The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, February 14, 1894, Image 4

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. -
vi J BBBBVlBBBBBaBBaaBwaBaBaaTffEfrft
I KaaaaaaaaE? -'i-!!P' aa2il V
JUi'sa Ortcncla E. Alien
t- Salem, Mich.
Lir and Kidney
trouble catKd rne to suffer all but death- Eight
wcilcs I lived on brandy and leef tea. Th
doctor said ho had not a ray of hope for my
Tecovcry. I rallied and commenced taking
Hood's Sarsaparilla
nd from the first felt better. 1 continued and
nm now able to assist my mother in her house
work. I owe mv life to Hood's Sarsaparilla."
Oi-.tencia E. Allk.v. HOOD'S CURES.
Hood's PillS cure nausea, sick headache-,
indigestion, biliousness. Sold by all druggists.
Highest Awards
(Mraalf and Diplomn)
World's Columbian
On the following articles,
For "parity or material."
"excellent flavor." and -uniform
even compoKlliou."
flre you" Going South
This Winter?
Whether in pursuit of health or pleasure,
no portion of the country offers so many
and varied attractions at this season as the
Sunny South. The Orange Groves of
Honda, redolent with the perfume of sweet
blossoms, wave their branches in heart v
welcome to the tourist from the Snow-claJ
Northland and the mellow breecs of the
Southern Sea woo the invalid from the
Ulizards ol the Frozen North. There is
one line to Florida "The Bit Four Route"
which on account of its excellent train ser
vice, perfect connections in Union Depots
and absence of transfeis, forms the "Tour
bts' Ideal Line to Florida.'' Ironi all points
north of the Ohio River the Big Four
Route, in connection with the Thiouidi
Car Lines from Cincinnati, will be found to
ofler the Dest Time. Iks Service and Best
Equipment to all Southern Points, and if
you desire to travel with comfort and ease
be sure your tickets read via the Big Four
e. o. Mccormick, d. b. martin,
Pass'r Trafflr Ster. nl rs'r Attt.
ToOoen this Can.
For Ho? Cholera this Lye
I a-mr cure If ued in time.
For making soap, cleanin
house, softening water, tt
has no equal.
The Housewife's Best
A Taluable wafh'nc receir
ln each ran. Tor s-ale or all
grocer. It HI surprir yon.
Home Seekers
Send to th nndemltmed for FI!E COl Y of the
18U4 Kclitionof Ilnl)oeH-oi. It ilul!nf dl a
tie information conrrrnlni; tlisfcn h and ilrre ibe
The Aurieulliiral anil Horiieuliural Adranlasrs
of the country traverreil by the Illlnota Cen'ral and
the Yaroo A 3Iilslppl Valley Kllroad in Ke-itncky,
rennewe, iliff! ippi and I n'iaia. .?. F Merry,
A. O V. A..lllInol Central It. K.. Manchester. 1 1
Write me full decription with very lowest price.
LtOYD EBERflflRT, ?A "! Wv
5WFFT potitoes
J WW BBaaaai I bf! sprouted the i
" m m aaaaaaaw v sr -i
out to
Xo experience recuired
Directions for sprouting free. Address,
T.J.SK INNER. Columbus. Kansas.
Patents. Trade-Marks.
Examination and Advice a to Patentability of
Invention. 8eod for " Inrentora' Onide. or How to Get
al-atent." PATJCI OTAXBEi, WA3HS8TCS, D. C.
Send us "Jc. f 155 or CM and we
win ship to yon. cbarses paid. a
handsome one pound, two pound
or fire pound box of our Beat
Oiocolatea and Bonbons. Watch
Tour friend's eyes when abe opens tbe box. WOOD
WARD, Confectioner, Coanell Bluffs. Iowa.
At -L PriPP fjissrssses:
11 4 I I lUW aUClMMUUra.,CMaa,IIL
ww iuwiuhw,iii,iu.
sore 7ca, use
TRADE or lEASK. BniClT in,1
TILE l'LAST. Dawson. Iowa.
Boncht and sold ea BargiDS. Write for
Circular. Bawktja CSBBalsaIa
C., No. 3 New York IJfe, O.-naha.
Butter. Eos and Wild Game, ship
to Robt, PuTTls. Coaaiisslon Mer
chant, ISIS Harner 6treet, Omaha.
Paxton & Gallagher;
Importers and Job
bing Grocers. Ask
for our "TEA
"LEAF" brand of tea. "GATE CTTY" brand of Can
Bed Goods. -MEXICAN BLEND" Coffee. Nothing
nner produced. Every package guaranteed. Do you
smoka "OMAIIA DAILY BEE" dgarl It is a winner.
Hotel Dellone
Omaha, cor. 14th
and Capitol Are.,
H bit from both
Council BInffs ft
Omaha ear linen.
Best . a oar nouse in tbe atate. lire proof
LEEB Si CASEY, Proprleton.
TU 40 Books, i
To Introduce our Eight
rage, illustrated rarm and
literary naoerwe s
postage paid, to all new aub-
Sample copy ana List
wt tvwlr Pk.
write tuts we ic.
Homestead Co.. 511 So. 12th St,
ana, neo. i.iu per year.
Second Hand. 9B Rnm
Will be sold at a great Bar
gain. Write
,511 So. 12th St., Omaha, Neb.
T Seudatonce toJom SABTIAJ, O.T.A.C..R.I.
JP.K. IL, Chicago, and receive, poatage nald. tb
Uckeat deck of cardsyou ever basdled. TEN CENTS
Ber pack, postage stampa. for ona or xoany.
I t';i3
M Um
IS mi
m 'Pi al
IB "" 12 T iJ
fll vwjt
Lfe No HateM Needed
TiTfe wHtiit ail usufisra
KM Best Cough Syrup. TastesGood. 0seE9
H In time Sold by d 1 1 m lata. H
The Socialist associations of Sicily
oount 300,000 members.
The population of Italy is very
dense, there being1 270 people to every
square mile of territory.
In the year 760 A. D- Pope Paul I.
sent the only clock m the known
world as a present to Pepin, king of
The name Brazil means "red wood"
or "land of the red wood." The orig
inal discoverer called it "the land of
the holy cross "
Yarrow is bn lding a torpedo boat
for the French navy made out of alu
minum, which will bs hoisted in and
out with great ease.
One variety of the India rubber
tree (ficus elastica) has leaves of the
deepest green eah provided with a
narrow harder of very bright red.
Tlien War la Declare
Against a roan's happ:ne-p by his stomach.
