The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, November 02, 1892, Image 1

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Columbus. - State - Bank !
(Qlittt Bank in the State.)
Pays-InlBrest on Time Deposits
. - .AND
:r .. HaKes Loans on Real Errata
; .r ISs J?E3 SIGHT DRAFTS til
' Oa&ka, Chicago, New Yak ' afl
Foreign Cemstrik
'nd Heljw Urn Cnstomcr8 whcn they Need Help,
&EA7 .fDERGEBRARD. Fres't.
B. H. HENRY. Vice Pres't
Autfiorized Capital of $500,000
3siid in Capital - 90,00f
C. H. SHELDON, Tres't.
II. P. IL OIILRICn. Vice Ttm.
C. A. XEWMAN. Cashier,
C H. Sboldon, . J. P. Becker,
Herman 1. II. Oehlrich, Curl Rienke.
Jonas Welch, W. A. McAllister,
J. Henry Wnnleman, H. M. Winslow,
Gcorpj VV. Galley, B. C. Grey.
VrankJCwtir, Arnold F. H. Oehlrich,
Henry Luseke, Gerhard Loselca.
fy Bank of deposit; interest allowed on time
deposits; hay and sell exchange on United States
ndEaropa,and bnyand sell available securities.
We 6lxaU he pleased to receive yonr business. Wt
CSSkft your patronage. 2SdccS7
ma w mi.
And ill Kinds of Pumps,
Eleventh Street,. one door west of
Hagel & Co's.
Planing Mill.
TTehaTeJuet opened a new mill ok M street
opposite Schroeders flonrinc mill and are pre.
nLred to do ALL '.KINDS OF WOOD WOR!
such as
Sash, Poors,
Blinds, Mouldings,
Store Fronts, Counters,
Stairs, Stair Bailing,
Balusters, Scroll Sawing,
Turning, Planing.
ty AH orders promptly attended to.
er address.
Colnmbns, Nebraska.
CaTeat and Trade Harks obtained, and all Pat
ent business conducted for MODERATE FEES.
OFFICE.- Ve hare no enlwgcnciesi, all business
direct, hence ire'can transact patent business in
less time antl at LESS COST than those remote
"from Washington.
Send model, droning; or photo, with descrip
tion. .We advise if patentable or not, free of
.charge. Our fee not dne till patent is secored.
Abook'ifowtoObtain Patents," with refer
ences tactual clients in yonr state, county or
town, sent free; Address
Opposite Patent Office. Washington,
The Journal for JobWork
MR&A'fiT JJ1W&-
All n" AT &Vifft.
Christo orsska. turttei out to honor
Thr p er ctonibus,
buiF Catholic society of Wisner is
, iingr a paraon.-ge
t, oon county viUmake an exhibit at
(r ; dlvor'co oourts of Omaha and
" a naving1 a big business.
. -n is to havo a saloon, the
venae' ,
of liquor to pay $o0 a year.
jj, eople of Elk City complain that
.eir mail is often delavcd at the post-
office at Waahuigton, Douplaa county,
for twenty-four hours. They lay the
blame to carelessness.
The S-year-old eon ol David Ander
son, who lives four miles east of Aih
land, was killed in a shocking man
ner, lie was leading a horse to water
and tied the rope around his body.
The horse ran away and dragged and
trampled him so frightfully that when
he was finally rescued he was dead.
For some time past efforts have been
made to establish a flouring mill at
Emerson, but for soeie reason they
always .ailed. The project now, how
ever, is an assured fact. A stock com
Paiy. with a capital of $25, 000. has
oeen organized to b known as the
Emerson Mill and Improvement com
pany. It will no doubt be successful
as there are the right kind of weil-to
men at the back of it.
As Mr. and Mrs. Joe Vogel were
driving homo from Dodge, they had
only gono two miles northwest when
their horse, driven so a single buggy,
became frightened and started to run.
The buggy was turned over and both
of tho old people thrown out. Jlrs. Vo
gal being kiiied almost instantly, whiie
jir. ogei receivea severe nurts ana
bruises on the back of tho head and
At Mr. Frank's dance last night says
the Seward Reporter. George Fisher's
team broke loose, run away and de
molished his buggy. Schuyler Patrick
and George got into Patrick's buggy
to hunt the horses out they had not
gone far until they drove upon a faiink
upsetting their buggy throwing both
out, Mr. Fisher's left shoulder
Tho Congregational association of
Xobraska, in session at Omaha, de
cided to consolidate its two colleges
at Crete and Neiich, provided those
two institutions would agree to it.
eligh has signified its willingness to
abide by the decision but there is some
doubt about obtaining the consent of
Crete management to abandoning the
school thero, and so there is as yet no
positive assurance tnat there will be
any union college.
