The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, June 01, 1892, Image 3

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olmntms 3mmial.
. Leaver C'u.ubu8...
lU-lUood ...
I) id City..
Afrivemit Lincoln..
8:35 a.m.
8-M "
9:18 "
10.22 "
355 "
4:40 p. m.
7:10 "
TiieiasMnsiTleao Lincoln at 6:40 p. tn., and
1 rrivt at (tlumlut 9:25 p. m; the freight leaves
Lincoln at 4;I0 a. in., and arrives at Columbus at
3:20 . m.
.- m ooren kvt.
. . Atlantic Ex... 7:13 a. m
" :-OJiicaso Ex.. .12:35 i. m
. Limited JsO'ip. m
-- Col. Local... 60 a. m
Pacific Ex.... 9Rp. ni
Denver Ex.. .. 1:20 p. m
Limited 5:03 p. m
Local Fr't 70 a. m
. No. 3, Fat.t Mail, carries paswnsera for
. through ixiintx. (Joint; v.ent at 8:30 p. m., ar--.
rlicsat Demer7:40a. in.
Paspenger arrives from Sioux City 12:13 p. m
leaves Columbus for Liuc'n. 1:13 p. m
- ' arrives from Lincoln 1:10 p. m
.": " leaver for Sionx City 1:40 p. m
Mixed leaves for Sioux City 533a. m
." Mixed arm en lOJWp. ni
Passenger leave
Mixed leaves
Passenger arrives
Mixed arrive
... 1:30 p. m.
. .. 6ia. m.
...1233 p.m.
. .. 7:43 p. m.
$oricftt JQoticcr.
tSTAll notices cnder thin heading trill
charged, at the rate of $2 a jear.
B. LEBANON LODGE No. 53. A. F. & A. M.
n-llecular meetinca 2d Wednesday in each
7U month. All brethren invited to attend.
' x C. H. Sheldon. W. M.
M. II. White, Sec'y. 20july
o, vi njri lA'uim iiu. , x. v. vr. a..,
kJ. . m. t -
nii it-f r nni v n T r rk v
c- meets iuniiiy evenings oi eucii
-week at their liall on Thirteenth
'frfx ttr.f Vikitini' hrnllirpn rnrrimllv
invited. W. 1L Notestein, N. G.
C. A. Newm n, Sec'y. 27jan91-tf
Saints hold recnlar Mrvicen even Sunday
at 2 p. m., prajer meet ins on Wednebda) evening
at their chapel, corner ox rtorth Mr
Avemie. All are cordially in ited.
al their chapel, corner of Nortlt street and Pacific
13julS9 Elder II. J. Hudson. President.
2T"Until further notice, all adver
tisenientE under this head will be charg
d at the rate of live cents a line each
issue. We make this lower rate to con
form with the times.
Oil cake at Rasmnssen's. tf
Sale bills printed at this office.
Come to Tin: .Ioitrxal for job work.
25c buys the latest style ladies' hat
of Mrs. Purcupile. tf
Schuyler is making arrangements for
lighting by electricity.
For the finest styles of calling cards,
call on The Joukxal. tf
Old newspapers by the hundred, 25
cents at the Journal- office.
You can get a loan of i W. Hen rich
and pay a part of it each year.
John Hanoy has several good work
hor&es for sale. Call on him soon.
'J 'he "Temple or Fame" will be re
produced at David City, June 13th.
Dr. T. 1L Clark, successor to Dr.
Schug, Olive st. In ollico at nights.
Eye and Ear surgeon, Dr. E. T.
Allen, 309 Ramgo block, Omaha, Neb.
Some lino young cattle for sale, or
exchange for city lots. Call on D. B.
It will pay you to get P. W. Hen
rich's rates and terni3 before you borrow
It. C. McCandlish on Saturday sold
to Lewis & Co. two wagon loads of line,
fat hogs.
Mrs. Purcupilo will make extra low
prices on ladies hats the remainder of
the season. tf
Thanks to Jonas Hedman and
Henry Shoaf for special favors Wed
nesday last.
Pianos and Organs. Do not buy
from pedlers until you get prices from
Fitzpatrick. tf
Thursday was Asconsion day and
the Catholic church observed it by
special exercises.
The Eastern Star give an ice cream
and strawberry festival in tho North
block this evening.
