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About The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 12, 1892)
.3 i.. '5- - - - ". C0lumIrtt limriraL IW- "ftj 2ry 4 V -H .. V. ' 3f VOLUME XXU1. THE OLD RELIABLE Columbus - State - Bank ! (Oldest Bask in the State.) JPays Interest on Time Deposit AND MaKcs Loans on Real Eslata KiES BIGHT DRAFTS C!l Omaha, Chicago, New Yeri aad mil Foreign Coamtries. SELLS : STEAMSHIP : TICKETS, BUYS GOOD NOTES And Helps its Customers when they Need Help, OKFICKRS AND DIRECTORS : 2LEANDER GEItRARD. IVes't. R. H. HENRY, Vico Pres't. JOHN 8TAUFFER. C-ishier. ! SLBRUGGER, G.W.HDLST. -OF- COLUMBUS, NEB., -HAS AN- Authorized Capital of 500,000 Paid in Capital - SHMMHT OFFICERS: , II. SnELDON. Pits'. II. P. IL OHLllICII. Vico Pros. C. A. NKWM . C,-Jhier, DANIEL SCHRAM. Asrtffcf, STOCKHOLDERS: C H. Sheldon. J. 1 Reciter, llenaan I. H.Oehlrich, Oirl Rioak. Jonas Welch. V. A. McAllister, -T. Henry Wunleman, II. M. Winslovr, Georco V. Galley, 8. C. Grey. Frank Rorer. Arnold V. H. Oelilrich, Henry LtoseVe, Gerhard Lob?ke. HT"Bark of deposit; interest nllotredqn time deposits; bny and sell exchange on United States and Europe, and buy and sell available securities. W shall lie pleased to receivo yoar business. Wo Ctiirt? your patronase. 28decS7 A.. DTJSSELL, DEALER IK U j And all Kinds of Pumps. PUMPS REPAIRED ON SHORT NOTICE. Eleventh Street, ono door west of Hagel & Cd's. 6joneS3-y COLUMBUS Planing Mi. TV have just openel b new mill on 51 street, opposite Schroeoers' flonrinp mill nr.d arc pre. rkred to do ALL KINDS OF WOOD WORK, ecch as Sash, Blinds, Store Fronts, Stairs, Balusters, Turning, Boors, Mouldings, Counters, Stair Bailing, Scroll Sawing, Planing. BTEEL AND IRON ROOFING AND SIDING. KPA11 orders promptly attended to, br address. Call oa HUNTEMANN BROS., jnlSm Colnmbns, Nebraska. - PATENTS " i ; -.r r. t . ,1 Caveat and Trade Marks obtained, aad all Pat- ! ?nt business conducted for MODERATE kei. i our OFFICE IS OPPOSITE U. S. PATENT OIKCli We have no sob-agencies, aU business direct, hence ire can trstKict patent business ia lees tinio and atXESS COST than those reatota , from Washington. j Scad model, dra-winc. or photo, with descrip- I tion.- Weadvise if patentable for not, free of ' charge. Our fee not due till patent is scented. ! A book, "How to-Obtain Patents." with refer-' wires to actual clients in yoar state, county or , town, sent free. Address C. A. KNOW A Bk Opposite Patent Oifice, Washingtoa. -COME TO- 'The Journal for Job Work QF ALL KENDS. mmmi iue DUPLEX M Is - NUMBER 26. NEBRASKA NEWS. STATE BEEVHHI. North Bend suffered a disastrous fire last week. Fremont has Jet the contract for more paving. Prohibitionists of Otoe county have nominated a full ticket. Saline county has seventeen crim inal cases on court docket. Fairmoni's water works system will be completed before snow Hies. A Lincoln Chinese laundrvman was J found dead in his place of business the utner a ay. The state Christian Endeavor con. ventioa will bo held at Beatrice, Octo ber 7. 8 and 9. 11. G. King of Dakota City was ar rested by Sheriff liyan on ctie charge of seining- in JacksQa Isko. A large inn inciting 6f" Dunkards wnlbo ncid ,!e,r 1cd Lionmiil8( York cCmity, feeinniug Saturday. Octobers. USscph Carnoy, a farmer near Graf ton, lost his crop of hay by fire. Sparks from a passing engine did tho mis chief. PlattsmoElh has a "champion but ton sewer5 who is willing to meet ex peris iu that line for a stake or gate receipts. The sanitary inspectors of Omaha Served 970 notices in September to abate vault nuisances and 835 to abate garbage nuisances. Fair pros-rods is being made on tho post ottice building. It in expected to have the basement Mory completed by the last of October. The Missouri Pacific railroad com pany has se::t ou, an anti-cholera cir cular to tho officers of the company throughout tne west. "While romping with her n'lavmates J at school, tno littlo daughter of Isaac illiams of r'airraont was injured in ternally and her iifc is despaired of. Pat Helta of Gretna burned his hand badly. He had a cioth saturated with alconoi around his hand, and whiic lighting his pipe the cloth caught fire. For peudiing upon the streets of 1-rcmont without a lieeuse. Frank Smitn was lined foO. Not having that sum about his person, he will languish in juii. The city jail of Wiiber is no more. An inmate set lire to it, and came very near having all the fun he wanted. He was re. eased barely in time to save his life. Articles of incorporation of the Farmer's State bank of Curtis were filed last week, the authorized capital represented being ?100,000. $15,000 paiu up. The Germah Lutheran church in South Bend precinct; Saunders county, will be dedicated the 9th day of Octo ber, and there wilt be a sermon in English at 2 o'clock. Mrs. Armagost, charged with poi soning her husband and several other oeople of David City, has beoa held to answer in the district court for mur der in the first degree. Henry Kobarg is suing'boforo Judge Keysor of Omaha for $5. 