The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, April 11, 1894, Image 1

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Work is rapidly proceeding on a new
iepot at Sidney.
Work has commenced on a new ele
vator at Surprise.
The Town Citizen is the name of a
new daily paper in Ueatrice.
Deuel county farmers are posting no
tices -warning hunters to keep off the
A number of farmers in Colfax coun
1y will grow beets for the Grand Island
The assessors of Phelps county de
cided to list property at one-fifth its
cash value.
Cuyler SchuUz, the Hall county mur
derer, is now on trial in St. l'aul on a
change of venue.
Over 300 teichers attended the North
ern Nebraska Teachers' association
meeting in Columbus.
Harry Stebbins of Holbrook killed a
swan that measured --even feet from
tip to tip of its iviiigs.
There is -omplaiul on the part of
some Hastings insurance companies that
oihers are cutting rates.
The Fiemonl Foundry company has
secured the contract to put in a system
of water worKs at Friend.
A man's body was found in the south
ern portion of Chase county last week
with a revolver by his side.
Attorney General Hastings gives ii
as his opinion that it is not necessary
for women to register in order to vote
at school elections.
Hon. Church Howe, department com
mander of the l J. A. 1:., will be the
guest of the Hastings post April 1 1 and
will deliver an address.
In the trial of Cuyler Schultz at St.
l'aul for murder, no denial is made of
the crime. All efforts are directed to
ward proving insanity.
'I he total bank clearings for Lincoln
for the month of March aircreirated
SS.S.V-VKS. as compared with S-".0.t.77r.
for the corresponding month a year ago. :
A burglar ransacked tiic premises of
T. M. Wright, of Fremont, but all he I
got was ten cents in pennies that his
little girl was holding for the Sunday i
Reports from Otoe county are to the
effect that the recent cold weather and
high winds have greatly damaged the
wheat ci op. In several instances whole
liclds have been ruined.
The general store of 11 XV. Sa3'cr of
tiering was entered by burglars and
the cash register broken into and rob
bed of about SOUL The robbery is at
tributed to local talent.
A Kearney dispatch says that the
present indications arc that the propo
sition to vote SO'UiOO to enlarge the ca
nal to !,00t horsepower will be carried
by a handsome majority.
A Slo.uOO system of water works will j
be put in at Wakefield this summer. I
bonds to the extent of 7,00U being j
voted last year, butowing to the finan- I
rial stringency were not sold.
1 lie ice dealers ol leciiinseli are en
gaged in cutting prices for next sum
mer's contracts. Arrangements can
now be in.ide to have ice delivered in
any -it:inlity at 10 cents per 100.
During a drunken row at Nebraska
City Henry Mecl stabbed Clark Wolsey
three times, inllcting painful, but not
dangerous wounds. Meel is a cripple,
having lost both legs a few years ago.
Uurglars forced an entrance into the
butcher shop of V. II. Cooper, at Au
burn through a rear window and
cracked the safe. They only succeeded
in ruining the safe, and did not get in
side of it
Friends and admirers of .1. I). Cal
houn, late publisher of the Lincoln
Herald, presented him with a line gold
headed cane previous to his departure
lor Tampa. Fla., where he will hereaf
ter reside.
A number of Kearney young fellows
have organized themselves into a "nig
ger" minstrel aggregation and call
themselves the Klectrical Sparks min
strel company. Some of the members
have been on the road and are all good
band men.
Some complaint is reported that the
recent dry, windy weather has uncov
ered and removed very much of the
seed of the spring sowing and in many
eases may cause a reseediug. The
greatest damage is reported trom the
rolling farms.
It is said that some farmers will be
obliged to sow oats again, as in fields
sown early the oats had sprouted and
were killed by the late cold weather.
Potatoes not planted very deep were
frozen and much garden stuff that was
growing is dead.
V. M. Street, the newiy appointed
postmaster, of Nebraska City, took
charge of the office last week. F. 11
llelvey. the retiring postmaster, goes
to South Omaha, where lie will act as
secretary for the Nebraska Live Mo.-k
Commission company.
A few days ago. while Lorenzo
Shields, who carries the mail from Kear
ney across to Mmden, was driving alone
in his top buggy, a man rode up beside
him and grabbed the pouch. Shields
drew his gun and the fellow droped the
mail pouch and skipped.
At Juniata Marshal Van Busk irk ar-
rested two suspicious characters with j
au extra supply of new clothing. At ,
their trial the clothing was found to
have been stolen from ltarnes clothing
store in Hastings. They were sent to
jail to await further developments.
Custodian .lohn M. Uurks has received
orders from Washington to send in an
estimate of the cost of making a num
ber of necessary improvements in the
government building at Lincoln. The
improvements include painting and re
furnishing of some of the rooms.
.lohn. I. Danielson, manager of Lin-'
inger i Metcalfs implement house at j
lloldrege, was severely hurt by his j
team running away and throwing him
out of the buggy. His face was badly '
bruised and cut, his shoulder dislocated I
and the bones around it shattered.
The best help that you can give a i
man is work. Nebraska manufacturers j
do this with the help of their customers:
Farrell fc Cos brand of syrups, jellies,
preserves and mince meat: Morse-Coe
boots and shoes for men, women and
children; American Biscuit & Manufac
turing Co., Omaha, crackers.
Mrs. Bertha Iloyer, who attempted '
to commit suicide at Grand Island by
eating matches, died in agony at St. t
Francis hospital. A post mortem ex
amination was made and the coroner's
jury brought in a verdict in accordance
with the facts as stated. She was a
quarrelsome and dissipated person and
leaves a family.
