The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, November 29, 1893, Image 2

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Mr aais
gySSTJb ndUM la, tress which.
la ths .'J'.T.Typ'' oa the
Waaawswa""1 3t& t. aJ w ae.
lfct, frost which.
- Japas has aatered greet loss of life
sad property reoentiy by floods.
brat $300,000 worth of twine wee
. bwraod in recent fire at Kanww City.
MatobWbtboC Lincoln is talked of
by the populists aa their next candidate
for gomenor of Nebraska.
Gladstoki's health and strength are
. said to be noticeably failing. He will
be 84 years old next month,
Dumjth is considering direct railway
;rwmrrtinn with Omaha, in the interest
of the ooaunerce of both cities.
Embtt. stadente and persons engaged
"in literary pnrpuits bare been arrested
at Warsaw on suspicion of being engaged
in nihilistic plots.
.On of the most curious farms in the
country, and one of the most profitable
' is in Illinois, and on which they raise
frogs as a business.
Oob respected Uncle Samuel has, in,
the new war ship, Columbia, the fastest
ship afloat on any waters of the earth
quite an accession to our navy.
Ax artesian well at Huron, South
Dakota, throws a six-inch column of
water seventy feet into the air, and
attracts thousands of sight-seers.
Tbb journal of the Knights of Labor
estimates that 800,000 men have lost sit
uations since July 1, and that not over
30 per cent have been reinstated.
Ed. Collins is confined in the mur
derers' cage of the Douglas county jail,
charged with the shooting of Louis
MoPherson at Valley Saturday night
At Wooster, Ohio, Monday night of
-last week, W. A. Mackay, on agricultural
implement maker, was called to the door
and shot in the head by an unknown
man and mortally wounded. His life
was insured for $10,000.
Tax house of commons were debating
last week a clause in the parish councils
bill permitting all women who pay taxes
. to vote at all local elections. In. some
quarters it is regarded as a dangerous
step toward giving women parliamentary
A pabcsxi addressed to Chancellor von
Caprivi, at Berlin, Monday, was received
at the chancellorie, but a few grains of
powder falling out when they began
opening it, it was taken to a police sta
tion, soaked in water, and upon opening
proved to be a veritable infernal machine.
Thk new tariff measure outlining the
democratic policy was made public Mon
day. Coal, wool, lumber, iron ore and
many other kinds of raw material are
placed on the free list. A revision of
internal revenue taxes is reserved until
the result of the new bill is shown in
revenue receipts.
Sobs of the finest photographs from a
balloon have recently been made by a
Philadelphia photographer, and it is
thought from his success that aerial
photography will hereafter play an im
portant part in future wars, in providing
accurate information in regard to forti
fications, army movements, etc.
It has been given out in certain quar
ters that John Peters, Brad. Slaughter,
Tom Majors and A. E. Cady are looking
towards the governor's chair via repub
lican convention; that Church Howe
would like to go to congress, and that
Prof. Andrews will again be a candidate
Moxdat night of last week Frank
Gaatafaon, at Ottumwa, Iowa, met two
little 4-year-old girls, Mary Lewis and
Sarah Sax, in the street, and with candy
enticed the Sax child to his room, where
he frightfully outraged her. The man
was struck by a mob the next day and
strangled to death. His victim is not
expected to live.
It is understood that Comptroller
Eckels ia his forthcoming report will
raeoaunend a system by which the
bank currency may take the
of all others, the purpose being to
allow the national beaks to deposit in
to bonds, gold and silver and
notes and certificates, and to
totes to the par value of all
i in the treasury.
. J. H. Kbar living a mile and a
half frees New Albany, Indiana, being
i of a eohaaie to kidnap her only
r, 13 years old, hurriedly
L a merchant in the
city. Kraft aad his friends secreted
the house, and when
Whkeaaan, Charles Coaapton,
White and others appeared to
the girl, Kraft soot into them
killed Stephen Wkitesaaa. The
arrested and jailed.
Tn National
at Syracuse, N. Y and adopt-
denoanciag Secretary of
for language need
at Caaaasje, referring to the
a fusllis of high saaoa and a
a a cabinet; that,
m the arrange is esageraei, there
a word of truth at if; that the
it to the fanaeraef the
agrioaltaral nation in the world
a aseretarr of acricuKure ia
A committee was
to submit the report to Preai-1
Oaafaar ay essTUsestass " ?
fcVwsassT " 3
. awaateiaJtjfawar ti
' - -. ii k tfcatr form
SUfii'S? f5SSSTiE2fci -ad.
