The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, March 21, 1894, Image 4

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T ML iw r TV i last t
Mr. J. F. Cole
Like a Lump of Lead
Distress in th
" Hood's Sarsaparilla Cured.
The following testimonial comes from Mr. J.
F. Cole, who Is with C. A. Cole, the well known
Jeweller and dealer In druggists' sundries at
, Wlnterset, la., who because of close confinement
kufiered from indigestion and that Ured feeling:
' C. I. Hood & Co., Lowel1, Mass.:
""Without any hesitation I can recommend
Hood's Sarsaparilla. As I have worked as a
- watch-maker and Jeweler and have been closely
confined to my business, I was sometime sine
Troubled With My Stomach.
It seemed as if there was a big lump of lead la
it. and I was unable to take a long breath.
Even-thing I ate distressed me very much and
caused me Tinany sick spells. I could not sleep
ui-lits and would get up in the morning feeling
won. than when f went to bed. Had .no energy
whatever. I finally Wed abotUeof Hood's. It
Helped Me So Much
that I got another, and I have now taken four
bottles and feel O. K. I can sleep well and eat
Hood's? Cures
hp-irtv for which my thanks are due to Hood's
eSarilla." J. F. Colb. Wlnteraet. Iowa.
Hood's PHIS cure all liver Ills, biliousness,
Jaundice, indigestion, sick headache. -
. ETrih awls int9 l"h tins enormous som was I"".
sni Arounouto InowLovr the .-.rrootor to rune-to
i iJKZJv iTirJ hum frire lonn Lrfore hard times set in I
irl U-ftrr than r.mtint wis require and foresaw that lura
u?uKWATiTTuc co. roRCSErK.IT looks nKn. it
"itaSErf'tU. .t ha, . cnormcu, factory. , turns ui
irhichtliebnt dour imitators can only hope t remolf If P-
a-Uaaltrd. hut if roperly mlnnlred. will hut ""
.a;tmlr4lr CalranirI mil last S) years, and WPJ
ether tiilutr ew How lone docs it last painted But
lartal has holes .richth of an inrh thick, luU aorpo or
anlmoT ruil ior4cs of windmills is from a '""J';
Trie vibration cf the ?incli thwi. and Uieref ore would
round the mets. nd water at o " Ion6 ,he I . 7i
way the tbiu pan. S,me lme1SR,,ot , V?Z
in Mack riri n. f ,- . "Tra nvcted to thicker
th.cuteJ5e.f,h;rMni"i,VIw, , nt
rrotectcl r. Ill ., Hill THE V aMtt..P.'
'"f"' rllel Hheel, itoh
awES. Wa -vly eats
k snrde .f aattaf AUt
! '"" "'c pot tofrlhrr
...uuii. ynre r.r n sye
v.a w.aU i
4m, mil tDn.
-Ha ttMlmt
ioi.ic. re praet-
w.rmirn, wo
tat. B.thlaS
oil. with
A wvftfrt
Tni jtr-
Of(M llAvl If
J. (iM) Wmmw7 4
Ti f 0ni tmpm it1
f M frt IrNrTtrfVal !
""f . " OM lHMm
of ft.Mrfa flH m.fl ,.,
;;rir:I,':'e.T:.''''''- co,te
ne worj abjut the nature of -.ikUJ H.T-iniCrtT-frnno
coa'iiij whic'i tiij nam ud coiers eiery portion efth
Aermtvr mi-t, ian4 aii-l Tower is rtw an J aluminum when
it is tint put on, hut vhicli, after standire fcr a time forms,
wuh the rteel, a rhmial coiuhiiiation cr alloy which cannot he
m'lt.; I an I it prarticilly
Tlieithalrertii-n-at in tins scnrswill show a 4 Whee 1 Steel
Truck, nei;tin; IIS Iha, which will carry 2 tecs, and cf which
we me W) in the Arootor Factory. It w ill le found almost
in hspensakle ou an y farm or in any w ai For 5 copies of
thlialicrti.-ilfnt. which is o 4 in the scries, and (2 jlnOi
rnt in imtnjjntelr il tho ap rarance cf adi No. 5, we will
dclitT fob. Chicago, .r.e of these Trucks or forward from
branch hives, fr-ijlit from Clncajro r.lded.
Where shall aiVr hlcral offers to accept copies
ofthcvaJicrtiwurnts in part pajmrnt fcr Windmills. Ifjou
haie a-ir haa;!it of uinc a windmill tln jesr tirsfe at
cue. statin, what vol will need. v!-tlir romping or Geared,
;ii if vnu,:e wff rul make jou s liberal offer
Ji sernsotT l" pnses t. dMnUitr ciOO. C18II. IS
rul.hS far tl hest c-vwys writlcn I y tl- wife, n .r dauchter
!.....!."?!'" ,,r "v'r " a windmill, aiisncni e the question.
"Mil SltOlLW nsr. ArCaiMOU t- For conditions of
competition a-i I amounts and i.imil-rs of prizes send for p
ticuUrs tf lli Arrrantnr C... rincaco. or !. its branches, at San
Fran-rvw. ITansis Cur, linnJn, Keli, Shiix City, Iowa, Mm-nii-olis
Iluff.l.,, .r Ci Tari riace I.'en otk City. Aermotorf,
I' and Geared same priv-e, all Steel all Ualraniied'Aftar
Completion. delivered freo ou cars at CVicsgo and shipped to
ny one. anrwhere, at the f..lloinc prices
8-ft. S25.' 12-ft. S50. IS-ftSJQS.
rillll'Ki: Is no laryor or better -octcdBtock In th
X Nor hwest. nor one any w litre Ixrtter adapteil to
UiruFcsorrrclriei'lnmtri. Complete lnalldopart-
nicnts Fruit Trees. Torcst Trees, Smell FruiU,
EvrnrreeiiB. Omituiutitals. etc. An bonesUrellibl
AsrcJit wnnteii in er.-ry county In tho Northwest.
Cotiijilt ti'OulHtnn.l t!it.tvtof terms offered.
1870 V. U WATKOUS. lies Moines, la. 18M
T' Successfully Prosecutes Claims.
II IjitcPrtnclptl Ex&minvr U.S. Pension Dureau.