00j for the loss of his son, Adoiph, killed by a Missouri Pacific train at the fair grounds crossing in 1687. White Handlev of Nebraska City has a number of vicious dogs that have iately bitten several peopie, and the offended public are arranging for a general canine kiliing bee. Sheriff Harriman, of Washington county, toicgrauhs that tney had the j wrong man in Texas. He says he I Iooks like Sloan, but is not the man I Washington county wants to convict. j. no caaet oattallion at tne state university this year will number about 275 men, and will afford a lino mili tary spectacle during dress parade each Friday while una weather lasts. The North Nebraska fair at Norfolk presented a very creditable disDlav of j products of tho farm garden ana nur sery. 1 ne nunioer of horses was large with a f.iir show of cattle and other live stocc. In coming from the fair grounds at Ogailala several young men were rac ing on horseback, among them Peter Eekburg, who was thrown violently from his horse and his skull fractured. He cannot live. Mr. and Mrs. John Meckley of Colon, left last week for Soudan, Africa, whore they engage in mission ary work. 3Irs. Meckley is a daughter of the late Samuel Schofield, one of the pioneer settlers of Saunders county. While Charles Nicholson of Friend was feeding a threshing machine the bandcutter accidentally cut a gash about six inches iong on the back of .Nicholson s nanu. it rook twelve ! stitches to sew up tne wound, which was cut to the bone. Memorial services for theiate.Tudiro J. IL Clarkston were held in Omaha. ADpropiate reslutions were adorned and eulogies pronounced by leading j memocrs of the Dar. The gathering of attorneys was tho largest that has been witnessed for years. Governor Boyd has received a cir cular from C. Sieiberland, surgeon general of the United States army, consisting of information and guidance of medical officers who may be unfa- i miliar with the general management ' and prevention of cholera. .aemana county s eigntn annual lair t has passed into history and is regarded as one of the most Successful ones in every way thar Nemaha county has ever held. The entries, while not so large as some years previously, wero. especially fine. The weather was fine ! and the attendance good. At About forty feet of the central part the aam of C C Whites UDDer at Crete went out last week. It want e,,t? w!tAii ,..:. pearance that it was not ail right. ,,, , -,, , ,r ,..". Ahe loss will be severe on Mr. V hue. as he has just comuleted putting new j i,!- i . t- -,, J anQ expensive machinery into his mill and was about to Start UD. - . Oscar NutSOD, a farmer living two mJes north of Bloomfield. met with a . , , .., . V . painful accident white returning from Tamora. His team became frightened at a calf tied near the road, and run-! . ning away threwhim from the wagon. J ' He fell on his head, causing a fracture . of the skill. The doctors have but' . little hopes of his recovery. C. W. Mills; superintendent of the schools of Harvard township of which there are nine, is making preparations to duly observe Columbus day and will carry out State Superintendent Goudy's plans. The exercises will take place on the Harvard high school camous. An Interview Utth Heti thl'.tbsi. CorrEYViLLE, Kas., Oct 8. Excite ment over the terrible tragedy of Wed- ' nesday, which resulted in the deaths ' of four of the Dalton gang and four citizen defenders of the city against I the Daltons" raid, still continues. Hun t dreds of visitors arrive on every train I to visit the scene of the Dalt'ons" last I raid, and tho city is crow'ded with I strangers. Trouble was narrowly averted this morning when Sheriff Callahan wanted to move Emmett Dalton to Indcuen- dence, and, had he carried out the plan, there would have been war, for, although the citizens are willing- that j ho should receive all tae care neces sary, th'ey 'will not submit to his tfeing S moved. It is, however, only a question of time with him. His hours are num bered. His mother, brothers Ben and Simon and their sister. Mrs. Whipple, arrived this morning from Kingfisher; Ben Dalton ia the eldest son and is in his 4 1st i'CAK Xh conversation with a reDorter to- I day Ben said: -I was sick in bed at our home on the tarm, four miles nortn of Kingfisher, when 1 received the news of this awful affair, but managed to come with mother and tho others. We had not seen the boys for two years and had no idea wherp they were or what th'ey Were doing. I never had much In common with the ones who Me here dead and dying, as I am a farmer and try to be a good citizen. I wish you would state that mother and I have no ill-feeling against the peopie of Coffeyviiio and no words of censure. They simply did their duty, and while we naturally deplore tho toss of tho boys, wo also sorrow for the citizens who gave up their lives in defense of the town. Emmett tells me he has been treated better than ho hoped for by our people, and we are feeling sad but not angry.'" George Broadwoil and E. B. Wiicox. brother and brother-in-law of Dick BroadwelL called "Texas Jack." ar rived from Hutchinson today. Tne former is traveling salesman for the Boston Tea company of Chicago, the latter a grocer at Hutchiuson. Wil cox said: "We arc as greatly shocked by this occurrence as you. and entirely ignorant of Dick's boing with this gang. Vb had not heard of him since May. He was never wild or a drinker or a gambler, abd although a cowboy we always thought him to be Straight add law-abiding. Ills mother and sister Jennie, Gcorgo and my wife compose the famiiy, and aii live in Hutchinson."' Broad Weil's b'odv was taken uo and blaced in a coffin his family purchased I J - a-i , : .1.