The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, January 31, 1894, Image 3

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    : .".--- -'
olum bus f otmial.
Pae. , Freight.
Lparec Oolcmba. ......
rriTeBt Lincoln
825 a. m. 2:20p.m.
6-X " 3:20
U:lfi " '4:15 p.m.
10:22 " 7:45 "
lliSra.m. 10:50 "
The pawenjrer leaves Lincoln at 6-40 p. m., and
rrivpt at Columbus 9:25 p. ra; the freight leaves
I ftcoln at 7J5 a. m.. and arrives at Columbus at
4 00 p." n.
M Untie F.x. 7 30a.m Parifir Ex. 10 J5 p. m
ChU-uo Ex. 12:40 p. m I DenvrrEx.... 10. p. m
Liniite.1.. . . 3-25 p. m Limited MB p. m
iJ.Loch! 550 a. m Local Fr t J0a.m
No 3. Fast Mail, carri- passenger for
through point. Going west at 9.00 p. m., ar
rive at Denver 7:40 a. m. No. 4. Fast Mail car
riw paiweneer'. going eaft at 152 p. m.
The freight train leaving hw 6S0 p. m. car
rir pawngera from here to Valley.
Pa.nger arrive from Sionx City 12:25 p. m
lea vei Columbus for Line n 1:55 p. m
arrive from Lincoln 5 00 p. m
leaves ft ir Sioux City 5:10 p. m
Mixed leave for Sioux City 3,-COa.m
Mixed arrives UMM p. m
PabiHjnger leaven
Mixed leaves ...
Passenger arrive
Mi xrd arrives ..
2:10 p. m
..... fi.-OOa. m
12:25 p. m
8:10 p. m
otitto Notices.
EA11 notices under this hauling will be
charged at the rate of $ a year.
A LEBANON LODG E No. 53. A. F. & A. M.
k. Regular meetings 2d Wednesday in each
7VT month. All brethren invited to attend.
Ar e. h. CaMBERS. W. M.
Ocs. O. Becues, Sec'y. 3)uly
'ii nrv i tir:L' v 11 I l n V
: meeU TueJiir ekenings of each
"EflRSEweek at their hall on Thirteenth
-y-s- - street. isiung nreinrea curauuij
invited. H. C Newman, N. G.
W. P.. Notk-tkix. S--'. 27jan91-tf
Saints hold regular services every Sunday
at 2 p. oi., praier meeting on Wednesday evening
at their chapel, corner of North street and Pacinc
Avenue. All are cordiall) invited.
13iulH9 Elder H. J. Hudson. President.
Picture frames at Herrick'a. 3t
Coma to The .Touhnal for job work.
Go to Eusden's for becond hand
goods, tf
Go to Herrick for easlea and picture
frames. 4t
Several fold days last week uueom
fortably cold.
Dr. T. R. Clarlc, Olive street. In
office at nights.
John Drane is banking in Oklaho
ma's sunny clime.
Cut riowers for sale at the City green
house. Telephope (V). tf
Placards for sale at this otlice Fash
ionable Dressmaking.
Dr. E. H. Nauman's dental parlors
in North block, 13th street. tf
- Baled hay for sale at Mitchell's, de
livered to any part of the city. tf
Feb. 9, is the time set for probating
the will of John Dineen, deceased.
The revival services at the M. E.
church will continue all this week.
Dr. Van Es, veterinary surgeon, has
his office now in rooms over the post
office, ni
Second-hand bed springs for 31.1)0,
and second-hand mattresses for S 1.2ft at
Herrick's. 1
W.T.Ernst went to South Omaha
Monday with a car load of fat cattle for
the market.
You can buy a harness of F. H.
Kusche for less money than you can
anywhere else. -m
Dr. Elliott went Tuesday to assist
Rev. Gilmore of Central City in revival
services this week.
-Lillie M. Spencer sues for a divorce
from Arthur H. Spencer, on the ground
of wtlfull abandonment.
Fur a gooil set of all hand-made
harness, go to F. II. Rusche's. Prices
are lower than the lowest.
Both Mr. and Mrs. John Schmocker
are confined to the house with sickness
of several weeks' duration.
Green lettuce, and hyacinths and
uarcissus plants in bloom, at the green
house of Marmoy ,v Simmons. tf
Gus. Becher went to Lincoln Mon
day, where he has been attending su
preme court the past three weeks.
Bring your orders for job-work to
this office. Satisfaction guaranteed, and
work promptly done, as agreed upon.
-Mike Reagan's case (assault on the
Chinaman), has been postponed because
attorneys were busy in district court.
When m need of an auctioneer, call
on Dave Smith. He will act for yon
with promptness, safety and.dispatch. tf
Columbia Stock food, really the tin
eat condition powders known, kept con
stantly for sale at Mitchell's feed store.
