ai ,:- "S-. V I. !.-. r ;f V myr Columbus Ifffunral. WEDNESDAY. MAKCH 11. 1S9L A. &N. TIME TABLE. Pass, t Freight. Leaves Columbus IJellwood David City Seward Lincoln .. BJ5s.m. .. 6-M " 90S " .. 1052 " 11:35 a.m. 2:30p.m. 3:20 " 40.5 p.m. 7:45 " 1050 " The paseeneer leaves Lincoln at 6:40 p. m., and rrives at Columbus 9:40 p. m; the freight leaves ( incoln at 7:15 a. m., and arrives at Columbus at 4 03 p. in. UNION PACIFIC TIME-TABLE. T.OIXO EAST. ' OOIXO WIST. Atlantic- Ex. 7 30 a. m ' Pacific Ex. 10:15 p. ni Chic ao Ex.. 12:40 p. m , Denver Ex.... 1-J.5 p. m Limited 3.23 j. m ' Limited . 56 p. m Co'.. lineal . 5:50 n. m Local Fr't 5 30 a. m No. 3. Fa-t Mail, carriefl pamwwrerB for through points. Goin wet at 9.00 p. m., ar rives at Denver 7:10 a. m. No. 4. Fast Mail Car rie passengers, going eat at 152 p. m. The freight train leaving here at 650 p. m. car ries pa-enrer from here to Valley. LINCOLN-, OOLniBCS AD SIOUX CITT. P-us-ener arrives from Sioux City . . 12:35 p. m leave C-olurnbus for Linc'n 155 p. m arrive from Lincoln 4:10 p. m leave-for Sioux City 1-JW p. m Mixed leaves for Sioux City 3:00a. m Mixed arrive . 10&) p. m FOtt ALBION AND CED III RAPIDS. Passenger leaved Mixed leaves . Paaoenger arrive Mixed, arrives . .. 2:10 p. m 12:25 p. m 8:10 p. m ocietn JQotites. Ver.W noticed under this heading will charml at the rate of ! a year. be A LEBANON LODGE No. M, A. F. 4 A. M. lteuhir meetings 2d Wednesday in each mouth. All brethren invited to attend. E. H. Cuuibeiis, W. M. Gca. G. Kechkb. Sec'y. 20july W ILDEY LODGE No. 44, 1.O. O. F.. oitrlfl TuerJay evenings of each week at their hall on Thirteenth i-treet. Vinitin brethren cordially i invited. H. r. AEwsiAN. r. u. W. It. NOTK-TEIN. Sec'y- 7janl-tf REOHG VNIZEDCIIUltCH OF 1ATTER-DAY Saints hold regular services every Sunday at 2 n. m., prajer meeting on Welneday evening at tneir cliape. Avenue. All i 1, corner ot rortn street ana r&cinc are cordiall: iy invited. J. Hudson. ISiulsy Eliler II President. IllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllUIIIIIII E PHOTOGRAPHIC 1 Tour of lis Wol. I PART No. 5. CqUus Journal Coupon, 3 Send or bring one coupon like S 3 this with 10 cents in coin toTuE E 2 t'OLl'MBUl Jocbnl. Columbus, S E Nebraska. iiufiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirMiii K rNselJB nyrrict rrick's. ienSEsL. Picture frames at Herrick's. Come to The Journal for job work. L Buy your dower and garden seeds at Mitchell's. . 2 F. A. Taylor went to Omaha Thurs day with cattle. t Dr. T. B. Clark, Olive street. In office at nights. J Ground oil cake for sale at Mitchell's I Hour and tleed store. Placards for sale at this office Fash ionable Dressmaking. I Cut dowers for sale nt the City green y-house. Telephone W). tf ' i)o not miss tlie special easel aale at . Herrick's Saturday next. ;. ve bane'Olson'iemake T1 pleasumjaJ TeaterSl' - -V -The finest corn meal in the city for Siile at Mitchell's. Try it. Dr. E. H. Xauman's dental parlors X. in North block, 13th street. tf Ule 0iiesthXopera K house VrcTuesdav. March 14. The Ladies Guild will give an Easter supper and fair on March 28th. Ladies musical meet next Monday evening with Mrs. C. B. Tomlin. Mr. J. A. Scott is still very ill, and has suffered greatly the past week. -No finer weather could well be wish ed than we have been enjoying lat Mi 17th. 1 John Berger of Omaha was in at tendance Saturday at the funeral of his brother. Bev. Van Alstine of Genoa and Eev. Crawford of this city exchanged pulpits Sunday. New goods arriving daily. Have vou seen loose new uook caomeis at Herrick's? 2 Several articles intended for today's Journal go over because of a press of advertisements. Mrs. Sarah Mullen and Madge Mor ton are expected home today, after a year's visit east. D, N. Miner received word last week of the death of his mother at Van Wert, Ohio, aged years. r. T. R ClafirUta some f rtsV pure, ammil virus lor tne mse ov too J no wish txreevaecinated. Born, March 8th, to Mrs. Arnold ' Oehlrich, a daughter. The father is one of the happiest men living. 