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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 22, 1893)
"Jfcv St jjKi A i. Jiami ii ji-Mg-.jrfrj- 3js , -r .-ie. --" -5, '-; Rvc I- -. JB M w ?ST . fc w." 4i VV " 'i'yv'i S 1 HMUMIMIIIM t , v'5y ;;-. m"-y hr Ctflumtm fourttaL zSa""" I. TURNER & CO., All U v.K-"foii bmo oC the writer, w the right to raieet say afaaeeript. MtontnittMM-V( desire aadcaaaot 3r3 Platte -parataly. Qheas lasts. WSDNESDAY. NOVEMBEB 22. 188J. EucniciTT ifl to be applied to the propulsion of canal boats. NKBB&azA's secretary in the pren deat's cabinet wm the first to be ready with bis annual report for the president's . consideration. A Gaxjzoxkia fruit grower has suc ceeded in raising olives by grafting them in willow. The same experiment might be made in Nebraska without much cost to the experimenter. Thkzz million (3,000,000) pounds of agar have already been turned out this year at the Norfolk factory, from 10,000 tons of beets. The Grand Island factory will run about two weeks longer. The cold wave last week extended from . the Mississippi to the Atlantic as far south as the gulf, with the temperature 15 to 18 degrees below the normal, a terrific snow storm in New York, assum iag bhczard proportions at times. It was Henry Wat terson who said that if-democrats nominated Grover Cleve land they would "march tnrougu a alamghter-house to an open grave." The Inter Ocean calls attention to the fact that Henry's associate in the platform pairing at Chicago, Larry Neal, has been through both. A keechant at Grand Bapids, Michi gan, who had been troubled by burglars, - so arranged a camera focused on the money drawer, that a calcium light was flashed and a photograph taken at the instant the drawer was opened. Three young men were arrested, and when con fronted with their picture, confessed to the crime. .The Republican party stands up for the old flag, for protection to American industries, protection to American work ers of every class and color, and for gold and silver money and paper as good as 'either. It has stood there through the storm and battle and will be found right there in 1896. It has no history it wants forgotten. Inter Ocean. Attention is called to the fact that all the presidents elected by the republi cans were born in Ohio, excepting Abra ham Lincoln, and he was born in the neighboring state, Kentucky. It might as well be added to this that Allison and .McKinley, the two most prominent names before republicans for nomination next lime, were born in Ohio. Richard Baddatz, a young genius of Oshkosh, Wiso, has invented a torpedo ' boat, cigar-shaped, 50 feet long, 8 feet in 'diameter, with a dome in the center, and completely equipped with electrical 'appliances for heating, lighting, manu facturing air, &c It can be raised and lowered, and is as lively as a fish in get ting through the water. It is pronounc ed a marvel of inventive genius. Texas does not want free wool; Lou isiana is against free sugar; Alabama does not want the duty taken off of iron ore; Virginia does not like the notion of free coal, and as the entire southern del egation will, doubtless, be opposed to an increase of internal revenue taxes on whiskey, the democratic party in charge of the machinery at Washington are at a loss to know where the congressmen are to come from who will vote for free trade. At the Fifth annual convention of the Knights of Labor last week, Mr. Pow derly took occasion to very emphatically deny the statement that had been made that he and two or three members of the executive board were in conspiracy to obtain control of the property of the organization, viz: $70,000 at headquar ters, $130,000 worth of coal lands in Indiana and $150,000 worth of real estate in New York, and would disrupt the organization to gain their purpose. He declared the story absolutely false. Whatever faults may be charged against Mrs. Mary Lease, that of uncer tainty and indirectness of speech is not oae of them. As' to the populist party in "Kansas she says: "No party has ever been disgraced with more corrupt men than are some of those who held posi