f .TycgmiBMiwwyiWR rt? Mrs. JermietDeckerj "How Well You Look" Friends Surprised at the Wonderful Improvement. "tL Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.: "Demr Sirs: I take pleasure In writing the good I have received from taking Hood's Sarsa parilla. Every spring and summer for six years or more, my health has been so poor from heart trouble and general debility that at tines I Ufa was a burden. I -would become so Emaciated and Weak and Pale that my friends thought I would not live long. I could do scarcely any work at all and had to lie down every few minutes. I began getting worse In January, losing my flesh and feeling so tired. I thought I would try Hood's Sarsapa rilla and I am happy to say I am in better healtb Hood'sCures than I have been for a number of years. My friends remark tone:' Why bow well you look. I tell them it is Hood's Sarsaparilla that has done the work. I would have all suffering hu manity give this medicine a trial and be con vinced. This statement is Tra ike Lcf ser." Mns. Jeoie Decker, Watseka, 111. Hood's Pills cure liver ills, constipation, biliousness, jaundice, sick headache, indigestion. IcUTM KtfMBASDJ KbA WO EM The fatUwle eat iiowi Ue aatftt mkUk ma4 seta aMttei eoetevt a Ue wlft.dM.il cz-IU at Um ttrU'a fair. Chief Buchanan of the IVpt. f Agriculture imlie-J it put up tacit anl frtni feed for the tck on exhibition and urged tthr Windmill Co.'i to put up outfit. They wuuld int, and tried to prevent us They Lad a regular organization 1or fighting us. held meet ingi, and appoiuted commit tees and fur weeks occupi In this model outfit m horizontal shaft was used. We belted direct to othet machines from the pulley, which Is alnays a part of the Aermotor Grinder, thui greatly economizing in first cost, an fwer, and in ij-ace. It cut feed u rapidly at two men could get it to the ed a gTeat deal ex tiietr cutter and ground IS to own time end that of 20 bushels an hour. theTTorldrairOfll rials trying to pre A great many out- vent us Irotu erert- Ms were told to those who saw ft work. It ing one, and vur outGt iraaartual- Xy torn down and wrecked oneeven inz after datk. ho- wal.Mt beared f.TB it was complet ed hv turtles who Aermotor on a 40 f L pallet) it orer with & rope. steel tower, put up on a light frame nam, and in a C5 mile wind one could lurdly feel the tarn shake. The feet of the Steel Tower rested upon two 4x4 lira ter laid on the roof. Through these feet and timbers long bolts passed through the roof and were secured down in the 4x4 Mr. nucha nan tent Chief of SUIT, J A.Creen, with a commitiee of the kickers to m tt, and ia his presence, th lies, f the Aeinttrtur Co. offered to par f leijcht. or express- ace on (eard outfits that any other wind mill exhibitor wuld put up and to furnish tkdlM erectors to eiect braces which pass from each foot of the tower to where they were secure ly bolted to the 10x10 mast, 34 ft. long, which extended from the peak them in order 1o hare something with which to compare the Aernio- I tor in practjc-1 -oik. "j oi ine root to the floor so that the entire weight of the tower was trans ruitted through the mast to the floor. This shows bow a high steel tower This they roul1 not do fur the reason that the steel reared mills other than aermoUtrs on ex hibition wireeiien mental and it was well kuonthatlhe 12 ft. Aermotor w ould do can t put on a light frame structure. In this case the wheel was far mire wk than any lG-fl wniln wheel. As it was, the outfit enough ato e the baud nigs to he unaffected by the eddies and cur her represented was the cnly Knernull pi.t up fr public etc, and it neier sot out of idcr in the rents caused by them. The f haft in the Tower is suported by Steel jtous atia ii races. rh9 buy a Harm JVww tctth srAidk slightest particular,, tuongii f pcraled l-y unfamiliar hands. If hafittg tools aiie usnl im ttJt0 fVnrn f7e tmcet to apjJif hoit jow ' chtn for CAe Mime momey vow com get a iwtwrd Atr- tnofor rhrH tmp tttul mW ran v brought Ii tea yeiiefwa Mrrr tt na te of trays Aar ttotrtt fl oua Mule. ftrjJttfr KB m w & MODaPOWER OUTFIT at world's fair. ' iAirmc?i7wrBBBBW4icBrciviHitiA-i The third adrertisemsnt in this reries will show a Steel Cir cular Saw and Frame, for farm and sawyers use. It is a Perfect !! Saw, wllu IV r feet Safety Guards and runs with rery xnnch ! power thsn onlinsry burx saws and has a bettor saw. ToU (10 haw and Franc will be glrea fer f IS aa4 Ave reples ef this adsertlseeaeat, wnlrb la .No. 2 la the eerfe.1 if sent immeilialely after the appearanrein this paper of the Saw a Jv., Xo. 3.1 but only one saw w ill I furnished to any one per con. Fur the extra four copies call en neighboring subscribers to this paper, r induce other to subscribe, lecause we will not accept these advertisements unless taken from papers mailed to regular tubcrilers whoe names and addresses must be given, together with the date of the paper from which thev are clipped. Our Irrigation I'ump may be substituted for the Saw. Either f.ob Chicago. Where we can, we shall make Itteral e.fferto accept copies of thee advertisements in part ijrment for lVindmills. If you hue any thought of nmga windmill this 3 car srrft ws at owor, sUtinz what you will need, whether Pumping or Geared, and if possible we will make you a literal offer. The Aerroot.tr Co proposes to dMiibute PSOO. CASH, 15 FRIKF.S for the lest essays written by the wife, son or daughter cf a farmer or uer of a windmill, amwermg the question, W1IT SHOTXD I fSE AN A EH MOTOR I9 For conditions of cocipetitHtu and amounts and numbers of prizes send for par ticulars to the Aermotor Co. Chicago, or t its branches, at San Francisco. Kansas Citv, Lincoln, Neb.. Sioux City, Iowa, Min neapolis, putTali, or ft lark Dace. New Tork City. Aermotora, Fnmping and Geared same price, AU Steel, all Galranixed-After-Completion, delivered free on cars at Cliicago and shipped t4 tny one, anywhere, at the following prices: 8-ft. S25. 1 2-ft. $50. 1 6-ft. S 1 25. WALTER BAKER & CO. COCOA and CHOCOLATE Highest Awards (Mrdils and Diplomat) World's Columbian Exposition. On the following Mtlcka, namely: KEIKFAST CSCe. rtElIlIl !. 