v Ir it h. 19 '4f S3- - .- srvtfj -.f .0;? JgrV ?f-jgf. :.. KV-- " V a;- ' - Jt ifa'tjjy., -L ? fcghlly MJirtWit' ' '" wiHife' fite 8gaef flunrcl. t . "- -v ir -AHSr t-v-rrr3i r- -i p-T .,-.-- --..-. C0lumfo ati s- t ., - I r . m - : -. - . - I 1 !V u , . 'J- - . I - . X VOLUME XXIV.-NUMBER 3. COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA, WEDNESDAY, MAY 3, 1893. WHOLE NUMBER 1,199. THE old reliable i NEBRASKA NEWS. Columbus - State - Bank I (Oldett Bank in tht State.) Pays Merest on Time Deposits AND Maies Loans on Seal Estata ItmStS SIGHT DRAFTS GH Osaka, Ckicaco, New Tort aa& all Foreign CoaatxiM. SELLS : STEAMSHIP : TICKETS, BUYS GOOD NOTES And Helps iU Customers when they Need Help, Aurora is to have telephone connec tion with Lincoln. Scarlet fever is reported to be preva lent at Cedar Rapids. The Hebrews ol Lincoln are about to build a 50,000 church. The new rrcsbyterian church in Be atrice will cost 20.000. Ncbraslca last week got thirty-two new fourth class postmasters. Most of the bheep wintered in Dodge have been marketed In Chicago. The boys of Kearney industrial school will plant twenty acres of sugar beets. Arcadia has a new fire department and the citizenshavc presented the boys with a. bran new chcmieol engine. Negotiations aro pending to have a knitting mi'l removed to West Point which w'il employ about fifty men. The cyclone in Holt county lifted stone from a sod shanty ahd deposited it in Goose lake, nearly a half mile dis tant An 03 e Oloson troop struck Scribner the other day and disbanded there without giving their promised perf orm- l ancc. Battle Creek has a cow that gave 1 birth to one calf on Wednesday morning and about four days thereafter gave birth to another. Henry A. Voss, of Omaha, has been appointed superintendent of the gov ernment building in that citj', the sal ary being ?3 a day. business col- Alfred Martin, a bill clerk employed by Paxtou, Gallagher & Co., of Omaha, bhotand instantly killed himself last week in the room of his mistress at 018 South Sixteenth street. The cause for belf-dcstruction seems to havo been su perinduccd by jealousy, Martin's mis tress having descried him and taken up with a former lover. Governor Crouse and the attaches of the executive department celebrated Arbor Dnv tin Monday, the absence of the governor preventing the proper ob-. scrvance of the holiday Saturday. group of trees was planted on tht "capi tol grounds just north cf the cast en trance. Governor Crouse planted an American red birch; Private Secretary Andrews selected an English ash; Chief GicrlrFcrris contributed a huckberry. Mrs. William Dodd, Of Peru, says the Auburn Herald, died Saturday, after noon ut 3 O'clock after a lingering ill ness. One ot the Peculiar incidents dur ing Mi . Hodd's illness was slie was re ported dead twice last week, previous to her demise on Saturday. On Tues day the undertaker had arrived with the coflin when she again rallied and survived until Saturday. She was buried Sunday in Mount Vernon ceme tery. ,. Judge Uabcoek habucd down his de cision is the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy railroad versus Beatrice Rapid Transit and Power company injunction cise. .ntgluent was renuereu m iuui A PAIR OP CYCLONES. THAT bring death Struction AND DE- ThlrVv-twb Reported Killed iu the Tattle laira of Jiorroan Everything Keady for the Great Fair Opening Cleveland Will Touch the Button that Will Start the Machinery aiovlns Illinois WIL' IiaVfe a Holiday Great Ovations Along the Lino to the Old JUell of Liberty. Death and Dtraetloin OKLAHOMA Crrr.SkL, April 27. Two distinct cyclones, a terrific hail storm and a wateV spout combined W work awful destruction in the newly-built towns of Oklahoma last night. It is re ported that sixty-two human lives were sacrificed it is positively known that forty were killed while bevcral were fatally end scores seriously injured. The damage to property ie inestimable. The brunt of the storm was laid upon the prosperous little town of Norman, on the Santa Fe road, about twenty miles south of hero. At tit at -point standard street railway crossing across the plaintiff company s lines at lower Court and South Sixth streets. Defcnd- OFFICERS ASD DIRECTORS LEAftDEB QERBAED. Trea't. 8. H. HENRY, Yice Fres't. JOHN 8TATJFFER, Cashier. M. BRUG G ER, G. W. HDL8T. mmm mi -OF- COLUMBUS, NEB., HAS AN- Anthorized Capital of $500,000 Paid in Capital - 90,00f OPFICERSi O. H. SHELDOX, Pres'U H. P. II. OHLRICn, Vice Pre. C. A. NEWMAN, Cashier, DANIEL SCIIRAM, Ata! 0Mb in -vom " -"" " ""fr' I ants excepted, but the exception was lege ha completed the first year o its ( , i a i t.. r .n.i ..tniKiinn uncn. i --- existence anu is Hijjuuutuuu.uuuuu cially and otherwise. Joseph Bowles, ah old citizen of Om aha, dropped dead on the street the other day while on his way home. Heart troube carried him off. fbnrlp Camnbull of Palmyra, was t f oundUead in his harness shop last week. Ho was highly respected but acdlctcd to drink to which cause his death is as signed. Tho family of Peter Sorenson of Dodge county is sadly afflicted. Diph theria has carried oft five children and only an infant is loft to the heartbroken parents. lion. W. S. Randall, publisher of the j commencing at J ..NOWS-JULCrum, illirauuum ua-iiicihuh v.i the state legislature and an enrly set tler of Claj' county died of paralysis last week. Miss Oliver, who lived with her ! brother twelve miles east of Pawnee City wah found dead in her bed at 0 o'clock tho other morning. Her death may have been duo to old age. The Lincoln Journal says that Super intendent Barton, of the Nebraska ed ucational exhibit at the world's fair, has made one lanro shinmentof articles ! to be displayed and lias the Beeond in the car at ttie depot ready lor transpor tation. One more consignment will complete