The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, March 07, 1894, Image 2

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I - "
Wohxtribixs gmirnal.
Entered at th Foafcofioa. Colaobaa, Hab., M
-econd-class mail Batter.
Columbus, Nob.
tksxs or STBscxipnoH:
One year, bj ms3, postage prepaid,..
six moauiB. ..........
Three months,
Payable in Advanca.
ySpedsien copies mailed free, on applica
Whensnwcribers chance their rife of reai
dance they should at once notify as by letter or
postal card, giving both their former oth
present po9t-office,-the first.enablee as to readily
find the name on oar mailing liat, from which,
being in type, we each week print, either -on the
wrapper or on the margin of mr Joubhai the
date to which your subscription is paid or ac
counted for. Remittances should be made
either by money-order, registered letter or drait.
Wabletotheorderof VLTatam3Co,
All communications, to secure attnnUoa, must
l accompanied by the fall name of the writer.
We tesene the right to reject any manuscript.
nd cannot asreo to return Ue SSBKU nB.uwii r
a correspondent in otery school-district
Platte county, one of Rood judgment, anq
liable in every way. Write plaiaii', aacn
seifcirately. OiTeasfacU.
It is rumored that Van Wyck has 6ent
charges to Cleveland concerning Secre
tary Morton.
Tiie funeral of J. Dan Lauer of Lin
coln took place Thursday last, the
Masons taking charge.
It is rumored that half the business
portion of Deadwood, the Black Hills
metropolis, was burned Sunday night.
TnE United States has fifty-two canals,
having a total length of 4,468 miles.
China alone excels this country in
canal mileage.
A rAirrr of patriotic Kentuckians are
taking steps to purchase the birthplace
of Abraham Lincoln in La Rue county,
Kentucky, and convert it into a park.
It is now said that the Omaha Bee has
been followed by the World-Herald and
the Lincoln Journal in the use of typo
setting machines. One of these does the
work of four or five men.
Tnc managers of the Lever woolen
mills at Fremont have purchased new
machinery. A large number of sheep
are being fed near Fremont. Their
wool will doubtless be in demand.
A monster Newfoundland dog in Chi
cago attacked an infant son of Lieuten
ant O'Hara, almost tearing it to pieces.
Others, who came to the rescue, were
also set upon by the dog, which was
finally killed.
Z. T. WniTE, who hanged Secretary
Morton in effigy in Nebraska City, for
appointing a republican to the position
of meat tagger, was fined $200, and will
probablyjnot consider it such a joke as
it seemed at first.
Gladstone has retired from the pre
miership of England and the Queen sum
moned Earl Rosebery, who has accepted
the position. Parnellites, it is said, will
continue to snpport the liberal govern
ment on the condition that he will in the
strictest sense hold to home rule.
The Red Cloud Chief says that George
Pope and Oliver McCall of that region' LWho are the mostWainous writers and
have fully demonstrated the advisability aVtists of both continelsjB? The Cosmo
of raising alfalfa. There is no doubt but poKtan Magazine is endVayoring to an-
it is a profitable crop to raise in Nebras
ka, and there will be a thousand acres of
it sown this year, to where there was one
At List it looks as if the exodus of the
negro to Africa is to lie accomplished by
the negro himself. Two dollars each is
the estimated cost, and it is said there
are 100,0(H) ready to go. In a land of
their own, and under self-government,
they will undoubtedly do letter than
they do here.
Positive protection for every individ
ual in every right, at home and abroad,
at public expense, is the true theory of
government. Monroe Looking Glass.
This is one of the many corollaries of the
true theory of government, viz: "hands
off from the individual, except when he
interferes with the just rights of others."
In three words -liberty and order.
Tnn election of Galusha A. Grow, the
republican nominee, for congressman-at-large
from the state of Pennsylvania, by
a majority of 187,000, is opening the eyes
of many politicians in this country, to
the fact that a number of electors who
helped place the present administration
in power, have changed their minds most
decidedly, and purpose making no con
cealment of that fact.
McKixlev could not have said more
in a column and a half than he said in
these twenty-one words of his spoech
before the Republican clubs of Ohio
Tuesday: "The people are tired of this
tariff-tinkering, bond-issuing, debt-increasing,
treasury-depleting, business
paralyzing, wage-reducing, Queen-restoring
administration.' No administration
was ever better described in fewer words.
Peoria Transcript.
The county commissioners are making
a move in the right direction when they
resolve to require of the county treasurer
a monthly statement showing the precise
amounts of county money held by the
different banks that have been designat
ed as county depositories. The publica
tion of this statement would be a further
check upon the power of the treasurer
to favor one bank more than another,
and would at the same time take the
people into the confidence of the county
bookkeeping. There is no call for
secrecy with the safekeeping of public
funds. Omaha Bee.
The following extract from a recent
"letter from Oregon will be of interest to
wool growers: "The democratic party is
raising sheol with the whole country.
