"3i fft'i "" m i , w i n '- t .-- ". !- . S - gtftprfRii mmiJt hesa. J I v2C'v3Ikb3vh?h ONE EIVTOYsa -. - Both the method and result whea ' -: Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is ple&S&ni mncl refreshing to the taste, and acti :V eentlyyet promptly on the Kidneya, -,- 'Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sy . : tern effectually, dispels colds, head- -.'. "'aches and fever3 and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is tht . only remedy of its kind ever pro-.'-duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the Btomnch, prompt in its action and truly beneficial ia its - "eflecia, prepared only from the most . lealthy and agreeable substances, ; . its many excellent qualities com- ' .mend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figa is for sale in 50c end $1 bottles by all leading drug gist. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who trishea to try it Do not accept - any substitute. . CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN PIA.'.CISCO, CAL. uunviuE. r. uzw rcac k.t. ""German I am a fanner at Edotn. Texas. I have used German Syrup for six 3'car.s successfully for Sore Throat, Coughs. Colds, Hoarseness, Pains in Chest and Lung, and Spitting-up of Tlood. I have tried many kinds nf Cough Syrups in my time, but let me say to anyone wanting such a medicine German Syrup is th'e best We arc .subject, to so many sudden changes from cold to hot, damp weather here, but in families where German Syrup is used there is little trouble from uolds John F Jones jfAKE PLEASANT mMmm k&!V is&iJ &m& THE NEXT MOHN1NG. I FEEL BRIGHT AND HEW AND MV COMPLEXION IS BETTER. "ily doctor says It acts gently on the rtoinach,llTor am! kidneys nnl Is a pleasant iaxntfte. Th trials H indJe lruin Sierlis, nad 13 ircpured for use r.i easily cs tea. It Is called L AMI'S MEBISIME All drucclste sell It at We. and f 1 r. paciica. If Jim cmnot k It. Fond yonr addrps for h free aiutlc. I.anr'n ritmily ."Mciliclno n;orn the uotvcU cscli dnv. AiMipfs ! UU&TOU H. WOODWARD. LeIIOY. X. ' Did you ever see a sickly baby with dimples ? or a heal thy one without them ? A -thin baby is always deli cate. Nobody worries about a plump one. If you can get your baby plump, he is almost sure to be well. If you can get him well, he is almost sure to be plump. The way to do both there is but one way is by care ful living. Sometimes this depends on Scott's Emulsion of cod-liver oil. We will send you a book on it ; free. Scott & Bowks, Chemists, 133 South jth Avenue, 'New York. 38 ely's catarrh CREAM BM&M IS CTOKTH fe' CVTARPV0 ?3iOi.DiNHv - $500 grT to Axr aw. ''ittYFEWER& r s; y 1. o . t7r...AM nu:ijj.j . vi v t.- JC tX" . tiL-maii ur iri!i"jar , - x- i siuTcring; from f53T? UOT A-UQUIO cr SJIUFrg AY-FEVER . A particle i applied Into cscli notril and Is agree able. Trice M rents at DrujrzMs or bv mall. ELT IJUOTIlEits. &: Warren Street, New Tort stirmri; BileBens Small. Gouaieed to cure Billons Attaeii. 8!ck -Headache and CoxiatlpatloB. 40 in each bottle. Prise SSc For sale bj druggists. rictnrs -7, 17, 70" and sample dose free. 4. F. SMITH A C0M Proprietors, HEW Y0SUL TtlJ TreOa yszri Is on tie best WftTERPRGOF GOUT in the World 1 A. J. TOWER. EOSTON. MASS. eis. Bgt2 Cares Consumption, Coxxgbs, Crtmp, Sara Threat. SoUi br all Dmstsis on a Guarantee. Fora Lame Siae, Back erCaet Sbiloh's Pcrcsa Jlrter ?!lsiEr5at?.-d.fici!5. 25 centt Asthma: The African KelalMaBf, ducorvred ia C01150, m rs . Atnra. ii. Haturei S;ure Svmro" AT ' Jllii? wnM? Hfcsr'-x n VK&sSK&ragr J VTTfnrV '.K.lfl J v i .virr ra Mi viy MB vmin- isssriikv si y ..c Afa ?CVSW1 fm ervr" "55D0SESZ5I jtgg-ZZ yrt wwnt; ?ff,pww 25"H3'aM2 NSSSKa M. " i - , T- Cm-jor istUan Cut-J 'jnaraalced crfla Mr. j:xpotl O&icc. 1104 iiKiUivcv Jew sort. lorXarse Vrial Ciwp. CHV.H &y fSo.ll. Jdresa KOLAinpos.rii'a to.. iicv.ccit.x:ictiiy otio. W.N.U.0mah' - 647-47 ADVERSITY. Adversity, thou art a friend, Yot friendly look to few, And they are those who see" tho end Thy trials bring to view; The braver souls who will ndt takd Defeat at thy first blow, Xhoueh oft thy stinging lashes mako Each sturdy frame bend low. Yet like the brave old oak, -whoso head Bows low to every blast That sweeps with chilling shriek amid Its mighty branches vast; Though lov it sways with pliant graco, Yet, whea the storm is o'er. Resumes i s wonted, upright place, Strengthened by what it bore. Housekeeper. THUEti MBEELLAS. If it didn't look as it I were try Ing to gxiiu bomc benefit from your umbrella." ho remarked. as ho chanced to meet ber on tho church steps nf tor service, "I would ask lo walk homo with you. I didn't ex pect rain when I left homo, so 1 am unprepared. ' However." came her clear reply, just arch enough to bo fascinating