The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, December 14, 1892, Image 4

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For two years Lsufiered terribly
ttrath stomach trouble, and "was for
all that time under treatment by a
physician. He finally, after hying
everything, said my stomach was
worn out, and that I would have to
cease eatinjr solid food. On the rec
ommendation of a friend I procured
a bottle of August Flower. It seem
ed to do mc good at once. I gained
strength and flesh rapidly. I feel
now like a new man, and consider
that August Flower has cured me."
Jas. E. Dedcrick, Saugerties, N.Y.
V,v doctor ki?s it acts pently on tly rS.linc!i, S'tt
nnl LMncys ran! I a jilns!.t i.i.tntlw. Xh'
drink in made lrom herl s u prcjarctl for uto
CLScxsIlr nst2. ltlC
All dro7:sts sell It at te. and Tl a prxkneo. If
you cannot net It, Mti1 vnur ntri-v fir a freo
eamnlu. r.anr'n I'l.t'sllv -ImiUcIih- tiiotra
tho.i.miU tm h t:ir AiM-t
I' VUATu)i U. V. OulrtVAItD. LrJ'07. .V. Y.
AtSiti Nature, Lcsvcn; Uaagcr, an J Shorten Labcr.
"My wife suffered mere in ten minutes
xrilh her other children than she did all
together with her last, after having used
four bottles of MOTHER'S FRIEND,"
says a customer.
lltMicnso-v DAL, Druggist, Carmi, I1L
Sent by express on receipt of price, 1.50 per bot
He. lioo!:"'roJIctJiers"iuiilddfree.
Of course you have. Everbod has
malaria in this climate to a greater or
less extent. Tho poison makes you
tired. You are duil, sleepy, listless.
You want to yawn and stretch all tho
time. if you let it ruti you will have
a fever. What you want is something
to excite the bowels to action, for
malaria is always accompanied by tor
pidity of the bowels. This you will
find in tho Laxative Gum Drops. They
are gentle, cause no pain, are easily
taken. There is no taste of medicine
about them so that vou can eat them
as readily as you would candy. They
beat a sugar coated piil ail hollow.
In fact there is no pill to them. They
are a simple laxative put up in the
most palatable form. Ask your drug
gist for them. The small boxes are 10
cents the large ones are 25 cents.
Syi.v.nKi:3ii:iv Co.,
Peoria, 111.
Ceres Consumption, Cough, Croup, Soro
Throat. Sold by all Druccists on a Guarantee.
For a Lame Side, Back cr Chest Shiloh's Pcrous
Piaster will gircjreat satisfaction. 95 cents.
For Salts or Leased
A Alli'lC. near Dea-r. Improved. Wjtir
Mints. Farm !:niVtarn:an.l St-lc. I'l c vran
lime. THi: AMEIII AN THl'ST Col.
A. C. FISK. I'nVt. liitn ISIock, I) i.ver. Colo.
The African Kotn rinufc,
dlscowral 111 C'unzo. West
. Afrim i. Vntnr.w ii-a
uireiurAMuuiiu euro Juarantvcd or So
Jfy. Export Ol2c-. IIM Uruiluav. w York.
to'? fJHSSF.V11 r'c' fr'K::r. U? JlaU. yddrers
KOLX XUfOCTIIia to..i32Vinet..(;iaciOiil uilo.
or commission, to tiaadlo tho Xcw latent CiimiMd
Ink Eraiing Tcncil. A?onU inakiajr S50 P" wfc.
Monr.ic Eraser Jlanuritur'n Co , XUOL Crc-s--c, Wis.
Mllcllid. .D. BUS!' i CO Dearer, Co!o.
ft CTsnCtlii Sxjii. Si.t rinit, Crtsp. Ii
i-sj-T i. arrr:srsi jsa z rii 2. B-Siic cot
Us vnr-is first ttajet itst reUcf fa a&-
The Reverend
Mother of the j
highest terms of
the Kickapoo In
dian Eemedies,
and that she keeps
kind constantly on hand the year round,
as for several years they have stood the
test in every case. " Tho health of two
hundred children under my care is para
mount to anything else, and fever, cold
and cough is seldom known, thanks to
. the Kickapoo Indian Oil and Cough Cure;
while the Kickapoo Indian Salve and
. the Kickapoo Indian Worm Killer have
often proved their effectiveness."
Kickapoo Indian Remedies
For Sale by All Drugglm.
fSemd three 2c. stamps to
par ptagF, and we will
nnilf ntoarly interest!
.H.XI 1 11717 AVI
" nun
nhaut tlm Isdinna. Address HEALV
IWCEI.OW, S-it Gnuid ATcawe, New
llavca, Conn.
W, N. I)., Omaha - 650-50
4k AT
A.i --
Gotnenburg is uuw iilumiaaied b$
'J'he new roller mill at Albion will
be cotapieten by the first of January.
The tire alarm whistle at Beatrice
can be distinctly heard a distance of
fourteen miics.
The corner stons of the new opera
house at Klmwood was laid last week
Viith fitting ceremonies.
Tho total deposits in the banks of
Knox county November 5 were $339,.
071.87, over 33 per capita.
Fires have become so frequent in
the village of Wayne that the people
feei lonesome without them.
The Creighton butter and cheese
factory has filed articles of incorpora
tion with a capital stocK of $10,000.
The annual meeting of the grand
ohspter. Royal Arch Masons, will bo
hcid at Geneva, beginning the 14th
Tho Gering Alliiing company of Ger
ing. Scotts Bluff county, has been in-
coroorated with a capital stock of $12,
Sammy Huffman of Piattsmolh ran
his thumb through tho gearing of a
Gordon jobber. And now he has but
I 'rank Bardoy, sr., of Beatrice has
recived his letters patent for his fuel
eaving and smoke-consuming device ia
the United States.
