ohwhvi amml VOLUME XXIV. NUMBER 51. COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 4, 1894. WHOLE NUMBER 1,247. m s f k- ? a- it. .' - i NEBRASKA NEWS. A pirnt! eiub has been organized at West I'oint. Liberty expects to do a good deal of building this year. Meas-ls prevail to a great extent in the-vicinity of Verdon. A Knights of Pythias lodge has been instituted at far eton. Lincoln is determined in its crusade against the social evil. J'tonk t-aught in tin storm near Nar den siufered quite seriously (J. II. Parkinson, a prominent physi cian of Kustis. ciiivi last week. The hist u-m of court cleared the criminal ooeiiet in Itaww county. A d.y goods store and saloon at Ba sin, I'ord t aunty, ncre burglarized. The schools of Randolph arc closed pending an abatement of the measles plague The Vounr Men s Christian associa tion of Lincoln nor.- has one thousand members. The IInr'ingt.n Herald has that thrifty young c:ty bt.oked for a mon ster boom i- A '.cua'c o' Lincoln was -ast week sentenced t: three years in the peniten tiary far r.ipf Two young m.'n id enough to know better have ucen arrested near "alia way for stca-inr 1107s. Rev. Janifs 1. ilvan. ; lie oldest priest in ine Otuaiia iiup-est- ucd at an cariy hnu tiie other uiuruing .1. II. ."-net man. a weil known citi.en of mana. was, killed in a runaway last week, lie was 'J vearsod. A two week- re-.vai -erviee in the I 'restart eru 11 cnureh at S-htiyier was a'ttended with go d success Champion. Chase oiinty. citizens are going ' tan the earth to a depth of l.uuu feet in areJi ol iirirsian water o Master services were held at tiie home or the fricmilfss .11 Lincoln on account of an epidem.c of measles. Lloyd Emerson, assistant casnier of the Commercial Kauk of ilising ity. dieti at Hot pring. Ark. last week. irant ilaekiiian. for liorse stealing, has been s,.n to tae state penitentiary from Uetl Wi.low county tor one year A second primary srnool has become necessary in 'A est Point . there being moreehiliirentii.nl one teacher could successful iv handle. .1. I'. Kel'ass of Haves entre. unuer arrest for setlurtioii. on lie pretext of securing '.Kill stjeiired a hoise anti skipped for i re f.-i.-tidiy fields .1 K I- liost-nnelt:. nurseryman of West Pour, ins orcerco !.)!) 1 mnus. in tending hv-acint.-.es ul.ps. likes, etc . which are to c unc 1 ret rrom Holland. !. I alaouii of tiie l.inmn Hcraitl has severed h s connection with that paper anti wi:l remove to Tampa, Ma. wttere iic w I. uecoine editor of a daily paper The tiiinson 'rapine says. Irriga tion is tnc chief "-u-ijeet ail aiong tiie inn; and tne nros,ie1 a.-e very ilatter ing lor a onsumation o tii.- tiig diten pro-joe. Mrs. So:. Kw .ng. co'trti. of Oiuuiia. attemo'e I suu-ide by tn.iiug .auitanum. The stoma n pump trot in its work in her behalf anti she lives to suicide an other tiay A stoeu company iias been fanned at Reynoltis to unit- tor coal. The capita! stock is -'i.Ufi.i. t a leasonable tiepth a vein that it. will pay to work .s ex pected '.0 be found. wholesale fruit company has been incorporated at iirami Island with a paid up capital of "-!)." 0 Nick Doian. a retired mer-hant ami capitalist of (rand Island, is at the head of the con cern John Martin, nargni with stealing a team of horses fr-un a i.mv near Pal in vra. v.as given -i hearing at Nebraska ity and bound over to thedistrct court. In default of 5-SOO Daii he went 10 jail. An oiti lady namcii Mowry. living- in Frontier county, has an ungrateful son who gave tier a brutal beating, stole all her money ami skipped out. leaving her alone to fee: from the cold ha mi of charity. Harry Peck, a i 4-year-o'd buy living at Table Unci:, had his --boulder dislo cated by his horse falling witii him while chasing cattle. lie remained unconscious for several hours after the accident occurred. Peter Donaher. proprietor of the Com mercial hotel at. iiadron, and one of tiie most prominent and favorably known hotel keepers in the northwest, died last week of erysipelas caused by wounds received m the late war The Bank of Bee .n Reward county has gone into voluntary liquidation, the State Banking board receiving no tice to that effect last week. The de positors are interested to the extent of 20,000. and ail will be paid in full at once. Old .loan Bigter, the noted gambler of Chadron. who died a short time ago. left a for'une of some Sl.OtHi or Sl.riuo. and now his will is being contested by a squaw at Rosebud agency, who claims to have been married to him in days gone by. Three sneak thieves entered the store of L. Goodman at Nebraska ( ity and while one of them engaged the atten tion of the clerk the others seized five suits of clothing and made off. They were pursued and one of them captured and lodged in jaiL Pr. Ed rone. apparently in good health, died suddenly at his home. si.T miles southwest of HubbelL He arose ataneariy hour, awakened the other members of his househoht anti went about tloing some chores. At S o dock he was dead. Heart trouble was the cause. District court in Howard county con vened on the 2Gth. with Judge Kendall on the bench. There are eighty-four civil ami three criminal cases on the docket, the principal one being the case against Cuyler Miultz for murder, transferred to St. Paul from Hail county. A tire in Beaver City destroyed the Ehrnxnan building, Jew.tt's blacksmith shop and implement house, Shuil A: Hams" iivery barn and a residence. The loss is 53.000 and the insurance Si. 300. divided between the Phicnix