The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, December 28, 1892, Image 3

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yr 1
- .
V -Ha'vc -now got settled down to business
. " ' ' . . .in their elegant
New Building
..-;-; -And will be delighted to welcome all
'- : comers, who wish to provide them-
". "selves with .
Fair Flies.
' They have always acted upon the prin
ciple that the best business is that when
.yaho customer gladly comes again to
buv. The kind of
Boots Shoes
That this firm sell are- MADE FOR
Furnisiiing Goods
Fair dealing every time is tho remark
of en tho bovs who deal with
Plymouth : Rock
(Both thoroughbred.) ess, for hatching, for
Mile, at $1.50 for one petting of 15 egg.
JifOnlers from n distance promptly filled.
Columbus, Nebr.
I $ s i $ i
1 GANDI : AND : ITS ! 1
Received at Rasmusscn's yester- S
day, 2,000 lbs. of THE FINEST
GANDY ever brought to Colnm-
bus. Also 1,000 lbs. or nuts.
Special prices on largo lots.
E Call and seo it. as it comprises
z: something new in tho candy line. E
' wniiiiiiiimimiiiimi!iimiimimmiiuiH
Having purchased the largo etock of furni-
tare of John Gisin on Eleventh Street, I offer
everything on hands, fino Parlor Sets, Bed-room
.' -Sets,
Bureaus, Bedsteads, Sofas,
: v . Chairs,
,.' -and eerj thing belonging to tho furniture busi-
- Near Year's. Call eoon for bargains.
.- -.
:-- ' - .nuiiPi VI AIIH
SUURwnEiii i-Luun
Herman Oehlrich Bra's.
Columbus 9mmvxL
Leave t Columbus
" David City
" Seward
Arrives at Lincoln
8:35 a.m.
8S8 "
8:18 "
1022 "
1135 a.m.
355 "
4:40 p.m.
7-J0 "
10:40 "
The passenger leaves Lincoln at 6:40 p. m., and
rrives at Columbus 925 p. m; the freight leaves
Lincoln at 4;10 a. m., and aijives at Colambns at
3:20 p. m.
Atlantic Ex... 7:15 a. m Pacific Ex.... JP-
Chicago Er...l2SK p. m Denver Ex.... 120 p. m
Limited 4:05 p. m Limited...... Mfip. m
Col. Local.... 6:00 a. m Local Frt.... .:00 a. m
No. 3, Fast Mail, carries passengers for
through point. Going west at 850 p. m., ar
rives at Denver 7:40 a. m.
Passenger arrives from Sioux City. ----SO P. m
" leaves Columbus for Line n. 1:15 p. m
" arrivesfrom Lincoln .0p.m
leaves for Sionx City 5:10 p. m
Mixed leaves for Sioux City .S"1- m
Mixed arrives 10.-00p.rn
Passenger leaves
Mixed loaves
Passenger arrives
Mixed arrives
220 p. m
6:00 a. m
11:55 a, m
8:00 p. m
"tirAYl notices under this heading will be
charged at tho rate of $2 a year.
R LEB ANON LODGE No. 58, A. F. & A. M.
fttwRegular'meetings 2d Wednesday in each
XX month. All brethren invited to attend.
fr Gcs. B. SrEicE, W. H.
Gus. G. Becueb, Sec'y. 20jiily
tin f tw t n nr: v. Nn. 41. 1. 0. 0. F..
'&. meets Tuesday evenings of each
fc.....L- ..f timir hnll on Thirteenlu
''r' Btreet. Visiting brethren cordially
invited. a , H.B.Fauble,N.U.
W. It. Notestein. Sec'y. Siaan91-tf
Saints hold regular services every Huniiay
at 2 p. m., prayer meeting on Wednesday evening
at their chaiiel, corner of North street and Pacific
Avenue. All are cordially invited.
13julb9 Elder H. J. Hudson. President.
Sale bills printed at this office.
Come to The Joubnai. for job work.
Born, Dec. 12th, to Mrs. Ed. Woscott,
a son.
Nice, fino snow tho last days of last
Fred. Davis came back Monday
from Hastings.
District court is in session, Judge
Marshall presiding.
Dr. E. H. Nauman's dental parlors
in North block, 13th street. tf
The will of John Brock is to be
heard for probate Dec. 30th.
Dr. T. R. Clark, successor to Dr.
Schug, Olive st In office at nights.
Eye and Ear surgeon, Dr. E. T.
Allen, 309 Ramge block, Omaha, Neb.
Tho finest diamonds and watches in
the city, at A. J. Arnold's jewelry store.
The old board of supervisors will
hold their last meeting Tuesday, Jan.
3d, 1893.
The largest and best stock of canned
goods at Rasmussen's. Special prices by
the case. -
The dance given at the Opera House
Monday evening was a snecess in every
The bath rooms are completed, and
many are being cleansed at the Y. M.
