The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, November 23, 1892, Image 3

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David City
"ArrivoFnt Lincoln
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S:20p. m.
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4:10 p.m.
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- The" ptuMO-nirer leave Lincoln at 6:10 p. m., and
rrf en at Colnmbuft BiT p. m: the f rr-iilit loaves
Lincoln at 4:10" a. m., and nrrives at Olambua st
3:20 p. m.
AtlnniicKx. . 7-13 n.m Pacific Kr 10:5 p. ni
r hicapo Ex. 12i p. m Vmver Ex.. .. 120 p. in
Limited i" p. ra Limitcl jJbp. m
Col.Ijoml. . 60 a. n Local Kr't. . i0a.m
No. R, Fast Mail, carrioe pasenBer8 for
Mirouxh point-". Goinc wont at S30 p. ni., ar
rives at Dt-nv-r 7:10 a. in.
Fft"ienKer arrives from Sionr City. ...12:30 p. m
leave Columbus for Line n. 1:15 p. m
" arriresfrom Lincoln 3-OOp.m
" leaves for Sionx City &
Miel leave for Sionx City 6ja. m
Mixed arriTeH I0a)jp. ai
Pas-enccr lees
!Iixil loavi-
Pasni'sser Hrriv
Mixed arrives
20 p. in
60 a. m
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80 p. to
Sorictff Notices.
EA11 r.oticj under this hwulinK will
chars'il at the rato of $2 a year.
ii- m.u.iinc) "V! WfdnaMlarin each
'month. All brethren invited to attend.
C. II. Shtldok, W. M.
31. II. Whitf, Scc'y. VHrAy
WILUEY LODGE No. 41, 1. 0. U. .,
--meoti TnewJay oveninK oi iwu
s"vtk at their hall on ihlrtoentn
rtrr-!. Vi-JtinK r.reinrea conuouy
inritL U- 1J- Factlk, N. ti.
W. It. NOTO.TMN. Sec'j. 27jan'Jl-tf
Saints hold resular wrviccs every Hnnday
at 2 p. m., praior mcetinK on ednctKlay ereninj?
Ut their chaTxjl,a.rnorof North street and Pacific
Avenue. All are cordially invited.
lSJuHO Elder II. J. IIcpson. lrfident
Opera House, Friday overling.
-More new goods. J. O. Filltnan.
Salo bills printed at thin office.
Come to Tnn Jockxaii for job rork.
--Si?ti my 2oc all-wool hoso. J. C. Fill
maii. Wanted, girl for ffcnerul liousework.
Mrs. O. T. Roen. 2t
"Hnvo you seen E. D. Fitzpatrick's
jjhow -windows?" St
School children's
ehoea just re-
carved at Stonesifor's. 1
J)r. E. H. Nauman'fl dental parlors
in North block, 13th street. tf
Tho ground was frozon several
..inchcu deep Monday night.
A. C. Pickett is on his way homo
from Riverside. California.
Born, to Mrs. Carl Kramer, Wednes
day morning, Nov. 16, a son.
One of tho leading musical societies
of the West Lincoln Call.
Follow tho crowd and look at E. D.
Fitpatrick'a Christmas windows.
Pure knitting eilk for 25c per spool,
a rare opportunity. T. C. Fillman.
Dr. T. R. Clark, successor to Dr.
Schug, Olive nt. In office at nights.
J D. Brewer has been erecting n new
!)"ot of scales at W. T. Rickly's office.
S&Q., Opera House, Friday evening,
-W) cents. .Extra line entertainment.
Eye and Ear surgeon, Dr. E. T.
Allen, :109 Bamgo block, Omaha. Neb.
Revival services at tho M. E. church
J'very evening this week, except Satur
day." -Georgo Derry has returned to this
city to live, after an absenco of sevoral
Wanteu, sii or eight good boarders.
Inquire at first lion4- east of tho Grand
Pacific 2t
Best teeth on celluloid plat $6.00
per set at Haughawout's now dental
parlors. 30-2t
Messrs. Albert A Reeder wero in at
tendance last week on the district court
iii Fullerton.
In the Adelphiaus, Nebraska has one
of tho finest male quartettes in tho west.
(Omaha Bee.
D. B.Duffy, Columbus, Neb., will do
your house-moving, in good shape and
at reasonable prices. ltf-eow
Certificates of election was one of
tho orders of tbo day at the county
clerk's office Monday.
Tho only light, elastic and durable
plate at Haughawout's new dental par
. lore. Call and see samples. 30-2t
Tho celebrated Quick-Meal, and
Monarch trasoline stoves, the beet in the
market. For ealo by A. Boettcher. 4tf
Mr. and Mrs. Brake, formerly of this
city, now of Beatrice, have gone to Min
nesota, on a visit to their son 'Gene.
Sheriff Kavanaugh went to Lincoln
yesterday with two burglars, who will
servo tho state eighteen months each.
---A great many peoplo aro Afflicted
with bad "colds," and occasionally there
is one who gives it the name of "grip."
When in need of an auctioneer, call
-on Dave Smith. Ho will act for you
with promptness, safety ;ud dispatch, tf
Miss Alice Turner on Monday began
a four months' term of school as teacher
in tho Irahoff district north of Punoan.
