The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, March 14, 1894, Image 4

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(Saral. I fitlfBh-TEp
Only a Scar Remains
Scrofula Cured Blood Purified by
Hood's Sarsaparilla.
"CL Ilood & Co., Lowell, Mass.:
" It Is witli pleasure that I send a testimonial
concerning what Hood's Sarsaparilla has done
for my daughter. It is a wonderful medicine
and I cannot recommend it too highly. Sarab
who is fourteen years old, lias been
Afflicted With Scrofula
ever since she was one year old. For five years
sho has had a running sore on one side of her
face. We tried every remedy recommended, but
nothing did her any good until we commenced
using Hood's Sarsaparilla. My married daughter
advised roe to use Hood's Sarsaparilla because
It had cured her of dyspepsia. Sho had been
troubled with that complaint since childhood,
and since her cure she has never been witliout a
bottle of Hood's Sarsaparilla in tho house. We
commenced giving it to Sarah about one year
ago, and it has conquered the running sore,
Only a Scar Remaining
as a trace of the dreadful disease. Previous to
taking the medicine her eyesight was affected
but now 6he can see perfectly. In connection
with Hood'a Sarsaparilla we have usod Hood's
Vegetable Fills, and find them the besL" Mks.
Makia Gmrns, Xeula, Illinois.
Hood's PHIs cure nausea, sick headache.
Indigestion, biliousness. Sold by all druggist.
"Almost as
Palatable as Milk"
This is a fact with regard
to Scott's Emulsion of Cod
Liver Oil. The difference
between the oil, in its plain
state, is very apparent. In
Scott's Emulsion
you detect no fish-oil taste.
As it is a help to diges
tion there is no offer effect
except good effect. Keep in
mind that Scott's Emulsion
is the best promoter of flesh
and strength known to
Prepared by Scott 4 Bowno. V. T. All drool.
This Trade Mark Is on the best
SHSE? in the World!
Spading Boot
oilier, i iifoiilrort.ii)soieiiiei
the hole length of t he soli? low n tol
tne tit-vl. inn tins ttic sli.inK Inl
duelling, divine, jic .juality throughout.
Iratieof Xfce Itieh ?iredat which Circular Saws are mo
more potter is wasted in frution than is used in sawing, where
Iheltarinfftof the haLp ilrn saw frame cot out of line.
In the Arrmolrr n- Iramr. the cnl Steel Saw Frame
n made, this .liflirtilu i aloli:trl) anil wholly relented
Wciur Tllk lit U:lt. toll THE SHIFT ABE SAUK HT BAB.
tirmu it ! the t.Mis diai'iiie or steel tibim,
The ;-lel lubiBff and Kt liitt are then flitted so as to take up wJflK
with a twit. Ite fraae 1. all steel, sery rigid, sad rrfefta1
liptlfr m that Bulhine eaa art Im or oal af laee. Tkt
gnado encircle the hate u to tnaie it impossible foramy
ometoqet Am t, a 1'Oimt of t!tcgcalet inijHrtance it a saw to
he Itxrd by w Hli7.l hnnd.
The swine frame which carries the wood to fa sawed and
which automatical!) rt-lurn to its place has also a guard to
kerpa Hileofffriin tie fl wheel and Jet does nut causelt to
treenterj miuncf an allele to thesan The me of a 100 lb.
20inch fl wheel and ?t inch saw niaVcs this eaily possible.
It istherefore aier denalle 1'oleSaw, making ilear tocut
cj an; Ions material quickly and safe!). Another feature of
Since we offer tln ery superior saw frame with a 16 inc.
superior saw at a uurh less i rice than an cheap !nierfcct
wooden frame can lelou?ht for, we are sure that the inends
f the AeraoaBsSill aprente the fact that we hate afam
heendoicp tafcTWMifa treat scrire anl hatetdistinfsdshed
ourseUaaun AleMnirfc an old article and patting it laloan
u.finJRcBed shape j-
"' FT MsawW.oilar sue end quility. and ordinary wooden
tarA4srycu would be charged u H"r wioiv tins aUfrrl
l,iw.l rtwwjMwraic il fto, ASl Git K 1(11 A CIUSI'E
-tlf GET ir AT tlltor lie Uwht ffWr Grarrrmtror.
Ve he olJ an Aotmous Ynmrr ? FowerAennotor
OTts with which sawire cwal and a poor saw trust runs hard
r say that ru
l-Cloay If
e, nBny peal
verke Gea
delraet from their u.eAlnes iZa their rej-i
luvh a lery superior saJat a ery low iince.
we f ur-
Feared out
Geared Aer-
ttswill le Iticrlinnnie them Wherever
motor rue, otht-rs are uie t follow
When r takea well known atticle. redeiirn it. and putit
m a shape sery superur to am thing that has apeared lfore, it
widens and enlarges our reputation for Oung well eerythir.j:
to which we put our bands, and this is the thing that has in
the past l-roucht so much business 10 rur f-ctory, and which in
the future, we hase no docl-t. wi!l brini, practically, all the
lmines in our line. It is this repatatiou that we are daily
workint for
Ve Ulirve that tors 4cniotor Steel Saw Trame and Saw
will confirm and er.h.-rre the fme wludi we liaxe gamel
in the manufacture cf steel IVindsulls and Steel Towers,
hence, for the purpose of scattering them so that everybody
may know that a good thine can he had for a small price. WE
I n r. toriE OF AD EltTIvrat.T So. 2 of this senes as per
rocd.tions suted in o 2. In our neat ajvcrt:ment. ?"o. 4,
we "hall talk of galvaniaing, and make an offer that wul be at
Uutcrsil interest. Iku u adc. Xo. 3. JILUMOTOI: CO.
Icrjuals cu-tom work, coMinij from
54 to o, icsi value lor tnc money
m tnc tvoria. amc ana pnee
stamped on inc uottom. iiery
jr warranted. I akc no substi.