5reen lettuce, and hyacinths and narcissus plants in bloom, at the green house of Marmoy !t Simmons. tf Friday John Wiggins came up from Fremont, where he is attending Normal, to make a visit to his parents. We have it, you want it, and ten cents in coin with a Journal coupon, will procure it. See advertisement. C. P. Oleson, who was very seriously hurt at the coal chutes Dec 22, 1893, is pretty nearly able to be about again. When in need of an auctioneer, call op Dave Smith. He will act for you with promptness, safety and dispatch, tf Larry Byrnes came out into the bright sunshine Monday, and looks a little thin after bis winter's home staying. Some malicious person put a shot through the upper of one of Friedhofs $100 plate glass fronts Sunday morning early. Children Cry for Pitcher's Casterla. eJy. J 4IHel A- StevesonreamerbmUer always onStaniLax L. ChratofieTsen's.f t -SJoring opennlWof milUnerylpods IwLmA. RueSjfce 16th id -Satrrsday, HarcBJTth, oneDzen only, specak sale of rnjn mill asO cents on rick's. SrM, A. Basse! opening new style latest pat the 16th month. 1 N5? addle Miss Florence Lewis favored the nee with her appearance, calling forth rounds of applause. TCherokee Times. P. W. Beerbower returned last week from his trip to Pennsylvania, having started there his business projects for Nebraska. te 30,000 apple trees, choice No. 1; are m 5 cts. to 15 cts. each. Everything Ise in the nursery line equally as cheap. John TannahilL 2 Louis Held received Saturday a gas engine, which will now do the heavy work about the establishment, and so the world mores. The Ladies Union of the M. E. church give a missionary tea at the home of Mrs. F. C. Green next Wednesday aftrnoon. All are invited. Down go the prices! Now is- the to buy your harness while you can them at a discount of 10 per cent for cash only at F. H. Busche's. tf Mrs. Dr. Clark distinguished herself Monday by helping to stop a runaway team. Charlie Pearsall got after them and run them down on his bicycle. Our religious contemporary, the Monroe Looking Glass, thinks that when Columbus men turn religious, it will be pretty general throughout the country. -But last, and best, greatest and grandest of all, was Miss- Lewis' superb rendition of De Kontski's '"Awakening of the Lion." Homer (Nebr.,) Indepen dent. auman is the "only real grad- dentistry in Platte county," who up a diploma. Any other who claims the same wilfully imposes on the people. tf Drs. Martyn, Evans and Geer have a number of patients at the Sisters' hos pital from Genoa," Albion, Fullerton, Cedar Rapids and other towns in this section. We learn that Elliott Niccolls and Miss Chrisman of Leigh have been unit ed in the holy bonds of wedlock. Their friends here wish them all the joys that mortals know. Schuyler has two water commission ers and two electricians, each supposed to be genuine and Simon-pure. The aid of the courts has been invoked to un ravel the snarls. Bev. Bross united in marriage last Tuesday, Henry Giles of St. Edward and Mrs. Lucretia Reeder of Bed Oak, Iowa. They went to St. Edward Wednesday to make their home. John Staab of Leigh, accompanied by his youngest son, were in the city the last of the week visiting friends. The lad is to be confirmed at Bev. Fischer's church next Sabbath. indishas leased theVindell ironghly renovated it, anVwill conduct flke establishment in first-cl style. BoarKSl.OO a dljL 4.00 a wee! lodging 25 ctsgood, cleairheda. -Don't be deceived by a person that never even learned the harness trade. e tnav sell vou a wortniess article lor first-class, and never know the difference. Remember all that glitters is not gold. I keep two and three first class har ness makers all tne year around, and niv work cannot be equaled in this city. Come and examine to satisfy yourselves whether vou buv or not. F. H. Bnsche. Asking a life-long democrat what he thought of the administration, he re plied : 'I believe they are trying to use up what money there is in the treasury and destroy the means of raising any more." George McFarland has recently put up a fine guitar, using up about four days in the work, but he has a good in strument. This young genius ought to find a fit field for the exercise of his ability. Democratic primaries this evening at 7:30 in the several wards of the city; city convention tomorrow (Thursday) even ing at 8. The number of delegates to be selected is First ward 11, Second 10, Third 6. iV M;" Florence Lewis is acknowl edged by all critics to be an artist of superior order, and brilliant execution. She played magnificently and the aud ience called for more. Sioux City Journal. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fugard lost a second child by diphtheria Monday morning. This time their 8-year-old boy was the victim. Bev. Bross conducted the funeral services Monday afternoon at five o'clock. A. Wannfried, the traveling repre sentative of the Western Newspaper Union, was in the city Friday on busi ness for his house. Being a Frenchman, the printer boys have nicknamed him tThe Flying Dutchman." They look at it much as we do. The Humphrey Democrat says: "It ib hoped that a change will take place (in the running of the U. P. trains), that will give people from this section who go to Columbus to transact business, more time." Rev. Gilmore of Central City preach ed Monday and Tuesday evening and preaches again this (Wednesday), even ing at the Presbyterian church. The co-operative revival meetings are contin uing this week at that church. All are invited. West on Thirteenth street Monday afternoon went.a runaway team. Hitch ed to a wagon loaded with store boxes they made loud music for a little while There was no driver aboard, and we did not learn where the combination came to a halt H. B. Van Valkenburg of La Clede, Missouri, was in the city several days last week. He is about the smartest thinker that has talked extensively in this town for several months back, and took a number of orders for a book which theollar at Fll W. HeV nVwiU har spring nMlinery Mvll the d 17th this V-Dr. N ulmjn can show ' I news selling Jspnitt his selling. ry Goods. Our spring styles are pret tier than ever. Our pri ces are the lowest Fol low the crowd to . D. IFitzpatrick's. The "Tour of the World" Portfolio is something you can keep always, very instructive and entertaining, and of which you will never regret buying. Only 10 cents and one coupon cut from The Columbus Journal. -r;Thomas Cassin was arraigned Mon day before Judge Hensley on a charge ofburglarizing Leo Borowiak's saloon early Snnday morning. He was held to district court, and in default of 300 bond, went to jail. He claimed that he was getting in for a drink. On returning from the funeral of their child Monday, Mr. and Mrs. Fugard found that Grandmother Benson, Mrs. Fugard's mother, had departed this life. She was 70 years old. This family have the heartfelt sympathy of all their acquaintances in their afflictions. One of our citizens, an old-soldier democrat by the way, while President Cleveland was off on his fishing tour, remarked that he wished some such big fish as spoken of in bible times would come along and swallow Cleveland and carry him over to England, where he belongs. chard Baker is plavintr the title Ole Olson" this season and has made a great nit in the character. Dur ing the past summer Mr. Baker made a study of the Swedish character. The result of his efforts is apparent in the gentleman's makeup and dialect. He is also a singer of ability. Even old soldiers will occasionally differ in opinion, and get impatient, nettled and angry when their patriotism is impugned or their war record ques tioned. Let us draw the curtain before we mention any names. Nobody was very much hurt, except in feelings, and the matter was not carried into the court. Robert and James, sons of Charles Wake, of Idaho, have been in the city several days. Charles, jr., and Frank of Genoa and Thomas Wake of Seward, came in Sunday, and a family re-union took place. The first named sons left here in 1862, and their father had not seen them for twenty-four years. They leave today for Omaha. E. H. Jenkins returned the first of the week from a trip to Kalamazoo. Madison county. He says that winter wheat and rye generally look good; that a great many fanners are putting in spring wheat, and that some few are cul tivating grain in on corn stalks; he thinks he never saw the roads as nice as they are now, for the middle of March. j Miss Florence Lewis is a graduate ofWhe New England Conservatory, and as a pianist is a young' lady of wonder ful talent, and great cultivation, an artist of superior order and unobtrusive manners. She has made rapid progress into the exhaustless fields of classic music, and deserves great credit for the success she has won. Dubuque (la.,) Times. About fifty members of the M. E. congregation gave Rev. and Mrs. Bross a genuine old-fashioned surprise donation party Saturday evening, filling tables with bundles and packages. There seemed to be everything from yeast cakes to flour and from cake pans to money on deck. It was a kindly re minder of the high appreciation in w hich his people hold him. The Journal is not only doing a large amount of job work, but is also doing it in fine style, having the best of facilities, new type and new presses, manipulated by first-class compositors and pressmen. Let us see you for any kind of printing yon may wish done, from a calling card to a large poster; commercial work of every variety, legal blanks, briefs, pamphlets, book work, etc. The government report for March shows a reserve