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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 22, 1893)
tp. German $y ruD Boschee's German Svrup is more ':'-. successful in the treatment of Coii--:. - sumption than any other remedy v-. Y ". ..;. ... prescribed. It has been tried under .i' ":. every , variety of climate. In the .-"- -"-,' - ".: bleak, bitter North, m damp JSew :-" -.. England, in the fickle MiddleStates, -;--" . in the hot, moist South very-'-'-f" ::. where. It has been in demand by ".' -"-";? '.- ;. every nationality. It has been em-.-'. - ...1 : -. ployed in every stage of Consump-'ii'z'- 'v;tion. In brief it has been used . ." " ." .""by millions and its the only true and :'- S- .-. '.reliable Coagumption Remedy. D AT A NO PICTURES. s I gaze on pictured races In an album torn and old. Oh. whit memories they waken And what stories they unfold. First I turn to one that loved mc In the happy days pone Tor: Sec, his lips seem to be smiling And there's love light ia his eye. But GUV llvc-Mat mid life's breakers Soon was torn and, And the love wc thought -6 lastlnj Now, aUfe! is almost lost. Here is mc I thought foreottcn, Kor this face that now I meet Held for me in days Ions distant TOuch that was of bitter-sweet. Here is Eunice, lovely Eunice, (Sentlo sister, kind and true; nut this pictured face is only "What I have to tell o yoa. Here's my laby, little baby: Now he is in manhood's prime. And he says while bcndln? o'er me: Clo-?e vour album, mother mine." S. LouNa McCrackcn. HOW PINK WENT HOME. m. TWENEXT MORN1 1 FEEL BRIGHT JMO KflMAND MY COMPLEXION IS BE. I I " '. "Xt rtocior fays !t nets gr-ntly on th toniA,ljJ anrt' klil.-uys. roi.l Is a pleunt l"f--J" jirinU is made from herb, and ts prepared tot dm ' usoasilv in ten. It lb called LaMS'S MEDICI HE - . drncctsts sell it alSOc. and (1 a packate. If "tou cannot got It. mii1 your nddres for a tttm ' sample liner's Family medicine ".kiilowclcnc-liloj'. -Addr -. 1 OK ATCtl II. VTOODWAED. txROT. U. T. iWOMEN Qt OebHiUlc;! Women, shouM km iBRABRElffS FEMALE RE6ULAT0R. ' Every ingredient possesses superb Tonic properties and exerts a wonderful influ ence in toning up and strengthening her system, by driving through the proper channels all impurities. Health and strength guaranteed to result from its use. ' Jly i if e, who was bedridden tor ! teen mosUlm. after using Jtradlria' -Pernors licgulatc: Sotting wcii. far two imoatks t J M. .ToBtsoN. Malvern. AXE, BAt:rici.T) UKT.rLATon .'o.. Atlanta, Ga. Su'ia Ly Druisisls ai 1.00 pr bottto. .--.. Help Wanted Wc offer money-makingr chances -. Sor special work during 1893. Curtis Publishing Co. I'5ItAPEL?HIA, PA. -Ml JJBrkmJm'JL L-isssa: tf-ay'sj15Sj DEEDS dO WARRANTED. O Best in Ike Wtlii By mall, postage naidj . I vent a package and up. SaJf O rued lot of EXTRA S given with every order. Prettiest and only free Catalogue 14 the world with pictures of all varieties. Send yours and neighbors' address. e u eunaataf iV. WBKWSfIHft!WCWtOciTFORI, - IXLJNolaV ESEELEySHARSRHIIER RUPTURE, ".Mccnanlcal Treatment ot lltilrture uim frloe i.ln ma!W MlhK. AarSS l.B.SI.!:L:yt;0.,,JJS.llthSI.,rilladtghIara. simoiM sons w.itiokris, P-Si ifc9IS" WUiohlnton, D.C. Successfully Prosecutes , Claims. Ri "licn;.l Eam'.ner U S. Pension Bureau. l3yrsiuU?tor, 15adjudicatiugcUluis,attyalnca lit h d. hmsTsnm T T lllfitJTO OMAHA BDSIKESS HOm. Fi;nEl.LtX).. Mpl Fiikat and Byrmrt, JtlllM, l'ir rrea. Jama. Apple :nt:er. Etc Tropa. Omiha Can Vknufat'lnj-. Co..Cau8 and Lwcorated Tin warn. Wall paper til pe. Frw IIKNT.T I. IIMAV. Oma a. Sb. Agcnfa haaiplr lUwk. otT IM oltfgr.iit tty!f. ). W.r.SiiAMA.. Cnaha' Larg est Variety. 1 WAGOMARRIAGES "EfT 1 flTTff Varii'c. Top, Polls anil all troo.lf bc.onz mjlNUX invr lo oiir line at liolesa. GATE JJililjJVJ, C1TV 15. 1. CO.. HIS FnniamSt.. Omaha. SOtt 8MB BISK, "MAN, UALTlUl'IVw OD. Mum. So. Omaha, Heb., hi " rao. Ilu rrpuits InrnUhad upon applisatloa. BYERS BROS & CO., Ure flock Coinmleion rrrliantK, I'nlun Murk Yard;, South Oiuaua an! "5 llcso. Con-p5.puDicnre and your trad aollcltod. .'j r u' v-43-T';'- r ir f . W-2XA G. 4. AiAT, BCSUVILLE, SEB. . Ai Indian Trader tells fcis sttry i Kickipoo Indian Sagva. Cured of a Distressing Stomach Difficulty. BusHvnjE, Neb., Jane. 5 Some time ago after suffering severely Vivlth stomach tronble and dyspepsia, ivhich iia-1 ljeen gxcctly aggravated by . the alkali water of the western country, ar.d wnen I had reached that stage where I could frequently hold nothing onmj-stotiischjand would even throw un water as soon as aranc, as aranc, l learned from a Sioux Indian, who had been on a' visit to the Kickapoo tribe, of ayvonder ..i ,nm.. railed Saswa. I cot hinx to procure somo for me. Tbeeffect wca remarkable." I tried to get more fromtho Indian, but ho would not let .me have more of his.. He pnredit so much ho would not give it up. I tbea learned that Healy & Bigelow, of rw Haven, Conn., had an arrangement with th9 Kickapoo tribe, and was .putting their remedies on the market. I sent JSSithTtSad procured from the - Sioux Indian. I got more, and after the use of a few bottles, I was not only re lieved but entirely cured, and nave ctayedcured cversince. . anything set before me. effi SStfeaTOr -til- Kick. . aioiiedSrnd cfieerf nlly recom .nindtheHitoanyone. q Indian Trader and Interpreter. Pink was not called so because he ivas pretty. I havtt heard of people who wore pretty as pinks, but Pink Dyer was not one of these. It was his hair, most likely. That and his eyebrows were of that peculiarly brilliant yet undecided shade of red which can not bo dCM-ribed by any other word (of sufficient brevity) than -'pink:" so 'Pink"' he was culled, and so he remained to the end of tho chapter. 