The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, February 22, 1893, Image 3
L" t -1 i i; i. i 1':? "i I i l r- . V- '. ': BOUGHT OUT -A.- Ye., just before the advance, we -picked up this lot of fine Hosiery all kinds, size and .-tyles, at a great sac rifice. llMnemlK'i' that the.-e arc the product of one of the best mills and dyer? in the world. Thoiand? of .'pair? from the medium sorts up to the finest silk full opera lengths. !No other house can show you such values in Htockinjrs. WSIC TO SEI2 ODR Laces and Embroideries ! You won't pay two and three times our prices at other stores if you see the new good-we have been getting in. F. H. LAMB & CO. CREfSEN BROS. cSo CO- Havo now jjot HeUIeil down to business in their elegant New Building And will lie delighted to welcoino all cointfrti, who wish to provide tliem aflv3 with AT Fair Prices. Tlioy havo alwaya acted upon the prin ciple that tho host business is that when tho customer gladly comes ufjain to buy. The kind of loots & Shoes That this firm cell are MADE FOK COMFORT AND FOK WEAK, and their CLOTHING -AND- GENTS' Furnishing Goods AKR NOT EXCELLED ANYWHERE. Fair dealing every time is tho remark of even tho boys who deal with CRE1SEN BROS. &CO. SI N LE-COM 1$. BA UK ED Plymouth : Rock i&K M SINGLE-COMB, WHITE LEGHORN, W tluiruuitlibred.l we, for hatching, for t.5uforc.uefeUiKKf rew. fcyOrders from 11 dielaueo prompt!) tiled. II. IV COOL1DGE, Oolumbiit.. Nebr. VumrSin C.E. Harrington & Co., PEAI.EUS IN HARD AND SOFT THE VERY BEST thMIIRKET. Caledonia Coal, a specially good cheap Coal. Try it. OFFICE: Near B. & M. Depot. 21feb3m S. E. MARTY, DEALER IX FRESH AH) SET MIS, SltYtnth trtt, Columbus, Nb. T KM FA TRY Excellent Koofls m vHBLLaaaV. OBeBeaaaVja - LnraBaflaEsr PVBSwbbbbbbm ,005 fMSXKeaaV a 2 S & YiBV922CSaBajR 24 - iii t&Sf ' " CQ ftlnittfrttS tNLTXC8i. WEDNESDAY. FEBBUARY 22, 1KB. A. &N. TIME TABLE. Pass. Freight. '.eavci- C-olnmbus ' KellwtKHl David City " Seward rrivetat Lincoln 835 a. m. 85 " :18 " 1022 " 11:3:. a. in. 3:20p. m. 3 " 4:10 p.m. 7:10 " 10:10 " The pafrwencer If ave Lincoln at 6:40 p. m., and rrives at Columbus 9:25 p. m; tho freight leaves I .inniln at 4;I0 a. m., and arrives at Columbus at 3:20 p. in. UNION PACIFIOTIME-TABLE. UOINH EVST. Atlantic Ex... 7-13 a. m Chirftsn V.s...l2tt p. in Limited iifip.m Col. Local.... 0:00 a. m west. Pacific Ex.... 10.10 p. m Denver Ex.... lifflp.m Limited 505 p. m Local Fr't.... 70 a. m No. 3, Fast Mail, carries passengers for through points. GoinK west at 855 p. in., ar riesat Denver 7:10 a. m. No. 4, Fast Mail car riea passengers, going east at 1:52 p. m. LINCOLN, COLUMBUS AND SIOUX CITT. Faaienger arrives from Sioux City. ...1230 p. m " leaves Columbus for Linc'11. 1:15 p. in arrives from Lincoln 5.00 p.m " leaves for Sioux City 5:10 p. in Mixed leaves for Sioux City CJi5a. m Mixed arrive lO.-OOp. ni FOK ALBION ANI CKTMI1 IIAPIDS. Passenger loaves... Mixed leaves Pasttenger arrives .. Mised arrives . 20 p. in OKK) a. m .12:25 p. in . 8:10 p. m gorirfa Rothes. t-AH notices under this heading will be charged at the rate of $2 a jear. A LEBANON LODGE No. 58. A. F. & A. M. T4r llegular meetings 2d Wednesday in each month. All brethren invited to attend. ' (Jcs. IJ. SrEicE, W. M. (Ics. (i. IlECHEK, Sec'y. ''Jnly WII.DKV l.OIMiK No. 44. I.O.O.F.. ......, lw.xfna opunmifu tT mmt -. week at their hall on Thirteenth htreet. Visiting brethren conlially im iled. II. ( . NKWM vn. ft. It. W. K. NotesTEIN. Sec'y. 27janl-tf REOKGANIZEDCIIUUCH OF LATTEIUDAY Siiints hold regular services every Sunday at 2 p. m., praier meeting on Wednesday evening at their chattel, corner of North street and Pacific Aenue. All am cordially in ited. lSjulsW Elder 11. J. Hudson. President. Sale bills printed at this ofliee. Come to The Jodknal for job work. Get yoursboea repaired at Honahan's. This (Wednesday) ovoniiiK' at the opera house. Dr. T. K. Clark, Olive street. In ollico at nights. Thoroughbred hoji3 for sale at Henry Lucre's, Feb. 28th. C HI. Taylor is doing a 4laiul-oHlee" business selling trees. Georcro Erb, who now lives near Chadron, is very sick. Dr. E. H. Nau man's dental parlors in Nortli bloek, lUth street. tf W. II. Bushel, formerly of this city, now lives at Denton, Texas. Go to Honahan's for boots, shoes, gents' underwear and gloves. 