ivsw t" b - iH -r V t . - -. . ... - ."L . - "! t - - . -" t - " :." -. ; ;.-- .; - I" . Vr:C; : ,'--.- . - -12" iV I- .- - .- . t.'r-.-. i . .- . f.- oivb kivjoy . Both the method and results whet Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant '-and refreshing to the taste, and act! gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sya tera effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is thi only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the teste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial ia its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities com mend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup or Figs is for salo in 50o end 91 bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not hare it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it Do not accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAM FBAMC1K0. CAL. umvuiE, n. $iw mat. .. "German Syrup 99 I simply state that'I am Druggist -"and Postmaster here and am there fore in a position to judge. I have tried manj'- Cough Syrups but for ten years past have found nothing equal to Bosehee's German Syrup. I have given it to my baby for Croup with the most satisfactory results. Every mother should have it J. H. Hobbs, Druggist and Postmaster, Moffat, Texas. We present facts, .living facts, of to-day Bosehee's German Syrup gives strength to the body. Take no substitute. 0 OMAHA BUSINESS HOUSES. SFBIKOFISXD ENGINES. SEPARATORS and HORSEPOWERS. For Special Prices addreaa T. O. KORXIIWAU.. Cmnha. Kebraskm. DMAHABASKETMF6.GD U KHUIT PACKAGES. Stnd for 1' BASKETS. HER. KV llOXtS and lTice list. PI CflTRlfi U2ht Soppl'c. Poor Pella, Annuncla ,tul",' ,MW tor.. Etc. hend for prices. WOLFE O FJ.EOTR1C CO.. ltli Capitol Avenue, Omaha. TJARKFift SAPPLES. SATOI.EIlY HARDVriRE. HMIMCSdj TUUK GOODS, Etc Send for CW and prices. CD. H oojwortli A Co.. 1316 Fat nam St. DliPTURri rure cnir-intced or no pay by the Bell rw - iiug, un coxcavc pad. Endorsed -. uy irumineni uniana IJUcluUi. 1I9S. ICthSu 1 UIR.F,I.I.&CO., Maplr Eninr and Svropi, Jellies l'rarrrs, Jama. Applo I uticr. Etc. Vrops. Umaha Can 3Inufo:-ing. Co.,Cans aul Decorated Tinwartj, DOnSErnnOS. A CLIFTON, Live Stock Commission Merchants Exc. SUs. room IS, TeL II, So. Omaha, Xcb. References: Tho Dank jou do Dullness with BARMAXX A DCDLEY. rrd TV. Gasrr.inn. WnJlT Dudley, Lire Mock ConimMon .Room 115 Ktchang Iiurume. South Ouinhi, Keb. Telephone lMt. LUMBER. Wholesale and Retail. ITard wood lBmber pine A oak f enre lath, hite cedar posts, split oak A cedar polU, piling-, liine.etc a R. Lee, ttk&Doaclai BOOING AVe do all Llntls of Ro tins or sell the materials. Get our prices, F. J. Lewis Rooflnf Co., 101S-1017 Jones street. . PATENTS H&OMAHA So Fee until Patent U Obtained. Advice VcvnIoFi Liquor.MorphlntftTtbaect 1 Habit the CASTLE CURE COMFAXT has no oiual. Hundreds that have been eure.1 of lone stand in? will te.-t:fy. Call or address the CASTLE CURS COMPANY. No. 401 Korth Sixteenth Street, Omaha, Nvliratka. SEWER PIPE DRAIN TILE. For draining- farm lands casinc wells. hou drainaffc, s-weni, culverts, etc DeuUk etrenttii ttrifled pipe. Write to . OMAHA COAL, COKE & LIME CO., O.UAIIA, NEB. I'lIUJCATlONAL. nES MOINES COLLEGE mV;., U with CHICAGO UNIVERSITY.) Cor. Mnth and WashtnRtoa St. College and Prs mrtory Courses. Students admitted at any time, i-'or catalojnis address lTof. A B. 1'ltlCtT, DCS iloiXEs, Iowa. Young Mothers! We Oft Tou m JZemedg ichich Insures Safety to Xife of Mother a$ui Child, ft MOTHER'S FRIEND 99 Xobs Confinement efits Vain, Horror iniMisk. AftercstoffOBcbottleor " natheta Frieasl S suffered but little pain, and did not experlenca that weiKsees afterward usual In such cases. Mr. Awts Qaqk, Lamar, llo.. Jan. 13th, LL Sent by exprea. charsea prepaid, on receipt of prlce.Sl per Utue. Book to Mothers maUml bat. SBASFIEI.DSEGlTI.ATOa CO.. ATLANTA, GA. OLS St AU. P&UGOISZ3. This rrm Appear but Ones. 100 Young-Parrots! WARRANTED TO TALK. OXLT $5.00 Each all tkis Week Parrot Cases S3. 50. Hlrds fbip;ed by Eipre a 2"i cents extra. Order nt once, before all are gone. GEISLER'S EIRD STORE, OJHAIIJ, - rHHASMCA. I CURE FITS ! When I say cure I do not taean merely to stop tbusa for a tune and then haTe them retorn asrain. I mean a radical csre. I barn made the disease of FITS, EPI LBPST cr FALLISG SICKNESS a life-locc studj-. I warrant my remedy to cure the worst case. Because others hare failed is no reason for not now receirio a cam. Send at once for a treatise and a Fe Bottle of toy infallible runedy. G ito Express and Port Office. H. Ci. BOOT, ai. C. ISS Pearl St.. K. Y. Worn nighi and day. Hulds the worst nip tare w lth raw uourr all t iicuiustant-e. l'erfect Adjustment. Comfort i-na Cure 'ew Patented IroproTrments. Illus trated catalcne and rules for efr-meaMire-ment sent iirelT seiled. G. V. HOUSE MFG. CO., 744 Broad way, Sew Tot City. for summer complaints Perry Davis' Pain-Killer best medicine in the world. Patents! Pensions Send for Inventor's On WeorHow to Obtain a Iatr t. Bend tor Ripest of I'KXKIHN sH HSCKTY IJtWH. stxsiz.- o ran stETT. - wiuux.axov.s.a FAT FOLKS REDUCED .15 to 96 ibsvper month by barstssss herbal ao starring, no lngMmsauieaflS1 83 an(i nn hA aBWb Kt2.i4tvii4(ftAutfAl- wrjfcrsBax3fc - -r eir?ilr ana MimoniiUB. Jirtdf !Vic2r'0 Theatre Bli EARLY RISERS 0e Wltfm XJttleB Early Kisera, the FsaoaIJttlelUs for Constipation. let TTeaS alia, rif aMila'iiT r ra fn liB.Very haiall fiM" an IIiimIiimwi Iiia Iisipi I 9 aonrour Caansrasia' sample copy of our ieV-p sfayrninr, T. 4. ilium, m vjitc sw, m. imnis FLAGS rfSsfsVaaerauWk or Basils. AMKKIt'AK FI.AIi MIsT.C. CastonsPa. Send -tor uncus. Hh K WbHsssssssssssPbT r- mv9sssssW 2 t&C ?k V5s A -SLEEP SONO. WffloTT, where the rushes grow Softly swishing, softly swaying, Sing a mtsic sweet and low. Wbilo the breezes roonu you piaying Gently come gently go. Wind that in the trees doth blow With a sweet seductive sighing Bing a lullaby you know, Dreamful as the shadows flying. Something soft something slow. River, as you onward flow Crooning senps of no man's making, Let me ever seaward go With no thought of sad awaking. Even now even so. Gooi Words. CLASS DAY Fobby Atwatcr s usually sunny face was wearing' it slichtly clouded ex pression. If it hal been any one but Hobby Atwater. you would havo said ho looked -bored." To be bored he did not know what that meant con sequently it was impossible for him to look boreJ. i am not sure that I know just why he was not enjoying this particular Class Day wiih his usual thorough going energy. Perhaps it was tho heat, or tho crowd, or the fact that Class Day had become rather an old story to him. I myself am inclined to think that it was because some one had told him that She hal left tho -spread" just bc'orc he came. J'or Hobby was in love. Not that it was an unucual condi tion for him to bo in. Ever since I can remember he had been failing in love and out again, with tho utmost cheerfulness and unvarying good hu t or. People ha 1 como to Oxpect it of him as n matter of course. It is worthy of note, howover. that he had not confided the fact of his latest attack to any of the people whom he usually entertained with de scriptions of tbo state of his heart. 