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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (April 5, 1893)
. -"ityrt: 1 -s w V.t" i. I ... ! 1 " " . . i i . -r 1 -.-T . :vi -: -rt . J. J ft .''. ii-y ,1 -. rv i :j.- ,. D--, .-. ' V - . Men and ofllcrrs of the police force, woo I nre expoM day and night to all sorts of wreatlwr, should "keep Salvation Oil, thfc in-1 fallible cure fore rheumatism t&d neuralgia, , at their homes. They cencot afford to be without it. 25 cts. ' Capability runs a poor race with Influ ence. Men of all professions and trades, minis ters, lawyers, merchants and mechanics ! unite in indorsing Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup, I the old reliable cure for all bronchial and pulmonary troubles as the best household ' remedy iu the market. Peter Savanoe, Swedish and Norwe gian consul at Chicago, died of pnou- , "oiontu. .1. M. V'o!fe & Co , Omaha, publishers of the Nebraska State Directory, nreuow pnb- , lUIiing Omaha Cltv Directorv, Council rJIulT-, City Directory, Nebraska City City Director", Fremont City Directory. Al-o Ij-Mie ;Lrafca tnte m-ip- Called to nnv address for ii.V Oiiwht fit inn.. :J.V; J;ciu:1V5U:'-' ni01,"st"nm, Nature needs little, opinion exacts initcli. jeraian 9) YFHD J JL. William McKeekan, Druggist at Blooiningdalc, Mich. "I have had the Aslbiua badly ever since I came out of the anr.3- and though I have been in the drug business for fifteen 3"ears, and have tried nearly every thing on the market, nothing has riven mf thr slurhrpcr roUcf until n few mouths ago, when I used Bo sehee's German Syrup. I am now glad to acknowledge the great good i t has done me. I am greatly rel iev ed during the day and at nightgo to slcei without the least trouble." $ J-l- - .-. .....WV V..V. .... V. wmmim ) r ffitmst; ssi rtHEXT KOKK'tNG 1 FEEL PRtSHT N0 f.f.V AND Mr" COMPLEX'O.N 13 BETTER. 3I t(v-r ftTs It act"; ppstly on the rtomch,li''fr tni idnrY. vtil jj i. plfasaut laxctlrp. 7h! itiint !h &ii!o irvm fcirl. ond Is preparetl for mo : cr'lly ij. xe. Itiscnllcd LOME'S MIBieiHE A'.i dmcci-u -ell V nt c. and (1 a package. If ynti cjiiiii t put l, f-nd your sd.lrews for n fret ciui.o I.uho'h Family ".IctJlclne tnqvea lliciMirrliici(bil:iT. Adlifs r oi.Ait)!ni wooinvjiHO.T.itnoT..T. A Powerful Flesh Maker. process that kills the j taste of cod-liver oil has done good service but I the process that both kills the taste and effects par- ftial digestion has done I much more. fifft- H" . I p ScmfiiGinn I MSIUICIUII stands alone in the field of fat-foods. It is easy of assimilation because part ly digested before taken. Scoft's Emulsioti checks Con sumption and all other j; wasting diseases. r-iCTTYor .So.l: , lcs-etseTerawher. i m RAD FIELD'S ha specific merits fcmalesex,sucfa tuchrccio woiab and oTarian dis eases. If tal.en in time Jt resttlatea nnd rromotea healthy action of all func tions of tho generative orcsns. Vounc ledies at tho ago of puberty, and ntt'pr nnna at the rreno paje,TriIl fla4 In it a healine, poothinft tonic Tho l'iphst recommendation from proml- rcnt pnysscians sna those wiio r.ave tnea it wri:,?Vfl,0,f"TS'vv'omen",S:incf.??M proprietors; Atlanta, Ga. vt hi &"&. Be Best Waterproof Coat in the WORLD! 5 a-w - . 1 -t'js-rs?5tf57 s L'rE,!?l:A??fiFcFE?,rfmU5tedwi?J 66(f fiTSiiV 11-&3SJA hFM ''srMva ..w.Uu,.w ..v,uB.... ... ,. 4. ... .... v..c T games up. Kcvnolds, voud ' .' ,. ., ., . I oi the year when everything lavors a , DF:rnTI ATAD la-t man in the world I' ,,..,. ,.nm ;r:t1l , '..jA.k- v sipii that it is the many that inake a j ., .;., RjGUULATOR iiPl.i,prt KnvnnMs iri.. ni. th P5"0,1 , V06 ., .H mC V"?" I little for market and se'l for aty !iapil10Uh" ' filPlfFD ;-" roiiMEt, SLitKEitjap'rfectrii:rot.nn; A firamatic Sfon'1 '.vas enacted be :..rrr,ihc,nilreSrBewreoflnil!Uons. DonH ..., .,,:... ,,. ,i ,.,u,.. .i,.r. .. sh Bracd-1 j nol on it. IIlii'I-x-l ..1 vowgB. bom. . ) JTnros Consumption. Congbs, Crovp, Sor Tln-at, SoM br all Dronrist OB Guarantee. 'or ? Lane Side, Back or Chat Shtlch's Parana F2x?ci"will -We gnat satisfaction. S ceats, INSURE inlh Farram and Marehaata laaarmntw iousp tirof Uooola. Capital and 9urpla orar $.-CC-Hi i.SiJ l.iun pal4 to KabraakA pwpla alar IMS. lfSli.te.1 witli (ThempsM's Eyt Wattr. TO. 1TTTEY, Puiiaiet, OBIO. Rescued From tho Crave. A Startling Story. Prospect, O., March 20. I had the Grippe and there hu never been a waking moment since that 2 have not suffered with the headache, until I began using Kickapoo Indian Sagwa. Less than two bottles have completely cured me of headache; and I ssi satisfied that it I had not got some relief from some source within another year. I would have gone to my grave, or would have been a fit subject for the lunatic asylum. Nothing gave me any relief whatever except what I believe to be the greatest boon to immunity, Kickapoo Indian Sagwa "William Frrrzrr. KICKAPOO INDIAN SAGWA. SI per Bcttle, 6 fcr $5. ..! HV ALL DKL'CUISTS AKD DSALEBS. CAl"tt0:Iacie sUatilM ars jrTtr ftMM. tSpMSHILOHSB T SO CHANCED. It so chanced Oa that leaden hearted day. Unseed winter leagues away. As he tbou-ht of her there came Oa the waste a sunny flame. Wherewithal the frost-mote danced, while an echo ran? her name. It so chanced. It so chanced On that evenin? bleak and hard. M:rtia!-couched on frozen sward, As ho thou ht of her therj crept Music down the blast that kept AH his senses dream-entranced. While, from ambush wjtohcd.hc slept. It so chanced. It o chanced In that twilight win?c 1 vriln ill. When hi- ptcrccd heart stood still, As he drcmieit of her, he psed! lTi?n from out the circling v:it. With a smile his love advanced 'I, to meet tlice have .sped fast" It so chanced. -IMithM Thomas. - V BLIGHTED 1103IANCE. Until Herbert Reynolds crossed her path Violet Uraluiiu"s life had been a simple, uneventful onr. The only child of a poor country doctor, reared where be utifui. fugged nature still held Mv.