i . '!: fiVfii-'ifj -.. V. - .-r i - I . - K .. V s: ?- f It Was Uetaey Fntlelfaoti. : " Ex-Minister Daltat used lo tell the "following. aneoicle of Jerotna lkna "".parfe: U had been playing cards un - uPrtq. od.iostair bi8.ready money, then "pledged hi rings, and finally laid fii. watch on the table. It was a small -gold one, the back of which opened . .with a spring. A lady overlooking -the game, admired the rrateh arrd-took 'it up to examine. Op her atiemmtag to open the back, Jerome immediately cinsped it and said lb at must not be . done. Hia wife, who stood by. insisted -upon knowing what was in it, grev angry, reproached him with feavibg -come keepsake of a favorite there, and -- finally bursting into tears, quit the .room. Jerome then opened the watch ' -ana showed to all present that it con " tained a. beautiful miniature of his first ;"- -wife (Iictsey Patterson), with the re- 'tonrk: '-Ycu see, I hope, that I cou'U ' . eot with propriety, let her see it" It '" was notorious that he r-slnained deeply -. -attached lo his Gr-st wife long after ..- their separation. Argonaut. Vrom Homer to Viral!. . " Some time ago the London Times -contained an advertisement for an as- MEfsianr, vapablo of leaching the class . ics as far as Homer ana Virgil. "' ' .Among tho answers received was tho following: "Sir: With, reference to - tho advertisement which wps inserted tn - the Times newspaper a few days since, respecting a, school assistant, I ' -"beg to stale that 1 should bo happy to . tifl that situation, but as most of my friends resido in London, and not knowing how far Homer and Virgil - are from town, l beg to stato that I ' should not liko to engage to teach the classics farther than Hammersmith or Turnhata Green, or, nt tbo very ut- ?-most umanco. farther than l.rentford. " -Awaiting your reply, I am, sir, etc. "August J 9 JL A ewer - "One of my neighbors, Mr. John Gilbert, lias been sick for a long iinte. All thought lrimpastrccovery. " He was horribly emaciated fiOm the inaction cf his liver and kidnej-s. - It is difficult lo describe his appear and and the miserable state of his health at that time. Help from any source seemed impossible. lie tried your August Flower and the effect upon him was magical. It restored him lo perfect health to the great astonishment of is family and friends.' Johuyaibell, Holt.'Ont. THPNEVT MORNING ! FEEL SLIGHT AND I.'aV AND MY COMPLEXiCN IS SETTER. Tr doctor sav; It a-fajrntlr on the rtocin-h,llr?r Bti-rLIJuyjcncl t t jJensaut laxotUr. 1hi inr.U U made ltu- lietlx, and la prepare! for in r catr a left. It Is called L&ME'SMEDISIEl All drupcists sell It at Wc. and $1 a pr.cktQ. L? yi.u cannot not It. ncl Tonr cd.lro for n freo rnmiuc. I.uttr Fninllr Mo'scine movca lbs bon clu CMih tlni. Aditi'era ! OJtATO)tH,V.-OODWjntD.tEROT.N.X .-. BREA5T .-. "MOTHER'S FRIEND" 2&FS c.flcreil cliil:l-l)earinjj womaa. I lave been a imd-tvffo for nsanv year, tnil ia each caso vruero ".Mother's iVJcnd" kadoeenuscditbas accoaipiisheil winders and relieved much MJlTqrinp. It is the best reineelv for rlslnjr cf the-fcresst Lsuwa, and worth the price for that Uoce. MS, M. JI. IlKUSTER, Montgomery Alrt. Sent by express, charges prepaid, on rcrcipt if price, SIX!) per bottle. BRADFiELD REGULATOR CO., ioltr -.-.ill ruepkt;. Atlanta, (iA. Ely CATABBH l'rlrw .'0 Cents. Apply Itnlni Into cadi notrll. Et. V.nilOS-J 'VVar.cn fcL.X.Y- s Cream Balm 'WJLt. CCK3 VZi rrm X: 'ra:iis. Crjs. Set Cirrii. Crnr.'kgttrn. irii. iCRucai . mm V. ..m. tStA aiitr tav- tv, . ... f i v- pmW hm. rtea. lirr.ltt:t.53tcstJCi$LC5. 1" -332j wists. sotsi is: fr Csnstiab fat stirts. :: jSHILOH'S rk v& IF JLrO'S M w 'di Jf .-'14 Sfi uk 7 m m, Call, In snrill and sturdy warning: 'It is mo-r-jMDfi . J.a nio-r-a-ijs ri i Ci aw m m -Ssl m X . SfcilL'SS -J if Audi! I ?ortl Zh Chrihttaas cota- Vat once a ytar! So tbc iJCoi)le. all the people In the amstiaii -world, all hear, KiKcrald trees of precious splendor Will th" ir vcudrous Irult burrender. And tho jjift-kliii? w 111 appear. S; I Wherefore should I tell the 1jM story -r Of thr: heavenly child or glory T&lK of sorrow and rood chter! x- ou n.ic nearu n oiiu-u siwin" And by manv a treasure-token And the gladm-s th it commingled tv lien the iioiy -'ne wns .:iih-" the wanuer, crobs, and oier. rhris'tm js comes comes but onro a e-ir.' Willi itf.lce'eid of Hie st'cking. And thu prctex.ee tkatucktiOCK ln DilinDcic bold chanticleer i C j.. i umi --& t --. rr wi In nis matin, toua ana ciear; . 