The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, September 07, 1892, Image 4

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My wife suffered with indigestion
and dyspepsia for years. Life be
came a burden to her. Physicians
failed to give relief. After reading
one of your books, I purchased a
bottle of August Flower. It worked
like a charm. My wife received im
mediate relief after taking the first
dose. She was completely cured
now weighs 165 pounds, and can eat
anything she desires without any
deleterious results as was formerly
the case. C. H. Dear, Prop'r Wash
ington House, Washington, Va.
It sm :sli- Cngki Zv Tirtit, Cretp. TTrim,
VTacj-a? Cisji. Srss&tli trl ifttai- x crate an
fsSjssaiabflntituti, :tl rot nlief la
riacsi rapt. Vn t out. Tea vfltN it astONt
cSoet iter uEsgtta&tt due- Cell trdtUrsTy
rtwa. lxrsbott:tiSOcU tzinoO.
TakTrade Mark la on the be
EXES? in the World!
Trrata tuaoeatrally
II chronic can
Siren np by other
doctors, rail an I
ace htm or writ
for question blank.
Po nof think jour
ran hopeless be
, cause jo-ir doctor
tells yon so, bat try
1 me Chmee aoc-
tor with his new
I and wonderful rem
edies, and receire
new benefits and a
1 permanent rare
what other doctors
F cannot gire. Herbs,
Moots una nanis
nature's remedies
h i a medicines.
The world hi wit
ness. One ihous
and testimonials In
three year'a prac
tice. Mo Injnrwos
decoctions, no nar
cotics, no po sn.
Rational treatment
and permanent
core. Hndose I cents in stamps for leplr. Office open
dally, a. m. to p n.. Cor. If lb and California SU.,
Cfethoff Block, Omaha, Neb.
with nor fnmonn Well
Mnrliinrrr. Tan onlr
perfect rlf-cleanin and
fant-dropping toolstu use.
LXTsnt, Cautert aal Bext Hemal Eehcsl in the TeiJ.
f A Bi Twenty-fire Dept's. Thirty Teachers. all
specialiiits No Tacation except Anc Enter
P AREIany time. Take any classes. Kineneea low.
51T"tiraduatss in demand. In order that all
PA I D. Imay test t he merits of the W esternjiormal
U22mZ21 College, we will pay your R. R. fare
from your home to Lincoln, Neb. Full particulars, rata
locuaa and circL FREE. Wm.K. Croat. Pre. Ii2cela,rt.
CBEC Tuition! Fall term, in lerra different
nCtcourscs. high srada Independent Nor
mal in tlie tnti. Vircat bniMing. juipincntaud
nWcrt Nc nnal fsc-ilty. No experiment, but an ental
lishol management. 0 courses and p Kialtwa. 35 tea-h-ersand
lrturT. A live school fi.r tie im"p. Write
for a citalozuo to F. F. HOOSK. ll'n'gcr. Linco'n. Xeb
and pUUac jewelry , watc&et
tableware, c riatei tas
Bfceft of jewelry (! as
new, on all stao or metal
with roW, atlrer or BiekaL
Ks exprrieace. cipiial.
Erery bonn as (ooili nee4-
lac ptsting. waoiessicfa
afrauti- Write far oiiCB-
lars. n. C afELN A
Bu s a Iasrsi OxJaca Nacei
-.. f, ..... f. ,tl1ll,,1,
IX bttsHtlMlmnmlhttma. a.
41raetftB osr Sjrrr.aE4 obt. ImIih a4 imi
rL (Wl tntIICATll"nCt SnttaMS.
ozTDiio ru.cB..rtj. as.crkmm uju
ti: citalogve. wurtimno
Cmaha'a Irg
eat Variety.
THFCIflfaS CUII fill Guns, Ammunition, Field
" l bjsjh ayaja Athle'ic Bportlns;
Goods. W rite for cataloeue. lilt Douglas St., Omaha.
PI FCTIIC Ucbt Snppl. Door EeKs. Annnnria
.fcw' n,w tow, Itc. Send for prices WOLFE
A3 KLECTRIC CO.. 1CII Capitol Avenue, Omaha.
FT!RELL4CO.. Maple Snjrar and STropg, Jellies.
Can Xonofac ins;. Co.,Cans anlOscorated Tinware.
RA5MAOt DUPLET, Frsd W. Qasmann. Wm. U
Imdley, Livestock Commission .Room IIS Etchanga
Trl ding. South Omaha, Neb. Telephon IUL
LOIBER. n holeea'e and RetalL Bard wood lamber
puie At oak fen re lath, whlu cedar pasts. apUt oak
crdar posts, ptlla, Una,tc a K. Lew, ttAaotawlas,
TinnTnin 'w " k,nd Bocfla; or aell tha
liUUriilU AMtafOo HU-UU Jonas attweC
PubeP UtwNtrafclMfcTtbatN
1 Habits the CASTLE CCSf COMPANT has no
eauaL Hundreds that hare been Corel of Ions' stand-
ins: will testlty. Call or address the CASTXX CUSB
OQHTAHT. No. iM Kortb tiztcenth Street, Ossaha,
S.u hwlck Hay, tons
dally capacity.
nest i-res man-
rfac'nred. For terras and prices addre 8NDWICH
Rh, High Gradi Carriagis, Baggiis,
Phaetons aid Road Wagsis.
S4th mud Harney SU., Omaha, Xieorwafca.
AaTIteference: Any bat ineas man in Omaha.
emkiox riANos:
at FAcronT rsices.
A. HOSPE. Jr..
Sta Accnt. iDstrnmenU
told on payments. Asetits
wanted. Catalogue Free.
