The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, October 26, 1892, Image 2

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I- -f
V .
oIumbus go untal.
Entered at the FotUogos. Cohunba.. Meb.,
tconl-class mail matter.
Columbus, Weto.
tzbxs or ettbsobirio:
Dne year, by mil, postage prepaid,....
Six months,
Three months,
Payable in Advance.
t3rSpciaien copies mailed free, on application.
. .50
When subscribers change their place of resi
dence they should at once notify us by letter or
postal card, giving both their former and thou
.present post-office, the first enables as to readily
End Iho namo on oar ""H'T list, from which.
boing in type, -we each week print, etuier on ioe
wrapper or na the m
date to which tout
vntitrw. 7.. RarrittjineAti
either by jnoney-order, registered letter or draft.
payable to the ordor cr . .
M. K. TOBim & Co.
qW.iH OTO gAUlV, vm -. ,7
i margin of your Joumal, the
or eubecripfion is paid or ac
iemittancea aaoola be made
All communications, to secure attention, must
Iw accompanied by the full nam of the writer.
We rowiro tho right to reject any manuscript,
ami cannot aeroo to return the same. We, desire
i correspondent in OTery achool-dietnct or
P.atto county, one of K30& Judgment, and re
liKifo in eTcry way. Write plainly, each item
separately. Gire cs facta.
Republican National Ticket.
For President,
of Indiana.
For Vice President,
of Now York.
and now there were thoee who held it to' HAD MANY VICTIMS.
be sacrilegious to say a worn against; me
infallibility of every line of the scrip
tares. He believed it was almost as
absurd to hold that the book was abso
lutely infallible as to hold that the
church was infallible." This was an ut
terance following a paper read by Bex-.
McAyeal, against the "higher criticism,"
and which he closed by saying that he
believed "the whole bible was the in
spired word of God and that it wns
infallible." Moderator Parker said: "I
believe that tho paper read by Brother
McAyeal wonld have been an excellent
document to read about 3,000 years ago."
For Congressman Third District.
of Nanco County.
For Governor,
Of Wsishington.
For Lieutenant Governor.
Of Nemaha.
For Secretarv of State.
Of Red Willow.
For Auditor,
Of Madison.
Of Holt
For Attornev General,
Of Saline.
For Com r Public Land and Buildings,
Of Custer.
For Sup't or Public Instruction,
Of Webster.
CroHnse'M.WiaalRg Canpaiga.
Although Mr. Crounse is not an old
man, there were thousands of voters in
the state, coming here since Mr.
Crounse's term in congress, who were
not aware that he had for a number of
years been a prominent figure in state
history. His record having been that
of an able, clean, conscientious man, ho
has grown in increasing favor with the
newer citizens who have been led to
investigate hiscareer, and his merits in
tho race for tho offico of governor.
Whether as citizen, judge or congress
man his life and record will bear tho
closest scrutiny. He has always been
republican, sincerely and firmly attach
ed to the interests of the people, and
working for those interests under all
circumstances, and despite every oppo
sition. He believes in the right, and asks the
votes of right-minded men only.
He will bring to the discharge of liis
duties as governor the same integrity,
energy and faithfulness to trust as have
characterized him so far in the numer
ous positions of honor that have fallen
to him as a servant of the people.
As the republican 'candidate, he is
justifying the judgment of his party by
the zeal and discretionwith whichhe is
conducting his campaign, and the infor
mation from every hand is that it will
be a winning one.
Kncl or the Rascality of thm BeaaraU
Family Groat Less ef Life la Sar
dinia A Colasabas Statae for Rata
General N'ews of Foreign Laaits-
For Stato Senator, district comprising
Colfax and Platte counties,
For Representative, district comprising
Nance and Platto counties,
For County Attorney,
For Representative,
Miw. ILumisoN died at 1:10 yesterday
Ir protection is un-democratic, why
was Jefferson a protectionist? Economist.
Irvine, on trial at Lincoln, chargod
with the murder of Montgomery, his
wifo's paramour, was acquitted by tho
jury Monday.
Ir free trade would benefit labor, why
were free traders from Adam Smith to
Bonamy Prico and Perry all opposed to
shorter hours in a working day?
The loss of lifo in Sardinia's frightful
storm of Thursday and Friday last will
reach several hundred, besides an im
mense number of cattlo and other live
The father of Minnie Clark of Har
vard, (a lG-year-o!d girl who recently
disappeared), believes that she has been
made tho victim of tramps. Killing
would be too good for them, if caught.
We are in receipt of copies of speeches
by Hon. W. II. Michael, one of -them
on tho record of Hon. O. M. Kom, the
other, that of Hon. .T.A. McKeighan.
during their servico at Washington.
The records are not very bright, in tho
light the colonel throws upon thorn.