-iv. c-he yet enjoyed many of the comforts of modern life and con cerned hei'acJf little about what the good people of Uoynton were pleased to call society. The care of her father's houc. in which she took great pride, demanded .so much of her time that she was able to give little attention to out-ide unfair'. But with the advent of the hand some, dashing fet ranger from the "city," came a change, and one that the girl's fond father noticed with ve grot. It was at the iiosisc of a mutual friend, en lh. occasion of a birthday party which Violet had been prevailed , upon to attend, that the young jjeople 1 first niit each oh,r: and as Violet was the prettiest girl in the room, Herbert Keynolds at on'-e sinirled her out as the c-ubject of his attentions. Violot wa- naturally flattered and pleased Ml this nu rk of distinction: the latent coquetry, which i-5 in every woman's heart, ro-e to the surface, and she parr ed his co'iiplimnts and gallant spccche- with a readiness which snrpt-i-ed her-cif. Man of th wo: hi tiumgh he ';:. Kynnld wa charmed wit:j her, and from that een"ng became her avowed -uitoi-. Dr. Graham honexcr. did not ap- ju-ove of Hevnold and, on more than one occasion, said. 1 don't like that t-...eiiu r tiiiiirr an 1 wi-h, my . .l. .... .... i near, you ou.u tuocourage n.s visits ic"i; . , .... , , , ..! way, papa.- loiet asKeu, half setulant5y. He is very agieo- ablcand entertaining." There's something wrong about him; I'm sure of that. Where did he come from and u hat's his business? Do yo'i liapp.'ii tj kire.v?' lf cmrso 1 do not! How should ' That's ju'-t it. Why should you i i: no,? It i, natural for men to talk of th..iraiaiKtiwoin..n if t-TerythinS is a; . should be. ( omc. lolet. , vou ve a wav be. n a tHK obedient girl: tend this fellow about his busi ness, and please our oM father." But iolet would not promise. the glamor of a romantic first love was ipon lvr. and sh m-orwI c m pleiely daxrled: could sec an 1 lvar nothing to lieyno'd's disadvantage. Hence, whn finally asked the all important question, thero was not tho slightest doubt in his mind as to what the answer should be. He v.t.: right. With becoming blushes and hesitation she accepted m o:er, aiu no icit nc.- iui a inumnnant , upon us nps. Ihat evening he called upon tho aoeror to owam ins consent to tlie . mo ! .rA I na rii iaii-i i he old gentleman re-j duly, and frowned in, .,... v " -." " ..,.... " i nn-eriiei..eiearnc.i us errana. -How dai-e you ask n.u for my dau-hter s hand r" he -aid m a harsh. measuru tone. "inn must nave, posedlv. WI1I you tell me why?' Certainly,' responded tho otiie' promptly. "Because I am sure you are not an honorable man. From the outset 1 have had my suspicious con cerning your character, and to-day I learned that which caused me to re solve tnat vour attentions to my daughter should ceae, and at once, Now hear me. i shall foroid Iiss 1 Graham to have any further infer course with vou. I have nothing 1 j iao.-c to cay. Good night! " 1 White v.uh rage. Herbert Keynolds took bis devartu e, resohing that bo would poess Violet now. by fair means or foul. I He cent her a letter tho next dav. aiipn-iiiK uei m ,.av nau auun 1 t J 1 ,r . ..i. 1 1 a .1 p::u;r. ua u.n prowmi nipai. ana pro- 1 f"'"S - W-1..1V-1..." M.v-ti.t. w. , the doctor had anticipated that, nnd tore the note into fragment, and cast it into the wa-te-p.ipor hake'. " v ' - " .....i.m .. .. ... ut the morni". followinr her lover's di.nis-a Violet timidly inquired of j tno doctor 1: .Mr. Keynolds had aked 111 n a very important question, ana , what hi- answer had been. 1 Yes," lie coldly replied, "the fel low was impudent enough to a?k for . vour nana, lou icnow tnar 1 never divined from my manner that I would f ". ,L,, .,', ' Tn . production or a price that would pay ; ,.,.,., nvn osllinfl .......:...,: l-fr-MAI i-" t ;,-.. l. ,..,.. if .... !.. "" ".."v....v.. . ...- So wocnine to tboenneli!- . - -- , rroren aa infanftts ' ..-., ., ...i, !.., .. .. ' ,,v . . s"-' ' . n,.;o,. thev have offered f..r it ihs.1 ' -r Ule:-' OI",c - " for all dcriaco- """" i'.'""n ."'" ' "-1 - l" . his gra-p. "hverythmg is known. I in.Ml ,..:.,, n ,., .miolMlt nf .. there is little danger of feed neeni!r to th control bin voice j'Utl ajkcd. com-':... : .i ...: .i i. .i., turnisn us . itli a laige amount olout 7 a.. roved of hir, attentions to 3 on. and " ICW "CCK- il-- Pnsr nun inrougn cvn "aess what mv asiwer was. i lhc operations suppo-ed to be neces If.rbid vou t. have ant t'ninff what-! sar" to l"onvcrt an oinary citizen ever to do wit'i him in fiit-ive. if vou ' inl aa Knthu-iatic Hood Fellow, value my love and respect. Do vou The-V werc almost through with the i-iH'.pe'iii" .initiation when some kind of aa ex- Poor Violet tittered a little moan. loon in tho store over wlnon the -Oh, pa;ia." he cried, -vou will ; hM wa3 "ituated blew the building brak m- heart:" nto tno llluldle of the street, and in- And bhe fell at hi feet a senseless tcrfored with tho cercmonie-. Ijg., j Ready hands tot to work and ex- No one will ever know what heart- tricated the people from the debris, nanse her distre.-s caused the old j Fortunately no one was hurt very .t,-, .,... r.... i.ii'i ,,tf-,r,r. T enn ii ,.e iticiii, i" v; i.iv iikjia, k.k' cut, itir vai that fell upon that silent form as ha boro it upstair.