11 And the shadow-gate uniocKing, . 11 is cr Vio miifnl so mncklne. II ' Arched by hope and barred by fear . I J loveiy spirits in roues, ui ui .uwo y Leave tneir ureanis wnu ii llritnca . ha ti'adrtit.(tiitpn jrrfl1 T1!IT'- , u uicuaj-uaiuun'i -- And thetr cnecKS are iiko roses , wiion tiinlr fntrpT snarch discloses i Christmas presenU sweet and queer. Christmas comes but once a year! r But to some It does not come ,' ' Ever with remembrance dear. r Some are pocr and lono and weary, t. Sorely stricken and beart-dteary. jOnlv He pierced by Jho spear Till ku siao Decamo a iuuuwiu, On the brow of Calvary's moun- Fathoms discipline severe. ile can reau tne cnccucicu u""- in1 nt thi irrnnfr and richt unendlnir 5?.Sceming so to eyesight blear '-"Tia im snhinr of man's career. Hut ring-bells from every steeple; Toll iho linnnv. fAVoreil PC0D1C. Christmas gilds the dying year. w. -. s; A Hatarai Breitr. 0 of 9W Ho? J remarkable ceologl cl tubstaflcw ouoa n apy part of the world it a atone believed to fee pecui ar 6 titl&ti. were i occurl in many lo. calitiet. its peculiar prdpfrtf- bei that of a natural baroflieten curloui'v forteillS by c'nanpe of eoloT. the probable cbaracitfr of the weather id the near future. It is ktiown by the name of the eeamakuir, and ia said to turti black shortly before an approach in ntin. wrhtie in fine weather it is mottled with white, tbr a lonir time this intereavinff phenomenon" a8 mvstery, but an analysis of the atone shows it to be a fossil mised with etay and containing a portion of rock salt and nitre. This fact being known, tho explanation of the change waa easy; that is, tne sair, uauruiuB . moisture, turned black when the con ditions were favdrable for rain, while the dryness of the atmosphere woula as naturally brinj out the salt from tho interior of the Btone in white spots on the surface. CeBtralctry A year or two after otr late war Jefferson Davirjield a reception at the house of one of hfr Maryland -friende. Here he met many frienda' who not only BjfraDathized with fcim in his grief over the" fortunes of thj aoutb, but nd also a warm personal leelinff for him. Througll the kindness of Horace ftA-i mnd others he had just oef n . . - !.... Mnnrna whei' I .1 .i i .- - '. .......,, 1.. released JrOHl XUIMW vm.v, .-. cuicu uuuuu m mo jwr wo u9uiucu m 4&a i. .a ...erA en nntr end intensely, 'preparation. It can be obtained, without cost, be had suffered SO long" Ru. r." of all druggists and country- dealers, and is 'Amone those who flockea 0 see mm -inted In Knglish, German. French. Welsh, was one old man who had evidently a an. S' Holland. , Bohemian and jfcod deal more aeptn o: ieen- .-" newspaper waa uruoiiiusja w ,uuu6m. -r tbejA-11 vouraur, duuiisucu in x-uuuun When, after qaite a long atay. ne -- , was about to deDarfr for Home, inis om gentleman grasped Mr. Davis warmly by the hand and exclaimed, fervently. Good-bye. Mr, Davis! May yon live forever; and when you die, may yon die happy!'1 A BTwaia r th latitat Yean Clip the last thirty years or mors from the eantury. ana th,e aegent will represent the term oX the unbounded popularily ot Hostet ter's Stomach Bitters. The opetng ot the year 18BS wul be signaUzeil by fb apcrarancQ ot a fresh Almanao ot the Bitter. In which the uses, derivation and actios ot this worUMamoiis medicine will be lucidly set Xortk. Everybody should read IL The calendar and astronomical calculations to be found in thla brochure aro always astonishingly accurate, and the statis tics, illustrations, humor and other reading matter rich in interest and full ot profit. Tho Hostetter company ot Pittaborg, Pa., publish It themselves. They employ more than sixty hands in the mechanical work, and more than .aAhlar Liada ta ramaaiallaB. Kemp Balsam will atop 'the cough at once. CO to your .druggist to-day and get a sample bvttie tne. Lars Lotties 50 cents and $1.00. In many a. man the stomach displaces the heart. x , X AS m M "7 fafal ' i is i t i mmmwif ' W teH OMYCYiK v ' s n'H.i o iiCt Ik & -($? .S N .V vs.v : A fh'V n 'i(i fn ' (i c fJ' " r ffi) HE CHATEAU OF J 1'Iocrncuf was the terror of tne isreton V rcrplf. 