- Inr him nrri ihon nlnnon n.itvr in lG .. ... ...... W..W.. .-...WW. .- - ..... grave. The funeral of .Marshall Lon- nelly took place this morning and was largely attended. The body was taken to Indeoendence. the Missouri Pacific railway furnishing free of charge iwo coaches for friends. A meeting was held tonight at the wigwam, and trustees for a contribu- tion fund for tho relief of the widows and children of the murdered citizens were appointed. The express nnnipQ v!ll rinmlA 1ihrr:il onms. com- Cashier Ay res is still imorovinsr. Belie hunters took everything "thev ..i.j i.. i a .. u..; t..n. tUUlU "J UUUU9 UJJ. CILU Uii llUUi the tails of the robbers' horses. irmr., ivas., uct. .-iiiie ugoe, i who it was supposed, was tho oniy i momliAf. nf t'na llnllnn Kinnit crnjltT t.n PaMn i h.r n,i nn, hPPn hnr"fnr nine months, lie woncs i the pack ing house, and the foreman of Dold's -'' " - .m.. .. vlm ..v.r - nlnnt , nn, not. ,n?a,i nv's -nnlr in t.h inct. thro - en ir. " i5 i :ui u:. . 1. :' ...u JUJMUOaiUtD 1UI llAill IU UkU VCUil .fetl-tA tho Coffeyville robbers. Dr. Wood of I ,v- "" Coffey viile. Ogee's foster father. ia here today, and says he cannot under stand how Ogee's name became con nected with that of tho Daltons. A dispatch from Coffeyvilie states that the identity of tho escaped bandit i? unknown. ECAN MAY NOT RETURN. He Is Not Likely to Go :ck tc Chile. Wasuinotox, D. C, Oet. S. A well informed official of the State Depart ment said "that it was not likely that Mr. Etran would return to Chile in an official capacity. He based his ' statement on information given by ex- j Consul MeCrcary, who recently re-' turned from Valparaiso. Mr. McCreary j said that Egan was tired of Chile and had told him that hc wottld ! resign after reaching this country. Mr. McCreary said that Egan had re ceived assurances from the authorities in Wnslli no-inn tlinf lii .nn-:., l n.Slr. ' iJ was entirelv satisfaotorv. m..i, o that his resignation would not be due fc- - -fcT - - tr 1 Tr-Tc.1-. i.n .. f 41. 01 i j partment to dispose of him. but to a ! .ic ,i..;. i.: : 41... .,., 1 44-J4V V. . U.11 lillll IT 1 1 1 I III ! Ill' r 1 - 4? .... ... . " . mane service. ine cmican mission is in the third class, and it is probable that Mr. Egan will be advanced tc some second-rate mission. Swift & Co.' rians. AUIIOILV, 111., Oct. 0. a seemingly inort is current i Well authenticated report is current here that the recent sale of the Sulli van farm, north of this city, to Mr. Elfstrora of Chicago, was in reality to th Kwrift. -PnnlrSnrr frrrovn- .;V!t frLS' " 4"! this point. Graders are now at work leveling off the ground for buildings. NEWS IN BRIEF. ..... -- .... ..., wu44. uuciuvu ivj . At Utica, X. Y., home was dedicated the new Masonic with appropriate ceremonies. The Avion Musical society of Mil waukee has decided to accept the in- vitation to attend the world's fair in June. Boosevelt's great organ factory in New York, giving employment to ' several hundred workingmen, is to be closed. Daniel Westerhagen was married to Miss Lydia Mav Hall at "Wilwankec on Wednesday, the Bev. Judson Titsworth ' norfnrminir the eeremonv. i i Father Lieander bcuneurr was in stalled and consecrated archbishop of the Order of St Benedict in the United States at Latrobe, Pa. Henry H. Harmon, George Welch, and Kemper Peabody, all of North Dakota, have been appointed a com mission to appraise the lands of the Fort Rice Military reservation. I VrtTW Ex-President Cleveland left York for Buzzard's Bay. ne has not yet decided whether he will attend tho the opening of the Columbian Expos! tion in Chicago. COLUMBUS, ISEBRASXA, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1892, THE DALTON GANG. THEY ATTEMPT TO HOLD UP A KANSAS TOWN. X fApcrate J?Jjfhi tii-.tie tit which The Daltous Are Mioi llea-J. COFFKYVILLK, K'.lf., ir-v 1 'A i.i uct. o. anej Dalton Ban? of outlaws, the most no .brious in the west, was wiped off the face of the earth here yesterday, but in the battle which resulted in their extermination throe good citizens were kiilcd and two fatally wounded. This was their first attem'pt at bank robbery and their last piece of outlawry-. '!'.. : At r 4 ant; sii uuiiiiAs curuu miu lunu iu- gether on horseback about 'J:30 o'clock and leaving their horses in an alley, walked rapidly across the square and four entered Condon's bank and two tho Frst National. At Condones babR th desperadoes were told by Cashier Ball that the time lock wou.d not oe open until 10 o'clock, so. holding their Winchesters on Ball and Teller Charles Carpenter, they said they -would wait, taking meanwhile the money in the drawer. Two men took in the First National. Here were C.ashicr .Ayres, his oti Bert and Teller W. 11. Shepherd. They were forced to give up all tho money in the safe, which was hastily shoved into ba-.