1 CltCflllTE, ERM1I SWEET CIMwiTE, VAMLL1 flVCHlTE, GtVM lints, For parity of material." excellent flavor." and "uni form even composition. SOLD BY CROCCR8JEVCRVWMERK. WALTER BAKER t CO., DORCHESTER, MASS. Lp1 W. L. nOITGCAS MS SHOK ! equals cuMom wock,-stinjj from 54 i" 5a, iicsi vaiuc lor mc money 1:1 i:ic rvoria. Manic and nnce 1 stamped onAhe bottom. Every nr warranted. 7 akc no substi. Mutc See local papers tfor full urvcripiionoi ouroompiexc , lines lor ladies and gen- ,WbD0B6S5 iictnen or send tor . luftrattd Catalcjzne Rh'nj; in. i struct ions '"TMISirUiT S how to or. "dcrbvmail. Tom a je free. You can get the best bargains of dealers who push our shoes. WORN NICHT ANO DAY. Holds the worst rar- turv wiUi ratio under all krireumstanees. l'erfect Adjatment. Comfort Umprovementa. ilia, trated cataJofroe and rules for aelf-measnrn. ment ent eecureW aenlrd. O. V. HOU8K UKJ. CO, 7H Broad wax. Kew lotS otj- CMi.MBtlp.a mnA twkrknla who bare weak lunj-a or Artb ma.fboulduse Puo'sCorcfor Consumption. It has eared tMesaada. Ithas r.otlnlur- ca one ma i oi oaa iotaxo. altsiue Desi coupn yrnp. sola cverrwricrc. S3e. 212 TO W! SB Jffle workln foi SlS "SLSSX IS. e1 al?,?s P'erredwbo .Cf) HfCCIf ?n,ruraL,tbborseandtrav. rEH Iff CCRi fL"Sh tbc country; a y- Afewvaean;ieStr,-townndiScrt,1S flfwmn9f P? charartPr will OnSlhUaexeS h SSSJ1Kter rr1ProfltobIe cmplo.vmenu "w S25JT-5m5!tl u'd '" P"1 JKlvantare. RF JOHNSON CO, 11th and asin Sts.. RlctooadVVa: CAPITAL CITY NURSERIES. THERE Is no larger or better selected stock In the Norihweat, nor one anywhere better adapted to the naes of Prairie Planters. Complete In all depart ments. Fruit Trees. Forest Trees. Small Fruits. 'Sverareens. Ornamentals, etc- An honest, reliable 'Agent wasted In erery county In the Northwest. Complete Outfit and the beat of terms offered. -X870 C. I WATKOIS, Le Moines, Is. 1864 ROLIHE TBEE8 and "PAS prerenu sot backs. Ask your bnmos dealer for ttea. B.W. Cooft,Mfr.lMoUae,ltt BB9rBnaaaaaaaaS!j III! Mm sal vn pl BSB?RBTKfOBCe bt.bsss.'bssi BaarSHw. QATii EBSl AOT16 TJi k avRMsssssBtJ7 g Vr7 What Month U Yoara? An old astrological prediction give the character of a girl according to the month she was born in, as follows: If a girl is born in January she will be a prudent housewife, given to mel ancholy, but good-natured and fond of fine clothes; if in February, an affec tionate wife and tender mother and de voted to dress; if in March, a frivolous chatterbox, somewhat given to quarrel ing, and a connoisseur ia gowns and bonnets; if in April, inconstant, not very intelligent, but likely to be good looking and studious of fashion plates; if in May, handsome, amiable and given to style in dress; if in June, impetuous, will marry early, be frivolous and like dressy clothes; if in July, possibly handsome, but with a sulky temper and a penchant for gay attire; if in August, amiable and practical, likely to marry rich and dress strikingly; if in Septem ber, discreet, affable, much liked and a fashionable dresser; if in October, pretty and coquettish, and devoted to attrac tive garniture; if in November, liberal, kind, of a mild disposition, and an ad mirer of stylish dress; if in December, well proportioned, fond of novelty, ex travagant and a student of dressy ef fects. The Fire Department in every city could not do better than to keep a dozen of Sal vation Oil at each station. It instantly re lieves all burns, scalds and bruises, and in a few days makes an effectual cure of the wound. 25 cts. Reflected Light. A dead white surface has decided ad vantages for reflecting light over a looking glass or a bright surface. Good white blotting paper reflects back 82 per cent of the light cast upon it Many persons arc under the impression that looking glass must be a better reflector than paper or whitewashed surface be cause with looking glass a strong shadow can be cast, while from a dead surface no heavy shadow is obtained. The reason is not so much that the re flected light is less from the dead sur face, but that the reflection is concen trated in the case of the looking glass. With paper or whitewash it proceeds from a vast number of points. Brook lyn Citizen. Street-car drivers and others who are constantly exposed to all kinds of weather, and cannot find time to lay by, should ever bear in mind this plain fact that Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup cures coughs and colds. It is unoqualed. A Iong Sleep. The longest continuous cataleptic sleep known to medical science was re ported from Germany in the spring of 1892; the patient a Stlesian miner having remained absolutely unconscious for a period of four and a half months. The doctors in attenance could not re port anything in the way of symptoms which would suggest that there was something out of the ordinary in the man's slumbers, excepting a complete rigidity of the limbs. One peculiarity which was much commented upon was that the hair grew naturally during the whole of the extended nap, but his beard remained perfectly stationary and lifeless. St Louis Republic. t LOSS OF POWER 'and Manly Vigor, Nervous De bility, Paralysis, or Palsy, Or ganic Weakness and wasting Drains upon the system, resuhr ing in dullness of mental Facul ties, Impaired Memory, Low Spirits, Moroseor Irritable Tem per, fear of impending calamity, and a thousand and one derange ments of both body and mmd result from pernicious secret practices, of ten indulged in by the young, through ignorance of tijeir ruinous coneequeoces. To reach, re-chum and restore Bach. unfortunates to health and hap piness, is the aim of an associ ation of medical gentlemen who h va nmnAmd a. hook, written in plain but chaste language, treating of the nature, symptoms and curability, by home treatment, of such diseases. The World's Dispensary Medical Association, Proprietors of the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y., will, on receipt of this notice, with 10 cents (in stamps for postage) maiL sealed in plain envelope, a copy of thia uaafal book. It should be read by every young man, parent and