The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, April 11, 1894, Image 3

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Columbns gourual.
WEDNESDAY. APltlL 11. 188.
I eavpF Columbus I 8:35 a.ra.
820 "
7:43 "
10:50 "
-llwood 1 8S6
David City ! 9J8 "
Seward 1022 "
Arriveeat Lincoln 'lid? a.m.
The pabenKer leaves Lincoln at 6:40 p. m., and
rrm at Columbus 9:40 p. in; the freight leaves
Lincoln at 7;15 a. m., and arrives at Columbus at
4 00 p. rn.
Atlantic Kr. 7 SO a. m I Pacific hs....!0J.. p. m
Cniiro Ex.. .12:40 p. m Denver Ex.... 1:1. p. m
Limited 32 p. ni Limited. .... MJ.. p. m
Col. Local.. . 5M a. m Ical Fr't.. .. 630 n. m
No. 3. Fast Mail, carries iiansengers for
through noints. Going west at 9 p. m., ar
rive at Denver 7:40 a. m. No. 4. inst Mail Car
rie jkasaengpra. going east at li2 p. m.
The freight train leaving here at 60 p. m. car
ries passengers from here to Valley.
PaiH-nger arrive from Sioux City 12:3.1 p. m
leave Columlms for Linc'n. 135 p. m
arrives from Lincoln 4:10 p. m
" leave for Siour City 130 p. m
Mixed leaven Tor Sionx City 8KX). m
Mixed arrive- 10.Ki. m
Pasienger leaven S0' m
Mixedleaves ?n-m
Pancenger arrive ! ''" m
Mixed arrives 8:10 p. m
Soritttj Notices.
CWAll notices under this heading will
charged at the rate of $2 a year.
LEBANON LODOE No. 59, A. F.& A. M.
Regular meetings 2d Wednesday in each
mouth. All brethren invited to attend.
t it. ithaxbeks. w. ai.
vm. (1. IlFCUKH.'Sec'y. aojnly
WILDEV LOlXiE No. 44. I.O.O.F..
C?- mu-itj TSk.wIi.1' ..irriinirM of fAnh
?JrT3Er 1- . .1 ..:. I. ..II .. TLTaatitl!
. 5-T WW III. Wll'll Iinil Jit AiiuicTcuiii
rf..fiCT . ?.?. t .1 -i:-ll..
fireel. lmiig ureinrru nuuiiui)
invited. II. C. Newman. K. O.
V. It. Notksifin. Hc'y. 27janBl-tf
HiiinH hold regular services every Sunday
at 2 Ii. tn
pruier meeting tin Wednesday evening
at their chape
el, corner ii aoruiinn
iirtliMtreetaud Pacific
All aie cordially Invited.
Elder 11. J. Hudson. President.
Toar flijfi Wol.
Cftlumlius Jnnfflal CflmiflB.
Send or bring one coupon like
S this with 10 cent in coin to The at
; Columbus Journal, Columbus, 2
Nebraska. jjj
"Now play ball."
To Mitchell's for Hour and feed.
Como to Tin: Jochnal for job work.
Mav fth to lfith ia good for planting
A high five party at G. W. Phillips'
Jacob Judd has returned home from
Borowiak's alligator died Friday
Papor is being used in the making
of oarpets.
-tyrrfrtuVriT 1
Bom, April to Mrs. Ed. Mar
toy, a son.
T Von T?a raf ariiuirr miriTAnn nflir
tT postotfice. lui
. y Ir. X. IV. VlrK, V7li5 oiiet?!.. iu
office at nights.
m 1 ,l..l. -l: T-.
Call at First National bank and get
free tobacco seed.
Boys knee pants from 2T cents up,
at .1. H. iJelsinan a. Z
Cut llowers for sale at the City green
house. Telephone 10. tf
Frogs commenced to peep last Fri
day; look out for spring.
Dr. E. II. Nauman's dental parlors
in iorin uiock. i.-jiu sireei. it
Brown .V Reel sold their meat mar
ket Saturday to Christ. Abts.
A. llaight has returned from the
south greatly improved in health.
Monday, April 23 is Arbor Day this
year by proclamation of the governor.
Wanted, a girl to do general house
work. Apply to Mrs. E. H. Chambers.
Several citizens of Monroe have
banded together to bore for artesian
Fred. Thomas came into collision
with a horse, and had his face somewhat
rv Oxford Tics. Just arrived, a new
, uie of ladieV low tie shoes at von Ber-
,gen .Bros, 'j,
The Argus has moved into the old
Era office, one door north of its former
stem-vjfRniM watcWMar-
at JMBWohnem swn ot we
ig watch
J. A. Barber has purchased the J. E.
North residence on Fourteenth street,
price 3,500.
Judge Post passed several days in
the city last week, returning to the cap
itol Saturday.