245-4 Dr. Voss was at Central City Friday night on professional business. "Tho profit of business now-a-days lies almost wholly in the savings." Look out for the parade of tho Hookies at 2 p. 111. this afternoon. Eye and Ear surgeon, Dr. E. T. Allen, 309 Kamge block, Omaha, Neb. P. H. & L. Co., Washington's birth day at the opera house. Don't miss it. W. H. Itightmiro was out and down town Monday, tho first for a long time. - F. C. Green has been off duty for a few weeks past on account of a sprained ankle. Harry B. Reed is down again with an attack of rheumatism, and is reported very ill. C. W. Tearsall was the stenographer for the Stato Press Association at their meeting. Joseph Hnuser was in the city Mon day and called at these headquarters on business. The services of an exjierienced nurso can be had by inquiring of Drs. Martyn t Evans. Mr. Barnes, representing tho Sioux City Nowspaper Union, was in the city Thursday. Tho cost timer will be here today, and you can be fitted out with a suit to your taste. Miss Bertha Krause is slowly recov ering from a long sickness of nervous prostration. Tho roads are fa6t drying up. Ne braska breezes and sunshine soon reduce mud to dust. Fresh fruit, jam, pickles, capres, linest cranberries and fresh cabbage at E. Pohl's grocery. tf G. W. Phillips, county clerk, has moved into his fine new dwelling houso on Fifteenth street. -For rent, a six room houso in block just north of Congregational church. Inquire at Stato Bank. tf Bring your job work to The .Touk xaij rooms for correctness, promptness and fair, living prices. - -John W. Smith, who went from here to Velasco, Texas, about a year ago, has moved to South America. Dr. W. O. Henry of Omaha, will ad dress a meeting of ladies at the M. E. church Sunday, at 4 p. m. It is reported that Win. Sullivan haB 6old his SO aero farm on buell creek and Mr. Gibbs his 160 acre tract. Our 1893 baby carriages are beau tiful, stylish, durable and cheap. E. D. Fitzpatrick's is headquarters, tf A nice lot of milch cows will be sold at Henry Luers's sale, Feb. 28. Be sure to be on hand, if you need one. Senator Allen was in the city be tween trains. Sunday on his way east. His wife accompanied this far. Wo learn that Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Cramer are very much pleased with their new honlo Montrose, Colorado. Mrs. Mary Griffen, aged 82 years, fell against a stove Sunday, cutting her face and being slightly burned. The celebrated Quick-Meal, and Monarch gasoline stoves, the best in the market For sale by A. Boettcher. 4tf M. Costello returned to the city Wed nesday, and takes the position he for merly held with the Union Pacific. Bring your orders for job-work to this office. "Satisfaction guaranteed, and work promptly done, as agreed upon. Go to the opera house this (Wed nesday) evening, and see the S10.000 beauty alongside George Washington. When in need of an auctioneer, call on Dave Smith. He will act for you with promptness, safety and dispatch, tf J. R. Thomazin will have a sale of stock and farm implements, March 1st, at his farm five miles south of Lindsay. Friday there were twenty-five cars of canned fruit from California passed through the city to D. M. Steele & Co., of Omaha. Children Cry for Pitcher's Caetorla. Thomas Blanford and family moved j 1 nesday to a town in Colorado, not very far from Denver we didn't learn the name. John Tannahill returned Thursday from Rosebud agency 'with fourteen pupils for tho Government Indian school at Genoa. The old Episcopal church is being removed to south Washington Avenue to be used as a church by the United Brethren. Wanted, ten copies of The Columbus Journal of Sept. 21, 1892, for which 10 cents each will be paid, on delivery at this office. tf Now is the time to subscribe for The Jouun'atj and the Semi-Weekly Lincoln Journal, both for 2 a j'ear, when paid in advance. A. W. Clark paid James Russell 337.50 an jcre for the 40 aero farm ho bought of him. He estimates the raw land at 830. Columbus is receiving considerable advertising just now from the newspa pers represented hero hist week at the convention. Miss Mazetta Wheeler closed tho winter term of her school at Oconeo Friday, returning to her home in this city Saturday. Henry Luers will have a public sale at his farm seven miles northeast of this city, next Tuesday, the 28th. Free lunch will be served. The hearty thanks of The Journal force are due and are hereby tendered to ''Turkey" Hagol for a small invoice of delightful fruit. Mr. Henry, president of the Protest ant hospital in Omaha will speak to gen tlemen in tho 1 . M. C. A. rooni3 bnnuay afternoon at three. Household ammonia in pint bottles, an elegant thing for bath or laundry purposes, at 25 conts per bottle, at Van Schoik's drug store. 