'Jhat is why I thought it was more serious, when I first suspected it. People never thojght of consider ing Pobby Atwater seriously, any more than they thought of calling him by his formal name of Robert He was a .good looking, rather clever young fellow, with a happy, oasy way of looking at life. That was be cause life had never treated him other thai kindly. He fcad passed his o.artcr of a century a year or two before, bt you never thought of him as bein" more than a toy. his face was so absurdly joung and frcsh-col-oro 1. and his merry blue eyes were so free from care. Everybody liked him. and he hnd many fr ends, but of them all nono w;is a more comp'.etu contrast to him than the man who had been his chum in col lego, and with whom ho was generally to bo seen. This man, whose name was Georgo Hamilton, was Hobby's junior by twp years, but he looked 10 years older, with his stern dark, fascinatingly ugly face, and h s reser cd, almost br sue. manners. Bobbt' had just been talk ing to him. but ho hud gone, and Hobby was standing alone, looking discontentedly, as I have said, at the throng of gnyl3-dressed people pass ing in and out of tho gate, and stroll ing through the beautiful grounds of the place where his younger brother, with bcveral other men, was having his -spread.' Suddenly ho saw her. She was dressed in a picturesque white gown, with a big Gainsborough hut. and somo June roics stuck in her bolt. She was tall and very fair to look at I think she wa? about 21 at this time, and sho had been considered a great belle ever since she cams out. Just now her brown eyes were rather tired and heavy, and her mouth had a weary little droop at its corners. Hut when she ca glit bight of Hobby, the list lessness of her faco and figure vanished and she came towards him with her tvo little gloved hands thrust out to him in a frank, eager way. and her lips parted gladly, like a child's. Hobby Atwatcr!" sho excla'med. how good it is to see somo one one realty wants to sec.' Oh. come now. Miss Sturgis!" said Pobby. boyishly Hushing with pleasure, -isn't that laying it on rather thickly, you know? Hesides. one migl t almost fany you wore getting blase" He paused inquir ingly. The g'rl came and stood closo bo sidc him. smiling up into his oyes. and inclining her face toward him. with a pretty littlo protonco of being about to tell him a profound secret. Her smile was bewildering when st.e chose, it had the effect of being a concentration of her whote thoughts .-ind feelings on tho person with whom she was talking. J, toi used to bo under the spoil pf its subtle flattery. -Promise you will never reveal the dreadful fact" the said tragically. but this is my fifth class day!'' Then she drew back to watch the effect on him. smiling stilL Her eyes wre very bright and the sun was making gold out of her light brown hair Hobby drew a sharp breath in ward. b.it his voice was quite steady when ho spoke. It is my seventh and I missed one last year, when I was in London. I fear I am getting old. bcause I was beginning to find it tiresome Now " Ho pause! looking at ho.- suggestively. -You find it altogether charming." she finished for him. and before he could reply she went on: I confoss 1 find a whole day of this sort of th'ng rather trying and I am sure poor mamma is yuito exhausted. You see her. over there, pouring out the trials a chaperone must undergo in her stern devotion to duty, to poor little Mrs. Stevens, who "has been fa"lhful to us for the last two hours. We are going on to Heck in a few minutes, but I havo half a mind not to ttay in the evening. The Gym." is always so crowded, one can't dance and it is so warm that it will bo aw fully uncomfortable, and yet " Jjooby had a feeling that fho talking against time, for sho looking absent-mindedly about vas was her. and the bored expression baa crept into her face again. There was a lit tle silence. Then she looked up at him, finger ing her roses, and said: -I haven't seen Mr. Hamilton once to day isn't he here? One expects to see him with you." -Ho was a few minutes ago. and 6aid he saw you at several places and dodged around after you. but you seemed to a ape him every time. I told him you weren't here ." He stopped! disirayed at the keen cisap- i I polniment in her face. Then he blundered on apologetically. Some! one told me you had gone, so Hamil- I ton said he'd go home; ho hales all i this, you know." i h I I thought" bhe faltered out quite forgetting her well-bred j f-"lm ml lientn.m fin. !.-.. I.. tt. 1 .