The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, October 12, 1892, Image 4

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    .. J'
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Uoth the method and results when
Syrup of Figs is taken; it la pleasant
and refreshing to thotaete, andactj
fentlyyet promptly on the Kidneys,
liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys
tern effectually, dispels colds, head-
. aches and fevers and cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs fa tha
tonly remedy of its kind ever pro
tluceil, pleasing to the taste and ar
cepteble to the Etomach, prcmni in
its action End truly beneficial ia ita
effects, prepared only from the most
healthy nd apreeable substances,
Its many excellent qualities con
niend It to all and hava made it
. the most popular remedy kno-n-n.
Syrup of Fig3 is for Kile in 50c
find $1 bottles by nil leading drug-
gists. Any reliable druggist vrho
may not Lave it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any one who
t?ishes to try it Do not accept
nv substitute.
sam rnAxmco. cal.
William McKeelrau, Druggist at
Blooiningdalc, Mich. ' I have had
the Asthma badly ever since I came
out of the army and though i have
been in the drug business for fifteen
3'cars, and have tried nearly every
thiug on the inijrkel, nothing has
Riven me the slightest relief until a
few moutlis ago, v.-hen I used Bo
schee's Gennan vSyrup. I am now
glad to acknowledge the great good
it has done me. I am greatly reliev
ed during the day and al nightgo to
slcei? with ,::t the least trouble."5
JIr Hvtirrty 't ccts f-cntlr nn the -i-'wir.cii.ili-cr
d"i!" Ul Iii.-vk. "nni i a laiihi "Uiu
tJriai 1 iii.tJc from lierix, aud Is pnrired fcr Uto
iS easll v as t-a. It is called
All rirel":rit MS ii ni rV- rnrt 1 r-fVf Tf
y A.
m 40
" " ' .' ' yJ canimt cct it, mt.3 roiir addrot fur it ircvi
.-- . ' miniic. I.miu't $::miiy S!cIiclnv ntOTca
.-.'- . I 0tATOnn.V.Oo!WAUD,lJ-.j;OY.:-.T.
I'cr'r The Laxative Gum Drop
. 5t "'. .". When you arc tormented by inuiges-
" " : ticn the bess thing' that can be done is
i !-'.,. - to lake a mild cathartic If you take
,"":'-: ."." an ordinarj doe of piiis it may i-elievo
". V:.' : your trouble for a time but the reac-;V.-
.. .; ' tion or the second effect of strong
- cathartics is always reactionary so-that
." . ' ' . k. last vou are worse off than you
- if " , . were before. If, however, you will
: ".""-. ." -get a box of laxative gum drops, and
"V.. ""'.. you can obtain a box of the small size
:. ." '" for ten cents, you will he enabled to
i . overcome ail of these difiiculties and
- you witl find that vour digestive organs
. . . -.-. are restored to tneir natiirai condition.
. . These gum arops "nave no tate of
:"".".- ." ' medicine. They are in appearance
. . and flavor exactly like the gum drops of
""""". le confectioner with this difference
s" -! " - " that the medicated ones contain a
--.'. slight cathartic so that they wilt re-
-:' ' z' lievo all inuigeition. acting in this
'.-' .. " TCsnect like an after dinner oiil with
no sense of nausea or griping. Ask
your druggist for them and do not
vtue anything else.
Sylvax Kkmedy Co.,
1'eoria, 111.
ltn!il5 Hie woret nn
tiire itU i:eM under all
rircuiuianct;i. 1'irfi-ct
Adjuvin-.ont. l"o:nlort
mat'tiiv Scwra:ci.tei
!i::rncn'.eiits. w
trtM talo(nie ami
mlt-s lux self incisnrp
m e nt rent n-iircly
txsiltM l v Horsu
ilKK tV., Til Hroad--v7
?; .v YorU Litn
DACC Uil CE5 CDC s-rr.F.L. oai.f-
mrJ m IWwllallW Hwiimd. cd'
JaMu!Ir t flcTe or
bare hand. Hot i:i tho
v orM. ISdt of dealer.
fndS" lor nn.p! br
Ciail. II. II. rvrUncSfc.
lb., TEj.Su.ktBiact.Ui
Patents! Pensions
Scad for Inventor's Oyideorllow to Obtain a Patent.
ndforl)lffetof 1KSI:N t.d lilll'ATV LAWS.
De Witt's Little
Early Ibsers,
Uio Faisons Little P11U forConstlp.itlon.Slck Head
tchs, lypcpsUuXo Xausca.Xo 1'alu.Vcrr fcaiall
xi:i;uE. uuniHiito.
(lAHPEXTr TAPEK CO.. 11C0 HcrarJ S Lcrscst
Stock 11 later.' l'ap.-r an. raniuj 1 aj r ia th
I West. Send for Cti!oru-
WholesJle rnJ Itctall Vi inc. Liquors ti'i t Clears,
1313 f aniam blrtet, vmana. tcaj lor rncs i.itu
0,003 DifTcrcnt Stoves. ISjT I'oujla-, Omahx
We do &11 Linas cf Hot fins or sell tlie
tutteriils. Get ocr pricttf, I. J. Leuii
EooCej: Co 10IB-1C: Jones street.
tnaha3 larc-
Goods. Write for catalogue, liu nca;!as St., Onuha.
EI.L&CO.. 3Iarl :,. j .. -...,
r -- -- - r- ... mm ornip wellies.
Cftn Jlannfac'unr. to.,Cu:k aal becoraied Tinware.
&ASWAXX. A DCDLETl", Prjd W. Wiu. H
Dudley, Live Meek CoicmtIon .K-wmllS ntcliai.te
llui'dins; Soutli Omaha, Xeb. Telephone ICIU
- ClfBER, Whole'eand llclall. Tlardwood Inmler
l.Ptee oak fence 5aU. bite cedar posts, split oak
If cedar poet, plUa. llmc.ctc. C VL Lee, tlhiUouclis
SnesACo., tP
Bjti-i:ors. hfiB
' I'j.. lltifLllTTJ? V t
K Feo cnUI Patent U 01-taiaci Aavieo i"AJESK.
I?8uV.JuP Liquor.KorpbinefiTcbaceo
1 KuthtfCAsn-E'cnuf eoarv i.o, ..o
mnal. Htsrtrrdsthat havetn cur.1l-'ctanl
? WJ1I to.t.fcv Call or adire thf CnSTL-- OUKE
CGSIPAJTV: -' Ncrji Sixteenth a.r.r. Oraaa.
- sr
X- W.H,y.Qmahq
Mis. W:l!:am Murccc, l'J7 Tli:ru t. Al
ban, . Y. gitcs it the mt-ed of 5 raise, as
folio i-s : "Ifcaie U cd t)r. Buh'i to: gb
Sriup mid fi&I It Las no cqu'a . Xo 1am
I j ElionW Le withcut it."