1 Tho ladies of the Congregational church will give a meat supper at Fitz patrick's hall this evening, commencing at halT-past 5 o'clock. Don't forget tho public sale at Luers's farm seven miles northeast of tho city. It will bo one of tho largest ever held in tho county. Alf Powell and Bert Disher left for Columbus last Saturday night about 11 o'clock on their wheels, and returned Sunday. I St. Edward Sun. Married, Feb. 12th, by Rev. A. Hen rich, at his residenco in Platte Center, Mr. Thomas B. Morris of Creston, and Miss Emma Wolf of Platto Center. Miss Kate Brugger.who was brought hero to her brother's homo from Fr' mont three months ago, is still very sick from the effects of tho typhoid fever. Rev. II. D. Brown of North Bend preached at tho Methodist church Friday evening. Ho and his sister, (who accom panied him) returned home Saturday. Comrades McCoy, Lowis, Meagher, Spoerry, Rossiter anil Leedoni wero all tho members of Baker Post that were present at tho encampment last week. Tho Gun Club did somo pretty big scoring at their shoot Suuday, (Jus. Schroeder heading tho list with a clean score, shooting at ten double blue rocks. John L. Sturgeon evpects to be reach to furnish homo-made butter to custom ers in tho city about April 1st, when his arrangements will have been completed. Mr. Russell's storo was burglarized 0110 night last week, the thief breaking a light of glass in tho front window and taking from a shelf somo cigars and candy. Tho divorce case of Julius against Ella Winkehnan was continued; in the Saley-Gottschalk case a linai hearing was had and tho court took it under ad vibement. S. L. McCoy met an old acquaintance last week in tho person of S. P. Mobley of G rand Island. Both wero boys togeth er at Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, years ago, and had not met sinco then. Tho celebrated Torsion prescription scales used at Van Schoik's drng store, the only accurate scale, because thero is absolutely no friction. This is tho only store in the city using them. 1 On George Henggler's farm, within a quarter of a milo of tho well described elsowhero in today's Journal, Fred. Henggler found, six and a half feet be low tho surface, tho remains of a mas todon. David Thomas was in tho city Friday evening on his return from South Omaha, where ho had been with a car load of fat cows, for which ho received S3.S5 a hun dred. He said that somo cows were sold for $4.10. A. Wann fried of tho Western News paper Union arrived in the city Wednes day and tarried with tho editorial frater nity during their sessions here. lie is just recovering from a very severo attack of jaundice George Coolidgo of Ida Grove, Iowa, visited his brother H. P's. family two days last weok. He has sold his busi ness in Iowa, and is looking out for a new location. Ho went from hero to Grand Island. Como in and subscribe for the semi weekly Lincoln Journal along with your Columbus Journal, so that you can get the complete report of legislative pro ceedings. Only 2 a year for both papers, in advance. Two preachers, one of the Christian church, the other an Adventist, are to havo a discussion at Cedar Rapids on the question: "Does tho spirit of man live on in a conscious stato between death and the resurrection?" W. Deveney has sold his farm to Harry Meyer and will buy a place in Columbus for his future residence. His plan is to invest in western lands. Wo are sorry to loso Wes., as he is a good citizen. Creston News. Mr. Kimmel, formerly an employe of tho Democrat of this city when Mr. Coff roth owned that paper, was an attendant at tho Press Association meeting; he recognized the faces of a few of his acquaintances of ten years ago. Ed. Perkinson, living southeast of Platte Center, will have a sale of stock and farm implements March 4th. Doubt less, some readers of The Journal in that section, who are in need of anything offered, nill find it profitable to attend the sale. - J. II. Tucker of Valentino was elect ed chaplain of the G. A. R., at their meeting at Fremont, Rev. Leedoni of this city had a very creditable vote, and in our opinion, his election would have been much more appropriate than that of Mr. Tucker. It is to bo hoped that tho printed proceedings of the Press Association will contain in full the lecture of Chan cellor Canfield and tho very interesting talks of Mr. Bushnell on the newspaper methods of Central and South Ameri can journalists. H. B. Faublo started Wednesday last for Oklahoma, his brother, J. W., of David City, accompanying him. George Couch expected to go with them, but wasn't quite ready. If favorably im pressed with the country they expect to make it their home. Two pairs of felt boots were