-... u..u ....f..ug- uci iiiiuus nun .1 little despairing gesture. The low sun. shining between the trunks of the trees struck into her eyes. There were tears in them. Bobby Atwater looked carefully be- VD.id her. as if absorbed ia content- j plation of some distant object I've ' been thinking you know." he b-'gan. ! meditatively, -that they have awful-1 I good frappe here, and I am sure rou will like me to get you oome shan't I?' By this time Miss Sturgis hftvi quite jroltcn back her composure. If you will please." sho answered, railing at him again as he moved awaj, and "turning to speak to two men who had come up. Bobby passed leisurely throug'i the crowd, nodding and smiling .to various acquaintances, until he reached the gate. Then he turned. Miss Sturgis was still chatting gaily where fie had left her. She did not see h;m. Sc as soon as be was outside he broke into a run, cutting through sido streets and across lots until he saw George Hamilton's tall, broad shoul dered iiguro swinging along ahead of him. -Isay. old man!" he called, pantingly. Hamilton started and looked around with a preoccupied frown, then his face cleared and h walked hastily back. Bobby went On. -Thought I'd tell you that 1 was mistaken about Miss Sturgis. Hadn't gone becauso she hadn't como. Just been talking to her. She's there yet you know. She sho asked for iou." He looked away. He could not bear to see the light that had flasheJ into his friend's eyes. They walked slowly back down the street. Hamilton with ono arm thrown around Pobby' i shoulder. Hobby." ho began. "I I well, do-you think there's any chance for me?' Bobby jerked away from him. Yes.' he said. Something in his tono or his manner made Hamilton poor sharply into his face. Then ho stopped and laid his hands gently on Hobby' shoulders. Tho two men looked al each other in silence. Hamilton's voico shook a little when ho finally said: And you are giving it to me -this chance. Thank you. old fellow." Don't mention it!" said Bobby Atwater. They did not say anything more until tboy reached the gato. Then Bobby looked up, and put out his hand to his chum, and said very simply. "I wish you good luck. Hamilton." The young man gripped his hand hard, but he did not answer, and they separated. When Bobby came up a fow minutes later to Miss SturgK holding the glass-of frappe. she was sitting down, with Hamilton leaning over the back of her chair and tho other two men standing beside her. Thero was a brilliant color in her cheeks, and she was laughing at something Hamilton was saying. Thank yo-i so much!" s'le said, leaning forward gracefully as Bobby wrapped a little d'oyley about the glass, and gave t to her, I began to fear you had been annihilated in your struggles for that cafe frappe. Well, it was pretty hard. " he ad mitted ffaily, "but I finally succeed 2d in rescuing some for you from those vandals, and am going now t try and get some for your mother. Well, old man." ho went on. nodding at Hamilton. "I thought you were going homo." Hamilton felt keenly tho touch of bitterness and jealousy that had crept into Bobby's tone, but he answered lightly, with a significant look at him, I was but I happened to meet a go d Samaritan who told me Miss Sturgis was here, so I changed my decision Atid I thank that man from the bottom of my heart" Ho was smiling no at the girl, but she only bent her head, and tilted the lit tle spoon she was holding, looking at it with absorbed interest I hope you'll change yours about staying in the evaning. " Bobby said, looking at her. becauso I want to see you again, and I shall have to tear myself awa3 for tho present' Hut ho did not see her again during tho next few hours, which seemed endless, while he devoted himself un sparingly to the mammas, looking up tboir wraps and their carriages and their charges, dancing with the wall fowors. and trying, after his usual unselfish manner, to mako it pleasant for a many people as possible. His roward was this. He was standing on the steps of the -Gym " alone, about 10 o'clock, fan ning himself with his handkerchief, und feeling rather used up. He heard some ono behind him say: Why. thero's Bobby Atwater! He's beginning to show his age. isn't he?" He went down a few steps irresolutely, then he stopped short and drew back into tho shadow. Coming up the stopa full in tho broad stream of light from tho wide doorway, were a man. and a girl in a wh'itcgown. with her littlo gloved hand resting within his arm. They did not see Bobby. They had a certain look upon their faces, and they wero not talking. Hc had seen that kiud of look before, and ho knew what it meant So they wen, on into the light and the crowd, and the beat and the buzz of the ha'L And the man standing outsido watched them until they disappeared. Then ho turnqf away. Ho took a cigarette case from his pocket, selected one and slowly and deliberately struck a match against the solo of his boot lit the cigarette and stood puling nt it until ho had gotten it to the desired stale of satis factoriness. Then, still slowly ai.a deliberately, he went down tho steps and strolled away into the darkness. Tho Ameri can Cultivator. Wouldn't Pray for Helen. A well-known queenswnro merchant of St Louis, says the Republic of that city, was riding homeward tho other evening, busily engaged in conversa tion with a friend, an 1 this was what ho said: "Twenty-five years ago to morrow my first child was born and, whilo it seemes to me like half a life time, my little family has become a constant source of interest to me. Tho children are full of smart say ings and bright thoughts, and my evenings at home arc evenings of en tertainment You know my oldest daughter. Helen aged 11 years? Well her little sister is about 4 years old. They aro usually great company for each other, but the other day they quarreled and could not bo induced to make friends. When the hour for retirement came the little one kneel ed down by her mother and repeated tho prayor -Now 1 lay me down to sleepy very solemnly. Then she add ed: 3od bless papa and mamma, and Annie, and" -Well say the rest' said her mother. 'Amen!' she re sponded.1 -But you didn't ask God to bless Helen. was suggested. -So. mamma Helen ain't in it!' " And the two men laughed until everybodyiu the car wished they knew what it way all about MaaazlRS Kabby. Wife: "I shall need $10 to-day." Husband: -vlnod gracious! I gavo you $10 yesterday, f 10 the day before, 'and (10 the day before that" Wife: -1 need tho' $10 or I would not ask it I wish to get a new dress." Hus band: "Oh. well you do need an other dress, that's a fact Here's the money. Can you-get a dress for $10?" Wile: No. but thij ten and the other three tens make forty. Good-by, dear." New York Weekly. FARM AND HOUSEHOLD. FIRST-CLASS HORSES ALWAYS IN DEMAND. Common Stack Will Probably Depreciate Money lbr the Childress Hortt- raltaral Hint and Hosae hold Helps. Profitable Breedlas; of Horace. It is reported that common, mniler sized, poorly bred horses are selling In Australia at (5 to $6 each. Australia is overrun with unsalable Worses. They aro so'.d to factories for boiling down into gluo and other products. The question is raised, will it pay Australia to ship" their horses Co the United States? It must not bo inferred, however, that first-class