-s. Tne Daltons then forced the three out of doors and followed right after them. The aiarm had in the meantime been given, and as tho outlaws .appeared George Cubine, a merchant, add Express Agent Cox shot at one of them badly wounding him. The citizens being thoroughly aroused by this time were hot and heavy after them, and after a fight in which City Marshal Conneliy was kiiied. succeeded in killing the four desperadoes named and mortahy wounded Emmett. who lies In a room here. Ho wiil din be fore morning, if col in one Way then another. Jim Spears, a livery stable kcoper, with his Winchester rille, kiiied three of the outlaws in as many seconds. This created such a diversion that other citizens were enabled to get close j enough to kill another of the robbers. The two remaining robbers dropped tneir plunder ana mounted their horses, but a posse waS quickly in pursuit and one more of the bandit gang fell from his horso, mortally wounded, about two miles from town. The sixth and i::st was still being pursued at iatest accounts. - Tno man who got away is supposed to be Allie Ogee. This is the old home ; oi tno mitons, ana it is peculiarly ap . . ...... . "!" - '" "- .. ""u uu ..u of tbo ?ang here. Great excitement ' Prevails ana if the otner man is found Wlil bo sumarily aeait with. The hirSe rewards for the capture of tne I "s. deaa orouve. will, if the cit- )7en wlscf are respected, go to the families of the muruerea citizens. Ail of !"ho mot!ey was recovered to a cent ana, turned over to tne canks. ! '"'01011 uauon nas maue a partial ! confession that his gang was the same I rpboea the raciisc express ear on ! to Missouri. Kansas fc lexas railway at Aaair station in tne Indian terri- tory last Jul. and committed other daring robberies. The news was tele grauhed to Parsons shortly after 10 I -lul... ..! :. and General SuDerinteudent ' " of the Missouri. Kansas & Texas. I with his sneciai car, in which there I were thirtj- or forty trusted citizens ! wi incnesiera anu suoi guns, came t0 CoffeVVille tO OSSiSt in running tne ' desueradoes to bay, They found on I -u: : 1 .1 . -... i:.i luvlF 'riV,ul lu" tuu w:'3 u"b ,lHy0 wors lor tne m to ao as tne piucKyin habitants at Coffeyville had wouud ud ! the careers of the desperadoes. List of the dead and wounded: 1)EAI. BOB DALTOX. desnerado. GUAXT DALTON. "desperado. TOM HEDDY.. desperado. An unidentified desnerado. C. T. CONNELLY, 'Marshal of Cof feyvilie. GEOllGECUBiNE. merchant. CHARLES BUOWN. shoemaker. FATALLY -WOUNDED. Emmett Dalton, desperado. Thomas G. Avrks, cashier of the First National hank. Lucius Baldwin, clerk in Brown's shoe store. SLIGHTLY -WOUNDED. T. A. Reynolds, citizen. L. Dietz. citizen. Luciu3 Baldwin, one of tho fatally injured, died this afternoon. The Dalton3 were second cousins of the James bo-vs and nephews of the famous 1 loumrers. who aro now serving lire semeuirea iu iuu luiuucsuia uciinou- . t . -t: . :. l,.ar-r' -II 13 fatd l."ey acaulr!a lne cc.' sire to oecome tram roooers dv reaa- in" mg tne accounts of the aanng deeas of their relatives. They began their career of outlawry nearly two years ago, and nearly every train robbery committed in the southwest since that time has been attributed to them. It s sal( lne Proeeos of their robberies '.mount to ?300. 000. Western Cr-al Production. Washington, Oct. 5 A special consus bulletin was issued this eveninir - PO" the cereal production for the I ., : .: .. r ' "uaua tear in turiaia siaics irom which 1 take the following upon the I Dakota nroduct: In south Dakota the t total area in cereals in lSS'J was 3,- 01. 604 acres, as comnared with 34G-, ?$ ,., :.. ,1.- 1; : 1 Wi crrcsuouuing poruou , , of Dakota territory in 1879. There , was an increase of 83.55.! acres in the area in barley, of 1, 273 acres in that i of buckwheat; 6G3.3SG acres in corn, 5 -,414 acres of oats, 6,844 acres in rye and of 079,402 acres in wheat. As in the case of North Dakota the productions of cereals in this state in 1SS9 was considerably reduced by drouth. Taking ono tier of counties 0Q each side ot ln Ped river valley frcm the international line to the 30uthern .boundaries of Kichtand coun., orta UatOta, and M llkin North county. Minnesota, it is found that there was a total increase of 2.463.450 ' acres, or 1, 424 per cent in the area , ievoted to cereals in that well known region besween 1S79 and 18S0. in ' ortn DaKota the total area in cereals . .in 1880 was 3. 233. 993 acres as com-' pared with 106.505 acres in the cor- FiiT,nf1ltt- nnitltrt- f Illto.. ., .. in 1879. There was an increase of If-. 4-rt ... . .... .. 44. 44v. 4,4fc- 4.4 ttiic.j ui. n -i acres in tnat in ouctewncat, of i U.O.vl acres in corn, of 331.409 aere;? in oats, of 1.5CS acres in rre and of . 2.023,345 acres in wheat- Of the in- crease in the area in wheat 1, 455, 7G1 acres represented the increase in the six counties bordering on the lied river of tho north. Tho production ol cereals In this state in 1889 Was coa Bidcrably reduced by drouth. . i'sp'ei- rAilm audi h&'iVri RncTv -. tu. 1 I -"wonj.i, vtu i. iuo cuiuuruu uo imp0t.tea rags and the consequent' scan;- i, M... .