B asaManJssHeas toygS. c mm writer.
It Mas Fame tke Waits
The aew tarhf bill baa paasad the
White House, so the Washiagtoa cor
respondents say. la other words, Orover
Cleveland has examined the several
schedules, has invited a few of his iati
aiate political friends to look over the
c and the annoancemeat is bow
made that the bill in all ita parte has
seen faahiortl after ike idea of the
Chicago platform, and that the autocrat
of the White Hoase has pronounced it
good, aad he himself is well pleased.
Having passed the White Hoase it will
next go to the legislative branches of the
government for approval, unless a suffi
cient number of independent Senators
should be found to protest against this
measure of destruction. The bill, as it
stands approved by President Cleveland,
is by all odds the most radical and most
dangerous piece of legislation that has
emanated from the Democratic party
since the first attempt of Bepresentative
Morrison to make a horizontal reduction
of the tariff. The effect of this bill will
be far more disastrous to industry and
labor than any of the former proposi
tions, for two reasons. First, it is in
itself saore radical, and in the second
place the present critical condition of
our manufactures makes the passage of
the bill at this time a wanton and reck
less blow at the very foundation of our
industrial progress. It will destroy
thousands of industries and build up
none. It will close half the mills and
factories and workshops in several
branches of manufacture and open none.
It wfll throw hundreds of thousands of
wage earners out of work, and reduce
the wages of alL It will leave human
misery and industrial wreckage where
twelve months ago the Democratic party
found human contentment and indus
trial prosperity.
Such is the measure that has passed
the White House and is awaiting the
signature of the House of Representa
tives. New York Press.
Coxgrbssxex Meiklejohn and Hainer
of this state -visited Richmond, Virginia,
on election day and convinced them
selves of the unfairness of that election,
at least, so far as the negroes weretson
cerned. This process of repressing votes
is not so blood-curdling as that of the
shot gun and the midnight ride, but it
is just as effectual. Under the system
in vogue for the negroes, only about six
could vote in an hour. The number of
congressmen to which a state is entitled
is based upon the population, 193,000
being now the basis of representation for
a district, and while in the northern
states, the votes of a district may reach
as high as 80,000, in the south it goes as
low as 16,000 say, a disfranchisement of
61,000 to a district As this occurs in a
federal election, it is exceedingly proper
that congress should pass a law and see
to its enforcement, preventing this in
justice to those entitled to vote, whether
they be white or black men, north or
south. The very life of our government
by the people depends upon a full, free
vote, honestly cast and fairly counted,
and after this, of course, upon the accu
racy with which officials selected by the
people carry out their will, in the enact
ment and enforcement of laws. Auto
crats and usurpers of authority, whether
they be mobs of citizens, classes of
society, or chief executives sitting in the
chair of state, are not to be tolerated,
because this is the boundary line where
a government by the people ends, and
something else takes its place.
"But restful economy does not mean
mind and nerves strained to their high
est tension," says Mildred McNeal, very
I wisely, in The New Peterson for Decem
ber. That is a great fault in the way
many men work. They are in too much
of a hurry, and work under too high
pressure. We need to learn to keep cool,
and do all our work, no matter how much
or how hard, in as restful a way as pos
sible. Every muscle should be relaxed
just as far as the work in hand will allow.
We have been almost thrown off our feet
sometimes by finding that the bucket we
lifted was not full of water, but empty.
The muscular effort required and the
effort used were not in harmony; and so,
if we constantly spend more of our vital
power than is necessary, the debit
account will tell against us very soon.
Just watch yourself for one day see
that you use no unnecessary muscle, and
no muscle more than is necessary, and
you will be surprised to find how much
you have accomplished, and how easily."
Nebraska electors are learning how to
vote under the Australian law. If the
contest instituted here the other day
will serve as an "object lesson," it will be
well. We notice in Waterloo precinct,
Douglas county, they are having a little
discrepancy between the will of the
voters and the result, because of writing
a name on the ballot and not affixing the
X opposite. It seems that the candi
dates named by caucus and petition for
road overseers did not suit the electors,
and on election day enough of them
voted for another man to have him made
overseer, had their ballots been counted.
The truth is that every man should
make the law a study.
One of Leon Barritt's cartoons in the
New York Press represents the Hawaiian
throne, upon which are seated Grover
Cleveland and LQiuokalani in the atti
tude of very ardent lovers the feather
in Graver's crown is endorsed, "I am a
plutocrat;" that in the queen's, "I am an
autocrat." The words of the lover are
set to the tune of "Annie Booney:"
She's my "Lily."
