?i Cte Ctflumbtt 0Enral. -r:. - iA V- - . -. fcT t- -sr-z- ,-f.f3u- - l VOL. XXUL-NO. 5. COLUMBUS, NEB., WEDNESDAY, MAY 25, 1892. WHOLE NO. 1,150. f B A V V. m. - -r .-. v. ' I- - I--: W:-, m M i' .: Uh THE OLD RELIABLE Columbus - State - Bank ! (Oldest Bank in the State.) Fays Merest on Time Deposits AND Kates loans on Seal Estate. ISSUES SKiHT DUAFTS ON Osaka, Chicago. New York and all Foroiga Countriea. 8ELL8 : STEAMSHIP : TICKET8. BUYS GOOD NOTES And Holps its Customers when they Need Help. OFFICERS AND IUIIFXTOUS : LEANDEIt GEKHAUD. l'res't. It. II. IIENHY, Vice l'res't. JOHN STAUFFEK, Cashier. ' M.BKUGGEU, G. W. IIDLST. OF COLUMBUS, NEB., HAS AN- Authorized Capital of $500,000 Paid in Capital - .Mr,0M) OFFICERS: C; II. SHELDON. Pres't. II. P. II. OHLRIOH. Vice Pres. C. A. NEWMAN. Cashier, DANIEL SCIIKAM. ABs't Cash. STOCKHOLDERS: C H. Sheldon. J. P. llecker, Herman P. H.Oehlrich, Carl ltienke, Jonas Welch. V. A. McAllister, J. Henry Wurdeinnii, H. 31. Window, Georpe W. Galley. 8. C. Grey. Frank Rorer, Arnold F. 11. Oehlrich. Henrj' Loseke, Gerhanl Loseke. ty Bank of deposit; interest allowed on time deiOhilH; buy and hell ivhnugeou United States and Europe, und buy and tell a vailablo securities. We shall be pleased to receive your business. We bolicit your patronage. 2Iec37 J. DTJSSELL, DKALEH IN Df LEI Villi lis, And all Kinds of Pumps. PUMPS REPAIRED ON SHORT NOTICE. Eleventh Street, one door west of Hajjel ,fc Co's. 6june8S-y SUBSCRIBE NOW ron THE GOLUIBUS JOURNAL. AND THE AMERICAN MAGAZINE. . I IV Offer I'.uthfor a Yvar. if i 1.. The Jocbnal is ncknowlmlsed to be the best news and family paper m Platte county, and The American Magazine is tlie only high-class month ly magazine devoted entirely to American Litera ture. American Thought and Progress, and is the only decided exponent of American Institu tions. It is as good as any of the older mnca zinra, furnishing in a year over 1,500 pages of the choicest literature, 'written by the ablest Ameri can authors. It is beautifully illustrated, and is rich with charming continued and short stories. No more appropriate present can be made than a year's subscription to The Ameri can Macaxise. It will be especially brilliant during the year 18. The price of Jochkal is $2.00, and The Ameri can Magazine in $3.00. We offer both for $1.00. PATENTS Caveats and Trade Marks obtained, and all Pat ent business conducted for 3IODERATE FEES. OUR OFFICE IS OPPOSITE D. S. PATENT OFFICE. We have no sub-agencies, all business direct, hence we can transact patent business in lew time and at LESS COST than those remote from Washington. Bead model, drawing, or photo, with descrip tion. We advise if patentable or not, free of charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. A book, "How to Obtain Patents," with refer ences to actual clients in your state, county or town, sent free. Address C. 4 SNOW & CO. Opposite Patent Office, Washington. D. C WANTED SALESWH. Local and Tbaykuno. To represent our well known house. Yon Dead no ratiital tn mntMnt UM reliable firm that warrants nursery stock first clase and true to name. Wobk all thk tkak. 4100 per month to the right man. Apply quick, stating age. L. L. HAY A CO.. Nurserymen, ' Tlejdat aaa Seedamen, St. Janl, Minn. W TUahocae iareaponaible. 23sux8p ONE GOOD FEELINO. What's a fair or noble face If the mind ignoble be! What though beauty in each grace May her own resemblance see! Eyes may catch from heaven their spell, Lips the ruby light recall; In the home for love to dwell, One good feeling's worth them alL Give me virtue's rose to trace Honor's kindling glance and mien; Howsoever plain the face Beauty is where these are seenl Raven ringlets o'er the snow Of tho whitest neck may fall; In the home for love we know One good feeling's worth them alL Unknown Author. MY AUNT SUSIE. My name, is Sarah Blank. When my parents died they, being poor in money but rich in virtues, loft mo nothing: but their good name and a spirit too proud to ask favors from my wealthy relations or help from anybody. Consequently I have, since thoir death, supported myself as a 'domes tic, " which, owing to my beinc brought up in tho country, where I had no ed ucational facilities, seemed the only way open for me to earn a livelihood, although in time I hope to do some thing better. My first idea in selecting that una ristocratic occupation was to secure a homo with nice people, which I navo done, and save enough money to start a dress-making business after I teach myself how to do it Being naturally neat and pleasing in my faco and manner and, also, in dustrious and quick to learn, it goes without saying that I am treated "as one of tho family" and mado a great deal of by tho good people in whose service 1 am and whose friendship I enjoy. While my mother lay sick in our very humble homo she gave to mo a sealed letter which, if she died, I was to take in person to an aunt I had never met This relative, having married a man who subsequently be came immensely rich, was a leader in socioty. and altogether too fashiona ble to maintain even an acquaintance with her more worthy but moneyless sister. For nearly a year that letter had laid in my trunk neglected, for I imagined its contents were of a de pendent nature, and, may bo, asking aid in my behalf, which I didn't want especially from a rich relation likely to have her head turned with worldly vanities. mm my wnnnoiuing tno