s -t ,- - -V VOLUME XXIV.-NUMBER 22. COLUMBUS; NEBRASKA, WEDNESDAY, siTEMBEll 13, 1809: WHOLE NUMBER 1,218 w '..--y Cfllumlras lotmtal m ttr r - - " - THE OLD RELIABLE Columbus - State - Bank J 024st Buk la tfca 8Ut4 Pays Inters! on Time Deposits AND Sales loans 01 Real Estate BiaHT DRAFT CM Osaka, Ckic&go, Kew Trk ami a Faraiga Camatria Will : 8TEAMSHI TIOXITIj, BUYS GOOD NOTES Amd Sal lu Cwtww 4n fear Naad Hal fFFICEBS AKD DIIKCTOlil LSiSSER QERRARD, Pres't. t B.K. HENRY, VioPret. JOHN 8TAUFFER, Gaiete U. BRUGGER, O. W. HUL8T. COMMERCIAL BANK -OF- COLUMBUS, NEB., -HAS AX- Authorized Capital of - $500,000 Paid in Capital, - 90,000 OFFICKKS. C. II. SIIELDOX. I'ns't. M. P. It. OEHI-KICH. Vice Prcs. CLARK r.KAY. Cashier. IANI EL SCHIiAM. Ass't Csb DIItUCTOKS. 51. M. W'lXPWiW, II. P. II. OEnMUCH, 11 fcltELl'OS. W. A. MCA LL1STEH, JoA6 Welch, ("AI1L ItlEXKU. STOCKHOLDEUS. F C. Grav, J Henry WonDEMAS, j iii:iIII(HPfiOSKE, JIENRY LOSEKE, ' 1.AKK (?.SAV, GEO. V. CAf.LEY. i IAN1EI,CHI1AM, A. 1 II. OEHMUCn. , VilASIL ltOREH. J. P. ItECKLR ESTATE, ItEBECCA IlECKEK. Bank of deposit: Interest allowed on time dcpofeltf-: buy and sell exchange on United States and Kurope, and buy and sell avail aide securities. We shall be pleased to re ceive your business. We solicit your pat ronage. A.. DTJSSELL, axALSB Ir lni all Kinds of Pumps. PUMPS REPAIRED ON SHORT NOTICE. EUveath Street, on door weft of Hag el & Co'a. 6JaueS8-7 COLUMBUS Planing Mill. W tare luit osenpd a sawmill m M ,t.i ppaslta Bcurqeoer' flooring mill and are rr pirad to da ALL KINDS OF WOOD WOl'.Ii rachu Sash. mtnAm Poors, ""Oj iUWUIUlllgJ Store Fronts, Counters. Mouldings, Stairs, Stair Hailing, .Diiusiersj ocron sawin Turning, Planiu Of BTEEL AND IRON ROOFING AND SLDING. VAIlrdan ropOr attended to. tmiinu. Call HUNTEMANN BROS., JilSai Colombn. Nebraska. PATENTS Caveats tad Trade Marks obtained, and ll Put. nt buBinaMcondneted for SIODERATK KEKS. UUK 0riUlS IS OPPOSITE! 17. S I'lTIVT . ru, BDPLEI M Mills, OFKCE. Wabare&oeob-acen2iee,all bnainoee I telecranhed earlier in the ,inv ,n .. direct, hence we can transact patent boBines-n in i lclePraPna earner m tne 033. and ar- lea time and at LESS COST than thrum romnto from Waahinxton. Band model, drawing, or photo, with descrip tion. We advise if patentable or not, free of chart. Our fee not due till patent is sheared. A book, "How to-Obtain Patents," with refer acoes to actual djsnts in roar state, county or tows, ssmt free. Address Opposite Patent'Offioe, Washington, D. d -COMB TO The Journal for Job Work f M&MUML NEBRASKA NEWS Tlurt county independents haV n&tii inatcd a full ticket. Cass county ha VrOspccts for an im mense yield of. corn. Democrats and populists of Gage county will not fuse. The late fire at Auburn property valued at 7,000. wiped out j The republicans of York wi'l fiolu their county convention Se'pl. 30. There was a gro.it outpouring of peo ple in l.inccn ml Omaha on Lahordny. Iteatricciind (inge county have sent a big delegation so the Cherokee strip. Notwithstanding hard times there is J plenty of building going on m Bcifc Write. A Ilea trice man is negotiating for the purchase of the York h?c!iio light plant at The h)vn of Harrison, Sioux county, ? taking step- to become an incorpor ated village. K. Gilliland. an aged resident of Pawnee Citt, fell down a cellar way and broki' his arm. An attempt is being made to incor porate the town of Harrises IHc capital of Siouv county 1 teat ice, prCjxi-c- going extensively into street p.n ing in order to give work to the unemployed. ells circus followers fleeced a nu:n- l'Cr of people in Pawnee couuty out of Various sums of money. Itcatrice UirViian scientists are so plentiful thai they have rented & church in which to hold their services. Tire brolco out in the company" blacksmith shop at Port Miobrara. wliieh did :5" worth f ilamage. Tlie Hurllwrt it Leftwiteh circus is week, and Kushvillc won the hose team race. Kleven children with their families attended the silver wedding anniversa ry of Hon. and Mrs. A. Zimmerer al Nebraska City. I The twenty-third anmmt Meeting 'of the Loup and IJ!kln Unptist assoia I tion will be lieltt in Norfolk on Sept. -'S, ; '.'!, .in and Oci. 1. 1 Tlie Sons of Veterans of Papillion 1 will give a grand ball during the county fair for the purpose, of raising money to buy paraphernalia, i Mrs. llo-anna I'.radt, one of the early , pioneers of Gage countv, died last J week of ailments incidental to old age. She was in her 01 h year. (.eorge Wtiltiek. a boy of 12 years, who works in Swift's packing house at South Omaha, had his hand caught in the machinery and crushed to the wrist. Sheep raisers of Sioux county who shipped their wool in the spring are still waiting for return, the commis sion men being unable to sell at any price. M. E. O'Brien, sunerintendent of the state tish hatcheries at South Rend. .. ... . . ,,. , expects to have the finest fish exhibit ! , at the state fair that has ever yet been j made. , Tho fifth convention of the Christian , Edeavor societies of Cass county was held at Avoca and there was a large at tendance from all the towns in the county. The ltoston store at I was closed the other day but will likely be opened Ccdai Uapids by creditors, again as the sv-.rfrs arc greullv in excess of the Im- f oililies. v nue younir Hansom I.iehtv was plowing near tails t lty some unknown hunter discharged a shotgun and landed the shot in the boy's back. His inju- ries are severe. The democrats of Hitchcock county have had no organization for four years, but now they propose to get into shape and a mass convention has been called to arrange for consolidating the party. Says the Lyons Miroor: II. L. Twi ford of the reservation brought to town on Saturday a sample of winter wheat v.. ...., ..,, ,...o..,y, Muicn nwcncu at i if inc - i : ...i. :..i. r i i . x . tne rate of sixtv-cicht nounds to thi uusiici. A bad boy at Albion went along the street in the darkness of night and cut all the awning ropes within his reach, i and the authorities are now trvinir to ! locate tlie miscreant and bring'him to t justice. .loseph Vankirk, one of the promi- nent farmers on Davis Creek, who was hunting while on his way home from North Loup, was accidentally shot and ; instantly killed while putting his gun , in his vehicle. A thief stole a horse belonging to Ernest Smith southeast of I'rcmont and brought it to town and offered if for sale to several parties. The hosrc broke loose and returned to his master, but the thief was caught. i At the reunion at Urand Island the I various camps of the sons of veterans entered