Puffalo Hill) tor the purpose of securing 12."i Indians for the Wild West show. Nearly all the Indians on Pine Kidge reservation gathered to meet tody and to feast at his expense. A I choice lot of biaves were selected and ' will go east co become showmen about May 1. Col. Cody went west from llush ville to arrange for establishing his stage route from Sheridan, Wyo , to the National park. Receiver llayden of the Capitol Na tional bank will soon commence a legal contest to secure possession of the mag nificent Mosher residence property at Fifteenth and K streets, Lincoln. The property is worth at a low estimate j?20,t'0J. The receiver believes that he will soon have enough evidence to prove to the court that the residence present oc.np'ied by Mrs. Mosher. "" At a meeting of the depositors in the defunct Holt County bank held last ......, ... ua urciucu iu bpunu ?.iUii as a -" " w.e arrest ana delivery to . . u.i r..i. .. . i . rci lor tne arrest Vagent of tne state David Adams, de- 1!!?$" P'1 of in ."."'V "u '"auer was placed iiie nanus ni i minrv Attorney Mnrnliv anu tne probabilities are that he will successfully accomplish the desire nf l .1 . ...... - L'"J the depositors. Adams skinned from O'Neill last August about the time th-it Barrett Scott did and left depositors tn the tune of about SI 1S.O0J. Sylvanus Halsted, who was on trial before the district court of Tekamah. charged with rape upon his 4-year-old daughter, and was discharged through a technicality, narrowly escaped hang ing. Two parties were organized, one with the intention hanging him. the other with intending to drive him from the state. He was found by the latter, escorted to the Missouri river, ferried across to Iowa in a skiff and admon ished never toshow himself in Nebraska under penalty of death. He is the fath er of five girls and is charged with hav ing criminally assaulted them all. An amendment to the agreement en terred into between the G. A. K. of Ne- orasKa and the Nebraska WesWnn ' nnirorcilr -l,l. !. i. ... i, I icate the north half of the tinner st- . w.w...... uvicui i ue inner is lO UCa of the proposed Haish manual train mi school for a museum and storage nlace I for department record, pSfi ine airreemeni mnv iw n irmnj .i. i - l ., . '. .- . -o -- - wish of the G. A. IL There is talk now of the introduction of a bill in tho noU f legislature providing for the settimr apart of a large room in the state house for a Grand Army museum nnd MfA place for the preservation of relies of WESTERN EXPRESS. "I love her, mother," said Guion Es lerliall. j He was not in a general way, much of a talker. Consequently when he spoke, his words bad the weight of sense and rarity. But Mrs. Esterhall, the fine old lady, who sat erect before the clear, sea-coal fire, was too much excited to consider all this. "The wife of my son, Guion," said she, "should bo a lady, born and bred not one of those girls who have had to fight the world until all gentleness, grace and unselfishness are ground out of them. No, I can never give my con sent!" The young man smiled slightly. "Mother." said he, "the diamond it self hardly possesses its true financial value until the facets are ground with much friction." "Humph!" said Mrs. Esterhall. "No one is talking of diamonds." "I may bring her to see you. mother." Mrs. Esterhall shook her head. "I have no desire to receive her," said she. "But, Guy, here are the tick ets for Henry Irving to-night. Carrie Chippendale has promised to accom pany me of course, you will be on hand at half past seven to be our es cort?" "If you wih it, mother." The old lady smiled to herself when Guion was gone. "A little management." she thought, "a little judicious firmness, and Guy will get over this boyish fancy of his. The idea of a shop-girl for my daughter-in-law for Mrs. Guion Esterhall! I think the lad must have taken leave of his senses!" And in her svrot heart she rejoiced with an exceedingly great reioicins when Miss Chippendale arrived that evening in a pale blue moire gown, cat decollete, with a glittering necklace around her perfect white throat and a hunch of hot-house roses in her corsage. "If we are to have a private box," said Miss Chippendale, buttoning the seventeen Ih button of her glove, "one may as well go in full dress, don't you knowV" "My dear, you are looking lovely," said Mrs. Esterhall. approvingly. Miss Chippendale was a sort of hu man camellia japonh'a fair, graceful and serene with big, expressionless blue eyes, cherry-red lips. Max-gold hair drawn in Huffy crimps over her fore head, and an unchanging society smile perpetually hovering around her lips. She had bcn highly educated, and she was destmed by her parents to make a hiilliant niath. The Chippendales be longed to the aristocracy that is to say