D. 13. Duffy, Columbus, Nob., will do
your house-moving, in good shapo and
at reasonable prices. ltf-eow
The celebrated Quick-Meal, and
. Monarch gasoline Btoves, the best in the
market. For sale by A. Boettcher. 4tf
- Good, solid bread, nice cookies and
pies at E. William Gassniann's bakery,
one door east of E. Pohl's grocery. 5tp
When in need of an auctioneer, call
on Davo Smith. He will act for you
with promptness, safety and dispatch, tf
We will still remain in the jewelry
business and have just received a splen
did line of watches, chains, etc. A. J.
Arnold. G-4t
Quite a number of farmers are in
debted to Senator Paddock for packages
of sugar-beet seed from tho government
department of agriculture.
Friday evening this week, at the of
lice of H. J. Hudson, will be held the
Old Settlers meeting for the election of
officers for the ensuing year.
Tuk Journal neglected to mention
last week the removal of Dr. Willy's
office to one of the McAllister buildings,
south of Gisin's furniture store.
The Journal acknowledges the re-
4 ceipt of an invitation to attend the 8th an
tnual field encampment
of the Sons of
Veterans of Nebr., at
David City, June
-i-The infant son of Dr. C. D. Evans
very dangerously sick last week.
The Dr., who was absent in Virginia, was
informed by telegraph of the babe's con
dition. Gen. and Mrs. Van Wyck of Nebras
ka City passed through the city Wed
nesday, bound for home. They had
been at Denver, where the General had
made a speech.
Dr. Clark has established Institute
club rooms in the offices formerly occup
ied by Judge Bowman. Right in the
heart of the city, these are splendid
quarters for his patients.
The Genoa Indian school band,
captured the second prize in
class B, at the silver anni
versary celebration -at Lincoln, the
Archer band getting the first prize.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castorla.
W. H. Randall shipped two cars of
cattle to Omaha Sunday night.
The ladies musical will meet next
Monday with Mrs. H. Murdock.
Two of J. J. Barnes's children are
sick with inflammation of the lungs.
Jonas Welch shipped a fine lot of
fat cattle to South Omaha Monday
Greisen Bros, shipped eighteen head
of fat cattle to the South Omaha mar
ket Thursday. They averaged 1590 lbs.
Our house is acknowledged by all
who have investigated, to be the best
place to buy your millinery. J. C. Fill
man, tf
Dr. Nauman, dentist, Thirteenth st.,
opposite Barber's. All work guaranteed.
Gas given for the painless extraction of
teeth. 21-tf
Harry Prophet of Clarks is taking
Dr. Clark's cure for the Honor habit.
The Doctor is having wonderful success
with his patients.
Mrs. Purcupile's hats are all new.
No last season's goods. Call and see
those trimmed hats at 1.25 and 81.50,
opposite the U. P. depot tf
C. A. Snow k. Co.'s pamphlet, "In
formation and Advice about Patents,
Caveats, Trademarks, Copyrights, etc.,"
may be obtained free at this office, tf
320 acres of good land in section 6,
town 17, range 1 east, for sale for cash
Those wishing to purchase all or any 80
of skid tract, please address M. K. Tur
ner, Columbus, Neb.
A suit brought by P. K. Hayes, for
forcible entry and detention of land, as
against W. F. Dinneen, was decided Sat
urday in Justice Hudson's court in favor
of the plaintiff. Mr. Dinneen took an ap
peal. Comrade Diffenbach- was taken
suddenly ill while attending the exer
cises Monday, and was removed to the
dressing-room in the rear of the stage,
where he shortly recovered conscious
ness. The Chautauqua circle spent a very
pleasant evening with Mr. and Mrs. II.
Hockenberger last Wednesday. .Games
and a short program were the amuse
ments, and delicious refreshments were
The infant child of Dr. and Mrs. C.
D. Evans has been seriously sick with
congestion of the lungs, and is not yet
out of dang r. Tho Doctor was on an
extended trip east and returned home
Mr. and Mrs. Remi Miller of Polk
county, gave us a very pleasant visit
Thursday. Mr. Miller finished, on the
25th, planting to corn 110 acres of his
rich land. He says that spring this
year began the 22nd day of May.
The communication of "Conway" on
"Christian or No Christian" must go
over till tho next issuo of The Journal.
he says in Ids note to the editor, "Your
readers may just as well bo posted on
the varying and advanced beliefs, as
Tornado, the storm king, is out on
his summer tour, and may take a trip
through Platte county, calling at Co
lumbus. Protect your property by
taking a "tornado policy" of H. J. Hud
son, office on Olive street, opposite Me
ridian hotel. tf
Among those who went to Lincoln
last week, to attend tho celebration of
the Silver Anniversary of the state
were, Mrs C Kramer, Misses Ida and
Minnie Meagher, Chas. Stonesifer, Geo.