ami Connecticut companies. The origin of the tire it unknown. The project of drainage ditches for the Platte bottom, in which there has been a great deal of interest this sea son in Douge county, was killed last week by the county beard of supervi sors, for this season at least. This ue cision may interfere seriously with the cultivation of beets in that locality. Thieves entered Lemasters & Rat cliffe's store at Central City, the largest grocery in the city, by breaking a glass in a rear window Once inside they opened the cash drawer, went througn the safe, pryirur open cash box and drawers, but failed to secure any hoodie. Evidently it was money they were after, as no goods were taken. sheriff Miller of Lincoln county started last week for Oklahoma with ' requisitions for Sidney Sapp, an attor- 1 ney at Perry. OkL, charged with em- bezzlement. and Otto Richter. charged ; with fraudu'ently procuring the signa- 1 ture of one HecK to a note for S1T3 i Both parties are under arrest. ! J William Frans of Tnion. a gentleman aged about (.! years, was seriously in jured on the street by being thrown I from a pony. .Mr. Frans being very I corpulent, weighing J.'JO pounds, caused j his fall to be very violent. It is feared j that he is injured internally. The receiver of the Citizens Rational bank of Grand Island. E. 51. Wester- 1 velt, paid out over 530.000 last week on , the :.'.- per cent dividend declared by the comptroller of the currency some time ; ago. A constant stream of people ap- ! plied for their proportion from d a. m. I to 7, p. m., though there was never a great rush at one time. Henry Bruhn. a farmer living two miles north of Elkhorn, mourns the loss of a bay horse, saddle and bridle and an open face, silver case, stem 1 winding watch, Waltham movement. The proper'y, he believes, was stolen from him during the absence of himself and wife, by William Ivuhl, a boy of l." or 10 years, who has been working for Bruhn for some time past. A painful accident occurred at the Strong hotel in Xchawka. A can of concentrated lye was left within reach of little Net Mrong, three years old. He reached to tike it from the shelf just above his head. L'he can was over turned, emptying its contents in the boy's face. One of his eyes was burned severely, but there was only slightly m-jur-ti. Hon. A. IL Humphrey of the state boai-u of public lands and buildings wah in Nebraska City last week in con ference with Superintendent Ebright ' in regard to the construction of a cold , storage room at the institute for the ' blind. Mr. Humphrey was convinced of the necessity anil economy of the proposetl improvement and will have plans submitted at once. Frank Williams, a switchman in the I'. M .t M. V. yards at Fremont, while assisting in making up a train in the yards missed his hold and fell across tne raiL He was seen to fall and the train, which was moving slowly, was soon stopped, but a truck had passed over one leg at the thigh. The limb was crusiied and had to be amputated. Later Williams died of his injuries. ' itizens of uperior are making ex tensive preparations for the meeting of the fifth annual interstate encampment of Nebraska and Kansas, which con venes there April 1.'. Over MM) dele gates are entitled to seats in this en campment. Department Commander Hon. hurcli Howe of Nebraska ami i.enerai V P. 1 ampbell of the Depart- ' ment of Kansas will be present to rep resent their respective state organiza tions: also Generals Thayer and Dil wortn of Nebraska. Preparat ons for the Easter services at t. Phiioinena s cathedral in Omaha were sadly marred oy death the pre vious night. Rev Father Ryan, wlio was to act as deacon of honor at the cariy mass, was suddenly stricken and his spirit passed away a few hours be fore tne dawn of Easter morning Father Ryan was .1 native of Ireland and was about 70 years of age. He has a brother living in Chicago anti a sister. Mrs. Lamb, a resident of Oinah 1. 'Hie sugar bee1 comm.ttee appointed at a prior meeting in West Point called the citizens together in the city hall to submit to Them a proposition made by a chemist in Chicago. The substance, of the prouosition is that he would es tablish a sugar factory in West Point for a bonus of S.'iO.ooo and an eight acre site for the plant, the capacity or" which would equal that at Norfolic. subscriptions were solicited from those present, resulting 111 raising over 31.5.- )!)1I. In an article on the possibilities of Columbus, the Argus of tnat place chal lenges comparison with any point in America for natural advantages. With the Loup river on the one side and a range of good clay hilLs on the other, between '.'oo.noo axd ioo.O"0 acres of the country's most generous soil, lying "as pretty as a picture for irrigation pur poses," the Argus considers the invita tion to develop the resources of the neighborhood as irresistible to an en terprising people. tieorge Deshane. one of the Dodge county prisoners recently recaptured with murderer ( harles t arlton. com plained of being cold and sick, so Lee Teal, the jailer, let him out of the cell into the large room so he could get warm by the stove. Teal went to get some coal anti Deshane went up stairs through the hole in the roof of the Dodge county jail, through which Charles Carleton, Wiehelow, Blake and he made their escape one week ago this morning I.'eshaue's whereabouts is still unknown at this writing The auditor of public accounts has re ceived a letter from Enow, Church ,fc Co. of Omaha, complaining