? F-,' p: ' V Jl'v I, V ... - . -V 'I.::."- -' 1 .V gf-i m v v ihaa v3.:;v sit- -:-'- ' - v 11 : olmnlms Qimvtml. WEDNESDAY. MAHCH 21. 1SW. AN. TIME TABLE. Pass. FreiKht. I eavcr C-olumbus I 8:85 a.m. 2:S0p.m. 3:20 " 445 p.m. 7:45 1050 " licllwood 1856 David City 9:13 inward 4022 " Arrivfrnt Lincoln Illa. m. Tlie iiassenger leaves Lincoln at 6:40 p. m., and rrives at Columbus 9.-40 p. m; the freight leaves inooln at 7:15 a. m., and arrives et Columbus at 4 03 p. m. UNION PACIFICTIME-TABLE. OOIXOEIST. I O0IN0WE8T. At iHMic Ex. 7 30 a. m I Pacific Ex. .10:15 p. m Chingo Ex.. .12:10 p. m Denver Ex.... 1:15 p. m Limited 3 2". p. m I Limited . ... 5D5 p. m Col. Local. . 5:50 a. m t Local Fr't.. .. 630 a. m No. 3, Fast Mail, carries iiashenRers for thrnceh point, fioing west at 9.00 p. m., ar rives at Denver 7:10 a. m. No. 4. Fast Mail car ri asencers. going east at 152 p. m. The freight train leaving here at 650 p. m. car ries paeuRers from here to Valley. LINCOLN, COLUMBUS AND SIOUX CITY. Paisenser arrives from Sioux City. ...12:35 p. m ' leaves Columliiis for Linc'n. 155 p. m " arrives from Lincoln 4:10 p. m " laves for Sioux City 150 p. xn Mixel haves for Sioux City H.t'Oa. m Mixed arrives IujOJ p. m FOlt AL11ION AND OEDAU HAPIDS. Passenger leaves 2:10 p. m Mixed leaves fl.-OOa. tu Paenger arrives 12:2" p. m Mixed arrives 8:10 p. m aricttt jgotices. IWAI1 notices nnder this heading will charged at the rate of $2 a year. A LEBANON LODGE No. 58. A. F. & A. M. llegul&r meetings 2d Wednesday in each month. All brethren invited to attend. E. II. ClIAilBKuS. W. M. (Jus. O. IlcciiEtt. Sec'y. 20july W1LDEV LODGE No. 44, L O. O. F., ri meets Tuesday evenings of each r.. ..L- u !..!- It.ll m rriiivtMntli y- fctnt-L ViHilinif brethren cordially :. lLXft (II tllUtl .M..A WA a ... .-..a. iuvitr.1. II. C. Nkwman. N. . V. It. Notitein. Sk;V. 27jan91-tf EOlMJANIZEDCllUUCH OF LATTER-DAY Kaints hold reirular services every Sunday at 2 v. m. prajer meeting on Wednesday evening at their chapel Avenue. All i 1, corner of rsortti street ana 1'aciiic are cordiall) tJially II. J. invited. 13iula9 Elder : Hudson. President. iiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiimiu PHOTOGRAPHIC Of PART No. 6. i CoUus Journal Coupon. 3 S'nrl or bring oue couion like 7Z Uii with 10 centH in coin to Tiik Coi.ujibu.s Journal, Columbus. Nebraska. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiimiiii - Tho huywood. The haywood sleejier. Tho haywood at Uerrick'B. r Picture frames at Horrick'n. The haywood sleeper at Her rick's. Couio to The Jooknal for job work. JJuy yoit4owaOriiJ pfirfUenafltflHS MitcheTTs. 2 For black walnut chamber suits go A. ."V ih errick's. v tB.rj Fnp.ter wumftt tor r wilOuuy .T. (3. FiIhntinSjJ-1 Armat rung's planing "ll ie doing u good business. v Dr. Van Es, veterinary surgeon, oflico 6ver postoiliee. lm :" i)r. T. K. Clark, Olive street. In Tefficeat nights. Boys knee pants from - cents up, t J. B. Delsiuau's. - Iround'olKake fcTfcatIThheirs Hour!rli-Ueed store. - Placards for sale at this office Fash ionable Dressmaking. I ; Cut tlowers lor sale at uie vit k" tv-' ..-" A" I.omo To1tnh(in fiO. tf -The Reynolds barn has been treated to a new coat of paiut. - ThTyest cyflTVnoalthetVfor -XtHniisicJfKfeastaX theopra hoiiiy. i:'MArchtb DnforM. !-.-.'" :.i,.,i.l;itorARt. was manifested . : at the primaries last week. V A Dr. E. II. Xauman's dental parlors A in North block, lath street. tf r - Rev. Pease of Albion exchanged pul- '' pits with Rev. Crawford Sunday. : Mrs. E. H. Chambers is in Lincoln .; " under a doctor's care for nervous trouble. .' . 'J. C. Fillman returned last week from the east, where he had been on busi ness. JfcTanted, ieWd haiATniture of . V-all kiflfcat Hlevcilsteet sechand j Sheriff Kavanaugh has been elecieu y. an honorary member of tne .lacusou nuu at Omaha. 3Kasipr ia ci .Ak. .1 ..tf. r?llVrAw1 omiupuuM J"V,f lr T ?a natteW hat Jr bonnWWr ElrferX- t C. Fillma oood iu sem tnoee Herrick's? . . Jim Frazier went to the South Oma ha market Thursday with three car loads bf fat cattle. ' t rir tiia mpn with boss for sale were considerably discouraged-15c a dav off in the price. vN:-.t.. ,,:iA UnT-a pr HiwviuK i;i . u lien wyjr" Green lettuce, and hyacinths and li. narcissus plants in bloom, at the green V house of Mannoy & Simmons. tf The next regular meeting of the ' Fanners' club will be held at Mrs. L. E. -.' ' Stewart's, Friday, March 30th. " .". .