guardian In the land. AM ALIA Business U m A n A Houses. CLARK CUTAWAY DISC HARROWS Oliver Steel Walking Plows, TRIUMPH plows Barlow Corn Planters, Dodger Cultivators. Ask your dealers for above and take no inferior goods. LIHIHGER & METCALF CO., GENERAL. AGKNTS, OMAHA. BUTTERS- HIGIIEMT CASH price paid for rea nailer, send for circular. ATBES BROM., Oaaahav Wall Paper 4c Roll Only Sl.oo required to paper walls of room 15xl., Including border. Send 18c postage and get FKKK, loo beautiful sam ples, and guide how to paper. Agents' large sample book Sl.OO; FKKK vlth a SS.00 order. Write quick. HENRY LEHMANN, 1620-1684 Douglas St., - OMAHA, MSB. FOR LADIES ONLY D st. CHEVALIEa' FEMALE PILI- Ab solute safeguard against any form of suppression. If yon suffer from monthly tortures don't delay, but send 11.00 to our afrenu. Sherman a McCoxxei.t.. 1513 Dodge street, Omaha, Neb . who will mall you one box of the tcnulno Dr. Chevalier's Spanish Female l'llls. Don't be deceived and robbod by "ileh-prtred pills and liquids. Get our pills and you Trill be happy. No danger in using. BKFORK ItUYINU A PIANO or ORGAN Write to ft. HOSPE, Jr., OMAHA. NEB., State Agent for the PIANOS ANO ORCANS Paxton & Gallagher Importers and Job bine grocers. Ask for our "TEA LKAF' brand or tea. "ATK CITY brand of Can ned Goods. "MEXICAN BLEND" Coffee. Nothing flner produced. Every pnrkace guaranteed. Do you smoke "OMAUA DA1I A' UKE cigar? It is a winner. Hotel Dell one Omaha, cor. Mtb and Capitol Ave., H bit from both Council Bluffs Jc Omaha car lines. Best SS.0 a day house in the state. Fire proof REEB Jb CASEY. Proprietors. OBERFELDER&Co. Millinery Wholesale Mall orders promptly filled, special cash discount TEETH DR. BAILEY, LEADING DENTIST Ilor.est work at Lowest Prices, faztun Block. Mnteenth and Farnam Sts. Billiard and Pool Tables. Bar Glassware. Send for SALOON catalogue, t'ate City eiWIIBslB UIIIUrdTabICo.Om-iharlXTURES FOR SALE, TRADE or LEASE. BRICK and TILE PLANT. Dawson. Iowa. O. D. WOODWORTH,OmahaJJeb GRAIN Bought and sold on margins. Write for Circular. Ilawkrye Crasaalaatesi Co., No. 3 New Tork Life. Omaha. MDSE Ranches. Fabvs. Live Stock wanted ' E- F. RINGER, Omaha. ""are. TWIN nVC Uffinir'CCcuncilBlnffs. CITY u,t- nUni-lO a IUl Farnam 81. Omaha, Neb. DR. McGREW IS THE OXI.T SPECIALIST WHO TKEATS All. PRIVATE DISEASES, Weakness and Secret Disorders of MEN ONLY. Erery euro guaranteed. 18 years experience- years In Omaha. Write for book. ior iuii parucBlaia. I It h and Faraaas gta f - mlksw V. aUBSn F 5 EVER, never, will I forgive you ! lou have spoiled all my joy and now good - by, Gino!" It was a young lady who spoke, a beautiful one, too, and her eyes were 'full of she looked, at young man the be fore her. He looked with equal anger &t her, and, taking his hat in hand, he said: "I am son' Angelina, but my mother calls me, and if you had a son, an only son, you would feel deeply hurt if he were to refuse to spend Christmas with you. "Oh, I but " Angelina broke down and suddenly burst into a flood of tear&J Her lover then thought so little of her that he had" neverjCQji sidered her own loneliness, and : what a sad, sad Christmas was in store for herself! She. jvas alone, she had no mother, no" father. A stranger, she had come to Florence as a teacher in the public schools. No one there knew that she had been once in a rich home of her own, with loving parents. Her mother had died in her childhood, and two yean ago her poor father had also left her, when she most needed him. A lawyer had informed her that the forjune which she thought she possessed had been lpst in speculation, and he persuaded her to sell or rent the quaint little home in which she had always lived on one of the small canals of Venice. Sell it? -never! But rents were very low, and she decided to become a teacher that she might make both ends meet and not be obliged to sell the dear home. She did not care to teach in her own native place, and therefore she accepted most willingly an offer from Florence. There she had met Gino, whose na tive city was hers also. He was a sculptor and, though young, his talent soon made him well known. He be longed to an aristocratic family, and had persuaded his parents with great difficulty to let him study art. But now he had attained an assured posi tion, and he hoped soon to be able to make Angelina his wife. Up to this time he had hesitated to tell his par ents of his love for the poor teacher, knowing how proud they were. He had intended to spend Christmas with Angelina, and they had made many plans. First, they would go to mass, and then old Margherita, the faithful servant, who had followed Angelina to Florence, would light the fire in the big chimney, and they would sit and watch the traditional log of wood burn, and have a nice little supper. But now the poor girl saw nothing be fore her but loneliness! "Forgive me, Angelina, my love, forgive me!" cried Gino, kneeling at her feet, as he saw her distress. She smiled through her tears, and, as if her decision were taken at last, she says quickly: "All right, dear, go now, go quickly, for I am so tempted to keep you!" GINO 6EIZED HER HAND. She extends her hand and they part. As he closes the door she calls hastily into the other room: "Come, Mar gherita, I am going to Venice. I am pining to see the dear old place again. Come, let us get ready for to-morrow morning!" And as if she were going to leave within an hour, Angelina hurried to a trunk, to the drawers and closets, and soon she had selected the few things she wished to take with her. Her house had been rented to strangers, but she had made it a point to reserve one room for her own use, in case she should wish to return. Oh, how happy she felt when the train started! Venice, dear old Venice! She loved Venice as only a Venetian can. "Marghcritar"shesays,"Imust go to San Marco before I go home. You take the gondola with the trunk, and I will follow, after I have seen the dear old church again." Poor Margherita does not answer, the tears arc running down her old cheeks, for at last she, too, will be back in her old home again. As