Twelve double-deck cars loaded with
sheep passed through the city east
bound Monday.
A car of choice German millet just
received. Garden and field seed in bulk.
S. C. & C. C. Gray. 2t
H. J. Arnold, M. D., physician and
surgeon, two aoors nortu oi urod
fuehrer's jewelry store, tf
District court is in session. The
case of Joseph Kuta against Mayne
Elston was up Monday.
Green lettuce, and hyacinths and
narcissus plants in bloom, at the green-
use of Marmov & Simmons. tf
lewotrar ncs loi
A larofr ai
has neKr been
prices lower thaPCver. J. Cillman:
John L. Peters of Albion was in the
city Friday. He is regaining his voice
under the skilful treatment of Dr. Geer.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Casterla. .
"N-n ,ino
. ItfcWVUa WJM
' gig watch. wr
Wtfhs and sufSBre thy M nt
cTtbin velrwiewolrhffi loBof
hem. SigVthe big wafL 4-2t
ml nneraioH oi muuwy
tojptT in OBnmMis, ma
-Baled hay at Mitchell's. 4
When in need of an auctioneer, call
Dare Smith. He will act for yon
th promptness, safety and dispatch, tf
Mrs. Hickok has a hoya or wax plant
that is a wonder in its way, ten years old
and blossoms from February to October.
George Scheidel's hardware store at
I Platte Center was broken into Sunday
night and about $200 worth of goods
D. B. Duffy of the vicinity of Corn
lea, was in the city Monday, accompanied
by Robert . Jones, who is one of the
Tom Mortimer and John Beigle of
Madison passed through here yesterday
to South Omaha with six car loads of
fat cattle.
X-Have you tried Whea
tel, the new breakfast
J. N. Taylor has been a member of
the school board for twelve years, and
has always taken a lively interest in its
Look forsroftrts frofsfeobert
Nourse wIioJbmo m heESnprilKth, in
next weejf papemu see voters,
wkaabnl soon be up.
Rev. Rogers, the congregational
minister from Chicago, talked to a good
audience of men in the Y. M. C. A. rooms
last Sunday afternoon.
Those in need of work and those
wanting help can often both be accom
modated by making their wants known
at the Y. M. C. A. rooms.
Down go the prices! Now is the
time to buy your harness while you can
get them at a discount of 10 per cent for
sn only at F. EL Rusche's. tf
Go to von Bergen Bros, for the
ion i'rocess ladies shoes. &o lacKs,
nails or wax threads in contact with the
feet, and warranted not to rip. 2
The rain Sunday morning put the
first good look of spring upon the grass,
and the occasional showers since are
adding to the prospect for growth.
The W. C. T. U. will meet at the
Congregational church Friday afternoon
at 3 o'clock, April 13th. All members
are earnestly requested to be present.
Remember the "Pink Social" given
by the Y. P. S. C. E. of the Congrega
tional church, at the residence of C. H.
Sheldon, Wednesday evening, April 11.
ISf Mitchell's store haB been moved to
I 110 door north of Rasmussen's old stand
(now Christoffersen's), where he can be
found with his line of goods, at all times.
price. 2
The aged mother of the Greisen
brothers died at Platte Center Saturday.
The funeral took place yesterday. We
could not learn further particulars yes
terday. Sunday evening next the Epworth
League will have an installation of of
ficers; following the church service Rev.
Bross will preach to the young people.
All invited.
Another fire at Schuyler Wednesday
morning at 7:15, a small dwelling oppo
site the East school, and occupied by
Mrs. Hartley. Loss on house $200; on
furniture, 850.
The public are cordially invited to
hear Rev. A. J. Rogers at the Congrega
tional church next Sunday, morning and
evening. He is an exceedingly inter
esting speaker.
E. D. Fitzpatrick and son Ed. were
at the gathering of old soldiers at David
City Friday. There were fifty-two
Shiloh veterans present, besides hun
dreds of other soldiers.
One of our school men is of the
opinion that women have no right to
vote on school bonds, and neither nre
they eligible for the office of county
Miuperintendent of schools.
--Don't be deceived by a person that
has never even learned the harness trade.
He may sell you a worthless article for
first-class, and never know the difference.
Remember all that glitters is not gold.
keep two and three first class har-
makers all the year around, and my
'work cannot be equaled in this city.
Come and examine to satisfy yourselves
whether you buy or not. F. H. Rusche.
A party was given yesterday after
noon by Mesdames Phillips and Pollock
to Mrs. W. H. Winterbotham and
?. xx. Hiuiciuuuiiuu nuu
daughters, who have been visiting them'
several davs. Some fortv were present,
Many farmers who sowed wheat and
oats before the late freeze find they
have to cultivate their fields over again
as the heaTy winds of the last ten days
have blown much of the dirt off the
One of our city officials thinks that
hereafter the proper authority should
issue printed instructions to the judges
of election on all questions that may
arise in the proper discharge of the
duties of their office.
a romtstory buildi
was noXbruised,
trying to
"Dr. Jekyll
not know this to
We have received, with the compli
ments of Hon. M. P. Hnrd, of La Con
nor, Washington, a copy of "Echoes of
the Pacific," a pamphlet setting forth
the advantages of that particular section
of Uncle Samuel's possessions.