a competition prize drill which resulted as follows: First prize. Man dcrson camp. Central City; second Corp Kiel camp. Lincoln; third. Gibbon camp, Gibbon. The state of Nebraska gives free ed ucation to all desiring to become teach ers. The only State Normal School of fers two courses of instruction, each ending in a state certificate. For cir culars address I'res. A. W. Norton, Teru, Nebraska. Ransom Lichty, son of Samuel Lichtv, was plowing in his father's field in Rich ardson county when some hunter whose name is at present unknown discharged a shotgun and the boy was hit in the back. His injuries are severe, but mav not prove fatal. I Coad's Percheron horses were more successful in Chicago than at first re 1 ported. The ten horses that he exhib ited took nine money prize, one diplo I ma and two high compliments. Thev I will be shipped from Chicago to Lin 1 coin to add interest to the Nebraska state fair. ' C. C. Cannon of Schuyler was very seriously hurt by being thrown from his buggy while at the K. & M. depot. ' His horse was frightened by an incom ing train and dashed into the platform and overturned the buggy. The horse was not hurt, but the buggy was badly damaged and Mr. Cannon lies at hfs I home suffering from several broken ribs and severe bruises. I The Minden bnnd returned from tlie reunion last week winners of the first prize in the band contest. The infor- mntinn thnt Ihnr if ,-;..... u.i l luujjcmcui.-i cic juauc 10 give ine dovs I a welcome in keeping with the lionors I they had won. The ladies gathered flowers and made tnem into handsome boquets and were on hand when the train arrived to present them. Attor ney Hague in a few happy remarks welcomed the band home and expressed for the citizens the pleasure all felt over their success. They were given a grand supper. The residence of Ranker Chambers of Herman was burglarized the other day during the absence of the family and jewelry of considerable value was stolen among which was Mrs. Chambers' gold utcu, "".ceieu pa.roi vaiua Die cuff tt?LSand,th-?,?0(L:,e;velr The I . -w. .. wuy . , pro K,r ii. Jo go into winter quarter tt , observing eves of hundreds of farmers .Noi folk. It will .put the mad In Octo- rm other . who anj cominff in ' )Q' .. , , , , . I daily in search or purchasable lands, t'lie tiioiisa'nl people attended the Hav Siiriji-S iiremeu's toiirnnmeiit. Inst Vyc Priggs. the SvnictlsC horse- llurgjars br.ofce into . r&loo'n and drug1 store at Ifar.y and made a rich haul. In h'd kiioon they took about S2CO in money and goods, including several jugs of whisky, cigars, clothes and about $40 worth of lottery tickets. At the drug store they secured some money and a quantity of perfumery amounting in all to about $L'o. Ij. k Hirtcamson, the old Saunders 'xYhtv farmer who figured in a shoot ing atFuir at Lincoln a j-ear or more ago, in which a widow was involved, last week sued his son Joe at Wahoo for land deeded to him while the fath er's mind was unbalanced. The old man secured a 4"dgrteiil for SS30 and recovered tht PVnd. 1 ne recorded mortgage indebtedness for Thayer county for tlie month of Au- CUSt is as fnllmvs- Knrm mnrtcMCpi; filed. S2!.()78: farm innrtrrarps released. 51 .,(i!'(5: hling otcr releasing, S13.!s-.': eit3" mortgages filed, S4,;.tS; city Ulort gages released, S.,J7S; increase over liling, 6I,Hii; chattel mortgages, ij, SOl": released. SlOt.VSUc increase ever re leasing, ?t.3H. , At tc reunion in Grand Island the following resolution was passed by the -Nebraska organization by a unanimous vote: "That we denounce all tenden cies to make political capita' Out of the reunions, believing that all allusion to politics tends to hrWd iM3iv.nl aVid to - i ry n - lessen the muWVi- hi all meetinjrs. i Ohr cstn1rj3 should be void of all pol i ities ainl, if need be, of politicians.' I W. K. Glcasoti of HooU'Vis i nst 1 s ild his tine 'farm V. l-kettof Iowa j for a it(iLiiik- price, says the Norfolk 'cws, Northeastern Gebraska Innrisarp I in good demand. The fat'Ulmt 1C soil is unusnally nroduct'e .Viin good crops i always in'r."i m this portion of the men, ha-e inst lost Gumbo, onenf their I mo-,t promisiti"' hnr.sco. Mi- Hrin-irs w as speeding him Un th'e Iraek, and had xv.e bt a fjuarter, when the horse -udonly dropped dead. Gumbo made a record last year of l'iSO, and this year had paced a ouai ter in "JO seconds, and was giving promise of becoming ) one ot tlie fastest pacers on the turf. i ne loss is a severe one to the owners. Iwo brothers, John and Kutrene Miller, livimr W:rt hiilo; nnrthu-evt nf j Wii?ido. liecame involved in a quarrel l over a horse. John assaulted Eugene i with a knife, cutting an. ugly gash in i the ba-k of his head about six inches long and another in his left side alout four inches in length. ,!ohn is n bad man. Last week he chased two boys out of the Ileitis they were working "ill with his knife, lie fs now tinder ar rest At Tawnec City fire partially Ocstrov- ...1 .1 - , , - .4 .... ?"i . "".IV " ."V? : " li' ' 111111 Itllk T r- W -vna .-J mr . - o s Pi H Yh i V V .vi r nersville, !id., and L. A. tstebbms of th:i city. I he upper story was used """ ",t" Shannon for sleeniny rooms in- ili. i hotel :i.li,iininr .in,i rt,r i,:i.,,i,i ,. J "' .. ...... ....... j,..! poses by .Mrs. Kyau. The occupants barely hill lime to escape in their night 'utiles. The loss of bedding, wearing apparel and household furniture will exceed 100. Sheriff Wilkinson of Topeka, Kas., arrivc,i n Lincoln last week with re I Uisition papers for William Kenning, i who is charged with criminally assault ing a fomteen year old colored girl near Salina, Kas., some time ago. Ken- ninjr was found at work near Twenty- , s'xth and U streets and placed under i arrest by Deputy Sheriff Trimble and J Constable Mallorr. He was sullen and i had nothing to sav regarding tho crime ' he is charged with. Mrs. Minnie Heil. wife of Henry Heil of Syracuse, committed suicide by hang ing herself in an upper chamber of their dwelling. No cause it assigned for the act. save that she was laboring under a j tempora: y obbertttiort of milld, super induced by indisposition. She went up stairs, drove a nail or spike into the cor ner behind the door, stood on a stool, adjusted the cord around her neck, then tied the free end to the slnke. pushed . . . , ded her life. tne stooi asiue ana tuns en ' ..