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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (May 17, 1893)
&. is -V x i' .. U:W rT-v - X: 3 ..: i i i 'J- I RISEN BR cScCO- ave now got settled down to business in their elegant , New Building And will be delighted comers, who wish to selves with to welcome all provide them- I -AT Fair Prices. 'They have always acted upon the prin ciple that the best business is that when the- customer gladly comes again to buy. The kind of Boots Shoes That this firm sell are MADE FOR COMFORT AND FOR WEAR, and their CLOTHING -AND- GENTS' Furnishing Goods ARE NOT EXCELLED ANYWHERE. Fair dealing every time is the remark of even the boys who deal with &CO. Goods mm CREISEN BR ; GROCERIES! "-" -"- ALWAYS ON HAND A FDLL AND NEW LINE ' "-': OF GROCERIES WELL SELECTED. 'J? FRUITS! :.- Scanned and dried, of all kind? GUAUANTKEU TU BE U MfcJS J. QUALITY. DRY GOODS ! A GOOD AND WELL SELECTED STOCK AL WAYS AS CHEAP AS THE CHEAP- EST.ALSO BOOTS & SHOES ! THAT DEFY COMPETITION. BUTTER AND EGGS And all kinds of country produce taken in tra andallgoodsdeliveredfree of charge toanypart of the city. PLOTJE! KEEP ONLYTHEBESTGRADESOF FLOUR J. IB. DELHAm. SINGLE-COMB. BARRED Plymouth : Rock -AND- ilGLE-COMB, WHITE LEGHORN, (Both thoroughbred.) esgs, for hatching, for ale. at L50 for on setting of 15 eggw. ' per"Orders from a distance promptly filled. H. P. COOL1DGE. Columbus, Nebr. 9mar2m C.E.Harrmgton&Co., DEAIXHS IN - HARD AND SOFT TMEiEWYIESTAMtmET. Caledonia Coal, a specially good cheap Coal. Try it. OFFICE: Near B. & M. Depot. Slfebte MMER & KOTLAR. Blacksmiths AMD- WAGON MAKERS Good Work, Fair PriCM. CORNER TENTH AND NORTH 8TS., CoxxncBus, Nkb. 2. . -. . BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBL jq BbPBBBbBR 1 5 aBBBsHaBaBS? " ? Ob SsbbbebbhbxKTtT? 3 . SlnBBSBBS' - T 7 &9litnrfros goitrnal. WEDNESDAY. MAY 17. IBM A. AN. TIME TABLE. r. Freight. ifwret Oolnailms..... ' Bollwood DaridCity Seward rriTt:at Lincoln.... 855 a-m. 8 " 9:18 " 1022 " U:3!a.xn. 250p.m. S-JO -402 p.m. 7:45 " 1030 " r Wvw Lincoln at 6:40 1. m.. mad rrire Ht 'Oolnmbus 925 p. m; the freUkt leaTes I Jncoln at 7;15 a. m., and arrives at Colombo at The trtSMneer 4 00 p. m. . UNION PACIFICTIME-TABLE. IIOISOEA9T. OOIHOWEHT. ItlauiffKx... 7 15 a. m Vei&e Ex... -WOO p. m V,foE...12:S5p.m Deny Ex.... 20p-m United WP." limited...... "P- Col. Local .... 6:00 a. m Local Fr t.. .. 100 a. m No. 3. Fast Mail, carries passengers fop t!.ronBhpoinU. fiping west at ?i -rive at Denvr7:0a. m. No. 4. Fart Mall car ries passengers, going nt at 132 p. m. LINCOLN, COLUXBUB A!tD SIOUX OTTT. Psseiier arrive from Sioux City. .... 1230 p. m " leaves Colnmbaa for Linen. 1:15 p. m arrives frolii Lincoln ??)-,B leave for Sionx City 549p-m Mixed leaves for Sioux City SiSa,m Mixed arrives MMMp.m ro ALBION AMD OKDAB BAPID8. Piuwenror leaves IS'S Mixed leaves ,?SEm Passenger arrivw hE . M;H mrrives 8:10p.m goritfS ffifats. jyAll notices under this heading will be charged at the rate of $2 a year. j LEBANON LODGE No. 58, A. F. 4 A.M. Regular meetings 2d Wednesday Insich XX month. AU brethren iimtwl to attend. gub. B. Sracz, W. M. Gch. O. Bechkb, Sec'y. 20july WILDEY LODGENo.44,LO.O.F., meets Tuesday evenings oi eacu week at their hall on Thirteenth street. Visiting brethren cotdially invited. H.C.NIWMAS.H.U. W.K.NoraiTnK. Sec'y. janM-tf REOBGANIZEDCHUBCH OF LATTEB-DAY Saints hold regular services every Sunday at 2 p. m.. prayer meetiMpn Wednesday evening at their chapel, corner of North street and Pacific Avonne. All are coroiaiiy ihtiiou. llv lajultfi) Elder H. J. Hudson. President. Sale bills printed at this office. ;Come to The Journal for job work. For a good meal, go to the Home Restaurant. Dr. T. R. Clark, Olive street In office at nights. Mrs. C. D. Clother is keeping house here for her son Asa. The banks of the Loup were lined with fishermen Sunday. Ladies suffering with uterine troub les, get Cascade treatment. Dr. E. H. Nauman's dental parlors in North block, 13th street tf Bicycles. Fitzpatrick's is head quarters for high grade machines. Several car loads of baled hay were shipped from this point Saturday last Clean up, and Teport every unsavory nook and corner to the street commis sioner. The musical click of the cornplanter is wafted on every hand by the gentle breeze. W. L. Chenoweth made a short ad dress at the Y. M. C. A. rooms Sunday afternoon. Kidney and liver trouble surely cured with Cascade treatment. See ad vertisement. Fresh fruit, jam, pickles, capres, finest cranberries and fresh cabbage at E. Pohl's grocery. tf Dr. Harry Arnold is again quite low with rheumatism from which he has suf fered for a long time. "When in need of boots or shoes or repairs to the same, call at T. Baum gart's, Eleventh street. 