Taylor, John Tannahill, A. Boettcher,
G. W. Phillips, F. J. North and J. S.
If it was made plain to the tramps
that when they strike Columbus they
must work for their living like the rest
of us have to do, the tramp nuisance
would naturally abate itself. Those who
work are not tramps. A willingness to
work is proof positive that such a one is
not a tramp.
District Court began its sessions
yesterday morning with Judge Sullivan
presiding. Judge Allen of Madison was
expected to arrive later. The case of
the state of Nebraska against Mike
Lamb, change of venue from Boone
county, charged with stealing cattle, will
be for trial sometime during the week.
Ten prizes for a puzzle! The Week
ly World-Herald is offering 850 in four,
cash prizes and six prizes consisting
each of a cyclopedia, for the largest lists
of English words constructed out of the
letters in the word "Alliance." Send
one cent stamp for particulars. The
contest closes June 15th. Address
World-Herald, Omaha, Neb.
The closing exercises of the Reed
School, taught by Miss Anna Hamer,
were held last Friday at the school
house. A number of friends were
present to listen to the exercises of the
pupils, which were very pleasing to all.
Miss Hamer certainly deserves credit for
the great interest she has taken in the
The homeliest man in Columbus as
well as the handsomest, and others are
invited to call on any druggist and get
free a trial bottle of Kemp's Balsam for
tho throat and lungs, a remedy that is
selling entirely upon its merits and is
guaranteed to relieve and cure all
chronic anc acute coughs, asthma, bron
chitis and consumption. Large bottles
50 cents and 81. All druggists. 33-y
We will furnish The Journal, The
Nebraska Family Journal and the Week
ly Inter-Oceau, ono year, for 82.80, when
paid in advance. Subscriptions received
at any time. If you are not a subscrib
er to The Journal don't wait till your
subscription expires, but pay us enough
to make it one year in advance, and add
the Inter-Ocean, one of the greatest and
best family newspapers in the world.
Nicholas Blaser, who was in town
Thursday, called at Journal headquar
ters on business. We learn from him,
that he has finished planting 180 acres
to corn. His son, Nicholas Blaser, jr.,
who is living at Dalles, Oregon, writes
him that his land there will in a short
time be worth twice as much as he gave
for it. There is a good deal of rain there
just now, but not too much. All grow
ing crops look good. Another of Mr.
Blaser's sons, Frank, is at Stockton,
Calif., and thinks it a great country.
Mr. Blaser keeps busy in old Platte
county. Besides his farm work, just
now, he is about to look after the erec
tion of two bridges, one for Grand
Prairie township and another for Co
lumbus township.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castorla.
The Comaeaontiea ef Their Noble Servi
ces to the Coutry Fitly Observed.
Uppermost in the minds of the old
soldiers who constitute the Grand Army
of the Republic, foremost in the teach
ings of that great society, are not the
dogmas of selfishness, but the princi
ples of friendship, charity and loyalty.
Fitting companions in their labor of
love and loyalty are the Sons of Veter
ans and the Woman's Relief Corps, all
actuated by the spirit of goodwill and
loyalty. Exceedingly appropriate is it
that not only the children of the sol
diers, but all children, be taught the
value of our national institutions and
instructed in the history of the strug
gles through which the nation, under
Providence, has been brought until now.
The beauty and the benefits of loyalty
can never be adequately portrayed or
appreciated except in full contrast with
the spirit of treason and the destruction
of all we hold sacred of free institutions.
The right is the only proper standard
for the American people. That which
ought to be done, is that which we
ought to do, with reasoning delibera
tion, with calm determination and ef
fectually. Rev. T. W. Cole preached the Memo
rial sermon Sunday at the morning hour,
to Baker Post, Woman's Relief Corps
and Union Camp S. of V. and a large
congregation who attentively listened to
a very able address.
Memorial Day exercises were begun
promptly as announced by the assemb
ling of the societies at their hall; and
taking up the line of march, the firemen
were met at Frankfort square and all
proceeded to the opera house. Through
a mishap, the commander of the Post
was not informed, until after the pro
cession had been seated in the opera
house, that pupils of the second ward
schools were awaiting them at the build
ing, in charge of Miss Gallagher, ready
to join the procession.
The large hall and stage were deco
rated with the national colors, portraits
of the prominent generals of the war
and flowers in abundance, two stands
of arms on the stage being tho most
realistic emblems of the great contest.
Members of Baker Post and visiting
comrades occupied the stage, among the
latter being M. Rogers, Jacob Jnd 1 and
P. H. Kelley of the Platte Center post;
James Creamer of the Madison post; D.