Alonzo Hatch sang two fcolos in the
Kpiecopal church Sunday evening, other
members of his company assisting the
Colin C. Camoron. successor to
Nath'l. C. Fowler, jr. & Co., Advertising
Agencv, 51 Summer street, Boston,
Mass. " 2-P
The ladiea of the Presbyterian
. church served supper to a largo number
.. of people in FiLspatrick's hall Friday
Mr. Simpson of tho St. Edward
brick yard informs the Sun that it is the
intention of his firm to get a machine
next year for pressing brick.
Georgo Hollenbeck of Baymond, Ne
braska, takes the place of operator at the
B. A: M. depot, in place of E. A. Varnum,
. .transferred to Grand Island.
Union Thanksgiving services in the
. Congregational church tomorrow, Bev.
T. B- Leodom preaching tho sermon.
Everybody is cordially invited.
. .
. ." O. -P.. Mickey, father of tho Mickey
brothers "of Osceola, Polk county, died
..tjuddenly Sunday week, of paralysis of
-the'brain. He was. aged 70 years.
A pneciol car of excursionists from
-Sioux Falls. South Dakota, bound for
' California, was Bide-trackcd several hours
hero Wednesday, on tho U. P. line.
' Tim. Sedg-wick, the genial young
."man.who reprewntn tho York ready-print
bouse on tbo road occasionally, was in
the city Friday Mid called to see us.
Children Cry for
Pitcher castorla.
Life says: "It may be that we are
all eervanta of the Lord, but we wouldn't
dare disobey any other boss as wo diso
bey him."
See the advertisement of F. H. Lamb
& Co. in today 's Journal. It speaks for
itcelf, and in terms so plain as not to be
R. L. Rossiter has been troubled tbo
East week with a species of grip. We
ope he will not be afflicted as he was
last winter.
The Adelphian Quartette at the
Opera House Friday evening, Nov. 25th.
Tickets on sale at Pollock & Co's. drag
store, 50 cents.
Joe. Siggs, brakeman on the B. & M.,
had a finger mashed one day last week
while coupling. Drs. Martyn & Evans
amputated it at the first joint.
Charles Davis and a force of men
started work Monday morning to connect
Vbgel's establishment on Eleventh street
with the sewerage main on North street
Maynard Hnrd has had a touch of
diphtheria. -Tuesday noon, all four of
Mr. R. G. Hurd's family, who have been
under Dr. Clark's care, were reported
See the statement of the Columbus
State Bank published in today's Jour
nal. This reliable institution is not ex
celled anywhere for solid, substantial
bank work.
Jacob Outer was one of the welcom
ed visitors at Journal headquarters
Saturday. He came from near Stuttgart,
Germany, forty years ago, to settle in
this country.
"They present a program that is
more pleasing, entertaining and mirth-
provoking than that presented by any
other company that travels in the west."
O'Neill Frontier.
The Suu says that the hosts of dem
ocrats gathered together at St Edward
Tuesday night of last week were disap-
Sointed because their promised speaker,
udge Higgins, didn't come.
It is now thought that Poynter of
Boone county will bo a candidate for
the U. S. senate. He will doubtless
have a pretty strong support in the
caucus of the independents.
The Adelphian Quartette is as fino a
quartette as ever charmed a listening and
itnnrrwintirn lwlv ThA mm art Attn in im.
mense and too much credit cannot be I
accorded them. Fremont Flail.
While James Olson was leveling the
bottom of a trench for a sewer pipe east
of Fremont, the earth caved in and
almost buried him from sight Tho in
juries received resulted in his death.
We know of one lad who don't be
lieve, just at present, that foot-ball is a
profitable game to him. Probably when
his finger gets straight and sound again,
he will feel more friendly to the great
Beginning yesterday and continuing
until tomorrow, is the farmers' national
congress in Lincoln, which model city
has been making preparations for some
time to entertain their guests right
Dr. A. J. Sanders, representing the
Grand Island Medical Institute, will be
at tho Meridian Hotel Saturday, Nov.
26th, where ho may be seen by those
who may wish to consult him profes
sionally. 30-3
We say without exaggeration that a
better Quartette never appeared before
an audience west of the Father of Waters,
and their pathetic and humorous rendi
tions of Bongheld a house enraptured.
Western Wave.
About a hundred and twenty tons of
bay were burned up Monday week on R.
H. Henry's farm near Bellwood. There
is no doubt but the hay was set on fire
by some one, whether intentionally or
not, is not known.
Personal property belonging to the
estate of the late Georgo. W. Stevens,
deceased, was sold at Auction Saturday
I afternoon last, quite a crowd being in
attendance. Uows Drought about 17,
horses, $25 to $40; traps sold cheap.
On all public affairs, the full light of
noonday should shine; everything hid
den should bo revealed; everything covert
should be exposed; private motives
should not be allowed to rnlo, and de
signing men should be held in check.
We hear of an incident in point in
this burg. Just before election some
men wero talking together, and one fel
low remarked: "I've heard a good deal
about that McKinley's bill. Why don't
the government pay that bill and set
tle itV"
It transpires that J. A. Turner (who
is visiting friends in Iowa), is absent
from duty in the Columbus band the
first time in seventeen years, in fact the
first time during the band's existence
that he failed to answer roll-call for
F. N. Stevenson recently purchased
four thoroughbred Jersey cows of a deal
er in Fremont, and will Bhortly test their
capacity for butter. He will place one
of the baby separators in the creamery
and take the butter from the milk im
mediately. Henry Larabertus of Monroe town
ship, was a business caller at these
headquarters Monday. He tells us that
Dick Ennin has sold his farm near
O'Kay to a man from Butler county
160 acres at 821 an acre Born, to Mrs.