-It does not matter whether demo
crats or independents are put in as long
as they are honest men," so says the
World-Herald at Omaha, voicing the
wish of the opponents of republicans in
this state anything to beat the repub
licans is tho inner motto. It remains to
be seen whether, with all their combina
tions, they can Hiicceed.
Republicans Take the Initiative
Maw York aad Caosa Arrests.
NEwYoiiKjOct. 24. News came from
Albany by wire to the State head
quarters last night that the Republi
cans had taken the initiative in at
tempting to prove charges of false reg
istration and colonization by causing
the arrest of five men in that city.
Two of them, Hogan and Flanagan,
were held in 85,000 bail and 'the third,
McDermott, in 51,500.
"It means," was said at the commit
tee rooms, "that the national and State
committees are ready to begin prose
cutions for violating the election law.
A scheme of colonization and
fraudulent registration is under way.
We are perfectly posted. In this case
Hogan and Flanagan were the men
who had charge of the men who were
illegally registered.''
Paris, Oct 24. A. M. Bcauvais, his
wife and son have been sentenced to
one year's imprisonment each for hav
ing defrauded a vast number of per
sons through a matrimonial bureau by
the "natural child trick." The
amount obtained by the family fraud
ulently is in the hundreds of thou
sands. The Beauvais family are the most
enterprising matrimonial swindlers on
the continent. More than four thou
sand persons who had been plucked by
them complained to the Paris police
and twelve thousand or fifteen thou
sand more are believed to have swal
lowed their chagrin and their losses
without protest. The method of the
Beauvais was-to advertise in a popular
newspaper that "a young orphan pos
sessing 500,000 francs would marry a
serious gentleman. Apply 11. C, Poste
Restante, Lyons."
The locality of course was frequently
changed. Beauvais then arranged to
have the letters forwarded to him
tinder various names at different ad
dresses, lie replied to his dupes, ask
ing for 30 f ranees for registration, and
when this sum was received i he sent
the photograph of a beautiful girl.
This girl, who acted as the bait, was
generally Beauvais own daughter, but
the part was often unwittingly played
by some other girl, generally engaged
by him as a lady's -companion for his
wife or in some similar capacity.
It cost 30 francs more to have an in
terview with the girl supposed to be
in search of a husband, their meeting
generally taking place in a railway
station or a museum. It was gener
ally brief and the matrimonially in
clined bachelor never saw his lady love
again nor could he ever find any trace
of her, the Beauvais family always
suddenly moved to pastures new when
things were likciy to become awkward.
Henry T. Sporrrjr.
Republican candidate for representative
of Platte county, was born Jan. 31st,
1836, in canton Zurich, Switzerland, and
he has the chief, good characteristics of
his countryniQn, a love of liberty, u
determination to see equal justice done,
and a tenacity of purpose that holds fast
to the end. He landed in New York
city Nov. 8th, '34, and at that time un
derstood four languages, German,
French, Latin and Greek. Ho lived in
Wisconsin, in different parts, until the
fall of 16G1, when he enlisted in the Sec
ond Wise. Vol. Infantry, second Co. K,
serving with his regiment through all
the battles of , tho Potomac, up to June
30, 1861, when he was mustered out by
reason of expiration of time of Borvice
of tho regiments
On tho 12th of January, 1671, he be
came n resident of this county, taking a
homestead on Grand Prairie, where ho
resided fifteen years, the remainder of
his stay being in this city.
Mr. Spoerry has served fifteen years
as a justice of the peace in this county;
as school director for raany years; is
now a member of the city council. Ho
was elected a representative of Platto
county in former years, to succeed Guy
Barnum, jr., who nerved one year and
removed from the I'onntv Mr. Snoorrv
being elected for the unexpired terni.
He has been all these years a close stu
dent of the needs of the people, and of
the laws of tho state, and will make
himself felt in tho legislature, in the
enactment of just laws and in the needed
amendment of those now or. the statute
What is
Three Million Acres of Flue Land to be
Tlirowa Opeu.
Axadakko, Oklahoma, Oct. 24. Af
ter four weeks of council the Cherokee
commission has finished its negotiation
with the Comanches, Kiowas and
Apache tribes and effected an agree
ment. The proposition provides that these
Indians should take allotments of ICO
acres and relinquish the residue of the
reservation to the government, to be
ateached to Oklahoma and opened to
white settlement. For this surrender
and relinquishment the Indians shall
receive $2,000,000.
Occopauts of a Ferryboat Thrown Xato
the RUer by the Breaking of a Rope.
Marshall, Texas, Oct. 24. Seven
negroes were drowned while crossing
Elliott's ferry, twelve miles south of
here, yesterday. The rope broke in
midstream and all were thrown into
tlie river, only one person being saved.
The bodies had not been recovered up
to last night.
The World of Toronto seems very
anxious in regard to annexation and
gives forth the idea that it is treason,
and can never tako place without strife.