' the enemy may be pacified and brought
.speedily and easily lo 'lorrn. That potent
' regulator of digi-stlcn, Hostetter's Stomach
Hitters, disciplines the rcl cllious organ
thoroughly. Indigestion ariso from weak
ness of the stomach, and the food in it, for
want of the power to dipc t, decomposes and
acidifies, giving riscto heartburn, flatulence
, and pain, besides a multitude of symptoms
both changeful and perplexing. Hut peace
soon reigns when the great stomachic is rc
oi ted to and ti-cd niih persistence. Dys
pepsia gives rise to morbid discomposure of
mind, and even leplcsiic-s and hypo
cli ndrla In chronic cases. To the complete
dismissal of ilies-e the Hitters Is fully ade
quate. L-ver t omplaini, constipation, de
bility, rheumatism and malaria, aro com
pletely subdued by this genial tnedlcino.
More tiling are wrought by praj-er than
thi-. world dreams of.
Every generation of man is a lalwrer for
flint whi'-h succeeds it.
Sp4nk but little and well if you wou'd
esteemed a mnn of merit.
I)koi"SY is a dread dicne. but it has lost
its terrors to tlioe who know that H. H.
(rccn & Son?, the Dropsy Specialists of
At'anta, Georgia, treat it with such great
surress. Write them for pamphlet giving
full information
Romance has been elegantly defined as
the offsi ring of fiction nnd love.
A desire to resist oppression is implanted
in the nature of man.
Brings comfort and improvement and
lends to personal enjoyment when
rightly used. The many, who live bet-
I tcr than others and enjoy life more, with
I less expenditure, by more promptly
1 adapting the world's best products to
the needs of physical being, will attest
the value to health of the pure liquid
laxative principles embraced in the
remedy, Syrup of Figs.
Its excellence is due to its presenting
in the form moat acceptible and pleas
ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly
beneficial properties of a perfect lax
ative; effectually cleansing the system,
dispelling colds, headaches and levers
and permanently curing constipation.
It has given satisfaction to millions and
met with the approval of the medical
profession, because it acts on the Kid
neys, Liver and Bowels without weak
ening them and it is perfectly free from
cverv objectionable substance.
Svrup of Figs is for sale by all drug
gists in 50c and $i bottles, but it is man
ufactured by the California Fig Syrup
Co. only, whose name is printed on every
package, also the name, Syrup of Figs,
and being well informed, you will not
accept any substitute if offered.
.?.. CatarrH
Cleanses the
Xasal Passages,
Allays Pain and
Heals the Sores.
Restores the
Senses of Taste
and Smell.
A particle 1 applied into each nostril and if
egroeablc. VtIcc : rent ptDniffcifto.orbvniaU
ELY BUOTHEU :A Warrca st,. A'ow Vor.
Increased Appetite
is one of the first good effects
felt by users of Scott's Emulsion
of cod-liver oil with Hypophos
phites. Good appetite begets
good health.
Scott's Emulsion
is a tat-iooa mat provides its
own tonic Instead ot a tax up
on appetite and digestion it is a
wonderful help to botn.
Scoffs Emulsion ar
rests the progress of
Consumption, Bron
chitis, Scrofula, and
other wasting diseases
by raising a barrier of
healthy ncsh, strength
and nerve.
Prepared by Scott A Bowne. N. V. All druczistc.
aat a aw g am m aja aw
WmThneshers and Horse Powers.
WaWaWaWaWaWahr'atrk fm TlbfMiti Vl.. tl -..
rpilKKK l n . larcer r 1 i::cr "-elpctedsto-kintne
J- Nor lines,, noroucaiij wbese better adapted to
tbeu.eof rralriel'luntt' ompleteiunl! depart
ments Fruit Trees. Teres: Trees. Small Fruits.
Evcricreens. OrnnsieutaJK. etc An hunest. reliable
Ah'eni wantrtl In every cuuntv In the Northwest.
oniplete Outfit and thi'leto' terms offered.
1870 C. L. W'ATlttll's, lles.Moinea,Ia. 1894
jnpsHRK'jaM ' J
it rm
Are tell-tale symptoms that your blood is not right full of im
purities, causing a sluggish and unsightly complexion. A few
bottles of S. S. S. will remove all foreign and impure matter,
cleanse the blood thoroughly and give a clear and rosy com
plexion. It is most effectual, and entirely harmless.
Chas. Heaton. 73 Laurel St.. Phila.. savs: "I have had far vara hnmnr;n
my blood which made me dread to shave, as small boils or pimples would be cut
thnscausing shaving to be a great annoyance. After taking three bottles of
my tace is all clear
spienaia, sieep wen
ironi ine use oi a. a.
Send for Treitke ca Elood aadSkio Disease; maUed
Boarder Is this genuine vegetable
soup? Waiter Yes, sir; fourteen car
rots fine.
Auntie It isn't crood form to hold
your fork in that way. Little Miece
Auntie, do you thmlc it is good form
to stare at folks while they are eat
ing? "Here you arc, mum," said the ped
dler, briskly. "Flowers and music,
mum! Sell you anything from a
chrysanthemum to a Christmas an
them, mum!'
"I wish vo:t wouldn't ha as'ting mo
for money all the time," growled the
husband. "I'm not, dear," responded
the wife, sweetly. "Part of the time
is occupied in spending it."'
"Have you any faith in patent med
icines?" asked the man who never
feels well. "I should say I have," re
plied the man who hustles. "Quickest
means in the world for getting rich."
"You say that your married life has
been a miserable disappointment.
Wasn't it because 3-011 didn't marry
the right woman?" "I suspect it was
bec.iuse she did not marry the right
President of Insurance Company I I
am afraid our advertising man is no
good. IK sent a shipment of blotters
to Philadelphia. Secretary What of
that? "The-. don't use blotters there;
they wait for the ink to dry."
Mr. Quiverful What was Tommy
crying for this morning? Mrs. Quiver
ful Kecause I wouldn't let him go
swimming in the canal. Mr. Quiver
ful What is he crying for now? Mrs.
Quiverful I've just told him to ffo and
take a bath
Daughter Mr. Nicechapp has
asked for my hand, and I have ac
cepted. Papa What nonsense! You
are not old enough to marry. Daugh
terThat's the beautv of it. I will
have plenty of time to look around
while I'm engaged.
"I believe in trying to put as good J
.art An nnr,!l.l- . al 1
a; us jiusiiuiu mi tivcrytiiwg in i
times like these, Maria," said 3Ir. I
llillus. looking again at the bill that
had just been brought in, "but it does
seem to me that $3.75 for complexion
wash in one month is putting it on a I
little too thick!" !