She's ay sweetheart,
Boob we'll marry.
Nerer more to part.
Lth-ao-ka-la ni
Is j sweetheart.
MonpAT, n circular on the school
question, said to have been inspired by
Mgr. Satolli, and iasued by Catholic
citizens under the direction of Cardinal
Gibbons, was sent to members of the
aty council of Baltimore, Mi, mem
bers of the legislature and other city
and state officers, the purpose being to
create a sentiment in favor of the ap
portionment of state school funds to
Catholic schools on the lines of the
BsKey favored by Archbishop Ireland of
R A.- SaasoN of Bloody Point Lights,
a C, entered a heavy loss, of everything
he owned, from a cyclone recently. Not
a person on the island came near the
family or offered a mouthful to eat
although ha had done them many favors
A more diaappointed crowd than the
members ef the adaunistratioa it woaM
he hard to4ad. 8e certain were they
that Saturdays steamer frees HawaM
would bring newsaf the reatoratioa at
the Queen that every eatpfeye ef has
State Depertutentwas eoBtneQatl to take
an oath of secrecy beforehand, in order
to prevent any of the details contained
in the dispatch from Minister Willis
getting out prematurely. It was clear,
however, from other diajatohas that the
infamous program had aueearried, aad
the belief here k that the monarchy will
not be restored, and that Mr. Cleveland
ia at last beginning to reabse that be
tween the onesided represeatationa of
Minister paramount Blount and Secre
tary Greebaaa'a hatred of w-Prestdeat
Harrison, be has been hoodwinked into
taking a course that has been more gen
orally and, perhaps, more harshly criti
cised than any single act of aay Ameri
can President.
The great question with the adminis
tration now is how it can beat sneak out
of ita unpleasant predicament, although
it is believed that positive assurances
have been given to the Britiah Ambassa
dor and the Japanese Minister that the
monarchy would be restored in Hawaii,
it is not thouffht that any attempt will
be made to do it, at least not openly or
by force. In fact friends of the admin-
istration are now trying to deny what
thev were n few days ago positively
asserting aa to the natare of the instruc
tions iriven to Minister Willis. Should
it end in Mr. develaad'a making Greah
am the scapegoat and throwing him out
of the cabinet there will be no tears shed
by either republicans or democrats, as
Gresnam's course in tnia matter naa
caused him to lose the few friends his
political somersault had left him.
tteprceentauve uourae uocaran, me
New York congressman who has been sat
upon by Tammany because be objected
to being a mere puppet of Crocker's,
threw a bombshell among his democratic
oolleairues on the House Ways and
Mesne committee who had in his absence
decided that an income tax should be
attached to the new tariff bill, when he
informed them that an income tax im
posed by a democratic administration
and congress would result in making
New York City, now the democratic
Gibraltar, a republican stronghold he
also told them that this proposed tax
was an attempt by certain would-be
leadersof the democratic party to pander
to the populists, and warned them tnat
if it was carried into effect it would
prove disastrous to the democratic party.
Mr. Cockran's remarks created a momen
tary stampede among his fellow demo
crats on the committee, but will hardly
result in getting the income tax dropped
from the bill.
The administration having by its lack
of foresight and of firmness when firm
ness wonld, have proven beneficial
brought the cash in the treasury down
to the lowest point at which it has been
since the Buchanan administration came
so near to bankrupting the government,
is now very diligently at work stopping
the leak at the spigot while that of the
bungbole is going right along all the
time. Here are two instances tnat will
illustrate the attitude of the spigot style
of statesman: the Postmaster General in
glancing over the list of supplies pur
chased for post offices discovered an
item that deeply aroused his anger. He
was thunderstruck, so to speak, when he
saw that the U. S. government actually
bought twine for the letter carriers to
use for tying up bundles of mail. "Let
them buy leather straps and use them,"
shouted this apostle of spigot economy,
as he dictated an order that no more
twine was to be bought for their use.
The next great act of spigot economy
also relates to the letter carriers. A lot
of old cast off letter carriers' leather
bags, which have been from time to time
forwarded to Washington by postmas
ters who have made requisitions for new
ones, have been at considerable expense
Eatched up and as long as the supply
olds out they will be sent to those
postmasters who make requisitions for
new ones. The letter earners may feel
thankful that they are not required to
buy their own bags as well as straps.