-. l?ut the decision had been necessary theio was no other course for him to p;p-ue. A day or two later Violet was sit ting at a window, with her hands Iving in her lap. looking thoughtfully out upon the picturesque winter land- scate. when something alighted up- , on the window sill. Jt was a small square block of wood, with a piece of tvliitc paper attached. Vhr, it it a letter!" she cried. j do balieve it's from Herbert, It wa1!. sure enough, it in feveri-h haste. She opened Dciruit Vio'ct Jf you over raw to re? passionately. "He must not leave me sol I will brave y-apa" anger End see him al least once more."' So. when evening came, and the doctor had shut himcif ia his study, she stole out of tho hourc and di rected her jteps toward the little station. again f.ieinni'.vi.o iof 'o unovu all otber i,?a ,r.ic . that Vi-i-is lpf-infr the shiunT is ahvavs readv for tho uucmg new topics ior conversation s:-x rantn-a ..u-i nj our i'a io ypsim u tn on r -Tho vroa'd .' e 'o- toj if n 1 '-c-lc "t the Kin 8 noilse .JS Uiai 14,ay 13 ii. bmpp i -na.B 1WU.1 lul "' f ,.,.i i-fi, 5., . i. tt.Tffhi!twHcnrpennapnUT. V 1uto proof i.t liror-iloaionh1 at eul, as i leave with a largo houqust-Oh. are vcu fatted hog. There is a market for among people Lttle Known to each . lree. IW ?: ca'cwpMi. here never to rotnr going to take those lovely llowcrs to swine of all ages and conditions at other, as caca spoon from its design f. .....- M-HBB.HT-.F1K, Violet rtarefi"?h Wcrtat fte the hospital? Ill go with' you. all season of the year. A good crop will sugge, an iaea fMtSjHtkUllf. w.ords that seemed written in fire. ' Mrs. Larl:in-Oii dear-, no! I'm of corn, provided I in advance, ready A lump of freshly burnt hmc.placed JSV'SJS -I hnli leave here never to ratu-n "' Roing to take them to the poor, dear for tae swine and, to guard against , in a drawer or caao whero bright gggVfeel ". ?" Goino- awa- where she hoaM never man who was put in jail for chopping any liability of crop disaster, is nec2,- sUel articles arc kept, perfectly pre- ""nTwrrriVUj'S" s-eoidmaAin3 Oh ro no his wife's head off with an aw- ..nary for the successful prosecution of servea them from rust. If tho things qjlVltnzl'cii-TZa "'.:& "I onbi nnt v.w Jt"Oin rri Truth. & BXTino industry. Lnder tneto are to be moved as a gun m its case, ! 1 Ju.LAa.nnuma. It was a clear, frosty night. A light fall of snow lay upon the ground, and the big, round'moon, high in the blue dome of the heavens, shed a silvery radiance Over the landscape. A keen wind was blowing; it stung the face and brought tears to the eyes, but Violet did not heed it, for her mind was busy with other things. She knew that she was sinning l against her father in taking this btep: out the spell of Reynold a fascination was still strong upon her, and the could not resist it. So, with dogged persistence, she went on. At last the station came in sight. A ninn vrnc n-ioiniT tVio tilutfni-m Ac sho annrm.-ho.! bo tumm tmva her, and the moonlight revealed the face of Herbert Reynolds. He drew her toward him and kissed her passionately. Then she saw that her lover's face was drawn and white, and he trem bled like an aspen. "Oh, Herbert,' she cvicd, "you are ill, what is the matter?'' A great misfortune has fallen upon me, dear,"' he said in a whisper. 'I must be on the continent within twelve hours; my very life depends upon it. Why, I will explain to'ou later. I want to take you with me as my own sweet wife. No one must nait us, my darling. Our hearts have met, who has power to sever them? You shall go with me, Violet. See, I have already purchased your ticket, sind the train is due iu fifteen minutes. Do you consent?" The strength of his passion over whelmed her. Father, home.friends, all were forgotten. Cduld she give tip this handsome, adoring young lover, and see him drift out of her life 1 forcvc,.?-' ' Y()uth a,wa baU , ,, th -. nf -. w , balances a question on the side of love, and Herbert Key nolds won the day. But the man was still manifestly ill ! at eae. Willi nervous impatience he j walked from point to point, and peered anxiously down the line. At laM. the Cyclopean eye of the train appeared in tho distance, and. at the j sip;h' of it, he breathed more free'y. i 'houg'p his face was still ghastly v bite. With a ruh and a roar it I drew up to the station and stopped. 1 A man sprang Irom it: he caught .lirlit. tt tlij- ftfiiftilsr nn fkn loffrrrt ; as Kcvnold; washnrricdlva-ist- inir Violet into a carriage, laid a do- tainin,r haml upon his arm. I 4.,r,;ul ,,,,. . r,.- n1 , he 1 j ,aid ..Not gQ faM ;f ym plo.lM; : want" to have a few words with vou. mri - VU - . S Keynolds turned upon his detainer with a smothered imprecation, his I teeth gleaming m the moonlight. I '-What do you want?1 he hissed. I "Speak quickly. The train will start , in a minute.'' 1I1U liJ4l.Il lUULTIUJU. That's aU right. , he calmly anstvered. -Yon don't want to go Ja,k with vo., So if VQn wm kindh. hclp voar iady friend oft" again, and lislcn to what Vvc t to Mlv wilhout ov mis train, ana i want to nave a further trouble, I'll be greatlv Obliged."' j There was something iu the jelled obedience: he fctill retained his hold upon Reynold's arm. Well, then, what is it?" demanded tho latter, when ho had assisted Violet to alight and the train liad ,-rt.,,.A.l ,..B, .t i i j i "Just this, he answered, nroduc- ing a photograph and handinj landin"- it to his questioner. "That is your pic- I ture, I believe, atid vour name is II a T ,.n V- .1 r, T Herbert Reynolds? ics: xnen i have JV wai.rant for yoar ai.rct.