and just tender enough to be frank. If you'll carry my umbrella and let mc turn my eucrgies to keeping thy dross caught up outof the mud I'll be very thankful to you." They had walked strangely enough, half way homo in almost complete silence, wlien a man and a woman passed them, like them under one umbre la, but. unlike them. the woman was held Miugly close to tho man's side as she clung to his arm. It was a picture of that open freedom which so undeniably marks a con genial man and wife, whoso com pan'onslup has ripened into frank trust As lliey passed Robert Courtright said, hair thoughtfully, perhaps: 'Ihey arc sensible. If two aro trying to ute one umbrell.1, they aro surely to be commended if they strive to la-e up as little room as possible. Kvon if it be noon, won't you take my arm? ' Hut they aro plainly not such such strangers as we." 6ho returned, conscious that both were treauing on daugcrous ground. Are we strangers?" he asked. ijUickiy. turning his e3-es search ingly j on her. The pretty face grew a trifle palo against its light Drown hair. A lump seemed to climb to her throat but she returned, bravely: Yes that is we'll always bo strangers compared with them." Hie tried lo laugh it away, but it ' would hu'.c been difficult to tell I which pair of lips quivered tho more 1 or which pair of eyes swam in the , deepest mist as tho two started on. I both silent, both sad. both realizing that a little tragedy had occurrod in that brief instant under that dripping umbrella on tho noon boulevard. Fight years went by and found Gabriel Yaughno alore in tho world, with necessity for keeping up a life in which all interest and all energy were dead. She had at iasl arisen from a tedious illness, and tho nurso herself scarcely recognized tho tall, pale, sad-faced woman with the short, dark curls as tho bright-eyed, light-haired girl of six months be fore. Gabriel had one th.ng dear to her. and only one and that was a memory. And some of our dcare&t memories are the crudest part of our lives. hen finally she stood be fore a mirror and realized that that changed creature was herself, a mighty resolve filled her she would go to the source of that memory. bho knew whero ho was. she knew that he had married three years after that bitter morning in tho rain and had married a wealthy wifo. That wa- tho rea-on that sho had thrust him back from her long ago. just be cause of Irs poverty. Mot that t would pain her. a thousand times uo! llacn t she cried out night after night since that starvation with him would bo only bliss? Hut she had known his ambitions and his capabi ities; knew his dreams of success and sho reali ed his abil.ty to '.urn the dreams lo realities. She was poor. Would she permit herself lo Lang a millstone about his neck? Would sho hold him always in the depths of poverty by being his wife and the mother of his needy children? Xo sho would hurt his heart before she would ruin his life. Time had proved that she had been right. His wife was a beautiful wo man, and her wealth had opened boundless opportunities to him. He had risen she had known that he would. But now that sho scarcely was able to know herself, she would venture into his world and see for herself how happy and proud and prosperous he was. So. having spent all but her last bill for her t'eket she stepped into Philadelphia otic spring evening, steeling hr heart to what might fol low. The next evening she had walked past his great rich house and was starting back when a sudden shower burst unexpectedly upon her. bho gathered up her skirts in that peculiar way so characteristic of a damty woman, and was hurrying along when all at once she was con scious of a sharp, childish cry at her side. Turning she beheld a tall sad faced man trying to quiet a fretful baby of about throo years, which held out its dimpled hands lo her and cried: Mamma! Mamma!' Tho gentleman strove to tdop it and Gabriel started on. But sharp and piercing came the "Mam-ma!" snd hor heart bade her linger. 1 or the first time the man spoko to her. Jf5 I must beg your pardon, madam. His mother has just died, and some thing about you seems to have recalled her to him. Gabriel's heart softened at once. Going straight up she took the tiny, outstretched hands iu her own and murmured: Poor, motherless little one." The father held out his umbrella over her and for tho first time she looked at him the face was Robert's! Sho was glad for the excuse of turn ing to baby again and murmuring something unintelligible. However, ho had not recognized her; so she drew all her strength to her assistance and succeeded in hiding her emotion. If you will walk under my um brella. as I am going your way for this square, you can keep dry. And. too. I fear baby won't liko to part