The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, February 15, 1893, Image 2

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EnUred at the Poet-office, Columbus, Neb., m
econd-class mail matter.
m. k:. xuiwsrER & coM
-ColumbuB, Neb.
TKBK s or scbscmptioh: m&!l, postage prepaid,' $2.
Sit months, 1-J5
Three months
Parable in Advance.
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When subscribers change their place of resi
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p.)ital card, giving both their former and their
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find the name on onr mailing list, from which,
being in type, we each week print, either on the
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All communications, to secure attention, meet
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WV r;rve the right to reject any manuscript.
a:itt t-mnot aijree to return the same. We.deeiro
"b rorrGapondent in eTery school-district ol
I'ihtto county, one of good judgment, and ro
Ijablo in every way. write plainly, oach item
separately. Give us facto.
' "-
A distinct earthquake shock was felt
in Fremont county, Colo., last Friday
At Marseilles, France,Thursday, thero
were twelve deaths from the prevalent
choleraic complaint.
C. V. GALiiAonmi of Omaha has been
nppomted a cadet to the United States
Military Academy at West Point.
It would bo well for our legislators to
investigate the history of the State Board
of Arbitration of Massachusetts. Thero
now is a board.
It is said that the Yanderbilts have
secured possession of enough Union
Pacific stock to givo them a majority
when the annual meeting occurs in April.
Miss Bessie Kat of Nemaha City
swallowed a piece of chicken that was too
big for her throat, and it took two doc
tors to savo her life, which they did by
forcing the meat into her stomach.
A son of Fred. Smoker, Osceola, while
working around a horse-power corn
sheller, caught his right foot in the
machinery and hurt it so badly that it
had to bo amputated just above the
The latest cabinet slato of the incom
ing president is Gresham, secretary of
state; Carlisle, treasury; Lamont, war;
Wilson S. Bissell of New York, postmas
ter general, and it is said that all have
Cod. Boiieut G. Inoeusolij delivered
n great lecture at the Broadway theater,
Now York, Sunday night, on Abraham
Lincoln, "the grandest figure of the
fiercest civil war, the gentlest memory
of our world."
Onu election laws will not bo complete
until wo have a better way of appointing
judges, and a more sensible way of count
ing, say onco an hour during tho day,
instead of all at tho end of a long day
when men are sleepy and tired.
Odd lino democrats are not at all
pleased with Gresham to bo at tho head
of tho cabinoL They refuse to bo com
forted by the statement that in tho
reorganization of parties, which Mr.
Cleveland has in mind, it is the republi
can party that ho wishes to drive out of
Tun Fremont Herald says: "It is for
tunato that senators Babcock, Mattes
and North got into line as straight dem
ocrats, oven if tho conversion did oocur
after they voted lo mako Correll presi
dent of tho senate." Of course, "straight"
democracy, in this instance, moans help
ing the populists elect a U. S. senator.
"Canada sees President Harrison's lit
tle gun and has, after tho example of
Dave Crocket's coon, asked permission to
come down before ho shoots. Tho
dominion council has issued an order
withdrawing all discriminative rates on
tho Wolland canal. This is as it should
be even if it is a trifle late." So says an
The Globe Democrat of St. Louis is
eminently correct in saying that "there
are obvious and forcible reasons why the
next secretary of state should bo a thor
ough, aggressive, star-spangled Ameri
can." It might have added to this, as
being appropriate and timely counsel to
tho president-elect, that Bayard is not
that man.
The Athens. Georgia, Banner vouches
for tho truth of a lengthy account of a
child in that stale, 11 years old, very
littlo larger than when it was born, and
without a bono in its entire body. It
was born thus, has never talked and
takes no notice or its surroundings. It
is fed on milk and water every fifteen
minutes, and its parents are very devot
ed to it.
As Gov. Pesnoyek's reply to an adjutant-general
in Oregon for tho loan of a
few state cannon to boom the inaugura
tion March 4, has become somewhat
famous already, wo give it in full: "No
permission will bo given to firo state
cannon over tho inauguration of a Wall
street plutocrat as president of tho
United States." If the governor really
thought there was a difference oven
among democratic presidents, ho might
have rejoiced that tho government still
lives notwithstanding.
Senator Ghaham, in discussing the
proposed measure to select presidential
electors by congressional districts, said
that in his opinion thero was ne-er a
Tanker'' bill proposed in the history of
the stato. It was a bill, ho said, hatched
in tho privacy of the democratic national
hejidquarters for tho express purpose of
being introduced in northern states.
Such a measure was never heard of in a
southern stato. The bill was never
thought of until it was hatched up in
Michigan for tho express purpose of dis
rupting the republican party of that
state and it has been introduced for that
purpose in Nebraska.