missive, which might not be as 1 thought worried me, and at last I resolved to visit my aunt and deliver it So, getting a leave of absence for a few days, and making myself look like the modest and refined young lady I am, I started off to perform tho unpleasant duty. At the end of almost a day's journey I reached tho handsome suburban town where my. aunt lived and found myself late in the afternoon treading a winding carriage driveway through tho spacious and beautiful grounds be longing to a magnificent homo which I saw through tho trees. My courage almost gave out when I mounted the mansion's broad piazza steps, for I had no7er seon anything so grand in my native town, and when the gorgeous and pompous man ser vant met me at tho door I was so over come with awe that I fear the courtsey I gave him was old fashioned and awkward. But I know enough not to offer to shake hands and to lay tha lotto? on tho silver tray he held out and ask him to please take it to my aunt who I hoped would be glad to see me. With an un movable solemn face and am imposing, very dignified bow he showed mo in the lovely reception room, and bidding me take a seat he strutted away and left me. It seemed a long time before I heard the rustle of someone's silk dress und light footsteps on the pol ished lloor of tho great hall, and the sounds, telling mo that my awfully rich and stylish aunt was coming, made my heart flutter indeed. When I looked up there sho stood, tall and stately, and elegantly at tired, surveying me through her cold eye-glasses with disdainful curl on her thin lips and nover saying a word. Rising from my chair at onco I held out my trembling hand with. "Aunt Susie, I am so glad to see you." Drawing back, as If afraid to touch me, she frcezingly said, "I don't know you, Miss." Oh. no, "I tried to smile, "for you haven't seen mo sinco I was a little girl. But you arc my aunt and that wfs my mother's letter I brought I I don't know what was in it Ma ma told me to tako it to you while she was sick, just before she died. Not a look of wolcomo or recogni tion showed on her stern, white face. Her thin lips curled more disdainfully as she drew still further away. "I do not know you. Miss." she re peated slowly and emphatically. The tears began to stream down my flushed face. "Are you not the moth er of Mr. William Blanlc who lives in Eighty-first street in New York?" I asked as quietly as I could. I believe I am," she cooly an swered. Then." I quickly replied. you surely are my aunt for ho told mo your address and said I ought to calL on you and that you would certainly like to see me for poor mother's sake." She came a step nearer when I said, that and I thought she was going to kiss me and ask pardon for her mis take. Bui; No! Her faco became colder and harder, and her eyes glared cru elly through their unsympathetic I jiiaascs as sue rcpuiiicu again, "i un derstand you do domestic work I not know jou and. what's more, I do! do not wish to know you." When she turned on her heeL stalked stiffly from the room and. I heard her telling the listening footmaa out in the hall to order the carriage and have "that young creature' taken to the station at once in time for the down train. But I wanted no carriage. Before her directions were done I gained and opened the front door and was hurry ing away over the beautiful lawn. When I reached the road I burst into tears, but they soon stopped when mv xiehteoua indignation ajt the. abasia- jl fully heartless reception rose within me When I boarded the train no one would have known from my manner that anything but pleasure had come from my visit to the nearest relative I had in the world. How thankful I was to get "home" and how kind and thoughtful of my feelings were the true friends and I might say. guardians who employed me. When I had time to reflect on the inexcusably mean way my aunt had treated me and compare her unlady like manners with those of honest people I came to tho conclusion that it wouldn't hurt her any to be punish ed a little, so one day I sent by mail the following letter to her written as well if not better than she herself could do it "My Dearest Aunt Susie: I have good news to tell you. I was impressed so favorably with your pretty town that I have determined to live there and be near you, for it will be real nice for ns to become true friends and see each other of ten as relatives ought to do. As soon as my month is up here I shall procure a situation in your neighborhood with one of your friends, if possible. I will bring the best of references from my present place and, of course, you will be glad to speak a good word for me to who ever I send. I am not afraid to say that for all domestic work I am highly quali fied and my cooking is hard to excel. Perhaps you may like to find a place for me and, if you will I shall esteem the favor. With much love to you and uncle I am Your affectionate niece, Sakah Blank." By return mail I received an unex pected reply as follows; "Pise Lawx, May 14. My Dear Niece, Do forgive me for the mistake I made in not reco, raizing you when you came so far to see me. I am indeed sorry and promise you a welcome befitting your re lationship, if you will honor me soon again with a visit I think as good-looking and capable a girl as you ought to find a higher employ ment than that which you have chosen, though I feel proud of your independent spirit in trying to take