Setting Onc'xTceliUiii Kilsr.
The'exprefesiou, "setting one's teeth
'on cSge." is a peculiar method'of '
plaining the peculiar sVisaUon pro
duced by the ha'fsh grating of ono sub
stfttiXTd against another. These discor
dant sounds act upon tho sensitive
dental nerves and induce th'-jsarn'e ieo'.
ings as whoa a particularly acid sub
stance touches the teeth. It is in
great rseasurelSependent upon people's
e'erv'ea as to whether their teeth are
set on ecg;e or not. Some are scarcely
affected by noises, however sharp and
shriil, others, who have indifferent
health, are the most constant victims;
Ti e fara ly T.hvafe an, ilr?". Helen K
Shalte s, -i-20 Walhul t-, Iteaiiin. Pa.,
states: uVe al trays use aivatim Oil ftr
what it IsVecomn e:iCcd ia place of a pl.yoi
'ciRa. it never fai s."
A Uodcl orLllc.
Let your rest be perfect in its sea
son, like the rest of waters that aro
stiil. If you wiii have a model for
living, take neither lha stars, for they
fly without Ceasing, nor the ocean that
ebbs and flows; nor the river that ean
uot stay:, but rather let your life be
like that of the summer air, which has
times of noble energy aad times of per
fect peace. It fills the saiis of the
ships upon the sea, aad the milier
thinlcs it on the breezy up-iands; it
works generally for health and wealth
of all men, ct it claims its hours of
rest, Phiilip Gilbert liamerton.
I. X. Tlnmman, one of the boys who
attended Elliott' Easiness (.'o!Iej?e
llurlingloii, la., is now bookkeeper for
the National liauk lliirlhigton, Kan.
A thritty Milclirr.
Private soldiers in the United States
army don't get big pay, and few of
them, therefore, can put away much
money. A soldier stationed at Salt
Lake City, however, managed to save
a smail sum. with which he bought a
piece of iand, on which he erected a
number of cheap frame houses. He
rented these houses to his comrades,
and now he is worth $2.0," 000.
UPV IT T HARSnV 5or,tlnr-..1 TViir f
I "Two bottle s of ITali's Catarrh Cere completely
curcu my little girl." bold by Drujgists, ijc
"I lie :!; ol ttie Heart.
Lady (in musie store) Have you
got -Sweet 15elio lahone?"'
Clerk Xo'm; but I've got sweet
Sarahs Slimkin?, and we are going- to
be married tomorrow. Detroit l'rco
AViio vrvt i: with lu's iivir, constipa-
tioa, i iljcts i J, i oor b.o i or ihzz ncss
lake Ik-ecbaiii's 1'iJi?, C'f drupjj.str, '2T
Asa rule the :cncth of the face is the same
as the lcnirfu of the hand.
Sirs. Winsiow'sSoolliiiisSj nip. for Cliil-
drcn teetiurpr, soflc:i3 I lie i;as!, reut:ce iinlaninia
ion. alluja :u:n. cures Tuna col'.c. 23o. a bottle.
The f-1 ccd cf a v ild duck is ninety miles
an hour.
Coticlifn: Londn to Cnniuttiption.
Kemp's Balsam will stop the couch at
one. Go to your uruirsnst today snd get a
cample bottlc'freo. Large bottles 50 ct? and
Im.ia has one niisfie narv to iTCOO t co
ple, l'crsia one to r!,0:u.
r--tirA:on :tit-i ou.
The th cairo .t Ka:e n Illin is ralror.d
wih fell t- c r-ion tukets L: . i and
Oct. t."i, 1-1U. at ti e "on- la'e f one f re for
he totiii'i trip. u mini' rou- p-. Ets to the
S' n heat. So t. and . oiuhw st.
1 -r fit 1 p: r icuiarf, naps, time tab'e-.
or any r-th r inforniat en, at ply to C. W.
I turn hrey. Northern P:b ongoi A:cnt, 170
II .st "'ihi.d s.reet. M.Paul. Minn., toCilv
T iU: ollUe, il4 C ark strict, t h c.-.:o to
nr Apcnt C S: 11. I. ra:lroa:. orxoCh-.rles
L. Mo: c. (ic.ieial Passenger Ascn room
415, Fit X.-.t onal l:.ixik b-t:ld iit, Chicago.
The original "Declaration of Independ
ence"' is in the state department hi Wash
ington. Dr. Juud's Electric Pelts are foM on six
mouths ilia!. Jedd Electric Co., Omaha.
Oost siaid use.
Pottstown, Pa.
x-v X Vitl3ilDUUi.lU UUlil
laa neuralgia for ten years;
tried all kinds of reme-
Yoa?3 dies vitltout relief, and
had given up all hope. I tried a
bottle of
and it effected such One
wonderful relief that I -dj
recommend it to all. J
Chas. Law, Jk. Bottle.
This Tra3o jlark lr en the best
in the World !
oirercl clnld-bearinjj wimian. I have been a
inid-wiCe for many jcars, and in each case
where "Mother's Friend" liadbtenused it has
accomplished wonders and relieved much
MUTeriii;. It is the liest remedy for risirjr of
the breast knovn, and worth tlrc price for that
alcue. Jilts. M. 31. lsau.rat.
3Iont0!uery Ala.
Icanlcllallexiiectaiit mothers if will
us.1 a few (icttles of Mothsr's l-ricnil they wM
po thnmgli tha ordeal without auv j-aiit and
suffering. JIns. 3Iav lti.-A!iAM.
Argusville, X. D.
Vfcd JTothcr's Prlend lefnrc birth ol my
eipluli child. "Will never ceass its prai?e.
31us. J. r. Moonu, Cobisa, Cal.
Scat bv express, charges iircpald, en receipt
of price, $1.M jicr bottle.
Sold by all druggists. Atlanta, Ga,
School Boards or Gubs trill find it to then
interest to putchase their
by the car load of J. J. THOMAS & CO.,
lGlo Curtis it.. Denver. CoL Write for prices.
The African Kola Plant,
ciiscovtred in C'unso. ci.
Alrica. It Nature's Sre
Cure for Atlitua. i'arv (Jaaranleed m So
Hay. Uximrt Ofiiet. 1151 llnraswar, New 'V crk.
For fjarzv Trial rase. FEEC by SlsilU address
HOli liirCKIKC CO.. IZZ Vbt..ClnctcaatJ Clic.
C4. yI3ti51!rmonthb"ba'"nlcwterfca
f fWineHie' "Sostni-vins.noinconTcaierlPO
U.l 111 I 'Rnl Tin!ancifcct3.StrJptlTyir.fidF.utiri
il f, fri p.p..lA-d t.n.1 tb-lrr,nnSfile .lHrpJ f?r
1 SF F5nEaJicVic!-r'--.'nieatre Bids- CLIcaso.IU.
on year
jnch "I8
1 Dressing J shoes.
77J1I1 1 bill SHOioSIOO month and expense.