There was no easy way to retreat: it would have been absurd to scud off in a changed direction through the pelting rain, so she continued talking hurriedly to the child. As they reached the foot of tho broad stone steps sho stopped. '-I can not thank you enough for having calmed Leslie." His nurse left this morning ad he will not be consoled by any of the other servants. So I finally told Mrs. Clarke, the housekeeper, that 1 would try him for a walk? But will you not lake tho umbrella? It will" be a shame to expose yourself to such, a deluge. " ' She gracefully declined all thanks and such kind offers and quickly glided off, a tall black-robed figure daring the watery drops. But a per fect shriek from baby aiose when ho found himself deserted in this fashion, and each succeeding cry became louder and more distressing. Again Gabriel could not go. Again she came baek to him. " Will you please come into tho house with him? Mrs. Clark may there be better able to get him away than I." So Gabriel carrying the child, en tered his house, unknown, but wel come even then. Leslie was not to bo easily decoivod. and all the ruses were seen through immediately by h's caierul, big blue eyfis. We must get a nurse maid this very night " declared Mrs. Clarke as she ondeavored in her practical cold hearted way to inveigle the young lord from his new mamma." But," groaned Mr. Courtright "where can ono get one which he can trust on such short notice?'' A bold idea entered GubrioVs head. She tried three or four times to speak, and her voice failed. Finally 6he choked hack tho lump in h3r throat and said: Would it be presumptuous for me to offer njyself? I can show you ex cellent references and I am now looking for some such position." You a nursemaid?" exclaimed Mr. Courtright in amazement- Then, a moment later, he would have given much to have it back unsaid; her plain black gown was darned at the elbows It was merely her way of wearing it that gave her tho appear ance of a woman of long founded culture and delicacy. Two years went by. in which Miss j Yarney. as she was now known, un discovered, was loved by and loved in return Mr. Courti'ight's two children, it wa's one evening in March", just bo- I fore dusk, when she had left Leslie upstairs asleep and had just como 1 down lo the drawing room witu Mabel to stay with the child till her father came to dinner. He was Into and Mabel had waO dcred off to a back parlor, thus leav- ' log Gabriel alone in the dimly lighted room whoa Mr. 'Courtright finally en tered. I shall call Mabel" she began, starting from hor station by the win dow. Xo, Miss Yarney; stay. I have something to say td you. You re member how moved I was the first time 1 cslic called yon -mamma? You thought then, no doubt that it was becauso of tho memory of my wife. Partly so. but mostly becauso as I looked up at you I thought for an instant that you were tho woman who who might have been "His mother if the fates' had been kinder. Do yoii know. Miss Yarney. that you often remind mo cruelly of a woman I loved bolter than tho world?" Your wife?" sho was glad that it was dark enough lo hido the trembl ing of her lips. "So, not my wife. I loved Marie ono way; sho was tender and true to ma But tho woman that I roally lo.cd ." Then after a short pause, he went on: "But what I mean to say to you is this: I have learned to love you a thousand times belter than Maria and sometimes. I almost think., as much as 1 loved tho dearest ona Can you, will you hate me if I ask you thus to bo Leslie's mamma in truth as well as m word?" Slowly came tho roplj: "But you lovo the first woman best of all even yet?" Yea 1 do. But as I saul I often almost think that you aro sho when I stop to realize how 1 feel toward you. Moment after moment went by. Tho shadows camo closer and the rim of lighter clouds near the west hori zon grow narrower. At last sho said: I too. loved in tho long ago. But'I never can in any way love another man. But " -Miss Yarney." ho broke in. No. let mo finish." sho continued. "Take an umbrella ana go down to the east gata Do not ask a question, but take the umbrella ana wait there."' Then sho sped upstairs. Ho was dazed; maybe that was the reason that he, as iu a dream, did as she had bid and took his station down by tho rustic gala whero tho softly falling rain dripped through the leaves onto the gravel of the walk. Suddenly he was conscious of a rus tle at his sida and. turning, there stood a tall girl with a loving smile above the samo dark collar, with a sweet face shining abovo the same dark bonnet remembered so well from long ago. and an old-timo voice mur mured: "Robert" Gabriel?" he gasped. "Yea "' sho laughed. "Gabriel and your nursemaid in ona" When they walked up to the house that night sho