in farmers hands of 144, 060,000 bushels of wheat, 28 per cent of the crop of '93. March 1, "93 there was on hand, of the crop of "92, 135,205,130. The surplus now on hands is 20,000,000 less than the average for the past eight years. The amount of corn in farmers' hands March 1, '94 is 589,000,000 bushels, less than in the last five years, except "91. "Bev." Sears and his son Mark, early settlers of Wilson precinct, and who were driven out of this county on account of their supposed connection with the first murder committed within its limits, are now residents of Council Bluffs. The old man still preaches the gospel while his son Mark and one of his brothers are engaged in the real estate and insurance business and are said to be doing well. Howells Journal. Cards are out announcing the mar riage this afternoon at 4 o'clock of Miss Mary A. Meays to Abbot F. Olney, at the home of the bride's parents, three miles east of the city. Mr. Olney is an energetic young farmer and Miss Meays is the oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Meays, one of the best farmers in the county. The couple have the con gratulations of their many friends, in cluding The Journal. Gilbert -Hyde, the one-year-old son of Mrs. T. B. Hyde, departed this life Sunday morning at 8:30 o'clock. The mother left her home a few weeks ago to be at the sick bed of her father, J. A. Scott of this city, bringing the child with her. The boy was taken sick and suffer ed dreadfully with catarrhal fever until death's relief came. Bev. Bross con ducted a short service at the house Sun day and the mother took the body Mon day to McFall, Missouri. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Young and child returned Thursday from California,where they had been for four months. They stopped mostly at San Diego, and re port .all the Columbus people as in good health and spirits. Al. Arnold, who was the latest arrival from here, now feels like a boy of fifteen, without an ache or pain, and is gaining in flesh right along. Mr. Young purchased seventy lots within a mile and a half of the busi ness center of San Diego, and says he found a big bargain in them. The trouble over the occupation tax is about to be brought to a focus, at least a part of it A test case is to be made with Henry Bolton and the district judge will decide whether that section of the ordinance providing for levy to be made upon goods without any other action in case of non payment of tax is legal or not. If the judge decides that it is legal other levies will be made, if net the Gras borg watch and Marohn gun levies may yet create trouble. For the present the collection has ceaeed, Schuyler. Qoill 1 roleNi W Will you go Costs too much to Not a bit Read on and see We propose world in the next wonderful works of God and man in all lauds under the sun. These su perb photographs have been gathered by oue of the greatest travelers and lecturers of this country. They have been reproduced in plates, 10 x 12 inches, at an outlav of thousands and thousands of dollars. THIS GRAND Magnificent Palaces Celebrated Churches ART COLLECTION OF Noted Inns Picturesque Scenes Glories of Art Marvels of Architecture Will be issued in sixteen part, each Accompanying each photograph the scene or object depicted, prepared places, and knows whereof he speaks. SVINNT ITALY AND CONTAINING Part i, Italy. Leaning Tower, Cathedral and Bap tistery, Pisa Cathedral, Siena Statue of Columbus, Genoa Loggia de Lanzi, Florence J aiice Bridge of Sigh s Giant Staircase St. Marks The Piazetta Gondolas Naples Bay and Jit. Vesuvius San Martino, Interior Gallery of Bronzes Panorama of Florence Ponte Vecchio Milan Cathedral Statue of Leonardo da Vinci WW to secure this unprecedented offer. . . In each copy of this paper is printed a coupon. Bring or send oxe of these coupons, together with ten cents in coin to our office, and you will receive one part of the series. Back num bers can be had on the same terms. Be particular to state the number of the part desired, give your full name and address, and inclose the necessary coupon and ten cents. NO ONE SHOULD MISS THIS 1 -Mr Tpl 1 ttft if? fc!2S IIIHUHmmilllUIMmnUIIHMHUimUIHHWIHHIUIIUUlHIilt i.UUHNAL. I iiiiiiiuiiHniiiuitiiutiiitiiiiiHiBiuitiiiimHiiitiirtiutiiiinjri to take all our readers around the sixteen weeks. How can we no it : Simple enough. We have, at great pains and expense, been able to secure for the exclusive use of THE JOURNAL a most macnificent series of large photographs of the Renowned Ruins Ivy-clad Abbeys part containing sixteen plates. is a vivid and accurate description of by one who has personally visited the Part One is now ready AND ILLUSTRATES CHANCE ZEE THE WORLD FRO1 Y0MR EdY CI1HR WITHOUT LEAVING HOME WITHOUT EXPENSE PERSONAL. L L. Albert was in Albion last week. Theo. Friedhof left Monday for Chi cago. Dr. Evans went to Humphrey Mon day on business. A. J. McKelvey of St. Edward, was in the city over Sunday. Mrs'J. A. Krause went up to Genoa Fridayltor a few days' visit. Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Heater returned Monday from their trip to California. D. A. Lord of Denver, Colo., has been visiting here and at Fullerton the past week. Frank Galbraith of Albion was in town Monday, going north on the Sioux City train. Mrs. E. G. Brown visited in Cedar Bapids several days last week, returning home Friday. Miss Fanny Garlow of David City, arrives today, and will visit with Mrs. C. J. Garlow. Mrs. J. E. Nichols and nephew went to Creston Tuesday of last week for a few days' visit. Mrs. S. J. Marmoy returned last week from Clarks after a visit to her daughter, Mrs. J. C. Martin. Mrs. L. L. Green and Mrs. H. E. Allen of Schuyler, who had been visiting their sister, Mrs. C. C. Hutchings, re turned home last week. Columbusites in Lincoln last Thurs day were, Mrs. A. M. Post and daughter Miss Nellie, Mrs. F. C. Green, Mrs. A. Haight, and A. G. Arnold. A. D. Wier went to Omaha Saturday, spending Sunday in Fremont, where he met his mother from Chadron, who comes to keep house for him. William Snider of Colfax county pass ed through the city Wednesday on his way to Madison to see his father-in-law Ben Beed whose death was hourly look ed for. "Hal Hazard" was played at the opera house last Thursday evening to a fairly well filled house, under the direc tion of Miss Minnie Harkness. The play is a war drama full of interest and exciting events, and the players did their parts so well that the audience hardly realized they were listening to home talent players, amateur histrionic artists. Miss Neva Faulkner of Schuyler played the part of Nellie Clarendon. We will say here, Miss Faulkner objected to playing away from home and would only consent to do so that her right name should not be known. She did remarka bly well and won so much praise, how ever, that the truth was found out. Miss Faulkner is no ordinary amateur player, and showed her skill in all her actions. Earl Pearsall as the Spy was a great suc cess, no one recognizing him in his assumed voice. As George Clarendon he played the gentleman equally well. Frank Taylor as Capt. Maxwell, the lover, looked and acted the part of a gal lant soldier. Peter Bilger, the rebel captain, was played by Wm. Bandall. To see this villain was enough, but to hear his thundering voice the audience felt a terror that could not be equaled by anything but the looks of his two trusties, Lieut. Mack (Frank Wurdeman) and Corporal Podkins (Ernest Dussell). Bert Coolidge as Lieut. Winters, and Bert Galley as sentry and Miss Martha Turner as Mrs. Margrave took their parts well. Miss Minnie Harkness as Aunt Mollie, the darkey, assumed to per fection the part of a faithful old nurse. Miss Florence Gleason furnished several excellent selections of music between the acts. Altogether the play was a success and gave the G. A. B, boys a remem brance of the old war times. The cver comedy novelty "Ole Olson' thaso thoroughly pleased the people last seasonVind, besides, stamping its future successlhroughout the entire country, is down! on Manager Calto's books for WednesowyMlrch 14. It goes without saying that it wm meet the same hearty reception as on farmer visits. The company has been somewhat Itrengthen ed and nowlincludes somenf the best comedy taleat possessed in may organiza tion. BicharoTJaTfer is the otai Pretty little Adalaide Cravford is lookng after the role of GenieJDle's sweetheart. The remainder of the company is made such clever talentasClive Martin. Worrell, W. J. Holti, John C. T. Evans, J. A. Allion and othi in all Ole's visit wArne hailed light tftr his old time admirers. continnlrcar of ladghter is the by all who lave speMr'an evenn "Ole OIso brightest, that the A This is e and thej have enjoy manyl ling over wi' and oi rigd ality, while it is held to, with'i clean and wholesome pi the last act. speal c itself in season company embraces snperioj nt, wh'e the spec- ialties, songs, da' etc.,-are fresh, new and pleasing. Tb alb is fixed for Wed- nesday, March 14. Bemi Miller of Shelby, Polk county, was in the city Saturday, and, as usual, called