'lha coiuiliy foll: rt'ctic the Jj:n of ll o ic ;s as ll cy jr-ftrd l.y tir.d im:i mined, 'jlc:t is 1i:c Acti.iscd cr.fc's cnstlc!"' About the walls that smicmidcd the grounds w as a brier hedge, which ro ere caicd to cross. t Tho servants passed each other bvlilcc shadows, afraid to speak above a whisper. No one dared to address the master. Only, tho young Count Robert found favor in the ej-es of the lord of the manor, the old Duke de Kerberzoff, his uncle. At the time when this story begins Robert was seated at the old man's feet. He was seated in the great ducal chair; his face was livid, his eyes gleaming and his countenance dis torted with fear. He was listening in tently; one would have said that he was the ghest of terror. Bebide him on a porphyry column burned a small golden lamp set with Ceres Consumption, Coughs, Croup, Sore Throat. Sold bv all Etaopsts oa a Guarantee. For a Lane Side, Back or Chest Shiloh'a Poroua Plaster will give great satis fectioa. aj cents. ABSOLUTELY FREE. A Thrilling Book lo Any Reader of This Paper. TELLS ALL ABOUT THE ISDIAS& i mmm&m us WKItE "Till I.OOS- LsilCfct 1'ubliratlon In Its Line Kntiiicd " Lire mid cenes Anion; lite Kicka poo Indiana' Contain Xcarly Two Hundred 1'asei eni Free to lCierj bodjv In order to mske the public Tamil ar w'th tiie habiu. manners, cu'toms anil bistcry of one of He o!dt trit.es of AneKcnn In Urns fstntt we Tiave publicd at jrwat espeute a lare eJi;i ju of r a work entitled "Life and Sc'De5 Anion? the Kickapoo Indians." All tholr pcullariiits, tra ditions, habits, in fac their whole lircnajcii' toras are tolJ in a tnaacerwUUh will inti'reslthc rra!cr and hold attont on to tiie end TJii boo'x also esplaim onr connection tii'i the triie. how It came about and w bit haii come of it. While this ditioa lntt we will fend a ccpT free to all who arpb enclosing lluee -cect atampa to pay cost of pof Ja e. Jf .you want it. seed now sad ruve dlf api-oiiit- Brat. 'IVewill guarantee to nil al! reqoests rec.ivcd i.v.!.. ..- mt nm imts followtna tbo aprear ' .r .iji- ,ivrtt,fincnl. but wa not te.rtMeH to do 0 lattr. It is lor j our intent iLerefore to tend ut once. Adiires 63 1 Grmnd Avenue, Xete'jtttten, Ccitn. STONKS OI THE FII.I. KXED." precious stones, ltchind. it stood a tall negro, who, as each minute passed, let fall a single drop of oil upon the flame. Close to o.d man's withered hand lay an axe, and the negro would have atoned with his life for a single forget fulness of his duty. The Duke was even paler than usual: hiu long, vi kite hair was matted upon his temples, and from his terror stricken eyes great tears rolled down into his silver beard. "My dear Lord, is your suffering worse?" asked Robert, gently. The Duke shuddered; he was still listening intently. It was Christmas night. "Xoel! Xoel!" sang the peatnts voices. OToel ! Xoel !' rang out the chimes. Then the old Duke rose up like a spectre. "Listen, Robert!" he said. "Listen!" The old man had not spoken for twentv vears. His semtlcliral voice echoed tltrongh the great hall and the ancient armor hanging on the walls gave forth a metallic sound. The young Count was petrified with friglit. "Twenty years ago I had a son; he was handsome, brave and generous. He loved a young peasant girl and wished to marry her, but I refused my consent 1 eoulunot countenance sucli an outrage. My son pleaded with me, but I was inflexible; m3' escutcheon would have been eternally-disgraced. I was wrong, my boy. I was wrong! Never give way to pride! It is a mortal sin!" -fc"obs choked the old linkers ut terance, but he continued: 'The maiden was bcautifnl and vir-luotu-. offered her money; she re fused it. Then I had iici carried off and imprisoned in the toer ot the caUe Several months passed; my son was faithful to his word, i to my pride. I decided to kill the maiden, so 1 sent word to her secretly to escape at the first opportunity. A silken ladder was given to her, and she was care fully instructed as to its use and how to fasten it to the window. She pre pared for flight. Then I arranged an infamous trap for her. Listen, Robert! listen! I had the stones of the window sill loosenod. so that it would give way beneath her weight, carrying the un fortunate girl with it as it fell, and she would be dashed to pieces upon the marble floor of the courtyard below. "It was Christmas! That night T tell aslccn in the fear of God. Then I was transported to an immensity of clouds. Innumerable arches