One-half the sheep men in the west are
. bankrupt and are only hanging on to see
"if the new tariff bill in its present form
. becomes a law, in which event the flocks
will be fattened and sold to the butchers.
With low price for mutton and no price
for wool the sheep men cannot payex
penses. We live twenty miles from The
Dalles, Oregon, which is the wool em
porium of the north coast, and I am told
by a reliable party there are hundreds of
tons of wool stored there which cannot
": lie sold at any price. Nearly every branch
of business is flat. Some are praying for
better prices, but I think the time and
place to pray with best effect is at the
. ballot box. We hope to see McKinley
tbe next president. God speed the day!"
Deauadx Money Dae.
At the annual encampttnent of the G.
A. R held in Lincoln on Wednesday. D.
A. Scoville, commandant of the state
soldiers' home at this place, reported
that the last legislative appropriation for
the support of the soldiers' home was
$24,000 less than the appropriation of
1891, for a period of two years each, and
$16,000 less than the actual expenses for
the two years last preceding. The re
port further states: "It is generally be
lieved that the home receives aid to an
amount equal to $100 per capita annually
from the general government, and while
this is true in most states maintaining
soldiers1 homes, it is not true in Ne
braska." By law the governor is made the
proper officer to receive money from the
United States. The committee to whom
this report was referred recommended
that steps be taken to secure money that
may be due. The home now contains
136 men, twenty-one women, making a
total of 157.
A very pleasing incident which occur
red during the meeting, is related by
Col. Geo. P. Dean. Six old army nurses
made their appearance among the boys
and were accorded a reception such as
almost raised the roof of the building.
The ladies were aged and infirm, with
hair as white as snow. One of them, de
crepit with age and physical infirmities,
had a quilt that she had made of red,
white and blue colored cloth, to be do
nated to the soldiers' home at this place.
It was mentioned that the pittance of
ten cents paid to the old lady would
recompense her for working the name of
the doner into the covering. In a trice
$28 were raised and she will have 280
names to inscribe with her needle if she
is not mustered out before it is complet
ed. Grand Island Times.
According to the Chicago Tribune the
present valuation of church property in
the United States is $475,000,000. This
property is exempt from taxation. If it
were taxed, and if we suppose the aver
age tax rate to be two per cent, and we
believe it to be higher than that, it would
produce $9,500,000. Nine millions of
dollars! Only thiuk of it! And this is
the sum of money which in this country
that boasts of a separation of church
and state, the people are annually forced
by the state to contribute to the sup
port of the church. For, if this property
were taxed, it is easy to be seen that the
people would have to pay that much
less. Church property should be taxed.
To a man in his ungenerate state, it
would look as though the churches and
church people were not living up to the
doctrines of the sermon on the mount
to any particular extent. With all those
475 millions before him, he would natu
rally conclude that no matter about
their treasures in heaven they were cer
tainly laying up treasures on earth in a
very thrifty and ungodly manner. How
would it do if these people should just
now proceed to put in practice the scrip
tural injunction of selling all they have
and giving to the poor? We would not
ask them to 6ell all, but if they would
only dispose of a few of their surplus
millions in that manner, it would do very
well just for the present. Preaching and
practice don't always go together. Sil
ver Creek Times.
swer this inquiry by printing a list from
month to month in its contents pages.
This magazine claims that notwithstand
ing its extraordinary reduction iiV price,
it is bringing the most famous writers
and artists of Europe and America to
interest its reawrs, and in proof of this
claim, submits tme following list of con
tributors for the ire months ending with
February: Valdes,owelIs, Paul Heyse,
Francisqne Sarcey, Kabert Grant, John
J. Ingalh), Lyman AoVptt, Frederick
Masson, Apes Repplier, jLG. Whittier,
(posthnmouW) Walter Bebant, Mark
Twain, St. George Mivart, Paul Bonrget,
Louise ChandleWMoulton, Flammarion,
Tissandier, F. DeirrfSafer Sherman, Adam
Badean, Capt. King, jLrthur Sherburne
Hardy, Georg Ebers,
Sen, Andrew
Sir Edwin Arnold, Spi
Lang, Berthelot, H. H.
yesen, Hopkin-
son Smith,! Lyman J.
Dan'l. C.
homas A.
Gilman, Franz Von Lenbac
Janvier. Anfor artists w
ve illus-
trated during ate same time: Yierge,
Reinhart, MaroldF. D. Small, Dan
Beard, Jose CabrinetV, Oliver Herford,
Remington, HamiltoV Gibson, Otto
Bacher, 1L S. Mowbray,tto Guillonnet,
F. G. AttwWl, Hopkinsolsk Smith, Geo.
W. Edward8aul,de Longpre, Habert
Dys, F. H. SchelT How this iff done for
$1.50 a year, the editors of The Cosmo
politan alone know.