they had never done any work and had ilways spent a great deal of money. And Mrs. Esterhall had decided that Carrie Chippendale was the very wife for her son. If only she could convert Guion to the same opinion. Gni.m Esterhall was exceedingly :orieoas to Miss Chippendale that evening, but not a whit more than he was to his own mother. The old lady was somewhat dis.ipiio'.nted. "Iut never mind," s'.ie said to herself, "one must have patience." She went shopping the next day to match a shade of Uer'jLi wool, to buy some lace liounces and to decide on new portieres for her drawing room ilown at Esterhall manor. At 1 or li o'clock she experienced, not hunger, but a ladylike sensation that "tired na ture" needed some sort of "sweet res toration." "I will go into Maricotta's," ehe thought. Maricotta's was fall, as it generally was at that time of day; but presently the old lady succeeded in obtaining a seat in a curtained angle, where the waiter took her order for a chicken salad and a cup of tea. Just then she heard a clear, low voice on the other side of the drapery, as a party settled themselves at a reserved table Miss Chippendale's soft, well-modulated tones. "Oh, yes, Irving was very fine," said Carrie. "Oysters, please a box stew for one and fritters for two and three ?ups of Vienna chocolate, nicely frothed waiter But all the same 1 nearly died of ennui. The old lady is the most dreadful bore you ever knew, and Guy is a regular prig. IIandsme you know and very talented, of course: but one don't want to be on full-dress parade as to one's brains the whole time. He isn't half as nice as Freddie Fortune only poor dear Fred hasn't a cent to bless himself with, and papa looks hunder clouds at me whenever he calls. Cut oine I'm married, it " A chorus of well-bred giggling inter rupted Carrie's words. Mrs. Esterhall rose huriredly from her seat, grasped her gloves and eye glasses and made all haste out of the restaurant. When the waiter came with the chicken salad and tea. he found his customer gone. The unconscious Miss Chippendale and her friends enjoyed their Vienna chocolate ar.d oyster fritters very much Indeed. Mrs. Esterhall decided to return to the manor at once. Carrla Chippen dale's graceful treachery had affected her more than she had deemed possi ble; and. leaving a hastily written note press which reached Clevedon Junction at nine, there connecting with a branch train for Esterhall Station. She was traveling alone, as her maid remained to pack up the list things and follow h r the next day. There had been a heavy snow-fall, the night had settled down dark and tempestuous and the train was running behind time. At last it came to a full "Hon. Mrs. TCsfprhnll sMrtrw1 'fmm o cJ5.e aiul loo,w1 anxiously around her. ...... ...... .VU 4A..11I i xeu uciuciv. some One said, ei.n !"- ."-.1-, I T ... . - suiting a watch. "Why. conductor, we are due at Clevedon at live minutes be ' fore 9!" "Yes. I know, sir." spoke the official, I "but the road is all blocked and the western express is overdue at this point. We're waiting here for the sig nal to move on." "And what's to keep us from waiting all nightr' petulantly inquired the old gentleman. I "Nothing, sir unless the western ex- J press is beard from." j Mrs. Esterhall began to be a little frightened. I "Conductor." said she, "is there any i danger of a collision:" "No. ma'am not as long as we're on this side of the switch." ! "TcTl-t l.r."f. o II,.;.... w.. il-J a- , vimm, 4 unacueu 10 " " "No, ma'am this isn't tbe through express, but I hope we shall not be de tained here much longer," the conduc tor cheerfidly added. SIowlj- the minutes dragued them selves by. gradually lengthening into v..XlT ,t uZ.i2T!KnkJrl '. T1 J uours. xne passengers gathered in the moa.lwnt.Ym .nTnt. U; ...1 spirits cot out. peered into the darkness, flecked only by tho driving snow, and then got In again, with the customary uncompli mentary comments on the railway man- agement Mrs. Esterhall was nervont nnd unaccustomed to travel alone. Klio begaa to cry softly behid her veil. "All," she thought, "if ever I live to get safe home again. I'll stay there. I'll never tempt Providence more, on these night roads." Across the aisle two young girls were seated the one nale raced -tad rather plain, as Mrs. Esterhall bad already noticed by the light of the cluster of lamps under which they were seated; the other, n brilliant young brunette, with soft, hasel eyes, pe-uhy cheeks, and wary, dark brown hair, brushed carelessly back from a low, broad fore bead. Presently the latter arose, and coming to Mrs.'Esterliall's side, asked in a soft, sympathetic voles: "Are you ill, madam V "N no," stammered the eld lady, quite forgetful of her society dignity. "Orly I am so faint and weary. 