Is. Ransom, charged with larceny '
from the person, was bound over to the
district court of Adams county by Jus
tice Morledge. Ransom and a man
named Carroll and the "Montana Kid'' ,
went through the pockets of a drunken
companion while engaging in a stag ,
dance and divided the proceeds. The
"Kid" turned state's evidence i
The leading harness and saddler firm
of Peterson & Hansen, Wakefield, was (
closed under a chattel mortgage held .
by Henry Allen. Liabilities, S2.000;
assets, about 91,500. Tightness of the i
money market and inability to collect
i utstanding accounts was the cause of j
the failure. j
Brick makers of Fremont report lib
eral sales of material that seem to in
dicate a prosperous 3'ear in the bu'ul
ing line.
T. I!. Hord&Co of Centre! City m:de
their second shipment of exnor eat: i
last week, consisting of thirty ears a
train each over the Union Pacific and
B. fc M. roads The cattle will be
loaded at I Sal ti more for Livernoo!. This
firm shipped a train of export cattle j
two weeks ago. J hey sua nave some
2, ."CO head in their yards.
Michael Uiessing, a farmer living
near Saltillo. was seriously injured
last week in Lincoln by a runaway ac
cident. His team became unmanageable
in the dark and ran away. Blessing J
was thrown out of his buggy, dasmng
his head against the curb stone. He was
.seriously injured, but will probaLiy re
cover, j
'ilia Standard tattle compan; last'
week discharged ali their surplus help j
kept over for beet culture, which re-1
lieves about twenty-five or ttnrty work
men, many of them heads of fatnii es '
occupying Houses on tneir grouuus
This was in accordance with Alien's
policy of no beet work this year, and
sanctioned by the president of the com
pany. Friday of last week was pay day at
the Omaha Indian agency, but collec
tors were not granted the usual priv
ileges of being on the spot as soon as
an Indian drew his pay, but were
obliged to wait until their man came
outside the inclosure. Th.s seemed to
be a new plan, but Captain XV. II. Heck
wa's rigid iu the enforcement of the
A very large levy will be placed upon
taxpayers of West Point for next year.
Tins is done in order to pay off accu
iatcd judgments and also pay for the
new school house. As there will be
one saloon less, the revenue for the
schools wMl be $.".00 less, also the new
school's expenses will amount to f.u)
per year, thus making 51,000 extra to be
raised, besides the increase to pay off
An old fellow that acts as janitor for
several business houses in Grand Island
was alone in William Conow's drug
store and after doing the nights work,
as i supno-ed. lie threw the contents
of a two-pound can of gunpowder into ,
stove. An explosion followed mat i
knocked the front out and wrecked the j
budding generally, scattering the sto k i
over tne room 'fhu old man was se- !
verely burned. j
The government experiment station ,
at J-ehnyler has been discontinued. It j
is to be continued by tiie O.-.nard licet ,
Sugar company, to which "Has been le- I
livercd the large store of mother Lcets. (
They will opera t. the station without
expense to the government, not so much
as an experiment station, however as
one for the production of seed, two tons
of which they have agreed to furnish
the government for distribution I
Henry I. rush, a German, hung him
self on "his farm in Arizona precinct, six
miles east of Tekamah He was found .
in his stock yard, some thirty yards .
from his hanging to a sm ill tree j
by a hitching strap. He was.".", years,
old. vva.1 fairly well-to-do and no came
is assigned for his act He had lived in
the county lor over fifteen years witn '
a bitchelor friend. He is not known J
to have any relatives in this country. !
A. 1L Hanson, a school teacher in the j
Bust district six m'des west of Waver- ,
ly, is charged with forgery and it n '
also said there are several other causes
of action to be instituted by parties
elsewhere. A garnishee writ was
served upon W. J. Trumble, thedistriet i
treasurer, against the ?." in salary yet
due Hanson. Hanson has resided in
that locality six months, having charge ,
of the Jordan school during the winter, j
The Southeastern Nebraska Teach
ers association, at its recent meeting j
in Ueatrice. elected the following o:li- ;
cers. President. George IJ. Chatburn, j
Wymore: vice president, Professor Crab- ;
tree of Ashland: secretary. Miss Mattie i
Gregg. Tecuinseh: treasurer, C. B. At- j
kinson. Fairbury; executive committee,
A. A. Heed of Crete, W. 11. Skinner of i
Nebraska City and the president and ,
his secretaiy. The meeting was an un- ;
usually interesting one. '
Quite a stir was created in St. Paul
the other day when Sheriff Kendall
arrested a voung man, Ora t. Huff,
alias J. B. Copeland. Detective Mc
Intyre of the Adams express company
had been after him several days, and
finally traced him to St. Paul and, with
the assistance of the sheriff, caught his
linn. The accused is wanted at
Oronogue, Kan., for robbing the II. Ai I
M. depot ami express oflice and for j
forgery to the extent of several bun- .
dred dollars. ,
Hobert G. Donovan, for the past eight
years and inmate of the State Hospital j
for the Insane, was found dead at the
end of a curtain cord at an early hour j
the other morning. He had tied one i
end of the cord to the iron bars of the '
window- in his room and had made a .
running noose of the other end, which
he placed around his neck. He had
been dead several hours when discov
ered by an attendant. Donovan was
formerly a citizen of Plattsmouth and j
was a B. A M. engineer. i
Mike McCann. sent to the peniten- j
tiary for three years for attempted
murder, was released from the state
penitentiary on parol last week to com- J
mence a new life. He secured a mar- .
riage liccuse and was united for life to ;
Mattie Davenport. When McCann went I
to the penitentiary Mattie was a frc-
quent visitor. She attached herself to
him with a devotion as marked as if i
both had been bright and shining orna
ments in the upper crust. Now they j
are married and both propose to lead i
honest and industrious lives. !