Rev. Butler of Omaha is credited
with saying recently that "a private
school is as treacherous to American in
stitutions as a private mint." While we
do believe that the public free school,
properly conducted, is one of the most
potent factors in the preservation of our
liberties, it must not for a moment be
allowed that machinery of any kind,
however complicated and precious, can
take the place of the motive power,
whose instrument it is. Even in matters
of learning it is not so much a question
of Where? but What? As to one phase
of Rev. Butler's callow sentence the
Omaha World Herald says:
"In your efforts to escape from imag
inary tyranny, Mr. Butler, you are mak
ing a tyrant out of republican institu
tions. We are free to do as we think
best here, reverend sir. We may study
where we please and what we "please,
think what we please, worship as we
please, by the grace of God and the
American constitution. And over us
shall be no czar. You may talk of
American liberties, Mr. Butler, but
American liberty is not assured until we
are free to refuse to accept the tenders
offered us by the state of a particular
and regulated education. We must
have the right of election. And you can
do only harm to those you would fain
ground in patriotism, if you insist upon
specific courses of action. It is human
nature to revolt against coercion. And
a reaction will as certainly follow ex
treme views as fever follows chill. It is
a law of nature that it should do so."
A Pointer.
"Great things come out of Kansas," is
a common-place saying, and certainly the
climate or something down there seems
prolific in expedients for bettering the
world. At a meeting of the farmers'
alliance in Topeka Friday the following
resolution was adopted:
"Resolved, That the time has now
arrived in the history of the republic
when we need a new, national co-operative
system of industry that shall furnish
remunerative employment to every able
bodied citizen."
"Senatob Oblakdo Tekft, of Cass
county, is mentioned as a possible candi
date for the governorship this fall. Sen
ator Teff t is one of the clean and brainy
men of the republican party in Nebraska,
and withal as full of sense as an egg is
of meat He is a real fanner who culti
vates the soil and monkeys with politics
betimes. If the wheel of fortune should
turn him out as a candidate he would be
one that all good men could support with
enthusiasm. He would be a sort of a
new deal in state politics and this would
be welcomed by a good many members
of the grand old party."
The above from the Fremont Tribune
finds an echo here. Orlando Tefft is one
among a thousand of the public men
whose motive of action is found in a
strong desire to do right by his fellow
men; aside from this, he is a man of ex
cellent judgment, and has had consider
able experience as a legislator. We
could vote for Mr. Tefft for governor
with enthusiasm.
College boys will be boys. Very
true; but that is no reason they should
grow up criminals, says the Inter Ocean.
Yery true. Many an American lad has
been subjected to indignities at West
Point, for instance, whose tormentors
should have been made to suffer for their
misdeeds, and it has been a shame all
along that our people have tolerated
such a state of affairs. There is nothing
manly, nothing courageous or gentle
manly about hazing, and the American
people should put their foot down upon
it so hard that hereafter the rowdy
ruffians who torment younger students
shall pay very dearly for their supposed
Program North Nebraska Teacher! Associa
tion. MAitt'ii 2 2 P. Jf
Has the attempt to Grade the Rural Sell ols
rrori :i Success?...........- - -
Leaibr 1. i. Stevens, Fremont
True 1-Miinate of Ability uiul How to Assist
The Teacher ..
Leader A. V. Sumlerliu, Tekamab
UNt-ussion V. E. Item.. Oakland
How to lniproe the County institute
... .Leader A. K. Ward, Ihirtinjiton
Discussion, J. A. Collins, Fremont
Desirid Change: in School Ijiv.....
leader A II. Ilii-ilie. Seluler
Discussion, liion Cu ver. 1'ouea.
Oilier tonics fur general discussion may be
cai-sidered ifihp liireadnits.
MAlteil J8. 7:30 F. 31.
Choroiis, Faithful and True, from Lohengrin
Columbus Quartette
Invocation.... - ....
Ilev. F Bros. Columbus
Vocal Solo, Sweet Heather Bell, Howard .
Nellie Stewart. Fremont
Address of Welcome
. J. M. Scott, Cohiinous
Response ..... ...
1. (J. Hatipt, S. Sioux City
ijvC i iirc
Hon. W. F. Norrts, Ponei
Vocal Solo. Anchored. Watson ....
J. II. Fisher, 1'ilger
Cliorom, Come and .loin the Merry Dance,
.". Columbus Quartette
mauch 29. 9 a. si.
l'uplls of the 7th Grade, Columbus School
Rev. Henderson
Vocal Solo. It is I, I'insiiti
! . H. Fisher. Pilger
Paper, The Doctnue of the Concentration of
C. C. Matter, Pen Jer
.C II. Beaver, Wisner
How can ue Keep the Hoys lor Advanced
Work in the High School'.'
J. K. Stablelon, Lexington
Discussion ..
..J. M. Pvle, Wayne
Dan MUIr, Fremont,
What to Teach In Geography, and How
. ....Lizzie Haas, Fremont
VI"CUii It'll
W. K. Jackson, O'Xeil
Cora Reynolds. Waue.