1 expected to dine at home, long before this hour; and I took almost nothing to eat before I started." "I have some nice, home-made chick en sandwiches in my oag." suggested the pretty girl. "My aunt inshted ou ny taking them, al'hough I dined heart ily before leaving home; and I baxt a little alcohol lamp with every"- con venience for making a cup of good strong tea as well. If you will allow n.e to prepare it for you " Mrs. Esterhall was a genuine toa maniac. A ii" brightness came jntc her eves at this suggestion. "You are very kind," she said. "Bui you will want it yourself." "No," smiled the girl. "I don't car for tea. But my kind old aunt woulc put the things "in. Now I am glad that she did so." In live minutes, Mrs. Esterhall had eaten and drunk, and felt infinitely re freshed. How it happened she did no! pause to qiK'stion herself, but she p.es ently found herself reclining comforta bly, with her head on a pillow im poverished out of the folded blanket shawl that belonged to the young girl and. mingled with her drowsy rclleo tion--, came to the soft, low murmurs of the sweet-eved brunette, who had changed her seal and that of her com panion to the one directly back of Mm. Esterhall, and was talking almost m a whisper. "No. I am not going back; and I do not intend to communicate my address to any one." "Not even to him:" "No, not even to him." "'!t lie loves von. de-,i" "Yes. and that is the very rcaron i am determined to create no dissension be! ween bins and bis friend-;. Perhaps lie will forget me " "He will never do that." "But at least I shall feel that I have done my duty." said the lsarel-tjed girl, firmly. "1 shall love ..im to the end of bis days, but I shall not have ruined his futuie." "And all this," cried the companion, "out of deference to the whims of an eld woman whom you have never seen." "Out of deference to hL? mother, Alice," gently corrected the first speak er. "What a Quixotic notion!" dreamily mused Mrs. Esterhall. "But she has an excellent idea of duty, 'his darfc eved little girl!" "That is you, all over, ElhV!" said the friend. "You are ahvaj's cfiaciug .your self in favor of some one else. Here you are giving all your tea and sand wiches to a person you have never beard of. abandoning your seat to a poor little woman with a crying baby, because it is a tritSe nearer the stove, and to cap everything, giving up the man you love and who loves you, be cause " "Because it was my duly," said Ef fie. "Please, Alice, don't let us discuss the matter any longer. It is because I love Guy that 1 am willing to sacrifice everything for his sake!" "Guy! Bless my sold! Guy!" thought Mrs. Esterhall, straightening up. "But of course, there are other Guys than mine in the world." Just then there was a tremble of the frozen ground under them, a roar and rush of lighted cars past them. "The western express at last!" shout ed the choleric old gentleman, bobbing up in bis seat like an India-rubber ball. "My dear," said she. between the throbs of the engine, "is it Guion Ester hall that you are speaking of:" Tho girl started and colored. She could not repress a cry of surprise. "YesV I thought so. Come ovtr here and sit by me. I am his mother, and I want to talk to you." It was '2 o'clock in the morning when they reached Esterhall Station, but the covered sleigh was waiting f.r them. with hot soap-stone foot warmers ami about half a ton of fur robes and wrappings. And EJlie Dallas stepped into the luxurious conveyance with Mrs. Esterhall. for the old lady had insist ed on taking Eflie home with her to the manor. "She is such a contrast in every way to that selfish, cold-hearted Chippendale girl." said Mrs. Esterhall. "I'll tele graph to Guion at once. Ueally, it does seem as if there was a snccial Providence in our train being kept so long waiting for the western express to pass." As If there is not a "special Provi dence" in everything that happens in this world of ours! Amy Randolph Id New York Ledger. MILLIONAIRE'S PAWNSHOP. Xotable Men Ready to Lend Money to the Poor. It is a company of New York men no---,1 - . wji-iith. fnr association and conspicuous for charitable end-av-ors that has applied to the legislature for a charter for what may be called the Millio'iaires's Pawnshop. Mr. Bob ert L. De Foiest. the Key. Dr. Grctr. Mr. Vaudeibilt. Mr. Morgan and nearly all of those who have been aiding the United Charities Society in i's wide spread work in that city have asked for a charter for a corporation empowered to loan money at interest unon personal property Of the proposed capital of a hundred thousand dollars, more than half has been subscribed and the rest promised. There is no purpose on the part of these iiit-u ii eaie a money-iiMKing corpora tion: the scheme is essentially of a charitable nature. Y'et