- - TrmRkinfir by Miss Anna Rasmus- iH ;-"- 4r ien, by the day or by the piece, at the 1-:V ' '- -' : reaidence of Mrs. J. S. Murdock. 2p i-- - -.. 4 ' " " Three wagons loaded witn emigrant - for Boyd county, took up their line of . ' march'from here Friday morning. '-.-' Those pattern hats and bonnets the '' M ladies bare been looking for, just came -' " " I in Call and see them. J- C. Fillman. : -. men in need of an auctioneer, call - - -ft .- Va VA11 on -Pare Smith. Me win -with promptneea, safety and dispateh. tf Miss Maggie Wheeler returned Sat qrday from Council Bluffs, and will teach,we believe, in the Adamy district. -John Huber, auctioneer, tells us of one sale recently where common cows broaght $35 each, and good horses gw. Children Cry for pitcher's Casterla. ;: - Vote the republican city ticket r stoves. "Cadfnatar 1 J. Scott is building Barney McTag gart's dwelling the excavation is being made. It will cost about $2,500 when finished. -3000 apple trees, frsni 5 elk to 15 cts. each? else in theirsery lino equa John TnnnnnTIL, ' Miss Alice Wise is at home from the southern part of the state where she is teaching, to spend two weeks' vacation with her parents. Mr. Ackerman of Oconee has moved into the John McAllister property in the west part of the city. He will work in the wind mill factory. be house home t; Down go the prices! Anv is the tjme to buy your harness while you can get them at a discount of 10 per cent for cash only at F. H. Rusche's. tf Miss Nellie Derby is visiting with Mrs. Wm. Corbet of Columbus Miss Lena Steiner was a Columbus visitor; Thursday. Bellwood Gazette, Even the village of Ho wells, Colfax, county, is talking of an occupation taxv: Most of the other cities are talking at an occupation tax, in one shape and an other. promp' prices. L Dr. Nauman is the "only real grad uate in dentistry in Platte county," who can show up a diploma. Any other who claims the same wilfully imposes on the people. tf James Harrigan, plead guilty to stealing two suits of clothes from Fried hofs, and was, by Judge Sullivan, sen tenced to one year at the penitentiary, at hard labor. Tho Ancient Order of Hibernians and their friends had a fine social time Saturday evening at the Maennerchor hall. Music and dancing were tho chief amusements. Mayor Schupbach has doubtless made mistakes in the discharge of the duties of his office, but he does not de serve the slurs cast upon him by the Wochenblatt. - L. J. Niemoller of Platte Center was in the city Friday, on his return from Lincoln where he had been in attend ance on tho first meeting of state jewel ers association. - C. A. Whaley & Co. have purchased the brick building north of Gleason & Merrill's barn and have been refitting it for a laund-y. They have made connec tions with the sewer. John Browner was in tho city Thurs day, fur the first time in four months. He was looking well, however, but we all wondered how it could be possible for him to stay away so long. - The sidewalk on west Eleventh street is in bad condition, and any one passing along that way of a dark night is liable to receive injuries which the city may bo called upon to make good. LOI1 t te uixcmim . ,iv.u. .- lialHiever fivi learned tho harness trade. He! mav sell you a worthless article for firBt-class, and never know the difference. Remember all that glitters is not gold. 1 keep two and three first class har nafesihakers all the year around, and my work cannot be equaled in this city. Come mid examine to satisfy yourselves whether you buy or not. F. H. Rusche. S. S. Dellesfield, editor of the Lake City (Iowa) Graphic, was in the citySat urdav. and between trains made a very pleasant call at Jodrsal headquarters. He was on his way to the Mid-Winter Fair. Mary, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Fairchild, was left quite a large fortune lately through a wealthy uncle of Mr. Fairchild. The money was left to be paid monthly and to be used for her education. Two parties of goose hunters will leave here Tuesday next for the Platte. One party will consist of Messrs. W. H. Winterbotham, J. A. Osborne, W. F. Becket, F. H. Young and Walter Phillips of Columbus. Genoa Leader. Tho Junior Christian Endeavor So ciety of the Congregational church will take charge of the evening service, Sun day March 25th. The program will con sist of songs and recitations by the children. Everybody invited. General Manager Doddridge of the Missouri Pacific road (formerly U. P. station agent here,) when rushedat by a mad bull at Kansas City, Kas., the other day, climbed a telegraph pole and didn't ston till he reached the cross arms. Married, on Saturday, March 10, by Judge Allen, Elmore E. Fulton and Miss Maggie R. Mentrer. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Fulton, formerly nt thin countv. and Ins nnae is me daughter of Mr. andJIrs. Charles Ment-1 zer. Schuyler Quill. - The school board has nothingo do with the expenditure of money on the streets by the city council, and the Wochenblatt knows better, doubtless, when it charges that the school board made the expenditure. Come some where near the truth, anyway. Monroe, from the Looking Glass: John Kelley will have a force of men at work next week making a kiln of brick of 30,000 capacity; Doll Hollingshead left Tuesday for Ganado, Texas, where his brother Milt is now located; the Loup bridge will be put in place in a few days. The following from the Kearney Era, concerning a lady wno rormeriy nveu here, will be of special interest to her many friends in Platte county: "Mrs. J. T. Mallalieu who has been sick for some time is now able to sit up. Mrs. Mallalieu has suffered a long siege .and everybody hopes that she may enjoy the boon of good health in the superlative degree whea she recovers from this attack." -Ksnted, a Uw senpnd hand cook -econo nana scoeb uvu street choice No. l;Vre tEvervthik HjM (qkas cheapN ' f k.2 aa k - grana coaeri wuiroeraveff at c4emhouseyKfarch 27jfb, byYMres Flor ence lwigof Sian City, Assisted as stent of this citv. U AnnMrong's planiflfcr mill stakts up ffhisWedqesday) morninV in full Vast. f Anytmng lines' line of worVwill beabne CV andsyelL and ateasonaota. 1 TDry GcWs. (ter taeitthaneveralp ces !Mb loirest. lFol loV the crowcTHo m. FifcpatricK . A. Ommerman of Madison county was in the city Thursday on his return from. the fair at San Francisco. He went down into southern California, and thinks he would like that country very much as a winter residence for a very limited portion of the year. For an all-the-year-round home Nebraska has more fine days. iss Florence Lewis is a graduate New England Conservatory, and pianist is a young lady of wonder ful talent, and great cultivation, an artist of superior order and unobtrusive manners. She has made rapid progress into the exhaustless fields of classic music, and deserves great credit for the success she has won. Dubuque (la.,) Times. A. J. McKelvey of St. Edward, came down Saturday night and remained over Sunday with his brother George, who is lying, a very sick man, at theClother House, from the effects of the assault made on him a couple of weeks ago. He is now on the mend and hopes in a few days to be about again. The mother and wife of Mr. McKelvey are also in at tendance. Mrs. G. G. Becher of Columbus, Nebr., daughter of D. P. Bradford, ar rivelf here to visit her father and be IN$g$nt at his eighty-third birthday, which occurred yesterday, and which found the old gentleman in good health arid as spry as a cricket as he passed around the cigars to his many friends. Mqy the judge live to see many more happy birthdays is our wish. fTyndall, (S. D.), Tribune. -Slrs. Carlson, who has been visiting with the HopkinB family for a couple of weeks past, took the train for her home at Columbus Monday. ..".Mrs. Elliott and two children left for Columbus Wednesday, for a brief visit with rela tives and friends John Cramer of Columbus bought lumber here this week to build a dwelling on his land cast of town Mrs. Stoddard visited in Co lumbus Wednesday. Platte Center Signal. Nine years ago eight Columbus gen tlemen purchased a half interest in a mine at Stanley Basis, Idaho, for a thousand dollars each. Parties who bought them out at a slight rise on their investment, sold for 880,000 without striking a lick, and now the property is worth three million dollars. The first run of the valuable metal realized S11C, 000. Joe Tiffany says that ever since that deal was made, he takes no further interest in mining. Thursday evening the democracy nominated their city ticket, consisting of G. W. Phillips for mayor; Joe Berney, treasurer; William Becker, clerk; B. Fuller, police judge; Geo. Lehman and Jonas Welch, members of school