There is no anxiety in tho United States
for annexation. We don't know that
there is any serious objection to their
coming, provided they wish to do so,
lint as to entering into an expensive war
for tho purpose of giving them the priv
ilege of adding themselves and their
territory to the United States the
thought or it is not entertained.
It was conceded at the outset that
Georgo D. Meiklejohn had a fight bo
fore him in his race for congress in the
Third district. He was confronted with
a democratic majority based on tho Inst
election that would have caused many a
man to hesitate. But no candidate in
Nebraska is making a more determined
fight than is Meiklejohn. His friends
claim that he will positively be elected.
Their judgment is based on "tho fact that
hundreds or democrats have declared
for Meiklejohn. He is a popular man
with the masses and his public record in
this state entitles him to the support of
every good citizen. Omaha Bee.
Terrible Accident at an Exhibition
of Fireworks at Los Angeles, Cal.
Los ANGELES, Cal., Oct. 24. During
an exhibition of fireworks in honor of
Columbus a six-inch gas pipe, loaded
with gunpowder, exploded, killing
twelve people and wounding many
Fierce Forest Fire.
Atlantic Citv, N. J., Oct. 24. A
fierce forest fire is now raging near
Riggsville, about three miles south of
Pleasantville. Much timber has
already been destroyed and the loss
will be heavy. The residents of the
districts through which the fire is
burning are fighting its advance des
perately. The smoke from the blazing
woods is plainly visible in this city.
Chile Will Demand Damages.
Tacoma, Wash., Oct. 24. Chilean
Consul Del ion returned yesterday from
Port Townsend, where the Chilean
bark Augusta was fired upon and
seized last Sunday night by customs
officials. He says Chile will demand
from the local government officials
and the United States government an
award for damages.
Kicaped Murderer" Recaptured
Wichita, Kan.. Oct. 24. John Bly,
who broke jail here while awaiting
trial in the United States court for the
murder of a United States deputy mar
shal at El Reno, O. T., was located in
Turin, Mexico, a week ago andturned
over to the United States authorities.
He was j'esterday again lodged in jail
Pay-Car and Money Humeri.
Decatui:, U'., Oct. 24. Fire de
stroyed the Louisville, Evansville &
St. Louis pay car and $3,000 in cash at
1 o'clock yesterday near Warrensburg,
on the Peoria, Decatur fc Evansville
road, and the occupants had a narrow
escape with their lives. The kitchen
stove was the cause of the fire.
Farther Accouuts from Cacliare of
Floods in Sardinia.
Cacliaee, Oct- 24. Advices continue
to be received from various parts of
Sardinia telling of damage and loss of
life by the heavy storm, and it is be
lieved that the ilootls have been more
disastrous in their consequences than
any that have ever occurred in the
From Samatzai comes intelligence
that four of the villagers were carried
away and drowned in the floods. It
is believed that when telegraphic com
munication is complete restored the
loss of life will be found to be very
In San Serato and Farrati a number
of houses exposed to the rushing
waters were swept away. It is certain
that many of the toccupaus of houses,
that have been destroyed by the fioods
have been killed by their falling dwell
ings. Of course it will be impossible to re
cover their bodies until the wreckage
is cleared away.
No ETidence of the Wreck
Hoxg Kong, Oct. 24. The steamer
Ancona, which was dispatched to Sand
island, the island of the Pescadore
group on which the steamer Bokliara
was wrecked, has returned to Hong
Kong. She reports that the wreck of
the Bokhara is now invisible and that
a strong monsoon is blowing. Fifty
three of the bodies of those lost from
the Bokhara have been recovered.
Beyond this the Ancona brings no fur
ther news than has already been sent
in these dispatches.
More World' Fair Structures Medi
cated To-day.
Chicago, Oet.24. The great military
parade having been finally abandoned
last night, the exercises to-daj' in the
way of World's Fair matters were ex
ceedingly simple, consisting of the
dedication of several State buildings.
Massachusetts, Iowa, Rhode Island,
New York and Ohio dedicated
their buildings to-day. The Ohio con
tingent started out for the grounds
having a parade with over two thou
sand State troops in line.
Tried to Kllf His Wlfo.
Minneapolis, Minn., Oct. 24. Anton
Erpelding, a laborer residing at 1901
Third street, Northeast to-day made
an unsuccessful attempt to take his
wife's life. He fired two shots at
Policemen Mitchell, who came to ar
rest him, and then sent a bullet crash
ing through his own brain. The
tragedy is the result of an unhappy
marriage. The Erpcldings have not
lived happily together although their
union has been comparatively brief.
Tom Cochrane Seriuosly Hurt.
New Haven, Conn., Oct. 24. It is
learned that the injury received by
Thomas Cochrane, end rusher of the
Yale foot-ball team, in the game with
Amherst will be more serious than
was at first supposed. Two of the
bones were broken in his hand and he
will not be able to resume practice or
play again this season. This will crip
ple the team considerably as Cochrane
was the best candidate for the position.