1 first met him on a Union I'aoifiC train ffoinjr West. He wus full of faith, uml hope, and vharity then. The way I fame to notice him first was through his asking me. at "the Omaha station, a question concerning the time the train was due to leave, lie was so homely, so dreadfully home ly and yetsoj.'oou" looking, that he attracted mx attention as oon as he spoke1, and. after I heard his voice (it was a -jjood""' voice Pink had), I took a fancy to study him. When the train started 1 walked through to see if there was any one on board 1 knew, and in the smoker, with two or three icllow-passencrors, i I again found Pink. He smiled tit me, and said Cooil-oviMihltr' in a nleasant wav: .-trl fcul down by him and lit a cigar. j (ioing West?" I asked, by Way of opening the convei-salion. -Yes," h" answered, promptly: "going to t'oloraydo." Yes? Ever been there before?" 'Nope: I'm a tenderfoot. I reckon." he smiled. Then he added: -I s'posc it's a. pretty tough country - have you been th'n??' 'Oh, jos: I live there." Well, how i it any chance f'f n feller t git plenty work?" Yes, if he rant- it." -That's good: that's what I want." Then, in his innocent, confiding ivay. he wen on t' tell me how it was he "came to bo going out We.-t the whole story. It wa a sail story, and yet not really a new one a tile of an improvident' father and a family of small -children, of IV- death of the rather and the oTorts of the widow and the older children to get, alcng. and their troubles in doing so. Pink wa-, the oldest lie was eigh teen. Then there were Mill, fifteen: Grace, eleven: Tiaiik and Freddy, twins, ten: Ted. eight: an1 Fan, the baby. live. Pink (hi name wiis (.ieorge) and Min could help a little: but there was not much they could get to do in the little country town they lived in, and besides, Min did not like to work. Ye sec," said Pink, dept-ccatingly, she's a girl an hain't been brought up t work, 'xactly. an1 well, yo can't 'xpect girls t' hanker after work much, nohow. An th1 rest of "em, yo see, they're pretty little pretty little yet." And Pink smiled in a pa ternal sort of fashion. We talked on other subjects for a while. Then Pink, after a silence of some minutes, said earnestly, with a 6lup of his fir-t on his bony knee: All I want all I want i l' see all o1 them young 'tins fixed an' settled in good shape, an' well started, an' then then I c'n go home an' settle down an' look after mother." He left the train at Julesburg he had some prospect of getting work near there, he told me I saw noth ing of him for over two years.Then,onc day coming down Sixteenth, street, in Denver. I met him. lie had not mn.rpii n hit. he remembered mc at once when he saw me. I asked after his lucthcr and the "young mis," in a little while: Pink's. eye- lighted up and his face broadened into a smile. -Fine:" he said, -line: I gil a let-ter-every week, an they're all gittin' on good I'm goin' home pretty hoon: lwen hopin I e'd go t Aim's weddin' she's goin' t" get married next No vember but 1 don't reckon I c'n make it-. Ye see, these here women, they've got t' rag out a lot an git heaps o' things t' git married in. so I got to rustle t' keep Min staked in good shape: I want my sister to have as good as they is wouldn't you?" Almost a your later. I met him again. Neither he nor his smile had changed. -Gosh! I'm glad t sec ye!" he ejaculated. "D'ye know? It seems most as if you was an old neighbor of our'n, I feel t" know ye so well." Wc took lunch together, and I disked him how he was getting along, and how tho -folks" were. -On. I'm still punchin cows," he iid. -an jtiggin along. amqol gait. Oh. yes. I git a letter every week yit. Mothers doin" first-rate, an" th young tins gittin on fine. Min's got a darn good man, I guess. Oracle's a -big girl, most growed. now. an Frank an' Fred are growin' trcmenjous, mother savs. An Ted an' Fan. they're get tin" big. too: so most all of 'em's git tin t help lots, what, they can, out o' school-time-. Grace, she's goin' t learn slen-o-graphy they say yc en git big wages doin" that." Have vou been home to see them yet?" Home?" he asked, with a tender emphasis on the word: "wish't I could, an I guess 1 will 1 nanksgivin: but. ye see, these here young tins all got t" have clo'cs an' go t" school, an' they cost a sight, they do." After this. Pink was often in ray mind, but I neither saw nor heard anything of him for three years, until one day as 1 drove out from Iararaic to ranch somo miles distant, on bus- mess. niiK was mere- jic m r-i dling a horse by the door as we drove up. and turned as he heard us ap proach. He was the same old- Pink, except that he wore a mustacho (of the tame color as his hair and eye brows!, and there were incipient crow's-feet at the corners of his eyes, and line- about his mouth. -Well, how are all he Dyers?" I aked, after we had greeted each otiicr. -Oh. fine:- Grace The 'alius was a great case fr foolln' round