Fremont, Ames and North Bend are
talking of ditching the Platte bottom to
make their farms more surely productive.
Was the consolidated engine intend
ed to pull straight the curves on the
Norfolk branch A herculean task
Any suit of Mayer's stock
for $9.50. Come and look at
them. Located at JT. A. Barber
A. Co.
We can furnish Peterson's Ladies'
Magazine and The Columbus Journal.
both for $2.1ft a year, when paid in
Now is the time to subscribe for The
Jocksal and the Semi-Weekly Lincoln
Journal, both for 2 a year, when paid
in advance.
Don't forget the supper tonight
(Wednesday) at the Maennerchor hall.
by the Young Ladies' Sodality. All are
cordially invited.
Not only selling off, but buying in
furniture of all kinds. No credit asked
for, none given. Call, or drop a card.
Second hand store, tf
Go to "the ''San Diego Barber Shop"
for a neat shave and hair cut. Chil
dren's hair cut for 15 cents. Arnold's
old stand. Wm. Murdock, prop'r. tf
J. O. Blodgett was in town Monday
looking fat and hearty, as usual, a very
different appearance than what he had
when he got out of Andersonville prison.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castoria.
Feb. 20 is the day set for the sale of
certain real estate belonging to the estate
of John J. Macken, deceased, by the ad
ministratrix. John P. Walker, editor of the Hum
phrey Democrat and Miss Catharine L
Walker of Dubuque, Iowa, were married
Tuesday of last week.
O. L. Baker has completed his con
tract for filling the Union Pacific ice
shed, and started in on bis own. Much
of the ice is eight to ten inches thick.
Milton Hollingshead writes a very
interesting letter from Ganado, Texas,
to the Monroe Looking Glass. The rose
bushes there are covered with flowers.
Nebraska farm lands this year are
renting for 82.50 to $3.00 an acre.
Twenty years ago much of this same
land could be bought for $5.00 an acre.
A number of friends gathered at the
home of Miss Mollie Brady in the wes
tern part of the city Monday evening
and enjoyed themselves in a social time.
The balance of Maurice A.
Mayer's stock has been moved
to J. A. Barber & Co's. store for
a short time to close it out.
A calico ball is the next society
event, which will occur at the Maenner
chor hall next Monday evening. Messrs.
Cox, Chambers and Barber are the orig
inators. The petition of K. B. Holm to be ap
pointed as administrator of the estate of
Ole B. Holm, deceased, is to be heard at
the county judge's office Feb. 9 at 10
Dr. Nauman is the "only real grad
uate in dentistry in Platte county," who
can show up a diploma. Any other who
claims the same wilfully imposes on the
people. tf
"Buy your harness of F. H. Rusche,
you will then get a harness that is a
harness. He is the oldest harness maker
in Platte county, having had 35 years'
Miss Lena Phillips, who has been
having a siege with diphtheria, has en
tirely recovered, and will resume her
place at J. C. Fillman's store next Mon
day, as usual.
Miss Clara Hohl, daughter of L.
Hohl met with a very painful accident
Saturday evening. In walking along the
street she fell, breaking a limb just be
low the knee.
Persons wearing the Morris dental
plate will have no other. Superior to
all other plates. Manufactured only by
Dr. E. Y. Haughawout, Thirteenth street,
over Barber's store, tf
When all back dues are paid and
$2.00 besides, for one year's subscription
in advance, subscribers of The Journal
are entitled to the Semi-Weekly Lin
coln Journal one year, as a premium.
Any overcoat of Mayer's
stock for $10. Same have been
selling at $20, now located at
J. A. Barber & Co.
- Rasmussen's grocery store was
closed Thursday by creditors. The
Journal hopes that the hard times may
not fall too heavy, and that the incon
venience may be only temporary.
Two chattel mortgage sales are ad
vertised in today's Journal. If you
have to buy articles such as .advertised,
it may pay yon to attend these sales.
-A good portion of last week was
taken up by the district court in the
trial of the Schroeder-Heintz case. Mon
day the state case against Morrissey for
an assault upon Macken was begun.
Pearson, the Humphrey burglar who
received his sentence to the peniten
tiary some days ago, was taken to Lin
coln Saturday by Sheriff Kavanaugh.
Mr. Pfeffer, the man found wander
ing round here during the recent cold
spell, was taken to Bntler county. He
is insane, but not at all dangerous, and
is kept at the Butler county poor-house.
The will of James W. Love of Fre
mont, probated the other day read: "I
will all my property, both real and per
sonal, to my beloved wife, Therza S.