clung lovingly to his arm under the narrow umbrella, for they wero strangers no longer. Chi' cago Xows. Itcady Por The Attack. A young Malay officer on the coast of India, was ono night return ing from inspecting an outpost when he began to suspect that a tiger was following him. It was dangerous to proceed, as any miniito might, bring an attack in the rear, and so he paused, and made what preparation he could for tho encounter. He had a swerd at his sido and a croese in his belt, a weapon resembling a dagger. Having scraped away tlic earth to give himself a firm footing, ho knelt on one knee and kept a sharp look out knowing tho beast was near. Soon ho perceived the animal's glittering oyea and know it must bo creeping toward him like a cat The moment of suspense was a terrible ona but at last it ended and the brute made its spring. Its charge was. however, received on tho creesa which went through tho animal's breast stabbing it to the heart so that it fell mortally wounded. In its dying struggles it lore the flesh from tho young fellow's arm. but did him no mortal injury. As for" tho victor, ho calmly rose and went into camp to report his second tiger slain that year. Youth's Com panion. A monk's Invention. At a late fair in Brittany. Franca a monk from tho Friestine monastery exhibited a plain-looking table with an inlaid chess board on its surfaca The inventor, or any ono so disposed, sets the pieces for a game and then sits alono at one sido of tho tabla However cautiously ho plays ho is frequently checkmated by the pieces from the opposite sida which move automatically across the board. .Xo matter how scientifically the player plays tho ghost-moved pieces fre quently come out ahead. No mechan ism is apparent; to all intent the table is a solid board. Bog" AflVction. Tommy You ought to see how much butter my stepmother puts on my bread." (Johnny I guoss it' 3 some of 1 this bogus butter and she's trying it on you before she eats any of it her self." Texas Sittings. "WHAT NEWS?' Ab Excltlnt Incident ia Mid-Ocean In T-rntrtil Tfenvm. .... ., ( Early one morning the mate was started by the cry from aloft: "Black smoke ahead, sir! A big schooner standing to the southward." Tho captain was called and in a trice bounded on deck, where, apply ing the glass to his eya he took a long look at the stranger who hod pushed so suddenly out of the early mist hanging low upon the horizon. Whatover her character, we had but little chance of escape, if she had rifled guns. Many a glance of appre hension was directed toward tho som ber hull and pair of sloping smoke stacks with the twisting smoke trneJ ing far astern. Show him our colors, sir! Bond on the ensign; we may as well be hung for a sheep as a lamb. If that fellow is a rebel the sooner wo know it the better!" exclaimed the captain some what excitedly to the male, It was close upon six bells (7 o'clock) when the steamer rovealcd her na tionality. Wo fairly yelled as the blood-red cross of St George danced up aloft from tho steamer's signal halyards. She was evidently a troop ship bound for the capa a trifle out of her course, but wo did not stop to consider that She was too far distant to speak, but in obedience to a gesture from tho captaia the mate emptied a bag of gayly colored signals on deck; and the boys were called aft to man tho halyards and led a hand to bend on tho magic flags. Upward fluttered the parti-colored bits of bunting, glasses wero leveled and breathless expect ancy marked the sunburnt features of the clipper's crew: for the inquiry Hying from our mizzen-royalmast was: What news of the American war? The flash of foam cast up by the huge propeller greeted our straining vision. The great steamer glided on warl but no responsive signals glad dened tho anxious hearts of those yearning to hear news from homo. With a passionato exclamation of disappointment tho captain closed the Joints of his long glass with a savage snap, sayfng. as he turned away, "He hasn't our 'code. It's no use." Look at that!" suddenly exclaimed J be mate, pointing. "What is he go in.g to do?" . He is coming about" shouted the captain, his bronzed features fairly pn'.ing. "Can it be possible he has played us a trick and is the Alabama? Staud by nil hands, for" A deep blaat of the steam whistle "tumbled over the Hashing waters, fol lowed by a number of quick toots as the steamer ranged to leeward; then an expanse of while canvas was lowered over the side. Glasses wero directed upon that bright patch araidshipa upon which dark linos could bo discerned with the nakod eyo. Tho glass showed these were letters. I havo it!" shouted the captain, leaping excitedly into tho rigging. Spread tho news fore and nft! 15 says. The American conflict is over! Davis a fugitive' and