4-4t We learn that the Columbus cream ery will turn out about 1,000 pounds of butter daily this month. Harry, son of Conductor Rapp, is recovering under Dr. Voss' care from a serious case of scarlatina. Our 1893 baby cabkiaqes are beau tiful, stylish, durable and cheap. E. D. Fitzpatrick's is headquarters, tf These fine sunshiny dayB the small boy can be seen with rod in hand wend ing his way to the placid Loup. Miss Baker, a missionary from Alaska, visited Tuesday with her friend Mrs. Dr. Yoss, on her way east. The celebrated Quick-Meal, and Monarch gasoline stoves, the beet in the market For sale by A. Boettcher. 4tf ' W. A. McAllister and J. Q. Reeder have returned from their trip south very much pleased with the land of Texas. When in need of an auctioneer, call on Dave Smith. He will act for you with promptness, safety and dispatch, tf Dr. Clark went to St Edward Mon day on a professional visit to his brother, George L, who is ailing with 'rheuma tism. The merry-go-round opened up in Columbus on Saturday in all its glory, and the children are correspondingly happy. If you are suffering with piles or rheumatism, don't fail to get Cascade treatment See advertisement else where. 5-3-6p For sale, two four-year-old mares, and one mare nine years old, also one good pony. Apply at J. H. Galley's store. Work is progressing very slowly on the Platte river bridge on account of the tardiness with which material is being furnished. Saturday night after closing up, the front window of William Hegel's saloon was broken in and several bottles of whisky taken. For sale or rent an 8 room family residence, 3 block from U. P. depot In quire at the office of H. J. Hudson, Insurance Agent Eoos Barred Plymouth Rocks, Light Brahma and White Leghorn, $L50 a setting of fifteen eggs. H. P. Coolidge, Columbus, Nebraska. tf During a storm at Humphrey Tues day of last week hail stones as large as walnuts fell. There was considerable hail at Albion and other places. Lost between the post-office and the Union Pacific depot a plain gold finger rincr. Finder please leave it at The JouKNAii office and receive reward. 2t Brandt Bros, have greatly added to the appearance of their saloon on Twelfth street by putting in an entirely new and handsome set of bar fixtures. Children Cry for I Pitches Cattorla. j -jbsssHBBBbHbW Attached to train No. 2 Saturday were three coaches of editorial excur sionists from California to the World's Fair. Mr. George Alexander and Mrs. E. A. Alexander were married at Monroe, this county, May 10, Rev. H. A. Sherman oSciating. We have a letter from John Brad ford, late editor of the Platte Center Reporter, saying that he is at Bethany, Nebr., and all right P. W. Beerbower, our energetic and rustling land agent was in Clarks Thursday last consummating an exten sive deal in real estate. F. L Foss, an officer of the Crete Chautauqua association, was in the city Tuesday in the interest of that meeting, which commences July 5. A stray cow came to my residence inclosure about the firstof May. Owner can have the same by proving property and paying charges. O.D.Butler. 3t Workmen commenced excavating on Friday for the cellar and foundation of Mr. Oehlrich's new residence on the corner of Fifteenth and North streets. Rev. C. M. Griffith of Cedar Rapids, Nebr., will preach in the M. E. church, morning and evening, May 21st He is one of our bright yrung men; hear him. H. M. Bame and Bertha Wolford hied themselves away to Madison last Saturday week, and, with the assistance of the county judge, were made man and wife. Charles Brandt moved his family and household effects to Columbus last week, where he will engage in the saloon business with his brother. Humphrey Democrat Carl Schubert has the frame work up, 32x22, for a general repair shop, just back of his gun store on Olive street of which we will have more to say when completed. Walter Henry, a brakeman on the U. P., had his right foot badly mashed Monday, and will for some time require the aid of crutches to assist him in get ting around. Bicycles, Bicycles. Do not be talked into buying a cheap machine at a high price. Fitzpatrick will give you a high-grade machine, very cheap. Try him and see. H. B. Fauble writes us from King fisher, Oklahoma, that peaches are as large as hickory nuts and cherries turn ing red; crops look fine. He has The Joubnal forwarded to him. Ringling Bros', great circus gives Columbus the go-by this season. It is evident that these would-be imitators of the great Barnum have heard of our reputation as a show town. In the case of the First National Bank v. Fred Allen et aL, the motion by defendants, Covert & Taylor, to set aside was denied. The judges took sev eral cases under advisement She frowned on him and called him Mf. Because in fun he'd merely Kr., And then, in spite. The following nite. This naughty Mr. Kr. Sr.