Love, for the use of herself and chil
dren." While Mrs. John Flynn was in von
Bergen Bro's. store Saturday evening,
about 5 o'clock, a basket of groceries in
her buggy standing outside was carried
off by some hungry thief. This is getting
pretty bold.
As we go to press, 1 o'clock Tuesday,
Charles Owens is to have his hearing
before Judge Hudson on the charge of
stealing a black, fur overcoat, belonging
to H. O. Rhodehorst, from the barn of
Henry Luers.
Those subscribers of The Journal
who have paid in advance and are now
receiving the Lincoln Semi-Weekly '
Journal as a premium, should notice
when their subscription expires and act
The North Nebraska teachers' asso
ciation meets in March at Columbus.
Among the events of the program wej
note our Co. Sup't Howard has a paper!
on ' Literature in Rural Schools."
Schuyler Herald.
S. C. Webber of Colfax county has
had notice to appear in the U. S. circuit,
court at Omaha to answer some kind of
a suit of the Union Pacific railroad com
pany, which claims a right of way of 200-:
feet through his land.
Your choice of Stetson hats
for $2.50. Your choice other
hats $1.50, $1, etc. Some of
these are regular $3.00 goods.
At Barber's store.
Society being an assemblage of in
dividuals, these must be changed be
fore the mass can be affected. Reform
yourself . thoroughly, and about when
you have done that, you will be ready
for the next state of existence.
Tom Cain of Westhill was in the city
Thursday, and for the next year will
read the Omaha Bee and Prairie Farmer
in addition to The Journal, taking ad
vantage of our very liberal clubbing
rate with those two excellent papers.
After you have subscribed for a local
paper, choose among others those that
have supported the theory of protection
to our nation's industries, and on this
score you will not find any to excel the
American Economist, New York City,
$2 a year.
Some stranger (for whom Mary. Ells
ton has been purchasing chickens), has
rigged up a car on the U. P. track, and
will soon have enough to send to the
San Francisco market. By the way, of
all that is raised on a farm, the chicken
gives the best returns on the investment.
We are indebted to E. F. Folda, esq.,
for a copy of the report of the condition
of the banks in Colfax county for Decem
ber, 1893. There are, all told, ten banks
with assets ranging from thirteen thou
sand to two hundred and thirty thousand
dollars, and their loans vary from eight
to one hundred and seventy-two thous
and, the grand total of loans for the
entire county being $381,592.06. This is
a good showing for these hard times.
The truth is there is no better founda
tion for a prosperous commercial com
munity than a good agricultural county,
and if central Nebraska and, indeed, the
greater part of the state is not that,
there is none.
Tomorrow personal taxes are delin
quent, and bear ten per cent interest.
One of our exchanges, the Albion News,
suggests that, the times being close, the
county treasurer should not pile up fees
and mileage serving distress warrants,
seeing that, if the money was collected,
it would simply go towards increasing
the already large pile in the treasury,
which goes into the hands of a deposi
tory bank at 4 per cent, while, if it re
mains in the hands of the tax-payer, the
county gets 10 per cent. The safest
way, however, is to pay your taxes, if
you can, possibly, when they are due; if
not then, so soon as you can after delin
quency. Down at Schuyler the commissioner
of lights and waterworks has been sell
ing city coal to the city employes at cost,
upon the same ground that all corpora
tions do, sell their employes whatever
they deal in at cost price, and supposed
it was all right. He admitted that he
should have first asked the advice of the
council on the matter, but contends that
he did nothing out of the way.
Miss Grace Gerrard came near hav
ing what might have been a very serious
accident, in Lincoln .one evening last
week. She was skatingpn the lake near
the city when the ice broke, letting her
self and companion through into the
water. They were taken out and imme
diately cared for, and Miss Gerrard
wrote home that she was ready the next
morning for another skate.
Stephen Buzza came back from
Grand Island Thursday to remain a few
days in straightening up business affairs
and selling his household goods. He has
accepted a position at Fairbury as secre
tary of the Y. M. C. A. at that place,
where he will begin work at once. He
will be followed by the good wishes of
all bis acquaintances.
Communities have been accus
tomed for ages to look upon the varied
relations and associations of men and
women with considerable allowance, but
in these days a man cannot beat and
pound and disfigure and mar a woman
with whom he lives without being re
garded either as a crazy man, a fiend or
a cowardly villian.
In last week's Journal was men
tioned the death Jan. 23d, of Ruth C,
infant daughter of Mazie M. Allbangh.
The child died of spasms. Its age was
four months and eight days. The funer
al services were held at the United
Brethren church, Wednesday, Elder H.