the exhibit, and those who j have seen the pieces are of the opinion that the display will be as creditable as could possibly be displayed in the lim ited space assigned for Nebraska. . The civil service commissioner at Washington has ordered that an exam ination be held at the itostoflice building in Lincoln on Saturday, .May 0, lfcu.s, o clock a. m., for the Nebraska juid Iowa at the Fair. Chicago, 111", April 39. Commissioner General Garncau, jr., from Oniaha, ar rived in the city yesterday to person ally superintend the work at the Ne braska stale World's fair building. Ho 'spent fhe greater part of tile day at thd grounds in consultation with Mr. Seth P. Moblcy, who has had charge of tho work in Mr. Garncau's absence. Mr. F. A. Barton of Pawnee county also ar riTed to take charge of the installation of the educational exhibit, and Mr. E. Whitcomb of Friend to sup'erintend tho dairy exhibit, , . Mrs. Langworthy of Seward and Mrs. McDonald ofNorlh Platte arc hero to attend the settling of the ladies' recep tion rooms. A number of exhibits came in yester day and were being unpacked. Among them was a corn table which the ladies of Webster county sent as a representa tion of the county. The surface of the top is a reproduction of the map of the bounty with Its townships andtcreeks; The legs are supposedly four immense ears of corn, though it is hardly ex pected that easterners will be so credu lous as to accept them as wonders of Nebraska i'esourec? Tho workman ship is exquisite and does credit to the designer, Mrs. R. A. Barber of Red Cloud. In Exhibition hall decorating is going forward rapidly. The southeast corner I liae! beeti allotted to Frontier county, and panels of grain aiealrDaaji'iruicw Lancaster county occupies the south west corner and its panels or grau. 2"" grasses are now on the wall. The de cnmtnrs have been much delayed by the Electric Lisrht company which has j LU y"w - "!. t i x 5i i .:!!.; ln il- oi'clpni ' The towns were nearly devastated and oniy just nniaueu yumus . -j I 1 lU41i;:.T ?.. r..1l.. ..nl i hf liD-lititlEr. scores oi v, .j., ;-""" ,? Mnw sn;t, to(lav tat he nd oiucrwisc. uiuiiyu uiu iwMui H1WH1.H.. if any, will not be so serious as at Nor- ! man. . , West of Norman eight houses were demolished and five or six persons badly injured. East of the stricken town two men and two women were killed. Similar reports c'omo from all around, out it seems impossible to get names. WAS SHORT ON CASH. I aKSr"SS2!? ffiSSS Ju-. tTninn PaMfift. iienrv r. uuuw, vm. fcUV J i-9 1 ?.. AND THE DOORS HAD CLOSED. TO BE Sioux City Snffcra One of the Most Disas trous Failure Within Its History The Union Loan and Trust Company Unable to Keallre on Securities, U Forced to Succumb Other Instltuttons ruUed Down With It The Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the Union Pacific Railroad. thii K-.U'-n hpfinie were killed. j -- r--i--- - dozens -THE- First National Bank I injured and the town almost completely j destroyed. A pall lias overspreau me 'issssssssi'n I 3EE& dead boUiea arc out in search along the track of the cj-clone, The people are frenzied and cannot give an estimate of their loss, and know nothing except to care for the dead and injured. Further on the towns of Downs and Keokuk Falls fared but little better. STOCKHOLDERS: C H. Sheldon, J- P. Tl-ker, Herman P. H.Oehlrich, Carl Ripnke. Jonas Welch. W. A. McAllister, J. Henry Wnrdeman. 4. M. inslow. Oorco W. Galley, Frank Roror, II. B. U. Urey, Arnold F. H. Oehlrick. Gerhard Lioteke. fjay-Bunk of depositt interest allowed oa tlms deposits; buy and sell exchange on United States and Europe, and buy and soil available securities. We shall be pleased to receive j oar business. We Csiicit your patronage. 28dec87 A DTJSSELL, DEALEB I j .lohn Toppc, living near Scribner, ! lost his barn by fire, and had just com , plctcd the frame for a new ony when a wind storm aroe and carried a large i part of it into the next township, i The Wisncr Chronicle mentions a prize fight near that place in which one , of the principles left the ring with a ' broken arm and allowed tlu other fel 1 low to walk off w ith 130 gate receipts, t Thieves entered the granary and hen house of W. M. Kirk, living twelve miles south of Lincoln. They carried away twenty-one chickens, twelve bUsh- , els of oats and a sack of choice seed corn. I The .hoodlum clement has become so j obstreperous at public entertainments in Norwalk that the opera .house own ' crs have hired a burly policeman to hammer the ninnies if they fail to main tain a respectful silence in the future. (loo. W. Jones of South Omaha forged the name of Boyer Bros, to a check for man cashed it. lue One Touch of tho Button. Chicago, April -'8. Tho multitude of spectators, massed on the square front ino- the ndm nistrahon building or Mr. Mnblev said today longer hoped to have the trork com nlptoil hv Monday, but that the con fused state of affairs that now prevailed A FlnaneWl Crash In Sioux City. Sioux Cm-, in., April 25. The iriost disastrous failure in the history of Siou City occurred yesterday when the fail ure df tho Union Loan and Trust com pany was annoiiEcftd. This financial institution was one of the Aot impor tant in the eitj It had a paid-up cap ital of SI, 000,000, and its-officers were men who had been leaders in the city eutcrprisus many of which had operated through it. Large blocks of rcnl estate and other securities had been marketed through it, and it has accumulated liabilities as ifidorser therein. The securities were largely held abroad. For severalmonths calls have been made for payment and these demands have been more numer ous and imperative recently. The gen eral stringency of the money market prevented renewals of paper as it fell due Duriilg' the" last month A. S. Gar retson, while cast, sent