Q 3yr3iu lajt war, ljatljinhcatuijicliiUus, attysitioo.
IIGHEkx CASH price paid for
Frch Mutter. Send for circular.
M.aYOEX BIOS., 0lu.
nvr lirnnvo
Council Blnffs, ltv.
U I l n u n rVo ,52i ." -
a iji finiai
Omaha. Keb-
curs. Faums. I.IVK sronr a.M
Sale o E chance. Send particular.
Ki.-MiKH. Omatia.
Tents, Awnings
Tai-iMtnllna. Flan,
ptr TVni v nunc i.T
T03-5 S. lClh St TeL 004.
l.illiar.l and Pool T.iMc-., C A I afsma
Uar Olniswure. Send for OALUUN
catalogue, t.ate flly .. ..
Tidies. rxlon ukck.SI
Honpst wnrir nr Ta.mi
ration uiock. Sixteenth and Farnam Sta.
Hail orders promptly filled, special cash dlscouhl
Paxton & Gallagher!
Importer! and Job-
l)lng grocers. Ask
for onr TKa.
I J?AK" lirand of tea. "GATK CITY" brand of Can
l.cdl.ood& "MKX1CAX BI.KXD- rnn. N-nthin.,
liner produced. Everj-packace guaranteed. Do you
smoke '-OS1AUA UA1LV BEE" cigar? It Is a winner.
Hotel Del lone
Omaha, cor. 14th
mnd Capitol Ave.,
K blk from both
Council Blufls &
Om&ha rnr linniL
Rt SCO a dar lioase In the state. Fire proof
KEEIl A CA8EY, Proprietors.
fcolnte safeguard against any form of suppression
If you suffer from monthly tortures don't delar. bnt
tend fl JW to our agents. SHEKMax & MCCONNCLL.
1oi3 Ikxlce street. Omaha. Jfcb . who will mail you
03c tox cf the genuine Dr. Chevaliers Fpanlsh
1 emale I irs Don't be deceived and robbed by
-j ch-priced pills and liquids. Get our pills and you
" ill be happy. Xo danger in using.
Wall Paper 4c Roll
- Only l po required to paper walls of
-j-oom Lixln, including border. Fend lOo
rNtagc.indpct FKEE, loo beautiful sam- and guide how to paper. Agents' larg
taniple book U.OO; tKEK with a S6.O0
order. Write quick. mmnm
;0-lC241oagIaa St., - OXAHA, MSB,
Weakness and Secret
Disorders of
Erery cure gaaruteed.
IS years ezperleaee; 7
.Tears la Osaka. Write for
book Sot full particulars
MCk aad Fawn sta
i rw
VCrSaaT i If
AVaiarr Ba7 iaav
x-sSa fasT bs9
-iiiT-i-aT tCSlBk&w ' 'Cfssa
y x:r:asT d.-raai
vTaiHaw iaZjflBaH
i iBar AlaTsSkBaV
CiiH I
sBBHsia '
A Startling Artjntnent.
Sometimes when sober facts fail to
convince a jury, a bit of good-natured
wit thrown into the argument will turn
the tables. Whether or not it won the
case in the following instance is not re
lated. Who can doubt, however, that
it had its effect.
In the course of the trial of a lawsuit
against a horse railway in New York,
the leading counsel for the losing side,
a robust and witty Irishman, endeav
ored to work on the sympathies of the
jury by calling attention to the ease
with which corporations obtained fran
chises from an alleged corrupt legisla-
1ire- . . i
"Whoy, gintlemin uv tho joory, he
said impressively, "in these days, ony
man can get a franchise to run a harse
railway onypheres. Indade, gintlemin,
it would not surphrise me to hear at
ony toime that me learned frind, the
counsel for the opposition, had got a
franchise to run a liarsc railway down
mespoine, wid the privilege of using
me ribs for switches."
A member of a well known club in
London lost his umbrella in the club
and was resolved to draw attention to
the circumstance. He caused the fol
lowing notice to be put up in the en
trance hall: "The nobleman who took
away an umbrella not his own on such
a date is requested to return it.'.'
The committee took umbrage at this
statement and summoned the member
who had composed it before them.
"Why, sir," they said, "should you
have supposed that a nobleman had
taken your umbrella?"
"Well," he replied, "the first article
in the club rules says that this club is
to v. fnmnnsod of noblemen and gen
tlemen and since the person who stole
my umbrella could not have been a gen
tleman he must have been a noble
man." Argonaut
5Ien and Officers of the police force, who
are exposed day and night to all sorts of
weather, should keep Salvation Oil, tho in
fallible cure for rheumatism and neuralgia,
at their homes. They cannot afford to bo
without it 2o cts.
All Off.
"I'm not going to call On Brown't
daughter any more."
"Well, you see, the other night when
I called the servant girl asked me for
my cards, and jokingly I handed her
three deuces of a pack I had."
"Well, what was wrong about that?"
nil. nnthinrr. only a moment later the
old gent appeared at the door ana
raised me." Adams (Mass.) Freeman.
Men of all professions and trades, minis
ters, lawyers, merchants autl mechanics
unite in iiidorsing Dr. Bulls Cough Syrup,
tho old reliablo euro for all bronchial and
pulmonary trouble? as tho household
remedy in tho market.
Too Murh.
"Father," asked little Tommy as he
climbed his father's knee, "did you ever
sec an echo?'
"Why, no, my son," replied the par
ent "Well, Willie said his sister went to
see one and it returned her call." And
the strong man bowed his head to hide
his emotion. Life.
"W--J O' . . 1 1
A Great Man.
"Is Dr. Bones, the great specialist,
aborjr iierev" asked the reporter,
the beife, specialist I knows anyt'ing
company an-w Muggins," answered
song an' dance. Sjvid de 'Tin Hoodoo
JndianapolisJournal.'Uy is de ilipflap
lie's great! "
S3.25 to California.
This is our sleeping car rate on
Phillips-Rock Island tourist excursions
iroin ves koines to Los Angeles or
ban Francisco, via Omaha, Lincoln
ami the scenic route and Ogden. You
can go with Phillips, the best of all
excursion managers, for he has each
party accompanied by a special agent
who goes the entire trip with patrons.
a. ileSI tvirsnnnlli. i.r..w? .. a.i .. .
