t- T - - ---- I tie k- .11 i -I 14 Si " w- I - r-i' V- - I! ' 1 - 1 . " hi : is 'S's 4 !' - !-"- -- ? tf "German Syrup" I must say a word as to the ef ficacy of German Syrup. I have used it in my family for Bronchitis, the result of Colds, with most ex cellent success. I have taken it my self for Throat Troubles, and have ' aenveagooa results tnererrom. I therefore recommend it to my neigh bors as an excellent remedy in such cases. James T. Durette, Earlys ville, Va. Beware of dealers who offer you "something just as good." Always insist oa having Boschee's German Syrup. (IP J fUKE PLEASANT m . k & THE NEXT MORNING I FEEL BRIGHT MID NEW AND MY COMPLEXION IS BETTER. Ht doctor . It arts Rontlj oa the rtomscB.U'er red klJners. jl l pleaaaut laxatlTo. 7LB drlni is cinJe from berhs. an Is prepared for UN as rMtlr a tea. It Is called LftHE SMEDICIHE All dnijxlfta sll it at 9?. and fl a saokate It you cannot, set it. ypnd tout addrtiM ft a frSS wimple. ml. the owUcl 4bt. Altrae i.anca riimiiy MUtfeo BBS)ve I okatoIi n. tfOooWAlio. lbrot. v. . cso Mothers! iTe Off Tou m Senudff tchlch Insure Safetg f Zife cf Mother mai, Child, a MOTHER'S FRIEND " lloba Confinement cfti I'd::, Horror rnndHUJt, irtrnnB03cbottlecf,3Iothfr,i'rrm4" I stiffens! bui IltOo i.&In.sad UMuottxaerlencr-thal weakurs nrtcrivird ual lu such rum -Jdrs. ..c w.u, .11 iir. r, iiio., o a. aa, isi. DXldGtJLATOB CO.. ATLANTA, JA. BOLD S ALL DEU0GI3TS. Easily Taken Up Cod Liver Oil as it appears in Scott's Emulsion is easily taken up by the system. In no other form can so much fat-food be assimilated with out injury to the organs of digestion. iffg Pmiikinn ' " BBnCkU&UIUII of Cod Liver Oil with Hypophos- phitcs has come to be an article of everyday use. a nromDtand infallible cure fnr rlHc r..i,. Throat troubles, and a positive builder of flesh. rrepircd by hcott 4 Botme. X. V. AH CroMtrta. SyOTWETKSTANDING reported hotel extor- ion, the practically fire-; proof "Great East- ! ern." at 60th and St. i Lawrence Av., Chicago, ! ln-&4' U i the largest in the world. Will book guests now on the European plan at $1.59 each, two in a room. Write for infor mation to Copelana Town send,, (formerly mgr. Palmer House), Manager, Chicago, III. Cares Consumption, Cocsfas, Cronp, Sera TJiront, So'd hr si lrojKistt on a Guaractee. Fcra Lane Side, Back or Chest 8hiloh'a Porooa Piaster will give great sstisfzetiea. as cents. NOTED TEMPERANCE LEADER The Forcible and Brilliant David Frost. Me Endorses Indian Sagwa. Tli iMtrtrnil of iJnvM Frost, tha notpil "njiMrani-e lecturer, will ! recognized fsr:inl 'wiile. Uavih Khost, KosTox, Mass. 3 AT HB(1 mrQtQSBKr.4fw& Sen gfSHIL0H$ Jn :i recent conversation ivuh Mr. Frost, tliut centleiiian s-aitl, -with the convincing . iirnetm:s which characterizes his re i!i:irk: -One of the greatest evils rith which the frieiul of temperance have to contend is the cheap whiskev decoctions Mid tnlsernblc rum mixtures liv which the market is flooded under the guise of 'Bit ter.' Sarsaparillas, 'Gingers,' and other patent medicine?. "I do not mean to say," continued Mr. Frot, "thr.t all proprietary medicines come under this head, and in fact I know from personal experience of one which is not only a Great Medicine, n Splendid To:i5c, :id Unrivalled Mood Purifier, hut which X innocent of all deteriorating in. gredient and Free from Harmful Effect, no jntter how much or how freely it may lucd. It i not my wish to appear as IhecAponent of any public, remedy, hut in ihi c:i.e I deem it my duty to commend that Grand Iteiuedv o'f the Indian race, Kickitpoo Indian Sagwn.' 'I speak from experience, for it has stood me in good stead. When lialf sick, worn out, and my most rebellious stomach l ("fared tolonger act in its normal capacitv, Kh-litpoo Indian Xagva ha restored me to' a 7.illUi condition tchen nothing elte irovlrf. I have taken occasion also to learn Mime IhinsidHwtthN meliclne and its origin, and know that Sagwa" is not onlv an old smil tried remedv among the Indian, but that Ut Veetnble Purity and Harmless Ciiratixe Effects are still maintained, and that jts manufacture is still carried on by mo-lorn mcthotls exactly in accordance v. ith the ways of the noble Kcd Man. Mniple Koot, Barks, Leaves and Flow ers from the Forest are all that enter into lis composition, and the Strength which is pitied fromitsuse is not the false strength or the rum 1kUIc bnt the Noble Exhllarx tion of Bounding Health, and the l"uriiisl l.loo.l. cleansed of its ioi?oti. courinic through everv Vein and Attcrv of the Hu man Sj-stem.' Words fall to convey the earnest force ot his remarks ps expressed to the writer and the high regard he bad tor the remedy. Kicl&pb6 Indian Sagwa. ScU by HI OniggUts. $1 per bottle. 6 t.c S5. WlTU Omaha. 15 lis93 WHV. Bounded theeks like apples rea. Hair like mass of golden thread, Sweet lips whose parting show Little teeth as white as snow. Eves like a summer sky. This Is why X hug Mid kiss My little dot, Mind o'er brisht beyond his years; Repeating, like parrot, all he hears, Laughing HUe sweet melodv. Heart overflowing with childish jlee, A llcod of sunshine from above. This is why I dearly love My little boy. Inter Ocean. A DKEA& The preface to this bit of solemn historv is trictl.V Iruo, u is alio the story. One of nay neare-t neighbors a Mrs. McCulloch. 