- Thoman fell back with a guttural c ,vhilc the ipl nt M ide clung . to h5,n a-embfinglv. her 'eyes wide open ith terror. " open ..whJ arc you? witatV the charg0?- llo gJl-,jIca, spasmodically. ..f&m a deeclive, aa r am 'ho..0 to a clean breast of it. this?" A shriek, loud and piercing, had rent the air. and Violet Graham fell to the ground insensible. "Fainted, by ginger:" exclaimed the detective, binding over her. Who is she, any way?" Ere Keynolds could frame a reply a man who had lurked for some min utes in I he shadow of the station ....., ...t. "....I ..,. .v. .1.4 Ii ... a.. Ilin 1 girl in his arms. She is my daughter "aid Dr. Graliu:n. a-. e horc his burden lo a ' mail phaeton that stood not far a-.vav. And that is all he .-.aid: his heart was too full for words, A half hour later the train horo A half hour later the tram horo p,VAV fpom Bovnton tlc dsisliin- Hor- 1 t RprnoliK -p or sonor. His sins had found him out. Fortunately, heart's seldoat brak for love's sake, and Violet Graham soon forgot her unworthy lover. Jn the course of vcaivs site married, as .-.,. ,... I pretty jjtrls are toleraoly sure to do, Jiml th& timc the ,.,0,. Unproved of iicr choice. -New York Journal. V. It y lie Uriii-tinol. 'i'he memlicr.s of tho Independent Order of Enthusiastic (lootl Fellow.- were operating on Mr. Timberwheel. . j? ? T .. ih,iii . ....w. .......w a.... uwwa taken Mr. Timberwheel was found to 1ia m;inr. A -ftsrrh was instituted, r.n-1 Wr." l.tno- no .r9 fn.Ml in .nt. ' adioinin!r vard. where the force of i, .v-..i.;, i,.,,i to.i.i titm H . j cr sat in a ledge-room chair, and his , eyes were still blindfolded. -Whv on earth didn't yon take that inin " oul ces B.Bei olifc U1 "'" ..V T rr J . .. .t !... cuair twiuu me e.uuaiun wtiuitu. asked one of the Enthusiastic (lood Fellows. "Explosion ?"' echoed Timberwheel Why. I thought that was part of i tbe initiation." Harper's Bazar. TIio JflovrerV Uc.;i.utnu. Mrs. Buntins-. entering Mrs. Only ami NnthUir Mnte. Mr. Kaustick, reading papor Ah, haT I see tho Maaningtons havo a son. Mrs. Kaustick, excitedly Indeed! Boy or girl? 5fr. K- Doesn't etat? merely saya a son. Khniria Gazette. ,...... ( ,.,, ..-, ... ...... i.i ..:.,...x . ... .. . .w .. VU.TV. ...... w.. .vj. ....uw -, I, nti.. . I 441 l,UII-wl IUW lli. AI (ik 101k i-o lii'ii wii ;i mi 1 1 m j . t r- . ' .tur ii tm tiiii.iii lietio, wnat 3 . . llltlllltllllll" FARM AND HOUSEHOLD. WHY IS THERE SO MUGH POOR feUfTEH ON THE MARKET.' facilities for Making a FlnU-Clais Article The Best Profit !ioi of Alt A;re Stock Notes House hold Hints. 1'oor Matter. I suggest that some of the reasons ire thero is a great amount of it made oa farms that have no convenience or facilities for making a first-class "tide, and is made by the wives and ?oughtei-a i of the farmer, who do not furnish them with anv information ! ?a bat,t6r . What they make t 15 omnri nnnuvrh fm- 1iin find ln ttiinL-a ; is good enough for anyone else. Many ' cf cur cows havo to depend on stag- 1 nant and unpui'e Jionds for their 1 1 drinking water. Milk being about eighty per cent water it will be more or less affected by the impurities in ! tho water, and the cream in rising ' brings it to the top, and, when churned, the butter ic tains a portion of tho impurities which injure the kcoping quality. 1 Wo do not look to tho comfort of our cows as we should, says Cole man's Rural World. Many of them are driven to a shadeless pasture and left there all day in the heat of summer, with no place to lio down and reat but in tho bcoruhing ravs of the tun. If there is anv damaged . . or nioulnv (.pftinnniliofni-mitic .rr.,,,.:.ii,. (..a k ms&m. r d v. m wm AW i. fc W rf Ul to tno cows, as it is not tit lor mar ket, and would not do to feed tho teams, and the pigs would not thrive on it. but the cows will eat it, and wi'l give us bad milk, because they cannot give us anything else on sach feed, and bad milk makes poor but ter. xi;t!r t in . .!!.,.. .,,) ...,-r.u ,,-;ii absorb anv impurities that inv be in 0"di""-y ftit grower U not parlzeu them. unless set in an air tight ran. lar oSh in eraJiu? nis fruit to get Cellars and caves generally havo a I saliafactoi-y returns from salc3. Out miiblv smell and butter made from J im-tseo is to sort out the very ..;:jr'..i ; ti,m. i... tw..i .. ehoict-t funt ard nut it ut in small i.!i.,s ci...... .3' v .! iiiv.ui if.o ..." .'hiiiv. v..w j.; i rot in closed cans. Miik ab-orb: f,.- lavor of any kind of vegetables, ir. therefore it is kept in the kitehn we are liable to havo many llavors com- blued A great deal of the butter made on farms in winter is made and kept in the kitchen or cellar till it is taken lo market. A great many people 1 make butter on a srna1! scale, and do not take enough interest in it to give j inh braids seven feet long and nail the proper care. They do tmt post c no c.!Ki to tj1& outcr Cty,. t,f ,;u. themselves on butter making hecau-c i piatform: do this on tv.o opposite every body belie ve his wife can and J Ijj 0f tv0 ptrorm. bring the up does make as good butter a anybodj j,,,.. ,.mts OI- these two btarcis together and he will swear she can; and if you . ,nak:ng Uwm ansv.e- for tides and don't aree with him you had belter ro lf Hoard up the ends, leaving a keep still. Everybody takes good, j pia,.(. fol. a door in ono ona ailll ., sweet butter to market. Ho knows j window in theothor, if desired. This no docs, because his gr ceryman tetis him so and his wifo r.i.vle it. puts it 1 in the same can with all of the good ; butler and how could it be otherwise I But he had to take a low price for i!. there was so much of the sam qual ity ir. the market So they did not make it as good the. next wee:;, for it J lll n.lf Tint ir vru'L- a linvil ffi -. ' ...... .... ,...j . ....w v ....... .