See local papers for full
description of our complete
.lines tor Indies ana gen-
Yt'VDOOfajZf- ?lastraUJ Catalogue
pixinjr n
i structions
t strai: how to or.
derby mail. Postage free. You can get the best
bargains of dealers v. bo push our shoes.
kB vCl aai
-'--'"- JtJBp as Ba
"?- 4IaTaVsBBBF feBBaW aBBBBl'5i
-iawsBr -vflBVilBl
V E'EIflBH EMstssssssssa ssWOVsssssssssssssfsssssi
19 fj V& aiTl T sssssssssssssm J
CB r1 ,T r asasa'Va
fBat Court Syrup. Ta&emGood. Ck
She Wouldn't Listen.
Into the soft, warm light of the rich
reception room the heavy odors from
the conservatory floated and filled the
place as with a iog of flowers.
l.eneath the crystal chandelier, which
shone in the mellow light as a suspended
rainbow in an atmosphere of gold, stood
a fair, pale girl, erect, imperious, beau
tiful. Her eyes blazed, and there was but
one emotion which possessed her it
was scornful irony.
Shrinking away into the shadows was
the object of it. It was a young man
in a pink shirt, with other things to
He had told her of his love for her, of
his devotion to her. of his worship, of )
the dear desire of his heart to make her '
his own, and in the midst of it she had J
stopped lain suddenly.
Enough," she exclaimed. "Enough!
I will not listen to another word.'"
'Hear me out," .he pleaded. "Hear
me out."
"Never,' she laughed scornfully.
"Hut I shall take gn-at pleasure in see
ing you out' And the shadows closed
around that shrinking youth like the
deadly anus of the octopus. Detroit
Free Press.
A number one rough cure. Mr. James
II. Unmet, 24a Cedar St., Buffalo, X. Y.,
write thus: "I am using Dr. Bull's Cough
Syrup in my family and deem it a number
oneniedHne for coughs ami colds, and my
bouse shall never be without it."
CmiHea of tlio Recent Depression.
In periods of depression men look fo
a cause, anil are very likely to jump at
a conclusion. The cause of the present
depression in business now long con
tinued was at iirst said to be the pur
chasing of silver by the government;
so the purchasing clause of the act of
lS'.tl, commonly called the Sherman act,
was repealed. Then the financial panic
or semi-panic was said to be the
cause. That soon passed. Then the
trouble was attributed to the scarcity
of money. Now there is a plethora of
money. Later the cause was said to be
the expected new tariff bill. This bill
has been before the public for weeks,
and the worst is known. These so
called "causes'" have all disappeared,
but tiieir disappearance has not put a
wjiecl in motion nor a hand to work.
It is not, perhaps, within the scope of
the greatest intelligence to account sat
isfactorily for the present state of
affairs. It is world-wide. Its begin
ning may be traced to the time, three
years ago, marked by the failure of the
Barings Next came the crisis in Ar
gentine affairs. Then, shortly, the
panic in Australia, and later this wave
of depression over the United States,
which does not yet recede, although
the supposed causes have been elimin
ated. It is by all odds the liest liniment. Mr.
Chas. Metger, 217 (Jever Ave., St. Louis,
Mo., i of tho sanio opinion. He says:
''Salvation Oil is the l.-est remedy wo have
ever used in our family. It is tho best retu
edv on earth."'
Mlilwinter Surf Ttathinr;.
Sea bathing in late.lannary! It is 11
o'clock in the morning, and here arc
bathers just out of the surf. The tem
perature of the water was 70 degrees
just right for a saltwater plunge and
much warmer than the ocean will aver
age at the New Fngland coast resorts
in summer. The air was only slightly
warmer than the sea. The mercury at
noon registered T( degrees. There was
a good sea running, and the surf comb
ed over toward the sands most grace
fully and invitingly. It would break
over the head and shoulders of a grown
person standing up to the waist in the
water. The color of the sea here ap
pears to be paler than that of the ocean
farther north, and at high noon today,
with a cloudless sky overhead and the
rays of the sun glinting on the crests
of the waves, few have ever seen a
more strikingly beautiful combination
of sea, land and sky. Ormond (Fla.)
Cor. Atlanta Constitution.
There is more Catarrh in this section of the
country than all other diseases put together,
and until the last few years was supposed to
be incurable. For a great many years doc
tors pronounced it a Jocal disease, and pre
scribed local remedies, and by constantly fall
ins to cure with local treatment, pronounced
it incurable. Science has proven catarrh to
be a constitutional disease, and therefore re
quires constitutional treatment. Hall's Ca
tarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney A
Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional
cure on the market. It is taken internally in
dotes from 10 drops to a teaspoonfuL It acta
directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of
the system. They offer one hundred dollars
for any case it fails to cure. Send for cir
culars and testimonials. Address
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, a
3?Sold by Druggists, 75c.
The man goes to IkhI tired who spends
the day looking for an easy place.
Brings comfort and improvement and
tends to personal enjoyment when
rightly used. The many, who live bet
ter than others and enjoy life more, with
less expenditure, by more promptly
adapting the world's best products to
the needs of physical being, will attest
the value to health of the pure liquid
laxative principles embraced in the
remedy, Syrup of Figs.
Its excellence is due to its presenting
in the form most acceptable and pleas
ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly
beneficial properties of a perfect lax
ative ; effectually cleansing the system,
dispelling colds, headaches and fevers
ana permanently curing constipation.
It has given satisfaction to millions and
met with the approval of the medical
profession, because it acts on the Kid
neys, Liver and Bowels without weak
ening them and it is perfectly free from
everv objectionable substance.
Svrup of Figs is for sale by all drug
gists in 50c and $i bottles, but it is man
ufactured by the California Fig Syrup
Co. only, whose name is printed on every
package, also the name, Syrup of Figs,
and being well informed, you will not
accept any substitute if offered.
mThneshers and Horse Powers.
Writo for Illustrated CatoioKse, mailed Free.
OMAHA U Houses.
niGHEST CASH price paid for
Frh Huttcr. Send for circular.
HAYBtX BROS., Omaha.
Hotel Del I one
Omaha, cor. tub
and Capitol Atc.,
14 blk fnm both
Council Bluffs X
Omaha car lines.
Best a day house in the state. Fire proof
VEF.B A CASEY, Proprietors.
FARMSXitr property, merchandise for
s-ale or Kxchange. IJ&t free. E. F.