Best retnedv for sprains and pains. Mr.
J. M. Spring, "Hennings, 1). t. vrito: "I j
have Iteen using Salvation Oil and have ob-
tnined great relief. Among so ninny rem- J
edies tried. Salvation Oil is tho best for
sprains and pain? in the liack."' It kills all
Elder E'llis" of Stanford, Ky., re- !
cently "talked right out' in meeting
and surprised his hearers by tell'ng
them that he saw in the aunience peo
ple who hadn't paid their grocery bills
for a year, their doctors for two years
or their pew rent for five.
Never be without it. Jlr. Chas. Vischer.
44 Lincoln Ave.. Springfield. O.. writes
"Five does of Dr. Hulls Cough Syrup
cured mo of a severe c nigh. 1 shall always
keep it."
Florida was discovered bv
Ponce de Leon on April 2, l.M.'!.
Lincoln's emancipation proclama
tion was made on January 1, lStiX
Esop"s Fables," byCixton 14S4,
was the first book with its pages num
bered. Iceland with 70,000 inhabitants has.
as many papers as the empire of
The deepest mines iu England arc
the Dunkirk collieries in Lancashire,
2,S2l feet
One of the celebrated wine vaults of
the London docks is nearly seventeen
acres in extent.
The compact of the Mavfiower was
signed on the lid of Elder Brewster's
chest on November 21. 1620.
The battle of New Orleans the cul
minating event of the war of 1812,
was fought on January S, 1S1.V
The total yield of wool in this coun
try last year amounted to .".04, l."ti,650
1 pounds, the largest American clip
I ever raised.
84 to California.
This Is our Sleeping far Rate on the
Phillips-Rock Island Tourist Excursions J
from Chicago to Los Angeles or San Fran-
citco. via the scenic noute and ugoen.
You can go with Phillips, the best of all
Excursion Managers, for he has each party
accompanied by a special agent who goes
. th entire trip" with patrons. These per-
go twice a week, Tuesday and Thurs lay.
We have also a daily tourist car service,
via our Southern Route, through the bcau-
i tiful Indian Territory and Ft. Worth to
Los Angeles and ban hrancisco. me
Tourist car rale vi thia route, the Rr'mn
Apply at Rock Inland ticket office. UH j
Liart street. j.u. skuastia., u. r. a ,
C. It. L & P. R'v. Chicago.
Au ordinary elephant produces 120
pounds of ivory. Two exhibition
tusks in London weigh 162 and 173
pounds respectively.
The Railroad Gazette places the
mileage constructed last year at
l,5S.-i miles, against 4.000 miles in 1802,
and 12,900 in 1SS7, the year of maxi
mum railroad construction in this
Missouri during her seventy-threo
years of statehood has had twenty
eight governors. Three, and only
three, have been native born. Two
of these were educated in another
state and one was not educated at all. I
- t
State of Ohio, Citt of Toledo. )
Lucas Cointt. f -s
Frank J. Cheney makes oith that he Is
the senior partner of the Jinn of F. J. Cueset ,
rnn-,V TfnZln C Cl& ! Tod0'
County and atate aforesaid, and that said firm
will pay the sum of OXE HUNDRED DO I
LAKS for each and everv case of Catarrh that !
cannotbecuredbythcuscof Hall's Catarrh I
oworn to oeiore me and subscribed in m t
presence, tins o day of December, A. D. 1886.
Notary Public
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Internally and
acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces
of the system. Send for testimonials, free
F. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo. O.
jarSold by Druggists, 75c
"Are you the proprietor of this res
taurant?" said the man who had waited
for his order until he became sleepy.
"Yes. sir.. hat can I do for you?'"
"Vou can give me some information.
I want to know whether yon have told
the waiter to stay away so that you can
bring in a bill for lodging against me.'
Washington Star.
and smooth as it should be appetite
ana teei nice running a foot race, all
free. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO Atiaftb It
m- -- -- w
Marjory Elis was verily the sweetest
little hoyden that ever handled the till
er of a cat-boat.
l!oy and chubby anil cute was she,
w"th a dangerous pair of wonderful,
sparkling, Irish eyes, vivid blue, sur
rounded by sweeping midnight lashes.
Marjory well deserved her wide re
putation as the most beautiful girl on
Long Island.
Tray, Majory. take heed whither
thou goes!. I have no desire to end my
I life in a watery grave." said Isabelle.
as Majory jibed the Wing, and came
near upsetting the treacherous little
' craft.
"The saints protect usl" murmured
Elizabeth, with a feigned shiver of ap
1 prehension, "if Marjory S'.'cs a young
I man in a passing boat she is quite
I equal to dumping us out io lighten her
load to that she may beat Uini."
' Just as that moment a. small sloop
summing along wan an sais sei, pass
ed quite close to them, and vitti a sud
den cry of "low bridge Marjory
brought the Wing sharply about and
Ikihhiwi 10 run i.ciorc inc mu aner
the graceful, tossing sloop.
"Uiris, did you see that fcSlow? He
was as handsome as an Adonis, with
the proportions and apparent streugth
of a j'oung giant."
"Ye gods and little lishes. hear Mar
jory gush," laughed Isabelle. when she
recovered her breath from the sudden
duck of her head, which was neces
sary iu order to clear the swinging
"She met her fate on the broad, blue
And a jolly young sailor, bold is lie."
sang Elizabeth, tcasingly.
"Stop your nonsense, or I .will give
you a taste of the 'broad blue sea,' " re
turned Marjory.
Almost as she spoke, the great sail,
with a breathless rush, flapped upon
them, then jibed with a creak and a
' III13
and ail in a monieirt. three pret-
es were llounderiiig iu the wa
ter. Marvin heard a voilej of shrill
shrieks ami turned iost the gfYls fran
tically clutching their Lobbing boar,
and sending cries of terror and despair
in his direction.
It was oniy a few minutes .work to
coino about and sail over to the .wreck,
v.lore ho rescued thrc dripping dam
sels, whose spirits. ike 'heir garments,
were sadly dampened by their suddeu
cold plunge.