tions of treat under the populist admin istration.'' The trouble is that corrup tion is not a matter of party, and one of 'the anwritten and almost unthought-of Mistakes of the populists was, that by tha organization of a new party they weald eliminate corruption, and all aadae innaenoes in politics. Human stare is much the same all around. Ik the November number of the Re view of Reviews is an article outlining the origin a&d extension of the remarka ble "Gothenburg System" of controlling the liquor traSc, and discussing the qaestioa of the probable success in ap plying this Scandinavian method to ican conditions. The article is I apon a report issaed by the "De- ator Labor" at Washington and d by Dr. -E. B. L. Goald. one of the) statistical experts of that fonrt. asat Or. Gould states that since the iatiadactkm of the system in the muni eipakty of Gothenburg, Sweden, in 1865, aaity which has made experi aasat of the system has abandoned it The disadvantages observable today are fsr the BMst part due to the particular l of ecrietincr law rather than in f Ka itself. Its strength is in the ice "preventive rather than re 7 efforts." and in tha feet that iteYor0ttklqaortranfeiroBi politics. AC Coins Oast sear W LvHtac wnMLiyg thrseaiaM,.... ....... "" ftiMilAiiMi-" HW i nm a their sloe ot-ieaV .??&SgSiR!SS5?M5r letter muted foe. Beatittsaces sheaM be Mde SSShrSMrriawIStKrf IsttsrordiBft, VU.tolb.Scteo MfMtTmamitCo. What Dee Clevekad Mean ? The people want to know the worst about this Hawaiian business. What is Mr. Cleveland's minister doing there now? Can it be possible that the ad ministration has dared to menace the Hawaiian government without first tak ing advice of Congress and the people without even declaring its purpose? Can it be possible that American guns are bain prostituted to set up the rule of vies and ignorance over that of enlight enment and progress, and to surround a jt civilized ynnnV woman with the monkey-show of a preposterous mon archy? This is what an American Sec retary of State, prancing around in Quixotic extravaganza, has actually pro posed. Is it already ordered? The peo ple are entitled to know. Has Mr. Willis gone to Hawaii with a letter of credit in one hand and a sword in the other to give President Dole first a greeting and then a blow? The President cannot be in too great a hurry to say to the people all there is to say on this subject New York Tribune. Tie Democratic Presldcat. The Butler County Press, an anti monopoly democratic paper, has some clear-cut notions about the present ad ministration: "When the president called congress together in extra session he said he was desiroas of hearing from the people. He heard from them. The industrial classes all over the country begged of him not to destroy silver, but. Wall street and all the foreign bourses told him he must The wail of hungry humanity, and. the appeal of the unemployed had no weight with him. He listened to the siren song of foreign shylocks, and the people re membered it at the polls. He can enjoy the distinction of being the last demo cratic president which this generation will live to Bee, but it won't be a pleasant retrospect in after years. It will be a distinction that will command the hatred and not the affection of his countrymen." WasbtagtoR letter. From our regular correspondent. America's would-be Caesar has taken a step that cannot fail to givo his admin istration a very undesirable place in his tory. It was the outspoken sympathy and moral support of the government of the United States extended to those who believe in a republican form of govern ment, by every President from Washing ton to Harrison, that drove monarchy and its trappings from this continent It would be utterly impossible to por tray the indignation felt in Washington when it was officially announced that Mr. Cleveland had ordered that the American sailors and marines, now in the harbor of Honolulu, should assist in de stroying the republican form of govern ment in Hawaii and restoring that of the deposed Queen. At first it could scarce ly be believed that the administration would dare