board. Committeemen: I. Glnck, at large; Otto Hener, First ward; G. W. Phillips, Sec ond, and J. M. Gondring, Third. The ward caucuses had before nominated for councilmen E. O. Wells, Arnold Oehl rich and George Willard for tho re spective wards. Tho ladies relief committee met again Thursday evening to report progress. They have now in the treasury about $90. Tho treasurer, Mrs. Herrick, thinks that with money, clothing and other dona tions, they. have received about 8350. the Sisters hospital for keeping a sick woman several days. The ladies are still working and deserve prai&e for the good judgement they have displayed in their hard task. Commissioner of the poor, Councilman Spoerry, met with the com mittee, and they adjourned to April 12. A Pair of Kids" :nacted a large dance at tho FifteenUyesterday. w sai b venKnown anu iwiiuar uwuhui, aMBA V - A. -. 1 - bft rm bAA! SV descrfbed. It is now in Its ninth year ol saccess anu remaius 3mujjuui as ever.-ts fun does not stal Tho company presetting the pieco is lone of surpassing excellence, and the pJrform- nnceis brisk, Wight and engaging. GU lwrtlSaronv. wlk plaved Polly, provoked big tthunks of merkment. Belle La VerdeSmd Lilly La'erde won great favor b-Vieir brigUVJEays- Henry Wincheli aslJiles Buttonabd John J. Magee as Dbc Do FunnyVvork well tnTtlir. Ther eccentric sVngs and laughable "trickkwere well received. Omaha World-Herald. A. W. Armstrong has at his e3tab- hshment a water elevator made for Mr. Thompson of St. Edward. Those who have seen the old-fashioned endless-chain pumps at work will have a good idea of this machine, only it is made larger, and. instead of metal buttons for suckers, there are larger wooden blocks attached to the chain. The machine is very sim ple in its construction and not liable to get out of order. Any farmer, living alongside a good stream of water, can, with the aid of this simple contrivance, irrigate land without any trouble. This is the use Mr. Thompson will make of it, at St. Edward, in drawing water from the Beaver. This particular elevator will, with one horse power, raise through ten feet, 300 gallons of water per minute. pera house, Friday evening, March 23, Ix Pair of Kids." Everything new. Tliftlliriffht Vmsical panwiaime farce. stiU directed Ezra 1, now in its mintu year success e greatest com; in class of entertain luding Win- chell,Jo! lie Harper, Magee, bhn P. Gilbert Bell Verde, Lillian Gilbot, La lert ank OMfer, Her ton. Ulvi rery rtist is astar. Funny untrvmanVJiles Bi with his coi :-! naiotla nnl " icoi nuuuo cuv. be Darnei whose antics in restaurant Bmkeep the audience continual roar. I The great Mep! fonra "Rriwlit. rntRTcd comedv spec ialties. Usual prices. Seats on sale at Pollock's pharmacy. Sup't Scott perpetrated one of his alleged jokes at the school entertain ment Friday evening when he said that he didn't know whether a mistake in the program was made by the copyist, the printer or the proof-reader, but they nnlrl lav it on the printer. As The JourkaIi's imprint was upon the pro crams it is only necessary to say that the printer did his work all right, leaving the proof-reader nothing to mark. We happen to preserve copy and so ire lay the mistake where it belongs, if any where, to the copyist But what will Mr. Scott do with that other mistake of his, when he announced that two young ladies, mentioned on the program "will now sing an instrumental duet?" Sure ly he will not undertake to make the printer responsible for that, . KendU mis ,Ikbert Aiaronv. bertDen The same Iton," ttTolT-m'll the city m a bmto A IR-A ... mk mfnaiif JimiiiinN 11 v-p &s "oS!srsLls' ,c5sS'ifS5Ss Will you go Costs too much S m Not a bit Read on and see wonderful works of God and man in all lands under the sun. These su perb photographs have been gathered by one of the greatest travelers and lecturers of this country. They have been reproduced in plates, 10 x 12J inches, at an outlay of thousands and THIS GRAND Magnificent Palaces Celebrated Churches ART COLLECTION OF Noted Inns Picturesque Scenes Glories of Art Marvels of Architecture Will Ikj issued in sixteen parts, each part containing sixteen plates. Accompanying each photograph is a vivid and accurate description of the scene or object depicted, prepared by one who has personally visited the places, and knows whereof he speaks. SVINNY YTALX AND CONTAINING Part