machinery. Fan? Oh, she's little yit. She jes1 stays t' home an' helps mother mother says she's a big girl now, an' helps a lot." "Are you working her?' 1 asked him. , . ,- 'Yep; I'm top man how an' gittin' my fifty a month ;,but, say don't yo think it'd pay me t' git out o" this an1 go down in, th' mines? This here's lazv work. I b'lieve. Mebbc ye c'd git me a job?" I reflected a minute. "I can get you a job," I said; "but it may not be a pleasant one. You'll have to work two months for a dollar a day, or until you can show yourself able to do miner's work; then you'll get three and a half. It isn't a good country to o into, though it's new and pretty wild." Pink was silent a few minutes and seemed to be figuring. "I reckon;" ho finally said, slowly, "I c'n afford it, ef there's three an' a half a day on top o' the two months; but d'ye think I'll ketch on, O. K." I assured him I thought he would, and ho added: "All right I'm yr boy; I c'n go next week, When ray lttohth's up." So Pink left the ranch and went to work in the hills, in a new raining district. Every once ill A While aftei4 that I Used to hear from or of hint. In One of the superintendent's first let ters after Pink's arrival ho sent mo by my request a few lines about the now man.- "The new man you sent is a dandy green, or course, inn nooooy s iooi Be IRISH WIT AND HUMOR, etlmea It Ia Sardonic, Bat It Seldom Fails to Be Keen. Was there ever, asks a writer in Mranzer Tliati Fiction. The Indianapolis News says that a certain farm editor received ihe fol lowing story and sent it to tho curio column collector, who returned it oe- Belgravia, a more sardonic stroke of cause he knew it stated facts ana oof nescription than that O'Conneii gavd fiction. A horticulturist had tthwea at Peel's bloodlessncss? "His smile j many apples every night, ilnally He was like the silver plate on a coffin." sei a watch, expecting to trap his Of another and lower quality, but good of its kind, is the following fish wife's sarcasm: A friend of mine was waiting his turn to be served in a fish shop, while a little weazened old gen tleman priced every fish in the shop. "How much is this and this and this and this?" etc., until tho cxas porated shopwoman exclaimed: "Ah! Go on out of that wid ye ! It isn't fish ye want, but information!" A journalist told mo that ho once overheard this passage of arms' be tween a coachman and a beggar man outside the Four Courts, Dublin. As the beggar was whining for alms at the carriage door tho coachman turned around to cry sharply to him: "Come, mv man, take your rags out of that!" The beggar, with a wither-in"- glanco at the coachman's livery, retorted: "Mc rugs! f hey re mo own, -cW YnrUers JlUkt Ha Locator. A Maine lobster dealer has orders from one New York firm for 150 bar rels of lobsters a week, and he says it is the ffieat anpetite of the Gotham- ito for these shell iish which tn tirieo ao hicrh. New Yorkers will have lobsters, no A trembling nani, an uncertain step, fldge- . indicated dt restieaa snim matter mc man!" - Once more, about a dozen years ago, an English fellow-traveler, with whom 1 was returning from Dublin tu Bradford, said to mc: "Really, these Irish fellows arc a queer lot. In Mor rison's hotel, where I was staying, there was a poor waiter so ill that ho could hardly crawl about, and 1 said of him (as he stood on the steps to seo me off) to the carman: 'That .,,... fll.-v,,- lwL- ubnr'kiiio'lv ill.' rr ' IJUIFI iuuum ..yvr. ..-.- o .f He's eager to work and flies at it like .q; u Sure he's dead these two shut it was fun. Evenings now he takes a hammer and a set of drills and goes over on the hill side and drills rocks, to get his hand in. I wish thore were a- few more people like him." It was no more than I had expect ed, but I was pleased, nevertheless. It was not long until Pink was a miner, of course, and a good one, too: and as such he continued for theiwxt couple of years, always id lh(5 same place: One dav the man who had leen j superintending the property dropped in on us at uenvcr: no was going iu niiit. as he. had some nronertv of his own to look after, he said, "And.' he added, "of course I havo nothing to say. but if you want a man to look after the property, you'll hunt a long time before you find a mateh for that red-headed shift -boss, Pink Dyer; ho knows every fool of the mine." We went down to take a look at the property; we arrived in the evening, as Pink was just coming off shiTt. He looked just as I expected he would, barring the deepening of- the crows'-f-et and Ihe lilies about the niouth; they were too prominent for so young a man. -Th' folks?" said Pink. "Oh, they're all fine. Got a new house, mother an' th' kids have, an' puttin on heaps o dog. Min's got three young uns now, an' (j race's got a couple don't it seem funny, though? Tir twins, they're gittin' on tip-top, an' Ted. too. An' Fan why. I K'poe site's a yo'uhg lady by this timo. No. I hain't never Injen back: I'm goin' Christmas sure, this time, an no foolin'." I did not tell hint of his doming : promotion: I wish Iliad, for he never knew. Late that night it must have been one o'clock in thd morn ing or thereabouts the whistlo blew at the hoisting works, and we all hurried up to see what the trouble was, Pink, as temporary "boss," among the foremost. One of the miners had been killed: he