take such a step, but it was soonsfound that it was all too true, and that the United States had a President willing to abuse the trust reposed in him by the people so far as to aid in restoring a deposed monarchy to power. - This is the way one of his apologists puts it: "The President has no idea that force of arms will bo necessary. Had he anticipated such a necessity, instead of two American vessels in the harbor of Honolulu there would be half a dozen." In other words, the President was deter mined that the corrupt Hawaiian mon archy should be restored, if it took the whole strength of our navy to do it Before these lines are read the infamous course began by the hauling down of the American flag will probably have been completed by the wiping out of a repub lican government and the seating of a Queen by force and under the personal orders of a President of the United States. The indignation felt by republicans is fully shared by many democrats, and more than once the remark has been publicly made, "Cleveland ought to be impeached for this." Not a few people believe that the money of Claus Spreck els, the Hawaiian sugar king, has been an important factor in bringing about this disgraceful denouement. Sprockets spent a week in Washington a short time ago and he made no secret of his belief that the administration would restore the Queen, but everybody thought at that time that the idea was too prepos terous to be even seriously considered. Whether this matter is taken up by Congress will depend somewhat upon the news from Hawaii. Should the very unusual position taken by the adminis tration result in bloodshed, as naval officers and others familiar with the sit uation on the islands predict, there will be some very plain talk in Congress and it will not all come from republicans, either. Mr. Cleveland has long been subject to fits of the sulks when things did not go to suit him, and he is now in the midst of one of the worst he has ever had, in Washington. He has been to the White House only once since the election and that was to attend a cabinet meet ing. One of the cabinet was heard to remark after the meeting, "The old man's as cranky as a sick bear," and it is understood that he has snnbbed nearly every man who has seen him since the great democratic defeats. , This administration is certainly con trary, if it is nothing else. It has been kept so busy finding fault with and try ing to undo everything that was done by the Harrison administration that it has done nothing itself. One of the latest cases of fault finding is contained in the annual report of the first assistant Post master Genera, which declares that the experiment of free mail delivery in small towns and villages is a failure and rec ommends that it be suspended at the close of the current year. The report very graciously admits tliat the free delivery was when first established in the small towns and villages received with satisfaction and delight, but it then makes the remarkable statement that as soon as the novelty wore off the resi dents found it more convenient to call at the village post office for their mail than to have it brought to their houses by the carriers. I have not the data to dispute the assertion that the village free mail delivery is a failure, although I believe that the residents of the villages in which the experimental service now ex ists will, through their Congressmen, successfully do so. The improvement in government finances which Mr. Cleveland and Secre tary Carlisle were so positive would immediately follow the repeal of the purchasing clause of the silver law has not yet made its appearance. So far in me moniu or jxovemoer tne govern ment's expenditures have averaged about $200,000 a day more than its receipts from all sources. However the heaviest payments for the month have been made, and the deficit will grow less from now until the first of the month, when other large payments have to be made. English Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft or calloused lumps and blem ishes from" horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles, Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs, etc