-. little money. SO if iTncitiT'i r n itmll 1. nf., urii'. ' -i b. .k .,....- .. ........ .. ,,.t r,.. iu uiar in ienng tlie nniU'rJiiey !; ! and take nothing l.;:t good, iieor but- . Illliess Xcll &yi. fatt-ning hogs in win ter vould he very sca:ce a, tin.:. lei.. .Cj-ol he advantage, it is cheap would le no place for it But just so , .!U(1 ca5i!v COnst:ueted. so that vou long as there is a place where it can , . b,j . . l . ,, ., ... , I ' t un. jmce i.., .in, it ...ii o , made, and lots of it, toe. I It requires but little labor or e.- j ' perienre to make poor butter. To . make tho other grade re-pures lots of both and omo knowledge of the i proper methods matter. it is not probable that those who ! Cleanliness in the cattle quarters follow dairying a a husin - for profit , -jl r0 :t long way.- toward jn-omot-would make much poor butter. If lug thrift. they did th-y would have to ,.t:-c c,lvc ,10uHshing food from the from tne business Mi.n. as it Would be I .. thU apnlic.. to cattlo ab weli a3 impossible to a market for their j 0ti,cl. stock ooor butter Tiso Kct I'roflt. Under present conditions the best nrolit is made only by getting the top of the market- larly maturity imt entirely with the breed, for no matter 1 , hov. good the breed, the best growth j will not be secured unless gojd feed- .j i m- 1 ' mr ib anded lnc principal a;ivan- , 4..X-. ...i. .1. '.. ... . . tage wttli th oilier oreeds j-s in tne . anil tv 10 aiiresr nnd assitniiatc ,, i M j larger amount of food anil convert it into jrronth att'l fle-h. hut if t!ii-5 I- clono tho m.-il.-isils mti&1 lii-st hf st:o- ! sp- pli-d to the animal-. t Uv fcrrling well vou oiieo':rae and I i"teu?ifv the tendencv to out on fle.-h rapid! v. an 1 an carlv maturitv i- madn possible. lite profit is not onlv in the nuieke- rrowth. but to some extent i1 a better nualili ot product, ar. a better product insures i a higher price, and as there is but j little difference in the cot, the differ ence in tho amount received is Iarjje- j !v profit. In fact, takins tht- value of the focd into consideration, it costs les to secure early maturity, with the better quality of product than it does the slow growth and a poorer product. So long as one continues to send a low quality of product Jo market, low prices inn t .'e accepted in payment. Keducing the eott of production wiil not increase tho profit 5 if in d In this tho quality is low-recl It is al ways an item to reduce tie cost o far as it is possible to do so without lowering tho quality. But when it comes to a choice between an in creased cost and a lower quality it will pay at least, to some extent, to add to tne cost, as under present brighten it. or put in a trreasy sauce conditions the better prices received , l an and boilel awhiie. it will will make a goetl proilt on the addi tional cost. To a considerable ex- tcnt ifc wiil be hssi to 3nuko quality the first consecration, but at the SalllO time tO I'CdUCU tllC COSt a much a3 possioie, as this till helo m:i- leriaiiy w increase tho pronts. I j Journal of Agriculture. HujTi of All Asc. Hoirs at all asres. even from tho dav - " .. they are littereu until litcy arc ready lor the porK barrel, are more nearjy a cabii commoditv than any other stock produced on the farm. Tiiere are ah.-ava buvcrs far swine; ome r.oisrhbor tvants :tb0tv with hcv litter. another wants a lot of weanling, another a bunch of ho.itj and avln another the older sto.k. hogs, while conditions the business of raising togs can safely bo commenced with , sn assurance of profit. It is always best to have in view but cue condition of market animal, Yvallo it may in a general way be deeirable to f.nish up the hog on the sro. there are many risks taken with the carrying of a litter of pigs up to the timo when they will sell in the fat hog market. In view of these liabilities many of the most success ful ho raisers divide their chances of profit and dispose" of sows and lit it lt .nW'rtncf n' oio nnt -flics; in nil conditions 01 e-iwth UP to the matured animal. , giowin up l wiu iua , carrying only a poruCn 01 tno nog; stock through to the shipper. Their motto is always have somo- thing to sell in the lino of swine when good prices can be secured. As - a nioney-maher en tho Western farm 1 Tew products can taico tno place 01 hogs. Karisas City Livo Stock Indi cator. Yearly Crops of I'rult. President Rarrv of the Westorn licbiaoni Jjarti, 01 tne C!'Jin CW lork Horticultural Society, in reply to various questions says: T think that the cultivation and fertilizing of orchards, not withstand ing all that has been said and written about it, is not propcrlv understood to-dav. I believe nrnilv that if an orchard be thoroughly cultivated and fruit. inooe aro tne great secrets 01 fruit culture; you cannot put on too much manure nor keep the ground too thoroughly culti'-ated. Is there any method of pruning that will answer ar tt method of thin- ning the fruit? Proper pruning docs thin the f i-nit i nne nf the wars of accomplishing thinning properly, .. -V -'-- ..w ----.- ! lit uiMiniMtr ivliij.V ctlitnlfl ! ft t i tnlril ; - i"-"""'c .. .....,. . .... - to every year. An orcnaiM mat is f ,.,..,,l ;.. f.... .. c,r. ,..,,.r . w. ,u u, x. uul -. , v.