was a new man, and had been try ing to make too good showing that is, he had failed to clean the roof and walls (he was drifting) after each blast, and a loose chunk of rock had fallen and killed him. Pink and another man went down to bring up the body, and, presently, when we expected the signal "hoist!" the.'e was an alarm from below, which continued for somo seconds then came the "hoist" signal. A single man stenned from the cage; it was the man who had gone down with Pink to bring up the dead miner. In a few words he told us the cause of his first signal. As they wero bringing tho dead man out of the drift, there had been another fall of loose rock, and Pink had gone down beneath it he and the dead man. It was not long before we had them out, but it was too late to save Pink. His back was broken, and we knew he could only live a few hours. Wc put him to bed, tenderly, and watehed by him. Once in a while he would come out of his unconscious state and talk I queerly. At last, about daybreak, as I 1 sat looking at him, his eyes opened ! suddenly. j -What day is this?" he asked. I -Deeemlier eighth." i "Hm little over two weeks: don't b'lieve I'll git well enough by then. Darn it all, secms's if Id never orit t.' mi home an sometimes I think I never will. Somethin' alius turns up last few years." All this he said slowly and painful ly: but his next words were spoken more naturally. Just as the morning sun sent a stray beam into tho little window of the dingy room, Pink's eyes opened suddenly again. -Le's see." ho said; "le's sec eighth, twenty-fifth raore'n two weeks hm! Le's see le's see ten, seven, seventeen. I c'n git home. I'm goin' home they's no use talkin'." He shut his eyes a lit tle while, then added, forcefully; "I am goin home!" "Yes, my boy, I know it.' I said K. L. Ketch um in the Argonaut. mnnth. Olllv he's tOO lUZV tO his eyes!" Mrs. Lavcrty, an Irish lady, who lived thirty miles from the American Richmond, was in the provident habit of laying in a store of groceries to last an entire quarter, since she could not repair to Richmond oftener than four times a year. On one of these provisioning "expeditions sho laid in a store of matches a disastrous in vestment', since not a match would strike. Wild was her fury, which kept alight and aglow by her recur- rintr dailv trouble to get ner me alight and aglow without a match. Her wrath, thus kept at a boiling point for three months, gave the storekeeper a hot quarter of an hour, when she burst at last into his store ami thundered down the parcel of match boxes upon the counter. Hav ing waited with deferential patience until the storm had spent itself, he said btiavely: -Allow mc, madam." Taking a match box from the parcel and a match from the box ho struck t, after tho manner of men, on his trousers. "See, madam!" he ex claimed in snug triumph, holding up the kindled match. "The devil lly away wid ye!" shrieked Mrs. Laverty. "Do" vou think thativery toime I've a fire to light I'll thrabel thirty miles to strike a match on the sate of your breeches?" A friend of my father's had a ser vant called Jerry Doherty. a handy mUiij who was of invaluable service to him until poor Jerry took to drink. His master, as much in his nwn interest as ill Jerry's, was contin ually trying to reform lain, and to 1 this end he would read out to Jerry from the newspapers every story of crime or of other trouble traceable to drink which he could find in them. At last he came to a story which might have reformed Bardolph. It wa-s the thrilling talo of a drunkard who was so saturated with whisky that his breath caught fire while he was blow ing out a candle, set his insides ablaze as it would have set any other whisky cask, and burned him to ashes in live" minutes. -'Now Jerry, now Jerry," urged his master with the solemnity of adjuration, "let this bo a warning to you!" "Oh, hogor, it will, sir!" groaned the horrified Jerry. "I'll never blow a candle out again the longest day I live." neighbor's toys. In the aim mgni liht he saw limbs of aople trees sbait- ine, and then ne nearu iruit ianui.. He had seen no one enter the orchard. Non-plus3ed he crept up closo to the shaking tree. He saw a hedgehog descend from the tree, roll over on the apules until its back was laden with the fruit attached by the quills, ana wabble off. The farm editor didn't doubt the story, but wondered what an insect-eating animal wanted with apples. "For the worms." triumpn antly explained the curio tnan. What Dr. Bull's Cough Svrup Las coue for others for nearly two gem-rations .tu .o for vi u. If vou nm try u nrejuu -... be convince.! that it is the be-t family med icine, and you will never be without it. New York citr is to have oueof ihe larg est public echooiB ever erected The attention of iascbal! plajcis borc ceivc wounds of one kind or another every .lav. from b.t or ball, is .iirectcii to the fact thattalva'ion Oil is the best application in use for erne of cut?, nuiscs, and sprains. 