followed each other hi never ending succession. Beneath titese arches small golden lamps were swinging gently lo and ft o, so numerous that it would have taken years to count them. Some burst Miridenlv- into flame, others were as suddenly extinguished. Some burned with a fierce light, others flickered for a long time before they died out com pletely. "Each one of these lamps was guard ed by an angel. All the new lamps were tended by fair white angels with faces of unspeakable beauty; by others stood black angels, ugly and evil looking, and those seemed to await with impatience the moment when the flame should be finally extin guished. " 'What is all this?' I asked my guide. " 'These lamps are the souls of men,' he replied. 'The ones which start sud denly into flame arc the souls of new born infants, and spotless angels -uard them. Here are the souls of those who have reached the time of life when they can thtnkfor them selves, and the Spirit of Evil and the Spirit c Good dispute their possession. Those lamps ivhieh are flickering and fading out are the souls of tho dying. See!' he cried, pointing out several flames which were on the point of ex tinction, 'see! at the supreme moment the soul almost, al.vays turns to the Spirit of Good!' "Then 1 asked him to show me my owulamp. . , . , " 'Come ' said the strange being who conducted me. "Leading me on through innumer able arches, we went on and on for a longtime. Then stoppiog suddenly. See!' he said. 'Behold thy wml!' I was petrified with terror. One single drop-of oil remained in my lamp, and over it -hovered an angel with coal black wings, who blew upon the flame to make it burn out more quickly. I was in mortal fear, and I was a cow ard; yes, I was a coward,"' said the Duke, trembling violently. "Listen, Robert, listen! Beside my lamn burned another with a steady and brilliant flame; a whitc-u inged angel watched over the golden vessel. The Spirit of Eil came and whispered in my ear." Th old Diik ceased. It seemed as if he heard the spirit's voice at that moment. His eyes were bloodshot, his hair stood on end with fright and his teeth chattered. He continued, in a hoarse voice: "The wlii te-winged angel looked at me sadly, but the black kept whisper ing in my ear. I saw nothing: I would see nothing. From the black angel's wing I plucked a feather, and dipping it into the brilliant lamp ltoo.c tne on out drop by drop and let it fall into my own. My flame became brilliant and red as blood; the other grew paler, bnt retained its starry brightness. Only one drop of oil remained; and the white.angel slretched'forth his wing to stop me, but another with wings gleaming like mother of pearl and bearing a golden sword came to us. Tot !. man do his will! God will judge him!' he said. Then I took the last drop of oi!. "Then I was afraid. 'Whose lamp is this?' I asked, pointing lo the flame which was. just on the point of going out And the voice replied, 'It is the soul of thy beloved son.' At that mo ment the flame went out. The white angel took the soul in its wings and flew away with a cry of grief, but the Spirit of Evil responded with aloud cry of triumph "I awoke frozen stiff with horror. Two corpses were stretched out upon the floor of my room 'crushed almost out of human shape My son, notified lv his betrothed, had wished . to pro tect her in her flight, and the dreadful trm which I had set for her had killed litem both. It was Christmas twenty vears ago!" The old man fell back in lLs chair, the tears streaming down his face. "Stop!" he said to the negro who was tending the precious lamp. "Feed the flame no more! I have made my confession, now I can die but can God find pardon for me?" At that moment the castle bell rang loudly and the chants of the church were heard. The doors of the great hall swung open. Through them was seen the chapel of the old manor blaz ing with lights, and the Child Jesus on His bed of straw seemed resplendent with glory and pardon. The old Duke fell on his knees before the Infant God. "Man!"' said the voice of the priest, KBVaaa?4i I ?093Kc' mBBBw trill Wm 1 Mir lm m WML I -" - - - "I WAS rETIilFIED WITH TCItROK." "Christ was born, suffered, died to re deem the sins of men. Thou hast binned, thou hast suffered, thou hast repented God pardons thee! May thy soul depart in peace!" Then the old man looked at the golden