The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, May 25, 1892, Image 4

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Cuaot Use toe Maay Kinds How to Se
lect a Ball Something- AboatHlr
lag; Help Stock Notes
aad Hoasebold Helps.
Onuses for Hop.
For a hog pasture we would use
very kind of grass that would grow
in the neighborhood, says the Iowa
Homestead. It is not possible to get
-too many varieties at the start. You
will have few enough at the end of
about three years. We have two
reasons for this, viz., to secure the
greatest amount of food per acre and
suitable variety for the tastes of the
hog. It should be borne in mind by
11 farmers who wish to get the oest
results from pasture grasses, that none
of them occupy the field fully the
whole season. They have their periods
of rest even in the summer, and when
there are varieties enough they take
precedence by turns. For example.
orchard grass comes
gives the early bito'
followed closely by
then timothy, the
the crowd generally.
in tirat and
so desirable,
blue grass,
clovers and
In June blue
grass gets tired and
rest: timothy and alsiko
takes a
clover get
discouraged in July and do little more
unless the season is quite wet, while
orchard grass and red and mammoth
clover grow right along. Both of
these begin to get tired about the
time that blue grass wakes up and
gets ready to monopolize things. The
grasses are all social, even blue grass
the most reserved and unsocial of
all of them never being quite happy
without its chum white clover. There
fore, for a first-class, permanent past
ure, we would grow every variety of
grass possible in the locality. It is
better to have a pasture that will
carry fourteen hundred pounds
of cow, horse, sheep or hog to
'the acre all summer, than two past
ures that will carry only seven hun
dred pounds per acre. To do so it is
imperative that it have a variety of
grasses. Any of the grasses we have
mentioned will do fairJy well in any
part of Iowa, unless it might be or
chard grass in the northern part of
the open prairie. To these may be
added meadow fescue, and in the ex
treme northern part red top. Red top
will do well on wet lands anywhere,
but we would advise against sowing it
anywhere in the latitude of central or
southern Iowa.
To apply all this to the case of our
correspondent. If he has a hog past
ure with only mammoth clover
we would, in March, sow the fol
lowing mixture: Timothy eight
pounds, red clover six pounda blue
grass six pounds, meadow fescue, known
as English blue grass, four pounds,
and alsike and whito clover one
pound each. This is a heavy seeding,
but when a farmer wants a hog past
ure he wants a good one and it will
pay. Wo would sow these grasses on
the sol in March, and trust to the
freezing and thawing to cover them.
Do "not look for much blue grass for a
year or two. It and the white clover
will appear when the others give wa',
and finally occupy the entire field,
with the exception of special years
when the other grasses will undertake
to get possession.
How to Select a Bull.
In may be that some of our readers
are preparing to select a bulL The
following from the National Provis
ioner may bo of benefit:
Select an animal with a head very
long, the muzzle fine, eyes prominent
and full of life, ears long and thin,
the horns wide, the neck small and
fine where it joins the head and ris
lnor from the shoulders with a grace
ful curve. The shoulders should be
broad, but not too broad, at the junc
tion with the neck; chest open, pro
jecting well before his legs; fore legs
muscular, tapering to the knee joints;
the legs clean, handsome and fine
boned; no hollows between the shoul
ders; chin and chest alike full; plates
firm, sustaining the belly so that it
does not droop below the line of the
breast; the back broad, straight and
flat; promising a good sirloin in his
progeny; the ribs symmetrically rising
from each to each, until the last al
most joins the hips. The idea we
seek to convey is expressed by some
writers calling the body "the barrel.'
The hips must bo wide to uphold
the frame that we have partly
described. There must be no angular
ity. A full, round outline is needed
at once for beauty and power, a little
higher than the back on which ' 'Pris
cilla, the Puritan maiden," might
have ridden from church with the
bridegroom, John Alden. "in the old
colony days," of which Longfellow
has written so eloquently in 'Miles
Standish." The quarters from the hip
to the rump should be long and taper
ing from the hips everything, in fact
indicating that the breeder has used
the best models of bovine beauty and
might to present his -idea of the bull.
The turls or potboncs will not pro
trude, the rump will be close to the
tail and that will be a broad well
covered addendum, in a straight line
with the spine, falling in a pleasant
curve toward the ground, as if its de
scent told of a reserve power that
might carry tho caudal member in
any position with equal ease.
Kciliutr iiis.
An experienced hog raiser says that
hogs weigh heavier according to bulk
when fatted on slops made of ound
grain than when fatted on ear corn or
other dry raw grain, for tho same rea
son that cattle weigh heavier ofT grass
than dry feed, because there is more
sap in the meat the result of being
: fed succulent watery food. Also a
slop fed hog is moie thoroughly fatted
on the inside than tho hogs fed on dry
feed. It pays well to finish the hogs
off on slop if it's only for two or three
weeks before marketing. However.
if we place our own hogs on the East
ern market the advantage gained
would not be so great as a slop fed
or grass hog drafts ono-third more in
transportation than a hog dry fed.
The Best Fowl.
While certain breeds are adapted
best to certain purposes, it must not
befoffwtten that after all, what we
get frost a hen is according to what
we put isto her. The best seeds will
not grow so well in poor soil as in
that richly manured. The best milk
cows will become poor milkers if they
are not properly fed and cared for.
So with kens. Feed for eggs and and
any Breed will give them some
breeds more, some less. The writer
knows of a flock of Brahma hens
that laid more eggs in a year than a
neighbor's flock of Leghorns. -Why?
The Brahma man fed for'ogfsthe
Leghorn man fed fatprodaixfeed.
Yet undoubtedly. ,tke Leghorns can
easily outstrip the Brahmas if both
Breeds are 'fed for egg production.