Donald W. Campbell waa in the city
several days the past week, and assured
our citizens that the water power canal
would give Columbus all they would
need in power for the next ten years at
a very low rate per horse power.
A. J. Campbell returned Thursday
last from Oklahoma, where he has been
for several weeks looking after his landed
interests. He says they have had an
abundance of rain, and vegetation there
is far in advance of that in Nebraska.
Prof. Taylor of the State Horticul
tural society reports the fruit crop all
right in the vicinity of Lincoln, except
peaches. Of course we don't live much
on Nebraska peaches, though J. J. Judd
had four hundred bushels last season.
William Wearne has had a warrant
issued for the arrest of William Sanders,
his late partner, on a charge of forging
a check for $17. Besides this one, he
also forged checks for 814, $13.50, 830
and $15, passing them off on business
men of the city, from some of them re
ceiving goods and money in exchange
f or the worth!
Xow yia thfltlitne to buHd wu a
Bee'ecnerfejaeggvK o. iot a
ohd dewabhrot in BtachenPlacadoH;
GeiNkOurNfirst cniuce Tit aNow
. young msfrell from a wfWdow in
nikin (JmcagK and
Heiay have Veen
smand hear RotWt Noursen
afcJflr. HydeNtwe dtk
Arrangements have been made for
some good talks by good men at the
men's meeting, in the Y. M. C. A. rooms
Sunday afternoons, and men who attend
these meetings are assured a hearty wel
come and a treat for the mind and ear.
The boys will tell all they know of
the knife, its origin, metal, wood in
handles and other points of interest, as
the cost, size and the injury that may
be done by it, on next Friday evening at
Y. M. C. A. rooms, which time they meet
for a good time.
Mre. D. J. McKelvey of St. Joseph,
Mo., Mr. and Mre. A. J. McKelvey of St.
Edward, Dr. and Mrs. Barber, Mr. and
Mrs. Taylor, Mr. Harmon, and others of
Fnllerton whose names we did not learn,
were in attendance at the funeral of
George McKelvey.
We are truly glad that we are able
to furnish our readers such rare works
of art as are found in our photographic
tour of the world, and at such a rnarve
lously low price, only ten cents for each
number, accompanied by a coupon back
numbers at the same rate.
Mi68 Delia Mead has resigned her
school in Platte county because she
could not get a place to board in the
district. Well, that's "tuff," and does
not speak very well for the hospitality of
the people of that particular neck of
woods. Madison Chronicle.
Mr. Glnck tells us that Bud. New
man was also taken in on the man who
looked like J. C. Morrissey. Gluck had
Newman go see him about that Eleventh
street property, and he was just about
putting it on his sales register when ho
discovered that he had been sold.
John Munter has just completed for
E. A. Gerrard a new washing machine
working on a new plan, the idea of Mr.
Gerrard. The clothes in being washed
pass between a largo cylinder and a
series of small rollers passing around the
cylinder. Monroe Looking Glass.
A gang of grocery sharks have lately
been working in the vicinity of Weeping
Water, says the Eagle. Goods were not
"true to name," and so were refused by
many who had placed orders. Buying
goods of tramp salesmen is not a safo
thing. Buy of regular, home dealers.
A. Phillips tells of a coincidence
occurring six years ago when, in the
morning six men casually met on a
street corner in this cityr John Rickly,
J. L Paynter, George Davis, H. J. Hud
son, John Eusden and A. Phillips, who
was the youngest of tho six, and 04
Fob Sale! A rare opportunity is
to any one wishing to step into a
beautiful home, complete in every par
ticular and elegantly furnished, on
Fourteenth street. This is one of the
most desirable localities in Columbus.
Terms can be made to suit purchaser.
Alonzo Haight. 5t
mission 50 cents.
G. C. Barnes, editor of the Albion
Argus, was in the city Saturday on his
way home from the east, and gave The
Journal a friendly call. When we
showed him a cut of himself in the News,
just received hero, he said he would
attend to those fellows when he got
has opened an
mbusKtate Bank,
to be kno
1 Works.
Clarence is
wnen you
bicycles, or electrical goods or supplies,
give -him a call.
The cold 6nap froze potatoes for
quite a number who had planted during
the warm weather. C. J. Phelps, who
has land north of town, had thirteen
bushels planted, and we hear that John
Craig, northeast of Schuyler, had five
acres in, all of which were frozen.
Besides these we hear of many smaller
pieces. Schuyler Sun.