Henry Bowman, a daughter.
Wm. Dietrich has laid a cement walk
from the front door of hw new house to
the Bidewalk on tho south side. One of
his boys remarked to his father that he
was getting rather high-toned in his old
age. The old saying holds good on
walks: "The best is the cheapest."
The committee appointed to arrange
for the "Professional" socials to be held
in the Y. M. C. A. rooms, have decided to
hold the next one abont the 14th of De
cember. This will include all teachers,
minister), lawyers, doctors, newspaper
men, city council, and school board.
J. W. Sissle, who was thrown out of
his wagon about ten days ago, owing to
tho sudden starting up of bis mule team,
was able to be in town Saturday. He
fell upon his head, his face still showed
bruises, and he thinks he may not be
able to do much for some time to come.
John Meyer, a former member of
The JocBNAii force, is now at work again
at the Lincoln Stato Journal establish
ment, after a season with Pace, Williams
& North, of Lincoln. Johnny is one of
the very best job printers in the stato,
and deserves any amount of good fortune.
Tho old pensioners may well be a
little anxious about their regular dues.
Ono tells ub that last year's appropria
tion ran out, and that ho had to wait two
months for some of his pay. There will
be a deficiency thie year, and for next
year there must be a largo appropriation.
Today at Rasmusseii's, let
tuce, celery, oraiiges. figs,
dates, Concord, Catawba and
Tokay grapes and in fact every
tli iu g you want for ThauksgiV
ing in tlie groeery line. 1
The Maenncrchor aro trying to in
duce Mr. Kuinnier, the owner of their
present hall, to put up an additional ono
to the east of it, for their ufc. If he does,
it will not only be a good investment for
himself, but it will mako a fine place for
the meetings of this fnmona old singing
Mise Mary Bruggervwbo has been in
attendance at the Fremont Normal
school, is Etrieken down with typhoid
fever. Word was receivod here Friday
by telegraph, and her father and sister,
Miss Lizzie, went down to be with her.
We hope she will soon recover her usual
good health.
Children Cry for
1 Plteher'e Castorla.
Mrs. John S. Briggs, lady manager
of the World's Columbian commission,
wishes the names and addresses of the
amateur musical clubs in the state of
Nebraska. She asks the presidents to
communicate with her, 2613, Douglas
street, Omaha.
The semi-weekly Lincoln Journal
and the Columbus Journal, both, when
paid one year in advance, $2.75. Sub
scribe now, and get the benefit. The
Lincoln paper is issued on Tuesdays and
Fridays, and is almost as good as a daily
to the busy man.
James Kiernan's eloquent voice will
again be heard in the county legislature,
as the representative of Woodville town
ship. Mr.- Kiernan is both wise and
witty, and is understood to be a man who
will do his duty to his constituents. He
is not a man to be "ran" by anybody.
Owing to dry weather, short grass
and long weeds, or something else,
butter generally this fall has been "off"
a little, but now that tho cows are get
ting hay, the butter is improving in
taste. When Nebraska cows have good
material to work on, they do their part
nil right
We learn that John Becherand J.
R. Kilian are now added to the list of
aspirants for the Columbus postmaster
ship. Won't it be interesting to deni
zens the next year, until Mr. Kramer's
time is out, unless he should happen to
want to resign to get rid of the vexations
of office?
The thirteenth annual convention of
the Nebraska Young Men's Christian
Association was held at Hastings four
days last week beginning Thursday.
The attendance was very large. Those
present from hero were: Harry Markoll,
Mr. Farmer, E. Von Bergen, S. W. Buzza,
R. Y. Lisco and Thomas Boyd.
The Journal is not fully advised as
to the election in Butler township, this
county, but wo beliove, from what we
have heard, that there were some doings
there that it would be well for the
authorities to look into. Such work as
we have been assured took place there
should not be allowed to pass by without
While many-have had grave doubts
as to whether the Yankton & Norfolk
road would actually ever be completed,
the fact that graders aro straining every
norve to finish their work before the
ground is frozen, and they are within
twelve miles of this city, should set at
rest all questions as to tho road being
We're somewhat of a musical crank,
and we hopo the lecturers and teachers
will take no offense when we say "we'ro
stuck on this Quartette." Their voices
are truly fine, and are so well trained
that no exception can be taken to tho
rendering of their selections. Tho audi
ence like their music and wont plenty of
it Minnekahta (S. D.,) Herald.
The Young Ladies Sodality gave a
supper at the Opera House Wednesday
evening from 6 to 10:30. It was largely
patronized, and everybody was highly
pleased with the good things set before
them. More than $140 was taken in, and
something over $100 was cleared. Much
also was made from tho sale of fine
needlework. Mrs, A. M. Jennings got
the nice doll.
The Lincoln Journal says: Tho city
of Columbus has struck a gait in build
ing improvements that bids fair to out
rival some of our larger cities. Its favor
able location as a trading point gives it
advantages that few inland cities possess,
and the result is obvious. Columbus
will continue to forge ahead. Every
word of this is as true aq the declaration
of independence.
The Reporter was shown n sample
of the coal found on Mr. Nelson's farm
near Norfolk. Mr. Jackson had the sam
ple shown us, and if everything is as
represented, the Bamplo shown us is in
all respects equal to the Rock Springs.