It Is in poultry as in cows. Some are
milkers, others better meat
The Asiatics could not stand, the
bill of fare of the Mediterranean class.
This latter class will consume double
the amount of ratiomj the Asiatics will
and yet remain in good condition.
Therefore, to sum up, the best fowl
for eggs is the one that when sup
plied with the necessary elements,
will turn out the most eggs. The
best for meat is the one that will most
readilv add on flesh. Then comes the
question of what breeds will fill the
bill best? According to experiments
tried the Leghorns. Minorcas. Andalu
sians and Anconas come in for the
leading honors as egg fowla the
Brahmas, Cochins. Indian Games as
table birds, and the Plvmouth Bocks.
Wyandottes and HouTRms as general
purpose fowla
Of all the new breeds that have yet
been offered to the public, none can
produce better records than those
enumerated above. Until we can find
something better the 'old reliables"
will continue to hold their own.
Honseholt Helps.
Nails dipped into sosp will drive
easily into hard wood
If you drop acid on your clothes the
immediate application of ammonia will
destroy the effect
For hoarseness, beat up the white
of an egg, flavor with lemon and
sugar, and take some occasionally.
For nose-bleed put the feet in very
hot water, drink cayenne pepper tea,
and hold both arms up over the head.
Alight-transmitting window shado
may be made by using tracing linen
instead of the ordinary white muslin
for window shades.
To stop bleeding apply tea loaves,
or a paste of flour and vinegar. It is
said that scrapings of sole leather will
stop it immediately.
Smoke an inflamed wound by hold
ing it over the fumes of burning cloth,
wool or sugar for a quarter of
an hour and the pain will be taken
It is said that a pad of wool or
horsehair bound firmly over the pit of
the stomach will prevent seasickness.
A drink of weak brandy and water
will also help to alleviate the distress.
Butter and milk will keep fresh a
long time in warm weather without
ice if a large porous pot be wrapped
in a wet cloth and invert it over the
butter and milk. The external evap
oration cools the interior.
To remove specks of dirt from the
eye, immerse the 030 in cool water,
then wink and roll the eye-ball until
tho desired effect is obtained. To re
move a cinder, draw the upper eye
lid down over the lower one, and blow
the nose with enough effort to force
tne tears to flow.
Stock Notes.
Botter have a les3 number and keep,
only good grades.
In breeding cattle a good beginning
is one half the work.
Good grade cattle in a good condi
tion are always saleable.
For both milk and beef a good deal
can bo accomplished by proper feed
ing. Fine, dry salt rubbed along the
back is recommended as a remedy for
lice in cattle.
Properly the care of a calf should
begin as soon as it is born to get the
most out of it
The perfect dairy cow and the per
fect beef cow can not be combined in
the same animal.
Growing cattle must be cared for
with the utmost regularity if the best
results are secured.
To get the best results from a dairy
cow her treatment should bo such as
to keep her as quiet as possible.
Tho difference between a good and
an inferior care taker is almost every
thing in making cattle profitable.
With the cheap pasturage usually
possible, the western farmer will
hardly find soiling cattle profitable.
a In nearly all cases if proper care is
taken the farmer can breed a better
grade of cattle to feed for beef than
he can buy.
If you are hard up. don't fool with
uncertain experiments, but confine
your work to certainties till your
financial standing is sound.
With cattle, as with other stock,
animals that show thrift and health
always have the advantage in selling
over those that present a run down
A good dog is one that willdrivo up
the cows and horses from the pasture,
but tho owner of such had better give
him away, and drive up his cows and
horses himself.
It is poor policy to allow the stock
to wade in mud in the feed lot while
the straw pile is rotting in the field.
Tumble the straw pile in the lot and
give the stock a degree of comfort
English Boys and the Great
Public Schools.
Tn England, .while a boy is still in
the unreasoning age of childhood,
good-natured people will ask him play
fully what he is going to be. At a lit
tle later stage the inquiry takes an
rather and more serious form "What
school are you going to?" There is no
playfulness in the question now. Here
by hangs a whole social history. In
one family the tradition is for Eton, in
another for Rugby; and to these tra
ditions father and son are, as a rule,
absolutely loyal, except under especial
emergencies of typhoid or scarlet fever.
The true Englishman of the upper
class is not more certainly born,
"either a little Liberal,
Or else a little Conservative,"
than he is an embryo Harrow boy or
Winchester "man." In after-life he
meets with the question, "What school
were you at?" And here again he is
apt to feel at a disadvantage if he can
not fasten upon one of the important
public schools the credit or blame of
his early training. It matters nothing
that he was only there for half a year,
that he never rose above the lowest
form, that he was flogged half a dozen
times in as many weeks, that he was
promptly expelled for outrageous in
subordination he was at a public
school, he has the cachet of an English
gentleman. To have been at the uni
versity is as nothing compared with
this,declares a writer in Harper's Mag
azine. Many a man is compelled by
army examinations or by business op
portunities to forego the pleasures of
the alma mater. With the public school
it is otherwise; to this they must all
The Besiaalag of the Sad.
"Now that we have become engaged,
dearest," she murmured coyly, "I
thought it best to order several new
gowns, so that after we are married we
shall be prepared.
"You could not have done better,"
replied the young man. "And now,
darling, after this is over there is but
one thing more to do."
"What is that?" replied the fair
young girL
"That," he replied, whith a hard,
set look in his face, "is to discharge
the dressmaker. "Cloak Beview.
The Bells Beaeatb. the Sea.
The sea is calm, the wind Is fair.