School Board or Club will fiud it to thcii
Interest to purchase their
Iw? "aHWaWaWI
TJEI nast
awsyf naKSM ijtS7 awni
t'- rtTfFitwrrTrrrfl
' Wk sVy Dfl M
fer the ewJo-d of J. J. 1110MAS & CO.,
,15 CurV Pever.CoL U rite lor price.
W.W.7. Omaha - 636-36
A nrcliaaleal Hatter urker.
Allusions bare heretofore beeaaadt
to a macbiae for werkiag- granules
batter as dry at may be ' deslredNbj
ateans of centrifugal force, receatlj
there was an exhibition of one at the
working dairy of the Royal Dublia So
ciety's show. The Agricultural Ga
zette, of London, thus describes it:
'The Normandy Delaitreuse, ama
chaine for drying the butter without
working it, is a most raluable adjunct
to the ordinary chura and butter work
er; it comes into operation after the
butter has been churned into smali
granules nnd washed and salted in the
churn. . t this stage the butler is put
in the l)elaitreue, which is easily
turned by hand, and after a very tew
minutes the butter comes out still in
granules, but perfectly firm and dry:
is now only necessary to amalgamate
the butter by one or two turns ia the
butter worker, thus both drying and
solidifying it with the rery smallest
amount of pressure, and with no dan
ger of overworking. This machine
was used in the working dairy with
the most satisfactory results."
A Korel IVajr rer Dehnrnlnr
A correspondent of the Ohio Farmer
strongly favors dehorning, but he fol
lows a different plan from that of oth
ers in reaching that result. His method
is certainly unique, and he describes
it as follows, the subject of tho opera
tion being a Jersey bull:
J put on him a muzzle, such as are
used to keep horses from biting, or
eating their bedding; covered the low
er part of it with cotton flannel, which
I kept wet with chloraform. In about
ten or fifteen minutes the bull con
cluded to lie down and take a nap.
While under the influence of the anaes
thetic, to such a degree that I could
touch the eye-ball without his flinch
ing. I sawed off his horns, dressed the
stumps with antiseptic cotton, took off
the muzzle and put a ring in his nose.
all of which was done, in twenty min-'
utes from the time 1 entered the stable
and that, too, without any suffering.
The bull soon got up. minus his horns,
with a jewel in his nose, and proba
bly will never know how it occurred.
It cost the price of three ounces of
chloroform, but I did not have any
tied legs, or men sitting on a hand
spike. 'A merciful man is merciful to
his beast1 "
With Ely's Cream Balm a child can be
treated without pain and itrlth perfect safety.
Try the remedy, it cures Catarrh.
,My son has been afflicted with nasal ca
tarrh 6lnce quite joung. I was Induced to
try Ely's Cream Balm, and before he had used
one bottle that disagreeable catarrhal smell
had all left him. He appears aa well as any
one. It Is the best catarrh remedy In the
market J. C. Olmstead, Areola, I1L
One of my children had a very bad dis
charge from her nose. Two physicians pre
Bcribed, but without benefit We tried Ely's
Cream Balm, and, much to our surprise, there
Was a marked improvement We continued
U6ing the Balm and In a short time the dls--harge
was cured. O. A. Cary, Corning, N. T.
x Apply Balm into each nostriL It is Quickly
Absorbed. Gives Relief at once. Price
60 cents at Druggists or by malL
ELY BROTHERS, 60 Warren St, New Tort
Beta Crrj-iiz In Honey and Pollen.
Having moved two of my hives
during the winter to a wooden building
near my house. I can watch the bees
through a glass coming in and going
out and though I am not quite cer
tain. I think the old bees mostly bring
in the honey, and the young ones the
pollen. It was certainly ao during the
colder weather we have had, but now
many of the younger bees are begin
ning to be middle-aged, and the differ
ence is not so marked.
A young bee has a good deal of
down on its body, and may be called a
' -brown bee." The old bees have less
down, and when full of honey, the
body is swollen, black and bright and
looks almost as if honey would spurt
out if the bee were pricked with a pin.
A bee. loaded with honey, trails its
body along the floor, while an empty
bee, or one bringing in pollen only,
scarcely touches the floor, and even
only with the tip of its tail. I feel
very sure that an old black bee will
not be seen bringing in pollen. I send
you a rough drawing, showing the
difference. We all know that a bee
fuil of honey, does not sting in the
same way as an empty bee, and it is
possible the change of shape may ren
der it more difticuit to put out the
Our own observations incline us to
believe that young bees also bring in
honey, and that both young and old
bees frequently bring in honey and
pollen at the same time. We agree
with our correspondent as to the rea
son bees laden with honey do not sting.
Eds. British Bee Journal.
E. B. WALTHALL &, CO., Dnggists, Horse
Cave, Ky.. say: "Hall's Catarrh Care cores -everyone
that takes it" 8oldbyDragglsW,?sc.
For peach rot the Delaware experi
ment station found spraying with a so
lution of copper and ammonium car
bonate a good preventive. Bordeaux
mixture was tried and found to injure
the delicate foliage of the trees. The
experiments were made upon ten trees '
of an early variety. The trees were
first sprayed when the fruit began to
show signs of rotting. Tho second
spraying was made live days later,
and the third fifteen days later. Thir
ty days after the first spraying the
fruit was ready to pick. ' The leaves
had been injured a very little. The
percentage of sound fruit on the
treated trees was 89. 29, while there
was no sound fruit on the untreated
Don't feed the ducks too much, as
they will be apt to become sated and
diseased, and their legs may become
paralyzed from the effects of it Peas,
oats, and ground corn in moderate
quantities will mako them thrive.