We trust the find will bo more fully de
veloped soon, as coal so near us means a
big thing for this section of the country.
Madison Reporter.
We hear of several aspirants already
for the post-offices at Platte Center and
Humphrey. As one will bo chosen and
the others left, the total of dissatisfac
tion will be greater than tho total of sat
isfaction, and the probability is that,
whoever is selected, the anticipation will
not equal the realization of tho good to
be derived from holding public office.
He who can bo his own master is best off.
The Argus of this placo is now advo
cating the election of n democrat to the
United States senate. To some of the
people's party hereabouts, who have
looked to the Argus for political light
and guidance, this seems a quoor freak,
seeing that the independents have 54 of
the 133 votes on joint ballot, lacking
only 13, while the democrats havo but 17.
What of Van Wyck and J. H. Powers?
W. C. Sutton's brick building is
beginning to show a finished appearance
on the outside. The front half will be
nearly all glass and will make a very
neat appearance. Work is now being
done on the insido, and when completed
will be a fino store in every way. So
says the St Edward Suu. Mr. Sutton
was a Columbus business man hero in
the 70's, nnd we are glad to hear of his
continued prosperity.
Tbo Alonzo Hatch entertainment,
under the auspices of the Episcopal
church, drew a large audience to the
Opera House Saturday evening. The
whole entertainment was good; each
selection was enthusiastically received
by the audience. Alonzo Hatch was
especially entertaining with his beauti
ful tenor voice, both in solos and quar
tettes. The trineopticon views were in
structive as well as entertaining.
One of the most pleasing and suc
cessful musicals of the season was given
at the First Congregational church by
the Adelphian Quartette of Doano Col
lege. The quartette is known all over
the state, and was listened to with the
deepest interest They aro young men
of excellent character and their voices
are rich and harmonious. Miss Chase,
the soprano soloist, who came with tho
quartette, charmed all with her sweet
voice and gentle manner. (Daily State
George Lehman of this city and a
Chicago partner, William Rosa, travel
ling salesman for J. V. Farwell, will
shortly begin the erection of a hotel in
Chicago, within ten blocks of the main
entrance to Columbian Fair grounds.
The house will contain about 130 rooms,
and will be conducted on the European
plan. We believe this will prove a good
investment for Mr. Lehman, as he is
personally very well and favorably known
to many who will doubtless hunt up his
Chicago hotel, when at the Fair.
Monday, near noon, W. T. Allen,
engineer in tho U. P. yards, having a
light road engine that didn't work good,
made two unsuccessful attempts to push
a six-car coal train, up the incline, aj; the
chute. The third time there was juBt a
little too much power exerted and one
car went off at the end, swayed a-bit and
fell to tho ground, a distance of some
twenty feet, mashing the car and spilling
the coal, but doing no further damace.
Tho weight on the trucks was so heavy
that the wheels wero almost bnried in
the earth.
A. L. Bixby of the Lincoln Journal
was in tho city several days the past
week, preparing to movo his family and
household goods to the city of his adop
tion. Good luck to them, says the Jour
nal. Wo think that tho Colonel has now
struck his gait and he certainly is addiag
every day to the value of the great news
paper on which bo is now at work. We
look to see our own 8tate Journal be
come more famous for humor now than
did the Burlington Hnwkeye with Frank
Hatton as editor and Bob Burdette as
the funny man. Brother Bixby is a
humorist of hisowu peculiar kind noth
ing just like him and The Journal
feels sure that, with favoring conditions,
he will be the full canal in fame of anv
1 of the humorist
The just action of the appetite is
Becured fur lees by repressive discipline
against them, than by nourishing the
strength of the humanities that use them:
by keeping them wholly inattentivo to
themselves; by breaking every mirror in
which their own face may bo beheld.
Purity consists in the presence of a di
vine perception so quick to recoil from
degradation.that avoidance aforethought
need not be studiously provided.;
R. Y. Lisco, successor to John C.
Byrnes as supervisor of Columbus town
ship, will make one of the very best of
our county legislators. Ho is one of
those men who believes in doing his duty
under all circumstances. A tax-payer
himself, he will doubtless take a lively
interest in all questions affecting the
rate of taxation. He has had experience
enough in public matters to convince
him that good hard common-sense, a de
sire to do right and a knowledge of an
official's duties under the law are the
essential features which the public like
to see manifest in those who serve them.
J. W. Liles, who lives in Lincoln
county, and within ten miles of North
Platte, came here last week, having ship
ped to this point for sale, a car load of
potatoes of his own raising. The Jour
nal remembers the time when a crop of
anything from that section of country
would have been regarded in tho nature
of a miracle, but Mr. Liles tells us that,
with irrigation, they raise excellent crops.
Ho has raised as high as 80 buBhels of
oats to the acre. His usual crops are
wheat, oats, corn and potatoes, tho latter
a specialty, and this year he raised 5,000
The U. P. passenger train due here
at 8 o'olock yesterday morning, ran into
an open switch at Aldn, west of Grand
Island. The engineor, fireman, express
messenger, conductor and some others
whose names we have not learned, (as
we go to press, Tuesday afternoon),
wero killed. Tho wreckage train went
west at 11:30 yesterday morning. There
was a freight train on tho side track, and
into this tho passenger train ran with
such force that the engines wero turned
end to end. One passenger who arrived
here about eleven, said that it was the
worst-looking wreck he over saw.