-wi j.i.ii.1 j -.., wuuovv .ubtui wtwiiu- i of the paper mills of the country for one week, beginning today. This ac- j tion is in accord with a vote taken by iuo paper manufacturers at a recent meeting. Tho mills are expected to start up.again next week nud will run for a fortnight, when they will again Shut Sown for a week. Another meet ing will be held Oct. (i, when it will bo decided whether another shut down shall take ulace in November. WHO OVNS THE METEOR? IJneer Iiwgu!t Doclileil bf the Iowa Srtjircih Coafh I)f.s Moines, Iowa, Oct. C. Tho Iowa Supremo court convened hero, all the judges present. Four decisions wero handed down, among them a meteor case which has awakened much inter est. May 2,1SC0, an aerolite weighing 6ixty-six pounds fell on the land of John Goddard in Winnebago county. Peter Itoagland dug it up and convoyed it to His House- iihd ."old. it lo J I. V Winchell for Sl0.i. Goddard Okimed the meteor was his. as it fell on his land. Hoagland claimed it as he dis covered it. The District court decided that the stone became a part of the soil on which it fell, and Hoagland had no right to remove it. But the defense claimed on the authority of Biackstcnc that whatever is movable and fouudon the surface of tl e earth, aud i un claimed by any owner, is supposed to be abandoned by the last proprietor. The Supreme Court ruled that this .stone was In the earth aud practically iminoVablet aud was placed there by natuni: It was n stone not included gcnerhlly undt'r property to bdciuimiM. Tho case is unique, with no estab lished precedent. The American and English Knejclonc'din of Law: volume I.1., page .1SS, says: "An ncrblue is the property of the owner of the fee iipon which it falls." PUNISHED AN INNOCENT MAN. A VeaMt-ltod ConfojUo:! Slimrs Tliat a Great 1Vro:i;r I!:ib llcen Hour. E.vtj Ci.Ainn, Wisv O.-t. 0. Ten years ago .lohu ilorgan, a j-oung woricing- ' man. was convicted of killing Dames M. liurhficld. Morgan served a term of four yeavh for manslaughter in Wau- t pun jirisou, protesting his innocence to the last. here knows where . he i now. Binshficld was killed In a 1 saloon fracas by a blow on the head, i and Morgan happened to be there with several others. He was defended by the Hou. Alexander Meggett of this city and W. W. Irwin of St. Paul. It was learned yesterday from cx cellent authority that Mr. Moggctthas received information that a man who re-F.ded in this vicinity and died a fv.v months ago made a doali-.-bed onfo, sion to u clei-gymali that he killed Itlash field by a blow with a stove-lid and that Morgan was innocent. The name of the man is unknown. Mr. Meggett refuses to give any informa tion, but admitted that he had received information about the case under the seal of confidence. Caught the Hold Hol.ber. Des Moixns, Iowa, Ojt. .". .The no lice think they have the fellow who has been committing the various bold and daring highway robberies in the city the last month. The individual ia question was captured last night in the act of robbing the house of Prank I Hellenbecker, 003 West Grand avenue. ! He fought furiously and made a des- ' perate effort to escape. He gave his name as Arthur Payne. His face was colored with some preparation to give ' him the appearance of a negro, and this strengthens the belief that he is the fellow who has been playing the ' highwayman so successfully of late. ! I Caught a Counterfeiter. Evansville, Ind., Oct fl. United .lonnson is a counicneiicr ana Had a plant in operation below Mount Ver non. Several hundred dollars worth of spurious coin was secured and there is an abundance of evidence to convict him. His preliminary hearing will be held to-day in the United States court. Patrick Egan In New Yorlc. Nr.w ork, Oct. C Minister to Chile I'atncK tgan was the first person to walk down the gangplank from the ' ; l'aciho mail steamer Newport when she reached her dock at 9:30 o'clock. At the end of the gang plank ttood a numoeroi representatives of different InSh SOfilfttlftS. Wlin Wi tliom tn w1. come him. , ... ...w., ww ..v.- UTR STOCK ASnpitonVCElIAllKlST!, Quotations from Sew Tark, Chicago. Lout, Omaha and Elsetehcre. OMAHA. at. Butte.i Creamery natter Country roll 2) 15 13 .7 H 17 II 8 ?P Mutter rncfctns-iock o i it ft 3 ""'"- '' Il, t, rt. '7 10 8- t 5) SO old Foi ""&.'".. L-mons ."."..!...".... Potaes-PerVu1'" bbI ' s a o ... 7 ... TO Sn.1 ... 4 0) ... 3 00 ... 1 25 o on .... 5 , ... -t 50 ....13 50 ....l7f-' ... 1 CO .... 4 W .... 1 Tomatoes Per crate U I Oi &i ro si 3 2i ct 1 :.) 9 25 4 i Ol asoi en 0) a l w ft o 13 APPIf-9 Per bcrrel Cabbauc-Per crate readies Per j box nTrn,,Pri,;"":i;aiw Cod" Straw I'crton ! Bran Per ton Chop Per ton union rer bbi . Hoc; Mixed packing. ; Ho; Jleivy ivcishts Ilccves Srtockers and feeders... Stctri Fair to poo 1 Sheep Westerns t NEW TOKK. , Wheat No. 2, red winter . Corn No. 2 Oats Mixed nest era " U 4 S CHICAGO. Wh?at No. 2. spring i 5 'J a o 4 01 a .. J s-il .. : 0J .. 73 ... i 3Z .12 t-0 .. 8 00 t 4 25 4 . 'if 12 2 i 8 i: 4 :t Si5 7 75 - 15 4 7. 2 7! 4 L0 7J 3 3 5 tO -: i0 15 Q-ds-rer ba v.orn irer do 6 5 .! ; 7'o (i 7 ST. ll ST. n r 5 ! 4 CO il 5 35 u"ZZ.Y.."7.7.'.'.'.'.'.'. Hoc PscLVm .Vid"miied...".V StViwewn'""8 aeep Westerns ST- '-OUI3. Sf?i;nlrri"cl,!l f In T1.. 1 T0-i iV. &f"BS- - .4.- .44irC 1. 1 . T 3 ........... .... J. . 40 t. 5lil KAAAS CITY., nneat No.. old. .. .--., en; , hvJi-- za -rr tile-sto7u-rsa.M (,:"" Hi2 Mixed. I 3 II- a 4 SO 4:0 .u.-a .a,, ...t.uwper oi mis city cap- t forra legislature. The sum of $3G. hiron KranL' .Inlmcnn nliic T7Hnnl. ' .... . . .... XV --"" ..o iiuun .was paiu to tne gang of ftangcrs nau, near mount vcrnon yesterday. who bad bronchi no thn .nnntrv n.o fcheep Mutton. . " tt-4f - - . ,a vri jgTT'ratteiufci h'iiji. i - BROKEN PROMISES. Sham Pretentions of Keonomy and Hcform- The Itccord of a lie-form Legislature. 