Down at Omaha tho county commis
sioners are looking after the revenues a
little more closely than has been custo
mary, in fact the people all around the
horizon are asking a great number of
" Bearching questions these limes. County
Judge Eller says that tho fees for mar
riages have never been turned into tho
treasury, and he doesn't propose to start
an innovation. Commissioner Stenberg
says: ;'And we hold that the fees re
ceived for marrying people come under
thi6 provision just the same as probating
'.wills and all other work done by the
'"judge. The county pays him for tho
.time he serves on tho bench and it is
- only by virtue of his official position that
he has the authority to perform mar-
- . riagea. When he goes out of office his
. authority to do this will depart from mm
and we maintain that the fees belong to
'. the office. Another thing, the marriages
are for the most part performed during
- " court hours and ho is taken from the
.- bench to .do the work. Work on the
I 'bench is thus interrupted for the good
of the pocket of the judge. The fees
.. belong to the county and should go to
r " the.county. The judge has no right to
them any more than he has to any other
: .fees irtucn come into tne orace." Tiie
. : number of marriages performed last year
". by the judge was SCO, and estimating at
an average of five dollars, this would be
..- 31,300, a neat littlo sum. If all the
V"- county judges, past and present, and
'; prospective, shall be held to this rule,
irhat a shelling out there would be!
Gov. Hogg of Texas has rebuked tho
spirit of lawlessness at Paris, his very
mildest sentences being: "The public
murder committed at Paris is a disgrace
to the state. Its atrocity, inhumanity
and sickening effect upon tho people at
largo cannot be obscured by reference to
the savage act of the criminal himself in
taking the life of an innocent child." The
most significant part of the governor's
message, so far as the general public is
concerned, is that in this same neigh
borhood, within tho past twelve months
three other men who had committed no
crimes, were hanged. Their presence in
the community, the governor says, was
offensive, or perhaps menacing to the
pleasure and equanimity of the band of
murderers who took their lives. He also
says that thero have been other instances
in Texas where innocent men have been
executed by mobs, and no punishment
has been possible. Tho condition has
grown to this, that if enough men in n
community choose to defy the law, they
go on in their nefarious actions at will.
He hopes tho legislature will not allow
this condition to continue unchallenged.
The Journal has no sickly sentimetality
on this subject, believing that the worst
of earth is too good a place for such
fiends incarnate as tho man who was
burned alivo proved himself to be; but
just such villians as he was, are trained
up by deeds of blood and violence and
cruelty and cowardice such as tho ten
thousand were guilty of who tortured
tho man to death, and tried to drown his
cries of agony by their demoniac yells;
just such lecherous scoundrels as ho was
are being "cultured and developed"
every day in the small towns and great
cities of this country where commerce in
sin is counted a respectable business, or
at tho worst a necessary evil. Commu
nities are like individuals,- -what is in
the blood, will appear, at last, at the
surface. So far as great bodies of men
are concerned, if they lose their respect
for law, thero is no means of governing
them except by brute force alone. Every
good citizen must see that there is but
one safeway: enact good laws, and exact
obedience to them.
Mary and Kate Grabenhorst of Iowa
ought to bo immortalized in verse for
their deed of valor last week, and the
younger (sixteen years old), should have
a double portion of praise. Five miles
from Ogden, a tramp named Joo Ross
secreted himself in Fred. Grabenhorst's
barn, along with two other hard charac
ters, miners of the neighborhood named
Hamilton and Lloyd, their purpose being
to kill Grabenhorst when ho should come
to the barn, then murder tho three
women at tho houso and securo S200 or
S300 supposed to bo in tho house. Gra
benhorst came to tho barn and was shot,
tho shot taking effect in tho arm. Boss
tried to fire again, but his seven-shooter
missed fire, and he then went to clubbing
Grabenhorst over tho head. Ho cried for
help and this brought his wifo and two
daughters, school teachers, rushing to
tho rescue. The older girl grabbed Boss
by tho wrist, while the other, sixteen
years old, took tho revolver from him and
began beating him over tho head with it.
An exciting struggle followed; tho moth
er was thrown clear over a fence, but the
two girls overpowered the tramp and
bound him tight with a rope, and the
youngest girl guarded him while the
other went to neighbors for help. Tho
youngest girl was with difficulty restrain
ed from clubbing Boss to death after she
had conquered him. Tho three men are
in jail, and Ross says that tho other two
planned tho attack and he was compelled
to carry it out. All three, he says, woro
in tho barn from .') in the morning until
7 in tho evening, when tho attack was
made. If more girls were trained ath
letes and "school teachers," tho tramps
would have fewer ictories than they
now do.