it is proposed to run this estab lishment upon strict business principle: and for two reasons one that applicant? for loans may not consider a favorable answer as the mere grant of a charity. and the oier because business nrinei- i pies must prevail in the management o: tnecans where they will be kept warm, else the plan will fail. . watering them with lukewarm water The application is doubtless due tc ' fefiuently. When the sprouts appear the success which has attended Dr. aDove the ground they should ;be ex Greer's experimental loan shop, estab- ' R?sed to the sun as much as possible, lished in connection with the great so- ' . hen tne Proper time has ar- ciai anu mission work done under his supervision upon the East Side of v . York. It is quite possible that branch shops may -be established in every ward in the city, and there are some men who believe that the promoters of this nlau will be astonished to find that not only a charity but a very great business en terprise will result from the establish ment of these shops. The pawnbrokers are alarmed, and that indicates that they are fearful t' it these shops may seriously cut into their business. glflriCttttuTt i "Water is Soils. It has been demon strated that 100 pounds of sand will absorb 25 pounds of water; 100 pounds of loam, 40 pounds; 100 pounds clay loam, 50 pounds; 100 pounds of clay, 70 pounds. This explains why some soils always appear drier than others, and why after a shower some soils be come like a thick paste, while others are enly comparatively damp. Ex. Surface Cultivation. The whole theory of modern cultivation is that crops do better when they are given surface cultivation throughout the feasou. This process is much easier than the old-fashioned deep cultiva tion, and it can be dene in half the time. By it the surface soil is kept loose ami moist all through the season, and this keeps the moisture near the roots of the plants. The loose top soil acts as a mulch to the plants, and is invaluable in dry seasons. More and more every season are farmers coming to see that fijeness of surface soil en courages moisture and consequently nitrification, by capillary attraction, which largely increases the crops in dry weather, and as there is scarcely a summer without dry ppells, it is ad visable to prepare for these as early in the season as possible. Ex. Couililimi of Oar Soils The Minnesota Experiment Station has published bulletin thirty, contain ing the results of their investigations as to tl c deterioration of our common soils under the present unsystematic methods of cropping. The summary of the bulletin is as follows: 1. The continued cropping of soils to grain crops only without any s3-stem of rotation or other treatment is tell ing severely upon the original stock of half decomposed animal and vegetable matters and nitrogen. Soils which have produced grain crops, ex clusively, for ten or fifteen j-cars con tain from a third to a half less humus and nitiogeu than adjoining soils that have neer been plowed. 2. Soils which have been cropped until the organic matters and humus have been materially decreased, retain less water and dry out moie readily than when there is a larger amount of organic matter present in the soil a. Soils which arc rich in humus contain a larger amount of phosphates associated with them in available forms than the soils that are poor in humus. 4 Soils which are rich in humus and organic matters produce a larger amount of carbon dioxide that acts as a solvent upon the soil particles and aids the roots in procuring food. 5. One-half of a sandy knoll, heavily manured with well rotted manure, contained nearly a quarter more water during a six weeks' drought than the other half that received no manure. 5. The supply of organic matter in the soil must be kept up because it takes buck an important part, indi rectly, in keeping up the fertility of the soil. A good system of rotation, including sod crops- and well prepared farm roanutes, will do this, and will avoid the introduction and use of com mercial fertilizers which are now cost ing the farmers of the United States over thirty-five million dollars an nually. It will not do to wait until this question forces itself upon us. 7. A rotation of crops will soon be necessary on account of the peculiar composition of some of the soils and .he corresponding subsoils, especially those in which the surface soils are richer in phosphates and nitrogen while the subsoils are richer in potash and lime. By means of rotation the full benefits of the strong points of both the top soils and the subsoil will be .secured. Soil Kxhaiistion. The richest soils in the world, if hadly used, will produce but few crops, after which they become less and less produeth e, until in the end the