-....m, i-uuuuua'u CAUUiaiuuj
leave Des Moines once a week,
vice, via our Southern route, through
the beautiful Indian Territory and
Fort Worth to Los Angeles and San
Francisco. Apply to Charles Kennedy,
G. N.-W. Pass. Agt, Omaha, Neb.
John Sebastian,
G. P. A., C. E. I. & P. Il'y, Chicago.
Romance has been elegantly denned as
the offspring of fiction and love.
to remember P. P. P.
They'll help to remind
you of Dr. Pierce's
Pleasant Pellets and
those are tho things to
keep in mind whenever
your liver, your stom
ach, or your bowels are
out of order.
If you're troubled
with costiveness, wind
and pain in the stom
ach, giddiness or dis
turbed sleep, you'll find
these little Pellets -iusfc
what you want tiny in size, sugar-coated,
pleasant to take and pleasant in the way
they act Thoy tone up and strengthen the
lining membranes of the stomach and bow
el, and do permanent good.
To prevent, relieve, and cure Biliousness.
Dizziness, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Sick
or Bilious Headaches, and Indigestion, take
Dr. Pierce's Pellets. If they're not satis
factory, in every way and in every case,
you have your money back.
The "old reliable" Dr. Sage's Catarrh
Remedy has been sold for tmrty years. Has
cured thousands, will cure you.
(Unlike the Dutch Process
JNo Alkalies
Other Chemicals
are used in the
preparation of
irhich is absolutely
pure and soluble.
the strength of Cocoa mixed
With Starch. Arrowroot: nr
'StlaTar. and i far mnrn anv.
nomical, costing less than one cent a cup.
It is delicious, nourishing, and easily
Sold by After eTtrywhtra.
W. BAXER ft CO., Dorchester, Kan.
The onterortap sole ex
tends tho whole length
down to the 1k1 f.
tectinjrthe boot in dip
ping and la other hard
and dont bn nnt nff
5 With inferior goods.
Ely's Cream Bairn
ab JKinxa mai
ommi tmim. JUT
1 iCLi PJ
V . aaaVJ
at &"" i
H t.JLat-' m
lmfkj J
IbbbbbbB J'.flsmrM
LaaaaaaaaH iaaaW CWsl
jv;h HjehHL
Bslaaaaaaaaaff BslaaaaaaaaaaV i
tHBp 9kmtkW
Balnnat Vrwa-, Sbtsptv anVaTH
isaatamsaaamBSBBaaaM Mrm
imiaJlFrtjslTTr.Tn sV-mi
CaDKXBT. tic lull
satimiaad Mi IfU
TOGRAPHY. The Instrument i Skilled Hmcli
Mav De Made to saoiv a. - ---
inrr on His Om
i-a Back or Glvlagr
Himself a Light.
A photograph showing a man in the
act of committing murder is very apt
to be accepted by a jury as co vincing
evidence of guilt. Such evidence has
many times been admitted as comp.
tout, and has gone far toward influ
encing verdicts. Yet, Hrm;astfa
remaikablv interesting set of pictur,
reproduced in the Idler, it has been
riiown convincingly that ohotography
will Mi a lie as as the truth.
This has been demonstrated in an in
genious manner. M. Gladstone, in a
speech in 1S00 made the statement that
a certain clergyman in Irjlard had
been shadowed by a counle of police
offices dressed in uuiforin. which fact.
he remarks, "stands in cvmencu, u
cause ir has been made the subject of
a photograph." In order to prove how
illogical was the conclusion of Mr.
Gladstone, namely, that a particular
event must have occurred because it
was so depicted in a photograph, a
certain photographer, skilled in the
mvsteries of his art. made a number of
photographs depicting events which
under no circumstances could possibly
have occurred. Going to tho very root
of the matter, says the St Louis Post-
Dispatch, he producea a nunuwuB
photograph, revealing the venerable
Mr. Gladstone himself comfortably
lounging before the door of one of the
toughest dives in Seven Dials, London.
Seven Dials is tougher than old Five
Points, New York city, was in its
palmiest days. Yet here is the G. O.
M. authentically represanted leaning
against a door post under a large
painted sign, which announces that al
coholic liquor may be had within.
That it Ls a complete photograph thero
can be no doubt, and. worst of all,
the venerable gentleman has every ap
pearance of posing for toe picture.
If such a photograph were offered to
a jurv of English Liberals as evidence
of the loose habits of the reverend pre
mier the jurors would scoff at it as an
impossibility, but they would, never
theless, feel uncomfortable.
Irvine Dancing 'Ta-ra-ra."
Another photograpu, cquaiiy mou
strous and equally authentic, r-prcscnts
Mr Henry Irving, the dignified and
somewhat austere tragodlau, engaging
with Miss Lottie Collins in the highly
entertaining and 'nstmctive dance
which accompanies the singing or la-ra-ra
Boom-de-ay." Is it possible that
.- - - v
Mr! Shootlnsr Hlnelf.
during - has his lax moments, that
traordinary'ntervals betweM the ex
assuming the "ci.1 strain rctlulred ln
Henrv vitt .i Voters
ot uccKet,
hmri - . ,T""- XI. the ceie-
" -... it.iu atiii
dancM' i7, In ""seemly
JJjrors in .dsd.x. c!." "i- Ji"W9ol
that this is true. Yet those who know
- . . :-4. nuld rather regard the
rhotograph as u mimntr mini accept
the conclusion it inevitably involves if
it is to be cousider-nl genuine.
A young man yielded to temptation
and took the opportunity of breaking
open his master's till. White thus en
gaged he saw the ghost of his mother.
It was a misty, transparent ghost,
clothed in white, and in every way a
perfectly reliable one. The voung man,
wishing to be able ro nrove what he
saw. called in the assistant of a pho
tographer, who produ-ed a picture
showing the ghost complete in every
detail. This. then, according to the
conclusion of Sir. Gladstone, is indis
putable proof that ghosts actually ex
ist, a fact which will undoubtedly be
encou.agiug to spiritualists.
The infallibility of photography in
evidence is apparent from a photo
graph showing a man in the act of
shooting another man across a table.