'xvto years ago the poaulist?. seeking oiecuuu iu mo icisiiiuirv. nero iu.iu In denouncing reb'ublican extrara I 1 iU :tJ: -J ': ..- .. j ijuuuo aim iu mrjii prwiniies oi b.uuu ?' elected. Every oib In tho statewho reaas these lines will recall vivtdiy tba campaign then, and remem ber how the charges c: reouoncan ex travagance were boldly made ifl fsefy ,uo "''' - v--" -. ce were boldly maue in S-ery )use, and at every picnic a.l state. AnanowDic?-Doascn school hou nrpp tho and Shrader and Povnter and Eider. - - - - - r - psnusnu. -iurn we rasca a qui. anu fUH iu tt1e.R.'. - . Well, the neoolo turned the ro cans out. and put tne populists in power in both branches of the legisla ture. Did they redeem their oft re peated promises of economy and reform? The record of that alliance legislature shows that it was the rnoat i llagranily extravagant body that ever convened in tho state. That legisla Jiir'o cpeit more than haif a million dollars in excess of flSv Previous stJ sion. . Deducting the SO. 00U npiiry- priated to tho drouth sufferers and the t t n nmninn kvnniitmn wiiin nr:ii I lauuinle anu prouer, tnere remains over a quarter of a million, which tney ... . . apnroprtatcd in excess of anv former session, and which no inienenoent member, now seeking re-eicei.o:i, can explain, as in tho line of the economy and reform which they promi.-.-d. Where are now the transparencies, nud the' banners they carried, whereon Was inscribed "Down with big appro priations!'' "DoWU With republican extravagance and up with alliance ecchoihv aha roform." Wiiat has l'icic j Dobeon, and 3l:trsh Elder, and Shra der and Gunr.fett and Stevens ind Piiynter done with these transparen cies, alid why don't they them out asraih and -use therii its litis C::m- , pai-jn? Mcllevnolds and Snrader arid Poynter ana Gunnett were members ot that ecotiomiS"' ItHltSU. and each of i these have been promoted 05 bisoti; :v have boldly thrown oil all obligation as to tho piedges they mado two years ro, and are now using the movement in a bold and des oerate scramble for office for the sake of the oIKces alone? It cost tho tax payers of Nebraska $250,000 to ascer tain that Poynter and Shrader and ' Mcllcynolds and Gunnett deliberately duped their followers when they prom ised economy. It cost 8. o'.lo pr day in that session, moro than lor any former ?e-3ion; $L:l'o por d:ty .: flioJO per imttr. Ju tae scuaie, ;: -re there were da.y ihinyitarec" ciemberj. theso reformers had 1 IS employees, or four to each member. Bring the old transparencies that tho carried in Poynter's campaign of two years ago, and ask the reform sena;or to explain the four men ho nau to wait on him in the senate; for a junketing trip to Texas. $150: paid to a coterie of jack-leg lawyers as contest fees, 10,900. Pyrtie, the reform sec retary of tho senate, got in 150 days in a sixty day session, and was paid therefor ?600. But that was not enough for Pyrtlc, the reformer. He niched (1,500 from tho peopla for compiling the journal of tho senate, a job for which Walt Seeley had oniv gall enough to charge $'JU0- Reform comes high. In fact it is quite a iux- t ury and only prosperous and growing states can afford it. Erick Johnson , drew pay for 150 days out of a possible GO, ana was paiu sfCQO therefor. Iu addition to that hc filched 1,500 for compiling tho house journal, making fi',100 in all, which this innocent re former drew from the people's money . .inrinc- n Qivtv ri.iv o5"irmnf lhoir- pa. , ..0 .. ....- , w.VU ,. ...... . w Q'j on. cincts in tne great reiorm campaign; $30,000 to employees aiono in that one j session of sixty days; $30. 000 scattered t among tho strikers in the county j precincts would amount to $400 in eacn county. But as tnese memoers ,,... came largely from the fortv western ,. b f. .-. . 3l-' counties, tno amount uistrioutea ... . ,,,. . amounted to nearly 600 Der county in - i th0 Dart of tne state. 2so ... , ,--.1 nUUUCl 111C.3U UIUUIUCIS 1I.IU SUUUIUXS in eacn precinct, wno secured first . ... I their nomination, and then their elec- I tion. For postage $2,3G0. That means I that each of these innocent reformers . j wrole yoa letters during the sixtv days , v s -,- t , ne w:i5 in ine session. I There were custodians of cloak ' ! rooras. cusiouzacs oi me nans, cus- todians of committee rooms, custodiaus ol orooms and orusnes. of hats, cans auu uu5UB3( ui iiuvs, up . ais. of cusuiuors and ink- I , .. .. - ,, . , Lodians literally swarmed .i and overcoa 6tands. custoo about the buiidiug in every COnCClV."