60 years ofase. still livin;. hart a. sister named Magda len SlingerUtuI, near descendants of the early settlers of Albany county, who visited England In company with a Miss Mitchell a few years after the event. The relative whom thev vis ited in London was acquainted with the siMcrs of thi-btory and from their lips obtained and wrote it MariY D. ItosEcitASS. I In the year 1814. llii-cc sisttifs rc ! itled in London, two ol whom were : pious Christian women, while the third vris wholly given up to worldly i pleasures. She hated the piety of her siolcr.s and in petty spiteful ways op 1 posed them, though they endeavored to accommodate themselves to her , wi&hos and lo render the differences of their opinions as little disagreeable i to her as possible. One iiigh't. k'ic had been out at an assembly very late, and the next ! morning at breakfast was so reme.rK ( ably different from her usiirU manner that her sisters thought she must , either & unwell or had mot with setae misfortune that had affected I her deeply. Instead of hr ls;al in ! cessant chatter f.bflul evciy j)erson I she nt-, yVeiything they wore, and j said and did, she sat silent, sullen 1 and absorbed. A hhe ate nothinjr her sisters asked her if she was ua Avell. X." What, was the matter?''' Xolliirttf." i "Had nothing distressed her?" ', "She had no idea of jr.'plc prying , into what dd 'lot concern them." i lic Whole morning she spent in I her own room.and at dinner he same scene aa in the r.lirmng occurred. She ate HttM, never spoke but to an i su-ev uncivilly, and then with an ap ; pearanco of deircssion and molan ) choly that spread itfe influence very I powerfully over the cheerfulness of i her companions. She retired to rest late, and with the spirit of one that .expects from sloop neither alieviti j tion nor refreshment. 1 The next morning Sh'ofigain scarce ly tasted breakfast, and teemed in ( the same distressed uncomfortable ( state as on the preceding day. Her sibters again renewed their inquiries. j She said: I v.rti well and nothing pains me." Then you have something on vour mind, why will you not tell us? l)u we not love you ? Uav ic not the 1 same earthh hiierest as you? And can we see'ic any good but yours, in our . wish lo share in your sorrow?" O! you have superstitions enough I of your own. without mine being added, I shall not tell you wliat ails ' me. so you have no occasion to rack ' your curiosity. I dare sav vou will think it nmr :nii-itiii1 li'ininnli linf I la"h llt s'lu, thinjr-. 1 am nol (lit'ri 0,i e"yU!rfc .ve' lo by the vietini of 1 1' ?" visions- I "" c do not believe in dreams and j visions, Anna," was the reply. Sfie answered harshly, "No, and I I do not intend that you shall.'' Hie bisters looked at each other and remained silent. The second day passed as tho first Anna was gloomy and moody, mid her sisters frrm. pity arid anxiety were unhappy. The third morning she again entered on the day, as one who loathed the light, who has no !obj'e.dti,lh:!"-'a,Kltohomt,h?,a.pso j ot timc ,n ",e l,l'pect of futurity, 1 brings neither comfort. ir;r hope. , As her tasters looked on her, one , of them suddenly nsked: Anns, what did yon dream?" Ha. what is it? You would give the world to know, but I shall not i tell you. I thought yon did not be lieve in dreams." "Neither do avc in general. We know them to b the offspring of a disordered stomach, confused images and fancies when reason is dormant, and the memory of them passes away as soon as we are engaged in our I daily avocation-, yet there is no ! doubt, some dreams are no more sent in vain than any other affliction or warning. There is a verse in the scripture, which mentions God a speaking "in tho visions of the night, when deep sleep falleth upon man."' She laughed again. "You have a verse in the Bible forcverything that suits yen, but I do not ehocso to be j warned in such a manner, and there is no doubt I hall get it out of my i head in a day or two."' Anna we do bcieeeh you to tell us. Jr you really have a dream from 1 heaven, you surely do not with tofor- ; get it: and if not we will hc!p vou to t laugh it off' j She answei cd, "AVcll if I must tell you4 mu.-U No doubt it was very extraordinary and frightful. I should have thought it the effect of the ball. but I never faw anything anywhere i I the least bit like it." The Dream: I thought I was in the wide streets of a great city. Many people were walking there bc- suics my sen, out mere wa6 some thing in the air which immediately struck me. They seemed thoughtful and cheerful, neither occupied with business nor pleasure, but having about them such a dignity of repose, such high and settled purpose, such grace and purity, as never was stamped on mortal brow. The light of the sun was also strange. Jt was not the sun for there was "nothing to ' dazzle. It was not the moon for all was clear as the day. It seemed an atmosphere of light, calm, lovely and changeless. The buildings seemed all palaces, but not like palaces of earth. The pavements were all alike, of gold bright and shining, as i1rrp n -Ihss. Tho lnrrro jinrl flit- tering windows seemed like divided rainbows and were made to give and ...-. - w --. .. . trrwsmit none but the rays of glad- J ness. It. was indeed a place toward which hoie may bend and where charity might dwell. I could not help exclaiming as I passed along. 'n-i.u ai-r flip lm'hititinn5 of rio-ht- eousness and truth. All was beauty, J bright and perfect. I could not tell what was wanting to make me wish for an eternity in such a place, yet its very purity oppressed me. I saw nothing congenial, though looks of kindness met me in every faes of that happy throng. J felt nothing r.jsp lisivo. 1 returned in silence their friendly greetings, and walked on alone oppressed and bad. I saw that all went one wav. and I followed. wonde.