Vocal Duet, Ojos Crillos. Oottschalks
Mrs. Cleiumons. Nellie Stewart, Fremont
Illustrated talk on Delsarte.
...... ....... Lucie Kuiues, Lincoln
.MAUCH 2, 1:30 F. St.
Romeo and Juliet, FautuMi Slugelee
Otto Voght, Wayne
Paper; County High hcliool
It. i. Mobsman, Aludison
Discussion, James Cu.:. field. Lincoln
Paper. History, its Sigtiiticancd and How It
Miouid be Taught
D. C. O'Connor, West Point
Discussion, M. W. Page. Stanton, J. F.Connor,
A'rli nut on.
Vocal Solo. Arlington
.Mabel Hultlsh. Fremont
S stein in Art lust i union, (illustrated)
Ktliel Evans, Omaha
Discussion, I illiau lierecke, Stanton.
Paer. Public School Education aud Real Life.
A. A. Moore, South Omaha
Discussion, W. A Mesene. .sr.iutou. w. H.
Cleminons, Fremont.
Vocal Solo. The Otld Beater
.........J. A. Ciimiiiings, F.ikhorn
MAKCH 29. 7:30 F. 31.
Vocal Qiurtette. Spring Song, Pinsuti
Misses Phi eo and Vincein, Messrs. Gamble
and E7erman, Waye.
Thy Sentinel am I, Watson
...J. A. Cummins. Klklioru
Contralto Solo, Sleep, M Darling Sleep ..
- Miss Vincent. Wavnp
Tenor Solo. Gondoher'.s Song, Meyer Ile'inuiid. J
..H............... ... i-i.uiifc iamuit.', iiuyue
iA-1. mi e .................. .......................... .......... .....
Hon. Henry Salun. state stip't public in
struction, Des Moiue la.
Tenor Solo, In Old Madrid, Trotere
. ...... aaJ Jl r ISIIf?r
MAKCH 33. 9:00 A. SI.
I'lauo Solo, Raindrops Serenade
..Maude Brittou, Wajne
Rev. Elliott
Voiil Solo, Angel's Serenade, Grabe
Clam Philleo, Wayne
Paper. Kuglish and Comparative Phonology...
- J. G. Haupt. S. Sioux City
Discussion. U. S. Conn, Fremont
P.ier. Lit rature in the Rural Schools ...
Ella Frost, Bega
Discussion, Will Howard, Schnjler
Paper. The tudy of Government
Homer Lewis. Omaha
DisciiKsitiii, .1 A.Collins, Fremont
Piaco Duett, overture from Menuelsohn
....Maud Britton and Prof. Ezerman. Wayne
Apiolntineut of committees.
-MAKCH 30. ISO F. 31.
Soprano Solo ........
- Fiances Jackett. Stanton
Per, Higher Education and Morality
E. C. Grubbs, Bellewie
An Illustration i:i Morals,
.................A. W. Norton, Peru
Discussion. Alfred Softly. O.ikdale
Paper, Common Sense Education .
............. ........... W. L. Stevens, Fullerton
Discussion, F. A. Fitzpatrlck. Omaha
The Spirit of the Teacher..... .
Ellen M. Austin, Central City
Keport of Committees.
7 30 p. in. High School Contest.
Hotel concessions. Ruilroad rates
are the usual one and one-third fare.
Enrollment fee fifty cents. Lectures
free. Lectures to be delivered by
Sup't Sabin, of Des Moines. Elec
tion of officers at the close of the
Friday afternoon session.
I Xl sell at my residence, six miles
northwest of Columbus, on
FRIDAY, MUCH 16, 1894,
the following property:
II head yearling calves, 3 steers com
ing two years old, 2 heifers, 7 head of
6hoats, 9 head of horses and colts, 1
Piano self binder, 1 Standard mower, 1
hay rake, 2 lumber wagons, 1 light wagon.
Sale to begin at 10 o'clock a. m. Free
lunch will be served.
Terms of Sale: Ten months time on
bankable paper, 10 per cent interest, 0
per cent of? for cash. Notes to be ap
proved by First National Bank.
Michael Hoqax.
Johx Hcbek, Auctioneer.
Mid wistcr Fair Rates are Down.
e Burlington Route is nowsellincr
iound - trip tickets to San Francisco at
&5.50. One way. 820.00.
Think of it! Fonr thousand miles for
less than forty dollars.
See the Company's local agent and get
full information, or write to J. Francis,
Gen'l Pass'r and Tkt, Agt., Omaha,
Neb. 2
Bring your orders for job-work to
this office. Satisfaction guaranteed, and
work promptly done, as agreed upon.
Written for Tac Joubnal.
'Put a Tucket in my Shroud."
"Put a pocket in my ehrond, mister.
Sew it in the strongest way.
For I'm going to-take a journey
Orer 'cross the range some day.
So they tell me, unIrm thinkin
No. it ain't because Pm proud.