at Journal headquarters. He gives us as one of their local events well worthy mention, some account ot a con cert Friday night at their school house, in district 18, which, by the way, is said to be one of the largest and best of the country district school houses of Nebras ka. Mrs. Crozier has taught a singing school there the past winter, one evening each week, and, as she is a fine teacher, considerable interest was aroused, culmi nating in the concert of Friday evening, five hundred persons being present, a number of neighboring schools visiting in bodies. The program was a fine one, and it was midnight before the crowd dispersed, well pleased with the even ing's entertainment. Gus. G. Becher of Columbus was in the city yesterday shaking hands with a whole lot of friends. Gus. has been a resident of Nebraska since the whale swallowed Jonah, and did as much to drive back the Indians and settle up the Btate as Buffalo Bill and his old Wild West show combined. There is consid erable talk among the republicans of nominating him for secretary of state, and should they do so he would get enough votes in the Platte valley to make his plurality 24,000. He ran for treas urer against the most popular democrat in his own democratic county and scored a majority of 796 when, according to pre cedent, it should have gone that far the other way, Lincoln Journal. iineic edffoi Bfther ,. New School Houes. Our readers of this school district will notice that the board make a call in this week's Jocen-al for the people's wish as to the voting of bonds for $18,000 to pur chase sites for, and for erecting thereon two school buildings. The particulars of the call will be found among the advertisements in today's Journal, and the problem is one submitted to each voter for his opinion to be expressed by his ballot at the polls. The decision is not alone with the voters ot the city all the district is in terested in the result. There can be but one opinion as to the need of the district. The proposed change involves the sale of the property (or a portion of it), now occupied by the schools in the Third ward, the two new school houses to be placed one further east, the other further west of the pres ent site. This would accommodate a greater number of pupils than the present arrangement, which must be changed anyhow before long, as additional school facilities are demanded for the western part ot the city. The six members of the school board. all conservative, careful men in the ex penditure of money, are unanimous in support of the proposition, and it has been for quite a whilo a problem for their solution. They have done their part and now take the next step, and submit to a vote of the people, what they regard as the best practical proposition. We believe there is no doubfchnfc fcbe. proposition will be approved by the peo ple, but the more unanimously it is so done the better will the bonds sell, which of course is to the interest of every tax-payer. District 44 and Vicinity. M. Sheedy sowed wheat Friday. P. S. Griffin raised a new windmill tower Saturday. School commenced again Monday after a week's vacation. A wind storm from the northwest Sat urday afternoon, and ground froze at night. Master E. D. Fitz pat rick of your city made the trip out here Sunday on his bicycle. Willie Johnson of Columbus will agi tate the soil, etc., for M. Sheedy ibis summer. Ducks and geese are fewer this spring than for several years, not enough water in the lakes. T. H. Johnson has secured a good farm hand, whose name we have forgotten, "but he has got him." If Ira L. Hicks don't send along his weather, we will soon be able to report advisedly on the fall wheat crop. Willie Higgins, who has lived with M. Sheedy the past 12 years, is now engaged with C. J. Wagner of Monroe, where he will assist in farming for eight months. John Curry, a farmer living three miles northeast of the city, has been losing quite a number of hogs of late, the death of which he could not account for, until one night he heard his hogs squealing loudly, when he arose, took a light and went to investigate; when he arrived at the hog pen he found two large fat dogs making a midnight meal out of a shoat that would weigh 75 lbs., and which was not yet dead, and on returning to the house for his gun, he stumbled over an other hog that was dead, and with some of its legs broken, and body terribly lacerated. His own dog was dispatched as an accomplice in the killing. We are almost persuaded to believe that a long felt want would be filled if the county solons would levy a tax on every dog in the county, of one dollar per head, the proceeds to create a fund from which to pay damages caused by hydrophobia. Program Of school entertainment to be held at the opera house Friday evening. March 16, 1894: Song "Mr. Puy'd Dinner" Miss Kc'a School Song "Itefresh by Gentle Slumber" Mii Matthew's School SelecttJ Orations 'The Battle of Marenjro" Oley Hrittr-11 The Indians.".. . . . .David Martyn Sonft-'The Littl Girl and The Itobin" Miss Hoehen's and Mrs. Scott Schools Original Orations "Woman Snlfnuie" . .John Clark "Perseverance" .Ahbi Ifnrd Son(?