W.. . . 4 fr t vvAq )rt s . o 3 0 ft 6 I -X - r 4 - : t 4 Columbus oxmml. OFFICIAL RETURN F PLATTE COUNTY ritmrnuintiniiiiiHiutittim OPENED SEPT, 28. f XTiiiiiitiiiftuinriimtuimMmM I 'OPENED SEPT. 2M HwHIVIlTaVMiVIVIiilIHnvl9lwX H- -JB T. Entered at taa i - i econd-claMBull What is General'Election elel iNovembi 2i and Canvafised.Toyem- ISSUED ETOT WCDSBBBAT ST K. TURNER & CO., Colnmbusi Wle J berl i nil i GRIFFEN & GRAY J City of Colombo SB O 3 3 a I r i . n -. ,f n . g : I i T f 1 I SO 1 lf TiTTB" ' Mil! n br 81 189 w,iyy. .. - i i i HE OFFICE ASS CANDIDATES. Trues or acBMrniraoa: a me year, by Betpoataca prepaid, t2.ce . mi 5-iix months...... ..::......:. loo furee aoaui,.... JO 1 -FaraalaiaAA . applic &. laaaaaamr : m :- j. Ii j- - ' Uf - TO .ThsasBbwriben ehaaca their place of reaU -: -r.tv; they should at once notify aa by letter or ,, ,-Ta3 card, giving- both their fomer aad tbeii RM-nt poeUoffice. the first enablee na to readily ntl the aaaae on our mailing hat, from which, bring in type, we each weak print, either on the wntpper or on the atarriB of yoor JocaMiX, the dale to which roar sabaeriptioa ia pahl or ac-BO-mted- for. BemitUacee ahoald be made iiaer by money-order, ragiaterad latter or draft, payable to the order of M. E. Toaaaa Co. TO OOMMVOMitUXB. . All commniiifationa, to aecore atteatiOB. moat bn accompanied by the fall name of the writer. We reserve the right to reject any manuscript. ad cannot agree to return the same. We .desire a correspondent in erery achooLdiatnct of Platte county, oae of good jadgment, and re libl in erery way. Write plainly, each Item aep&r&telr. Oira oa facte. WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 9, 1892. The rainmakers at "Washington have no better success than the same gentry had in the west last summer, in bring ing; moistnre from a clear sky. A crcxoNE at Galveston, Texas. Sun day, leveled everything before it. One man was killed and eighteen injured. The path of the storm was 100 yards wide and a mile long. The loss by forest fires on the moun tains above Waterford, Fa., is estimated at $20,000. Over 30,000 acres of timber have been destroyed; some cattle, goats and sheep have perished. At Marshalltown, la., a northwest blizzard was reported, on the 7th. At St. Paul, Minn., a light snow, the same .day, and a depth of six inches in some parts of the state. A hard storm raged in North Dakota, and much loss to stock was feared. On Monday Mr. Blaine made a fifteen minute call on the president. The gos sips of Washington hardly knew how much or how little to make of it. We rather think that the two main parties in interest know what they are doing the year round. Oxe of the latest Boston notions is a refrigerating plant that will send cool air whenever wanted, through tubes, the service to cost no more than ice wonld cost, and have the advantage of making a room cool and dry, whereas ice makes it cool and damp. It is not often that an item of general information worthy of note comes from Canada, but we see that trusts are organized over there as well as elsewhere the ten largest manufacturers of wrap ping paper have completed arrangements for a combine, to limit production and keep up prices, at a paying figure. Liedt. Frederick Schwatka. the well known Arctic explorer, died at Portland, Ore., last Wednesday morning. Ho was picked up unconscious on the street about 3 o'clock. Beside him was found an empty laudanum bottle. He was apparently in a drunken Btupor, and no efforts could rouse him. He never re gained consciousness, and he died soon after he was found. Presidential CteTelandand Btereaaon,d Harriaon aad field, r Wearer aad Fields, p. i Governor - J. Sterling Morton, d Lorenzo Croanae.r C.H. VaaWyck, p. I Lieutenant Governor B. N. Wolbach, d. ............. ........ x. i. AULjora, r.. ..................... . C. D. Bchrader, p.i Secretary of State Frank M. Crow, d John C. Allen, r J. Bf. Eaeterling, p. 1 State Auditor P. F. O'Sullivan, d.. Juigene jaoore, r... .................. L. McReynolda, p. 1 State Treaanrer Andrew Beckman,d tie Da DUTlOji laa I V lOlIOf 9 Attorney General Mathew Gering. d... .. firiorgn TT TTaetingi. r......... . V. 0. 8 trickier,' p. i Com'r Public Lands and Buildings Jacob Wiggine, d. ..... .... A. B. Humphrey, r.... .... ........ J. M. Gunnett, p. i Sup't Public Instruction J. A. Hornberger, d.. r IV UOQUfi A. lie XX UUll P l Congressman Sd District George F. Helper, d G; D. Meiklejohn, r W. A. Poynter, p. i State Senator-mh District J. E. North, d Niels Olson, r.. Fred Jewell, p. i..... EepnseenUtive 2tth District P. H. Bender, d. ........... m & typocijf . r..... .................. William Scbelp, n. i Representative 25th District Bobert Price, d I. Sibbemsen. r. ...... ....... .... W.J.Irwin, p.i County Auomey S3 73 SI ISO 62 21 128 62 26 87 W 70 88 6G J 132 108 58. 