But I'm euro to sleep the sounder
'F there's a pocket in my shroud.
There's some money in the bank, mister.
I've bin gath'rin' many a year.
Now that I'm so old and ailin'.
I am haunted by a fear
hat some day 111 need my money.
What you say? Just holler, loud,
a t I'll hear, but don't forget it.
That strong pocket in my shroud.
I bare thought this matter over,
That I'd better be prepared,
Fer a man don't feel like loosin'
What his life so long has shared.
An' I'm prayin'. pnrty hefty.
That in Heaven I'll join the crowd
An' my gold, I want close by me,
In that pocket of my shroud.
Christ will not forget me, think you;
'Cause I've told him, every day,
'Bout my bein' so poor and friendless.
Do you s'pose He'd turn away.
When a fellow comes a pleadin'.
Feelin' awful weak, an' cowed?
Well, I'm ready, all etceptin'
That ere pocket in my shroud.
What '11 1 do in Heaven, mister?
Well, that's some thin' 1 don't know.
But, I'll shout that God's great merry
Is the flag that I el me through."
Poor, blind soul: lou talk of mercy!
You who crush the sorrow bowed.
Grudging what might save a brother?
From that pocket in your shroud.
If on earth no glimpae of Heaven
Bless your soul at ret of sun,
Following some word of comfort
Some kind deist jou've this day done:
Sink upon your knees in sorrow.
For a kinder heart, pray loud.
Spirit eyes would weep your coming
With that pocket in your shroud.
David City, Nebraska.
ORr Neighbor,
is having an
epidemic of
The surveying corps who have had in
haud the work of making the prelimi
nary surveys for the Platte river canal,
will finish the field work tomorrow.
After this is done Engineer Andrews
will make his computations as to what
the entire work will cost and then it will
be known definitely just how much
money it will require to put through the
great project. Fremont Tribune.
North Bend is thiuking of sinking a
shaft to discover what lies below in the
shape of coal, iron, gold, silver, salt, oil,
gas or artesian water, experimenting to
a depth of 1200 feet.
Real Estate Transfers.
Becher, Jteggi & Co., real estate agents,
report the following real estate transfers
filed in the office of the county clerk for
the week ending March 3, 1894:
James H Green to Thos W Blackburn,
lots 7 and 8. bl 173. Columbia, qcd.. . $ 1 00
Johan' Kaus to Henry Kaus, eli bw.'i
7-2U-2w, wd 1 CO
Minnie Schactschneider to Johannes
Jannsen, w1 nw4 Sl-W-le. wd 1520 00
Pioneer Town Site Co to W G Miller,
lot IV, bl 6, Creston, wd 80 00
Same to same, lot 3, bl 4, Creoton, wd.. 125 00
L H Ozias to Henry Behle, swi STuls-
lw.wd 4480 00
John Alder to Aug Husmann, w1. sw'-i
33-17-lw.wd S712 00
United States to D S Zimmerman, e
swli 28-lV-tv, patent
D (' Katunaugh to Harriet A Thurston,
lots 7 and 8, hi 7, Gerrard's add to Co.
lumbus, uheriff's deed 600 00
John Fitzpatrick to Fred Schaad, lots
1. 2 and 6, 1I-17-2W, wd 1200 00
Fred Schaad to Henr Deke, lots 1,2
and 6. 14-17-2w, wd 13T3 fiO
Katharine Leibel to Peter Bender, sr.,
eHswKt 20-20-2w, wd 2000 00
Maurice A Mayer to J M Gondring, lot
1, bl 28, Capitol add to Columbus,wd. 100 00
Catherine Alexander to Robert E Wiley.
ne122-18-Sw,wd 4000 00
Isaiah Lightner to Esther L Matbon,
lots 5 and 6, bl 2, Osborn's add K
Monroe, wd 800 00
John Scheffe to Jacob Bahn, v'A nelt
2.ta0-3w, wd 2S10 00
U P By Co to Engelke Busa, e!4 eeli
21-lV-le, wd. 400 00
Carl Helbusch to Henry Kapels, aw1
31-20-le,wd 44) 00
Henry Conrad to Fred Kohl. neJi 10-20-
2w, wd 4B50 00
Wm Duesman to Christ Schaoher, seU
5-20-3W. wd 5000 00
John M Gondring to Mnry Miller, lots
9 and 10, bl 5, Gerrard's add to Co
lumbus, wd 8.-.0 00
Charles Reinke to Henrj Rickert, eV(
swVj, bwVi ae!, pt nwU se4 13-lH-le,
Henry Rickert to John Ahrens, same.. 5800 00
Diedrich Hobben to Carl Hellbuech,
nV5 neV, sw1 neU, BeKi nw4 11-1V-
Iw.wd 5000 00
Christian Schncher to Henrj Kaus, nw
4 svl4 7-20-2W, wd 1.VK) 00
E A Gerrard to A E Bishop, lot 4. bl 4,
Monroe, wd 75 00
Twenty-six transfers, total.