horses aro of no value even in that country, says the Amer ican Horse Breeder. It is only tho common stock that is a nuisance. Tho article, may set sbme American breeders to thinking. Thero is noth ing In it however, that need alarm those wh? are raising sound, well shaped, good-sized, handsome stylish roadsters and carriage horses, or trotters that can go out and win money, or even pleaso some city gentleman who likes to drive a fast trotting roadster. The3 will always be a market at good price3 for tho best of such animals as theso. Whether thero is Smmediato danger of an over-production in this country of the common class of horses suitablo only for horse cars and general farm work is a question that breeders should weigh carefully. It certainly looks now as though tho country should be so over-stocked with this class in less than 10 years that -they will not sell at maturity for nearly as much as tho actual cost of raising them hero in New England. Many think and arguo differently, howover. They base their conclusions upon tho fact that when the old stngo coach was supplanted by the railroad car it was predicted that horses could hardly bo given away in a fow years. On tho contrary, they wero in bettor demaud. and prices have constantly advanced. The conditions havo changed ma terially, howevor. slnco that time. Then tho country was comparatively new. As rich grain-producing sec lions traversod by railroads were opened up for cultivation and tho re sources of the country wero developod. horsos were needed to transport tho products of the intorior to the various railroad stations. Cities multiplied rapidly all over the land, and horse cars wero brought into use. These gavo employment to a vast army of a common grade of horsos, so that tbo supply was not in excess of tho demand. A four years' war also helped materially to pro vent a surplus. There is littlo probability that so largo a tract of grain and corn rais ing country will be opened up during the next half century as has been in tho past fifty years. Narrow gauge railroads aro being pushed into tho heart of the lumber regions, so that the number of horses required to car ry on this industry will not bo so groat relatively id tho future ai it has been in the past Electricity is fast tttking the place Df horses for propelling street cars in all tho largo cities and many of tho small ones. Nearly all manufactur ing industries aro being located right on tho lines of railroads, and most of them have sidetracks extending to their very doors. So that while the population of the country is increas ing rapidly, yet the conditions havo changed so that tho demand for the common grades of horses for trans portation purposes will not be so great relatively in proportion to popu lation in tho future as it has in the past There has never been a time "when so large a proportion of tho farmers from Maine to California were engaged In raising horso stock as at preseot The low prices of cattle and sboep and the high prices of horses during the past few years, hava caused many Northern farmers to give up the rais ing of beef and mutton, and go to breeding horses. Thero has been a great change in this direction during tho past two or three years, tho effect of which will not bo felt however, for three or four years to come, as it lakes about six years from tho time the maro is mated beforo tho produce is sufficiently matured to bo put to constant labor. Present indications .aro that a few years hence tho price of horses suita ble only for street cars and ordinary light work aro liablo to be consid erably lower than now. Tho outlook for small-sized, unsound, inferior stock is stil more gloomy, though we earnestly hnpo that such a stato of af fairs as exists in Australia may never bd seen here. Those who have been and are now breeding either first-class carriage horses or roadsters have littlo causo for alarm. Those who are so fortun ate as to raise first-class trotters that can go out and win r.-.ccs will always find a demand for the best of that class at good paying prices. There is no moro healthy recreation than riding on tho road. Thero is nothing so sure to banish vexatious caro from tho minds of business or professional men as a drive behind a cheerful lively slopping roadster, that can pull a buggy a 2:40 gait or better. This sort of recreation is be coming more popular with that class of gentlemen every year, and the de mand for horses suitable for this pur pose will undoubtedly be relatively greater in future as the population of cities and manufacturing towns in crease, and men become more wealthy, than it ever has been in the most prosperous times in the past Those who have the right kind of stock to produce this class of horses, and understand the business, will find it pro'Jtablo to keep right on raising them. Country farmers in tho East however, will bo likely to make more money by raising the mut ton grades of sheop. than by raising an inferior class of horses. If the sheep market ever becomes glutted breeders can kill and cat their surplus stock. A good flock of sheep will yield a sure dividend twice a year. Wo would not advise farmers to throw their common horso stock overboard, but they will find it to their interest to sell whenever they get a fair offer. Good young horses suitable for farm work can be bought now at from (125 upwards. Heavy draught horses arc plenty, and much lower than they were a few years ago. Those two classes of horses can be raised so cheaply on tho Western prairies, that New England farmers can buy them when four years old for much less than tho cost of raising them hero. With good coach horses it is different There is money in raising the best of that kind in tho East and will be 'or many years. American Horse Breeder. Money for the Children. If a child takes care of a calf, a pig. achi ken. or a colt and calls it his j uatil it is grown, tbo most cruel thing j that can possibly be done is that animal without the to Bell child's knowledge and pocket tho money. itTnhn'a wi1t " ftta fuanamn fnttiap'a horse.' has been the source of more .j abstemlous and , ot distrust in humanity than all the 4 and Uf0-. contuio-the protean imp! forgeries in the land. It is tho mean- ayspepsta-exacta dire penalties for appetite's est kind Of stealing to take from one's appeasement in the shape of heartburn, wind Own children that which has bocemo a uacomfortable distension of the stom theirs by common consent SUi Srnp!!, T. ., ui. j j u j . 