But the remarkable oiut about this
picture is the fact that the peisou doing
the shooting and the person shot are
one and the same. Here, then, is a re
production of an event which, accord
ing to the laws of physics, could not
have occurred. It is not possible for
one body to be in two iilaccs at the
same time. The only alternative is
either to deny the law of iuipcntrabil
ity, a law whicli has never been known
to fail, or to deny the evidence of the
How the IllaaioB la Prodaced.
The explanation of the manufacture
of the photographs is simple enough.
The plate on which a photograph is
taken is acted on by light. Consequently,-
if one part of the plate is covered
up while the rest is exposed, the part
that is covered up will rtveive no im
pression, and hence will be capable of
being acted upon by a subsequent ex
posure. In other words, the events,
Lottie Collin and Henry Irving-.
or situations, shown in a pho'igraph
have not necessarilv occurred at the
same time. Thus, in the photograph
of Mr. Gladstone, the part where the
head and body are to appear is cov
ered up at the first exposure and the
vest of the photograph is taken.
Then all except the space which was
covered up before is covered up and
on the reserved space thc head and
body of the eminent statesman is pho
tographed. The only difficulty is in
making the joining of the two parts
of the photograph so neatly that the
fraud will not be detected. The join
ing must not be a straicht line, but
a jagged one. which is far less easily
observed. The diaphanous appeararce
of the" ghost is due to the fact that
the lady who assumes that character
retires quickly before the exposure is
complete, but the rest of the picture
comes out in a normal wav.
The possibilities of this clever scheme
it will be seen are enormous. The
most absurdly ridicidous events and
situations may be depicted with appar
ent authenticity, and jurors. JfVthey
placed implicit: confidence In photo
graphs, might be made to believe al-
most anything. 'A man might be rep
resented engaged in animated conver
sation with a person he had never
seen. A photograph of this kind has
actually been "constructed." A man
is seen pointing a revolver at another,
who has a bullet hole In the fohead,
and looks for all the world as though
he had just been shot This would
probably be accepted as strong evi
dence of murder on the part of the
gentleman holding the revolver, where
as, in fact, he had never laid eyes
on the man he had apparently slain.
Similarly, a man has been shown giv
ing himself a ltebt from a cigarette,
telling himself a funny story, writing
f 1 Hi
Gladstone In a Saloon Doorway.
on his back with a piecs -f chalk
and cutting his own head off with an
Still it must not be too hastily con
cluded that photographs are absolute
ly unreliable iu a court of iustice. At
tendant circumstances may arise which
would go to show that the facts re
corded in the pictures are correct. A
photograph is not taken for granted
when produced in evidence. The pho
tographer may bo called to prove his
photograph and, if nceessiry, the nega
tives must be produced, in nhich lat
ter event it would be easv to detect the
patching. If, however, the photograph
er should bo dead or not to be found,
or the negatives should be destroyed,
it would be impossible to prove that
the photographs ware misrepresenta
tions. Tf admitted as evidence, the
judge in his charge would be obliged
to instruct the jury as to the general
reliability of evidence of this sort
and to explain what has been attempt
ed here the method by which the cam
era may be made to commit perjury,
so to speak. But, everything taken in
to consideration, the average juror
would be apt to believe what he saw
in a photograph far more readily than
he would the testimony of a witness
whose statements he had reason to
regard witu suspicion.
Anxious to Be of Service Tkey Are
Apt to Be Hysterical and lindens.
The acts of a woman in case of a Ore
nre unaccountable. Some people may
be unkind enough to remark that a wo
man's acts under all circumstances are
i naccountable and inexplicable, and in
the light of my own experience with
the sex I should be perfectly helpless to
controvert them. I could only oppose
the counter proposition that the behav
ior of the average man is generally in
explicable to anyone but himself and
probably if ho were called upon to give
a logical explanation of the reasons
that prompted him he would fall.
There was fire next door to a west
tfde hotel the other day.and some hys
terical individual a man this time
shouted fire in the hall, and every one
immediately lost his head. One corn
cloak upon one arm and fell in a faint
beside her door. There was no smell
of smoke and no blaze in sight, yet her
sister, clad also iu tow-colored hair and
a chemise, stood by wringing her hands
and wailing:
"Won't some one save Edith? Please
carry her. out doors; she will burn up."
"Oh, carry her into her room and
dress her!" exclaimed a level-headed
bystander. "The house is not on lire."
Another woman rushed down stairs
without stopping to dress, and was in
tercepted at the parlor door and sent
back. She was carefully carrying her
bonnet in one hand and a bottle of ink
in the other.
Upon one of the office benches, after
the excitement had begun to subside,
sat a young widow with two trunkfuls
of clothes piled around her and two
photographs of her poor, dear dead
husband in the other.
To be just to the sex, the women
wer not alone in displaying idiocy.
A man on the fourth floor tried to
throw his trunk through the window
and failed only because he had neglec
ed to lock it and the lid fell open. Chi
cago Times.
Flower lb
la the southeastern part of France,
along the shores of the Mediterranean
and the vicinity of Cannes, Antilles,
Nice, Grasse and Men tone, about 1,700
acres of land are devoted to growi
flowers for commercial purposes. Roses
and carnations are the principal flow
ers grown, but violets, forget-me-nots,
lilacs, camellias, narcissus, anemones
and many others are raised in immense
quantities. The flowers are all sent
to Northern Europe. The cultivation
of flowe:s for commerce began no long
er than thirty years ago, and it is oniy
witlun tne last three or four vteirs
that it has attained these important
dimensions. The trade has been so
prosperous that most of the market
gardens of that region have been re
placed by flower fields. Olive trees
have been uprooted, and there is hard
ly a peasant who does not watch tho
fluctuations of the floral market dur
ing the winter season and bring his
small daily contributions to the deal
ers, who take them to the large whole
sale exporters. Garden and Forest.
GeorEc Wnxliington I'p a Tree.
Whoever has seen the Washington
ufomnrrnt in Balri.ucre. with tho
crouching bronze lion of Barye near
its base, will appreciate the story they
tell about the rustic huntsman on his
fust visit to the town. He was shown
all the objects of interest in Baltimore
one by one, but gave each only a pass
ing glance and not even so uaeli as a
word of comment. When he came in
sight of the Washington monument,
however, a new light shot from his
eye. At last it was obvious that some
thing had been found to interest him.