that four more insurance companies of the Lloyds pattern had been writing policies in that city. The company asked for the rinancial standing of the four com panies, which the auditor was unable to give, tor tne reason tnat tne com panies have not complied with the law in diing their reports. Auditor Moore states that he has been unable to lo cate the agent who recently placed the 540.000 policy on the stock of the Bos ton store in Omaha. General Experience Estabrook, one of the most widely known of Omaha's pioneers, died last week. He had reached the age of -1 years and in a few days would have celebrated the golden anniversary of his wedding. He was a member of the constitutional convention in I'd anti employed by the committee of mar a rers to aid in the impeachment of Governor David Butler, who was found guilty and turned out of athee in June. 1TL From IsOT to 1-09 he served as local district attorney. In 1S.VJ he was elected to congress, but after one year's service a contest resulted in the loss of his seat, the successful contestant being Samuel G Daily. In 1-00 he was appointed by the governor to codify the laws of Ne braska and by the public printer he was appointed to superintend the publica ion and prepare the index. Charles C. Carlton, the condemned murderer who sawed out of Dodge county jail, was dragged out from under a bed at the house of Jeff. Jarrett, about twenty miles south of Papillion. Sheriff Milliken of Dodge county and Shernf Startzen and ex-Sheriff Whit ney of Sarpy county assisting him. made the recapture. With Carlton was retaken, also. George De Shane, held for bastardy, who was one of the three who broke jail with the murderer. Carlton formerly lived near by and was acquainted with Jarrett, William Frank and others. This the officials learned from one of the escaped men who was caught at Lincoln, who mentioned the names of these men as among those in Sarpy county with whom Carlton had said he was acquitted. They surmised that he would eek them and appeal to their sympathies for aid or shelter. They went tirst to Frank's house but Carlton was not there. Carlton had been sleeping comfortably in bed at Jarrett's when the law officers arrived, but he got under a bed as they came to his room. Carlton had a revolver, but took no chance to use it. He had sought concealment under a bed and was not in position to fight readily. He affected a careless air and sought to conceal any chagrin that he felt at be ing taken back to face his fate. During a revival in Ashland there were thirty-one additions to the Chris tian church. MmfBftft- HAPPENING. 0, no!" Margaret cried, laughing at the reiterat ed queries and admonitions of her parents. "I sha'n't be lone ly. Haven't I grannie? Anil I'll be sure to barricade the , doors. And I'll keep up the sitting-room fire, and ' cover the plants with newspapers if it turns coltl and everything. Now go, 1 or you will be disgracefully late.' The two persons, muffled up for a long ride, turn again to kiss her ( warmly, and to look at her beamingly. . "That's a dear child:" the mother said. "You understand, of course, we won't be back much before mid night?" "Yes. Have a good time!" The bundled individuals trotted down the path to the gate, and the girl stootl in the door-way and watched ( them climb into the clumsy sleigh, j and, with many waves and nods, drive , off. The home of the Lanyons was set ' in the midst of a fine apple and peach orchard on the side of a hill. It was a common, comfortable old frame house, painted a pale olive just such ' a house as you will see any day on a country drive. Now the trees, that made the place in summer a dream of 1 bloom and verdure, were but gaunt, j gray, rattling skeletons. There was ' snow on the bare branches, snow on the deserted nests, snow on the roofs of the house and barns, snow on the undulating stretches around snow everywhere. But. despite this, there was in the picture no hint of desola tion, for the smoke curled up from the chimney in cheery blue spirals, and the girl at the door, in her gay plaid gown, appeareil the very embodiment of content and domestic happiness. She closed the door and returned to tiie sitting room. The old woman I nodding by the fire brightened up as she entered. "They got off. Margaret?" "Yes. grannie. But they were ex tremely doubtful whether or not you and I could take care of ourselves for a few hours. But I fancy we can."' She appeared so strong, anti beauti ful, and capable, standing straightly 1 there in the winter light, that the l good soul by the stove was as loth to i take her eyes from the fair vision as j were James Lanyon and his wife a I short time previous. j I guess." she chirped, "we'll have 1 a real good lime. This room is mighty I pleasant, now that you've fixed it up. Margaret." The girl glanced around. The apart- ment did indeed look different from what it had on her return home from school a short time ago. A soft rug I almost hid the glaring ingrain carpet: 1 some little ash shelves, laden with 1 books, were on the wall: reddish cur- 1 tains softened the rough outlines of i tht; windows: on the wire stand of house plants, hyacinths and geraniums ' were in bloom. J it is as cosy as can be. I hear Phi- , lantier bringing in the milk. As soon as I have strained it. I shall get your tea." -he went into the kitchen, where Philander, the hired man. was setting "THEY WAST SOME ONE TO HELP THEM. down two pails of foaming milk on the table. "Would it matter. Miss