81 51 21 129 IP' 129, 65 17 130 59 20 100 54 96! 119! 59 US IB 37 99 33 103 S2 90 116 ; 21 1 61 (M1 ( "i v. w S3' 42 46 67 44 83! 6Si I 40- S3 63 45 S7 60: 45 11 21 42 23! U 107 83 1081 laiiios 61 B3 16 21 iss! ioo 81 7 s 13 U U3 62 83: 117 16' 16 36 J i Mj 101 ! 100' W 45! 135 17 101; 82 F9 101 .! 16! i 153 142 jj 40, 47 28 26 112; 105 John M. Gondring, d. F. M. Cookingham, r. I. L. Albert, p.i...... 53 143 13 184 tti ! 64 121 3, 1W, i3: 190 21 70, 4S ftjl 41 37 77 47 33 64 41 37 64 4C 35 63 y 45 64 66 26 45 35 til 31 61 TZ 51 24 74 10 10 S7! 10! 'i 56' 111 Hi r 58 12 8. "! 1 13 6 581 27i 8! 43! -? 3' I 57j 1 46 4 " . 81' 32 9 48 33 6 51 1 57 6! 51 31 6i 16: 6 17 53 73 42 64 26 34 S3 87 49 25 53: 47 a 50 8 e2 5 12 341 601 40 31 16! i 771 8! I 6Sj 10 23! 36! 45' 55 34 4' 58 36 40, 34; 23 45 M 98 45 54 38 50 1 29: 46i 58, t 23' 741 SO 26 45 27 20 &0l 33 21 47 S3 21 & 4l! 2S j -I wl w 42! 42, 13 3C! 26 i J 19, 371 30! 311 28J 0! w! 40 23 43 20! 43 40 44 so! 26 18 38 32 11 46 43 21 43 8 SI I 46 11 311 44 10i 30 45 11 33; 47 9! 21 42 15 35 if 6! i 20 13 29! 35 2S U 8 17 42 102 61 29 68 67 20 57 66 29 33 7 321 56 64 29 59 67 31 54 64 29 57 67 23 55! 63 33 58 C7 23 Gfi 72 20! 61 43! ! ail 33 23 21 46 19 90 SO r 28 S3 17 28 51 19 23 50 18 2S 49 19 29 49 19 29 SO 58 29 37 14 28 44 27 26j 39 33 21 9! 41 47 10 10 40 10 16 41 10 10 46 11 10 44 11 9 48 10 9 49 9 6 16 11 "I 40 10 8 J, 37 i 48! 11 96 SO 61 101 60 63 62 56 65 83 65 67 60 64 84 59; 61 83j 60; CI 89 64! 65 SI 45 86 81 65 26 130 C4 45! 100, 29 8 61 9 60 27 9 S9 0 38 59 28 9 58 27 9 57 28 10 56 10 6S! 30 9 S3 50 8, Sit' 4 70' m ltf 61 17 23 98 8 38 33 17 S3 88 27 S3 61 , 7 16 102 9 43 28 12 28 106 41 29 SO 6 22 103 9 49 21 12 29 102 37 26 88 10, 22 101 8 46 22 11 30 102 S7 31 85 9 22 103 8 47 251 12 30 101 21 29 88' ' . . ,,-! J 21 47 164 110, 39 76 137 44 46 1W 42 41 142 47 S3 'Si 38 103 I 147 44 Qt lWJ 37! 149, 42 9 46 101 6 4? 101 9 48 32) 104 111. 46! Jo' 127' 40, V 139 37 59 115 41 44 HI w ua: W. 2; 49 lot 17 35 114 9; 33! ":i 101 12 21 122 24 1 34! 53 24 S3 22, 2 3l! 21 1 21 l 21' 24. 33! ! a; 21 211 39 171 2-i E3' 15 10T. 10, 261 103 11 20 102 11 23; 9 33 39i I i Si 8i 29' 8a, 12 43 9; 38, "I lOO! 101 35 19! 331 i 10' a; "i .4 1W 102 15 23 Si) 3 26 107 9: SO ral 121 S3 104 16 2l i UC 21 i ! I 7j 9 IS1 13 S9 99 11 39 99. IOSi 10 li! 7 38! ra 101 1 i i 2s! ta 63, 106J 9! 6! 21! II 102i 103 "! ail 101' 2.J 101 ' 665 794 1264 971 760 1021 1091 750 663 1101 720 c-s 1116! it 832 1133 721 921 1121 729 8d6 1098 722 602 1113 715 80O 940 982 S93 12S2 514 1036 1010 660 1026 HJ7 1144 can H 1156; 22 567 1134 470 53 231 173 261 212 233 196 JBS 42 217 26 saa Ciastoiia Is Dr. Saruuct Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmtats rabstitnto for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor OIL It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' turn by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays feverishncss. . Castoria prevents TOmiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas toria is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. Castoria. Or course it came out finally, in accord ance with what this paper claimed all along, that the third-party movement, bo far as the presidential campaign was concerned, was a democratic trap Bet for making strong republican states doubt ful or carrying them into the opposition line if to vote for Weaver, then indi rectly to be for Cleveland by throwing the election into the house of represen tatives. The Omaha World-Herald of Monday, tho day before election, was constrained by circumstances to say: "It is the desire of the democratic state committee that democrats everywhere should vote for the Weaver electors." The English government recently tested American armor plates for use in warships. The test resulted in a victory for the American process of making steel armor. No use to talk, gentlemen of the old world, the freemen of a republican form of government must necessarily represent the highest type of manhood, and give the world its best evidences of progress in all arts and sciences. Use of faculties and use of opportunities for the benefit of the raco of mankind is not only the principle of action which lies at the foundation of our institutions, but it is coming more and more to be the measure of appreciation by which each man is accorded his rank and station in this busy world. And it is only another way of expressing the christian doctrine: Would