- Die pi ace. all drawing as could at the public teat, nard e puDiic teat, out tnere was uu cusiuuiuu ui iuu puuui; tuuu. ine chaplain of the senate, who prayed for reform aud agonised at a throne of .. . .. . . .. grace in behalf of the tax-ridden peo- pie, charged the state with eighty- ; nine prayers, twenty-nine more than he ever delivered. At Beatrice in the first joint discus- eion between Jud?e Crounse and Van Wyck, Judge Crounse said: --I am not here to say anything against the Farmers' alliance. For that organ isation I have the profoundest respect and am with them in their great motto -Equal rights to alt aud special privileges to none.' I do not come hero with my record pinned to my arm, but simply refer o my record as a judge, a legislator and as a member of congress to determine my fealty to the cause of the peopie of Nebraska. When in congress I put through two biils to tax those railroad kinds Mr. Van Wyck's congress ieft untaxed. I respect honest John Powers aad the men like hin and their principles. When they had made a political or ganisation possible, then we find Icnn tious Donneiiy. Van Wyck and Paul. Vandcrvoort trying to ride into power on their backs, and honest John Pow ers ia sidetracked. I have the pro foundest respect for tho principles of tho alliance, bqi the nroToundest coq - ana all tho otner independent canui- lhu hc owM onjJ of lhe grandtfs.s aatesweit with , telling- effect on tne ' 0. t lalial residence in Washing quesuou df repttolifefl extfaynganco, ,on wh,ch nQW 5ncller3 the chief jus in general appropriations of pfcj.ifl tJfe t.f ;hc anited Stale3 M a lenant money, ana in a useless array of Uq has oth& VlliaWe pr0perty here, clerics or haagers on at the legisia- lQ0 j am h.d teat ba is ricif aml ture. And when these charges were ;-Qat hfi -3 lho oniv oae of m jjsbrM. raaaeat eacn gathering of tno Alii- j ..ars in con rc,s hat ba3 ever feBe0 ance people, the farmers cheered to blj XQ bu,a a mansion in Ya3hing ae echo the battle cry of tho ,, . .. ::.:...... r.. .. u:..v. ....:., (. ; '". " y ." - .- . mort-a-'t s-6 we should not at trr.s wnat ground were tnese oromotions '. , . . , iT;-i...; 1 , . . , . ... . : di-tance sav that ati tens legislation made? Was it on tne ground tnat '" . ." . - .,.,r-.rnr , --.. - -. : el was Ussnoncst, anu we nave ne? rgnt these men nau Kent their rTo:i!-e of I ., , . - H , ;j .. .. .. . . .- ; 1 vj a--aii men who are, not ncre to ue- economy.J Or is it not true tnat , . V, V v ; . tn ..i,n.r- .,f . , t , , tllciniiV-es agams-t tne cnariro 01 the leaders 01 tne farm movement ... montcbacks who seek to ride into political dislirtc- tion on tho backs of the founders of alliance. . Thrt reference of Mr. Van Wvck to The reference of Mr. Van Wyck to .. r is unfair aad dishonest. Ho has no right to inveigh against sah ft man as Mr. Carnegie because ho is rich and because he has founded tixid endowed so many institutions for the b'ec'dOt and education of his less fortunate feliowfaen. Before ho in veighs against Mr. Carnji let my veighs against Air. t;arn!ii let m fr;-n;i ,afc w one siage in3tiv.,tio that nfimt oI Van Wyck. 5(J lQ gn jjy bfll ,ay riend Va instmmon i in ';....". v..,.-- ; pnrtii win miiT kik! . know iiki.zv.L3aauLiAiiw x.-- vua - Tho kcr then camc ffaiiantiy to I the defense of tho administration as against tcs insinuations ana charges , implied in tho preatttMi fnd platform ! of the independent party. Ji .v NobrawUn Ua I5cfanetl. For a year cr moro he hart to act as an apologist for the state of Nebraska, to answer and refute the charges of ca- 1 iamity made by tho independentsuuost of the mortgage indebtedness eiiarged j to the state of JN'eb.-asKa was by thoio who are now absei.t from tho state; y'odny adventurers who took up claims ana upld prtrvnig- up on mem. mort gaged tne land iff an it was worm, i .: r. .t... .... .C:7. . ;.-...,. tt ""-" JC"' ""- "" ". r Z:' 1 ,' I retui-siiiif or ever redceminsr xuc 1201 1- 1 reu'1 '"",'; UI ,tl " w,u . . : , - ? S? i'- lh" proceeded 10 iojr ! ln:ii "' rt-piid.-.c-m congresses nau at- wavs ucen intmuiv iu iui tartiicrs ai ciicii tu a the best efforts at legislation had been for law was cited hem. 1 ne nomesieau as the great measure that had given homes to over 1.0'0. 000 people, the agricultural laws, the meat inspection law and scores of oth erd. Tno introduction of corn into I Europe as a food product was a repuo 1 iican measure that will scon ipea out a new and great market for American corn. Ufca Union Pacific bill, he claimed, had done moru to insure tho development of lhe new west than all other causes combined. Continuing, hc said. -It was built under certain conditions where lhe "Tftfernment agreed to take a second aisaonesty. .1 t I.Urad ! refer to this matter beeau-o some of Mr. Van Wyck's friends in the audi ence have asked "Mist about the Union Paeiirc raiiroad. and will Ca'i attention to a bill introduced by Mr. Vad Wy sk in 1SSG authori.iug the Uniou Pacific to taka out of the sinking fund, de posited with the government under the act. by the road to meet its mortgage" indebtedness, money to buiid oilier I r.ti.4. A fec-n i c:il war inrd':cea to permit tho cmun Paciiic to usr; its j cedis 10 bund other ror.ds. and a-? I these biil.3 were introduced during tho I-laiter part of ?ir. Van W-cir's term as J senator, I can but thiilk that his no. live was to curry favor witn tne" rail roads in securing re-election." Tne speaker then paid a glowing tribute to the men who came to Ne braska in its early days penniisas and had risen to a'diueuce by their energy and iudustry. lie was glad Mr. Van Wyck was worth 500. U00. He wished it were $1,000. 