H. R. Ellsworth who is now at work
for the Central West, an immigration
paper published at Omaha, was in the
city Friday, and got of Tire Journal
office a copy of Mr. Hendryx's paper on
farming read before the Live Stock
Breeder's association in this city several
weeks ago. It is just such papers that
are in demand those giving facts.
r - -
-?Hie University Ulee Club were enter-
"tamed at the residence of Hon. L. Ger-
rard Thursday afternoon bv Misses
Phoebe and Grace Gerrard, assisted by
Miss Olive Pound of Lincoln and about
twenty young ladies of this city. The
young men expressed themselves as
highly pleased with the way in which
Columbus young people entertained
Gus. G. Becher was in town yester
day on his way to Hebron to attend the
nuptials of a friend. In answer to the
query if he was a candidate for secretary
of state he replied in the negative, but
admitted that he would like to serve a
few terms as land commissioner. The
North Platte country will give him a
monster delegation if he asks for it.
Lincoln Journal.
The sub-district missionary conven
tion will be held in the Methodist church,
tomorrow (Thursday), afternoon and
evening. Addresses, papers and dis
cussions will be the order of the meet
ings. Pastors and others of Clarks,
Silver Creek, Columbus and Richland
will be present. The meeting will be
continued at Richland Friday and Fri
day evening. All are invited.
Occasionally the "jiner" gets mixed
as to the society he is in, and no wonder,
if he meets with three or four different
ones a week. They nearly all have their
preferences, too, and one can readily tell,
by the inadvertant use of "post" or
"lodge," of a man's propensities to stick
by his colors even in a "camp," which
should, for the time being at least, be
the recipient of all his loyal obedience.
C. J. Rundell of Wayne was in the
city Tuesday of last week in the interest
of the Gulf & Inter-State R. R. Co., and
gave The Journal office a pleasant call.
The contract of surveying and grading
the 2400 miles of road has been let to C.
J. Jones of Perry, Oklahoma, and grad
ing has been in progress the past three
weeks, 100 teams and men being at work.
As Yankton and Wichita are two of the
cities on the route of the road, Colum
bus is strictly in line, if we are only able
to hold our advantage of position.
-'r. Jekyllyid Mi Hydejjwill be
impeBbnatedjfullecKiifc upotfby4he
wondeul jhiKy(n,lModrnpntical
orator, vojlert mpfrse, JK Wenesday
eveningJpril JVtth, inf le QSgrega-
beirfst if tot cMa faiWo heirPBri.
esfabluRnsnt on Platteti
t.f tho Coin
vm its urerraru WBee
1 expert in hiswn
wisn anything in tuea
Will you
UOSTS too mucn
wonderful works of God and man in all lands under the sun. These su
perb photographs have been gathered by one of the greatest travelers and
lecturers of this country. They have been reproduced in plates, 10 x 12
inches, at an out lav of thousands and thousands of dollars.
grand Magnificent Palaces
Noted Inns
Picturesque Scenes
Glories of Art
Marvels of Architecture
Will be issued in sixteen parts, each
Accompanying each photograph
the scene or object depicted, prepared
places, and knows whereof he speaks.
Part Nine is
Men, Norway,
Jllmk Sellers
Vikiil? Shin
Saerijmial Sthne
Bull inkfitcrtf
Castle ojLChapmLtcpce
Cathedrrmpf Maxico
is of
StoYiie q
The ThUke
Tobo$$an SlidesMontrml
)aw ia secure this unprecedented offtr. . .
In each copy of this paper is printed a coupon. Bring or send
oxe of these coupons, together with ten cents in coin to our
office, and you will receive one part of the series. Back num
bers can be had on the same terms.
Be particular to state the number of the part desired, give
your full name and address, and inclose the necessary coupon
and ten cents.
'P Pf PJWfp
go --flii
We propose to take all our readers around the
world in the next 6ixteen weeks. How can we do it ?
Simple enough.
We have, at great pains and expense, been able to
secure for the exclusive use of THE JOURNAL a
ino?t magnificent series of large photographs of the
Celebrated Unurcnes
Renowned Ruins
Trrvr-AI o rl A VkVk iwra
xvjf-vrictvi xxftsiLrvjro
part containing sixteen plates.
is a vivid and accurate description of
by one who has personally visited the
now ready
Canada, Mexico, Etc.,
Ship Railway
Pmlianie?i Ottawa,
. Judge Kelly of Norfolk had business
in the city Monday. , -
Rev. and Mis. Bross went to Sihrsr
Creek yesterday morning.
C. A. Randall of Newmans Grove was
in the city Monday on business.
John Moffett of Platte Center was in
Columbus Saturday on business.
Ed. North came np from Omaha
Saturday remaining until Sunday after
noon. C. E. Rickly of Ruahville, Nebr., ar
rived in town Sunday and remained
several days.