S300,'JOO o the company to mSA maturing lialnhUeg but the load was too great, -t- f sam that Mr. Garretson had arranged in St. Paul for 51,000,000, which will lie here tduioFrtiw; but tomorrow is too late. Creditors were oil Uld ground to attach, and assignment had to be mam TJie assignment was made to b; it. Hubbard, who gave out s gen-raistaic- would be done away Willi and the room ; ment showing liabilities to the amount cleaned up for the reception of visitors of S745,374,8S, Willi "e romm "--- s iti de grades of clerk and carrier m the city postollicc. Only citizens of the United t.1.. .mi ! viiiniiiiii1 Thn n.re lilil- ;;,. ,.v -i fnllnwsr for clerk, not lodsrcd on the bridges of the lagoons under eighteen years; For carrier, not j will see the president of the Tnited under twenty-one nor over forty: lor states lay his thumb on a button open ing the great fair. Instantly will arise a great roar in machinery hall, and the even though the men were obliged to return to their work on Tuesday. Mr. Mobleyhas been seriously de layed in getting the work started by the dilatory transportation of exhibits. Eight days time is required to obtain a car of goods after it arrives at the rrrounds. and. exhibitors not under- Tlm tr banks. S14.J3'.',- . i. .. Mil J ."l" bonus ana interest, j.wi""-i "- . .cUnr sio7.srn.3fi. rpi.Jc r),.fnmant 1nfs not include the J.1111 OLU V.- " ,.,-- rHIlECTOTtfiW A. ANDERSON, rm't. J. H. O ALLEY. Vice Pro'. O.T.ROEN. Cashier. C. E. EARLY, Asa't CAin O.ANDERSON. r-Ain??5!!u JACOB GRKISEN. ... HENRY aUQATZ. JAMB3 O. REEDEU. Statenent ef Condition at the tloso of Boslaess Sept. SO, 1SU2. BSSOVRCXS. Losnn anil Discount ......... Real Eiate,Vurnlture and U tnrvrt ...-.. ........... D. S. Bonn - Due from U. S. Trc.-nurer. Iu from othor banks.... h cnhanJ ; 700 . 2S..23.ftl 319.03 83 18.701 S3 lS.Mnco LIABILITIES. Capital ftock paid lu. Surplus Fand ........ Uii'llvided profits Uircultlon .... pjVlt3 -, ............. 87.KO.W CMo.osau ..$ 60.000.00 .. 3.XK).00 lanooou ... 332 719.00 310.0S3Ba gustttess $ards blanding this, perhaps delayed shipping ment, I longer than was absolutely neefcssary. t . At messenger, stamper, etc, not under six teen nor over forty-five. a ;ii:... nim.o .mil lvwolil. ...i.io ii,;. ,.;.v i.iu. Ktli of Inst ' turrets of the great month with two full train loads of fat. as the countless wheels begin to turn, eatth for Liverpool, Mivst l,vemcnt Then from overy flagstaff the banners building will nod correspondent, hav lXtuined and re port having ha'd a very pleasant and successful trip in every way and of re ceiving the very highest market price f.r their stock. The cars containing the next shipment of cattle for the same market will be beautifully decorated with Hag and bannefa advertising Dodge county ahd the State of Nebras ka. Hon. W. S. Pandall of Fairfield died last week at the residence o" his broth er, where he had gone to make a call. He had ulTttred from a stroke of paral ysis Home time ago from which he had iiovor recovered and yesterday he had a ! second attack. Mr. Kandal was one of I Clay county's pioneers, had served cs county treasurer, and was a member of t.lio house of renrescntatnes from tins county in issT. I he had been conductin News, which at present of the i nations will swing loose and I stream out under the sky in scarlet, I .. 1 I , m.. -I! 1.... nt (Inr... yellow aim uiuc. xne uiapi. "i uu(,o on the manufacturers building, mag nificent as it ivas during the dedication last November, will, it is said, be pal try compared with the thousands that will Ijb iluncr looe in response to the ' touch of Grover Cleveland's thumb. All winter the llagmakers have been working on the bunting, nnd they have turned out millions of feet of colors which will be hung up on the staffs to await the signal. 'J he fountains in the basin will begin to spdut atid the sweeps of the rowing irirls in Macraonnies Tricremc will, for r1. .. . ..- , a. t... ..4. llie nrst ume. nc in wuicr. imwutii. the end of the basin French's figure of contingent liabilities. It is teliabiy re ported that the company is liable as In dorser for 1,5000,000, in addition to the amount shown by the assignee's state- nnrt how mucn more is uui. tlowu ..... any rate, me exiiiousiiavcuinv juat a greni ucm i va.B ..-- ,--r . arrived at the building. The greater has been handleil tnrougn uiu "" part of them consists of grain and grain Loan and Trust company. A detailea decorations and wooden cases in which ' statement will be required to uncover the displays will be made. Dawson ; the real amount of the liabilities ana county's exhibit in the fond of the , there has not been any time to compile United States flag wrought in grain ar- ' it. The statement of tilts assets aggre rived a few days ago. ' gate nominally about S2.000.000, but The furniture for the parlors has all the actual value of the same is uncer i... ,M,,...i...t,i ..11.1 if. will arrive , tuin In lartre nart they consist Of IIIICll LlUlLllUOV.lt ! -.-- &KKa -- "-- ilurin? the week. Considerable incoii- , venience is felt by the absence of any kind of heating apparatus. The rooms are too cold as yet for comfort, and no provision was made for putting in cith- I er gas or coal heaters. Mr. Mobley is trying to obtain permission lor iui.ro- ilnetion of stoves, and. in the mean property assigned by the various per sons anil concerns that have operated through the trust company. It appears that the assignment of D. T. Hedges precipitated the failure of the trust company. Hedges was the owner of many suburban additions, and mi nnnrmnns amount OI llOlCS SCCUreii ......... . .. .v..... ..-- - -. . ,r,.i. . i...riA. ..,. nr,. time, exercising to Keep warm, nc nas uv morigage on uraui i"i.