-hig the reason At length I saw a building much ' finer and larger tuan the rest. I saw ! them ascend the massive steps and enter beneath its ample porch, but I felt no derire to go with them. farther lhan the foot of the s-lopa 1 approached from curiosity. I ssw persons enter, who were aressed in every variety of costume, of the nations, bnt they disappeared within the porch, and then, crossed the hall in white. ,-t. that I could describe that hall to you. It was not marble, it was not crystal, it was not gold, but light, pure light in consolidated form. It was the moon, without its coolness, it was the sun without its dazzling ray, and within was & stair case mounting upward all of light, and I saw it touched by the snowy feet and spotless garments of those who ascended. It was indeed pasting fair, but it made mo shudder and I, turned away. As I turned I saw on tho lowest step one looking at mc with an in terest so intense and a manner so auxio'Js, that I stopp'ed lo heat what he had to say. He asked me in a voice like liquid music: 'Why do you turn away? Is there peace elsewhere? Is there pleasure is works of darkness ?" I stood in silence. He pressed mc to enter, but I neither answered nor moved. Suddenly he disappeared, and another look his place, with the sainc look and manner. I wished to avoid him but seemed riveted to the 6pot. 'Art thou come so far, "he said, and wilt thou lose thy labor? Put off thine own garments aria take the white livery here." He continued to press me till I got weary and angry, and said: "I will not enter. I do not like your livery and I am oppressed bv your whiteness.' He sighed and was gone. Many passed by me with looks of mingled kindness and pity, and urged mc to follow on with them, and offered me a hand up tho stairs which led to their mysterious chatige; odt 1 re jected Uieiaand stood melancholy and distressed. At length one bright young mes senger came lip to me, and entreated htC lo enter, with a voice and manner I could not resist. Do not turn away,' he said, whei'e canst thou gol Do not lin ger; for why shouldst thou weary thy self for naught. Enter thou, and taste of happinoss. Do not all tribes and colors entor into that hall? Are they not clothed and washed and comforted?" Ho gave me his hand and I entered along with him. Here I was sprinkled with pure water, add a jjarmerit of pure white wis . put upon me; and I knew not how, I mounted tho white stair-case with my happy guide. O, what a light burst upon mo when I reached the summit! mortal words cannot describe it, nor mortal fancy coneeive it. Where are the liv ing sapphires, whero arc tho gllttor- ing fctars that arc lik the Brighl radiance on which I stood? Where are the forms or the looks of love that breathed in the innumerable company before me? 1 sank down, overpowered and wretched. I crept into a corner and tried to hide my self, for I felt that I had nothing in unison with the blessed creatures of such a place. As I gazed in speechless and trembling1 amazement, one who saw ran left the company and came where I lood. Why," he asked, "art thou silent? Come quickly and unite in the praises of the .Son." I felt a sullen anger iu my heart, and I answered with a sharpness, I will not join in your song for I know not the strain." He sighed and with a look of' hu miliating pity and surprise returned to his place. About a minute after another came and addressed me as he had done; and with the same temper I answered hiut in the same words. He seemed as if he could have resigned his own dazzling glory to have changed me. If heaven knows anguish he heomed to feel it but he left me and returned. What could it be that put such a temper in my heart? At length the Lord of that glorious company of loving hears oft light and beauty, saw me. and cam6 where I stood. 1 thrilled in every pulse with awe. I felt my blood curdle, and my flesh upon me tremble, but my heart grew hardened, and my voice was bold. He ppoko, and deep toned music seemed to drop from his llp. "Why sittest thou so still, when all around thee are glad? Come join the song for I have triumphed! Come join in the soug for now my people reign." Love, ineffable, unutterable love, beamed upon mo. as though it would have melted a heart of stone, but I melted not. I gazed an instant and then I said: "I will not. join the song, for I know not the strain." Creation would have fle:l at the change jn his countenance! His glance was Hghtnixg, and his voice thunder. He said: 'Then what dost thou here?"" The floor beneath me opened, the earth quaked and I sank into consum ing lire. With a fright, I awoke. There was silence for a time, for tho bisters were struck with awe, they considered tho dream the im pression it had made. "Anna." said they, "wo cannot I wish you to forget this dream. We surely believe it to be from (od. Your description of the holy city is much the same as wo find in the Bible. Tho city liath no need of the sun nor of the moon to light it. for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Iamb is the light thereof. All who enter there must put off their own gar ments, that is their own righteous ness, and must be clothed with linen ! clean and white, even in the right eousness, of the saints, and their ! righteousness is of me. saith the l th.at walk in the U8ht: or it arc l nose tnat nave come out or great tribulation, and washed their robes in the blood of the Lamb.1 O, dear sister, you know something of the way, do listea to the faithful warning, join us and walk in the path that leads to the heavenly city." Anna's brow again darkened and she answerea: " wlU do X ?lease- do not in tend you to preacn to me. She continued