K1AGER. SI o. 15th St., Omaha.
Rubber Goods, Optieal Goods.
Physicians SunnllM. etc Vail
orders solicited. Aloe & l'eof old Co . 1408 Farnam St
Ship or -tvrite
prices to
Established 1670.
ssUssssslsssssssssssmssssVLssPssssssssssssK.'Xf1' VV1
Alon;; the new wind-drifted snowa
Carven in dome and minaret,
And arabesque In beauty, glow
Rich tones of blue and violet. '
'- J
. .
And then an olive and jewel burns
And sparkles in the liquid light, .
And suddenly to turquoise turns
Upon the chill unbroken white. !
Here is a crystal flaniins green,
Wind polished as its light it throws,
And bright amid the lively sheen
FlasJi beryl, thrysoprase, and rose.
Vx'ithin my musing dreams these glints
That gem my snowy gardenway
With colors fine arc subtle hints
Of balinv blooms to come and May.
II. K." Munkittrick, in Harper's
Weekly. ;
Thfrc stood in Rerkshlre, Eng., far
out upon a quiet road, a little inn,
which the wooden sign swinging at the
door declared to be known as "The
Miiyj'ic's Nest.
it iviii iiccri tlniiJ named because of
the number of magpies In the neigh
itnrrinrwi Ami straiirht before the door
stood an oak tree a century old, among
whose uppermost branches, year in anu
vear out, always hung a magpie's nest,
to which the country people believed
that the same old magpies returned
No verv elegant entertainment was
offered at the Magpie's Nest for either
man or beast, but its patrons thought
the ale good, and then it was served
to them bv the most charming, rosy
checked little barmaid, who wore a
cap with bright ribbons, and had a
waist that could have been spanned by
two hands a well behaved little maid
also, who resented too much freedom
by a box on the ear, and who was
known by the rector of the parish
niwirr-h tn hnvo been the best girl in
his Sabbath school. So, though she was
a poor orphan, and had only ner mue
meed of wages, Betty might have mar
ried inanv a stout young fanner. How
ever, she refused them all, and kept on
with her duties at the Magpie's Nest
until the son of her master, coming
home from India, where he had served
as a soldier for several years, fell in
lovo with her and offered her his hand
and heart. Betty did not prove un
kind. The Innkeeping father was will
ing enough to secure his handy Betty
for a permanent assistant. And amid
the chattering of the magpies Betty
and John exchanged their vows under
the nest-hung oak tree one bright after
t, nnri .Tniin tint tmon her finger
a thick silver ring, which he had ob
tained abroad, perhaps Dy purcnase,
perhaps by gift, perhaps as soldiers
obtain many things in time of war.
It was not a costly gift to our eyes
it would not be a beautiful one but
Betty valued it highly. She kept it pol
ished to perfection, and wore it with
great pride on high dayf and holidays;
but though she loved John and looked
forward to her wedding-day with joy,
sho would not alter the bright, coquet
tish manner which had always be
longed to her. She joked with the
farmers, flung them back repartee for
repartee, and even gave them those
bright glances which John, tbe soldier,
thought should be only given to him
self. So John grew jealous, and being
a moody sort of man, said nothing
about it. .
It never entered Betty's mind that
the very manner which bad once en
chanted John should now offend him,
and she herself grew angry with her
lover for his scowls and sulkiness.
Therefore, when a young Frenchman
from Marseilles, black-eyed, black
haired and as polite in his manners as
Frenchmen usually are, chanced, in
the course of a business journey, to
stop at the Magpie's Nest, she felt that
ho would really be a fine example for
surly John Leaf, and was amiable to
him to a degree that might have made
a less jealous man angry. Then, in
deed, John Leaf spoke out, and Betty
discovered the secret of his ill temper.
Her pride being flattered thereby, she
forgave him, and retired on Saturday
night with the firm intention of win
ning back John's smiles on the morrow,
her holiday, when she would go to
church in her best attire and charm his
heart from him over again as he walked
by her side. What woman ever had
any design on a man's heart, ever de
sired to win from him any favor or any
gift, that she did not bethink her of
all her finery! Before Betty slept she
took from her trunk her Scotch plaid
dress, her fringed shawl, her blue-ribboned
cap, her Sunday shoes and her
silver ring, and having given the latter
an extra polish, laid them where they
would meet her eyes the first thing
next morning.
John Leaf, sulking in his room under
the garret eaves, had not thought of
this. Those slow natures do not forget
and forgive In a hurry, any more than
they do anything else.
The morning sun, shining aslant
against the inn's wall, aroused Betty
with his first rays.' She rubbed her
eves, opened them, put her fat little
feet out upon the floor, knelt down and
said her simple prayer and then flew
to the glass. It was only a crooked
thing, "with a flaw Hn it, and a ough
oaken frame, but it was sufficient to
make her happy. She braided her hair,
put on her cap, buttoned her dress,
tied about her throat the gay neck
ribbon, laced her shoes geometrically,
and then looked for her ring. It was
She knew the very spot upon tho ,
heart-shaped pincushion into which she
had thrust the needle over which the
silver ring had been hung. There stuck
the needle still. It was below the win
dow sill, on a little table; it could not
have rolled out: but it was not in the
room. She shook out her dress, her
shawl, her bedclothes. She swept the
floor. It was gone. That was the end
of it.
Bettv sat down and wept bitterly.
All the country people of that day were
superstitious. The ring had disap
peared in a liuxt mysterious way
for her door was bolted and her win
dow high from the ground, and she
firmly believed that the loss portended
some great evil.
i i an while at the b:-r o- the inn :.
little scene was going on. The Freuch
n.$n had asked for a glass of ale and
John, who was always tapster on Sun
day mornings, had drawn it for lmn,
whin, as their luuids almost met in the
act, he saw upon the little finger of his
custimer a thick silver ring, the very
counterpart of that which he had
given to his Betty.
"You've a pretty ring, Moneer." he
said, with a sort of catching of the
breath. "Mav I csk where you got
"Ah. but certainly," said the French
Iran. "One that does not b ast, but a
prettv girl save me that. Yes. and a
kiss also."
Jchn turned a' pale as his florid face
could turn. He trade no answer, but
rr arched sttaight out of the tap-room
and into Betty' kitchen.