- --"- "Po made aiTangcments with the Wauke- ' tiatatcd through the trust company and sha Hygeia company to supply the , otherwise. He had built a four mile building with water, so that Nebraska ' cable line to one of these additions, anil need have no fear of the water of Lake had other extensive liabilities. He fileil Michigan. as TO iowa's rxililu I'. The Iowa Columbian commission is no longer to be found at the old stand in the Monadnock building. Visitors from thf state will now be oblisrcd to co to .- VITT TTT 1 s UUfLM nmu 1111115, I 1 I 1 And all Kinds of Pumps PUMPS BE PAIRED ON SHOBT NOTICE. - I1 i nf n!in4 irt4 iMlct-inlinff lrt I . , A A. l - .... ...,- m -m ml 1 I. ll I lin. lIllLkkll. lllKlimiU lllll : -i f.,i;.,rro n -mK that, wll snell tlie nrcsmeni readies inu ki""""""' '" .. l ...' :r. :. h; meoV thestatetoeverynasserby. probably another salute will .be fired dDicim,. wit . wmen ie cminge w as , - .... i ii'liM tlin nvirliinerv starts. I hen Mr. i mane, iiemimi.ua icimnvi, " i ,, S ""L""...j'.',V,,n,lsL.Tj treni building "1 "? liBU.nl in r"T,'"... ""..".' ,''"T , uiiuiuwi. ..0. "j"--"-. 4l. .:rt crtTTi llro ho will rp- mere inai wcuifiiiu.fu " nitu iu tt htm :inii i in; tiiiu - --- - - i "W - m , Eleventh Street, on doer west of Hagel & Co'a. 6janeSS-y C03LTJMBTJS Planins Mill. WhsT Jnstopaced a newHull a H street, oppoeita Schroeaers' flonriut mill wm-n pre. pifrd to do ALL ELND8 OF WOOD WOBE, ach s V Sash, Blinds, Store Fronts, Stairs, Balusters, Turning, Doors, Mouldings, Counters , Stair Railing, Scroll Sawing, Planing. S30 and a market man cashed it. hitter discovered the forgery and Jones ( vy his eldest son, was arrest cu aim win unuoumcciiy get i Chicago corrcspon a low years in me siuie pcnaiinsuiuLc. j 4iierc ;s onc luun The Nebraska Kealty company of t docs not nronose to 1- remont has n!el Us articles mcorpora- under his feet and tion with the secretary of state. It has ley who arrived a a capital stock of 500,000, and the in- , building early this corporators arc . . h. uorsey. Kobert I wnrlnium inra'ed lnsowin: Hridirc. H. F. Stoufl'er. A. 1C Huuic and ' about, the nremises. Mr. Mobley 1 grounds. J. I). Hell. i umnirlv rpcoinmeiidcd the more speedy was laid up .tv..,.. 41,.... Aficr.r! nf P.uvnfu. pnimlv. nrnc.-ss of nlatitiuir sods and when his . and thence to the on .,1.1 -..n4ln,nn nirlitt- vonn.nf mrn lirnt intm h:iri? been C1IT1CU Ollt tllCrC mKil,rmvn fin.n bis w:.ir,m and seri- ' will be velvet turf all about the build- , A salute of guns ou sly hurt. His team was frightened ' at the cars and turning suddenly threw i him out. .Lighting on his head he cut it quite severely. Articles incorporating the Fonca House and Land company were filed at the office of secretary of state. It has a capital stock of $100,000 jind the in corporators are F. M. Horsey, A. E. I tarns. W. E. Holmes, E. L Higgins and "V. A. Rapsey. As Gonre E.,Ucdea. who lives four miles south of Table Rock, was riding in town on horseback, his horse was ( frightened at an engine near the depot and shied to one side, stumbled and fell on his leg, breaking it clear off a short distance above the ankle. A man by the name of Smith inveigled the peopieof Davenport into the belief that he was lusting after Nebraska land. He made two or three first-class purchases, in his mind, boarded two weeks at first class hotel free of charge and then departed the realm. Frank Dietz, a brakeman on the F. 1 E. A; M. V. railroad, had his foot crushed under the wheels at Arlington. Trie company's surgeon, Dr. N". H. Hrown, found It necessary to amputate the member at the instep. Deitz is ayoung man about twenty-five years of age. There are licenses before the village board of Oak land, among them one female appli cant. Mrs. A. D. Wagner, whose Rns band died some months ago. Since that ' sflvi: and supported by a pedestal of lUllC BMU lliia tUUUlltw;u mv; uuoiuv.0. There will probably be only three per mits granted. i Mrs Allen Davis, of Lincoln, 52 years old. was burned to deatli last week while atteniptin 'It general assignment at noon ioua.. 1 with si statement showing liabilities of ! S'J'JO.OOO and assets of S2.S00.000. but ' the assets in many cases are purely , nominal. His 1.720 '-j shares of the cable railway stock are listed at $172,- iimv cov- deed Trust farm ,000. llip. onil OI till oasm rmiciisiiKuiuui i - -. .... . ," . .-. . n-.n ,..l,c tl,o nrnncr v is ... ... 1 ., II ..l-t., .'l.'l-.T llll.l' ISM 111 II.ll.li:U ". ....-- . . m - or the past nve years the"Republie 'isstancUngnowsneaiiieu i ..i...-.. t.. - -j - , . , . i Hedges also made a g the Fairfield, , a Woodcn case, ltefore Monday the , """ im -"J " ' t I f irt. to the Tnion Loan and is bciug edited si,cath will have been removed and' i. .- iV"1"",1"1- "t"" "' ", ;,.. J ,.mnvnf 8.000 acres of improved - . 11 - . al I lnHilil 11TI1 f IITIIK1I I IMW III I I I" - yMM,m -. v --.- fc Ldward S. l.anuait. drapery substituted for it. w lien tne ,""" ' " " ..":":.' V i.A...Bnn i,a lands in this county to secure $330 . . . " i ri a. iniivi. in I'lii'iiiiii' ii ni.-t in i in: niiiniiii. liiu dent writes that button is toncnert miscirapery win ran --; r r,"i::' ";,-".,i , tlw e . . . , .. ... i nil .i t i r i. , lnml nf ntticrt furniture arrived at ine in Chicaffo now wno , anu ttie "uepuouc win dihuu iuun ju- ; : , :;,r .-, .. .... The Sioux City cran. let the grass grow rone and majestic. All this is to ne , y V." A "f- "." V" ;.! t Sums City. April 27. The . . .-. v t.t.-i i . 'il. A..1. -x1 4h knttnn t Ilt'IUli; LI1U UUWillUi jg. lUiu wwiuivv . that is aetn i'. iioo- , none wiui onu lout. .- " ., mnn . ,. tll(. tarnaiilin cover ' sitntion lure today was onc of t the Nebraska state The work of malcingit posiDie is auoui , w. .... .-..-. -.t -- - L tlll ..LUlliaiui ". i uv. " i- I , . . i nnrl iml-wf .11 til.. OmfMk. All llOlll 1.1 ...tamtf nl tliniKTll TIO S wipk and found tho the hitrhest development 01 eieciri?ai " -'-j -....