The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, December 21, 1892, Image 4

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Both be method and results whea
Bjrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant
and refreshing to the taste, and act
fently yet promptly on the Kidneya,
aver and Bowels, cleanses the sys
tem effectually, dispels colds, head
. aches and fevers and cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is tht
only remedy of its kind ever pro
duced, pleasing to the teste and ac
ceptable to the stomach, prompt in
its action and truly beneficial ta its
efiects, prepared only from the most
healthy and aprecable substances,
its many excellent qualities com
mend it to all and hare made it
the most popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50o
.and $1 bottle8by all leading drug
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not have it or. hand will pro
cure it promptly for any one who
wishes to try it Do not accept
any substitute.
uvmuiE, xr. mw rent. .r.
Judgk J. B. Hill, of the Superior
Court, Walker county, Georgia,
thiuks enough of German Syrup lo
send us voluntarily a strong letter
"endorsing it. When men of rank
and education thus use and recom
mend an article, what they say is
worth the attention of the public.
It is above suspicion. " I have used
your German Syrup," he says, "for
:ny Coughs and Colds on the Throat
and Lungs. I can recommend it fcr
them as a first-class medicine."
"Take no substitute. G
NEW ANU KIT uumrLCAiwn 10 o& i
MTdoetorsarsltacts gently on tho rtnmach,Urpr
nl" UJneys nnd Is a ilcar.t la.xatl-. Tills
drink I made from hprlw. and is prepared Tor uw
as casliy as tea. It Is calif d
All dnicelt sell It. at 50c and SI a package If
vou emnot cet It. nd Tiinr adrtrpM for 11 fwe
iaranlc l.anc Kiimily Mrdiclnc Kiosrcr
Ihel'oneU t mb d. Ail1iif
OTII 5 Hiiuesniii
of cod-liver oil presents a
perfect food palatable,
easy of assimilation, and
5111 "appetizer ; these are
everything to those who
are losing flesh and
strength. The combina
tion of pure cod-liver oil,
the greatest of all fat pro
ducing foods, with Hypo
phosphites, provides a re
markable agent for Quick
Flesh Building in all ail
ments that are associated
with loss of flesh.
Trepan hy 5ett S Bnwne. Chemists.
Ivoit lorJk.l.u. 1 O) :i aracsu.s.
Carat CoBfttimpU on, ConRhs, Cronp, Soro
Throat. Sold by all Drreeits on a Gusrantee.
For a Lame Side, Back or Chest Shiloh'sPorouj
Flatter trill gire great satisfaction. 25 cents.
The African KolaPlMt.
discovered in Conco. West
Africa. is Nature's bure
lure s
urc for Astbmtt-
Cara Uuaraalcea or so
I'jty. Ejport Ofllce. 1164 llroadway. .( orK.
FKEK br Mmil. address
0ETIKO CO St., ClncUaatJ Oil
Morphine TTablt. Cured In lO
toSOdav. No par till cured.
OR. J.STtPHENS, Lebanon.Ohio.
Send for lLLVvrit.l- CURTAINS
Jill ltamer Street. IiUCE. OILED aiJ :
flS'l AlB-
Tae'-le. Ease B1L Croquet, Lawn Tennli ami Fancy
FporUns Good-C DUtribuUnfr AenU tor A O. Spiuld
lig&lsro. I3i: Douclas St , Omaha. rite for ruta.'g.
Hldrs and
Leaibcr. Sh-e
S orevuppllet
Wbolcsal aad IUtaU Wins;, Liquors an J Clean,
i MIS Farnaa StrMt, Omaha. Sasd for Price Lilt.
0.O00 Different Stotes. 11'" I'ouilaa. Ouiahx
Cxoaba'a Xar
ct Variety.
TInnELLCO., Maple Bngtr and BjTop.. Jelllea.
H rrerrfa, J ana. Apple Bt:er, Etc Prop. Omaka
X Can Vaaafac'lnc. Ce.,Caca and Decorated Tinware.
LUMBER, TVnotaeale and Retail. Hardwood lumber
piae A oat fence lata, white cedar posta. fplit oak
cedar peas aiUas, Bme.etc a R-Lee, ttaiDoeai.f
WAS. WALTER K.WOOD. Ugn. So. Omaha, Neb., i li
ras. IU- Ibraet reporti fcruUfced upon applitlon
BVEHS BROS A CO., Ut Stock Cemmlsslon
i cr. tanu. Union fetoct Sard. Fornix Omaha an I
liicaco. C'o3Tpondeo( and yocr trade tolldted.
Oaaka, siarniw
S Hi 2rKaV i?Sw4 .y
i tiSaM,
Pli CURE, m
TUe Idr Wat Confined Bat the Oea-
ii.t wn.n't SarorUeil.
i'l. ...... woo fn frrtm cnmnnMU
when sho entered the oculists of-
fee. During tho ten minutes she had ,
to wait she
Eventually her turn came, says tne .
Detroit Tribune
OIi doctor." she exclaimed, with
nn effort to bo calm, -my oyes j
mnking me miserable.
The man of science bowed. .
iUU "uuiau ..u. .-. ..- - .,-
..How An thmp. lines look to vour'
ho aslrcd.
Ho pointed to n chart on
the walL
Er ah m weir
The woman was obviously scared.
-they seem all right er that
The oculist was surprised.
Don't they look a little blurred?"
ho inquired.
The woman seemed to experience
relief at once.
Yes. yes." she hurriedly declared,
"they're awfully blurred, come to no
lice closely."
Tho doctor wrote a few words on a
piece of paper.
Which aro moro blurred ths ver
tical or horizontal lines?" he quietly
-The ah er well they aro
about alike."
Shn was erottinsr pretty red In the
jjfuce. manifestly by reason of inward
Tho otmist-knitWbrows in por-
picxifyW -$ssSr ' -
"thcvcrtlcal lines appear more
Why. to bo sure! Of course they
do. Yes. much more distinct."
Her voico was trembling uoticeably.
What is tho character of this
indist.uctnoss?'' I
It was the final straw. Over- .
wrought nature succumbed. I
Oil. doctor, doctor, don't ask" i
She roso from her scat in confusion
. --mo. I'll confess. 1 must con
fess. Thcro" nothing the matter (
with my eyes. Nothing at alL
Hut," " J
Tho sudden solemnity in her faco i
betokened n deep and poignant re
gret I
! would so lore to have one of
thosa beautiful shell-handled lorg- I
iieUes!" " ;
Tho oculist wa, not one of tho
stern sort of men. and ventured no '
Killing the OiillniVH.