-"CradI Sonc" Miss Clara JIartin's School Souk "Bob White" Slisi Laura Wan Pit School Recitation-"Which Shall it Be?" ... Jeannie Wilson Recitation "The Angels of Bnena Vista" . .Bertha Stanffer Recitation "The Fourth of July" Henry Taylor Song By Mr. Weaver's School Recitation "John Maynard" Liz2ie Watkins Recitation "Grandfather's Story of the Bat tle of Bunker Hill" Carl Johnson Son "The Mill". Miss Martha Welch's School Recitation "Yas Marriage a Failure ?" ..Adolnh Luers Recitation "Rirernionth Rocks". Mary Morso Recitation "The Polish Boy" Florence Elliott Recitation "The Schoolmaster's Gcents" C'raigTurner Song "Hard Times" Miss Kate Taylor's School Recitation "The Execution of Montrose". Minnie Becker Becitatioa "The Station Agent's Story" Mand Hattield Recitation "Hannah Jane".. Alice Luth Song-"Cold the Blast May Blow" Miss Ida Martin's School Becitatioa-"How He Saved St. Michaels" Jertfie Williams Recitation "The Last Hymn" . Florence Rontson Recitation "The Painter of Seville" Lola Crawford Song "Come Seek the Bqwer". . . Mr. Levy's School Piano Solo Dovie Bcher Vocal Duet "A Golden Day". Misses Hurd Report of Judges. W. A. MCAX.LI9TZB, I. L. Albert. : F. W. Bross. Judges. Mas. C. A. BaiSDLET, Mas. L. C. Vo3, J Repablieaa City Convention. The republican city convention will be held March 16th, 1894, at 8 p. m. in the Engine House, for the purpose of nomi nating mayor, city clerk, treasurer, police judge, engineer, one councilman for each ward and two members of the school board. Primaries to elect delegates to said convention will be held March 15th, 1894, from 2 to 4 p. m., in the First ward at the Court House; in the Second at the Engine House; in the Third at John Huber's. First ward is entitled to 6 del egates, the Second to 8, the Third to 9. Br order of Central Com. a iKHiars anu zu uouar To J San Francisco. The five pays for your berth in one of the through Pull man Tourist cars, and the 20 pays for a first class passage, all via the Union Pa cific. No, you don't have to change, the sleepers run through to San Francisco. Have your nearest Union- Pacific agent seserve you a berth, or write J. B, Meaoheb, Agent Union Pacific System. Y. M. C. A. Topics For the fint quarter, 1894, to be ably talked upon at the meetings for men, Sundays at 3 p. m. Mar. 18.-Work and Wages for Everyone" . Frank Mathews Mar. 25. "How May I Know I am Saved?". . ReT.O.A. Elliott You are invited and will be gladly welcomed. Good maiic. Good talk. Good fellowship. Gfiodfriead. 1CAJUUBO. GorcscnALK Hoehex At the resi dence of the bride's father, Dr. Hoehen, in this city March loth, at ir o'clock, Fred. Gottschalk, jr., and Miss Lillie Hoehen, Bev. Meissler officiating. The ceremony took place in the pres ence of the immediate family only. The' h3ppy couple will go to California on their wedding tour, followed by the good' wishes ot their friends. DIED. Bsbokr At the Sisters' hospital Fri day, of heart trouble, Samuel Berger. He had been ailing for about a year past. He was born in Switzerland in 1811. The funeral took place Saturday from the German Reformed church, Bev. Fleischer officiating; a large number ot acquaintances were in attendance. Clark At Cadiz, Cbio, after an ill ness of a few days, of pneumonia, Oliver Clark. Mr. Clark was the only son of the late Ephraim Clark, (well known to many of our Nebraska readers a a former ownor of the Township farm in Stanton county), and was born Dec. 9, 1847. He was an excellent man and citizen, in every relation of life acting well his part, and justifying the good opinion of ' his friends. Koll ot Honor MISS HATTIK BKKUKK. Sophia BUuor. Ousiie Blaser. May Iteed. MR. I. II. HHITKLI.. August Wagner. Clora Inlay. II"ury Kagatz. Walter Culiey. Kin!lvS;e!l;e. MaudV Hatflcia. New man. HenrjTayloo. Henj OavW. Fred Kollin. Ifcivhl Martyn. ItomerTlffiny, Lucy CroiM. Krauk Kcrcenboclc Minnie TannahilL I)avltMwU. Anna Nicuol. Oljia KgKer. Lois Earley. Bert Young. Jay