lamp and saw above it an angel with snow white wings, and he recog nized him as the guardian of the brilliant lamp. The angel smiled on him sweetly, and taking up the flicker ing light flew off toward heaven. The Duke Kerberzoff was dead. Christinas Girt for Men. If a man has a nook of his owninlns home, what men are apt to call their "den," the Christmas gift cannot be better than something which will enter into the practical spirit of that room. If he has used a writing table, or if his present desk has outgrown his papers, the most acceptable gift would be one of those roller-tor. desks of generous capacity which men so enjoy. Expensive, you say? Xotatallfor the lasting enjoyment derived from such an article. A most capacious oak desk, filled with pigeon holes, drawers and side-slides, can now be purchased for S30, and far better is ir tn snnnd a little more on a usefnl present than to waste a small amount upon something utterly useless to a man. Or, if the desk be there, or the purse will not permit, there is perhaps lacking a comfortable rug under the desk, or an easier chair. A revolv ing book-case, a dictionary holder, or a simple "double-storied" table stand, for books and papers, to be placed be side the desk, are luxuries which any man enjoys in his library. For the in side of the desk there are many little things which can be thought of tc brighten writing hours, and when they are to be had in silver they are far more acceptable, since silver brightens by its ornamentation, and is lasting as well in its usefulness. A silver pen tray or pen rack, a paper weight, a let ter onener, a paper cutter, a mucilage stand and brush, a letter or bill clip, an inkstand, a memorandum tablet, a penholder, a hand blotter, a match box or stamp box, a library ash re ceiver, an ink eraser, a pincushion or holder, an engagement tablet all these are little adjuncts ony one of which is appreciated by a man much at the desk in his home. In Dccoratlnr Church. In decorating a church for Christ mas, bear in mind that fine effects do not depend so much on the quantity of flowers as used on the manner in which the3 are arranged. A few flowers and plants in the hands of a person of ar-:,-; nctn ami ivith n. pood 'eve for j color-effects, will give excellent results, 1 while a great quantity of llowcrs ar ranged by persons deficient in these re spects will never give satisfaction. Good taste and judgment arc quite as J important as flowers. , lias and Bacs-ice. Bags for holding soiled lingerie are made of colored iinen and worked in flax threads or cotton, writes Eliza Craven. They may also be very sim oiy arranged by sewing together two towels which have effective borders and deep fringe. The tops of the tow els are turned over and a stitching farms a casing in. which a ribbon is tun to draw up the bag. A stitching must run across the lower part of the oa" just above tho ornamented border; thus th ban- is formed. Tho wora ) Lingerie" may be worked across in Russian stitch. A traveling case for a sea voyage is made of dark blue iinen bound with a red and white oraid. There aro six pockets, in which brush, comb, slippers, etc.. may be placed. One pocket lined with oiled silk is necessary for a sponge, and has a llao with a button. A border is left across tho top. on which the words Bon Voyage" are embroidered. A useful case for ordinary travel is made of blue iinen, bordered with white braid. The Fat-riiiatlns Hotiio Gown. Your gown may be the aimpleat of cashmere or the most magnificent of brocade and velvet, and all minglings of stuffs are permitted because the house gown is counted as unique in the wardrobe, and upon it is possible what would be called eccentricities in other toilets, writes Mrs. Mallon. The soft clinging Henrietta cloths, espe cially in black for black is very pop ular this vear. the suiting that has in it a mixture of silk and wooL siiir, satins or velveteen, not to mention real velvet (if one has the wealth ol Croesus) may be used. Frequently the hifm r tPfi-rrowns nave a aasn oi bume color on them, again they are ail black, or they are trimmed witn a coarse iace that may be either white or black. One can have the white lace put on at first, and when one tires of it the black can be assumed, producing the always refined and most fashionable all-black effect. When rou have ovcr-cxcrtcd