Fire broke out in tho f urnnco room
of tho Continental hotel at Centerville,
Iowa, Thursday morning, and it was
with difficulty that tho guests escaped
alive. Those on tho first and second
tloors got out at tho windows. Will
Hale, traveling salesman, jumped from
the third lloor to tho frozen ground, had
three ribs broken and a thumb torn off.
Samuel Lowis of Greely, la., was cre
mated. Mrs. Mclvce, tho landlady, was
on the first lloor but went to tho third,
and tho flames cutting off her escape,
she jumped; being of 2f0 pounds weight
sho fractured nearly every bono in her
body. Sho was picked up unconscious
aiul'died Thursday afternoon. Tho loss
)f tho building was 28,000, insurance
A kon of James Lemon at University
Place. Lincoln, was shot by his older
brother, who snapped a revolver at him,
thinking it was not loaded. Tho ball
took effect in tho abdomen, and will
probably cause death.
Wnhiiiton letter.
I From our n-gnlnr correspondent.!
Tho President has heard the official
proposition made by tho commis
sioners from tho now provisional govern
ment of Hawaii for tho annexation of
that country to the United States, and
is now, with his usual thoroughness and
care, studying the question, in all its
bearings, in order to mako up his mind
whethor ho will take auy steps towards
annexation, make any recommendations
to congress, or leave the whole matter
for tho incoming administration and
congress. Before tho commissioners
arrived it was thought probable, indeed
it was informally agreed that a treaty by
which the United states took tho repub
lican government of Hawaii under its
protection would bo about the proper
thing for the present, leaving annexa
tion to follow, as it unquestionably
would havo done in a few years. But
when tho ultimatum of tho commission
ersannexation or nothing was receiv
ed tlso situation was changed. Tho
President and all of his cabinet are
favorable to annexation, but as it would
havo to bo preceded by congressional
legislation, and tho life of tho present
administration and congress is so nearly
spent it may be deemed advisable by tho
administration not to begin what would
probably have to bo ended by the new
congress and administration. A decision
will probably bo reached in a few days.
The Hawaiian flag -red, white and blue
stripes, with a red cross in tho corner
is flying from the top of tho hotel at
which tho Hawaiian commissioners aro
quartered. There is nothing foreign
looking about tho members of this com
mission. A determined effort is being made to
secure some silver legislation on a com
promise basis before tho session closes.
Dan Lamont and Don Dickinson are
hero in tho interest of the new adminis
tration, and to submit to the silver men
several propositions for a compromise,
all of them involving a suspension of the
purchase of silver by the government.
They say that if their efforts are not
successful an extra session of congress
will certainly be called.
The bill authorizing the expenditure
of 50,000 in the preparation of an ex
hibit for tho World's Fair, showing the
progress of tho colored race since 18G3,
has been favorably reported to the house,
and the favorable manner in which it is
spoken of by members indicates that it
may pass, but, owing to the crowded
condition of the calendar, action on no
measure is certain.
Probably no single action of the Pres
ident during his entire term has been
more talked about than the nomination
of Judge Howell E. Jackson, of Tennes-
J fee, an able jurist, but an uncompromis
ing uemocrat, io succeea uie jaie justice
Lamar on tho bench of theU. S. Supreme
Court The President had 6tated to a
number of gentlemen bis intention to
nominate a republican, and such was his
intention until the day before he nomi
nated Judge Jackson, and tho cause of
his change of mind was a notification he
received to the effect that twelve repub
lican senators would vote with tho dem
ocrats against the confirmation of any
republican ho might nominate. The.
reason given by most of these republicans
was that an attempt to force the confir
mation of a republican would result in
either tieiug up tLe senate for the Test of
the session, or the adoption of a cloture
rule, nud that they would not take any
chances of either. Contrary to prece
dent Judgo Jackson's nomination has
been referred to a committee. It has
been customary to confirm the nomina
tion of ex-senators without referring
them to committees. Judge Jackson
although a democrat is not a believer in
the doctrine of state rights. Democratic
senators say privately that his confirma
tion depends upon Mr. Cleveland's
wishes. The houso whilo sitting as a
committee of the whole adopted a very
sensible amendment to an appropriation
bill, giving tho owners of American
quarries a chance to compete with for
eigners in furnishing the marble for the
new Congressional Library building, but
when the yea and nay vote was taken in
regular session the party whip was
brought into use and the "protection"
cry raised, consequently the amendment
was rejected by a party vote.
Secretary Foster's report on the condi
tion of tho treasury, and his estimate of
receipts and expenditures for this and
the next fiscal year has put an end to the
talk alout a bankrupt treasury, which
has leen more or less prevalent among
democrats ever since congress met.