Margaret lie a-iced. "it wnen l get tne entires . ! done I walk into town to see if there be a letter in the post office for me from my brother'.'" "You may go. but be back early." "I will that. 1 know the folks has gone to the silver weddin" over by t Murray's." . When Margaret hail strained the milk ami put it aide. she equipped a . tray, which she carried into the sit- ' ting-room and put down on the round table at her grandmother's elbow. She went back, steepetl the tea. anil was in anti out several times on various e r:ii nds. Once she opened the kitchen J door ami took a look around. The western sky was all of dull copper, w'th crimson streaks. The wind had gone down. The bare branches no longer rattled. In the air was a hush anil an intense, creep ing cold. I'll have to look out for the plants to-night of ail nights, grannie." she said, as she buttered the old lady's toast. "It is going to be terribly colti." It did turn out a bitter night. The fire burned blue, and they could hear the frost crackling on the window panes. The old woman knit and dozed, while Margaret read. It was 1) o'clock. Ten struck, and Philander had not returned. "Hark:" said Margaret, suddenly. It was near eleven, and grannie had gone sound asleep in her chair. I thought." murmured Margaret. "I heard a cry." she listened intently "There:" she breathed, starting up. 'There again 1 It was a cry. wailing and pitiful the cry of a frightened and suffering child. And it was accompanied by the frantic beating of small fists on the front door. The girl's heart quickened at thought of a child out in that stinging cold. She flew to the door, which had been labirously barricaded, undid the bolts guarding it, and flnng it back. A boy of seven or eight almost fell against her, as he stumbled into the halL fM - "Poor laldie:sli3 said, and took hold of the door as if to shut it. "Don't," he panted, "do that'' He pointed in the direction of the road winding below. She peered out, the keen cold going through her like a knife. "They want some one to help them,' the boy whispered. She saw now, through the wintry night, the outlines of a vehicle. She did not wait to question the boy further. She drew him into the sitting-room, aroused grannie, offered a few words of explanation, and then, hastily donning a hood and shawl, ran out of the house, down the path, and to the road, in the middle of which was a liverj- team and a buggy. These she recognized as being from Crandon. the nearest town to the north. The cause of the stoppage was apparent A wheel had come off. A man on the front seat was restrain ing the horses with one hand. In his left arm he held an awkward bundle. "I beg your pardon." said a pleasant, well-inodnlateil voice. "Is there no man upat the house who can help me?" "My father and the hired man are both away. But I can aid you. if you will let me." She was busily unhitch ing the horses as she spoke. "There! Now. if you will lead the horses up to the barn. I shall carry your parcel,"' A mellow laugh sounded on the frosty air. "The parcel." he remarked, as he handed it to her, "is a bain."' "A baby:" repeated Margaret, al most, between astonishment and numbness of her bare fingers, letting the soft, heavy bundle fall. She ran up to the house with it as fast as she could go. while the stranger drew the wagon to the roadside, and led the horses to the barn. When he entered the parlor of the Lanyons' home, he found Margaret warming milk for the fat little lassie who sat contentedly on grannie's lap. while the boy slept soundly on the lounge. Grannie looked sharply at him over her spectacles. "Why, you're Mr. Williston's son; if r ain't wrong." "Yes." he replied. "I am on my way back from England. The carriage was to iiave met me at Crandon. but failed to do so. The only man I could get to drive me appeared half drunk, t) I attempted foolishly. I admit to drive the distance home alone. I had no idea, when leaving Crandon. that the night was going to turn out so cold, or I would have remained at the hotel there until to-morrow. We were fortunate, however, in having the accident occur if occur it must so near Mr. Lanyon's house. This is Mr. Lanyon's house, is it not?" "Yes." assented Margaret, "and there is father now." The old couple, hurrying in. were quite cordial to their unexpected guest.and Mr. Lanyon bustled around to make the three comfortable for the night. It was with secret interest ami sympathy Margaret regarded Palmer Williston. Mention of his 1 name recalled the story her father had told her that day at dinner. The Willistons were the great peo ple of that part of the country, and owned a beautiful home. Several years ago the only daughter of the house had run away with a French music master. She had been dis owned, and her name was not spoken amoug her relatives. This fall a letter had come from abroad, stating that she was dying that her husband was dead. Her brother at once left to bring her back, but when he reached her former resi- ' tlence. he was too late to do aught 1 save bring the children home to their grandparents. The following morning dawned blue and bright. Philander, who had come from the village with a lengthy string of excuses, repaired the buggy, and drove the guests to their destination, j The acquaintanceship, so singularly begun, did not end there, however. Palmer Williston came over frequently during the holidays to the pleasant old farm-house on the hill. He was a fine, stitiight, honorable young fellow, and the