-. , comes so injured that it is almost lin- !i.i i . :. :i. pussiuie 10 jet. 11 into proper con- uition again. Yv hat has been my experience in aortinsr anples for market? That is ., - . . . ,- illlUliiei CIV IIIIUIU lilUL uin-i.iuun 111 opei fruit growing that does not receive i mo attention tnat 11 1., .. .. ., . .. merit?. Tho enoict'i ' i , , pack-ages. and I believe this i the ' n w" l Prs'. ot oniy witn pear j lrat Wlth "PI'lc-. j Tito tit il;i-,i-. i i T uish to hog hou-es found is a Fay a few word about The beJ. thing I havo house made as follows: Make a platform of inch boards seven or eight feet square by nailing them on ::x4'rf set in edgewise. Thm take iiuilci'-. a house that you can hitch a t am tT and draw where wanted. In summer it can be placd in a pasture. In winter it makes a good, warm sleeping place for the hogs: v. ill hi-'d -ix to eight old one:-. In spring it makes a good brood house. Uy using t'ii hoii you have no . lv,,l i;illinir b,r. irmir ??ifl vrr1 nt ! you can move it before a place gets f...l Thi-i limiii :l?lrl ;i mit Jit,lt firft i . ' u . .... . . w . .. ...... .. a .. w .. . , w . . . . !.,., ..1..1 -,.... .,,c ..;i ,;,nt : ,w, ...m l, .,ve"- n'inb." of t'eem a ' " ae .. njmuu oi a nd have thcm jj, ditTeront places, if w anted. l'arm Journal. .StOCiC ?;otCs. The growing calf needs a liberal supply of food containing mineral season ors a r .-creo sicers eta just as mucn as well bred ones, but do not turn the food to ai good an account With cahes. as with other animal.-., it is hbrhlv important that a fcteauv ri.owth j.0 maintained until ni;U;;rcli , ,..,-- In rutin v eaes a better showing ior .', -,., , ., . a. catt'.e woula be made if a less number ,.,,., - , . wtij Kupi ami eacn auuuai was leu 10 its full capacity. Kecatise pries are low is not a -oou vron ioi- inui-K.uin-r t-juiic 00- lorc lhci an;.in t,l,c Drt niancetamo vondition. To make any profit, the l''alic-t l"sMole priee nniat 1.j real- id. 1.- 1 jrood ffi'tide -Jeer will weitfh 1.--10 pound1-- at two year.- and can be marketed at that aw. it crlainlv ought to return a better profit than a scrub that nittst b three venrs old tc make the s-.ame weight Household lie)).-. A larj;c slice of raw pot.ito in the fat when frying doughnuts will pre vent the black specks from appearing on their surface. Lemonade, it is said, is better in flavor if made with fro-dily-boilcd water and then allotted to cool. Aliow lemons to a quart, of water, u-ing tho rind f one. l'eei it thin, and put it in with the juice and sugar, then pour the boiling water over it. After tho juice Is all squeezed from the lemon one would naturally sup pose that the 1 inu had no further use. but if you dip the insido in salt and rub a coppor kettlo or stewpan it will it and remove the odor of lish or onions. For a good washing fluid dissolve one pound of sal soda and a pound of lime in live quarts of water, and boii . for a few minutes, stirrinsr cccasion- ally. Remove from the fire and allow t it to settle: pour off the clear liquid j into a stone jar and cork for use. i Half a teacupiul oi this hind added to i 1 a half-boiler of boiling water on wash days will savoa deal of labor. If you wish to do as they do in London, have coal-black cups, set in saucers of pale srray or turquois. at vour afternoon tea's, anl sive each truest a souvenir bDonn: i, il you aro a spoon collector. I will be found a most c'Tectlvc w.iy oi intro- for instance the lime should be put in a muslin bag. This is especially valuable for specimens of iron when fractured, for in a moderately dry place tho limp wiil not require ro- newing for many years, as it is capa. ble of absorbing a largo amount of moisture. wen manured, ami 1110 iruit nuiineu, j ; 1 ,J --"c 7 o- ,-, and this method put in practice every , ? f the boat, and was hauled 01. , , ,,f beard just as the voraeionn man-eater year, we can have a good crop of . . J . f i,:,n.Krjini, r -.1:-.- ,1 i i At... t !i i.: .1 hrimnfr : s.t 'nrt h pnnnff i (n . i Blinding s Shark. A successful diver must possess great courage and nerves of steel. Such a mnn. connected with a larec wreekinff eommnv was visitin the pearl fish - companj, w "7 1""?." eaA "3" eriCS III the ttUlf Ot LantOin..t. On one OI I11S ITIDS in IUCit Ul Hie plan u;i r - J , - x ... r r..i I mi j" ' 1. .t il.A .,n.l AI'AM lie narrow escape " x"IxCa death. ' the prejudicial influence.- of climate, crudely He had been instructed never to stir, coolied or unoccustomed diet andlmpure water, from the bottom until he had looked ,m J ,fe?hiri ana around, fortunately nc needed 0fac(.IUry. xo form of malarial rover, from , the udvice. Having failed Ins bag , ue -"f T ..!..... ..,! .r-l- Llirill. tT 1 giancca .1w.11. aim ""-' ;,,. In an emergency men think fast. Near I, j. ,i- ,.,.t- I'., movedi the diver was a Sar?e roe!. ie inovtui auicklv to the other side of the roe.c, 1 . 1 -. .1 .Jl-. 4l... .?,, u mmicim i But tlie maneuver did not work; the I "hnrk watched every iuovcmeni,c i.uik- imrliis poSiti-J hr n slight motion of . !n.ff1U.S.P. .,...:. ,..,,.. .nl, 1 " . T " - -. -t Ti! luiti and the diver conceived the idea of eillt lilll. JlHlli Ti ..w.w...., blinding the shark bv .stirring tip the ,r..i T,i.ii .Mvornf that ho mijrlit ' ejpe.. He worked for dear life, and ' had the water thick with mud in less than half a minute. S.'.phig around the rojk again he arose to t,." surface, 3iaazje I " " ' n,-aures f r,..i,ianH life, 'j uct to a big sugar 'bilin' in North , Louisiana tlie other night," said Sam 11. Webb, a S Louis shoe drummer, "Then- I saw the prettiest pair of black eyes, l Jind ever seen 111 my lite, and they - .. - . " he'onjrcsl to a snlerditl specimen of Lou- " " isiana loveliness. She had a stnsrularly SVV( sweet, silvery o:ee that she used mer- rily on the soft air of that monlirht -' . . . . .. ;. 