you reign? If so, first serve. The greater idea comprehends the lesser, and thus it happens, that native genius, stimulated by the active spirit of prog ress which has here its least opposition, finds here its grandest triumphs. The policy of reciprocity, as put in force by the republican administration, is demonstrating its own right to stay, by the good consequences which have followed, and which are sure to multi ply, if left to work out the full measure of their usefulness. Deal with those nations who deal with us. Get rid of all reasonable objections that may be made to our products, but when wo are con vinced that nations make captious ob jections, quit dealing with them alto gether. If trade is not mutually agreea ble, satisfactory and profitable, it does not fill the conditions of reciprocity. The republican policy is to have commerce with peoples who will deal with us on the basis of a fair equivalent. Indiscri minate free-trade would not mean this, neither wonld indiscriminate tariff. The McKinley law, enforced and adminis tered as it has been by President Harri son, is just such a law and a policy as, it seemB to us, this country needs for a long time to come, and for one we hope that it may be undisturbed, except as changing circumstances may make it necessary. Mr. Xorly at Dublin. Mr. Morley has been trying to get to work in Ireland under difficulties. There are about 50,000 persons, or say 10,000 families, against whom, by due process of law, judgment has been'obtained, but who are living on their holdings as tenants at will, execution of judgment being suspended sine die. Their land lords can evict them whenever it is con venient. To inaugurate the Home Rule Administration by a plentiful crop of evictions was a temptation to which any Irish landlord might succumb, and the only wonder is that there have been so few. Mr. Morley cannot suspend the operation of the law of his own motion. uy more inan ne can cnecfc tne ebb and flow of the tides. If the landlords choose they can make trouble, but the probability is that they will not make rery mnch. The evicted tenants who are clamoring to be reinstated offer difficulties that are two-fold. The first is to discover what is the best solution; and the second, and by far the most serious, is to discover how to get the House of Lords to agree to any solution, whatever, of any difficulty of any kind. It is their interest to preserve every difficulty as zealously as if difficulties were pheasants or foxes, in order to triD up mo ku'ciuiucuu iiw bame insolu ble problem confronts our British" friends at every turn. How can a man walk forward when one of his lees ner- sists in walking backward? From the "Progress of the World," November Be view of Beviewe. 1 THE ELECTION. Wednesday morning we are trying to write these paragraphs and give some thing of the news, when so much is un certain. The indications are that Cleveland has carried New York, while Harrison gets Connecticut and Delaware from the democratic column. It seems at this writing as though In diana and Illinois wonld be the states to decide the contest, and the best judg ment is that they are close. Harrison, it is thought will be bis own successor if he carries these two states. If he does not get Indiana but receives the votes of West Virginia and the new states, he can still win. The democrats this morning concede that Crounse is elected governor, and that the republican state ticket has a small majority. This is probably the case. The republican electors of Nebraska will probably have the pleasure of car rying the vote for Harrison, but it looks like a close call, and while we shall greatly rejoice if such shall prove to be the fact, wo are not so sure but that the fusion of the democracy and independ ents on the electoral ticket has thrown this state into the Weaver ranks. This looks altogether likely if the same ratio holds elsewhere as in Columbus; here, the combined independent and demo cratic electoral vote was 329, independ ent 218 alone, while Vim Wyck's vote was only 83. The democrats worked for Cleveland by voting for Weaver electors. North's election to the state senate in the Colfax-Platte district ia conceded. The election of Meiklejohn to con gress is now conceded by democrats, as 16 that of Hainer in the Fourth district. Other districts close. It will take several days to get word from the various legislative districts in tho state. So far as heard from now Sibbernsen is ahead in the Nance-Platte district, but only four townships are in from Nance county, and only one of these gave Sibbernsen a majority, so the probability is that the gains will