P. M. Cookiugbaai.
The republican nominee for county at
tornev, wns born in Scholia rio county,
N. Y", Aug. 28, 185G. His youth was
passed on tho farm, and he obtained his
education in the public schools. Ho
worked out from home on a farm, pur
chased an interest in a grocery and from
1880 to '82 he was in that business.
After disposing of his business, be re
moved to Nebraska in December, 82,
locating at Humphrey, this county,
where he has since resided. On the 1st
day of January, '8:1, ho was married.
The first year and a half, ho worked for
Newell South in the hardware business;
in the fall of '8"! he was elected jnstico
of the peace, and in the discharge of tho
duties of this office he acquired a fond
ness for the study of law, which ho then
begun to study with Judges Bowman
and Sullivan. His law practice began
with his. study and has increased over
since. He has been a member of tho
board of trustees of the village of Hum
phrey, part of tho timo president of the
board, and has always taken a lively
interest in public matters, so that ho
has become well posted in municipal
and county affairs, and pledges himself
to the faithful and conduct of
the office in the interest of lax-payers.
nui irtutrHitHfmtnttiiiHitiiif
Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants
aad Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor
other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute
for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil.
It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by
Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays
feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd,
cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves
teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency.
' Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach
and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas
toria is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend.
Wakefield wiil not indulge in wa
ter wortcs this year.
The corn crop in Fillmore county
exceeds all expectations.
There are over 150 stuuems in at
tendance at Gates college, Neligh.
Catholics of South Omaha have
decided to erect a hall of their own.
The new school buildings in Fre
mont are now under roof and will be
pushed rapidly toward completion.
The next Lutheran synod for the
North Platto district will be held at
Dakota City some time during next
The Nebraska product train has
arrived home, after being reviewed by
thousands in states east of the Mis
souri river.
Frank Snctben of tlumboidt has
tendered his resignation as assistant
cashier of the First National bank of
that city, and will try his fortune in
Ervin Twilegar "of Culbertson
killed a tine specimen of pelican in
the Frenchman river, measuring over
eight and oue.haif feet from tip to tip
of its wind's.
Tnc cob-pipo factory at Syracuse
will start up next week. They have
material enough on hand for 50. 000
pipes, which, will last till the new crop
of cobs rorrm .in.
" Cr.;Ur; tisan excellent medicine for chil
dren. Mothers have repeatedly told me of Its
good effect upon their children."
Da. G. C. Osgood,
Lowell, Xms.
Castoria is the best remedy for children of
which I am acquainted. I hope the day is not
far distant when mothers will consider the real
interest of their children, and use Castoria in
stead of the rariousquack nostrums which are
destroying their lored ones, by forcing opium,
morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful
agents down their throats, thereby sending
them to premature graves."
Dr. J. F. KiKcncLos,
Conway, Ark.
Castoria is so well adapted to children that
I recommend it as superior to any prescription
known to me."
n. A. Accbbk, K. D.,
Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y.
" Our physicians in the children's depart
ment nave spoken highly of their experi
ence in their outside practice villi Castoria.
and although wo only have among our
medical supplies what is known as regular
products, yet we are free to confess that the
merits of Castoria has won us to look with
favor upon it."
TJmitku Ilospmi. asd Disfensakt,
Boston, i
Aluk C Surrn, Pres.,
Aro the new dealers in
Hats and Caps,
Cents' Furnishing -
Tke Cemtamr Compaay, TZ M array Street, Now Trk City.
hWtM TO.
Wo want every mother to know that
croup can lie prevented. True croup
never appears without a warning. Tho
first symptom is hoarsenese; then the
child a i) Dears to havu taKen a rolri or a
cold may have accompanied the hoarse-!
cnliar rough cough is developod, which
is followed by tho croup. Tho time to
act is when tho child first becomes
hoarse; a few doses of Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy will prevent the attack.
Even after a rough cough has appeared
the disease may bo prevented by using
this remedy s directed. It has never j 21x100 ft., two stories high and of brick,
been known to fail. 2. cent, 50 cent , -tn . ,,...,., .. Tr...:i .i.
..! M 1...IH 1 K.. n E TJ..11 L UUIUCSIMillllUBUmTOV. IsIillllUU
IIJU CI Ullllil'3 III! OHIO IJ) J. tli. X tiiiuctv
fc Co. and Dr. Heintz, druggists. tf
dc CO.
Are now moving their old building to
temporary quarters in tho street west
of Boettcher's and will begin at onco
tho erection of their now building.
Baby cried,
Mother sighed,
Doctor prescribed : Castoria I
English Spavin Liniment removes all
hard, soft or calloused lumps and blem
ishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs,
Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stiiles,
sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat,
Coughs, etc. Save $50 by uso of one
bottle. Warranted tho most wonderful
Blemish Cure ever known. Sold by C.