C. Owen of Gardner; Frank Fleming of
David City, and W. F. Marshall of Mo
tor post, Kansas.
All available space in the house was
occupied, and many remained outside.
Music by the Cornet Band opened the
exercises, and Commander McCoy called
for the reading of the orders by Adju
tant Miner. These set forth in fitting
language tho reasons for Memorial Day
After music by the baud, Post Chap
lain McAllister was called upon to in
voke the divine blessing.
This was followed by a short address
on the "Origin and Perpetuation of Me
morial Day 'J by Robert Craig, of the cily
school, in which, in plain, strong lan
guage, was very briefly told the history
of tho day and what it means to the
American people.
A solo and chorus, "We're Growing
Old Together, Boys," was then rendered
by C. G. Hickok as soloist, assisted by
W. K. Lay, Stephen Buzza and M. K.
Judge W. N. Hensley, tho orator of
the day, then delivered one of the best
addresses of the kind ever heard in the
city, full of patriotic feeling; a glowing
tribute to the heroic dead, and a plea
for fraternity among the living, telling
the Sons of Veterans that if they could
succeed in perfecting the union as their
fathers had preserved it, they would be
doing a work equally as great as theirs.
The Cornet Band then rendered a fine
Miss M. Gallagher next recited that
touching poem, "Cover Them Over with
Beautiful Flowers," in a way that
brought out the full meaning of the
wonderful lines.
The drum corps then, by its music,
carried the old soldiers back in memory
to the days of their young manhood,
who dnring the weary march, the tone
of the fife and drum, suddenly vibrating
upon the air, would work a wondrous
Judge H. J. Hudson then on the part
of the Firemen, made a brief but poin
ted address in commemoration of
the dead firemen of Columbus, and the
heroic deeds of the brave boys who are
often called upon to save property and
lives at the peril of their own lives.
The quartette then gave "Gently
Fall, Oh Dews of Heaven," Mr. Buzza
taking the leading part.
This closed the exercises at the opera
house, and the line of march was taken
up for the cemetery.
At the grave of Captain John Ham
mond, the brief but beautiful ritual of
theG. A. R. was pronounced and de
tails of veterans made to decorate
graves of the following soldiers:
J. W. Early,
Frank North,
R D. Sheehan,
B. Hunt,
James Jones,
George Drake,
Wm. H. Thomas,
Edward Arnold,
Wm. Mallov.
Fred. Schutte,
Jacob Ellis,
Sol. Edwards,
R. B. Mclntire,
Henry Woods,
John Lawson,
L J. Slattery.
P. J. Law rence.
Matthias Koenig.
Fred. Matthews.
John Hammond,
The young-school children decorated
the graves of those of their former com
panions who have died during the year,
the firemen doing likewise for those of
their dead brothers whose bodies rest in
the Columbus cemetery.
Commander McCoy, for Baker Post,
authorizes us to tender the sincerest
thanks of the post to all of those who
aided them in the proper observance of
Memorial day.
Letter List.
List of letters remaining in the post
office at Columbus, Nebraska, for the
week ending May 31, 1892:
F. V. Spencer. C. D. Hazen,
ErankA.Cnmminge, U. V. Brown.
Mr. Urugar, Mrs. Sarah E. Davis,
Miss Jennie Wideek, Miss Maria Claney,
ti. T. Carpenter, D. J. Hutler.
Mis Sophia Mansbach, J. G. McFarland.
W. II. Teduon, Alex. Banter.
John Mojek. Joseph Gawrow,
Mrs. Jennie Wells, Mrs. J. B. Whitten.
Parties calling for the above letters
will please say "advertised."
Carl Kramer, P. M.
Town Board of Eqaalizatioa.
The town board of Columbus town
ship will meet as a board of equaliza
tion on Monday, June Gth, at 10 a. m.,
sharp. Any person feeling aggrieved
over the assessments shall appear at this
meeting. H. B. Rkei,
6-2t Town Clerk. -.
C. J. Garlow was in David City Satur
day. S. S. McAllister has returned from
Judge Bowman of Omaha is here at
tending court
Will Becher of Lincoln passed Sun
day in this city.
Ed. Polly of Seward is in the city
visiting friends.
Dr. Willy was called to Humphrey
last Wednesday.
J. E. Ernst visited relatives near
Leigh last week.
George Meiklejohn of Fullerton was
in town Monday.
Miss Bertha Krau6e is visiting her
brother in Genoa.
Adolph Sauer went east Monday.
Sorry to see him leave.
Miss Alice Plumb is here from Lind
say visiting her parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Gates of Rich
land were in the city Saturday.