She stood near the door in her holi
day dress, with her white cotton gloves
on? The magpies were chattering over
head, and afar the church bells were
ringing. .
"You are going to church with me,
John?" she asked softly and .with a
"That depends," said John Leaf.
Then he walked straight up to her
and looked full i'-to her honest eyes.
"You don't look like a cheat," he
said; "but who knows a wonran? Take
eff your gloves, Betty."
She obeyed.
"Where's your ring?" he asked.
Betty burst into tears.
"It's lost John," she said,. "I can find
it nowhere."
"You haven't looked on Moneer's
finger then," said John. "You poor
fool, to give it to Irm and think I
shouldn't know It!"
"Oh, I'll swear 3 never did," sobbed
Betty. "I give your ring to any one
tlse! Why, John
But he pushed her from him with
lis icugh hand, and would hear no
word from her; and tho next day he
left the inn and enlisted once mor?,
and was sQnt away again to India.
And Betty left the inn also and took
bt-rvlce with a farmer's wife hard by;
and whatever the magpies chaptered
about, it was no more of the lKnak-
ing that they heard when Jo
Betty sat together beneath the old oak
Five years went by. At last John re
ceived a lelor from England, teiliu,;
him that his father was dead, and had
left all his little possessions to his ouly
John Leaf's fighting days we:e oer,
in any case, and ho was on the iuvalid
list for life. He had fought as desper
ate tn2Ti do, had been commended am"
pomoted, and had some medals ami
ribbons to show and boast of as coiu
peLsaticns for a wooden log. So he
went home again and settled down as
pioprietor of the "Magpie's Nest," and
i-as a sort of hero among his neigh
bors, but he was very lonely. Men do
not quite forget in five years. He
cculd still see Betty's buxom form flit
ting about the kitchen in imagination,
and when the magpies chattered in
their nests, he oould fancy that he sat
with her still under the oak brandies.
Then ho grew wroth with the magpies,
who seemed to mock him, and ordered
his little serving boy to tear the nests
In vain the lad pleaded for the birds.
In vain he declared that, even if the
new nests went, the old one in the top
most branches should be left "for
"If the old magpies that built that
find it gone, they'll peck some one's
eyes out in the night time," said tho
boy. "It's been known to be done of
ten." But John Leaf, tho soldier, had cast
away his country's superstitions.
"I'll have those magpies chattering
about my ears no more," he said. "Up,
and leave not a nest of them all. Some
of the noisy devils will take possession
of that old rag if it is left hanging."
So the boy obeyed. He planted a
ladder against the tree, and then
swung out upon the branches. " Tluro
v-as a grievous noise; and doubtless to
this day old magpies tell their child
ren of that massacre of tho innocents
at the great oak tree. But there were
no birds to chatter and scream in that
great rag of a nest which the lad's
hand clutched at last. He came down
with the relic in his bend, and stood
before his master with a grin.
"Eh, master! may I have all I found
in the old nestV" he asked.
"If it's not a magpie's egg," said John
"It's better thai that." said the lad,
"It's a silver ring."
"Let me see it," cried John Leaf,
snd snatclu d it from his hand.
It was the ring with which he had
flighted hi troth to Betty tuider the
tld oak, and he knew now that tho
magpies had stohn it, and that the
Frenchman wore only one that re
sembled it.
The first tiling that John did was to
c?ll himself hnrd names: "A jealous
fcol!" "A suspicious brute!" Heaven
knows what else. Then he nielttl, and
all by himself in the bit of woods be
yond the house, shed tears, and vowed
to fiL'd Bcttj if she still lived on earth.
Where he went, of whom he in
quired, matters 11 t; but one day wlua
the sun was setting ia the west he open
ed a little cottage gate to which lie had
been directed and taw, at her knitting
under a vine-covered porch, his Betty,
not changed one single bit. And she?
She looked at him and did not kuow
him, with his thin, sallow face and his
wooden leg.
"And what may you be wanting?"
she asked.
And he said, "Betty!"
And she cried out, "Why, it's John
Then he sat down on the bench close
by her side.
"You know I nevr had many words
tc spend on anything, Betty," he said.
"I'll come to the point at once. I know
now that. you were true and no cheat,
and that you never gave my ring to
Monseer. I found it or my lad did,
for I'm not very good at climbing now
in the old magpie's nest in the oak
"So the magpie stole it, eh?" said
Betty. "Well, they are strange birds.
I've heard they've taken spoons before
"And so. Betty," said John, "if you'll
overlook the past, nnd let by-gones be
bygenes, 111 be a happy man."
"I owe you no grudge," said Betty.
"And bygones are bygones, John Leaf."
"But you'll let things be as tliev were
Betty?" said John. "You'll be my
sweetheart again?''
She laughed.
"Don't you know?" she said. "Why,
look there."
He looked. Through the gate came
a foreign-looking man, with gold rings
in his ears and a silver ring upon his
finger, who led by the hand a toddling
"Why, it's Monseer," said John.
"You see," said Betty, "I went to him
to ask him how he came by his ring,
It has a name and date on it that mine
It has a name and dte on it that mine
never had. And he wtis so kind to me,
and you had been cruel. And so we
have been married three years, eh,
Louis? And this is our boy."
"I had better go home. I think," said
John Leaf. "One is always punished
for being a fool. But this Is your ring.
Wll you have it Betty?"
"Pray keep it for your sweetheart,"
said Betty. "You'll find one soon, no
But John Leaf never found one nirain
and the ring found in the magpie's
not was buried with him when he
Dr. Tnimncc'H First Attempt to
French AVIthont Xotea, nnd "Vli nt
Several gentlemen were talking over
the recent lecture of Dr. Talmage on
"Russia and the Czar" in the Rigcs
house last night, when Boniface De
Witt told an interesting story of the
fatuous ju'eacher's first experience in
trying to deliver a sermon without
"It was years ago. of course," said
Mr. De Witt, "and occurred in my old
home. Belleville. N. J. Dr. Talmage
was preaching there, and one week he
made up his mind to go into the pul
pit the next Sundav witliout notes or
memoranda of what lie v. as going to
say. He memorized his sermon, and
believed he had it completely at his
tongue's end, so Sunday night he went
to the church pretty well fortified with
"In those davs in that section of
Jersey churches and hotels and many
private residences were equipped with
private gas machines, and the church
where Talmage was to hold forth had
one, too. When he got into the pulpit
after conducting the preliminary serv
ice all right he gave out his text. Then
he was horrified to find that he could
not thiiik of a thing to say. He repeat
ed the text a socond time, and yet his
ideas failed to come. He was in agony,
and began slowly and Impressively to
announce his text a third time. As
he reached the last word and the per
spiration of dread and shame was be
ginning to start, tho gas went out and
plunged the place into utter darkness.