folks approved of him. most heartily. New Year's came and went. It was time for Margaret to go back to school. It was Palmer Williston who drove her to tiie depot at Craadou. where she was to take the train. "Margaret." he said. "I am comiag to see you graduate in June. And then 1 am going to tell you a story." ' "That will be very nice." she said, but she would not meet his gaze. "I like stories."' "Do you." forcing her to look at him. "like love-stories. Margaret?" "If they are well told, yes." and fier ' cheeks were rose-red. "1 shall try to tell this one well," he declared, with a happy laugh. ' "We are almost at the depot, Marga ret. Won't 3011 kfc- me good-bye?" She did not resist when he pressed three rapturous kisses on her temp ting lips. In .June following he was present at the graduating exercises, and on their way home he told Margaret a delight- ' ful Iove-tory. which so pleased her that in September she became Palmer Williston's bride. Fuilislit: Item. Ambitious Sport Could you take me and put me in training and make a prize-fighter out of melJ Great Pugilist Ain't you able tc work? -No. sir." -Have you got an education?" Yes. sir.'" Well. I'll see. If yer able to write sportin' stuff about yourself and hain't strong enough to do hard work, guess we kin make a fighter of yer. We's kind of careful, dough, not to let fellows into the perfesh what kin make a livin" by workin.' See?" Texas Sif tings. Vfry Hurh In Karat-it. Aunty Why. what are you doing Little Johnny Only pray in. "Praying?" les'm. I'm pray in that I'll be a good boy this afternoon."' That's noble." Yes'm. Mamma said if I was a. good boy this afternoon she'd bring me some candy. ' w Australia. Two hundred Australians under the leadership of William Lane, are founding a "New Australia" in Para guay. The colony proposes to settle 400 families in the country within a year. FAfitf AND HOUSEHOLD. BUTTER-MAKING OPERATIVE ON THE SYSTEM. CO- Aiaaost aa Easy to Manufacture a Ton of Butter as to 3Iake Ten Pounds Manag ing Ducks Horticultural Uinta and Household Help. ! Co-operative Butter Making-. A good creamery is of great yalue 1 in any community of farmers, and as ! a rule more is obtained at such. I places for the cream than the farmer can get for the butter manufactured from it. But creameries are not al , trays located just where they are ' needed. It takes a large productive j dairy district to supply even a small ( creamery with all the cream it needs. There are consequently many farm ers scattered throughout the coun- ; try who must make their cream into j butt r to dispose of it. and accept I such low rates for the product ut the ' country stores that there is little , profit in it. The result is, they lind little money in dairying even with , good cows. It is in such places that co-operative dairying is to-day proving of 1 great value to farmers. Where the ! business is run on right principles 1 money is made much easier and faster than according to the old plan ' of making a little butter on each farm and selling it to the country stores in return for other articles. Of course there are some farms situ- ate so close to good markets that , farmers can make money in putting 1 their butter up in fancy prints for special customers. Where this is possible i; is not advisable to enter into a combination with the ne igh boring farmers to make the butter on the wholesale plan. To build a small separator factory in tha neighborhood is a small under- , taking. The whole outfit, including a cheap building, a separator, a small engine aud cream and milk vats, should cost about 1600. Some times a vacant building could be used for the work so that these ex penses could be deducted from the amount. Such a sum is not great in a community where a dozen or more farmers are going to contribute to wards its erection. All of the farmers could then cart their milk direct to the separator, where the cream could be taken off and the milk returned each day. The sep arator will do the work better and quicker than any other invention. The hauls will not be long, as the farmers contributing will uil be in the immediate neighborhood. In this building the butter can be made all at once and after some one method, says the American Cultiva tor. Such butter is superior to the small amounts made at different times and packed away in the same jar. Plenty of ice can be supplied to the separator company at a small cost per head. The manufacture of this butter must be given into the hands of one who understands the work thoroughly. The work can be divided up among a number, or one man be selected for the work who is known for his ability to manu facture the right article. It is almost as easy to make a ton of butter as it is to manufacture ten pounds, and all of the labor that is now spent on the individual farms will be disposed of. But. after all, the real gain is in the selling. The butter will be made in largo quan tities, packed carefully and kept on ice until needed. In this way ar rangements can be made to send the butter to large cities where cash can he obtained for it. Cash should be taken every time in preference to trading it out. By the latter course the farmer always loses, for the store keeper imposes upon him with double profits. Manu;ius Duck.i. While often reasonably well ma tured ducks are easier to manage than almost any other kind of poul try, at the same time they require good care until they get well started to growing. Probably one of the most