-Ex. A. C. Patrick and wife left last week for Newman Grove, where they have completed arrangements to take charge of a hotel. The Joubnal wishes them success in their new venture. Cook & Whitby have brought their entire circus and menagerie to this country, and produce their performance as in the Palace Garden, Ixradon. At Columbus, Wednesday, June 14. Parties interested in the new paper were in Columbus recently looking over the old plant formerly used in publish ing the Sentinel with a view of removing it to this place. Fullerton Poet. A host of the young friends of Mas ter Earl Galley gathered together at the residence of Mr. Paul Hoppen Friday evening, and went in a body to make a surprise party on their young friends. On Sunday W. T. Rickly was struck in the right eye by a colt He carries his "peeper" in a sling, but apprehends no serious troubles. Will, has been wounded by horses several times in his life. Somewhat strange to relate, Mr. D. B. Duffy, a tenant upon M. K. Turner's farm near this city, has been confined to the house for several days with an at tack of the measles. He is convalescent now. Everybody who knows about it is now agreed that the small grain is well rooted, and that with warmer weather, corn planting will go rapidly forward most of the ground being in good read iness. A portion Of the sidewalk on east Olive street, between Fourteen and Fif teenth, is in a very defective condition, and as a "stitch in time saves nine," let the few stitches be taken in that neigh borhood. John Stauffer returned Monday of last week from Colfax Springs, la., feel ing much better in health than when he left two weeks before. He brought a barrel of the water home with him for medicinal purposes. On Friday of last week there oc curred in and around McCook one of the hardest rains that has visited that region in many years. It did but little damage, howevs, and was -warmly wel comed by the ranchmen. F. H. Rusche, corner of Fourteenth and North streets, has added very ma terially to the appearance of his hand some residence by painting the entire outside thereof, ornamenting the porch 1 and adding thereto convenient steps. Harry Markell returned Friday night from Louisville, Ky., where was held the four days' convention of gen eral secretaries of the Y. M. C. A., for the United States and Canada. There were some two hundred and fifty present Rev. W. S. Hunt, former pastor of the Congregational church of this city, is expected in the near future to deliver at the Congregational church-a lecture, beautifully illustrated with stereopticon views on Lew Wallace's great book, "Ben Hur." Frank Wood, advance agent for Cook k Whitby's circus and menagerie, was in the city Monday arranging for the appearance of that great show in Colum bus on Wednesday, June 14. TheJoub kal will contain their big advertisement in due season. Build a solid and substantial foun dation, then call on Hugh Hughes, the leading Columbus lumber merchant se lect from his extensive stock the finest material yon can find, build a cosy house, move into it and exclaim in a loud voice "The world is mine." Chi Id rn Cry for Pitcher's Casterla. A little excitement occurred' on L street Monday evening by a runaway. No further damage was done other than strewing the family supply of groceries and several plows along the street and somewhat frightening Mr. Finney, the owner of the team. Fred Blaser lately returned home from building a dwelling house. for Jacob Wahldman, living between Oconee and Platte Center. Mr. W. came from the old country ten years ago, with noth ing to begin on, and now owns an 80 acre farm, nicely improved. Owing to a combination of unfortu nate circumstances the Home restau rant, owned by A. C. Patrick, was seized by creditors last week. Apparently the place was doing a thriving business, and its collapse was somewhat of a surprise to Mr. Patrick's many friends. Some