There was no other means of lighting
the edifice, and when it was announced
that the gas machine had broken down
hopelessly Dr. Talmage pronounced the
benediction, and I have heard him say
that he never did so before or since
with greater fervor or thankfulcess of
spirit" Washington Post.
" -K-n -
The Coadactor Knew "What o'clock
It "Va.i and Called the Deal.
"yes." 6ald the smart man, who sat
on the rear seat in the smoker, "it's
dead easy to bluff these conductors if
you know how. "Now. I'll make a small
bet that, although I have a ticket, I can
travel to my destination without show
ing it or putting up a cent."
"I don t believe it." said the man
in the front scat.
"Well." insisted the smart man, "just
watch me when tho conductor comes
Ten minutes later the conductor did
come along. He itiuuired for tickets in
a peremptory manner. The smart man
mado no move to get his, says the Buf
falo Express.
"Tickets!" said the conductor again,
when he readied the rear seat.
"Sec here, old fellow." said the smart
man, "I haven't got cuv ticket. I'm
an old railroad man. Used to be con
ductor on the Santa Fe. and I want to
go a piece with you."
"Used to be ou the Santa Fe. did
you?" Inquired the conductor. "Well.
I don't know but 1 can pass you. By
the way what time is it? My watch
isn't running just right."
The smart man winked at the man in
front of of him and pulled out his
watch. "It's twenty minutes to V2," he
The conductor held out his hand.
"Give me your ticket or money enough
to pay your fare, or I'll put you off tho
train," ho said sharply.
The smart man reluctantly pulled out
his ticket. As he handed it over he
said: "How in thunder did you know
I was bluffing?"
The conductor laughed a bit. "Oh!"
he said. "You were easv. If you'd
ever been in the railroad business for
ten minutes you'd have said 11:40 in
stead of twenty minutes to 12."
A,a American Fniirtiy Who Only
Hears From the World Twice Ycur
ly. G. B. Greig, from Fanning Island,
was in San Francisco recently. This
island is one of a little group that lies
in mldocean about half way between
Honolulu and Samoa, being situated
between three and four degrees north
of the equator. It is the property of
the Grelgs, who are Americans. Here
members of the family lead an ideal
life, apart from all others of their kind,
save a hundred natives, who do their
work. Once onlv in six months do
they hear from the world, and then
a little sailing vessel conies laden
with mail and books and provisions
and even newspapers six mouths old.
It is always summer in Fanning; al
ways warm enough so that one can
swing in a hammock all night with
no covering savo the clear sky.
"It Is not generally known," said Mr.
Groig to au Examiner reporter, "that
Fanning island is a British possession.
It is the property of our family, who
work It for copra and guano. It is a
coral islet, with a fine lagoon, which
has been entered by several war shins,
American, British and Japanese. The
island has a circumferenco of about
thirty miles. It was annexed to Great
Britain in 1S"! by Admiral Richards.
The place would make a first-class
naval coaling station. The proposed
cable across the Pacilie ocean, from
Australasia to British North America,
will probably cross Fanning island.
In that event we will feel quite in the
world. What is necessary in the in
terests of Australasia seems to be a
cable from Australia via Fiji, or other
Islands, to Vancouver, and it Is cer
taiu that it is possible to lay a cable
in an almost direct line, touching en
tirely on British territory. This line
would be a great link in the coining
commercial connections between Aus
'ralla and British North America."
The American BufTnlo.
When the first white settler landed
in Virginia the bison ranged east of the
Alieghenics almost to the seacoast,
westward to the dry deserts lying be
yond the Rocky mountains, northward
to Chihuahua. It was the beast of the
forest and mountains, in the Alleghe
nles no less than in tho Rockies, but
its true home was on the prairies and
the high plains.
Across these it roamed hither and
thither, in herds of enormous, of in
credible magnitude; herds ?o large that
they covered the waving grassland for
hundreds of square leagues and when
on the march occupied days and days
in passiug a given point. But seething
myriads of shaggy-maned wild cattle
vanished witii remarkable and melan
choly rapidity before the inroads of
the white hunters and the steady
irarch of the oncoming settlers. Now
they are on the point of extinction.
Two or three hundred are left in
that great national game preserve, the
Yellowstone Park, and it is said that
others still remain in the wintry desola
tion of Athabasca. Elsewhere, only a
few Individuals exist, probably consid
erably less than half a hundred all
told, 'scattered in small parties in the
wildest and most romantic and inacces
sible portions of tho Rocky Mountains.
A bison bull is the largest American
animal. His huge bulk, his short, curv
ed black horns, his shaggy mane cloth
ing his great neck and shoulders, giving
him a look of ferocity which his con
duct belies. Yet he is a grand and no
ble beast, and his loss from our prai
ries and forests is as keenly regretted
by the lover of nature and of wild life
is by" the hunter.
FnHhion Amonjc the A Inns.
The dress of civilized nations is often
sufficiently ridiculous, but our own odd
ities do not render us th- less dispotd
to laugh at the oddities of other peo
ple. This being true, we can afford
to be amused by Mr. Howard's descrip
tion of the clothing worn in cold
weather by the hairy Ainus. those
strange little inhabitants of farther Si
beria and a part of Japan.
The only material of which th-y ever
have a complete suit is fish-skin. Such
a suit is sometimes elaborately, though
coarsely, embroidered. The resemblance
between this embrolderv and that of
the North American Indians Is remarka
ble. How the fish-skin is prenared is still
a puzzle to me. Though pivtty ihin.
it is verv tough, and ha- :re pliabil
ity t h'lii might b- tlii-usht possible.