Word has been brought to Buffalo.
Wyo.t of the assassination of two more
outlaws. The dead cattle and horse
thieves are tne notorious Mike Brown
and George iianKS a fugitive from
Montana. Boih men were shot in the
back. They were found dead at a camp
lire on Box Kid or Creek, near the hot
springs of Fremont connty. Fourout
laws have been killed in that vicinity
in the same way within two weeks.
Brown was one of the most notorious
cattle thieves in Wyoming.
Aro You SqulrmlnR?
And In Jt pain thai cashes you to squlnn'
UlicumaUsm will make auy one wince. Coun
teract it, as you can icadily do, at the outset
xnth Hosteller's Stomach Hitters, which ex
Iels ihe iliei malic irus from the blood and
promptly relieves the tortures that it produce-
Thy ciidcuce in its behalf on thN
point is ample and conclusive, and embraces
ihe deliberate sairinjttioas or many medical
practitioner. Liko all standard preparation,
tho Ililter&dcscrvc- a persistent trial, which
if it rt-celvrs, the happiest and most thorough
result mav be conlidently anticipated. For
malarial, kidney and liver complaints, neu
ralKia, acr. ousi.c?-. indigestion and los" of
tieili and appetite it i- a world-fumous rein
id. roiiXMl-.-scetuo after dehilitatimj a'l
uieut.s. is n.'ich facilitated by it
I houlil li i si a Tlifical ltitriim-iit
The cierK of a country church was
once much exercised at the appearance
of a strange old gentleman, who, when
the sermon was about to begin, took a
trumpet (in two parts) out of his
pocket and began screwing them to
gether. The clerk xvatched him till
me nroccss was completed, and then,
coin'g stealthily up. whispered:
Yeow niarn't play that here: da I'll
turn vo" out.'
Tho dlsafrreeablo operation of forcing
iiquhls luto the head, and Ihe use of cxelting
nua- arc bciu-: f aperedeil by Ely's Cream
Balm, a cure for Catairh and colds in the head.
I have been a great sufferer from catarrh
for tin ears; could hardly breathe. SMiie
niiihts I "coulil not S'leep. l" inrchased Eh's
C ream Kalm and m u?ing it freely, it is work
ing a cure ttirelv. 1 have advised several
riends to u-e it." and with happy results in
iverv ca-e. It i the molieine above all others
for ratal rh, an.' it i worth its weight In gold.
I thank Ood 1 Ime found a remedy I can Use
with eafitv and that Km- all that Is claimed
for it. ll."W. Sperry, Hartford, Conn.
Apply Halm into each no-triL It is Quickly
Absorbed. Gives Itellof at once, Trice
50 cents at f)ruggits or by mail.
?.LY BROTHERS, to AVarren St, New York.
fcoiutt me a very i-uiiwaim. .m. .....
5...1- il,.., l. ., hin.ilf
.- - . ..... ! ncltlA tnl'A!
I.ane l?dlcill .Move tll IlowM
Kuril U.fs. In order to be healthy thie i
uee!irv. Cures constipation, headache, kirtney
aml liver trouble ami regulates the stomach
and boivd-.. Tri-'e 50c and $1 00. atall dealers.
Aa cat my ean le killed quicker with love
ihaa uith a bullet.
Ciean'ines, exercise, anil tiiet ire the
cardinal irtues of good i ealth. Take care
of the first two, autl if you ki.ow how and
what t est, you need "never be ill. It is
cla.ined Ihat'GarfieM Tea, a simple remc
di, ovcrccnics the results of wrong liviDg.
T)ecl.y poiso S arcsoinet mes ery sweet.
A- a clcak relig oa cannot keep anjbooy
Ihe s ntcrs
hanlist to hi'.
on the frcnt seats are the
Tae lest nreaca n is not
the finest charches.
aitvavs done in
No besrear eter counts ou nceiving much
help frJm the
Nobody e'.se looks, j us -right to tLe mau
who wears spec.
Th-re are raid to be fewer suicides among
ml ers thn among any other claji if vrork-
conies, no matter bow
dark the clouds are, when
tho tvoman 'who is borne
down by -woman's troubles
turns to Dr. Pierce's Fav
orite Prescription. If her
life is niado cloomy by the
chronic -weaknesses, deh"
cato derangements, and
painful disorders that af
flict her sex, they are com
pletely cured. If shea
overworked, nervous, or
"run-down," she has new
life and strength.
"Favorite Prescription"
is a powerful, invigorating
tonic and a sootmngaud
strengthening nervine,
unrelv vegetable, perfectly
harmless. It regulates and promotes all the
roper functions of womanhood, improves
igestion, enriches the blood, dispels aches
and pains, brings refreshing sleep, and re
storeshealth and vigor. For every "female
complaint" and disturbance, it is the only
remedy so sure and unfailing! that it can be
If it doesnt benefit or cum, you buTe your
money back.
Tit Iidia? SpKialist f the C S.
arcauaHco . .
Soatk Clark St., Chicago.
Garfield Tea
Cures Constipation, Keaorca Completion, sTie DoctorK
Cures Sick Headache
Ptao'a Ileatdr for Catarrh is Uw
Best. Easiest to Cm. and Cbeaeeat.
-SoM by tfruEit9 or seni by mall.
We chanced to meet.
Upoa the busy street-
A sudden oj. ,& lno tale complete,
And dcJm5
But gl.-ams
O'er the dark waters of a nameless dread.
lhronjrJ(l m ,rt
Them swiftly swept apirt,
One glance
Along.'i'lo.)!: had in d j a f i hless he ut
lutjr Oi.-c.iii.
AUNT ANNIKY'S TEETII.'hiToiiu-r:-'! i, o.,".i o
Aunt Anuiky was an African dame
fitly years old. and of an imposing ap
pearance As a wa femaker she
possessed a gift beyond the common,
but her unappr achablc talent lay in
tho province of nursinjr. She seemed
born for the benefit of sick people,
bho should havo been paiulci with
the apple of healing in her hnud. lor
the rest, sue was a funuy. iiliter to
old darkey, vain, titrable, aud neat ai
:i pink.