J. Hudson officiating.
Mrs. T. Cole of Platte Center was in
the city Monday on her way home from
Benton where she had been several days
during the last illness of her grand
mother, Mrs. C. G. Maynard, who died
Friday last in the eighty-fourth year of
her age. The remains were taken to
Herman for burial.
A writer, describing foot-ball, says
that the difference between the old
game, the Rugby and the American ia:
In the old, you kick the ball; in the
Rugby, you kick a man if you cannot
kick the ball; in the American, you
kick the ball if you cannot kick the
Jonas Headman expects to return to
the old country in about six months and
visit the scenes of his early childhood.
Uncle Jonas has been a resident of this
section for about twenty years and his
departure will be witnessed with regret
by a host of friends. Genoa Leader.
Wiggins & Lewis are doing a rushing
business these times, buying and for
warding a great many fat cattle, sheep
and hogs to the South Omaha market.
They bought two carloads of fine hogs of
Greisen Bros, this week, and a hundred
head of Henry Wilken.
The police raided the establishment
of Jack Dwyer, in a back room off
Twelfth street, and gobbled up some
evidences of gambling, which were
brought into police court. Dwyer was
fined $25 and costs, and sent to jail in
default of payment.
O. B. Morey, former citizen of Platte
county living on "Stearns Prairie," is
among the candidates mentioned by the
South Omaha Tribune, as candidate for
the police judge-ship of that thriving
burg. Mr. Morey has the ability to
makVa good judge.
Jacob Tschudin, the supervisor from
Xjdtt township, is one of the best inem
berlfof the county board. He endeavors
-to Add the right way and to walk there
in, and he will doubtless continue to do
this-regardless of epithets from the
The Norfolk branch of the Union
Pacific has a consolidated engine that
looks big enough to haul about 20 to 25
cars from here to Norfolk, and about 16
to 18 from there to Sioux City. W. T.
Allen, the veteran engineer, has her in
A. Van Schoik returned Saturday
from Texas, and expects to move with
his family thither next week, to make
that their future home. The Journal,
with their many friends, wishes them
health and success wherever they may
Several evening parties were given
last week by friends, in honor of Mr.
and Mrs. G. G. Bowman of Omaha.
Thursday evening Mrs. H. Murdock en
tertained, Mrs. E. H. Chambers Friday
evening, and Mrs. Judge Sullivan Satur
day. The wind mill plant in Highland
Park is about to be sold to Wm. Wearne
of the South Omaha Foundry. A foun
dry will be run, and perhaps a planing
mill in addition.
Charles Henning, father of our
townsman Ferd. Henning, is seriously
ilL He has reached four score and two
Martha WaskiBgtoa Sapper.
To be given for the benefit of the
Catholic Young 'Ladies Sodality, Wed
nesday evening, Jan. 31st, at the Maen
nerchor hall. All are cordially invited
to attend.
Last week we noted the death at her
home in Platte Center, January 22d, of
Mrs. William Bloedorn. The funeral
took place from the Baptist church
Thursday morning. Rev. Elwell and
Matzke officiating. The remains were
interred in the Monroe cemetery by the
side of her mother and brother. The
deceased was born in Rochester, N. Y.,
September 30, 1857, and at the time of
her death was 36 years, 3 months and
22 days old. June 22, 1876, she was mar
ried to William Bloedorn. Of the nine
children born to them, the youngest is
four months and the eldest sixteen years
of age, all living. The Signal says
further: 'On every hand could be heard
expressions of deep regret by the loss of
this good woman, irrespective of class,
creed or denomination, so well had she
performed her work here on earth. Still,
while her good deeds are noticeable on
every hand, she did not neglect her fam
ily. It was here that her attention was
centered, and in her own words, 'thought
the very best thing I could do for them
would be to give them myself. So I
spared no pains to talk to them, to teach
them, to pray with them and be a loving
companion and friend to my children.' "
If you watch our report of tax sales,
it may save you a considerable sum of
money one of these days. Thomas Jeff
erson said: "Eternal vigilance is the
price of liberty," and nothing is truer.
It is precisely the same species of watch
fulness that is exacted in the defense of
home, and the preservation of property
rights, because these are only adjuncts
of liberty. In our list this week there
are a dozen pieces of property, some
tracts of land and several city lots, upon
which tax-liens have lately been placed,
and the interest on these now is twenty
per cent, going to the investors, and not
to the county. If you borrow the money
of a bank and redeem your land, you
pay only ten per cent, just half what is
allowed by law to the investor in tax
titles. Of course the oftener redemp
tions are made the more compounding
of interest at 20 per cent takes place,
and the more is thus made for those who
have the money to invest in these secur
ities (the best in the world), but it is to
the advantage of the land or lot owner
to allow no lien upon his land, if he can
help it. If you have one get rid of it as
soon as you can see your way cleir.