C. A. rooms.
Trade at Arnold's and get chances on
tho valuable presonts to be given away,
January 1st, '93.
Will. Meagher went to Denver Fri
day, whero he has a position on the Rio
Grande railroad.
Bring your job work to Tiie Jour
xaii rooms for correctness, promptness
and fair, living prices.
A number of teachers from this lo
cality are attending the state teachers'
association in Lincoln.
Gates Bros, have taken Michael
Cassin as a partner in their meat busi
nessfirm Gates & Cassin.
Furniture, furniture, furniture of
all kinds. Call at Wagner's on Eleventh
street, John Gisin's old stand.
Rev. Todd of Holden, Kansas, will
preach in the Presbyterian church next
Sabbath, morning and evening.
The celebrated Qnick-Meal, and
Monarch gasoline stoves, the besi in the
market. For sale by JL Boettcher. 4tf
G. W. Phillips's father and mother
aro expected shortly to mako their home
permanently with their son here.
Rev. J. W. Scott of this place has
received a call to proach for the Baptists
at Schuyler on Sunday afternoons.
Frank Brindley, youngest son of
Widow Brindley, is reported very sick,
of diphtheria, at Rochester, New York.
When in need of an auctioneer, call
on Dave Smith. He will act for you
v.ith promptness, safety and dispatch, tf
Al. Patrick got word Monday that
his father had suddenly dropped dead
at Grand Island, presumably of heart
Let tho record of marriage licenses
this year from Judge Hensley's office
reach at least 140, it is pretty close to
that now.
The west of lot 2, block 117, will
be sold January 7th, '93, at 9 a. m., as
property of the estate of William Ryan,
Each dollar's worth of goods bought
at J. H. Galley's for cash, entitles you to
a ticket for silverware, etc. Everybody
gets something.
The ladies will keep open house New
Year's, Jan. 2, at Y.M.C. A. rooms, from
2 to 3 p. m. All young men of the city
are invited to call.
John Huber, auctioneer, will have
some more good, cheap horses for sale
next Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock, at
Wiggins's corner.
Tho coldest snap of the season, so
far, struck this region Sunday evening,
and it was solid enough to cut into
good-sized chunks.
Anna M. Kiesle. asks for letters of
administration on tho estate of Karl
Kiesle, dee'd, hearing of petition, Jan
uary 7, '93, 10 o'clock.
For every cash purchase of $1.50 at
Arnold's you get a chance on the valua
ble tea set and other presents to be given
away, January 1st, 'M. 5t
Dr. Elliott has gone to Vail, Iowa,
to assist in special services this week.
Next "week he expects to observe the
week of prayer in his own church.
Lost, last Thursday, between the
Court House and my residence, a bunch
of office keys. A liberal reward will be
paid for their return. G. W. Phillips.
Besides M. H. Barber, editor of the
Nance County Journal, D. A. Scoville of
Aurora are candidates for commandant
of-lhe Soldiers' home -at Grand Island.
Wanted, a situation, in the city by
an able-bodied young man, to do chores
morning and evening, for his board and
lodging while attending school. Address
F., care of Joubxax.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castorla.
Mrs. O. D. Butler entertains a num
ber of young ladies of the M. E. church
at her home this evening in the north
part of the city. . '
Phil. Sprecher was in the city Mon
day on his way home. Since he is re
leased from his editorial labors) he is en
joying himself circulating around among
his friends. '
Th nw Y. M. n. A- hall will be
opened Sunday, Jan. 1st, 93, at 3 p. m. ' Horst and Frank's brother George ac
nil men nf ttiainra innfl 8nnial I couiDanied the doctor and patient to
program. Annual address oy prominent
speaker from abroad.
A. B. Miller, one of the young men
for the last two years employed in the
First National Bank, left Thursday for
Caviar, la., to go into the implement
business with his father.
The "Pleasant Hour Mystery Club
was entertained by Mrs. D. C. Kavan
augh and Mrs. C. D. Evans at the home
of the latter Friday evening. A very
pleasant evening was passed.
What appeared to be trustworthy
reports from Osceola last Wednesday
were to the effect that they had had
seven deaths from diphtheria with thir
teen new cases reported. Silver Creek
The Fremont Tribune suggests that
Oliver Smith, who has been doing some
contract work here, go into the free-for-all
race for our postmasterehip. Ho
might run eomo of the younger boys a
lively race.
"Everybody's Friend" will be given
at the opera house next Saturday even
ing, by a local company of Grand Island,
for the benefit of St. Agnes Guild of this
city. It promises to be a very interest
ing comedy.
The supreme court of New York has
affirmed the right of a city to tax tele
graph poles erected in such city. We
haven't hoard that Columbus has any
intention of levying a tax upon the poles
erected in her streets.
Now is tho time to subscribe for
The JournaIj and the Lincoln State
Journal, semi-weekly, only $2 a year for
both, when paid in advance. Begin any
time, but before New Year's is an excel
lent time to subscribe.