what's that? Heavens, no yes -Lincoln is killed!' Strike tho colors half-mast sir." continued tho captain to the mato in a subdued tone. Then ho added. Hoist tho signal. -Thank you," to the steamer." At that moment tho rich full tones of a regimental band were wafted across the heaving swclla and many an eye glistened with emotion a? tho well-known strains of "Hail Colum bia" wero faintly heard. Tho steamer slowly fell off. and resumed her coursa whila as if actuated by ono "impulsa officers and men sprang into tho rt-eather- rigging, giving three times three and waving their hats in return for tho kindness of tho courlo ous Englishman. The stars and stripes were dipped three timea ihe hoarse whistle rang out in return; tho -Meteor flag" slowly and majestically re turned the salute, and tho greeting in mid-ocean was over. The commander of that craft is a gentleman every inch of him!" was the admiring remark of tho mato as he glanced astern at the fast-fading troop-ship. St Nicholas. MILLIONS OF DEVILS. Authors Who Computetl the Exact Num ber of Krll Spirit. Guilelmus Parisionsis gives figures, on a basis of exact computation," as he informs us. to prova that the regions of the air" and the 'tiaverns and dark places of the earth" aro in habited by 4 i. 435, iiiiG dovils! Had you calculated on there being that many? According to these remark able figures, if tho people of the United States had all been wipod out of earthly existence on the 1st of Jan uary. 1S75, each could have boon con sistently mot at the portals of tho be yond by a big, grinning devil, and tho few thousand imps in oxcess of our population could have tended tho caldrons of tho in'crno while tho older ones wero receiving the new come i-s. But John Wior. widely known as the devil's physician." a practition er of Cleves Rhenish Prussia, "begged leave" to differ from Parisionsis to the tune of some o(i. 000. 000 devils, imps and satanic attendants. John exerted himself to the utmost to out do Parisiensis on -n basis of exact "computation." but to save his life and his soul from the torture of tho mil lions of deviis he had discovered, ho could only locate one chief devil 1 prinees of deviis and 7, -10."). 926 devils held as subjects by the satanic princes. The chief devil "that old serpent" the chief of the powers of the air and of darkness." Lucifer, the devil par oxcellenca is described as a great red dragon with seven heads, tin horns and a scaly, spiked tail. Where learned men. physicians and authors capable of writing books of hundreds of pages managed to get figures for such t3.act computations," says the fct Louis Kepublia is a mys tcry to the modern investigator. Anions the EtirHal Snowi. Xo land, however far north, has ever been found destitute of lichens. They alone of living things aro en countered in the great antarctic glacial ridge which bars the southern pole. They aro also met within trop ical climes. There are no plants so Blow of growth, so tenacious of life or so economic in their requirements of warmth and soil as tho lichens. A plant of this class which was watched by an observer over a period of more than twenty -five years underwent no perceptible change during that tima Individual lichens now living are 60 ancient that no geologist would ven ture -o limit their age to thousands of years. Grasses and some seaweeds cro to be found in almost every part of the world. A Lon; Time Between Drinks. A woman recently made hor 248 th appearance in a London police court, 1 accused of being drunk and incapa ble. She pleaded that she had found it a lonpr time between drinks, having come out of prison 'on the previous day after a month's confinement. The magistrate took the same view and ' discharged her, j Preparing Opium. A Boston merchant makes some rev elations that will not make things very pleasant for opium users. Tho process of preparloj opium from the popoy as practiced in India and Persia today." said he. "isTery nearly the same as was employed 1, 800 years ago. As the capsules mostly aoound in the narcotic juice, it is from these the ODiura is procured. A few days after the falL of the flow ers, men and women proceed to the fields and make horizontal incisions ia the capsule, being careful not to cut deep, so the juice does not escape into the capsule. A white juice exudes and appears in the form of a tear upon the edges of the incision, which Is allowed to re main twenty-four hours, wlien it is scraped off and collected in smaller vessels and beaten, being moistoned with saliva, only one tear beinjr ob tained from a single plant." Phila delphia Record. Tie declares it to be tl e best reinedr for "coueh aud croup." Mr. 1. T. (iood. Co- JmnbJa. Tean., writes: "I keep lr. mill's Cough Syruo in the bouse all