soon as Angelina sees Margherita safely on her way, she speeds through the narrow streets, toward the Piazza. She must walk, for her emotion nearly stifles her. It is bitter cold, and the steps of the many bridges are slippery. But the young girl's foot barely touches the ground. The last bridge is reached and she has passed it, when she hears a sudden cry of pain behind her, and, turning sharply, she sees a lady on the ground. "Oh, are you hurt?" Angelina cries; and she hastens to help the lady rise. But it is hard work, for she is not young. "I must have sprained my wrist, and bruised my knee," she groaned. "Can I get you a gondola, signora?" "Xo, thank you, my child. My house is only a few steps distant, Will you help me to reach it?" "Indeed I will. Lean well on me, and we will walk slowly." Angelina supports the old lady and walks gently, asking: "Does it hurt?" "Well, yes, it was a bad fall for an old ladj-. But I beg your pardon! I may detain you. Perhaps you were in haste. It is Christmas, and, probably, you were hurrying to buy some pres ents for your dear ones." "I have no dear ones. I am alone." "Alone!" The old lady looks up at the young and pretty giri, and again she says: "Alone? And no one to spend Christmas with?" "No one, madame. Do not wonder. My friends who knew me when I was a rich girl, or at least thought I was rich, left me when misfortune came, though not without a word of good advice!" She smiled bitterly. But soon her better nature conquered and she added: "I am no better than they were, for I have forgotten the one good friend left to me. Our old serv ant did not abandon roe, and I should &$P" NT" have forgotten to buy her a Christmas gift if it had not been for you!" In a few words she then told the old lady that she was a teacher and earn ing her own living. By that time they had reached Meereoria, and turning into one of the little streets branch ing off from that, they stood before an old palace. I Upon ringing, the door was opened by an old gondolier, who seemed to do , also duty as a servant. "Madonna santa!" he cried, "what has happened to the marchesa?" and had he not been prevented, he would in his fright have called all the house together. But the marchesa said de cidedly: "Give me your arm, Battis ta, and keep quiet." Then, turning to the girl standing in the door, she added: "Grazic, thanks a thousand times, dear child. And please give me your name and address. I hope we may meet again." Angelina gave the desired informa tion reluctantly, for she felt almost hurt at the brevity of this farewell. But the old lady suddenly extended her hand and, pressing Angelina's,said gently: "Go and buy Margherita her present. Good-by." Angelina stood alone. - Why had she felt almost happy, leading this old lady? Now she realized again how lonely she was. But Margherita, at least, would be glad to see her, so she hurried to dear old San Marco, and tried to pray. Alas! she could think of nothing. "Ah!" she sighed, "if I only had a mother!" Stopying at one of the stores she purchased a warm shawl for Margherita; then crossing the piazza, she took a gondola, and in a short time found herself at the door of her own house. It was a quaint little palace, con taining only a few rooms, but it was her home, and she had once been rich and happy in it. Margherita was watching for her darling mistress. The people who had rented it were from the Cadore and had gone to their country home for the holidays, leaving an old man in charge of the house. He had been gondolier for Angelina's parents, so that he and Margherita were old friends, and he, too, loved Angelina-"la padroncina," as he called her. Soon the poor child had forgotten her loneliness, sitting and chatting with those two humble but devoted friends. The next evening was Christmas eve, and Angelina, made some pur chases also for the old man, and pro vided for a nice little supper. Gio vanni, the gondolier, was to take her to mass at seven, and then she would come home and have a quiet evening, As she returned from her errands, she saw a gondola leave her door, and Giovanni standing at the door gazing after it with a curious expression. He was holding a little log of wood in his hand. "What is it, Giovanni?" "I am to give this to the signorina." ne handed her the little log, Angel ina well knew where it came from. While she had been shopping, she had seen Gino in the distance with a gen tleman, bis father, no doubt, and her heart nearly stood still. She hoped he had not seen her, and she hurried hastily into a store. The log showed that he had noticed her, and she was glad he had not stopped to speak to her. Soon it was dark, and Angelina dressed carefully to go to the so-called "midnight mass," which takesplace at seven. She had turned the log of wood over and over, hoping to find a mes sage there, but the only thing she found was the date of the day carved on it. As she stepped into San Marco she told Giovanni where to wait for her, and he returned to his gondola. She had not seen how he had exchanged a sign with some one in the distance. The mass began, and she became completely absorbed in it. She was recalled to herself by the close vicin ity of some one, who seemed to pro tect her from the crowd. She did not look up. She knew it was Gino, and a sudden calm came to her soul. She became lost to all but the pleasure of knowing that he was there. Mass was over. People hurried to get home. It was bitter cold. Ange lina stepped out into the air, when suddenly Gino seized her hand. Draw ing it through his arm he led her to a gondola. No word was spoken until Angelina found hersef under the cover. She said: "Gino, my dear, you must go to your mother. We have to-morrow to be happy in." "I shall go to my mother, darling, never fear! And now tell me about yourself. It is so good that you came!" She told him of her home-longing and of her sudden decision, her journey, and then of the nice old lady. "If I only had a mother like her, it would be such a happiness!" she cried. But here they are already at their journey's end. The gondola has stop ped; she has