be in favor of Irwin, and possibly sufficient to elect him. According to one count-, the latest, Irwin is behind Sibbernsen 53 votes in the district. Gus. Lockner, our old townsman, was elected to tho legislature from Douglas county. IiATKB. Last Wednesday, at noon, while Joe Delask, an employe at Cudahy's pack ing house, South Omaha, accompanied by a companion, were going home to dinner, an unknown man emerged from the weeds, stepped quietly up to Delask and thrust a knife into his left side be low the shoulder blade. The assassin escaped without even being recognized. A slight cut on the skin was all the in jury done to Delask's body. He cannot understand who is seeking to take his life. It la all owing to what a man la proud of. if he is proud of his honor and integrity, proud of bis blameless life and his efforts to benefit his race he is the right kind of a man. But if he ia proud of bis looks, his clothes, his wealth, his birth or his learning, he ia a 00L The avoidance of the cardinal sins is not all that is required from us; the little ones, 10 often slurred over, make up a terrible total; and if we paid commensurate attention to them, we should soou satisfy ourselves that our morality, like a house, was generally in a state demanding; ' 'constant re pairs." The county canvass was made by County Clerk Phillips, assisted by C. A. Spoice and E. H. Chambers. Make your own comments. Indiana and Illinois are claimed by both parties. Carter of the republican committee claims reliable information that Indiana has been carried for the republican ticket, and this vote, added to the reliable republican votes in the electoral college, insures the re-election of Harrison. The committee's bulletin at midnight of the 8th claims: Califor nia. Maine, Massachusetts, ten votes of Michigan, Ohio. Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Idaho, Colora do, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, New Hampshire, Wisconsin, Montana, North and South Dakota, Washington, Wyoming, Nebraska, Indiana and Dela ware, or 229 electoral votes, a majority of six, with an even chance for West Virginia. Chairman Simpson of tho republican stato central committee of Kansas,claims the election of a full republican congres sional delegation, and the Harrison elec tors by at least 10,000 majority. The defeat of Jerry Simpson, the sockless, seems sure. Georgia is surely democratic, with a solid delegation of that party to con gress. Not one farmer alliance need apply. The editor of the Rocky Mountain News, T. M. Patterson, says the indica tions are that Weaver has carried Colo rado by not less than 8,000; that the fusion candidates for congress have been elected and, he believes, the entire fusion state ticket. In every district in Omaha the vote was large, and in many of them the count was not completed until late in the fore noon of Wednesday. Republican stock is advancing in Indi ana. 133 precincts out of 269, give a net republican gain of 931 over the vote of 1890. At this rate Indians will go republican. The Omaha Bee of Wednesday morn ing says editorially: "It ia not a walk sway by any swans, but Harrison baa s fair show for another term. Crounae is elected by about 15,000 plurality with a republican legislature. Don't give up Harriaon until the lame messenger comes along with his full information. . At 3 p. m.. Thursday, the lame messen ger has arrived, and. gives it up for Cleveland. STATE NEWS. MEIRASKA MISCELLANEOUS MATTERS. Doka. Evans, a hardened young woman of Ansiey, baa been arrested on the charge of burning two barns the other night. It is guppoed the fire was started out of revenge because she had been ordered out of town. Ed. Thomi'so.v who broke jail at Hedford, woa captured at Dunning and returned to sheriff Crow, who proceeded to chaia him down in his celL He will be guarded hereafter, and close watoh kept over him to see that be gets no outside assistance. Some sticky-fingered gentlemen, says the Fairfield News, aolped them, selves to Ciyde Parker's revolver and a fine watch chain and lit out for Has tings where one accidentally shot him self through the hand. They were ar rested when Mr. Parker went up and identified them, and Drought them here where they are held for trial. Da. O. W. Wilkinson, ex-treasurer of Dakota county, who was charged with embezzling $13,000 and who was bound over to the district court by County Judge Warner in $2. 