the time. It is the best remedy ior cough and croup I eer used." Not Friday, lint .lloiidar. A statistician of the German gov ernment has como to tho rescue of thoso pot-sons who do not share the widespread superstition that Friday is the most unlucky day of tho week. A short tine ago he determined to make a scientific investigation of this question. The moat fatal or unfortunate week day, according to the investigator, is not Friday, but Monday. Mr. Chas. Carman, from Petersburg, 111., writes: "I know Salvation Oil to Ic a vrry cood remedy for neuralgia, rheumatism, burns, toothache and cuts. We are never with oat it" Waltzing for Allien. An average waltz takes a dancer over about three-quarters of a mile. A square dance makes him cover half a mile. A girl with a weli filled pro gramme travels "thus in an evening: Twelve waltzes, nine miles; four other dances at a half-miio apiece, which is hardly a fairly big estimate, two miles more; the intermission and the trips to the dressing-room to renovate her gown atfid complexion, half a mile; grand total eleven and a half miles. We will give $100 reward for anv case of catarrh that caunot bo cured with Hall's Catarrh Cure. Taken Internally. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Propra., Toledo, O. Georjjc Never Uiiit;rtwi! Don't you think this suit is more becoming than my last?" he asked. I don't know." she answered, drearily. "It would please mo bet ter, George, if you would always wear Mack." And why?" he asked, tenderly, bending over to catch tho love-light in her eyes. "Becausa" she replied, with a far away look in her great hazel orbs. "I don't get so tired looking at black." Chicago Evening Journal. Vgpi- S!Silllf The last year has been the most prosperous of the Sixty-five years of The Companion's history. It has now over 550,000 subscribers. This support enables it to provide more lavishly than ever for 1893. Only a partial list of Authors, Stories and Articles can be given here. Prize Serial Stories. The Prizes offered for the Serial Competition of 1S92 were the Largest ever given by any periodical. . First Prize, $2,000. Larry; "Aunt Mat's" Investment ami its Reward: by . ifliss Amanda Al. Douglas. Second Prize, $1,000. Armajo; How a very hard Lesson was bravely Learned; by Charles W. Clarke. Third Prize, $i,ooo. Cherrycroft; The Old House and it Tenant; by Aliss Edith E. Stowe (Pauline Wesley). Fourth Prize, $1,000. Sam; A charming Story of Brotherly Love ami Self-Sacrifice; hy AIiSS AT. G. AlcCIelland. SEVEN OTHER SERIAL STORIES, during the year, by C. A. Stephens, Homer Greene and others. The Bravest Deed I Ever Saw, will be described in graphic language by Officers of the United States Army and by famous War Correspondents. General John Gibbon. General Wesley Alerritt. Captain Charles King. Archibald Forbes. Things to Know. What Is a Patent? by The Hon. Carroll D. Wright. A Chat With Schoolgirls ; by Amelia E. Barr. Naval Courts-Alartiai ; by Admiral S. B. Luce. Patents Granted Young Inventors ; by U. S. Com. of Patents. The Weather Bureau; by Jean Gordon Alattil!. NewIy-AIarrled in New York. 'What will $1,000 a year do? Ansnerod by Airs. Henry Ward Beecher and Marion Harland. I Short Stories and Adventures. More than One Hundred Short Stories and Adventure Sketches will be given in the volume for 1893. Knittin' Susan. An Able Alariner. - Quality's Temptation. In the Death Circle. Uncle DanTs Will. A Bad Night in a Yacht. A Alountainville Feud. On the Hadramaut Sands. Leon Kestrcll: Reporter. Airs. Parshley's First Voyage. An April First Experience. Uncle Sim's Clairvoyance. Bain AIcTickel's "Vast Doog." Riddling Jimmy, and other stories. How I Wen my Chevrons. The Cats of Cedar Swamp. A Boy's Proof that he was not a Coward; by . . W. J. Baker. Strong "Aledicine." The amusing effect of a brass instrument on a hostile Indian; by Capt. D. C. Kingman, U. S. A. FREE Specimen copies tent free o.i application. )L Am Icicle Saddmlr Thrtut Ilowa Toar Back Would prodece a sensation akin to that ex perienced by the unhappy individual who feels th chili which ushers in an attack of fever and ague- and bilious remittent. Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, in such an emergency, is what is wanted at onco to scotch the enemy which seems to penetrate the very marrow of the bonesalternately freezing, roastlnj and deluding the sufferer with perspiration. This grand anti-febrile specific ia the surest medic inal safeguard that an emigrant to tho far AVcst can take with him. Malaria complaints arc rife in all regions newly cleared of timber, in mining camps and in low lying river bottoms where the streams periodically overflow their banks. Immunity from malaria is. however, obtained from the protectee agent named, which is also a remedy for indigestion, rheu matic and kidney ailments, liver complaint, constipaUon and debility. .irtUtfc' Frrora. During and just after the Crimean war a popular account of that unfortunate- struggle was published in monthly parts, illustrated with steel engavings. I happened to be in a printing office where one of the serials was manufactured, and after I had been watching the working off of a steel plate the foreman gave me one of the impressions. Returning home by omnibus I found myself seated op posite to a soldier and put the engrav ing into his bands. He surveyed it with a critical eye, frowned and exclaimed: What in the world aro the men in the trenches doing with their knapsacks on? I never heard of such a thing in all my life. Xow, here was a man speaking on a subject with full knowledge and with crushing criticism. Tho oniy idea the artist had of a soldier was a man with a knapsack on his back and a musket in his hand. He had never seen soldiers in the trenches, and so ho misleads everyone who buys his blun dering performance Notes and Que ries. Conshinjr Leads to Consumption. Kemps Balsam will stop the coush at once. Go to your drutrgist to-day and get a sample bottle free. Large LottlesSO cents and $1.00. it ratner puts a belle on hsr mettle wlen ehe is exto'fejL A man frequently corned is most apt to have a husky o ce. Beeciiam's PiLi.scure billions and nerv ous illness. Bcecham's PlliS sell well be cause they cure. -5 cents a box. Hanon'n Made Corn PnlTC." Wnrraiiu-ii t cure, or money refunded. Ask your druggist for It. Trice 13 centa. The Bcircerou- has it usefulness, though it doesn't aid the caws anv. , Hnker'n Norwcinn Cofi Liver Oil Quietly relieves tliro.ii.iml lung iW-iiesniiU im parts vigor and new life, fc'oldbj drucjftsta. A Drunkard. Moruhlnu or Ouium eater o- Tobficco chewers, can be safely, speedily aud ' permanently cured by takng'thc Knsor Cures. Write for t2tmonils and. prices on territory to Eusor Kemedy Co., 413 X. 24th St., S utn Omaha, Ncbx. LADIES I Brown's 1 on your ( French B1 5 I Dressing J shoes. SI 000. MPaid in prizes for Poems on Katcrbrook'a Pen. Knterbroolt & Co., SO John bt., Xew York. '"SS.'S ! Thompson's Eya Watin Your Work in Life. . What are you going to do? These and other similar articles may offer you some suggestions. Journalism as a Profession. 15y the Kditor-in-Cliief of the New York Times, Charles R. Miller. Why not be a Veterinary Surgeon? An opportunity for Boys : by Dr. Austin Peters. In What Trades and Professions is there most Room ? by Hon. R. P. Porter. Shipbuilders Wanted. Chats with great shipbuilders on this Subject ; by Alexander Wainwriglit. Admission to West Point; bytheSupt. of U. S. Academy, Co!. John M. Wilson. Admission to the Naval Academy; by Lieut. W. F. Low, U. S. N. Young Government Clerks at Washington. By the Chief Clerks of Six Departments. "How I wrote Bels Hur," by Gen. Lew Wallace, opens .1 series "Behind the Scenes of Famous Storks." Sir Edwin Arnold writes three fascinating articles on India. Rudyard Kipling tells the "Story of My Uojhood."' A scries of practical articles, "At the World's Fair," by Director-General Davis and Mrs. Potter Palmer, will be full of valuable hints to those who go. "Odd House keeping in Queer Places" is the subject of half a dozen bright and amusing descriptions by Mrs. Lew Wallace, Lady 3!ake, and. ethers. All the well-know-n features of The Companion will be maintained ard improved. The Editorials will be impartial explanations of current events at home and abroad. The Illustrated Supplements, adding nearly one-half to size of the paper, will be continued. Send This Slip with S1.75. - To any New Subscriber who will cut out and ncnd ur tlI slip witli namr ami atllrci. and 81.?. we will send The Companion Free to .Tan. 1, 18U3. and fur a Full Year from that date. This offer include the Double Holiday Number at Than!:;;ii In;;, Christinas, New Year, Kaster and Fourth of July. The Vourenir of The. Companion illut.'mtttt in rotors. 12 pages, describing tht Sew Jluildiiip, tcith all Us 10 departments, tcill le. sent on receipt f ix chits. or Free to any one requesting it ic7to send a sttticription for one year. THE YOUTH'S COMPANION, Boston, Mass. . lienrana RnmfcClab. - One of the strange things in Paris ia a club composed entirely of deaf and dumb men. Thosorvants. too. cannot hear nor speak. The president of tho club is an old man who fought in the Indian wars in America and whose tongue was cut off by an Indian who once took him captive. FITD-Atl fits stopped free by ML KUXTS SHUT ttKTK RESTOMlE. No fit alter first day's cw. Star Teloai cure. Treatise and K 00 trial bottle f rre to tit Bend to Dr. Kline.Bl ArehSt.,rnuaaelliia,t-a. The dc n cnabUs the youai: man