Marjory was the only one who rV
tainul even a semblance of composure,
as she said:
"Mhiij- thanks, kind sir. for your
liinely assistant' v You have rescued
us from certain dentil, and we are grate
; ful accordingly. I tssure von we did
I not do it on purpose o make your ac
' qiiaintance. even though men aro de
i plorably mm rev at the hotel. May
1 we know the name of our preserver":"
Gus paused in his work of bailing out
j the overturned boat, and with an anius
I ed grin, fished a soiled card out of his
1 jacket-pocket, and doffing his yacht
ing cap. prevnted it with all the courte
sy of an ancient courtier.
I 'Thank-, noble lord." said Marjory:
1 b;U after this she subsided under the
' fierce glances of the oilier girls, who
! sad in the consciousness of the
j sorry, even ridiculous, aspect thov must
present with their dripping garments
' anil straight bangs.
1 Gus bailed out the Wing and lowed
it in to the "Grand Pier" dock, where
i he deposited the three Graces, alas!
deprived of their well-known attrib
utes. For not one of the girls felt the
i slightest stirriugs of either faith, hope
1 or charity in their disgusted persons.
"Such abominable luck!" moaned
j Marjory, as she led the cold wet pro
cession up to Greycliff. the Ellis Yilla.
"Well. I should say so!" interrupted
J Isabelle. "You will never get me to
set foot in vour horrid little boat again,
Marjory Ellis."
Elizabeth only groaned. It was a
groan born of her uncomfortable state,
and meant disapproval of Marjory and
her boat.
"Oh. girls, .rirls. who do you think he
"I don't know, and not giving you a
short answer. I don't care," returned
"Gus Marvin!" ' '
"The owner of Heartsease? Oh, Mar
jory!" said Isabelle. breathlessly.
"The gentleman himself," answered
Miss Ellis, bitterly.
"But you don't care. Marjory, you
were determined not to marry him,
oven 5f your father and his had made
such an arrangement when you were
babies." said Elizabeth slyly.
"But I didn't know he would be so
handsome." moaned Marjory, disconso
lately;" and he liardlr looked at me at
It was three days after the imnromn-
tu ducking, and
Mnrjory was pouring
tea on the lawn attended by Isabelle
and Elizabeth, her school-friend visi
tors. "Marjory." said Isabelle. gushingly,
"you aiv adorable in an apron. You
would make a lovely maid."
"An idea. I've an idea!" said Marjory
clapping her dimpled hands.
"No? The first one you've ever had,
isn't it?" said Elizabeth, conveying a
big. golden olive to her roy lips."
"Hush! don't be ridiculous. I really
mean it. Girls. I'm in love with Gus
Marvin. No joking. I'm in sober earn
est. Now. I'm afraid if he meets me
when he calls, as probably he will con
descend to do evei.tiially, he will recog
nize me as the leader of our moist es
capade of the other day. and will be
"sbiiskki wiui my ways i
mean to avoid all that by applying
for a position as parlor maid" at Hearts-
casp. They are in need of another
maid, and I have been down here so
seldom that none of the neighbors know
o- ra anl nia are away, and there
- , . . -
!s ,np hcre ,to Pent. ou ac-
knowletlge I make rather a good-Iook-
in mn'1- an(l cn try. at least, to
make him fall in love with me in my
cap and apron." ended Marjory, modest-
lv. "What do vn:i think nf m- nlanv
and she gazed proudly about at her
friends, who. in absolute horror and
amazement, were regarding her atten
tively, as though in doubt as to her
i sanity.
t'us Marvin banged into the library in
' a beastly bail humor.
In the first place, the weather was
abominable, and in the second place, he'j
hail been oblined lo drive across the j
country for a dozen miles in an open
trap: and ktVi. but not least. Bess, his
favorite mare, had gone lame on Hie
way. and there was no telling when .
she would recover. Hence yon will see
that he had every excuse for his ill
temper. "I'reat Scott!'" he ejaculated, as he
paused in the center of the big room.
l And he gave vent to a low whistle of
j astonishment as he contemplated the
unusual aspect of the usually gloomy
On the hearth a bright, cozy, crack
ling lire was blazing, not at all resem
bling the smoking, sooty affair which he
was in the habit of anathematizing
every evening.
This in itself was perplexing, but
' there was more. Drawn tip to one
side of the fire-place was a snowy tea-
, table laid with sparkling glass and
flashing silver, the candles burning
I cheerfully, anil chasing away the gray
shafts of gloomy daylight which pene
trated the corner. A shining samovar
hissed appetizinsly. and the fragrant
odor of spicy oolong greeted his nos
trils. "I wonder what has come over old
MargotV he thought, as he divested
himself of bis soaked mackintosh and
ensconced himself in his favorite chair,
which was dmfvn up to the fire in read
iness for him.
"Bring along the stuff: lni as hungry .
as a bear!" he called as the door gently j
swung open.
This was an Involuntary exclamation
ns a slim, prettily rounded little figure
appeared before him, and. with a re
spectful courtesy, proceeds to busy
two dimpled, sun-bronzed hands among
the dclier.te china.
- At last, when a steaming cup of tea
had been poured out and presented to
him bv this charming new maid, he
recovered himself to the extent of say
ing: "Would you inind telling me who you
"Betsey, the new maid, sir," with an
other low courtesy.
It had nover occurred to Gus before.
but he now decided that Betsey was a. 'j
very pretty name, especially when be
longing to a rosy-cheeked, blue-eyed'
lassie with long black lashes.
Gus felt a sudden happiness permeate
his being. The old place would not be
half so lonely if this charming vision
was to stay there and anticipate his
This happiness deepened as the days,
slipped away, and he became accus
tomed to be waited upon by the
dainty maiden. He never recognized
her as the sailor girl he had rescued
that blustery morning.
He began to have a half guilty feel
ing about the return of his father and
mother from their summer sojourn iu
Europe. He did not want to think of
his little maid waiting on any one else,
even lus beloved parents.
And then all of a sudden one early
autumn day. Frank Weston, his old col-
'. lege chum, descended unannounced up-
'on him as tap stood smoking and talk
ing to Betsey on the slue porcn.
."Hello, old fellow." said Frank, as.
he came up the steps. "Why this must
be Miss Ellis!" with a surprised glance
at the coquettish mite of a cap, and.
the snowy apeon.
Gus turned to her in amaremeut.
only to see a vivid blush creep over
her fair white fliroat, and ihen she ran
into the house wiithout a word for
Frank, with whom she had flirted all
through a cotillon one evening the piv
ious winter.