Shoes even are maK '"'i it- hut not
exclusively of it; it generally forms the
linings of the uppers.
The th.cker elothi U i g.-otesqueneSr.
itself. For medium garuum. e.p. .-is.l-lv
for the cov niti-' of 'he back and
client. I'.reh bark is umI. otter ma
terials being stitched t it. For tli'
coldest weather the elothina is much
like that of the Eskimo and the Kam
tschatdales. The srotesqueness of it
arises not so much from its Miape as
from the varietv of the materials.
In one of these Joseph's coat d'vsses
were mixed patches of .sable, bear,
iinr nnd foT-skins. iiirliuliniT the tails.
! in haphazard fragments, while behind
and before mere was unucrneaui an
these a large piece of birch bark. Th
bark. I afterwards found, was intended
incidentally as a protection against ac
cidental shots from poisoned arrows,
which the Ainus use more in winter
than in summer in their hunting excur
sions. And He lut on Hi Hat.
Mr. Billus Maria, you make a good
deal of fuss over that canary. Do you
think a canary nas an immortal soul?
Mrs. Billus I think I shall not an
awer a man according to his folly.
"Hmp! Can't you quote Scripture
better than that?"
"I cm. but you outiht to be grateful
that I chose to misquote Scripture rath
er than to seem impolite. Chicago Tribune.
She Wouldn't Listen.
Into the soft, warm light of the rich
reception room the heavy odors from
the conservatory floated and tilled the
place as with a fog of flowers.
Beneath the crystal chandelier, which
shone in the mellow light as a suspend
ed rainbow in an atmosphere of gold,
stood a fair, pale girl, erect, imperious,
Her eyes blazed, and there was but
one emotion which possessed her it
was scornful irony.
Shrinking away into the shadows
was the object of it. It was a young
man in a pink shirt, with other things
to match.
He had told her of his love for her, of
his devotion to her, of his worship, of
the dear desire of his heart to make her
his own, and in the midst of it she had
stopped him suddenly.
"Enough,' she exclaimed. "Enough!
I will not listen to another word."
"Hear me out," he pleaded. "Hear
me out."
"Never," she laughed scornfully.
"But I shall take great pleasure in see
ing you out" And the shadows closed
around that shrinking youth like the
deadly arms of the octopus. Detroit
b'ree Press.
I'rinciples that should Govern Modern
Tt flsslnas A sAlaltAntnsA
A Greek temple can never be any
tnmg but a Greek temple, a gothic ca
thedral must always be a Gothic cathe
dral, a modern office building must
always be an office building. The glory
of each is its individuality and the
directness with which it expresses its
object The Greek temple was a de
velopment of the Greek ideal in archi
tecture; the (.otitic cathedral was the
development of the medueval idea: the
modern office building, if it is to have
the rank in architecture to which its
importance entitles it, must be the de
velopment of modern needs, ideas, ne
cesities. The question is not one of
styles, nor of suitabilities of styles: it
is the natural treatment of complicated
and difficult conditions in a natural
I.lfo or Death?
It is of vital importance tliat it should be
uiulerhtood by persons whoe kidneys arc
inactive, that this, condition of things is
finally inductive of a state of the organs
where life hangs in the balance. Hright's
disease, diabetes, albuminuria are all dis
eases of a very obstinate character in their
mature stage, and all have a fatal tendency.
They often bailie the most practised med
ical skill, and tho mot approved remedies
of materia inedicu. Hut opposed at theout
set that is to. say, when the kidneys begin
to discharge their functions inactively
with Hostetter's Stomach i'itters, the dan
gerous tendency is checked. Very useful,
a No. is t lii-. household medicine tor iho-.e
ailments of common occurrence-constipation,
biliousness, dyspepsia and nervous
ness. It is a safeguard against malaria and
1 verts chronic rheumatism.
Kx-Preairient in Politics.
Several of the presidents have re
mained in active politics after retire
ment from the white house. Buchanan
was elected at the age of tii and retired
at the age of 70. Tyler was a member
of the provisional confederate congress
at the age of 71. John Adams, at S.1
years of age, was a delegate to the con
vention for revising the constitution of
Massachusetts. John Quincy Adams
was elected to congress by the anti
Mason party when he was 04, and lie
remained in congress for a period of '17
years. He died in the hall of the house
.lames Monroe retired from the presi
dency at tvr, was a regent of the
University of Virginia with Madison
and Jefferson at OS, but declined to
serve as an elector from Virginia at 70
on the ground that an ex-president
should not be a partisan, but afterward
acted as a local magistrate and was a
member of the constitutional conven
tion of Virginia. Andrew Jackson was
""O when he left the white house.
Salzer illustrates in a colored plate a
new early corn, a giant of its kind, and
offers S300 in gold for the largest ear
in 1891. In addition to this early Ciant
corn, which yielded in 1803 110 bushels
per acre, he has over twenty other pro
lific field corns. He has the best fodder
corn in the world. He is the largest
grower of farm seeds, such as oats,
barley, wheat, millet, potatoes, etc in
America. Fifty kinds of grasses and
If You Will Cut This Out and Send It
With 15c to the John A. Salzer Seed Co.. La
Crosse, Wis., you will receive a large pack
age of above Giant corn and his mammoth
';atalogue. w
Hnmnrons Trillrs.
The floating bits of humor to be
picked up on many a random page of
literature are enough to convince us
that the world is a blithesome sort of
place after all.
Chief Justice Rushe and Lord Nor
bury were walking together in the old
times and came upon a gibbet.
"Where would you be," asked Nor
bttr3 pointing to the gibbet, "if we all
had our deserts?"'
"Faith," was the reply, "I should be
traveling alone!"
O'Connell's cutting description of
Lady 11 is worth a dozen ordinary
witticisms, "She had all the qualities
of the kitchen poker without its occa
sional warmth."
Then take the remark of Sydney
Smith in regard to a very attractive
and dashing widow, "When Mrs. II
appears in the neighborhood, the whole
horizon is darkened
with majors!
Youth's Companion.
lOO World's Fair Photos for SI.