The democracy of this vicinity will
celebrate their victor' this (Wednesday)
evening, instead ol yesterday as uetore
thought Hon. W. J. Bryan of Lincoln,
one of Nebraska's present members in
congress, and who has been elected as
hie own successor, is announced to be
present for sure and make a speech in
the Opera House. Excursion trains will
be run on the branch roads. Everybody
is invited, and the democratic flambeau
clubs of tho region round about are all
expected to be here, the Schuyler club
to form a special escort for the speakers.
Republicans will, of course, bo welcomed
no charge made for spectators' tickets.
Rev. Dr. Honrioh of Platte Center
paseed through the city Friday, homo
from his work an one of tho committee
of six of the German Baptist church for
the location of a church college. Their
choice was limited to Fremont and Hast
ings, both of which places wore visited
by the committee, Fremont having offer
ed a donation of 816,000, Hastings 325,
000. The decision was made Thursday
in favor of Hastings by only one dissent
ing voto, and that wes cast by the pastor
from Fremont. A part of Hastings' do
nation is twenty-fivo acres of land. A
financial agent has been elected, and
considerable money must be raised to
put the institution upon r good footing.
Congressman-eleot Meiklejohn was
in the oity Thursday, and receivod the
congratulations of his many friends who
had not seen him since tho election. Tiie
Journal is sincere in tho conviction that
eVery man electod to congress and to tho
presidency should bo relieved from tho
burden of disposing of official patronage;
tho proper duties of those positions, con
scientiously performed, are fully cufii
cient for the average mortal, without tho
clamor and worry of appointments. Wo
aro truly sorry that a republican con
gressman from this district starts in with
a congress against him, but if any repub
lican can blazo his way through the
democratic woods and retnrn again O.
K., it is Meiklejohn.
J. G. Smiley of Hampton, Nebraska,
was in tho city Thursday conferring with
cattle-raisers and dealers in regard to his
dipping device for getting rid of vermin,
mange, &c. His patent has stood tho
test of practical worth, has already saved
several persons, hundreds of dollars, in
the improved condition of their cattle,
and those who havo need of such an ap
pliance would do well to correspond with
him. Ho has sold four of his appliances
to largo dealers in Polk connty, and ex
pects to put one up at Clarks. He is
just starting out, and wo only do him
justice, in saying this is not an adver
tisement paid for by him, but an expres
sion of tho Journal, in the interest of
cattlo-raisers who wish to be in tho front
rank that's tho kind that read Tnr.
R. Kummer has entered into con
tract with the Mamnerchor for a five
years' lease of his two buildings on
Eleventh street, that is, tho ono they
havo occupied the last thirteen years
and the ono to bo erected east of and
connected with it. Fauble Brothers
have just completed a brick foundation
for the new building, and work will be
pushed forward as rapidly as the weath
er will permit, the new lease beginning
Jan. 1st, "93. The new structure is to be
32x56 feet, with all conveniences for tho
use of tho Mamnerchor wardrobe room,
stage, &c. The grounds will be enclosed
by a high closo fence, and trees planted
for shade. The Mamnerchor have paid
Mr. Kummer 82300 rent in the last thir
teen years, and the new lease runs at
8800 a year, with privilege of renewal.
E. W. Foster, agent for an Indian
tribe at Yankton, S. D., is here looking
after a missing Indian boy. About two
weeks ego four boys of his tribe, who
were sent to school at Genoa, ran away
with the intention of returning to their
tribe in Yankton. They made their way
the first night to a point about five miles
southwest of here and put up in a straw
stack, where they remained tho next day.
Here thoy lost one of their number.
The boys said when they arrived at tho
agency thHt they thought he had boon
shot, as they had been driven from tho
straw stack by a party of men who had
guns and fired at tho missing boy, as
they thought who was separated from
them. Tho threo searched for their
comrade but could not find him so they
went on to the agency. The agent has
two Indian boys with him, ono of them
being one of the runaway party, and is
hero for tho purpose of investigating
the matter. And it should bo thor
oughly investigated. The boys were
about 16 years of age. Leigh World.
A complaint has reached the ear of
The Journal, and it may be well enough
to givoit publication and have dono with
it. The game. Bhindy or "shinny" has
come greatly in vogue again among tho
boys, but they don't have tho old-timo
appliances, of round wooden ball and a
neatly-formed club, but piok up any old
tin-can and any sort of a stick, so'it is
long enough, and go ahead, 3hinnying
for dear life. It 6ecms really a philoso
phical fact that tho fun to be had out of
an athletic game is duly and exactly pro
portioned to the degree of danger inci
dent Nobody, not even tho citizen who
called our attention to this matter, de
sires to curtail in tho least tho innocent
sport of tho boys, but vheu they get into
tho streotewhero Indies and little chil
dren are passing, and send their battered
tin-can allying, it looks so dangerous that
it is worthy of mention, hence comes tho
suggestion that some vacant lot bo
taken, or some Toss frequented street.
Learn to stand up for your own righta.
boys, in over' placo and every time, but
learn, aiso.wnicu is a part ol tnat lesson,
to give all others their just rights.
Children Cry for
Pltoher'o Oattorla.
Gus. Becher was at Omaha Wednesday.
I. Gluck was
on business.
at Schuyler Thursday
I. Sibbern8en went to Omaha Monday
on business.
Judge Marshall of Fremont was in the
city yesterdoy.
J. C. McMahon was in town Saturday
visiting his family.