Mrs. Carrie B. Wells, an estimable
lady of Lincoln, who officiated as post
mistress in the Nebraska building at the
World's Fair, and who was for a number
of years deputy register of deeds in this
county, is a central figure in a group of
incidents, which, taken together, make
almost a romance. Nine years ago her
husband, with whom she was living in
Columbus, Neb., disappeared. All trace
of him was lost, and he was finally sup
posed to be dead. At the end of seven
years after his disappearance Mrs. Wells
collected the life insurance which her
husband had carried in her favor. A
few days ago a man died at a small town
in Arkansas, and on his death bed he
revealed his identity. He was the hus
band of Mrs. Wells. He had lived in the
town seven years under an assumed
name. The above is from the Lincoln
department of the Omaha Bee of the
23d. Mr. Wells was an attorney here
nine years ago. He suddenly disap
peared one night and his whereabouts
was a complete mystery, it being believed
bv his friends that he had been murdered.
This is the way Columbus is being
advertised just now. The Fullerton
News says: "The improved Stock Breed
ers' Association of our great state of
Nebraska will hold its annual meeting
at the capital of Platte county on the
20th of February. It will be a three
days session. Interesting addresses will
be given by Hon. J. B. Wolfe, Hon. W.
S. Summers, Hon. J. B. Dickenson, Hon.
S. M. Barker, Prof. Ingersoll, Mark M.
Coad, C. H. Searle, A. J. Hendryx, R. M.
Allen, Mrs. A. M. Edwards, Thos. Miller
and others. Secretary-Treasurer, H. S.
Reed, says that every effort will be made
to make this session from the address of
welcome to the farewell toast of the
banquet the banner meeting of the asso
ciation. Every one interested in stock
growing in this county should go to Co
lumbus and hear these discussions.
As we go to press Tuesday after
noons, we cannot of course give the
proceedings of the public meeting of the
citizens called by Mayor Schupbach for
last evening, to devise ways and means
of helping the needy poor. So many de
mands have been made upon the author
ities that this step was thought advisa
ble, and no doubt great good will result
from the action taken and to be taken.
There is not, as a rule, so much suffering
in small places as in cities, but there is
enough of it anywhere, and if thoso who
have the ready means will give of their
abundance to those who have not the
necessaries of life for their little ones,
and who, during these hard times, cannot
get employment, they will be doubly
blessed in the deed.
It used to be a common saying, in
the olden time, when wheat was cut with
the sickle or the cradle, that there is
always plenty of work in harvest time.
There are a good many different kinds
of harvest. After the farmer has gath
ered all his grain and stored it, he can
then turn his attention to the harvests
for which the other harvest was prepar
atory, viz: feeding his stock of various
kinds, and converting his grain into
beef, pork, eggs, milk, cheese, butter,
mutton, wool, etc. When the weather is
too bad for out-of-door work, he can saw
wood in the shed, repair machinery,
make gates, or busy himself about the
house in labor-saving devices for the
kitchen. The old rule of morals holds
good here, too. do the duty lying near
est, and that will make plain to you the
next, and so on. But we started out to
say that just now is the harvest of ice.
The insurance companies have given
Schuyler policy holders notice of a raise
of twenty per cent in rates, and of
course the newspapers are, in the inter
ests of the people, kicking against the
advance. If the business houses were
mainly of wood and if they had no
waterworks, there might be some reason
in the raise. What has happened to
Schuyler, may happen to Columbus one
of these days. One exchange suggests
Ias an effective remedy the organization
cf mutual insurance companies.
Mrs. D. M. Doty went to Lincoln last
Miss Isa Fink of Madison was in the
city Saturday.
Miss Dovie Becher went down to Lin
coln Friday to visit several days.
F. M. Cookingham of Humphrey was
in town last week attending court
H. J. McGath of Clarks visited his
daughters, Mrs. George Scott and Miss
McGath, last week.
Miss Susie Hayes returned the first
of the week after several days visit with
parents on Shell Creek.
Mrs. C. E. Pollock, Mrs. G. W. Phillips
and hereon Milton are visiting with Mrs.
W. H. Winterbotham of Genoa.
Mr. A. Wannafried of the old relia
ble Western Newspaper Union was a
welcome caller at this office yesterday.
Mr. Buzza and Mrs. Charles Stinch
comb of Grand Island, father and sister
respectively, of Stephen Buzza, were in
the city last week, returning home Saturday.
Y. M. C. A. Note.
Keep in mind the pop corn social at
the rooms uext week. Date will be pub
lished later.
Now that we are prepared to take
proper care of our library, we hope
friends will donate something towards
our supply of literature.