togite his girl au inkl n; of his sentiments. Woman Is a conundrum to which the world has never found an answer up tod"le. TO BRACE UPiha system after "La Grippe," pneumonia, fevers, and ether prostrating acuta dis eases; to Duua up neeaea flesh and strength, and to restore health and vigor when you feel "run-down" and used-up. the best thing in tho world is Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. It promotes all th bodily functions, rouses every or gan into healthful action, purifies and enriches tho blood, and through it cleanses, repairs, and mvig- i orates tho cnttro svtem. For tho most stubborn Scrofulous, Skin or Scalp Diseases, Dyspep sia. Biliousness, and kindred ailments, tho "Discovery" is tho only remedy that's piiaraniMif. It ic doesnt benefit or cure, you have your money back. Can you think cf anything more convinc ing than tho proiuiss that fc tnado by tba Jroprietors ot Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy : t is this: "If wo can't euro your Catarrh, we'll pay you $T03 in cash." .-.72 .w.. w!J? I27, II...7, iZ ...;. 3 VTi:nr C:i. 2-:2:ilil: zzi. rJsu a c rtsis csr crra f:r-;ism;u:2i3 2.-:: r.jjci ::1 1 szt rclitfis il- vii::i rj:. u:s it csio. Ysz t.i :k uo es:eiin; eSjri :fcer tiiig ti iis: dwa. Ccb tv S:itr: swr. cars. Largo fcrtdts 0 cests :i SI CO- 1 EZ3 isa ui'Iexion. :-: lUo.SUW. Creiccnies it ii Us or bail eat mr. Cuns. Conciliation, lUratores Complexion. irrt DoctorV bia amiuu ireo. utriU.icvi.u m.ij:bi5t.,N.Y. Cures SickHead a1 Pat ants ! Penslei IS ;n.l fnln..ntnrni:file or Ho-v to Obtain a Patent. Send for Digest of PKAStUX anil KOl'.NTV I.AMS. P&TEICI 0FAEEE1L, - WASHdGTOX, D. C mm MorpMrif ITalWt Cured In III to20iliT. Iay till 'urel. DR. J.STEPHENS, Lebanon.Ohio. V?V?,' Hi )si fij flHit w 3 Oarfiiid Great Men at Home. How Air. Gladstone Works; by his daughter, Airs. Drew. Gen. Sherman in his Kerne; by Airs. Minnie Sherman Fitch. Gen. AlcCIellan; by his son, George B. AlcCiellan. President Garfield ; by his daughter, Airs. Aloily Garfield Brown. Over the Water. How to See St. Paul's Cathedral ; by The Dean of St. Paul. Windsor Castle. A picturesque description by The Alarquis of Lome. A Glimpse of Belgium. The American Alinister at Brussels. A Glimpse of Russia; by The Hon. Charles Emory Smith. Adventures in London Fogs; by Charles Dickens. London Cabs. "Cabbies;" their -"hansoms." Charles Dickens, Jr. A Boy's Club in East London. Frances Wynne- ''Remedy if rv j tlje equ? or d(5fe&011: forttye Pfbmpt ejjd PfefmanentCulfe of Pains ajfcfrefr Shall Women Carve. An exchange pleasantly declares that the carving knife property belong to women and that man is aa much out of place in wielding it as he would be ia dispensing' the tea and coiteo. Thus we see the tendency of modern times is to allow women more and more JAti-. tude and to enable her to usurp man's place as the head of the household. In one respect she is fitted to take this place. That is, in caring for tho health of the family. This is her particular province. When the children get sick, its the mother who ministers to their wants, who watches over their bed sido and relieves them. Keid's Ger man Cough and Kidney Cure is tho n'cht hand asststant of the mother With this at hand she can instantly relievo any case of croup, fche cam mitigate the attacks of whooping cough, sho can cure sore throat and. thus prevent diphtheria. This creat remedy contains no poison and it can be given without the slijrhteat danger or fear of evil results afterwards. Get it of any dealer. Tho small bottles aro 25 cents, the large onts are 50 cents. SVLVAX IlEX'KDV CO. loria, Il!. Ha iiK-ivr bolled vJ-a-- GOLD HAIR PIN FBi& A htnJ.-orac tvlif h I in 5 1 S In Ioiij.v ilh nlrc hS" l.ttul owltUlithi-caon rry attractive ."J"" tiriceTocM Send 20 cts.,-l'l '""'"""-.I" People's Meclizine'' .a trial for 3 nios 64 pp. J!U: I'neol tliew.t ,.ublf-h.l Al-otheaboel-muk.t. ats-ip Premium List, itnialiiintiiiMnot attrac tive DremiumsarKiruo-t liberal offers ruuii.o fun.r! .iMie. PEOPLE'S MACAZINE, 722 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Fa. lJUUl30,tl00,TwoS30,SlxS2S isirir HOLIDAY BOOKS, 30 lny Credit. FreUlit pnld. &" """' "'; Bend for circular, or send $1 CO f.rr outfits. Jf ?"' nd win a prize. Delivmil Irmeit Vonry rfls."ttiU U nut sat &!.. P. W.ZIECLER & CO. 043 Market 5trt. St. fcoubt. 3Io. S30C GO A Month ax Expsross 3&V CIGARS to DEALER?. JOIIXtJ. KISI.VC, A; CO ST. Fill, am. Samolss Free! JT.2 Piso's 118111005 Pjr Citarrh Is U It. 1-vli-rt to lT;p. anil Clicnpct. Sold by irusj;iMS cr sent by mall. COc S.T. IlAS-ltlnc, Warren, Pa. fflAilniMUC rs rtntiintcorrriK)nlinw OUXNULS MONTHLY. Toloilo, Ohio.. jO" to 1893 Send Chttk Orda a. M ej ?L! .1 J or rott.Oc A t cur risk. l a i v r s -''?'' .. . I