The amount of mutilated currency now
leing presented to tho treasury for re
demption averages $1,500,000 a day, being
much larger than for many years. It is
believed that this is largely caused by
tho scare concerning the carrying of tho
germs of contagious diseases in old paper
Tho attempt to mako the Panama canal
investigation a star-chamber affair is not
well received. The people want to know
the whole true inwardness of this busi
ness and if it injures anybody's reputa
tion so much the worse for them.
Letter List.
List of letters remaining jn the post
office at Columbus, Nebraska, for the
week ending Fob. 14, 1893:
Mr. W. Sinter, Miss L. C. Young,
Sir. Jk Taylor, Mr, Bob Mack,
J. F. Mcdiiirge. Louis (ialm,
Mr. John llougiand, Lewis Jones,
Mr. Wm. Albrun.
Parties calling for the above letters
will please say "advertised."
Carl Kramer, P. M.
Oconee Occurrences.
Mr. John Lambort of DavenporC la.,
died on Monday, Cth inst. at tho Oconee
Hotel, at the age of 79 years and 1
month. After brief devotional services
at tho houso by Rev. A. Killip, the re
mains were conveyed by rail to his home
in Iowa, accompanied by his son-in-law,
Mr. Campbell. Some of the relatives
with tho pastor went as far as Columbus.
Mr. Lambert came hero on a visit to his
daughters and sister during the summer.
He had a serious illness shortly after,
and was recovering when he had a re
lapse through undue exposure and fa
tigue, which ended in his death. He
was much beloved by his friends for his
gentle, kindly nature, and received the
respect and confidence of his townsmen
for his strict integrity and industry.
Ho was a member of the Old Settlers
association who would pay his memory
every token of regard.
A marriage took place last Wednes
day by which two large and well known
families became connected. Mr. Charles
Pottor and Miss Sadie, eldest daughter
of Mr. C. W. Talbitzer, were the happy
couple. The ceremony, conducted by
tho Rev. R. Killip, look place at the
homo of tho bride, and was attended by
a large circle of relatives from oach side,
together with a few of the nearest
neighbors, taxing tho utmost capacity of
the not very large house. The evening,
after an excellent supper, was very
pleasantly spent in social intercourse,
interspersed with music, both voca! and
instrumental, the family being nll of
them possessed of a happy faculty in
that lino. Tho young people have taken
up their abode on the farm occupied by
the bridegroom and his brother Will, on
what is known as tho Jewell place, and
from the reputation of each, there is no
doubt that a fair portion of happiness
and prosperity is befoio them. Thero
were numerous tmd valuable presents,
all of a character useful in a house,
which evidenced tho kindly feeling of
tho donors.
Mr. Hawkins, hitherto living a littlo
east of town, has sub-rented part of Mr.
McCone's farm and is about to remove
with his family to tho Ryder house next
to tho parsonage.
It appears that the buyer of Mr. Hen
dryx's placo is Mr. .Murdock, who is
already. such a large holder of land
about here. It is said tho price was 825
per acre.
Tho storm signals were flying at Co
lumbus ou Wednesday, but nothing
occurred hero beyond a rather high
wind. This region has been highly
favored as to the weather, so far this
season, compared with the- rest of tho
country, whore storms havo been unusu
ally frequent and severe.
District 44 and Vicinity.
The traditional ground hog came from
his lair on the 2d of this month, and on
seeing his shadow returned to his den,
thero to remain for six long weeks, dur
ing which time we aro to plod aloug in
rain, mud and disagreeable weather gen
erally. Let us hope the hog has lost his
grip on tho weather.
Once upon a time a kingdom was offer
ed for a horse. Out in this part of
Undo Sam's country, it is two hogs for
a horse, which fairly represents the value
of the hog.
Harry Hickok was out here a fow days
last week visiting.
About every third person yon meet is
annoyed with a bad cold and cough, but
nothing serious.
M. Slieedy, who had his business eye
open, took adyantago of the opportunity
and laid in a good supply or tho neces
saries of life at his own price, during the
closing out sale of the Stonesifer stock.
A party of young folks surprised tho
household of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Egbert
on the evening of ground-hog day. The
party was gotten up in commemoration
of the 10th birthday of their son Charles.
The usual plays, games and toothsome
viands were the order of the evening.
All returned home early, with the ther
mometer indicating 16 below.
In looking over the fall wheat Sunday,
we found whore the plant had been eaten
off to the ground by stock, there remain
ed a vigorous green plant, with a root so
firmly established in tho soil that no
March wind will cause it wither and dry
up. Since winter wheat has taken the
place of spring wheat, our millers make
better flour, and as a consequence the
farmer has better bread.
Bennio Brodfeuhrer of your city was
ont in this vicinity Sunday.
Peter Schmitt of Shell Valley Mills
lost five fat hogs last week by being too
familiar with the creek; whilo crossing
over on the ice, they broke through and
were carried under by the current. They
were found tangled up in the water
wheel. R.
The Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul
By is the only line running solid vest
ibuled, electric lighted and steam heated
trains between the Missouri river and
Chicago, consisting of new palace sleep
ing cars, elegant free reclining chair
cars, luxurious coaches and the finest
dining cars in the world. The berth
reading lamp in its palace sleeping cars
is patented and cannot be used by any
other railway company. It is the great
improvement of the age. Try it and be
convinced. Close connection in union
depot at Omaha with all trains to and
from the west. For further particulars
apply to vour ticket agent, or
F. A. Nash, Gen'l Agt
W. S. Howeli
Traveling Fr'L, and Pass. Agt,
lljantf 1501 Farnam St, Omaha, Neb.
The handsomest lady in Columbus
mmnrlrul in friend the other dav that
dm UnAw Kamn'fi Balsam for the throat
and lungs was a superior remedy, as it
stopped her cougu instantly wnen oiner
cough remedies naa no enect wnaiever.
So to prove this and convince you of its
merits, any druggist will give you a
sample bottle free. Large size 50c and
$1. 84-7
I will sell at my farm, threo miles
northeast of Columbus, Neb., beginning
at 10 o'clock a. m. sharp, on
The following property, which must be
sold, as I have rented my farm, and will
shortly move to town:
1 Black Geliling,
1 Span Work Mares,
1 " Matched "
1 " " Geldings,
1 Bay Mare. 1400 lbs.,
lGray " 1420 lbs.,
1 ltoad Horse,
1 Bay Mare, coming 3,
1 Black Mare.coming 3
1 Matched Team, com
ing 2 yrs. old,
G Colts, coining 2,
1 Pony,
1 Pony Colt,
2 Yearling Colts,
2 Matched Tennis Geld
ings, gray.
40 Head Steers, coming
3 yre. old,
20 Steers coining 2,
5 Fresh Cows,
5 Milch Cows,
5 Heifers,
10 Calves.
75 Shoats.
4 Caltivators,
2 Harrows.
3 Stirring Plows,
3 Wagons,
2 Set Harness,
1 Buggy,
1 Corn Planter,
1 Mowing Machine,
1 Hay Itake,
And a great many other useful articles
needed t"i a farm.
Free Lunch will be Served.
$10.00 and under, cash; abovo that
amount, one year's time, on good bank
able paper, eight per cent interest, five
per cent off for cash.
John Horer, Auctioneer.
I will sell nt public sale at the Bis
mark Ranch 4 miles northeast of
Columbus, ou
Wadnuday, Feb'y 22, '93,
Commencing at 10 o'clock, the following
property, viz:
7 Head fine young Draft Horses, con
sisting of
2 Bav Horses 7 yrs. old wt. about 3,000,
1 " ' G " " " " 1,500,
1 Black Mare 4 " " " " 1,300,
2 " "7 " " " " 2,650,
4 Fillies coming 2 yrs. old, brought
from Illinois, lacking only 1-32 of
being full bloods. They are a prime
lot for somo ono who likes good
2 two-year-old Colts,
1 Team matched Driving Horses,
35 Head two and three-year-old Steers,
A lot of Brood Sows, also all kinds of
Agricultural Implements, Harness,
etc., etc.
Free : Lunch : will : be : Served.
I have sold the above ranch to give
possession Marcli 1st. and this property
will be sold absolutely, without reserve.
All Rums of S10.00 or more, a credit of
one year, approved notes, 8 per cent in
terest, 2 per cent discount for cash.
Col. John Huber, Auctioneer.
Cheap Kates to the Inauguration.
For the inauguration of Cleveland and
Stevenson at Washington on March 4th
excursion tickets, reading via Baltimore
and Ohio Railroad, "The Picturesque
Route," will lie placed on sale at the
ticket offices of principal railroads of the
west, as well as at the ticket offices of the
Baltimore and Ohio Company. Tho faro
from Chicago will be 17.50 for tho
round trip. These tickets will be sold
from Fobrnary 28th to March 3rd inclu
sive, and will be valid for retnrn journey
until March Klu inclusive.
The Baltimore and Ohio is the short
est route to Washington from nearly al!
points West. Its trains aro vestibnled
from end to end, and carry Pullman
sleeping cars.
No railroad in America is better equip
ped than the B. ,fc O. to transport with
dispatch, safety, and comfort the large
crowd which will visit Washington to
witness the inauguration ceremonies. Its
long exnerienco in transporting crowds
to former inaugurations, G. A. R. En
campments, Knights Templar Conclave,
and similar gatherings, on an extensive
scale, will prove most valuable in arrang
ing for tho coming inauguration.
For more detailed information as to
rates, time of trains, etc., apply to L. S.