.$ .V277 HO
District 44 and Vicinity.
Teams were busily engaged harrowing
in the fields on high land Friday and
Saturday, frost being nearly all out of
the ground.
A fine shower accompanied by thunder,
lightning and hail, Sunday morning, be
tween 8 and 9 o'clock.
Farmers hereabouts expect to sow
barley and wheat this week, unless the
ground should freeze up again.
Monday morning, cloudy, wind in
northwest and ground froze up.
Charlie Vogt, F. Stenger's ex-foreman,
moved from the latter's farm yesterday,
and accompanied by his brother, will
locate near Verdigris, in Knox county.
Quite a number of farmers from Colfax
county were in the city trading Saturday.
Capt. Geo. Drinnin's hunting broncho
collapsed last Saturday, under the weight
of probably too mang geese and ducks.
His pater suggested a wheelbarrow as
the only thing to stand up in his expe
ditions. This is vacation week in our school.
aE Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul
By iTthe only line running solid vest
ibule, electric lighted anu steam heated
trains between the Missouri river and
Chicago, consisting of new palace sleep
ing cars, elegant free reclining chair
cars, luxurious coaches and the finest
dining cars in the world. The berth
reading lamp in its palace sleeping cars
is patented and cannot be used by any
other railway company. It is the great
improvement of the age. Try it and be
convinced. Close connection in union
depot at Omaha with all trains to and
from the west. For further particulars
apply to your ticket agent, or
F. A. Nash, Gen'l Agt.
W. S. Howell.
Traveling Fr't. and Pass. Agt.,
lljantf 1501 Farnam St, Omaha, Neb.
Rheumatism Cured in a Day. "Mys
tic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neuralgia
radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its action
upon the system is remarkable and mys
terious. It removes at once the cause
and the disease immediately disappears.
The first dose greatly benefits, 75 cents.
Sold by A. Heintz, druggist, Colum
bus, Neb. 14-y
When Baby was sick, we gave her Castorla.
When the was a Child, the cried for Castoria.
When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria.
When she had Children, site gai e them Castoria.
Cheap Excursion to Texas.
ther opportunity of visiting Texas
at Huninal cost! On March 13th the
Burlington Route will sell round-trip
tickets at the one-wat bate.
Ask the Company's local agent for full
information and make- sure your tickets
read "via the Burlington," the best line
to all southern points.
J. Francis, Gen'l Pass'r and Tkt. Agt,
Omaha, Neb. 2
Call and see our "Tour of the World
Portfolio." They are worth twice the
price we ask, 10 cents, and a coupon cut
from The Joubsal.
English Spavin Liniment removes all
hard, soft or calloused lumps and blem
ishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs,
gplints, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles,
onminR. SorA and Swollen Throat.
Coughs, etc Save 850 by use of one
bottle. Warranted the most wonderful
Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by C.
B. Stillman, druggist. 26novlyr
St. Patrick's Pim3 are carefully
prepared from the best material and
according to the most approved formula,
and are the most perfect cathartic and
liver pill that can be produced. We
sell them. C. . Pollock & Co. and Dr.
Heintz, druggists.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castoria.
gasiness Jfloticrz.
Advertisements nnder this head five cents a
lineeach insertion.
M.SCHILTZ makes boots and shoes in the
best styles, and uses only tl very best
hat can be procured in the market. 52-tf
tSOurauotation. of t he market sareobtained
rnesday afternoon, and are correct and reliable
at ineiime.
Wheat 40
Shelled Corn 20
Ear Corn 20
Oats 22
Mixed oats 21
flOUi v a. WJffc 4v
Butter lOfilJ
Eggs 12'i
Potatoes fcO
Fathogs 4 404 BO
Fatcows ft 50tj2 CO
Fat sheep $2.M3 00
flit SlCOFDaa JtS fc U
rCdPru . . . . . $ rlNj nj
of Auditor of I'ulilii
Accounts, State of
Lincoln. Febmars 1. lsl'l.
HEUEliY CERTIFIED, that the Union
Central Life- lusnrauce Comjaay of Cincin
nati! in tho State of Ohio, has complied Willi Hie
insulance law of this State and is authorized to
transact the business of life insurance in this
State for the current year.
Witness my hand and the seal of the Auditor
of Public Accounts tho uay and jenr ahovo
Auditor l A.