i, Italy. Leaning Tower, Cathedral and Bap tistery, Pisa, Cathedral, Siena Statue of Columbus, Genoa, Loggia de Lanzi, Florence Venice Bridge of Sighs Giant Staircase St. Marks The Piazetta Gondolas Naples Bay and Mt. Vesuvius San Martino, Interior Gallery of Bronzes Panorama of Florence Ponte Vecchio Milan Cathedral Statue of Leonardo )ow ia secure this unprecedented offer. . . In each copy of this paper is printed a coupon. Bring or send ose of these coupons, together with ten cents in com to our office, and you will receive one part of the series. Back num bers can be had on the same terras. Be particular to state the number of the part desired, give your full name and address, and inclose the necessary coupon and ten cents. NO ONE SHOULD MISS THIS ':'" - 4, k - - s j 7 ft& ff 'p WWwW 03 iimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiuiiiuiiiiNiiiiiiiiiiiuiiyiiiiiti JOURNAL.! JlTllllllllUlllllllllUIIIIUUIIIUUBUllllllllUIIIUlllllUIIlIUHIII We propose to take all our readers around the world in the next sixteen weeks. How can we do it ? Simple enough. We have, at great pains and expense, been able to secure for the exclusive use of THE JOURNAL a most magnificent series of large photographs of the thousands of dollars. Renowned Ruins Ivy-clad Abbeys Part One is now ready AND ILLUSTRATES da Vinci CHANCE SEE THE WORLD FR0H T0MR EA J Y CH1IR WITHOUT LEAVING HOME WITHOUT EXPENSE sy ajiitei'iii ?4v .'iT-" "" "" ' CITY CONVENTION. THE REPUBLICANS HAVE AN ENTHU SIASTIC GATHERING AND NOMI NATE AN EXCELLENT TICKET. Pall All Together Will Pat the Ticket Where it Oaght to be-in the Swim. At 8 o'clock Friday evening at the Engine House hall the delegates previ ously selected at the primaries assembled and were called to order by Mr. Hatfield. J. D. Stires was selected as temporary chairman and M. K. Turner as temporary secretary, the temporary organization being afterwards, in dne form, made permanent. A committee on credentials was ap pointed, consisting of Hatfield, Reeder and Ragatz, who reported that the First ward had selected delegates as follows: John Tannahill, E. Pohl, M. K. Turner, J. S. Hatfield, J. H. Galley and J. A. Ernst; the Second ward, A. Dussel, H. Hughes, J. A. Turner, W. T. Allen, H. J. Hudson, J. D. Stires, J. G. Pollock, Henry Ragatz; the Third ward, W. A. McAllister, J. G. Reeder, F. H. Geer, L. C. Voss, A. Samuelson, Clark Gray, Aug. Iffland, C. J. Garlow and S. L. McCoy, and their alternates, respectively, Byron Compton, H. I. Murdock, D. T. Martyn, P. Weberg, G. A. Scott, Charles Pearsall, Moses Kunzelman, O. T. Roen and C. J.Scott. On motion the delegates present from each ward were authorized to cast the full vote of the ward. The convention then proceeded to the nomination of councilmen, the delegation in each ward signifying their wish, the First ward asking the privilege of with holding their nomination until later; the Second ward named J. D. Stires, the Third J. S. Murdock and these were unanimously confirmed. For mayor, no name was mentioned but that of Henry Ragatz; the rules were suspended, and he was nominated unanimously by acclamation. In response to calls Mr. Ragats said: "Mr. Chairman and gentlemen of the convention: I sincerely thank yon for this evidence of the confidence you have placed in mo. I have not sought the nomination, and even now tried to per suade my friends not to place my name before, the convention. The office of mayor is the highest within the gift of the people of the city, and your nomina tion would be an honor to any man. The democrats have placed in nomination for this office a man whom I highly esteem as a citizen, and I assure you that in tho campaign to follow there will on my part be no mud-slinging, no use of "boodle," and, if elected, I will endeavor to do my duty as I see it; to enforce the ordinan ces, as I understand them; do my part towards reducing the expenses of the city to a minimum, and do my dnty in every respect as a citizon and official. I thank you for the nomination." For city clerk, the names of O. C. Shan- I & non, H. P. Coohdgo and E. S. Peave were placed before the conven, i:jffl i.niinf .n..n: :- Ol - v " I ballot resulting in Shann'' G; Pearsall 5. m,.- .