The barn, granary, cribs and adjoin-
ing building of Charlie Johnson, two
miles west "of Arlington, were totally .
consumed by tire. The loss includes j
the buildings, ten head of horses, six i
double harnesses. f00 bushels of oats, '
.'.000 bushels of corn, fifty tons of hay !
and other goods, including farming !
utensils. The lo-s is quite heavy and t
only partially insured. The fire orig- ,
inated from matches in the hands of i
Bay. the 10-year-old son, who accident- ,
ally killed his little sister about a j'ear
ago while playing with fire arms.
Ira Wakeland. son of W illis Wake- j
land, a well-known farmer near Brock,
left his boarding place in Nebraska I
City rather suddenly and under pe
culiar circumstances. It seems that he i
attempted to alienate the affections of
Mrs. Buhe, the wife of a farmer living j
near his country home, and that he has j
been staying in the city very quietly
in his hop.; to avoid the wr.ith ot Buhe,
who threatened to shoot him on sight. !
On hearing that Buhe was in town he I
jumped from a second-story window, j
made off toward the Missouri Pacific I
depot, boarded a freight train and was j
seen no more.
Private Iron Hawk, a private of troop '
L. Sixth cavalry, died March 30, 1S9 J, i
and was bnried at Fort Niobrara with I
all the military honors due an enlisted
soldier of the United States.. Private
Iron Hawk had been a long time in
the post hospital, and died from a com
plication of diseases. He was enlisted
April 7, 1S91, at the Rosebud agency,
S. D., and was ordered to be discharged
under the provisions of general orders
No. SO. A. G. O., 1Sl0, on July C. 18J4,
per special orders No. 27, headquarters
department of the Platte, dated Omaha,
Neb., March lti, 1S94.
"if h'r-I v. ,.!-: i!c.i.-. ig yr.i. ilarwy
incf'Td. I gtv. i ! !' :i:t ii,; 1 ng
' " j-ai.l In t It.iriw. v.ith a s'utg of
i- s'.i'Ui: (:
't a '"' '' pretty shoulders white and
dimpled, gleaming from under the dain
ty muslin dress; but the shrug was un
deniable, and followed up by a toss of
the head and pout of the red lips.
"I should nut suppose one could judge
of the difficulty attending an untried
t:isk." retorted the young man. "You
know well enough what would please
me. I un. and you aiv also fully aware
that yo:i constantly pursue the opposite
path. Will Strong and Jo Tiering are
goiul enough fellows in their way; but.
for all that, you need not reserve all
your smiles for them. Let tlit-in know
how mat lei's stand between us"
..i i.... :. tu..f." :.. ...i ni
And how is that.' interrupted the
g:ii. with a muck flash of her eye
"Ina. didn't you give me your promise
a month ago?" And the young man's
honest brown eyes looked steadily iuto
"I told you when you got to be over,
seer at ihe mines I would think about
it. There's plenty of time between now
and then for me to change my mind
if. indeed, it has ever been made up.
At all events, frowns and fault-findings
won't make me any the more eager for
the day to arrive."
"Ah. darling, when fhat hour conies,
the frowns will have been chased away
forever. Come. dear, tell me if you
love nil' just a little. Perhaps I am un
reasonable, but I can't help it, Ina.
When I see you with other men. and
you seem so cold and indifferent to me,
1 feel as though I could kill them and
snatch you away where no eye but
mine could dwell on your beauty.
There, dear. I must leave you. Say
goodnight, and give tne a corner iu
your dreams."
Tiie girl s eves had softened now
TIi" bright, young month quivered, aud j
the full, red lips were raised to meet
tiie warm, glowing kiss her lover left
upon them.
"I do love you. Harvey," she whis
pered, "if you would only not be so
"I know it. dear." he answered.
And gathering her in his arms, as
t-ither'he press I
i 'the 'chestnut
though she had been a ft"
' iiiiwiiii i. tic uj'irti tin i in .-uiui i
crown-'d head, and then went out into
the night. i
I lie s.'cne just enti-ted wa no un
common one. Though but a rustic
beauty, wlio-e views of life were bound
ed by the village iion.on she had grown
up a willful, petted thing, with her feet
is c.irefuliv guarded from the rough '
sains as any high-horn lady in the land
True, ihe pretty arms were often bared
to the elbows as the little hands work
ed busily in and out of the dough, but
it was only when the whim seized her
and some especial treat was to be pre
pared for the father whose law was her
wish. And though neither silk nor sat
in rustled in her train, the pretty mus
lin, the fresh calico, relieved by bright
ribbons at throat and waist. left their
their absence unnoted. On the clear,
young brow no shadow of rare had ever
rested, and so she had grown up a thing j
in ngui aim snaoow. irowns and smiles. .
nut witn tne lignt so dazzling as to ob- l
scitre the shadow, the smiles so sweet
tuey even seemed to chase away
frown. Admiration was to her what
the dew is to the flower, and it was lit
tle wonder that ofttimes Harvey Lang
ford'f heart grew still with honest
dread, or that he longed for the day to
come when he might Vatlier this flower
to his breast.
The present overseer of the mines
was growing old and unfitted for his
post. With the new year a change was
to be made, and words the principal
had dropped into his ear had given him
the hope lie was to be the successor.
He could make for Ina then a home
such as she left, only glorified bv their '
mutual love: and as he wends his way
homeward his breath comes short anil
quick in thinking of that time.