Tho fiercer is Omaha's newest and
test I'ytcl. cor. Twelfth and Howard
streets. Bates $2 to $4.50 per day.
150 rooms and CO connected with bath.
Two bright little boys of Madison.
Ambrose Malone and llichard Wagner,
were drowned in Taylor creek. They
attempted to cross on the ice, but it
proved a fatal venture.
Keuey. buger v Lo., the popular
dry goods house of Omaha, show tho
largest iine of cloaks m the west. Ex
clusive and correct styics. Corner
Far nam and l.jih Sts.
Lincoln has recured another college.
This time it is the Lutherans who pro
pose to establish an institution in that
place. The new college will probnbiy
be located just south of the Cotner
The laborer in this part of the vine
yard, says the Shelton Clipper, who is
out of won: is idic from choice. There
is plenty of worK for everybody who
is willing to earn his bread by the
sweat of his brow.
During an altercation between Davo
Cawlcy and Tom Burke at Nebraska
City, Burke struck Cawley on the
right tempie with a heavy piece of
iron, inliicting a serious wound and
rendering him unconscious.
Workmen engaged in repairing a
sidewalk in Lincoln found $200 in bank
notes which they equally divided. The
theory advanced is that some thief
being hard pressed hid the money and
failed to get back till too lato.
Thurston county assessed every acre
of its Indian lands this year and will
send a delegation down to Washington
when congress meets to try and get
Uncle Sam to pav tho taxes, about
$1(5. 000 Wakeifeid Republican.
Mrs. F. I Tinklepaugh edits a tem
perence column in tho Filley Review
that is smoky with poignant invective
against the dark demon of the stiil.
She says of the saloon .that "it fosters
Dice for nrofit and educates in srinirnri-
ness for gain.
The fall term of Beiicvue college de
partment of tho University of Omaha
will close December 1G. and is the
most successful in the history of the
institution. A cottago has been fur
nished for young men and it is filled.
Other hou-es will be rented as is neces
sary. While L S. Nichols, a gardner of
Kearney, was attempting to cross tho
Un.on Pacific tracks his wagon was
struck by train No. 22 and totally de
molished. Mr. Nichois barely escaped
with his life by jumping from the
wagon. He received a severo scalp
wound from failing on the street car
track and several minor bruises.
The state bankers1 association will
hold a meeting in Lincoln December
SO and 21 and each bank and trust
company is entitled to send one dele
gate. It is expected that a meeting
of district clerics will also be heid
tVtia Tnnnt'h 'ln. vstnnwA ..W. t
t each meeting is to outline legislation
deemed necejsary joy each organiza
tion. Sheriff Bennett of Douglas county,
armed with a writ of habeas corpus,
left for Genoa last week to seure pos
session of the three children of Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Y Clifton. Some
months ago Mrs. Clifton secured a di
vorce from her husband and was
awarded tho custody of the three chil
dren, but Ciifion kidnapped them and
took them to Gretna.
Charles Lawless, a farmer on the
Omaha reservation near Decatur, gives
it away confidentially that thero is no
occupation on earth liko fanning in
his particular section. For exampie
he cites a patch of beans which cost
him seven days1 labor and netted him
$6S in cash. His corn crop averages
up in good shape and potatoes turn
in astonishing size and numbers.
Two thieves entered the hardware
store of G. S. Blodget: in Ashland.
The night watch, in passing the store,
heard a rapping noise, and looking in
could just distinguish the forms of two
men at the safe in the back end of the
store. He immediately went after
help, but when he returned they were
gone. They secured some knives and
razors, there being nothing of any
value to them in tho safe.
The usual daily fataiity occurred in
South Omaha last weeic. Rudoioh
Corneer was driving a heavy load of
Holy Family, Bal- i brick along tho 8lreet when e leaned
tic, Conn., writes 1 forward hit one of the horses, lost
thai she can!"'' balance, feli to the ground, and
speak in only the ' was kliled. His failing frightened the
team ana causea tnem to spring for
ward, the wheels passing over his
head crushing it until the brains ex
uded, killing him instantly.
The losses of those interested in the
broken Farmers and Merchants banK
of the Holstein will bo very light, it is
said, and will fall entirely on the
stockholders. The deposits are being
paid off and the officers of the bamc
have given bond to pay them entire.
They attribute the failure to an out
side deal of W. M. Hope, their cash
ier, and his indorsement of notes out
side of the business, usiug tho bank's
name witnout their consent.
The coal war between the Lincoln
dealers is smi on. with indications of
a merry struggle. Ail dealers cow
ueiiver Pennsylvania anthracite at $10
oer ton. a drop of from $11.40 to $11.90
within n wee:r. Tnere is a fair nm.
1?110? so sv.n lower.
n.. ni ... . . 1. 1 . ;.. 1..-.-1
-.. .rr "Vwmm BeBOO,
tt,4.;- 'n r. 1 t.'' n. " -j I
literature, was born in East
Worcester, New York, in 1850, a son
ot ii 5. cook, a
Methodist minis
ter, and from a
child a member of
the church and
Sunday-school. He
began worki n g
in the Sunday
school in Chicago
at the age of seven
teen, teaching in
his own church
school and at the
same time in one,
david c. cook. and much of tho
time two, mission schools meeting
at different hours.
In 1871, after the great fire, he left
home and with three other young
men, whom ha persuaded to join him,
rented rooms in one of the poorest and
roughest parts of the burnt district of
North Chicago, and gave himself to
relief and mission work. Here he
started "Everybody's Mission," in a
German beer-hall and theater, after
wards removed to a building
of its own. This mission, with
an attendance of 3.10 to 4 JO, made up
of some of the worst elements, he sus
tained for five years without financial
aid from any church or society. He
has since organized and superintended
North Avenue Mission. Lake View
Mission and Lake View Union Schools
in Chicago, and Graee Sunday School,
Elgin, besides several smaller enter
prises, His first publications were prepared
only for his own bchools; then, to
cheapen expense, he solicited orders
from others. This was the beginning
of a wonderful growth and popularity,
which, in sixteen years, has made his
name a household word.