7 nigni. 1 iicipen ner stir tne sugar, out, &ie wa-sweeter timn all the in the .,'. a , f,i . i innmi. 1 win rememuer ner as jony as th yellow moons come and go. or the jvnnming star iloat over the surg- T-ng sas. 1 he buntl.eamsot tbeyoung :nirtu trembled on her sun-kissed face . ., 1 ,!.;!.. 1... ,r, .......I .. f 1... ,.! .-.( .. !.;..- ....... .,..v .. ...v. .,..,,....,.......,., 5a:n later. In turn die handed it to ne and I ;;na rd too. Then we began gnau nig it together one end in my ..-....., 1. 41... ..!... t.. l.A.... lv.. l.n4 arn.iwing away on it until our lips were I mli- littl.. h-ivv -tn-wt -,,..J tl.oii .' on ".A .1 little Haji .ipjtt, atlll tiien UlC IIKZ IfUIIVl Hi III'IS. Mi; lAt.-Jl cl:m: came, and I Oh, sav. I am 3'earning to go back there again." CiiStum i C't:5":t!j. Mrs. II.-nmt-T.m ,tr XnrfKeiiV. :it the Ilaunt-Toii de Xordseide. at the ln.khtore -I understsiul that pastels in pn s" o:i a are quite th- thing now. ll'lVC The rierk -Vf-. indec i. M'A Hau-U-Tci et.-. -Well, have a half doc u p:cei out and nicely framed and fcnt to inv ;idlivs.s. i m I'l... ..n.4.I.. 7 I've got H..-.V .'.out match the paper on the w -!!. t ir.cago News Kccord. The annual meeting of the Gulf, Col- r. , orado K anta I'c stockholders was held at Calvcston nnd oHicers. elected. oyal Baking Powder Is Absolutely Pure -4i WHILE there are so many alum baking pow ders in the market the use of which all physicians decide render the food unwholesome and liable to produce dyspepsia and other ailments, housekeepers should exercise the ut most care to prevent any powder but the Royal from bein.u: brought into their kitchens. In the use of Royal there is an absolute certainty of pure and wholesome food. Tlie official State Chemists report: The Royal Baking Powder does not contain am monia, alum, lime, nor any injurious ingre dients. It is absolutely pure and wholesome. The Government reports show all other baking powders to contain impurities. In the use of any baking powder but Royal there is uncertainty if not actual danger. It is unwise to take chances in matters of life and. health. WORTH Mt. Sterling, Ky., Feb. 13, 1889. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, 0. Gentlemen : I desire to make a brief statement for the benefit of the suffering. I had been afflicted with catarrh of the head, throat and nose, and perhaps the bladder for fully twenty-five years. Having tried other remedies without success, I was led by an advertisement in the Sentinel-Democrat to iry Hall's Catarrh Cure. I have just finished my fourth bottle, and I believe I am right when I say I am thoroughly re stored. I don't believe there is a trace of the disease left. Respectfully, VM. BRIDGES, Merchant Tailor. SOLD BY DRUGGISTS. 75 cents. 5 C5 wocancnrelhrn .ti b H Ia2.' JUli fiJi'iXili Sdcrs, lei h'm -rr ) lo ii tr 'r fox H A GPECIALTY. pa'ticclars and Ictc-U-rate our icllab 'Itj C"- vcSjifeSrsasiitsSa , 'mm. whn m! In i ! piifan-ian. smaa ililao- IlotSpnoj- fall. o CHlCKEK-HATCHiHG BY STEAM. ,-- .- j Y" .r-t.; rje'cicio:i.aagrofoPora;isn.elf- reu- jE ? Semi -ic. for liha. &u " Z'9l Irn mltT. Gnf CU3raatsc5. kcalams. Qao. rtI V Co, Jtf.-3.QMiaay.IU.O'.3 A: YArlriS fcii rita Tltraiur nd lt,ilioJ IbwilU ITlEil iruti' Bil"incii br anil rcjr o(,atiiuAUviu r,t.J, f. BROWN,sil- Birds of PMMr Between this and the other side of the broad Atlantic, in the shape of tourists, commercial travelers and mariners, agents 'on the road," steamboat captains, ship's sorgeons and "all , cr8 actl conditions" of travelers, emigrant and new.-ettlers. appreciate and testify to tuo!ve and nrnnrriP4 nr Tni. , itr n oiuiunio minim m .ra nmsncsi BUUBM, I m.larl,! m.,.A ,,.,, l ,,n,iu i, j., ' ...... a.... W Tf.. i T ., the calenture of Hf,,ciil" Jt0!?.0. SS :i v v va the JfisslssippL to its inlldor W, wa resist the curative action of tuN Termble boon t liable to incur Ci preserver ana restorer or nsaith. a to persons in fecslo health or seasc. nmo u ai., too si,ort to Tv.or.Ie who t In.nH.-.A - I TIT1.T VVIIT.ItTKIV -" " : Of medicinal agents is gradually rcle- ,r:,t;.rtl,enM-timelierl)S.niIIS.tmilo-hts 1 j, -.-.e -J T r, -- , and vegetable extracts to the rear and ; bringing into general use tne pleasant, and effective liquid laxative, Svrtip of ! Uigs. To get tho true remedy sco that it is mamifaetured by the California Fig ( Syrup Co. only. 1-or sale by all leading druggists. wruer auu svsieui aiouumci iiuusj tuau -ow er. nr,"UElrK& COS TOMOXA coutm Tablets. "OsomieiN u:u uni umuv. xu ounce linekao . cists or Conloct tor 1 cent?, at your Uru? ra. Ask for them and stop that couorr. Uottlcd beer is much stro.. ' thnu ieer on draught ier in alcohol Coughing I.cad to i'niik fin. Kemn's Balsam will stop the conk. . at once. Go to your druqist today and get ' a sample botUe iree. Large bottles ou cents I audjl.00. 1 yiiero r r mere are lony-ouo lojf m'uuoi uoushs in the state of New York. ' !IitniiH Marir Corn Salve." warrante-i u . ure. or moucy refunded. Ak yonr drujr-Ut furlt. I'rlni.1 cents. Exerience teaches slowly, nnd at the cost of mistakes. To ho 1'ltiniD. itoir nnu 9trnncr -u.f.jons t. iiAKra A to.-s lMre Norwectan co-JIiTeroii. Insutuit Hater's. Soidbyanuuists. The ca nrthVneiTo-s favorite ; aro t th raisers r FITS-aii nta stopped fr by n. bxi Sfc BFSTORW. No Ot after rtrjt ily T,lou , Tratls nd IJ no trial bottle BxnrafnMAT liar free to 1t C9e. Sm-itoDr Klinr.KIl Arch St .I'hlladelphla. ". Goodness is contagious when it conies . close enoush to touch. We ent too mucn nnd take too IlttlO ont- door exerciso. This is the fault of our mod IIIHI'1I. UWUWUinilliwuaiireiu Tea. a siraplo herb remedv. helps Nature to t nvomnnin ttiOMA nrillfk I - r I The nickel plating does net give any powor tl10 enguie . '. '... 