New York makes one-fourth of our beer.
jRB EVIDENCE That the blood it
wrong, and that nature is endeav
oring to throw off the impurities.
Nothing is so btneficial in assisting
nature as Swift's Specific (S. S. S)
It is a simple vegetable compound. Is
harmless to the most delicate child, jet
it forces the poison to the surface and
eliminates it from the blood.
I contracted a seme cate of blood pobee
that unfitted me for business for four Tears. A
few bottles of Swift's Specific (S, S, Bleared
sne. J. C Joxej, City Marshal,
FaKon, Arkansas
m Treatise on TJlood and Skin Divsrns aanited
free. Swnn&aKUtcCa, Atlanta, Ga.
time Little Fllta.
Tbcr also rcliav DtoJ
row rroni DrspepawJa
dlgfoHoo auti TnoHeamj
Eaunjr. A sartsst roes
ear tor DtzzteeaaJiai
iDrowstawa. Bad
to the Month. Coated
fToBgaaJaiB la the BUeJ
rftmlato the Bowela.
Purely Vs-Hable.
Price SBC
Smill Pill. Small Dose. Smtll Price!
Cmptitimmm la Um History of
Omr Cmatrj Grewta of the Italaae.
mt Vwmtm la Oar Favor.
Jwfte Chief of the Bnreaw of Statistics
fn a statement to the Secretary of the
Treasury of the imports and exports of
the United States says:
"Our foreign commerce of the last
fiscal year, when compared with that
of 1801 and prior years, presents a large
and gratifying increase. The total
value of our imports'' and exports of
merchandise attained its highest point,
amSunting to 91.857,72619 as against
$1,729,397,006 during the -fiscal year
1891, an increase of $128,329904 and an
increase of $370,193,883 since 1889. The
excess in value of exports over imports
of merchandise during the last fiscal
year was $202,944,342. The value of
our imports of merchandise during the
last fiscal year amounted to $827,
391,284 as against $844,916,196
during the fiscal year 1891, a de
crease of $17,524,912. The average an
nual value of our imports for the ten
years from 1882 to 1891" "inclusive has
been $712,411,678. It will thus be seen
that our imports for the fiscal year 1892
exceeded this average for the ten years
by the sum of $114,'979,606. There was
an increase m our imports of merchan
dise in the following 'articles, named
in the order of magnitude of the in
crease, Coffee, silk (unmanufactured),
and sugar and molasses. There was a
decline in the value of onr imports of
tin plates; silk, manufactures of;
wool, manufactures of; tobacco, and
manufactures of; vegetables, fruits,
and-textile grasses.
"The value of imports of merchan
dise admitted free of duty during the
year ending June 30, 1892, was S458,
001,145; the value of such imports for
the corresponding period of 1891 was
(366,241,352, showing an increase in fa
vor of 1892 of 891,759,739, while for the
same period the value of imports of
merchandise paying duty was $369,390,
139, as compared With $478,674,844,
showing a decrease in the
value of merchandise paying
duty imported during the last year of
9109,284,705. The value of our exports
of merchandise during the fiscal year
1892 was SI ,030, 335,626, as against $884,
480,810 during the fiscal year 1891, an
increase of $145,854,816. The value of
our exports of domestic merchandise
was, in 1892, $1,015,789,607, and it was
the first year of our commerce when
our domestic exports of merchandise
attaid to $1,000,000,000. The value
of our exports of foreign merchandise
was $14,546,019.
"During the last fiscal year the value
of our exports of domestic merchandise
was $143,519,324 in excess of the value
of such exports during the preceding
fiscal year. There was a large increase
in the exports of breadstuffs, and
a small increase in the value of ex
ports of fruits, seeds, copper and man
ufactures of animals and oil cake.
There was a decrease in the value of
exports of cotton, mineral oil, refined
sugar, and provisions. During each of
the years from 1876 to 18S7, inclusive,
there was an excess of exports over im
ports of merchandise, the yearly average
for that period being $134,388,313, and
amounting in 1881 to $259,712,718.
During the fiscal year 1888 the value of
imports of merchandise exceeded that
of exports $28,002,607; during 1889 the
value of imports of merchandise ex
ceeded that of exports $2,730,277; but
the fiscal year 1890 shows marked
change, and again excess of exports
over imports of merchandise amount
ing to $68,518,275; during the fiscal
year 1891 an excess of exports of $39,
564,614, and during the last fiscal year
to the excess of $202,944,342.
"The value of our exports of raw cot
ton in 1892 amounted to $258,447,741,
and owing to the fall in prices was
$32,265,157 less than during the year
K91, in which was the largest value of
annual exports of this product in the
history of onr commerce. The quan
tity of the exports of this product last
year was, however,2,934,719,811 pounds,
and the largest shipped out of the
country in any one fiscal year in the
history of "such exports. There is a
small decrease in the value of exports
of provisions, bat a large increase in
the value of exports of breadstuffs of
$173,706,945 over such exports in 1891;
also an increase in the'yalue of cattle,
sheep, and hogs of $3,801,396."
He West Hie Sam ae aa OMcer of
alvatte Araar.
I was talking with J. C. Patterson
yesterday when out of the rambling
conversation the subject of politics
came as usual with any group of men.
Speaking-of the Democratic candidate
for Vice-President Mr. Patterson said:
"In a recent issue of the Cincinnati
Commercial Gasette I notice that
journal doubts the truth of Gen.