Paul Hagel and Wm. Kearville were
in Omaha Thursday.
Charles Stonesifer went to Lincoln
Monday,oa business.
George E. Vawter of Lincoln, was in
the city over Sunday.
Will. Meagher of Sioux City, visited
nis parents here, over 8nnday.
Miss Anna Hoehen visited Sunday at
home, from her school in O'Kay.
Miss Bertha Krause returned Fridav
from several weeks' visit in Genoa.
W. D. Hanchett, tho postmaster at
Palestine, was in tho city Saturday.
Mrs. L. D. Chambers, mother of Mrs.
D. F. Davis is visiting her daughter.
C. J. Garlow is in Arkansas for his
health. He will remain several weeks.
Mrs. M. P. Cashing of Leavenworth.
jvnutsas, is visiting ner sister, Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Heater will'spend
Thanksgiving in St Edward with Mrs.
Heater's mother.
Miss Sybil Butler como up from
Schuyler Saturday to visit pver Sunday
wiiu uer parents.
Miss Amy Rowe of Oakdale, is tho
guest of M. K. Turner's familv, arriving
here Saturday last
Miss Grant of Chicago, who has been
visiting her cousin. Miss Carrie Shepard,
will return home thi6 week.
Herbert Henry came up Saturday
from Omaha, where he had been iu at
tendance at a commercial college
J. A. and Mary Turner went to Porrv,
Iowa, Thursday, for a visit with the fam
ilies of John George and Ben. Moore.
Miss May Coonoy and Miss Nellio
Flaherty of Fullerton, came down Wed
nesday last to visit friends, returning
home Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Georgo Soheidel of Platto
Center wero in town Thursday on their
way to Louisiana, where they go on an
extended visit.
v Frank Clark loft Monday for Stookton,
Manitoba, where he may probably make
his home. His mother and 6ister, Mrs.
Woods, preceded him several weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. .Blcckmar of St.
Louis, Mo., visited the family of H. P.
Coolidge the past week. Mrs. R. A.
Blackmar, mother of E. 0., remains with
Coolidge's for some time.
TVachorV Merlin?.
The Columbus distrigt of the county
association met at tho high school rooms
Saturday afternoon.
Tho teachers present were: Misses
Ida and Louise Guthrie, Ella Byrno,
Eliza Drinnin, Agnes Keating, Alice
Turner, Edith Keeler, Alice Watkins,
Martha Welch, and Messrs. L.H. Leaw.
J. M. Scott, C. T. Schnider. Georgo
Camp and Mr. McCloment
Alice Watkins was elected president
and Louise Guthrie secretary for the
next month. Recitations were made by
Louise Guthrie, Edith Keeler. aud a
paper read by Mr. Leavy on, "Intellec
tual and Nocial culture necessary for
teachers." Discussion of tho paper fol
lowed. Mr. Leavy, principal of tho First ward
school, called the attention of tho asso
ciation to a communication in The Jour
nal of Nov. 9th, in which the rules of
the association wero characterized as
cast-iron, his main objection seeming to
bo that The Journal printed the com
munication, as received. He didn't ven
ture to discuss the merits of the rules,
as published.
Mr. Scott eitv suneriittentleut. of tlin
schools, next took tho floor, and sub
stantially made the same objection.
Mr. Schnider of Duncan didn't see anv
cause for tronblo; tho bost way was not
to pay any attention to it in tho asso
ciation meetings.
Mr. McClement thought that tho com
munication might do more good than
harm to the association, as it would
attract attention to their proceedings
and might bring out more teachers to
tho meetings.
Miss Martha Turner, of The Journal,
who was present, said that our columns
were accessible to any who wished to
answer the communication.
We would add right here that The
Journal will print any communication
on public matters, of interest to half a
dozen people, when the same comes to
us in fair shape. If any ono else wishes
to reply, they are wolcomo on the same
terms. That is just what we are here for
Tho road of the farmer to market, to
mill, to railroad station, post-office and
the road of his childreu to school is the
beginning of traffic, and when roads aro
good, and kept good, they are not only
one of the evidences of thrift they aro
part and parcel of the thrift. Other
things being equal, the market town or
city which has the best highways leading
thereto has the best trado hence tho
road question is of vital importance to
merchants and townsmen of all classes.
Every section has its own road material
with which to work somo stone, 6ome
gravely the cities, wooden blocks, brick,
&c Nebraska, when the prairie was un
plowed and you could turn ont on now
sod any time, had the best natural roads
in the world.. Under present conditions,
the roads here must be looked after, and
this supervision should be made a matter
of study, and a business, and put into
the hands of capable men. The bed of
tho road should be rounding, and high
enough in the middle tc turn the water
into tho ditches; these should be so
arranged as to readily carry the water
into the natural water ohannels. Allen
Gcrrard, in tho Looking Glass has the
following to say of a material adapted to
use here, and also a very sensible sugges
tion in regard lo wagons: "But that
nature has not done it all, even here, is
true, and tho present revival of interest
in good roads causes us to look about for
material with which to mako our roads.