Cusltliijf. Frauk Chapln, flora Berger. lloorge Wilsou. Jeannie Wilson. MISSAJOJA UOCUEX. Ethel Donovan. Kuby Young- Itene Turner. Sadie Wilson. Anna Gass. XeU Johnson. Mikle Ilagel KLsie Hudson. Amy Mahood Km ma ohreiber. Sammy Hector Ralph Wiiilns. Mary OttwU Henry Fleck, MR. LKAVV Thomas Wilson Vina Weber. Louise 6chnm Manila Weber. LiUlo SalTrati Kxuil Cabman. Clarence Lucas Hoy McFarland. l.oulse Haney Victor Sohober- Esther .Johnson Henry Gass. Frank liaumgart I.awreuee Ilohl. Vina Luers Herman Kepjenbrock. Loni Schroeder Max Willy. Mollie Flynn. MISS CLARA MARTIN. Clara Schroeder Willie selpp AH ma Brotchen Friiz Siraub Kos.i Klaus Paul Jaefjale Alfred Girtinner Rosa Gaj. Emlll Kuntptr. Willie Brotcher. Roy lluclial. Klla Kerenbnck. Aug iMiehlerlietutz. Chester Ernst. MISS IDA Hedwig Sehober Emma Hopper Otto Schreiber Joseph Kumptr Llllle Deny Lulu Coleman Emma ICcrsetibrock MARTIN. Albert Brujrer. Emil Hoeliu. Hurry Hotil. Fred Dougherty. John Early. Anna Klaus. ( Iara"sei;elke. Willie Brewer htnma liuver. Koy Lucas. MIS .MATTHEWS. Walter Miesler Grace Bloom Anna Burns CI j tie Waosley Mella KrauMJ EulASuterlee Willie Middi-gli Carl 'chubert Nro-e Ramussen Myron uray Ethoi Faminil Susie lioen Dan Albert Wuruich S-iumlers Itay ;ate rel-e Mabel MiiliUsh Johnnv Honman. Willie 'D-iwmmi. Freddie Brandt. Dornthy font. Klli Saunders. Kuby Multh. Anna Brodfuehrer. Carl Young. Maud Burns. I'hlt Echols. Frankfe Hrookmat. Donah! McAllister. Grace Knapp. Daisy Drunimond. Ma ruin Miller. Howard Freoret. Moore. Mary MISS CUATTIK RICE. Charlie Becher Ji.hnnitaub Willie Heuer Lo.tle Becher Walter Jaeggl Freddie Brewer Norn Hattield. Theobald Weber. Louie Gave. Beruie Hudson. Koy Johnson. Sony Bo ch. C. A SCOTT. niiu Mahood. Lena Hiiuteman. Kis;e I'olil. Kildii Gluck. Jimmie Love Joe iaumgartner Howard McCray Paul Hoppen MRS. Archie McFarland Lonls Schwartl Herbert May UliidysTti nor Bertha Clue Georcie Ijjve Glenn Bouton Oicar Htinteman David Mahood .Minnie Gorman Clara Fruls M1S.H KATE TAYLOR. V-ra Kramer Will e Baker George WtlUrd Wa ter "schroeder Dela Newman Kalpu Boyd Kay Young Cbrrlie Woowley Florence Knmer Peteet Martyn Alvin Brodlueher Minnie Carlson Willi im LaUue Mildred D ti Laura Davis Adolph Berber Henry Peterson !.oitle Perkson M I.AI K V M. WAKO. Svaiuruie Klston Frances Gondering Klolii"- Boen Augusta Schebert Vera Stevenson l!ei VaUKhll. NVttle Couriering Clarence Kollin Ned Post Paul Klllott Wil.i- Farrand Mamie IVierxon A nine llos-dter Vina Stevenson Maasie Willard Anna Hojd Mabel Mctiuon Hooence Snyder Clarence Hollenbeck Fred Hollenbeck MU. W. K. WEAVER. Carl Becker Li-la Stillman Wilde Klnuecier Fannie Merrill Ferd St Ires Blanche O.Connor eor-- Morris Mattie Post Claudius Wheeler NeUok McAltsler Sam Friedhof Josle Tiffany Grace Cotley Mark McMahone Arthur Bouten Marine Cu hing Eddie IUgatz TenaZinneeker Albrrt Ka-mussen Lamont Inlay MI.sS MAKTUA WELCH. Albert Becker Ella Hasiumsen Mjrtle Aoirmall Harry Andrews Fred'Fnedhort Dannie Eeeols Kaj)h Suartziev Mitnle McCoy Jessie (iritl'en Mary Tiffany Kuby ItHsruw.ssen Homer .Martyn Otto Koeu 'teorg'- Zlmecker Ivirl Weaver Herbert Tnurston Kena Messick Louise Brandt j(HEMP! HEMP! HEMP! ft wish to contract with farmers within rfach of Columbus for the growth of about 1,000 acres of hemp. Will furnish seed and take pay ot of crop, when de livered. If I can contract for at least 500 acres, will start a hemp factory at Columbus. For full information, see me at Farmers' Elevator. M. Jebohe. Columbus, Feb. 22d, 1S9L 6 rnia for Health. Pleasure and Profit. going tor eitner, take the direct the Union Pacific. The only line running first and second class sleepers and dining cars to San Francisco. 820.00 one way, S35.50 round trip. Send for our new 1891 pamphlets. All about the Mid-Winter Fair.. J. B- Meagher. Agent Union Pacific System. Sale. oomed nwse, with lol EleventMptreet, onmsv terms. dress, A. rmJocRXAL Ikce. 4t . D. T. MAaTT-. M. D. C. D. Evans. M. D. F. H. Gezb. M. D. DOCTORS MARTYN, EVANS ft GEER, CONSULTING Physicians - an J - Sargtsas To St. SlaryV Hospital and St. Francis Academy, COLUMBUS, - - NEBRASKA. United States Examining Snrgeons, AwUtaat Sarzeona Union. Pacific. O.. N. & B. II. Railways. Ja Office open sight and day. Telephone N o. 19. Two blocks north Union Pacific Depot, "tfallTo K route, . a Personal Taies. Jrsonl taxes for thesajgft are drTnquenTafVr February IstPWdfcs th:m date betran per cent intere' TaSlffvrs of thelcitsap pay and get receiptSHithe ofirceof Ctecher Jaeggi HlVenWoomed Smse, with lolon t ; -1.