1. 1.... ,Trohs.i m.t (1Jretfty on the organs of the 'voice. Thev have an o.-straordiary effect ' H BHIT .!! 1 UlUUIin Bronchisl ins i ary in an ui?uiuua ut- luu iuiviii. fn ill ri tfc.r. lr3 f rim lbri'r fl n .?! mA .l ..... I rt.. nf 41... 4lr..4 Pome of the most deadly serpents have i tho brightest skin. READING. Scientific American Agenoy for C0PYRICHT8. etc.i For infr.rffla.tlnn anI f reo Uandbook wnta to ML'N.N" & CO.. ssi nnoADw.iv, N'rw Yosir. Oldest bureau for securlnr paicsts la America. Kvery patent taken out by us Is brought beforo ths put lie tr & notice Rlren ;reu of charsc in tho Lnrirestrlrcolstlon of .r mSentiSe paper In tbe world. p:enJi.ilr t "u:ratccl. yo lafpllijeat nan hocid tc vithout tt. Wcetlr. S.7.01) a rear: SlJOa's lamtbj. AJJre UC.N:i &. CO., tw3Lisarr.s, 3U1 Broad-.Tay, ;;cy YoxU CKj-. KSuccassfiiily Frosectrtes Ctnung. I Lata i'rlnoial K6u!nr U S VonnlOu nu eau. I Jh) SlWSP trade marks, UisW DESICM PATENTS. WW IS THE TEHE TO TRY A SAiil'LB PAIR OF I KIRKSNDALL JOMS & COS OWN MAKE S3 They aro warranted and made Pi hv Sti led Wnrtmnn. nf tha hut-. ... .. w. ...,., w. Mw WW9V P4 oexecieu olock. kS ASH .VJUAi. ULAIjCK V JB a aw vrkv.vm nv m w r ...a IUUUO iiUhilUlUbUl GV4 UJ 1X3 UU. take no others. It will pay you to investigate by ft trial. KIRKEfflALUOMS&CO., O.T2A31A, .1EBRASK.4. vja: tr .-v.- ,v ttlS: Soli ly i:il" rt. Lir?s totiiei 80 ::sa :i S1.C3. Unlike the Dutch Process No ARalies Other Chemicals T, aro nscil in th preparation of vr :K W. 15AKSR & CO.'S vdpr6cUUilSLIiUUUU. 'Jrtlli leTtteJt is nbtoTut'ly Jt-Sv pure ant soluble. l"? iU lt hamoratkantlireetime trYi&.tlic strength of Cocoa mixed fcj PNfc with Starch, Arrowroot or BsEVSuzar, and 13 far more eco nomical, costing less than one cent a cup. It ia delicious, nourishing, aail easilt DIGS3TED. SoM Iiy Grocers eT?rjnhr. X. JAEER & CO., Dorchester, Msjm. SPRAY, YoURVtto Whl i n Wcrmi Trait iO? t and Iwii Uljgat 1 rt A1M. 2-f?ir. l Chrt4Lt al PliroS 5i 2pre?entsl.oUr35e nnrtaw:tu -nt IN lfcabte Action KrcrUior ....-I f.E, rjL ijt its.. tnrtt TbouftaadS' , Ctalcraa (!:ri'j-1 4.M tiAn. tA fitaiinos to V' &W.STAHL,QL'5ncv,li! MED Y00?, uWN HARNESS Vfltil THOMSON'S SLOTTED CLINCH RWE1 No tools rc'.'r-.J. ('; a hammer needed to driie ami rlinrn Ilwm cnilv and quickljrj tcivni theciinci abioltitcl . snionth Kcuiring" no hoi-- to be a-iflt In th Ititiicr nor burr for tb(y Uivr. Ihty nrc SfKO't'J. lOLCK and DURABLE. Million i"v.- in r - ; liaUi1", unifona or BS'orti J, put np 11 i.x Ask jmir'dfalrv ior the in. or seatl iOc intauii for a box of ICJ; a--nrUd sun. KA-rrrAi it'eo tr JUDSOM L. TKOMSOM MFG. CO.. Waltliam. ''I.'. COLUMBIA Marble Shooter Wr! Fair Souvenir for soyst ian Z& plump, roll ui ue, uoolsw!ii or easy far or ntraa t!f' tI arrt vrlth p-acl- racx-Si rtu j - r Bm C7C57VUVP- i- " r . j iT-. .... . v , T I.. , . . ...rn lnn Z'f A J . , . w .. . f I A - r! .? Incoso wi'h , ' jo .wg5S? alt? Co , tVcvM n Am my, Xis Uncoln. cb llox 7 5:-' witettiAUtti CoaaumptiTC and pooplo who hivu weak tunes or Astti- I I mu,3h.n!luj I'tro's Cure for i Cotunmptlon. U has cured ! i thowionda. Itts nottsisr- 1 on- it u not Daa toraxo. Iststlio ceJicoujnsymp. WK.9IH JJJ. 15iar?iS.l5 r,S '-I'.'.M-IUIjaiNtlW GarfisEdTeas BUI. Sunpttlreo. (?iarLaIACo.,31W.iSUiSU .. Gu res Sk Headache GRIHBI ii.j..ik.ii C-rnbara FIoht & Corn, mthn (t.WUiOQX Jn keopinir Paultrr xnmap. Aic.TLM-;t;jj.n IT.f M. Ciraal&rsasil u timootals iuoapsiici M. WIXAU.N U:C03.Eirt0Q.P. -enFrailH'S51V. I flU" Una JrSfG. Rtutn (y wae- Tfctftear'. 1. VVYTIEJ! 54 fz ia teip O. W. V. SSYTiF.K. M. U.. Malt Dor AIoVlolir,-.'ricntor, Chlcugo, III. HARD RUBBER CURE RUPTURE. TRUSSES Jnd tor bonk of par X. II. esEKLITV fc CO.. L58. 11th t., 1'failadn. EARLY Do AVUt'ii t!tt sSERS AVltt'n Little H m Uarlj lUer, Jho Famom Little PUN for CoDttntton.SIc!t Head Ch, D7ep0pslA.No Kausea,.No Pain. Very Small 950 niftPBOOKl ETerymanaa-lwo-1 1 Hub man should hara on9,eieUl ly taose of inarriageabte age. Do not rsIcim t.nrl by mall by exrrcon!T prlc1.00. nezlttoreUI'tterorr.O. order. SPEC IALTY FUBLISH1NU CO RoonilOTimMiilJ; ThkaR-j. III -- rt IS.H t"w Tb,!t;u. U-itKZZ. Fti 4 IwU "OMAHA BlSlNESSllsE FEinillTflin T,, Irrt stork SInB I 3!yi Of FCIiNITUKK iVaiill 9 EiraH anl CAItl'KTS In fea3113 I e5ftiaBtlio West. Special indnccrountH to Ho; w orpeopla iurnfsliln; tbroughont. bKivEKlCX i Co.. Omaha. TJ!STEAM DYE WORKS price npipriO Wholesale1 4 .DDt.rnT D.hb- 1UUU ,vt(J Lite Furoain, Su.Omaia. nilllfk Iian Hall, lllcycla and OenenU lllirtA !port!nr Gornlt. CaUiloeue FUEK. UUMU CroMGaaCo,1512Doa;lasat..Oiah. pAnREI.I.CO.. M.pli 8nrr am Brrapa. J-IU n ' .frpi, nrii. App. liakivr. .1 Can Kanafac'las. Ca..Cana aaJ I ri-wfTi'l. Jama. Anpla Ejtur. Ela. Pror Can Kanafac'las- Ca..Caxu aaJ Icoratd Tinwar. : WAGGSS.CABRIAKES Ciaaha'3 Z.axz eat Variety SOUTH OMAHA HOOSES. HJCi, WALTER E." OD Ugrs. S. Omaha, Xw.. al ez 111. Uarxr: o-cort mrnlfcl upon aapilcatloa. ' 9rniilUi.ibln:itlon!:i!i: uTTrottlatf Krrrt Irioi'aca Apri. aaC Utb at the Vnlun Ntob. Tnnl Weri MnrLet. ?on!h Oaiaaa. X1. will be tbo rrca'cst vii of tho kind erer heU 14 Va .. ml. mm-.' m,0 . -k ka. k tv- -.. r I-aJ W- AVT W N If (-.naha, 13 1893 It TSti .ill.. ytZSZZ. -in r7w c-r- nm Ts:ai kos. r : escs. 7c vVl xcs tis .. " -Jr m H 71 T (? . KJ MWM , 3fe. S I m KhJ' CAt iv If.iM lUm !il& &IE3 t-TVKrf asHia is?f Xr-V fejn Hfe Ss5S t&m m ? yy-zsi Y-tPW m" FTCHr-NrSWH I Hiinuw ItliUl. fat . AkiPiiWERllll.lJ Fm il7 it- 19. 'JV& fj