rascally fellow entered the Chinese laundry on Twelfth street on Thursday afternoon and stole Leo Eno's good silver watch. We are authorized to offer a reward of one year's "washee" for information that will lead to the re covery of the stolen time keeper. Last week we neglected to call at tention to the displayed advertisement of Griffen & Gray. We now take occa sion to say that the ad. is nice, the gen tlemanly proprietors of that money saving store are nice and the goods they offer to people of this vicinity are equally as nice. Grand Chancellor Commander W. B. Dale of this city was at Shelton Thursday night last to install a new lodge K. of P. He reports having had a pleasant time, and started on the road to fame as enthusiastic a set of men as ever graced that excellent secret organi zation. Arnold Oehlrich goes this week to New York to meet Mrs. Oehlrich, who has been on a visit at her old home in Europe. After stopping at Chicago on their return, in a few weeks it is intend ed to begin the erection of their fine new residence, corner of Fifteenth and North, this city. For several days last week the re pair corps of the Western Union Tele graph company were engaged in and about Columbus in straightening up crooked poles and adding new ones where necessary, all of which added to the appearance of the best looking town in Nebraska. Otto, son of E. Pohl of this city, who has been living in Fremont the past three years, and who has had a business engagement with Magnau &Bruner, has recently been made a full-fledged phar macist, standing among the very best in his class at examination. After a time he expects to enter college. G. A. Bell has been here several weeks representing the Sterling-Goold Mnfg Co. of LeMars, la., in the placing of a complete new bolting system of the latest improved machinery in the Schroe dermill. It is expected that this week will find the mill ready for work again after a lay-off of about four weeks. On Wednesday afternoon as train No. 2 was between Duncan and Colum bus, eastbound, the steam gauge sprang a leak and all the steam escaped. The yard engine went to her rescue and brought her safely to port, where, after a brief delay, the break was repaired and she carried her passengers onward rejoicing. W. H. Selsor sends greeting to his old friends in Platte county. Hesaya: "We like our new home very well but we miss our dear old friends that we left behind in Platte county." Besides com mending the people of Fillmore county for their good qualities, he says they have some of the finest fruit orchards he ever saw. By helping us gather news items you help yourself and enlighten your friends at a distance who are subscribers to The Joubnal. Do not bide from us the knowledge of a newsy item and then wonder if the paper will have it the next week. Send the facts in, and we will put it in as presentable shape as we can, thereby "carrying the news to Sarah." The Epworth League State conven tion hold their third annual meeting in Omaha June 1-4. Delegates will be en tertained free, and as far as possible all visitors from a distance will receive the same liberal treatment Special rates have been secured from the hotels for all who prefer entertaining themselves. The railroads have made a one and one third rate for the round trip. The sociable given by the ladies of the Congregational church at Fitzpat rick's hall on last Wednesday evening was well attended and a very enjoyable time was had. Every anticipation of the ladies connected with the event was more than realized, and after the indebt edness was cleared up there -remained a snug little sum to aid the ladies in their good work of advancing the interests of the church. Captain Morse of Grand Island was loading up some cars here Friday with horses sending them down to La Porte, Texas. In about two weeks, when Mr. M. shall have finished his job of ditching on Shell creek, he will load up some more cars and go to the sunny south, where he has a $20,000 contract for grading and shelling the streets of Genoa. At that point they have drilled down through three thousand feet of shells and timber, and are still at it. We hear considerable complaint from the neighborhood of Norfolk in regard to the beet industry. Farmers are apparently not at all well satisfied with the conditions under which they are compelled to furnish beets nor the price obtained. After the large bonus given by Norfolk people to secure the sugar plant and the immense outlay for machinery by the company, every