important items in their man- ' agement during the early stages is to keep them dry; not only keeping them out of rains, but also out of the wet weeds and grass. If allowed to get wet or chilled, in very many cases it wili prove fatal. So that if ' hatched early it is very important to keep warm and dry, and if this is done and they are well fed. there will be but little difficulty in keeping them growing, and with a little ex tra care they can be kept growing very rapidly. While they are hearty eaters, they require more bulky food and less grain than almost any other class of poultry. If wanted for early market it is best to hatch early, but otherwise it is not necessary or best to hatch un til the weather is warm and reason ably well settled. They grow very rapidly and can be made to weigh i double as much as chickens in the , same length of time. Bv pushing the growth, they should be ready for market in ten or twelve weeks at best, and should average seven or I eight pounds per pair. , They are easier raised in a brooder . than chickens, for the reason that they will not crowd together if they get a little chilly. At first, stale bread soaked in milk, corn bread , crumbled fine, or something of this kind will be best to feed. They can ' be given milK almost from the start, i all that they will drink. In feeding corn meal it is nearly always best to mix with an squal part of wheat j bran, and then scald, this makes a ' better and a more bulky food for ducks. While liberal feeding is best. ' , it is not a good plan to over feed, I : that is. to give them more at any one ', time than they will eat up clean. Feed liberally five times a day if a rapid growth is to be secured, giv- I ing a variety so as to keep with a ' good appetite. A vessel of water should always be kept where they . can help themselves. Ducks more I than any other class of fowls drink while they eat. and they will do much better if water is kept where they can help themselves. Let them have grass after they aro ten day3 old. If the weather will permit, let them run out during the warmer part of the day. They are naturally good foragers and will pick grass, and are benefited by it and the exercise they will take. Af ter they get reasonably well feath ered, they can be let out, and with the exception of feeding, will need very little looking after. Journal 0 ' Agriculture. : Potatoes on Heavy Soil. I initl t,.l tirt.- tnna'il dll nln TSTrt portion of clay in its composition ia not unsuited for potatoes provided it is thoroughly drained. Thero la a popular impression to the contrary, owing to the fact that a few varieties that used to be largely grown were a poor quality except on sandy land. The result was that the sandy soils were '-run' with potatoes until they j became nearly worthless. Nowadays 1 the quality of potatoes depends more on keeping the foliage whole and , free from, blight than on the kind of soil they are grown on. The potato bug is hardest to keep in subjection on sandy land, because generally, un- , less well manured, the potato growth , on such land is Ipasfc vigorous. Make 1 ast.i-nnoo-rnvt.li nf vino hv onrir-hintr tVirt cnJi in,i t,. rrrw-1.1 ni.it;..ntinn .int keep the foliage healthy by spraying it. and as good potatoes can be grown on heavy soil as on light The crop will probably be larger on the heavy soil, if drained, and does not suffer so much from drought. Artichoke Culture. Eli Heaton says: The tubers aro large, and should be cut in small pieces, as the eyes are numerous. Plant in rows three feet apart, and drill fifteen inches apart in the rows: cover about the same as potatoes. The soil would be such as we would use for potatoes, as the richer the soil, the greater the yield, yet they will produce a comparatively good crop on poor soil. Plant late in the fall, or in early spring; to cultivate two or three times is sufficient, as the stalks grow very fast, and are soon out of the way of the weeds: do not stir any more when the white roots start out from the hill, as they soon fill the ground from row to row. They can be planted late in thi fall, or in early spring. During the drouth last summer my artichokes continued growing, and were green and thrifty until frost fell. Colman's Rural World. Ctment Floor for lieu Houst'i. It is important that the floor of the hen house should be without cracks. These are almost inevitable where boards are used, and the moist droppings will also cause board floors to rot quickly. A cement floor, if properly made, will last a lifetime, and is very easily e'eaned. To pre vent the excrement from adhering to it, keep a little dry earth in one corner, and sprinkle it over the floor when entirely cleaned, and again occasionally as the droppings ac cumulate under the roosting plrces. American Cultivator. Horticultural Hint. Keep the strawberry bed free from weeds. It is better to remove limbs which are broken by the winds. Set strawberries any time from spring until fall, say September. If fruit trees are to be planted in the yard, put them in the back yard. There is less shrinkage in canned berries than any other kind of fruit. Kerosene emulsion will keep green worms from destroying mignonette. Buy trees only of well established nurseries or their authorized agants. If wo have a good, productive variety of vegetable it is not worth while to try a novelty. Runners should bo kept off the strawberry vines until the first of August at the latest, if it is intended to adopt the matted row