stolen Monday from tho front of Griffen & Gray's store. The second theft was at half-past 5, and Messrs. Maurice Meyer and J. N. Kilian happening to see the thief, arrested him and turned him over to Policeman Coleman. When in need of anything in tho line of job work cards, wedding invita tions, dance programs, letter heads, en velopes, sale bills, receipts, notes, scale books, bank checks, shipping tags, blanks of any kind, in short all sorts of printing, give The Joubnal a call. G. C. Barnum ships today to South Omaha fifty-six head of fat steers. He bills them for Chicago, but will feed and water them at South Omaha, and ex pects, if the market is favorablo, to dis pose of them there. The G. A. R. encampment last year added to tho good fame of Columbus all over tho state. The meeting here last weok of the State Press Association will enlarge that good name and brighten it still more. Stand up for Columbus. Under the auspices of the Eastern Star, Miss Lotta L. Tillson, of St. Paul, Minn., will give an elocutionary enter tainment at the opera house, Monday evening. Feb. 27th, assisted by home talent, in vocal and instrumental music. Frank Fngard was in the city Mon day, having returned from the site of the new creamery, eighteen miles north of tho city. 0110 acre in section 10, rango 1 east. Frank says they havo just com pleted an ice houso and filled it with 115 tons of ice. The semi-weekly Lincoln Journal and the Columbus Journal, both, when paid one year in advanco, 2.00. Sub scribe now, and get the benefit. Tho Lincoln paper is issued on Tuesdays and Fridays, and is almost as good as a daily to tho busy man. Go to Dave Smith's or to J. H. Gal ley's store for vour tickets to the mas querade ball this evening. If you don't dance, you may enjoy seeing others dance, and if you don't wish to go at all, buv a ticket for the sake of tho ever faithful "Hookies." The Blair Pilot prints the following problem in geometry, as worth the en deavors of students: to prove that the area of a right angled trianglo is equal to threo semi-circles having tho hypotho nuse and the two legs of tho triangle as diameters. Who will send The Journal a solution? A manufacturers' winter carnival is now in session in Lincoln to continue to tho 25th, under tho auspices of the Man ufacturers' and Consumers' Association of Nebraska. Factories are in full oper ation in tho building, and tho exhibits will consist of tho products of Nebraska manufacturers. J. N. Taylor, of Columbus, was here Saturday last purchasing gram in car loail lots rroin our elevator men Messrs. J. W. Lynch and D. C. Kav anaugh came up from Columbus Mon day evening to attend a meeting of tno Platto County I' air Association.--! Hum phrey Democrat. - -T. P. Mylet has been selected to rep resent Lost Creek township in tho county board of supervisors, in place of Mr. Price, who has resigned, purposing to change his place of residonce. Mr. Mylet is an independent, and, as he suc ceeds a democrat, this will change just a little the complevion of the board. According to recent census statis tics, the ravages of insect pests costs the fruit growers of tho United States S400, 000,000 annually, and careful experi ments show that at least 75 per cent of this can bo prevented by tho proper uso of insect destroyers. Platto county fruit growers should look up tho destructive borers. Henry Plumb and Rob. Dunlap re turned Saturday from Franklin county, where they went a week ago. Mr. Dun lap purchased a quarter section of land near Macoi: for S2.'500, and Mr. Plumb a quarter section near Upland for 81C00. They will movo as soon as they can get their goods packed. Franklin is 0110 or tho southern tier of counties bordering on Kansas. Fifteen Indian girls and boys from a Now Mexico reservation, who were taken to the Genoa Indian school a year ago Monday, started back to their homes Monday. Mr. Backus went as far as Denver with them. One who had seen tho same children a year ago when thfy went through, would not know them now. All of them can talk and most can write. They look clean and neat. Gus. G. Becher & Co. havo made tho following sales tho past week: The Dunlany quarter section nortli of John Browner's to Frank Luchsinger at 35 an acre; tho Wescott farm two miles north of the city, to W. T. Ernst at $45.50 an acre; a quarter section in Monroo township at $13.50 an acre; tho Widow Miller property north of J. II. Galley's residenco in this city to J. A. Scott for $050. "Hogs is hogs," an old farmer's ex pression, does not fully picturo the situa tion; thero needs a moro intensifying phrase. A