-, ,. . ,,.,., ., . , Milo K. Cody died at his residence in Elk Creek at the age of J'2 years. Mr. iir.islm lie nnnwln th. ,-niintf in is'.n jyt ii uin. w. tiiv lilUlllLia vi ;- 1 and had resided there ever since. He has filled most of the county offices and served one term in the legislature of this state. Though a poor man when he came by industry and economy lie had amassed quite a fortune and leaves his wife and three children well pro vided for. W. H. II. Scott, the postmaster at Kose water, a little office twenty-five miles northwest of Kcnkclman, hanged himself to one of the rafters of his house. A few days ago he sent his fam ily to a camp meeting in progress at Wauneta. Keing left alone it is sup posed he began brooding over troubles, cither real or imaginary and came to the conclusion that he would bo better dead than alive. He tied Hat-irons and other weights to one end of a rope and himself to the other enil then swung it over -a rafter, leaving the weights to strangle him to death. The death of Henjamin Hershey, founder and proprietor of the famed llershej' ranch, near North I'end. is reported from Chicago, lie having met a violent death by being knocked down and run over in the street. His death is greatly regretted by all classes of citizens, as lie had been a leading spirit in developing the resources of western Dodge county and had done more toward perfecting a system of country roads than any other agency. Every road leading through his great farm was thoroughly turnpiked, he main tained one of the latest and best road graders for that purpose. A prominent farmer writes to the Lin coln Journal: "It has become a stere otyped phrase, 'don't hoard the curren cy.' Now how is a man going to help himself? To illustrate, 1 know a man ! against whose farm there is a mort- I gage, due October 1. 1893. About Au gust C he received notice that the monev ' would be due October 1 and that thev wanted it when due, and ordered him to make arrangements to pay the same. He made answer that the money, oth principal and interest, was ready and waiting to be paid, and if they would send release of mortgage and the other papers to the bank in the town where he lives they would get the monev for their papers. They rather snappishly declined to do it." A Lincoln dispatch says: The pres ence of Connty .Attorney 3Iurphy?in the citato secure requisition papers for the return of Barrett Scott, the embezzling county treasurer of Hol$ county ,has developed' that Scott's shortage, in stead of $0.000, is fully 590,000. It is , believed that only a small part of the money was carried away by Scott There seems .to have .arisen a serious doubt about the ability of the Holt county board to cause the return of the defaulter. He is charged with em bezzlement, but it is asserted that he 1 can be brought back from Mexico only by courtesy of President Diaz. The ' necessary papers have been made out I by the state officials and the Holt county authorities will jriext proceed to Washington and confer with gbvern- ment officials. Cloture Will Not be InToked. Washington-, Sept. 9. The last ex tremity of cloture is not to be invoked by the American senate. The heavy majority of members is m favor of the unconditional' repeal of the purchasing fclause bf the siicrman act, but this ma jority has been carefully polled, and it has declared that the conditions aro not such as to watrant the radical de parture from the titrte-honored trad tlons of the senate that would be neces sary to secure a cloture of debate and force the repeal bill to the linal vote. To one unfamiliar with tlie situation the events of the last few days have been uninteresting and unimportant. Hut to one who linn observed the re peatcd conferences in the lobbies Ot the chambers, ahd is aware of the coh fcrebces daily held between tiie presi tleiit ahd leading senaiors, participated hi almost i'nyariably by Secreiry bf the Jlyeasujry, Ce,rli3lfc, tne events have been lull of promise not of the passage of the unconditional repeal bill, but of a compromise measure. The senators who have openly ex pressed themselves in favor" of uncoti1 ditional repeal tttld they are nearly Uirtte-lifths bf thj; .senate have beer co'nsij.ted fts V6 lha advisability of the cloture rule and the result has been that less than thirty of the eighty-six senators have expressed themselves in favor of resorting , U such extreme Ingasure. This strrt'iL'g cloture, thcre E, wilt not be attempted. With cloture finally abandoned, there remained but two alternatives for the rpppal SPiit'UlrR a compromise or a de 'ai at tlie hands of a filibustering mi nority. That the minor- intend to filibuster no one can doubt. Compro mise, therefore, will be attempted. To day this Las been about the only theme of discussion among tile leaders of the f-euate and a series ot conferences are to be held from tinie to time Until tlie end of next week, when it ts hoped a clear majority y'lt be found wedded to ji proposition which will also i;ac:fy the minority. I The proposition of compromise now under discussion and meeting with the greatest favor, provides that, coupled with the bill repealing the purchasing clause of the Sherman actv therp. shall be a law direeMtirr tlie secretary of the I treasury to buy monthly a considerably . reuucea amount ol siived bullion ami to . actually com it into monev. The sec- rctary of the treasury isalso to be given , amljlp power to protect all money of ; tne i nuect states and make it inter changeable. In addition to this na tional banks of the United Htatcsare to be permitted to issue circulation notes up u the face vulile bf the riiited States bonds they have on de posit in the United States treasury, concessions 1o state banks are also dis cussed. . It Is certain that no sihD-le. item of I i. m - me above propositions, eah receive a ' h,:,Jrity vote of the senate. The fpur ' cnr.-.i. nml .i;;... ...i.; ...i.:..i. :. ' is proposed to include in the repeal bill ( as the various compromise amendments t Hereto represent the four factions into which the I nited States senate may be jsiiu iu ue tuvKicu.ai mis time, xone of there factions would get what it has demanded, but each would get slight concessions and would retire from the conflict free with the laurels of a par tial victory and free from the onus of defeat. A Lincoln Man Dronncd. Chicago, Sept 9. It lias been proven almost beyond a doubt that the body found in the lake at the foot of Pearson street yesterday is that of II. K. Stout, the son of W. II. K. Stout, a well know n contractor of Lincoln, Xeb. Ah l old friend of the Stout family came to Sigmund's morgue yesterday morning and positively identified two photo graphs found on the body as pictures of the wife and child of tlie younger Stout. "1 knew the whole familv verv i Well, as I formerl- lived in Lincoln,"' saul the gentleman who recognized the picture. -W. II. K. Stout was formerly a prominent contractor and is wnll khown all over Nebraska. The father I ws wealthy and the son never did any- I """' a" ':" l" -mt'r oioui. lost ins ! wealth the son was stranded. His wife left him several years ago and has t fifvf II"rfl WITH Mini otiiin lln mnM ' . ..4.i i. i r. ' .. I guess he lias been in hard luck- ().. i foot was slitrhtlv crinnled nml thnv c-.