Stevenson having acquired his mili
tary title by reason of his connection
with the Salvation army. Xow, I
lived at Bloomington for two or three
' years, and while I don't think that
Gen. Stevenson ever had a commission
front Gea-kotti as a general officer in'
the Salvation Army, yet I am satisfied
that his title was acquired -while a
raesnber of the Bloomington post
of the Salvatiom army. Adlai
Stevenson is one of those thor
oughly earnest, truly conscientious
men, and whether it be politics or re
ligion, yon may rely upon it, while the
fever is on him, he is thoroughly in
earnest. I think I can explain why he
was called General. As I remember it,
he occupied the position of master of
the band, and carried the staff
'or baton of his office, waving
the 'same at the head of his com
mand, and from this position as leader
I think the people not only in the Sal
vation army, but the people of Bloom
ington generally, came to caU him Gen
eral. ; I don't think that his position in
the Solvation army should subject him
to unfriendly and adverse criticism. I
certainly respect his views upon a mat
ter of this sort; and I think he is en
titled to just as much consideration as given to a distinguished mem
ber of anychurch. Don't understand
me as stating positively that Gen. Stev
enson was not commissioned by Gen.
Booth as a general officer in the Salva
tion army. I don't know that he was
not, but my impression is that such is
not the case." Fargo Argus.
IlarrUea Will Carry HU State.
Hon. Charles F. Griffin, ex-Secretary
of State of Indiana, one of the Harri
son workers at Minneapolis, talks of
the effect of Gray's treatment at ChiJ
cago by the Democrats on the result in
his State in this way: "I am perfectly
sanguine that President Harrison will
carry Indiana in November.
"There is a disgruntled feeling among,
the Hoosier Democrats, not only at the
failure to put Gov. Gray on the ticket,
but at the manner in which he was ig
nored at Chicago. Had he been recog
nized it would have put our people to
their best trumps to carry Indiana. As
it is, the Republicans -are very enthu
siastic and look on victory as a sure
thing. The State ticket, also, is booked
to win. Gov. Chase is a vote getter
from way back, and all the talk of
"The BloomirT h'Idiots Won't
hostility on the part of the labor or
ganizations has been unduly magnified.
He has the cordial support of the
Possibility of Good Frleee.
The more nearly the products of any
nation can be consumed within its own
borders, the higher will be the price
that the producers will receive for the
surplus products that they may happen
to have for exportation, and the higher
will be the prices paid for the products
of all of our industries.
Receiving high prices for his own
product, each producer will be able to
pay high prices for such of the products
of his fellow producers as he may wish I
to consume.
I he operatives in each I
industry will receive the highest possi
blc wages, provided they prevent the
importation of competitive products
and place proper restraints on the im
migration of competitive labor.
The first step toward securing this
result is the procuring of ample protec
tive legislation.
Well Said.
The Republican party is now, as it
always has been, the friend and de
fender of the people's rights. The
statement that it has been guilty of
class legislation is a statement unsup
ported by facts. It has legislated for
the people of the whole country; it is
doing so to-day. Over the barriers of
obstruction placed across its pathway
by the Democratic party, with column
closed' up and its flag aloft, it is march
ing toa victory for its party and r.
victory for the people. It will achieve
a party triumph in achieving a triumpl
of the prosperity of the nation Gen
C. II. Grosvenor.
Tariff rictares.
Irrefutable evidence that the Mc
Kinley law in developing American in
dustry and securing the home market
to the home producer is found in the
fact that the imports of iron
and steel manufactures which
for the nine months ending
March 31, 1891, were $34,802,65?
were only
for the corresponding period ending
March 31, 1892.
Over the Telephone.
"Hello, Calvin Brice."
"Haven't you anything to say yet
about Cleveland's nomination?"
"What is it?"
"It isn't fit for publication. Call mc
up later. Good-hy."
Mla-ht Itreak the Sooth.
A free iron ore bill enacted by a
Democratic Congress would endanger
Tennessee and Alabama to the Demo
crats. The bill is therefore held up
but only until after election. Demo
crats in Tennessee and Alabama should
find out all they can about this.
Cleveland and Tammany.
There arc evidences that Cleveland
is trying to secure Tammany's support
by promises to influence his mugwump
friends not to oppose the disreputable
and scandalous control of local affairs
in New York city by the corrupt Tam
many ring.
Col. Carr'a Premetlen.
Col. E. A. Carr, Sixth cavalry, was
appointed Brigadier-General of the
army, vice Gen. Stanley, retired. Gen.
' VLVg'KstBiJL?!s.
Carr k the senior cavalry officer on the
active list, and one of the few remain
ing officers of the regular army, who
commanded a division during the war.
He has also seen distinguished service
in the Indian campaigns. He is a
graduate of the Military academy .hav
ing been appointed a cadet from New
York in. 1846. He served through the
war as a volunteer, receiving five
brevets in all for various acts of gal
lantry. At the close of the war he was
commissioned Lieutenant-Colonel of
the regular army, and, in April, 1879,
was promoted Colonel of the Sixt!. cav
alry, which commission he held at the
time of his appointment He is at
present in command of the troops sent
some time ago from Fort Niobrara
lfeb.,to the scene of the cattle troubles
in Wyoming.
Geography la Tickles.
At the great exhibition next year a
Pennsylvania firm will exhibit a map
of the United States 18 feet by 24 feet,
made entirely of pickles, vegetables,
fruit, etc., preserved by the company
which makes the exhibit The State
lines will be accurately shown, and the
lakes and rivers will be represented by
vinegar. The larger cities will be in
dicated by spices. The whole will be
covered with a single piece of plate
glass, which is being specially made
for the purpose. The expense of this
interesting exhibit of the pickling and
preserving industry will be 815,000.