Gus could not understand the mystery
and thought Fran must be mistaken in
insisting that Betsey, the maid, wis the
wealthy Miss Ellis, but at luneJiioon be
found a tiny note of explanaition 011
his plato from Betsey, alias Marjory
Ellis, in which the jewel of a maid
resigned htr position, and asked for a
A" recoarmendation.. indeed." he mut
tered as he read the apologetic little
note: "I will go over inunediatHy and
bring ber back, under promise ot pro
motion to housekeener-in-cbtfef."
And regardless of poor Fratiit. he
started immediately for Greyfcliff. and i
stayed until Marjory had promise! to
accept the promotion, and resivne her
duties in tsiting care of Mr. Ararviiu
or "Dear Gus." as she now called .hiw.
For." .said she. "though you diai't
nvueinber nie. you saved my life oiMe,.
and I felt that U owed it to you to ,give;
you a clvine to fall in love with me,."(
How n Drummer Cnanlit Two Mini--tern
on an Easy Qneatlon.
" Abashed at nothing, a commerciil.
traveller in the) south once propounded
a question to a couple or clergymen,
whom he encountered on a railroad
train, Avhich illustrates how easily a.
man may be tripped on a simple, little,
"catch" problem, '
The drummer entered into a conver
t-ation with the inini.sO.Ms and enter
tained them amazing. with his bril
liant conversation, touching men and
.-.ft!iii-s-. Gr.nLi.iHv the tonics changed,
until at last the "talk was of Dr. Tal-jj
mage and his visit to the Holy Land. ji
"VIimnL-hi.r if" tho llnli' T.'lllil" S:lill I
l.r. iiiilA.'a i-miiman-i'il mnn "I W:is.
oii .iiii ...v. ...- " -
uu- bi.n....s. ..,.. . -..-...
quite interested to read in a ew loric
paper recently that a party of explor
ers in Palestine has discovered a huge
he.ip of bones, which, from th'ir size
and quantity, are sup-posed to be of the
children which HercUl ordered killed.
They were found in .i cave, Avhich had
been closed for cent.ttries. which ac
counts for their preservation."
"Indeed!" replied one of the clergy
men, much interested. "I hid not heard
of it. Tt is certainly a surprising dis
covery." "Yes." continued the drummer, "and,
oddly ftnough, while nearly halt" the
bones aao bleached white, the rest were
as black" as ebony."
"RemaEkablo." ejaculated the clergy
man, wbo had already spoken, wlnlo
the other" looked at the drummer sus
piciously. "What is your theory." he continued.
"Do you think It possible that the
bleached bones couM be of males, and
the black of females?"
"Possibly." replied -the more commu
nicative clergyman. "I am not an an
atomist. However, and can't say what
effects long exposure Lias on the bones
of the sexes."
"And you." persisted the drummer
to the other. "What is your opinion?
Do you think it possible that the white
bones belong to mal infants and the
black to female, or vico versa? That Is
the problem that now excites the dis
coverers." "Heally." replied the other. "1 don't
know. but. possibly, us you first put it,
the white bones may be of the male
children, and the black of the female."
Shortly after this the clergymen
reached their destination and left the
train. Just as it was about- moving off,
the drummer who had been chuckling
to himself the meanwhile, t'arust into
the hand of one a card, upon which,
was written the words:
"Excuse me if I suggest that you reafl
your Bibles hereafter with greater care.
Had you done so in the past, yr.u .would
have known that boy babies only were,
ordered slain by Herod." N. 1. Herald.
How the Red White anil Itlne Ctwic I
to He elerfeil. j
Some 70 or SO years before France
was involved in the flames of the revo
lution that is. at the epoch of the war
of the Succession, when she was in
close alliance with Spain and Havana
it was thought desirable to distinguish,
the allied soldiers b. a cockade, which,
combined the colors of the three na
tionsthe white of France, the red of."
Spain, md the blue of Hawiria. .
lo none ot these uienieius However. :
would it be wis.' to attribute the orient J
or tiie Historic tricolor ami coeK-nh-
adopted by revolutionary France. Au !
the outset there seemed a IiKeiihootf
that green, which ('ainill- Desmouliiis
had populorized at the I'ulais
would have become the national color:
but men remembered in lime that ir.
was of ine livery of ine '"unite d'Arto! .
the most unpopular of the loiiriou
princes, and it was thereupon discard
ed. A proposition was then made to as
sume the colors of the city of Paris
blue and red. as Duma reminds us
in his "Six Ans Apres." To these was
added the "white" of so many glorioiu
memories, because it had always been
selected by the national guard always
faithful to the throne and its traditions.
Not until some months after the cap
ture of the Bastile was the tricolor defi
nitely adopted, when Bailly and Lafay
ette presented it to Louis XVI.. in the
great hall of the Hotel de Ville. and the
convention issued a decree in which ir.
was described as consisting of three col
ors "disposces en trois bandes egales.
de maniere que le bleu soit attache a,
la garde,du pavilion, le blanc au mil
lieu, et le rouge flottant dans les airs"
that is, in equal vertical sections, with
the blue inward, the red outward, and
the white between.
This is the historic Hag which Napo
leon's legions, in conjunction Avith their
eagles, bore victoriously from the Seine
to the Kibe, the Tngu. the Borodino.
and the Danube: which they plame.I
victoriously on the walN of alino:
.. p '
Y, " i
cry Kuropean capital. -All the
Employe of drll ETi,eer Are ICt
AI1eweal This Prrvlleve.
"He was the best surveyor and.
draughtsman in my employ," said a
well known civil engineer of this city
a few days ago, referrinfg to-ja man
whom he had just discharged. "1 dis
covered a short time ago that Ac was
keeping a private note, book, iyud after
it uuui.viuy uiui iuai uc must oyjp it, uuu
I again learning mat. ne was. continuing
tbe practice, I was obliged to uischarge
I asked the gentleman to explain
what he meant by "keeping a private
note book." '
"A surveyor," said Oie, "in doing al,, rauc irei
D piece of work makes minutes as he gqcs 1 , ,a" ffcnmn,e
J Uloiisr Of thr- lino tin. runs nT 1h r-,-. last SO lona, .
Ions points marking the bouutls of the
Jj laids he is sun-eying: and aU such data
as is not necessary for tne arawing or
his plans, but alsc iqrcldpntally that,
which may aid him in the case of any
li other survey being made later on.
S "This data, yew see. really constitutes
I a sort of capital or stook in trade, for if
I tho party owning the land ever wishes
another survey of it Ibr any purpose he
will naturally apply to that same sur
veyor, who having these old memor
anda, can do the wrjik easier and more
cheaply than any -other surveyor.- Of
ten times, after mbny years ha vq elaps
ed and old landmarks have, passed
away, those minutes become Verv val
uable, t
"Consequently a civil engineer always
wishes to keep these in his own hands,
and men in his emjiloy are not allowed
to make cojdes of minutes of surveys
which they mabQ -while ;n his employ.