car load sold tho other day at South Omaha for $8.20 per hundred. Such prices are, of course, tho effect of a scarcity of that article It is even said that much which ought to bo kept on the farm as breeding stock, is now going forward to market, under tho stimulus of tho present high prices. Every day is adding to our list of subscribers, but thero is yet plenty of room for more. Wo give you now, The Journal and the Lincoln Semi-weekly Journal, both, one year, when paid in advance, for $2.00. Subscription can begin .'it any time. Now is the time to subscribe. Tho Lincoln Journal is issued Tuesdays and Fridays, and will givo you a mass of news that you cannot hopo to equal anvwhere for the money. Both for $2.00. Tho Miller school house, Clear creek precinct, Polk county, is kept in use this week, Monday night the Alliance having a supper; Wednesday night a tin-wedding anniversary for Samuel Paul and his wifo, whose maiden name was Mary Miller; Thursday night, church; and Friday night, The Literary. If all the school houses throughout the rural dis tricts of the United States ccnld be thus utilized, what an improvement there would be! A farmer of Canton, S. D., started a small hennery last year with a stock of 211 chickens, and from tho proceeds of eggs, broilers and breeding stock realized $2,228.52. The expense amounted to $879.14. leaving a net profit of $1,349.33. That shows what may be dono with thoroughbred stock, judicious manage ment, and close attention to details of tho business. Thero i3 profit on small outlay in that line of production.- Sew ard Blade. Six ladies of the Woman's Relief Corps, who attended the encampment here last year, sent, by Comrade McCoy, from tho encampment at Fremont this year, a handsomo group photograph of themselves as a souvenir of their de lightful visit, while here, with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hagel, sr., of this city. They say that their stay with Mr. and Mrs. Hagel wa3 one of tho greatest pleasures of their lives, and always to be remem bered with gratitude and abundant good wishes for their hostess. W. F. Beckett of Genoa was in the city the first of tho week. Ho contem plates starting here a wholesale supply house for harness makers. No doubt this would be a good placo for tho busi ness, there being no bette.r distributing point in tho state. All the jobbing houses hero are making a success of their establishments, and there is no reason whatever for thinking that others in different lines would not also find a good field in which to ope rate. The Journal hopes that Mr. Beckett may see his way clear, and conclude to start his enterprise at an early day. The Pioneer Hook & Ladder com pany are an independent organization numbering now twenty-two of our yonng and active business "men, who give of their time, their energy and their money to sustain an organization which always has done effective work in times of dan ger by fire. They have furnished their own outfit, except an extension ladder provided by the city; they have made a considerable outlay the past year, and it is no moro than juslico to" them that property owners, so far as each of them is concerned, see that the "Hookies" have at least just, if not liberal and ranArnnn 1 treatment. Last Saturday night was an occasion of happy surprise at the Presbyterian parsonage. The pastor, Rev. Elliott, his wife and children, were quietly prepar ing for the Sabbath, when their home was invaded by a large crowd of pilgrims, who carried in their hands and on their shoulders bundles and packages as if equipped for something of a journey. They, however, concluded to rest awhile, and enjoy tho comforts of a social even ing. They sang joyfully, talked freely, laughed heartily, listened reverently to the pastor's words of appreciation in be half of himself and family, and joined in a fervent prayer to him, "from whom all blessings flow." At a seasonable hour thev all retired to their happy homes, j navmg tno saiisiacnon ot running anoth er home more happy, and realizing that the bond of union in the work of the Lord is strengthened by such angel visits. Their burdens were left as tokens of interest and of united feeling, in silver and substantial, for both tho inner and the outer man. to the value of about $50. The Journal adds to this statement of facts, one other equally important fact that tho community at large, outside his own church, and even outside of thoso who attend churches at all have a verv uixu itppreciauon 01 iur. raiioix as a man and citizen, and co-laborer in work for the good of this