Allen, Asst, Gen'l. Passenger Agent, The
liookery, Chicago, or O. P. McCarty
Asst. Gen'l. Passenger Agent, Cincin
nati, Ohio. 2
We want every mother to know that
croup can be prevented. True croup
never appears without a warning. The
first symptom is hoarseness; then the
child appears to havo taKen a cold or a
cold may have accompanied the hoarse
ness from tho start. After that a pe
culiar rough cough is developed, which
is followed by the croup. The time to
act is when the child first becomes
hoarse; a fow doses of Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy will prevent the attack.
Even after a rough cough has appeared
tho disoaso may be prevented by using
this remedy as directed. It has never
been known to fail. 25 cent, 50 cent
and SI bottles for sale by C. E. Pollock
& Co. and Dr. Heintz, druggists. tf
"I have just recovered from a sec
ond attack of the grip this year," Bays
Mr. James O. Jones, publisher of the
Leader, Mexia, Texas. "In the latter
case I used Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy, and I think with considerable suc
cess, only being in bed a little over two
days, against ten days for the first at
tack. The second attack I am satisfied
would have lieen equally as bad as the
first but for the use of this remedy, as I
had to go to bed in about 6ix hours after
being 'struck' with it, while in the first
caso I was able to attend to business
about two days before getting 'down.' "
50 cent bottles for sale by C. E. Pollock
& Co. and Dr. Heintz, Druggists. tf
You never can be just quite certain
of the weather, even in Nebraska, which
has more fino days in the year than any
other state we know of. Philosophers
say that it is by the changes of things,
the varieties of surroundings and
emotions that human nature is devel
oped. Probably that is the reason we
havo so many great men and noble
women in Nebraska.
There is no danger from whooping
cough when Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy is freely given. It liquefies the
tough, tenacious mucus and aids in its
expectoration. It also lessens the se
verity and frequency of the paroxysms
of conghing, and insures a speedy re
cover'. There is not the least danger
in giving it to children or babies, as it
contains no injurious substance. 50 cent
bottles for sale by C. E. Pollock & Co.
and Dr. Heinz, Druggists. tf
The population of Columbus is
about 3,500, and we would say at least
one-half are troubled with some affec
tion of the throat and lungs, as those
complaints are, according to statistics,
more numerous than others. We would
advise all our readers not to neglect the
opportunity to call on their druggist1
and get a bottle of Kemp's Balsam for
the throat and lungs. Trial Bize free.
Large bottles, 50c and $1. Sold by all
druggists. 34-y
Rheumatism Cured in a Day. "Mys
tic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neuralgia
radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its action
upon the system is remarkable and mys
terious. It removes at once the cause
and the disease immediately disappears.
The first dose greatly benefits, 75 cents.
Sold by A. Heintz, druggist, Colum-1
bus, Neb. 14-y J
General Agent for the eale of
U&lom IMS aad Mldlaad Fhettc B, B. Ludi Cor le at from UJ to $10.00 par acre f at caal
wMSMartaaiwitia,iBaaaBalpymentatoMitparchawn. WhaTaloa large and chojoi
Erf atkw kadi, taprored ud uaUnproTed, for m1 at low price and oa reyonibla Urma. Akt
MMmmuianMn1' lata city. Wskaep a complete abstractor, title to all teal eatato it
Platte Couif.
Waol ! Mil
Presli i Zfeveeuts.
Gaae, Pailtry, ud Fresh Figfc.
VCaah paid for Hide. PalU, Tallow.
Olire Street, tw Dears Nertfc
English Spavin Liniment removes all
hard, soft or calloused lumps and blem
ishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs,
Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles,
gurains, Sore and Swollen Throat,
ughs, etc. Save 850 by use of one
battle. Warranted the most wonderful
Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by C.
B. Stillman. druggist. 26novlyr
When Baby wu atck, wo gare her Castoria.
AVhen she was a Child, alie cried for Castoria.
When she became Miia, she clung to Castoria.
When ahe had Children, aha gat e them Castoria.
If you are troubled with rheuma
tism or a lame back, bind on over the
seat of pain a piece of flannel dampened
with Chamberlain's Pain Balm. Yon
will be surprised at the prompt relief it
affords. 50 cent bottles for sale by C.
E. Pollock & Co. and Dr. Heintz, drug
gists, tf
Tuewlay afternoon, and are correct and reliable
at the time.
II Pel I i
Bholled Corn.
Ear Corn
Fat Hteore
J HfJUCrH m a
$2 00g:
7 tf7 50
$1 5012 50
$3 25&t 00
, $3 5C4 25
$2 75
Land OIKce at Grand Island. Neb.,
January 23d, ISftS. )
Notice is hereby fciven that tho following
nained settler has tiled notice of his intention to
nnlrr. nrnnf in SliniXirt Clf lllS Claim, and
that Haiti proof will be made before Uie clerk of
the district court at 'olumbus, Neb., on March
3d, 1893, viz: Isaac N. Garner, Timber Culture
Entry No. 72UtJ. for the N. W. H of section 4,
townohip ltt north, of ranice 2 west. .