Ai'uther month rolled by and Harvey
Lnngford spent his days "u strange al
ternation of joyful hope and jealous an
ger, though latterly the fonmr was
slowly dying out. Ina began to treat
him with suspicious coolness. She uo
longer bore allusion to the fulfillment of
her promise, and her smiles irn.w m,-..
frequent to others ns they lessened to
- ir
him. He was pacing un th.. imi.r i.m
leading to her door on one October af
ternoon, revolving many bitter thoughts
and determining to make Ina cue last
appeal, when, turning a bend in the
road, he saw two tigutes a short dis
tance ahead. There was no mistaking
the straight young figure, with the pret-
ty hat comiettishlv
placed upon the
night-curls; but the man's heart beat
ttucK and
I fast, as in the tall, manly ,
hei side, he recognized Will ,
form at
grown cold and
secret meetings
m near no spok- .
No wonder she had
hard, when she held
with this man. He coul
en word between them, but be saw tu-t
tiw iiri"i iift.ifi -o. )..., in... -. i;..i- '
...v ....7 ...... ,...;. mill iwH, oue nine
foot tapping the dust and her ungloved
hand clasped within those of her com
panion. He was talking low and earn
estly, and when she answered the air
of coquetry always with her had disap
peared. Her manner was as grave as
his own. He could almost see the crim
son Hush upon her cheek, for her head
was raised now. and she was speaking
in low. rapid tones. Then she ceased,
and Harvey Langford's face grew
white with the pallor almost of death,
and from Ills eyes shone a fierce dame.
as he watched the man before him
bend and kiss the lips turned to him.
then turn aud hasten in the opposite
A few quick imperious strides brought ..-. nnw cl.ln YT. l.n...a , I
""" " "c ffiue. xier ueuu was uirneu
from him. her face buried in her hands;
then she felt his grasp upon her arm.
and. looking up. saw in the stern, pale
face before her that he had seen it all.
The blue eyes were wet. the long lashes
clinging to the fair, delicate cheek, the
little mouth half apart and quivering;
but the picture brought no softness to
the eyes which drank in all its beauty.
"Parting from your lover, were you?
For how long twenty-four hours? A
pity any one should have vitnessed
the tender scone! Child! Woman!
Devil! What are you and what have
you done this day?"
"Nothing that I have causa to blush
for:" and the face raised to his was pale
as his own. the eyes flam;l with an
answering flash. "If yon had come to
me like a man. Harvey Langford. I
c uld hive told you all you v:mt to
know, but you came instead to spy
upon my actions, and you have received
a spy's reward. From this moment you
have lost the right to question, or I
to answer. I have made a narrow es
cape from the jealous meshes iu which
you would have Iwund me. but the
toils are broken. I am free, and so
are you."
"I am not flie first lnan who Lugs a
serpent mdy to feel its sling. God pity
the man who takes your fair face :un!
your false heart to sit beside his hearth
stoin'. ! leave!! help me! I i nought
the inner lite u-i pure and spotless as
The outward show. Listen. girlS For
ou I toiled: the though! of you made
labor sweet; the hope that your beauty
would brighten my home, your smile
welcome my coming, had made of me
a better man. All. ali is now but ashes
iu my grasp. 1 plucked the opening
blossoms, only to find that I had gath
ered Dead sea fruit. Were j ou to come
to me to-morrow a suppliant for the
place I once so proudly offered. I would
spurn you as now?" Aud shaking off
his grasp from her arm with one look
of bitterest contempt, he left her where
he had found hor.
"Harvey: Harvey!" she cried out
at last; but his figure was far away,
his ears deaf to her appeal, and like
a wounded bird she sank upon the
The dull November days were draw-
i 'n" o a close, tiie trees were siripntd
! -,.,.., .... . , ,. .. , , '- ,
t of their brilliant foliage which so lately
iiad adorned them, the earth lay cold
and bare, waiting for its snowy untitle,
I when on a gray, chili morning, a low
rumbling sound in tiie vicinity of the
mines caused men to look at one anoth
er with anxious dread, which at last
found vent in the fearful cry:
"The mine's on lire!"
It was not long ere all the population
had gathered to the spot the women
with palid faces, but lips that issued
forth no moan, the children clinging to
their skirts, sobbing, though for what
they knew not.
"The wall will soon fall in! Some
one must go to the rescue!" said a
Then Harvey Laiigford stepped for
ward. "1 am ready," he said, and in I'd
eyes shone a calm determination, a
quiet fearlessness. which showed,
though he fully appreciated the danger.
; he would not falter.
"Harvey." whispered a voice in his
ear: and falling back a step, he turned
to see the fair beauty of the girl he
had once so madly loved.
'Well, what do you want?" he ques
tioned ronghlv. "To look once more
j upon your work ere I go to my doom?"
"No. Harvey." the sweet young voice
faltered: "to beg you. for my sake, not
to go. I have suffered so. Harvey.
Let me tell you how. It was mo as you
supposed. Will Strong had ark-d me
to marry him, and 1 I had old him
j I could not. because because of my
' love for you; and when I said that,
i he told me you were a good, brave
' fellow, and since I eo.ild nor care for
Mm' ,1P ol,,-v lioPwl ' lll,ah ,,(' ""IW:
s'mltl,'. Harvey, he begged me just
io Kivf nun one hiss 10 iukc wan uim
into his new life, and so I"
"Gave it yes. I saw it ail. A well
j told story. Ina Barlow a storj that you
I Piiiy whisper iu my lead ears when
they bring, an hour hence, perhaps.
my lifeless body from ih" mine." And
Wl a "',r!, ,s,f' '"' Pse'i away tne
little hand laid so pleadingly on his
, arm. "Stand back, men; I am ready."
' And iu another moment the descending
j shaft hid him from their sight.