These Leautiful pictures are now ready
for delivery in ten complete parts It. pic
tures comprising each juirt nnd tho wholo
set can l;o secured by the jwyment of One
Dollar, sent to ('r.o. II. Hkaffoko, General
PanseiiKer Agent, Chicago. Milwaukee &
St. l'ntil Railway, Chicago. III., and tho
portfolios of pictures wilj I e sent, free of
exrone. by mail Jo siilisrril ers.
Remittances should 1 o mado by draft,
iionoy order, or registered letter.
Made High lliiil.liiigs Possible.
The elevator is the great equalizer of
our civilization, which brings the four
teenth story down to the second, and.
by excessively rapid "express service'"'
makes the twentieth tloor scarcely
more difficult of access than the third.
In studying the growth of the high
building it is not needful, perhaps, to
emphasize the relative importance of
:iih factor that adds to its merits, but
the place of the elevator is funda
mental; without it its chief merit would
be gone: without it its upper stories
would be as inaccessible as a mountain- j
top. The development of the high j
building lias hastened the development
of the elevator, until today the "ex
press" elevator leaves nothing to be de
sired in swiftness of service.
California for Health. Pleasure and Profit.
If Koiu; for either, take the dire-t route,
the Union Tnci'ic.
'I he oulv lino running first and second
class sleeiTers and dining car.- to San Fran
cNf o.
Send for our new ls,,4 pamphlets. All
about tho Mid-Winter Fair.
E. L. LoMAi, Gen'I. Pass. & Tkt A?t .
Omaha. Neb.
m . sr IS
H I It II 1 1 J
If you are
your blood lsbad. A few bottles of S. S. S.
yoar oiooa is uau. uuiuuv.- . . r . '
... ... j --, lllmorncrnf Blemishes are nl fatten MUtMif-
vLmj) v-i.... Tja tio hxt hinnH mnpdv on
v l w i ui M. la aj cafcav wvu "" - ar
1 a na It OOT-C
"My blood was oaoir
Cut or oroor auraara,
tlte. no enjoyment or
13 no twr remedy
TrtatiM on blood and skin dltau watted
i 7 r
m f m
m vj
POWDER because they de-
to please
m sire
ers, and customers are most
pleased when they get the best
and the most for their money.
DER is absolutely pure, goes
further, and makes better food
than any other leavening agent.
fiOTerntnent Ownership of Railroads and
Public Safety.
In proportion to the number travel
ing, there are thirteen times as many
ac -itlents in the United States as in
t'ermany, where government owner
ship of railways obtains, and six or
seven times as many accidents to em
ployes in proportion to the total num
ber. And no wonder! The first thing
which attracts attention in t'ermany is
the careful protection to life and limb.
Accidents of daily occurrence in Chica
go are impossible in Iierlin, a city of
equal size. Contrast the efforts of the
United States to save life as seen in our
truly admirable life-saving service on
our coasts with the conduct of those
railway presidents who rush to Wash
ington and to our state capitals to pre
vent the passage of laws to compel the
railways to use well-known and ap
proved safety appliances! It is claimed
that there is greater freedom in the
serviue of the government than in the
service of the vast corporations which
manage natural monopolies. And the
freedom of the employed may be still
further increased by better civil service
regulations. The nobility of public
service is of importance to the wage
earner of every grade. The uniform of
trovernment is an honor, while the
L-livery of private service is considered a
oauge oi lnienoriiy- uis puuuc ser
vice which has developed the great
leaders of our civilization. North
American Review.
The Throat. "Iirown's Bronchial Tntrhr"
act directly on tho organs of the voice.
They have au extraordinary effect in all
disorders of tho throat
Ficuratively Speaking.
Once while touring England Mr. Irv
ing's company stopped at a small city
in the interior. The play for that night
was "The Merchant of Veniee."
Shortly before the performance the
head super took aside his five assist
ants, who were new at the business,
and startof in to give them their in
strnctiond. Among the five was an
American, who paid his instructor the
closesiattention. sr
"iVow," said theJfead super,endeav
oring to impress his words upon his
pupils, "when Shyloek comes on in the
last scene you must throw him a look
of "ate."
There was silence for a moment.
Then the American spoke up, "How
can we (o that, sir when we're only
five?" Hoston I'udget.
Cov'i Cough Balaam
I Tho oMst and tx-st. It will break ui aCol.l quick
er than anything else. It N always reliable. Try It.
The Newspaperi Nowhere.
Mrs. Itrickrow by don't the news
papers tell something that everybody
doesn't know? Here's a great long
article about the "Unemployed" tens
of thousands o people out of work. I
knew that weeks ago.
Mr. 1'rickrow You knew it? How.'
Mrs. Itrickrow I advertised for a
girl and got three answers. Tuck.
The Chinese language is spoken by fullv
J(M),(M)0,()U0 people.
Italy's estimated population is "50,( 00,000.
The Mid-Winter Fair a Surcem.
To reach it tako the only direct line, tho
Union Pari fie.
Through first nnd seeond-c'ass s'eeiiers,
diners. Our advertising" mntter tells you
all nl out it. E. I, jsti. .
Gen'I. Pass. & Tkt. Agt., Omaha, Nob.
A regular routine
tho essentials.
in dairying is one of
aro 10,000 mineral springs in the
S3.25 to California.
This is our sleeping car rata on
Phillips-Rock Island tourist excursions' Jjjnff
from Des Moines to Los Angeles or ' V. k. six
San Francisco, via Omaha, Lincoln '
ami the scenic route and Ogdcn. You
can go with Phillips, the best of all ,
excursion managers, for he has each
party accompanied by a special agent
who goes the entire trip with patrons.
These pcrsonallv conducted excursions
leave Des Moines once a week, j
We have also a daily tourist car ser
vice, via our Southern route through f
the beautiful Indian Territory and
Vort. Worth to Los Amreles and an
Apply to Charles Kennedy, ,
G. N.-W. Pass. Agt., Omaha, eb.
John' Sebastian,
ti. l A., C li. I. & 1'. Ky, Chicago.
Some very Rood looking j, eople are de-.
formed on tlie inside.