500 bonds. was last week released from custody by District Jndge Norris on a writ of habeus corpus. The court room was packed with citizens front all over the county, all sympathizers of Wilkinson. The judge held that the evidence was insufficient to bold the accused. The court and ex-treasurer received the congratulations of everybody on the decision which ia the termination of the case. The coroners verdict was suicide in the case of young Harris, who killed himself in a cemetery near Tslmage. He had said he would kill himself soma days ago to several intimate with him. Tho act was entirely premedi tated, as he borrowed a revolver of a friend. When found it was thought he had shot himself through the head, but a close examination showed he had placed the revolver against his left breast, the shot passing through the heart killing him instantly. He was subject to melancholy spells and of a very nervous temperament, which was tho probable cause of the act. Clat Center had a destructive fire. The result is that ten business houses os the north side of the square now lay ia ashes. Fire broke out in a restau rant building and was under such headway when discovered that it was impossible to check it with the water facilities. The only thing that stopped the flames was the removal of a small frame building, thus creating a space, sad tho fire stopped here, although it was a frame biiiiding. Before the blaze was under control tho entire pop ulation of the town was out, including men. women aad children, sad every. oae worked with a will both ia flght isg fire and removing goods. In response to a query from a prom inent financier asciag ss to the nrob aslo acreage sad y laid of wheat in Ne braska this year. Commissioner Andres of tho bureau of industrial statistics made the following reply: Tho acre, sgs of wheat ia 1891 was 939.867. tho yield 18. 01 0.000. based upon the re port of the United States Agricultural department The acreage of wheat fa 1S92 is 1,22a 965 asa the crop will probably reach 86 per cent 6t last year's The estimated increase -ia acreage ia 1893 will bo 8 per east, based upos reports received up to date. ernor Boyd, the i-cueat is denied, at least for the present: 'Sir: In reply to a petition dated the 20th of May and endorsed by vour 1 "nor, the honorable mayor of the city of Omaha and a number of citizens of the state of Ne. braska, to this legation, urging the es tablishment of a consulate for the Ger man - empire at Omaha, I have tho honor to inform you that according to a dispatch received from his excellency the chancellor of the empire, the im perial government; after having care, fully considered the questions laid down in your petition, is not prepared to establish such consulate at present. " The case of Jiury McDonald vs. John Grbow and other officers of school district No. 37 in Sarpy county reached the supreme court last week. Mary is a non-resiuent of the district referred to. but has been working in the dibtrict for her board while she goe to school. The defendants re fused to aiiow her to continue her studies on the ground that she was a non-reaiuent. She asked the district court for an injunction to restrain the school officers from carrying into ef fect their order refusing her admis sion into the school and lost the case in the lower court. She now appeals to the suoremo court. fust vi -. an excellent medicine for cbtl-L'-ui. X I'.ia-x bare repeatedly told tee of its bod e2ect upon their children." Da. Q. C Osaooo, Lowell, SUM. Cfestcria Is the best reroedr for children of which I am acquainted. I hope tho day is cot far distant when mothers will consider the real interest of their children, and oae Castoria in stead of the various quack nostrums which are destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful agents down their throats, thereby sending thorn to premature graves." Da. J. F. Kixcazurc, Conway, Ark. Castoria. "Castoria Is so well adapted to chfldraa that I recommend it as superior toaayprescrlptioB ksowatosae." H. A. Aaoaaa.lL FA, ill So. Oxford St., Urooklya, X. T. M Our payaidaas in the children's depart ment have spokoa highly of thoir experi ence In their outside practice with Castoria, and although we only have among our medical supplies what la known as regular products, yet we are free to coafess that the merits of Castoria has won aa to look with favor upon it." Ukitsd Hospital amd DursMaaT, Bostoa, Mass. ALUS C Sarin, Pre., Arc the new dealors in BOOTS KM) SHOES, Hats and Caps, Gents' - Furnishing - Goods, -AND ALL Kixbs OF- Tke Ceatamr Company, TT laarravy Street, If aw York City. The Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul By is the only line running solid vest ibuled, electric lighted and steam heated trains between the Missouri river and Chicago, consisting of new palace sleep ing cars, elegant freo reclining chair cars, luxurious coaches and the finest diniug cars in the world. The berth reading lamp in its palace sleeping cars is patented and cannot bo used by any other railway company. It is the great improvement of the age. Try it and be convinced. Clost connection in union depot at Oniahii with all trains to and from the west. For further particulars apply to your ticket ngont, or F. A. Nabh, Gen'l Agt. W. S. HowELZi, Traveling Fr't. and Pass. Agt, 20jantf 1501 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. 