He scanned the shaft for seme min
utes, running his eye from the base to
the point, on which the statue stood
and back again, then fastened his gaze
on the crouching lion as if fascinated.
rHis lips parted and his city friends
drew near to hear his criticisms of the
sculptor's art. At last out came the
words: "B'gad. he's got the old man
treed, ain't he!" Washington.
Where Love Ia Dar red.
Cholly Aw weally! I am in lov,
with a aw chahming girl. What
aw would you advise me to do?
Kind Friend Seek to gain admis
sion. Cholly Aw to the aw dear lady's
Kind Friend No: to a luratic as.
Marriage In Wales Once Attended by
Jecnllnr Fcntnres.
Until C&ite rectn date marriages
in the rural districts of Wales were at
tended by many curious circumstances.
When a wedding had been agreed
upon what were called "bidding pa
pers" were sent round to the friends
of the parties, which requested the fa
vor of the invited person's "very good
and most agreeable company," and it
was added, "whatever donation you
may be pleased to bestow on us will
be thankfully acknowledged and cheer
fully repaid whenever called lor on a
similar occasion."
Ttis paper was signed by the betr.)th
td couple and a double postscript was
added on behalf of each asking for the
return of "all gifts of the above na
ture," together with additional favors.
On the day of the wedding it was the
custom of the bride to be hidden away
by her friends, and four or live repre
sentatives of the bridegroom woidd be
chosen to discover her place of conceal
ment, and bring her "fcrth. which was
often a matter of considerable dilli
cr.lty. Subsequently the friends of the bride
groom made an attack upon the escort
of the bride, and between the combat
ants the poor girl often got roughly
handled. But eventually she would ar
rive at the church and the ceremony
would be hurriedly gone through, after
which all the male friends would en
gage in a furious race back to the
bride's home, the victor being rewarded
with a pint of ale.
When the happy couple reached
homo they seated themselves at a ta
ble, each holding a plate for the recep
tion of the "bidding money." Later on
practical jokes were largely indulged
in, the newly married pair being the
usual victims.
Popular Stones for Jewelry.
Through all changes, when every
stone seems to have its day, the dia
mond stands alone, incomparable. In
these days stones are brought into
prominence to meet the demand for
variety, and such stones as the ame
thyst, the aquamarine, the chrysoberyl,
the golden carnclian and many other
stones known as semi-precious are so
wonderfully cut and set as to greatly
increase their intrinsic value. These
stones are very fash'onable just at
present, set in the form of cellar and
girdle. The turquoise has been more
universally adopted in recent years
than any other stone. The greatest
number, and some of the most beauti
ful, have of late years beeu found iu
our own country. During the last
three years 400.000 worth of Ameri
can turquoises have been used. And
the opal that exquisite stone with its
fairy light dancing over its delicate
surface just now it is finding its re
ward, after many years of prejudice.
Indeed, so far as the old superstition
regarding this stone been removed that
it has become, when set in diamonds.
one or. Hie cliosen stones lor me en
gagement ring, and the woman who
can claim among her associates the
most beautiful opal is to be envied,
not pitied. Jewelers' Circular.
The One Original Gift.
When one hears of :i Washington
bride who has to find shelving for
thirteen dozen of decorated china plates
and thirty-three bon-bon dishes, one
wishes for a little more origirality on
the part of givers. A check is always
original. Needlework is coming in as
bridal gifts;hoose and table linen in
carved chests nothing could be more
welcome. But even this should not
be overdone. It is barely poss'ble to
have too many doylies and table cen-
count recently presented to his bride
not only an heirloom lace handker
chief, but a beautiful bedspread in
iinest cambric and costly lace. In the
middle of the spread was embroidered
the famly coat of arms Now a coun
terpane of the sort worked by the
bride's young friends would be a treas
ure, indeed, and would last, as only
linen cambric does last, for a lifetime,
Philadelphia Ledger.
Chlltlrcn'H Kycx.
A physician advises mothers to dis
card bangs even for their smallest
daughters, these very little girls being
the only ones whom fashion, at the
moment, permits to wear them. There
are, it seems, sensitive nerves about
the eye-brows which are weakened
when the hair is long enough to rest
upon them. These nerves directly con
cern the sight, and that important func
tion is more or less tampered with by
tills constant though slight weight ol
Another physician inveighs against
another practice, that of having night
lights in children's bedrooms. This he
pronounces very injurious. Instead of
allowing the optic nerves the perfect
rest afforded by darkness, the light
keeps them in perpetual stimulation,
with the results of causing the brain
and the rest of the nervous svstem to
Charcli Drenn.
In nothing does a woman show the
instinct of a lady more than iu her
church dress. It is both vulgar and
disrespectful to go to the house of GoJ.
in a costume which is .pre-eminently
worn for show. A quiet color in a re
fined fabric, simply made, is the only
suitable costume. Large hats are de
cidedly not the thing. A small close
bonnet for matrons, and a round hat or
toque, or turban for younger women,
are the correct styles approved by good
taste. Jewelry is in very bad form,
and so are very liidit and showy gloves.
It is not that religion should be re
garded as a thing of gloomy and som
ber character, but because one should
subordinate every consideration to that
of devotion to divine praise, prayer and
service; and a showy costume is out
of harmony with the quiet, saerod and
engrossing pleasures of the hour. Jen
ness Miller Monthly.
Traveling dresses for the most part
are of hop sacking, mad with a short
plain skirt simply stitched about the
lK)ttom. 1-ast spring the modest suit
was the one with the Klon jacket;
this sea -on the jack it is called ihe
garcon de cafe, or just garcon. There
is a strong resemblance between the
two. but the latter is a trifle more
rarisian, extending from a point be
low the waist, made single-brer- .-hI,
with rolling collar slightly shaped into
rovers, and very la'-ge. sleeves', box
plaited at top. It is to be worn over
silk blouses exactly as last year. The
Eton suit was far too convenient to
be discarded, but of course rulers of
fashion deemed it necessary to modify
it somewhat for a second season.
New crcpons are deeply crinkled and
marked with pin-head dots. New nun's
veilings have- satin stripes of a. con
trasting color. New grenadines in
black, ecru or cream color have baya- f
dere stripes of chiffon an inch wide '
and deeply crinkled. New lutestring '
silks are among the revivals of quaint !
old-fashioned fabrics, soft to tiie touch,
yet stoutly woven, and ligured with
chine designs and dashes of vivid color.