On one occrsinn my mother h d a
dangerous illness. A ut Anuiky
uuised her mrougii iu giving ncrseii
I no roit night nor day until her patient
' had come "back to de w Iks an" ways
ob'iifa" as she expressed tho dear
mother's recovery. My fathe-; over
jNnilJtnu grateful felt tnat wo owoi
'itf'rJsHtlt (juite as much to Aunt An-
I'lnkistjMiuiSfamily doctor, so he an
lmunSihSihtent;.on of huik'uher
a handsoirc present and. like Mng
i . -j
1 If crod. left her free to ctiooso what n
. SllOUlU UJ.
! .l'..:i 1.....' fl..i.l.w ' c.iirl olir
II Ull, Jini V JKU lk.4 sum Jtiti
(she had been ono of our old servants
and always called my father Mars
Charles). -lo tell you de livin Irufe.
my soul an' body is a yearniu fur a
bau'sum chany set o' teef."'
A set of teeth.-'" cvird father, sur
prised enough; and have you none
left of your own?''
-1 has gummed it fur a nood many
yo'rs." said Aunt Ann ky. with a high;
hut not wishin tcr bo ungrateful lor
mv obiiirulioiis. 1 o.vti- tcr bavin' live
. nateral teef. Hut dey is po' sogers:
uey s'f.irks battle. Ono of dem's got
a little somethin' in it as lively as a
speared worm, an' 1 tell you when
! anything teches it. hot or cold, it jest
maices me dance! An' anudder is in
'my lop jaw. an' 'ain't gol no match
fur it in do bottom ono-, "an" one is
i broko off nearly lo de root; an' de las'
' two is so yaller dat l's ashamed ler
show 'em in company, an" so 1 lif s
my Uirkoy-ta.l to my motif every t me
1 laughs or speaks."
Wei!." said my father I'm going
to tho village to-morrow. Anuiky. in
the spring wagon. I will take you
with me and wo will see what the
dentist can do '"
Bless yo' heart. Mara' Charles "
said the deiighteJ Anniky '-you re
jeat as good as yo blood an' yo1 name.
an mo l cousun i say.
The morrow came, and with it Aunt
' Anniky. gorgeous! y arrayed in a (lam
ing red calico, a bandanna handker
chief, and a string of carved yellow
beads thai glistened in ner bosom liko
fresh buttercups on a hillslopc.
Dr. Uitbb was the dentist and the
odd lish of our village. He beams in
my memory as a big. round man. with
hair and smiles all over his fu'e. who
talked incessantly, and said things to
make your blood run cold.
Ho motioned Aunt Anuiky to the
eh a r. into which sho dropped in a
limp sort of way. recovering herself
immediately, however, aud sitting
bolt-upright in a rigid attitude of de
fiance. Some moments of persuasion
were necessary before she could be
induced to lean bock and allow i r.
llabb's lingers on her noo while sho
breathed the laughing gasJ but once
settled, the expression laded from her
countenance almost as quickly ai a
magic lantern picture vauishes. and
in an incredibly short space of time
her live teeth were out As she came
to herself. I am sorry to say. she was
' rather silly, and quite mortified me
by winking at I)r Babb in thy most
confidential manner and repeating
over aud over again. "Honey, yer
aint liari a sm irt as yer think: yer
After a fo-.v weeks of sore gums
Aunt Anniky appeared raliant with
her new teeth. Tho efleet was cer
ta it I v funnv. In the fli t place
blackness itself was nut so black as
Aunt Anuiky. Sho looked its ir she
ha.l been d:p:.edt in ink and polished
' off with lampblack. Her very eyes
showed b t the faintest rim of white.
j but thoe tecih were white enough to
, make un lor e cry tiling.
Mio had so
them herself, and '.lu lillte
l , i;,,i..n -
' IMllCUtOlW
milk-wnitc tilings wore
more titled for the mouth o! a Titanf:
than for the great ravcrn in
which Aunt Anniky tongue moved
and had a heghin'ug. The gums
alio c them were b'.aek and when
she spread her mouth in a laugh
it always reminded me of a p'ano 1 il
, opening suddenly ar.a snowing au inc
black aud white ivories at a g.ance.
1 rncle Xed was au old co'ored man
l wt o lived alone in a cabin not very i
far from Aunt Anniky s but very dif- '
forcnt from iior's in point of cleanli- j
ncs and order. In fact. nclc Xcds
wealth, aptirt from a little com crop
cinisieu mj a ioi oi nu iuuuj; 3
that rau in and out of the house al ail
tiniA. nrid were treated hv their
j "? r . w a . .. . . . .. .. . .
owner as tenderly as if they had oeen
his children. One One day tho old
man fell sick of a fever, and he sent
in havo for Aunt Anniky to come
and nuivse hira. He a:r ced to give
her a pig in case she brought him
through; should she fail to do so. she
was lo receive no pay i'nclo Ned
ol well, and the next thin? wc heard
was that he refused to pay fm pisr
My father was usually called on to
settle all tho disputes n the ue'gh
borhood; so ono morniug Anniky and
Ned appeared before him. both look
ing very ind gnnnt.
' I'd jes liko ter toll yer Mors'
Charles" began Lnclc Scl. miv de
trick dis miser bio ole nigger played
on ma"
;o on. Xed." sa'd mv father witn
a rcsiirned air.
Well, it war de tiff night o do
fever." said Uncle Ned. -r I wuz
a tosjin' an' suinoaniii1. an old Anniky
c- lay back in her cheer ah'.snored
as ef a dozen frog- wu. in her lhw)al.
I wu: a-iierishin an' a-hurnin' wid
th jv-inn' I hoilcivd to Anniky hat
lor' 1 tn'irhl a welt a' UoJlere 1 ton
....nN .... . It tvtt't w... 1 t;inlrri nn
I knowed da:- wu a glass aomewhtir
,- .w- wi.l .'r.,.l-p.i i,o in it-
UIUU51UII'. -"- -- ". .
l ,. Inr' ho-.c iirv 1 wu-! 1 nelier
IottciI fur whiskv in mv boru days
cz I panted fur dat ice- lt wu:
powerful dark fur de grease wu s low
in do lamp, an de wid:
'" - -
vid advin' llame. Uut I felt aroun
lit aroun
feeble Kite n-.i slow ti'l my lincfs
toiicheJ a giass I pulled :t to me
tin' I run my ban iu an graboed de
Ice. a? I s posed an'-fuug it in my
ini'iif. an crunched an crunched
Here there waaan awful p iuc ln
cle Xed pointed hN thumb at Anniky.
looked wildly tit my father, and -:ihi
in a hollow voico ll" wui Anuiki"
teet '
My father threw l ac"v h.s'he.ui :tnd
hushed Hi I Iriu neve. head hiin
luuli. Mii'.hcr ! lr mji "oined
ib. I was doubled up like a jackkuifa
in the comer. But as for the princi
pals in the affair, neither of tbotr
faces moved a muscle. They saw no
joke. Aunt Anniky. in a dreamful,
tnuifed. squeaky sort- ,of voice, took
up the tale.