Nor ever a cloud doth lower
The good ship speeds with the blessed bells
Shu bears to Boltreaux tower. ,
The pilot crossed bis breast, and cried:
Thank God! the harbor's near,
For vesper bells at Tintagel
King out their music clear.
"Ay, thank the lord for our good speed
Across the doubtful sea!"
"Fool I" sneered the captain, "thank thyself;
God holds no helm for thee."
The pilot crossed his breast, and cried:
"God pardon thee once more.
And grant that we may safely come
Unto the Cornish shore."
The captain's oath was on his lips.
Or ever the sun went down,
And while the people thronged the cliffs
Abore the harbor town.
A mighty wave swept o'er the sea.
With dull and sullen roar:
rhe good ship trembled all her length
As she sank to rise no more.
Then o'er the whelming waters pealed
(As tolling funeral knells
For those lost souls) the soft, sweet chimes
Of the Forrabury bells.
rhe moss creeps over Boltreaux church,
Where rings no vesper lay;
Still waits the tower its blessed bells.
And silent stands to-day.
For low beneath the Cornish wave,
Wheie tanged wrecks lie deep.
The Forrabury bells are hid
And their sweet echoes keep.
But ever 'gainst the billows toss.
And storm winds shriek in glee:
Their muffled chimes the blessed bells
Still ring beneath the sea.
Strangers la Londoa.
Two American gentlemen and their
wives were in London, says the New
York Tribune, and as it happened,
both couples had letters to Lady M.,
and received cards for a "drum" at her
house in Cavendish Squaie. The spa
cious rooms were full of people, but
the four Americans saw not one famil
iar face. However, they paired off,
Mrs. G. with lr. S and Mrs. S. with
Mr. G., and so got along tolerably well
till supper was announced. Then, as
the movement to the dining-room be
came general, the two ladies found
themselves uncomfortable. Mrs. &
tells the story.
Our husbands had strayed off for a
respite, and we sat side by side on the
sofa, with outward smiles but inward
apprehensions. Just then Lady M.
sailed up to us, almost hiding the
gentlemen she had in tow.
"Mrs. G., may I introduce to you
Mr. Brown?" she said with the awful
amiability of the fashionable British
matron, and moving aside to allow the
gentleman to come forward. To our
intense amusement he proved to be Mr.
G. himself!
While we all stared at each other,
not exactly knowing how to meet the
situation our gorgeous hostess went on,
loftily and graciously: "Mr. Brown
will take you to supper, Mrs. G.," and
she sailed away happy that she had
provided at least one of her stranger
guests with an escort.
We managed to restrain our laughter
till Lady M. was at a safe distance.
"Innocents abroad!" said Mr. G..
facetiously; "but I'll le hanged if I
take my own wife. Come on, Mrs. S."
"But, Jim, you can't leave me hero
alone,' said his wife, imploringly.
"Of course not," I answered. "Hunt
up my husband, pleas-:, Mr. G. We will
make up a party, and get our supper at
all events."
I fancy it was through Mr. G., who
knew one or two men. thst the story got
about. It caused great amusement,
and served us a good turn at the same
time; for after that we were introduced
to a lot of people, and our evening
ended delightfully.
But poor Mr. G.l He seemed fated to
have no identity of his own, for a few
weeks afterward a lady whom he hap
pened to take in to dinner told him the
whole story, and finished up with:
"What would you have done under
the circumstances, Mr. Penfield?"
Precisely what I did, madam," he
answered, determined this time at least
to assert himself, "as I am Mr. G."
The incident was not without its
gratifying side, after all, for Lady M., a great authority in her world,
and who heard later of her mistake,
announced her fiat thus:
"Never tell me again that American
women lack savoir faire; I never saw
better breeding. Neither of them be
trayed the slightest consciousness, but
simply accepted the situation, showing
thereby the most perfect tact and
knowledge of the world."
A Word In Season.
An American singer who has made
an almost world-wide reputation, says
that if he were ever tempted to con
sider himself famous, he should only
need to recall an experience which he
had in a Western city one winter, and
his self-esteem would instantly receive
a check. He was announced to sing in
an oratorio at this place, and his head
was displayed in the windows of most
of the stores, as well as on a great
many posters in conspicuous spots,
scattered over the city.
While eating an orange one day he
swallowed a seed, which lodged in his
throat in such a way as to be both pain
ful and dangerous. In great haste he
went to the nearest physician, who, by
aid of an instrument which descended
his throat like a closed umbrella, and
came out like an open one, speedily re
moved it
After the operation the physician
scanned his patient's throat with great
interest for a few moments, and then
said, "What is your name, sir?"
On receiving the desired information,
he said. "Have you ever studied sing
ing?" "Why, yea, somewhat," replied the
other, much amused.
"Lately?" persisted the physician.
"No, 1 haven't studied stall, lately,"
said the singer.
"Well," said the physician, who was
a short, florid, pompous man, "I think,
sir, you are making a mistake. I sing
a great deal myself,' and Tve made a
study of it I don't wanj. to encourage
any one unduly, but your throat, sir. is
a good one for singing; and although it
wouldn't probably pay yon to give up
your business to make music profes
sion, if you could get a chance to study
under a good teacher, I believe, sir,
that in time and with proper cultivation
your voice would give great pleasure to
your friends. M
Pocketing his fee, in exchange for
which he gave the inwardly convulsed
singer a card bearing the. tddraaa of; a
first-class teacher" in that city, the
musical doctor bowed his unknown
patient out of the door.
' The sequel came two nights later,
when the singer, who had consented to
appear at a "Grand Concert," had the
delight of seeing bis quondam
physician, with his eyes almost start
ing from his head, glaring at him from
the front seat of the crowded frl-
Tast a laaka Starr.