community. It has suddenly been discovered that thero are places in this city where gam ming nas oeen earned on, and the mar shall has been given orders to close the poker joints up. The Press says "ho went around and told the proprietors to close up." Now, how in world did he know where to go to? If ho knew who wero ruuning such places of amusement (?) beforo Mayor Miller gave him orders to look up tho matter, was it necessary for him to wait for orders? We called attention to the fact that gambling was going on here in David City months and months age, but apparently no attention was given the matter. There has been a regular club of gamblers running a room, besides numerous other places have been used, tho old court house for instance, and even tho new one, and no attention nas been given tno matter. o can agreo heartily v ith the Press in saying that Mayor Miller is on the right track, but theso gambling joints should not only bo closed, but tho gamblers should bo caught and wound up in the meshes of tho law as fast as they open now places. JUaUe it so costly Tor them that they will be compelled to go out of tho business and go to work at somo honorable busi ness. David City News. It is coming time for farmers to consider spring and summer work, and among plants now to this section, or at least not commonly known is the Soja bean, tho merits of which seem worthy of attention. A writer in tho Nebraska Farmer, a former resident of Otoe coun ty, this state and now of Virginia, savs that the Soja bian is very genorally cul tivated in tho south, a close rival to the cow pea, which it equals as an improver of the soil, and which it excels in feed ing value. Its yield on rich ground is simply enormous, reaching 4,420 pounds to the acre. A moro profitable hog pasture- in tho fall, when the beans are nearly mature, can hardly bo imagined. In tho west this should be its most prof itable use, thus saving all oxpenso of harvesting. As a renovating crop in Nebraska, Mr. Wiggin says, ho behoves this bean would bo superior to clover, because more certain. Tho Nebraska Division Council of tho Sons of Veterans met hero Tuesday of last weok and decided that the next annual encampment of the Sons should be held at West Point, June 12 to 15. Capt. Searlo is tho Columbus member of tho Council. Tho officers present" were: Col. P. A. Barrows, St. Edward; Past Col., h P. Corrick, Cozad; Div. Adj., F. J. Norton, Albion; Sr. V. Com., Geo. W. Hunt, Nelson; Div. Council, Harry Mil ler, Red Cloud. Besides these visiting brothers thero wero Mr. Samson of Te cuiusch, and Mr. Jolly of Albion. Tues day evening Camp Union S. of V. hold a camp fire over which Capt. Bert Galley presided. Speeches wero made by Messrs. Barrows, Corrick and Norton of the visiting brothers and by Capt. Soarlo and Rev. Leedom of this citv. Tho cultivation of llax seed has been one of tho most profitable items in farm ing, especially on now land, broken for the first time. It is a crop that is almost invariably assured and being first into market, tho producer is enabled to roalizo on it, and get it out of tho way, before other grain is ready. It has been the practice for years to loan seed in locali ties where new land is being taken up, and this policy has been largely instru mental in making Iowa, Minnesota and the Dakotas famous as llax producing states. So says tho Nebraska Farmer, and wo can testify to the benefit of llax as a crop on new land in Nebraska. Many a man in this state has opened a farm and realized from the first crop of llax on the sod more than enough to pay all tho expenses of breaking. Chancellor Canfield delivered a lec ture before tho Nebraska Live Stock Breeders Association his theme being the relations sustained by the University to the practical pursuits of men here in tho west. Ho was glad to say that the Stato University today stands for some thing practical in the eyes of men. It has for its baso the good common senso of tho common people. A system of education that stands on so broad a foundation as this cannot topple over. It must stand for all timo. His words paid a high tribute to the intelligence of the common people whom he regards sis the builders of the highest educational institution of the state. Baker Relief Corps was represented at Fremont by Eliza J. Turner, Louise M. Bntler and Cara J. McCoy. They speak in high praise of the hospitality of Fremont. The financial report shows that the relief corps in the state have ex pended for relief and other expenses, $3,072.25 during the past year, and have turned over to various ppsts $1,178.95, and