Traveling Men Organizing a Mamiuotli
Club lurltr or AllssUsippI Water
Cheap Turkey.
St. Lns Mo., Dec 1. There is not
Unywhere in the United States a club
house owned entirely by commercial
travelers and devoted to their uses, but
there will be one as soon as the hand
some building now being planned by
architects, for the Travelers' Protec
tive association, is erected in St. Louis.
It will cost half a million dollars, and
will be the swellest place of the sort
outside of Loudon, both as to its ex
terior appearance and its appoint
ments inside. One novelty iu the ar-"
rangements of the club which hgs
been proposed is to be a cab service.
The club is to own its cabs, and they
are not only to be at trains for use of
members, but they are also to be at
the beck and call of any of them who
may want to drive about the city.
The rapidly flowing water of the
Mississippi river has swept away the
theorists who began when the cholera
scare ran over the count jy this year to
exhort the people to drink only water
that had been boiled. At that time,
of course, St Louis tcok all sorts of
sanitary precautions, which, by the
way, arc still in effective operation,
and among them warned those who
lived in the tenement districts not to
use well water. Everybody then re
sorted to hydrants. About this time
arose the cry of the medical men who
insisted that all running water must
be boiled if the drinker would prevent
the coming of cholera, typhoid fever
and other disagreeable visitors of that
kind. Everyone knows how difficult
it is in a household to boil all the
water that is used by a family, and
careful folks sighed as they went
about the new duty thus laid on them.
Fortunately, about this time, a party
of microscopists from the Smith
souian institttte visited St Louis.
They were examing the water supply
of all the large cities. They found
that the river water used iu St Louis
was not only pure but wholesome, and
they promptly announced that, add
ing that it was better than that of any
other large city where they had been.
The St. Louis Medical society wanted
to be sure that the Eastern scientists
were right, and appointed a commit
tee of miscroscopists from its own
members to examine the water. The
examination was made this week, and
the conclusion reached was the same
as that announced by the Smithsonian
institute men. The housekeepers are
overjoyed, and the troublesome water
boiling in the kitchens all day long
has ceased.
Here is a bit of information for tho
house-keepers that will make them all
want to live in St Louis. Turkey on
Thanksgiving Day sold in the markets
here for 15 cents a pouud, and fresh
venison for 20 cents; and there was
much more of both kinds of the meat
than could be sold, judging from the
appearance of the stands late that
night. Not only on Thanksgiving Day,
but all the year round, house-keepers
in other parts of the country have good
reasons to cuvy their sisters here. St
Louis is in the center of enormous nat
ural game and fish preserves. The
hunting and fishing clubs of the city
are numbered by hundreds. During
the eight months of the year, fish is
abundant on the market stalls
at insignificant prices, and for
the other four months, game is
really cheaper than good beef. The
mechanic here lives as well as the pro
fessional man of moderate circum
stances in New York, Boston or Chi
cago. A comparison of housekeepers"
figures would show that the cost of
living is 23 per cent cheaper here than
in cither of those cities.
Ili-r U.ifiirr foiled.
Littie Minnie is sick in bed, but re
fuses persistently to take the prescribed
piil. Her mother, however, resorts
to strategy, concealing the pill in some
preserved pear and giving it to the
child to eat.
Has my dear eaten her pear?''
All except theEeed, mammadear.'
A Ncv Intoxication.
A curious case of intoxication at sea
by inhaling petroleum fumes is re
ported. When the vessel were in two
days of land four of the crew was or
dered below to wash out the tanks.
nrenaratory to loading a return cargo
of oil. Nothing was thought about it
until a most animated discussion was;
heara by the commanding officer over j
tne respective merits oi tne parents oi
the different men. and in his attempt
to enforce discipline all hands joined
in a jig that made the tanicsouna as it
ii au never souuueu ueiure. , requireu
the united persuasion of the shio s 0111-
cers to bring the men up on deck
again when the fresh air soon brought
them to their senses. They had no
recollection of what had happened but
a few minutes before. i
What He I There For. I
There is a new policeman stationed
at one of the up-town crossings of
Broadway. New York. Some one said '
to mm tne otner aaj.
So you are hero to keeD the horses
from running over the ladies, are
An' indaae it s not sir. -'ne remied.
I am to keep the ladies from running
over the horses," suiting the action to
tho word by quietly and very firmly
orawing a woman oacK wno seemeu
determmea to rusn ngnt over tne
three honei of a bear; gray. I
A Conference With CUveUtitL ,
1 . .
.HEW IORS. iiec XU. CQUaton
; Gorman. Brice and Carlisle, known if
iho senatorial steering committeo, are
now in conference with Cleveland at
ex-Secretary Whitnev's house. It is
understood the subject under consid
eration is the senatorial situation in
Nebraska, Montana, Wyoming and
The senators remained at Mr. Whit
ney's until late in the evening. The
senators will call on Mr. Cleveland
The statement made in the public
press that the seuators were here for
I the purpose of conferring with PresL
aent-elect Clevelana with reference to
an extra session and the policy of his
incoming administration was. Senator
Gorman said, absolutely without fou
dation. The democrats of the senate are
very much concerned about the public
cations which allege there is an or
ganized attempt to reverso tho will of
the people expressed at the last elec
tion. It was understood by everybody
until within the last few days that the
democrats had not only elected the
president and a largd majority of the
house of representatives, but that they
would have a clear majority in tho
senate Of the United States on meas
ures for which tho democratic party
stood in the last campaign and we
would thus be enabled to enact them
into laws. To the astonishment of all
it was found that the attempt to change
the political complexion of tho legis
latures in Kansas. Nebraska, Wyo
ming. Montana, North Dakota and
California was under way. Hence,
our visit here is to confer with the
campaign committee and to take such
measures as possible to prevent any
attempt at outrage that might be
Wo may not be in the position that
we were in the Montana case, when
the democrats carried the state and a
majority of the legislature, and yet by
sharp manipulation two republicans
were seated, but in short what we de
sire to do is to see that the will of the
people is properly recorded in the
election of senators in the statef
named. "
Admission or Tcrritolics.