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous faithful compliance with the lawfor
Hokln and Henry "- BgfJH.
25jan6t ISesister.
Notice in Attachment.
1. W. Henrichs will take notice that on tho
23d tlay of January, 1893, at 9 o'clock a. in., 11. J.
Hudson, a justice of the peace in and for Matte
county, Nebraska, issued mx order of attachment
for the sum of $29.R5 in an action pending be
fore him wherein M. K. Turner & Co. are plain
tiffs and P. V. Henrich is defendant, that the
property of defendant consisting of one safe,
one becretary, one letter press, one insurance
cabinet, one book shelf, seven chairs, ono small
heating stove, one desk und two paper cabinets,
lias been attached nniier said order. This cause
wiis continued until the 11th day of March, lSUJ,
nt o'clock a. in. M. K. Turner & ( o:
And all kinda of country produce taken in t ra
and allgoodsdelivered free of charge
toany part of the city .
Herman OehlrichlBro's.
Good Work, Fair Prices.
Columbus, Neb.
I. E. MLLMD t CO.,
Geier&l Prediee Cesmissioii Mer
ekails aid Shippers.
3449 Cottage Grove Avenue, Chicago, 111.
To all Shippers of Produce. Wanted: Batter,
Cheese, Egg, Potatoes, Apples, Onions, Beans,
Cabbage. Dried Frnita, Poultry, Game, Veal,
Lamb, Beef, Mutton, Pork, Furs and Hides,
Pelts. Tallow, Honey, Beeswax, Broom Com,
Ginseng Boot, Cider, Feathers, Vinegar, Flour,
Buckwheat, etc. Send for onr daily bulletin.
Pay cash or sell on commission. A 1 reference
fives, taov-flm.
ltatafl Dka to
All Kiids f Saisage a Specialty.
Hi htt market price paid for fat attla.BI
f the First National Baik.
Offer all kinds of
Field Seeds at VERY
Call and see them.
2 Mar Z mo.
aterpris!ar Tone Han t Trns k C. InitrneUd
and darted mo. I worked stMdily and made money fatter
than I eipectod to. I became able to bay an Uland and build
small summer bote!. If I don't enrrerdat that. I will go
to work again at tho boiioets In which I made my money.
True V Co.: Shall we attract and start yon. reader?
If we do. and If yun work Indnitrimwly. yoa will in due
time bo able io bay an island and build a hotel. If you wish
to. Money can bo earned at our new line of work, rap
Idly and honorably, by t!io?o of either ex, young or old,
and In their own localities wherever they lira. Any ono
can do tho work Kii y to learn. Wo furnish every thloj;. No
riak. You can ilevoteynnr spare moments, orall yonr Urn
to the work. This entirely neT lead bffufr wonderful sue.
ce to every worker. Beginners aro earning from SSS (o
S.'aO pr week and nriwards, and mora aftor a little expe
rience. ' csn furnish yon the employment wateaehyou
Fit KE. This is an are of marvelous things, and here is
another great. utul. wealth giving wonder. Great gain
will reward every industrious worker. Wherever yoa aro.
and whatever vn are doing, yun want to know about this
wonderful work at onro. Delay means much money lost to
you. No space to explain here, but if yon will writ to ns,
wo will make all plain to yon FREK. Addrats.
TUIIK ae CO.. Box . Angaaf, Maine.
(VITALLY WEAK). Made so by too close application to
buaii'taaor stndr: severe mental strata or srlef: SKXI'lL
KXl'KSSESIn middle lire.or vicious habits contracted in youtb.
WrJUr If EH icnSTO mcRToraDEBiLiTTer
liht AUtDi task of Tim, vigor.and strsn(tb.wlth sexual organs
Impaired and weakened prematurely In approaching eld age.
la niur thooMnd c&sci treated and coreJ In pan tvl t Tc&rc
1Swri,ir""w,",l","w"' ,a 1Prrf- aarria
g T B a a I we offer eight days trial ABSOLUTELY tiULK.
m ,iii mn, young or old, suffering from this
preralcol trouble abould send their address so we can furnlih
quratlons to be eciwered, that we may knew the tru condition
oftseh case and jrre medicine to effect a prompt euro.
Located In Xcir York (ctlrr 12 yrsrsat St. Loulj), we o3r
all a ctanee to be cured by the celebrated I'aaUUe Treatment.
i v.fcy yilVi-TBI.tfrrI pj.f-Kijnt.f-ltf-lg t4-WwTI1B
Drink Habit !