alighted, helped by Gino. But where is she? Not at home. "O Gino!" she says, "let me go home!" "Trust me, darling, and come," is all the reply which he vouchsafes her. She is so bewildered that she follows him like one in a dream. He holds her hand. "Here she is, mother dear!" he sajs at last, "tell her that we may be happy." Agelina stands in a beautiful par lor, trembling before an old lady in an arm-chair. She sees only a hand stretched in welcome, and hears the words: "My daughter." She kneels at the feet of the dear old lady, and all she says is: "Oh, I have so wished that you might be my mother since yesterday." For she is indeed the marchesa. She cannot rise, she cannot extend both hands, but her eyes tell of the love she has in her heart for the chosen wife of her son. "You shall never be alone again at Christmas, my daughter. Make my Gino happy!' "Ah, have you no word for your father, my child?" says another voice, and again Angelina is held by the encircling arms of Gino's father. "God bless you both! And now quickly come to supper and light the fire of joy. Would you like to burn the log I brought you, my pet?" says Gino teasingly. Supper is over. It has been made happy by mutual confidences. "I have no regret for my misfor tune," says the mother, and as she does not suffer, she is happy as the re sult. Gino had told her as soon as he arrived of his attachment, and while they were hesitating to accept the stranger as a daughter, destiny had brought them nearer each other. They sit and talk until the door opens and the smiling old face of Margherita looks in: "A happy Christ mas, and please, signorina, may we remain in Venice now?" "Yes, my good Margherita." And she smiles gratefully at her lover, who has not neglected to include the faith ful old woman in his plans for the i Christmas celebration. Angelina has quite forgotten that she was ever an gry with him. ALWAYS COOL IN A CRISIS. CeaiM Ag-eat Stone Request fer Advic When Ills Team Baa Away. There is one of the employes in the census bureau in Washington who is regarded by the Washington Post as the most matter-of-fact man in the government service. One would scarcely call him a hero in tho usual sense of the term, but he evi dently has in him somo of the stuff such as heroes arc made of. and there aro occasions when ho would proba bly rise to the point of tho sublime, though, truth to day. he has not done so up to date. His phlegm is of the Teutonic variety, such as would lead him to continue the caro- ful indexing of his field notes in tho midst of a shipwreck or a boiler ex plosion, and if there should ever bo an earthquake or a collapse of the building in which ho was working he would as likely as nos remain in his chair while the floor was going through and ask somo of his fellow workers to hand him a ruler or shove over the paper weights to keep bis notes together. Up to date tho worst story that has been told of him was laid in Western Kansas during the last year's field work. With another agent of tho department he was driv ing around tho country collecting data. One afternoon they got a pair of spirited horses and drove out on one ofvthe long, level cross section roads. After a whilo Mr. Stone asked for the lines. IIo did not know much about driving, but Pro fessor McGillen, who was driving, handed over the ribbons. Tho horses, foeling a strange hand, started off briskly and continued to increaso the cadency in a sort of geometrical progression. Faster they went and faster, till at length Mr. Stone, who was holding tho lines primly in front of him, not unlike a Bociety girl the first timo she tries to handle a T-cart, turned his head slowly in the direc tion of his companion and said: "Professor, do not these horses seem to you to bo going rather rap idly?" yes," replied tho professor with equal calmness, seeing that there was but little danger on tho long straight road. "Yes. Mr. Stone, it strikes me that they are running away with you." "Ah," was the unmoved response. "In such a case, professor, what would you advise a man to do?" HOW TO RUN PAR AND FAST. Keep the Knees Bent, Lean Forward and Lift the Feet Slightly. Physiologists and lovers of athlet ics may bo interested in recent ex periments and researches of a French artillery captain. M. dc Kaoul, who. some fifteen years ago, began to try and find out the most economical and least trying way of walking. There aro many manners of walking, says tho Popular Science News, some of which are much devoid of grace, but it may be supposed that as far as efficiency is concerned, the best method is that which he calls marcho enflection. The principle is to run without leaping, to raise tho body above the ground as little as possible, to keep the knees bent, the upper part of the body inclined forward, so that practically you aro always run ning after your center of gravity. The feet must be raised only very slightly. M. de Raoul, who has now somo years of experience, says that ho can now take any man between 20 and 60 and teach him to run as long as his legs can carry him with out getting out of breath. Some men can, on tho very first trial of the method, run seven or eight miles without stopping, while, with the ordinary tactics, they could not havo run over one mile. Tho first kilometer (a kilometer is five-eighths of a mile) is usually covered in seven minutes and a quarter, tho second in six minutes, and the third in five minutes and forty-five seconds. An interesting feature of M. do Kaoul's researches is that even after a long run, according to his mothod, a stiff walk is no trouble at all; tho muscles which work in both cases do not be long to tho same set. and while ono exorcise is performed tho muscles which minister to the other rest. In a Side Show. A side show attached to a circus which showed in a country town in West Virginia last summer had a big sign: "Only ten cents to seo the most wonderful tiling in tho world." Persons curious enough to pay the dime, found a man sitting on a chair inside whittling a piece of wood. As ho cut away, with an out ward sweep of his knife, ho re marked: "Gentlemen, always whit tle like this, and you will be In no danger of cutting yourselves." This was the whole show. People who had been duped were so anxious to have company that they went out and advised thoir friends to go in, and it is claimed that tho side show did more business than tho circus. Addln? Insult to Injury. Colonel Gilbort Piorco, tho lato minister to Portugal, once picked up in his arms a young lady who stood hesitating at tho corner of a street in an Indiana village, unable to cross it, because a shower had filled it with a rushing torrent of water. Tho young lady submitted without pro test while the colonel strode gallant ly through tho torrent until ho do posited his fair charge on tho oppo site sidewalk, with dry feet. "Sir!" she then said, indignantly, "are you aware that you have insulted me?" "I was not aware of it," replied the colonel; "but seeing that you arc right, I beg to make amends." So saying, he picked up the protesting damsel and restored her to the point where he had first made her ac quaintance. Argonaut Tlio Proof Xoc Wautliifj. The Judge You say you arc a quiet, peaceable, easy-going citizen and avoid excitement of all kinds? The Witness Yes, your honor. The Judge What do you sav to this, officer? The Officer It is quite true, your honor, and, as a proof, I can state that he is passionately devoted to the game of cricket. A Useful Adjunct. Guest, tenth story Porter, what's this rope coiled up in the corner for? Hotel Porter Dat's fo' use in case ob flah, sah. Guest, after a look out of the win dow to the sidewalk Oh, I see. Very convenient. If a man objects to be ing burned to death he can hang himself. Judge. Ancient Books. Some very ancient books are to be found in the sacred relics of Ceylon. They are formed of palm leaves, writ ten upon with a metal pen, and are bound merely by a silken string. J Worthy Sabjeet. If any aneaiotcs of General "Sam" Houston are told which shew that his tongue wai by no means sjbw orchis wit dulLf As General K had been financial agent to the penitentiary for a number of years, and warmly op posed General Houston's last election as governor of Texas, he feared he would lose his desirable office. He therefore presented a petition in due time, asking that he might be re tained, his "long and faithful services" being urged as a reason for granting the request of the petitioners. "It appears from this petition, gen eral," said the governor, "that you have been in the penitentiary eight years." "Yes, sir." "And you say that you have per formed faithfully each and every duty imposed upon you during that time?" "Yes, sir." "Then, sir," said the governor, with a twinkle in his eye, "it seems to me I ought to pardon you out" Very Queer Aro the sensations experienced by the ner vous and dyspeptic. Unaccountable palpi tation, buzzing In the ears, flushing of one side of tho face, odd taste and tingling in tho mouth, constant restlessness, stinging in tho gullet and sinking in the stomach, acute sensitiveness to slight sounds that magnifies them ten fold, low spirits these are only a few of the charming oxpcrlcnccs of tho individual who suffers from com bined nervousness and indigestion a team that usually travel together. Thcr gay and festive career is. however, brought to a full stop by that greatest of stomachics. Hostetter's Stomach Hitters, which also overcomes their allies-constipation and biliousness This popular remedy fortifies tho-owhouse it against malaria, chronic rheumatism and kldnev complaint restores nervous quietude and promotes appetite, vigor and sleep. Bow to Cure a Black Eye. The Medical Times some time ago gave this antidote for a black eye: There is nothing to compare with a tincture of strong infusion of capsicun annum, mixed with an equal bulk of mncilage or gum arabic, and with the addition of a few drops of glyereine. This should be painted all over the bruised surface with a camel's hair pen cil and allowed to dry on, a second or third coating being applied as soon as the first is dry. If done as soon as the injury is inflicted the treatment will invariably prevent the blackening of the abused tissue. The same remedy has no equal in rheumatic, sore or stiff neck. 1.213 BUSHELS ONIONS PER ACRE. Do you want fine vegetables just twenty days ahead of your neighbors? If so, send 81 for Salzer's 35 packages earliest vegetable novelties (sufficient for a family). His seeds are Northern grown, extremely early, enormously productive. Think of it! B. Bey, Cali fornia, grew 1, 213 bushels onions from Salzer's seed per acre. How? That is the secret which Salzer imparts to all who buy his onion seed. He offers a cabbage ripening in sixty days; a pea in forty; a new tomato, the Ferris Wheel, measuring two feet in circum ference! and many Ujh'er remarkable sorts of small fruits', ' flower andlge table seeds, potatoes, farm seejC etc. If Yo:Will Cut Thia Out andSrad It With 20c to the John A. Salzcr Seed Co., La Crosse, Wttyou will deceive their mammoth catalogue and a paonge of Ferris Wheel Tomato f w ''A Dead Moe. f When a bull moolies dead in the forest, he looks like gome strange ante diluvian animal, with his square pre hensile muffie and horns spreading lat erally a peculiarity which he shares with the prehistoric Irish elk and the nearly extinct European elk of later times. The huge form tells of -strength and swiftness, and withal the still dan gerous gleam of the eye, glazed in its last stare, bids the hunter pause and feel almost guilty of a crime in the de struction of so much that is grand and weired.a fcelingvery different from the sentinel supposed to attend the slaugh ter of a deer. But the triumph of mas tering the wariest and bravest animal in the woods by fair still hunting and by grimly sticking to the track for many a weary mile amply atones for any regrets. TIvspppsi imnnirivl iliirpsrinn. wpal.