system. ' The Bordeaux mixture, which is most employed, is made of six pounds . of copper sulphate, four pounds of ' lime, twenty-two gallons of wate:-. The garden should be on a gentle slope so as to drain well. A slope towards the southwest is probably the best, as the garden will then get the early influence of the sun. When there is a surplus of fruit can it, dry it or evaporate it. Mil lions of dollars worth of fruit have been thrown awav in this country simply because it was allowed to rot. price being unremunerative when it was green. A writer says that when it is found that peaches are killed by frost the branches should be cut back severely, even to where the limbs ar two inches in diameter, if the trees kave not been headed back for several years, then new shoots will start and make a luxuriant growth. HoiiKehnlil Holix. Colored goods should be ironed on the wrong side. A few little minnows will clean out bugs and wigglers in cisterns. Manilla paper pasted over the backs of pictures will exclude dust. Cookies, ginger snaps, etc.. bake much better if the tins are turned bottom side up. Nectarines are as easily grown as oleanders, and are very ornamental, and bear young. Turning the flame of a kerosene lamp low does not save the oil. whiie it generates gas dangerous to life. Any vegetable or fruit that can be canned, may be evaporated equally well, and saved for many years with out danger of spoiling. Dresses of delicate tint, faded from exposure to sunlight, will some times return to their original color after having been sept in the dark for several months. In hanging dresses away they should be suspended from two or three hooks, rather than one. This tends to keep, them in shap , and also prevents the crushing of the draperies. For chafing-dish cookery wooden spoons are preferred to those of metal, as they make less clatter in stirring. Some of the chafing-dishes now made are of copper, set in a trame of wrought iron. The housewife who want3 to whiten her clothes and expedite the re moval of the dirt uses two or three tablespoonfuls of turpentine or coal oil in the boiling suds. Be very care- ful not to pour it into the boiler while it is over the stove. A bamboo lounge in winter can be transformed with small expense. Get golden brown or dark red co.duroy, and make thick tufted cushions for the seat and back. They can b. t made in sections and tied to the lounge, then have three or four big downy pillow, covered with India silk, to scatter over it. OSE MAN'S EXPERIENCE. A True Storj of a Farmer's Suffering ' Investigated bj tiie JtmraaL Helpless for Tears "With Inflammatory ItlieumatiMin Medical Science Could Supply No Relief How Ha Was Saved. From the Lincoln. Neb.. Journal. if. as it is universally believed, the age of miracles in the history of reli gion has uast, it is equally certain that this is but the beginning of the age of marvels in the evolution pt medical sci ence. No stronger proof of this could be offered than the following case, the truth of which is vouched tot by tha Journal; iir it?n mil.. frnm David City, if ' Butler emmtr. Nebraska, resides Mr i W. II. Ivinmson. a farmer, who. for several years, has been a great sufferer irom tnat itreatt source 01 -j.uh " agony. inflammatory rheumatism. ithiu the last few months a great change has come over him. I" rom be ing aT bed-ridden rheumatic victim he has become a strong, vigorous man, able in every instance to labor beside his fellows." The fact of his wonderful restoration to health came to the knowledge of the Journal, anil in con umii.i ti nmiirtt-r visited the resi- ul. aaa . - - . dence of Mr. Kinnison. me mau m ( 1 questiou was found seated upon a cul tivator in the miduie ot a si.l -."-it. corn field, and to tne questiou. Uov j are you this morning-." replied. "I never felt better in my life.' When asked to tell the story of his sickness j aud recovery, Mr Kinmson said: "I always had good health until about four years ago, when I was taken with j l-h.-umatc pains in my legs, arms and hands, and it was not long before I was . perfectly heioless. I think tiu: itirna t.sm was the result of a case of grip I j had the winter before. I did not do a day s work for nearly three years until , tins snring. I snent'hundreds of dol lars on different doctors and medicines. I went to Hot i-prtngs. South Dakota, bought ciectric belts and electric bat-teri-s. but to no use. I couldn't find anything that womd even relieve. I was all swollen up. my muscles at their utmost tension, ami the pam was abso lutely unbearable. I could not get in or out of bed alone, am! for all those weary months I lav and suffered with out anv hone of recovery. At"la:-t.after nearly three years of that kind of a life, i saw an account in the Nebraska State Journal of some one who it seemed was nearly in my own condition, ami who had been cured by a medicine called Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People. I got Mr. J. J. Prater, of David fit', to get mc two boxes. As soon as I Oegan to take them I began to get better. It was but a lit tle while before I could dress myself, and only a short time after that that I was able to do all my work, anti I have not lo t a -lay since. I think that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills .ire the bestremeuy on earth. It us certain they cured me of muscular inflammatory rheumatism in its worst form." Mrs. Kinnison corroborated her hus band's storv in every particular, and his father also verified the main