Roy Rhone of the Kearney New Era
was in tho city Monday, visiting the
family of his brother-in-law, Frank
Farran. The Rhone Bros, are among
the most enterprising of their craft in
the state of Nebraska.
It seems that J. G. Compton haB got
into trouble again this time raising
$1,000 by forging a woman's name to a
real estate mortgage. A recent copy of
a Tacoma, Washington, paper contains
an account of his arrest.
Tho N. E. Sec. 12, T. 20, N., R. 3w,
will be offered for sale by the sheriff
January 30, '93, 1 p. m., to satisfy a claim
of $3062.23. On the 2d day of January,
by the same, lot 7, block 88, city of Co
lumbus, to satisfy $97.47.
Tho Telegram very sententially re
marks that "Post-offices were not men
tioned at the meeting of the democratic
editors in Lincoln." Oh, no, not at all
the important part of the letter is
often put into the postscript.
A. C. Pickett and family, accompan
ied by his father and family, started the
first of last week for Calfornia. They go
to their new home with the warmest
feelings of regard, and the strongest
wishes for their future welfare.
J. E. Nichols has purchased a corn
sheller with a capacity of 3,000 bushels a
day. J. E. is one of those men who be
lievos in keeping occupied, and ho will
do it with a corn-sheller in this country,
there is plenty of the golden grain.
Did you hear about that cyclone at
Herrick's furniture store on the 24th?
One man remarked he nover saw so
many goods go from one store in one
day. Moral: Herrick always has
modern goods, and his prices are right.
The latest and prettiest song now
being sung on the stage, is entitled The
Indian Summer Time. It is by the pop
ular author. Will L. Thompson, of East
Liverpool, Ohio. The price is 40 cents.
Send the author half price, and you will
receive a copy.
Arrangements are being made to
hold the next session of the State Press
Association at this place, but some of
those that have hitherto taken great
interest in the meetings are anxiously
inquiring for the program. What will
the harvest be?
Tho semi-weekly Lincoln Journal
and tha Columbus Journal, both, when
paid one year in advance, $2.00. Sub
scribe now, and get the benefit. The
Lincoln paper is issued on Tuesdays and
Fridays, and is almost as good as a daily
to the busy man.
L. C. McCarn, who has for some time
been a worker on the Telegram in differ
ent capacities, goes shortly to Grand
Island, having accepted a position on
the Times at that place. Mac has myriads
of friends here who will always be glad
to hear of his prosperity.
On tho 20th day of January? 7:30,
p. m., a special meeting of the city
council will be neld to make special
assessment fcr sidowalk on certain lots
in blocks 150, 120, 112, 54, 1C6 and 119 in
the original plat of Columbus, and 18,
31, in Stevens's addition.
Dr. McMillan, the physician at the
government Indian school at Genoa, was
in the city Monday, on his way home
from Lincoln, accompanied by his bride,
having been married Thursday last at
Fullerton to Miss Anna E. Williamson,
formerly matron at the school.
John Tannahill came down from
Genoa Monday and started to the Omaha
and Winnebago agencies for more pupils.
The Indian children at the Genoa school
had a wonderful time Christmas, having
five large trees loadened down, besides
clothes baskets and boxes filled with
If a passenger on Steve Overton's
train proves obstreperous Steve iB now
in shape to cut off all debates. He has
a brakeman named. Fred Mickelwait,
who weighs 315 pounds. All that is
necessary is to have Fred, set down on
the obnoxious passenger and call the
coroner. Madison Chronicle.
Mrs. W. T. Rickly was taken sudden
ly and seriously ill Monday while visiting
with the family of Charles Matthews. A
report was enrront for an hour on the
streets that the attack had resulted in
death. At this writing, Tuesday noon,
she is reported in her usual health.
E. M. Thomas of Butterfly, Stanton
county, was in the city on hiB way home
from South Omaha, where he had been
marketing a number of fat hogs. Mr.
Thomas is one of the Nebraska men who
stands up for the state right along, and
so the country is also standing by him,
in fine shape.
The George Lawrence farm of 200
acres five miles northwest of Schuyler,
was sold at sheriff's sale Tuesday being
bid off by John Pollard at $3375 which
with other incumbrances made it bring
about $5950. It is fine land and for one
who wants it as a farm is cheap at these
figures. Schuyler Sun.
One of our citizens who was down at
Lincoln the other day says that the Cap
itol city has struck another artesian
well at the" new sanitarium, a large
structure, just being erected near the
capitol. The'water of this is even more
strongly impregnated with salt than the
one at the government post office.
If the weather is at
all fit next Saturday af
ternoon, at 2 o'clock, at
Wiggins's corner, John
LUDer win nave some
good horses for sale.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castorla.
It is wonderful, when you come to
think of it, what can be done with the
human frame, to heal its hurts and cure
its infirmities. Of a man known to
many of our readers, the Madison
Chronicle says: "Frank Horst who has
been having so severe a time with a
gathering in his head, was taken to
Omaha last Friday by Dr. Long who
decided that an operation was necessary
before recovery could be effected, jure.