Minutes passed, which to those wait
J ing seemed endless horn's. The smoke
came up m thick, hot gusts, and an
awful silence fell upon all. Still came
no sign from those shut from their
sight of whose fearful danger the low,
rumbling sound and dense smoke gave
the old snail; at last exclaimed a
"Could one enter by that, he
go below and wain the men
which way safety lay."
But the opening was so small, a child
only could effect a passage, and in
that childish heart lay the heroism
which should nerve it to face such
dangers? Into Ina Barlow's pale face
came a gleam of color, one glance at
the slight fissure, one prayer upon the
pure lips and she stood forward.
"Take tne!" she simply said. "I go
to save the man I love!"
In her eyes shone a dauntless cour
age, and no man dared say her "Nay."
But when she had at last gone into
that awful chasm, which seemed to
swallow up all in its vast, yawning
mouth, a groan burst from the lips of
those present a groan, followed by a
cheer, as Harvey I-angford's form ap
peared again in sight and one by one
the miners followed. In that fearful
peril which he had just escaped, a
sweet young voice seemed again to
echo in his ear, a dim wonderment to
pierce his brain as to whether its ring
of truth were real, a wild desire to
look again upon her face ;i:ul read
therein the secret; but iu vain he
searched to find her fair beauty. 'Ihe
chestnut-crowned head was nowhere
to be seen, when, iu rough whispers,
from mouth to mouth pass-il the knowl
edge of her deed and his quick car
caught it.
"Cowards!" burst
"You would let a
from his white
woman do this
Cli cntil cltrt iftit- tn ci r i thn niti
shl. i0;K- oue.
Ab), ,u Harvpv Lu.frtnrs ves there
shone such joy as hid the misery there
Writteu, while on his lips uprose a wild
proves as once again he plunged from
,heir s, uh , hK wlu,re glie had fall.
like a lily blown from its stem,
white and senseless, he picked her up
and bore her to the shaft. Many strong
arms came to the rescue; but the cheers
fell on dull, lifeless ears, and for a
while they thought death had claimed
them both. But life held too much
promise, and when, scarcely three
mouths later, the new overseer of the
mini's claimed his bride, distmst had
vanished from both their hearts, and
while kind and cheering wishes fell
like hail upon them, in Harvey Lang
ford's simple, quiet words, "My Wife!"
as they stood upon the threshold of
their new home, sounded the thauks
giving of a new life. Jenny Wren in
New York Ledger.
Odd Place for a Piano Factory.
There was a piano factory at Wart
burg. Tenn.. before the war. The sin
gular thing about it was that Wart
burg was about lix) miles from the
nearest railroad and in the heart of
the Cumberland mountains. The wood
of whidi the instruments were made
had to be brought from New York and
then hauled 100 miles over the moun
tains to Wartburg, which was a Ger
man colony. The pianos were made
by a practical musician, and when an
instrument was ordered he would fin
ish up the different pans at Wartburg
and then haul them to the home of
his customer, generally many miles
away, and put up the piano there.
One of them is now at Wartburg. and
the building where they were made
still stands, though no longer used as a
piano manufactory. The town, which
consists of about two hundred people,
is away from the railroad and has not
grown since the war. The home-made
instrument, of over thirty years ago,
is still iu good order and in constant
use. St. Louis Clout-Democrat.
A.DVK.Vi'li:nS of two yocxo aiu
Tfiey Saltt-il From 'Frlnco In Searcn
of Alaittkaa Gold A Ilalldoff'M !Va
tare A Trailed r in Mid-Air A Tcr
r5ble Cholera Tragedy.
Seven hundred miles from the Taclfic
coast, In an open yawl, two boys were
recently picked up by an east-bound
British steamer. The condition of the
lads was such that it required many
horn's' constant work on the part of
tiie ship's surgeon to restore them to
a physical condition whereby they be
came able to tell the story of their
wild adventure.
One of the boys was fifteen years
old, and the other sixteen. They were
San Francisco school boys, and had
long been chums. They were bright
and fearless. Imbued with nu instinct
to search for gold, which is implanted
in many of the youths of the gold pro
ducing State of California, these young
fellows had become fired with an ambi
tion to search for the precious metal in
the bleak wilds of Alaska.
These boys were great readers, and
eagerly sought out and perused all of
the many stories of the untold and
undiscovered treasures of our Alaska
possessions. They became thoroughly
wrapped up in the notion of becoming
the pioneers In n movement to uncover
the rich stores that have remained
hidden In mother earth for untold cen
turies. Without means that would enable
them to take passage In any of the
vessels trading with Alaska, these lads
were in a quandary as to how to reach
the Arctic Kldorado. W th infinite cour
age and an exhibition of that pluck
which is common with all American
boys, they were determined to take
the perilous sea voyage in an open
boat, trusting for their safety in the
limited knowledge of navigation and
their unlimited confidence in their
strength and perseverance.
They procured a good-sized yawl in
San Francisco bay and fitted it out with
a stumpy mast and stored it with
what they thought was an ample sup
ply of provisions. This took some time
to accomplish, for the boys were work
ing very quietly, knowing that if their
plans were discovered they would be
stopped and their golden dreams dis
sipated. One morning in January, bug be
fore the Golden Gate was -nade to feel
the warmth of the sun's first messages
of heat and comfort, the hardy voy
agers embarked In their frail craft,
and breiking out their canvas silently
stole out to sea. Two seats were va
cant that day in one of San Francisco's
schools, and two households were
thrown into consternation by the unae
cruntable absence of a beloved member
of each.
Hours became days and days weeks,
and still no news was received of the
missing boys. The parents of each
were inclined to believe that they had
met with some sudden death, piobably
by drowning, and efforts were made to
drag certain portions of the bay where
it was thought their lifeless remains
might be entombed.