still havo $1,450.35 in the treasury. Tho department president, Mrs. Amanda B. Tisdel, of Kearney, receives unbound ed praise for the manner in which she has fulfilled the duties of her fetation. Mrs. Hard of Central City was elected president for tho ensuing year. C. E. Early has opened out in tho rooms in the rear of tho First National bank, Twelfth street, this city, as a real estate and general insurance agent. In insurance he represents a number of the best, most reliable and strongest com panies known in tho country, and will transact business for them on strictly business principles value received at all times. Mr. Early is a young man well known in this community, and whose business record is a very enviable one indeed. Being thoroughly informed in prices and values of land and city property, those having purchases, sales or exchanges of land to effect will do well to give him a call, tf Rescue hall is doing a charity work at Omaha worthy of imitation in every city and village where needy people are found. It is organized and conducted on tho principlo that tho best help ren dered people is that which enables them to help themselves work being provi ded in exchange for meals and lodging for those who cannot pay the small sum asked. One hundred a day the last week were relieved from hunger at a total cost of about one cent per each man. The total number of lodging for the week was 938, total meals 420, total number of soups 840. Joseph Mather, aged 19 years, is under arrest for stealing a pocket-liook containing $2G, belonging to Mrs. John Schultd living between Columbus and Oconeo. While Mr. and Mrs. Schultd were milking in the yard Saturday, Mather went to the house and took the money. He was canght at Monroe Sat urday and brought here by Ed. Rossiter. Mrs. Schultd identifies the pocket-book found on Mather as hers. Mather plead not guilty before Justice O'Brien, Mon- 4 day morning. l873J I Ml As our Spring Goods are arriving every day, and in order to make room for them, we have de cided to close out all Fall and Winter Goods at reduced prices. mar, we nna tnat we snii nave bargains, as follows : Dress Goods. After invoicing we find that we have over one hundred pieces of Dress Goods, that must be clos ed out at the prices named. They consist of Henriet tas, Cashmeres, Whip Cords, Serges, Flannels and Broadcloths ; they are all desirable patterns and good colors. Call and ex amine them and be convinced. Prices: .25 .35 .50 .65 .751 .85 $1.00 $1.25 $1.50 Spring is Coming Ami we are receiving our White Ciood.s. They arc beautiful, pretty and bright, ami consist of plain and checked Nain sooks, cheek ami .striped Dimities, India Linens, Victoria Lawns, dotted and figured Swisses and a complete line of the Printed Irish Lawn or Percales at lo cents per yard. The Irish Lawns are to he one of the leading materials this Prions: 10 c 12Jc 15 c 20 c 25 c 30 c 35 c this snrinir for ladies spring wear. Just Received Our Spring Neckwear Remember we carry a complete line of Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shocs Ladies' and Gents' Underwear, Trunks and Satch els, in fact everything to be found in any drv goods store, and guarantee correct, and our goods the bt the Remember we are Sole Agents for The Standard Fashion Go. of New, York Gif y. I FKKSONAL. Judge Bowman was in the city ovor Sunday. Miss Edith Keelerof O'Kay was in the city Saturday. Mrs. Campbell -of Oconeo was in tho city Saturday. H. C. Carrifr of Platte Center was in the city Monday. Mrs. W. W. Manninjiton of Monroe was in the city Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Gns. G. Becher are visit ing friends at Losinon. V. Hagel was at Cedar Rapids several days last week on business. Miss McCann of Grand Island is the guest of Miss Kate Early. Mrs. G. C. Barnum returned homo yes terday morning from Clarks. Miss Anna C. Turner camo down from Genoa Saturday to visit her parents. Mr. Snider, teacher of tho Duncan school, was on the streets Saturday. George Scheidel and M. S. Bloedorn of Plntto Centor were in the city Monday. Miss Annie Lawson of Elkhorn visited her Bister, Mrs. Frank Taylor last week. A. J. Wilcox and Ed. Early made a business trip to Platte Center, Monday. John Bradford of Platto Center passed through the city Monday on his way to Lincoln. F. M. Cookingham and Dr. Hampton of Humphrey were in tho city Monday on legal business. George Lamb was in the city Monday on his way to St. Louis, to visit his old friend, William Lewis. Mrs. McKenzie and Mrs. Landers of Genoa passed through tho city Satur day to visit their sister, Mrs. Ed. Norton of Norfolk. Mr. and Mrs. Will Coolidge of Platts niouth, accompanied by Mrs. Coolidge's cousin, Miss Smith of Michigan City, visited H. P's. family last week. Mrs. W. T. Allen and Mrs. Kumraer and her children wont Monday of last week from Big Springs to Fort Worth, Texas, on their way to their Nebraska home. Notice! Wo havo secured the agency for several of tho best lines of Bicycles made, and, to introduce them quickly, will sell to a club of six, (who apply first), at cost. Call and see samples and prices. 