Miss Anna Naylor spent Sunday at
home from her school near Monroe.
Mrs. Keeler and daughter Miss Hattie
of Wattsville were in town Monday.
Miss Anna Turner of Genoa visited
home friends several days last week.
Miss Bertha Brown of Cedar Rapids,
is visiting the family of M. K. Turner.
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Burnes of Osceola
visited J. C. Swartsley family over Sun
day. W. L. Seism, editor of the Pythian
paper at Omaha, was in the city Sun
day. Miss Lydia Fulton and Miss Payne of
Schuyler visited tho Misses Welch over
E. G. Brown, telegraph operator at
the U. P. depot, spent Sunday at home
in Cedar Rapids.
Mr. and Mrs. Turner of Niobrara have
returned home after a visit with E. H.
Chambers, family.
S. W, Rother, who has been in the
western part of the stato for two years,
has returned home.
Miss Susie Neely and Miss Lena Bell
were Columbus visitors Tuesday after
noon. Bellwood Gazette.
Prof. Craig leaves this week for a va
cation of three months. He intends
visiting the southern and eastern states.
Mrs. S. J. G. Irwin came down from
Creighton Monday evening and is
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. W.
Miss Alice Turner, teacher at Rich
land, was granted Decoration day as a
holiday for her school, and passed three
days at home in this city.
Mrs. R. T. Page goes this week to
Chicago to take a special course in
voice culture, and will return in about
three months better prepared to teach.
Misses Alico Mathews and Eulala
Rickly left Saturday morning for Sarnia,
Canada, Miss Mathews's home. They
will stop at Omaha and Chicago on the
way, and will return in about three
"Grandma" Kelley, of Oconee, one of
the Pioneers of the state, and consider
ably past her eightieth year, attended
the memorial services at the opera
house Monday. She is today, one of
tho best informed" historians 'in the
county. '
Miss Anna McColm, who has taught
the primary room in the first ward
school building the past year, and made
many friends aside from school work,
loft Saturday for her home in Ft. Dodge,
Iowa. She has been engaged as teacher
in tho public schools there, the coming
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Coolidge of Hol
stine, la., accompanied by Mr. Coolid
ge's mother, visited friends in the city
this week. George and wife have been
married eleven years and are taking a
trip in commemoration of that happy
event. They started Monday night
from hero for a visit with friends in
Resolution of Thanks.
Columbus, Neb., May 30, 1892.
At a special meeting of the Columbus
Fire Department, the following resolu
tions wero adopted:
Whereas, The Columbus Cornet Band
has so readily responded to the invita
tion of the department to take part in
the celebration of Memorial Day, and by
discoursing good music, added im
mensely to the edification of the depart
ment and the public, and
Whereas, Judge H. J. Hudson has in
an able and well-directed oration eulo
gized our deceased brethren and pro
moted the interest of the department in
a very able manner, therefore be it
Resolved, That we appreciate the ser
vices rendered, and extend a vote of
thanks to the Columbus Cornet Band
and to tho Hon. H. J. Hudson, and be it
Resolved, That these resolutions be
spread on the records, published in the
city papers and a copy thereof be pre
sented to the said Columbus Cornet
Band and the Hon. H. J. Hudson
J. N.Kilian.
H. Hockenberoeb, Com.
G. Fbischolz,
J. H. Johannes,
We want every mother to know that
croup can be prevented. True croup
never appears without a warning. The
first symptom is hoarseness; then the
child appears to have taKen a cold or a
cold may have accompanied the hoarse
ness from the start. After that a pe
culiar rough cough is developed, which
is followed by the croup. The time to
act is when the child first becomes
hoarse; a few doses of Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy will prevent the attack.
Even after a rough cough has appeared
the disease may be prevented by using
this remedy as directed. It has never
been known to fail. 25 cent, 50 cent
and 81 bottles for sale by C. E. Pollock
& Co. and Dr. Heintz, druggists. tf
Important dabbing ABaoanreBient.
We are pleased to announce to our
readers that we have made arrangements
with the publishers of the Nebraska
Farmer, the leading live stock and farm
journal of the west, by which we can
offer it one year with The Columbus
Journal and the Nebraska Family Jour
nal, all for 82.80, but very little more
than the price of one publication. This
offer is good for renewals or new sub
scribers. Let every one who desires to
take advantage of this liberal offer do so
at once. Address,
M. K. Turner & Co.,
Columbus, Neb.
Three ia Naaiber, They Receive the Usasi
The Eighth Annual Commencement
of the Columbus High School was held
at opera house Saturday evening.