in this state till the end of the week, and was found in her room, a corpse. Xb one knew the cause of her death. She died without disease and without change. Zion'f atchman. Great Expectation. Ikey Goldstein Papa, I vos eighdt vears oldt to-day. ( Moses Goldstein So you vos, mino i leedle poy; so you vos. i -Gif mc a present, papa." J -Vait until its chnows. Ikey, and your papa vill make you some nice. leeg. rottndt. vite. cold schnowpalls!" i Christian Observer. l """"M"." xw ft"' liim- He Oh. I have a splendid story to tell you. I don't think I ever told it to you before, She Is it really a good story? He indeed It is. She. wearily Then you t'ld it to me before. Life, haven't ; DANGER OP GLANDERS. lastaacca la Which ttH ttave Died ei It A Veterinary SBrgeoa'aWaralag. I notice that another man has died of glanders in Los Angeles," said Dr. E. J. Creely, the veterinary sur geon, to a reporter for tho San Fran cisco Chronicle. "It simply adds1 force t'd the warning which every one who drives horses or cares for them should heed against exposing himself to an animal which has this conta gious malady. There is nothing more dreadful than death from glanders and the diseaso is as incureable as leprosy. One may catch it several ways. A scratch on the hands may be the means of. inoculation or the sneeze or a glandercd horse may fill the eyes with poisonous mi6t." "Are there any glandcred horses in San Francisco?" asked the reporter. "A few. I have one at my hospital no v. Whenever they are found they arc seized, passed upon by the surgeon of the health boa I'd and lurried over to mc. If I decido that the disease is really glanders I order .the , animal shot. There are rid glandcred horses in livery stables now, und most cases that we find come from the barns of hucksters and small draymoH. I Have no doubt there ere quite a number oi such horses driven around the town, but they arc hard to locate bmco the exposure made last April people have beon very shy - about concealing or driving diseased animals, and the owners of very val uable horses havo hastened to let us know of any symptoms of the glan ders among their stock. Many in fected horaes have been killed. Among them were liftcett belohghig to John Robinson's circus. We said nothing ribout this lit the time, but it happened, nevertheless. '' "Do you recall any cases in or near San Francisco of men dying of this contagion?" . "Well, said Dr. Creely. -about throe years ago the sheriff of Santa Clara county went out driving behind a livery horse which, unknown to him, had tho jrlandcrs. Tho horse sneezed aud an atom of virulent moisture came back on the breeze and lodged in his eye. In two weeks he died u frightful death. "Mustang Wilson, the well-known sporting man, met a similar fate. Ho owned a glandcred trotter which ha refused to kill, but wanted to dispose of. He drove around town and before meeting a possible buyer he woiild clean the animal's nose with a cloth. One day artcr doing this ho placed tho rag in the pocket whei-e he usual ly carried his handkerchief. A speck of dust lodged in his eye. He drew out the disease-soaked cloth by mis tako and wiped away the speck. A few days thereafter he died in untold agony." "What arc tho ders in a horse?" symptoms of glan- "A man may think a horse has a cold. In three or four days the horse has apparently recovered except for a slight discharge from one nostril or sometimes from both. Tho dis charge is oily, greenish in color, sticky and tenacious, sometimes mingled with bits of hay and grain. It comes from a ragged ulcer in the nostril. Before dying the horse may be able to travel about for three or four years, but ho is all the time spreading the contagion, particularly through watering troughs, which he infects with bacilli. "Wo detect glanders by the dis charge and by a lump which always forms under tho jaw. If in doubt we give a horse a purgative and two drams of turpentine which raises his temperature and develops the disease at once if it exists." A MEAN TRICK. II Wanted to Become a Mason und lie Was Taken In. "I had the meanest joke played on me over at Indianapolis the other day that a white man was ever called upon to endure," said Frank Gildcroy, j as nc srot outside ot a rcetanffiuai' meal at the table d'hote. I had been ' wishing for some time past to become a Mason. I had talked a great deal about it, and my ambition became pretty well known to the traveling fraternity. About a dozen drummers were Sundaying at a hotel in the Hoosier hub, and they put up a job on mc that for breadth and depth of depravity standi without a parallel. Tom Gaines every boy knows Tom lives in Indianapolis. Ho was selected to steer ine against the game. He pretended to be 'way up in (1 in Masonrv, grand master mortar mixer. or something or other of a tmall t lodgo in tho city. Tom said that nib lodge met on the Monday night next, j and that if I desired to become a 1 member he would see mc through and ' give me all the sixty-six degrees; said the usual fee for going through tho entire gamut was 200. but. that. business was a trine uuu aim inev , liau reaucea me raic ior 1110 munui aim 1 cimm yu imuj;" 1 a-flying for $50. Bit? Of course I i bit, and bit hard. No sucker ever made such hot haste to swallow a hook incased in red llanncl. The rest of the gang pretended to leave town next day, but it was only a blind. "Well, sir. next night Gainos steered mc against the goat. I had an idea that the initiatoiy rite was a hair-riser, but I had no conception of its true horror. I was ushered into a dimly lighted hall among gob lins ghosts