Save $50 by use of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by C. R.Stillman, druggist 26novlyr Pitcher's Castorla. ' 1 Oar Keigaeen. Linwood schools are olossd om aocoant of diphtheria. ? John Craig has bean elected president, of the CoKBsx county agricalbaral society. The Grant Sarsaparilla iwanpany hav bought a toarstecy bpildiag in Freaaoat; for their factory. It promises, ihsTrihw une says, to become one of Fremont's heaviest commercial institutions. Fac tories are the great help for any city. Butler, Cass, Gage, Lancaster, Otoe, Saline, Saunders and Seward counties are thinking of joining forces in a anion institute to beheld at Linoobi soeae time during the summer of "94. The State University would furnish lecture rooms, libraries, laboratories, etc. On Tuesday evening John McPherson and Peter Varley got into a fight in Fiala & Kudrna's saloon and a bad one it proved. They were later arrested and Judge Brown taxed McPherson up with $6.70 and Varley got fifteen days in jail as he has been an offender several times of late. Schuyler QuilL The receipts of the Monroe Loup bridge one day recently were $7.60 Sheldon & Welch's corn-crib is 136x28 feet. ...The section men on the U. P. railway are laying new steel rails on this branch tbisweek A Presbyterian church worrth $700 is to be built, Martin Yorhees leading the subscription list with 8200.-fLookingGla8. Mrs. Taylor, mother of the Taylor boys and who keeps house for her son Tom, met with a very Berious -accident Satur day forenoon. She stepped to her door to throw out some water, when she slip ped on the snow and fell, fracturing her hip. The injury is very severo and owing to her age it will take her some time to recover. At present she is very low. Leigh World. The affidavits presented in the Carle ton murder case pending in Dodge coun ty, charge that two of the jurors made a statement since the trial that they be lieved him guilty before the trial and that the evidence did not change their opinion. There is also an affidavit on file that one of the jurors was drunk in a saloon after he was impanneled, but before the trial commenced. Miss Matie flimes has visited every family in her school district How many of our teachers have done the same in a three months' term? Too often the teachers do not visit a family in the dis trict during a term excepting that of the school director, and then only to get the order for his month's wages. The par ents and teachers should be on the best of terms, so that the mental, moral and physical development of the child could be freely discussed and each may thus be aided in his work of training the future generation. As a rule the teacher is always gladly welcomed by both parents and pupils at their homes, but few of the teachers in this county have ever taken advantage of this opportunity to become more thoroughly acquainted with the child's homo-lifo and surroundings, a very valuable aid to the teacher in dis ciplining the pupil's mind. Schuyler Sun. A family by the name of Collins, living near Horse Creek, met lately with a series of .accidents, which, although not resulting very seriously, were at least quite annoying. First, one of the boys happened to be playing under a wagon loaded with corn, when the father, ignor ant of the fact, started up the team running over the boy's head, mangling both ears and bruising his face consid erably. Dr. Binney was called and for a time was fearful that the injury was serious, but the boy is doing nicely. Next, a girl was kicked by a horse and hurt quite badly. Then a boy was hook ed by a cow, his face being considerably lacerated. And finally the old man cut his shin on a barbed wire and had it patched up while the doctor was on one of his visits. No one blamed the mother for crying out "my God what next" The old man took it philosophically and thought "the old woman would pull through." Fullerton Journal. NEBRASKA. R. Barr is on trial in Cuming county, charged with biting a piece out of an-' other man's lip. Colonel Buffalo Cody has turned over $2,000 of his