en deavor should be made to encourage the production of the raw material at living prices. Soon after commencing work at the Platte river bridge yesterday morning, while engaged in unloading a large tim ber from a wagon, the skid upon which it was being removed broke, the whole weight falling upon O. W. Clark, of Central City, breaking both bones of his left leg below the knee and otherwise injuring him to a considerable extent He was brought to this city and Drs. Martyn 3c Evans set the leg and dressed the wounds of the unfortunate man and he was made as comforta ble as possible and sent to his home on the afternoon train. Mr. Clark is a married man, and this accident will prevent bis working for some time. . In the reorganisation of the south western eyatem of the Gould roads, Mr. S. H. H. Clark, president, has appointed W. B. Doddridge general manager of that important chain of roads. Mr. Doddridge will be remembered by our older citizens as station agent for the Union Pacific railroad at Columbus along in the 70's, and it is here he gained his first experience in railroading, so that we can honestly claim the credit of furnishing the country with this great railroad manipulator, as his position is in importance second only to that of Mr. Clark himself. From here, Mr. Dodd ridge drifted west says the Bee, and so capable did he show himself that Mr. Clark made him acting superintendent of the western division of the Union Pacific, extending from Green River to Ogden. Then he became general super intendent of the Idaho division, which comprised the Oregon Short Lino. But he grew tired of railroading and went to Montana to become the superintendent of the Anaconda mines. His first love, however, proved too strong for him and he went back to railroading, fiually at taining that thorough knowledge and executive -ability which placed him in the high position above mentioned. Mr. W. B. Backus, the energetic and wide-awake superintendent of the In dustrial School at Genoa for the educa tion of Indian children, made The Journal office a pleasant and most wel come visit Thursday afternoon. For four years he has faithfully filled the responsible trust imposed upon him. In that time he has personally super vised the erection of five handsome and useful buildings at a total cost of $3560, being a yearly .average of $8,840, the greater portion of which has been realized from the several industries of the school during Mr. B.'s four years' regency. In that time the school has grown in numbers from 130 to 400 indust rious Indian boys and girls,many of whom exhibit a surprising degree of knowledge acquired in a very short time. Mr. Backus informs us that the manufac ture of brooms is one of the most im portant industries of the school, having now ready for market something like $4,000 worth. The superintendent has successfully conducted this philanthro pic institution at the unprecedented low cost to the government of $8,640 in the entire four years. Space forbids a more extended notice of this school, much to our regret Just a little late for an announce ment in last week's paper there occurred at the residence of Mrs. T. C. Bauer, near the city limits, Tuesday noon an unos tentatious and homelike wedding which was no great surprise to Columbus so ciety, as the happy mating of two souls so well ana favorably known was whis pered from one to another of the con tracting parties' many friends in pleas ing words. It was the marriage of Dr. T. R. Clark, one of our leading physi sians, and Miss Louise Bauer, than whom no more estimable lady graces Columbus society. Rev. H. Miessler performed the ceremony in his happiest manner. And now the good Dr. will find a "light in the window" awaiting him on his return from professional visits on dark and stormy nights. The Journal joins their many friends in wishing them all the happiness that can possibly be derived from married life. After several days visiting with friends at Lincoln Dr. and Mrs. Clark settled down to everyday life just, as though nothing unusual had happened. "Cleanliness is next to godliness." This thought was prompted by a recent visit to the Thurston house barber shop. Men who care for appearance and com fort always seek the most artistic ma nipulators of the razor and comb, and the neatest and cleanest barber shop to be found. These essential requirements can always be found at the Thurston shop. They are always "at home" in their best bib and tucker. Mr. Frank Rybnrn, than whom no more artistic barber ever traveled, has now in his employ that "king of the razor," Ed. Kimbrough, whose lips are sealed to all things but business. In connection with this parlor barber shop you will find ele gantly furnished bath rooms. 