- stomach, and constipation will be instantly reueveu vy ueecnam s rius. cents a dox. "Let There be Kittens." Jenny and Ned were discussing the beauties of Tabby's new kittens. "Now, Ned, why are they all born together? Why aren't some older than the others. like you and mc, you know?" asked Jenny. "Well, it's easier for the Lord to make a lot at once." "Well, how does He do it?" "Oh, he takes dnst and covers it with fur and " "But He don't make babies like that." "Well, babies aren't kittens, are they? The Lord takes more pains witji a baby. He only makes one at a time, but when He wants kittens He just says, Lct there be kittens!' and there are kit tens. Jenny was satisiicd. Oeafneaa Cannot Re Cnred By local applications, as tbey cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure Deafness, and that is by con stitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube gets inflamed you have a rumbling sound or im perfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed Deafness is the result, and unless the inflama tion can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be de stroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothingbutan in flamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. --gold by Druggists, 75c Moderation is commonly flrni. and firm ness is commonly successful. The Pnzzle Solved. Perhaps no local disease has puzzled and baffled tho medical profession more than nasal catarrh. While not immediately fatal, it is among the most nauseous and disgusting slls tho flesh is heir to, and the records show very fow or no cases of radi cal cure of chronic catarrh by nny of the many modes of treatment until tho intro duction of Eli's Cream Halm a few years ago. Tho success of this preparation has been most gratifying and surprising. A soft nnswer often gets a fellow out of a hard place. When Eve ate tho npplo !-he didn't give Adam for tho consequences. flegemam'aCamplior Ice with Olyeerin. The oricinal and only genuine. CuresChapp!Ilaiiis and Face, Cold Sores, Ac. C. O. Clark Co.,S.lIa t-n.Ct- The story of Lot's wife pave Hellamy his idea of "Looking Backward." 83-35 to California. This is our sleeping car rate on the Pliillips-Koek Island tourist excursions j from lies .Moines to i.os nngeie ir San Francisco, via Omaha, Lincoln ant! the' scenic route and Ogdcn. You can go with Phillips, the best of all excursion managers, for he has each party accompanied by a special agent who goes the entire trip with patrons. These personally conducted excursions leave Des Moines once a wcclc, Wednesday. We have also a daily tourist car s"r- j vice, via our Southern route, through the beautiful Indian Territory and Fort Worth to Los Angeles and San Francisco. Apply to Charles Kennedy, G. N.-W. Pass. Agt., Omaha, Neb. John- Sebastian, a P. A., & E- I. & P. R'y, Chicago. The richest man is the one who can give away tho most without regretting it. ST. JACOBS 01 L CURES . . . PERMANENTLY I -i- -- THE U. S. Government Chemists have reported, after an examination of the different brands, that the ROYAL Bak ing Powder is absolutely pure, greatest in strength, and superior to all others. Mlulfttcrlng to the Mlad. A century ago a shrewd German recommended to every man overcome with sorrow to force himself each day to study for a fixed period a language or art whatever was most agreeable to him. The work for the brain on a to tally different side from its grief is stim ulating, strengthening. A polical ex ile, also a German, being sentenced to a long solitary imprisonment kept mad ness at bay by decorating the walls of his cell and by making lists and sketch es of people and places he had known. He recommends a man in grief to pay instant attention to the little pursuits or occupations which usually give him pleasure, and to obstinately devote himself to them until his brain has had time to heal. "If we are denied great joys let us earnestly seek to fill their place by small ones," he advises. Peo ple of methodical habits should be giv en occupation which will call forth their genius for organization and sys tem. In short, we should remember that the brain is a material organ as well as the stomach, and, when in dan ger of disease from the exessive strain upon it of one emotion, a counter irri tation from other smaller ones is a wholesome and usually successful treat ment. The Modern Way Commends itself to the well-informed, to do pleasantly and effectually what was formerly done in the crudest man ncrand disagreeably as well. Toclcanse the system and break up colds, head aches and fevers without unpleasant after affects, use the delightful liquid laxative remedy, Syrup of Figs. Very Dear atthe Price. -Queen Caroline, tho wife of George II., seriously thinking of closing St. James' Park, in London, and turning it into a garden for the palace, asked Sir Robert Walpolc what it would cost to do so. "A trifle, madam; only a trifle," replied the minister. "A trifle?" rejoined her majesty: "I know it must be pretty expensive, but can't you tell me as nearly as you can guess?" To which Sir Robert answered. "Why. madam, I believe the whole thing' will cost but three crowns." The "queen had sense enough to see Walp'ole's al lusion to the crowns of England, Scot land and Ireland, and said at once that she would abandon the notion. For Coughs and Throat Troubles use Brown's Bronchial Trocues. They re lievo all Throat irritations caused by Cold or use of tho voice. A lie a mile away is always tryins to prove that it is truth. 