New taffetas are in black, with fine
cross sripes of color in pink and uile
green. New ecru sathis show t-Iusi'T j
of tiny black dots: new liberty at!iis '
are strewn with small blocks of white
in irregular groups, while new light
colored peau de soles are very effective, f
powdered with black triangles. !
" i
A Girl's Gloves. "
The writer in the St Louis Republic
whose sentiments follow may be draw
ing large conclusions from slight data,
but small things often speak more
loudly regarding character than the
thiugs commonly held more important
Just think of it a little, and it will
dawn upon you that a girl's gloves have
much to do with her reputation. The
average observer sizes her up according
to the preference she shows in color,
the cleanliness and the fit of this garb
for her hands.
Th rrirl's skirt mav hide the fact
that her shoo lacks a button, a jacket
may conceal a frayed sleeve, and a
bunch of roses or a big chrysanthemum
may lessen the conspicnousness of a
shabby bertha. But the gloves always
reveal their defects and likewise their
attractions, which are somehow in
stinctively accepted by the observer as
so many signs of their owner's charac
teristics. There clings to gloves that a girl has
worn a sort of personality, which ac
counts for the tendency of lovers to ap
propriate these small pieces of their
adored one's toilet
A man said last night: "If I were
contcmnlatimr matrimony, I should get I
several sharp looks at the gloves worn
by the object of my affection. By that
means I should find out somewhat con
cerning her extravagance or prudence.
I should observe how she puts her
gloves on, how she buttons them, how
she wears them, how she takes them
off, and how she puts them away until
the next outing time. All these are
hints concerning individual habits."
Haunted !
A haunted house in these practical and
unromantic days is something of a rarity,
but an individual haunted with the idea
that his ailment is incurablo is a personage
frequently met with. Disbelief in tho abil
ity of medicine to cure is only a mild form
of monomania, althouge iu some cases re
peated failures to obtain relief from many
dllTcrcnt sources would almost seem to just
ify the doubt, llostctter's Momacn Kilters
lias demonstrated its ability to overcome
dy.-papsla, constipation, liver and kidney
trouble, malarial complaints and nerv
ousness and Its recorded achievements in
the curative line ought at least to warrant
its trial by anyone troubled with cither of
the abjvo ailments, even although his pre
vious efforts to obtain remedial aid have
been fruitless. Used with persistence, the
Hitters will conquer tho most obstinate
Stylo Costs.
Sirs. Squills Isn't $40 a pretty large
bill for the two or three visits you
made Mr. lHlby?
Dr. Squills No; its just right for
Bilby. 1 told him he had the grip
which he had. Ho insisted it was "la
grippe." This bill of 10 will cure him
entirely of the "la grippe" habit Chi
cago Tribune.
Tho Modern Way
Commends itself to the well-informed,
to do pleasantly and effectually what
was formerly done in the crudest man
ner and disagreeably as well. Tocleanso
the system and break up colds, ncaa
aches and fevers without unpleasant
after affects, use the delightful liquid
laxative remedy. Syrup of Figs.
Ellen Terry's Autograph.
New York Tribune: It has been
found that Miss Ellen Terry makes the
"autograph tiend" useful by requiring
every one who wants her autograph to
contribute something toward the sup
port of the hospital in which she is es
pecially interested. It is suggested
that other people who, for some reason
or another, are targets for the hunters
after autographs, should adopt a simi
lar plan and levy, say f0 cents for some
worthy charity as a condition precedent
to the writing of their names. They
would thus make the "autograph
fiend," who is now generally regarded
as a nuisance, a useful and productive
member of society.
John Weiss reports to us a yield of
1103 .bushels of artichokes per acre.
T,x wwi4t.5wUi.i'J.. aKaa.taFtSod. An
We have a few hundred bushels for
sale. Price, one bu. sack, SI; one
bbl., S2.G5; two bbls., $5. Plant two
bbls. per acre. Can plant untilMay 1st.
To Those Catting Till Out and
sending remittance with the order for
artichokes, we will give free: One
pint to each one bushel, and one quart
to each one bbl. order, of Giant
White Dent corn, growing over one
foot long. Send 5 cents postage for
seed catalogue containing full culture
directions of artichokes to
John A. Sai.zei; Seed Companv,
w La Crosse, Wis.
Tlie Editor's Advice.
Young Humoris (to editor) Have you
looked over the comic sketches I left
with you?
Editor I have.
Young Humorist They ain't as good
as I might do if I hadn't had so many
other irons in the fire.
Editor(handing back the manuscript)
Here they are, and I advise you
Young Humorist What?
Editor Put them with the other
It Pays.
It pays to read tho ipers, especially your
own family paper, for often in this way
good business opportunities are brought to
your attention. For instance, B. F. John
son & Co., of Richmond, Vn., nro now ad
vertising, offering p3-iug ositions to par
ties who enao with them, devoting ail or
any part of their time to their business in
terests. It might pay you to write to theim
A desire to resist oppression is implanted
in the naturo of man.
The Mid-Winter Fair a Success.
To reach it take tho only" direct line, tho
Union la"ific.
Through first and second-class sleepers,
diners. Our advertising matter tells you
all about it. K L. Loma.v,
Gen'I. Pass. & Tkt. Agt., Omaha, Neb.
The devil has both
crate drinker.
arms about tho mod-
i CC r "i V --- -' V t V
"My wife, after usinp: 'Mother's Friend.' n.-iwr? thrmmh
the ordeal with -little pain, was stronger in one hour than in
a week after the birth of her former child.
J. J. McGoldrick, Iican Station, Tenn.
"Mothers' Friend" robbed pain of its terror and shortened labor.
1 have the healthiest child I ever ssw. Mrs. L. M. A hern, Cochran, Ga.
Sent by express, charges prepaid, on receipt of price, 1.50 per bottle.
jjuuh. iu .mothers mauea tree.