- , - ----;- i ci.tuiu Ut.uu.vj, - " . - i intnf tiMi.iA jofTor?i"i' n:ivf :i 1111 iii?t -. i ri-i. - , . ,wwi . . ,.: !. i.nc itAAn chmrn rn to i Jiii., nvnivi w.w. ,.. ..-.wv- .-- i'tt iiimlt iq iiiviiiv(ik aiicii; Nsw York, Don M. Dickinson ol aiicn- Lee of Virginia, and Joseph V. Pad dock of Nebraska. CoBgrMsMets In September. Wasiiinotos, April 28. The presi dent yesterday made the first definite statement concerning the proposed ex tra session of congress which has yet been made- Congressman Kilgorc of Texas called on him for the purpose of finding out his intentions. "Mr. Presi dent," said Mr. Kilgorc, "I am thinking of leasing a house for my family and 1 came to find out when I shall bring them here. Unless there is to be an ex tra session of congress I shall be hero ! : it r moln November. II mere is to be an extra session I should like to know what arrangements to make, nnd I do not think there should be any secret about such things." The president in reply told Mr. Ivil- gore tnai. eongr. . "r . ' gether in September and not before, unless somecxtraordinrtrvrcason arises. "Well, Mr. President," said Mr. KU gore, "I hope you won't call us togethei before tho end of September. 'I nhtfuld like to oblige you,' said the president, "but tarn afraid I cannot flo so. Congress will be Called together before the end of September.' ."Well, not before the 15th?" said Mr. Kllgdre, , , . , "Well, sdiuciime between the 1st arid 15th," replied the president, but he added that unless some uiiforseett cir cumstance makes an earlier sc'saioiJ necessary there will be none. ERICSSON STATKK UNVEILED. The Ceremony Took PIce At A Kther Early Hour This Morning. New York, April 38. A tribute of honor to the son of another country, whofee ffcnlus befriended us in thd time ot sorest need, constituted the first formality in tho Columbian fetes of to day. While the Columbian fleet was slowly waking into life in the harbor this morning on shore the mr was rent iiv tli music of bands and preparations iere being made to unveil the statiitf of Ericsson. A early as 7:30 o'olock the members .liSri- Vnrk and Brooklyn Swedish singlfltf societies "sembled jn Union Square and inarched down Broadway to the battery to ftin the unveiling of the monument. lite donble-turreted monitor Miantono mah caiile Up from the lower bay early this morning, anchored off the battery and fired twenty-one guns whan the statue was unveiled by Miss Efichnda Anderson. The statue was then da llf rired to the civic authorities by Sec .A.. Ay.fov XV. Cole and accepted on behalf of the city by Present Paul Dina of tho Park Board. Col. W ilham C. Church made tho oration. The statue of Ericsson was modeled by Julian Scott Hartley and was cast in bronze by the Gorham Manufactur ing Company at Providence. ino figure of Erlccson i eight feet nine inches high, making the total eleva tion of the monument seventeen leet, There ar four low relief bronze panel set in the pedestal. The subjects rep resented are "The Battle B-tween the Merrlmacand the Monitor," ,,Ste4n Firo Engine in Action," "Steam Sloop of War," on which tho first applica tion of a screw propeller to warships was made, and a group of various inventions, sucli as a soiar anu n. , -. Y17ma! calorit cngiucs. The head oi mo "in nijrt neei-llUIl liaiCt I from a oust taiten stands in au J. H. KII.IAIV, DEUTCHEB ADVOKAT, Officr Nebraaka. .. cii..t..V rntnmhns. oTer coiumons oiam w, - a ALItKKT St. BEEDEB, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Oilico oTor Neliniska. First National Bank, Colombo, SO-tf V.. IT A.McALLISTEK. W. M. COBSKL1U8. cali.wti :k & COK!liI-ltJ ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Colu rabns. Neb. j. wilcox, ATTORN EY-AT-LAW, Cor. Eleventh & North SU.. COLDMBDS, NEB. tjjy-Colloc-tiona a specially. Prompt and care ful attention Riven to thtf sotUement of obtatea th "county court by eecptorn. wlminlsliator aid irnnnlian. Will nractic in all tlio coarU Cf th:I Vtkto and of tUth DakolB. Kefure. by lrmissioa, to the First National Haaic-.jaj I E. T.ALLEN, M.D., . JBy e - and - Ear - Surgeon, Secretary Nebraska Stat Board of Health. .KJS IlAMOK lr.OC3f, OMAIIA.NEBj if H.O.BOYD, SIASCKACTCBEn OT A perfect net worlc ot wires n-uwji"H'" "" . nanicky .l ., a in.:. nnnrtprs nnd readv for work. A roar- l'"1"-.) lii i.iirr niuiiu ljiij iiih,hiuv m. stenogmpher were settled in their new A roar- buildings, thcfoun- ingtire gave a encer to me roomui.it tains and the figure of the "Republic." made one lorgei me inclement weauiw sill .n tii-fl u- tnn ' UULUIUUUlft. jlux; Vl.li:uii) cioau -s tllll UU ttlt Mlll.il . . "" due indictments a train just tried was with A. W. Miller as prosecuting witness. The fact that Flory had tried to imitate Miller's sig nature, coupled with bis sudden disap pearance for parts unknown over a year ago, satificd the public that he was guiltv, but the state failed to show ev fdence to the jury that would lead them in ! i-onvinced Ihafhe was guilty be yond a reasonable doubL The first bal lot of the jury stood four to eight foi acquittal. Near Silver Creek A for ceive the commissioners of the foreign nations. (governor Altgelt has issued a procla mation setting forth that in considera tion of the national and international character of the exposition and the great event of which it is commemora tive and tho further fuct that it is lo cated within the state of Illinois, the i opening day shall be a legal holidaj 1 within the limits of this common wealth. The B?ll of Liberty. EitiE, Pa., April 2S. The reception given the liberty bell by the citizens of Eric has overwhelmed the Philadelphia committeemen". At 7 o'clock yesterday morning the booming of cannon giving the national salute and the blowing of the