'lion. Dyspepsia is very generally accompanied V If mdney ComOs hard and it doosn t Dy biliousness, irregularity of the bowels; ln seem best to spare ovon it littlo fdr somnU and nervousness, for each and all of the children, they can often earn some wnich, as well ns their cause, Hostcttcr's u u-,. . ,.., ,., !,; Stomach Bitters Is the nation's chosen remedy. by raising some crop on a bt of MaUrU, ,rncumatlc and kidney troubles, lack ground that can be sparol to them J 0 strength and flesh, and failure of appetito Little farmers have often workod : and the power to rest tranquilly, are also over- hard over a square rod of land, and have learned a real love for "mother earth" while wdrklng fdr tho tiny crop, the memory of which has made them notable farmers in aftor years. a small spoonful of salt, two table This talk of monoy for child ion spoonfuls of butter and sweet milk means girls as well as boys. No enough to make a dough to roll. Koll Woman likes to go to hor husband for the crust a quarter of an inch thick, bvery penny, oven though she kndws on an oblong sheet and sm-ead with it is as much hers as his. and one fruit; one quart of chopped aoplesj reason why so many mon hold tho canned fruit jam. preserves, marmal purso strings and keop them drawn ades or resh fruit fn lU seai0n. Snrin tight is that so few women know how kie weil with susar and roU UDf LaD to uso money wisely. tno ena- ovcr nKO tne flan of a'oocket. When all of our young peoplo loarn to mako money give to them tho greatest good possiblo. we shall hear less complaint of people who aro ex travagant or of those whoa-o miserly. Thero may come a timo when peoplo who aro 'looking backward" will find thu ea-th without money, and may fcol that it is better so; but to day wo Count money among our pos sessions, and it is lor m to uso it so as to make it givo us all tho com- fort possible It was not money, but tho lovo ot money, that Paul sad was tho root of all oviL No better practical co irso of lessons can be given young peoplo than that which teaches a wiso uso of all the money which comes tesiion. into their pos- Good Cow. Tho farmer who has an improved dairy breed of cows or at least a good deal of iniprovod blood in his herd, is the man who has made money in the dairy if any monoy has been made. sometime ago a nansas man ngureu out tho profits of a scrub cow. - He estimated tho cost of maintaining a cow per year, nt a fair cstimato of $35. if well kept, but if poorly fed the income from her must decrease in proportion. If used for butter, this cow will mako 150 pounds a year, which, at twenty cents a pound, would bo $30; calf at ono year old. 7; buttermilk for year, $4; total in como for year. 41. Deducting the cost of kcoping and interest on cow, $.'17. leaves the net incomo at $ 37. a profit of $4 for the year's work. If tho milk had been sold on the cream ery plan, tho profits would not have overrun tho figures given. On tho other hand wo will take a Jersey cow worth $80; her keeping will be no more than id tho other case. Viz. $35. Th's cow will make in the year 300 pounds of butter (mine averaged more than that last year.) Now he turns to the better cou. Threo hundred pounds butter at twenty conta $60; calf at ono year old. $--'5; buttermilk for y ear. $1; total for year. $83; keeping nnd interest out. $40.50; leaving a profit of $518.50 for tho year's work as. against 4 for tho scrub cow. making a difference of $44.50 in favor of tho better cow. Farmers' Voice. Horticultural Hints. The Barllott is still ono or tho best pears. ft tablo manuro is a good fertilizer for strawberries. Newly set plants neod good cultiva tion tho first season. One of tho principal values in dwarf pears consist in tLoir early bearing. Tho garden should by all means be made the most profi tablo spot on tho farm. Do all tho work possiblo among tho small fruits with the horso and culti vator. Evergreens moro than any other class of trees aro benofited by trans planting. Clean, mellow cultivation is ono of the essentiais in the growing of a good crop of vinos. A good wheel cultivator can readily bo made to do as much work as a half dozen hoes. If tho tent caterpiller makc3 its ap pearance on the trees, cut off and burn all of the affected parts. So far the best remedy for black knot is to cut off and burn all of tho d'scascd portion of tho limbs. All straw cr bagassco from a sorghum m 11 aro good materials with which to mulch nowly set trees or plants. Whilo evergreens may bo read Iy transplanted lato it w 11 pay to seo that they are g ven plenty o.' water when setting out Dead branches arc uns'ghtly and should bo removed; tho work can bo done at any time that it may be con s dcrod necessary. Tak ng all things into cons'derat'on the best t me for transplant'ng is lato in the evening, ospec ally with small garden plants. Hoafteholil Help?. Custards aro nico baked in small cups to servo to each person. For omoiotle souTo tho white of oggs beaten should bo firm enough to cut. In boiling chickens for chicken salad put them over the fire in cold water and let them como to a boil. They will not only bo moro tender, but the dark meat is partially bleached so it may bo used with tho whito. In tho use of spices remember that allspice and cloves aro used with meats, and nutmeg and cinnamon in combination with sugar. The whito pa t of tho lemon under tho rind is exceedingly bitter, and only the yel low pat t should be grated. It is the most beggarly economy to lay a carpet on any floor without put ting papers under it No carpet will stand the hard wear which comes upon it when it is put directly on the floor. Besides, it softens tho tread and readers it more agreeable to walk upon. It is rather difficult to broil a largo fish so the middle will bo done and tho sur.'ace not burned. It Is well to ' wrap it in oiled or buttered paper and j a largo baking pan turned over it to hold tho heat When nearly dono re move the paper, and allow the surfaco to brown. To avoid duplicating wedding gifts in silver, it would bo wiser to give to a friend fine linen. Keally t'ne linen to be used on special occasions will last a long lima and tho happy brido who rccoives it will always bless