- I that is the. ease with tlii imt,. c r I " " -.. wwttj , o A. inmK there is no doubt that it is the son of W. II. K. Stout" On the inside of the cuffs "II. R. Stout" was stamped. In a pocket a re turn trip Grand Army of the Republic ticket to Lincoln, Neb., was found and there was a diamond ring on the left hand. The Ranriit Not Yet Captured. Delta, Colo., Sept. 9. Two of the posse who started vesterdav in nnrc.iit 1 , ., , ,.,., 01 tne bandit who, with two compan ions, held up tlie Farmers and Mer chants bank, killing the cashier in do ing so. returned here late yesterday evening. They report having been within half a mile of the fugitive, but their horses were inferior to his and they could not overtake him. Other parties are in pursuit and although the outlaw has taken to the mountains it is thought that he will be captured. His two companions, who were killed while attempting to get away with the bank's money, are still shrouded in mystery as to their identity, but they arc thought to have been in the west for some time and to have robbed tlie bank at Telluridc in 1SS8. Ex-Chief of Police Farly of Denver i of the opinion that thev belonged to j the McCarty gang which operated so cAiiiiam.-jj 111 wregoii. 11 win oe re membered that Tom McCarthy has been settled upon as the man who robbed I). II. Moffatt of the First national bank of Denver of some S-,'1,000 in broad day light about four years ago. The gang lias been partially dispersed. One ot the McCarthys and Kas Lewis are now having a trial for bank robberies in Or egon. Kill and Tom are still at large and seem to defy all attempts at cap ture. A short time ago Mr. Farley received word from an Oregon Sheriff, who has been trailing tlie McCarthys for a long time, informing him that a recent clew had been obtained to the whereabouts of the gang. The section mentioned xx-as within a short distance of Helta. That is what gives Mr. Farley a strong conx-ietion as to their identity. The names registered at the Central hotel by the two bandits xvho were killed are James and Clarence Kradley and they appear to be brothers. Henry Norman, the present governor of Queensland, has been appointed vice roy of India to succeed Lord Lans downe in December. W. H. Smythe, son of Recorder Smythe of New York and late paymas ter of the United States arm-, suicided at Denver. He has been out of em ployment and without monev for some time. Two bodies, supposed to be summer boarders, hax-e been found on the farm of Paul Holliday at Middleton, Conn. Holliday is missing. Trouble about holding glove contests at Roby may send the Corbett-Mitchell fight to New Orleans. j PEFFER HAS A BILL. CREATION OF A DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION. In Addition Thereto He Would HnTe Von tracted In the District or Columbia a College of Sclentillc I.cariitiiB Discus sion of thi Repent Hill from Day to burin fhe Upper iion(M Keilntur Slew - -d it- -l art of Nevada occupying a tioo.'i Dea of Time Matters of Interest In the Loner Branch of Congress. coxa It less In fexTiiA SKSSIOV. F-.tTii- ..iilliiHseHaifeonUi'eI. Mr. I'tjlTt-h stilt to the JiKliclary eoiiiiulttee; without K'ttilius, a bUl In, tlie form of .i.'iVltntJvpol Hni rhpiits xi ;ht oui leiiey iiuetion. The lirst nmenmnent, known as No. IG, pro vides that the government h:ill I-nuo lejral tender note to the age rebate amount of VJ per capita of the pnopluof the United State-., to be lellcred to tlie st:ite- In proportion to population, free of eOt-or lntere-t charge: to be l:i nod by statu coiniiiUloner-. on real cMfttffe'etirlty It slims ioto,pdit!ir ?,0J'1 nt lint to rcof-d 3 liert'tilt. On sltteeil years' time; bne-foiirtJi tj,v,b jjUW ever? Jtour :hc public domain; other money, except specie, to be called in and destroyed, the treasury to Issue 55,O0O.ftcOea--li In .TO-cent and 25-eent hills, to be sold by paymasters. Amendment 17 prohibits the deo.sit of public motley aitwhcre except In the na tionniti'ei't'y ot-nibfreifuri'i . AmHdmGiit IS prdvities for the free Colli age of gold and silver. Amendment IG prohibit ;ubtreasiirics from buying gold and silver, or .receiving them for depo!t nd Issuir.j; E'Jbstituta money therefor. Amendment 2".) divides the national treas ury into two departments, one to rereivo and disburse the revenue, the other to issue and disburse money and renew mutilated bllN. Mr. Palmer presented a joint resolution for the election of senator by a direct vote of the people, which win referred to the committee on privileges and elections, Id feet her with otic mi the same, subject "sub mitted by Mr. Mitchell of tlreaon Minie time" t "The co'mmiticc 'ri annronrlaiions fcportr,'l I the house bill to provide for certain urgent delioieneies in appropriations; passed with nrueridmcuts. The repeal bill ""- laid a.idj and Mr. Dolnli spoke in favor of the bill :rt.p7Mp'ii lng5.0).n 0 for thecnforceiueiit of t the Cln- neso exclusion act. nonsE. In tho house on the 2d tho rules were ag:ililUHder fdiisl'U'ratiiul. Mr Trlicey of ?V'w 'dH- nfTctH n't 4niidni:itv jrlultur out the claiA-e in ruleii. pernilttii.g !tii""n'f meats to general appropriation bills uhen those amendments are In the interest of le trenchment of expenditure. In supporting this amendment Mr. Traccy called attention to the endless annoyance caused by mem bers during the consideration of appropria tion bill'" by tho presentation of amend ments under the indow of this cifiusi'' He nlo pointed in ths matti'er In wliieh the sal aries of .