B. Stillman, druggist. 2Gnovlyr
I'll!, : ii Thirteen
I : M
- "I have just recovered from a sec
ond attack of lii9 grip this year," says
Mr. James O. Jones, publisher of the
Leader, Mexia, Texas. "In the latter
case I used Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy, and T think with considerable suc
cess, only being in bed a little over two
days, against ten days for the first at
tack. The second attack I am satisfied
would havo been equally as bad as the
hret but for tho uso of this remedy, as I
had to go to bed in about six hours after
lieiug 'struck' with it, while in tho first
caso I was able to attend to business
about two days before getting "down."'
50 cent littles for salo by C. E. Pollock
(Jo. and Dr. Ileintz, Druggists. tf
NOTICE la Iwreby Kivcn tlint tlw least's and
and contractu on the followiiiK dr-ttcrilxMl
Hvhool lands him been canceled by tho Hoard of
Educational Land nud Fundd, and if not rein
stated by tho payment of delinquent interna ct
leae rental due, wiid lands will lie uttered for
lea&o by tho county treasurer of Platte- county at
10 o'clock a. m., on the Sd day of December.
New Building
Is finished, they will bo delighted to
welcome all comers, who wish to pro
vide themselves with
This Establishment is now
And with full confidence of being able to suit
every purchaser, a very cordial invitation is ex
tended to the public to give us a call.
They have always acted upon tho prin
ciple that tho best business is that when
tho customer gladly comes again to
buy. The kind of
'' SP H S5
x C p
.2. si k s
Descrii.tion. ! o" ? 5
: f IF :
i, : ." . :
HH and NW'H SYVf and lot 4 in i . I "
SW8W 16 18 tv
NW'iNEh i 86 : 17 2w
Lot 6 and 7 in 8! t 1 16 17 ' 3w
8E4 8Kli 26 17 i 2w
W!iNE4andSE'.iNKi S3 17 le
.NW'iSW!....'. M 17 le
. .... ...... ............ u(i J 4 ' W
boots & Shoes
Dated at Lincoln, Nebraska, Oct. 3. 1892.
26oct4 Com'r Public Lands and Ruildings.
- -There is no danger from whonmnir
trough when Chamberlain's Cough Ttem
edy is freely given. It liquefies the
tough, tenacious mucus and aids in its
expectoration. It also lessens tho se
verity and frequency of the paroxysms
of coughing, and insures a speedv re
covery. There is not the least danger
in giving it to children or babies, as it
contains no injurious substance. r0 cent
liottles for sale by C. E. Pollwk & Co.
and Dr. Heinz, Druggists. tf
tyrant of the school-rnnm ,o
among the worst of all autocrats, and
like all the rest of them, big and little,
ancient or modern, is a coward, wreak
ing vengeance upon . those who have not
the physical strength to resent his
tyranny. Theodore Longest, a teacher
in Boston, hung a 10-year-old bov bv
the neck with a whip cord until he was
black in the face and his tongue rolled
out. It is such acts as this, and many
others that could bo mentioned of va
rious degrees of barbarity less than this,
that lead parents to question whether
the right of corporal puuishment had
not better be wholly withheld from
teachers. It is so very difficult for those
wire are angry to curb their temper, and
punish within reasonable bounds! And
yet, something must bo done to pre
serve discipline iu the school-room-precisely
the same elements of charac
ter are at work thero as in the world at
At the Congregational council Wed
nesday of last week at Omaha, Bev.
Ferguson of Chadron made the declara
tion that "ho did not believe in the
infallibility of the biblo from first to
.last. He. thought there were human
'Portions mixed up with tho divine.
There was a time when it was held to be
ipharch. That spell had been broken, j y
Two Children Burned to Death.
Litchfield, Minn., Oct 24. While
Mrs. Mitchell Ilawes was attending
the Columbiau exercises at Manannah,
her house, 200 yards away, was burned
to the ground. Her two children, aged
1 and 4 years, whom she had locked in
the house twenty minutes before, were
burned to death.
KaYmcea or Typhoid Fever.
Eagle Pass, Texas, Oct. 24. Owing
to the lack of a sewerage system the
the late rains in Zacetecas have been
followed by a visitation of typhoid
fever. One hundred and thirty people
died there from the fever within a
week and it shows no sign of abatement.
Railway Iavestisatloa Betas.
SAxAxTojno, Tesas, Oct 24. The
investigation into the accounts of the
Arkansas Pass road's receivership has
been resumed. Only minor evidence
so far has been adduced.
Still ItylBK from Cholera.
St. Petersburg, Oct 24. Four new
cases of cholera and two deaths from
the disease were reported here yester-
Catiaed His Mother's Death.