August llabe, the potato king of
Cuming county, has harvested 1. 1 00
bushels of tubers of largest size and
finest quality. At $1 per bushel says
tho Wisner Chronic.e. he will realize
a handsome profit from the five acres
cultivated in potatoes this season.
It would pay his neighbors to learn
the secret which enables Mr. Rabe to
prow a fine crop of potatoes when a
failure of the crop is general and the
local market price is "out of sight."
The grain elevator at the junction
of Second and Main streets in Albion,
was entirely destroyed by fire, and
with it the water tank, windmill ana
a freight car belonging to the F.. E. &
M. V. Ry. The fire was discovered
about 2 o'clock a. m. by Marshal Mc
Eiliott, who Wits acting a9 night watch
man, and the alarm immediately
sounded, hut it was impossible to save
the property although heip came
promnViy. The elevator contained
abrjat $'2, 500 worth of grain.
St. Phiiomena hail, Omaha,
Was I
crowded to its fullest extent the other
nijnt witn tne lrienas ana aumirers
of the llev. Father Bruen to give him
a farowell reception before his depart
ure for Kearney where he goes to take
charge of a parish. Vocai and instru
mental music and impromptu speeches
were the order, and the expressions of
regret at Father Bruen's doparture
from Omaha were many. Father
Bruen was presented with a purse by
the Young Men's institute.
A freight train on the Union Pacific
was wrecked at Haven, eight miies
east of Clarks, and a number of cars
were piled "up and completely des
troyed. It was first thought that no
lives were lost, but whiie the wreck
ing crews were clearing away the de
bris they discovered the remains of
three men buried under a mass of
limners and twisted iron. Tne bod
ies were removed, but none of the
aead men have yet been identified.
Ii is supposed they were tramps steal
ing a ride on the wrecked train.
Seldom has tho approach of winter
been met with the amount of worn in
sight for mechanics as at present, sayo
the Lincoln Call. On every hand is a
large amount of building which is
scarcely realized by the people of Lin
coin until one begins to iook for help
to do some work, then it is apparent
that mecnanics are none too plentiful
and that nearly ail are emuloyed. In
addition to what is beinjr done in the
city, the operations of the Bock Islanc
road are keeping a larger number of
iaborers than ever before employed.
Mr. Cleland of Dodge count-, who
accompanied the Nebraska advertising
train, which has been absent from the
state just four weeks, gives it as his
opinion that this trip must prove of
vast benefit to this state in the way of
inducing immigration and capital to
locate here. He describes the inter
est taken in the exhibit by people in
tho States visited as something re
markable. He says, however, that
the benefit will come to tho entire
state, and not especially to tho ten
counties that prepared the exhibit and
footed the bills.
O. D. Franklin, of Plant precinct
says tho North Platte Era, sustained
quite a heavy loss from fire on Monday
afternoon. 3Ir. Franklin was in North
Platte when the fire occurred, no one
oeing at home except Mrs. Franklin.
The fire was started by a spark from
the chimney, and was discovered by a
passing neighbor, but too late to save
the building. A few articles of house
hold furniture were ail that was saved,
the building being totally consumed.
Mr. Franklin had an insurance of ? GOO
on his property, but that amount would
cot near cover the loss.
John Berry, a farmer iiving cine
miles northwest of Juniata, committed
suicide by shooting himself through
he head. He haa served ten years
m a penitentiary for killing a man in
Iowa, and had threatened the lives of
several citizens of that place.
VP $5,730,000
worth or
.HUivaukcc Experience the iffoul
Disastrous Conflagration 1 Illiin
Her History The Platucs Vrgcd on
by a Furious Wind Dynamite V.n
ployed to stay the ISavajc of the
Fire Fiend.
A Great Fire lofe u Jimr.iuUcc.
Milwaukee, Wfa., Oct. 29. This
city last night was visited by the moet
devastating fire in the citys history.
Four lives were certainly lost ana pos
sibly more. Conservative estimates
place tho los3 at ?5. 750,000.
Tho flames, which started in the
Union Oil company's building. onKas.
Water street; near Detroit, fanned by
the furious gate, swept forward toward
the Menominee river, and nothing
could stay their resistless rush. Dyna
mite was used, but with little effect
Mighty billows of flames swept over
felocKS of buildings, jumped acroa
streets and leaped ovsr the riVei.
Thousands of people vi&wed the spec
tacle. All softs of conveyances were
rushing about the Third ward loaded
with belongings of people whose
homes were in danger. The entire de
partment was powerless-. Chicago.