-Isslstaul setrPtiCs hSd bJczl re duced by the hist ch'ngres;. , In answer tdtljls statement Mr.. Dockery tleclarecl thn.t the 5!ilaripbf tlie ofliclals had otjly beell rpcliict'l U' the tiolitt required by law. , . "Mr. .McMillan1 spoke, ylgorously lr opposi tion to, this prouixsed r.liange . lie drew at lentun utiauei ,This- tention to'th. criliculcrnditlonin whleii.thc neesnf th" coimtrv were now Involved. Iauscof the rule permitted tr.c "nlv opening for a reduction in the regular ex penses of th government. In tlie prist, when the polls of the south were crowded with troops, it was through this saluUiry rule that a democratic congress had been enabled to restrain this abuse of federal power. . Mr-PImpnp of Knnsn.s, Mn.llolnian of In diana rttid Mr ifMnur Hf Pehiisyivani't 'di poed the amendment. Mr. Cannon of Illinois mado the humorous suggestion that It did not make any differ ence whether the clause was in or out of the rules, as It was only meant to fool the pub lic. "When you were in power before," said Mr Cannon, with a wave of his arms in the I direction of the democratic side, "you did not reduce salaries or expenditures. We had the senate then, but It did not interfere with you. It, however, furnished you the excuso you wanted. Now that vou hae the whole shooting match the public will hae an opportunity to judge ymi by your act ioiw, not by your word and professions." Laugh ter.l Mr. Tracy then withdrew the amendment. After further consideration of the rules tho house adjourned Until Wednesday. SkxAte. In the senate on tlie tth Mr. Oallinger in troduced a bill supplemental to thti jieiisi ui act of June 27. l'i. providing, ewcpt menses of established fraud, that no peiisloil shall be .suspended until ninetvdriys notice to the pensioner, and after full investigation on sworn te.stimonj'. 1 eferred to the commit tee on pensions. Mr. Alien of Nebraska presen ed a resolu tion directing thfcsecretarv df the treasury to inform the senate whether that depart mental anytime redeemed any silver or coin certificates in silver coin, as provided by the Sherman act; what Is the coinage value of tho uncoined silver bullion pur chased under the act : why has It not been I coined as theact required; what part, if any, j of tlie pap r money has been redeemed in . gold since March -I, canceled or otherwise I withheld fiom circulation. Itcfcrred to the I committee on liuauce. . 'ii. ? i mit . ii- Mr. Kyle offered a free coinage amend- ' nieiit to the repeal bill, deferred to the iinance committee. The repeal bill was then laKcnup. Mr. IVffer resumed the Hour, In ndvocaev of his amendment. Mr. Feller said the ad ministration was not proposing to discuss the philosophy of finances; It came tocon- fre.s" with a demand for a particular act, he repeal of the Shermali law. It suggested iio policy which will admit of the iisifalcom promises in legislative proceedings. It is this or nothing, and that so far concerned the people he represented that they accepted tho movement In thesplrit which it was giv en. It proposed to give no quarter; his peo ple proposed to give none, lie called atten tion to the fact that a very large majority of tlie farmers in the south were membersof the farmers alliance and that one of the car dinal doctrines of the farmersalllance Isthe free and unlimited coinage of silver at tht old ratio. The alliance all through thesouth had. he said, catechised all candidates for I olllce upon the cardinal tenetsof their eieed and they had supported 110 one for any im- 1 portant olllce who was not in sympathy with their views and who was not willlngtosoex- . press himself. Mr. IV flcr read a letter from Senator Gor don, who is now in favor of repeal, written to the alliance, expressing his sj-mpathy with It and his approval of its doctrines. I Coming to l-y-J. he said that North and 1 South Carolina, O'eorgia, Alabama, .MI-N-sippl. Louisatia and Texas would all haw t voted for the populist candidates for tlie presidency ami vice-presidency had it not I been for promises mad" bv the feadcr-nf the I democratic party that, while Mr. rict eland I was personally opposed to silver, he would ! approve a free coinage measure when pre sented to him by a democratic congress, as ' It would be. The senate adjourned before Mr. I'etTer I hadcoucliud his remarks, with the uiider I standing trwt ho should ptecede.Mr. Slewart ! tomorrow, for the purpose of finishing his I speech. 1 In tho house on the 4th It was the begin ning of the hearings by tiie ways and means 1 committee of representatives of protected Industries preparatory to framing a new taritr bill. The only persons prosent were 1 representatives of the potato and onion growers of the Bermuda island?, who asked for a lcductiou of dutv on these articles on I tiie ground that theyarealmo-t prohibitive, that they do not compete with native pro ducts, coming in before the latter, and be causo licrmuda buys from the United States much more than It sells. In reply to a question from Mr. Geer, Mr. Masters, one of the Itermuda reprepresenta tlves said the removal of tlie duty would , doubtless double their production and en- 1 able them to buy more of the United States. Mr. Masters then yielded to his colleague, Mr. Watson. The latter in reply to a ques tion then took up the matter of who pays the tarltT tax and explained in support of his assertion that the Inhabitants of Iter muda (the foreigners) paid the tax: that this wa due to tlie extremely perislrable nature of the products shipped to the United States. After the tariff tax I paid in New York the products go 011 to tho market and bring what they can. In answer to a question by Mr. Ilopklns. Mr. Watson said that since tlie enactment of theMcKlnley law Bermuda had paid 5 .V). 0GO tariff taxes to the United State. This money has been taken from the resi dents of those islands and placed In tlie treasury of the United States. Mr. Bryan When ynu export tothe United States you say you pay the tariff. Now when you import products from tlie United States who pay.s the tax then? Mr. Watson We pay that tax also. Laughter. Mr. Bryan You pay both ways? You are in pretty hard luck. Laughter.l Continuing, Mr. iat.son e.pamcd that in the case of Imports, the articles were or dered in the United States at tixed prices and the duty of Bermuda was added on their arrival here. Chairman WiKon drew out the fact that although Bermuda had paid since the pas sage of the McKinley law $VrtJM per vear lu tariff duties tothe United -tales, against 830.OX) previous to that time, the value uf lands had not fallen in Bermuda. The land 1- held by old residents and little was tin th" market. If there was a forced sale ire thought the present situation would -show Itself. Mr. Wat-on said that Bermuda was enabled to settle the heavy balances of trade apalnst her because the British covernmont hart latel iv eMienileil crrnt Mini-, in lortnica- tion.4: vis sltor- Miient money In Kerniutla, and ninnpv nrn. (It-rlvi'il liv ui:il(liv n-,i(li'til f roin forciiin lnve-strnent!. and all comliliifil toeiiahlu UerMUdll to .-ottlelhu adverse balance.-.. SEN TE. . ,Ilt thrjsrnatoon the .'ah an extraordinary III wftsfhtreidiiecd hy Mr. J'ottVrJorthecre- "tion M n (iL-u'trtijiMitof eIiicallon, thecon- st met mit 01 acolRs of .scientific lenrtilng nrnini iroirl In the Ilistrlct of Coliiir.!''