We are of tho opinion that a road well
ballasted with burnt clay, sufficiently
rounded to prevent water standing above
it, would give us as good roads as can be
mada for our purposes and by far the
cheapest. With wide tired wagons and
with the front axle just long enough so
tho hind wheels come insido tho traok of
the front wheels but little work would
be required to keep them level. Wo see
petitions to congress in the interest of a
good road exhibit at the world's fair are
being circulated. If there is anything
done in that lino Nebraska should have
a section of. burnt clay road on exhibi
tion, and might well havo a wagon with
wido tiro made of doublo T iron, the
feloe between tho flange and tho tire
bolted together instead of welded, with
tho foro wheels tracking outside the
hind. Every farmer would see tho utili
ty of the wagon and the road."
Did you over stop to think that the
western peoplo are up with tho times
and want now things as soon as they
are out? Do you remember we have
been iu Columbus only two years and
that we turn oar stock twico a year, and
our goods aro all new and of modern
style? Do you know we carry the
largest stock to select from? We know
our prieeB are right, becauso our sales
have nearly doubled the last six months.
Wo also do undertaking. Call and see
tin. Fred W. Herrick. 31-2
41,000 Note Lost or Stolen.
The public are hereby warned against
negotiating for a promissory note given
by L. J. Hart to James Creamer for
81,000, as the same was, I believe, stolen
from the trunkot tho undersigned some
time in September last
3t . James Cbsaves.
Dintrict 44 aatf Viciaitr.
Now prepare for winter. The openings
in your stables have been made tight ere
this, and the pig shed repaired. Have a
warm comfortable placo for tbo stock
cattle, then those cows that will come in
during January and February should
have a warm place in which they can 1k
milked, and the calves handled. Give
the cows rood rations reiralarlv: remain.
ber bntter at 20 to 25 cts. a pound will I
juAv aw ww wcito auu rcu
If you live on the upland and have no
tame meadow, put off seeding until next
spring and no longer. If -you raise bar
ley, sow timothy and clover with that
grain, as it is taken from tho ground
early, thus giving the tender plants the
benefit of the air and sunlight, after
which a rapid growth will bo made. If
you do not raise barley, then sow your
grass seed with wheat or oats, either or
b which will give you a stand of grain if
the season is favorable.
This is just such a fall as will reduce
your herds of cattle that uav been Kept
in starvation lots for sometime, and then
fired recklessly into the rich corn fields
to gorge themselves. Do not leave them
in the stalks more than an hour each
time, twice a day, until after a good rain,
or, until they get accustomed to tho feed:
don't neglect an abundance of pure
water, at least twice a day.
We learn that Johu McGill, who about
a year ago, moved from hero onto a farm
j I near Creston, is among the unfortunate,
naving uaa nis oarn una its contents
i burned to the ground, while he was awuy
from home. Thero was no insurance,
and tho loss will fall heavily on the
young man. Among other things the
barn contained his entiro crop of oats,
and a cow.
Harry Reed, Joe. Drinnin and Fred.
Luckey have each got a hive of Italian
A person can locate tho busy corn
husker these still mornings, by hearing
the ears strike against the boards, before
it is yet day.
A. C. Pickett will leave tho land of
Lucerne and hustle himself home in time
to press his teeth into the limb of a juicy,
Nebraska, corn-fed turkey, on Thanks
giving day.
Dr. Heintz of your city has made a
grand investment in tho purchase of a
240 aero farm out here on the bluff, com
prising a part of section 10, 11, 14 and 15,
17 north, 1 east Mr. H. paid a good
price, but he got a good farm, in a high
stato of cultivation and well improved.
At 8:30 a. m., Sunday, old Boreas broke
loose and came down among us, chang
ing real estate and scattering leaves,
weeds, hay, straw, loose boards, and in
fact cutting up many antics, and making
it very disagreeable for any ono who
chanced to be out.
Georgo Luscho is yet fall plowing and
turning up the large dry clods. R.
I believe news is harder to find than
money just at present. Corn huskers
are so busy they can hardly stop to talk
not even about tbo new president,
unless some one wants the post-office.
That seems to be the only oilico anybody
wants in the towns. Up to noon last
Wednesday only six had applied for it
and somo were working for the seventh,
but that is in St. Edward.
Messrs. Stevens, senior nnd junior, are
fencing their farms, and Mr. Nabb has
fenced his corn field.
Two young ladies went into tho corn
field to husk for the first time. Tho
hired man told them it would not pay,
for they could not husk any. He prom
ised, if they husked a certain number of
bushels, ho would make them an oyster
supper. Thoy accomplished tho task,
and Saturday evening they have their
oyster supper.
Th3 corn crop does not yield sis much
as was anticipated, in somo fields; yet it
is so much better thau last year's that
farmers work with a great deal of cour
age. Dan.
Tbo Chautauqua Clrr!
Meets with MisB Rice on Tuesdav, Nov.
29, at 7:30 p. m. The following" id the
program for that evening:
Holl call News Itoma.
Grecian History, Chap. ii
United Htatea and Forei
... Mr. K. Farmer
oreiKU lorT9, Chap.
-I .1!
. Mrs. C. C. Gray
Dr. Xauinan
The Miller and hia Mill
Sketch of George V. Curtis
Mrs. ('. A. Brindlo
...Mta Idn Martin
MU-i llid
Letter List.
List of letters remaining in tho post
offico at Columbus, Nebraska, for tho
week ending Nov. 22, 1892:
Mrs. Lira Holromb, Minn Johanna Castell.
Mm. Uerechelle, Mr. Holr,
II. Schaefer, II. H. Cornett.
Parties calling for the above letters
will please say "advertised."
Carl Kramer, P. M.
gnsiness Rothes.