Racine and other Cities were asked for
assistance, and by 10 o'clock tho firo
fcieh from out of town were on band.
More than eieven biocics of solid ter
ritory, including much of tho most ex
tensive wholesale districts, have been
burned over. Nearly seventy bouses,
two-thirds of which were frame rest
aences. faded into smoke as tissue pa
per. The loss is aimost inestimable at
this time. It reaches into the millions.
The fire ran diagonally from the ailey
between Detroit and Buffalo streets
to the corner of Erio una Jcuerson
Streets. At that time the MenominRn
river, with the big elevators and the
great Kipp factories, jast across the
ooraer, was less than a biock
from the flro.
The fire started between 5:30 and
6:30 o'clock in the store by the Union
Oil company, 225 East Water street.
At the time three fires in other uOr
tions of the city Were in progress." It
was quite a time Oefore any response
was gives to this call of fire.
In a short time seven or eight
streams had been directed upon the
flames, when suddenly there was a
series of explosions, scattering the
burning brands in every direction. It
was stated the fire was caused by the
explosion of an oil barrel
Thousands of people watched the
fight between the firemen and reached
the conclusion that it was not much
of a fire, after ail, and went home
Fifteen minutes later tho firemen be
gan to feel the fire getting out of their
grasp. They fought bravely, but it
was-useiess. A gale was blowing fifty
miles an hour, driving the scorching
heat and smoke of the burning oil out
into tho faces of the firemen, defying
tho water of the Milwaukee river and
seeming only to gain in power as the
stream was emptied into its jaws.
The flro gained a footing in the
store of Dohrman & Co. It was then
that it got beyond all human efforts.
At 7 o'clock the big upholstery fac
tory of the Bubo & Kipp company on
Broadway, almost a fufl blocsc away,
began to blaze. The fire had started
with tho wind in tho northeast, but it
had now veered to almost due east,
and merchants In the business section
of the east side eraw pr.itpfnl. Tr. had
inmnnd nrrae the cfA . . J. ..!.,.
Lin f v-. w 5 -
0u v uiuv ii uicr airt'Cu iinu ria.ii
taken a newer grip in the big Uubb &
Kipp factory. Five minutes more and
jacoD uenaur iV Co. s wnolesale store
on the east side ol Broadway, directly
opposite Bubo & Kipp's was in flames.
Chief of Police Jansen ordered his
entire force to the fire and they as
sisted in getting out tho furniture and
household goods of tne luckless fami
lies, who were forced to flee from the
path cut out for the flames. Dozens
of framo buildings along Milwaukee
and Jefferson streets between Detroit
and Chicago, as weli as those on
Buffalo and Chicago streets, were
iicked up as if they haa been but lines
of paper. All the buildings were con
sumed wiihin half an hour of the time
the flames leaped over Broadway and
started in the Weallaur biock.
The loss is footed up at -5, 775. 000.
Leading insurance men says the loss
is about half covered by insurance.
lly Rlaze in OevelaltU.
Cleveland, O., Oct. 29 Two fire3
which occurred today within an hour
in the heart of the city caused a prop
erty loss of at least $250, 000. the loss
of one life and the serious injury of
half a dozen uersons.
The I'ope is ot Well.
Rome. Oct. 20. In despite of all
denials. Pope Leo is certamiy not well
and audiences have for the present
been abandoned oc account of iilness.
The pope has agreed to tne proposal
to create the anniversary of the dis
covery of America a religious festival
in Colombia.
The partial eclipse of the sun on
Thursday was successfully observed in
the east.
News has been received from Barce
lona of the fall of that city and the
complete triumph of Crespo's forco
in the state of Bermudez in the east,
where the last determined opposition
was made.
Minister Patrick Egan has made
public an open letter in which he re
plies to the charges made against him
by Wayne MacVeagh. whom he de
nounces as a pettifogging renegade.
The Wisconsin legislature received
the regular democratic caucus aopor
tionment bill and both houses will it
is believed, pass the measure.
Fifteen thousand Hamburg working
men are idle and 8. 000 small trades
men are on the verge of financial ruin.
In the skirmish firing at Ft. Sheri
dan John Scott, of the Sixth Illinois
infantry, the youngest man in compe
tition, made the highest score ever
secured on the range 160 straight
Dr. C. B. Holmes and Miss Betty
Fleischmann were married at Cincin
nati The bride will be remembered
as the young lady who, a short time
ago, broke an engagement with a Hun
garian nobleman because he refused to
become au American citizen.
.11 rs. Lease's Kyea Are Opened.