Out in Kansas winds blow loud and
strong, and the thunder roars fright
fully now and then. Such a storm
came up one night when little Mamie
had been put to bed up-stairs. She
was scared and began to cry. Mamma
ran up and conforted her: "God is up
here with you, Mamie, and he won't
let the thunder hurt you." Mamie
was reassured; but mamma had
scarcely got down-stairs when a par
ticularly loud clap of thunder upset the
Bite While hi 'Old the Line."
little one completely, and she cried out:
"Mamma, you come up here and stay
with Dod, and let mc go down then1
Hilly Mailden's Klopement.
Sporting circles in New York were
perturbed last week over the report that
Hilly Madden, the manager of pugilists,
had eloped with Nellie McGinnis, a
factory girl. Nellie's mother had no
suspicions of thMr mutual affections
until she received a telegram from
Niagara Falls informing her of the
elopement. At the home of Miss
lllanchp Siegrist. a variety actress, and
her mother, the news of the clopementj
created much excitement. Miss Sie-1
crist claims the sportinir mannirer as
her husband and father of her two
children. Mrs. Siegrist said that Killy
had been living at home with them for
the past two weeks. He said nothing
to them of his intention at that time of
leaving. Madden and his newly made
wife are temporarily sojurning iD
Fame at Fire Cents a Line.
We are again compelled to announce
that obituary notices will be charged
for at the rate of 5 cents per line, says
(the Townsend (Mont.) Messenger. An
nouncement of death, not exceeding
five lines, free. We have given up
much space in these columns to such
matters and in almost every instance
neither the parties themselves nor their
immediate relatives have ever contri
buted a nickel to sustain this paper, di
rectly or indirectly. Those who want
newspaper fame after death must make
arrangements for its publication or
they'll be left.
"niood" Orange.
Investigations have revealed the fact
f that the so-called "blood" oranges com
ing from various districts are artificial-
y colored; the blood tint being pro
duced by the use of Ilierbach's scarlet
orrosaline. The Pharmaceutical Era
says it can be detected by rememlering
that the genuine blood orange is of the
same deep hue throughout, while the
adulterated oranges hare only the out
side colored, the interior retaining the
paler tint of the ordinary orange.
lloyer nnd Seller Kqually Gallty.
Denunciation of the "green goods"
men appears most improperly to be
confined to the rascal who sells. But
the rascal who buys is jnst as bad, for
he buys to victimize the honest. In
this case, indeed, the receiver is worse
than the thief, for the "green goods
sdler cheats only a thief, but the
buyer proposes to swindle the commu
nity. Brooklyn Citizen.
Fusions Tor Her Cakes.
Mrs. Myra Miller, a colored woman,
who died in Atlanta, Ga., at the age of
eighty, was the most celebrated cake
maker in the city. She was born in
Virginia, and in her childhood belonged
to the Randolphs, Hamptons and John
sons. For the last twenty years she
has lived in Atlanta. She was so pro
ficent in her trade, and so much liked,
that her illness was a source of public
The late Miss Carnegy Arbuthnott,
who recently died at Balnamoon, For
farshire, was the head of one of tho
oldest families in that county in which
she owned large cstatos, having suc
ceeded to them on the death of her
eldest sister, about eighteen years age.
Miss Carnegy Arbuthnott was a most
generous and considerate landlady, and
she expended large sums in all kinds of
improvements on her numerous farms.
tee Vlxtaree.
One soon finds la bee keeping that
some fixtures and conveniences are
necessary. First of all is a good
smoker, to help us in handling and
controlling the bees. Without the
smoke it would sometimes be difficult
if not impossible, to properly control
the bees. Like fire and water, they
are obediont servants, but fearful mas
ters. Now it is by constantly keep
ing them in subjection that bees are
rendered gentle and pleasant to work
with. If one expects to do much wih
bees, they should carefully study their
nature, and always work in consonance
with their habits. In this we do not
mean tha nothing must be done to dis
turb them, lor it often becomes neces
sary to open their brood nest, and
tear their home all to pieces; but in
doing this they should be thoroughly
controlled by the smoker. The ex
tractor, foundation fasteners and many
other tilings will be needed as the
number of colonies increases, but space
forbids mentioning them here. West
ern Plowman.
Persons desiring information oaThe
osophy, and those who find in the pre
vailing systems of the day no satisfac
tory answer to the why. whence and
whither of life, may get a clue to the
same, free of charge, by addressing E.
T. S., 707 Fourteenth street Sioux
City, Iowa.
- -- -
BaSrrofhiai Frlxzles.
At a poultry show(In Tivoli, Copen
hagen, a fortnight, ago. was exhibited
a trio of very good Frizzled Buff Coch
in fowls, the product of a series of
years of breeding for the definite pur
pose of producing what is now aa ac
complished fact. The birds were very
interesting as an evidence of what can
be effected by skiii. patience, and a
distinct aim. The fowls, which are of
a nice clear buff color, have plainly
preserved their Cochin character in
shape, comb, etc., and show no indi
cation of any cross. The plumage is
well ruffled. The breeder belongs to
the best educated and intelligent class
of landed estate owners in this coun
try. He has also exhibited some White
Frizzles from ordinarv mongrel fowls,
but their combs wanted character. It
is stated that the gentleman in ques
tion has attained his rare results in
producing Frizzles of various colors
and styles by purely psychological
means (sympathetic impression")
during the breeding season, a la Jacob
and his sheep. This point I may have
occasion to examine into at some other
time. J. Pedersen-Bjcrgaard, Copen
hagen. Denmark, in Feathered World,
England, July & 1892.
Our young friend, Miss Helen Frew,
who took a course of Shorthand at El
liott's Business College, Burlington,
la., is now private stenographer for
the general secretary of the Y. M. C.
A. ox inicago.
Col. D. Rogers, editor of tho St
Paul Market Record, after a thorough
canvass of the situation in Minnesota
and the Dakotas, puts the total yield
of wheat in the three states at 130,
000. 000 bushels, as against 160.000..