5!d by All DrareUts.
nfiSB V sampleof osr"UctTlicic
IBBtaa- ' m.mmm .v ...... m.
feySAn-l our Mammoth Farm
''PJO no i i arm li nm Siaplo o-IJcforcata'CK-Joana 131
Bra'sanaclOTersainDKM. Weaiethsl3rjrctirrowerior farm I
3os. l"ottoe.cjra.'-sa-j I
v L ?? h 5 agfgSa wj
fk ? etcluf Ito vhcol of Hallrt-ad end Commercial Tclcr
- wrfc. .-osiiiom BURranicnj KrH.caics. i-iuntn
crarh Instrument. Student can work mom!cs end tc
sessions. Cut taS out and send 3c stamps for circular to
Highest of all in leavening,
Economy requires that in every receipt calling
for baking powder the Royal shall be used. It
will go further and make the food lighter, sweeter,
of finer flavor, more digestible and wholesome.
In the llnttle'a Front.
ne Was sad and sorrowful when he
caaic to her, for he was going faraway
to be a soldier of fortune, and he iiad
not yet told her that they must sepa
rate for months, perhaps for years.
She met him cheerily, but when she
saw the shadows on his face a chill
came to her heart.
"What is it Henry?" she asked, tremb-
"Dear one," he sighed, "I am going
"Where, darling?" she cried, throw
ing herself into his arms.
"I am going to the battle's front, to
mingle with brave men who are strug
gling in a common 'cause, for I am
needed there."
"Oh, Henry," shesobbed, "you.must
not go. You will be slain and njy heart
will be broken. 1 cannot let you go to
be slaughtered, darling. I cannot; I
"Hut, darling," ho said, trying to
soothe her, "I must go. The Brazilian
cause "
"Are you going to Brazil?" she inter
rupted. "Yes, darling," he answered bravely.
"Oh. won't that be lovely?"' she ex
claimed merrily. "Let me go with
you," and the heroism of Henry went
down in a frightful slump.
The girl was onto Brazilian bombard
ments. Detroit Free Press.
81 OO Reward, SIOO.
The readers of this paper will be pleased
to learn that there is at least one dreaded
disease that science has Leen able to euro in
all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now
known to tho medical fraternity. Catarrh
being a constitutional disease, requires a
constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh
Cure is taken internally, acting directly
uron the Wood and mucous surfaces of tho
i system, thereby destroying the foundation
of the disease, and giving strength to tho
patient by building up the constitution and
assisting naturo in doing its work. Tho
proprietors havo so much faith in its enra
tive powers, that they offer One Hundred
Dollars for any case that it fails to cure.
Send for lis-t of testimonials.
Address, F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
jJS-SoId by Druggists, 70c.
Where They Go.
The latest addition to Americana
abroad is the smart saying of a New
York girl to an Englishman who took
her into dinner. "I some times wonder
what becomes of all the peaches in
your country," he said. "Oh, we cat
what we can, and can what we can't,"
answered the ready tongued maid.
A slight cold, if neglected, often at
tacks the lungs. Bkown's Buonciiiai.
Tkocues give sure and immediate relief.
Sold only in lioxcs. Prico 15 els.
Ah It Struck llrssie.
"I had to come ba-k, mamma," said
Bessie, who had made a most heroic ef
fort to give her doll a sleigh ride in the
back yard while the blizzard was on.
"The wind blowd all the air away so I
Colorado Gold .Mine.
If you are loo"tin for investments you
should iuvsstigate tho uewfto'd Ee'ds iu Col
orado. Tho output of :SJ1 v.i'i more than
double that of 1MK5. Ne.v discoveries are
loiu? made daily. Nothing Ii :eit sin-o the
early days of LeadvH'e. The -'Uoll Miner'
tells all about it. A ltf-pa,e monthly pu"
lished in Denver. .10v a year. Sendi cents
in stamps for sample copy. Address "Gold
Miner," lis"! Lawrence Sc, Colo.
Teacher Johnny, why do you pre
fer to say the dog looks like me rather
than I look like the dog?
Johnny Well, you see, I hain't got
any grudge against the dog. Adams
(Mass.) Freeman.
Medical writers claim that the successful
remedy for nasal catarrh must I e non-irritating,
easy of application, and one that
will reach the remote sores and ulcerated
surfaces. The history of the efforts to treat
catarrh is proof positive that only one
remedy has completely met theo condi
tions, and that is Ely's Cream Halm. This
safe and pleasant remedy has mastered
catarrh as nothing e!so has ever done, and
both physicians and patients freely con
cede tins tact.
Ho who is firm and resolute iu will molds
the world to himself.
' Ilannan'st Jtlnglr oris Salve." to cure or mon.-v n-finide.!. Ak jour
drugsbt for it. Iri4.v 13 1 nii.
Don't permit evil habits
to get a hold on
Urgent an' Camphor Irs. wills Glycerine.
Ciir'Cliap-lI!antlaridF.i-i'. Tender or Sore Kurt,
Chilblains-, Files, Ac. C. G. Clark Co . New Haven. Ct.
The devil can mako anything ho needs out
of a loafer.
Lessens Pain
Insures Safety
to Life of
Mother and Child.
..ji .j. ir'VAy"v'j'mi?
... j ... j. j
--x- -.'-V " -.-w-
send ItvrithGcixMiasrcan-i ecta!
..! t ..-. ....... ..a. - SSCwVbWTsBSTH
. , . . j . . wc 1VM .k v ..ft'. ,. . . iffe aBBSBClfaaa4aa3
K 1" KadUIi. fit for use ln 1C MS--SH
St - ed Catalotrne; orlOe for cat- j;.. It America w I
raphy. Located In largest It. IL center In the
isr-pni locopy mm
typewriter dliv. t fmm tl-
.n;s for board and rocni. Day and evcninir
ry :
strength. Latest U.S. ftr.FMilei-xL
i The DIslrWahcr's Hands.
JVaciIlllcs lur wusiiiiii; uunvo .....
scarcely come into use in small house
holds. We must still depend on na
ture's tools, our hands Uirls and
women who have to wash dishes will
be interested in what the Housekeeper
says about the care of the hands iu
this operation.
Thero is a knack in washing dishes
properly, and it requires neatness and
skill, though many persons look upon
it as merely child's play. It is always
best to dispose of the cooking utensils
and coarse ware first, and washing the
rest in clean water will leave the hands
less grimy, liinse and wipe the hands
before wiping the dishes. You inay
thinfthis takes too much time, but if
vouconsider how much nicer your
hands will bo kept, it will repay you.