The Rev. Dr. CW. Parker.a respected
preacher of Bremen, Ga., is the Atlanta
Constitution's authority for the follow
ing tale:
"Dr. L N. Chaney used to practice
medicine in CarroUton. He now keeps
a hotel in Bremen. He went to Carroll
ton the other day in his buggy, and
while there traded an old debt for a
good horse and started out for Boston
in his new buggy, leading his new
"When he was nearing the Little Tal
lapoosa river bridge at Kingsberry's
mill he suddenly heard a roaring among
the trees which he supposed to be a
storm. Looking up the hill he saw the
forest in commotion and the trees fall
ing aud bending toward him, and in
the midst of it a huge body, which
proved to be a snake. The doctor put
whip to his horse and was quickly on
the bridge. Feeling the buggy jerk he
looked and saw the snake swallow the
horse he was leading and plunge into
the river just above the bridge, and as
the snake poked his head out on the
other bank of the stream, his tail still
upon the side of the hill, his body
reached clear across the river.
"The horse, having on new shoes,
kicked through the stomach of the
snake, and the snake stopped and the
stream was dammed, and the water
rose and floated the snake to a level
with the bridge. The doctor jumped
out of his buggy, took out a big knife,
and cutting the hole larger where the
horse's feet were sticking out of the
snake's body, the horse flounced out
and mounted the bridge. The doctor
secured him to his buggy and drove on,
but by this time the water had backed
till the horse had to swim the low
ground, but they made their escape."
Eight Tears of Slavery.
At the time of the revolt against
Egyptian authority in the Soudan the
followers of the Mahdi took as pris
oners a number of priests and nuns who
had been working in that country for
the envangelization of the natives.
Since that time many stories have been
received regarding the treatment these
prisoners received at the hands of their
It was said that the men were abso
lute slaves and were compelled to per
form the most menial services for their
taskmasters, while the women met a
worse fate, being parceled out among
the chiefs and grossly abused.
Among those who thus fell into the
hands of the rebels in 1883 were the
members of the Austrian-Soudan mis
sion, who were captured when Kor
dofan was taken by the hordes of the
Mahdi. After their capture they were
conveyed to Omdurman, where they
were held closo prisoners. Among
those taken prisoners were Father
Ohrwalden and Sisters Caterina, Chin
carina, Elizabeth, and Vcnturini.
For eight ears they awaited a favor
able opportunity of miking their es
cape, and at hist the opportune moment
arrived. They immediately took ad
vantage of it, and set out on their
journey toward civilization.
They were pursued by the Arabs,
but managed to elude them.and finally
reached Korosko, near Wady-Halfa,
where they were safe from recapture.
They were greatly exhausted by their
journey actv as the desert. No details
of their life among the desert tribes
have been received, but it is believed
that when ti.ey folly recover, they
will be able to tell a most interesting
story of their adventures among the
fanatical Arals.
Obeyed the Koran.
According to one of the tenets of th
Mohammedan religion it is a sin to
make a picture of any living thing.
A gentleman who visited a mosque in
Algiers found that the tiles with which
the building is decorated, while very
old and beautiful, were adorned with
nights of birds. He expressed much
surprise at this, and asked if the com
mand against such representation were
a modern edict, says the Youth's Com
panion. "Oh,no," answered the pious Algeri
an to whom he addressed the question.
"These are not pictures of living
"But they are pain ed as if dying
across the tiles," the other said in some
"Yes," the Mussulman replied, "but
do you not see that about the neck of
each there is a fine black line? That
isto show that the artist painted only
dead birds, and the command of the
Koran is not violated."
Going to Extremes.
Mrs. Newwed: "My dear, as you
said we must do everything possible to
economize, I have been at work turn
ing my old dresses, and I can make
most of them do another year. It
won't take me over six weeks to get
through, and then I'll reshape and re
trim my old bonnets."
"Mr. Newwed: "That's very sensi
ble, I must say."
Mrs. Newwed: "I have also been
trying some waxed thread and a coarse
needle on my old shoes, and I believe
they'll last six months longer; and I've
turned that old carpet we bought second-hand,
and given it a thorough
washing, so that it will do very nicely;
and I'm going to make some curtains
for the up-stairs windows, to avoid
buying new ones."
Mr. Newwed: "Eminently sensible,
my dear."
Mrs. Newwed: And I've sent off
the washerwoman and discharged the
hired girl. I will do all the work my
self." Mr. Newwed: "You're an angel, my
Mrs. Newwed: "And I took that
box of imported cigars you bought and
traded them for two boxes of cheaper
Mr. Newwed: "Now, see here! Econ
omy is a good thing, but there is no
need of yev r becoming an unreason
ing, fanatical monomaniac on the sub
ject." New York Weekly.
A very HI Orarefc.
Phillips Brooks was telling
European travels.
"Did you climb Mont Blanc?" asked
a lady of high church tendencies.
Yes," was the modest reply.
"Is it high?" pursued the lady.
Oh. very high; but not as high as
the church of the Advent," replied the
eminent low churchman.
Sbakape Will.
Any person desirous of irJJsw-cting
the actual last will and testament of
Shakspeare can do so by viaiting Som
erset house and paying a shilling.
The visitor is conducted to a dimly
lighted room, in which this precious
relic is preserved, and is not a little
astonished to find it securely fixed in a
aeries of frames, protested' ey glass.