- n of Arthur Gray for xuo noiiimaw . . city treasurer was -ade unanimous b lmntirtn on BUSOenBlOU ui " ' ination of H.J. Hudson for police judge, and hoinmla a ntirtvt Enuvil " - convention for the nomination, and say ing that when our own citizens were brought before him his was not a pleas ant task, but, he said, if you do not wish to have the law executed upon you for your shortcomings, don't get into my clutches. The nomination of A. G. Arnold for engineer was made unanimously, by acclamation, nnder suspension or rules. The First ward delegates then an nounced their choice of councilman, H. T. Spoerry, and the nomination was made unanimous, by acclamation, by tho con vention. For members of the Bchool board, Carl Kramer, W, A. McAllister and M- K. Turner were mentioned, the two latter being selected as the result of the first ballot. A central committee consisting of H. T. Spoerry for the First ward, J. A. Tur ner for the Second and J. G. Reeder Tor the Third, was then selected, after which the convention adjourned. School Entertainment. The High School oratorical contest held at the opera house Friday evening drew as large a crowd as the opera house has held for a long time. The parents, brothers and sisters, cousins and aunts of Averv one of the one hundred and eighty-one children who took part, seem ed to be there. In short every one did better than the audience expected. The songs by the different classes of the schools are worth special mention. The children sing their parts together won derfully well. About $90 was netted for the library fund. Those who won first prizes (as below) will speak in the State contest during the North Nebraska Teachers' Association meeting at this place, March 30th. We give below the relative standing as figured by the Judges on the speeches. SELECTED OBATIOKS. r David Martyn, first. 90.8 Oley Britell 90.3 ORIGINAL ORATIONS.'' John Clark, first 93.0 AbbieHurd 9U.8 DRAMATIC. Maud Hatfield, first 94.7 Lulu Crawford- 93.8 Florence Routson 93.7 Jessie Williams. 93.6 Minnie Becker. 92.3 Florence Elliott 90.7 Bertha Stauff er 89.2 Mary Morse 87.3 Carl Johnson 8i. Jeannie Wilson 8C. HUMOROUS. Craig Turner, first 90.8 Alice Lnth 895 Adolph Liters 875 Henry Taylor .' 85.3 .Will Hat lUcavar. who has bad a strong hold s business in-Columbus are. took a cnni lasi rail E. D. FKzpatrick first put new stfcK oi dry goods.) since tuem Price bis had several uf bills." Tnerefts no' hopch Trf his recovery. Follow crowd to EJU. ltzpatmi'fc, tne inex perienced" dry'gooda man nf McAllis opposite do MUIifery. w c ma of sprmfMulinery at aim. teVfcilarch 22d aM4Bd. Stok- tbwHoxi . - r 'P PERSONAL. George Lehman is in Chicago. Miss Nellie Post went to Lincoln Thursday. C. J. Garlow was in Hastings Thurs day and Friday. Ed. Hoare of Oconee was a visitor in the city Thursday. Mrs. J. C. Fillman and Miss Lembach are home from Chicago. Miss Cora Sumption of Cedar Rapids is visiting Mrs. E. G. Brown. Rev. Joudon was called to New York Friday by the death of a sister. Mr. and Mrs. William Schroeder of Madison were in the city Friday. L. Hohl, the smiling train dispatcher, returned Monday from Oklahoma. W. H. Randall started for Texas last Wednesday, on a two weeks' business trip. George Reeder, an old time citizen of Columbus, now of Grand Island, was in the city Friday. Hon. Brad Slaughter of Fullerton was in the city Thursday on his way homo from Grand Island. Doc. Bixby of the Lincoln State Jour nal was in the city Friday last on his return from a trip to Fullerton. Mr. and Mrs. Olcott, parents of H. I. Britell, returned home Thursday from Virginia, where they have been visiting several months. Will Compton, an old time resident of this community, now of Colorado, ar rived in the city last Wednesday to spend several days. Mrs. G. M. Gates, (nee Miss Irene Benson,) of Chicago, came last week to attend her mother's funeral. Sho will visit relatives awhile before returning home. Written for The Journal. City Election It is the time of year when all good citizensandvoters should interest them- selves upon the subject of electing good uiMueniuKinenionrciiy. nc t . It is the duty, too, of every good citi zen to vote for the very best men ob tainable for these offices. The office of mayor is a responsible one, since good government is desired by all, and wo should elect the best men we can. We elect two members of the school board, and these offices are of no less importance and should bo filled by hon orable men and those having tho public good at heart, since npon these men de volve the