'-ELY'S CREAK BALM -Cleanses the Nasal
IPHritia;&j, jxiia.ys iai:i
Itna sore?, Jiesiorus xasr.
Gives Kelief at once
AviJy into tl.' Sf'riU.
!Mc l)russ'''-'orbrmai,. JLYBKOS.,CCVsrrsaM,:..Y.
mmmm n
You cannot hope to be well
if your
troubled tetth
will thoroughly clean the system.
earth. Tnonaanns -
... w..w. ..t.n
Misonea usi jor.waumwvw "", '.r
uu . mu czz.-jl. r7r.v -H..
lire, two Domes uruuim mo iu.
r o, ""-m, q j-, OWol
recommend the
their custom
' t Wrl
... .
lie IHd Not Smile.
Thcv were rival candidates
for a
vacant seat in parliament,
smiled Datroni.imrlv when
and they
thcv met
Mgethcr in a railwav carriage.
t "My good sir." said
the tirst rival
kindly, "whatever on earth has
prompted you to oppose ir.e in the
forthcoming election? You haven't :t
chance to win. It's a donkey to a.
strawberry against you!"
i. h if'-Indeedl said the second nl mibi--.H&usly.
"That certainly doesa t sound
very encouraging, but perhaps you
wouldn't mind apologizing for the lib
erty you've taken in calling me a straw
berry!" And you could have heard a lly sneen
in the awkward silence that followed
the last remark. Tit-IUts.
Shlloh'a Cotnurptln i:rt
hwid on aptuirantw. It rurr Innpl.Mii "tnimuw
Uon. Ilia the 1.1 Couch Cum. 23i:t.-...Mci-i. t Jl.ul.
No Time to I.o-.e.
While living in Hoston, Edison In night
Faraday's works on electricity, com
menced to read them at .'I o'clock in the
morning and continued until his room
mate arose, when they started on the:.
long walk to get breakfast. That end,
however, was entirely subordinated in
Edison's mind to Earaday. and he sud
denly remarked to his friend. Adams.
I have got so uitieli to do and life is so
short that I have got to hustle." And
with that lie started off on a dead run
for his breakfast. Argonaut.
Mekicm M-ien e lms achieved a great tri
umph in the production of l!eechains Pills,
which replace a medicine het. ." cents.
How cheap some jcople will sell them
selves for the promt: o of spot cash.
' Hanson! fllnii- irivalve." to.rure ii iti.v artfil:l. Alt your
druggist fur it. lrito fi.Mii-.
Private Secretary i- admired for
Ids Ibseiiian crop of hair.
Go Sonth Via the Wali.Tdi.
Tourists' tickets now on sale to all points.
Honieseekers' tickets at half tare on ex
cursion dates, De ltith.'Jnn. 'Jth, Feb. Kith.
March lith. April 10th and May 5-th. For
rates or folders giving full description of
lands, climate, &c call at Wabash Th-fcot
office, No. 1502 Farnam Street, or writo
tiKO. N. Clayton, N. W. P Agt ,
Omaha, Nab.
The man who thinks he has arrived at a
state of perfection is very far from it
Fiilrport Harhtr. Lahr, Co.. Ohio.
World's Disi,esaky Medical Association.
Buffalo. N.Y.:
Gent tcmen I cannot
tell yo'.i how my wife
has improved since sfca
begun the use of your
"ruvorlte Prescrip
tion." coupled with "G.
Jf. I." She h3 no morn
trouble with falling of
the womb, unil sho
never fcelj uny.pain
unlrss feho sturnld too
Kkk- She has no bcar-insr-Oown
twins sinco
;-Ehe betf-in the uso of
lyour remedies, aho
clow nearly all of her
own hou6eork now,
but before sho com
menced, takln your
remedies, sne could
hardly walk across the room. "
I do not know bow to thank you for all the
good your remedies have dono her, for tho
best doctors bad given her case up as in
curable. Yours truly.
At Union Stock. Yard Horse Mitrk.'t,
MARCH 20, 21. 22, 23, 24-, 1894-. -
lieail of tho fine' ltryil IIor'Sjev.T
reil In thi wtrst. nw Is tilt? Ime tu buy
rralulvu to W N ISnrrofk Uca'l .Mr.
Short. Manager, houtli Omaha. Neb.
Patents. Trade-Marks.
Examination nml Alico an to I'r.ttrn'finlllty of
Invention. S-nd for'MnventorH tinidr. or How toOrt
aratent." PA53EZ 0TA2SKL. TACSISSTCy. 5. C.
s WW bf sprouted n tr t
out to
So .xnericnce required
Directions for sproutin? free Address,
T.J. SKINNER, Columbus. Kansas.
s'.iek. r reservoir Any
s j". j!I shapes, at !. rr
nrlru l'rl-cl.!st 1'rcv A1-
" K- kreichmmc Red oak low.
nnTnirtTsnoiMrdirniJiOURO Sample i"0t
11(11 III F
TltEKH nnd HA DM previcts r
bacs. Ask oiir harm dealer for
ttiein 11. W fool'EH.Mfr Molliie.lU
anu inuammuuo. aioi-lE
ana omen, ana Jiire3
for Cold In lltil.
It is Otiietl't Abnrd.
No Hatclict Needed
To Ooen this Can.
For Hog Cholera this Lye
I a nre rura If mod in tlm.
Kor matin sap. e!enin
ho'ix-. tuftrnintf wn'.er, It
has no euaJ.
The Housewife's Best
A TInMr w&hlnK receipt
In tach cn- 'or Mkle by Jt
grocer. ItiUurprl"you-
feni to the undrralTned for a FREE COW of the
18U4 E.Htlonof theaboTeBoi. It ia full of (Unlia
ble Information concerning th South anil ie?cilhj
The Agricultural and HortieuHaral Advantages
of the country traversed by the Illinois Cent:! nd
the Taxoo & JIisllijpi Valley Railroads In Kentucky,
renneaace, Xiu!r Ippl aod I u'slaxa. .1. F Merry,
K 9 P. A.. Illinois Central R. R.. Munchatter. I.
!'. ". 1.. Omaha , ISfM.
When Aaawerlnar Advertisements KluUly
aitatioa tkis fayvr.