J. M. Edmiston, State Agt. ii:n,.in v..
Dr. Wm. E. Hart, Spl. Agt. J Lincoln, .Neb.
fnrOTICE IS IIEKEBY GIVEN that the fol
XV louitiK proposition in hereby HiibmitttHl to
the ltval voters of the city of Coluuibuti, in
Platte connty, state of Nebraska, at tho regular
city election, to be held in said city on the 3l
day of April, Ibi'I. at the duly appointed places
for holding said election, to wit:
Shall the maor nr.d conncil of the city of
Columbus, in Platte county, fetate of Nebraska,
issue coupon bonds of said city to the amount of
twenty-five hundred dollars (iJ.500). to Iw dated
the first day of Slay, 1894, bearing interest at the
rate of seven per cent per annum, payable annu
ally, to be known as.water bonds of said city,
and to become due in twenty years from the
date of issue, but payable and redeemable at
any time after five earu from the date
of issue, interest and principal pa able at
the fiscal agency of the state of Nebraska, in the
city of New York in the state of New York, taid
bonds or the proceeds from the balethereof to be
used in constructing and maintaining a sjstem
of waterworks in said city of Columbus, and
shall the said mayor and council of said city of
Columbus, levy and collect a lax annually in
the same manner as other municipal taxes may
be levied and collected, to an amount sufficient
to pay the interest on said bonds as it becomes
due, and at the expiration of ten jears from the
date of said bonds shall the mayor and council
of said city of Columbus ley an annual tax
sufiiciect to pay tnn per cent of the principal of
said bonds for the purpose of creating a sinking
fund to pay tho principal of said Itonds after the
same become redeemable, on all the taxable
property within said city of Columbus? The
form in which said proposition shall be sul-
mitted shall be by ballot upon wlucn said ballots
shall be printed: "Shall coupon water bonds b
issued and taxes bo levied and collected to pay
the same and the interest thereon?
And if a majority of all ballots of legal voters
cast at said election containing the alkive proM
sition and questions in the form of the official
ballot to le prepared by the cit) clerk of s-aid
city of Columbus, for said election shall have a
cross X opposite the wool es, then said propo
sition shall be declared adopted, otherwise it
shall bo deemed lost. All ballots which fhall
have a cross X opposite the word no, shall be
counted against said proposition.
By order of the mayor nnd council of the city
of Columbus, this 22d day of February. 1U.
Attest: William Becker, Major.
City Clork. '.SfebJt
TICE is hereby given, that the place of tho
revision or registration, in the election
Krecuict or the rirst warn or the city or loinni
us, in Platte county. Nebraska, will be at the
Court House in sail! ward, anu that said election
precinct is bounded by I-iewis street on the west,
and by the corporation limits of said city on the
north, south and east.
That the place of tho retisionof registration
in tho election precinct of the Second ward of
said city, will be at the Engine house, in Frank
fort square, in said ward, and that said precinct
is bounded on tho east by lewi street, on the
west by P. street and Nebraska Atenne, on tho
north and south by tho corporate limits of the
said city.
That the place of the revision of registration in
the election precinct of tho Third wanl of said
cit-. shall boat John Hnbor's Hotel building, in
block .VJ, in said ward, and that said precinct is
bounded on the osist by P. street and Nebraska
Avenue, and on the north, south and west bj the
corporate limits of said city.
By order of the Maor and Conncil of said city.
Wm. Beckfh,
7-mar-j City Clerk.
Gradnatoof Ontario Veterinary College. Office
over poet office. lVaprtf
What is
Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants
and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor
other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute
for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil.
It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by
Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays
feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd,
cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves
teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency.
Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach
and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas
toria is tho Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend.
"Castoria Is on excellent medicine for chil
dren. Mothers have repeatedly told me of its
good effect upon their children."
Da. G. C. Osgood,
Lowell, Mass.
Castori Is the best remedy for children of
which I am acquainted. I hope the day is cot
far distant when mothers will consider the real
interest of their children, and use Castoria. in
tead of the Tariousqoack nostrums which are
destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium,
morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful
agenta down their throats, thereby sending
them to premature graTes."
Da. J. F. KvtcBSLOS,
Conway, Ark.
Tk Cemtear Cempaaj, 17 M
Choice Field Seeds,
Clover, Timothy,
Orchard Grass,
Blue Grass, etc.
Herman Oehlrich & Bro's.
The Eleventh Street
Does all kinds of work in his
line of business.
Suits or Farts of Suits Made to Order.
jSyGoods and prices to please the
most fastidious.
' Sljan'Jm
TTsr-A-usrariEiD i
Hungarian and
Millet Seed.
Herman Oehlrich & Ero.
ielfhs in
Eleventh Street. Columbna. Neb
W. A. .McAi.list u.
W. M. Cornelius.
O:liceoer First National Bank,
Office two doors north of Brodfuehrer'a jewelry
store. Otlico open day and night. Telephone
No. V2.
Uang'!t$-ly-p Colombia, NmiMSKi.
CATJTIOX. If a dealer offers W. .
Douglas Mioes at a reduced price, or Bays
ho lias them without name stamped uu
bottom, put him down as a fraud.
W. L. Douglas
9tf OflvrS THE WORLD.