Xexsh tin I knowed. Marsh
Sharles. somebody's hheizin' me by i
de head. a-;'ammin' it up 'gin de wall. I
u-'aw'n' at me like do augcl Gabriel
at de riah old sin.ici-j inde bad plasho
an' dar wnh ole Sol u-s.pitlin' like J
a black cat. an a-howl'n' so dreadful
dat 1 lought lie wah do dcbil. an' J
when I got do light, dar wash m'y t
tw.ii ! l f ..! li.ti.- l....f -i.tllllKr n.iitll
an' Xed a swearin lie d havo de law
i on me."
An'arler all dat." broke in Lnclo
Ned. sho purtends lo lay claim fur
my pig. But 1 say- no. sir; I don't
pay nobody nothiu who played mo a
trick like dat."
Trick!" said Aunt Anniky. scorn-
t fully; whar's do trick.' link I
wanted yc tcr cat my teef? An fur-
dermo'. Marsh bii'drles. dar's jes dis
"bout it. When dat night set in. dar
wan't no mo' hope fur old Ned dan
I fur a foundered sheep. I aws-a-mussy!
! dat's why 1 went tcr sleep. 1 wanted
' lor hev strenst' tcr put on his burhir";
I clo'es in de mornin. But don' yer
' see. Marsh Sharles, dat when ho got
i so mad. it brought on a sweat dat
broke do fevoi It saved him! But
fur all daU arter munchin' an
mangliu' my chany teef. he has do
imperdeucc of Jtryin" to 'privo me of
de pig Uat 1 honestly arncu. . . i
- ir. vi!i :l nnrri c:lsg. luciu icu am
r. n VMV imfs-rn nf ;n.:llP,i AVm
-W T . .. ' ." - &
nity while Aunt Anniky hound a red
IIJI.IU C ... .MAMW V ...j....... q ,
1 handkerchief around her mouth and
faned hersolf with her turkey tail.
I am sure I don't know how to set
tle the matter. " said father, helpless-
lv. "Ned. I don't see but that you'll I
have lo pay up.''
Ncber. Mars' Charlos ncber."
Well, supposo you got married."
suggested father, brilliantly; -jthat
will unite your interests you know."
Aunt Anniky tossed her head.
Uncle Xed was old. wizened, wrinkled
as a raisin, but he eyed Anniky over
with a supercilious gazo and said,
with dignity. - f I wanted ter mar
ry, I could gel a likely young gal."
All the Tour points of Anniky's.tur
ban shook with indignation -'I'ay
me fur dem chany teef!" she hissed.
Some visitors interrupted the dis
pute at this time, aud the two darkies
went away.
A week later I'nclo Ned appeared,
with rather a sheepish look.
-We.l. Mars' Charles." he said,
l's 'bout concluded dat III marry
Ah! is that so?"
'Pears like do onliost way 1 kin
save my pigs." said Undo Ned. with
a sigh. -When sho's married, bhe's
bona' tcr 'bey me. Women 'bey your
husbans; dat's what de good book
-Yes. she will bay you. I don't
doubt. " said my father, making a pun
that Uncle Ned could uot appreciate.
An' ef sho opens her .aw ter mo
bout dem ar leef." he went on. 'l ll
mash her. "
Uncle Ned tottered oa his legs like
au unscrewed fruit stand, and I ;had
my opiuion as to his mashing" Aunt
Anuiky. This opinion was confirmed
the uet day when my father offered
her his congratulations. You arc
old enough to know your own mind."
ho remarked.
l's ole. maybe " said Anniky. 'but
so is a oak tree, an' it's wigorou?. I
reckon. l's a purty wigorous t.o'
growth myself, an' I reckon I'll have
my own way wid Ned I'm gwino tcr
fallen dem pigs o' his'n. an' you 6eo
I ef 1 don't, sell 'cm ncv Christmas fur
money 'nough ter git a new string o'
chany teef."
L ok here Anuiky." stud father,
with a b u-st of generosity, -you and
Nod will quarrel about those teeth
till the day of doom; so I will make
you a wedding present of another set
th t you may begin marr'od life in
Aunt Anniky expressed her grati
tude. An' dis lime." she said, wit'i
iiit.!on furv "I sleeps wid em in
Tina toelh were presented, and
i wedding iircparat ons began,
i .. ,., ln-.ilo v.nt nroi- In Voil's
i ....i.: ,.i ..,- :t o.w.i. .. ..i.,:.. ....
UiHSlll llt L(UU ID " aij M.Ul.lllta ilF
.., : 1....1 i.mi iini Vi rii.i ,
ln7n linimr. Hr di!vot(iiriiiinAir en-
tirely lo his pigs, and wandered about,
looking more wizoued every day.
Finally ho came to our gato and
beckoned to me mysteriously.
i'ome over to my house, honey."
ho whispered un" bring a pen an"
ink an" a piece n paper wid yer. I
want-, yer tcr write me a letter."
1 ran into the house fr my little
writing dek. and followed I'ncic hed
to hi- cabin
Now, honey." lie sa d after bar-1-in
the door carefully, don't ac mc
no question, but jo;l put down de
words dul come out o' my mouf on
dut ar paper
Very well. L'ncle Xed: go on."
Antiiky Hobhleslon ' ho be;?an.