The meeting on the afternoon of the
21st was held by Pres. C. G. Hickok, on
the subject "Where shall I spend eter
nity?" Much interest was manifest.
Carpenters have been at work for a day
or two putting doors on our library
shelves, and we hope to be able to keep
the books in better order in the future.
The Ladies Auxiliary held a meeting
on the 19th and appropriated an amount
for the library, also favorably considered
the purchase of a new carpet for the
reading room.
At a meeting of the ladies committee
held in the rooms last Saturday, it was
decided to give a 10 cent or "pop corn"
social next week for the purpose of rais
ing the balance necessary to purchase a
carpet for the reading room.
Rev. Warner of St. Edward was a visi
tor to the men's meeting Sunday even
ing. Mr. Warner filled the Presbyterian
pulpit Sunday morning and evening in
the absence of Rev. Elliott, who had
charge of the services in St. Edward.
Last Thursday one of our association
members and a friend carried a number
of magazines to the county jail for the
prisoners. We hope frequent visits will
be made to the unfortunate fellows con
fined within the prison walls. Too much
can never be said or done to help them.
To seek a man amid the temptations
of a city and save him from moral or
social degradation is to act the beneficent
part. To administer the ounce of pre
ventive is qnite as important as to pro
vide the pound of cure. This is in a
large part the work of the Young Men's
Christian Association. Young Men's
On one of the cold nights last week
two men, at least, spent the night in
Columbus without supper or bed. Dar
ing these cold days and these terrible
times of "no work and no money," do not
turn a man from your door withont a
bite to eat and a pleasant word. "Inas
much as ye have done it unto one of the
least of these, ye have done it unto me."
Within the bosoms of these dirty, ragged
men are souls God prizes as highly as
those of Yanderbilt, Wannamaker, Har
rison or Cleveland, and many of them are
rough diamonds only waiting for the
hands or words of the polisher.
Tax Sale-i.
Taxes are due October 1st, each year.
Personal tax is delinquent Feb. 1st.
Land tax is delinquent May 1st; in
terest ten per cnt from date of delin
quency. Real estate is advertised for sale the
first week in October, and subject to
sale for taxes the first Monday in No
vember, after becoming delinquent;
upon sale the rate of interest allowed by
law is twenty per cent per annum. They
can be redeemed any time within two
years from date of sale.
Since our last report the following
sales have been made:
In town 19, range 4. west, the following
tracts: S. S. W. 4, 15; W. 4 S. E. (,
35; N. E. 4, 10; N. E. 14, 5; N. K and
S. W. 14, 35; E. 4 and N. W. 4', 34; E.
H S. E. i4', 32.
In town 20, 4 west, the following: N.
W. M. 20; N. W. 4', 21.
Lot 1, block F, Becker's subdivision
D, out lot 8; lots 1 and 2, block 15,
Stevens addition.
Y. M. C. A. Topirs
For the first quarter, 18W. to be ably talked upon
at the meetings for men, Sundays at 3 p. m.
Jan. 7. "Doerejif the Word"..H. W. Heineman
Jan. 11 "How do I Stand Before God?"....
Rev. F. W. Brosa
Jan. 21. "Where Shall I Spend Eternity?".
C. G. Hickok
Jan. 27. "Am I Ready?" W. L. Chenovreth
Feb. 4.-"Younf Man. Ariae"
Bev. O. D. Crawford
Feb. ll.-"Which Way?" B-O.Hnrd
Feb. 13. "So Compromise" A. M. Cofert
Feb. 2T.. " Art Thoa?".. Clarence Sheldon
Mar. 4.-" What Shall I do With Jesus?" ....
A f?& &
Mar. lL-"What is Your Inheritance?"
W. B. Notestein
Mar. 18. "Work and Wages for Everyone".
Frank Mathews
Mar. 23.-"How May I Know I am Saved?"
Bev.O.A. Elliott
You are invited and will be gladly welcomed.
Good music. Good talks. Good fellowship.
Good friends.
C. L. S. C.
Will meet at Dr. Nauman's office Feb.
6th, 1894.
Roll call. Quotations on "Art."
"Rome and the Making of Modern
Europe," from page 247 to page 260.
Mr. Brindley.
"Rome and Medieval Art," part II,
chapters i and ii. Miss Martin.
In the Chautauqnan. "Education in
Italy." Mrs. McAllister.
The only real graduate in all branch
es of dentistry in Platte county can be
found at Dr. E. Y. Haughawout's dental
parlors. Has fifteen years' experience
in all branches of dentistry. Has the
only successful method of extracting
teeth without pain. All dental opera
tions performed in a superior and care
ful manner, tf
Persona! Taxes.