25 cents' A Vt nttli that icaka. It is said a watchmaker of Geneva, Switzerland, named Casimir Livau. has just commeted a watch which, instead of striKing tno nours anu quunc.a, an nounces them by speaking like the phonograoh. Tne mecnauism oi tae watch is based on phonographic conai lions. the bottom of tho case contain inr a nhonogranhic sensitive plate which have received the impression of the hitman voice before being inserteu in the watch. t The diss has forty-eight concentric grooves, of which twelve repeat the hours, twelve those of the hours and quarters, and twelve more those of tho hours and second and third quarters. If the hand on the dial shows the timo tobol-':lo o'clock one of the fine needie-pointsof the mechanism crosses tho corresponding groove, and the disk, which turns simultanoouai. caus out the time, just as the phonographic cylinder. The lower lid of the case is provided with a tiny mouth-piece, and when the watch is held to the ear the sound is all the more piain. Jeweler s Circular. tin.c inrUrrtodbr restlcts suit un irom one place or posture to another, uaually mental au nnvance at unexpected noises, ard toon? tn I indications of exttema nervousness. These seem trifling, but the health of men and women matces in this condition is "decidedly ahaky." liable to be overthrown disastrously by causes wmcu im T-.r.rr.iw tritvht df fv Tn -fnrtifv th fcerv- what tho ous system, general vigor roust, through ths price may bo, ana they are now pay iff , of Hn ,mpnlred poWer ot sleeping at night, be 1 t ppnta a. nound at wnoiesaiw. .rintcu raised ioaneauniuiiauuru. Apiraaiooui, 10 CeDl8 a P , ," r,utA. mPftI1 about this h Hostetter's Stomach Bitters.-which re- cents a Dounuforlooster means aoou6 cs;abJlsncs ingestion, bile accretion and tho 40 cpnts a nound for lobster meat. Ihe habit of on a permanently regular basis. . i. i; T,rt Vw Yo-k thus renewing that bodily equilibrium, which traffic between Maine and ew io.k, ,sfoljowfd a ! or- strength and nerve t has reached such nroportious that a tranquility. For kidney complaint, rheumat- Friendship man has constructea a ne attack or subscnuentreuirn of malarial disor- rnrice NOW IS THE TIME TO TRY A SAMPLE PAIR OP HRKENDAIL.JONES&CO.'S OWN MAKE SHOES L. " ' and imoroved method ot transporta tion a "car which preserves each lob ster fresh and firm, and in which they can be kept for a long time or trans ported along distance in the very best of condition, alive and kicking. T. Viali Woolen Miawla. Scrano one nound of soap, boil it down in sufficient water; when cooiing beat it with the hand it will bo a sort of jelly; add three tablespoonfuls of spirits" of turticntine and one of spirits of hartshorn." Wash the articles we 1 in it then rinse in cold water until all soau is taken off. then in salt ana wa ter." Fold between two sheets, taking care not to allow two folds of the arti cle washed to come together. Iron with a slishtly warmed iron. Shawls done in this way looic 1'iKe new. bait is to bo used only where thero are del icate colors that may run. ders, this medicine is without a peer. daily take a wmeglassful. ( If vou 6top to debate any questionable matter w 1th tie devil he will outwit yon. i Baker'a Cii TLiTer OH. The best In tha woild. Cures consumption. Makes new blood and flesh. Sold by drucststs. Beware of the man whose wife is always saying lie has no faults. FITS-A" flu Hopped tn by o. lLLirsMAT lav KEHTOKrK. No nt alter rs day s use. Jlar tcIouj enrrt. Trtio and U 00 triU bottle trcfl to Kit eaes. ScndtoUr. KUne.ra ArchSt..niUdlpnia.-a. They are warranted and made by Skilled Workmen, of the beat Selected Stock. ASK a'OUU DEA-LEa lr" coods manufactured by us and take no others. It will pay you to investigate by a trial. KIRKElAIi,JOHIS&CO., y kiiAiiA. HEDRASKA. No wound can hurt so badly ntilctcu bv a friend. as the one I If the Haby la Cnttloa Tceta, Be Mire and use that oM and well-tried remedy, Jlas. Wisslow's Soorntsa SiKcr tor children teething. Wl en wc try to l ase everybody wc shall please nobody Brummetn Cough Drops. TJfco r.nimniell- LVltrlratcd Couku Krops. The genu ine have A 11. B. oa each drop. :U1 everywhere. Two hii'-dreil and seventy-t" o textile mil Is were eree'e I in th s country in 102. "Each Spoonful has done its Perfect Work;' Is the verdict of every woman who has used Royal Baking Powder. Other baking powders soon deteriorate and lose their strength, owing to the use of inferior ingredients, but Royal Baking Powder is so carefully and accurately com pounded from the purest materials that it retains its strength for any length of time, and the last spoonful in the can is as good as the first, which is not true of any other baking powder. Unlike the Dutch Process So Alkalies on Other Chemicals are used in tho preparation of W.15AKEIt&C0.,S miJ5reaKiasujTOu& irhtrh " absolutely pure and soluble. It has marrthanthreetlmeB Ittcstrtnyth ot Coeoa mixed witli Starch, Airowroot or Q.,-,r. nnd Li far raoro eco- "vs. -". .--- - .. DomiMi. costintr sB";r : --Y It is ueucious, uuufuui"b -"" DIGESTED. wSw AfcS 9 ? Lfi ."riril m aw PuJbm .U iil-amr i itiri .SASILT Sold byGrOfora cTcrywhera. W. I?AEER & CO., Dorchester, Mais. Spray yoar Fruit Trees and Vines I fel i l -- -' -.- ;-t.-.-vv.- fijaMiamsa.ji- AFTER MEAT. Wanted to Know. j The girl was very rich and the 1 voun"1 man was poor but honest. Sho likfMi him. but that was all and he knew it. One night he had been a little more tender than usual. "You are very rich." he ventured. "Yes," she replied, frankly, -1 arp worth f 1,090,000.' "And I am very poor.1' "Yes. "Will you marry ine?" "Xo. "Ithought you wouldn't. Then why did you ask mc? 