N. H. Parks of the Greely Herald on'
Friday purchased the Telegram of this
city, and took immediate possession.
Judge Parks is a veteran in newspaper
work, a practical printer, and will, no
doubt, make a worthy successor to D. F.
Davis, who has for several years been
the proprietor of the Telegram. There
are many ways in which newspaper pro
prietors can and do work together for
the good of the community, and we have
no doubt that The Journal and the
Telegram will, as heretofore along these
lines, pull together for all the best in
terests of Columbus and Platte county.
The retiring proprietor of the Telegram,
Mr. Davis, has given us, in work and ex
pense, a ranch better newspaper than he
has received remuneration for, and dur
ing the life of the Daily Telegram
struggled" heroically against odds, but
furnished a journal that will long be
The city of Indianapolis had a suit
against a brewers' association under an
ordinance of the city providing that all
breweries and distilleries depots or
offices must pay $1,000 before they can
operate. It was contested. The con
tention on the part of the association
WAB that the ordinance was a discrimi
nation in favor of local dealers and a
hindrance to interstate commerce. Chief
Justice Howard of the supreme court of
Indiana, in a decision on the ISth of
March, held that these companies were
subject to the laws of the state and to
the same police regulations as if their
liquors had been produced in the state.
It would be advisable, doubtless, for
Nebraska cities and towns to look up
this matter, and at least do justice to
home interests. No discrimination in
favor of outsiders.
Henry T. Spoerry, the retiring mem
ber of the city council from the First
ward, has done conscientious work from
the start. We believe that he did not
lose any time from his duties (except,
perhaps, for a brief while, when he was
absent from the city); he certainly took
an active, lively interest in all that came
before the council for consideration;
and, having his time wholly at his own
disposal, very much of it was given for
the benefit of this city. On some sub
jects he was not in line with the council,
but after making strenuous contests for
his views, when voted down, he always
submitted with good grace, and con
tinued to work along just the same as
Clarence Newman, the retiring mem
ber of the council from the Third ward,
made one of the most efficient members
of that body, the legislature of our city.
Chairman of the committee on finance,
he gained the sobriquet "Watch dog of
the Treasury," which he well deserved,
and in an honorable sense. The office of
councilman is one, more of honor than
of emolument, and where credit is due
we believe credit ought to be given, for
faithful work done in the service of the
public. Mr. Newman's knowledge of
public affairs, gamed by official service
in other offices in the county, has been
available during his term for the benefit
of the tax-payers of the city.
The Richland correspondent of the
Schuyler Sun says: Alice Plumb com
menced the summer term of school in
the Binder district Monday; Richland
post-office is now a money-order office; a
6port went hunting and after crawling a
half mile on his hands and knees, suc
ceeded in sending two rifle balls through
a decoy goose; a young man on the plat
form at the depot pressed a Hag staff
against the side of the coaches as they
passed by, making a scratch across the
side of the cars. Two days after a U. P.
detective put in an appearance, and the
young man settled at SCO.
John E. Hoffman, the retiring coun
cilman of the Second ward, has made a
most carefnl, painstaking official. We
never could see that he had any fault
but one in the discharge of his dnties
and that is that he is altogether too
modest for his merit, but even this was
not allowed to interfere when matters of
importance came up. When he address
ed the council, his remarks were always
to the point, and we do not recall an in
stance where his vote was not cast for
the best interests of his constituents.
The following program will be ren
dered at the ''Pink Social," given by the
Y. P. S. C. E. of the Congregational
church at the residence of C. H. Shel
don, this Wednesday evening: Piano
solo, Mrs. Geer; select reading. Miss
Rice; vocal solo, Mrs. Garlow; recita
tion, Miss Beeker; piano solo, Miss Gal
ley; recitation, Mrs. Brindley; duet, Dr.
and Mrs. Geer; recitation, Miss Martin;
vocal solo, Mrs. Reeder; song, Congre
gational Quartette.
' C. L. S. C.
Will meet at the office of Dr. Nauman
April 17th.
"Classic Latin Course in English,"
finish chapter vi. Mrs. Herrick.
"Song and Legend from the Middle
Ages," to page 68. F. W. Farrand.
Debate Resolved, "That the English
House of Lords ought to be Abolished."
The secretary will call the roll, each
member responding with a speech not
re than five minutes in length.
following corn planters are sol
by Henry Lubker: Bariow, steel frame,
Trim Iron Dandy, Tail's Jim Dandy,
the oftLreliable Standard, Evans adjusta
ble frame, Beloit Pick up Planter, some
thing new, don't fail to see it. He also
sells the Norwegian and Rock Island
Clipper Plows. The Norwegian Nor-
mandie tongneless cultivator; should be
seen by everybody that expects to buy a
tongneless cultivator. It will please. -I'M. non-resident, wishing to close
-A. Haight gained a good appetit
and twenty pounds of flesh during his
sojourn at Hot Springs, Arkansas. He
says that place is in the midst of moun-
tains, with pure atmosphere and excel-
lent water. While there it rained about.
three days out of the week. He didn't
see any country in Arkansas that he
thought he would like to live on too
much mountainous and swampy,
McKelvex April 7, at 11:30 a. m.,
George L. McKelvey, aged 37 years.