and chimeras dire. I was tied on the back of a large hc goat that bucked like a Mexican mus tang, and the whole gang of goblins chased my Pegasus over benches and boxes for half an hour. Then I was plunged into a hogshead of ice water. After I had partially recovered I was stripped, stood on a pedestal and painted like a zebra. Suddenly the lights went out. The mystic brother- hood chanted a lot of rot around me, the grand master mortar mixer lead ing the strophe and the grand mas ter hod-carrier doing the antistrophe act. Then I was informed that I would be required to stand without moving for one hour as a test of my endurance. I was told that I was circled about with spear points, and that to move meant death in large quantities, delivered suddenly. "Then the grand master ladder holder commanded silence, and I pro ceeded to endure. It was the longest hour I ever saw. It seemed to stretch out through all eternity and lap over the edge. I stood there 'from mid night until 5 o'clock. Thon daylight began to creep through the windows, anl I found that I was alcne. The 1 grand master mortar mixer and his i gang of fiendish Piutes had made :i i sneak, leaving me standing there in the cold, like Patience on a menu- ment, with onlv red. white and blue . ' v -. . , , . . , Stripes ior covering. 1 uuugui t 1 for covering. 1 bought u double-action revolver that carried a ball as big as a door-knob and started out to look for Tom Gaines, but learned that he had gone to Mexico for the winter. If he yearns to see Iiis jran.l child ten playing about his knee he had best stay there.'' Wigs and CbrUtUatty. A century and a half ago wig-wearing was at its height, and little bdytfour or five years of age submitted to having their heads shaven preparatory to don ning their false head-dresses. A Leydon professor Rivers by name shocked all churches bj- declaring that a Christian must necessarily wear a wig or be eter nally lest. Oil the other hand, Dr. Thiers, a celebrated Catholic, assailed the wig-wearsng priests in a good-sized volume. The ancient Egyptians all wore wigs, and the carry Christians, from A. D. 4-7 to A. D. 017 considered a falsa hcad-cOvering a badge of distinc tion. This, too, in direct opposition to Tertulliatt, who in vain declared them devices and inventions of the devil, and Clement of Alexandria, who warned his hearers that when the sacred hands of the clergy tVcre laid oil their heads the blessing would not penetrate through false hair. Iiula Rubber Taring Stonei." New ideas in paving have lately at tracted attention. Among these is the paving of a bridge by a German engin eer with Iiidia rubber, tho result hav ing been .so satisfactory as to induce its application on a much larger scale, a point in its favor being that it is much more durable than ksphalt and notsJip p;ry. In London a section of rOatl'.vriy under the gate leading to the depart ment platform b'f the'St. 1'aneras term inus lias fdr slime tihic pagt been raved with this material, with the effect of deadening the bound made when being f-c-nl .a. a.m -! ..title nis-la Iir ntti l..i.i ..i. :..:, ...iria,,. t t- I HIlLllMi: I'lilLIUIll (11LU1UI.U LU AJrv . J icitv hungers. Another material which is being satisfactorily introduced for this purpose is composed of granulated cork and bitumen pressed into blocks and which arc laid like bricks or wooden paving, the special advantage secured in this c:thC being that of elasticity. eklnjr llevense. A western fal'mCr who received some eeds from the agricultural department at Washington wiites the secretary as follows: '-Your blamded cucumbers robbed me of my wife, so instead of .sending the cucumber scud this spring send inn another wife. 1 hear there arc a number of likely women in your de partment." In reply the tccretRi said he had no appropriation from which he could draw money to send a wife to the widower, but suggested that the latter come to Washington and pick out one for himself. The secretary informed his correspondent that ho lias in his de partment -'some beautiful maidens, sonic uprightly widows, and several well-seasoned "old maids." Kxerclsc Enough. The French Marshal Vivonuc and tho Cotntc d'Auvcrgnc were probably the most corpulent men of thrf court in Louis the Fourteenth's time. "Mar shal, you are really getting too fat," said the king; "you ought to take more exercise."' "Your majesty does tiot know, then, that I take a great deal of exercTsc?'t "No; what do you do?" "'I walk arond the Comte d'Auvcrgnc three tunes every day." Ambition Crashed. Nice little boy "I wish you would" teach me to black boots." Uootblack "What fur?" "Fin not satisfied with my aimless existence at home and I wish to be in dependent." . "I sec. Kin you.lick one boy twice as big as yerself wid one hand, hold y'r kit in th' other an' keep off two other bovs wid v'r feet?'' "X o.'T "Too had. You won't do fur a boot black. I'm 'fraid you'll have to go home an' grow up a dude." Good News. Here's a Question. "Has the Jew, with his reputation as the champion of prosperity, not found in the Yankee more than his match? lias he not in reality been outdone and does not his future in these parts seem but a drearv one?" The foregoing in-, qtiiry appears in the American Hebrew, and the inquirer is Max J. Ullinan of New Bedford, Mass. Great Minds Think Alike. Malagasy proverbs are very much j like other people's. "IJirds of a feath er ' is "Alcnnga tso roa vom "guinea fowls of the same plumage." "A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush" is "Seeing a beautifully marked guinea fowl and throwing away the fowl at home in one's house." "Union is strength' is expressed "guinea fowls in a Hock arc not scattered by the dogs.'' Anv sudden clinnsc in tho condition of tne atmosphere U certain to bring it har vest or cougus nun coins. 