yourself br rucnitii:, juuiDire;. or working, there is notnins that w .11 relieve the toreness ol vour joints and muscles so quickly and eflcitiznlly asSah-Hton OH, the greatest cure cu earth fir pain. 23 cts. A I! ii m m I it :r Hirst. A correspondent of the Field tells of a humraiag bird that made its nest on the leaf of a palm, growing iu his drawing-room in Trinidad, this being oossibio from thefacttbat the windows ure open all day. The drawing-room is frequently used, and a tall floor lamo. which is lighted at night, stands out a few feet from the nest where the little visitor sits undisturbed even while singing and pianoforte playing are going on. Three tiny eggs have oeen laid in the nest. The t olice-fcrce in all par:s of the crun- rv bear uni rm te timouy to tic great value of Dr. Hull's Couirh Syrup as a rem- edv for c u-.'h. col 1 and incipient consump- io'n. They all emphasize tae fact that no one should' be w Ihoat it. Ilo naintv Petticoat. A very pretty auk skirt is made of soft black silk. American silk, by tho way. with a pinked flounce of yellow, overlaid with a drapery of black lace, caught here and there with a rosette of black ribbon, writes Mrs. Mallon in the November Ladies' Home Journal. Women who like white petttcoate. and who realize the damazo done lace when it visits the launary. are auopt sn tho English fashion of trimming them with a frill of dotted muslin that is not hemmed, but has tiny points outtonholed about the lower edgo- WK WANT iOOI 315JX to repment us in c cry town in Nebra-ka and Western I.,wn. either asioc.il or traveling aecnts. To ouch we offer meat liberal contract-.. Address Bri Jfc Waon. General Aitents The Jlnnfcattaii Life lus. Co. of New York, Use lllde.Omiiha.Ncb. The smallest known qnailrupcd is the pigmy mouf e of Si eria. I,ane Jledlclne ?Iovea Hi Knw e V.tn-U l)ar. In order to be lienlthy this Is neceosarv. Cures constipation, headache, ktdnev and liver trouilcs and reeuiates the MoraaUi and bowels. I'tice Me and SI 00. at nd dialers. 'Ihe g.ftsto Yale uuri-ig the last ear have amounted to $. 000,000. Important to Fleshy People. We have noticed a page article in tho DaUjC lobe on red ncins weight nt a Tory smal r expens 16 will pay our render, to send 0-c-ent starap fora copy to Atlas Circulating Library. 11. state street, Chicago, III. l'ht cau i e more oiions than the union of young thoughts and ol I fee inaf DEsnitviNG Cosfiiiknc '.There U tio artiel whL-h so rLhir il -serves the entire (influence of the community aslJr.oNs liKovciiiAi. 'InociiE. Those sttlltring front Asthmatic and Bronchial Lii eise, Ciuchs and Colus. shou d try them, i'rke 3ciuts. Aaccr f trengthens th heart, hut Aveak ens the mind. Brammrll'ii Conch IJrops. Use Bnimnieirs Cclebrattd Couch Uro s. The genu ino have A. Id. It. on cacti drop bold tTerjithtre. A cornet mi-he d to carta w.H to: rise rjrain. FITS-AM nt stopped free l.y US. HUXETI CTUAT 58BTK ItESTOaia. No Ot alter nrst day's use. M -relou cures. Treatt and 2 WtriUhouIe tree to Kit caaes. Secdto,Dr. Kline, 331 Arch St., Philadelphia, fa. A Germantown man advertise, for ' eh rp boy to cut wood." Disease is i nnatural and is rut the proof tt at wc are abusing Nature, it i claimed that Garfield tea, a simple herb remedy, helps Nature to overcome this abutc. J!anv a man make a failure of life by trying to ct al- g with his l.in. Baker'a Cod Idrrr Oil. The best In the world. Cures consumption. JIates new blood and Ileh. SId by druggists. An electric pUnt grow? best n tl e dark. SssssssssS S Swift's Specific S SA Tested Remedy fat Fer All g Blood and Skii s Diseases s s s s s s s A reliable cure for Contagious & Blood Poiaoa. Inherited Scro- fula aad Skin Cancer. S Aa a toaic for delicate Women aad Children it has no equal. Being purely vegetable, ia harm leas ia its effects. w A treatise oa Blood and STclnDav ja eases Bulled rest oa application. UruagUt Sell It. O owiri srxuiriu ihi. Drntr 3, Atlcnta, Ca. SSSSSS3S ROYAL IS THE X Best Baking Powder The Official Government Reports: The United States Government, after elaborate tests, reports the Royal Baking Powder to be of. greater leavening strength than tiny other. v (Bul letin 13, Ag. Dep.yp. 599 J The Canadian Official Tests, recently made, show the Royal Baking Powder highest of all in leaven ing strength. (Bulletin o,p.i 6, Inland Rev. Dep.) In practical