160 World Fair Fhotos for 91. These reautiful pictures aro now ready for delivery in ten comp'eto parts !0 pic tures comprising each part and the wholo tot can bo secured bv tho payment of Ono Dollar, sent to Geo. It. Heaffori General Passenger Agent, Chicago, Milwaukee & St. I'aul Railway, Chicago, Ul., and tho portfolios of pictures will he sent, free of exrens0 hy mail to subscribers. Remittances shou'd bo made by draft, money order, or registered letter. A man in earnest finds means, or, if ho cannot find, creates them. do Soath Via the Wabaah. Tourists' tickets now on sale to all points. Homeseekers' tickets at half fare on ex cursion dates, Detr. U'th, Jan. Vth. Fei. iltbk March 13tb. April 10th and May Sth. For rates or folders giving full description of lands, climate, &c, call at Wabash Ticket office, No. 1502 Farnam Street, or writs Gko. N. Clayton, N. W. P. Agt., Omaha, Neb. If angels had to live with some men, there probably be more fallen one?. awtwiw T v -ft, 1 1 ri nr Who Are forthe Woman's Severest "ftothers' Friend A remedy which, if used as directed a few weeks before con finement, robs it of its Pain, Horror and Risk to Life of both mother and child, as thousands who have used it testify. "I used two bottles of 'Mothf.rs' Friend' with marvelous results, and wish every woman who has to pass through the ordeal of child-birth to know if they use 'Mothers' Friend' for a few weeks it will rob con finement of fain and suffering and insure safety to life of mother and child. Mrs. Sam Hamilton, Eureka Springs, Ark. Book to Mothers mailed free containing voluntary testimonials. Sent by express, charges prepaid on receipt of price. SI Z0 per l:.tlc. Sold by all Druggists. HRADFIELD REGULATOR CO.. Atlanta, Oa. OMAHA TELEGRAPH SCHOOL. MwEEBH'-APlSeS a!Baa3BaaaaVa-awl3BaaaaaT& 'iMart- 'aaS ' WaaaaaaaaaaOKBaWi ilmaBallHLIr-Wirllm " aufaaaaaaaaaaaaKSrJaaK AEMVikJSi. WaaaataaaaaaaaaaaHaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaCatV J aaKaaaaaaaaMI I - l - r&- fT-9$, ftaaaaaHaaaaaaaaaBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaniV' aaaaKaaiaaaaaESai I I aamaaaTaaaaY KBaaaaaVVV4l1iBC3BaaaBBataaal,: HlaBaaaB aaaaaaaaaaK9iS- ,BJAX"WmKtwBfWm' ANe.i;rlu-lveM-hNl if Itnilrua'I ami CoiiimTrial To'drap'tv LiKMt"l In laiwt K I: i-vnSpr In tlm west. Toslt inns Guaranteed to Br.iilnafes. !tu(l"nt.s tinzlit to rimy wltli ty-n-rltfnllrcct from teli Krapli instrument, ?tinlentcan work mrnlnir and CTenIii2 for lx:irZ an.l n..m l.ir ami weninc sessions. Cut this out anil win! 'ic Matp for circular to WM. J. B. SHERWOOD, Ramge Building, OMAHA. NEBRASKA. r4M.rtztxteg-J - y"-.cps; .M S --:, i - aaaBn """' BBBBBBBBv z Bri--- BBr BBBJBBBBB4BBBWflrBBBBBBBB aaaaaaaaaalBWaaaaaaaaaTar . BBBBBBBjBka9BJaaaaaaaaaaaV--A J7BBBBBBBBBw3PKBBBBBBBB7l!. t - :f----cBBBBBBBBBkBBBBBBBF v'L --er 1 --"'' BBBMBBBBB.'BBBBSBJBaar I Sr- VaFaaaaalBal aaaaaaaV' V.Lf T J BaaaaSBaaw BaVHBaaaaaV "--' i -7 s -kv aamfaaaaaWfv'aaaaaaaaPJaaT-''' ;KH- l -Y - JBBftSVlaKBV v - j, , ." .-- !.. . !. TIWawaBBBBBBjyJtU,'BBjBBBBBBBjpBBBjBBBxy t F - tTilsBin Especiallv for Farmers, Miners, "R. R. Hands and others. Double sole ex tending 'down to the heel. EXTRA WEARING QUALITY. Thousands of Rubber Root wearers testify this is the best thej ever had. Ask yOUr dtlltf for thOHt and don't be persuaded into an inferior article. iHWaaaCaHHaafK ffCT THIS OUT acd 1 BmDlofour"0t There (uaTi nl ourXammotn arm lloirae and 10 Farm Grain Sample: or lie for cU!o;ru and IS I I trta'a and clover samples. We loepds. Potatoe'.Oranesanl V lOUIIIQIlldlll Made Her Sad. An actor was one time playing in a provincial town and observed in the front row an old lady moved to tears. Highly flattered, he sent an utteudant to say he would like to see her after the performance. When they met, he was graciousness itself. "Madam." he said", "I perceive that my acting touched you." "It did that, sir," saiil the old woman. "You see. sir, I've got a son myself play-actin somewhere, who I ain't teeu for a long time, an it broke mo all up to think that mebbe he warti't uo bet ter at it than you are." Tit-Bits. ffchlOmaan's Asthma Cure Instantly rellercs tho mrwt violent attack, facilitates free expectoration ant hi-t.iros ru-i totnoee otherwise uniblo to alee? ccc-p; in a chair, as a single trial will prove M-n t for a free trial package to Dr. K Sclilflman.i, :t. Paul, Minn., but ask your drugg-ii Ur..t- I'lucky. Murgatroyd Binkerton is one of the most courageous men I know. Pilgarlic Shouldn't have thought he was particularly plucky. What did lie ever do that showed courage? Murgatroyd Why the other day he passed a group of boys who wore throw ing snowballs, and he walked right on and never once looked around. I'uck. ahtlttlka Conaantptlon Cure I mid on a ruarantr. It rnrra Inctpfc-m otiMnnp. Urn. It B the lw Uoush Cure. Scta..Sii:ls.&SMti. Waves of reform nro too often dndied to spray on the rocks of indillerencc. Tho society of womeu is tho e'eiuent of good manners. "HaMaoa'a Magic t urii Salvo. Warraiitcl to cursor n.in-y r-'funded. AU vour arorcutt for It. rrn-.-I5iitv. One of the best features alout heaven fc the fact that thoro is no choir there Tiie Best Waterproof Coat in the WORLD! SUCKER TieriSH UKAXD SLICKER Is warranted water proof, and urillkccp ymulry lu thu hnnli t sionn. TIu new I'O't' ". i:i SLlt KEi: U a perttct rliliiii i oat. an.) covers the enure s.iJt!!e. Rcwaroof Imitations. I r"l bur a cojt ii" tfic Fisli IlramV I not on It. Illn-trA-ted ratal ctif lri. .. J. TUWKU. Kostnu. JIj. Ely's Cream Balm roirffitlk? Cleanse- the Xasal Passage. Allay. 1'aln and Inflammation. Restore the Scnc of Tiinte and Smell. Ilealsthe Sore. Apply Balm Into each nostril. fi.c-?ci Itok. "' tnetua WifA f Y.'.fJi P-Fi LV BKOS..W Wanen !sl..N Y. WELL MACHINERY Illnstrated catalogue ""hovcing WEL AUGERS. ROCK DRILLS, HYDRAULIC AND JETT1NU MACHINERY. tc. Sxnt Fitci. Have been tceti-u and all it-arrante. THE PECH J1FG. CO. Nlnnx fit J. Iowa 19 S. Canal St-, Chicago. njpB19l',aBllJ" W.-tloKltls, naaaraCMwIXl iVnliitititi, D.Vl WP Successfully Prosecutes Claims. Lata Principal Examiner U 3. Fnnslon Burrnu. B 3yra in last nar, IjailjuilicatiiigcUiui.t, at trainee. llTAfESS AND HEAU NOISES CURES IIPa-HP1' ri. tir. r iflMi. YVriif;'irrir-Mr'-H W0wB9 Mu-r(.l -iii .!i rrirlirtfii -,,Jp0Tf bjr.ltiLtxTV3t:w.y,N V. Uiitf..rI-H..f.ro..f.-rRtt T. : wivac ) 3r First Time to Undergo Trial, we offer : 3t : i - liTiKYi send it with c poatase and get a WBI3TBM1 Ell" Radl-b. fit foriueln IS I Beea catalogue: or joe tor ceta- ari t no Isrsrt growers cr rann Cloror 3l.t-.. n America." I YOUR MONEY' is thrown away if you try to cure Constipation or 1)ys- rtrsiA withdrnxs and meil- irinn. Vor20 Tears I tried in vain and have btvn cured by a InMrlea Treatment. Sond nilPI" stamp for particulars. -.... II tt II. J. Simpson. Norfolk, Nebraska. W. I. V., Onaha-. l))il. WIttB Answering AiivortUeiiients liiudly- slittlvB thU f ayvr. HMpMf fh gjft A ?