Meanwhile, out on the broad bosom
of the ceaseless Pacific a little yawl
was speeding toward the land of gold
en promise. The first part of the jour
ney, according to the boys' story, was
uneventful and tiresome. The only
way they had of maintaining their
course was to hug the coast and speed
northward. For five days and nights
this was done without great effort, but
before daylight on the morning of the
sixth day a storm came out of the
east and drove the yawl rapidly out
to sea.
The united efforts of the lads alone
enabled them to prevent their little
vessel from filling and capsizing. In
their tireless work, extending over a
period of twenty-four hours, they ceased
to keep track of the course they were
being driven, and when the sun came
through the clouds on the seventh day,
and the sea calmed down sufficiently to
enable them to give heed to their loca
tion, they were unable to even con
jecture their whereabouts.
Their lack of information prevented
them from figuring even roughly the
distance they had been driven by the
6torm, and they were equally uncertain
as to the direction they had taken.
They adopted the only course open to
them, and that was to head for the ris
lug sun. in hopes of eventually reach
ing the coast line. This they did, and
held their course for three days with
out sighting sail or land.
On the morning of the tenth day an
alarming discovery was made. The
provisions were exhausted, and but
very little water remained. The con
sumption of food had been much great
er than they had expected, and the salt
water that had been shipped during
the storm had played sau havoc with
the supply of sweet water.
On the eleventh day not a scrap of
food remained, and on the thirteenth
day not a drop of water was left. The
boys recognized their perilous position,
but their hearts were still strong aud
their hopes beat high. They reckoned
that the coast was near, and determined
that when land was sighted they would
beach their craft, unmindful of the ter
rors of the surf.
But they were away off in their reck
oning, for. while they thought hey
were holding a due easterly course,
which they were able to do in-the
tarly hours of morning, at n'gbt they
wandered aimlessly on the vast ocean
and were far from land. Til's state of
affairs lasted until some time during
the night of the fourteenth day out
from San Francisco.
"Weakness from exhaustio. naturally
following the lack of food, end almost
crazed with thirst, the young mariners
became unconscious and sank in life
less heaps in the bottom of their boat,
more dead than alive.
In this condition they w?re found by
the.British vessel and carrier to Van
couver. In due course of time they
were restored to their j-trents in Saa
Francisco. They stili insist that they
will some day visit Alaska, the land
of golden promise.
A IlalldoR'N Xalnrp.
A savage looking bull dog. which be
longed to a schooner lying at a wharf
in Francisco, fell into the bay the
other daj unnoticed by any one on
board. After vainly trying to s-ramble
up the vessel's sldi, says the Call, he
caught hold with ids teeth of a rope
attached to a small boat lying along
side.. Then he attempted to place his
fore feet on the line to use it as a rest,
but in this he was again unsuccessful,
for every time he made the attempt
the snail boat would back, the rope
would and the brute would duck
beneath the surface.
Every time he came up again he was
banging by his teeth with a sort of
I deaih-l'.ke grip to t'.ie Jin:'. TIiU exer
cise, without beaetk-jal resul s. .rfvnieii
to exhaust him even more than ii
attempts to reach the deck of the ves
sel. For a few moments he rested,
then turning his ugly face aud his
wicked eyes toward those on the wharf
he set up a howl.
A Newfoundland leaped into tlm tva
ter. true to his instinct, and swam to
ward the struggling bulldog. The lat
ter, also showing his nature, regarded
the rescuer's approach as a challenge to
light. Releasing his hold on the painter
he turned and not only put himself on
the defensive, but growled and snarled,
and finally made an nttempt to bite the
one that would have helped him to :l
place of safety. The Newfoundland,
not a coward by nature, but not a fight
er, realized that his good intention
was not appreciated or understood by
the brute that had given such howls of
distress, turued and swam to the boat
steps, from which he made his way to
the wharf, shook himself aud trotted
away. In the meantime the unappre
ciatlve terrier swam to the painter
got another grip with his teeth on it
and howled anew.
About this time some one belonging
to the schooner seized the rope, hauled
tho shivering brute alongside and seiz
ing him by the skin of the neck, hauled
him on board.
A Tragedy in 91id-Alr.
The weasel is a dainty ami luxurious
liver in his way. He steals the fresh
est eggs, selects the tenderest chick
ens of the brood, and will sometimes
kill aiirpnl for n single meal, sucking
the warm blood, and eating only a I
small bit of the tiesh.
He is not only sly and cunning, but .
remarKaoiy courageous, no wm oncu
attack an enemy much larger aud
stronger than himself, and does not lose
his wits, even in imminent peril. This
heroic quality is sometimes strikingly
Two wood-cutters were eating their ,
midday lunch upon the bonier of an !
Adirondack forest, when they noticed
a large hawk circling in the sky over ;
head, evidently with his eye upon some
thing near them. He was gradually .
narrowing his circles while approach- j
ing the ground, and it was apparent .
that he would soon drop upon his vie-i
The men looked about cautiously,
without movement or nois.and pr sent- i
ly discovered a Avtsisel stretched out .
upon the warm side of a log. not far
away, probably sunning himself after a '
long morning's sleep, for the weasel
does his sleeping in the daytime, and
his work at night. This was no doubt
the prey which the hawk had a
ii'.iud to make his dinner. Hut the wea- '
sel quietly blinked at the sun. either
unconscious of the danger, or indiffer-
ent to it. j
The men had just made this tliscov- ;
ery when the hawk came gliding down,
swift and sure as an arrow, seized the
weasel with his powerful talons, and .
rose again almost perpendicularly. All
seemed at an end for that weasel.