whistles of every factory in the place announced that the city was awakened to the opportunity of testify- rant. The affair has created a good injr its affection lor tne ancieni emoiem d.nl of feelinn- and the nijrht of the oc- ' of liberty. In a short while a committee wenty-nve years or age. currence of the fight or assault there of citizens headed by Mayor Scott five applications for saloon stron talk of lynching Wilsori, waited on the visitors and escorted w ho bears somewhat of an unsavory re nutation. . ' .v S) lumen lira i uuuciauuii ."Up"v , Towa state buildinjr is now open to visitors. We chose the worst day of the year to come, but we aro here and are now ready to welcome any of our people who come to the fair. And don't forget to remind them that Iowa will be ready for the opening May 1. Before the ollice rooms were financial consid- ioux -as a feeling yesterday afternoon, to the failure ot the L nion i.oan and Trust company, but assurances were positive that the banks were clear. The banks had been quietly fortifying themselves for several days for the t-orst, and were ready when the crash came. This morning there was a run on the Sioux City National, but it did not as sume anvthinsr like serious proportions. j The clearing house association this morning agreed to stand by the Sioux City National, which was the bank at i which most suspicion was pointed. Tl.U mot-nine- William L. Jov. president VT nf ' of tllc hank, issued a circular in which all SCL- , , , ,, ...... n4.,wl 11 .lnivicifnrv statue was modeled .nr. Ita TVio fifMirp 41"" w .. .... 1.- I easy position. Holding in me icu w a scroll, to which tho inventor points with his right hand, in which he holds a pair of compasses. Ericsson is rep resented as wearing an old-fashioned, double-breasted black coat. The arrangements were such that the ceremonies of unveiling were ended by the time the fleet appeared off Gov ernor's Island on its way to the anchor age. . Job-Work, Hoofing and Gutter ing a Specialty. Ehop on Nebraikii Avenue, two doors nortk of IUwmnseen b. GOLD IN THE TREASURY. of R Sutton and I. E. Wilson got into an altorcation in re- gard to Sutton's cattle having been in Wilson's corn some time last fall, with the result that -tliey came to blows. Sutton was knocked down two or three j times and had his face bally cut up .o . . . i ti j a i.:. ' thai lie nas since, oeeu iuuuucu.w ma bed. Each party claims that the other was the aggressor. Wilson was kept in the cakiboose for a time when he was taken to Central City on a state war- created a good them to carriages, m which they were driven to the famous solders home. On their way back the visitors were met by u monster street proces sion. comprisinir all the civil and BTEEL AND IRON ROOFING AND SIDING. VAll tden promptly attended U. Call oa ersddrsM. HUNTEMANN BROS., JnlSa Colnmbsa, Kabtaaka. PATENTS mtinire oak. will stand on the rostrum in the .women's biiildine at the world's i military organizations, municipal bod ftiir and -shine forth 'aliffht from No- ' ip and officers, which escorted them braska exemplifying the product and ( to the platform erected before the union artisanship of tins' state. The candel- ' depot. Here patriotic songs were sung aura will be fifty-two inches inch tied Mr. S. B Maxwell, who has been engaged all winter in collecting the literature of tho state, arrived to take possession of the Iowa press rooms. She left the city with the intention of going immediately to work, but she found the rooms were not quite finished nnd was obliged to postpone settling them until Saturday. She will person ally superintend the unpacking of the books and manuscript thatshe collected in the state, as well as the general ar rangement of the press rooms. In Mrs. Maxwell the Iowa press will find si charming hostess who will aid them in looking after the interests of the state at the fair. he personally guaranteed all depositors of his bank, and irave his personal word t that it had no involvement in the Union Loan and Trust failure. So far there is no indication of the withdrawal of the deposits of country banks, which ' are very large in the aggregate. Many , country bankers arc arriving in the i city, but none of them are checking 1 out. It was demonstrated that no bank was seriously involved in the failure of the trust company. The effect of that failure was made manifest in a series of important fail ures. At 3 o'clock this afternoon the Sioux City Dry Goods company, in which A. S. Garretson is a large share t. to put out the flame nf il tmsoline stove. The clotlnnjr was ! the pedestal forty-four ontirelv burned from her body. Her metal branches spread out husband and four children were pres- ' of thirty inches and carry twenty-nine cnt when the catastrophe occurred, but electric candles. Sixteen of these form could not help her. the lower tier.' eight the -second, fotir John Snodgrass died at Bancroft last the third, and a single lamp surmounts , week us the result of injuries received ' the stately structure. Square in form. , while riding into town from Ed Farley's , the pedestal will be elaborately carved. farm, where he was employed, liib. yne iace oeais uic ieScim ."m, Horse Teared", throwing him . to 'the ! surrounded oy -qec leaves- vi ground and inflicting injurjesbout his j carved with the names ofMrs. nock. He was taken to the hatel.where Briggs and Mrs. Emma r leld C he died next morning.. j' 1 he fourth bears the name The Campbell Commission. company. mnioian P-' of South Omaha denies categorically the assertions of. a Kearney paper that the company, through; ,Ir TB. Claw en., liae liAAnTufrntifitinr ftv n. f raft. f land nearthat"citrutobe5sedras feed high and . and speeches made by Mayors Scott and cs. The Stuart, the Rev. Solon Cobb and Prof. to a width i Durns of Erie and Major William IL Others are ! John S. Cameron. of the Co- Lambert and President Miles of the se lect council of Philadelphia. The liberty bell car was detached and run up uuder a platform, over which thousands passed in viewing the hon ored relic. Here again enthusiastic scenes were- witnessed. At noon tho train drew out amid the plaudits of thousands. SScSc1orraffiS,4 and stock vS$s, or'tjfciwthonghfrof OUK urius. xa ur.ruixis-w;. traxtsfix -uicunicrproc spunca uiMr-.wMM. tt;. a ".