Chicago Inter-Ocean.
The opinion of Mrs. Mary E. Lease,
as given by her to a representative of
the Inter-Ocean and printed in detail
in today's issue, cannot fail to exercise
a strong influence upon the Alliance
people of the whole country but es
pecially of those of Kansas and Ne
braska, in which state she has a str-
personal folio wine. ""
Z ?uan living has done so mueh Id
create., to organize, to inspire "the
iVople's party" as Mrs. Lease has
done. To great mental strength ana"
to a wonderful power(of orn,tpr.y Bne
has added an honestyJst purCoS that
has caused her character to bo as
highly respected as her ability has
been greatly admired. Newspapers
that, like the Inter-Ocean, have dis
puted or ridiculed her conclusions have
never questioned the integrity of her
purpose.,, Mrs. Etiaso has persuaded
hot-hell that the times were ripe for
political revolution, and that every
where, and particularly in the south
ern states, there was a demand for the
deposition of "the old parlies"' and an
installation of a new party. As lo the
south, at least, she is undeceived. She
now knows that free speech, n. free
vote, end a faiv eoutit oi'e denied as
bitterly a?i'd as resolutely to the Peo
ple's party as to tho Republican party
in the southern states, and knowing it
she is bold enough to say o.
Tho polite General Weaver, as Pres
idential candidate of this pariy. may
condone the insults and the outrages
perpetrated upon himself and the gift
ed woman who accompanied him on
his southern tour on tne piea that
they were offered by "young rowdies
and hoodlums, "' but the womanly hon
esty of Mrs. Lease 6corns aii.such pal
liation, and she emphatically declares
that they were not the deeds of "young
rowdies. ' but of weli organized leau
ers of southern politics and society.
Nor does she confine herseif to vague
emphasis of declaration, she gives
dates and names Of places and per
tbns. She gives evidence that wouid
pass in any court
Had Mrs. Lease been a reader of and
believer in the teachings of The Inter
Ocean, she wouid have been spared
much humiliation. For example, long
before her visit tb Waycross. which
is in Georgia, where as she says, "the
trouble first began," Tho Inter Ocean
published certain declarations of a
body calling itself "The Democratic
Club of Waycross;' one of them was
to this effect: "We, the members of
the democratic club of Waycross. de
clare all persons not of our political
faith to be enemies of society, and
notify them that we shall act accord
ingly." This was not the resolution
of those whom the now polite General
Weaver calls "young rowdies and
hoodtums,'' but of men whom the clear
sighted and courageous Mrs. Lease
recognizes as leaders of southern opin
ion. In Atlanta. Ga.. where the indi
cations of violence were so threaten
ing as to cause General Weaver to
cancel all of his unfilled engagements
in Georgia, it is but a short time since
a mob protected by the police and
encouraged by the Mayor burnt in
etligy a United States otlijial who had
obeyed the iaw governing civil service
appointments. 15ut Mrs. Lease was
an honest enthusiast, who believed that
a better spirit was brooding over the
southern mind. She thought, also,
that at any rate the boasted chivalry
of the South would bo strong enougu
to prevent insuit to a woman. She
now is disillusioned. Neither age nor
sex can retain that cruelty which is
the outgrowth of habitual contempt of
iaw in the southern states. In no bar
room of the vilest saloon of a North
ern city would a womanly advocate of
temperance be assailed bv such coarse
epithets as the organized democracy of
the South showered upon a womanly
advocate of political reform.
It was only partially." says Mrs.
Lease, "because General Weaver had
been a northern soldier that he and I
were abused and insulted; it was main
ly to preserve invioiate a solid south.
A year ago General Weaver went
through the south and was given a
fair hearing, but there was no large
third party then." This is truth. It
was only when opposition to tho de
mocracy through the agency of a third
party threatened to become formida
ble that its leaders were subjected to
such persecutions as has been meted
to Republicans for years.
As to the so-calied democratic vic
tory at the late election in Georgia,
Mrs. Lease truly says that the major
ity might as well have been made 170,
000 as 70.000; "they know how to
count.' she says. This ieads her to
confess that she is opposed to the
unwritten but everywhere observed
force biii of the southern demo
crats." In no southern state is there
wanting an .-unwritten force biil." car
ried into effect by intimidating insults
to women, by assaults with rotten eggs,
by blows, and by murder when need
ful. Mrs. Lease distinctly charges or
ganized conspiracy to murder herseif
and General Weaver. As a politician.
General Weaver may seek to deny or
to belittle these outrages. As a wo
man, believing in goverment based on
morality, and as a reformer seeking
to destroy oligarchies, Mrs. Lease pro
claims them aloud.