-.hit wudhv" ain't a-? wine tcr como
o!T. You deans up too much lo suit
me. 1 ain't used tcr so much water
splusliin aroun.' Dirt is warrnin.'
j Spec1 I'd freeze dis winter if you wui
t . j-m. r a iimitii riimriiu
r.cre. .in uu nun w iuuvh iuuhc
j Besides, l's jjot auoddcr wife over)
! in Tinner. An' I ain't aewine ter'
marry. As fur havin' de law. l's a
' leavin' dese parts an' I takes de pips
t wid me. Yer can't fin' dein. an' yer
j can't fin me- Fur I ain't a cwino ter
marry. 1 wus boru a bacheli an'
; u bachelor will I represent myself
i befo' de judgment seat If you trives
! ver promise ter say no mo' 'bout dis
marrvin" business p raps m come
tiack somo day. So no mo at present
from vour humble worshiper.
I wroto it all down and read it
aloud to i ncle Xed.
Xow. m,- chile." ho Baid. "I'm a
cwine ter git my mule goon as de
rises ter-night an tlnvo my
sue inisca il. .
tir let ine alone, you
t ...1. : 1 1 tirrl.V
in promises
wr.te mc a
letter, an' I'll git do fust Mclhndia
preacher 1 run across iu de'woods ter '
read "tier me. Den. ef it's all right.
I'll come back an' weed yer flower !
gran! in fur yer as puny a- preiichin.'
" 1 agreed o do till L'uc.o Xed askeil ;
and we parted like conspirators, i
, ., . ...1.
1 fciiro enougii. tne next munuujt bu
Xed was missing, and after waiting u
reasonable time. I utuiained
1 luu
' mailer to my parents.
and went over
with his letter to Aunt Anniky.
Foweii abovol"' was her only com-
. - . . !
mentas 1 gotthrongli uieremarKao.o
episiic n.i. un ,...,. -
led her thotighl ahe seizoa me ij
the shou'der saving Hun lo yo'
pap. honey. nick an' u. him if
he'd gwiue ter stick ter his bargain
'hout de feci. Yer know he p'inicdly
said dev was a weddin' g'fY"
. . 1 .v...
U! course my miner ir. u-. u i
che mut keeji the teeth, mid ray
mother addei . menge of .ympatl.y.
with a present ? a poelcct nanilKer
.h,..f tn drc Aunt An rifcvViear
ii . .ii ri..hL" -aid tlitit
msiblcold .miuL uH'iiing h-r piano
! pigs ter Cor water bar. whar 1 11 stay . wrlc novels, do you? Hon t
' an' fish. Soon a I m well goae, ynu u con8:der tuat. a rather trifling oc-
; tako di letter icr Auniicy. nut, mm eun,;on ,-OP a grown up man?" Dick-
i yer don't tell whar I s gone. An if ens SUOPteii iije a quarter-horse and
lid with & cheerful laugh. 'Blosa
you. chile, it wu de teef 1 wantel
not do man! An' honey, you ;es sen'
word to dat shif'less o'.e nigger ef
you know .whar he's gone, to como
back homo an' cit his crap in the
' groun'; an- as fur w I'm cousarned. J
i fou jest let him know dat I wouldn't
iiick him up wid a ten-foot pole, not
J.. . , i.s.. 1 .ill !
if ha was to bog me on his knees till
de millennial day. Romance.
j How T!ity 31an5i " t'ljiture
tils Uus
' iti Wutiliinton.
j Tour of them. They stood along
! the mahogany in that observant ex
. pectant sileucc woich generally at
i tends the preparations of tht wnitc-
aproncd artist.
Curious." said the man with the
palm-leaf fan, addressing a reporter,
how this hot spell has started up all
bug creation. Tho mosqu'to? havo
fairly worn me out at myjioiwe and
'now we're overrun wittr moths and
croton bugs."
Speaking of croloa bugs, gentle
men. " said the man with tho orange
comuloxion. "people in these parts
I don't know what the critter is. hero
I liva in Washington. District of Co
lumbia, wc have the genuine, old
fashioned cockroach. You would be
surprised at tho sfce and quantity.
Tho only way to keep them down iu
-What?" inquired the man with tho
palm-leaf fai. incredulously.
-Roach cages, sir. Buy 'era at auy
hardware storo In the District of Co
lumbian Kut-alitllo molasses insldo
aud set tho caire on the floor and all
night long there is a procession of
bugs down the funnel-shaped trap
door. You haven't' had any kind of
luck If there ain't a pint and a half of
critters inside m the morning. But
it's. tho she of the bug that's wonder
ful. 1 nover see such cuormous
roaches anywhere else. They run
along tho sidewalks ou summer nights
and I declare they look as big a tho
bricks. Of course they really ain't"
ndded the man with the ornnire com
plexion, hastily, as he noticed symp
toms of incredulity. but they certain
ly aro enormous bugs. Not long ago
at my house wo vero troubled with
mico'and my wife set one of those lit
tle spring traps baited with cheese.
The" next morniug the trap was
sprung. Wo started to take out tho
mouse and 'pon my soul wc had
caught a cockroach. Caught by the
neck like a rat and strangled."
Large?'' inquired one of the quar
tet, some iutoresL
Large'.1 Gentlemen, that roach
measured four and a half inches Iomr.
But even that kn t the most remark
ablo thing." added the man with tne
orango complexion. emphatically.
-About this season cur southern
roaches shod their skins. A few
weeks ago 1 noticed a largo fellow
acting strangely, and iu a moment ho
had shaken off his shoil and came out
perfectly white."
Sort of liko a crab." suggested tho
man on the end.
Just liko a soft-shell crab, gcntlo-
There was a skoptieal s'lence for a
moment until the man w th tho
palm-lear fan murmured soothingly:
How wonderfully uaturc seems tc
repeat hersolf. Shall wc about
follow nature, gentlemen?"
Court Where llu Court
III !ii't See. It.
Wheu Cardinal Gibbous was bishop
of Uichmonil A a .
the de 'end a tit in
ho happened to be
relation to some
church property.
Wheu railed to the witno-s stand
the plaintiffs lawyer a distinguished
logal luminary, a'ler vain endeavors
to" involve ihe witness iu contradic
tious, struck upor. a plati which he
thought would annoy iho bishop. He
thereupon questioned he right of
Dr. Gibbons to tho title of bishop of
Iiichmond. and called on him to prove
his claim to the office.
The defendant's counsel, says the
Catholic News, of course, ob ucted to
this a; irrelevant, but the bishop,
with a quiet smile said he would com-
I H? wilb l,,e re tusi if all
an hour to produce tho
allowed half
I IKIDTj. J his lining
allowed, the
i hUhon left ihe court room and re
-.----4- --
turned iiitwctity ininule
with a docu
ment which he proceeded
lo read
I with gii'u'l solemnity all Ihe more
; solemn a.- tho paper was in Latin.