Soon, however, the movements of the
great bird became strange and unna
tural. His wings worked rapidly and
convulsively, as if making a great ef
fort to sustain flight : then he began to
sink, slowly at first and with frequent
recoveries till, finally, he fell straight
like a plummet to the ground dead!
From under ihe outstretched wings
crept the weasel, apparently unharmed. !
What had happened ?Tiie weasel had
quickly stretched his long, supple neck
up under the hawk's wing struck ins
teeth into a vital part, and sucked out
the life-blood. i
The muscles of the hawk relaxed as
the blood was rapidly drained. There
was a last desperate effort at flight; i
the wings flapped uselessly in the air; '
and the heaviness of death brought him I
swiftly to the ground, almost upon the
spot where the weasel had been bask
ing in the sun.
Xew I'nc for th? Telephone.
Here's a story of the telephone as it
is used, or abused, in Itussia. The use
of the instrument to intimidate prison
ers is the invention ot" a police iniieU
or at Odessa. A man was one day
brought into the police station, charged
v-ith having committed a serious rob
bery. The inspector had some difficul
ty in proving the cav. and had re
course to an ingenious stratagem. He '
went to the telephone in an adjoining
room, and asked the clerk at the cen
tral oflice to speak into the instrument
the following words, in a solemn tone.
"Istno Smellanski. you must confess
the robbery; if you don't you are sure t
to be sentenced, and your punishment ,
will be all the more severe."
He then sent for the prisoner and
questioned him again, threatening to t
appeal to the "machine" to get the
truth. The thief burst into a laugh, I
but the inspector held the telephone to
his ear. and gave the preconcerted sig
nal. The result was as expected. The
rogue, terrified by the warning uttered
by the uncanny 'machine," at once
niade a clean breast of it.
Didn't Tancle Illni.
The satisfaction that every one must
feel at the triumph of the boy, about '
whom the Massachusetts Ploughman
tells this anecdote, is due to the same j
feeling which prompts a big-hearted
man to take the part of the "under
most dog."
Walter was the important witness,
and one of the lawyers, after cross
questioning him severely, said:
"Your father has been talking to you.
and telling you how to testify, hasn't
"Yes," said the boy.
"Now." said the lawyer, "just teh
us how your father told you to testify."
"Well." said the boy, modestly, "fath
er told me that the lawyers would try
to tangle me, but if I would just be
careful aud tell the truth, I could tell ,
the same thing every time."
The lawyer didn't try to tangle up .
that boy any more. !
Then he nrnn Fnmoun.
The influence of American travelers
in Europe is well known to be consid
erable, but a correspondent of the Vis
ion Transcript records an instance as
to which there must have been some
A crippled old woman whom I met in
Leamington often amused me by her
original speeches. One day I spoke of
Shakespeare, and remarked that I '
wanted very much to visit Stratford-on-Avon.
"Law!" said the old woman, in a
scornful tone; "who was he? On'y a
plowboy, and he was never thought
nothin' of till them Americans came
over and took him un."
Foolish CiRfesloa.
Mr. Nu weil Why don't you
your wedding ring. Agnes? !
Mrs. Nuwed Because it hurts when i
people squeeze my hand. Hallo.
lp ".C.M.Loper. ffi
Strength and Vitality
Given to Mother and Child
Hood's Sarsnparilla Makes the
Weak Strong and Healthy.
"C. I. Kood & Co., Lowell, Mass.:
"I most emphatically declare that ray sood
bealth ot to-day Is dua to tiio use of Hood's 8a
saparilla. I havo lieen blesseili with strength
and vitality to care for four little ones, and had
I not been fortunate enough to uso Hood's Sar
saparilla the result would hare been disastrous
to me and my family as well. It has msdi)
A Healthy Person
of me when borne doctors and all other reme
dies failed. Hood's Sarsaparitla has founded, a
strong constitution for my little five-year-old
dauzhter who was formerly quite delicate. The
gratefulness that a mother feels toward any
medicine which restores health and happiness
to her child cannot be overestimated. I would
say to mothers, take Hood's Sarsaparllla."
Mrs. C. 51. Lorzi:, 1153 "West Forty-scTenUi
Street, Chicago, Illinois.
X. B. If vou decide to take Hood's Sarsajuv-rllla-
do not be induced to buy any other instead.
Hood's Pills euro constipation" by restor
ing the rcriitfltSi-nrtion of the alimt'nt.irv rami
Successor ef Iha
Minutd own this
IHctiotmrr. It nn
sw f m a 1 1 iiitest i m s
concerning the his
tory, spelling; pro
nunciation, and
weaning of words.
Itself, n also
pivft the often de
tired Information
coneeriilngeminpiit person: facts concern
ing tho count ric.-, cities town, and nat featiiresiirthi'irlotv: iiartirutarscon-
rcmimr noted person' and places;
translation of fortig.i quotations. It is in-
valunbls in the hoir.e, olhcc, study, aud
The One Great Standard Authority.
lion. V.i. Brewer, .iii'iioo of r.S. Suprrmw
Court, write : "llii International Mrtmnary w
Hie i-rfvlf ;i of dirtlonnri-. 1 rcmmeirl it ti)
a:iaillieuno lav-t autliorily."
SoldbiiM' r.riolset'ers.
& C. Morri.Tn Co.
Sprlii'jficltl, Mass.
tJDo not litvrlirpliitr
umiihic repriuH ot .m lent
tjrSen(l for free prorcct!:'.
MeM Needed
ToOoon this Can.
For Hog Cholera this Lye
Is a mro cars If uie-1 1" time.