" Lorisvir.LK, Ky., OeL 24. Mrs. Ed
ward Ncunlist of 540 East (ireen street
was instantly killed by the discharge
of a gun-trap yesterday. Her son
Edward had set the trap to kill a
chicken-thief, and as his mother
opened the door of the coop the gun
was discharged and the woman's head
almost blown off. Xeunlist gave him
self up and was charged with murder,
but was released on bail furnished by
his brother. The coroner's jury's ver
dict was accidental killing.
Jnha Corbett Shot Bead.
Isupeming, Mich., Oct. 24. John
Corbett was found dead in the woods
near Bear lake, four miles from the,
city, yestcrdry. Corbett was employed
at the Lake Superior mine and spent
the day in hunting in Deer lake woods.
Examination showed that he was shot
tnrougli tue heart Corbett was 40
years old and leaves a wife and six
Net Kaoush Coat In Texas.
Eagle Pass, Tex., Oct. 24. There is
almost a coal famine in northern Mex
ico, owing to the tremendous demand
occasioned by railroad extensions and
the development ot the smelting and
manufacturing industries. Ail mines
are increasing their forces and sinkiug
their shafts but are unable to supply
the demand.
Tho handsomest lady in Columbus
remarked to a friend tho other dav that
she know Kemp's llalsam for the throat
and lungs was a superior remedy, as it
stopped her cough instantly when other
cough remedies had no effect whatever.
So to prove this and convince you of its
morits, any druggist will give you a
sample lwttle free. Large sizo 50c and
81. U4-y
Plans of city, suburban and farm
houses of low and moderate cost 5 to
Sofl per set complete. These aro copies
oi ciwonings onut in tue last three years'
regular practice, and are designed with
an understanding effort in agricultural
refinement, convenience and cood tnstP.
Please write, stating number of rooms
you wish, and at what cost. Corre
tfjiondrnop solicited for architect's ser
vices in .eni r;.l. ( Gerald, archi
tect, N. Y. Life. Omaha. 2fi 6p
The population of Columbus is
about 3,500, and we would say at least
one-half are troubled with some affec
tion of tho throat and lungs, as those
complaints are, according to statistics,
more numerous than others. Wo wonld
advise all our readers not to neglect the
opportunity to call on their druggist
and get a bottle of Kemp's Balsam for
the throat and lungs. Trial Bize free.
Large bottles, 50c and SI. Sold by all
druggists. 34-y
Notice r Kvgixt ration.
Notice is herobv jilvci that t c place of reg
istration in the election precinct or thu Frs.t
ward of the city or ohanbin. In 1'I.ittc county.
Nebraska, will be at the court house H said
ward, and tlml said election precinct Is bouncl
ed bv Is stroet nn the west and bv the
corporate limits of said city on tho north,
south and '.ist: That the place or registration
In tl:e election ireclrct of the Second ward f
aid citv will ! e at the office of Israel Oliiclt.
lot 8. block US, therein, and that aid precinct
is botitiilod on the east bv ewis Mrect. on thu
wet by '!'" street and Nebraska avenue and
on the north and south by corporate limits of
said city; That the place or registration In the
election product of lh '1 bird ward of wild citv
shall be ut the huildlnt: on the i.i, or the bJ o'f
mi i. uiocKMi, in saai precinct una that said
precinct Is bounded on theenst !- ' " street
and Nebraska avenue and on the north, south
niid west by corporate limits of said eil v.
Ityorjerof the mayor and council of said
nteit September 2fi, ISM.
D.N. MiNKit.
Sept 20-f.t. City Clerk.
HB. piU BMBBSpSfc teBHaBaeBsaj a
aaaaaaV, jpTMfclffipaBBgSSSSBSBK
That this firm sell are MADE FOR
Furnishing Goods
Fair dealing every time is tho remark
of even the boys who deal with
1 OPENED SEPT. 28. 1
A Home School for Both Sexes.
Best and Cheapest School in the West.
New Buildings Throughout.
Steam Heat in All.
Two Large Dormitories.
Preparatory, Normal, Collegiate, Rnsiness. Short
hand and Typewrit iugv .Unsic, Art.
Hoard. Room. l.Vnt and Tuition for Term of Ton Wek
Tnitien alone, iH-r Term
Hoard .pcrwifk.....
Tolfll LxpciiKsforOi.i-V.-ar
A large :ir.d ecpericr Trc-lity of extIeurt:U Teacher and Irore-sor.
Students may Kuter at a ir tiae and Hod closes suited to their ui-CiN and adanc
Fall Term Opens Sept. 6. 1892.
Second Fall Tarm Opens Nov. 15- 1892.
Winter Term'Opens Jan. 24-. 1 -93.
Spring Term Opens April IO, 1893.
purpose of placing a literal
, THE PLATTE INSTITUTE baa ben eatablijlitil forth.
education within the reneb of ALL.
Jt mt!II cost you ! t.. , to stay nt home.