S H ifSGrei W I Brown'3
2 filESIf-. I Fn
A MQdern YobfH:
Aa'o&y, merry iuaidcu SI13
Vhd fcet tlie v.Hagc school;
Adarine little scapegrace he,
Who aaily broke .the rule. ,
Yet when thOifirac 'Tor pdi'tihg cam?,
i He fdtriis spirits fall,
Anu she, within her heart, held Jack
The dourest ro?U2 or all.
Of all the lads and lasses thciv,
Tins one s!iet;jpjtt.,crrtuldliltb.
And vhin h cainj to say gocd-by
.Vie ask"d him for a kiss.
A moment's sudden shyness came
Ami hushed the tongue so bold;
'Why, Jack,"' she laughed, ''and etin it be
You think yourself too old .'"'
At lirit he flushed and answered "No,"
In ncccits straugcly gruff,
Then iaiseil his roguish eyes and sighed,
'I am uot eld enough."
Isabel Goodhue.
On a, balmy spring1 morning eight
iittle negroes, ranging from o to 12
years, were capering ia front of the
door of a log cabin in southern Mis
sissippi. cry few garments served
to render these littlo darkies decent
m tuc oyea ci incir wiuoweu mammy. donn lack tcr ebon thunk 'bout dat
who now and again looked out of the ,cet. IacJc 15abo cs mo, htf (cr mo
cabin door. Three boys had laid o'T J deil cbei. my llu3bin WU-, whin hc
a sramo. and. with hickory nuts for j, and sho l kn0W3 j b(J ,n(J.
marbles, tliey shot and shouted, turn- , slr83tea tcl. iose jjalje den j wng ler
ing somersaults or walking on their , p.irt wid SaUK lhlba all my.pon.
hands with heels high in the air wheu dllI1C0 cll5lc... yIl0 continued ad
a point was scored, while one little rIr,ssin!!r u1Q aim;il nffeetionutftlv. .-
leuow, iuu uitiu lu iiariicqKLii;, kluuu
idl' by watching the game.
A filth boy haJ just skinned down
from a loeust tree. and. Willi Smoth
ered groans, ho sought to extract
with :t crooked pin a thorn from his
bare foot, assisted by ono of the girls.
The other two girls were trying to
clean two iron pots in anticipation of
breakfast. All were htp-py. merry
and noisy. Every littlo while the gay
spirits of some one were proclaimed
by a snatch of song such as:
Bow tfil ! 1J2 ::!.. m iljn til -.1.' crow;
An ci-y tiuii I h ji up. 1 hoi j.? so:
ru sou in,' he'-t ;., au' ilj i on in,- t-.
An' ev'.v tim I jutn;) up, I jump J .in C -a .v
"Ain't none cr yer seen Babeyit?'1
th? nutlier ciiled fro:n the interior
of the cabin.
Xo. ma'am, us a'n't done smell
her.'" came tho response.
Wondy what do keep Ikibe dis
long " she muttered while her lingers
pickod over the bean of crow-foot
greens beside her. Tsc powerful
hungry my&e'f. It's bigb time for
her tor be here wiJ de meat, sho."
The game of marbloi came to an
abrupt close with angry cries and
blows. Out of the cabin door the
mother da ted with a stout stick and
fell upon the gamester j deal
ing her telling slroic-i indis
criminately right and left de
?p"to imploring protestations of
T want me. mammy.'' "Mammy, bit
was Hill;"' "Mammy. Tom 'guade
spute." Mammy, be (lung my mar
bles in do lye hopper." ".Mammy. I
did'en do no sieh er thing'1 et
Without hoedinglhe cries oc asking a
question she plied the rod impartially
until wearied aud breathless. When
peace ha.l bjen restore I and four
whimpering, smiling boys were roll
ing their big eyes at ea::h other and
their mother, she espied the couple
under the locust tree working al the
Whut's de matter wid. you, Ike?'"
?hc asked.
vol cr thorn in my b'g to 3. man
ny." Whar ye g t hit sail? Bin up dat
lokiss tree eivjin arler squinc'i
owl ness. aint yer? I bona yer is.
("immo dat hero pin. barry. an' lem
mo dig out dat thorn." With no
gentle band sho pro?eeJe.l to perforin
l he operation, assu-ing her victim that
ho should have one goo.l bat ng. as
soon as the thorn was out: '(.'ate
ain't I done lolo you free hundtid
times 'bout let'in datsquinchowl noss
erlone, sab?"
Yas uni."
An' ain't I done tolo yer Sti:nc!i
owls were kin tar spirrits. ;u' fotch
er sight cr troub'.c on folks wimt stu b
inn?" giving a vicious dig w th the
crooked pin.
Yas um, yas uni. " Ike how'od."
"Oh. Lord er massy, yer mo' k Ilia'
ma mammy."'
Yer yervc ter be kilt sab. pok n'
yer black nose boulsquineh owis like
us did'en hev nough troubil now. Dat
owl sho to fetch mo" trubil fo' dis
here year out an' elTen nor -do right
her sen' dat strit'ijliin on yo' heal
whut meddle her sho. l)ai De thorn
out. (iit down now. ah. and took
yer bcatin". "
Hut Jut hcra mucli to the satisfac
tion of Ike. there arose from the talt-
e-t girl a prolonged cr-.-. c
jchoed b" I
un Habe.
tho entire group, of "Yon c
yon cum Habe. 111:11111113'." and Ike was
released. With hungr3'. expectant
e-es all turned in the direction indi
cated, while one eh Id called out.
Dar Ilabe. an
rabbit sho."
hers got er grct bi"- '
Into the midt of the waiting group
trotted a small hound bearing in her
in 011 lh a large rabbit, which she
placed at tho feet of her mistress.
The hound was sparely built and yel
low hided with long drooping cars.
and scarcetv enough of a stump be
hind to bear the name of tail. That !
had met with a serious accident in her
e::rl3 youth. Iko had been instructed
to clip tho tip end of Habe's la I to
make her sharp. Xot understanding
the d'reet'ous he had lied the dog
down. and. after several ineffectual !
whacks with a dull a e. bereft her of
the tail, except about two inches.
Despite her forlorn appearance.
Habe was bj far tho mot important
member of this fam'113-; fordid she not
market daily for them in the thick
wood-and citnobrakes. and did she not.
many a lime, allay the pangs of hun-
gcr with game when mammy had not !
even a crumb of bread 111 the cabin?
bhe was an earnest, faithful and tire
less worker for the black pickanin
nies. Before the sun arose Babe boan
her labors, and generally recurned
from a successful hunt in time for
breakfast. Tho search for game was
renewed after a short rest, and by
nightfall, often much ciu-licr. tho
afternoon marketing was stowed away .
in the cabin.