responsibility of selecting superintendent and teachers for tho coming year. In the matter of electing the superintendent mnch interest should be taken. In this busy age parents aro so overburdened with cares that, un knowingly, they are inclined to shift I much responsibility upon tho teachers, and trust the formation of character an i . .. . .... -J nanus largely to tuem. influ- Probably the one person in". directly or indirectly; nroner ence upon our ''"" ,V. ..,.. nlace. and thoso aspiring shoulluost important position should measured in various ways. irsi, " vear, should be a person ol uroau ."u-" knowledge, a teacher and a scholar in l.r He should every nense ui "" woru. T. Mo th desire and tho ability to . . .. i i... r,vnir'aooi snsces- Jf Oin I11M Lt31' "m XL - . ai-s v nniiiiur1 m mc a w ar f - Pon tho teachers falls most . flri fnllri niAct llnni). oiooo oi tne work, Ijast anu most imK""... nf nil i. oi..,i.i nnmmaml the resnectoi ;-"-" ouwu.v. . - f. fulness and nobility of character. Havo we such a man at the head of our schools? Emphatically-iio, and as tax payer and patron of the schools, I, with a host of others, demand chanye. A Tax-Payer. Tho Union Pacific pay tar received quite a shake-up 8nndayavening at 7:30 while coming down ony tho Albion branth. Tho train consisted of engine and tender, caboose and pay car. About half-way between Monro and Oconee, as the train was coming at a rapid rate, the engine struck a broken rail. Tho engine passed over bat the caboose and other cars were brok.cn loose and thrown from the track. - It. R Sutherland, assistant superintendent, received seri ous injuries in tho back, from what he thought about three stoves falling on him. Thomas Way, the road master, re ceived bruises on tho limbs. The colored porter got some bad bruises on the arms and hands, from which he bled profuse ly. Hugh Compton of this city, who was the conductor, came out as sound as a dollar, got a horse from a farmer, rode to Monroe and telegraphed here for help. Sup't. Sullivan is at the Thurston hotel and will be unable to be moved for a few days. The track was torn up about 500 feet; one of the cars rolled nearly 100 feet from the track. The wreck was cleared off and trains run over the track Monday afternoon. We Sweep the World, ah old saying that a "new broom sweeps clean out wnen wo say -we sweep the world" we mean that among all the railways of the world none stands higher in the estimation of the public, in all especial points, than the -Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway. It is the only line west of Chicago which runs elect rijligh ted, steam-heated and vesti buled4rains between Chicago, St. Paul and Minneapolis, and between Chicago and Omaha. Try it. F. A. Nash, Geu'l. Agent, 1504 Farnam St.V Omaha. W." S. Howkll, Trav. Passenger and Freight Agt. Dollars mnd Hi Dollar " a, Ftancisco. The T6 San five pays for your berth in one of the through Pull man Tourist cars, and the 20 pays for a first class passage, all via the Union Pa cific. No, you don't have to change, the sleepers run through to San- Francisco. Have your nearest Union Pacific agent reserve you a berth, or write J. R. Meagher, Agent Union Pacific System. Report or School District No. 4?. Total number of children attending school, 39. Average attendance during a term of six months, 25. School closed on March 9th, 1894, with an entertain ment, consisting of declamations, recita tions, singing, paper and a debate. Jessie Sacrideb, Teacher. For Sale Colamba State Bank Stock. non-resident, wishing to close an will sell 81200 Columbus State Bank stock, in sums to suit. Address Fbed W. Lee, Omaha, Neb. STRUCK IT RICH. JOLIET TOWNSHIP COMES TO SURFACE IN FINE SHAPE. THE A Gusher la Shell Creek Valley is a Living Evideaee of Artesian Water Here. TBe Jovksxl has been confident all .nrong that some tUle, some where in Platte county, arleffan water would be forthcoming." South and east and north of us arte sian water has been struck, and now comes Joliet township with a beginner, and we hope it will not be long until several well-to-do men among the farm ers of Platte county will see what they can do in this line. But for tho facts in this case, which, by tho way, wo have from Mr. George Thomazin of tho board of supervisors. Wednesday, March 7th. at 10 o'clock in tho forenoon, on the farm of Win. R. Jones (formerly owned