'Oh I inst wanted to sec how a man feels when he loses a million,' and the girl smiled. Detroit Free Press. Stuff About SnalT. Many houses are not infrequently infested with beetles and crickets during certain seasons of the year. A simple but effective method of get ting rid of them is to sprinkle a small quantity of ordinary snuff in the fire- ! place at night, ana well nu up me she's married 5 ..hint nf the Moor, or anywhere else KICKAPOO ThBInoomi INDIAN SACWA. able Liver, Stomacn, niMKr nnd Blood Medicine, one iwib per Bottle; Sir uotues ror. " "- .U ly Draft's M DMhri OfttYi i now -jot married two months ago. to a cpeiator. 31 in s got two kids now. Ha-fcs-ha! Think o1 me beia" a unclel Tit' b.yj5? Why. they're big fellers now. Frank's !ea nin' th operator's nadc with Grade's husband, an' Fied. ! ht.- v.-o.-kin iii a newspaper shop, ' ltr.ii.iir t be a editor: Tt-d'a still jgin t .svjiool, b-t hu.- ijoin' t' quit i next year a.n' learn machine -maki",' they may infest, Avith the same article A Palpable Untruth. Cumsc 1 always regarded Dr. Kap sool as a truthful man until to-day. Fangle What happened to upset vour belief, in his veracity? Cumso He told me his practice v:as so neavv iuki hc miuu t nu, n A Hungry IMilIosopher Argues on tlio Subject Without Avail. A man who had just purchased several pounds ot sparerib and sau sasre meat, Avhich was insufficiently wrapped up in butcher's paper, stopped for a street car. At that moment an old man, shabbily dressed, with silver locks of cu.-ling hair, stepped up to him. "Pardon me. good sir, but may I. in the interest of humanity, ask a "Certcs, friend," responded the man, pleasantly. "Is that meat in that package?" "It is." Swineflesh, if I mistake not.' "The same," "Do you cat it?"' "Weil, I reckon I do, if I get a chance." And do you not feci, sir, after cat it. a swinish impulse to lie down and vallow?' "Not a wallow "Sir. the Hindoos cat no meat.' "Hut I'm not a Hindoo." ..You would live a thousand years if you never tasted moat.' But I don't want to. I should get old before the timf was half up." "Oh, sir. you might be able to con verse with spirits if you would give up animal food." "Thanks, no spooks in mine."' "Hut I see rash on your face. The unhealthy quality of your food is the cause, sir. -Meat is only another name for poison.' "I daro say, old man, but I like that kind of tioison. This is my car. Much obliged. Good day.' The aged philosopher looked after him sadly and shook his head as he mumbled: "Sparerib. u-um; sansagc with gravy yum, and I haven't tasted r. bit of meat for a week. I must get near a butcher shop and try it again. The interests of humanity don't seem 'o take today to any great extent.' The Sleeper'a Answer. There is a choice recipe in which the owl figures "to make anyone that slecpeth answer to whatsoever thou ask" given in "Physick for tho Poor,"' published in London in 1G57. says All the Year Hound. It says that you are to -take the heart oi an owl and his left leg and put that uj) on the breast of the one that slecpeth. and they shall reveal whatsoever thou shalt ask them." The Hindus, however, declare that the flesh and blood of an owl will make a person insane who eats or drinks it. On this account men who are devoured by jealousy of a rival or hatred of an enemy come furtively to tho market and purchase an owl. In silence they carry it home and secretly prepare a decoction, which an accomplice will put into the food or drink of the ob ject of their malignant designs. A Literal Fact. Mrs. Lotos I think Mr. Gushly is d lovely man. He has been married fifteen years and the other day he re ferred to his wile as an angei lluir to rare for si Lamp. To prevent a lamp from smelling of fensively and from leaking over, trim the wick and clean tho burner thor oughly each day. Always turn tno wick well down into the wick tube be fore blowing out. After the lamp's trimmed in the morning, turn thewicic well aown into the tube. Wash the burner in soap and water once a week. Tne offensive odor comes from parti cles of charred wick which remain in tho burner?, and the leakage corres from having tho lamp too full or hav ing the wic;c come to tho top of the tube. If these directions aro followed with all kinds of lamps, there need bo no trouble as to odor or leakage. In Lduulex lamps, wita cxtincuisnors. open the extinguishers after putting out tno iamp. . The proprietor of EIt's Cream Balm flo not cIkI.ii it to he a cure-all lint a sure remedy for Catarrh and Cold hi the head. I havo been afflicted with catarrh for 20 rears. It became chronic ami extended to my throat, causing hoarseness anil great tliiliculty in speaking, Indeed for vcars I was not able to speak more than thirtv minute?, nnd often this with great difficulty. I aho, to a great i-rtint. lost the sense of bearing. By the use of Elv's Cream Bulm all droiijilntrof mucoiu has ceased and my voice and hearing has greatly Improved. Ja5. W. D.i.'idson, Attor ney at Law, Monmouth, 111. App'v Balm into each nostril. It is Quickly Absorbed. Givrs Hclicf at once. Trice 50 cents at Druggists or by mall. ELY BUOS., 66 Warren Street, New York. l.nii t a Fiatn'i. A voting woman of Foughkcepsie. X. Y., has begun a novel suit for dam ages against the Hudson River and New Yors Central raiiroad company. She alleges that in an accident on its road, the result of carelessness, a cer tain young man to whom sho was en gaged to be married was killed; that by his death she has lost a husband, and thereforo she has been deprived nf siiDDnort and maintenance aunngj her life." Sho demands "between $30. 