On thi3 particular morning, after 1
laying the rabbit down, the bound j
stood on one side of the group, await-
ing as usual some word of commenda
tion. Babe whar yer bin? Whut done
keep jcr dis long no how?" inquired
the woman, &s she picked up the
Evidently the dog comprehended
the question, for she hung her head
and whined mournful. Then sho
crouched abjectly on the ground as ir , the photograph partl3 into protuchlo
cn treating pardon. j ride of mercury (which is also white)
Spec 3er musser bed smart troubil ! and thus renders it invisible on tho
fin'in' sumpiu fur breakus?" continued j white paper. The, image hi a 7 aftcr
the mother, and Babe wairgcd her j ward be made fo appear bthc action
stump tail l" response "Waal. gi j
long an re, den.' she .added, and
tho hound stretched hersolr beneath
the locust tree
Cum here Tom. an' ten' ter dis
hero rabbit an' whin yer don skunc j
. .. ... -?. ,t k: ..u ir.. .
llll. IOICII nil 1 uu tii.uiu.3ini. iiu.rj,
tin now. Hit's late an' I sho is hor
gry myse'f. Y'ou. Hets3'., cum here 1
:in' nut fl?:o here erow-foot greens in !
de pot dis miniL so es dey kin git (
dons time dc rabbit doiio stehexved.
Jcmim3. look sec ef dc kittle b'iliu.' ,
fwd, make dq sassy fras tea. Stirry t
frersclX. blsb I be. bcriiiut yr till ill no
,. In tlie.coursa of .limebreakrivst vn
erved. .and after datisfyinjr the trpop
nf little aarkiea their mammy col
lected every rebbit bone that bed
been pickod. and, piling them into a
tin basin, with a liberal.?upply of the
gi'eetis. SliUied forth in quest of B:tba
She lay asleep under the locust tree,
with tho mosquitoes, flies, and l;ees
buzzing about her head. Having no
tail to switch. 15abe hal learned to
utilize her long ears, and had grown
so skillful in locating the insect Which
she wished to remove, that tt single
llnp of her ears was stitticient general
ly to send it Li search d.f ,fresh ganie.
Slid needed no second, bidding to stir.
Hungrily and eagerly sho attacked1
tho bancs, while her mistress stood
by and encouraged her appetite
.Jood Babe." she said, "eat your
belly full; yor zervc hit, sho. Spec
yer clean wored out fur true. Wondy
fo' dc Lord what would cum cr me an'
1 dc vhilluu eiTcn liabo die. Vh wuld'n
Ueber s n0 ivcsh me:il 'Ac sh6 t
if she felt suro of s-inpatli3' and coin-
- -"-! --j, mw
prehension. ler keeps do pot
b'il'.n'. an' fetches the ehillun victuals
wh'n I can't lay my haa' on cr cruss
er breal . De Lord gwinc 'ward 3-er
sum how. sho." Habe was apparent
ly an appreciative listener, for she
wagged her stump and then continued
to crack bones with zest.
Dem rabbit bo.ics powerful good,
ain't de3'. Habo? De ehillun Jes'
smack dey motives too. Spoj I hev
ler christen you ray merchint Habe.
You'se dis belter'n cr merchint do.
caxc dc3' makes fokes gib or passel or
iiione'. an' you pervides fresh nieat
fur we all dout no iwiv. ca-o vcr
j knows whar would po tneg't er nickel
ter gib yer. Habe. yer imts' keep yor
se'f we'.L chile. Xo longer'n las' niglit
dat oie squinch owl whut got cr ness
in do lokiss tree s niinehed fur death
tell I bed ter (ling &a't in do fire ter
stop her raouf. an' don tor dn.y ter
make hit mo' wuss?r. lice lied ler take
1. 1. l'..'r 1."..!.-. .,..' '.,,K .1... I..1.T. .
I tree an" meddle de ness. an' I sho is
skeered now. Dat o'.e squinch owl
gwine fetch s'rucshin' an' death, sho.
an' I dat skeerel hit mout bo 3011.
Habe. Lord, whut would I doV I
een'er mos rut'ner hit be ono do ehil
lun. 'sho" wiping her C3es on her
apron, while the hound, munching
bones, looiccu up
and wagged her
slump once more.
Doan jcr 'member,
miser'ble I was timo
mange? " between soils.
IJabo. how
yer bed do
Doan neber
die. effen 3cr kiu hope hit."
Throwing her apron over her head,
the mother turned toward tho cabin.
Day after 0:13. as the year ad
vanced, tlie hound kept the cabin
larder supplied with game, and that,
with the addition of greens, turnips
and herb tea fr'ghlenod tho wolf
from the door, and kept the happy
little negroes sleek and 'at. Mid
summer came and passed .and no
new grief had been brought upon the
family bi.tho screcdi owl in the lo
cust tree, but the superstitious mam
my had the dread df impending evil.
Sho sat in thi cabin dojr one 0:13
singing mournful!;' to herself whilo
patching a small garment. Habe was
away, hunting for dinner.
Drawing a long breath, sho ex
claimed: "Wondy fo' do Lord what
make mo sing dat fu'nai sperritual.
an' wond whar Habe kin be? Lord
truss hit ain't harm done cum tor
Habe. Dis mighty curis fiut'riu' 'bout
m heart, sba'."
Hiding, she shaded her eyes with
a big black hand and looked anxious
ly toward the wood, straining to
catch a glimpse of tho littlo mer
chint." Habe never returned without
something. 'Possums, 'ccons. rab
bits, and squirrels formed the staples
of her trade, but when such puno
was scarce and tho hoar grew Into
she would turn toward tho swam'iy
bn3ou. about a mile from the cabin,
and never fail to catch a couple of
On that drow.vy. sweltering morn
ing in .lu"i3 when the sun beat down
merciless' and the very air seemed
to scorch one's lungs. Habe. who had
failed to catch scent of game turned
tov:ird the bavou. She was tired.
ar.U If he had had a tail it would
bavo dragged over the ground as a
S1"n ' ner weariness; aid yet with
never a thought o; returning without
somclii'ng porliap. with an ever
p.e ent thought of tho eight hungry
little darkies at home depending on
nc1' ,r-" Ilie;it. she trotted toward tho
When within a short distauco of
the lagoon sho hoard the hoarso
croaks of her game, and encouraged
13' the sounds, she struggled through
the long tangied grass to the water's
edge. In a short time her quick
spring iiad landed her. almost noise-
tessty. "P tbc back of a big bullfrog.
and after giving it a triumphant
shukn, which strangled in its wind
pipe a startled croak, she laid it aside
aud renewed her search.