.-!. rim" ail atlon of SWW.OOO for the puriwH' flrirt Uje further appropriation of fsOO.O O.IW, the In teie.st of which is to form a fund for thesup portof tho college. It nNu provides that till educational lu-t tuition- and other t'Jalths nt'rtrtlnltlg to public Instruction shall II c;'artlr supervision of tlioecro tary of education. IT i'f Tr;i,srnferred to the rorain;;::'."- Vt0 -tnci ,.f "kldmUUfc The resolution offered yc-iVr'kiy hy.1i.. Alh-n, (pop.. Neb.) calling 011 the secreinT)' of the treasury for Information a- tothe redemption of silver certificates iu coin.w:i iiken lip ahd referred to the committee on finance, H uit:ilii it bijut resolution Intro duced by .Mr.cVvfcreHideitl., Plq."li tlio2M of August, f Or the Issue of additional ?oiri crtiilji.'ites. ..... Mr. lYtfer iOj Itu') tiefl. .finished, the speech begun jesterday lit -;ip;oft!t h amendment for'tlie fieeand unlimited io! age of gold and silver at the parity of lCJto I. Mr. Stewart (rep. Nev.) addressed the sen ate in opposition to the repeal bill, lie be gan hissueech with a history of the closing of the European mints to the free and un limited coinage of silver; of the conference held at l'liris to consider the unification of e'dns1 T?J ighte 'jftd TMeasiire-i. tit which con tention tiie t i.ittil Mate- S'- it pr'tittcd by Samuel B. Buggies, and of the dtnioue ti.ation act of IsTs. He intimated that why Mr. Sherman voted against that bill was be cause he knew It would pass and wanted to conceal from the senate a knowledge of the fact that it omitted thesilver dollar from the list of coins, lie claimed to have shown that tho lending member- of the two house who were lirest'ijl cliirlng the consideration of tlie bjll were ignorant of I he fact that tne silver dollar wroniiid in tbeeimptlutIon of tne mint laws. The senate and the country, he said, ha. to judge whether a fair opportunity bail been afforded the members of the two house- to know of tlie omi-sion of the silver dollar from the list. No reference had been made to the omi-siou of the silver dollar. The important question wa-, however, had the legislation been demanded or approved by the American people? It certainly ba llot been. nfc.NATK. tn theienaieoil thodtll .Mr. Cullom Intro Qi'cmI Hi bII to repeal ail acts for tht; c-ea-tiou and iiiiliiilbn'iltce "t a sinking ftiml. IJeferred. Mr. Mills, democrat, of Texas, bad given notice oflil- intention toaddrc . the senate, bi Mr.. Ktuwart occimlcd tlie entire time given t. n.. fif-v iilU. Jle rrsiuned at the "olnt where he left oil" l ':t"i, '.s.isI'Micy of the New x ork- miners in now urgii; ale lictlmi 011 the leTieal bill without furlhtr debate, nhilii in. hiiiuarv, 1 91, thev had he rated tepiliiilcmi veimiiir. for their p-i-ition ' the, Ur: bill Jlild fir Muri 11 clot lire. Tills uiff "Y" hf tliMit'O!! lit1 llscTlbed to the fact that for lit v V's' 'th-r w.'.s no money at stake," while tliej .r 'iK "o "obeying the mandate of tlie money power and -eeking to wrench from the people their rights under tlie constitution." After spending an hour on this subject he paused for a rest and Mr. Teller came to hi aid by puggMhig the nb-ence of a quorum. The rl'll ts railed .mil Ol majority n tlif seiiatdr')ei!ig hi tld rb.-ak- room-) lifly-hine senator- answered. ?!r THIr evnlniucd his lea-on for calling attciftirin td 1'.'" a! senceof a quorum. Hi- purpose had not heed dej'-y. liut he thought the question a- bigeiu.'.Igf.' t j-t.stjfy hi- ill-stiqg that aquiiritm -liould be piesU.i w'ut" it as be ing discussed. , Among tlie bills introduced and referred were tiie folliiwiug: jy .! -.((,tn To repeal all acts provid ing for tlie creation Or naiiilenance of the sinking funds. A report from 'lie committee on privileges and election-, all .wing to the cl.i maiit- for seats from Mont'ina, Washington and Wyo ming (under appointment fiom tlie gover nors f2,.Vfieaeli was made ami referred to tie- eoiiiluiitee on contingents. In the house on tht tit Ii ru'eswrre aganf coiisldeied. The hou-e adopted the eod which will govern it during the I'ifly-thlrd congress, subject to the decision of tlie committee-011 rule-, which under the rule-h.i-an almo-t absolute power to direct tiieliu-i-ness of the body. 'I he rule-arv but little fiom those that controlled the Uifty-secii'id congress. When lir-t r-'ported they con tained one radical change and re-enacted theclail-e which penults i' member-to constitute a quorum In the commit l"e of the whole. Thi-rtau-e was buirowcd iroiil the rule-ofthe Tifty ccond oongres- anil al though eter.V mem-er of the cunmitteeon rule- w.'is in favor of it the pressure brought against It on Undemocratic -ddo proved too powerful allll the emijusittee gracefully yielding, surrendered iheir point ti:dtlie clause wasstrii'Uen ouf. During the di-cussUm Mr. Catchhig-'dem , Mi.'i a member of the committee on rules, said that .since the recess last .-atunlay many member-on the demwr ilic -hie had a-kcil thecommittee on rule-to ::ct-'pt the amendment, and the committee had thought it proper to aeeed'tlie request The comi mlttee had nil desire to force anything upon the hou-e. Mr. lol Iverirep., la.) -aid that tip to tills time the gentlemen from Mi 1 ippi aiM Ohio (Messrs. Cutchlugs and Outhwaite) had been the instruments of the theory that they were the author-of the reform in the rule-and not the struggling victim- of it. He expre-s ed his regret at the present re treat, which was hardly coveied by the words which had fallen from the lip-of the gentleman from Mi i ippi. He then de fended the course pur-ued bv Speaker Weed iu the I'ifty-tirst congn .. The -peaker had been denounced a- a levolutioni-t, but hl-work-hud justified hi- judgment. He had been MCdl-i-dOi beingnnu-urpcr, but he had prevented nothing but the right to-top bus iness, lie congratulated Mr. Uccd that until this moment his prospect was perfectly good of seeing the t ictory of sound princi ple titer stubborn prejudice. He Congrat ulated the house that it was nearer than it had ever been before to the liberty given to tlie house by the courage and gelliiis of the gentleman "from Maine. (Applause 011 ie puhllcau side. Mr. Cali-liings was not surprised at the outbreak from the gentleman from lowa. The committee on rule- had shown that the truer of tlie speaker of the house was not to lie used to require the adoption of rule which lie might personally believe to be proper. The democratic side of tlie house recognized tlie right of every gentleman to interpose ids objection. SEXATE. Ill the senate on the 7th the repeal bill was again taken up. .Mr. Stewart, republican. of Nevada, who was entitled tothe lloor on the repeal bill, yielded, with apparent pleasure at the respite, to .Mr. Walthall, democrat, of A 1 i-slppi. who pioceeded to adilie the senate. He fa voted I lit' pa age of the 10 peal bill If tiie ile.