fields are left barren or to weeds, saj's "In dian Agriculturist." This has hap pened in the most fertile places, where wheat-growing has been followed with a persistency that may well be termed heroic, the result being that any one who now desires to make a living on one of these "worn-out" farms must undertake a settled course of improve ment of the land. Fortunately, the soil is really inexhaustible. It may be misused and reduced in natural fertility Ir, nirf Tmf nnlr cr fr n ilmnlnTtr Vine pcnetratcd hitherto. Below this will be found the virgin soil, cold and coy it may be, but yet susceptible of awakening into the warmth of vigor ous life and of becoming as productive as the upper soil which preceded it. It is a common belief that land regains fertility by rest, and especially if the fallows be well stirred. This is as old as the ancient Romans, whose writers, taking as eager an interest in agri culture as we do at this day, often referred to the land resting, and be ing improved by the rest And this is true, for the soil is made up of earthy 1 articles that are slowly soluble, and, as time passes, tho water and the air together cause these to decay, and let , loose the nrahty they nave held locked up. But this is not a civilized I way to manage the land, and neither i is it the most profitable. It is an aboriginal method, and not a scientific one. The exhaustion of the land is more economically prevented by the action of vecetaMe srxowthupon i nature's course, which she enforces when man neglects his duty and leaves it to slow recovery; the better way is to cultivate and sow it, and make it produce something profitable while it is recovering. It has come to this, that if farmers can not grow wheat, except by bare fallowing, then wheat growing will have to be given up after iuc wrgiu mini nas oeen cropped a few times, for the simple reason that the cost of maintaining fertility by this process is greater than the crops produced will pay for- Karly Potatoes. "Western Plowman gives tnis plan to secure early potatoes: We take a lot of old tin cans and put them in the stove long enough to unsolder them. This leaves only the rim of the can. This rim is filled with good rich dirt, and a part or a whole of a potato planted in it. Keep the rim together J ty,n& a string around it and place r"c ior iranspiantmg, prepare Jour hills, cut. the strings around the cans and you will find tli earth in a compact mass readv for , transplanting. The potatoes will grow right along without noticing the etamje and you will have early pota- "'' ' juui uvm uiuie, ami nice ones loo, if yon have attended to them properly. Th is may not be practicable m raising early potatoes to sell, but or home use we can recommend it, md at this date,, while the ground is covered with snow, we have new pota toes weU under way. Good Draft Horses. recent institute B. Throat! At a said: Men who genera ly use 'good judgment in other things sometimes exhibit the poorest in breeding. There have been first-class stallions in this country for a great many years, b.ut they have not done as much aa the In ferior ones for the last few vcars. The only way to account for this is by the difference in the pr:ce of their service fee. Thus the good horses gradually gave way to horses not so good, and it is a deplorable fact that in so many cases the gcod have yielded their places to the bad, because they would not justify their owners in keeping Soften fSled bjb. i r them. Alcn are mg to a good horse and a poor at the same time to experiment. They ' uratj uiiu ii uuur vuc lmd when the colts come that tec one from the cheap stallion looks as well as the one from the imported sire. They instantly resolve that they will no longer pay 515 for a colt, when, as they say, they can get as good a one for?5. They certainly have failed to observe nature's law with reference to offspring. Had they done so, they would have noticed that the superi ority in blood asserts itself more de cidedly as the animal ncars ma turitj; that the full blooded Texas calf is as fine at two months old as that from the Durham, but no one will admit that it matures into so fine an animal when it is A plug looks better a to breed back i'o the plug sire before t Iiti svtv ofliii oriil trnc in:t tiki. in;i Tl v thej' have discovered their mistake. It is too bad that after twenty year breeding we have made so little real ... i. .. i ,,! !, evil. It can only be done, however, in one way. Thelirst step in this di- rection is to sort out the plugs. Give them away if they will not sell. The i. jii.r iJ.j; ..ft :.,l us still further evidence of the fact that they should be gotten rid of. Do ... ..., .... -V ..JVU. v., H..-.W.