She comes to a practical conclusion
also from their open and frequent per
petration. We give it in her own
words: "Under these circumstances
the election of Cleveland would be a
practical indorsement of these things,
and as such would be 'at once the
shame and the danger of the Repub
lic." Tltc Truth About Van IVyck.
Lincoln; Oct. 0. 18U0.
To ali Members of the Independent
People's Committees, and-to the Vo
ters of NebrasKa:
It having become evident that Mr.
Van Wvck has turned squareiy against
the independent movement, and is
using his influence to defeat the inde
pendent candidates, we recommend
that he be not invited to adrress inde
pendent meetings nor given an oppor
tunity to use his unfriendly influence.
Geo. W. Blake.
Chairman State Central Com.
C. H. Piktle.
Secretary State Central Com.
At Port Jervis. N. Y.. three tramps
robbed a milkman, but one of them
was killed and the others captured.
Walter Layne, a well known young '
man of Crawfordsviiie, Ind.. shot him
self because his sweetheart went rid
ing with a rival.
Herman Truman, a depraved youth
of Leadviile. attempted to blow uo his
home with 6 namite- j
Her Famous Trip Through Dixie
Ll. A k
.ii visit
How the Fared Ballet
Southern Gentlemen Brntnlly In
tilted f the
Southern tVrss.
at. j,ouis special corresponuonce ot
-. . . . . .
the Chicago lntercean. Mrs. Mary
fc. LSaSb, tha Kaiisha woman, who has ;
during the present political campaign '
become such a conspicuous figure, uw- I
ing to her courageous attitude and the '
masterly manner with which she has '
been doing campaign work in the in- '
ferest ofahe People s party, passe '
tnrouch bu Louis las. .evening on ncr
way to Terre Haute to join General
and Mrs. Weaver. She was at the
Union depot, awaiting change of trains
for two hours or more, and your cor
respondent was fortunate enough to
ceo her and talk with her. Mrs. Lease
is a woman of remarkable strength of
character, and the first characteristic
that strlk'ds .one on" being presented td
her is her indomitable will and appa
rent determination to go through with
anything she undertakes to do. irho
is a cautious and careful woman, al
most to tho degree of being sjisplciousj
out once cuuvinceu miii. auu is 10 u
fairiy treated, or that the person with
whom she Is in conversation is as bon-
est u. Fu. uu.. aa ..C SC.,, u-uu
becomes as frantc ai:a as free as that
of a child almost to the extent of be
coming confiding.
Mrs. Lease has but recently returned
from the South, having just taken a
brief rest of two days at her home in
Wichita. Kan., endeavorinsr in sonio
degree to recover from the effects of
the ordeal through which she passed
ifa tho Southern States an ordeal
which, from her owh statements, must
havo been terrible indeed.
When first approached she was re
luctant to talk for publication, ns she
said tho Southern press had treated
both her and General Weaver with
such Unfairness, and the Southern cor
respondents had sent broadcast such
untruthful reports of her doings and
sayings, that she had come almost to
droud a newspaper man. She said
there were many things she would like
to see printed in the great cause of
truth and justice, but sho was espec
ially anxious to be convinced that
what she said would bo printed just us
she said it. While in this hesitating
state of mind hc was asued if Senator
X'euer naa spotten irumiuuy wneu ne
declared that General eaver was a
coward and hurriedly left the South
beccause he was afraid to face the
j righteous indignation of the people.
Mtc Champions General Weaver.
This question served as a match to
kindle the flame of the lady's wrath.
Her indignation well nigh got the bet
ter of her caution, but not sufficiently
bo as for one minute to cloud the clear
ness of thought or in the lea-,t impede
tho quickness of perception that are
her most noticeable menial character
istics. "No!" she said, with emphasis. "He
did not speak truthfully, and he knows
it General Weaver is not a coward;
fear did not drive him out of the south.
He is a courageous man, a brave, boid
man, a daring man. between whom
and the skulking paitroon Peffer thero
can be no comparison."
This answer served as an opening,
and the correspondent was embolden
ed to seek further information con
cerning this remarkable woman's ex
perience in the south. In order to
! lead up to the desired object the ques
tion was asked:
'Mm. Lease, under what circum
stances did you enter Upon the cam
paign work in the south, were you em
ployed by the People's party to go with
General Weaver?"
I was." she replied. "About Juiy
24 I received instructions from our
chairman to cancel all previous da es,
and be prepared to accompany General
Weaver and party during the cam
paign. These instructions were fol
lowed by others from headquarters
and I obeyed."