Kor maki.isr s-"P. o.n'J
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ban no equal.
The Housawifo's Best
A ralualilu wp.ihtnc receipt
In each can. Kor -air by all
grocara. ItwIilMrprisO joo.
,j Ql'AUTY.
The cater or tun sole ps
K tends th win le length
i clown to tlio heel, pro-
tevttwrtlM! l)oot in lip
pintr and in other hard
and don't lie put off
with inferior Roods.
TIIEKG Is no larger or better e!vtel stock In the
Nor hwest, noronennywbero better mlapted to
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Evertrreens. Omamcntftls. etc. An bonr-a'.rellaMe
Acrnt wanteil In every county In the Northwest.
Complete Outat nntl the best o: terms offered
1870 C. I.. WATKOUS. Ie.lolii04. 1.i. 1894
UmTfireshers and Horse Powers.
"V7rltn for Illustrated Catalogue, mailed Kres.
19 Tfl QK rn ? ra:l',c working TO
w a w VWV UN larut" prPxrr'U whe
can rui nMm horse aa.l trav
. through tL; countrv; a
.... a . - . - ' H-
l..(' 'V " v"eancic In town an.l citi-s. Mm I
;'"-" oi will find this an eicep-
tlonalopportunltx f()rprotltatlpcmplovm-nt. Siare
jiur mar bi uwil to eool ailvanta?.- IL h'
JOHNSu:: 6 CO., llta and Main Sts.. Richmond. Va!
stock or reservoir. Any
Ivie. a!lsliiie". at Iiwekt
prinj. rrlcul.tst tree. Au
dreys K. KUKTCllMEU, Ked Oak, Iowa.
aloirco U ready. It costs you noihinz- Write for It-
CITY u,b Omaha, Neb.
' Omaha, Neb.
Tents, Awnings,
Tarpnallna. Flag.
ctcOi.KBKOS..Mirv i
703-5 S. lii St. TcL C01.
OXFOliH Kurorean Itcstaurant In con-
n ct.on. 11th and Karnam. Kisl A Wll- .
Ini. I'rop rs Depot St cais passlu Mloor
Wholesale and IU-till
Sportsmen's Supplies, i
Write lor prkes. 11G?. ISsh
King Paper Go
WirArpiNG r.t- .
ITIt. Twit
K:c WK-1 1 3
Howard Street '
Rubber Gooda, Optical Coeds.
slclans' Surollrs. etc. Mail
oidcrs solicited. AIoiiiVcfcldCo.MCS FjrnaiaSt.
Hair Goods,:
KM friIADKI.1. .'
In?. Syalp Trc.itrflfE
MILMXERT. Switches
made to ordT II to !I.r0 Wic
and a I kinds of Hair Cowls
V. M f rilADKI.I. & CO . !M2 IJousrlas. Shampoo
lnr. Syalp Trcat-m-nt and Manicuring.
Planing Mil! s
ah. nnnra. Mouldlnzn.
Kt:-lr. Interior Finish.
'a " Tnrnini. scroll Sawin-r. Klc.
Hank and I'nice Knrnit-jro a fpecljltT. H. M.
UV K.1CI., lOSS tto. 18th lit.
Hotel Dellone
Omaha, cor. 14tb
and Capitol Ave.,
14 bU from loth
Council Bluffs a
Omaha car line.
Beat SSt.oe a dar house in the state. Fir proof
KEED 4 CASEY. lToprtewra.
H . Ma
m jt"ziEi&
Columbus - State - Bank 1
(Um Baa ttW lUtO
Pays Interest on Tina DesosII
Makes Loans on Real Estate
slam- Dutn ei
rMicm CcmatrlM.
iad Helps IU Customers wfcts. (bay Nssi Ks!
B. H. HENRY. Vice Pmt
Authorized Capita! of - $500,000
Paid in Capital, - 90,000
0. H. SHELDON. Pres't.
H. P. II. OEHLRIOII. Vice Pres.
CLARK GRAY, Coshler.
IT. M. WiNsroTT. II. P. II. OEnr.TiiCTr,
V. II. Shkldon,
Uekiiakd Loszu. Henry Loskkf.
t'i.akk gray. geo. w.
DANini. Sen ham. A. V. II. OKnr.niCH.
Kkbicca Uecker.
Bank of deposit; Interest allowed on time
deposits; buy and self exchange- on United
States and Europe, and buy and sell avail
uWo securities. We shall bh pleased to ro
celre your business. We solicit your pat
ronage. .. TITE?
First National Bank
X70. XTKjB.
President. Vlc Pres't.
O. T. ROEN. Cashier.
6. AtffiSBSOlf. F. AftDERSO.
SUtemeat ef the Ce4Itfoa at tbe Close
r Easiness Jilj 12, 1893.
Loans and Discounts I24UG7 5?
Real Estate Furniture and Fix-
turra 11.781 9J
U. S. Honds 15.2.0 01
Due from other banks.....f37.$78 71
Cash on Hand 21.867 M 53.743 B9
KQ3.1S0 3d
Capital Stock paid In I 60.000 00
Surplus Fund 80,000 0)
Undivided profits.... 4.57U 00
Circulation 13.600 00
Deposits 225,119 27
I333.19C 30
i 111
i four doo
Coffins : and : Metallic : Cases I
t3T Repairing of all kinds of Uphol
ttery Goods.
The Journal for Job Work
sBpas oi WPaiwT n
I AIm lew wornfuiamWSer A.
I Wood Ken, aVpefWCoAin
I od lEiief7arTrV
i . ud BlWunrjH tlA. r
sW IsV B sV
BBi& Of BS1 TAltimVtnBBTAYt
apsouth Borowiak'sy