Leaden Tid-Blts. '
ip A
The Bey's
Life Sara Oaly hy
age of His Oejr
The 9-year-old son of Henry Hoover
of Sjrildrk, Ont, met with a singular
adventure last fall. Mr. Hoover has a
farm situated about a mile from the vil
iM.i iL. :v S
lage where he lives, upon which is a
brash pasture, to which the boy was
sent to bring the cows. Not noticing
where he was stepping, his foot rested
on what he thought to be a dried stick,
about the thickness of his arm, but
which proved to be a huge rattlesnake,
five feet long.
The snake, irritated by the unusual
pressure, coiled itself so tightly about
the boy's legs that he was unable to
free himself from its deadly embrace,
and there is no doubt that he would
have been killed outright had it not
been for the assistance of a large dog
that accompanied him.
At the bidding of the boy, the faith
ful brute seized the snake in his teeth,
and the little frightened fellow, brac
ing himself in an opposite direction, so
as not to be dragged, allowed the dog,
by a great effort of strength, to tear
the snake loose. So great was the
shock to the little fellow s nerves that
he became temporarily blind, and
would in all probability not have
reached home that night had it not
been for his sagacious canine friend.
Placing his hand on the back of the
dog he was piloted safely to the house.
He has recovered his sight, but his
mind is shattered, and his body the sub
ject of frequently recurring spasmodic
fits, the results of his terrible experi
ence. His recovery is doubtful.
Troe Pathos.
Four long years had Jack, the sailor,
been away, and his ship was reported
"lost, with all on board." The news
seemed to pile years on his father's
bent shoulders his mother's smile
faded out and wrinkles seamed her
cheeks. One summer day, however,
as the two came out of church with
their pretty daughters all three
scarcely balancing the loss of the one
dear son a shabby, bronzed and hand
some fellow rushed up to the group and
took his mother in his arms.
"It's my boy! my own boy!" cried
she, throwing her arms about him and
smothering him with kisses, while the
father managed to get possession of
one brown sinewy hand.
"Come, mother, give us a ehance!"
cried the girls in chorus, and by this
time the entire congregation had sur
rounded the wanderer and claimed his
"But you were drowned, Jack!" ex
claimed the youngest sister, and Jack
laughed as he explained:
"No, only partly. Two of us floated
for days, reached an island in the Pa
cific, fell in with friendly savages, and
then waited for a ship. Got my belt
full of money, father, but couldn't wait
to buy a rag of decent clothes."
Then the minister said solemnly,
"Let us pray," and there under the
trees with uncovered head, he offered
thanks for the wanderer's return,
When he had finished, everyone was
softly weeping, and not a soul dreamed
that the tragic joy of the occasion
could be turned into mirth. Suddenly
Jack's mother, wrojight up beyond en
durance, opened her lips and spoke.
"Jack," said she sharply, "ain't you
ashamed to come to meetin' with such
a ragged old handkerchief as that?"
Jack roared and so did the neigh
bors. Tears were wiped away and
laughter reigned.
How the Mikado's Subjects Protest
Themselves from the Weather.
This is a Japanese starting out in a
rainstorm. It is not a wash-bowl on
his head but a firmly knit cloth head
protector which keeps his head as dry
as a sermon. On his back is slung a
fan-shaped flexible shield made of bam
boo and rushes which enfolds his body
and catches the rain as it falls from the
clouds or drips from the head-piece.
The whole makes a most effective pro
tection, save when the wind is beating
in the face.
Had a Narrow Kseape.
As Miss Carrie Kirchner of Bondout,
N. Y., was walking out the other even
ing sho heard the report of a pistol and
felt something strike her. She saw
three boys by a gate and exclaimed:
"Are you trying to kill me?" The
boys scampered away and she walked
home. On her arrival there a 24-caliber
revolver bullet was found imbedded in
a ball of cotton yarn 6he had carried.
She was walking with two younger
sisters, and in order that they might
take her arms, held her hands to her
breast. When the bullet struck her,
her right hand, in which was the yarn,
was resting on her left breast, and thus
her life was saved.
Inaoeent Soul.
Mrs. Gofrequent How quickly your
husband has climbed to success in his
Mrs. Beelus Tate Yea; he had to
climb. I've often heard him say he
got in on the ground floor. Chicago
Kxtreaae Regularity.
IsMike a good worker?"
Oh, yes; fair."
Regular as dock work. Strikes
every hour." Judge.
How atazz Water Tastes.
Mulvaney Fwhat'a that you're
drinking wid your ph whisky?
McMeeley Appleoinaris water.
How does it taste?
It tastes just the same as if yer fur
was asleep. New York Truth.
t aaur'ay, uew
, Meals la CUaa.
The ordinary meals in the Celestial
empire consist of eight courses, the
meat being pork and goat in the south
and beef and mutton in the north.
The viands are washed down by" soup
talrem in min
tor about a dime a
good "square meal" may be obtained,
and, if poultry be needed, a fowl can
be bought for about the same. "Swell"
dinners in a restaurant of note may be
obtained for a little more than two
dollars, and often include the fins of
sharks and the bodies of starfish. A
ceremonial banquet for a party of eight
costs twenty dollars, and frequently
comprises hard-boiled eggs preserved
for twenty-five years, after which lapse
of time they are considered exquisite.
Killed a Moaatala Uoa
Dr. French, a saventy-year-old resi
dent of Alama, killed a mountain lion
one day last week at the Tule ranch in
the pineries, says the San Diego Sun.
The lion had crawled into a pig-pen
through a small hole, and after feast
ing on two shoats was too big to get
out through the hole. Thus he was an
easy prey to the doctor, who (rave him
a hypodermic injection of bird shot in
order to see him perform. He per
formed to the entire satisfaction of his
tormentor. The doctor administered a
44-caliber pill, which put him to sleep.
The animal had immense craws, and
measured six feet from tip to tip.
The Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul
By is the only lino running solid vest
ibuled, electric lighted and steam heated
trains between the Missouri river and
Chicago, consisting of new palace sleep
ing cars, elegant free reclining chair
cars, luxurious coaches and the finest
dining cars in the world. The berth
reading lamp in its palace sleeping cars
is patented and cannot be used by any
other railway company. It is tho great
improvement of tho age. Try it and be
convinced. Close connection in union
depot at Omaha with all trains to and
from the west. For further particulars
apply to your ticket agent, or
F. A. Nash, Gen'l Agt.
W. S. Howell.
Traveling Fr't. and Pass. Agt,
2Qjantf 1501 Farnain St., Omaha, Neb.
The wisdom of him who journey etb, is
known by the line he selects; the judg
ment of the man who takes the Bur
lington Route to the cities of the east,
the 6outh and the west, is never im
peached. The inference is plain. Mag
nificent Pullman sleepers, elegant re
clining chair cars and world-famous
dining cars, on all through trains. For
information address tho agent of the
company at this place, or write to J.
Francis, general passenger and ticket
agent, Omaha. 52-12
A. O. U. W.
The supreme lodge of the Ancient
Order of United Workmen convenes at
Holena, Montana, June 15th, 1892. For
this occasion the Union Pacific System
will sell tickets to Helena and return at
the low rate of one first-class fare for the
round trip. Tickets on salo June 7th to
14th, limited to 30 days from date of sale
and 10 days transit limit in each direc
tion. For tickets or additional informa
tion apply to J. R. Meagher, agent U. V.
System, Columbus. 52-4-5t
The Methodist ticueral Coufrreore.
For the accommodation of those de
siring to visit Omaha daring the session
of the Methodist General Conference,
the Union Pacific will sell tickets at one
and one-fifth fare for the round trip
from all points on its line within 200
miles of Omaha. Tickets on salo May
2, 4. 7, 1L 1L 18, 21, 25, 28 and 30, inclu
sive, limited to one week from date of
sale. For tickets or additional informa
tion apply to J. R. Meagher, Agent U. P.
System, Colnmbns. 3-3t
Hex Headache and letters an" tbetsoablas BMf
dent to a bilious state of the system, saoh a
Vlxzlnest, Nausea, Drowsiness. Distress after
eaUnf.Palnla theBda.&o. Walla then aaost
renaxkabls success has beea shown la caneg ,
Beaaaehe, yet Garter's tltue Lhsr MM m
equllyTluable In OonstlpaUon, curing and prs
venUng thlssnnoyixiff complalntwhua they alas
correct all dlsordersofthestoiBarhtlTTHilatethe
Urw and regulate thebowels. XvealXtbejoabf
ackatbey would beabnostpriceleistot&osswae
Snffftrffltt't',l '" gTi!". butfortu
atly their goodaessdoas no tendhereuid those
whoonoe try them will lad these little pUlsTalo.
able la so many ways that they will not be wil
llsf todowitboQttheav Bat after allsidt head
faiths bane of so many Urea that here Is waste
weraakeourgraeiboast. OuTpffiscureltwhUa
ethers do not.
Carter's Little liver Fins an vsry sbmU and
very easy to take. One or two puis makes dose.
They are strictly vegetable and do not gripe or
purge, but by their gentle action please all who
use then. In vials at 2 cents ; fire tor $L Bold
rnxsicixss couldkt cubs hol 10
SzoaxsviLLX, Hamilton Co.. Ohio, June, f9.
One bottle of Pastt r Koenitr's Nerve Tonic
rand me entirely, after physicians bad tried
it unsucceatfnlly for 8 months to rHWe me
ot nervous debuity. W. HCEXNEEELB.
Alaxosa, Col., Jan. '83.
My wife was troubled with nervousness
about one year before she iooi Pastor Koo
aig"a Nervo Tonic, and at that time bad very
tetere attack- of spanis. oonvuUioua. una
psiaa in ditfereut parts of the bdy Wuen
m tla ut3 her lower jaws vould act vio
lently and Bet sometimes, bite m.r torgao,
breathe heavily, then short, then seemed to
Mop cutlrelv, get a IW look in brr eyes and
rolling aroano, then atop som- tircea, it would
take a men to noid her in !,.!. otherwise her
body would cramp and rxiso for2 hours. Sho
took but two bottles of tho Nerve Tonic
which cured her em lrelyof ail these torroen
which myself and wife gladly testify, Itttoly
had the deseed elect.
n i 3T-" t
A Vataafeto Book oa Set-rows
Diseases aeot free to any address,
and mar naticiita can also obtain
sthia medicine free ot charge.
This rasaedy has beea prepared by the Beier
eadPastorKoeolc.otrortWarne.lBL. sines WW.
aad Is sow prepared under his direction by tho
BeU by DraolstsatSl par BotU.6ot
. ZaWvaSIaa.s31.7S. 6 Bottles for M,
The Journal for Job Work
a-cjr.lipja k
The lost Popilar Familj Newspaper in tie lest
THE HOME .-. .-.
Tn yb a wvrrar.Tr aw tji'ijuda
aumberlna among its wrttsrstne ablest
important areata all overtba world.
Its UTiiRAEY FEATURES are equal to thoie of the best magazine:.
Amonn Its contributors are W. D HO WELLS. FRANZ R. STOCKTON, Mku.
DTrt ntit,nanv A r .wtOTBnc-E.
FAME. itwlUtnusbesseathatTHE INTER OCEAN pubuanes
and the best.
Tke Youth's Department, Cariosity Shop, Woman's Kingdom JL- The llouie
Are Better than a Maoaatne lor the PamUy.