-laration- of policy con tained iu the bill were embodied lit the fotin of a binding act. When Mr. Walthall concluded, Mr. Stew art, lepubllcan. of Nevada, lesumed the lloor and started on the thinl installment of hi- -neecli. lie read fiom the New York Win Id, which he said gave the law to tlie -enate. The -cuate should be grateful to Mr. I'ulit7cr for advising it as to exactly what the people of the United Mates think. He wa-e-pecially adapted to perform that function by rea-on of tiie fact that he wa born In Kurope and le-ided theie. Laugh ter.l The Nevacla -enator then read from the New York ileiald tothe effect that Un popular will 011 the stiver qtie-tioii had been expressed In unmistakable terms and mu-t be obeyed. "It Is true." said Mr. Stewart, "that Mr. Bennett was born in tlii-cntintry, but 1 think lie lias re-ided abroad for the last quarter of a century. Why should he assume." asked the -enator ""to I.e more familiar with public sentiment titan those of Us who have lived heie all of our lives." Iteferring to President Cleveland. Mr. Stewart said If was a sad thingforthe Amer ican people that in ids early life and rip"r manuoou lie nati not neen surroumieii. as Andrew Jack-on ban been, by the produc ing classes, by the laboring men and the farmer-, that he might -ympathize with them. Mr. Cleveland was reared in thedirt; his office was Mills building in New York, tlie very center iu the United States of Eu ropean influence. He sympathized with his surroundings, and Ids surroundings were unfortunate for tlie American people. Mr. Cleveland's organs, said Mr. Mewart. con stantly praised him for tlie use of federal patronage to secure tlie destruction of all legislation that pointed to-ilver. "1 do not charge him with it," said Mr. Mewart, draw ing himself to his full height and speaking with much warmth, 'but if it Is not true lie should exclaim: 'Oh, (Jod deliver me from my friends." Mr. tcwart said there were several other branches of the subject which he would treat hereafter laughter- but that he would now close for the present. HOUSE In the house on the 7th If. G. Ivnightof East Hampton, Mass.. and N. Newell of Springfield appeared before the ways and means committee In b half of the duty on buttons. ti'eorge W. Blabon. representing tlie Bla bon company nf Philadelphia, manufactur ers of oil cloths and linoleum, argued for a retention oj the duties on tlio-e products. A.J. Potter of the Pottercompany of Phil adelphia ne.xt appeared, and John F. Pre ton of Baltimore -urpri-ed thecommittee by appearing in antago:.i-m. " horn do you repre--nt ' asked Dalell. "Not tho-eon the otbei side of tin- watei ' "No." replied Mr. Pre-ion, lkiiiug up. "I repiesent -ixty odd million of poplewho are being oppre' ed by hi'-Ut taiilt taxe-and squeezed bv t he slxtecnVijiiccrns engaged 111 this industry." t, , X'fiti iMMrpct'iit not li. si l 1.- mllll.ir. l.tt tlie old men." intersected ex-peaker Bced ? an-iistlcally. .Mr. I'n-ston. after u little adroit cross-I t !..,,. . ". uuesiior.injr. admitted that.-he tfas'alaftyer. I various dlfticwlties between the two na uot engaged ia the business, but that his in- tiOlts. - - ! formation was pafnctl frpm J. Crawford Ly- f oils or Baltimore. "You came here as a lawyer thoff.' ' asked ' Mr. Hiirrows, "I suppose you'rscrvlccs arc not 'ratnltoiisf "My expenses are paid." Laughter.! "Io you get a tee?' "Ye, a fee." Hut the entire, room was convulsed with merriment ami wht'n Mr. Preston drew him self up and began anomdot with glowing periods, h airman Wll-on suggested that he confine himself tothe argument and ex-' Speaker Keed dryly remarked that he had better omit the exordium and peroratlou. tie apok For Repeal. Washington, Sept.- v In the senate yesterday Mr. Cullom of Illinois took the lloor and spoke in favor of repeal. The following are signiiicant extracts: "I am foi-ifcrnl because, in my opinion. the government cannot afford to buy silveraud coin, or issue paper off !5 and call it a dollar, when, in fact, tlie silver ill the dollar or deposited as security for the" dollar, is xvorth less than 00 cA'rils.. ,1 ant hot a itionomctallist. I do not bclsevfc in thtf use alone of cither of the two metals nahlcu ii the consti tution, but the closer commercial re lation of nations, which marks the ad vance of civilization, makes interna tional concurrence in tlie free and un Hhii'oj? coinage of both metals as money more deairaule' If no, absolutely neces sary. The people want dilW: odo I. People xx-ant, first of all, all our Circu lating medinm, whether gold, silver or paper, or equal value; so do I. The people are more interested in knowing that their money is all good and will continue so than they are to know of wha1 material it is made. 1 do not be lieve if fre discontinue the purchase of silver bullion no'? It will be long before some more satisfactory pan for its use will be devised. So long as thr act re mains on the .statute books xve will surely come no nearer free coinage than we arc now. "The American people do not desire a policy toward silver, either by con tinuing the purchase of bullion, or by tfld aiioption of tree coinage, which riV 'Ssult in driving all of the gold out of the country making this a silver nation. This tiie ntajiTiv will not. and they ought not, submit to. i!?pca! does Mot make gold the standard mone; 01 ih''"Yfitnrr. It is the unit of x-ahu now. Jtxfa mrn s by the act ol 1S7.1. The I'nited Stale' alone cannot, in my opinion, maintain the re coin (r. nf ,l,..r t.nlnLc ,,-n n .- VVllllllff III iFc"rr it silver nation and drive goJJ out. Miat - vnrit is an mternaiiona' agreement securlxtjf Vk iim- of both metals and free coinage orl iiil agreed ratio, and if we repeal the act of lv.i. and stop the purchase of silver, I be lieve" we Will get it. 'The policy of piling up silver bull ion iS hUt wis" statesmanship and in a little time will sui'Hy bft stopped. The United States must adopt :i financial poiiVj r-'i'ich will dy even justii e ie tween all classes, ?Al geographical di visions, between debtors and creditors, between employers and employes. It .