4,I havo just recovered from a sec ond attack of the grip this year," says Mr. Jatnes O. Jones, publisher of the Leader, Mexia. Texas. "In tho latter cjise I used Chuinberlnin'a Cough Rem edy, and I think with considerable suc cess, only being in bed a little over two days, against ton days for tho first at tack. The second attack I am satisfied would have been equally as bad as the first but for tho use of this remedy, as I had to go to bed in about six hours after being 'struck' with it, while iu the first case I was able to attend to business about two days boforo getting 'down.' " SO cent bottles for sale by C. E. Pollock &. Co. and Dr. Hcintz, Druggists. tf R BR &CO. We want every mother to know that croup can be prevented. True croup never appears without a warning. The first symptom is hoarseness; then the child appears to have taken a cold or a cold may have accompanied the hoaree- nees from the start. After that a pe culiar rough cough is developed, which is followed by the croup. The time to act is when tho child first becomes hoarse; a few doses of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy will prevent the attack. Even after a rough cough has appeared tho disease may be prevented by using this remedy as directed. It has never been known to fail. 25 cent, 50 cent and 81 bottles for sale by C. E. Pollock & Co. and Dr. Heintz, druggists, tf If yon are troubled with rheuma tism or a lame back, bind on over the Beat of pain a piece of flannel dampened with Chamberlain's Pain Balm. You will be surprised at tho prompt relief it affords. 50 cent bottles for sale by C. E. Pollock & Co. and Dr. Hcintz, drug gists, tf ISTOTICE or There is no danger from whooping cough when Clumiberlain's Cough Rem edy is freely given. It liquefies the tough, tenacious mucus and aids in its expectoration. It also lessens the se verity and frequency of the paroxysms of coughing, and insures a speedy re covery. There is not the least danger in giving it to children or babies, as it contains no injurious substance. 50 cent bottles for eale by C. E. Pollock & Co. and Dr. Heinz, Druggists. tf LEASE OF SCHOOL LMDS ! NOTICE is hereby given that tho leaaea and and contracts on the following described nchool lands have been canceled by the Board of Educational Lands end Funds, and if not rein stated by the payment of delinquent interest or leasn rental duo, enid lands will be offered for lenoe by tho county treasurer of Platte county at 10 o'clock a. m., on the Sd day of December. 1892: Plans of city, suburban and farm houses of low and moderate cost 85 to 830 per set complete. These are copies of dwellings built in the last three years' regular practice, and "are designed with an understanding effort in agricultural refinement, convenience and good taste. Please write, stating number of rooms you wieh, and at what cost. Corre spondence policited for architect's ser vices in general. Chas. Gerald, archi tect, N. Y. Life, Omaha. 2fi Gp Description. NVi and NWH SW.1 and lot HW HW NvV M NEJa ,. Lot 6 and 7 in Bis W4 NEH and 8VH NE!i XW2-4NWK AJl 4 in IS 18 SS 17 10 I 17 St) 17 38 17 f.6 17 35 17 Are now moving their old building to temporary quarters in the street west of Boettcher'd and will begin at once the erection of their new building, 24x100 ft., two stories high and of brick, on the site of tho old one. Until tho New Building la finished, they will be delighted to welcome all comers, who wish to pro vido themsolves with RUBBER GOODS. -- THEIR PLACE OF BUSINESS IS THE Graf Bit : Tliteii I : Stat; -- ExcaJien I Ms -AT- Fair Prices. They havo always acted upon the prin ciple that the best business is that when the customer gladly comes agsin to buy. The kind of loots 5 loes 4w 2w Sir 2w le le Sw Dated at Lincoln, Nebraska. Oct. 3. Ib92. A. K. HUMPHREY, roctl Com'r Public Land and Buildings. -Tho handsomest lady in Columbus remarked to a friend the other day that she knew Kemp's Balsam for tho throat and lungs was a superior remedy, as it stopped her cough instantly when other cough remedies had no effect whatever. So to prove this and convince you of Ub menis, any druggist win give you a sample bottle free. Large ze 50c and 1. M-y The population of Columbus is about 3,500, and wo would say at least one-half are troubled with some affec tion of tbe throat and lungs, as those complaints are, according to statistics, more numerous than others. We would advise all our readera not to neglect the opportunity to call on their druggist and get a bottle of Kemp's Balsam for tne tliroat and lungs. Trial size free. Large bottles, 50c and 81. Sold by all druggists. 