-V. not a good one. When you get her keep her if she breeds fight, if not, sell her. See that she is bred to the best horse you can get each year, even though it costs von a little more to do it than it wou'd to breed her to the scrub There is only one straight and v way to reach the desired point. ; this course, and in a few narrov Pursue years you will have the satisfac - tion of owning nothing but good horfes. You will then be a better Christian and the world in general will look brighter anu more proirismj to you. The next thing I want to con sidcr is, will it justify us to breed goo horses? It certainty will, and now n the time to do it. It takes four years s but to raise a horse, and who knows what the price of good lerscs will then be very high? They always have been, and it i.s reasonable to suppose that they always will be, in demand. They are as indispensable to this coun try as the farm wagon or the plow. We must have them, and the time has come when those who use them appre ciate good horses. Klectricity may ruin the sale of the light horse, but the large, heavy draft horse is partially se cure from such competition. The price of good horses has not tluctuated as much as one would think, and at least has only followed the general decline -- . ---, . .-- down, heavy horse is the kind for ttratt purposes, it. is out a principle cf mechanics they should have learned at school, but it seems we learn the , lessons of this life only by experience. They now wai.t the draft horse heavy, because they want him strong and for the purpose of draft work only. They want him low down because the day light under him docs not add anything to his strength. They want him blocky because he will keep fat on half the feed that a long rangy horse will, and the farmer wants him the same way because the eastern buyer does, and for the further reason that he has to feed him only three years to mature him, instead of five, as he used to the long, lank horses of the past. Farmers' lleview. The Hired Girl. Thf dUeiissinn of t.bn "wrranf girl rmestion" has become so one - sided that it is well to call a halt and try to even un mat- ters. savs "noston Isudcret. Surclv the shortcomings can not be all on the side of the maid; there must be a few for which the mistress is guilty. Each ! should realize that there is room for ........ t improvement, and that the best way io accompnsn ine most worn: aim re.e- gate the domestic problem to the back- ground is by combining the peculiar and individual abilities of one with those of the other. Both the mistress and the maid should bear in mind that the secret of happy results in the J!iite. mutual obligations, lliey should re- ' member that while managing a house hold they are managing a peculiarly organized business, and that evenness of temper and pleasant mutual rela tionship are absolutely necessary. In too many homes nowadays faith fulness on the part of the maid is un appreciated by tne mistress. The maid, on the other hand, should be willing to receive instruction patiently. As a rule, she is young, with lack of mature judgment and experience, but if she falls into the hands of a mistress who Vn tk vaamW V I ? in(4inf . n a brought about by the existing condi-1 because they were wholly unaciuaint tior.s. When I say raise gocd horses, I ' ed with it and made it still worse by mean good ones. Not what we thought employing unskilled labor. He also were good ones ten years ago, but .spoke of the duck farming business on ones that would be considered good at Long Island, and named some of the the present time. People have learned profits derived by some of the special something in the last few years. They j jsts there; all who embark in it, how have at least discovered that a low ' ever, do not succeed; there are more or will not only be an apt and eager pupil, : y Pi !. t,. !, . ., tsA -siVsls t-Ktc- -wUi-"- r-Tcri M 2. Can large flocks be kept free from ana esteem. Women blessed with ---- homes of their own," says the "Pouse- 3 Is exercise an absolute necessity? keeper,' "should have a womanly in- ' 4- exercise be necessary, can a terest in all voumr creatures who" have noc m confinement be given needed to face the "world and labor to suit exercise? every one's whim in the house, with-' '' What breed will endure confine out the privilege or power to mold mcn hest, without injury to eg pro surroundings. The life is hard enough j duct:on? without unjust exaction. Women who '' Vhat hreed will endure confine- themselves can not prepare a whole some meal are often fastidiously ex acting, and expect a maid to know in tuitively just the thing that they wish, which is sometimes more than they themselves could define. Every housekeeper who has a young girl serv ing her has an opportunity to aid in that girl's education; she can be her good friend and adviser as well as the administrative mistress. In nino nc out of ten the maid will respond with : M- ?AL. -, . - . ' iauniui understandintr and cood will " , d may be as 2. Commen- ' nuu uguiu. i kiqu woru A J t. LL 1 .! 