After the dishes arc washed, brush
out the sink and rinse the dishcloth
well in cold water; then it will never
crow mustv or sour. Wash the hands
in tepid water with good castile soap:
rinse and wipe carefully, especially the
nails. Follow these direction;, and
your dishes will be clean ami sweet,
and your hands none the worse for the
Anthma Curetl
nySchlffmann'a Asthma Cure. No waitlnir
for rcsulu. Its actioo is immediate, tlirc-t-and
certain. A single trial convince- tho moat
skeptlcal. Price W cents and II. of dm ibMh
or by mail. Trial package tree by mall. r:ul
your address to Dr. It. "schininann, st. liil
Mian. Ills Training.
Puck: Jinks: "What made Knifely
such a skinflint in his old age?"
Filkius "Well, he began life as a
policeman there he learned not to pay
for his drinks; he then became an as
semblymanthat taught him not to
pav fare, and when he finally became a
millionaire he learned not to pay his
taxes. There wasn't much left but the
debtof nature."
jEIiUoli'K Consumption Cure
I wid on a siurantw. It cure ln.-ipi.-nt Om-.imjj.
tton. It fc tlac U-st Cuush Cun?. iitus..J0cUi.K5I-"i.
A Safe Promise.
New York Weekly: -Mrs. Gotham
(looking for a home in the suburbs)
'This is a gem of a place. . admit, but
the house is toobinall."
Agent "You said you hail but two.
"Yes. but there arc no rooms here for
"Don't worry about that, my dear
madam. If you succeed in finding a
servant girl willing to s'ay over night
I'll have an addition built.
A.NYOSn would bo justified in recommend
ing Kcoehnm's Tills for all affections- of this
liver and other vital organs.
No wound can bo so deep as tho oue in
flicted by a friend.
Hard work is only hard to tho-.e who put
no heart in it.
The man
will Ii--
who will t.eMLcrate'.y tell a lie
2io itus. 8 us . o ts rno.n onk bus.
This remarkable, almost unheard-of,
yield was reported to the John A. Sal
ter iced Co., La Crosse, Wih., by Frank
Vinter, of Montana, who planted oue
bushel of Great Northern oats, care
fully tilled and irrigated .same, and be
lieves that in I hi; J he can grow from
one bus. of Great 2orthern Oats three
hundred bushel.- It's a wonderful oat.
II ton i in t in 'I hi. ot ami .-ml It
With s'e postage to the above firm you
will receive sample package of above
oats and their farm seed catalogue, w
Never 1 tvome discouraged when engaged
in any good work.
South ia the Wabash,
tickets now on sale to nil roints.
iiomeeeuei ,-..ecs at nan tare on ex
cursion dates, A j ri' 1 tli and May hth. For
rate;, or fo'ders giving full description of
lands, ciimate. Ace., ni'l at Uul.ash Ticket
ofliie, No. l."i!RJ Furnzm Street, or writo
Cco.N. Claito.w N. V. P. Agt.,
f Omaha, Neb.
The devil always leads the man who hesi
i tates alxtit doing right.
California for Health. Pleasure- .tnil l'rolit.
If coint for either, tnko the direvt route,
! the Union Pn'-ilic.
, Tho only line running first and second
class sleepers and dining cars to Hau Fran
cisco. 1 Send for our new lh!U pamphlets. All
al out the Mid-Winter Fair.
I 1-L L. Lomax, (Jen'l. Pass. & Tkt Ast.,
Omaha, Nob.
1 Washing a pig wi!i not make It stop lik
, ing mud.
lu.fK cu-tom uork, cmtinjj from
j to $o, best value for the money
in the ,vurld. N'jmc and price
iatn;ici on llie Ixiltom. fcvery
p.ur tvjrr.mttd. 'I j J.e no snl.sti
C lute. See local runtrs for f-ill
6iTllsVln:flc'r,P,'," "" ",,r complete
J'. ytlcnitn r vend for II.
U0U0lAsr-V lft rated Catalogue
Ijiviit in
structions ts,mTstniir i
tier br mail. I'otape free. You cin rct the best
Bargains 01 dealers who push our shoes.
Worn- night andday.
II-. Us tn wrt rap
tnre with rata un-lrr all
ciroinutancrJ- I'rrfuct
Adjustment, (.'oi.ifort
ami Cure Jewi''l-nte4
ItnrjruvemenU. illui.
tratnl catalog!!)) and
ruieii for tfejlf-in.-asure'
rient nt ceeurslr
H Tssa. st msr m seu-c i. v
y WhO. CO., 741 brma.
" fJ. "0. ioA City.
TRATTlMfl RDcn up. dc cc
B VflsVissssssssssssssssP4asBsr
jV At Union Stock Vartlt Ho sc t.arket.
I siii;x.-i nv.nn v-i. i
. MARCH 20, 1894.
270 "eaa or. ,be Cnc,t frt-'B'latii rel I tonus over
,otijrcilIn tne wct. Now is tho Ime to buy.
rai iurcaiHicni3 to w Kateock J
.i.K. Short, Manaccr. South Omaha. Neb.
ucn'l .Msr..
' nCA E" "0 "D M.B.5ES. CURED
rVCftsl tattarta ,U a-taui! I.a ... l.'SaMaak iatatasa
- r CVh S-.MV IM -' I-lMstMtW-. (.si la. . -...
t-)fllilCMM3lrw..v Wni.ab.kUi.rorf.FREE
TREEHand PADS r-revo-f s'ro
barks. AiX your Iiarne 5 d-aler for
them. If.W. CiHiPEn,Jlfr..AIo!!ntMil
to crd r Samp'c a-d m"V.irro
Mnnts free Aecnts want-d. Ed
Littleton. 319 5th. SX-s .Moines. Its
CeasastmUvea and people
I wno nave weak lans or Asth-
. j-tioulduso flso's Curo for I
Consumption. It has cured
thonaaaida. ft has not injur-1
It Is the besccnu?linyrnp.
Sola cTorrwncT. S3c.
W, I. U., Onalia-U, 194.
IWBea Ajuturerinc; Advertisements
Mention this taper.