Peering "eagerly about she once
0-, selected her game and made
1 another successful -pnng. capturing
i a second frog. She paused a moment
with the children's dinner in her
moulh. unmindful of a huge, rusty
mass partly concealed bv the reeds,
and basking lauly. Hut tho keen,
cruel eyes of the alligator were
fastened hungrily upon tho bound.
:lmJ in l!l;lt ftl pause, with a swift
swing of its strong tail it had stricken
1 down tho faithful hound. Sho had
! tho bullfrog tightly held in her
liTouth. while the ugly slayer gloated
over the rare meal and eight hungry
j littlo darkies in the cabin wondered
whut mout keop Habe dis long."
Moso Freeman, in the Mow York Sun.
'urlo:i. riiotozr-tiihr.
A late curiosity in photography is '
a photograph that is developed by to- j
bacco smoke. Nothing is seen on tho '
paper, previously prepared, until it is '
held in tlie smoke when the picture ;
gradually comes out in strong black
1 aud white The process of propara- !
lion is very simple. It consists in J
j preparing a sni-ili photograph on
: chloride of s-ilvcr paper and dipping
it into a solution of bichloride of racr- ,
j cury. so as to bleach it aud cause it
to disappear. It is neeessar3 to pre-;
paro the photographs without gold.
The bichloride of mcrcu chingcs
of h.pochloride of soda or b, that of
aramoniacat vapor. Tobacco smoke
which contains vapors of ammonia,
succeeds very well, as we have above
noted, and colors tho magic nhoto-
graphs black. Scientific American.
Is Bronson as forgetful as ever?"
.iure si. i 11 v. iu;ti iciiuw nus
to look lum-elf up in the directory
every night before he goes home from
business. 1'orgels his address." j
Harper's Eazar. j
iFAfitt And household.
j Tllo.Kco Jepiii FntltjCiroivcr--
'iiio Strlpplnj l.nck in J.amlj!,
Stcc!: Notes aud IIou;c-
lioltl Helps.
ErletUlGo Be Cnlturo.
Bee keeping has reached shell atl
exact stage now that cdnsiderablo
scieiiti&fcj kndivledge" Of bees and
plants must be nad before sueccss' ban
be assured. (The apiarist must not onl3
know Uio natural history of the bees,
but ho must bo a patiefit obscrror.
watching bis pets carofull3. and
ready at a moment's notice
to improve upon the'r condi
tion. There- is such progress in
this induatry that annual' new meth
ods and implements aro adopted by
tho bqst beekeepera. and tho result is
bees aro producing moro honey, bet
ler honey, and with less cost and
labor from the owner.
A point that has uot yet been fully
settled is the relation between the
beekeeper and the fruit-grower, writos
Helen Whurburdon in tho American
Cultivator. Tho value of the bees in
fertilizing llowers and fruits is "not
disputed, and it is a question if
pomology could advance with such
rapid strides as it does if it were not
for the bees. Apicuiture is tho hand
maid of horticulture and the question
remuins whether tho tv.d ought not to
be conducted together. The friiits
and tho Cowers must bo cultivated for
profit, and when they aro supplied
tho richer nectar is prepared for
many colonies of bees. The fruit
grower now loses nil this nectar or
allowl his neighbor's bees to carry it
awa3. By having several colonies of
bees hear bis orchard, he would not
only gather the fruit but tho nectar
in their lowers also. Little nddilional
labor would be rciuired for this as
the bees demand very little attention
in the fruit season.
In the winter lime the orchard is
qiret and very little work is required
in it. but the bees will give employ
ment to the grower. They need to
be wintered carefully, and disease
warded off. Tho winter is the hard
est time for the bees, and thousands
of colonies have died in one severe
month of cold weather. But these
diseases can bo mastered and the bees
wintered properly. Thirty years ago
the o'.d box or straw hive was the
onl3' thing used for wintering bees,
and a fow of the colonies would sur
vive every season. Hut to-day we
have movable frames, summer and
winter hivea aud well protected bee
cellars, where the small insects can
live tolerably happ3.
The beekeeper prepares for winter
in summer, and his hives aro over
hauled and prepared for their winter
occupancy tho same as bo fixes his
own living house for rcs'sting cold
weather. The bee cellars aro cleaned
out and freshened by fresh air and
disinfectants. Foul and untidy b'ves
in tho" bee cellars ve y o.'ten breed
the diseases which kill the bees oil' in
such numbers during the winter. aro all avoided in preparing
ahead of time Bee breeding is pur
sued upon the same scientific basis
now as caltlo breeding, and the same
law holds true in e.thcr case H3
breeding and selection the bees are
improved, and extra nueens from
Australia and Japan arc imported to
aid in this important work. Through
such efforts tho bees are improved, so
that one cannot afford to lose a eoion3
in one winter - through neglect or
Tlie StrJppln-;r.
Farmer Iv.ekiel and his young
wife agreed when they set up house
keeping on the farm that sho should
pick out the best cow to supply the
family with milk and butler: that the
calf should run with the rest of the
cows; that Kzckiel should milk the
cow aforesaid, and should on each
and evei3 oecas'on milk and save the
strippings. his wife Susannah, stat
ing very clearly and implicitly that
whilo she had no objection to churn
ing enough butter for Fzckiel, herself
and occasional compan3. sho de
manded that tho work of churn'ng
should be reduced to the minimum
It was expressly understood that tlie
essence of this contract should be that
l-";:ek:cl should, night and morning,
without fail and under penally of her
displeasure, save the strippings. Fze
kiel. like most newly married men.
did right as a rule bat on ouo oc
casion ho became absorbed iu thought,
saved no strippings and as he came
across the yard with Ihe stripping
pail cm pi j he concluded that ho
would till it from tho miilt. Her
eagle eye caught him in the act he
begged off by saying that this was his
lirst ollensb and that it should not
happen again.
We think as a ruio that farmers'
wivc3 know a good deal more as to
the strippings than their lords and
masters, but when tho experiment
stations shall have come around to
the point which we hope lhc3 will do
soon, to determine the difference be
tween the butler value of the first
quart and the last quart of milk, tho
wives a'oresaid. will guess more
noarly tho actual facts than their
We have had our memory refreshed
as to this little incident by reading
the report of t: e milking trials of tho
Essex Agricultural show in i upland,
recently made b3' Dr. Bernard Dyer
and Mr. Edward Kosiing. One of tho
cows entered for the milking compe- 1
tition was noticed to be in a rcsliess
and nervous slate while being milked,
and although she gave more mi-Ic than
the cow competing with her. it was
noticed that she held up a part of the
milk. The milk was anal ed and
found to contain only 1.8") percent of
butter-fat which disqualified her for
further competition. When her ner-
ousness had subsided she was milked
again, and it was found that her milk
showed 3.64- per cent of butter-fat or
nearly twice as much a? when held
up from nervousness. The strippings
had evidently been held up from the
da3' before hence enriching tho subse
quent da3"s milk. All this throws
light upon tho great loss o' profit
that occurs when cows are rough 13
treated, or when an application of a j
deacon's boot or milking stool is j
applied at every slight olTeusc. j
Everj- time the cow holds up her j
milk thcro is a heavy loss to the 1
farmer, hence the necessity of having t
the same cow minced as lar as pos
sible by the saY-c man and that man
a gentleman. There is a good deal
of philosoph3 in the maxim, -treat
your cow as 3ou would a lady." Iowa
Luc!' in I.u::i!n.