World's Fair profits to the churches of North Platte. Francis Robar and Willie McGown, the lads who burglarized the Racket store at Fairfield, were sentenced by Judge Hastings to serve the remainder of their minority years in the reform school. The conservatory of music at Lincoln was badly damaged to the extent of $3,000 by fire last Wednesday afternoon supposed to originate by some one carelessly dropping a match in the southeast corner of the basement Culbertson is jubilant over the irriga tion ditch now nearly completed to Blackwood creek, thirty miles from the headgates at Palisade. Corn 90, and potatoes 200 bushels to the acre was the product this year, with irrigation. Governor Crounse pardoned Frederick Pulver, a convict who distinguished him self in the penitentiary fire. Pulver was night fireman, and stood at his post with the roof blazing above his head in order that the water supply might not be shut off. The checking up of the accounts of city treasurer Forbes of Fremont shows a deficit approximating $3,000, which will have to be made good by his bonds men, directors in the Commercial Na tional and Fremont National, banks. Forbes denies any guilt in the matter. George Lovett, while working on a pile driver used in building a bridge over the Elkhorn, one mile south of Stanton, last Wednesday, fell thirty feet, striking his head on some timbers and crushing his skull; it is thought that he is fatally in jured. A piece of bone about two inches square was taken from his head. He is a married man about 27 years old and has two small children. The taxpayers of South Omaha have formed a league and hold regular month ly meetings. At the last meeting D. Anderson submitted a report on the transactions of the school board, giving the league quite a number of pointers, looking toward the cutting down of ex penses and the consequent lowering of taxes. There is here a suggestion for other localities on county as well as city matters. Ex-County Treasurer E. C. Hocken berger of Grand Island, was formally placed under arrest Wednesday, at the instance of the County Board of Saper- li!?iiis?MsfiKa mi hiuin ha X i X z l l Z Z Z Z l l efl i i -'! r a1- as I illiiitl - t : : i i !i ; t ; lilt to t BC5JCQ'5H IlJl. BB "B 0j m so CO m m m m cs? &Sco?K25:?'3' 6 a?B 5a 2? o s"S.ere'S a :&? KeB3 KSSffSS , Cos was ?Ii!l3Pi mA VTZ visors and at once gave bail in the sum of 95,000. The hearing was continued to January 15. Mr. Hockenberger was re cently reported short by the expert accountant in the sum of $6,400. He has made no effort to get away and is ready to face the result. In the county court at Osceola the eleven defendants, who were arrested on charge of nnlawf ul assemblage and riot, pleaded guilty to the first count, and were fined $5 and costs, amounting to 81 each. This settled it, as the second charge was dismissed. Miss Annie Sny der, one of the prosecuting witnesses, had caused the defendants to be arrested a second time, but was not present and the complaint was dismissed. On Tuesday last a trial test of T..B. Kail's new engine was made at the Nor folk foundry, and the powerful little machine proved a success in eyery res pect. Mr. Kail's invention will revolu tionize the use of steam as a motive force, as by it he gets fully a third more power from the same amount of steam and fuel as was previously obtained under the old nattern of engines. He is anxious to form ar stock company and manufacture the engines at Norfolk, and the Journal hopes that the men of means of this city will take hold of the project at once. Messrs. Doughty & Bullock, who view the matter from a practical business standpoint, stand ready to take a fourth interest in such a company, and with that much of a start there should be no trouble to secure the balance of the stock subscriptions. Nor folk Jour nal. Letter List. List of letters remaining in the post office at Columbus, Nebraska, for the week ending Nov. 21, 1893: Peter Henricb, 8. Mahmr, RolU Talbot, Wm. Smith. R. Spriagetead, A. Wiskermh, R. A. Saunders, Jane Comedy Co., Charles Hunter, Norbert Loaka, W. H. Graves, Mra. Adolf Schad. Parties