& in anh annfifiisa sal I frna n 1 l. A..:. wT J . A-sh wk t KsTIfTE. Wa have no snb-acenciee. all trasina Aim Tiumwh ntn rrTiRart:Tiuj4it BntinHum 1ms time and at LESS COST tnanthosa remote Vari J f rom Washinaton. Bend moaei, aravruis, or pnoio, vtui aesenp tion. We adris if patentable or not, free ol charge. Our fee not due till patent is aeenred. A. book, "How to Obtain Patents," vita refer ences to actual clients in yonr'atate, county town, aeat free. Addreas Opposite Patent Omoa, waaalnctoa, iKC. -come rro- The Journal for Job Work oru4ipn& has ever been cnterteiriettythe com- v rz c3V Rev. S. D. Roberts of 1S36 Euclid ave enue, Lincoln whose mysterious disap pearance caused such-consternatjon among his friends and Telatives, was discovered hiding, behind a hay stake about a mile from his home. He was out of his head, produced it is supposed by long illness. 'Physicians think that with proper care ha will soon be re stored. - ' ? Extensive preparations are being made for the convention of railway phy sicians, and surgeons which meets in Omaha on the last two days in May and the first day "of line.. It is expectpd. that there 'will be over 500 of the lead inff phvsiciansand surgeons of thecoun- I try in tndan,ce at Uu meeting. Captain AVlltse Dead. Washington-, April 28. A telegram was received at the war department from New York announcing the death there of Captain Gilbert C. Wiltse from rnvniT. filed an assignment to . T Sucar Ilonntles. lliomas, wnn a suiieiucnt suunuij; ...-- !..., . t fr'.-". .?f t 9 nn1 -.,. . 4 !1 nn 1 J-.. I -OIi I1 I llf limilllllL Ol CO I l.XIJ J. f , mm -,. i ' i , -.1 . liabilities to the amount of 5232,000. suspending the sugar bounty without j The dry f,oods companv iad a deposit waiting for the slow action of congress ( oi 535000 with the Union Loan and has been suggested to President Clevc- Trust company to meet claims from land, and it may be adopted. The plan J manufacturers and jobbers, and the consists in a simple order from the sec- I failure of the latter made an assign retary of the treasury to his subordi- ' ment necessary. Manager Shotwell nates to draw no more warrants and J believes that the company can be re make no more payments on account of organized. The creditors are jobbers No E1I Effects from the Invasion tbe ResertA Fund. Washington, Abril 28. There was yesterday in the Treasury S91,00O,G0Ol in gold, S6.C00.00O under the normal I reserre mark. Tho statement widely made in yesterday morning's papers that the Treasury had on hand SUG0. 000 In free gold was read in the de partment with very much surprise. The fact that this is the second day this week that the 8100,000,000 reserve has been seriously invaded, and that nevertheless no evil results have fol lowed, has had a more encouraging . effect upon both President Cleveland I and Secretary Carlisle, and both of them loft the city yesterday with ab solutely no apprehension of anything that will occur in tho financial world before their return. Mr. Carlisle said that he continued to receive "liberal offers" from banks everywhere except New York City. Much is expected to result from the interviews which Mr. Carlisle will un doubtedly hold with leading bankers in New York to-day. It is impossible for the Secretary of the Treasury to visit New York, which is recognized as the financial center of this country, at the present time and under the present conditions without conferring with the men who direct the financial affairs of that city. The conference, if it can be dignified by such a name, will be one of the New Yorkers seek ing, for Mr. Carlisle has been almost demonstrative in his unwillingness to listen to Wall Street. .A. E. SEAHX., pnoraiETOR or the IfiilEt! The Finest in The Cily. rsr-The only ahoti oa the South Side. Colnm. bM. Nebraska. iSOct-y nil Mar L. C. VOSS, M. D., llomcBopathic Physician AND SU-fciOEON. Oaicc over arl"rV More Spti-inllst in chronic a.-oiM-s. Careful atcntlon givua to general practiC. A STRAY LEAF! A DIARY. THE JOURNAL OFFICE FOB CARDS, ENVELOPES, NOTE HEADS, BILL HEADS, CIRCULARS, DODGERS, ETC. sugar bounties. Such action in a single test case would be sufficient to carry the matter to the courts and secure a decision from the supreme court of the United States upon the question whether the payment of gratuities to private individuals out of the money re ceived by taxation upon the people was within the power of congress under the constitution. President Cleveland has not yet considered the subject care fully, but he will probably call upon the attorney general for an opinion as to whether the bounties are constitu tional and whether it is within the power of the executive to test the ques tion by refusing payment. on A Grand Island dispatch savs: Camp Logan is the name under which the fif teenth annual reuuion of the grand 1 army of the repubUc Uepaitment ot con Uon of the brain, after an illness I which the series of important congress- compares with a del 2 iT2 "r ;f St. "", of six days. Captain Wiltse was ap- es at the orld.s fair il bc held. I 1890 Out of S2.070, 3 fe"- -w.-rt .. -w.. r -.rnfj frt hk nnrn npjirpmvfrnm I(HV J1U .-. S.V .- WWMUV- - NEWS NOTES. The dates have been announced and led the marines that our nag. estaousning a proiec- "... .