000 if he had accumu lated it honestly and without the aid of a preemption iaw that permitted him to bring an army of prcemptors hero from which he later reaped a munificent speculative benetit. If that law was wrong Mr. Van Wyck should have had it repealed when he was ia the senate. He paid a high compliment to Hon. J. Sterling Morton, whom he (Judge Crounse) had often met at tho state fairs and horticultural and historical societies. Ho had yet to meet Mr. Van Wyck at any of these. If Vaa W'.ck did attend the fairs he evidently ! found moreeniovment about the whirl I . j lings and horso races than among tae larm pruuucid auu iivu siuuiv jjaa. A liiittv of ala-.:ilJV that twil!d SHlt iZi:- Ut l's-:ttliii. Put Van Wyck into the United States senate .'or six years and let him bob up once a week with a bit!!? ro- lntion tn frichtpn e.'initnl. rind intimf- 1 ... mn ". ., ;- . t - WMr I U.4.U 444J14 II UU , k UMUUU tU 4,4, .J 444 . .,.- . - western enterm-iscs. Inen putnrauer . .- . : into tne governor s enair. and uaran i- e,. ..,;,...; ,, ..,. f?n ctntA innt! 1 11 Mnn thn fiiinrf-mn t ... - , ..- . . . LUiut, uuu su-iiu jurtu nuui nuiu :u forth .. ., . J interviews, de paupers roust, and Kern and the stato as Tnen nut Mclveighan Poynter and Biil Dech into the nation al congress, and let them waii out their tale of woe into the ears of the i i wholo nation. Then put Joe Eugir- ton ("Our Joe"') on the supreme bench, and Marsh Kider (-Our Marsh") baci: in tne sneaker's chair. and pt.r..0 ().ir pirlj - " ,.,; i.,., tne senate: and p-ricic . ,. . ... ' ., -. ,- hricit ) as cleric of tne tie ) as clerk of Johnson ('-Our A as deriiof tne house, ana tnen I .'. M. ..r.. i:..:.i-n .. . .nhn Stevens ( ( Jur ..ohn" and "Our . ,.;, .. -, . , -nviM' ., .,:: .HUUib IIUU VII4 .. .. . 4 , 4444V4 4 . 4 ; the rest oi "our - calamity pets, and j let them rave lise howling Dervishes m the state nouse ior tnree month-, and then pull down the bridge across the Missouri river and put up a sign that every home seeker in Iowa. Iili- . uois and Wisconsin looking westward ' intent read: "This state Ls on the eve '. political, moral and liaancial revo- iution. Keep cut!"' And we would then have a condition of real calamity that would suit the most fastidious. The foiiow:ng taken from the re re- for port of the secretary of agriculture the year Ib'JO. shows the average price of corn in Iowa and NebrasKa. In Iowa, for the years of 'S7. 'c8. S9 and "90. the averago price of corn was So, 24. 19 price of mil -II cents. Tne averagG corn in Nebraska, for rho same year?, was 30. 22. 17 and 4S cents. Tho totai average for these four years in Iowa was 27-; cents, whiic the totai average for the sanio four years in Nebraska was 27 cents, or one-fourth of ono per cent iowor in Nebraska than in Iowa. how me.- says Judge Crounio at i Heat rice. :. propen:s communisy and I wiil how you plenty of rurri-ney. Cttrrent-v- u.ies not make prosperity. t,,., pi-of iicrity reacy." maKes urcntv oi cj:r tecint for Ihil political WHOLE NUMBER 1,170. ( -TUE- I LlE'Cl' rJQsaftSr lBllSi iMisOis! i 6m cox-xynasxyc. nss. DIRECTORS: a. ANDERSON. Tres't. J. II. GALLEY. Vice Trcs't. O.T.KOEN, Cashier. C. E. EAULY, Ai't Cashier.- G. ASDERSO.V, JACOB GKEiSEX. .'AMKS t; t. anderson. iie::y uagatz. UliliDEit. Statement of Condition at tho Closa ol Business July 12, 192. Loans and Dioeonnts ..$2tl.2ir w I Ibnl Bjtate.l'brnituroaml Kixiun.-.. .50 incfnia,0;iIPruni,)VA....siu,jt; " " U. S.Troiuoiry . 07S.0O Cash on Rami Ul.UlO.TS KT.313 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock paid in 5 M.CCO CO Surplus Fnnil.. Wl ' Undivided profits ,"'''! ?, Circtilutioii :'jj: X; $ 312.102 ZZ lliitiuiess (Cxrds. r ?-Eiai.i44."v, DEUTCIlEll ADVOKAT, Ofilco &Tr ColurahcH Siiato I!anlj, Coluraha"', Kchiun.1. 2U a Aa.BEsrr & it 1:5:2 a-:Es, i-A- ATTORXEYSAT LAW, OHice orer NVbraska. First Nntioc:d Kank, Cotnnihns, SO-tl V. A. jIcALLISTLK. W. 3f. COKXELI US. M cAi4i.Ji-a-:s & i;M::a.aaj ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Colarabns, Neb. J. VILCOX, A TTOIiXEY-A T-LA U", Cor. KJerenth & Xorlii Sts.. COLUJIHOS, NEB.- JSyCoilectinns ospecinlty. I'romptnnd care ful r.Uoniicm siven ttithe eettlt-nui ol estates in tlioeuuaty court liy executor. suhiiiaiRtisitor and ittinnhaiiH. Will pr.-jlieo in all tho t-onrtrt tf thm aud 01 Smith lhikott K.'fer. !y percllwon, to lho Kiist N.itionl lUiiic. C.J!y-y E. T. AZ.X.SN". EI.!?., Eye - and. - Ear - Surgeon, EccUry IS'ebrasta Stato Board .C Health. iOO ItAOE EI.OCX, 03IAIJA,3VEX5 otf H.C. BOYX5, MAXtTACTUEEn OF "fin arid Shcet-Jron Ware! Job-Work, Ecofin and Suites-in-j- z Specialty. SLop on Nebraska Avewie, tvro doors ncrtit of llatxuicu'ii. A.. E. SEARL. P4t?rKtETon or Tun lit St Mai Parlor. The Finest in The Cilj. tThe only shop on tho South Siile. Colum bus. Nahnwfca. 2S0ct-y L. C. VOSS, W.,D.f HonioopathiG Physician AND SXJK,OE02Sr. OSice over iK)t olnee. Spceialiet in chronic iliwaxe". Careful uttentioa given to i;enet-d prai-t ico. ISiao 3:n A STRAY LEAF! DIARY. THE JOURNAL OFFIGE roa CARDS. ENVELOPES. NOTE HEADS. BILL HEADS, CIRCULARS, DODGE1.S, ETC. J LGUIS SCHREiSi ,S.J Biacl All kinds of Repairing Short Notice. Kusiss, .lone on ons, clc. marie to order. - and all work Guar anteed. Also sell the Tcorld-famous Waller A. Wood JfloTvc-rs. Reapers, Combin ed Hachiiies, Harvesters, and Sclf-hi.-:dcrs-tIiO cest made. jShop on Olivo Street. Cwlumbtts, Neb., four doot3 south of Dorowiak's." HENRY GrAfcJS,- BSgPrfiw? ,. ii-a. )&&8&i?&3&zs'4sr "fa ()& iUNDEKTAF -s.. isjn i 1 .- -TT f CoilillS : UKll : Muiailic j rjicmiriug of all L-iml xct,. Goods. : Cases ! uphol -tt COLUaillL'i..Nl.Mj:.SKA I SSullSliaiilkli; lfefctB.4 V-:-svr v'-zrois:i x i--- tv . ..