calling for the above letters will please say "advertised." Cam. Kbahkr, P. M. Thk Chicago, Milwaukee A St. Paul By is'the only line running solid veet ibuled, electric lighted and steam heated trains between the Missouri river and Chicago, consisting of new palace sleep ing cars, elegant free reclining chair cars, luxurious coaches and the finest dining cars in the world. The berth reading lamp in its palace sleeping cars is patented and cannot be used by any other railway company. It is' the great improvement of the age. Try it convinced. Close connection in union depot at Omaha with all trains to and from the west. For further particulars apply to your ticket agent, or f F. A. Nash, Gen'l Agfcai W. a Howkll, Traveling FVt. and Pass. AgtV lljantf 1501 Farnam St, Omaha, Neb. Rheumatism Cures' in a Day. "Mys tic Cure'' for Bheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mys- terious. It removes at once the cause and the disease immediately disappears. The first dose greatly benefits, 75 cents. Sold by A. Heintz, druggist, Colnm bus, Neb. 14-y "When Baby M ride, ire gave ker GMtorta. TVfeea abe was a Child, abe cried for Caatoria, Whea aha hwme !, afce chiac to Caatoria. Wkeari kad ChOdrea, abe gar itteaa Caatorin. FINAL PROOF NOTICK. LandOCoeatOraadIaaBd.Nb ) Kor.Mta.lHt. i Notice ia benbf cirea tbat the followiac- huhu mum m im awn bis i.auiua 10 coawwite aadiaalre aaal proof iaaapport of hU elaiat.aadthataaid aroof trill ha aaale hatbra the Clerk of the D&rictCeait at Cotaabaa, Neb oaDeeeaabM-ad.lSH.rix: JohaDeataa. Timber Cabaie eabrNo. UB,tor the W. 8. W;H aeeUoa It, towaahip Ifl raaaa S mat, eth P Ma " He aaaMa tha followiac rritaeawa to prore bia eoatiaaoae wwidaarB apoa aad ealtiratioa of. aaid laad. rix: Job MePaiUipa. Jeha a! OriffafTwiUiaai Joaepb, Naoalnmi,'o( JtW.Wwamvot, ': 2.: Si Z3oS: 2: S: S iij-miftr 1 1 1 1 1 ill i FfT ihl: Jll !!: : : 1 t ! : t : ! f : i : 1 ? I j I H : : t : I ; I : 1 i ! fgltiflfM-0!?:?:-: 233: : i : ? 3: :r3: if:: S i S: 2: : : : ' . : : 5: B: ' : : ! ! : : s : s : : i : 5 J s : : 5 : s : t : J : i : i : : : I : ? &Ea 3e2J s-2 a 5s.s.r 5: : : grr?: : ?t F ?! g :!? : t :::::::::: ;": :::;::::::::-::: p5fiptejfe iisiilp;if ! fT lirff s? if! f fsr 5 5 2: wo: : : s s 5: : : b: !:: ::::a::2!t: I! I i :::::: g: : ! vSfi V a r 9. " T : s2.5s:s: : : : : : s 3: : : : : 5: : !- - ?: : fs- i k es 4? n sefc s icc5o2!s3iSfs:?:fi2a- 85?SgasK5i-r5l-aE tf w. " C3 Ml L2,q- 3111 "S !;;!; 0 " a- a: 52 e al : 2: 3: fi S S5fi3? vmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm -sMAYER'Ss- Ass Because it is a genuine article. ? Because he had to do it to sat- s isfy creditors. Because he is selling goods away down, no matter what 1 they cost. I Because he always carried a nice assorted H inn We will give you an additional discount of TEN PER CENT on our PLAIN RED Z FIGURE MARKS. We have a large stock of them and can please everybody. Pa- rents, please bear this in mind. 4" Our assortment of HATS are large and must be sold no matter what they bring. - Our OVERCOATS are moving very rapidly. Do you wonder? Prices are what -counts in our days. - z Our BOYS' and MEN'S SUITS are keeping pace with O'Coats. - We have a few medium weight Suits. Can be worn the year 'round. Make your -own prices. Our stay here is limited. We have business elsewhere and must sell eyery dollar's. -worth of goods before we go. Keep it in mind. Don't delay and feel sorry afterwards, z We have a nice Heating Stove for sale cheap ; also two nice new Show Cases and Z other Fixtures generally kept in a first-class Clothing Store. MAURICE A. MAYER, J JOSEPH B. .UUUUUiUUUUUUUiUUUUUUUUUUiUmiUUUiUiUUUK HENRYRAGATZ fc CO, KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND A FULL LINE OP Staple and Fancy Groceries, ALSO AS FINE AN ASSORTMENT OF Lamps, Glassware, Queensware, Etc., As Can be Found in This Section of Nebraska. &,The very highest market price paid in trade for country ELEVENTH ST., COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA. Dr. CLARK'S INSTITUTE FOB TBI TREATMENT OF THX Drink Habit ! ' Also Tobacco, Morphine and other Narcotic Habits. EVPriTate treatment siren if desired. 'COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA. ISaprtf W. L. DOUGLAS S3 8HOE .oTVtp. Dajwaeerfaw? What awt h aiai kj a ptir.1 MtlntlMiwvrM. 3.W 2.51 $2.25 2.ft l.7 nit aits 2.ft 7 KvaswaatifatDKSS SHO&ajaithftaialait iyay$3,$3J$4.00ar tMaj.aWt an $$, try vewMvA'ifyaawbhteMeeaetlalaTawfMlMar. aaaw aj aaTW Vlaj aaaaaa vap vefaffi SHavaj flRaB Mvri aPaav aasebvaar' .W.L DwgU Swat, Raawaai friritaaa jMbatbxa,leakjrKwhMMiBiy souoj K G-RIFFEN & GrRAY. 5jalr-9ai I VAX EE, VETERINARIAN. OraaaaUof Oatario Veterinary College. OSes sssKawartstera. isbtb uiiPMait tlM.Vi Y2t 12.16 V.1B mWM mmmkM FIIIikBkVlyPBkgg IGNEE'SSALE! Is Still the Talk jBjsttiftfffmaajsjajftuAat " WHY stock. MAYER, Assignee. produce.' Maj27,'l-tf J. B. Will Illustrate To yon the advantage of buying your GROCERIES From him. If a splendid stock and low prices cat any figure, you will be satisfied. D E TIE FINEST FLOW Always on hand. -:o: L His stock of Dry Goods S Is large, well selected and everything you want will be foHnd in stock at low figures. M A N -:o: Country produce a spe cialty, and always taken, at cash prices. AH goods deliv ered free. Telephone No. 22. UTY ft EIIELUI, ttxKixsa ia FB6SH AMD SALT MEATS, Bsrsaa Stesst, ColmmbM, Mb m of Platte County. - BABAajmsjsjsAttde.HsAn aaaajy m a u" mmimny Because the wi vuc selves of 3 3 1 HARD AUY O dollar saved is TWO made. VV rl I f i These facts ARE ACKNOWL- irjf .KlMJJiUJ Mm What is Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Imfiuats and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphia nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless snfcstitnto for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' nso by millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Soar Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic Castoria relievos teething troubles, cures constipation aad flatulency. Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy aad natural sloop. Cat toria is the Children's Panaceathe Mother's Friend. Castoria. . Caatoria is aa excellent medicine for chil dren. Mothers hare repeatedly told me of iu good effect upoa their children." Da. O. C. OaaooD, Lowell, Mass. Castoria is the best remedy for children of which I am acquainted. I hope the day is not far distant when mothers will consider the real interest of their children, and use Caatoria ia stead of therarioasqaacic aostrosaa which are destroying their lored ones, by.forcia; opium, morphine, aoothiac syrup aad other hurtful agents dowalbeir throat thereby seeding then to prenii turn grsres' - 'i-- Da. J. F XrxcHSboc Coaway, Ark. Tfc Caatewr TX'Mi OUS.G.BEOIIEK. LEOPOLD JAWOr. EuUbliahe! 1870. BECHER, JCGGI & CO., REAL - ESTATE - LOANS - INSURANCE, COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA. tosSiffiffil." N FARM8tlo' intereat.on.hort or loa. time.!, amoai' BONDED ABSTKACTER8 OF T1TLK toall realeetateia Platte coant ...THKLEADING IN8UKANCE COMPAorXwaOarf-.u. NoTblicaWin Farm sail city property for sale. of Ea,,eCU0,U,0,f0njiB ittheriUa nd W.T. RICKLY, SF'xesla. SaJ.t"iLecLta -, FmUtj, ui Pmk Pfjb. ITt Mrttl, tw DtSft Itftk ksamamatameV am futf-i .kl people are aware xaj cutu avail UltUU- the opportunity to save dollars in THESE TIMES, and OTTR BY AT.T, a l 1. I manamm ""J I UUlUl lirteeotb Street, CoMbis. u Castoria. "Castoria faso welli I rccommead it aa aw parlor teaayi fcnowa to me." H. A.AacaaB,LIX. Ill So. Oxford St., BrooaJya, W. T. "Oar pbyafdoas la the chfldraa's ( meat have spokea highly of their enee ia their oataide practice with Castoria. and although we only bare lanag oar medical supplies what ia kaowa as lagalsi products, yet we are free to mafias thai lbs merits of Castoria baa woa as to took ' favor upoa It." Uxrrsa HosnTAi. An Dm - m Allen C Sstrm, iVr. ,y stjrswt, mmw Xavk Orr, ' H. F. J. HOCKENBBKOEft' ' I.aiBBERNSEN. 7. -UaaiaUp Uekato to sad from all par All Kiifa sf Smssts a -. sf ih ifrn Ititptl .; e ."V .. 1 y . r.. .. JJ?E-Si. Si'.b-. I i5s&i.'-r. ' - . - t. . -' . " , .--. -W--.X, c .. '-'.. JiW i ;.. .,S-,c?Sr"iQ. jtss& &' .v'lC&Srj-jZ- -4r-. ". --"'