Personal taxes for the year 1893 are
delinquent after February 1st, and from
that date bear ten per cent interest,
Tax-payers of the city can pay and get
receipts at the. office of Becher, Jaeggi
&Co. tf
District 44 aad Viciaity.
Mrs. Fred. Luckey, jr., is reported as
being sick for a long time, with but little
change if any, for the better.
There were no religious services at the
school house Sunday evening, the weath
er being a little cool and the roads rough.
My! what a winter this is, pigs basking
in the sun, Iambs cavorting, horses graz
ing, hens cackling and eggs coming in
every day.
The building we saw last week on
wheels, was unloaded on the S. W. of
Sec. 10. Fred. Stenger purchased the
building of D. B. Duffy north of the city
and caused it to be moved upon some
land which he is improving in the above
Charlie Vogt, who for three years
served Fred. Stenger as foreman on his
extensive ranch near the city, and who
with his brother the last yea? rented and
worked 160 acres of Mr. S's. land, has not
decided yet just what he will do this
Half inch of snow Wednesday p. m.
Just enough to grease the fall wheat.
Thermometer 40J above. Monday morn
ing, Jan. 22 (two days later). "Whee,
whiz," wind in northwest, thermometer
10J below, and snow falling. Hens re
fuse to lay and cattle seeking.sheUer.
No flies on Nebraska.
Tuesday of last week was a very fine
day, and Joe Drinmn was seen on the
streets in Columbus with a new large
stirring plow Joaded upon his wagon,
driving up one street and down another.
We thought first he had borrowed the
plow from a dealer, and was driving
around town thinking it would assist in
removing cobwebs from the. eyes of his
brother farmers, but when we saw him
later, he still had the plow in his wagon,
had tailed to the west and was leaving
Our school was storm bound Tuesday
of last week; your correspondent ditto.
Mrs. G. Engel is still confined to her
bed, as is also her daughter Mrs. F.
Luckey, jr.
Charlie Egbert, of Colfax, went over
to O. D. Butler's Friday evening to have
a hunt with his chum Alvin the nest day.
Sam Reinke is suffering with one of
those torturing "felons" which was so
bad as to necessitate the calling in of a
physician. Sam has our sympathy.
Henry Lusche, who unceremoniously
went away about three weeks ago, we
learn is now in Wisconsin. It was also
rumored that Mr. L. had one of his
limbs accidentally broken while there.
Financial embarrassment, we believe, is
the cause of his temporary absence.
In school district 23, Colfax county,
teacher and scholars have been having a
little tilt. Teacher accuses scholars of
using tobacco, and scholars accuse her
of teaching them that Washington's
birthday comes on Feb. 11 of each year.
Each party have acknowledged their
faults and everything runs smoothly
One of our farmers recently took a
quantity of buckwheat to a toll grist
mill, and ordered the grain to be con
verted into flour, shorts and bran; the
grain was weighed when left, and when
the farmer went for his grist, the same
was weighed again, when it fell short in
his estimation more than the lawful toll,
whereupon the farmer loaded into his
wagon what was left, and refused to pay
cash for grinding as was agreed. A civil
suit will probably settle the above and
leave a precedent.
Real Estate Transfers.
Becher, Jaeggi & Co., real estate agents,
report the following real estate transfers
filed in the office of the county clerk for
the week ending Jan. 27, 1894:
Pauline Gertsch to Charles Gertsch. ne
l4 no and w li ne l., se x nt lt no
x4 se Vi Sec. 13, and vi sw H and aw
U se 4. 12, 13, le. wd $ aODO 00
Daniel Ilolloran to Maurice Holloran,
sw l4 sw l4. Sec. 1 and w se l4.2, 20,
4w, wd 1 CO
E. H. Nauman to 31. M. Rothleitner, lots
1 and 2, blk 21. 8tevens add, wd a00 00
U. P. Hy Co. to Fred Wessel, w Vi no l
3T. 20. 3w. wd 200 00
Paul J. Weidner to Peter Borer, n li,
9, 20. 3w. wd 3'JtjO CO
Andrew P. Frederickson to Soren S.
Sorenson. e 4 ne , 15, 19. 4w, wd 2H0u 00
E. A. Gerrard t Presbyterian church,
lot 9, blk "A" Monroe, wd 12T. 00
Seven trmsfers. total $ 1012B 00
When in need of any kind of job
work, calling cards, letter heads, envel
opes, bill heads, statements, dodgers,
posters, auction bills, receipts, notes,
bank check books, scales books, pamph
lets, briefs, circulars, or specialty work
of any kind in the printing line, bring
your orders to The Journal and be
pleased, both as to quality of goods and
work, and also price and promptness.
Orders by mail receive careful attention.