1 " . i instructive as a harsh one dation may show what pleases, as i readily as criticism can eTim rtic'ct. i isfaction; and when the mistress savs ' tne rost anti aiso turns up many in 'well done,' let it be an incentive to scts (the eggs and lame) to be des the maid to sustain the standard win- troJed y the same agent. Manure ning the commendation. When honest thoroughly and evenly about two or effort has accomplished good results ' trec inches deep. Cow and horse ma- let the kind word be spoken. Watering House Fi.axt.. Methodi-! cal watering of plants is, however, of the greatest importance and can be best acquired by careful observation and exercise of good judgment. One safe rule may be suggested and that is, whenever watering is necessary, let it be done thoroughly and well, and not repeated until the surface of the soil shows signs of dryness. The size of the pot, the nature, age and roots of the plant will have much to do in reg ulating this matter, so that while ( some plants need a good drink only once in every two or three days.othcrs may be so thirsty as to require water even twice a day. ! Jau!f!i gari. Two Systems of JuiiglnsT. We do believe a judge competent to score a bird intelligently and correct, can judge the same class by compari son, and yet the best bird win. soya 'Fancier's Kevicvr." Hence with ca pable judges a show wonld be correctly inri-.-d and for very large shows com- j oarbon would probacy be best on ac- t ..onnt. nt its beimr ouicker done. lus -- - f.r ?n shows the scots card would Do the lest for each and every exhibitor, bo iie veteran or amateur, as it gives each nnd every bird a valued oung fanciers and new fanciers, buy pf tho veteran. The veteran may show at a, comparison show and his bird be beaten for first, second and thiul place, yet he may know his bird is a good one, good for D2, but the buyer, a new man. don't care to buy the bird for a Hi point bird on the seller's "say so." but it he (the Rellcr)can produce a score card signed by a gocd judge that foots up i'2 lie wiil buy Why do breeders, who nl.iiin to be comparison men, when showing their birds to visitors and ui ! cester and i cored il," and if the juuge. wno scoreu mm ui ueuunuun. expert on tiiis particular variety, add bv "so and so?" Why do they - I . 1. . !.-. aC i n if. if lllOV tllllUC Hie cur;u;- ; system a farce? himply because it has a value over and above the mere tact that he won first. A good. Honest score by a competent man is valuable. oil nlnncr M-.o line. It teaullCS tllO It young far.cVr ami exhibitor where his o I birds are deficient. It gives him an in is sio-ht how to mate and breed. It , ... places a value on his breeding-pen ana K'vcs would-be customers con.ideneu I to buy or not to buy of him. t en ables a customer sou nines awav i know if the bird Is what he want t use in his ards or not. and is a direct ! benefit to the business in consequence, I If he, as an exhibitor, is shut out of : the prizes at a show where competi- ' tion i.s iiot, he nevertheless has some- tlunjr to show tne woriii of his bird. aim lie can be KeDt or si out on ins merits, whereas if at a comparison i-how the voung breeder is entirely at ' ! rca without even a plank to bang to. He knows he was beaten, taut is an. Hh doesn't know how badly. He ! doesn't know if his bird is a rank cull or, notwithstanding the f: ct he w:.s beaten, yet quite a good lurti. i or these reasons, among others, we like the syste n of scoring for the general gocd'of the poultry busincs.tiLd think it will be many moons before it will be abolished Farmers' Bcvicw. Stircus rrltli Poultry. At a New York institute a Mr. Daw- ley gave an address on "Poultry for the Farm," in which he spoke of the cost of broilers, the prices they are sold for, and the failures made by certain nrirtii.c ivlir, won!, into the bllsiliCSS. ,-J-" ..- -.-...- less failmes in the poultry business iust as there arc failures in other busi ness ventures, lie believed the farmer should not attempt to raise broilers, but eggs, instead; and, to make it a success, only e producing breeds should be employed, and winter cjrg production made the spec ialty. The great trouble with the farmer's hens is inbreeding. They arc all inbred in a neighborhood, and are thus weak and effeminate. Se'cct males every year from a distance and that arc wholly unconnected with the hens. He also spoke of the great ic tnrn derivt d by some p&uPrymen in this slate, oceof which reported VM eggs per hen from a tlock of (",00 White Leghorns, two or three years since. Other men keeping as many as 300 la3 ing hens, reported l.'O to 1 10 eggs per nen ior a year, iin iukc vHf;.