Thu nlninlill s lawyer pretended to
take notes industriously
bowing his
head once in a while in
ouiescence. and scorning
it in ae
p n-fceliy
convinced at the end.
' When the reading was finished he
j announced tlsat the Papal bills ju-t
' read were perfectly satis aciury at
! the same time apologi iug fo his e
i pressed doubts. The next day. sitys
' the llalifav. (X S ) Mail, it leaked
out that t lie unaoie lo Jim;
the l' bull at hti rpsidonco had
brought to the court and real a Latin
c-sity on Pope Leo the fireau written
by ali ucclos.astical studenL and for
warded by the president of the -oi-logo
as a specimen of tho young
man s skill in composition. The
smart lawyer never heard tho last of
it. "
Moi-h Thin DicIiciiN Coulil statrl.
Yi en Charles Dickens was in
Washington, he met. one morning on
the steps of the capilol. a young con
gressman from Tennessee.
irreat novelist had
offended by
boorishness. I hat morning UicKens
was in a great good humor and full of
talk. -I have," said ho. round an
almost cact counterpart of hittlo
Xell." LUtlo Xell who-" queried
the Teuneiscoan. Dickens looked him
over from head to foot aud from foot
to head before ho snorted out My
Little Xell." "Oh." said thcTcnues
sean '-I didn't know you had your
daughter with you." -I am speaking
of the Little Xell of my tiction fir."
retorted Dickens fluihing. -Oh."
aid the imnerlurbablo J ennessccan
i jOWn the avenue. Argonaut
Ai tin- Rallro:nl Tic'srt Oirrr.
Lady A ticket Tor me and two
halves for my &ons
Ticket Seller Excuse me madame
hut one of your sons Is older thnn
twelvo years.
What of t'.iat Ihe other i? as much
uudor twelve years its the oldest i-
over twelve, so ihey only aggregate
I .i.: w..,im'
Texas bi tings.
a impmWi- riiarcii.-
,... .,,. ,.hPi, ; tho I nit.vl
I XUU UiUVI- . .
j -s (hc ,.wri.h of .-:, .M,KUel.
, ...
erected at Santa re M . seventy- j
even jcars beTore the landing of the :
pilgrim- on tho Ply month lock, j
twenty years before thr fuuiidiii'i of ,
M. Aug limine. Kla.. and tifly-thrco
veara after the lauding of Columbus.
Th it Kuutei , Xo . ,
1 Cttbeb-I see Mcbuoozc has gone lo
. . 4 . . . !ita fl . n -
- ni iml '""k-""1''
Si-ilrcel' hat-
Cubcb Oh no t
I eioiue
liivmun. twhuiv'i u
Rwrlal nitamt.
The origin of the custom of burying
people with their beads to the west
js unknown. From ages back races in
ail pari of the world have buried their
dead with their heads to the-west; not
invariably, however, but
uniformity. Probably the
with great
remote or-
ig in ties in the belief of an immortal-
i i .: :c..I ku'V.
ity ana a resurrection, typmeu oywie
return of the sun every morning. The
dead are buried so that when th time
comes they may face the 'sun. 'which
will wako ihem. Tne first pastor of
the church at Kasthamuton. N. Y.. it
may he -remarked, directed that he
should bo buried with his head lo the
east so that ;.t the resurrection he
might face his congregation; but so
general is the custom of burying them
with the head to the west that this di
rection is noted as an instance of the
minister's eccentricity.
Haulcl Ititone's House.
Daniel Boone's bones rest in his be
loved Kentucky, but the house he
buiit for a home and in which be
naaseu his last days is a landmark
near St. Cbaries. Mo., where it stilt
stands in a good stale of preservation.
In the latter days of the oid pioneer's
Hfo he occupied the attic of the hou9o
as both sitting-room and workshop and
busied himself making powder horns
as souveirs for friends. Here, too. he
kept the cherry wood coffin he had
fashioned with his own hands. Not
long before ho died ho used to lie in
the coflin several times a day "just to
try the lit ol it" as one of his oid ac
quaintances says. The house was one
of the first erected in St. Charies
county and Indians watched its build
ing with interest.
He fin "s it 'a wonderful euro for a bad
eo jrh."' lr. Win. Y. Anderson, tl Wa-er
St., New York Cltv. N. V.. irives this aiders
ment: ! hove frr.nii Dr Bull's Ci:gn
Svrno the woudcrful uirc it is reirc-enied
io bel It 's ju-t ihe thit g l r a bad cough.',
.iml ettlcil It.
A deaf man went to law with a deaf
man. and the judge was a long way
deafer than both. Tho one claimed
that the other owed him five months'
rent and the second replied that he
had ground his corn by night Tnen
tho judgo. looking down on them,
said: -Why quarrel? She is your
mother, keep her between you."
Mrs. Fannicl)inatn, HtMottSt, New
York Citv. makes a miraculous cure ol her
rheumat Em
She writes: "I
owe un
epeakablcHnd never to le forgotten
tude to Salvation Oil. It made a r
crnt -
lous cure of my rheumatism."
) iiiiuiii I'.rsi it It G rl.
Your wish lo arrange your little
-laughter's room so tnat ltshail be both
.tttractivc and aimnie. Paper with
nine and make a dado of cretne cre
lonno stampca with blue and yellow
daffodil?. Let the ceiling paper bo of
yeilow and white and paint tho wood
work cream. Have a brass bedstead,
or a white enamel tipped with brass.
Have a gay quiit in wnite aud yeiiow.
Mark the towels, sheets and pillow
cases with her monogram in blue and
yellow, and ono daffodil in the corners.
Let the curtains be of the cretonne
lined with pale blue, and have white
frilied musiin curtains underneain.
Do not forget ihe work-basket and ta
nie. the wriiing aesk and the hanging
book shelves, aud have all the pretty
and innocent pictures you can crowd
on the wall. Maice your litue uaugn
ter's room a haven to which, in the
dreary years to come, she may look
bacK with sweet memories.
IIow'-i TltU !
We offer One Hundred Dollar Reward fr
an cacof Catarrh Hint cannot be cured ly
Hall's Catarrh Cure.