34.V lion' 1fffff rr-tt rTi 2AmDroaBss5HsHiiK AS lyBBalJSJaSSSSsPrg 2SLAHS.SEaaaBBls3l That this firm sell aro MADE FOR COMFORT AND FOR WEAR, and their CLOTHING -AND- GENTS' Furnishing Goods ARE NOT EXCELLED ANYWHERE. Fair dealing every time is tho remark of even the boys who deal with This Establisliment is now READY FOR BUSINESS And with full confidence of being able to suit every purchaser, a very cordial invitation is ex tended to the public to give us a call. GRFM itmrimmii;mnr:mmiimmN I OPENED SEPT. 28. Snrmiiiiimmmimiuumiml & GRAY. luttmmmiimtnutiiiiiitiimH OPENED SEPT. 28. IttiHmimriimutiimiiimiiml TbePlatte Institute A Home School for Both Sexes. Best and Cheapest School in the West. New Buildings Throughout. Steam Heat in All. Two Large Dormitories. COURSES: Preparatory, Normal, Collegiate, linslncss. Short haHd and Typcwritlnsr, Slnsir, Art. 'JO 20 rt.oo 1.05 120.00 B2FBTSE:S. Board, Room. Kent and TolUon for Term of Ten Wcek Tnltlnn alone, per Term Board, per wxcfc Toul .xpene8 for Om- VV3r A large anil ssperier Faciltr of expetienccd Teacher and Pmfettors. Stadenta may Knter at a it tiao aad Sad c'assea suited to tUcir need and udvacc Fall Term Opens Sept. a, 1892. Second Fall T3rm Opens Nov. IS. 1892. Winter Term Opens Jan. 24-, i -53. Spring Term Opens April lO, 1893. THE PLATTE INSTITUTE aaa been established Tor the purpo-eof t.laclo- a liberal education within the reach of ALL. It will coat you lew. t . j to stay at hom. An opportunity will be afforded a number of e tudi ntr t. pay s!l or n part of tblr PspHti, ,y Send in your ctiDlIcation at once. Tcta sibcol is noder the Jnrltdiciion of Rt tbe Platte. INFERENCES: Bishop Anaon R. Grave. Kcuroy. NVb National Bauk. L. ". Mowry, Sec'y Midway Land Co. Write for particulars and information to lWr. Anton K. Grave. Bishop of (be Diocese of W. C. TlIUuu. Caihlvr Kearney CLARENCE A. MURCH, Sup't.. NEB. MTiea Bjby t ar. nitl. vrt- pare hw Castoria. Y"hea tilts wat a Child, bbo criwl for Castoria. "When .shs became Miss, she cJus to Castoria. When hhe bad Children, fbo ga e tbem Castoria. atrritarToanaMaat Tm. a Co. (attract and Matted me. I worked lUadllj and mad money featar than I expected to. I became able to bay ea ielaad aad bofld a email tnmmer hotel. If 1 doa'teeeceedat that, I wUln to work araib at tbe builoeea In which I made my mooer . -y.. u... m, uniu uui tun jo. reeoerT If we do. and if yoa work iadaetrioailv. yea will ia doe time be ableiobayaa island and bnild a'botel. tf yon wieh J- Mwaey can be earned at oar w line of work, rap Idly end honorably, by tboee of either sex. yocac or old. aad In their owa localities, wbererer ther IiTa. Any one ran do the work. Easy to leers. We ftirnlsh eTerrthinr- No risk. Yoa canderoteyonr spare moments, or all yoar time to tbe work. This entirely new lead Minn wonderful sae cento erery worker. Beginners are earning from SSS te per week and npwerds.aad more afteralitUaexpa V2f2.J?! nrnlsb yon the employment weteech yoa raaKE. This Is an ace of marroloae things, aad here is aaoiner ereat. ufjt. wealth givinc; wonder. Greet amies ww,rd eT,r7 industrious worker. Wherorer yoa aro. aad wheteTsr too are doing, yon want to know about this wonderful work at once. Ilay means much money lost to yon. So space to explain here, but if yoa will write to uj. wA7l1Jiai,,iU,u"iJy,0 PagEE. Address. TlXVE at CO.. Sex , Aaaraaca, Maine. MEN BR &CO. ClHnitoQ&uO., itKJ?APTY ? yj-raalf aael faaa. ncea aakM, aa Uaaaiiaai MO SUavSTITIJTS.8 aS DE.U.KBK IN HARD AND SOFT Ekglisr. Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft or calloused Inmps and blem ishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Bins Bone, Sweeney, Stifles, fjprainB, Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs, etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle. Warranted tho most wonderful Blemish Cure ever known. Sold bv C B. Stillman, druffgut. 