Mrs. Lease here seemed suddenly to
arouse to the fact that she had a strik
ing story to tell, and by her manner,
evinced a willingness to teil it- So
the correspondent ventured a further
Did you or General Weaverinyour
public addresses or private conversa
tion, or by your action or conduct, say
or do anything calculated to arouse
"Most emphatically, no!"
Mrs. Lease arose from her seat and
took a few steps up and down the
room in a manner that in a weaker
woman would be calied nervousness;
but in her it was but the evidence of
agitation, born of her realizing sense
of the wrongs inflicted upon her. As
she pronounced the word No!' she
paused and drew herself up to her full
height, aimost six-feet, and squareiy
faced the questioner. There was hon
indignation in her voice and in her
every action, and it blazed from her
eyes in a look that burned like living
fire as she reised her clinched fist and
closed her firm mouth with a snap.
"Did anything on your part in any
way justify the discourteous treatment
accorded you?'
"No. sir: we both spoke in the be
lief that all true reforms roust come
from the higher impulses of the heart.
We appeaitd to their sense of justice;
their love for home, and the frater
nity that should prevail among all
men. General Weaver, particularly,
always spoke with such Christian
kindness that it moved rotny to tears.
I think it wouid be impossible for him
to speak harshly to or of any one?'
The reports sent from, places in
the south nave been somewhat contra
dictory. Are not some if not ail of
these reports exaggerated ?'
Indeed they are not. On the con
trary, ail the reports sent out or print
ed in the southern cities were mild, in
fact were colored, as compared with
the reality."
It was evident that Mrs. Lease was
warming up." j:s it were, -and she J
was Dy this time almost as willing to
teil the story as the correspondent was
to write it. the settled herself in her
chair, and asked that some of her pre
vious answers might be read to her
that the might pass upon their cor
rectness. Thetvshe iooKcd as though
ready for the next question. It was:
Where did the first trouble taKO
place? "
i nr fit-it to-.ibie was at Waycross.'"
Mrs. Lease, please give me in de
tail a full account of your
ces? '
The lady hesitated' for a minute,
then said
The first duirazfi
'ftosrinttinF sit Wnrcrnti
in th
southefh bart of GebfrflS. tre reeeived
our first intimation of imoendidjjtroif -
ble ag we aijTed from the train when
we nntirod th nonntnlalfnrm and aide-
walk strewn with circulars warning mob camo to the hotel and ordered us
fivferyfe'n'e to keep away from our meet- J out of town. Here, as General Weav
ings. This was for iho6' who flould cr's carriage drove along the streei
.A Cm. tYnsa nrnn or.ul.3 not f.'Jnrf . M lnil;0 V1TT1A Ollt Oil tllQlr DOrClieS
i moCinrore tVflro etnt:on on tha rMd,
to meet the people as they came into
ibwh" anH tell thetn that an admission
fee of 50 cents would bi exacted of
them before they could enter th5 rfreet
ing. This turned many of the coun
try people and negroes back; and yet
through the efforts of third partyites
a fujr audience greeted ijs and accord
ed us a respectf tii Keitrifl g. We con
gratulated ourselves on having ha! a
successful meeting; but after our peo
ple left town the chivalric" demo
cratic thugs emerged from their hiding
places and plotted murder. Their pian
was to waylay General Weaver as he
boarded the night train. Our chair
man, Mr. II. C. Reed, of Waycross, I
who has since written mbro than ho
dared to tell us at the time, heard of
tho lawlessness premeditated, and
seeking the Mayor, implored him for
the honor of the South to do every
thing in h(s protect General
Weaver and his party. The Slay of.
several special police, Mr. Reed, and
fifteen Alliance men remained at the
, fl tfaa. n fal w Drocel u5
i .." . . ., w . ...
unconscious of danger, had at the last
moment decided to take a morning
train; hence we escaped with our lives,
not knowing that a gang of ruffians,
who had made night hideous were
waiting to assault us. We have since
heard facts from our chairman. Mr.
Reed, that would not have soothed our
nerves if we had known then, at the
From Waycross we proceeded to
Albany; not without misgivings, how
fever, as we had been informed that
that place was the stronghold of or
ganized democracy."
Mrs. Lease paused for a moment,
and eat quite siiil, as though her
thoughts were, for the instants lost in
retrospection. She Seemed briefly to
review mentally some of the perils
through which she bad passed, and
thero was. for a second, a look almost
of terror in her eyes. Then, gather
ing hersely together, she resumed her
composed demeanor and continued.