you for aiding her to mako her tablo look handsome. A properly fried potato is not greasy, is not indigestible is not un healthy. Potatoes should be fried ex. actly like croquettes in boiling fat that ia. sweet white lard melted, and should be drained in the same man- I ner as tno xroqueiie. j ney may oe cut into bulls and fried. i f Whea the Diaaer Sell Stags People ought to feel hungry, and whea they feel hunjrrj they ought to have good Alfv. Uosa. Bat, alast they don't frequently. come by the Bitters. J Hulled Tarnover. Make a Crust of one quart of flour. three teasDoonfuls df baking Dowderj , book, pinch tho ends firmly together. i Put in a bag similar in shaoe, but larger; tnen boil for ono hour ana a half. Serve hot with cream and sugar, cut in slices. A. 3f. PRIEST, Drngrfst, Bhelbyrnie, Ind., Bays : "Hall's Catarrh Cure gives the beet ol satisfaction; Can get plenty of testimonials, as It cares evervone who takes It" Drugrfsts ell it, 76c. . ,,. A Piekce County (Wis.) Farmer 5a5"8 ne aas neTer found a remeay for oaves CQ."al to a compound of eggs, .honey, and vinegar. He beats threo e8 lnt0 one luart pure fruit vine- ?ar- -d afler about inree J r jwhen tlie mixture is well togctner, he aGas one Pound of strained honey. In tablespoonful aoses it can be given with the feed twice a day or placed on the tongue of tho horse. Genial It. J. McCahon, who attended Elliott's litibincss College, llurlington, In., is now cashier of the State Hank at Lockport, 111. Beau in mind that on warm days a ; horse's body pre-ec j lo tho direct ravsof sents a great surface the sun. If pos sible, there should be a relief team during tho hot months, allowing each iam half a day's work. If this plan zannol be adapted, the work should be aono very early in the morning and until lato in the evening, allowing an interval of several hours during the neat of the day. Ilryant's Homo Cc-Ilcsc llaflalo, X. Y. :Itcs a full business col lego course by mail, at stu Icni'a homo. Low rated and free trial lessons. Only one couple In 11,; 00 live to cele brate their golden wedding. Hanson's Maalc Corn SnWr." Wnrraiileil to cure, or manor refunded. Ask your dru?ist for it. Trice 15 ceuts. Idaho 1 the only state whose name never been satisfactorily accounted for. ha-: jlra.AVIn9low's!?oothlnzSrrm, for Chil dren tcctliinc. softens the cum?, reduces InCamma f Ion. allays pain, cures vriuii colic 2jc. a bottle. Mercury had wings on hl3 tech. have had sore feet. lie must The Only One BTer Printed Can Yon Find the TTord! There is a 3-inch display advertisement in this naner this week' which has no two words' alike except one woni. The same ia true of each new one anpearin? each week, from the Dr. Harter 'Medicine Co. This house nlaccs a "Crescent" on everything they make and publish. Look for it, seuu them the name oi the word, and they will return you Book, BsxcrircL LiTnoGRirus or Samples Free. A single swallow, according to an author ity, can devour 0.0P0 11 cs in a day. Health. TldHltsnve weak, nervous men. H. Trial 10c Onto Chemical Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. In the hearts of maidens fair it is the win ning boat's crew toat has the pull. For Sale. THE GOOD WILL AND SUBSCRIPTION LIST of a 10-pa:e Agricultural Weekly, es tablished in 1SSI: published in a nourishing Western city, situated in a rich agricultural state. Will" be so'd at a sacrifice. A splen did opportunity to secure nn established ag ricultural weekly. Address F. A- Smith, SS W. Jackson St , Chica-o, 111. The lady and the horsewhip form one of theraort striking combinations of the limes. "Don't Tobacco acru i!t Awaj!" You.- Life Is the startling, truthful title of a little book just received, telling all about Nolo It.c, the wonderful, harmless, economical, guaranteed cure for the to a ceo habit in cr ery form. Tobacco ucrs who want to quit and can't, l.y mentioning this paper, can get the book mailed free. .Address. Thf. Stuuuno Remedy Co., Box 291, Indiana Mineral Springs, Ind. In a recent battle in Moroco 800 of the combatants were killed. The human system needs continuous nnd careful attention to rid Itself of its impuri ties, recchman's Tills will cure. Memory of the past is the only paradise out of we cannot tc driven. Cheap Home for the bullion. In order to meet the constantly growing demands which tome from every quarter of the North, Ea.-t and West, forieduccd rates, to enable the farmer, the emigrant and the capitalist to visit the Southwest, particularly Texas, the Missouri, Kansas & Texas Rail way huve determined to sell tickets on Au gust 30th, September iTthand October 25th, from all points in the North, East and Wot, to all joints on its main line in Missouri and Kansas, south of Clinton, Mo., and all points in the State of Texas, at the ct ircmely low rate of one fare for tneround trip, good to return 20 days from date of safe. Iho reports which come from Texas of the prodigious prospective yields in the crops for the present season, as well as those for several previous years, together w.th the severity of the winters in tne Northern snd Western Slates for several years past, will induce many to locate on the sun kissed prairies of this favored land during the coming fall. Now is your opportunity. Grasp It while It is yet within your reach." For further In formation as to routes, rates, ma(s, time-tables, etc., call on or address E. D. Spexcek. Traveling Tasscn ger Agent Room 12, Rookerv Bid;., Chica go; E. B. Pakker, Ass't (Jen. Ta-s. Agent, 505 Chestnut St-, St. Louis, y.o; Walter G. GiiAn.iv, General Ticket Agent. Parsons, Kansas. Dr. Juuu's Electric Belts arc sold on six months trial. Jndd Electric Co.. Omaha. Bile Starts Small Positively cure Sick-headache, Consti pation, Biliousness Liver Complaint, Colds and General debility. 40 to the bottle. Sugar coated. Easy to tike. Do not gripe nor sicken the stomach. Sold by druggists. Price 2oc. Reliable and economical. Simple tlo:c free. ?. F. Smith & Co.. 53 GreK-jrich Si.. V. V SICKHEADACH CARTER'S PoMltlvrlv eared thrp Little Pill. They sJao relie'eTns tress from Dystwjpota.In IITTLE Migration ind TooHetrtj I Estin-r. A cerfect rcm- IVER kdr for DialneaOfansea Drowsiness, uau xaat in tho Mouth. Coated PIUS. rronCTie. Pain in the Bide. tukpiu iO-vtii. inej reznlato tno Bowels. PurrirVeaetsble. Fries zs txmxmi CAirilltZDXCQTS CO., v770il. Small Pill. Small Dose. Small Price.! Jx-adln Kns. 01S..1I. l.V, ZXl. l. ZZ. 311 All or stuvraMnBr nmi Ki.