000 last year. The yield,in Minnesota
and South Dakota will almost equal
the phenomenal crops of last year, but
the outlook in North Dakota is disap
pointing CoL Rogers places it at 60
per cent of last year's yield, but Mr.
Cordin of the North Pacific Elevator
company, talks very dejectedly about
the situation, and says the crop will
not exceed 40 per cent It has been
greatly injured by the hail storms and
the intense heat of the past ten days.
The Omlj Sac Ever Frlated Caai Von
Find ike Word
There Is a 3-inch display advertisement la
tbU pacer this wees which has no two
words alike exeeot one word. The same Is
true of each new one annealing each week,
from the Dr. Harter 'Medicine Co. This
houee daces a "Crescent" on everything
thev make and publish. Look for It. aenn
them the name of the word, and they will
return you Book. Bsactiful LiTnocuaPHS
or Samples Fan.
Mullen leaf is recommended as an excel
lent specific for rheumatism.
Cheap Iloaaea Tor the .Vtllllona.
In order to meet the constantly growing
demands which come from every quarter of
the North, Eat and West, for i educed rates,
to enable the farmer, the emigrant and the
capitalist to visit the Southwest, particularly
Texas, the Missouri, Kansas & Texas Kail
way have determined to sell tickets on Au
gust 30th, September 27th and October 25th,
2,,0,t Ton its malii
mil Kansas, south of Clli
lrom all points in ti;e .onn, r.asianu ueM,
am line in .Missouri
Clinton, Ma, and all
points In the tsiate ox lexsi, at the ex
tremely low rate of one fare for theround
trip, good to return 20 days from date of
'Ihc reports which comeTrota Texas of the
prodigious prospective yields in the crops
for the present season, as well as those for
several previous years, together with the
feverity of the winters in tue Northern and
Western States for several years past will
Induce many to locate on the sun kissed
prairies of this favored land during the
coming fall. Now is your opportunity.
Grasp It while it Is yet within your reach.
For further Information as to routes,
rate, maps, time-tables, etc., call on or
address K. D. Spencek. 1 raveling Passen
ger Agent Itoo:n 13, Rookery Bid?., Chica
go; . B. PauKEK, Ass't Gen. Pa-s. Agent,
505 Chestnut St., St. LnuU, Mo; Wai.tbkG.
Graham, General Ticket Agent Parsons,
The Miltan Br-ed.
A breed of poultry which is very
little known in the United States is the
Sultan, which was first introduced
into this country forty years ago.
The fowl is of a pure white color and
the plumage is full, covering the en
tire body. Being of a time nature,
they make good pets. They resemble
somewhat the White Pplands, having
ehort legs fully covered with feathers
to the center toe. This breed is wor
thy of especial attention, and it is
thought that the day is not far distant
when breeders will tike them up and
bring them to the attention of the gen
eral public.
man living,
if you keep at It, Is apt to tell upon
the liver. Tho things to prevent
this are Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets.
Take one of these littlo Pellets for a
corrective or gentle laxative three
for a cathartic. They're tho small
eat, casket to take, pleasantest and
most natural in the way they net
They do permanent good. Consti
pation, Indigestion, Bilious Attacks,
Sick or Bilious Headacho, and all
derangements of the liver, stomach,
and bowels arc prevented, relieved,
and cured.
They're guaranteed to give satis
faction in every caso, or your money is
The worst cases of Chronic Ca
tarrh in tho Head, yield to Dr.
Sage's Catarrh Remedy. So cer
tain is it' that its makers offer $500
reward 'for an incurable case.
Flair Rerocdr for Catarrh la the
Ita. Kanirst to Ti se. and Cheaper.
Sold by drnggtsta or aent by mall.
X.T. Hax-tttoe. Warren, Fa,
. CVSC WHEAT BE nflJ A I rr.-ia
fie .. 1
e-it inf rtnat n fllTli'jii' anil pj.t !Hcj t E.
tiUUMM. i;iaham. 1cta.
an wraw ifcwHi r r rto.rani te n
-Themis r. Simpson. ah!nstOn.
I. C.Xoatty'a fi-r until Kitrni.n
talaai. Write for Intrator'a Ouida
tjpa mmm drHnwwern.SllkevBeeila.
rSmrlBJaa Baston, Pa. shJ tor pneea.
I with
Baa. mmamm
lejaa, j iSrwSBSBWVSi SfoHWa
This, sad aa mistake, is the Individual
staauaa has waaed to such a low ebb, for waat
of aa eflcieat tonic, that he would certalaly
topple over and fracture something If a bulky
subject such aa fat wife for Instance, were to
leaa upon him. Build up. ye lean, pithless aad
streagthless with Hoetetter's Stomach Bitters,
which will enable you to eat aad digest heartily,
aad thus acquire flesh aad vigor. The fortress
of life will speedily capitulate to the grins
seythe-wlelder. death. If you don't. Nervous
ness, sleeplessness, biliousness, constipation,
malaria, rheumatic and kidney trouble are all
coaqocrablo by this superb restorative to
health aad vigor. In connection with the use
of the Bitters, it would be well for the debili
tated 'invalid to study the wants of his en'
feebled stomach with a view to the selection of
the moat disestible article's of diet.
Hay stored under cover is worth
one-fourth more than the average kept
in stack. The best baying weather is
when the ground is dry add the sun
only reasonably hot A cold north or
easterly breeze is batter than a scorch
ing south or west wind. The bay dries
out more uniformly and without crisp
ing the finer parts of the hay. causing
a loss of these in handling, which are
the most valuable parts.