Washington. Dec. 10. The strong
pressure that is being exerted by the
territories makes it now probable that
a joint conference of democratic sena
tors and representatives will be hcid
within a few days to determine the
steps to bo taken by the party in the
two houses in relation to the admission
of the territories into the union. New
Mexico, Arizona and Utah have been
clamoring lor enabling acts, or bills
tending ultimately to statehood, and a
considerable element in Oklahoma
thinks that territory has also arrived
at a state of maturity. Some of these
bills have already passed the house
and are pending in the senate, but it
is possible tho party may now consider
the policy of favoring an omnibus bill
admitting all these territories to state
hood at a timo.
Members of congress of both polit
ical parlies are being Hooded with let
ters and petitions for the admission of
the territories, and delegations are be
ginning to arrive in the city to press
the matter. Now Mexico presents tho
somewhat anomalous situation of being
urged for admission by both political
parties. Hon. L. Bradford Prince, the
republican governor of the territory,
and Hon. C. H. Gildersleeve, ex-chairman
of the democratic territorial com
mittee, are both in the city, urging
upon each of the parties to which they
respectively belong the political bene
fits to be derived by the admission of
New Mexico as a state.
Wyoming' Political lroblem.
Cheyenne. Wyo., Dec. 10. The
canvassing board met this morning
and adjourned after opening, but not
canvassing the returns from Sheridan
and Uinta counties. The returns in
dicate the election of Coffeen to con
gress by a majority of 300, which is
300 iess than it would have been but
for clerical errors. Clark, for the
supreme bench, will have 2, 000 and
Osborne, for governor, about 1.800
majority. The board adjourned to
the 19th to await the return of the
messenger sent to Johnson county
after the legislative returns.
A. C. Campbell and T. M. Patter
son of Denver applied for and secured
a writ of Alternative mandamus from
the supreme court to compel the can
vassing board to recognize the major
ity report from Carbon county or ap
pear in writ on the 19th inst to show
cause why they did not do so.
Ura. .Ua)brlc!t. Cae.
Washington, Dec. 10. Secretary
of State Foster confirms the dispatch
that this government has asked Mr.
Lincoln, the American minister at
London, to use his good offices with
tho English secretary of state for home
affairs in the interestof Mrs. Maybrick,
now under life sentence and reported
to bo critically ill in Woking prison.
The state department has not as yet
received any assurance from the Amer
ican legation in London as to what
action, if any, has thus far been taken
by it
Official returns show that the high
est vote cast for a republican elector
tvas 202.814. and the highest for a
democrat, 116.814.
About seventy-five cases of destitu
tion resulting from tho great strike at
Homestead have been reported to the
reiief committee.
A Now York grand jury has found
two indictments against Charles M.
Gardner, chief detective of Mr. Park
hurst's society. One indictment charges
him with extortion and the other with
attempted extortion.
Daniel McMillan, formerly the local
manager for the Standard Oil comoa-
ny and a well known capitalist of San
Jose., shot and killed himself.
The ofiicial count of the vote of New
Mexico has been completed. For dele-
rate.Tcenh. democrat, has is 700.
Catron, reoubiican. 15.220; Joseph'a
majoritv, 579, a clear republican gain
D , .., . vv,
oil. -JoO
Postmaster General Wanamaker has
- . .- . ,
sent an oraer to tne American Bank
Note comoany of New York for 3,000, - !
,. ,-..' . . . . ' I
000 Columoian stamps to be delivered
in 189a, J
An attempt was made 6y unknown
Darties to wreck a Southern PaciSo
passenger train near Granite Paag '
: e '
aUiss -nary lomey. an agea wealthy
lady of Niles, Mich., has been found
murdered in her house where she lived
Owing to the falling off iaimmigra.'
m tW will hAaW rr1.,n;n t
tion there will be a bier reduction in
iho official force at Ellis island. New
York harbor. 1
A 8uit for infringement of patents
has just been instixutcd in the United
Stales C0llrt which affect8 every elec.
trlc road in lhe country j
Ib-.ut Itle
..iVk- li !.ti ..' :1 t.:t ! -..- -
'1111110 uu rice is wuno. suo .
commission merchant -the size of the
grain varies greatly, according to the
locality where it is raUed. I have seen
almost, and again it is nearly as large
as beans. As fur taste, it is all about
alike, but the amount of cooking de
pends altogether on the size of the
grains. It takes an artist to cook rice
properly. You have noticed the oc
casional bia?k grains. Well, that is
what is called hut rice, and is so die
colored by being overheated in the
orocess of milling."
If i ersons would bring to bear the fame
amounr of common sense, iu buying n rem
edf for broncnitis, cocgh, told and c.-i:n;, ti ev do in the tiurciinse of ti.eir 'ani
ily sttpDlics. thev would n.-vcr fall to pro
cure Dr. Bull's Cough Srrup.
Thrre 13 but one sudden death among
women to every tea among nicr.
Sal va-ion O.l has the enviable tlhtir.ctlou
of t-eitg a synonym for cure of ilscuma
lism, neuralgia, uout, and klnured affec
t.ons, such ass iitici, ticdouloureitx, c c.
It is trowing more looular dally. 'Ihe
j cople will have it. 2o c's.
VVry "o!ilil-rat-.
'Is Mr. Mc.fessup at home," in
quired a man of the servant" who ans
wered the bell.
"Ah! sir," replied the maid. -he is
dead and was buried tho day before
Dead is he er weil then I won't
disturb him. Some other day will do
just as well." Texas Sif tings.