Intellectual people are always glad to
see the rising generation attain some
decided form of education, a jewel that
can not be purchased, the greatest gift
that can be given, and the surest safe
guard of a nation's welfare.
We say we are all glad to see our
friends have accomplished a work which
is not the easiest and which requires
many anxious hours and days of study.
It is to show the high estimate they
place upon an education, that somany
always attend the commencement exer
cises, but no larger ever gathered at the
opera house than was there Saturday
evening at 8 o'clock.
The stage was a beautiful bower of
floral decorations, notwithstanding the
scarcity of flowers this season. These
were arranged by the Juniors.
At a little after 8:30 the members of
the school board, Prof. Lawrenco Foss
ler of the State University, Prof. Scott
and Mrs. A. C. Ballou, Rev. T. W. Cole
and the three graduates came out on tho
stage and arranged themselves in a
After an earnest invocation by Rev. T.
W. Cole, the girls of the Junior class
sang Vivo L'Amour.
The salutatory by Joseph J. Dodds
was the next ou the program. The
young man is exceptionally studious and
gave evidence of it in his theme, "The
Rise and Fall of Civilization." His am
bition is evidenced by the fact that,
although his parents lived five miles
from the city, he has traversed tho dis
tance every day for four years in order
to attend the Columbus high school.
The salient features of the composition
we will endeavor to give in brief. He
said: "The life of man is pre-eminently
tho most attractive study with which
the human mind can concern itself. By
those who have given no thought to the
subject, the present is regarded as the
golden age, the greatest advance yet
made in a persistent and constant ascent
towards the summit of ambitious at
tainmentfrom primeval savagery, wii
its discomforts, disadvantages and dis
couragements man has grown by slow,
intermittent advances to high estate,
and established himself as lord of crea
tion, the master of his surroundings.
Africa was the scene where many of the
great exploits were performed by Baby
lonians and others. And yet in this
land so fertile, that in spite of centuries
of neglect and improvidence, its resour
ces are unexhausted, a land, that was
for untold centuries not merely the
granary of the world but the seat of the
highest intellectual achievement, we
now find the arrogant but worthless
Turks, and various savage tribes many
of them half starving in tho midst of
abundance. Fiually, if wo consider the
various human institutions,it would seem
that tho civilization of tho future must
absorb whatever has been valid in tho
past, and that if it is to be permanent it
must ignore no element of man's nature
physical, intellectual, moral or relig
An essay "Nature, Science and Art,"
by Charles A. Welch, a Platte county
boy born and bred, son of Jonns Welch,
was well received. Ho said "An all wise
Providence placed mankind in this
world to do good. This great mission
is not at all confined to the few, but
to the whole human family. No ono, be
he ever so low or ever so high, but has
an important part to perform in the
great panorama of this world. The Uni
ted States is now foremost in rank
among tho learned nations of the world,
and still in breadth and thoroughness is
but narrow and superficial as compared
with the schools that are to be enjoyed
by future generations. The large num
ber of books and papers published and
circulated is sufficient proof that ours is
a reading and thinking people. The de
sire for knowledge is increasing, and
step by step scientific knowledge is
gaining a firmer foothold. What won
ders may we not expect in the future!
May not generations yet unborn aston
ish the world with discoveries, that what
now 6eem divine, become simple? It is
useless to weep over the follies of the
past. Our duties are for tho present;
the world and this time and our lives
are moving on and on to the end. Why
stand we idle? Others are performing
well their parts in the great drama of
life; all must move shoulder to shoul
der; tho great wheels of progress must
not be clogged by us."
The Juniors then sang Ave Maria, and
did their instructor in music, Mrs. Page,
great credit, as the piece is very difficult.
Frances I. Turner, the only girl in the
class, then delivered the valedictory.
The theme of her essay was "Free
Schools of the United States." In sub
stance it was this: "A thoroughly in
formed historian could not in a week
give us more than a mere outline of the
progress made in this country since the
school days of our grandparents. Our
own beloved portion of the country has,
(in that, as in other matters) made the
greatest strides. Only a few years ago
the rude house made of sod sheltered
the youth from the blizzards of winter.
In the eastern states the log huts long
since gave way to fine brick and stone
buildings; the translucent greased paper
which the scholars carried from home
to make windows of at school, was long
6ince displaced by the transparent glass.
The pounding on the window-sash by
the fist of tho 'master' no longer 'calls
school.' The bundle of beech rods laid
away in the attic to dry and toughen for
use, is not now considered as an indis
pensable article of school furniture.