1 Stires.'c Limb. For Sale. A No. 1 driving horse, the one driven in Columbus during the summer by P. W. Henrich. Owner, Mrs. J. S. Hen rich, Platte Center. DIED. MORSE-February Hth, 1K3, Myra Mtrtlo. eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Morse, Htfpd 23 eHrs, '1 moatbd aud 21 dajH. Her life has been ono of great HnlTcring; through it all. he was patient and amiable. The end came Baddenly, as fc!is iiih apparently, no worse than usual, until the moraine of hor death. The family mourn, but mtint lie com forted by knowing that she is free from all pain. Rev. Jandon conducted the beautiful FpUropal service at the homo three miles north of the city, at 11 o'clock February 16th. The family is gratefnl for tho many attentions bestowed npon them by kind friends, and for the quantities of beautiful flowers. justness potters. Advertisements under t!ii head five centH a line each insertion. WM.SCHILTZ makes boots and shoes in the beat styles, and uses onlv the very best 'itwkttatcwb procured into market, H-' Twentieth Annual Closing OF- water Goods J. L Galley Having just completed invoic- Hosiery Having u this goods will he for ladies' summer ami children s Men's -Lonir-iiunts Mi its Call ami be convinced. Men's Overcoats. our prices to be market atibrds. our prices iav vou to niiv an until next season, HENRY RAGATZ & CO., KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND A FULL LINE OF Staple ad Fancy Groceries. ALSO AS FINE AN ASSORTMENT OF Lamps, Glassware, Queensware, Etc., As Can be Found in This Section of Nebraska. taThe very highot market price paid in trade for couut.iy produce."! ELEVENTH ST., COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA. MajMM-tf OUH.O.nKCHKIt. LKOrOLDJiKUOI. KdtahlishHl 1S70. BECHER, JEGGI & GO., REAL -ESTATE -LOANS, -INSURANCE -A-n.cL I5ea,l Sstate. COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA. MONEY TO LOAN ON FARMS at lowett rata of interest, on short or long time, in amonn t to 6int applicants. UONOKD ABSTRACTERS OF TITLE to all real estate in Platte county. Reprint THE LEADING INSUKVNCK COMPANIES of th World. Our farm policies are the mct liberal in use. Isnte adjusted, anil promptly paid at U.i ottice. Notary Public always in office. ia1m an' city l,rlcrt J' f"r ealo. Make collections of foreign inheritances and sell hteamfhip ticketn t and from all part of Europe. au'91-tf SPEICE & E"OETH, Oeneral Agents for the tale of f Union Paoifie ud Midland Pacific R. K. Lands or on five or Ua years time, in annual paj uietfn to lot or ousr laaos. improveu anu umuiproveu, ior business and ratidenca lota in the city. We keep Platte County. COLUMBUS, W.T. RICKLY, WholMaJa aod Gane, Praltrj, aid Fresh Fish. All Kiids f Saisige la Specialty. VCatB paid for Hid, Pelta, Tallow. Highest market priee paid for fat aHUe. ' 1 OlWe Stmt, twt Dttn Ntrtk tf tit Fint Natisiftl Baik. 1893 some excellent & Underwear. just received our line of Out Sale spring Hosiery, we are prepared to show one of the finest lines of Ladies' and Children's Hose in the city and at prices that are cor rect. In Ladies' Undearwear we are closing out Ladies' White Merino Vests .50 Natural Wool " .75 Camel Hair " $1.00 Scarlet all wool " $1.00 Wash Goods -" Satines This line consists of Calicos in plain and Ger man, at (, 7, i, J), 10, 12 and l." cent. per yard. Plain Ginghams and French and Scotch Ginghams, Satines in all shades ami colors, and Satin Gloria; one of the drives. leading materials worn and Youths' Clothing. This Department consists of Men's Suits in square cut Sack ami three-button Cutaways. In Children's we have Boys' Two-piece Suits and Boys' at prices thai will astonish vou. prices It will aaMiMnwnMMH. uvercoai now, and carry it over as we are sellim them at cost price. H. F.J. HOriCKNIiKUHKK i.SIUHintNSKN. iffi' .L'-ca.'' I fur sale at from 13.00 to $10.00 per acre for cast bait pu.-clinrs. We havo aldo a larue and choiot saio hi low prico anu on reasonable terms. AIM u complete abetrurtof title to all real estate it NEBRASKA. 621 KaUIl Itaalar la