Otherwise, an old employe, in leaving
and setting .in in business for himself,
could carry away a largo slice of his
employer's businessi.
"This is thi reason why I have dis
charged my best emnlove udoii lindin?
that he was persisting in the practice."
A lie serf bed. ty n Writer in the Cnl
ifornian. ,
Swinging myself in the halliards my
icy companions, pulled me to the mast-
head and I was able to see the bore
ieomimr about five miles distant. It
i. . ;-,. . .... ., ,
icokcu uKe a iiuge wan or
foam about twenty mils
i. about fifteen feet in nek
j "bay St low tide Was only about four
miles in Width, it came rolling in over
Ihe dry land on either wide almost as
t 4111: in liiuu uu viixitiA nine
far as I Could see with the glasses.
while bohind it the, rollers
were fully
5venty reet nign.
Thore we wcr high and dry, but
( not high enough to save us. and with
no way to get on till it rolled over us.
There was nothing else to do but place
our anchor as well as possible, pack
! everything snugly in the boat, and re
treat to a pile of driftwood half a mile
away where there was somo chance
of our holding our own against the
waves. We regretted very much to
leave the boat and supplies, but we pre
ferred to risk the IT-O-mile walk,
through desert and Indians. ba'k lo
civilization, to the almost certain chance !
of being drowned in a. deluge.
About the time we climbed upon
the drift the bore struck the boat and ;
though our distance from the low tide i
i of the bay made the water only alwuit i
i .. . . . . , . . . ..
'j four reet aeep, it sirueK it witu such
I force that it swung around, cutting I
ij the foam like a knife with the SU-foot
I chain, and began dragging the anchor '
directly toward us
., .vw.. ... ......uc. ..., ...... .......,, ,,,,,.
Il tlio mlitiifii tlint v li;iil lian ipviim. t..
. o- - ".-."r. ."
After this we took care to take ref
uge behind some island just before the
; coming of the tide, though we saw no
more bores like this during the month.
That tide was .'IS feet in height, and in-
I monstirinif on the ilrift vi fnimil th-it
r, .. ....w... Iu,.b
jj there had been others four feet higher.
3 making the tides at the mouth of the
j Colorado, without doubt, the highest iu
i the world.
A Queer Little fnlnnil. w
l he Island of lircnada. one of the
Windward Group of the Lesser Antilles,
is a place where a merchant can estab
lish a thriving business for thirty shill
ings. Tho shops generally consist of a
barrel, upturned and spread with a
board or two. Hero are displayed
fniits, sweet potatoes chaicoal uised
for the negroes little iron cooking pots)
sugar cr.ue. liah and other articles of
trifling value. In "A Notable Island"
fie author describefi a visit to a garden
near the town of St. t'eorge.
The Ethiopian owner of the garden
appeared to be a family man. and we
pi'fsrutly workc,l our way into an en
vironment of black lmbies and more
dogs. Having expressed unbomuhed in
terest in all he showed me. I couhl not.
of course, drawjthe line at his own off
spring. "Dat my youngest daughter." he re
marked, pointing out an infant of ten
der years and ebon of blackness, who
sat sunning hest-lf among lizards and
such things, and wore .the same clothes
as they.
i" said: "And a very nice daughter.
too. You aro a vt;ry lucVcy man. John."
"Dat my youngest stf.n ober dare."
he continued, this time referring mr to
a still smallbr. ami. if possible, black
er fragment; of Immunity, who was
grubbing up refreahments off a rubbish
"A tine boy a remarkaluy line boy."
I told th father; and then he grew ex
cited at so muoli unusual praise, and
went into his laottse and brought oh;
his wife and his other sons and daugh
ters and an auie for me to criticise.
I scattered udukriou. and ven found
out a good point, iu the aunt which the
head of the family Iiad overlooked
himself. She possessed tho most brill-
j iant and wonderJul set of teeth I ever
In the vegetable garden grew sweet
potatoes, cucumbers and chrisiophiuos
this last akin to vegetable marrow.
Having viewed hee matters, and gloat-
j ed with our guide over a fat eluckeii-
turtle In a tub. we visitcd'the flower
Here anncared migiiouette trees. En-
i;h n,St.s :)Ud lcilllant cfotoiK. yellow
,.:.;,,,, ..mi !it,i,. i:.iiii:i-, Horn-is!.
- m .aajV ,. . . ----- - w
,M, 1.Yf.,.ni, i:.iie.-nh a tinv f.un
mi tnar tuiKieu up iun tne inn
grew water Hlh-s. while the nargin
their home was: fringed with
and trailing ferns.
Tha ended the e.hibiiioii. b.vaiie.
a; our host expfciincd. tin- weather
ken: col 1 and win:r.
id all h s- eh,!?--
Mor-i sit ked in Hi bud. :."fui:ir
t make :.n effort until the thermometer
should ascend to a hundred and fifty,
or some such reasonable temperature as
Don't Full! Vour Letters to the Uncrn
A useful piece of information to
any of those suffering from that dread
ful infliction cacoethes scribendi, and
who in consequence feel themselves im
pelled to write to Queen Victoria, will
do well to b'ar in mind is that thev
j must on no account fold the paper on
which they have written. "o ci,i"iiinii
I cation which bears evidence of having
i iK'cn creased will ever fall into her
i niatestv's own hands. The proper
method is to write on thick,
white paper and to dispatch the misive
in an envelope which fits it. Any fold
ed communication never reaches the
queen, for the simple reason that she
won't look at it. All such letters are
' opened by the mistress of the robes. '
I and as a "rule their contents never get
, bevoud her. or if the letter is of im-
portnm-e it is return
with !!rfctions how
London Letter
returned to the writer
to forward, it.
Tli..K.rl ,1... !.... !.-., . , ., " ,
filled half full of water she righted. There are twenty crocodiles in the tank kVrllr tvnHmi T-V "u'".
and with swimming and wading we sue- as WL.n. When he wishes to draw J Amlri
fi.,n.,i in rviphitiT ir 'mil it-ifi,..i ;,.... I .- ., r ,... ., ... . Auieuca. ! if ty Uinds ot grasses ami
Highest of all in Leavening PowerLatest U. S. Gov't Report
Electric Glrla and Wild Men.