One of tho Most Important Features lathe Department ot
Edited by EX-GO V W.'D. HOARD ot Wisconsin. Editor and Proprietor ot
"Hoard's Dairyman." This la anew Xaature and an important one to Agriculturists.
Has also bean opened for the special purpose of discussing tho questions now
aqltaUnGT tho farmers ot the country.
Is Ono Dollar per Year, postage paid.
Is published ovary Monday and Thursday at $2.00 par year, postpaid
The DAILY INTER OCEAN is $6.00 3mjjWk
Llbarai Terms to Activo Asjont3. Sand or Sample Copy.
Address THE INTER OCEAN, Cbicapo
Board. Room TCent and Tuition for Term of Ten Weeks I 20.50)
Tuition atone. jK-r Term 8.00
json ru n r r k v ...,- ao
Total KxpciiM-B fr On- V.-ar 120.00
A larjf ail nsperior Faculty of exetienrei! Teachers wid lrofe"iir.
StodeuU may Kule: tuu iimu aad flud clivisw suited to lucir need aud adtauca
Fall Term Opens Sept. 6. 1S92.
Second Fall Tarm Opens Nov. 15. 1892.
Winter Term Opens Jan. 2.A-, 1 -y3.
Sprint; Term Opens April IO, 1&93.
THE PLATTE INSTITUTE baa been established fortbe purpose of placing a liberal
education within the reach of ALL.
It will cont you les t j to stay at home.
An opportunity will be afforded a number of students to pay all or a part of their expenses by . .,
Send in your application at once.
This school is under the jurisdiction of Rt. Iter. Anson K. Graiw, ISinhop of tbo DIoceM of .
the Platte.
ItKFKRENCES: Bishop Anson R. Graves, Kearney, Neb. W. C. Tilioou, Ouuler Kearny .
National Hank. L. '. Howry. Sec'y Mill way Laud Co.
Write for particulars and information to .
FOR 1892.
The Aggressive Republican Journal
of the Metropolis
Founded December 1st, 1887.
Circulation over 100,000 Copies
The PRE8H.1H the organ f no faction; pulta no
wires; has no animosities to n'.e::t;e.
The most remarkable Xewspuiw Suc
cess in Xeic York:
The Press is a National Newanaoer. Ciiwin
news, vulgar tenwitionsnnd trash rind no piuce
in me common 01 l he
The Pbe-sh has the brighter Editorial pngo in
Now York. It sparkles wit it iints.
The Pbesh Suximy Kijitiox is a splendid
twenty pajro paper, coverinK every current topic
of interest.
The Press Weekly Edition contains nil the
good things of the Daily anil Sunday editions.
For those who cannot afford the Daily or nre
prevented by distance from early receiving it.
The Weekly is a splendid substitute.
The Pbesh has no superior in New Yoiik.
h.-: xesx;
U7.IH the r ciri of all. Thr
best mill cheitDent
AViniyMijjei pulilinhcd tit A iiitrficit.
Daily and Sunday, one Year
" " " .six months ...
' " " one "
Daily only, one Year
' " four months
Sunday, one Year
Weekly Press, one Year
S-r 00
Send for The Press Circular.
Samples free. Agents w:inted
Liberal commissions.
Potter IIcilsino, 38 Park Row.
3feb:.t New York.
fittcrrIalaa'TowsXauit Troa 1 Co. iaitrnctod
and (Urtad me. I worked iteadllj and made money raster
taaa I expected to. I became able to bay an ulacd and baud
a small satnmer botel. If I don't iseceed at that. I will go
to work arain at the batinesa In which I made my money.
. Xrww 4z Ce.t Shall we lnitract and etart yon. reader?
If we do, aad If yoa work joa will in da
" ableio buy aaitlaad aad build a hotel, if yon with
to. Jawaew can be earned at oar aetr line of work, rap
dly aad honorably, by those of either lex. young or old.
aad la their own localities, whererer they Ure. Any one
caawa the work. Eaty to learn. WefamiiheTerythinr. No
rik. Ton can devote your spare moment! , er all yoar time
to the work. This entirely new lead brinn wonderful eue
cejeto every worker. Begfanera are earning from &Z&tm
VSO per week and upward, and mora after a little expe
rience. We can furniah yon the employment weteacbyoo.
FJKKE. This ia aa it, of mirr.latii thine, and her le
another great, uietnt. wealth inline wonder. Great gaias
wilt reward every induttriona worker. Wherever yoa are,
and whatever you are doinr. you want t. know about this
you. No space tn explain here, hot if
atonee. Delay meana much money lost to
.spiain nere. rmt 11
lain to you FKEI
r yoa will write to as.
wo will male an plain to yo
TttDKat Cd.. Jswa
SciMtile flutrimi
muiim a co, an bboaowat. niw yohk.
PJdsat sanea for secarlng patents tn Aaserioa.
rery Must takea oat by as U bfoagat bef ora
linalstlias lafasi a ImiIISii asnar In tea
inasusmi if o lBMBagwaa ,
K. We
r.nwi'co: if
T A 1VtT'T&BfiBS&WUmmm3mmmWmK
i LilM-ll
in the country.
keeps Its read
and as such is ablr conducted.
readers perfectly posted on
OCEAN is 2.00
A Home School for Both Sexes.
Best and Cheapest School injhe West.
New Buildings Throughout.
Steam Heat in All.
Two Large Dormitories.
Preparatory, Normal. Collegiate. ICusincss, Short
hand and Typewriting, Music, Art.
The American FAtyiEfi,
(Established In 1819.)
The Oldest Agricultural Paper . .
in America.
Office: 1729 New York Ave.. Waahlaftosi.D.Oi
Office Southern Edition: 228 E. BalUmora Si.,
Baltimore. Md.