The democrats acknowledge that they
are afraid to submit their tariff bill to a
democratic caucus. Those in chargo of
the bill say that it would certainly be
cut all to pieces if it went before a
caucus, and that they prefer to rely upon
the power of Mr. Cleveland, whose ideas
the bill fully represents, to force the bill
through congress and silence the demo
cratic opposition thereto. Much de
pends upon the character of the bill,
which will presumably be made public
this week or next, as to whether it can
be forced through congress.
O. A. Farley of Craig has secured a
patent on a windmill governor.
Albert Wagner of Scribner, who was
injured last June by a falling pane of
glass, died last week from his injuries.
Mosher, the Lincoln bank wrecker,
arrived at Sioux Falls, & D., last Wed
nesday, and was duly incarcerated in the
federal prison.
John Wallich of Grand Island, furni
ture dealer, once auditor of the state, has
assigned for the benefit of bis creditors,
his debts amounting to $11,000.
Miss Foster, teacher of chemistry in
the Beatrice High school had her right
arm amputated because of blood poison
ing resulting from a "ring around" on
her thumb.
An air line from Omaha to Duluth is
a possibility of the future. All that is
lacking is the money and the push nec
essary to perfect the enterprieo. An
enormous business awaits it. Bee.
The Omaha World-Herald says that
when the canal scheme shall come before
the voters of Omaha with the proper
safeguards, it will be carried by a prac
tically unanimous vote; but it must be
a square-toed proposition without any
frills or furbelows.
The fact that Nebraska beet sugar was
awarded the first prize, a gold medal, at
the World's Fair, is somewhat gratifying
to state pride, especially as it was taken
in an open competition with Germany,
France, Russia, Austria and other coun
tries. H. C. Ackerman, n farmer living about
fifteen miles southeast of MoCook, com
mitted suicide Sunday afternoon by
snooting himstilf A Swede hired man
employed by Ackerman had taken the
glanders from n horse he was doctoring
for that disease. The Swede died from
the terrible malady. This and the fear
that other persona might take the fatal
disease evidently prayed on Ackermaa's
mind and aelf -destruction was the result.
Says the Raehville Standard: Mrs.
Heddick, a widow living on Wolf creek,
was severely beaten by an Indian last
Wednesday. The Indian waa drunk, and
was captured a few days afterward. It
is thought that he waa hired to do this
villainous act. The lady was a witness
on an important ease that will come up
in court. H it can be proved that he
waa hired by anyone there will be lively
times on Wolf creek in which Judge
Lynch may take a part.
kssParfc ssMHtad! vis: JoaaMePfcHHas. Jena A. 1
oftlsBejneyeottoaamrfSr"" " Barrows, of I
MToadtaeexMeUtioBeofl ua&W J. W. faaeeewr, Bsjinw.
The sad
has gone far beyond the expectations
those whs established it. The
tipaa of the test year have been entirely
satisfactory to the eastern wivwholderi,
and iastraotions have bean given to run
vary department to ita-fall
The force ef employes is
from TOteWfc steam
and a large output hi assured for ths
coming year. Ths praaaet of ' thlsiriU
fnd ready aate, and Kearney ia to be
oongratalated. If one ootton mill can
moli a Ine record, there no
why other eottom mills should
Bet he in operation ia other parte of the
state. Bach esteWiehments will make
Nebraska not oar wealthy, but give ue
a population of prodacers ia cotton
goods aa well aa ia agriculture.
At the trial of Loam P. Norberg, the
bailiff who was convicted of tampering
with a jury in a case in which the Omaha
Street Railway Company was a party,
the fact was developed that all of the
bailiffs were enjoying the privilege of
carrying annual passes issued by the
street railway company in their pockets.
When the entire bench met behind
closed doors to determine what course
the court should pursue in the, Norberg
case, the question of why the street.rail
way company should furnish court bail
iffs with annual passes was rtiaonenod.
No valid reason could be discovered and
it was agreed that the men should return
their pasteboards or resign. Not want
ing to resign the men nave sent their
pennon back, while they now walk or pay
fare. Thk Joubvak wonders how faany
of the judges had passes, and why they
wars iasued to them. -
Tbb general superintendent 'OTwthe
railway mail eervice, who has been I600
nectod with it almost since itaorganiza
tion, makes some recommendations in
his annual report which, although not
new, deserve tho serious attention of
congress. One of these is that some pro
vision be made for the families of postal
clerks killed in railway accidents. The
work of these faithful servants of 1 the
government is more perilous than that
of any other class of government em
ployes. According to the' last report of
the postmaster general, daring the pre
ceding four years thirty-two were killed
in accidents, 264 seriously injured and
289 slightly injured, a total of G85 cas
ualties. This shows the perilous char
acter of the service, and it would seem
to be only just that a great and wealthy
government should make reasonable
provision for the families of theeo public
servants who meet death at the posi of
duty. Another recommendation ie'ihat
the salaries of postal clerks be increased.