Y. J. CHENT.Y vt CO.. Vro;i., ro!l', O.
AW the umle.-siKiiol. have known 1-. J
Gicnci rorlhehistlSi cars, ami KHvc him
pcrfrctlv honorable in all niiMnes- inui-uct wn
and thia'ticially able to c-irry out any obligation1-
made hi tlicir linn.
WcstATmav. Whole-ale llruW-. lol-!.
O. Walillmr Kiiinaii & Marvin. Who!i-:d
Druffci-ts. Toledo. Oiiio.
Jfafl's Catarrh Curei- taken iutrrnalli. :'fi
iugdlicctly upon the Mool and imicMi :.r
fnocs of the system. Price. ".-. per bottle.
!oUl by all Druggists- Testimonials free.
riilietl to lieu tli.
A horrible accident, which resuitcu
n instantaneous death, occu-red :.t
Derea. Ky., the other morning, a' 1
o'clock, in which Krai ic linuey. a
freight conductor on :ne I.nuisviiic kv
Xashvihe railroad was Kiued. U m e
couniing car-, his foot si m tied and n
fell reneath the wi euis. winch crn-in?u
bo.h iegs and mangtud ins bony in a
fenrfui manner, i heunfort.tnaie man
was turned from benualn tne nam aim
rt surgeon summoned v. "no ninput.ued
both legs. He died shortly afterward.
'llor 1 rote Ben Ilur.'
loIJbyCiD. lew Valla f,lcni crnp lr,.i. tlir-T
uiniiitiil-i nnl r.-'rl trikHni" -f riiiimn" irl--i
olnl mttie-llinriiillcl- li ' 'I'" Volh" iniiiil i
aniiuim-. M ietli- H" l-" in 5-W I W rmiiill- !
the .--.ilililv aii-I I lie i'itn.-th-air-i of H-" K-i'ti""1
ailirio. hr li'iBln-liiracIci -f it- J.rf. Ill lr irlit
ut-- ut UJ" llliiitrtlion-'. "mil H "mik epr tt
anlcatsGUa t,riat ! r l - yojr Ttu- inrv
rut l tme will entitle V-'i I" U- ii- r t- Jan.. 1SSI.
Allllltv. YOLTII'S U-JrAMUS !! MI. Va.
he o .i man on car'
be "ore he a iak- orre t
u&ii -iiliiK- i e
trie man who stu:-
llnkrv'i .Nornriiinii 'od l.irr Oil
Qmrkly r:.cve- lltni;:iti.l tutij;c;.i-e.i.t'saiiatiu.
li;uwviitrai:Ufjwlifc. sultlb) rirurslsts.
The devil in ennre'n i no In:. ter
than lie is nt n t.rieitebt.
to represent us in every town in Nebraka,
Western Iowa, South Dakota and Northern
hansas. We carry the Largest Stocks ami
Greatest variety of poods west of Chicago.
We make the lowest prices and make a spe
cialty of Alliance and ether Farmers' trade.
We carry complete lines of all klnd3 of
merchandise, Including musical instruments
Liberal Inducements offered to a lie man
in each town. llArnES Bros.,
Dbt Goods asd CAitrETS.
" Omaha, Neb.
"What's ycur6 U ia!ne,'
a!d to the coal baron.
the traniD
Are Vou olus
East or south during the w.nier, if ?o Tnr.
Waba.-h desires to cail yi tir atteniioti n
the touic to Fto.Ida ami ail the
winter resorts of the sonta.
Rout..! trlD tickets will be placet! m ja.e
l)ont Nov. '1st. g. olrcturuiuguntil June
1st, D3.
f 15 hours to t. I.onU.
I a? " H it 5 riiijs.
I .",9 ' " Nev Hrlcai.s.
0iivr 38 ' " Atiant.'.
5-3 " " J-ckonvil!e.
03 ' " 'Samps.
IViih c rrcsponilin'r fa.-t timetoall j-oin's
east and sou h. Tl.c" only It: c riinnius Ka
eliuin" Chair Cars to it. l.rul, Decatur,
Danville. Laisyc::c, I omhiot!. Yt.
Wayne, Tolclo ami Dctro'.-. Piilliiiaii
J'.uirett Secpiutr Ct: on all trans. .r
t'ekets or fur her wi ornisiicn i:i rezar-t to
routes call ai the WalaOi c flic-. IZOl Far
nam St., or n r tc ." X- Ci . vton
North tiestcm 1'tss. Agent Omaha, Neb.
A vacant niinu ii a standing offer to the
devil of free hnuc room.
Tfccbald-licadid a r miner l;h rjfTJ
glasses is tte greater: star-gazer
Do You
the Finest Bread
and Cake? -
ft is conceded that the Royal Baking Powder is
the purest and strongest of all the baking powders, j
The purest baking powder makes the finest, sweet
est, most delicious food. The strongest baking pow
der makes the lightest food.
That baking powder which is both purest and
strongest makes the most digestible and wholesome
Why should not every housekeeper avail herself
of the baking powder which will give her the best.":
food with the least trouble? - j
Aroid all baking powders sold with a gift .
or prize, or at a lower price than the Boyal.
as they invariably contain alum, lime or sul
phuric acid, and render the food unwholesome.
Certain protection from alum baking powders can
be had by declining to accept any substitute for the
Royal, which is absolutely pure. .
Hi- oiilil .1 4 liaii'ir. '
The .andiaiiy was sick and the star
boarder was doing tho marketing for t
her that morning.
Yes. sir," said the man at the
Douitry stand "we havo some very
iino chickens today." i
Um-er-um." hemmed the star
oonruer. as he iooked them over. j
Do j on want a pair of spring chickens!-
" inquired the dealer, taking' a
couple up In his hands and exhibiting
"WelL no I don't believe I do."
ventured the purchaser, but you may
give me a summer chicken or a fall
hicicen; there has been altogether too
mucn snring in ihe chickens we have
oeen having, and I'd lino to try a
change cure. ' Detroit Kree Kress.
Goaranteed to cure Bilious Attaetfl Srdt
EcadachM iul Conittlpilou. 40 in each
bottle. Price Sc For salo by druggists.
Ilcturo "7. 17, 70" and sample dose free.
J. F. SXSJil A CO., Proprietors. HEW Y0UL
: Ziliz. ZzzA'. Ci 3 7t::it. Crrst. JiZttm.