The Honor U"n Georgia
"Shortly after our arrival at Albany
a turbulent, bowling, drunken moo
gathered in and arouna the hotel. The
Democratic chairman came and offered
us the use of the opera house free, and
assured us 'on the faith of a Georgian1
we would not be molested nor our
meeting interrupted. Yet, notwith
standing the gentleman's honor was at
stake we were frequently interrupted
in the vilest manner. A plot had been
laid to shut us in the opera house and
at the conclusion of our addresses we
would be compelled to listen to a ti
rade of drunKen abuse from a negro
hired by the chivairie democracy to
demonstrate their ideas of social equal
ity. At Columbus another storm was
awaiting us. A reporter of the At
lanta Journal, who had made a spe
cialty of collecting affidavits in regard
to General Weaver's war record at Pu
laski, and who had followed us pei
sistently to incite rowdyism, was at
the meeting, and, as usual, attempted
a disturbance.
Enough of our people were present,
however partially to suppress it, but
we suffered a great deal of indignity.
Leaultt:; Take a Hand.
'At Macon the trouble culminated.
This time not the hoodlums of the city,
but the leading citizens in the Demo
cratic club, as was shown by a notice
sent out the previous week, prepared
to show their strength at our meeting
by disturbances that wouid suppress
free speech. At 9 p. m., when our
meeting was supposed to be under fuli
headway, the Democratic club, 500
strong, with banners flying and bands
playing "Dixie." marched into the
very midst of our meeting, the speech
was drowned by the frenzied yeils of a
mob who were ready for any deed of
violence, incited by the democratic
leaders, to laugh at lawlessness and
clap hands with murder. After tho
mob had become unmanageable bad
bombarded the hotel with rotten eggs,
assaulted Mrs. General Weaver, driven
our party from the balcony, and pressed
into the hotel until tho proprietor was
concerned for his building and the
safety of his guests the chairman of
the democratic ciub. Mr. Atkin
son, accompanied by the principal
of the Macon University, and Dr.
Heidt. M. 11 pastor, implored me
to address tho mob if only for
five minutes, that the odium might be
lifted from their city. The university
professor assured me that their young
men had heard naught save democart
ic talk for twenty years.
Mr. Atkinson has since stated that
but one bad little boy threw but one
good little egg. which happened to
strike Mrs. Weaver. An unqualified
falsehood! as from sixty to eighty eggs
were thrown while we were on the
balconv. But falsehood would natur
ally go with egg-throwing and ballot
stuffing. The Allan ta Programme.
"At Atlanta Congressman Tom Wat
son held at bay the night before the
date of our meeting a brutal and mur
derous mob, and barely escaped with
life. Wo iearncd that extensive prep
arations had been made for our meet
ing. Turkeys were in readiness to be
lowered on the speaker; tomatoes, cab
bages, and eggs in profusion, and
along with all, dire threats of armed
men; and the democrats openly boast
ed that they 'wouid not permit Yan
kees and foreigners to disturb their
institutions.' Our chairman was not
permitted to make even an announce
ment. Threats were freely made; pan- I
demonium reigned, and General Wea- '
ver decided to cancel all dates in I
Georgia and leave the state."
as Georgia the oniy Mate in
which you were offered violence?"
--.w. ?- iu.uwU IUU....J.-UU. iselve, anew. t0 lhe preservation of
meeting at Richmonc. Va.. ana at common juglicc and lhe main-enance
Greensbo rough. . C. the laaies . . ifoertv
waiting room of tho Richraand & Dan- . y"
ville railroad was invaded by the ' The American Bible society liav
scinns of the old eiaveholding aristo- '"g learned from experience that
cracy that disrupted the country thirty the 8,000,000 Sunday school children
years ago. and tnat now comprises the within the scope of its influence care
Young Men's Democratic club. Inso- nothing for tracts and leaflets has de
:ent 6taring, insulting remarks, vicious 2:ded to try the effect of giving an
y:ils for Cieveianu. una vile remarks entire Bible to every 3-oungster that
10 hearing of M. Weaver nd my- will accept one.
..v r .. . .... ,... i
self constituted our treatment from' the
. chivalry thefC. The policemen and
1 1 noticed them in tee room were un
able or unwilling to cope- ith tho
mob, and they joined in the rtfeisness
and lausrhed approvingly. At Pulaski,-
Tenfl., notwithstanding the presence
; of the police and thirty-fivo deputies
aonolafefi n the special request of tho
' National Democratic f.OmmtttCO. the
I . . - w.-w .- ,
i and SDa a him and hissed
lanta, the capital o! Georgia, it
thought necessary to put on sixty
tra police while wo were there.
If Cleveland i Elected.