12 good young work horses, well bro
ken and of good breed; 2 lumber wagons,
3 sets of harness and some farm ma
chinery. Hexby Stuttmann-.
6 miles west of Columbus and 3 miles
east of Oconee. 3
The Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul
By is the- only line running solid vest-
ibuled, electric lighted and steam heated
trains between the Missouri river and
Chicago, consisting of new palace sleep
ing cars, elegant free reclining chair
cars, luxurious coaches and the finest
dining cars in the world. The berth
reading lamp in its palace sleeping cars
is patented and cannot be used by any
other railway company. It is the great
improvement of the age. Try it and be
convinced. Close connection in union
depot at Omaha with all trains to and
from the west. For further particulars
apply to your ticket agent, or
F. A. Nash, Gen'l Agt.
W. S. Howeli,.
Traveling Fr't. and Pass. Agt,
lljantf 1501 Farnam St. Omaha, Neb.
gnsiness &oticrs.
Advertisements under this head fixe cents a
line each insertion.
WM.SCHILTZ makes boots and shoes in the
best styles, and uses only the rery best
stock that can be procured in the market. 52-tf
t7"Ourqaotations of the market s areobtained
Tuesday afternoon, and are correct and reliable
at thetime.
Shelled Corn ...
Ear Corn
Mixed oats ... .
oar 190g2 10
Butter 1015
Eg 13
Poutoea 80
Fathogt ft 7MU 50
Fatcows II 502 00
Fataheep $23063 00
Fat atom 3 25fc3 50
FMdara 2 5063 501
i Leave Tour Orders Early,
"Eat, Irhk ail bt fry."
Henry Ragatz & Co.,
tf i
a 1
3 I
W s
Have made a special effort to secure bargains for our
customers. In Canned Goods. we have over 500 cases, at prices
that astonish our many customers.
Dried Fruits are of good quality at very low prices.
We have Genuine Maple Svrup and Pure Buckwheat
Our Cider can't be beat.
Apples are scarce, but we have them.
In Nuts, Raisins, Fruits and
We have doubled our order over last year, and have an im
mense stock. All who purchase, will find it to
their interest to look over our goods and get our prices.
I Crockery, Glassware ni Lamps. (
E Our assortment was never more complete, at reasonable
E prices. Call and examine them.
i Eleventh St., Columbus, Nebraska.
1 Leaye Your Orders Early, and Avoid foe Bosh. 1
Vvn zvi
ly '7
. j
Prairie Farmer,
Omaha Weekly Bee,
The Columbus Journal.
Begin your subscription at any time. Whether you B
B aro now receiving The Journal or not, pay only one year in 2
L advance, (regular price two dollars), and add fifty cents extra,
p and get the three papers.
4.P You cannot select a better combination of local, general
and farm literature for the money.
The coming year is destined to be an eventful one in the p
history of our country. Industry, upon which rests the real 9
-P progress of this world under Providence, will move forward 2
during the coming twelve months more than in the last thirty.
2Z1S Keep with the front of the column.
Establish! IS70.
-A-n-d. ZEBesil Bstsute
MONEY TO LOAN ON FAKMS at lowest rates ot interest, on short or loci? time, in amonn
tosnitapplicantt. ... . ,
BONDED ABSTRACTERS OF TITLE toallrealestatAin Platte connty.
Reprent THE LEADING INSURANCE COMPANIES of the World. Oar farm policies a r
the niot-t liberal in ue. Losses aiijnsteil. and promptly paid at this office.
Notary Public always in office.
Farm and city property for sale. .... , , .,
Make collections of foreign inheritances and sell steamship tickets to and from all par
of Europe. laug'91-tf
Will Illustrate
To you the advantage of buying
From him. If a splendid stock
and low prices cut any
figure, you will
be satisfied.
Always on hand.
His stock of
Dry Goods
Is large, well selected and
everything you want will
be found in stock
at low figures.
3f Country produce a spe
cialty, and always taken at
cash prices. All goods deliv
ered free.
Telephone No. 22.
.. AND
or TORNADO insurance
on city and farm property; if you want
an ACCIDENT POLICY; if you want
to buy or 6ell farm or city property; if
you want bargains in real estate, call at
the Real Estate and Insurance Agency,
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castoria.
and Avoii ttie RusL
E 1
I o
- 00
1 a
E &
(of Chicago),
Can furnish you with
the BEST
BLINDS, LIME, Etc., ami
everything kept in the
South of U. P. R. R. Depot, Columbus,
Drink Habit !
Also Tobacco, Morphine and
other Narcotic Habits.
7 Private treatment given if desired.
Bnrial Goods,
Bo Embalming,
Conduct Funerals.
SHave the finest Hearse in the county.
SSsfeft13'1 Columbus. Neb.