?i:s?a? ::. SiKiitU irl t rias- a e rilsrat
U; ::anari:ih &:: s:i;t!. ::i i m ni.f b -riiCJi
css. C: a: a:- 7zz ril s:: tit exrsEjst
t!'.'. ifc:r uiij Ha Zzr. i::a- :i? teics vs
Ti?3. Iirss st!t: 53 ::sti vJi. tl CO. !
For Salts or Lease.
ii t ii it riti t AM) (ti:m..N i.A.i-
i' ;l llilli?. ictr Deuvr ltipmie!
Fa'iTi liiip'!n'iif' an I Mix-k. Hf year
I I.lT !--.'. Uoft. ii illoek. 1 .. Coin
'rm: iki.ii.i jaii -r..
French 5 '
Dressing aiies.
SI 000.0
Paid in priJti- fnrPnenn
m KMtct'rnuk'a leni.
Sh1 Kial for circulars t3
. a; John M, w Vorlt.
l.MiTbrooK v ...
11i-i-m- u' mi fin iiriiti'ln-w-nii. II -r t"lr- Trnt .l
ui-ai lirvillariln- 'vit.-. llrl.nM- n 1 llnrmltrf.
cat calel lorlOt- 3!-i!h..iI To . V. I.irl.'n "it Cl cj;t
II A AN I) ( Il AI . "tour hrpinen't
Mili.iUiI. J I. 15lSr A CO, enr, Cin.
It : Ziliz. ZzzA: Ci 3 7l::it. Crrst.
s3 L &te9
.rv .- A..TVV IMW r m
Ladies' Home Journal
has a New Series of the Famous Brownies
-tc. ;-
'The Brownies 'Round the World"
A N entirely nev series of Adventures of the funniest little men in the world
will be given in their first trip around the world. The amusing little band
will visit all the leading countries, exploring the
London Tower, climbing the Alps, gamboling
across Scotland's heather and Ireland's green,
repairing the sea-washed dykes of Hol
land, sailing up the Danube and the
Rhine, and finally penetrating the Iand.of
the Esquimaux snd the North Pole.
Their sports and adventures in strange
countries will be the most amusing in
kcit uiaiuiy, iiiu ij. uux uas maac
the series the funniest drawings- ever
Subscription Agents wanted
Send for terms
Dnc Dollar a year 10c. a copy at the News-stands
The Curtis Publishing Company, Philadelphia, Pa.
Werrfer.Toutol,500l -
tieut. riDuncial llelerent: iiui.wiiui w-i-n i vgiiiiuiui ..-.
lnvti"ate our iletbod. V riven Guarantee to abolnli-Iy Cora all klnil o(
KtTl'l fllvoT both Smc. wnlioaLtbe ue of Icnlf o. sxriae?. ttJ mlter Of
how tonr tndin Ml' IX t ION l-JIKK.
Sti.c !r lrcuir .ilJre
lol-aoa .. 1. Ltle UII11uk, - O.tIII., MiltUAiK..
Hammond's CALUMET I.anl. Uams ati.l
1'acoii. All lirst-clajs grocer ami market
men hand It? this brnnd. Made from t rmr.
Nebraska ling?, 'try It. Tin: G. 11. II vu
Mosn Co., South Omaha, Neb.
The lazv man
aims at nothing, ami ge:i-
e-ally h H if.
Fois IhtoNCiiiTi-". Asthmatic anhPi'i.
mo.naui OMeiAivr-. I5ron- Uroachlai
'lr- cbe." have remarkable curative urotcr-ti-..
SoM on'y In boxi .
Ice N cener.illv what it is cracked up to
be when the lartendcr m.inlMi a es iL
FITS-.l" m topPe-i frw l CS. KUM!' 0KET.
tMt. IIESTORItK. .S lit ltrr lirst Jjr UT. nr
Teiou curr TrcatiM-aml C W trial l-'lUe lrr to 1 1.
cues Sn.ttolr Kllnr.Wl Arvlibt , rblUdclphu. t .
.A room ! rarelv o:ei to occnr.snts until
jt l ee led.
llrumiiifirt fousli ro)S.
Uci:niii.ii!;'lMrit'lfuhl'05 Tlio .-n
iimhaveA 11 B i.aihJnp s-M erynln;r8.
Professor Swing says "that the
world has progressed so far that
now people dare laugh out loud,"
but to laugh out loud presupposes
in the first place, a heart free from
care and in the next place, good di
gestive organs. We cannot laugh
if we have dyspepsia, but if you
will take the Laxative Gum Drops
every night for three or four nights -in
succession, you will find such re
lief that you can easily laugh, and
you will laugh to think how foolish
you were tc suffer so long, when
you could be cured. Vou can get -a
small box for 10 cents, large sue
cents. Ask votir druggist tor .
Sylvan' Remedy Co..
Teoria, Ills.
iJ V.r,to251b.reriaonthbxharmlehertal
AX nradi Jiorturvins.noineonienlenc
Ik 111 'an.l nnlwleff-Tit8inrttr confidential.
rJWFBSTBJIcVicker--.TheotreBtJir Chicago 111.
U?'vitT!?I.lttleIm. Karly Itwew.
"" clie.Oisieiia.oau-te:i..o i-:iiii.Brj-"
clie, Ojiciia.
rki.ia 1:1.1: -a mm i:n
wantist Inerery county "I'x
. aipiPli- Kniit forest nmlnr
ii.tiiieiitnl tntr anil )il:mt.
Kronrn vspei-lnlly for pralrlw
pIntT. iMitttt free ". I..
iVutroiio, I)-h M.inr. .
nr rfiimN-ioii
to haiultx the Nfr Patent riirmiral
I11L hi i.iiuc l'cllrl!
.AK-nt makinir 5DO V r wi-'k
a-lurinC . X"i"IjCroi-- V. n
Jt-nr.K KraM-r M anufi
Patents! Pensions
y.iidlorIiKrt'.f TK.N-IO.N uud Ul I Y L.Wi.
Fiifac-o'MEBai. - waseiuoton.d.o.
For 1893
nnnVnnnVnnLJnnnknvVnnnnnnHnnmJ il
FsEH ((
tor tcii
created by him.
9nna Dair f Onmrnarpa
Profitable Work U
. 1
K B.T. lUx-ltlne. Warren. Tm.