8. K. COB-URN', Mgr., Clarie Scott, writes:
"I find Hall's Catarrh Cure a valuable remedy."
Druggists sell it, 75c.
I c the l-o' Mn I'niU.
In Western Australia the magistrate
may sentence wrong-doers in certain
coses to be flogged, hut the govern
ment is very particular as to tho in
strument used for that purpose. A
circular issued for tho instruction of
the magistrates contains the following
directions: Under no circumstances
whatever should any other instrument
than a cat-o'-nine-tails be used, unless
it be some description of a whip (other
than a stock whip) or birch rod. A
rope or stick of auy sort must not on
any account be used.
A .Tlmmitot!. Competition.
tC.SOO In priws for tli lct fprrn liile w what
riif YfUth' oiiipsn -n nv-r !, f".ow fur the b?st
berla's nn.l St SCO fortl.o bot lolk-lun tales. N lo-
thin I.?fC Mit3 iiiiitfU-i for ftc e priz-s. Th !';
co. fnl .iiic arv J-t amounted to a;.eir In 1h
Youth I", uijwioii i!i:riii;j iMJ.
Hy crr.i:itir SI 7j at uncejou will nldaln the pper
FItEn to Jaiitiujr nnd lor n Ii.1I lo Januarj '34.
Address Tiik Yol Til's CorAMO, boston, Ma?a.
v Yll II ;!! I itr 'i oj.
Emil Winegartener. a German jew
dler. of Turin. Itaiy. exhibits a unique
novelty in one of his big show win
dows. It is a boat mado in 1SS; by a
workman in Mr. Winegartner's cm
plow and is fashioned from a singie
pearl. Tne outline, sweli and concav
ities of a real tug boat, are true to
iife. The miniature sail is beaten
from solid gold, studded with dia
monds. The binnacle light id a ruby
of wonderful brilliancy. An emerald
-erves for a rudder and the stand upon
which it is mounted is of pure ivory.
The weight of the boat and stand is
less than half an ounce. It is valued
ut $5. 000.
Ilc'trnc-a Cured by "ltt"!-.
Some people have a continual noise
in their ears, but though quite deaf
can hear very well where there is a
general no;se, as on tne cars. To
mane permanent the benefit thus de
rived nn ingenious aurist in the east
recently invcn:ed a banjo-shaped mu
sical instrument so arranged that any
note in the scale may be continuously
sounded by means of a storago bat
tery. The note chosen is the one
which the patient hears all iho time
in his ears. By constantly sounding
this note the ordinary ringing stops
and tho hearing rapidly improves.
Dr. E. T. Ailen. the eye and ear sur
geon of Omaha who tiics one of these
instruments in his olllce. says he has
checiced. with one treatment a ring
ing which had continued for six
months, and has cured cases of ca
tarrhal deafness that had resisted tho
ordinary methods. Tho treatment is
not at ail painful and perfectly harm
less, and while it wiil not cure all
cases, yet to children and those who
havo recently lost their acuteness of
hearing it is proving a boon of un
speakable value.
V liristm i t react) t from Dr. Tal
tiiasi'. l)r Talma;c reccu'ly place 1 the largest
bo k order ever recorded. It was for 100 -000
beautiful Oxfoi:i Tk nuieV Buu.r.?,
frorh lrom ibe Oxford Cniv-r Itv Pre-.. of
En.-s.-iiid. u:th tlnse 100,000 Bibic- It U
the iut nt o:i of I)r. 'lulu nge o m ke K0,
000 heart? 1 'iy by uiaki-ur a Cnrstmas
i resent 'o each i:cr m scribcr for 'lili:
Cum tiav Hki:ai.i at?J.
Hit. Tai.maoi: j edit r f Tun Cjuiistivx
lini:.v:.! wiil -b is i-tue i ever. Wednesday,
rnd tdite.i in iii? liapp c-t e.u .1 U (illd
with i tisrlit pirturcs and every l-sue con
tain a en a run ns: piece of mu-ic contributed
bv ra P. ankev.
Onu-r are pouriur; in by mail, te cgra-di
nnd ixpre-- at such a frcrncti iou ia j
that i quite vulent that tiic - : v !il ,
give nut lefor- lh-j end of the 'p rs.-:it I
month. Kach on- of trc e Binlc runt-tits !
r. Co-ten dance, Subject-Siidev. 12 beautiful j
Ccl jreil .Map and a great quantity of in- i
f rrnation .absolutely indis: ensibic o at
Droner intcrp'ctati n of the Holy Serf;- "
The be-t Investment of a two doi'or note
U to enii it ti T. DsWirr T .. vf, Y3-? to
t95 Bible House. Do t to dav.
'Iho queen of Sia'ii has x
vet seen on n title i womai.
c niallct fc t
To Ic Flnmp. Ttosy nnd Strnns
-U.t .:on.v C. i:.hiit . o"s Hnr
Cod Liver Oil. Ini?ltu ILiLerV. SMl)J-clruKijl!.
C't'hr stall 1 r xi:
pound in Loudon.
i bout
a 'Sa.uin:
'ort- ' liront ,.r mi Ji, if rsTervd to
prnf-n. oftui reti! in nn incuf.-ibl" tlirr.v
or Iujij; trnulilf. II: mis- lli.o. ikial Trio
chei" sit--? instant i "iff.
A resideut of Marl tin, ('a., cla-ni to
baic a pelr tied eh cken.
TXrammeir Conr;h Props.
C'eBtcmiifiroC-lclirntMl Coupti l)rori Th ena
ineliaTcA H I, ou ench drop. ld cerjwlier
.7 hn I5i rd of R.'cb-nouil,
ernn of aier'co.
Hammoail's CALUMET Lard. Ilsms and
l'aion. All first-i-'a-s grxe.- aim market
men Lsnal-j this b-snd. Made ?rom 1
Xel raika Logs. Try it. The G. H. Ham- I
siosu Co., South Omaha, Xcb.