. -
Omaha, Mrs. John Horst and Fred also
went as far as Columbus. Frank was
taken to the Methodist hospital where
Dr. Giffort assisted by Dr. Long, per
formed the operation. A hole was
drilled through the skull back of the
ear and the pus allowed to escape. The
patient withstood the operation in good
shape, and he will undoubtedly recover,
which is gratifying to his many Madison
friends. Saturday the patient became
delirous and was thought to beworso,
and his brother John went down to
Omaha, but returned Tuesday, saying
that Frank was considerably better."
James Sandisland and J. A. Smith
of Boone county were in the city Thurs
day morning, on their way home from
the State Alliance meeting at Grand
Island. J. II. Powers was elected presi
dent; W. A. Poynter, vice president; J.
M. Thompson, secretary and treasurer,
and there were in attendance about one
hundred and eighty-three "delegates.
Among the important measures discuss
ed was that of insurance there being
now somo thirty-one fire and lightning
mutual companies in the stato of Nebras
ka, formed by her own citizens, about
one-fifth the number Iowa has. It is
likely that a mutual hail insurance will
be organized for tho entire state. One
other matter that came up for reference
to tho local alliances was the question of
tho government manufacturing all intox
icating liquors, selling them at actual
cost, and thus taking out of 'the business
all there is of money in it. The new
name for tho organization is "Farmers'
Alliance and Industrial Union."
Manual training must be made a
spocialty in schools. Nothing better
than the saying of William Penn can be
set down, for the communities of these
United States, as it was for his own
little province of the long-ago: "All
children within this provinco of the ago
of 12 years, will be taught some useful
trade or skill, to the end that none may
be idle, but the poor may work to live,
and the rich if they bocome poor, may
not want." The apprentice system has
gone out of vogue, apparently to stay
out, and something must take its place.
Children, choose the occupation you
wish to follow, and put yourselves under
the best teachers available to you. And
this in a few years must be the working
motto of every good school board in
this country. Wherever manual train
ing has been made a part of everyday
school work it has been a decided suc
cess in every way.
John Tannahill was in town Thurs
day from Genoa. He had been down
from Niobrara only a few days, where he
had been soliciting pupils for the gov
ernment Indian school at Genoa, and
starts the first of this week, to the Omaha
and Winnebago agencies, for the same
purpose. While at Niobrara he noticed
tho artesian well in operation at that
point running a grist mill. It is 660 feet
deep, going down most of the way
through soft, so-called chalk rock; cost
$3,500; has been in operation about a
year; has an eight-inch pipe with an
inch and a half nozzle; runs a wheel
four feet in diameter, sixty-horso power,
and, it is claimed, can run a hundred
horse power, and do it as steadily as a
clock, and that without a balance wheel.
One of tho most frightful accidents
that ever happened in Boone county
occurred last Friday night, at Mr. Jar
vis's house about two miles north of
Albion. A lamp had been left burning
on a stand when the children tipped it
over and in falling it was broken and the
oil ignited. Mrs. Jarvis attempted to
extinguish the fire by smothering it with
a pillow, arid while holding the pillow on
the fire the flames were communicated
to her clothing and in a short time she
was enveloped in flames. Before she
could be relieved she was so severely
burned that it was impossible to save
her life and 6he died in great agony
about one o'clock that night. She leaves
a husband and several small children.
Albion Argus.
In the last number of the Monroe
Looking Glass we find the following
"reference to an allusion:" "We being a
prohibitionist, and necessarily an out
sider, have lots of fun seeing the other
fellows work their little games more
fun than standing outside a circus on a
hot day. Now see them all jump on the
Monroe Crounse club, because all Co
lumbus can't wear the shoes of D. F. at
one time. Hurrah for Ben, anyway."
All which is like talking in riddles.
What has Henry Gerrard of tho Crounse
club been doing, getting an appoint
ment, and who is Ben, anyhow? Allen,
why don't yon talk with your usual
plainness, and not go about trying to
stir up curiosity?
Tho Christmas entertainments at the
several churches attracted unusually
large crowds. All parents and friends of
the little ones were anxious to see how
their children "got along." All but the
Episcopal Sunday schools (who observ
ed Monday eyening) had their trees on
Saturday evening. Tho trees were load
ed with candies, toys etc., which were
given to the little ones after the program
of speaking and singing were finished.
The Presbyterians had a little extra in
the way of a cantata. We would like to
give a full account of this, as our repor
ter promised we should have it. The
Journal- reporter was a noblo little fel
low seven years of age, Master Elliott,
and The Journal is proud of its rep
resentative. There are a great many forms gotten
up by newspaper men to attract atten
tion, some of them real cute, but of all
such, tho following specimen is about as
good as we have seen: "All persons
knowing themselves to be indebted to
this office are requested to call and set
tle. All those indebted to this office and
not knowing it aro requested to call and
find out. All those knowing themselves
to be indebted and not wishing to call
are requested to stay in one place long
enough for us to catch them. All those
not indebted are requested to call and
become indebted."