1 nose, 11 suiicreti to run on, are likely terminate in consump tion; but they may le readily cured bv Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. Seldom nt Home. Stranger (on train) A man In your business can't get home very often, I presume. Drummer Home? I should say not. Why, sir, I get home so seldom that I can't rcniembor half the time whore T live. Have to telegraph to the firm to send me my address. Stranger You don't say. Drummer--That's straight. Why. one timc I was away so long that I for got I'd ever been married, and I took such a fancy to a pretty woman I met in a strange town that I eloped with her. Stranger Myl My! Drummer Yes, it would have been a terrible thine, but when I called on the firm dnp. my weddinff tour, and.in- 1 trodueed her, theo'd man told mc she was my wife before Cnrj enters, nnd other mechanic-, uhonre so apt to fnll from scaffo'ds and dislocate n limb, will pleao remember that tliere i nothing bo good for inftaummtiou as Salva tion Oil, the greatest cure for sjiraiurf and bruises. r-ofcanlonal ftlz. Boggs Lend me a quarter to a cocktail, will you? buv Foffsr Cocktails are oni fifteen cents. I believe. Boggs That is the usual price: but they ar a quarter at Delmonico's Fogg But why do you go to Del monico's? Boggfi Because I want to be seon there as much as possible. You know I am struggling to g?-in a foothold as a painter. l'uck. If the Unity t Cnttlng Teeth. Be iore and n:e that oU End well-tried rsreedy, Mrs. Wmstow's SooTBtsc Pyurr for Children Tcethinc. The nearest fixed star is 21,000,000,000 miles from the earth Saying good-bye to our sins one at a time is slow work Lane's Medicine Mores the ISowels Each Iay. In order to be healthy thl3 is neces sary. Cures constipation, headache, kidney and liver troubles aud regulates the stom ach and bowels. Human nature on the throne is no better than huniau nature in the gutter. eTfi-All fit ttorped fre ty Da. SLUR'S CRF1T SESTX KESTOUR. Si fit alter r:rt dy' u..e. Mar reloas nre Trcatl'C nnd 12 00 trial boitM Tree to "it cajea. Bend to Dr KlUie.Kl rcHSt..r,hilde!j&ia.fa. Whoever opposoj truth is bound to come out a loser by it. DUQUETTE & COS POMONA COUGH TablctH. ''Absolutely the Lest made." Two ounce rackago for o" cents, at jour Drug gists or Confectioner!. Ast for them and STOP THAT COUGH. The devil has no fault to Und with tho man who is in love with himself. special Excursion South. To citro- ncne. Ala. will leave Council Bluffs ou April 10th and Mav Mli. Six hundred thousand acres of fi"e,(aral"?an41iinT1ndaienp the line of the Mobile & Ohio Railroad for ale at from il.SU to $5.00 per acre. Stop over privileges at all points south ox tbo Ohio river. T'or rates and descriptive land wmphlet vrith fnll information for Homo Seekers, call on or writs J. R. Rtcs, Agent Alabama Land and improvement Co.. Room 201 Jffcrrium Block. Cor.ncii Bluff. Iowa, or loCriFaraaiu street, Omaha, Xeb. I Both Sides. A lady school teacher in Boston, who is rather proud of her profession than the reverse, is not pleased at having her occupation thrust forward when she meets strangers. Not long ago at a reception, the hostess regularly men tioned her occupation in introducing her. At length tlie hostess presented a yonflg man. adding to the introduction, as usual, "Miss Faneuil is one of our school teachers." The gentlcniau bowed, but Miss Fan euil said: "I beg your pardon, Mrs. Allen, but I did not catch what the gentleman's business is." "What the srcntlcman's business is?" repeated the hostess in perplexity. "Yes," Miss Faneuil said, "I thought it only right that this acquaintance should start fair, and as you told him my employment,, it seemed only fair that I should know his." 'I he point was understood, and taken rood naturcdly, but the teacher was rto longer introduced in her official capaci ty. Youth's Companion. Siring Him Up. Pnragraphibt "Have you seen the new editor in chief yet?" Literary Editor "No; have you?" 1'aragraphist "Yes. and 1 have been sizing him up." Literary Editor "You have?" Fanigniphist "I have, indeed, and I hare come to the conclusion that he has no hayseed in his hair." Literary Editor "What makes you think so?' Paragraphist ''He is entirely bald." New York Press. Comlng- Out or II U Shell. As they were sitting loooking at the fire, he snddenry stole a kiss. "Well," she said, "you surprise mc." He made no reply. "I did not expect you would do that." No answer. "I'm beginning to think," she added, after a pause, "that you arc riot such a ninny as vou bonictiuies make out to be, John." And she proceeded to do up her back hair, which had suddenly tumbled, with a look of great satisfaction on her face. Yarmouth Ucgister. The Argument Used BY the makers of the second-class baking powders to induce the dealer to push ) them off on Royal consumers is that they cost less than Royal and afford the dealer much more profit. But you, madam, are charged the same price for them as for the absolutely pure Royal, which is perfectly combined from the most highly refined and expensive materials. The lower cost of the others is caused by the cheap, impure materials used in them, and the haphazard way in which they are thrown' together. Do you wish to pay the price of the Royal for an inferior baking powder, made from im pure goods, of 27 per cent, less strength? If you buy the other powders, insist upon having a corresponding reduction in price. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is the senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of HALL'S CATARRH CURE. Sworn to before me, and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of December, A. D. 1889. TSSL' A. W. GLEASON, NOTARY PUBLIC. HALL'S CATARRH CURE IS TAKEN INTERNALLY, and acts directly upon ihe Blood and mucous surfaces. TJES &tTXJS&Q3!VT T it n. B. WALTHALL. & CO . Drucgists. Hone Cavr, ICy., say: Hall's Catarrh Cure cares every one tbat taken It." CONDUCTOR K. D. LOOMIS. Detroit. Mich., r.ys: "The effect of Hall's Catarrh Cure is wonder! ul." AVrite bisi about It. Hairs Catarrh Cure Is Sold by all Dealers in Patent Medicines. PRICE 75 CENTS A BOTTLE. THE F. Testimonials sent free on application. -ELY'S CREAM BALM-C?oan tho asnJl I f actarM. AiiaTi fain sua I the Sores. Restores Taste Gives Keilel Armlti into th SotrCt.- irr" - ----- - - FREE 50clrcgzUt3orb7BUlL LY0U03.M Warren St., .y.l MURRAY" BUGGIES HURRAY'S CATALOGUE. Tse atrandest aai moat comp.:t Cttsloe. of VHliirlea. liar. nets. aad llorae Wool. e?r rnhii(SJ. A rata ar jclopedia or37 who 3n' a ton. WILBER H, MURRAY M'F'G CO. 13 WS T&eBest Watenjroof Coat in the WORLD ! sg m$& Tl.ellSH KEAN'D SLICKEIl Is wnrrsnlcl water. proof. andwiUteforocdrvl.itlsohsrdiatttorxa. The i3errK)JlMI. SUL'KXltUarrfectnJiiigcoat,snd ecrenttc entire asddia. Beware of intftatlsba, IKa't lburaco.it If licTiab; bran!" U not eaiu l!latra- ru Caa;- i-- J Tr.Trzx. itrloa. Jlaj, IfaAlrted .ui. jThtiiiittn s Eyt Wmirs aora eraa, WsHHB' wUblUsJi fcajiue Taxattatt. It ! uBjust to tax tit S stnnsta wtta tartkns that It caaaot kwr. Maar illly 4la tana tyrannize that f althful atrYttoY uatU It retola acd punishes then as thsy 4Mrvs Drspap slalstuuaUy tha chili of rastrMeMtc roily, bat whether this or th lateral associate of 1 hereat feebleness from hllohood. it U surely artf pleasantly reneJhla with Hoatttter's Stomach Bitter; tha naest aad mest highly sanctioned lastrio ?aia la axlsteasa. As m re sult of the teas iibaarted te the atoaiatft, aad the increased activity of fta die eatlrs aad as rimllatira actios, iascred by tha ptrsisteat use or thla fcsniga iaylgoraat, general staaWaa is augmented, the nerves sfreejrtssnW" and tracquillid. and a tendeacy to insomnia aad hypouhoadrlasis defeated. Biliousness, chills and frrer, rheumatism and kidney troubles art conquered by this admirable medicine. Ills Eye Was Colcfj "Ah, yes," she murmurs, "3'Oit say that you love mc. Hut I find nothing in your eyes but coldness." "No; you wrong me. What I say I feci so deeply." "My dear, you don't look it." "Toll me, dearest, tell mc that you can love a man with a glass eye'." Then she fainted. Texas Sittings. THE EVOLUTION" Of medicinal agents is gradually rele gating the old-time herbs, pills, draughts and vegetable extracts to the rear and bringing into general use the pleasant and effective liquid laxative. Syrup of Figs. To get the true remedy sec that it is -manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only. For sale by all leading druggists. Some ieop!e ieak at least twice before they think. We eat too ranch and take too little out door exercise. This is the fault of onr mod ern civilization. It is claimed that Garfield Tea, a simple herb remedy, helps Nature to overcome these abuses. Some of the stars move with a velocity of nearly tlfty miles a second. Confining: I.en4te Ceanms ion. Kemp's balsam will stop tho cough at once. Go to your druggurt today and get a sample bottle free. Large bottles 20 cents and $1.00. The moon is without water and destitute of an atmosphere. t 'Hnon"s Maslc Corn Swle." I Warranted to mre, or muntjr refunded. AS your drjKRUt lorlt. rrlte J cvnl. The man who talks much alout himself will always have a tired nudience. Baker's CiTd JArer Oil. The best in the world. Cares consumption. Makes new blood aad flesh. Sold by druggists. City of Toledo, Lucas Co., 5S. S. State of Ohio. 'yP-AAy V, KKV. H P. CARSON. Scotlacd. Dak . says: " Two bottles of Hall'- Catarrh Cure complete ly cured tny little Rirl " J. ('. SIMPSON. Marques", Tf Va.. says "Hall's Catarrh Cure cured me of a lery bad case of catarrh." ONLY GENUINE HALL'S CATARRH CURE IS MANUFACTURED BY J. CHENEY & CO.,: ' RM J1TTt mt BEWARE OF I31ITATION8. mm sad Smell, anj Cares jauaramauun, flcaiii WA for Cold in Jlcac -it U Ottj'ct-'y Absorbed. - "KorriT" Harnss? $9.93 w told mora Vehicle anl ll.n.i laat rtar. direct ! ibe people. ISan anrctbar fac lor, on arth. Writeat onca for our Granil i,atn.o?ue 'o. 8i.nd i iou don't y if tha cnejt or moat coicplet. yoa aar taw, V I make 703 a praeent 01 a borir. OSea asd Saiaaroon CINCINNATI. 0. W. FUOXT STREET. MENU Yuu.. uWN HARNESS THOMSON'S SLOTTED vKJbstJh CLINCH RIVETS. No tools required. Only a hammer needed to drive and clinch tbctn cmIIt aad quickly; leavlc the clinch sbsolately smooth. KcquirinK no hole to be made In the leather nor burr for the KlreU. ThersreSlKONG, TOUGH and 0U8LE. Millions now la use. All lengths, uniform or assorted, pat up in hcxtt. Ak jroar fifnlrr fnr thetn, or send 40c la (tamps for a box of 1 00; assorted dzsc MAXCr.lCTCsZI BT JUDtON L. THOMSON MFC. CO., j IVatitiatm. JJnss. VftttKC tJCSI Lvtn T:-flrnptir acd Railroad ItlUrlM rnCil Ag-i-nts' BttT.1-, nf-tB ar.a tcuro COvanu.xtiow T.nJ. D. BROWN, 3aua, . A "JIIW DOWIT "asmi-BnfmmmlB tha first warnlsf vour liver isnt its work. And. with a torpid liver and that impure blood that fol lows it, you'ra an oasr prey to all sorts f ail ments. That is th Urn t take Dr. Pierce's OcMeai Medical Discovery. As l an appetizing;, restora- afas