Mr. McKelvey was born at Berlin,
Wisconsin, April 7, 1857 and, died on the
thirty-seventh anniversary of his birth
day. He was married October 4, 1863, to
Miss Nelia Matthews of this city.
For eight or ten years past he had i
been a resident of Fnllerton, and came
here March 1st to attend the funeral of
Mr. Matthews, Mis. McKelvey's grand
father. On Sunday saorning followiag,
March 4, while going to the drug store
for medicine, Mr. McKelvey was most
brutally and cowardly assaulted by one
Jack Egan, knocked down and kicked
after down, and from these injuries he
never recovered. A post-mortem ex
amination was held, the result of which
is with the physicians.
The funeral services were held st the
Methodist church, Rev. Bross preaching
the sermon, Rev. Elliott leading iu
prayer. The beautiful ritual of the Odd
Fellows was observed both at the church
and the cemetery, many members of that
order and of the Knights of Pythias
being present.
The deceased leaves his widow and
two little daughters, Hazel and Mar
garite, aged respectively eight and four
years to mourn the loss of a loving hus
band and father.
Roll ef Hraor.
Pupils who have neither been tardy
nor absent during the month of March:
I. H.
Angtut Wagner,
Clara Inlay,
Whiter OaUer,
Bertha Staaffer,
Maude Hatfield,
Jeeee Newman,
BenJX Davis,
Louis Hchreiber,
Fred Rollins,
Howard Geer.
Frank Keraenbrock,
Jeaaio Williams,
Anna Borneman.
Loia Karler,
Henry Taylor,
Homer Tiffany,
Iiaor Cross,
DTid Mart j n.
Jay luuunir.
r ranic unapin.
Leeter Lehman
FreddtH Baker,
Willie Dawson.
Alfred Anderson.
Grace Bloom,
Anna Burns,
Fannie Slower'.
Dorothy Post,
Kills Saunders,
Kuby Smith,
Anna Brodfaehror,
Ifroae Rasmussen,
Myron Gray,
Jesee Drnmmond,
Roy Saterlee.
Mabel Middagh.
Mary Zinnecker.
retime rirandt,
Stella Kranse.
Kula Baterlee,
Willie Middngti.
Gay Young,
Willie Siedenberg,
Warwick Saunders,
Ray Saterlee.
Clara Windisch.
Howard FreTret,
Julia Henning,
Elnore Segelke,
Roea Klaus,
Paul Joeggi,
Fried Lieth.
Lydia Henning,
KUa Kersenbrock,
Chester Ernst.
Anna Kumpf.
Mlfl rice's boom.
Willie Hener.
George Taylor,
Walter Jaeggi,
Roy Johnson,
Halda Math.
Leafie Gray,
Tony Roach,
Lena Klaus,
Eddie Flynn,
Harley Harrington,
Agnes Flynn.
Gretchen Banmgart,
Iren Hnrd,
Jesae Rector,
Cecilia Wagner,
Harley Dnssell,
Esther Johnson,
Wm. Hensley.
Fred Saffron,
Emit Gassman,
Clarence Lncas,
Friend McCray,
Roy McFarland,
Henry Gase,
r Willy.
Willie Placeman,
Emma Hoppen,
Littie Speice.
Eddie Wiseman,
Pollie Bnchor,
Lillie Hauel,
Otto Schreiber,
Kmil Hoehen,
Kosa Stauffer,
Ruby Hensley,
Carl Schroeder,
John Early,
Anna Trnmpi,
1eo Holionlau,
Euiil Pohl.
Harry Hohl,
May Davis,
Lida Turner,
Hedwig Scholar,
Albert BruRger,
Fred Dougherty,
Emma Kerstnbrick,
Clara Segelke,
Lulu Coleman.
John Clark,
Carl Johnson.
Harry Lawrence,
Abbie Hurd,
Louis Schroeder,
Grace Clark,
Will Rickly,
Katie Speice,
Beulali Wheeler.
Anna Taylor.
Minnie Becker,
Alice Lnth,
Annie Stauffer,
Will Lehman,
Cora Scott,
Sam Mahood,
Louis Schwarz,
Gladys Turner,
Joe Bauxngartner,
Jay Bame,
Ola Hagtl,
Elsie Pohl,
Jimmie Love.
Ilonanl McCray,
Trella Wall.
Ella Rasmnssen,
Earl Weaver,
Fred Friedhof.
Herbert Thurton,
Homer Martyn,
Jessie Griffin,
Louise Brandt,
Albert Becker,
Frank Young,
Ruby KagmuAnen,
Otto llnou.