000 and $40,000 as an equivalent for this ioss. "fraandtear might or prfw. Pr- . .l nun prevented :M .""KuM. Phv siimmi.: with Wahl'i Uouni iSSSSSIiSE Wormy Cherries Potato VM. STAHL, QUINCY, ILU IWiW-&i WORTH READIMG, Mt. Sterling, Ky., Feb. 13, 1889. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. Gentlemen : I desire to make a brief statement for the benefit of the suffering. I had been afflicted with catarrh of the head, throat and nose, and perhaps the bladder for fully twenty-five years. Having tried other remedies without success, I was led by an advertisement in the Serftinel-Demo- have just believe I n.nnniivM nno pcopio urao i'ave neivU luncn or Astti- s!u!il ue !-!?."-" 1 f..n..,nmtl(in. it nu eiircn i uv"- -- .. , ... ,., 0( (C. IV ' .w .ti ktHtnc I)c.""-, 'j" Cva even "!. . - - wOsn mj 12 SSfiS h fjs. z p. u s g M iJEL6GDF0!SG3 A SPECIALTY. 3 ', BAJM-lgESB I I Tiie Modern Invalid Has tastes medicinally, in keeping with other luxuries. A remedy must be pleasantly acceptable in form, pure ly "wholesome in composition,- truly beneficial in effect and entirely free from every objectionable quality. If really ill he consults a physician: if constipated ho usea the gentle family laxative Syrup of Figs. crat to try Hall's Catarrh Cure. finichPfl mv fourth bottle, and am right when I say I am thoroughly re stored. I don't believe there is a trace of the disease left. Respectfully, WM. BRIDGES, Merchant Tailor. SOLD BY DRUGGISTS. 75 cents. M'iD DAY. MuM til worst nip . . itlirMonmlrall Kl'yT. ' Comfort Ail)ill" Tr-atmted Lmtiurf J ,,,,. ITnrrrt'n., and ri- for rtf im,v. . in en t "eni ""-ft e.-iied ;. y HOt SB MFti CO.. 7 liroad' way, Xe Turk Cltr- If aayon doubt that wo cn euro th m t ob stinate c!" in 20 to JO tlaj3. let him wr-tufor pai!lnilnr and lnetW data car rellal.llty. Our lln inclal ackln L no i.i)0. WS'cn mercury. I.. ',,. p.,a.,m..,, rdU or Ht SP .;- pll ri .. .ac, c n.iw. :-."---V." " rrru,.f jcnC- l i: r I'at w llturo ? -... " - - - - x Jci. fieo. loos HUikdv l-'.. hl.K. I"- WELL MAGHIHERT. 'inSl3yd?aS SSff .fetttop -aachlnery, Wind. beeu tested and all warranted. TE PECH WFC. CO. 1 ' Hictis: City. Icwa. 512. Canal st,i.o:caw". Crahr.m Flour!v i 10O rrr oi-nr. pore mac InkMpm-I'outtrv: Also rilWlUC.MIl.Jmna Kat ra sreUuox WILSON MUOS. K. Vm. HVG3ssyjii:f: says she cakrotsek how 5afi Wlrfc YOU DO IT FUH THE MONE "iJ. i.i . :tt.i ton "to?' 0irB2iSV.Ca..Dfu A2.CHlCAU0.ttl-- "ARLY RISERS Kr-.T.itHiIillHforrontlpntlon.yioK.uen- icte.Dybj.ep--la.Xo Naiuea.No 1-aln.Verr sn POTATOES SXS bosproutedon the nhare. NO experience required. Directions for sprouting Ucc A'lur," cflft T. J. SKINNER, Columbus, Kansas. w--5S!sirfy WIN i w Ki -Jm I i 1 iSWIET U!CH FIVE OH EUCHRE PARTIES Orercorau rccltlts ot (.-uodsituiti " n nnil SUIro tal- rae. imporna ebolt.SacCa.Ifc fo!- Thc cLeers Kind of iel!cio:i tint warm- and s the kitrl that is full of suus-ninc. "ITaiwiiir I:iCi f'nrn s. W n-aniisl t mrr. .- n.onry refill!"" 1, ilnilk. forlt. l'il. -5 civ.U. A a i33 PllU. rxuuiuv .. v - - a f- ., k. . j I Hu res ScK Headacne poultry u?&& - U "a - - BREEDERS Il.u-traied faMliiRnc TWIN CITY STEAM worn mmm. A.k you: ia ;oit on or fallen, in :tr;ous iiaits of i Ter '2.00') obel C3, arc known to ex. at E.yut. 'it;hins E,eaii i roiianiiiTttlnii. Kcrups Ilalsam will stoj the coirzn at once. Go to your drucgiit to day and Ret a sample bottle free. La'ge totilesoO cent ami ?l IX). The world i" full f lirrrc wlios names will i ever le known in this life. DYKINU and CM'AN'INO "f Kv.-rv D.-cnpti. n. 1 .21 Karimm St . Omaha. Oir A v. A & '-'t! St . Coune- I liluil-. S- r.-S for tircii'nr and jric- 1 t. for our tut of 19 Cata l ninnic nnu lnl Tn?rninpnt3. W. hTCT. 25 Central St-Eo.ton. JIaii Vccat oo much and mkc loo httlc out dotr c.tsreisc. Tins ib the fault of our nioicin livilizatioii. It is tlannci that (Jarficlinc ,a maple herb remedy, hel.u Nature to ovircoms tLcse :idusc?. American lard pells for 5 cents a pound in Mexico. " 'Bkows's Bkoxcihai. Tliociirs are e ceilent fr u:c re lei nt Iloarieness or : Throat. Ti ey a.e t-xi-cc.lin.'lv effective. Chr'Etian World. London, Knz. The cbt complete Bible laud was issueJ in l."w5. 1 rintcJ in Eng- Callfnriilit llomoi To any party or parties Intending to move to California: Should correponl at once with the tindTsiirncd, sole agents for the P.eyto Co!ony Lands. P. FKY & SON". Pieyto, Monterey County, California. Sift I H i AzMJUm ' HraSlslRl . ta a s "2&ss3sa Ki'ii dtny t;?.: I"5 1 E W v7 B wj-ljl pinr ' Xi :sn":di-. 5-b. :.s prat. Crop, kfciru. jfel ! v:a r.;225. r at a:- isiwiizntia ttzCtsi SdWJ'at O'C -; -? M;f "55rt ra rtJi'C l-v it. UUMMI . . ifc'i B tl Ji VI -- ra&c&ssgs rfasa am " r-. rvffSSTiarai? rs t TTm TPtt 'te-Ki - smxmf f.r-V '' ' -erl"y "' i1wln"1'1 Y?S)-aG W.S.ii ..- rt- Ilui . hrro and. ."--. .. . " . .- DDHtMU SIallA. AO. uniovl. if. of'- - BREEDERS AiithorUKl Ufby Itidpath Ilonanza for Agents, out fit ttiilv 25 renM. johD-wn. ."uTTou. Iltu bt.. luctniond. V. INSURE Intbp rrmT and Merchant In'nrnr ( y of I.lnein I Pal and Surpliu OTer .W -C0. I.Sjit.'sesnai-tto Nebnska people lnee IMi. W N U. Omaha. - - " 660-7 Li5&?TWII35 The 60 Day Cabbage. Till ii alil3U7 tho eer!It eiliMea in mo n . v Ttry isarci. VHS.. 15c.; i .. Xc; H lb.. V- pcrtrtM. THE EARLIEST VSCLTAKLia Will To baro . .s. ..... . -.