James Gadsden tells ns that the last
Canadian party from this county took
land as follows: O. Nelson 640 acres,
Joseph Bartunk 480 acres, C. L. V. Hill
480 acres, John Mcintosh 160 acres, John
H. Lawrence 320 acres, F. Dicky for him
self and others 980 acres, Charles J.
Wilcox 160 acres, R. D. McKee 640 acres,
W. P. Cornwell 160 acres, George McKee
160 acres, and he took 440 acres, addi
tional himself. Most of these men will
move up in tho spring and this county
will lose some more of its best people,
Schuyler QuilL
All we wild men, women and chil
dren have hard time enough keeping
warm these cold days, but just ihink of
those Umana Indians, camping out,
living in tepees with their little people!
No wonder one of the babies died Thurs
day night. The company that moved
from here to Genoa had eight children,
of 13 to 16 years of age, but when Super
intendent Backus desired to get them as
pupils for the Indian school, they had
the same argument as "white folks"
they had to have them to do work.
Every day is adding to our list of
subscribers, but there is yet plenty of
room for more. We give you now, The
Journal and the Lincoln Semi-weekly
Journal, both, one year, when paid in
advance, for $2.00. Subscription can
begin at any time. Now is the time to
subscribe. The Lincoln Journal is issued
Tuesdays and Fridays, and will give you
a mass of news that you cannot hope to
equal anywnere for the money. Bo
for 2.W.
Joseph Krause of Geona was in town
Miss Kittie Cowdery is visiting friends
in the city.
C. J. Garlow has returned home from
his trip south.
Miss Katie Hays of Platte Center was
in the city Monday.
Paul-Krause of Genoa visited his par
ents one day last week.
J. G. Reeder, esq., was at Schuyler last
week on legal business.
Miss Nellie Post was at Lincoln Wed
nesday on her weekly trip.
Miss Wylie left Tuesday for her home
in Chicago, to visit a few weeks.
Henry Sturgeon went to Rising today
to visit a few days with relatives.
Miss Anna Turner of Genoa was at
home Christmas with her parents.
Miss Fannio Garlow of David City
spent Christmas with relatives here.
Frank Batrd of St. Edward was in the
city Thursday on his way to Denver.
Mrs. Shoaf of Genoa passed through
the city Tuesday on her way to Lincoln.
James Frazier and Jo Wells returned
Thursday from the springs at Colfax,
Vincent Galley has returned home
from attendance on a business college at
Misses Ann Baker and Nellie North
are enjoying tho holidays with relatives
in Ohio.
Miss Stella Becher returned home to
Omaha Monday, after several weeks'
visit here.
A. M. and Dan. Jennings of .St. Ed
ward are at A. M's. home here to pass
tlie holidays.
Clarence and Miss Bessie Sheldon are
home from college in Illinois for their
holiday vacation.
Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Aden and son of
David City, spent Christmas with J. L.
Sturgeon's family.
Mrs. C. A. Speice and daughter Lottie
accompanied Milt and his family to their
home in Oklahoma.
D. C. Kavanaugh and daughter Eilene
are spending the holidays with Mr. K's.
mother in Milwaukee.
A. C. Pickett was delayed until Mon
day in getting started for his new home
at Riverside, California.
Mrs. Frank Becher returned home to
Omaha Monday after a visit of several
weeks with her son John.
Miss Sarah PerkinBon was among tho
visitors from Platte Center, who atten
ded tho ball Monday evening.
Mrs. G. L. McKelvey arrived in the
city Thursday for a visit to her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Matthews.
George Whaley came home Friday
from the State University at Lincoln to
enjoy the holidays with his relatives.
Mrs. Morton and daughter, Miss Ger
tie of Genoa, passed through the city
Monday on their way to Grand Island.
Will Anderson is homo from Denver
for a stay during the holidays. He looks,
in excellent health, and is . growing
Misses Phoebe and Grace Gerrard, and
Mr. Ernest Gerrard returned homo
Wednesday from the University at Lin
coln, for enjoyment of the holidays.
Misses Phonnie Cushing and Chattio
Rice, and Messrs. Scott, Rothleitner and
Lucky went to Lincoln yesterday to
attend the State Teachers' Association.
Miss Laura Leedom, a teacher in
Cedar Rapids,, is visiting her parents,
Rev. and Mrs. Leedom, this week. Sao
is accompanied by a friend from Albion.
The Misses Lynch living near Platte
Center, and Miss Van Nestrin of Leigh,
passed tbxongh tho city Wednesday to
their homes, from attending the State
Normal at Peru.