There Js one Ch'nese. one I'-vtuzac-e and 1
one Cherokee newspatcr nrlnu-i
U Ited St.tes.
in the
FITS-All AU itopped free bj DB. BUSrHCBKAT
5ERTK KE9TOREH. No (It alter r.n.1 dj's c:f. Mar.
Tdou cures Treatlw and R CO t nil bottle free to Kit
csi Send to Dr. Kline, Ml Arch St., Philadelphia, I .
Th rVr-' a!l to i e"ir sujci.ies among .
rai ers tnan tmon; anv otnerclajj f nork- 1
It.n. '
" ... Z Z 7- i
Con-jhlnK Leads to Consumption. I
K,m;8 BilMO w, gto? the cPoa,"-.t!
once. Go to your druggist today and get
aPje bottle free. La:ge totilesM cents
The most valvablc newia?er protertr in
Lojucnis tne Dail.- Teleera-h.
i.ib ' A,Mbii
to represent ns In every town in Nebraska, '
Western Iowa, South Dakota and Northern
Kansas. "VVc carry the Larsjcst Stocks and
Rrcatest variety of goods west of Chicago.
We make the lowest priees andmakeaspe-
claltj- of Alliance and other Farmers' trade.
We carry complete lines of all kind of
merchandise, including musical instruments. '
Liberal Inducements offered to a live man 1
in each tOTn. Hatdes Bnos ,
Put Goos axd Cabi-eis.
Umaba, Neb. I
A Dangerous Deadlock
Occurs when the sleve-llko action or tho kid
neys is interrupted, and they partially cease to
iecrcto from tlo blood those impurities for the
escape of which they aro such ilnportant chaa
nels. Brighfs, Disease, diabetes, supprcsslofi
of tho urine, and weakness and' inaction of the;
bladder these are complaints to the relief of
which IIostetters Stomach Ulttera is admira
bly adapted. These ailments unchecked are
rery formidable, and the utility or a recourse to
this Due remedy and preventive cannot be
pleaded with too much insistence. Tho Hitters
is likewise eHkciou3 in aa incomparable de
cree lor malaria. Indigestion, costiveness. rheu-
mattsm and debility. In neuralcia It has also
proved itself a sovcrcicn medium of relief.
one ll in -i::ollc
The ofiicial returns of the consump
tion of tobacco in France last year
show that tho total was 74.314,000
pounds, and the amount realized by
the sale of it was about $7.846. 000.
representing a consumption of nearly
two pounds in weight and $1.85 in
value per head of the population. The
cigars tnnce in Prance realized a total
of $10,490,000; cigarctts $4,029,000
and smoking tobacco $34,430,000
The pleasant flavor, gentle action nnd
soothing effect of Syrup of Figs, when
in need of a laxative, and if the" father
or mother be costive or bilious, the
most gratifying results follow its use;
bo tlrut it is the best family remedy
known and every familv should have a
ll.e first t-rintins tress in Amcri-a was
tet up in Mexi. o n V"A.
Important to Fleshy People.
We havo noticed s paca article In tho Daily Globa
on reducing welBht at a very .ttcall wrense. It
will pay our renders 10 ond tiro-cent stamp fort
copy to Atlus Circulating Library, 113 State Street,
Chicago, iu.
- stent hr.8 Le n :r nted u Auck'anl
for a net .0 c.ilih bales.
"llaiKan'a Mnsic Corn SnlTr."
Warranted to eu-i, -r mmiey refunded. Ask
your ilreimist for it. Piicu lb cents.
I had a malignant breaking out on my leg
hslow the knee, and vascured sound and well
with two and a halt uonies ci
Other Llood medicines had failed
to do me any good. Will C. Ueaty,
..- '5jgyagi
T tr-i trnnhlocl f mm MMhntl with nn as
rravatrd ease of Totter, nnd three bottles ol
! cured xnoi-cnnnnently.
Oar book on r.lootl ar.fl Skin Diseases mailed
free. EwirrSrsciriu Co., Atlanta, Ga. ,
"-' ..T c-
rrt. VftSSBIrSK ! ! IrS Mill IU M I I Siar SS 1SSSS1 a la lirrlS SPSS IISSlllSSISS Sfc IMIM !! ISanrSSlB I 1 iiri SS a 1
S-ELY'S CREAM BALfl-dennc. yllo Nj'BPiS55H
fei5-,KSJg I'rtssu.cis, Allavs ruin ai:l Ii:J.irninitiion, ,l'R?572Er "iVN I
y 59StheSir.-, Kcntnreit T;ito a:id Simdl. omi fun-s rM'ATAHoVrtl
y m-watUiaJillQiH-i worm
? &SSteE3!&Z A. -SSi ESyAgB BS SBB IB &! aw WmfEilPV) s it M rtCfe. iio5?vPh.
S. ( tUvoellcrat'onco for R SJ-J
SfcrBS3 Ap'.'t' into tiic Xostrils. Wis ,ticVi Ab'orb'd. ls?l.V'vXI ' trii&i.i'sSij
KaSSaSBiSiSl 30c Ura--?-t3 or by mail. ELY B ItOS., M Wtirren St., K. T. WI& 'V&W' 55t E t&Q&s&0j3
Mh- ono pans, churns, bottles,
lk 'OctllO, evcn-thinir which is
, .
, . .,, - ,. -
where where milk folks have a
Pearhne is genuine. And it's natural. For all kinds of
washing and cleaning, nothing equals Pearline.
tO-rsT- -rtO
k- W iL-4i FALSK Pearline ii never peddled, if vour rrrocer sends
you an imitation, be honest seiui ii la:k.
Deau Dr. Talmagk: I again send you 52.00 for
CHRISTIAN HERALD for one year, both of which
you wilt please send toT. McKean, Cold Springs, X.J.