Clarence Peterson,
Robert Henry,
Esther Rossiter.
Louise Hrodfuehrer,
Ethel Henrich,
Roy Coffey,
Nellie Matthews.
George Willard,
Lloyd Drummond,
Ray Young,"
James Cunningham,
William Lame.
Mildren Davis,
Edna Beardsley,
Archie Griffon,
Willie Baker,
Otto Schram,
Walter Schrooder.
Charles Woosley,
John Waddell.
Florence Kramer.
Adolph Berger,
Eddie Coolidce.
rral Tost,
Lottie Perkinsou,
I'eleet Jlartyn.
miss ward's boom.
Anna Bojd,
Clarence Holienbeck,
Nettie Gondering,
Fred Holienbeck.
Jennie Lnughlin.
Mabel McCowan,
Clarence ICollin,
Ullie inand.
Stanley Matthews,
Ned Post,
Ethel Watkins,
Roy Coolidge.
Francis Gondering,
Annie Rossiter,
Vera Stevenson,
Bessie Vaughn,
Alvin Berger.
Sammie Elston,
Kloise Roen,
Vina Stevenson,
Hermine Wolf,
Henrj' Wilkins.
anna uoehen's boom.
Mary Fleck, Rene Tnrner.
Anna uass.
Nets Johnson.
Lottie Hockenberger,
Mikio Hagel,
Elsie Hudson,
Emma Lnent,
Sammy Rector,
Ralph Wiggins.
Mary Lewis,
Rosa Wiseman,
Ernest Krause,
Jessie Dussell,
Willie Galley,
Amy Mahood,
Emma Schreiber,
Albert Smith.
Eva Loehbaugh.
Grace Lewis.
Jessie Swartsley,
Karl Becker,
Josie Tiffany.
Lela Stillman,
George Brodfnehrer,
Annie Berger,
Madge Cashing,
Newell Elliott.
Fred Schram.
Sim Friedhof.
Willie Zinnecker,
Grace Coffee,
Alberta Post,
Fannie Merrill,
Arthur Ronton,
Maude Young,
Eddie Ragatz.
Tena Zinnecker,
Nelson McAllister,
Roy Ronton.
Rf al Estate Transfern.
Becher, Jwggi & Co., renl estate agents,
report the following real estate transfers
tiled in the office of the county clerk for
the week ending April 7, 1801:
John Witchey to H F J Hockenlerger,
Island No. 4. in S-lS-lw. qcd $
U 8 to John Witchey, Island No. 4, in
9-18-lw, patent
Martin Speicber to H M and B M
Smith, lot 1, bl 202, Columbus, wd
Daniel Holloran to Andrew Peterson,
M neH 17-lSJw, wd
O D Butler to W W Butler, s!l nvfi
10 00
530 00
1500 00
2400 00
0000 00
300 00
320 00
3705 00
August Nelson to P J Nelson, aM 17.
iw. wd..
Sidney L Smith to
Henry Johansen,
lots 3 and 4. bl 6. Platte (
e Lenter, wd
U P Ry Co to First National Bank, no
ii 8WS .17.1W.Wd
I Gluck et al. referees, to Rosa Zielke,
lota 5. 6. 7. 8. sec 8, lot 8 and seH seU
sec 7, all in 17-2w, referees deed
Nine transfers, total 20i9t 00
Card of Thank.
e wish to tender our heartfelt thanks
e many kind friends, and especially
to ne Odd Fellows and Knights of
Pythias, who so kindly assisted us in the
sickness and burial of our husband and
Mrs. Nelia McKkltev,
Mrs. Eliza McKelvey.
Mb. & Mrs. D. J. McKelvey.
Mb. & Mas. A. J. McKkltev,
Ed. H. McKeltet.
V MrKn.vcr.
a. ..-.-
tatef will sell 312,500 Columbus State
Bank stock, in sums to suit
Addre8a Fred W. Le
. Omaha, eb.
y Horne Pasture.
1 have C5 acres good grass land with
prfnty of fresh water aud shade, .three
miles and a half southeast of Columbus,
on north aide of Loup.
3 Jobs Geibzb.
Graad Prairie.
John Luchsinger was married to Miss
Rosa Maurer Thursday.
The home of Rev. E. Holm was recent
ly gladdened by the arrival of a nice
baby girl.
Spring work has commenced in earnest
and everybody is improving their time
these fine days.
Mr. Sam. Gertsch's children have been
afflicted with the measles during the
past week, but are now on the mend.
The most of the winter wheat is kUled
by the changeable- temperature of the
weather and farmers have lost consider
able in their seed.
The grader trial will be on the Grand
Center road Tuesday April 17. By all
accounts there will be some hair pulling -and
maybe a black eye or two.