W. I.. DOUGLAS Shoes are stylish, cary fit
tins', and give better satisfaction at the priiia ad
crtiscd linn anv other m ike. Try one p-irar.d
he convinced. The st.impin-fof W I.. Douglas
mine and price on tha bottom, Juch guarantees
their value, sae3 thouwul of dollars annually
to those w ho i.-ear them. Dealers ti ho pu ,h the
&!e o." V. I.. Douglas Shc.cs jram cut.),
v.hich help to increase the 'ales on hc:r full line
of good.. They can afiord to fell ui a It s profit,
andnel)eIieevoucan acmonv I : In v in jail
yo ir footwear of the dealt r advertised htlow.
Cit ilogue free upon application AddiKS
W. L. DOUGLAS, ltrucktou, Mass. Sold hv
" Castoria is eo well adapted to children that
I recommend it as superior toany prescription
known to me."
IT. A. AscniR, M. D.,
Ill So. Oxford SL, Brooklyn, N. Y.
" Our physicians iu the children's depart
ment have epoLta highly of their experi
ence In their outside practice with Castoria,
and although we only have among our
medical supplies what is known as regular
products, yet we are free to confess that the
merits of Castoria has won us to look with
favor upon it."
UxrrxD Hospital a.nd Dispxhsabt,
Boston, Mass.
Air.rx C Smith, I'res.,
array Street, New York City.
-Dr BliKSl E
;uh t
&BEm. m. i
b-r. i-i k i
l a 4h v . e. b vjaaaaaaaaaaaa?'. -.. .. s.
rmyjmEmmi& mi
S f
tee Your Orders Early, and AyoH tlie Bosk. 1
"Eat, Drink art b Marry."
Henry Ragatz & Co.,
cq E
r Have inado a special etTort to secure bargains for our
customers. In Canned Goods we have ovor 500 cases, at prices
that astonish our many customers.
Dried Fruits are of good quality at very low prices.
Wo have Genuine Maple Sxrup ami Pure Buckwheat
Our Cider can't bo beat.
Apples are scarce, but we have them.
In Nuts, Raisins, Fruits and
We have doubled our order over last year, and have an im
mense stock. E3TAU who purchase, will find it to
their interest to look over our goods and get our prices.
Crockery, nw are and Lais.
Our assortment was never
prices. Call and examine, them.
Eleventh St., Columbus, Nebraska. 1
1 Leaye Your Orders Early, aud Avoid the Rnsli. I
vc ytf
X n
Prairie Farmer,
Omaha Weekly Bee,
The Columbus Journal.
Begin your subscription ut any time. "NVhethor yon
nre now reueivinTiiK Jccknal or not, pay only one year in JJ
advance, (regular price two ilollaru). ami mill fifty Lvnta extra, ap
ami jrnt the thret papers. 9
4 You cannot select a better combination of local, general J
ami farm literature for the money. "
The coining year is destined to be an eventful one in tho p
- history of onr country. Industry, upon which rests tho real P
progress of this world under Providence, will move forward "J
during the coining twelve months more than in tho last thirty. L
- Keep with the front of the column. p
ItiildMieil ls70.
i.xia. Beal lEsta-te.
MONEY TO LOAN ON KAKMSat lowest rates of interest, on -hort or lonn time, in ninonn
to suit upplicantM.
BONDED ABSlKACrKKS OF TITLE toall real estate in I'lattecounty.
KepresentTHHLEADlNti 1NSUKANCE COMPANIES or the World. Our rams policleaar
thoino-t liln-nd in use. Lo---h adjuttetl, and prompt! A at thinollit-c.
N'otarj l'nhlicala in office.
Farm and citj property forale.
Slake collect ions of foreiirn inheritances and Hell Htenmsliin tloLft ( nml from nil t.
oi curope.
J. Will Illustrate
To you the advantage of buying
From him. If a splendid stock
and low prices cut any
figure, you will
be satisfied.
Always on hand.
His Block of
Dry Goods
Is large, well selected and
everything you want will
be found in dtock
at low figures.
"Z3T Country produce n spe
cialty, and always taken at
cash prices. All goods deliv
ered free.
Telephone No. 22.
iff lit yon
on city and farm property; if you want
an ACCIDENT POLICY: if vou want
to buy or sell farm or city property; if
you want bargains in real estate, call at
the Iteal Estate and Insurance Agency,
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castoria. '
1 H
E 13
E et
E C3"
1 W
more complete, at reasonable
- roii
(of Ciiicatfi),
ilk. j. hoi ki:niikk(;ei:
Can furnish von with
tho KrlST
BLINDS, LIME, Etc., ami
everything kept in the
South of U.
P. 11. It. Depot, Columbus,
Drink Habit !
Also Tobacco, Morphine and
other Narcotic Habits.
EST I'rivate treatment Kiven if deaire.!.
Bo E m lial ming,
Conduct Funerals.
kSIiave tlio finest Heara in the county.
Cor. Nebraska Ae.anU PaluHLu U-L.
Thirteenth St., J UllHlHS, Nlfe,
17ian3m 1