The veteran American Kahm vn. which Is thai
by many years of all the agricultural rmamrm In '
country, having been published In Ualtlmore for nearly .
tliree-qnnrtere of a century, anil always maintained a
liixlt chanii-ler, lias passed Into new hands, who have -ri-n'iovi-d
the inula ollice to Washington, D. C. The
ofik-Hor tliemtliern Edition will stilt be retained at .
Kdllmore. Md. .
The new proprietors have greatly enlarged and uu , .
proved the Journal. It now has 32 large pages, wltb m
ImnuSoniely embellished cover. It Is printed In the best
style, on tlu book paier, with an abundance of Ulua-
tr.ilions by the best artists. It alms to be the largest
mid humNomest inruier periodical In the country, and
rjotirriniYntimucfi Mtih-clius readiivj mntltrz ,. i
;n the United States )uw lieeu secured to write for It.
Specialists in all branches of fUnnlnc, who aro ac
fcnnwleitired to stand at the very head of their respect
ive hnuitv.e-. of KinnvtrdKC, have been emptied to coo-lp .
duet the vonon e'epurttneuts of the Journal, aud
everything that appoeri in its paires can tie cocllitcutly
relied on to lie the beat run. Intent knowledge and
opinion on the "ubject. The iciencv of agriculture,!
making strides In itsdelGineiit.imdTlii:Ai:KniCAJ
t-AKMKii'H object w:i; re to Men its readers ruilyabrraat
of the I.if t-ti development, and make them the best In
formed ami iiin3eiieiiily the most yuccerstbl farmers
hi the country. No man can hoie lo set the mbstfroai
lilt fields mid finks without thN knowledge, and the
know ledge and idi: hew 111 get from TUK.AMXK1CAM
I'.tKMKit will nuke iLi subscription iirii-ea mostproUC-
able tin estment for him. All Ibis inioruintion will be
plain, pmiticul. and couched In cvery-day language.
there 1 a Literary Department, rt.aile up of excellent .
hurt stories and interesting miscellaneous matter, and .
a Household Department, conducted by the foremost
woman w rlter on the subject in the whole country.
Thk Amkhicax Fakmek will he entirely neutral in
1-illtlcH. but supiiort to the best of it ability a Judicious
protection through Import duties on every fanntsg
product. It will have no friends in any party but tsc
IrieuiL of the tanner?, and no enemies but theirs. It
will not lieMt.ue to attack any man who, by speech or
vote.opiNmes the Interest"! of the farmers, 'and ltwtsl
-arenilly watch every movement lit Congress, aad .
very ruling aud decision In the Executive Depart
meuts nllcctlut those Interests. It is. the only farming;
(Viper In the country that makes these things a .spw-
is devoted especially to the peculiar products and la'
teresis or tne xiui, unci u in spare no laoor or expense
in promoting the well belnsof the planter and flkrmers
if that section.
The Journal Ls published regular! on the 1st and 15Ui '
.f each month, thus clvinif 24 issues each year aad aa
normoiis amount of readmit nuttier for he tnoaey.
The .siilrcriptioii price ls ft a year, jmyabla B ad-
. .nice. A Mi-inI Introduction oJr la made to SSBd it
'or the remainder of IS'JZ for SO cents.
I n MibM-rlbing. sjieclfy whether fcr the regular or th .
t:tlieru edition, bend money Sy postal-order or K ew
ork drafts. Address all conuBiiutcatlona to
1729 New York A venae,
Masaple Carles Frew. WasMagtaa, P. .
jwawSBwH.' m.
BBBBBBBBBBaS '.? -i. . i '"-JIbBBS
waLwaE"'' ' "'' m
BlBSKiC-,: " . "BHST'N' m
sSbbbbbbbbbbm v gggBTaafsBhw
S3 SHOE oesf ilmtn .
It Is a seamless saoe. with no tacks or wax thread
to hart the feet; made of the best flno calf, stvllaa
sad easy, and because see saoss more thor of Mte
grade than say of her manufacturer. It equals haad.
4KK wwGeaalaelIaad-wewe, the finest calC
sy9a shoe ever offered for 3.00; equals yrsacti
Imported shoes which, cost from mM to
Sat Hand-Sewed Welt She, flaw calf.
es"a stylish, comfortable and durable. Thebes
shoe ever offered at this price : same grade ss cos
toavraade shoes costing; from as-"' to tfcoo.
C4 & Police Mhaei Fanners, Railroad Xeaa,
and LetterCarrtersall wear them; Anecatf.
seamless, smooth Inside, heavy three soles, extea
stonedae. One pair will wear a year.
S awwaeealft ao better shoe ever offered at
BeSBaa this orlce: on trial will convince t tinea
who wsat a shoo for comfort aad service.
A 33 aad 92.M WerkJafssan'a shoes
esvaCe are very strong- aad durable. Those who
have given them a trial will wear no other make.
Ba' eNn. 91.73 school shoes ara
DOJ 9 worn by the boys everywhere; 'hsTssll
oa their merits, as the Increasing sales show.
I ttHisfewt 3.ww. llm2?7tt . hate
ftsCitllCV nnnrnls -rrrstTlllh tirrnilirianiih
imported shoes eosUBafrom ttx3 to auou.
Ladles JJftViajM aad 91.73 shoe for
KlssrssretaebeetaweDOBfOla. stylish and dteable.
Caatlaa.-ee thst W. L. Douglas" aasaa aad
pries ere stamped oaths bottom of each shoe.
miiii Ms m i a
- . dMu, uii.i m., .iiimis
" -I
. . . .-I
1 a. i
& t
i,- A