Now to somo of the practical farm
ers as sheep raisers, says J. IL B. in
the National Stockman. I woule. like
to put the question as regards luck in
raisiug Iambs.. Now and then ( and
that very often") we hear men say.
i have no luck with my lambs this
year. " and just reconlh I heard a
neighbor remark that he had only live
lambs living out of tweal3-six sim
ply because he had ewes running out J
in tho wooda and rain all winter and
al liinlbirig timo without any shelter.
I was one df lilb' same kind four
years ago. and thought Ilia sheep
Were doing well when tliey raised
half of their lambs'; but I kayo"
changed my mind. And now the!
question, aruses; is there such a thing
as luck in the aodVc cntl tfcatirient
or is H the care and good warm shel
ter that raises the most lambs? I am
inclined to think tho latter will, in
most cases, take the lead.
I, na a sheep raiser on a small
scale, always make it a rule to select
a good, hearty Southdown rain, that
lein.? fnr choitc of breed, not udder tt
, year old for ufecflirig' purposes, and
then select from 'i0 to ;iu ewes ot tno
very best in my flock and dispose of
hid rest, and I always have good and
hearty, strong lambs nd scarcely
ever lose an3. since I have provided
the right kind of shelter and care for
Household lambs" aro ono of tho
luxuries o. this modern age and every
year a great number are sent to the
markets, where they aro sold for
fancy prices. Now the Msi for rald
iug such lambs arc not so gfeiit fts Cms
m'ght think. Tho chief expense Is
the ncecssarv buildings or barn room.
where the young can be kept free
from cold and inclement weather.
Tor this work the Dorset breed is
about the best. Coops in the warm
barn for the reception of the lambs
must be provided, and with such ar
rangements one can very convenient'
enter into this phase of sheep raising.
As is werl known the varieties of
potatoes a"c well known to be almost
innumerable. The old varieties run
out and new ones como in. h ixiy
Judgment the chief reason that old
varieties fail is because of neglect to
make proper selection of seed. If
tho best potatoes in the crop arc so
Jcctcd for seed, cut with two eyes 10
tho piece good location is seiected
and proper cultivation giveu old
varieties will retain their merit. Since
the seedsmen have become so enter
prising and u-e so much space in tho
newspapers potatoes that are not so
good as varieties that aro obsolete,
are forced into popular!t Twenty'
years ago I grew on 1113 farm in
Virg'nia the best potato, all th'ngs
considered, that I ever saw. It had a
red or purple skin, grew to enormous
sLe and was a!was in?al3. It was
a triile strong in flavor, but its meali
ness made up for that, and itssi:o and
yield moro than made up for its few
defects. Hut it was unsalable. The
market did not want it 1 grew it for
three years, used it upon the table
and fed what we did not want for fam
ily use to tho hogs, in a cooked con
dition. The potatoes being cooked,
bran, ground oats and corn meal was
mixed with them, and how 1113' hogs
tised.lo thrive upon that feed. The
only lesson that I would attempt to
di aw from mj experience is that we
should strive to keep up the merit of
old varieties of potatoes b careful
selection and good cultivation, and
that potatoes are a super'or feed for
swiuc. Farmer's Voice.
StucU Notes.
Sheep relish clover and millet hay
in the winter.
Sheep are good sprouters, and add
ferlilit; to the land.
It is claimed that there are 1.50,0 0
Jerseys in tho United States.
Arrange to have moro fat hogs for
the summer market hereafter.
Experience has proven that it pa3s
to keep fewer stock and give them
better car'.
One advantage in hog and cattle
growing is that if fat they are salable
at market price
lrcpaic a good shelter for cattle
more especially if you e -pect to rough
them through the winter.
Four quarts of bran slowl. moist
cued with hot water with a little salt
added is a good mash for a horse.
It is claimed 113 a writer that salt
bags aro excellent ihings to rub a
horse with. It gives a gioss3 appear
ance and is healthfnl for the horse.
Hogs should bo alternated on clover
and the stubbie fields. When hogs
arc kept on dr. concentrated food.
a run on clover may prevent the
It is slated on good author, that
.-beep ranging on the sea coast never
have the liver rot or tluke. Tako the
hint and supply your sheep with
plcnt3 of salt.
As a hog grows older and heavier
it requires not 011I3 more food to
make a pound of gain, but more to
sustain the weight it already has. So
if not gaining you want to get it off
your hands prett3 quickh.
I!'..u.t-:-o!il Ilf.jn.
A new pen point orten refuses to
work. Stick the point into a raw
notato and it will then write easily
and stnoothlj.
("arbolized sweet oil is both healing
and soothing in the case of wounds.
When a horse gets cut on a barbwirc
liv this remed3.
Never start on a trip with new
boots unless 3ou have tried and proved
Ihem to bo eas3 and comfortable if
worn day after di-y.
For a bad cough boil a tablespoon
ful of flaxseed for a few minutes in a
cup of water. Strain, add the Juice
of a lemon, sweeten to taste and
It is said that if the woodwork in
the kitchen is kept constant scrub
bed with water iu which potash has
been dissolved, roaches an 1 ants will
speedih disappear.
The whole secret of having
boiled ham or corned beef juicy and
full-flavored is putting it into boiling
water when put on to rook, and when
it is done letting it remain in the pot
until cold.
What is known as -goose-flesh''
usually results from a low condition
of the system, and is realh a slight
chill. If 3ou have such atlaeks often,
it would be wi-cst for 3011 to consult
a ph3'3ic"an.
Tour boiling hot water through
the drain pipes every day in
hot weather to -deslro3' ain
germs that may be gi owing and to
cany oT accumulation's of grease. A
littlo soda in it occasional' is still
A leaspoonfui of l'nio wa'.cr in a
cup of milk is an o .cellent remedy
for delicate children whose digestion
is weak. It is also beneficial to per
sons suffering from acidity of the
stomach. It gives no unpleasant taste
to the milk.