The work of this service is arduous and
requires more than ordinary intelligence
and the closest application. It ought to
be well paid for, and the salaries are not
now as liberal as they should be. JThe
efficiency of the railway mail servicewas
very much improved under the last'ad
mini8tration by a generous policy for the
encouragement of care and fidelity ist the
work. Nothing would so surely promote
these conditions as salaries that would
be a just return for the labor performed.
Omaha Bea ;,
Keaaee la Price.
On- November 15th, the price of 'the
Omaha Weekly Bee will be reduce to
65 cents per year. No other paper in'4he
country publishing 12 pages or col
umns of matter, can be had for leas than
$1.00 per year. This extremely low pice
is made by the publishers in order to
enable every English reading family in
Great West to read the greatest news
paper published in the west. 'In order
to induce readers and others to raise
clubs the following offer is made:
Two subscriptions will be received
for $1.25.
Five subscriptions will be received
for $3.00.
Ten subscriptions will be received
for $5.00.
On clubs of more than ten the price
will be 50 eta. for each subscription.
Do not fail to take advantage of this
offer. When sending in your own sub
scription, send us one or more orders for
your friends and neighbors. Send us an
order for your friends in the east who
should be told of the great resources of
this state. The Bee publishes more
western news than any other paper in
this country, and- makes the best immi
gration document' that can be sent east.
Address all orders to
Thb Bbb PvBUBHnra Co., .
Omaha, Neb.
A vebt heavy earthquake shook occur
red at 11:52 Monday morning at Mon
treal, lasting about fifteen seconds. It
was felt to a greater or leas extent in
Quebec and eastern Ontario.
English Spavin Liniment removes all
hard, soft or calloused lumps and blem
ishes from, horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs,
gplints, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles,
gprams, Sore and Swollen Throat,
Coughs, etc. Save $50 by use of 'one
bottle. Warranted the most wonderful
Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by C.
B. Stillman, druggist. 26novlyr
Tbb Chicago, Milwaukee k St Paul
;y is tne only line running solid vest-
I, electric lighted and steam heated
between the Missouri river and
Chicago, consisting of new palace Bleep
ing cars, elegant free reclining chair
cars, luxurious coaches and the finest
dining cars in the world. The berth
reading lamp in its palace
patented and cannot be used byany
other railway company. It is the great
improvement of the age. Try it aad be
convinced. Close connection in union
depot at Omaha with all trains to. and
from the west. For further particulars
apply to your ticket agent, or
F. A. Nash, Genl Agt.
W. 8. Howbxx,
Traveling Frt. and Pass. Agt,
lljantf 1501 FarnamSL, Omaha, Neb.
VtheumatiMa Cures' ia a Day. "Mys
tic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neuralgia
radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its action
upon the system is remarkable and mys
terious. It removes at once the cause
and the disnatn immediately disappears.
The first dose greatly benefits, 75 cents.
Sold by A. Heintz, druggist, Colum
bus, Neb. 14-y
Wtea Bsliy wss sick, ws gave fcer Cssteris.
Wscs) shs was CaBJ, she cried for Csatoris.
gVOT srWaBa. sWSBw y
Notice is
mt tee saumriac
rfstsitssUosTto eoswsto aad Bssfes iasl araof la sapsw
elsfaa. aad that sasi atasff will as ssiis
tfcsCWkrf Uy D&ristCeart at Cat;
TteaarXakan sJrV Sap, for efcsl
of sis
W. H
ti. toweaia
Because it is a genuine article.
Because he had to
isly creditors.
Because he is selling: goods
away down, no
they cost.
Because he always carried
nice assorted stock.
We will give you an additional discount of TEN PER CENT on our PLAIN RED
FIGURE MARKS. We have a large stock of them and can please everybody. Pa
rents, please bear this in mind.
Our assortment of HATS are large and must be sold no matter what they bring.
Our OVERCOATS are moving very rapidly. Do you wonder? Prices are what
counts in our days.
Our BOYS' and MEN'S SUITS are keeping pace with O'Coats.
We have a few medium weight Suits. Can be worn the year 'round. Make your
own prices.