"Fake" freaks often draw better
ones, but they do not
n iv recent, instance 01 mis
. . . j-. - ....
kind way an "clcct-rfc girl." It was
asscrted'that she was so charged with
electricity that one received a shock
upon shaKing hands with her. This
delusion was really produced by the
girl standing on a wet mat charged
with electricity from a hidden battery
and large enough for tho visitor to
stand on also. Another fake of the
same class, which I came across not
loug ago, was a "wild man of the
woods" who was crouched in a dark
corner of what appeared to be a hcav
liy-barreu cage, clanking the heavy
cnains that were attached to his limbs.
A strong railing was placed in front, so
ab not to allow visitors to approach too
close to the man. The lecturer told
the audience how this remarkable crea
ture had been found running wild by
a party of hunters on the west coast of
Africa, nnd that he had been in cap
tivity only a few months, and was very
dangerous, so much so that his meat,
which he would eat only in a raw state,
had to be placed in the cage with a
long iron fork. After the museum was
closed every night this wild man doffed
his chains am suit of bair and took the
car to his home, where he was ac
counted one of the mildest and most
henpecked of men. Lippincott's Mag
azine. Walter Baker & Co., tho largest Cocoa
' .,,,.1 f l..-..n la. . I a. r ... ..... .-... .1.. .u.f ,
, MUU V 1JV.U1UII7 .liaUIUULllll LI 3 Ull liin .UUll
uent. have carried off the highest honors
at the World's Columbian Exposition. Thov
re- eived from the Board of Judges thohigh-
I o-t awards (medals and diplomas) on all
t,ie articles contained iu their exhibit;
namely, breakfast cocoa, premium TW.l
j flavor," "purity of material employed," nnd
"uniform, even composition, indicating
' P.reat care in point of mechanical prepara-
' t,0.n '.
, :.,,.
opv of .Hiss rnnoas "iiioico Ue-
i ceipts" will be sent free to any housekeeper,
i on application, by mail or otherwise, t'
Walter Baker & Co., Dorchester, Mass.
Oldest Lodge of Masons.
The oldest lodge of Free Masous in
Amt.r-o.1 St .l,bn' lnrf of Itrtnn
........ .-.., .. ..w.... U .w.nV .UW.V..,
recently held its 100th annual meeting.
at which ncwofliccrs were installed by
Wyzeman Marshall, who was master of
the lodge in 1S.S, 1S.VJ and ISfiO. The
lodge possesses two bunches of grapes
that arc the original tavern sign adorn
ing the front of the Bunch of Grapes
Mill", in ISnttnn whpri t.Ii firfit lndrr nf
Free Masons in America, was establish
ed in it:;:.
Cm's Cough Ilalsam
Is the oldest and best. It will break up a CoM iiick-
er man else, it la always reliable, lryiu
Cliineae Saviiipa Hank.
The Emperor Duc-Tu of Cochin,
China, protects his treasures by placing
them in hollowed trunks
of trees.
which float about in a huge
tank situ-
. i1:)(), i iiiic an.- an ni znc. rriLiies are
-I i.m i i ... ., . . ,. ?.,
, Kiiic'i: nut, tins cannot, taico mace wiwi-
out the joint consent of the emperor
and his minister of finance.
t a aiiiipie ict j.ncctive jceaneiijr jor
I Throat Affections, BIiown's Bronchial
Tkociif.s stand first in public favor. They
t are aosoiutciy unrivaiicu for the allevia-
tt"i"ir of rill rllr-i'it iiifot ss-ici iajI K-
I Colds or use of the voice.
i . New Scheme.
j A French engineer has built an elec
tric locomotive which carries a ."un
horse power stationary steam engine.
This runs a dynamo electric machine.
, wh:cl generates the current applied to
' the electric motors mounted on driving
i -ivies- That ii fo ir in;tid of ltInrr
.iMcs l tiat is to sa, instead ot using
the mechanical energy .directly, it is
" converted into electrical, and then into
mechanical energy. There must per
force be some loss in each conversion,
but whether it is greater than the loss
incidental to the direct use of steam in
an ordinary locomotive has yet to be
Man's system is like a town, it must be
well drained, nnd nothing is so ofliclent ns
Heechnm's Fills. For sale by all druggists.
j III Winfla.
I Tho most nernieinns winds nri tho
samicls. or hot winds of Egypt. They
come from the deserts to the southwest,
and bring with them infinite quantities
of line dust, which penetrates even the
minutest crevice The thermometer
often rises to 12.1 during their continu
ance, and thousands of human beings
have been known to suffer from suffo
cation iu the fiery blast It was one of
these samiels that destroyed the army
of Sennacherib. Alexander the Great
nearly lost his whole force in another
and the amy of Cambyses was utterly
' Hanson Magic Corn Salve.
Warranted ti cursor money refunded. Ask your
drussist font. 1'rice n ,-ents.
A sentence from a review of a new
novel recently printed in the Queen,
an English publication, is suggestive.
It ran: "The tale is a nicely told one,
and no girl who has the responsibility
of making out suitable library lists
for her mother's reading need feel any
hesitation about including it amongst
the novels."
Go South Tla the Wabash.
Tourists' tickets now on sale to all points.
Homeseebers' tickets at half fare on ex
cursion dates, Dec. 12th, Jan. 9th, Feb. 13th,
March 13th. April 10th and May Sth. For
rates or folders giving full description of
Jncds, climate. &c, call at Wabash Tickat
ollice, No. l-WJ Fartoam Street, or write
Geo. N. Clayton, N. W. F. Agt.,
Omaha, Nab.
tt'hv is love like a S;-otch plaid ' Heeause
it is all stuir and often crossed
. ' cnoca ate. Herman sweet ciiocoiate. vauuia i v i ,- ..... .. ..... . ....
WaiOr UIUI 1 i . ... .iui um i aa u mu'M-iu ;il liiu itirtll
in lenzth and ti... ;...i " ".-"Vi" ; ... .w iall ourial of every member of four
ht. As tht i.ri.t.v'nrA' ..hnrnArr-i ir '..itnt . I generations of the Stccles, but he dug
p... ... ...... t. aim in mi; ceil iur ui uuu rovai iimacc. i ,,,..,. r ... i i. ... " .
r --1
i . ..ij r "--jo . . . inc. zz ggi.wj ii Jtg J..v.-i,' rr
.v'.s ir .Triiv . - T -.... xi . i- ..