-.iitinra ona'iti nml Kl.'.nilnrd qna'Uy. ESTEIMHKt , mi jono ac. i iiasyuur 'MewTork. ictaUoser for Is I Eli rfl i jm aWssSBSBSSSBSsl W aDCimCMT Taw Axwu- bly tr by i uTairy cr wmbob and to that cart bsro cilgssslnltt JUIDUHUII. CAxrcsusH- tnetkfess, tak JWT TJUIK Wfcssi ftUwss serf ssil sswihiin sJsm mt mT Ham martarUttsi to cnarsatt to Mad oCmHihIs as appears la " fJl JSKSMSS g? W Wtaetr Adrartista patrons a total tab prospects. Fir. Tnundrsd gSF tumj? mmf s7h? KdtfK Car sheer Tsrloo papers thoneaad sew aohicrnms will cSaSSwieTfolaw SsjaOastWUr-'X aS.Bot,e,"thlm?A,!: MI.U!. awaa toas mora thaa Stao.OOt ot tea or scheme eC sUawei it h-A TU means an addition of Bts,wa to adrertMsr leiaaaos during tbe Tulyea seasons UsIBlesjaferhw-M aaarprrernt Ust. It has bran said aezt are reus. We can afford lo moral; Bnlasia s fsjeetaas ) W Xth? to- ""J1 aalf .mll'losia'w pay for them at leaea hair their hralas; ft U. to elEtThfT X. sabeerlbeis jn tfx aaogths is a boat. Talaetoae. WearewUtteKtodo menee ot what Is eeaaosmsMe. Aarss impoastbUity. lata is proba- cren mors than thU.it nacassary, boix.t,aberalaodatraottTe. A WJwJJsjsjSjSjsjsjsjsjsjsjsjsjsjBSjsjsjsjisjsjsjsjsjsjsjsjiwiwwiwigiy Wm CASS FOR 4Mf IBrainS .For CORRECT ANSWERS to AMY 0HE of Publishing Company mill pay the following CASH REWARDS Fcr a correct answer to any I I For a correct answer to any ' MC word. ta.OO &9.O0 S7S.M rUf words. ror a correct antwer to any THMEwon!. , Kor a correct ans wer to any fg words. For a correct answer to any (tVC. worts. As SPECIAL GRAND REWARDS wo Will Pay In Cash.J .Forthe FIRST eorrectaasfrerto ALL of tho entire Ten word, $5,0OO. For tbe SECOND correct answer to ALL of tho entire Tea word S3000l . For the THIRD correct answer to ALL of the entire Tea worfe, ft.OOO Here are the Ten Word-Riddles B-rn- q -ea-ty Bi le -ol u 6 -P- -i-ht r- i -ar-i--n 8 -icte Que Vic 10 Fvnlanntinn ica dah appearing in tn partially cpelled words Indicates the absence of t mhl aAi0iftMw mier. na kb me Droner letter, and nen tlie found complete. EXJ each Riddle wiL lie found complete. EXASirLEi this case tbe omitted letters are and a, and when Each sjunrerwfll be numbered aa received, fa land wnen louna correct a . ew x ant . r . & . . - r ' reward saca correct answer secures MSTtf Riff UK RU yp only solve aae Fa-lA ! fnaki von are not confined to anv nar - --'"" worn yoawm receive tlcularworu any sae oi mo enure ten win . brlnir yon n S2t) cash reward while If yon are (bright enough to solve more than one your re anl wRl be Increased In proportion from to g-30. Also remember thatyoadonothave to be llrsn or last with your answer. EVERY icarrecc aaawcr far eveaaamzle ward I wins a splendid cash reward. lhc Only. Condition. ' I The object of this extraordinary otfef la, af course. ' to secure Subscribers at once and to large num bcrs. Wo therefor rffinlre that .1ft FPBtn for a .year's subscription td .some one of our papers snail Deremiiiea wun every answer. e pumisn I fonr trreat papers: The America Fireside, The American IIosBeptrsrf. The' Assert m HoaarhnldJflBrnal. and TheAnprl. cna Cottase Hosae. rName your choice of any one of the four they are a 11 the fame price. Sic. a year. If yon send answers to more than ane) word you must senu a separate name ana ax. Jot every word yon answer. Thus, If yon send I answers to two words, send en extra namo be- I sides vonr own and fl. and so on one name and '50c for a year's subscription for each ward yaa answer. The total amount of cash rewards ithnt you receive for correct answers can be dl I vldcd pro rata anions tho list, or you can keep It :Hon. J. F; KELLY, Treas., nothinsr Vm try it ; common sense will make you use it. rl. Peddlers and some unscrupulous grocers will tell yotf.. Las? XTTk fA " this is as good as " or " the same as Pearline." IT'S- - W L Vx FALSE Pearline is never peddled, if your grocer sends you an imitation. le honest send it back. 283 JAMES PVLE. New York. IT IS A DUTY you oxtb yar selfnnd family to set Iho bent Value for yoarm.incy Ecfeno lnlze In voar foainrrnrhr our. W. ciianinz W. L. Douclas Shoes, which represent the best , $3 value Tor price asked, as! thousands will testify. tTTAKC XO SrinSTITITTE. costing front M sssSrSiiht's v" 1 Jyof jIibbbbHbbbbbbbbW IQbbHbsbbsbbbHBbHHbHP' ASK FOR W. L DOUGLAS SHOES, tlou by luwrorobtalnhucmoneyumlerfaloe pretence. Ifaot for anle in yoar place nead direct to Factory. Mntins kind, aizeanil width wanted. 1'oMnse free. Will alve exclusUe anle to "hoe ilealrrit nnd zenrrnl mer chants where 1 have aa agents. Write for Catalosae. W . L. Jloaslaa, U rock ton. Jlaaw. Short time On 6 HontuS' onlvvrc willl send our Electric llelts and . I Trus-es mmum "' " Till A L. If You Wish Health Try one of Our Be!!. ELECTRIC BELTS. OX C J,'ree Medical Advice and Treat- MONTII' m"nt dnruz the tlx months' trial. iSiIi i a 0ar usvr in,J"ved E ectrtc Belts are TICIAli. lJ.ittrries and Belt combined: (ten- erats ufllcicnt Ertrc!ty to produce a hock. In ordering g;ve j.rice of belts (.'', $600. I(X0O. (15.00;. waste measure, and full particulars. Aeents wanted. Uirrre Citt. Jlont .Jan. in, iv'Ji wiimn tne last eightevn month. we haue taken in over tl.dCO for Jndd's Electric Belts and Trusses, nnd have never had a itine corapliint. but hare h.id manv compliments jiax-itd upon them. I) M. Sawuao Drco Co. Cures I-am Back, Kldneyand MverComp alnt. Indigestion. Dyi tp a. lrfs of Vitality and all Female Weaknesses. Address judd Electric Company. Omaha. Neh. V EWIS' 98 LYE iottieszd isa rxsmcxs t 1TENTEU) Tho ttrtmonl and yurftt I.yo mr.ilo. Undke other I.je. tt being a tine powder and parked in a can .tiili removable lid. the contents uru nlwafs r. a.:r lor use. rvm tiuike the bftt pert nmed Hard Soap inaiiiilnuie.s without bnlllny. It is the bent for demising waste pipes, dislnfectlnic rinks. cZocts. washing Lotties, paiuts, trees, etc. PENNA. SALT M'PG CO- Ccn. Agent.