The places of the autocratic, domineer
ing, cranky old 'masters' are now occu
pied mainly by gentle men and gentle
women, who, following in the footsteps
of Froebel, believe that education means
the 'harmonious development of all the
bodily and mental powers' and not
merely (as one has fitly expressed it) tho
use of the mind as a 'cold-storage for
facts.' Book learning is not now re
garded as all there is of education.
Theory and practice must go together.
The exact sciences are specially adapted
to mental training, because their dem
onstrations are completed arguments.
By the study of scientific truths, and by
the ever-increasing demand that knowl
edge shall be made of everyday, .prac
tical benefit, men, women, and even
children now vie with each other in in
tellectual improvement. Graduation
day is far from being the end of study.
The public schools are the kindergarten
of' American life. Ignorance is the
worst foe to public welfare." Thanks
were given to the school board and the
teachers for their efforts in their behalf
and a farewell given the class.
Prof. Fossler of the State University
then made a good address to the class,
which contained some excellent advice,
and which any and all could follow.
R. H. Henry, president of the board
of education, preser'-"! the diplomas,
Sup't Scott made . ew remarks con
cerning the work of the year, the Jun
iors sang a beautiful farewell song, and
this ended the evening's program, and
the year's school work, bringing three
more young folks into the circle of
actual practical life and the prospect for
the future.
Two little misses, Jessie Hoffman and
Florence Kramer did duty as flower
girls, delivering the floral gifts to the
Several Thiajc.
Ed. Journal: It seems to me that
there are several things that ought to be
looked after by those having authority
in such matters.
First. I believe that the city should
establish a grade for the streets have
the engineer make a profile, so that
when grading is done it can bo done
systematically and on scientific princi
ples. Anything else is like guess work.
If we can best drain eastward, let us
know it; if southward, let us know that,
and not keep on guessing.
Second. I don't know enough to
know whether the city council have all
the say of the streets and alleys to the
extent of taking the dirt away from the
front of one man's house, near which it
might well be used, and hauling it away
off to fill up a hole in front of somebody
else's place. I suppose that the city
officials have the right to do this, or they
wouldn't do it.
Third. There is a low place on North
street, one block south of where Mr.
Hohl lives (I don't know who owns the
lot) but it is, during a good part of the
year, a nuisance, because of the water
that stands in it. Could the city com
pel the owner to fill it up, or could the
owner compel the city to provide a
means of drainage? Come to think of
it, I guess that both things would le
advisable, done as peace offerings, and
certainly this would be beneficial to the
healthfulness of the neighborhood.
Fourth, and last, (for the present).
wouldn't it be advisable for tho owners
of lots in our cemetery to take some
concerted action in regard to securing
there the use of water from the city, and
also a thorough renovating and cleaning
up of the streets and alleys, in the city
of our dead? As one, I think that
something ought to be done. If there
is not now revenue from the sale of lots
to look after these things (and I am told
that all moneys received are used for
improvements), why not provide a fund
in somo way.'
W. J.
For Sale.
After 36 years of successful
in Nebraska, and being desirous of en
gaging in other business, I offer the fol
lowing lands for sale:
320 acres within one mile and a quar
ter of Oconee on the Lonp, with about
100 acres in young timber, a corral for
300 head of cattle, a frame house and
stable and about GO acres broke, all un
der fence an extra good stock farm,
being well watered.
My homestead farm of about 500 acres,
three miles west of Columbus, finely im
proved, 100 acres of good timber, largo
brick house, largest barn in the county,
stables for 300 head of cattle and horses,
five corn cribs, two large granaries, a
large feed yard with living spring water
in it, with ten self feeders, 100 feed
boxes, 400 feet of shedding and tight
board fence, the largest and dryest yard
in the state of Nebraska.
80 acres on the table land 5 miles
northwest of Columbus, under cultiva
tion, at $20 per acre.
320 acres of as fine meadow land as
there is in the state, 5 miles from my
homestead farm, all under fence and
within 1 mile of Oconee.
320 acres 4 miles west of Columbus,
80 acres under cultivation, 25 acres of
timber, frame house and stable, all under
fenco, and having living water, at $18.00
per acre.
160 acres in Nance county, 5 miles
from Genoa, with 80 acres of young tim
ber and 80 acres of good meadow land.
Terms, Cash. For further information
call on the undersigned at my farm threo
miles west of Columbus.
41-2t-p Patkick Murray.
Or call on or address Becher, Jaeggi
& Co., Columbus, Nebr.
KENYON-LAMBERT-May 26th. at Fenni
more's hotel, Oconee, by Rev. R. Killip, Isaac
W. Kenyon of Monroe to Miss Emily L. Lam
bert of Platto Center.
gasiness Notices.