'Di,th9 fact that General Weaver
was a Union" fflhlisr influence or cause
tho disturbance?'-
Partially, no doubt; oSS the im-tiolHno-
mntiva was to Dreserve Iflrio-
1. Vn mrtMA am.ltl fAnni'd WpUPT1 !
sp'oiifi In the south a year ago and was
accorded a ncarla. This year he is
the standard bearer Gl a new move
ment that threatens their" disintegra
tion and the political destruction of
the enemies of free speech and ballot."
What, in your opinion, would bo
the effect of Cleveland's election?"
Confronted, as we are. by a con
dition of affairs so appalling in the
south that it appeals to the patriotism
o.' every American citizen, the elec
tion of Cleveland would, all thee
facts being known, bo a matter of as
tonishment, as it would bo a practical
indorsement of these things., and ns
such would bo at onco the shame and
danger of the republic"'
"In your opinion, then. Weaver can
not hopo tot Car.y any of the southern
If we could get a fair count under
federal supervision we might. Tho
farmers aro with us. but the negroes
wiil bo intimidated and tho white voto
counted out. The Georgia democrats
might have had 170.000 majority as
easily as 70, 000. They know how to
count. Their moral perceptions are
so blunted that they do not seem to
know how viciously wicked they havo
become. They resort to lawlessness,
murder ind fraud. They rejoice in
high-handed wickedness, in villainous
artifices and in every wicked device
and combination by which the demo
cratic party can be served and saved.
They are an organized appetite. Their
sole conception of party is an organi
zation that acquires and distributes
ofl'ces. What the bourbon democracy
of tho south has not learned of ways
that are dark and tricks that are vain.
Satan never taught the children of
Honrot I'lcctloiiK Obsolete
There has not been an honest elec
tion in the South for years, "continued
Mrs. Lease. "After the negro had
been enfranchised the democracy
started out with tho proposition that
it was right to count out his vote, and
they havo followed that up with the
idea that it is right to count out any
political opponent. Democracy holds
power in the south by fraudulent vot
ing. They openly boast of their abil
ity to havo a fuil count, and whiie
cryinr out against a force biil they
have fastened a force biil of the most
dangerous descriuiion unon the dco
ple." "You have been speaking of Geor
gia; let me ask what was tho general
attitude of tho democracy throughout
the south?'
-Its general attitude toward us was
intolerant and bitter. The people car
ried their hatred to such an 'extent
that they refused us a building or
other piace in which to speak; denied
us admission to the leading hotels.
They can't stop here, ' was tho reply
given to our committees who sought
to engage us quarters. Some places
the proprietors could scarcely treat us
with civility, and they, and members
of their families, donned Cleveland
badges in our presence to show their
contempt for us as their guests. South
ern chivalry is a myth."
.ittl.ttdc ofihe S.'ii.liem Press.
"What was the general attitude of
tne Southern press towaru yourself
and General Weaver?'
In reporting our meetings the press
was vindictively false to a marked de
gree. 'J hey carried personal and po
litical hostility to tho bounds of savage
warfare. They sought to incite prej
udice against me by calling me a Yan
kee and a disciple of John Brown, un
til I found it necessary, in order to
allay this prejudice, to ask the chair
roan of each meeting to introduce me
as an Irish woman. Tho fell spirit of
slave-holding, intolerance has found
its iast entrenchment in the South and
guards its despotism by that same spe
cies of lawlessness that brought about
the frenzy of Sumter and th6 despair
of Appomattox. To enterminate this
spirit, every loyal citizen should come
to tho rescue, and make the question
of free speech, free vote and fair count
tho paramount issue of this cam
paign.' Is it not possible that the Western
democrats will object to your candid
expose of the methods of their breth
ren in the South?'
Possibly they may, but I feci that
it is ray duty, however disagreeable
and difficult; my privilege, however
exacting, to expose, and by exposure
defeat, if possible, the men and meth
ods which have overthrown through
out the south the most sacred fran
chises of the constitution. This is no:
my cause alone not the cause of any
political party it is the cause of every
law-abiding American citizen; the
cause of tho whole country for there
can be no reform brought about
on the economic questions, and no
permanent prosperity for the south
and nation; no inseparable union; no
stability for society; no order, law or
justice nothing worth having in gov
ment without honest and pure elec
tions. And I for one will never cease
my efforts on the rostrum and through
the press until it is just as safe for
General Weaver or any union soldier
to tahc in the south as it was for Colo
nel Livingston to talk in Kansas. In
this question of a free vote and a fair
count, the Deopie of a common coun
try should engage in a common cause:
and. laying aside ail local and person
" w"
al consiaerauons. reconsecrate tnetn-
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