Commends to" public approval the Cali
fornia liquid laxative remedy. Syrup of
Figs. It is pleasant to the taste and
by acting gently on the kidneys, liver
and bowels to cleanse the system effect
ually, it promotes the health and com
fort of all who use it, and with millions
itis the best and only remedy.
Of the 82,23 persons imprisoned In the
United States for crimes last year 7,357 we.e
Mrs. WlBalow'aSeotfciaffSyrea.. far Chil
dren teething, softens thecura', reduces inflamma
tion, allays pain, cures wind colic. Sic. a bottle.
Arizona Is the only state that ha a herd
of camel s.
"Great Bock Island Jtoate.M
Areyouabuar buMness man? And must make
atrip to Denver or Colorado Springs? Well.llatenll
The "BIO Five" ou tho C..R. I. avjtj. lenrea
Chicago dally at 10 p- m. You can mo to Denrer
and back In three days by thla train and haye one
whole day (:u a. 'm. to 8:10 p. a-) ta Dearer.
JNO. SKBABTIAN, O. T. ft P. A., Chicago.
. A quarter of each generation die before
attaining the age of seventeen.
'Hanaea'a Music Corn Swire."
Warrariti rt tir cure, or money refunded. Ask
your drccicist for it. Price li ceuta.
A firm in Providence. R. I., has been
making shoestrings for 100 years.
llarveat Kxeursloii.
Via the Missouri Pacific Railway. There
will be three Harvest Excursions this sea
son Ausust 30, September 27, and Octo
ber 25. To all points in Arkansas, Texas,
klahoma and Indian Territories, also to
all points on lines of Illinois Central and
Mobile A Ohio Railways ia Tennessee. Mis
sissippi, Alabama and Louisiana (c?ccit
Xev" Orleans) and all points on Southern
rscifc lrom Lafayette to Lake Charles in
elusive. Only one fare for the round trio.
Stopovers allowed. For further Informa
tion call on any ajrentor Omaha oflices, N.
E. corner 13th and Farnam streets, or depot
15th and Webster, Omaha. Neb.
Tuos. F. Godfiiev, P. & T. A.
Geo. E. Dokrixotox, Trav. P. A.
J. O. FniLMPri, A. G. F. D. & P. A.
Mail is now sent through a pneumatic tube
from Paris to Berlin in thirtv-five minutes.
A Drunkard, Morphine or Opium eater or
Tobacco chewcrs. can be safely spccdilv and
permiasntiy cured ly taking the Elisor
Cures. Write for testimonials and prices
on tcrritorv to Enir Remedy Co., 413 N.
2-lth St, South Omaha, Ncbr.
Grasshoppers can keep the farmers on the
jump as veil as themselves.
CoasHlns Lead to Conatimptlon.
K emp's Balsam will stop the coui:h at
once. Go to your druggist today and get a
sample bottle free. Large bottles 00 eta and
In 13S6 there were SOO.OCO.OO gallons of
leer drank in Germany.
DvsrrrstA. Impaired dtecstion, weak
stomscb, and constipation will be instantlr
relicved bv Dereham's Pills. -3 ccnta hot.
Tbs summer tUes away,
not. It simply i'.I -s
but the dust does
Great Rock Island Konte.
Only ono night on the sleeper Chicago to TtenTer,
Pncblo or Colorado Springs IX you tako the Chi
cago. Hock Island A Pacific train called tho "Uocky
Mountain Limited.' Jnst think or It!!! lx-ve.
Chicago at 10:13 a. m. and next day yon can dine in
Denver at C o'clock. This trnln runs dally and
carries Dining dr. Investigate.
JNO. SK1JASTIAN-. U. T.tT.A. Chicago.
Ought to Knw
A chance to obtain a com
plete education in singing, in
strumental music, painting
and drawing, with all ex
penses of board and tuition
paid. For full particulars
Philadelphia, Pa.
...TfJ'KaS.'.rSS.S National Bank cf Coiaiiieros, 0x&-
Investigate our Method. Written (Juarantee to absolutely Cere all kinds of
RUP1 tJltKnf both Sexes, without the use or knife o. ovr.ORe, bj matter OX
how lone atartUlnsr. KXt'iIX.tllO.N lltliK.
Seed for Circular. Addreas
307-308 N. If. Life Bulletin;;, - O.W.tll.t, NEBIMSK1.
ULCER WON ef lha RECTUM, all treated without the use of KNIFc, LICATUItE or COSTIC.
This treatment is DR. MAXWELL'S own method. No detention from business if parlies art
capable ef work previous to treatment.
I'atimtK lrom a d anoe can hare jthvI room ami rea-onibV boar I with every attention civea
tn-m in the Sanitarium. Write fr Hook on I1u-mi- and uritoii It Ian It a (Free)
n application.
K. V. ;. .11 LIWKIJ,. lrIl-nt.
rATTTirm. rtewmre af aIaraaW.
nana afcaea witfeeat VV. I.. liaaisia
"" price tnmwu-prm oiwi imtm.
kject to raaecatiaa ky law for ok
aey - a
m ncriftiscprctcccca. n
Wf- kmmmm-2UkiTW
uWSi MKi 1K 1 MMa
m m.
v:aK-r aaar .aBaanaaa xaavAm,
2r:-' wmaL KaMssa. uawV
gSsgggg BjpV
TwrWffa"fr - iv "K..
Will dye exelaslvo awte t akoe dealers tl several WMrreannt-.
They are warranted and made
by Skilled Workmen, of the best
Selected Stock.
goods manufactured by us and
take no others. It will pay you
to investigate by a trial.