-. ., .1 - .. , IU1UICU IKl IUC I.C1.U coramiuec tonignt, ai wmen t.aere were , . fe d had beeu in the navy about present Department Commander Lon . . . t fifteen wMcll was Church of NortJi Pkjtte George P,. Dean, , .. IIislast duty was thecom- chairman, eorge.. Caldwell secretary d of the Boston frora which he was and Ihirry Harrison, quartermaster of dhI h t f jnonths ago and this city, Bradley P. took, of Wncoln. laced . waitin orders. Heb com. A. Traynor, of Omaha, John K. Meacher fnanded the jjosto durintr the trouble r rv-. . s-n ni m ur ieAvie -w.e- aMwiiit Li Platte. -The date of the -reunion will ' !"."," I"-' be August SS to Septembers 'The pro- , tMal.: rr!imm. was' ontlmed tomirhtand the t Eloped with a Neighbor's Wife. Mascoutah, I1L, April 27. Mrs. Mary C. Huey, the handsome wife of a well-known farmer residing a dozen miles east of here, eloped recently with a neighbor named Kamey. They I were traced as far south as Shawnec- tow'n and there trace of them was lest. Farmer Huey was granted a di- ' vorce in the St. Clair County Court 1 g&trrht v frgW hla recraa.nt snousa, gramme was' outlined toriight.and the various committees were uppoiuu;u. These will go to work at once to make definite arrangements Jor the greatest reunion, as Camp Logan is expected to be, that was ever-held in Nebraska. The inter-mountain stock growers' convention at Ogden adopted resolur tions asking congress to cede arid lauds to various states and territories. Ad- mission of territories is favored. .Fire in a hardware store at Philadel phia caused a loss of 8200,000; insur ance, 8120,000. The cold spell in Illinois has nearly ruined the prospects of a fruit crop. The strange suicide of Horace O'Don aghue, of Chicago, has been explained by development of the fact that he was badly embarrassed financially. Ernest Lewis, an Indian Tcrritory desperado and one of the Wharton train robbers, has been caught and lodged in jail at Guthrie. The Belgian senate has approved the compromise granting universal suf- , frage as adopted by the chamber of 1 representatives. j Twelve hundred Chicago iron mold ' ers struck because an advance in wages was refused. 1 and manufacturers in all the large cities east and west. The Sioux City Dressed Beef and Canning company of which Ed Haakin son is president and W. V. Hedges is secretary, assigned this afternoon to II. .T. Tavlor. The assignment is said to be due to the failure of the trust com pany. Union Pacific Annual. Boston, Mass., April 27. The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Un ion Pacific road was held here j-cster-day. The annual report was the most favorable in many years. The company earned about 3j per cent on the cap ital stock, twice as much as the stock holders' surplus the previous year, and deficit ot S27j,ooo m 000 surplus for the year, 5l,yao,uoo remains in aciuai casn. Tho reduction in expense in all depart ments has been quite general. After accepting the annual reports the stock holders took a recess of two hours to ballot for directors. The ticket is the same as last year, except George Gould to succeed his father, and Sidney Dillon Ripley to succeed Sidney Dillon. The directors were ro-elected and the new by-laws adopted by 287,574 votes, the foreign vote not appearing, as the books abroad closed too late. The di rectors then re-elected officers and chose Alexander E. Orr of New York chair man of the board. The directorselected committees substantially the same as last year. G. M. Lane was added to the" finance committee. Comptruller Oliver W. Mink was also made second Tice president. Wa3Hj-jto. 4nrjJ V$.-TJW Pf- Much Cold Offered. Washington, April 28. The presi dent today designated Assistant Secre tary Hamlin to act as secretary of the treasury in the absence of Secretary Carlisle, who left the city this after noon with the president and other members of the cabinet for New York to be absent one week. Mr. Hamlin had a conference with Secretary Car lisle this morning and was made ac quainted with the general policy of the treasury department, especially ar rangements as to the special gold ques tion. The situation today shows im provement: gold in small quantities was offered from several points and ac cepted. The policy of the treasury de partment will be to accept ail the gold offered unless conditions are disadvan tageous to the government. Secretary ' Carlisle said this morning that there was nothing new to say about the situ- tion except that he was daily receiving offers of gold which he was accepting. Cleveland In New York. 1 New Yor.K, April 23. President and Mrs. Cleveland arrived here from Wash- J ington last night. With the president j were the members of his cabinet, with I the exception of Secretary Herbert, 1 who reached the city just in advance of , the squadrons Tuesday, llie wives ol several of the secretaries were included in the presidential party, which went directly to the Victoria hoteL Presi dent Cleveland excused himself from accepting the invitation tendered by Clarence W. Bowmen on behalf of the Union League club to attend the ban quet there this evening. The cabinet officers were also compelled to decline similar invitations, owing to the late- m 91 the arrival. LOUIS SCHREIBER, MM Warner II All kinds of Repair-fag done on Short Notica. Buggies, Wag ons, etc., made to order, and all work Guaranteed. Also sell the world-famous Walter A. Wood Mowers, Reapers, Combin ed Machines, Hamsters, and Self-binders the best made. Shop on Olive Street, Columbus, Neb., four doors south of Borowiak's. HENRY GASS, ESassaVBSsGsBBw. Ass. gy tafii gQ c MmmyPxfL llBY9BBBBSBBBBVbBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBmAA-lBja Coffins : and : Metallic : Cases ! 2T Repairing of all kinds of Uphol ttcry Goods. i-U COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA, 1 -jeCvi ,-fc j-r-' i.rv ft. T3J