A corn cure that is simple and said
to be very effective is to apply a
pinch of common white chalk scraped
to a powder. Bind it aga'nst the
corn with a linen rag. Ilcpeat this
for several -day, and unless very ob
stinate the corn wili come off like a
riven women of much experience in
all kinds of cookery like occasionally ,
tj get some new ideas in order lo
make the home repast's more inviting, j
For t'lis reason 111 evciy cooking
class started in .'.'03 vicinity there
will always be found one or two who 1
seem to need no instruction- j
Reader. 5e tou passed tlie meridian or
and sinews losing their elasticity! AT5 y" I
troubled with lmse-igo? Are jou, In short. -P 1
dally or occasional rtf clpt or aay of those ait- .
lfiOMtlcns WHICH naiors Nl": iu nuiuiu jm-jus
liif ihnv nrp trrowlnsr old? It SO. try a fc-tt!o.
otlloslcttef'rJ Stomach Bitter?, a most gcn'i I
of rigc", a .rapid promotor of con
vatescsuce. anil art means or
countcractiri'; ocdlty tleoy Good digestion.
undjleep, a hearty nppotltc. freedom from
rheuiiitiilt' vfcltfges'aro anions the benign rrults
that spring from tho j-5jrularand persistent usj
ul una mifjuxii iuii.v; iii:i tgi n.v.k..y" ..-. ""-'. i
received tho imquilltied sanction of thomcul- j
tal fraternity. Gio it tho lair trial thai ,
Diaaicr..! cutting Iy ir.sciiiuciw was
liocc in Holland Ja 1-iS'J.
' I! ntnon IHnsle Corn Srtlvc."
Warrai.tcil In cure, nr Kinuer refunded. Ask
your drsxjttat Xur it. Price 1 cents.
Parrois coat but 10 cents esch to the deal
ers m Central America.
when vou buy
il ehoeo or cloth-
- 1 1 11 i none
vou eo to tins
lilaii I if -to:!
iiiM n.d it J
....., . oii
I l III'IlTlIirt L il
von that vou
,T..V. -
mav wear the
you're not satlsfsc'it- ,'Jiey'll refund the
money? Why net do lie anvi when t
' Dr. r'lerce'3 Golden Medical Discovery
U sold on that plan, it's the only blood-
nnnir cn .r..i.. oml pflpptivc that it
can be guaranteed to benefit or cure. 111
.... -- .... 1...... -.-!..,. mnnoi'
cveiy case, or 3U11 imiu ,wui ".
It'..- not like the ordinarv sisriillC medi
cine.? or sarsapariilas. All the year round,
it cleanses, build; up and invigorates the
system. Jf vou're biliou-, run-down, or
d-tpcptic, of have any blood-taiuf, iioth
iiif7 can f qtuil it as a remed-.
Thd hypophosphitcs" of
Jinie and soda combined vith
cod-liver oil in Scott's Emul
sion improve the appetite,
promote digestion, and in
crease tlie veijjht.
They are" thought by some
to be food ; but this is not
proved. They are tonics;
this is admitted by all.
Cod-liver oil is mainly a
food, but also a tonic.
In Scott's Emulsion the
cod-liver oil and hypophos
pliites are so combined as w
get the full advantage of both.
Let us send you a book on
carefi'l living ; free.
Scott it Uoxtke, Chemitts, 1 - j South 5th Avcnur,
New Ycrfc.
fetiar?nt2cl to euro BHiou3 Att-tcin. Sicl:
Headaclia and i.'0'jnliialloi:. 43 in each
bottle. Iflce 'Sic. ;cr sale by drcjnjisu.
Kctira ";, 17, 70" aad rarapla doso free.
tf. F. SKiTH & CO., Proprietors. .' IDS?
e-y's Catarrh
rhen appllcil Into the V-n 0"s t r r-crvv
.ostrlK will be ab-JyL.DlMhC-rN''
tria .aliiit-ona' 'l(M.Pa
,...! ...! i. . '
of tasta and -mell
A partielol3appl!edln!oeafnotr !a
able. rrlrctOceatict I)-o.M"icr bj-.T '
KM" RROTIirn. W Wrr-oa i . : - fcrlc
n Hrr-V
H yjjj-. a
Vw- 1 V-r--'
teS-r' fti -TV-
&&$i &ssii p
so r bed. effect-mlly &?$ ,x ? v'
cleanMajr tbo hend wl'SjiVCCl.'C-i '-? t A
ratarrba!vlruPinv.,,ynAYitr&',- & &
hcilt'ij- secret !i.r.!. It tfA" SV"i3
allays Inil:itiim-ii'p.9v a'i?ii
pP'tei-NthO rif-abr-ncP'S " r&.i
y .. fes?1
fe-5"l5!a cX.Vrvr.H: z A n.:.i: r r.rt.-v--
ijj-."m l.'- lrjvi. ir:i
ggj- 'V "-! : a ?3Fjltfi J kt.a Dtti.l f..r cirruUra t
CURE, gja AY"FS1?ER i.hou & c e.. w i -. . -VSK.
A3&zZ&w 3. 5' U
t.aSKNafiQnalBank of liornmeros, X
Inv et.atconr Vfthod. rit--n .u.irant.- toab-oIntMv f nre all kind of
III !'ll UK of both Sees c th'- u-e of knife o" .-r ns, nj tuatt-eroj
l. u Iot12-.tarn.Mn!:. 1.X tS..l i JON JUISi".
Seed for in u:r. Adiircss
. SOT-SOS'S. . Lite IIi:IliIiii-r, - O.T1 lli.l, M-:iMASK.l-
M.u,is or: FicM.vr.i:.
PILES, FISTULA, FISSURE and STRICTURE of !hs RECTUM Permnnci!! Cured wilh
oul lhc use of KNIFE, LIGATURE or CAUSTIC. Also ECZEMA and ULCERATION of lhc REC
TUM Successfully Treated, flo delsdlion f on business if palianis aro capabla of work
previous lo trcalnieat Good board and rooms for paiicnis. QUESTION BLANKS and BOOK
on DISEASES Waited Free on Application.
1K. W. C rrlAXlY-CIjK., JIr.ssslpt. OM113 L, iKISJSASKA.
IT IS A IJ UT V you ow yen. -self
and latiiil;. lo net tlie lit-st
value lr youi' :i:;ncy. iA-uo-mizp
in your fontwi-ar bypnr
chnniu" W. I,. Uonclat Siioc.
wh:cs represi.-at tlip bssl
valu? -fnv prlcrrt n:cd, a
moiitaatj viu tcMiiy. as
i9 y
W A..J444W .ISXkJ M. A A J 1.
CTliootc tusi ic,
-v-.r. v-- - --- -
tlit. B
....-'. tl cnyotarsnoecvc-som r.l tile prcc. tquais cuiioainiaijceaues
j!r'" s eiKiInKlr'jnj 9 ioji. . ,
t-tcr.;.,;-!! ri43 yi r.nil$5 JIan:I.pvc!l, anccai:l:0?3. Tic n-ost stjlisa.
gr-r-,.-"'i- . -$ 5-!42 .asyaji.liu.-al -uoe- ever !! af tlieafruvs. Ttcycqua!