AdvortiaementB nnder this head five eentu a
1 tne each insertion.
WM.SCHILTZ makes boots and shoes in the
beet 6tylet), and nxce only tho very best
took that can be procured in tho market . 32-tf
Tuesday afternoon, and are correct and reliable
at the time.
Shelled Corn.
Ear Corn
vulH .... .... ..i
xiye ...........
2 5063 00
Fat hogs..
Fat cows...
Fat sheep..
Fat steers.
Haras.... ..
Shoulders .
Looting for a stt the
Best of It?
"We can give it to you on the price
of an umbrella with
or silver
Xcx o. 3111c Vxaa..
"brllat, -wcrtls.
We are
lines in
closing out" several other
&SWatch our window lor our 2'tc
slaughter sale.
Sigiti UeIIWttefc.
Hllidll AMIUKMMt
Cadi - Bargain - Store !
Our Store is loaded with Bargains that you can't
afford to pass. REAL, TRUE BARGAIN8.
Hundreds of pairs of Sample Gloves good warm
ones, at less than wholesale price.
Good Jersey Shirts for men, 25c. Best Calicoes Gc.
Good warm Underwear.
at about half tho usual price. Good Cotton Flannel oo
All Best Dress Buttons, 5c doz. Pins nnd Needles.
lc poper.
A big lino of Clothing bought at a forced sale. We
sell at less than usual cost.
are nice and fresh the best at lowest prices. Best
Coffee, 20c pkg. Best Rice, Cc. Smoking Tobacco,
15c lb. bag. Sugar at Omaha prices. Everything by
tho dozen or quantity at Omaha wholesalo cost.
TOYS and HOLIDAY GOODS. We have the big
gest lot outside of Omaha, from the penny whistle to
Fine Albums. Silk Handkerchiefs, Mufflers, Dolls, etc.,
etc.. and at reasonable prices. No fancy-store prices
with us. ESTBring your Produce.XBa
for Cash or payments, at Chicago
F. H. LAMB & GO.,
Established 1S70.
.nd. XSeaJ. Estate.
MONEY TO LOAN ON FARMS at lowest rates of interest, on short or lone time, in amount
to suit applicants.
BONDED' ABSTRACTERS OF TITLE to all real estate in Platte connty.
Represent THE LEADING INSURANCE COMPANIES of the World. Onr farm policies aro
tho moat liberal in nee. Losue ailjnated. and promptly paid at this office.
.Mumr- x-udiic niwayu in oince
Farm and city pro;erty for sale
laXC COllpotmr.fl fif fnriiTl !ntir.pirnniAii nnil
of Europe.
General Agents
Union FMiid and Mldlscd Paciic R. IL Lands fox sale st from M.O0 to $10.00 par sera for cast
or on five or tarn rears time, in annual payment to anit purchasers. Wa have also a larta and cfcoiot
lot of other buds, improved and unimproved, for salo at low price and oa reasonable tanas. Amc
buiness sad rasideae lota In tho city. We keep a complete abstract of title to all real estate if
Platte Cosntr.
Wholesale aadBetaUDaalm In
Game, Poiltry, and Fresh Fish. All Kimlg ef S&isage a Specialty.
arCah paid for Ilidea. PelU. Tallow. Highest market price paid for fat WtQa.'Ba
Olive Street, twt Doors North of tbe First Nation! Baik.
Chloral and Tobacco Habits.
Tho remedy (or alcoholism anil kindred diseases contains bi-chloride of gold,
but no hypodermic injections aro used except in tho most aggravated cases. Tho
patient can take his medicine at home without loss of time from business or work,
without publicity. Tho remedy for tbo tobacco habit contains no bi-chloridoof
gold. No hypodermic injections aro fcivm and tho remedy is wonderful in every
C2&Tho be6t of references yiven. For full particulars, write the secretary, or
consult tho medical director.
A. M. Swartzendruver, pcnt. C. A. Woosley,
O. A. Newman, tu.
Staple and Fancy Groceries,
Lamps, Glassware,
Queensware, Etc.,
As Can be Found in This Section of Nebraska.
2f"The very highest market price paid in trade for country produce,
tho present, in tho Glink block, corner of Eleventh and North Streets,
M. E. 53LLSRD & GO.
General Produce Commission
chants and Shippers.
Cottiw Cnne AV'mse. Chicago,
ToallBhippornof 1'rodnce. WnutwU IJittt-r,
Ghf". 1!skh. I'otato, Anplea, Onions, IlKiKf.
('Khkifff. lriil Fruit. Poultry. (Jnmc Vel,
Lamb. Hoof, Mutton, Pork, Fur and Jlidw,
Plti, Tallow, Honey. liceawax. Broom Cora,
fiinscnit Koot, Cider, Feathers, Vinegar, Flour,
Backuheet, etc. nenu for our diuJy bniiettn
Pay cash or sell ou commission.
t reference
...11 ctAnm.liin finlrutA til nHil
from all part
for the tale of
Dr. L. C. Voss,
Medical Director.
- Then? is no danger from whooping
couiih when Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy in freely given. It liquefies tho
lough, tenacious mucus and aids in its
expectoration. It also lessens the se
verity and frequency of tho paroxysms
of coughing, and insures a speedy re
covery. There is not tho least danger'
in giving it to children or babies, as it
contains no injurious substance. 50 cent
bottles for salo by C. E. Pollock & Co.
and Dr. Heinz, Druggists. tt