tomic, to repel disease and build up tha aeeda Sesh and strength, there's nothiaf to mmaI it it rouses evcrr orsran into asaica- ful action, purifies and enriches the bleed. braces up the vraole system, and letter health and vigor. For every disease caused by a disordered liver or impure blood, it is the only ruarem td remedy. If it doesn't benefit or care, am every casJ, you havo your money back. $500 is offered, by the proprietor mf Dr. Snce's Catarrh .Remedy, for an In- curable case of Catarrh, their remedy perfectly and permanently cures th 1 worst claes. vu:ti r.jjt. Vn at sa:. Tn tC tn fit rciHast Act iftir uUig it Jrr. :u. SsU V i'Xttt p wksn. LicrJ:j::ci:jKlJl.CO. P SOLID GOLD FILLED ELGIN OR WALTHAM. -Warranted SO Trari. " A Gt-nuine Ducbcr Killed Caw. ladies or Gents slur, linntlns or open face, stem TTintiand set. tyvtuillullr en snaved, Elin or Waltliatn mot- il'cni. mil j.-writu top piaia. Ocubl Jcsrlt"! rxpftnlon bI- anc"-. patent Hair rpniur.saie- j pinion. nairK uajn.uu p?oi canu. ran j warrant- leti, mantuaciorrra -gumr- "watch. RrtaJ I Brie ttv Wholesale price Sll W. ir 5-011 cut thl ou t and tzi& to us we will send trra nrc-s a (ample watch ac wholonlo prlw subject to examination. If Us factory pay exprcfsajient Sll CO and vatch Is your. MthOTwt.rinn't accent It orractarees- State tyl .Limpet If cashaccomDa. niM order an decant chain niMl. money refunded. . II mhsi.iit. If nota reDre- m.r rfti nnV from Omaha .ar.ii UrrniRu a. smarantyot rl faltS. Address CCClDiCNT -AgH t JEWiXBTT CO.. Bheely Bloclc. Omaha. 9P Unlike tlia 'Dutch Process No Alkalies ok Other Chemicals faaS are used In tho &rjZj preparation of L T -m a . im n ljt laT t V . J5AHlE.11 v 1U.3 iBreaMastCocoa ichich is almolntely pure and soluble. It has more than three timet the ttrewjth. oi Cocoa mixed with Starch. Arrowroot or Sutrar. and is Jar more eco- . . 1 r.nstlwr las than ona cent a chp. J'licious, nourishing, and easilt sicssirr. . rni4 aapsitia :tu a .. T UlUli.14 tIClJ IIUCIW W. 3AKEE 5?v" Dorchester,! M AKhr Sas85: Pts.lr.yty Cured tjjhe. Itsweetonj oT-nxiro lireatb anJ wsorei lo't tate anil smell. lrice. ;. or seat C. O. As premium will lie trtca with this Medicntor. for the r.ext 30 days, a dec of World's Fair 8ooenIr riaylnjrCard-i. On the face of twh card u jn grapUed. In ttrtn colors, one of tho Worlds rair butMins. The latent norelty produced. Stamp for circular". Accnts want!. Chlcapo Mertlcatoe Co, 191 .South llaUted St., Chicago, III If anj- OD9 douhU tUa i wa can euro tho ki tot sUnata -a.' in 10 lot dayg. let liun wr ta far particulars and inTea.H trato our reUab lit. Onr financial bcdtlng- 1 KOO.OOa. When mercury. lodidepotaiMlnnuaartapirUlaor Hot Spring fall, w trasranteo a enre nd our J!,rlc l ypbilene Is tbr only thine tha willcuro permanently. PoMtire rroof mtz .aled, free. Coot Kimedt Ca.Chicaffo.il!. UIPP SATS SHI CAHRQT SEE Hftr Wirt VOU DO IT FOI TNE IHMlT. $12! Bays a fci.0Olwarm UmIm Ctaa MMkla.! fvlMt ! Cz.lr aU4. ateM u ll(tt u HaianlitiMfalaMt MSB. feOaklMliaMrfkilM. 11mm tna a ttrvwr. at. Imtmt am l pnSl Snt Ur miS CATAInC& oxroai ara.ee. dpv. a 8. caiusa afl( naiNns?.c3S! 8i 1 1 W OyaterMhella; OrakaRi Flowr Orniats in kvniBiT'Paalrw. ViRMfreEii Mir.r .1 jft. Cironlansiultaaumoaaasj ssbs ea aroicauoo. VV1LSSOX BKIM. KaMoa. ft. Garfield Teas rnreal.'OQrtlpation, KtoiraConipIenoii.STei Doctor' BUI. Baajplefreo. CAJUfIEUTTACO..:iW.4UiSt.ll.T. Cu res Sick Headache "UJhSUlsisUiM'''Mechantcl Treat mentot t!T,mio ami 1tk List mailrd ntEE. Address LiSV?111 tOi-'S.llth M rall4elhIs,Fs. E ARL.Y RISERS Uis rsmous WttM HJ.'l 'or CoD?tlprtlonlck naa Mfa e.spspslavN o xua"gaia-Verx & -j iEj rncailu lliuia R9 SV . . ' 4T..J Itwv. o. w. k. ssrDKR. jr. i- -I'r.LtfSEI i?i J'Tall Dei MVlcJti r,HTli8ter, - x'" - hei S&IO SsI JOHN tV.Av "! illOIWll Wanhlnicion, -. laitePrtnclnal aximlner U. Ponalon Buri.a- 3jTalnlaat war, 15i.Uudicatln-cllna, atty alaee. At y Price TNSUKE inth Farina I Coiap ny of Lincoln. tT.trhM. Giia Baveffa. I anl.r XarcBM.OraaaBlM.iav r.. riw.1 .r-. .ir. LM VaSS. t IllliCO HCtLE to., lalaaa,W. INSURE intba Faroan and Merchant Inraraacw- tonp nj oi Lincoln- i.spiii Aixu oujiiai w. . C". 1.5SS loaa paid to Wabraaka upla alnca 1W. Cooniaiptlvea and people shobare weak lungs or Atth saa. snonld oae PiM'sCsrefor Oonsnmptlon. It hs eareU ajaaa. lthas notinlar- ea one. it is not osa to case. ItMlne teiteoeiiayrcp. Sola cr-wter(!. Se. JMAHAJDSIKESSJODSESl lYSTEAM DYE WORKS mxixa and Cleaning of every Description, J.M1 Farnam St.,Oraaha. Cor Aie.A.&Ztitbbt.. Council ItlutTs. Send for circular i price list. SALOON Futures. Billiard Tables. Bar Glass wtrc.Barl'umpi.etc. CATECITT BILLIAUO TAUi.E CO.. 1119 Farnam HARNESS (Wholesale). 4 PADDXJl:r H-ARO-w.ikx. (.'. !. WOOUWOKTM fcCO.. U1S Farnam. St., Omaha. GUNS naM Ball. ntcyc and Oenenal Itportlns Uuoili. Catalocua FKKS. Cruoi Gun Co., 1512 DouglAB St.. Omaha. F lIir.CM. CX).. Kapla !aru and Srrapa. Jtllaa, Ifucftret, Jama. Jlppia V.st,fr. Etc Props. Omaaa wii MJiiu:crinj. t..i.n aaj uaccratcd Tlnwara. ' WAGONS.CARRIA&ES w.r.tijfAicajr Cmaha's Xarc est Variety. SOUTH OMAHA HOUSES. nfiO LIVE STOCK efv.Ul. Uarnct revuUi iuraiUai nyua apjlcattaa. aflST i SH5GW .BvS&v32V HaVv .rCGiv xs ? Aia:SFKtt;rti.":.vsr j?3mtt SVJKJBHBKMSWVrSBjak aBtSafftaSSi5S5f3 ECTSfSSifVW'ii 1 JwJUMPSiKSy vanm'.z'.zr;OTr . . t it 1. ri jfTt-r 1 TiSRSS a55MV lf'. i f--. r1 XGSiiit' 3CJ:V-v.3Vvv LjJ M & If U5YI, t.yi irk. IS m I'Vtras HRrSTLl PjL -Vll k -V Mm&L I BLOOD POISON I I A SPECIALTY. I ff HAiDMILL(rtsr AUn. priwpir mii.imS ! WOOD B SJ n ) s" !Vmt-MM- A' $ ; ,.M5ff i ir "i i i