use, therefore, the Royal Baking Powder goes further, makes purer and more perfect food, than any other. . Government Chemists Certify: "The Royal Baking Powder is composed of pure and wholesome ingredients. It does not contain either alum or phos phates, or other injurious substances. "Edward G. Love, Ph.D." "The Royal Baking Powder is undoubtedly the purest and most reliable baking powder offered to the public. " Henry A. Mott, M. D., Ph. D." "The Royal Baking Powder is purest in quality and high est in strength of any baking powder of which I have knowledge. " Wm. McMurtrie, Ph. D." The Government Report shows all other baking Powders tested to contain alum, lime or sulphuric acid. ml ifirl If H'AV Y kS You Needn't Look immediately for the damage that dangerous washing compounds do. It's there, and it's going on all the time, but you won't see its effects, probably, for several months. It wouldn't do, you know, to have them too dangerous. The best way is to take no risk. You needn't worry about damage to vour clothes, if vou.keep to the original washing compound Pearline ; first made and fullv proved. What can you gain by using the imitations of it? Prize packages, cheaper prices, or whatever ... U. ...r1 Cr 4-1-inm irni1rJn,r nav VOll for one ruined garment. T Peddlers an J some unscrupulous grocers will tell vou. f-5tXT3 Te "this is as good as" or "the ame as Pearline.' IT S .jn ww sv puce PAn.iinr knnpr n!dled if vour zrrocer sends vou an imitation, be honest semi it bad: 34G JAM ES PYLE. New York. The Social Side of the Home Will be given special attention in a series of complete page articles in The Ladies' Home Journal for 1E93. These "papers are calculated to meet the needs of those who are in search of fresh suggestions for entertainments ia the home. Page features will be made of Musical Evenings in the Home Pretty Luncheons and Dainty Teas Out-Door Fetes for Summer New Ideas for Children's Parties Church Fairs and Church Sociables To Entertain an Evening Company for which twenty pens of the best authorities on home entertainment have been employed. Subscription Agents wanted Profitable Work Send for terms One Dollar a year 10c. a copy at the News-stands The Curtis Publishing Company, Philadelphia, Pa. NOW IS.THE TIME TO TRY SAMPLE PAIS 07 DRKENDAIUONESSCO.'S OWN MAKE SHOES They are warranted and mad by Skilled Workmen, of the beat Selected Stock. ' . ASK TOUB DLAI.EK FM goods . manufactured by us and take no others. It will pay you to investigate by a trial. KIRKENDALL, JONES J CO., OMAHA, NEBRASKA. Jay Gould After all Jay Gould died of consump tion. Tito doctors said he had neural--gia and Jay offered a million dollars . to any one who would cure him of his . trouble: It turned out that he did not have neuralgia at all, but simply con sumption. Don't you make his mis take. If you feel that your lungs are weak, or that you aro subject to coughs or colds, or that your throat be sore and tendor, get a bottle of Rcid's i German Cough and Kidney Cure and . take it freely. It contains no poison auvl it is tho only cough remedy on the mafket, that ministers to all of the excre tory organs. The small bottles, are tw vnty-five cents, large size fifty, I cents, every aruggisi uas u. St cvax Eejiedt Cotpay-, Peoria. Ills. liirJike ttie Dutch Process No Alkalies oir- Other CiMinicals aaaV sTJtt"iA. aaV fcW iA aaraa ii HAH a m& IK 4 3 r-t -j fan t "i. lis i r U-i Ka fc-u (Ui jrjf aro used In t& preparat.'oa of W. BiJiEB tfC0.S ireakfastdoNa ichirh U abatluteljj -nirn au2 SolPltle- j ithasmorethnnfiireTftbnes ! f te itrewjth ot Cocoa tnlxeft with Starch, .Arrowroot or lc... .-ml l frfmoro eco - 0"n" .-- - " - nomlcal. cost lnj less man "' "".J " " It Is delicious, nourishing", and tiSU-T DIOE3TKD. Sold If Grorera CTcrrnatr. W. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Maw WORN NIGHT AND DAY.: tun? with rate under alt rircunutoacc. ""reJ Adjustment. Comfort .ml Cure t.Patent.l iniproreroent. 1",,"i Sra;l cataloirus a!1 rtilen for eK-meaTHl-mnt srnt MKMireTr eaflSi. 0. V 1IOCS& MFO CO., T4 " tay, : Yr!c City. " ?aaSnrarS9'aw 8 fWEE A S T I OH JtLTRTsa Jo 4. Xu " FAT FOLKS Bffl8CD n MreracllM. No starTinc.no inwnTPaiK a. 1 I I i. 1 ...r.u... t .lrtv rilrlllrlMlltiaJw pmDtv Beo-l e- for riribp" nnrt jstlraonial. rti OW ?.S5TaxJflcvlclasrT2seotreIliax. Cat rfdr Lcsgo.. r vta $ion DR.MK NO CURE, NO PAY. Tfce kidinj SpecisIIit cf IE F. . 