Miss M. Gallagher, one of our teachers
in the city schools last .year, now of
Cedar Rapids, was the guest of Miss
Chattie Rice over Sunday, on her way to
Lincoln to attend the state teachers'
C. T. Kennedy, a former Journal
typo, now one of the working force of
the Des Moines (la.) Register, and the
father of their "chapel," is a welcome
visitor at our "chapel," arriving here
yesterday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. E. G. MoClemont are the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Wilcox.
Mr. McClemont is the principal of the
Platte Center schools and was married
in Sioux City Saturday to Miss May
Thornton of Canada.
The Osceola Record says: Scarlet
fever has broken out once more. Mrs.
R. K. Baum's youngest daughter, and
also D. H. Kunkel's little girl have it.
Scarlet fever in addition to the diphthe
ria may keep tho little ones at home all
winter and interfere with school work
Pearl, tho 13 year old son of J.N.
Scott died Dec. 16th of diphtheria; also
Johnnie, the 3 year old son of L. L. Her,
Dec. 20th of the same disease Joseph
Curren and Ida S. Curren wore re-married
Dec. 19th. They will make their
future home in Lincoln. This is the
second time Mr. and Mrs. Curren have
taken this important step. After thoy
went to Oklahoma things didn't go as
smoothly as they might, and Mrs. C.
came back to Osceola soveral weeks ago
and Joe immediately went before a
county court and got a divorce and the
custody of the children awarded to him
and came up about a week ago to take
them back, but after talking matters over
they decided to try it again. We can
testify to the fact that Joe is one of the
best-hearted men in the world The
Record says that Martin Zuroski (whoso
death was mentioned in last week's
Journal), came home drunk and was
looking for something to annihilate.
Nothing better appearing he began on
the stove in which was a roaring fire.
He kicked it over and began kicking the
pieces around and soon had the house
on fire. His wife succeeded in getting
the feather bed out and left Martin to
fight it out with the stove. He was too
drunk to get out and his wife could do
nothing with him, and in a very short
time the house had gone up in smoke
and Martin with it. The house was a
small thatch roofed "shack." Its owner
spent too much time and money on his
carousals to get a better one. Nothing
was saved but the feather bed The
town board have passed an ordinance
prohibiting public meetings and provid
ing other means of precaution to prevent
the spread of scarlet fever and diphtheria.
"Everybody's Friend,"
A comedy in three acts, formerly played
by E. A. Sothern, will be given by the
Thalia Dramatic club of Grand Island,
for the benefit of St. Agnes Guild, at the
opera house, Saturday evening, Dec 31.
The cast will be as follows:
Flix Featherlr. "Everybody's Friend."
Mr. Ralph Piatt
Frank Icebrook, a bashful friend.....
....... ... jlr. Will 8. Kemp
Major Wellington DeBoots, of the Militia.. .
Mr. Charles W. Peanall
Trap- a servant Mr.T. Emmor McMeans
Mrs. Featherlr, a neglected wife .
..... ..... ..Miss Evaline Murphy
Mrs. Swansdown, a charming widow
Miss Margaret Howard
Mrs. ueuoots, an adept anjtier
Mrs. Hattie Augustine
Fannie, a maid Miss Grace Bell
Ticket will be 50 cents to all parts of
the house, and are now on sale at Pol
lock's drug store. Get your seats early.
Letter List.
List of letters remaining in the post
office at Columbus, Nebraska, for the
week ending Dec. 27. 1892:
Mr. Albert Schliem. Mr. Franz Origat.
Miss Hannah Murphy. Miss Mary B. Johnson.
. Mr. F. M. Audricks.
Parties calling for the above letters
will please say "advertised."
By a Splendid Local Coapaay of Artists
froH Graad Islaad. .
Next Saturday evening, December
31st, the Thalia Dramatic Club of Grand
Island will give "Everybody's Friend,"
at the opera house, this city.
The Independent of Grand Island
"Wasen't it good!"
"That was great, wasn't it?"
"How I did have to laugh at Do
"Every member of the club did well."
"It was all and more than one could
And as the people filed out of tho
opera house last night many; more sim
ilar remarks could be heard.
The rendition of "Everybody's Friend"
by the Thalia Dramatic Co. was certainly
a success and much praiso is due all tho
members of the club.
Mr. Charles W. Pearsall as Major Wel
lington De Boots, was "present, my
dear," played his part perfectly. Will.
Kemp had a difficult part and handled
it exceedingly well. Ralph Piatt as
Featherly, "everybody's friend," had a
fino make-up and performed his part
with ease. Emmor McMeans played
tho part of "Trap," a servant, and sang
several catchy songs, which were hearti
ly encored. Tho part of Mrs. Featherly,
the neglected wife, was portrayed by
Miss Evyline Murphy, who had occa
sion to sing "Only a Woman's Heart."
It was a pretty song and Miss Murphy
did it justice.
Mrs. Hattie B. Augustine performed
the role of Mrs. De Boots, an adept
angler for husbands and did it well.