P(ri3AiitiiiXiM flnr-lTiirrfino?! :ofS from Ci lo22.
r:Vs--H;-W!a: e? 50 lolico Slice, -m-ni iy;;.'nim-r(iaiio(ncnMi
sjyv" Ci ' ? want a j-! havj cslt. Uirre oliU, exsrciou clce f boe.
. j
easy to walk
cj.:s. jgZ&fz 3 )bs wllfplvo
55 SO
5ri rZZzirii A Thy aro made
iDRmon havo
T -- onrw .
a-zx zrri?y:rzj'zj
--i. :'.-.rrzoiri -
-?vvteSJ i3V5 Y 2? v. ,rn by ll:e fcyj cviryiicre. Xhe mo.t PerTlce-
XZrfiA LAOS S3 ?botrorr,UeHaro raartecf the bejt IHn
JTIJ' rlaorfir.o Calf. c. I.'lrL They ure
filBSfcv-? tvSH ??to. ftv footwear -re rln. Ins tLIsr.r.t.
AQIf PUB U I nnttPl ret eunce M-hsuIitntnr. re iraniK:f-ai ana -."- --.-.
A3R rUh Yt. L. UUUbLHb "sflUhb. tl.tby Uvr for f..fa;-iln!r nif ner niwter fatsc rretencr'".
If not for fifilp in yonr pinre senI din-et to Knrtory. -Intimr hiad, ilaoanc! wia
wanted. l'antni;c free. Will civi- -.xrlnivo mi!i- ti -li ilrale-- itn! irmernl mir
chauts where 1 have no a c cuts. Write for Catalogue. W. J.. WciikI.i.-', J'rocUtoc, Ma-
way. Arc you ?
Soak vour clothes in Pearline and water
Cover niprht
, i
y? ine and water twenty minutes ; rinse them
.J r
w i . ss i
Xhy"1' ')
- "i i.
f) !&
m w-: - v
if '
are not boiled hc knows. When you think what you sac
by doing away with the rubbing, tlie saving of health, the
saving oY clothes, the saving of hard work, time anc money
then isn't it time to think about
Ci I
-cAlfcn ad sor.e tinscmpulpusocen: ?11 tell yoa t !n-ws ss fioo.-
,r "the ape a Ic i - 'JXrtZ? Ztt!s P
It Back
stud it your grwxr . i- ,jes pYLE, Nef -.
honest sir. J tt fan.
JiJ "-,- liTj.-NV -l'-fcltf r i, -
IrT' -V-'-"T.. ' '-S"'-. T-V.'l"1
, UhK ?,0C0 to 2.3 0 cubic fcefcju cold weather an
, eos-' MOTJR "
Ask your dealer for uem t BdJreaa ihe manu
' fClk7CZ.
Wa tha Butefi Process
&"o Alkalies
Other Clieitiicals;
aro r.el in tha
lircparatiou of
I if Broalf astGocoa .
xrhicli. itt absoIiifeJt
jmrr and sclxiulc.
nil f- 1 Y itltlxaSmorrtkmttkreetlmcs
IvVl 1 ' . tee strength, of Cocoa niixctl
Zriy 1 . i Juu-ith Stnrct. Arrovrroot or-
-Sai5e2,2p'S:iyir, and is lar moro eco
nomical, coz:tnj less than ona .'. cuj.
It is delicious, aoarishln-j, and EASur
Sold hf('rorcr cverjTih;r.
vv. SAKEE &GO.,Borch3ter, lilp-ss.
(IATr.TCl) ,
Tho strtKtt nnl purest I.70
jtle. Umlke t-thT I.yc. it tctn.
' 2'! niarte. liuiise i:f
;P7 An tine po7dcr ami r
A A'tith renioviibla liil
i) ,-rn nlrruja ray
miTKCU III i cr.II
j. lhc rintcut
fur bc. W1IJ-
ran:? fiu tf si P' rXuroeil It'I l?"
in m mii:nis wHilout ltU:j. Ul
tin- bct f(rr,ci,:iir?Tastcr:5';'
C siiitectln;- ln., closets. w.isUla
lottlcs. patuU. trCJ. ttc
Conenmntlvca and people
have weaU !tins-ior Asia- !
:in7uldnsc IMsosCirefcrl
... 1
mnnt:on. It l;.n oi.4! fel
ii!Cil.i. Ithas notln;:r-jS
:e ItfT.tiS had rotakii. JJrf
tut w;;nk,,u.,i,;ii, K
1 everrwaprp. H.t.
nir.3t rated catnloTaa ehoI.n-; WeU ft)
arTcf -Tettinfr Machinery, Vid m
-Atills. CtC . SENT FIUO. . llRTO'- M
boon testes anrt al 1 Kcrramsii. r
jSiocc ci;y Iowa.
54 S. CznzfSi.'. tKso.
'PiM-iTi'ri KiiEft.
rc7iliCi'Jv Cured it! Vejr"ta!l Kcmctlic
1 1 c-r-'J JlMiusan J ot cn-M. Cure cae- pn
. m e. -.oH-!e-r l?Jt pl.T-o-ian' Fr-us rtr.t '
.Tin'.. 1"!' nteotfarsatloa'iiWHihlriVi
ill vmpi nt re -iotcI .-- fortTreebooU trilm..
,K,h ,.f n.iK.-u'oP' c .r. . Totx days treatree-iS
t t v ...11. If j-.-u -rilt-r tr al . Wc .a ."tamfr.
.! p.-t.i- .:-'- Atunta.tii.
l.xr. ..Vr 1. ul ntu. 1 in-. t.
ra Pi ft;N .i JinHnT'.'III ornnntlne
&" n-' II! VS KI.A-"tirr.C'o
S 3?a5a Eacton, P-. -'"l fur unwu
v, kJB vysui- .-.
J?&m 8Ef-TLEHEirf
4' t3
'-.'-r .f ?:
Mil I 7m BMII
EgtfejgjBi ?riJBJ
Si flint
Si na.
Jfi that
KJ ?(1
" M& It Is
fa so
f j: J I
A f.sniiiiiorirril -.lint: t?,..t tci'l 1 of n). f.CC calf. SelmlCSS.
itoztbic, n ti' conifortaHe,Etjtisti snd durable than
- 1-- . ,- . ., .. .
lua Calf, :-.- 3"1 S- Wcrliininrien'fl Shoes! wear for tin- 11 oi tsaa cny other maic.
for t-ice- it uniMis & ii u-
founi! thN out.
i. n un.j 'it''" . mL- , nrn..-.
boil and rinse.
Then it's easy enough and safe enough
too. Millions of women are washing in this
is best") ; boil them in Pearl-
and they will be clean.
Yes, you can wash them
"!- urir
without the boning, ---
asK your uui-wi -plain
the dinerence be
tween clothes that are
boiled, and clothes that
wasning wim eaninc
r? n
- k
Og-, gasy r t