Our stay here is limited. We have business elsewhere and must sell every dollar's
worth of goods before we go. Keep it in mind. Don't delay and feel sorry afterwards.
We have a nice Heating Stove for sale cheap ; also two nice new Show Cases and
other Fixtures generally kept in a first-class Clothing Store.
Staple and Fancy Groceries
Lamps, Glassware,
Queensware, Etc.,
As Can be Found in This Section of Nebraska.
.The very jhighest market price paid in trade for
Drink Habit !
Also Tobacco, Morphine and
other Narcotic Habits.
IVPriTSte treatment siren if desired.
S3 8HOE xoTVrr.
rarnaf Wine sad h emJ try a pair.
rag avs
SSShas, Thw fit snails cartas aafcaMbekaaf
earatvef. If ym whs fc hs hyesr fcshnar,
seMsyssrchstlsf W. LOaatSssat. ntaeaai
arlcssavwMMnassilaai iesklsritwsai YMSiy
W.IPOOGLA,isslsa, Mass SaUky
efOatarioVstsriaaryCollsas CMBsjI
MB .aM.smmffsBJaV'
smVmi lasammmmmBmBmL :smmmmmmmmmwUclfl
Is Still the Talk
do it to sat-1
matter what f
MAYER, Assignee.
Will Illustrate
To yon the advantage of buying
From him. If a splendid stock
and low prices cat any
.figure, you will
be satisfied.
Always on hand.
Hisstock of
Dry Goods
Is large, well selected and
everything yoirwant will
be found in stock
at low fignres.
tW Country pfodnce a spe
cialty, and always taken at
cash prices. All goods deliv
ered free.
Telephone No. 22.
sUeweaU Street, Celaaiwaa, Heo
of Platte County.
BmBuBmBMmtsmMsBUamAmg' I
sTSSAVBSBwVavsrsWaaaTvsja I
? Because the people are aware
of the fact and avail them-
selves of the opportunity to
i save dollars in THESE
dollar saved is TWO made.
I These facts ARE ACKNOWL-
What is
Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Iafitata
and Children. It contains neither Opiaun, Morphine) nor
other Narcotic substance. It is a haraaleM aabstitnte)
for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing; Syrups, and Castor Oil.
It is Pleasant. Its guaraatco is thirty years'. uso hy
Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worses and allays
foTcrishness. Castoria prevents vomiting; Sour Curd,
cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relievos
teething troubles, cures constipation and flatnloncy.
Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the
and bowels, civinff healthy
toria is the Children's Panacea tho Mother's Friejed.
Castoria Is aa excellent medidaa tar enlt
dren. Mothers bato repeatedly told me ofiu
good aftect apoa their childrea."
Da. O. C Osbood,
Lowell, Mam.
Castoria Is tho bt remedy for childrea of
which I am acquainted. I hope the day is not
far distant when mothers willcoasider the real
interest of their children, and use Castoria, in
stead of the rariousquack nostrums which are
destroyia? their lored ones, by forcing opium,
morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful
agents dowa their throats, thereby Beading
1 to premature grsTes."
Da. J. F. Cccchslos,
Conway, Ark.
Tke Oamtaar
MONEY TO LOAN ON FARMS st lowest rates
.ntTHV r.KiDINri INUllPlVr'V (IIUUIUIUI.I .1 or 11 A
Notary Public always in office.
Farm and city- property tarsal".
. lk collect ions of foreign inheritances and
01 Europe.
tne mwi une nil is nae. uneaeo adjusted, and nromotlT Daul at this n
1H J m.V SK.L
f isiuj,an cicb jruau
sati for Blast, Falls. Tallow.
Ut Mrtwi, twt Dttn Xwrtk
51 All If.
mm sum, Gums.
and natural sloop.
"Castoria is so well sdiatsdtoesMrsa ami
I recommend BasaBfariorlaaawaiaiajsaMsa
knowa to ae."
H. A.Aacaaa,sLD
111 So. Oxford St. BroosJya, M. T.
' Oar physicians ia the children's depart
ment haTO spoken highly of their experi
ence in their outside practic with Castoria.
and although we only have smoag our
medical supplies what is known as regular
products, yet we are free to confess that taa
merit of Castoria has woa us to look wias
favor upon it."
Units Host it l ax Ptwaaaiswl
Aixxx C. Smth. JYrs.,
T attract, new Xera Ossy.
of interest, on short or long tins, ia anions
realeatatein Plattoconat..
Oar farm policies sr
sll stesjaahlp tickets to and from all. par
f SMMafaaiaiiy.
tf the) lint feeiual
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