Lrfa ..- Jtr-i '" llM''l.Tr-as ." (.,."- J. J't "
,T,,1 r,..ri. BKKBaMKwBBaaaaaaaaaaaw
' '9t,' Baaaaaaaaaaaa-aaaaaaa8SBaaaaaaaaaaaT
j 'BaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaG'aBaftBaaaaaaaaaaaW
- 4aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBlPBaaniGBaaaaaaaaaaW
'--' -d Jl-BBaaaaaaaaaaKKfialBtaaaaaaaaaaf'rriP-r'
Especia'lU' for Farmers, Miners, R. Tt. Hands and others. Double sole ex
tending down to the heel. EXTRA WEARING QUALITY.
Thousands of Rubber Boot wearers testify this is tha best they ever had.
Ask ywr tftaltf fir tit and don't be persuaded into jm inferior article.
A Knelt Married Man.
A Strang arrival lately took place at
Barcelona. An old man of 90. who had
left the town in his youth to seek his
fortune in America, reappeared with a
suity of over 200 persons a very large
family, lie had been married three
times, and brought with him to Barce
lona sixteen daughters, 01 whom six
were widowsand nine married; twenty
three sons, some of whom were widow
ers and others married, thirty-four
granddaughters, some of whom wcro
married, and forty-seven grandsons,
and among the rest three groat grand
sons. These, with their wives and
- 1 husbands and children;
made up a
large family.
Man's Fall.
Sineo the original fall of man wo have
had somo signal examples of groat falls
not to inclmlo Niagara or the immense fall
in values which tho timtrs hnvo brought
about in the nature of accidents which
waylay men at n'l time. One such is that
of Mr! George W Lord. O'anta. Fa., who
says ho fell down stairs and sutlered four
weeks with n sprained bark. The use of
St. .Tacols Oil couipletelv cured him. Jlr.
G. Roeder, tiW S. ITth'St.. Omaha. Ne .
relates that he juincd from his engiw iu
collision and sustained a very bad sp-niu
to his ankle: he hadtouso n cane for wce'ss,
but was- finally cured by St. .hu-obs Oil.
Never fall out with so goo'd a tiling.
Wan an Old Timer.
An old negro, l'alph Steele, who had
lived in one family ninety-eight years,
and had helped nurse and bury full four
generations of that family died in
Eutaw, Ala.. last week. lie was born
on A A. Steele's place near Eutaw, ami
never left tho Steele family. I In
mother had been brought from Afri :i
but a few months before his birth
the graves of every one of them.
5hilolt Consu...(iiit "ttri
IoI.I on i t.Hmnt'. It .urfs l 'mumt-
Hon. It is the In-st, Couch Curu. Ciii.i..:)ct. x JUii.
liiiiptiiu Wrril.
'jimpson weed" were
If "jimpson weed" were not weed.
but a costlv exotic, how it would be
cost I v exotic, how
j treasured for law ns and greenhouses!
'1'hVvec-": wt !tniinoiiimii. to give it
the botanical name, when in .lower.!,
fragrant, lily like blossoms are .the
whiter against the vigorous looking
leaves of dark green. A rare variety
has a flower of pale purple. The popu
lar name of the plant is said to be de
rived from "Jamestown weed " and the
tradition Is that after the destruction
of Jamestown tne English found tts
ruins filled with thickets of this stram
onium. ! KAICI.Y COK.N OVI K 1 I tlOT 1 :
j Salzer illustrates in a colored plate .1
new early corn, a giant of its kind, and
! otters .100 in gold for the largest car
i in lS'JI. In addition to this early Giant
! corn, which yielded in W.i lit) bushel";
per acre, he has over twenty other pn
litie field corns. He has the best fodder
corn in the world. He is the largest
i ir yii win :( ti.i n.t .....i .....,
j With Lie to the John A. Salcr Sicd Co
Crosse, i
toil Hill receive :t large tuck-
ace of abote
(iiant corn and h iiiaiiinioih
f catalogue.
A London hatter who
has been ob-
servant says that
inen's heads may
' "rovr appreciably up to the time their
! owners are ." years old.
lessie Logan of liilmer
West Virginia, Ivy ears of age has
eloped with James IJishop, who 13 OL
' Carkanclea Largo as BIen. igcil
I MrB- Nannie 'Joplomw. of Ileuhihritlr,
Kin W'tHlrtm Co.. l', writes n" folloivs:
..or n,)OMt CJ. ht or . ra n fa.,
Col. T. TT. Fopr. of U'cut Point. r.. wa tat i
' up with carbuncles, the worst that I
He tried everything he heard of. hi3 doctor
could do nothimr for
him. Ilnd eix or
seven cmbtincli-siita
time, ns I.i rj e us hen'a
egws. He got so weak
nnd suffered so much
he could not wiilk ii
Step. In 18T2 he hail
his Ix-d put in tho
middle ot Ins room
and jrot on it to die.
No one expected him
to jjet well. He saw
Dr. l'iers"'s Coldcn
Medical Discovery
advised for nil blood
disorders. Iicfore ho
hnd taken Imlf-a-bottle
of I)isco--
Col. TTT. Fono.
ery" they bejran to
o awa:
if. Two bottles rntii fly cut ed him. Ho
70 yi
years old. and enjoys kimmI health."
w. i.. ioi;nr.AS S.i sunn
equals custom work, costing fioni
?l S. best alur nr the money
in me worm. ..unc ami prii
nipcd on the lHttom. V-ry
p.-iim-arrant-d. 1 ike no s-.litt
tiitc. lire local tiit-rs lor fi.l
defiptionnl our rornpl'--
linc; l.r I..dies and irr
tlcmr I-- send f r
In -trutrJ a tu I r
vt', ' ,
LATMT ttnu , . .
'derbvmait. PoMage free "So- r -m j;rt tht -'.
Dargains ot uraicrs who push o.r &Iioes.
Poaltively Cured with VrRetiible Ileioedle
Hate cured thousands ofc:ici t"i.reese pr..
aouncedhopelesby testphj-insn Jr ni tir' i- r
lTtnptomdlappcar. In teudajsntleast two third
ill symptom removed. Send forfreebo'.k ie.tlri'
ilals of miraeiiUi: cur" Ten dnrs treatment
'reebymall. If you order trial ftoiI iuc m tamp
fipir poitage Dr II II .ktva.soi Atrantn..a.
vou order trial return this altrrtiemenr t-
MEMTSntlKES5aCay 'SSS fBh7
IJetailHUicls. 2tfl0.0 in !l tiOUe. s.jjj.pj,. j,t,t
' W. N. U. Omaha-6. 1894. '
aa aanHvaVv Si