Advertisements under this head five cents A
linecach insertion.
WH.SCHILTZ makes boots and shoes in the
beet styles, and uses only the very beat
stock that can be procured in the market. 52-tf
The racing season will
soon be here and you will
want to know what time
your horses make. AVe
have some split, second
timers in gold-filled cases,
for 918.00 and $28.00.
They start, stop and lly
back. They are
at about one-half the price
you ever heard of before.
We have also a fine and
large assortment of
Gold ant1 Silver Watches,
ranging from 83.00 to
S100.00. We are bound
to please you in this line.
Parties with good refer
ences can buy on the easy
payment plan.
Sign of the Big Watch.
s S B fi B B 8
Office over Commercial Bank.
We loan money on improved land at 7 per cent interest with optional pay
ments after one year. Interest payable annually. No extra charge for commission
or making out papers.
We sell and exchange property in various parts of the state. It you wish to
bny or sell good farm land call, or write for our terms. We charge nothing for
advertising or showing property.
Columbus. Pfobraslcaw
Established 1370.
MONEY TO LOAN ON FARMS nt lowest rates of interest, on short or long time, in amounts
to smt applicants.
BONDED ABSTRACTERS OF TITLE to nil real estate in Platte county.
Represent THE LEADING INSURANCE COMPANIES of the World. Oar farm policies are
the most liberal in nso. Losses luljusted, anil promptly iaiJ at this office.
Notary Pnbjic always in office.
Farm and city property for sale.
Make collections of foreign inheritances anil soil steamship tickets to anil from nil part
of Europe. laug'Sl-tf
General Agents for the mile of
Uaioa FMile aad Midland Pacifc B. B. Laada f or nle at froa UM to $10.00 w aero f or cm!
or ob fiva or taayaara time, inannoal payments to ait purchaser. We hare also surge asdcfioioi
lac of othflr ltlj imDroTed and mrfm Droved, for sale at low Dries and on reasonable Unas. AIM
ice lota in the city. We keep
Wholesale aad Wotiu Dsmlsc la
feme, PtiltTj, aid Fresh Fish. All Kills t Stisage a Specialty.
VCaah paid for Hides, Pelta, Tallow. Highest market price paid for fat atU.aYa
Olire Street, twe Deers Nertfc of the First Natieial Baak.
Chloral and Tobacco Habits.
The remedy for alcoholism and kindred diseases contains bi-chlorido of gold,
but no hypodermic injections are used except in tho most aggravated cases. The
patient can take his medicino at home without loss of time from business or work,
without publicity. The remedy for the tobacco habit contains no bi-chlorido of
gold. No hypodermic injections aro given, and tho remedy i3 wonderful in every
E3FTho best of references given. For full particulars, writo tho secretary, or
consult the medical director.
A. M. Swartzendruver,
C. A. Newman, 1-...
Staple and Fancy Groceries,
Lamps, Glassware,
Queensware, Etc.,
As Can be Found in This Section of Nebraska.
23TThe very hinhest market price paid in trade Tor country produce,
the present, in the Gluck block, corner of Eleventh and North St reels
Some foolish people allow a cough
to run until it gets Iieyond the reach of
medicine. They often say, "Oh. it will
wear away, but in most cases it wears
them nway. Could they bo induced to
try the successful medicine called
Kemp's Balsam, which is sold on a posi
tive guarantee to cure, they would im
mediately see the excellent effect after
taking tho first dose. Price 50c and SI
Trial size free. At all druggists. 33-y
There is no danger from whooping
cough when Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy is freely given. It liquefies the
tough, tenacious mucus and aids in its
expectoration. It also lessens tho se
verity and frequency of the paroxysms
of coughing, and insures a speedy re
covery. There is not the least danger
in giving it to children or babies, as it
contains no injurious substance. 50 cent
bottles for sale by C. E. Pollock & Co.
and Dr. Heinz, Druggists. tf
A House Dow .Side Up. -iS
Baby had a cold, Mrs. McGinni3 said
hot whisky, Aunt Katy said catnip tea7
Cousin Em. said rhubarb was the thing,
but Grandpa (heaven bless him) said
Haller's Sure Cure Cough Syrup would
take the cake, and it did. For sale by
Wm. Kearville. 11
Telephone No. TO.
a complete abstract of. title to all real estate ii
President. C. A. WOOSley, Secretary
"I ! C. V OSS, Medical Director.
Akd all kimle of conntrrimxluro taken intra
If? and nil rcmmIh delivered f re of charge
B" " to any Dart of tho citr.
10-tf J.S.J