-. . - " . Ton 14c. IVITM CATSLOUUt, iic. To Inrc!ati our imJj eTtrywhcre. tenJ. pe?trld, apoa KCeirtofllr rn ail w r... IUll.e". nmtrr 0O. ALL FOn 14c. U in great denied h!i p-a- ni vllt feteh tlj price, aro i er!iet. jlzai Sa!ier 3 f.-Hf. .risi.EArlrfitV stable Norett. ?t,J0'tr' - 1 rjii.e "ix V.'eV Kadis'!. I- f 1 SilTerEtaie IjH'--". I'- 1 " Oiiatlrline'ionilt 21. 1 " LoaiOiant Cucumber, HV:. L " EiililantFlowerSeeii,.':. SALZCR'S SEED CATALOGUE Ii th 8eet rnMish'd. CojU u3 OTer VAO! is K-'T owile I ofia reetift of 8c. pejtaje. JOKH A. SALZER SEED CO., L.t Crease, Wis. Cures Connnmptlon, Conghs, Cronp, 8or Tli ror. t. Sold bv all Dniczists on a Guarantee. Tor a Lie Sid-, Backer Chsst Shiloh'a Porous Piaster wUl give great r-atiifcet:en. 5 ceota. u! IS Cited before 15Z. an i cent piect B- J tC 1T3, aJl large copper eenu, alao I i.n.ia flxllriiin Hnxe the Bovet . n.- in nrrlffr in lie healthy this ' - 'rs.ri mnciiniilnn. headache, kidney o.h lir irnnhlM nnd reniateu the stomacn and bowrW. Trice 60c and $1 00. atall dellers. The liches that run to us soon fly away ROOT. BARK m BLOSSOM ,7 ... o 8" ifiltSwAM I fSIIYno DATIAXnVAKIE. TUMornilMI. Iijr..ifln.ianyiturabfwro 1-v I . lt."l pmnditc. J thfti.arxl vrU'tttntalaw fvrmtnrruUr Watehfort lrclolIariUttIlKteeB lM acd kJj. ha!f doilara diUl txrf'jre 1JM. ijuarterf Snt Pie. brlure li.'il.any 3ntp:iMj Se-ntpitte. WW'ta VM aro UeeaUae,'ieon ieenU oft-ttacd loH; aU talfcecti. enpicurra.r- ncuu.t iu"i-j t jri nttov I inV from r c-nl to iWv -.. MM r.i.- mliif. xf ijrrnnirfrt. Amonrta prices "" -?"".-; ..,.'. i.... jii. li'm ra. km i inr i" art tuiitmr. aa. for !SfM eaia taP' M H H ?I4. Iii H Mv5S1 are i.7i.,r 11Kuartrn.Ki lor l".'Ji dollar. I fKl4 3' fF 2 l vSa7'C3cstplel; r-rT rJTfce eeriain half to. 3:01 f.r LVZ Naif i.I!ar l lor ,".?"''. "T "'J. ji.rVTo ercdJ: on wanted. S.-W.I r.r i.nrtlruliir-.eneijf.n-iiy '' "".mS-.joo. W. E.Sai.N.VEK. folia lr.iier. .. .., r aiy tri y l MtMl tixwfor ret. 12 T 91011 l( n'T mean roinr iioIIr. prr- lav uaijuii ( Lotos Of course he senil out bills to bis patients. I last syriagr- rue' is; sho dieil TWO KINDS OF WOStBX r.cQil Dr. Tierces Favorite i'rescriir tion those who wnut to be made strong, " anil those who want to be made well. It builds up. invigor ates, regulates, and cures. It's for young girls just entering womauhood ; lor women who have reached the critical "change of life"'; for women expect-in"- to become mothers; for mothers wRo are nursing and exhausted; for every woman who is run-down, delicate, or overworked. For all the disorders, diseases, and weaknesses of women, "Favorite Pre scription' is the only remedy so unfail ing that it can be guaranteed. If i: decstft benefit or cure, in every case, (the money will be returned. m JCragMapal TaT j . . i - in iif"in3aci" iii.'r iu itj ...m.vv. .ij -. n a ta rn T"""""k m i. r ... t.. t , l-.aust !lrCfF.l rfltlf krVAttl Makaaaaifff am W 1T tf 1 A t ? tm M !J liFH t"V"A 1'ain I4i iiti j.iusi.N a m-mmm.'z -' ---- H E. VV St n c.L Uf rilnUwi Lt Ti "f m S d nVfc&ZBZ7irtH,a:6imW'Er . i&hgVZdXiTuT3:JstSd& WSU -, PriGffl kii. oceniop.tU3sur.nrjrf pi Try Hand BaWtll. fprltwhrayoHUay. Ellrlj ? SrJal W& SE: Srwf l fKJi f3Lji ,ri.V-' VafM &teH "mir : 1 Wfk r fsr i tBm 'jat&ai m-aan iSM-U- msSISSSjJL k nnd Si.ts for Youths and Boys. fMSS I$ms&h. Q E2& .JUiil'- CWa m&zBBWmEgnBr 9s ilHIS ISTHF TtecrX"teJ-siSK mmimmmMi&mp -. vr M I 1 Pi 1 1 HlaaMal Mi 1 1 I ' I SritiM1lS ySLAS (J'-J $i u pwrg-. 1 w tr im 1 itr I I ROOT, SARtC &. SLOS30K. Howrark, N. J. t TVWrVVVVtfVIAXiVtfUWAIWWWJW MEKD YOUR GWH HARNESS WITH thomsom's m SLOTTED CLINCH RIVETS. No tools required. Only a hammer needed i to drive and clinch them easily and quickly; leaving the clinch absolutely smooth, nequinnjr 1 no noie 10 oe suue m mc ic-ii.ii.-i nui uu. .v.. .. Kivef. Ther are STHOKG. TOUGH and DURABLE. Millions now in u?e. All length", uniform or assorted, put up in boxe?. Mn Alc your .Irulrr for tlirm.or send vx. Ia stamps far a box of 100; assorted eizef. MASCFACTCErD ET UUDSON L. THOMSON MFC. CO., WollUani, Almas. FOR GENTLEMEN. A scv?cd4hoe that viil not np; can, seamless, smooth inside, more comfortable, stylish and durable than any other shoe ever sold at the price. Every style. Equals custom- made shoes costing from 4 to 55. Tfcc following are of the same hish standard of S4.00 and 53.00 Fine Call. iiar.u-fceTrea. jfsr J FOB ad Ccasola, J LADIES. "JSSSlIntjCfc'yamcalh.KirBi- S ! aW 'St. c flgWT.M trratnot (by rrao J tj B f0lTLK.?i.. S,rJ(!3.tr4 -JI J i. IV. I'. SSTDER, M. !.. Mall Dept. IB, RIoVlclror'iK'J'licatoi-, Cl.lcaar I. w AHTED FAHKa;BSi.ic4r.atboDusna to taiiTessimallSenitorr. Bis pay for winter's work. L. UTtllUIi 4909, WtMW7.- S3.00 Ilasd-Scwsd. 53..TO aaa lx. 51.75 tor lusses. IT IS A DOT!? 703 owe tbwmu to set tto teat valo tot yovt ccser. scoaonuzo in your fast-wear trj parc&Mta W. Zi. Dongia tsaoc. maioM reprcoa. xaa oesi vaino at tiio rrlces adverUaod tnooaaaoa can vem. Uly. Uo jou -onrnz unair . . t t- t . atiw dimlfin and eneral aercaniseMereia -- muiin'.rA'ii'.fs--''"' ji;- . I -? . .- ' -- :-vs - t ss'S55"3i: - j 4. jr---