1C9 Sooth tlark St., Cklcaga.- MA Month "" Exitntir. rir.ar?? tr nPAi-ETHS.. J0-rl5RISaVfC0'- Samp!t$ Fi-mC aie laffcaal-JOH" lV.rtlORRIS, . 1 raall.JIV tV!llii.'lmi. D.C.. 'Successful lv Prosecutes Claims.. 1 3 yHlulaat war, 15atyudicatiugclalBu, attTalace. ataiSiaatforpliIno ITabit Cnrtd In 1Q li'lllaaitrtUlKln.y. Kopay till enrol. Ui IMIH DR. J.STEPHENS, Lebanon.Ohio.. HAT AND GrRAIN.(?oHa? aoliclted. J.D. BEST 4 CO., DaTr, Colo. asthma m&vsrsssz COLuSs BltOS. MEDICINE CO , 8tluta, Mo- Imported Fereheron and sklrv ' Itona, ISOO. 1. 2 nd yean tlma IwrorwS marea cheap. UtramC Wheeler. Odebolt.Sa4.rav lfnffllctedwlth ore evva. tua TktpsiH.'sEytWatir. llAHi'BUSIMSS HOUSES. URNITURE CARPETS CURTAINS. 0 k nDPUADn FURNHURE, OiHiUHUIIKIIUf Seint for la.t.U'.TKA. TEW CATALOG BE. 7 t i lynocvwHOiiaoiB I, i.Lmuoui Rublier Goods' t.n n.n :tr.t DlTCtT. OILKf) and LEATHEK CLOTHING. FELT LOOTS, OMAHA. NEB. Diseaseof Men snd Wo men. Coneulotlon fre. ij a-a tf- aal I a Writ.- for KHCK CHRCiNIl UOOK nnd Kt:tc. llSSlS'hSt. Omaha. PRIVATE NERVOUS THE COLLINS GDN C0.,G Am- munlt od. tfafclns Tackle. Bao B!l. Crwtuet. Lawn Tennia and Fanflr SDortlnif Good.'. Diitrlbutlmr Ajr nts for A. G. Spiald Ivg Jt Bro. 1S12 Douglaa St . Oaudia. w rite tor cata.'. II Mrs and Leather. Shce S.ore iupplw IOB AJJOXIJBJ "WIITE. UQUOH ft CXOAH CXX Wboteaale ad IteUtl Wlnra, Liquors ami Cltara, 1313 Fainara Sne, Omaha. Saad for Prleo Da. W.T.aEAatAlT Cmaha'a Lars eat Variety. L.C.HDNTIHGT08&SON WAGONS.CARRIABIS FVRRELLACO., fap!e Sairar and Sjrmpe. Jelltea. I'rti-rtti, Jama. Apple Bncer, Kte. Prop. Oraka Caa Vannfac'las. Co.,Cana aad Decorated Tinware. LUMBER. Wholeeale and RetalL nard wood Ianj; rtae oak fence lath, wblte clar poeta , tpJU oak Sedarpoile, pllla. llme.etc. C. B, Le-. taDof la. QTATIOMERY, OFFICE SUPPLIES. M UrtalL CJ.MOyEK. Tvew Vork Life Eut.dlrp. I OULD'S FAIR Start a Sarlnm account w.th Gr man JUTtiigs Bank. Omaha. in iuosi remw- " tltntlcn la Male. l,C09CC0 liability to deposllota.. 9 WELL MACHINERY. ITjstratcataloahgrtnffWell wpiir.,"j,w. and jetxtny iwuiium i y -trills, etc. bent xji. o been testca ana uiuui rw.o.. THE PECH MFC. CO. Sloax Cltx. Xowa. 64S.Caaal St. Chicaao. m OTHi (III aaHVBaB u I ii a ur no I ikl i r isawatAJ ft -I liHH1 I nAriti.R BrcMi-Uait 7.50. WATCHES m BICYCLES I5 I Alliiu Jcpr.ner tasa cl.e- whre. lfure ;n ba, ml .tacp fereaagae t The Pownt a uuumt w. 1 M SaU St llactaaal),0. EARLY RISERS 5? WtSTlJttle ft Karly JUaara. the Famous Utile PtUa f or CcnjtlpaUon.Slck Head tcae. DypeplaJ Naoaaa Jio Fata. Var j Small U-ICCSAYS SHE CARN0TSEE KQW nlrt TMBQIT FOB THE MONET. ' I HBajra a afii.03 Imptmt Oilvi blant fUiinif aVkM; pct Mfk.sc. nOK Hfc . MM.'.l.MI.1ll.l.TTtwrnTi.T-" mi fca aiMliriiw fat tn. 1 4ir. tl M IVttr.. ul 4J. u4 W"J oirosu aru.i'u. Drt. AS. caicito ul. For Sal"e or Leased T-ipUD KRTJIT AND GABDEN LANDS. I1 Ailillij. tear Denver. IwproTed. Watrr i Izht. Farm lintinintaa'ltiielc. I i"-year time. Till: 'AMERICAN TKCST CO.. A. C. FISK. Prc't. Uoetoo BIoct.DeBter. Colo. CAriTAI. CITYl MEt.rABr.E SAr.KSMIZN naitim mrtcij uuu.j. ifvA complete, i'luicforeaiaudor- nimpnlkl lrj. Hfti! t.ltfct. icrovro especially for prdlxle planters. Outat free. C. L. Vatrous, lien 3Iolne. Ja. TOISr r..- wkJ.nt. T(Y3 ami FANCY GOODS ten 1 to the GATE CITY B. T. CO.. llt ai-nani. Send for Catalogue. " 3Nr-5TIE33a, SANUPACTCREa Fine, High Grade Carriages, Buggies, Phaetons and Road Wagons. 14lh and Harney SU., Omaha, Xebraska. aa"Rercrence: Any bn:net man In Oiaha. "SOUTH " OMAHA HOUSES. WOOD BR0S.VHH Jl N. " ALTLU i V OI. Ksra. So. Omaha. Neb . hl ttgv. IB- Har.el n porta fcrilshed upon appilatloa. B nunocnicu iYERS BROS & CO.. LZto Stock Ccinmi.lon lnlinw.tiiwu3i aiw. .- - --,- iiiiosu- tfm.-iionden.eauJ yourtr-de soiuiieo. LAWRENCE, SWEEKEY ft HOP.H. E Coaamtot CoaraiT. South Omaha. Nebruka. .nie ATTtf: I lUN: Wanti- tiui:t.ilis.T( UIV'M ;,, . .1 A at t Eve a a orer .. . ..(. !..,. iiurilnlffiKlietli TirH SrWwS tsra i'"ia i sssssra d. ar iVuimmnllTca ar.i Deoola Z-,1 i-ili.ib.v.- uras lunrsor Aith- .. ... j ej. nouiii ujo t'uoscureior Cor.uaiptioa. it bas crcl thonamJ. it tss r.ot inlar- I . ...... ?...... k. . . r. Sll.ri.V. I..3 IIV. Uii'l Idl.tC. It lithe tes-corznj.yrt-:. Sol'i cvrrv-ntrt". .e. W. V. U.. Omaha." - '652-52 ' . i "a "I . a I. "V H