Miss Margaret Howard and Miss Grecsu
Bell took the parts of Mrs. Swansdown,
a charming widow, and Fannie, a paid
very acceptably. . Vv
v"Foigo in tho Forest," a descriptive
piece by Michaels, was executed in a
very creditable manner and-was well re
ceived by tho audience. The wholo en
tertainment was one of the most pleas
ant that has ever been witnessed at tho
Tho proceeds of tho comedy are to be
devoted to a charitable purpose, and no
doubt the opera house will bo crowded.
Besides, our own Charles Pearsall is one
of the actors, and will be remembered
by many of our readers as among the
best who over helped entertain a Co
lumbus audience.
Winter has set in, in earnest.
Christmas was celebrated in fine style.
Churches and school houses wore points
of interest and enjoyment. About 200
presents were called out at tho German
M. E. church to mako tho recipient
Cards are out announcing the wedding
of Mr. Benjamin Engelhart and Miss
Hattie Horst, both of Polk county, and
well known in this vicinity. The wed
ding is to come off Dec. 28, '92.
John Fida of this neighborhood lost
two children by diphtheria. Dr. Wiley
of Columbus was tho attending physi
cian. The new township officials, supervisor,
treasurer and clerk, it is said, havo qual
ified, and will soon enter upon business.
May tho township of Butler prosper
under this new administration.
After an absence of over a year Miss
Emma Gerber returned home Christmas
eve; it was a general surprise in the
neighborhood. The fear was entertained
that Emma was lost. S.
All Good.
"Everybody's Friend" as rendered by
the Thalia Dramatic Club last Friday
night was cno of tho cleanest pieces of
work that wo have ever seen upon tho
boards of the Bartenbach. Fow profes
sionals who come this way do better
than did our young amateurs upon this
occasion, and when we say this we mean
it. for it is simply justice to those to
whom it is legitimately due. Cranky
and dyspeptic indeed would bo tho critic
who would indulge in a single criticism
upon the portrayal of any part as ren
dered upon that occasion. It was all
good and merited universal praise. The
receipts were satisfactory financially, and
many a little heart will be made light
and happy as the result of the efforts of
tho members of the Thalia club, each one
of whom will find a great big credit mark
in his or her behalf when it comes to tho
final reckoning. Grand Island Inde
pendent. Platte County Alliance.
The following officers havo been elect
ed: C. B. Campboll, president; Thomas
Mylet, vice president; William Schelp,
secretary; George W. Brown, treasurer;
Fred. Jewell, lecturer; J. M. Reunner,
assistant; Wm. F. Dodd, T. P. Mylet,
Henry Mahoney, executive committee;
J. J. Graves, doorkeeper; Adam Mark,
assistant; Henry McCabe, sergeant at
Resolutions were adopted urging tho
alliance members to use their influence
to strengthen the order.
Adjourned to meet Friday, March 3d.
C. L. s. c.
Colonel and Mrs. M. Whitmoyer will
open their elegant now homo to tho
Chautauqua circle on New Year's evo.
The following is the program:
Piano duett Mr. Vossand MNs Turner
Greeting Mr. Brindley
Recitation Miss Chattie Rico
Piano solo Mrs. HockenberKor
Paper Miss Spencer
Speech Mr. lanncr
Duett. vElise Bruggerand Lottie Hockenberger
Recitation M'sh Ida Martin
Reading Mr. Markell
Song M. K-and Miss Martha Turner.
Check Lost.
Dec. 2d, '92, a check for $15.00 payable
to bearer, on the Commercial bank, and
given by R. Koenig, was lost by tho un
dersigned owner. The public ie hereby
warned against negotiating for tho same.
3t J. H. Galley.
gasiness Moticcs.
Advertisements under this head five cents a
line each insertion .
WM.SCIIILTZ makes boots and shoes in the
best styles, and uses only the very best
stock that can bo procured in the market. 52-tf
J2rOnrqaotntionsof themarketeareobtained
Tuesday afternoon, and are correct and reliable
at the time.
Shelled Corn..
Ear Corn
Avy 0 .... .... ....
Fat hogs
Fat cows
52 5063 00
5 60g6 00
$3 25K4 00
3 2543 75
$2 006250
Fat steers
In the matter of the estate of Harry II. Morey,
OTICE is hereby given that in pursuance of
an order ol J. J. Bulb. van, iutl
nclirn of tha
district court of Platte county, made on the 15th
day of October, 1892. for the salo of tho real
estate hereinafter described, thore will to sold
at public vendue, for cash, the following de
scribed real estate, to wit: The undivided one
half interest in the southwest quarter (S. W. i)
and the undivided one-lialf interest in tho west
one-half of the southeast quarter (8. E. H) oec
tion twenty-one (21), township seventeen (17),
range 1 east in Platte county, Nebraska, subject
to a mortcajre of S3.525.00 on tho entire interest.