It is but just for me to say that I am well pleased with
the beautiful Premium Teachers' Bible and I tender vou
my sinccrest thanks for it. As for THE CHRISTIAN'
HERALD, I regard it as the " Prince of Family papers,"
in fact I love it next to the Bible. Yours sincerelv.
Rev. THOMAS J. TAYLOR, Cold Springs. X. J.
J-lVae'JV!.ii-i.-i-iiMffrifTr.TtTr..riW1tuL.jl J..JPJ.-U. . .1 iii.iJftiJ.WiMBn
IF you wiil send Two Dollars to THE CHRISTIAN HERALD as soon as you see this
advertisement, I will
s. ?..
2ji& y&s
Wednesday. It is full of
,',.35i rwssi
r 3 - - cjiso wtm
1 MTrgf J . IT !"
sa &tSi
?Ztx8t Sv . 7,tSft
17KV r-i - c x
52bsI X"ft,?SBK;,x
Oxford TeaGhgrs'Bibie
- AT S2.00 --
Coatains 1450 Pases, is leather EosctJ.
Dlvlclty Circait. Cilt YAzt. Rociid
C'rcers. acd Overlapplaz Edues. ibis
Beantifnl Bible is Printed iron Clear -
rearlType, and Hca3ures -trbec Opcc, J?J
Flaps included
7x11 INCHES. ffl
Ve Prepay Express Charges. $g
firli t.1i!o i nnntrd ly
tb Oifonl
VniTrrsiiy Pre 3"l P"'
at Aa.en t r.TZter in Lu:
If your subscription is received after our stock of Bibles is
your money immediately, WE
portunity of the year. Send f wo Dollars to-day and make sure oi getting this Beauti
ful Bible and the best paper 4 tt -& 0
in the world for a whole y, O- AL0Z'
year for only $2, Address
Remember t'sat in Garfield Tea you have
ft unfailing remedy for indigestion, sick
headache an 1 ererr attending ill tht an
abused stomach can maSe you nffer. Every
druggist cells i: ; 23c., 50c. and (1.
There are scales in the Boston asay office
so de feats that they indicate the ten-millionth,
part of 1 pound.
1 ?.m. xcel the good that a done by Dr. iterces
Uoiden ilcdtcal Discovery, it purifies the
Wood. And through tho blood, it cleanses.
repairs, and invigorates tho whol system.
In recoverinj: from "La Grippe.' or in
convalescence from pneumonia, fevers, or
other wasting diseases, nothing can equal it
as au appetizing, restorative tonic to build tip
needed flesh and strength. It rouses every
organ into natural action, promotes nil tho
bodily functions, and restores health and
For every disease that cornea from a torpid
liver or Impure blood, Dyspepsia. Indigestion,
Biliousness, and tbo most stubborn Skin,
Scalp, or Scrofulous affections, tho " Diicov
ery" is tho only remedy to certain that it
can be guaranteed. If it doesn't benefit or
cure, in every case, you have your money
For a perfect and permanent euro for
Catarrh, taka Dr. Sages Catarrh Remedy.
Its proprietors offer $00 toward for an
ineurabio caso ot "Jatarrn.
. TnciTin frkk.
rosttirelr Cured with Vegr-tuhle Renit'dtf- .
Havec'iifec! thousands orciM.". Cure pro J
aounceilhopeli'M ny beet plijsiclan.Krom nrst!oo I ii. ten days at least tm- third j
HI tyrapioms reinovcu. cu i"'incii'iuu;n"""
ila!s of miraculous cure. Ten i-'ays treatment
'rec lr mall. If you onler trial iemt Kc lit -tampi
opiy" pontage I.H ll.;iirn. .tfovs.Atlanta.G-'
. r tuu orCer trial return this ailvcrtlnit-nt to n
CunsoB-DtlTC srxl people I
Rhobare weak lunssor .A 9th-1
ma. should uso Piso's Care for 1
Consumption. It has cured
tnouMintla. it has not injur
ed one. it is not bad to take.
Itlstlie best coupt syrup.
Sold cverrwhere. S."c.
Ti! Irtiiisj Socialist f'tbe L S.
103 South k M., (hirafto.
OTilkiSHSOtSf citv tEi-'Ani.nsAi.Ks.iir:!1!'
wnntiil 111 ereiy county. Stock I nil? !tnlnr.
irnjrO namental ir -c tml plnnts.
'itULIIlL'J pl.inter.t. (nunt.'ri C. I..
Watrou. Ucs .llolnr?. Iu
actum fl piijjrnby?WKDIsnASTnMA
AolilmA LUntU .rOKK fcample tree.
EAABRIXRC OaOCDrK"- rcariy;coirdiM-i
RARniMl2! rArCnzHnt-iwaiit correpuiiiients
tJliXXELS .IIOXTIILV. Toledo, Ohio
SaTorpMno ITabit CnreI In IO
tr mZU tl:iTt. ."hi 1I uu rureu.
DR. J.ST'EPftEHS, Lebanon.Ohio.
If afflicted with
soru eyes, usa
Thompson's Eye Wafer.
lor milk, even down to the
, . , , ( ,
s doiiic incse arc tnmir-s ior
I in i T. ,
i B
,-, .. , . ....
Fearlme, the'- re cleansed more
1 -it i
easily, more quickly, more eco-
a ii . ill ii ft a.a
nomicaliy, and more thoroughly. '
tlian With nnVthtno-flqr' L-nmvil I h I
people who know most about milk I h
iust that. We can't afford to
all the testimonials we hold.
They're free expressions of opinion i
conventions, in papers, every-
. . " tr I ' .
voice. Their enthusiasm about
rcddlers and some unscrupulous grocers will (ell you.
thi-- i-; ns rood as" or "the same as Pearline." IT'S
e$i JAMES PVLE. Kew Yorfc.
iters to Dr.