-".. Thlla Pa. WELLMAGHINER..J must rated caTJotjc Gbowlnp; Well Aacers, ock iiruis, jiyoratuie ana Jetting Ma.chinery, WIndi MUM. cte.. tEsr jkfKjiK. tiavc been testM and alt wammlaL THE PECH.ftlFC. CO. Ufoiix City, Iowa. MS. Canal St c&jcjcu. fie TEl HAY PRESS ICTOR Shipped Anywher n Trial. jioerTee. SHbisIll ' Co.. 7 Ky at. QSZSCT, 1LX,VMM r ei innin nr III IIIIIIS m M stsssfcr W r7- 'li Ii. SV Ifv 0J(- aaaavw. vr sbssbhipRSAbbb A .mS WM aBBBaSjBBB"ri;-.,' W JU TSBBBBBBBS97 PfSvr.tM i3nHfnk lBBBBaaysftsWfP7Trff-'': A?73SkJ III BSBBBBBsQiaQSxPvi.cas'y raSsm fl tho foHowmg Tom Word-RJddJOs p mmnVUon J Tor correct answer to any $uf wordev j Foracorrert answer to any SEVIR wonsf, I For a correct answer to any IhWT wore. iS4.0O 17S.0 i tt. 1 10.vrFaracoTTCCtn&swertO!UiyM wonU aS35.0v 1S.W I For c correct answer toaH of UwTU words. Mv.v Can You Solve Any of Them 1 A NAME MADE FAMttXAR BT OUEAT ADVERTIS- j ISO TO KVF.ICY MAN. WOHA.N iXU CHILD WUO HAS I uu; tMiu a cuiiua. a CHARirrxo orAT.rrT imcr ross23wr.i mri m'SSS. THAT AintAUTM TI1K AWHIKAIIOJ AKO ' uriu n u3 int. laj z.L,r mti. WAS NOT CONSIDKnED PESlUAnLB AT TUB" iia. iaruus .-.vin.i i. icfcruw.lUA.v COXYEJf- HUAjii AJiAJUiun vt mtiwtxiu.vrta. SERVED TO DEFEAT JASE3 O. ELAISC FOR TTIE i rnuuin;i m uaa. TIIATTVniCIT YOtT CAX pecttmc to TTIE amount . OF 3.0vtf IF YOU TCIMTHEFIUST I1UZB HEKE1SJ w ftniitr. TnATwnicnivoKEM knott now '"otntAiiTO UlTiOl ill! A.VJ AUiiTliAS XOSI 3IEX. I cmITil)tn Wllini mlivr crrTTitriv iwnnrm JACKSON. SLY1U ANO OTlUUt mil i'UUILmJ I tiVJti. in. occupies the most RF3wsinf.K sr vnnr. most roarrioN coNNKfTKi) trrru tiik novvuv.l MF.NT AND l'HOTECTION OK TIIK 1'fiOrLB AOAUttT ' IUUE.lU.-t UK 1IUST1U 2iXIWS. A THAT WHICH PLEASES OR SATISFIES Tlltf AND WillCU. IF AirmriCAIXY KXfCUTED. TRACTS TUB ATTENTION AM EXCITES THE UKATION OF l.OVEKS OF THE KKAUHrUL. l'Knit.tnt.T roNsifrtrupn ov nuvvrvn nit QUKNCE AN0 XONE SOUOIIT AFTKIC I1Y THE Il'iLK. ' EXCLUSIVE AM T1TLK Efr.1.1811 NOBILITY THAN . Ul Jilt. AVKUAUK 11LP1, HUSll.ir.ii AMERICAN. irtirr are FUDDUrti we uriifinai wnra Mivtfft nt remmm i U r . wniMhir.tr erery fanner ghoilltl nomccc. t properly mwrteU the complctnl word fc Home. paid in cash the VERY DAY mnjy answer is louna to do correct. i received, t br cxaaniaed la tbo order if Its Banker. i k CertiMed Baak Check for tne full arooant ot whatever! will be sent tbe VEK V DAY the award b nuuU. ' hi . '. I all. Jest as you arranijo between youfwU and I uiose w nose names you -ena. la iviv .! wcwiii pay the rail acaoaat at the ! wara lor correct answera to I Be versa wh sends the Manes. Pont stnG (tnnrtrs without futorriprfonjt-theyl H1U ACVCA.O ... .-.. ..:..!. V"nHl. MIS1Y VTUl - uionoiuctcuu i.u;mi. Prntiiiinn. . . anardl ance of Irreiralarity or collusion, a copy of the'" . .-..aalnsl erf,, an appear.. original tea words selected to make np tnei snore vcni-iimciieei3 u 8MTTn. Superintendent c above Wonl-Hlilillesta deposited with 3fr. C. of the Jersey City PMicel Department, a ndr r ra l.to be opened Decemt 31. 13SB. in the presence ot witnesses, afterthlsco lnthepresencef.f witnesses. afterthlscori- !!.. test closes. The complete list will be printed lni rtui in tne Jancory ises or our four papers, sol that all who have not received rewards for correct ' answer will know wherein they tailed. This method of tirotectioii Isdue toaUrnnremeil-nmi i method of protection Isdue to nil concerned, and t absalately prevent.- everythlnir that is aot wholly honest and luir to every sab-1 ajrriber. DK3I8NATS T3I WOKTS TOO- ANSWEIt ITTi THSiBNiTJtwnss. ena nowise oau scca yourl answer as once Address 'all letters and make all remittance payable to the Treasurer of tho American lub-1 Iishins; Co as follows : 214 larestOB Jersey City, N. J It Hurts that can be washed or cleaned Pearline. The purest soao is no safer the poorest soap is no cheaper, effective than the It is more strongest it is more convenient than the best. Pearline saves labor and wear in washing- clothes or cleaning house. A few cents will let you L. DOUGLAS SHOE GENTLEMEN, THE BEST SHOE IN THE WORLD FOR THE MDNEY. A gen nine sewed nhoe, that irill not rip.fino calf, seamless, smooth Inslue, flexible, moro coniforwble.stylii.li and durable than any other shoe ever sold at tho price- Equali custom inado shovs to fa. K4. ana s.l linna-aeweci, line can. noc. ine nin-.ynsn. 9 easy and duratileMioc ever ld at these prices. Thoywjual fine lmrriel shoes costing from $3 to $12. 0 3(1 Patiee Hhoc, worn ty farr.iera and all others who P&m want a Rood heavy calf, three mled, extension edge shoe', easy to walk In, and will kep the feet dry and warm. dfiO 58 Fiao Calf, S'i.-JA and Si Workiusmen'N Shoes 9a will itive rnore wear for the money than any other make. They are made for service. Tho Increasing sales show that wort inKmcnhae found this out. .,.,.... fOWC SiS and VoutliH $1.?5 School Shorn aro lOJ O worn by tliobojs everywhere. The most servlcc ablo shoes sold at these prlees. 1 tniBC 93 IIandewed.a..,S0,8a and 81.75 LAUIEw hhoe s fur .11 Nne are mailonf the liet Dou- golaorr.noCalr.as acslreu. rney are -very siyiiao.eom lortablo and durable. The rishoe eiiuals custom mado sSoe costing from $1 to (6. I-adles who wish toccuuo mlzo In their footwear ere flndlnjc this out. CAUTION. Bewareof dealers ubstltutlngshoc with out W. L. UotiKlas' name nnd the prieef Umpeii on bottom. l .Bi..iii,(Ua.a n- foiiiliilunt nnl orit1frft' f t tirttcaoiu LITTLE LIVER PILLS DO HOT 6BIFS SOB SICKS Snr ears tor SICK HEAD ACULinpi'"0 ontiuoi.reoiu. pttlon.torpia sinutia- liirjireaw Tl.ai UrKU. rcillW M.HHB. . ir.it" lifl enret on skin- ney a nd bladder. Conqatt billon nervous uio- oruera. t.ULiun nu- urai Uailt action. Benuiify complexion by purlfyina tlnod. 1'can.T Viustablb- The do It nicely adjcitrd to lalteaai. aa on pill can vfr, r batoo raueh. Each t!I eontalna 42. carried in rot pocket. Ilka Wad pancil. Bosincss man's trtat ronTtnlenre. Takan cuirr than aaear. boldeTry aherc All (eniUas foods brar-Crcaeast.' Send :-ernt ittmp .Toa gat Si pa- book atth saapfa. M. HAITEt MEDICIWC CO.. St. Loals- Ma. IN THE NICK Of timo comes Dutcher'3 Fly Killer. Sure dentil to flies, destroys their eggs, prevents reproduction and rids the hoisse of tho pests. Get Butcher's and securo best results. Trecllc. Butcher Drag Co., St AlbaixVt. iLADIESI Brown' Z French ,5 I Dressing J ThtMpsM's Eyt Wakf. sore eyes, uso CaaisaaiBttvea and people whobavo weak lungs or Asta-laa-sbonlduso 1'iso's Cure for Consumption. It baa eared thaaaaada. it has notlnjnr- euone. ii o& oan lotaae. 11 is tne DC3tctuTBsyrap. sola cverrwncrc. 3ic. W.N. U.Omaha - 631- :. - - n&- l----'"-: -j5p i-a. T. J-; f -v-s -- ViTXsr . -( '4a' -5