Also Tobacco, Morphine and
other Narcotic Habits.
fSPrivato treatment given if desired.
ScieRtilio Amricaa
Ageicy for
I iRHua,
For Information and free Handbook write to
Oldest bureau for ecnrlnc patents In America.
Krery patent taken ont by ns Is brought before
the pnbUo bra notice given free of charge In the
J-cientific Jiraerirau
L&reest circulation of any scientific paper In the
world. Splendidly Ulnatrated. No intelligent
man should be without it. Weekly, S3.e a
year; IL50 six months. Address MUHN & CO,
rtnsusHXBS. 881roadway, Mew York.
r ,-
WATKRT.Y, Iowa, Xov. 13, lfeftl,
(i. D. llruce Tudor, Efq..
Dear Sir: After wearing your jfl.iKoes throe
weekH 1 feel I cannot nay enonuli for thriii, nor
for your niecial method of hkillful fitting.
For th iut -ixhtc'n yearn I have been a con
stant sufferer from defective sisht (Compound
Myopic AbtiKmatism). Nothing I could vfl wa3
eatidfactory nntil jour xamniatiou whi-h I
noticed was strictly scientific, and inspired me
at once with continence in jour ability.
1 now have no trouble in readini; the finect
print by riiht or day; and to all thoso in need of
slasses I mor-t cheerfully recommend jou as a
Scientific Optician.
J. E. I'omkuov, M. l.t
Mr. Tudor will examine eyes at A. Heintz
Drag Store.
A new and Completo Treatment, consisting of
Suppositories, Ointment in Capsules, also in
Box and Pills; a Positive Cure for Eztei nal. In
ternal Blind or Bleeding Itching, Chronic, He
cent or Hereditary Piles, and many other diseases
and female weaknesses, it is always a great ben
efit to the general health. The first discovery of
a medical core rendering an operation with the
knife unnecessary hereafter. This llemedyhas
never been known to fail. SI per box. 6 for S5:
sent by mail. Why suffer from this terrible dis
ease when a written guarantee ia positively given
with S boxes, to refund the money if not cured.
Send stamp for free Sample. Guarantee issued
by A. HEINTZ, sole agent, Columbus, Neb.
At onco to handle the farmers' trade on Seeds
and Seed Potatoes of known merit. Our men
have privilege of selling oar warranted, well
known Nursery Stock also. Big wages to be
made this season. Apply quick, stating age.
L. L. MAY A CO.,
Nurserymen, Florists and Seedsmen, St. Paul,
Minn. (This house is responsible.)
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Caetorla.
4CSftt.. , , i w.J-fl
ggy fcuoe ff
Btbabiha Jh
Are the new
Hats and Caps,
Gents' - Furnishing - Goods,
This Establisliraent is now
And with full confidence of heing able to suit
every purchaser, a very cordial invitation is ex
tended to the public to give us a call.
A practical boot and shoe maker in the store,
to do all kind of work in his line
Staple ami Fancy Groceries,
Lamps, Glassware,
Queensware, Etc.,
As Can be Found in This Section of Nebraska.
BSguThc very highest market price paid in trade for
count Jy produce.'fea
What is
Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants
and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor
other Narcotic suhstancc. It is a harmless substitute
for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syruiw, and Castor Oil.
It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by
Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays
feverishuces. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd,
cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves
teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency.
Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach
and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas
toria is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend
"Caatorifti on excellent medicine for chil
dren. Mothers haTO repeatedly told me of iti
good affect upon their children."
Db. G. C. Oacooo,
Lowsll, Ikes.
Castoria Is the best remedy for children of
which I am acquainted. I hope the day U not
far distant when mother! will consider the real
interest of their children, and use C&storiA in
stead of the various quack nostrums which aro
destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium,
morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful
agent down their throats, thereby sending
them to premature graves."
Ds. J. F. Kiscnuoe,
Conway, Ark.
Tk Caatavr Company, T7 Murray Street, New York City.
dealers in
i ; 1 1 e 1 1 1 1 1 1 : 1 1 1 : 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ti
1 OPENED SEPT. 28. 1
" Castoria Is so well adapted to children that
I ivcouunend It as superior to any prescription
known to me."
IT. A. Archer, M. D.,
Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, K. Y.
" Our physicians in the children's depart
ment havo spoken highly of their experi
ence in their outside practice with Castoria,
and although wo only have among; our
medical supplies what is known as regular
products, yet we aro free to confess that tho
merits of Castoria has won us to look with
favor upon it."
United Hosrmi. and DisPExaiar,
Boston, Mass.
Arr.rrt C. Siirru, Pres.,
Wei : m
....-.- .