DEAR blR: I made the hest h.irtr.un ol the vcar
when I sent you two dollars for The Christian
Herald and the Oxford Teachers' Bible. Both
have been the source of much pleasure. Now 1 want
the home folks to have
closed find two dollars for The Christian Herald
and OxroRn Teachers' Bible to be sent to my brother.
Hubert C Xiday, Mercerville. Ohio.
Sincerely yours,
J. E. Xidav, Principal, Public School, Reagan, Texas.
send you THE CHRISTIAN HERALD for one year-52
times-every Wednesday, and in
free of charge (all charges prepaid) by express a beautiful '
zford Tea
f nkin r
TerrjtPJM 'ASBPrI1
I make this extraordinary offer in order j
to introduce THE CHRISTIAN HERALD into
your nome.
REV. DR. TALMAGE. It is issued every-
pictures. Every issue has a
Oxford TeacIiers'BiMe
Tlic Holy Scriptures mt!i Ref
erences. And All tlte BSclpn.
Saratnurlcs of t'tc Several
Tilhlew l'!uvrrit!T-Scr.r.!iire History
Concortlnnce, v0Rcfcrenct-i.
Index to X'cr.HotcH, Subjects and
!l.iccs. 1 .&jo Reference?.
UcttniitcnciiS and Integrity of the
Old and New Testaments.
Summary oi the Apocryplial Book
Ilictlonstry of ail Scriptural Proper
Names, their Pronunciation and Meanint:
Words Obsolete or Ambiguous
in tlis Ei;Iii'i I. b.e
12 cor.iti;i hcriiti;ic2-:
Animals oftlie Hiblc.
Ilarmotiy r the GoHpelM, etc.
thus lose a customer while
388 to 895 Bible House, New York- City
They nro warranted and made
by Skilled Workmen, of the best
Selected Stock.
goods manufactured by us and
take no others. It will pay you
to investigftti by n trial.
Treats icamsfnlty
all chruDli
irifn np by other
doctor. Call an 1
it blra or writs
for quetllon blank.
IK not Ibtnk jour
case boprleu b
caue yonr doctor
trl. yon to, but try
tho Uhtno doc
tor with bl ne
and wonderful rn
nliM, and recalra
new brncflU and a
permanent cure
what otbrr doctors
cannot clve. llrb,
UiHiUand rialll
nature's rrniMllea
h i medicines,
the world hi wit-ne-.
One thoct
and te?tinnnliN In
three jear'a pra
tlce. No InJur.O'H
decoctions, no nar
cotic, no poison.
national treatment
and permanent
I cure. Enclose 4 cents is sftimtri for leplr. Office open
j daily, 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. Cor Wl and California !U.,
. Osthoo Block, Omaha, Xcl'.
Unlike the Dutch Process
So Alkalies
Other Chemicals
aro used In tho
prcriaratioii of
I'sLklA tehlch t. absolute!
pure and soluble
I the strength of Cocoa mixed
with h-tarcli. Arrowroot or
'Susar, and is far moro eco
nomical, costUvj less than one cent a cup.
It is delicious, nourishing, and easilt
Sold by firoren eicrjrTlier.
W. BAKER &C0., Borchester, Maw.
the FamonIiittIe Tills forConstiDRtIon.SIck ITead
che, tiyspepla.Xu XauscS'o Vain. Very Sniall
A II Uaii ?V-sper H an el-
whrir Cf too b.r.
MS 1 tanlj tutcMlfaSor K
fiiiLt-ji-'-t; si
HuMt t!r ent TOP
tur-with ece under alt
clicuiir-iaaifij Perfect
Adjustment. (omforK-
snd uro e aienieo
InlIJTOTPl'lent,- Iflu
trntnl catalosur an
rule for !f-mcarre-'
ment sent e-urcl
jnilt O V HOlS
Mill CO, T Hrcad
wnT. Kew York City.
mi . ..Al wo7Afrt..- oHrwirtr:'' T. Vrt? 1
iiiiibii.ii'-u.ti'"'!';", n"r; j" .
Au?r3, xiacxinuz, xayurKuiic
and .Tetttnir, jitachiaerj , ?&)
i:inri. I T- ayAaf
the pech Wfc. co.
Htotix City, Iswn
jjj ... iiiuguiiiiiiiiii.x'
njwj r)Ea ys a ii.W lmrnt4 Oif.rd
S5j t)IZ..i twiUJI )kll ntklat, l
EaTS a ia.li3Iarotd Oif.rd Sli
U teLJm
't!k . ac '.!. u. m f tJl.IrtLM l.IH.i lUbMll
FREI. r t.Hi.. I rswtMfcli t fn-
Uri n-m r . 4 i2f art
'oi- -.:. sre ci.. c. Aa.aliutf itu
iti.- V''lai'cr"i'onthbyhBrm!e.'rbaS
t. -Wf I jreTj:p,!,t ov.rTinnoinco.wnT
- 'rnd no brj effects. f.TictlyconrXnfJi-
jSuccesjfutty Prosecutes Claims.
J Ijito Principal Cxitmlnt-r U S. Pntlon liurnnu.
a 3yrsiul.idt nar. Ijaiijuduatuiulaicu, atty since.
Imnnrtrd lvrclirroi anl Milrn tal
liit. iSW. 1. 2 and 'year time. Impnrtet
mares cha;i. IllrainC Wheeler. OiiclxH.SaoCo.,Ia
Tin: Christian Herald. En
addition I will send you
; nsoi
piece of music supplied
bv Mr. IRA
No Chris
tian Home
in a Christian
without THE
a Genuine OX
Send Two
Dollars To
day and make
your home
orient for a
whole year.
exhausted we will refund
YOU miss the BEST op
DR. C.
hiI H-1 1 Ii
idrrl rM HUB
50 KS Egfi Xl
ta 3H Iwl SB
i M
' m I i J
la "-rteSBoa
iliiiiii r
c !!