An opjxrtunity will be aflordtd HnutnU-r of student to pay all or a riart of lh.-Ircsinii-t-i !y
work. ' ' .
S.-nd in your application atouce.
This school ia under the jurisdiction of Rt. I.Vv. An-on R. Crutn. liisbop of th-j IMoCeseof
tbe riait.
REFERENCES: Hisbop Aujou R. Gravis, Kearm-y. Nvb. V. (.'. TilUon, Ca.bler Kearney
Natioiml Hank. L. N. Mowry, S-c'y Midway Laud Co.
Write for particular uud information to
nl JtAEJI T,B !" rvmarmmA fam
ily t set the beat ;alae far yoar ataaer.
W. Ii. Daulaa aaaea. which rrMmt tSa
Prices Bake, aa taaaaaaia
atcra1alarT'oaaaMaas Trao 4 Co. tattractsd
and turiea me. I worked iteiulUy nsd mtito monoy hilar
than I expected to. I became able to bay an Uland xnd baild
a small i Disuier hJtel. If I don't ncceed at that. I will (a
to work arIn at the bnins in which I made my money.
Trueifc Co.: Shall weimtract aad start yon. reader?
If we do. and if yon work Indtistriontlj. yon will in doe
lime beabletuburaniilanJ and baild n !..,t-l Ifrnnwi.h
Money can 1k earned at our new line of work, rap
idlr and houorably. bT tboso of cither sex. young or old.
and la their own hicalitie. whereTer they live. Any one
can d the work. Kasy to learn. Wc tarnish evervthin;. Na
r.f k. V ou can da oleyonr aparo momenta, or all joar tita
to the work. This entirely new lead Li)fr! wonderful aac
ceja in every worker. Beginners aro earning from 925 to
93 per week and nuwardi. and more efiera little expe
rionce. tv can furnish yon the employment wo teach yon
FKRE. This Is an age f marvelous things, and here is
another sreat, nsefcl. wealth-giving wonder. Great raioa
will reward every industrious worker. Wherever yon are
and whatever you are doing, you want to know abont this
wonderful work at once. Delay means much money lost to
hi rr" J, "f uere. 11 you will WTUe to us. m " !ii" JOU r IU.r. AH
TlICi: CO.. Bax
JLugmaut, Maine
Data of KalU'a Ezacallja.
Loxdox, Oct 21. Thomas Xeill.who
was yesterday convicted fn the Old
Bailey of the murder of Matilda Clover,
will probably be executed op Nor. 8.
Rheumatism Cured in a Day. "Mys
tic Cnre" for Rheumatism aad Xouralgi.1
radically cares in 1 to 3 days. Its action
upou tho system is remarkable und mys
terious. It rcmovos at once the cati60
and the disease immediately disappears.
The 6rst dose creatly beneOts, 75 cents.
Sold by A. Heintz, druggist, Colum
bus, Neb. 14-y
St. Patrick Pills are carefully
prepared from tho beet material and
according to tho most approved formula,
and are the most perfect cathartic and
liver pill that can be produced. We
sell them. C. E. Pollock & Co. and Dr.
Heintz, druggists.
aflllalaaM afiMf CriV
Pitcher's Castoria.
C. E. Harno ofon & Co.,
aaMfepc'-. m.
W Alt 1
Plymouth : Rock
Sight i pricelexd anil iU proper preservation
is a matter for the mort earnest cnniil.mtion of
every lncn of ordinary common aenw. He
memiHT that a lense dncentered one centimeter
(the one hundredth part of nn inch) producer an
many pnm dioptres hn it poxeswes lenticular
dioptres of refraction. Don't wmr nom-lt- mii
f.nertarlei4 when tiui ivin rui I. in. ... ti... '
same price. Tndor's adamantine lenses are
cronnd from the cleared crjstal obtainable.
bnildisK tip the nerve power, easing and render
ins natural the accommodation. They are with
out doubt best adapted for optical pnrpoBea and
are recommended liv nil tin. mrt m! r.r iu
incdiccl rraternity, including Dr. Urainyea. ex
Kovernor of acateons. Mex.. Dr. Marian, ex
Kovernor of Ajuas Caliente. Edward Jenninjr-.
M. V., vicu president medical nxHociation of
nmadn. har na! only by A. Heintz, Prescrip
tion DnipKiM, Colnmbas. 2sen
Dir.vLEiis iy
not una not rip, Una
Scieitiic AattrioM
Ageicy for
.av -
.BaaaaaaaafaaV T Q
. S .sfllstsstsstsstsstsstsstaBaW - GQ
o ia9aaBHaaMaa.