Koch ft Co.'s catalofruo is "a household
neceaaltr." It illustrates and describes all
articles useful and ornamentnt tor ttio
wear of either young- or old. and for the
furnlahlnff and benutlfrlnir of a liomCI
and tliolr (roods nre the cheapest without
erer sacrincint: quality to prlce.iiiT.I they
offer extraordinary inducements to
receive Roods fiee or coarse at any
as umce in the U. H. aetata.
"Wilt purify BLOOD, rcirnlate
HIDM:Yi, rcinoxc 1.1VKIS
iiuiinier. Iiuiki sireiiiu. renew
appetite, restore hinltli ami
Mxurot yon tii. lyHcil:i,
itmui-Mion. uiniureti icei-luirali-tolntcly
Mind hrtzlitcued. Iiraln
jiotYcr Increased,
boniM. turw's. iniii-
cles. n.cei c non force.
suffering iron complaint iie
I cnlnr totliilrcc. nslult.ttnil
, a s-iie, .pteilr cire. lielnrns
Soli! cvcrrwhcrc. All Kemilne pood bear
"CresceuU" Scud us L' cent stamp for 3.'-page
Short time I
onlvwe Willi
fend oar
lie It? und
Truo-es " m w w
I! You Wish Health Try one of Our Belts.
OX 0 Free 5I' d'08' A,lvice nn1 Treat-
MflvriK' nviit dtiriu the Mi rionths' trial.
npiii "ur lien impmwd E tctric Kelts are
UCIAI. llittcrir-t and I.'Wt combined: gen
erat s sullicicnt Kli-ctr city to produce a fhoclc.
In nnhsrini; give j,r!ce of belt (i ': , Jo.00. Iiaro,
15.00). waste measure, and full particulars.
Airpnts wnnted.
Hutte Crrr. Mont .Jnn in, 191 Within tho
last el!hten months we hiu- taken in over
tS.OOO for J mM'B Klectric IMt and Tnife. ami
ba never h-id . i single coinpl iint, hut had
many compliments pas-ttl upon them
1) II Nk bko Dttco Co.
Cure I.imc It.icVr, Kidm-i and I.nerComp alnt.
Indisi tioti. I'yua, I.o-s of Vitnlit) and all
Female Weakne e. Ad-Ires
Judo Electric Company. Oimin. Neb.
u.rj kjtw-
I TO. l'.
SOI D BT Iir.lG-.IST3.
On nnd all and sutcrib
for tins Ameiucai Homu-
BTE. the best
I-arm uni Home paper In Ne-
Ameri'-nn IIome"t a 1 one rear and Web- CI OO
-trr'n Ui abrdsed Diction irjr for . . wl.UU
Amrriran llome-teiilon e.irandN-elve Qf
Iiid'.oncnl Chart. 1'ollttcal tUS Map.$I.OU
Oiiiffia. yebranStrx.
15 to 25 Itw. permont n by harmless herbal
ternedit. JOKtarnm-.noinconv"nlnc
nnit no bod effect1. Strictly confidential.
TOt B"ir"ti
r-. nnd ?ffimoninl. AiMrwt Dr.
iVlcfar' Theatre Eldc Chlcaso.XU.
BICYCLES 315 i&turt?
b-r. iMi bur.
etal map foreatslaru
I i:r. ala St.. CUnaaaU.O.
vOltaHI Ua-liIiiioii, I.cT
'Successfully Prosecutes Claims.
Lata Prlurluol Kaftrplne- U S. Pension ilureau.
1 3jT4luLut war, ljjilji.dicatlugLtuiuii, attycluco.
De Witt's Little! a. Karly Kisers,
i the KamnnI.ltt!p PUN frConi:ln-itIon.Plelc Henrt
iche, IJspcpUOfoauaea.No rain. Verj Smalt
.SiYtrrnfli aad Ilovrnrtl Mw..
OMAHA. :::.: ASEa A.
i i nn'POn6
, Months'
rSU il:2
Wtf VaH
s4a CtsV
A rrnalnn aeOTPt! nhaeihntnillaar rin t lino Calf.
reamless. amootb ln.'kio, Hoxible.raoro comfortable. stjrlUia
; ruid fluraMo than nnr other shoo ever cold at the prlcflu
1 InalscustomniadohhocscostlnsfromSttoSS.
Tho only S33.0O Mjoo mailn with two completa
olra. accnrsiy iwv.-etl at tho out&lrfo edirn fa. shou n in cut).
sires dcnblo tho wesr of cheap welt ahocs sold at th
hum price, ror BticacasUT rip. havjaj only one sole se we
to a aarrow atrip of Irather oa tho edge, and when ones
worn through aro worthless.
too two xolraortno V. Ij. IJOUGLAS 91.09Sbo
when worn tbrocsh caa bo repaired aa maur time aa
'neorwry.aa they will noTcrrioriooynfruiatheupper.
j-nrcnasers oi looiwcar desirlnif to erono
ratic, should consider tho superior aualltle
vi lat-su saoc?, anil not ooinuuenceox
tl lIIV.Vflm wnlt ahWCtlil !. ft fet fl
baring only apnoaranco to commend
thesi. W. 1.. VUllCliAMMra'a
m& and Fine Calf. Uamt
Sewed ; ?:t.3 0 1'ollcs and Fara -
era; S 3.JIB JaeCalf; 94.U5
and S.AA Wnrtin,m.n
Jjoja jT. and Youths
aH'J.2 IscnopJ.Saoes: Iullea'
$3.00 Hand Sewed; $.50.
92.0a nnil mi.
91 .75 Best Donct'Ia.
are cf: tho soma bit
Standard or meiiu.
sntn where 'I
rect to rariorj,
iroctttoB, naoa.
I -fi
- ?Sy