1 Railroads are great advertisers. Both the Union Pacific and the B. & M. are now very extensively engaged in ad vertising prospective cities of large di mensions. The Union Pacific is boom ing Gothenburg and her canal and the B. & M. is building upon paper a large city out of Sheridan, away up in Wyo ming. We read in the latter's adver tisements that "Sheridan is, without doubt, the coming city of the new north west" If such stringent economists as great railroad corporations can see money in advertising, why do merchants and business men keep their light hid den under a bushel measure? M. K. Turner received a telegram from Council Bluffs, Iowa, Monday an nouncing the sad intelligence of the death of Mr. G. L. Jacobs, an old and much esteemed friend, and left early Tuesday morning to attend the funeral. Mr. Jacobs was a former resident of eastern Ohio, was for many years a teacher, and was always prominently connected with educational matters. He had resided in Council Bluffs for a number of years. Mr. Jacobs had been a great sufferer from rhumatism, which finally removed him to that realm above where pain and sorrow are unknown. Mrs. R. A. Folsom, of Lincoln, tar ried a few days in Columbus last week on her fifth annual tour through the state in the interest of the "Tabitha" orphan home, and met with deserved success. This institution receives needy orphans from all parts of the state and cares for them, giving them an education and training for some useful occupation un til they become self-supporting, but does not allow them to be adopted, thus pre venting the separation of children of the same family, and is in every way a most worthy object of charity. D. H. Harrington of Duncan, who for the past eight years has been mana ger of the Nebraska interests of the Warren Live Stock company, left on last Friday for Cheyenne, Wyoming, where he will assume a still more re sponsible position with that extensive live stock company. Mr. Harrington did not delegate any one to supply him with Platte county news during his ab sence, but took the more sure and sen sible plan and subscribed for Thk Joukxax, which wishes him success in lall his undertakings. Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Underwear rrs! ! I Ever brought to Columbus. Also ) Working Shirts, Jackets, Overalls, Jeans Pants, Etc. While banks and business houses in some parts of the country are 5 giving up the ghost, this firm are busily engaged in catering to the wants of its customers in and around Co- 5 5 lumbus, in accumulating a large and varied selection of everything that pertains to the comfort and good 2 5 looks of our customers. We want your trade, and in order to secure it we have let no opportunity go by to E select an excellent stock of the FINEST FOOT WEAR ever brought to this city. The spring styles are far 5 2 prettier and more becoming than ever before, and from our stock you will have no difficulty in securing what jj: you want. ?Our Shoe Artist is always ready to attend to repairing in the highest style of the art. Give 2 2 us a call before purchasing. S 1 uiiWMtMDuuutHumiiitmimttwnirHniHnwtimiuiuuHiiiiiiiituinmiHiuitnmmiHHiMiimiuMiMn W. F. Beckett of Genoa, president of the Nebraska State Band Union, made this office a pleasant call Thurs day last on his return home from a busi ness meeting at Lincoln of the officers of the above named association. From him we learn the bands throughout the state are in a flourishing condition and working in perfect harmony. Among the business transacted at Lincoln was the acceptance of a very liberal proposi tion from the state fair management to hold their next band encampment on their grounds during fair week, and it is expected that from thiity to forty bands will be in attendance. Mr. Beckett, who. was the prime mover in the organi zation of our present estimable band union, is now arranging music and mak ing other preparations to have the entire union practice and become proficient in a series of the latest selections, so that at any time, upon the shortest notice, the whole or a portion, as the case may require, the combination will bo pre pared to fill all engagements without delay for preparation. This is an origi nal idea and one which seems to us very practicable. The county board of supervisors