facts in the case. The Journal representa tive drove back to David City anti called upon Mr. J. J. Prater, the druggist. Here again he heard .Mr. Kinnison's storv verified. Mr. Prater further said: "I have several customers who buy very freely of Pink Pills, notably Mr. D. f. .Ionian, who is also a rheumatic, and who lives in the seuthwest part of town.'' The Journal reporter stumbling thus upon another case hunted up Mr. Jor dan, whom he found to be a manufac turer. I'pon inquiry as to his opinion of Pink Pills. Mr. Jordan was enthusi astic as to their merits, and said: "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are the best rem edy for rheumatism I have ever come across. I began recently to use them after years of suffering. They have given me a wonderful amount of relief, I used them in my family, too, every oue of whom have received very appre ciable benefit from them." The above is a plain statement of the facts ascertained by the Journal -representative, and can "be substantiated by any one wishing to write to the parties named. These Pills are manufactured by the Dr. Williams' Medicine Company, Scheneetattv, . Y., anil nrocKvme, Ont.. and are sold only in boxes bear ing the firm's trade mark and wrapper, at 30 cents a box or six boxes for S-.-'O. Bear in mind that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are never sold in bulk or by the dozen or hundred, and any dealer who offers substitutes in this form is trying to defraud you and should be avoided. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills may be had of all druggists or direct by mail from Dr. Williams' Medicine Company from either address. NOTES AND ITEMS. The archbishop of York once gave a banquet which cost S1j0,000. The world's standing armies and navies employ 9,000,000 men. Up to ISC') Charleston, S. C, had a larger commerce than New York. The blood rose is found only in Florida in an area of five miles in di ameter. A new form of bicycle is being ex perimented with for tire department purposes. There is a band of Cherokee Tndians in North Carolina who still use bows and arrows. A map of America by Columbus has been discovered. It represents this continent as a part of As-a. The great oaks in Waverly. Mass., are survivals of an oak forest that must have existed in the tenth cen tury. One Marler. under sentence of death at Pineville. Ky.. last week professed religion and the chaplain baptized him in the bathtub at the prison. Two walnut chairs, that were brought to this country from Switzer land 240 years ago. it is claimed, are in possession of Landon Thomas of Au gusta, (ja. Statistics prepared in Paris show that the proportion of novels to serious works read in the public libraries of tne municipality, is less than fifty-two per hundretL finvn It I'p- A teamster kept beating one of his horses unmercifully, and the animai still refused to go forwarrl. Pnable to ! endure the sight of the lashes upon the i horse, the lady of a neighboring house I rushed out. "Oh. is there any need of j whipping him so is there any use in . it?" she inquired timidly, patting the j stubborn animal's head. The teamster droDned his lash. No use at all. ma'am, he -aid in a tone of resigned despair. I ve nckeu nun till 1 m tired out. and it ain't a bit of use.'" Boston Trans crint. Wayarestout men usually sad'' tl re men of sighs jiizej'' BEcause THE OLD RELIABLE Wiunlras - State - Bank J EWJiWrallMlteWB! Sates Loans on Heal ltatu Nta izaaT SBAIT3 CM SUll t ITHM9XZ7 : TIOXXTl. BUYS GOOD NOTES tad Safes its Cutoua wham taw U ffRCUJi 131 BIlBCItal I LlaSDlB OTtKASD. rWi H K. M35HY, YIca rWl 3033 SXAU-CTSS. Caakla atBITHWIB, . W. HTTLR. -OF- COLUMBUS, NEB., -HAS AX- Authorized Capital of - $500,000 Paid in Capital, - 90,000 OFFICERS. . H. SHELDON. Pres't. H. P. H. OEHLRICH. Vlca Pre CLARK GRAY. Caauler. DANIEL SCIIRAil. Aaa't Cash DIRECTORS. S. M. TTnTstoir, II. P. H. OEntitinr. C. H. Sheldon, W. A. McAiiisxsa, Caiii. RiE-nsa. J0SA8 WELCH. STOCKHOLDERS. 3. 0. GitAT. J. HEsnr Wubdejias, Seuiiaiu) Losmxm, Hicmi Loseke. ;;rMirc ghat. Geo. W Gaxbt. DANIEL SClIIIAM. A. b II. OEUUtlCB. fllAX SooEn, J P. UccKsa Esxazx. Rebecca Becker. Bank of (Joposlt: Intnrest allowed on tlma dnposlta; buy and sell oxelmno on United States and Europe, and buy and sell avail able securitiei. Wa shall be pleased to re salvo your business. We solicit your Bat ronago. Firs) National Bank onrzcKRS. L AHDERSOI. J. H. GALLET. President. Vlca Pros't O. T. EOEN, Cashier. DIRXCTORS. jacob iixaiaa5, nEsai aA&aiz. jam33 a. aiausa. ( sUtemeBt of the Condition at the Close f Business July 12, 1S03. Bssacnczs. Loans and Discounts S 241.467 57 Heal Estato Furnlturs and Fix tures 10.731 CO tl.-i.Bontla 15.0 0J Duo from other banks 137.373 33 Caah on Hand 21.367 53 50.743 99 Total JZ2.1W2a r.rAtirr.irrCT. rapit.il Stock paid In Surplus Fund ... Undivided profits.... Circulation Deposits 9 80.000 OT 30,000 0) ........ 4.57Q 00 13.500 ) E3.113 37 33.196 3d i XOlal LOUIS SCHREIBER, BlMMWaiiMer. , All kinds of Repairing done on , Short Notice. BngzieS, Was- ons, etc., made to order, and all work boar anteed. Also tell the world-famaoi Walter A. Wood Xowers. Beapers, Combin ed Machinei, Harvesteri, and Self-binders the beat nade. Shop on Olirs Street, Columbus, Nab., four doors south of Borowiak's. HENRY GASS, UNDEETAKEE ! Coffins : and : Metallic : Cases ! tSTRepairing of all kinds of Uphol lUry Goods. Ut COLUMBUS. NEBRASKA- -COME TO The Journal for Job Work COMMERCIAL ( fjftfL V1