-f.i-'u' h- borne in mind that univcrsa1 bankruptcy. vii.lM "r some time has threatened the country, :"- fatal to the creditor classes as the debtor. "There has been much said in this IH,.,tfl about the attitude of the two great parties a5 announced in their platforms. In my fiction 1 am not prompted by any political pfalform. I shall act as my judgment dictates is best. 1 will vote" r repeal because it mnj- Help restore co.i.'icnce. even though the act did not hax-e much p irt in producing the lack of it." Proceeding the speaker attributed the present stringency to the attitude of the party I11 power on the currency and tariff, and closed with an appeal for speech action. Mr. Cok, democrat, of Texas, ob tained the floor nt the conclusion of Mr. Ctlllom's remarks. He said: "A settlement of Hie money problem can only be made by tile establishment of a bimetallic currency as it existed prior to 1.S7?. The people will never be con tent until the -i---ong of IV.-?. by which one-half of the motley of the country wat stamped out in order to double the purcli.'tsiif power of the other half, has been outdone aid reversed. If the sili cic gold standard be" -"stablished in America then tlie Kothchilds and the Hank of England, xvith their New York assCc'at'S xvill become the arbiters of American iihwnce and the dictators of our financial policies Vcause they con trol the gold the I'nited rUmes would have to have. The abandonment of silver by the Tinted States would be its death knell as money, except in sub ordinate ways and for subsidiary coin age, 'c have no hopes, he said, of an international agreement. There is no idea entertained anywhere that one is possible. The I'nited States must de pend upon itself if bimetallism is ex pected." The United Stalce. he said, was the only barrier between the people ami spoliation. He referred to the steps taken by tlie New York banks to se cure the repeal of the Sherman law. and was interrupted by Mr. Vance, democrat, of North Carolina, xvho said lie had this morning received a letter from a very reputable business man tn Salisbury. X. V . enclosing a letter from a firm of bankers in New York upon that very point, and he would like to read it. Mr. Coke assented. The letter was addressed to I. II. Koust, Salisbury, in relation to a loan which he desired on some mill property, and in closing the bankers said: "The senators from your country are not looked upon as promotors of the gen eral welfare. If their stand represents the views of your people on linaucial matters, it will be very diflicult for you to secure any accommodation fiom capitalists in this section until there is a decided change." The reading of the letter provoked derisive laughter among tlie southern senators. Mr. t'oke then concluded his speech and the senate went into execu tive session to consider the nominations of certain officers whose confirmations Mr. Uerry, democrat, of Ivans is. said were essential to carry into eiicct tne i president's proclamation opening the j Cherokee Strip on the lCth of Septcm-1 ber. ' Hamilton Fish Dead. New Yoisk, Sept. 9. Ex-Secretary of State Hamilton Fish died yesterday morning. Fish died of heart failure. His death was entirely unexpected. Hamilton Fish was born in New York August.!, 10S. He was educated at, Columbia college, where he graduated in lS. He then studied law and wa j admitted to the New York bar in I .(. ( In ls37 lie was a member of the state legislature, was elected to congress in 1S42 and served until 1845. He was lieutenant governor of New York from 1647 to Id I'J. and governor 1519-.1I. In lb."l he was elceted I 'nited States sena tor. On the expiration of his term, in 18."7. he spent several years in Europe, studying carefully the institutions and governments of the different nations. In lsr(y, on the resignation of Mr. E. 15. Washburne. v. ho was appointed embas sador tj France, President 1 1 rant called Mr. Fish to the position of secretary of stato. which he retained during the two termsof President (Jrant, ending March 1. 1S77. To Mr. Fish belongs the credit of suggesting the joint high commis- Sion with lireat Britain, which met in llsl. for the nnrnnso nf ftf.lincr tho -THE- First National Bank COZ.XT1CBXJS. XTEB. OFFICKItS. ANDERSON. J. n. GALLET, President. Vice rres't- O. T. EDEN. Cashier. DIRECTOllS. B. AHDERSOff. T. ANDEHS05, JACOB QREI8EN. HENBI BAQAXZ. JAMES G. MEKDK&. 's. -w ' Sr Stateliest or the Conttftta at the Close ef Business Jaly 12, 39& IlESOCnCES. Loans and fiicount $ 2-H.oT 57 Ileal rst.ite Knrnlturo and Fix- tures !5tri X. U. S. ltonds loiOO) Due from other banks f37..s7rt 'M Cash on Hand 21.S67 56 .V..t 39 Total $333JM35 LIABILITIES. f apltal Stock paid n f 60.000 00 Surplus Fund ).0ni) t Undivided profits !,. 6 Oft Circulation IjWoO 00 Deposit 22.",UD H7 Total tXtt.196 3G justness &ri!B. J ni.KIL.IA3f, DEUTCIIER ADVOKAT, Office over Columbus State Bank. Colnmbov Nebraska. 29 A ALIiKRT A KEEDER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Office orr Nebraska. First National Itank, Colombo. 50-tf W. A. McAI.LIBTEIl. W. M. COHNELIUS. M cAI.I.I-H 1 Kit Jt COKKE1.11J1 ATTCmXEYS AT LAW. ColunTm. Neb. 1 . t J. WILCOX, ATTORNEY-A T-L AW, Cor. Elerenth 4 North Hts.. COLUMBUS, NEB. Collections asoecinltr. Prompt and care ful attention Riven to the settlement of estate in the county conrt by executors, administrator and irnardiani. Will practice in all tlip court of this state nad of South Dakota, liefer, by permission, to the First National linnk. djuly.y E. T. ALLEN. M. DM Eye - and - Ear - Surgeon, Secretary Nebraska Qtata Board ct Health, 09 Ramoe Block, OMAIIA.NEB' nlf E.CBOYD, MA5CMCTCBKB OF Tin and Sheet-Iron Ware! Job-Work, Boofin? and Gutter ing; a Specialty. Bbop on Nebraska Avenue, t doors north of Rosmussen's. A.. E. SEARL, , rBOPniEToa or the The Finest in The City. 9""The only shop on the South Side. Colum bus. Nebraska. 2SOct-y L. C. VOSS, M. D., Homrjeopathic Physician AND STJR.OrEJOr. Office over Harbi-r's store. Specialist In ihronle diseases. Careful attention giveu to general practice. A STRAY LEAF! A DIARY. THE JOURNAL OFFICE OB OABDS, ENVELOPES. NOTE HEADS, BILL HEADS, CHtCULARS, DODGERS, ETa LOUIS SCHREIBER, All kiidi of Repairiig done 01 Short Notice. Bossies, Wag- iis, etc., nade to order, and all work Giar- anteed. Alto tell the world-famous Walter A Wood Mowers, Reapers, Coatbin- ed Machinet, Harretters, and Self-binders the best nade. Shop on Olive Street, Columbus, Nb., four doors south of Borowink'a. HENRY GASS, TJJSTDEKTAHTEIR ! Collins : and : Metallic : Cases ! jy Repairing of all kinds of Uphol stery Goods. ttf COLUMBUS. NEBBA8K4- . Eleventn Tonsorial Parlor BlacKsmilli and WasonMaxer n i-J-f , -