meets June 13th, 14th and 15th, as a board of equalization. The Joubnal suggests that it is a good thing, a very good thing, if you wish to get your tax levy upon the proper basis, to attend the session of your township board of su pervisors, and see that the valuation placed upon your property is not put at a higher figure, proportionately, than that of your neighbors, and also that all the property holders in your township be justly rated, so that the taxes, levied as a certain rate per cent on the fixed valuation, will bear equally all around. If the township board do not do you justice, then you can come to the county board of equalization and look after it. This is your business just as much as it is your business to pay just what you ought for your groceries, machinery, dry-goods, etc., and it is just as import ant for you to look after it Don't for get the date for the township board meeting. Nelson Hulst, aged 9 years lacking two days, sou of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Hulst, former residents of this place, now of Rapid City, Dakota, died Wed nesday and the remains were brongbt here Friday for burial. The services were held Saturday afternoon from the Episcopal church, Rev. Jaudou preach ing a very consoling sermon. The in terior of the church was tastefully arranged with a profusion of flowers furnished by sympathizing friends of the family. The remains were laid to rest in the Columbus cemetery. All members of the family were present ex cept Garrett who is attending college in the east and unable to come. Mrs. Dr. Siggins, Mr. and Mrs. Mercer, Mr. and Mrs. P. Ford and H. I. Latham, all of Omaha, were in attendance to pay their last sad rites to ono who made sunshine in their homes while living. The Schuyler Sun contains quite an extended obituary notice of Myron Prince, aged CO years, which occurred at that nlace May 7th. Mr. Prince was a Pennsylvanian by birth, and moved to Colfax county in i860. Ho located at Schuyler in 1891, and purchased the old Hoxie house, making it somewhat famous by painting it red, white and blue and naming it "The Soldiers' Home," at which old veterans were always warmly welcomed. Mr. Prince was a member of the G. A. R, and his death was not un expected, as he had been a sufferer from asthma for thirty years. It is with pleasure that we call at tention to a new price-list and order card just issued from this office for the Columbus Steam Dye Works, lo cated in the Thurston buildings. Art. Symms, the, gentlemanly proprietor, is certainly deserving of encouragement in his endeavors to make his establishment one of the leading factors of Columbus. All descriptions of dyeing can be done as well and as cheaply at home as in Omaha, so do not 6end any work of this kind away. Personal and other local matter on SPRING ECONOMY FineShoes,CheapShoes GRIFFfflURAY ARE MAKING hay while the sun shines, and are daily receiving one of the finest and best assorted stocks of Thirteenth St., Columbus, Nebraska. HENRY RA6ATZ & CO, KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND A FULL LINE OF Staple and Fancy Groceries, ALSO AS FINE AN ASSORTMENT OF Lamps, Glassware, Queensware, Etc., As Can be Found in This Section of Nebraska. guThe very highest market price paid in trade for country produce.a ELEVENTH ST., COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA. Maj27.91-tf II gfektetetki II COLUMBUS STORE ! The Bankrupt Store in the NORTH BLOCK has changed management and is re-stocking with new goods in DRY GOODS & NOTIONS BOUTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, CLOTHING, AND Gents' - Furnishing - Goods. Wo will continue And by courteous to call again. INortli Block. F. M. Zimartf ee1 b m SPEICE General Agents UBloa sad MMlBBd PBdlc B. B. Lsmds for sals at from iS-flS to tW.09 jwr men for cast m SmwfcsmeaiatiiBa.inaaiinmlTaymeDtstoBtiitiar:Iiaseia. lot of other leant improved and ommproTea, business ail laaiaaBue lota ia the city. We keep FlaUaCocmty. COLUMBUS. W.T. RICKLY, WVleaaJaaa4KetaU Dealer, to flue, P.iltry, ud Fresh Fiifc. 0CeakBU for Bttee. Pelt. Tallow, I 0Ut ttntt twt Dtn Ntrtk SPARKLES! IS HI II to make the same treatment cause you B B B1 I & NORTH, for the wale of i-i-i v 1-1-1 bJU bbbbbTbbsbb bbIsb w bars also a larga aad caolot ob rsasoaabla tarau. Ala lor sale at low pnoa aaa ob rcasoaaoie terms. a complete abstract of titla teall real estate U NEBRASKA. 621 AU Kiiii ef Ssu.w'Mialty. ntilinl biiibiI nlnnli Tn fil aajili 1 tf tl fini latiual Baik. I fv- v W