- -.- ' sold in special mariccts at i to i. cenis ' above the top market price, showing ' what can be donc by making a proper euon, worKiug nu j. s1-"" r"iMU I :in" properly packing- ana maruouuj I ' -''-'. , ! , the product. lien in CnnlincniPiit. It has been very generally conceded that hens will not be a success unless a , and k t ;u small umbers his r. babll corrcct, but tliere ;s a bare p05S;bility that it is , We find that kindred 'ideas have becn held as to other livc stock, but . w , t becn abc to ,tan(1 , Jn . ;Qn F example, it is be- s"P -boiilbe kept in flocks of not more than nftv, and this ' lnl'of ?c wiilcnrnm1 Tn thiQ pnnntrv. j Nevertheless foreign Hocks frequently number from 3,000 to 5.000 and are successfully handled. It was believed 1 that cows should by all means be kept at pasture; yet the Roiling system hag proved a success. Now is it possible to keep fowls in close quarters and have them a success? We ask our readers to bring their experiences to bear upon the solution to the problem, ana we propound the following questions: 1. How large flocks can be success- i mem oest without injury to health? ! Hy "confinement" is meant deten tion throughout the vear in a house ind yard of moderate proportions. Gnowi.vo Caiihaok. Xo vegetable does well on a stiff or clayey subsoil. Pulverize the soil well with a plow and harrow. Many prefer spading, but for me, not much. Too much work, and resides I can do better work with a rsn.l v.1.... 1 A t Kuu" yiuw ana team oi norses. i am fcat5sficd that it is a good plan to plow ue caWagc ground in the fall, if no1,, mact. aH the garden. It turns the -oil up to be pulverized bv the action uuiu uiiAt'u ami wuii roiieu can not be beat. IIore manure alone is not whafc is wanted, as it heats so violently, OXi: FISIIKIUIAJf. With a 110.00 rod And a 6.00 reel, With a 2.00 line -An I a 4.C0 creel, A book fall of 2.00 And 4.C0 flm Away with hhi 12.00 ticket he hies Tbns be spends.. .40.00 ere ha starts out, nuu iciuius JU 0 week wi h 10 worth of trout, And the But a blank won't supply The thirty-nine, ninety the sum he U shy. fully developed, pointing out a particular wru ":'. t a very early age , ng he won first at Aew orlc or 1 hila- a - '-! I.-a valrj-v n f j n - 1 w-w I Til. k I : (:-imi:u. uii uu .ii ... .-- ..--- THE OLD RELIABLE Columbus - State - Bank 1 COUMt Bask la tte IUtO PajS Infect n Tims CsjosiS Hales Loans on Real Estala its aianT diuts C (fcfta&a, Cnioag, lfw York ami aQ FT!sa Camatriaa. pZLLS l BTEAMSHT? : TICZETa. BUYS GOOD NOTES lad Helps its Cnstomois whan thoy Nsed IIb mCEBS A5D DISECTOUl I rxAKDZn GERHARD. Pres't. B. H. HENRY. Tics Pret JOHN BTAUFFO, Cuhta l(. BRUGQEH, O. W. HTJL8T. IIU Bl or COLU&Y.3US, NEB., HAS AN Authorized Capital of - $500,000 Paid in Capital. - 90,000 m i OFFICERS. C. H. SIIELDON. Pres't. 11. P. II. OEIILKIcn. Vlco Pros. CLAKIC GRAY, Cashier. DAM EL SOIIUAJI, Aas't Cash DIKKCTOKS. n. at. vriNsi.ow. ii. i. ii. oimMucH. U. II. SlIKI.lJON, W. A. MOAM.lSTElt, Jonas Wklcu. Caul Rxkn&il STOCKUOI.DEKS. 3 O. GltAT. Cf EKIIAKU LOSES!, (I,A1'.X GllAY, Daniel PcintAM, J. Hr.snY WunDEiiAJC, Henry Losekb. Geo. W. (Jai.i.ky. A. P. lI.OEiiiaucn. J. P. ItECXKU. ESTATS, I It AN K ltOltKU. Rebecca Ukckxu. Rank of fieposlt: Interest allowed on time deposits; buy and sell exchange on United states nnd Kurope. und buy-and sell uvall ililr .'ciirltli-si. V. o shall bo nloasud to rc- ( ccivo your business- Wo solicit your pat ' ronago. THE Firs! National Bank COX.T7ICSI70. WED. OmCEBS. k. ANDERSON, J. H. GALLEY. President. Vice Pres't. O. T. KOEN. Cashier. DIRECTORS. AAflriftHSON, P.ANDEltSOW. JACOB GREISETT. HENBX BAGATZ. v JAilEi 0. BSKD&U. Statement ef tbe Coaditioa at tho Close. r Business Jalj 12, 1893. REsocncxs. Tistia nA Tlfinnnt S 241.4C7 f7 Real Lstate Furolturo and tlx- u r es . .............................. U. t. llontls....... Due from other banks $37.87G 31 CabU on Hand 21,667 IA 1G.78I 91 59.743 SO Total.. 1333,100 3(1 UABiuras. ("nltal Stock nald In ! I eo.ooo m . EO.duO 0) OTti W . 13..VJU W i burpiui runci Undivided proau Circulation ..................... 4cyu3iia. ... ............. 225.11!) 37 AOtMntmntn ..I333.1M id LOUIS SCHREIBER, Blacfcsmilli and Waeon Maker. All kiids of Repairiig done ea Short Notice. Biggies, Wag ons, etc.. Bade to order, and all work Gnar anteed. Also sell the world-faaioui Walter A Wood Xowers. Keapers, Combin ed Machines, Barretters, and Self-binders tho best aude. Shop on Olive Street, Columbus, Neb., four doors south of Borowiak'a. HENRY GASS, UNDERTAKER ! Coffins : and : Metallic : Cases ! f3T Repairing of all kinds of Uphol ttery Qoods. -tf COLUMBC8. NEBRASKA -COME TO- The Journal for Job Work HaBOalaBBBBMBIBff-lili