Sale will be held at the Morey resilience on tho
premises above described at tho hour of 1 o'clock
p. m. on the 7th day of January, 1893. Said sale
will remain open one hour.
Administrator of the estate of Harry M. Morey,
deceased. UdecSt
. .
Spicial SoHday O&ri&g.! ' Cpicial Ssliby Ofiriip!
Offer some Special Inducements in
Do not fail to
A Few Good Things in CLOAKS!
Children's Cloaks, ages 4 to 12 years. In above, we offer
a heavy Melton Beaver in tan colorwith cape trimmed in light
tan Angora, for the low price of $5.00, worth $7.50. Do not
fail to see this garment. '
32-inch long Naw Blue Beaver trimmed, in grey fur, a
showy garment, at $8.50, worth $12.00. ' - '
32-inch long black wool diagonal, hill, reverse ond loops
of Astraghan fur, silk-faced, at the low1 price of $12.00 each,
worth $15.00.
32-inch long Lady's Reefer, splendid quality of tan wool
Beaver, full shawl collar of wild-cat fur, half silk-lined, at
$15.00. worth $20.00. We also havo an elegant line of plain
cloth Reefers, from $5.00 and up.'
Silk brocaded Handkerchiefs at 10, 15, 25 and 50 cents.
Japanese embroidered silk Handkerchiefs at 25, 35,50 and
75 cents.
Gents' initial Japanese silk Handkorchiefs, any letter
you wish.
An elegant lino of chiffon Handkorchiefs.
Hem-stitched Handkerchiefs, colored border or plain
whito, at 5, 10, 15 to -25 cents.
Surah Silks, all colors, at 25 cents a yard.
Elegant quality Surah Silk, at 65 and 75 cents a yard.
Black Pou De Soi, 20-inch wido, the best wearing Silk
mado, at $1.00 a yard.
21-inch wide heavy gros grain Silk, at $1.25 a yard.
Elegant gros grain Silk, warranted to give perfect wear
and satisfaction, at $1.50 to $2.00 a yard.
Wo wish to call your attention to our elegant Stock of
Dress Goods, the largest west of Omaha.
A new invoice of Carpets and Rugs just received. Wo
havo a splendid lino of patterns and guarantee satisfaction.
Established 1S70.
jjol5l Seal Eststt
MONEY TO LOAN ON FARMS at lowest rates of interest, on short or long time, in amount
to suit applicants.
BONDED ABSTRACTERS OF TITLE to all real estate in Platte county.
Keprewnt THE LEADING INSURANCE COMPANIES ol the World. Our farm policies are
the mot liberal in ue. Lo-ps adjusted, and promptly iaid at this office.
Notary Public always in office.
Farm and city property for sale.
Make collections of foreiRn inheritances and sell steamship tickets to and from all part
of Europe. lans'91-tf
General Agents
Union Pacific and Midland Pacific R. R. Lands for sale at from $1.00 to $10.00 per acre foreaak
or on fire or tan years time, in annual payments to suit purchasers. We haTe also a large and chotoi
lot of other laada, improved and unimproved, for salo at low price and on reasonable terms. AIM
business and residence lota in tho city. We keep a complete abstract of title to all real estate ii
Platte County.
Wholesale and
One, Poultry, aid Fresh Fish. All Kinds ef Saissge Specialty.
L7-Caah paid for Hides, Pelts. Tallow. Highest market price paid for fat !. ss
Olive Street, twe Doors North ef the First Nati-J Baik
henry mm k CO.,
Staple and Fancy Groceries,
Lamps, Glassware,
Queensware, Etc.,
As Can lie Found in This Section of Nebraska.
S3TThe very highest market prico paid in trade for country produce,
the present, in the Gluck block, corner of Eleventh and North Streets,
M. E. BU.URD & CO.,
General Produce Commission Mer
chants and Shippers.
3149 Cottage fSrove Avenue, Chicago, 111.
t To au snippers oitrouuce. wanted: isntter,
j Cheese, Egg. Potatoes, Apples, Onions. Bean,
CablKige. Dried Fruits. Poultry, Game. Veal,
Annuls, ijctjl, iiiuiuiu, a ui&, mm ouu Jliue?,
Pelts. Tallow, Honey, Beeswax. Broom Com,
Ginseng Root, Cider, Feathers, Vinegar, Flour,
Buckwheat, etc. Send for our daily bulletin.
Pay cash or sell on commission. A l reference
1 gives. 9aoY-&a
look over our line.
. ,
m w m w
for the sale of
staUDealse ia
Thero is no danger from whooping
cough when Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy is freely given. It liquefies the
tough, tenacious mucus and aids in its
expectoration. It alBo lessens the se
verity and frequency of tho paroxysms
of coughing, and insures a speedy re
covery There is not the least danger
in giving it to children or babies, as it
contains no injurious substance. 50 cent
bottles for sale by C. E. Pollock & Co.
and Dr. Heinz, Druggists. tf