-..- X am?Vsra(atsaaBBiaBn
" '- P-JBKSiaafc
iiKaaiBP9& tr. -
I w J SEeiS "I o
a -- :. "
'a "!' scwcaiiee. hhw tcux not rip, nna
ES..5l'.5Lm?2u, ttfk lMfc more eom
n&Sl.gtyy?h "d durable than any other shoe eTer
old at tna price. KqualacaatommadeanoeacotUos
"l,HaBil-aeweei,flnecauahoe. Tna
moat atyllsn. COST and clnrahln ahne omr anlif
a An - - ' - --J- -... .
Near B. & M. Depot.
5wJrtcfc They equal line Imported aaoea coatl&c
3Q Pallce Saor.wom by farmers and all
FWaotaera who Mraat a good heavy calf, tnreo
KJeSenslon edge ahoe. eaay to wali la, sad will
keep the feet dry and warm.
S2 4 Fiae Calf, 9.'iS and ?. Work.
"Ijiaraaea'aShoeawfllaiTa more wearfor the
moaeythaaany other make. TThey are made for aer
ITlie tacreaalag aalcsfjjow thaS worklajaaca
aare found thlaoat. -
Wlf oaeea are wornby the boys every-
MfaNM araBade of the ben DoagoU or fjie Celt ss
Forlttformation and free Handbook write to
Oldest bureau for aecnrltur patents in America,
t very patent taken oat by us is brought before
the public by a notice given free of charge la the
Scientific- amewan
(Both thoroughbred.) cxh, for hutchimr, for
oale. at $1.0 for cce setting of 15 eggs.
C?Ordera from ii dintanco promptly filled.
year: tUO six month. Addmn
rt7iiLunER3,Mlfiroadway..Sew York.
TlMMf m I I tmm "rfH.S AAmfAf4khl..&llm.
--- -r-jc.-- ., ....,..w. vUUi
"v. jie-imsuuei equals
fromaUlOtoa&rii. LadleawhowlahtoeoonoanlaHin
footwear ant finding thla nut.
latlaa. W. T.IVMiTLiu'narnn amf il fa
atajBped on the bottom of each shoe; taofTtew tc
sctKtoin madeaUaoes901n
nt Wsf'all" airsl. i"Jfif I n
waea yon Day. BewareordealeraattenipttBgtoaab
Utate other make for them. Sucb.aba&tBtkBaare
fraudalas t aad subject to proaecutloa by law for otv
atnlag Baoaer asder false pretences.
WTl. 0OITOI.AH, Jlrockteat Maaa. EoUay
Wa. SHILZ. Olive St., Golunbus.
A new mid CoTfJ-eTrcatUipnt, ron.ixticij of
Siii-ioi'itories, Oiitin!it in OipHiiler. svno in
Box and Fillt-.a I'ositirvCum for rternal. In
ternal lllitul or IlIiTclini; Itching, t'hronir. K
cwit or Hereditary Pils-p.aiiil inanyoiherdkiotf
and feinr.!.. uiflirwM.. it i alwayii a ar-t tr.'n- I
efit t ti- g-n-ral th. I'he iirt dicuvery of
amedicn! nir? renderiijj: an .p"r-tiou with the
knife unt.wr..rary hereafter. Thw Hemedy h.-is I
never Ix-i-n known to fail. $1 pr Us. A for 3;
Mnt by nmil. Why suffer from this t.-rribl di-
etit vrlien a wr tt-n giiariififeo is positively given
Columbus. Nebr.
m lniBi
(VrrAtLV WEAJO. aaa.MS7te tiote eppUajtleo t9
keelacasertladr: sever ateatal strsla or iritf: SKXlal.
HlCBStm la ssJdJl vleleas baMu eoairaeteil la veaiB.
HI UD Uek or slat, vlger. s4 streata,lia anaal ertaaa
aea preatewrsiria pvnecaiac eia aft
iBBalred aad weax.n
cresseaiirelr la aocnacalac eld ui.
E siY CiE o'rr.vrj:
laaMaytaeaaaaa eases trsaxea aaa eared la past twelve Tear.
Ra as aAaevMeaeaerearfaitli la Tnt Xarria
H1 XC ZaoLoxts wxBicMmrurmus.
iTTatiat "o'reiitijstriaianoLrrxinu.
as imws.1,1. yeaag er eld. seVtrlBg rreai !
reraleat treeble shealdeeadtaelraddressseweeaafarsUh
qemleas te be answered, ttat we assy aaow tie tree eMdlilea
reaek ease aad prepare avedlctaa te effect a prsapt care.
f lll.f.a In W T..IT ImlJm f mm B TmIiV .. Aff.W
with boxes, to refund tho money if not cured. J ?i" ? " W tlaTelratedraunaTntaeat.
Seed stamp for freo Sample. Guarantee issued 1 Tna wawms RaawRRY CO.. Mfar. Ctiiwats.,
oy a. 1IMMZ, sow agent, ColumDua, ?ieb. J
La-amawBWAw BJaVBaBTit JJ M !. 9 Rafcasaaa
BsESaasaaeBSBLxJBj4f?' t-2 -