by Rev. A. Hen rich), in section 25, town 11) north, of range 3 west of tho Sixth principal meri dian, whilo Contractor Eugeno Bacon was boring a tubular well, at tho depth of Ol feet, they were disturbed with an extra flow of water around the tubing, and shut off tho flow by filling around the top of the tube, and, pulling on tho "suckor" in tho tube, thoy wero surprised with a flow of water, which, upon attach ing a tube, rose to tho height of 20 feet abovo the surface, making a rise, from the bottom of tho well, of 114 feet. The pfpv is two inchqs in diameter. Wo havo not learnedho amount of flow, as tho-rfwnorof tmF land was not prepared Jor tho development, and cork ed it urrtemporarily. i Ifif) Wftvld'a fnii Pliain. fni. CI HThpoAiwniltir.,l .,;., nrni, r doli in t0n complete parts-16 LtllTWJ Mmnfa:nSSLu ,t n,i k.. ' r-"'"f.ir'" ' .v i .,., Rnt ran , . wnoie sor. can no secured by tne pay ment of OjSpDollar, sent to GvH. afford, tertoral Passenger Agent, ago, Milwaukeo k St. Paul Railway, CMc; cago, III., and tho portfolios of pic tures will bo sent, freo of expense, by mail to subscribers. Remittances should bo inado-by draft, money order, or registered letter. JSuuirlt EMP! HEMP! HEMP! Iwish to contract with fanners within reach of Columbus for tho trrowth ' about 1,000 acres of hemp. Will r at nt-fii tiuu liiivu w. l uiii, ui . i- i T x .mation.seenio hvered. If I can c-"" ' fiOO nrpn. will .or. nnAj I i I r Ia b bv - -- ...., ..... Colnmbn' M. Jehome. at.7uinbus, Feb. 2-d, 1S1U r Township MHice. ,nn.nl town meeting of Colum bus township will bo held at tho Town 'TOO Hall. April 3d. 1801, i-omiiienuiug ..u -o'clock, a. m., for tho purpose of making tho necessary tax levies for tho ensuing , .i. t-onanntirm of any Oilier anu mo n. proporly como before business that may the meeting, ll-mar-i A. W. Clakk, Clerk. ....... f "nMltb. Pleasure and Proflt. . . - . :,lrtr take tho direct SArr n bkb w ni nir iiii 1:1 l.lau aV I LU11J. w. a. " L the Union Pacific. The only lino and second class sieopei . u-. Francisco. S20.00 running on way, $3."i.ii0 round trip. Bcia for our new 1894 pamphlets. All about tho Mid-Winter Fair. J. R. MEAOHEK, Agent Union Pacific System. Rheumatism Cured in a Day. Mys- tic Cure" Tor Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon tho system is remarkable and mys terious. It removes at onco tho cause and tho diseaso immediately disappears. Tho first doso greatly benefits, 75 cents. Sold by A. Heintz, druggist, Colum bus, Neb. M-y 20.00 to Salt l.a!' anil San Kraaciici. 41iat's all it costs you via tho Union Phcific. goo.u lor mo rounii irip. i-rur- responding low rates to all - western points. Through first and second ciass sleepers and dining cars. Seo your nearest Union Pacific agent, or J. R. Meaohkk, Agent Union Pacific System. Y. St. C. A. Topics For the first (jnartfr. ls'JI, to be ably tnlkttl upon at tho mcftiai::! for men, Snnilnyt at 3 i. in. Mar. 2.".. "How May I Know I am Saved?".. iter. O. A. KHiott You are invitetl and will be Klailly welcomed. Good music. Oood fcilks. Oood fellowship. Good friend. In the Band Wagol mgon1 K i, with issuarke(i in tlain, s.V nflm'ureon diy uooiw. uiucm following, but thoy look tired Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. gusiness Jotitts. z. Adrertisementh nndor this head five cents a lineeach insertion. TM Hnilll.TZ'TnakeBbootBand shoes in the iiot htvlcn. and" nsea only the very beat that can be procured in tho market. 52-tf COLUMBUS MARKETS. ZjSTOu rtrfctat ions of the markets areobtained Tuesday afternoon, anil arc correct and reliable atcUCTime. OHAIN.KTC. W!it Shelh-d Corn... Ear Corn Oats Mixed oats Hye Flocr 10 iVA 1 902 40 ioai-r PftOKCCE. Butter KkK" l'otato&n ... FathoKS.. Fat cows... Fatsheei.. HO r m mm l LIVESTOCK. fiOOgt 10 1 502 00 S2S0tOO Fat steers.... j-aisieers - !5f -, v- Fe-ders - J-1 M ....$3 0Oft:2 S D. T. Mautyk, M. D. C D. Evans, M. D. F. 11. Geeb. M. D. DOCTORS MARTYN, EVANS I GEER, CONSULTING Physicians - and - Surgttns To St. Mary's Hospital and St. Francis Academy, COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA. United States Examining Surging, Assistant Surgeons Union Pacific. O., N. A B. II. Kailwajs. spftw. niun niirht nnl rla v ToIanhnnnNo. 19. Two blocks north Union Pacific Depot. klm inn oo.lt. ia V. D. 'KlT'a'AT- 'UfLD, wituBBv heavy loadsr- -very tirecr' 1- k. ... -- w I SI