Every other morning loads of milk can
be seen going to the Creamery. Hagel
& Stevenson are paying 16 eta. Grand
Prairie has good prospects of being a
dairy country.
Charlie Hellbusch was married last
Friday at the Lutheran church to Miss
Nemoire, Rev. Holm officiating. A grand
dinner was given at the residence of the
bride's parents.
D. L. Bruen says he sold 19r dozen
eggs during the month of March, beside
what was tued in the family. He has
brown Leghorns, and he says they are
the beet layers there are.
At the annual town meeting held
Tuesday only a few were present, and
they purchased a grader, and there seems
to be considerable dissatisfaction; by all
appearances two-thirds of the voters of
the town are opposed to it.
Weather Report.
Review of the weather near Genoa for
the month of March, 18M.
Meantemperatnreof the month 41.40
Mean do name month last jear 2W.71
Highest daily temperature on 30th 74'
Lowest do 2Sth, below zero -5
I'lear days. .. .. . .............. 9
HI r UHj H..... .. .......................... tv
Cloudy days 8
Calmdays li
High winds days tf
Rain fell during iKrt ions of days 4
lnchesof rainfall 0.60
Do same mo. last year 1.72
lnchesof snowfall none
Do same mo. last year. 4.50
Prevalent winds from N. W. to N.
Frost throughout tho month; ground
frozen as late as tho 29th.
Lunar Halo on tho 15th.
Foggy 19th, 20th, 21st. Hazy .Wth.
The Oxnard Beet Sugar Company of
Island announced that they have
already contracted for 3,000 acres of
sugar beets for the coming season, and
they will continue to take contracts up
to May Grst, at which time they will
close their books. They expressly desire
only the best of farmers to contract, who
are entirely capable of taking the very
best care of their crop. The fixed price
is 85.00 per ton, delivered at Grand
Island, for all beets showing 12 per cent
of saccharine matter and a purity co-efficient
of 80. Blank contracts can be had,
or any further information, by corres
ponding with the Oxnard Beet Sugar
Company at Grand Island. 4
We Sweep the World.
is an old snying that u "now broom
I sweep;
is clean" but when we say "wo
sweep the world" wo moan thwt among
all the railways of the world none stands
higher in the estimation of tho public, in
all especial points, than tho Chicago,
Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway. It is the
only line west of Chicago which runs
electric-lighted, steam-heated and vesti
buled trains between Chicago, St. Paul
and Minneapolis, and between Chicago
and Omaha. Try it. F. A. Xash,
Gon'l. Agent, 150-1 Funuim St., Omaha.
V. S. Howell,
Trav. Passenger and Freight Agt.
agent union rucuic nysieui.
St. Patrick's Pills are carefully
prepared from the best material and
according to the most approved formula,
and are the most perfect cathartic and
liver pill that can be produced. We
sell them. C. E. Pollock fc Co. and Dr.
Heintz, druggists.
a Tr ? a
gusiness Notices.
.Advertisements under this head five cents a
lineeach insertion.
WM.8CHILTZ makes boots and shoes in the
best styles, and nses only the very best
tockthatcan be procured in the market. 32-tf
Tuesday afternoon, and are correct and reliable
at thetime.
Wheat 43
Shelled Corn 24
Oats 24
Mixed oats JSi
Rye 34
Flour"!."!"."."..".";"!!'.!!".!.".".!". $1 ooj2 40
Butter 10gl.r.
Eggs 10
Potatoes W
Fat hogs ft 25l 40
Fatcows 12 00&2 50
Fat sheep $250ttSUO
Fat steers $8 00S :o
Feeders $2 50g3 On
D. T. Mabtyn. M. D. C. D. Evans, M. D.
F. H. Oeeb, M. D.
Physicians - and - Sargtsas
To St. Mary's Hospital and St.
Francis Academy,
United States Examining Surgeons, Assistant
Surgwins Union Pacific. O.. N. Jc R. H. Railways.
SSfOfEce open night and day. Telephone N o.
19. Two blocks north Union Pacific Depot.
Mff Mid-Winter Fair a Sswce.
fhrungh faTaaA claSisIeAo
you rflabowrt f f
j w r ,r-
f r- iV
wm. wkaTe. a w.Aaxdeks.
mog leneu". W. Armstrong h"s""hew and
kroughly-eib-d planing mill onBlev
PX enth 8treen"nith of U. P. freighifm
k depot, wlss"BPrePared to S
k mannHhlnre K
Ind House Finisfunking-miU tror""y
"Ak Irinijf , Wootl 7ur)iinVsBrti'i' and aif
B Ornamtntnl Wootl fmu?$pe- B
dallies with tijVi
3!ffi""MKspromptly filled aautisfaV
tioKaarantee"Sv "k M
VPEstimateamSMt once for yoik Sw-thinB-jriah.
in oorljm
iaprSm WRHE. 4 SABERS.