26novlyr Rheumatism Cured in a Day. "Mys tic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon the system is remarkable and mye terions. It removes at once tho cause and the disease immediately disappears. Tbe first doso trreatly benefits, 75 cents. Sold by A. Heintz, drngsist, Colnm bns, Neb. 14-y GO A L THE VERY BEST thn.HIRKET. -OFFICE: ..ag-HPilwaV aBLm sbsbsbH& isBsaUr' 9 r 8tht is pnceleos and its proper proerration i- a matter for tho most earnest consideration of every person of ordinary common frn Re member that a lenae decenteml one centimeter (tbe one hundredth part of an ineh) produce an many pnem dioptres aa it possesnta lenticular dioptres of refraction. Don't wear poorly mndo spectacle) when you can jret reliable onea at tho same price. Tndor's adamantine lenses are srronnd from tho c!eartt.t erjutal obtainable, hmldinic up th nerve povr. eaninscand render ing naiarm ire acconinnxlation. They are with out doubt bent iidanted for optical pnrposca and aro recommended by ail th mont eminent of the medical fraternity, including Dr. Brainyea. ex Koverncr of ZacnlfM, Mex.. Dr. Marian, ex. governor of Ajuas Cahente. Edward JenninR. M. l.. vice prrmdent medicnl association of nt. ? 'gSJOSl1 A.IMnt. lWrip- ,url,.,UU. ZSft.j, SINGLE-COMB. lUIiREI) Plymouth : Rock a LL. iBBgW ?; a ywaHaiiBHgasBwBBm ' " tBja amjIgssWBSBSBSBissBSBSBsfeflgsH ' I1- - &tm isLaagSEZsK-r ?0 ? - awenaw.i9BleBBBwBBBBw&. X - IsbVsbsbsbsbsbBsbK tBSBSsBgWSBSaBsl A wttBBBBBBdBBWJBBBBBBBNBr Z? seflsBVasB9sBsaVwK,'& " 0 . BfsHr9saisBslMaV ' " 2 sbPsssMP9K - 2T - asjgfcsfcrr- S Q SeiMtiic AMTieta Aecy far W. L. DOUGLAS A 255l! e3L?J JMOMm Hm. aa aacyllaka SBBB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBW ASUVaw - M n is carteuaiy too arly to tho mum St. Fatkick s Pills ere carefnllv to fl-o uy accural Cruras. prepared from the best material end Bscesixt a ImXf number of Xo- according to the most approved formula, wMga uvnnasa peuuoacu to nac ana are tne most perfect catnartio and Oamaka a consulate of tfc German ata-' liver pill that can be produced. We Near B. & M. Depot. 3Iang9ni M. E. B1LLIRD & CO., Geieral Prod nee romnjissiou Mer chants anil Shippers. M19 Cottage Grovo Avenne, Chicago. IU. To all Khippera of Produce. Wanted: Hatter, ii"7-j. iw. wvmui, appira, umona. Bum. CabMgo. Dried r raits. Poultry, Game, Veal, Lamb. Beef. Mntton, Pork, Fnra and Hides. Pelt. Tallow. Honey. Beeswax. Broom Corn Ginsena Boot, Cider, Feathers, Vinegar, Flour. aoiaai ftoaii aXtaaprioa eVVVB fJV IV fUM aawvasaraa Exaevn 3Ss vsaaTftalaenisaa sa aaddi . Xq.c Tlmrnt aasasit wmaneJ, -.-r - --i-r . .1" . avuao. easy aaa aaraM N Tbey aqoal m taportad Ilea Baaeewora artara ra ws m fooa aeary oan. aaaasAoa.aaaytowaUtla.aad ?l&3m&J&V&& hSrlS Ya TstADeT HaBstis. oaaiOM sATanTgf COPVRIOHTS. ate. rmeYJte? Sf1!" Haaaookwrtta to 2?J522. '2 ewiag patents la Asanas, jpatapt taken oat by a U broat baHma taa 9wSlle by a aotiea gtreo trea oX chare TaSa Scientific American JAPAKESB I SINGLE-COMB, WHITE LEGHORN,- (Both thoniushbred.) eK. for hnicLiu. for sale, at $IM for one setting of 15 eKg. E&"OTder from n distance promptly filled. OmarSm II. P. COOLIDGE. Columbus. Xebr. Sdfeifii ND wrsrataeaseai Isaaaaaajsjl Ba, taa" Bn.7s taeagat s-w iliSaatanTTarstsiai Hjsjl A new and C 9 ah ayavaav hurioitorin, eril,7 JsjaeaTBr Box and ViUn: MarMaanUKpeearup mm IwlS REEHHI 1 PACKAGE , MORHAIIIIIS! JSlSaak WL "" ma? tat-SSatsBr fir, mil in Oa foUowiag lawar from feU them. O.E. Pollock & Co. and Dr. plSor iaUo?wSBauaiol t22i afaTarytyHaa,oa eaiieiiiiMlei iiiies loaun. tadlaawhowlaaao vgar ara maoiaf tau oat. v-W. iTgTae; aaaaa aa4 tto arte la mtmJboueSkpt aaaa eioa: looTaar M bay. acwBMoteaajenaMaasatAsXBSaaaV eestaaaoraaraiggearoriaiaa. imraanneainiiiejiaia naadalaai aad aabjact to pcoawiioa ay law for oa tlfitag sana ir it if ttT aa T ai aa i lag m'c IWffdmjnFmtoEBxTmZdUm. tmw Wi, SHIU, Oljfi St.wMtaSa CURB .mn? I. ' tmal Ulind or UlMedinfr Xreliinir. tlironic.' Ite-! lit msiirntliMrHf&Mu. ceni or Jier,nfjiry niee.w and fnaiale ueokue,-.. it inalwiji-H xreat Uo ?Ct to t.j. jfouHral hltL. Tb ti-st Hjoorf ry ,f a m-dic'i cure r&deririr rui oprnt2ti with the knife uiin"C-nrv hnaft..r. Th?a t;un.ivi.u si per bti, 1 for $.1; nTer ! i known to fail. aent Irr rraiL Why suffer from thii t.rrlliUilT V; w'ien wr-'ttKi a5narMPte ia ioitivfiJy iciven with 6 tjoxea, to refund the money if not rami. ?m? !2Ri?J t 8ataiil.. Goarantee iaaued I byA.HKIKTZ, aole ap;ut, Coloaibaii, Neb. J 2Smayly PA5TIU5 rORTHC CURE OF WMKMEN 1YI?.'T WaaietX aaatearyiee eieseesaWieilia awy; ewes saeatal strala er tU: aaXCj gsa-u.'jg wvyTiaiseeaaaneeeaweesaaiiaai t: IS. SVXitt2mmlZ jtoyw1a)lca "- lailn- xerr.iVii TWIAU!!.awgTattiga:. tmaaaaj,!,. ai,r.e,TlT? 7? T TT jriaw irama ia SrSTTTy-y.raaewiaetraeeeadlrtsei .T?.?yi.g BIla auMrtu u , m pnm9t nre. fajflfllVg1- gg'aw aajsjial i i raeUitaTreseaMas. MlaSugrMwV MlsT. CtaejBjej fc c '! f Y 'li m4. -j.