care of yourself. But I have a plan for you which I sin cerely trust will be accepted it is for you to make your home with me jnst as if you wore my daughter and allow uncle and myself to send you to the college in our town for the full term of four years -we, of course to pay all the expenses. After that you will be at liberty to still be "our new daughter" and live with us or not just as you think best Now take time to reflect well on our of fer and remember that the joy a new daughter will give us in our large but lonely house will more than reward us for expenditures we so cheerfully wish to make for yon. And you can repay it all when college days are oyer and when you can earn ten times the money which your present business affords. Hoping to hear your assent to the above, I remain Your loving 'Aunt Susie.'" The letter took my breath away, you can be sura and I am thinking of it night and day. 3 I am half of a mind to accept it What would you do? Chicago Sun. TWO MORE BISHOPS. Probable Action of taw Metkodlat Coa- fareaoe. Omaha, Neb., May 16. Bishop Good sell'preaided over the Methodist Gen eral conference yesterday and Thomas Karroun of Wyoming conducted the de votions. While the minutes were be ing read the politicians were discuss ing a well-authenticated rumor that the committee on episcopacy had de cided to reconsider its action and recommend that two more bishops be appointed. Should the rumor prove true Earl Cranston of Cincinnati, who has the largest following, is conceded to be the first choice. The committee on m colored bishop has not reported yet, but from the same source comes the re port that there will be a colored bishop, and that Dr. Grandison of Ben nett university will be the lucky man. A. C. Johnson is named as Earl Cran ston's suocessor as agent of the book concern at Cincinnati. Thomas Hanlon of New Jersey of fered a resolution declaring that, as the conflict between capital and labor is widespread and of very serious import ance, and the gospel alone contains an adequate remedy for the evils com plained of, the church ought always to be with the common people; that the conference recognize the progress of the conflict aqd that it pledge to th tolling masses its sympathies in this unhappy strife, and that, "in and out of the pulpit, we should do all in our power to effect a reconciliation on the gospel basis of the universal brother hood of man." Dr. Hanlon made a strong plea for immediate passage, but was opposed, and the resolution was referred to the committee on the state of the church. A. E. Mahin andC G. Hudson offered a resolution that, as the conference has declared the plan of lay delegation statutory and not constitutional, the discipline be amended by inserting after the word "layman" the words "who ssay be either men or women." Referred .vitbout debate. The committee on revisals made a report recommending that the disci pline be amended so as to give unor dained preachers, serving as pastors, authority to soleaanize Barriagea where the civil laws give sn"h authority. Adopted after a short debate. An old-time row was precipitated on the question of permitting bishops to vote or argue in eonunltte on book eon cern. Amos Shinkle of Kentucky, chair man of that committee, had decided that bishops could argue but could not vote at meetings, and this decision was appealed from by other members. The appeal was voted down in the com mittee and appealed to the general committee. The regular order of the day, the presentation of memoirs, having been reached, business was suspended and after devotions papers on departed members of the church were read. Veterans Want Cow Batter. Grasd Rapids, Mich., May 18. J. A. Griffin, an inmate of the Soldier's Home, entered complaint and asked for the arrest of Quartermaster Shank of the home on the charge of violating the Statedaw relative to oleomargarine That law prohibiting the use of 'oleo" in any of the State institutions, under penalty of $25 to $100 fine for each offense. Griffin charges that in the interest of economy Shank has been feeding the veterans on the artificial butter. The prosecuting attorney took tks natUr.mjfr rrlT'TiMrat BIGHTS OF LAYMEN. CONTINUANCE OP THE FIGHT AT OMAHA. IaveaMfaUoaa to the Alr-Edaeatleaal Societies Alleged to be Too Lavlah la Their Kxpestdltmrea To-Dajrs JPxo eeedtegs. Omaha, Neb., Mav 14. Bishop John P. Newman presided over yesterday's session of the Methodist conference and W. R. Halstead of Indiana con ducted the devotional exercises. It was raining and the hall was damp and cold, so that hardly a quorum was present when the conference was called to order. The action of the committee on Episcopacy in re fusing to recommend the election of additional bishops was the topic of discussion among the delegates dur ing the reading of the minutes. The decision comes like a flash of lightning, as the candidates had all along figured on more influence than the bishops, and they had no idea the Episcopal board could thwart their desires. The episcopal fight out of the way the scramble for offices under the book concern will become more earnest Dr. Spenee, of Holston, asked that two assistant secretaries of the Freed men's Aid society be appointed to assist in the work. The request wrs referred, and on motion of Dr. Hunt the honor ary secretary (Mr. Rust) of that society was given a seat on the platform. A special committee of four laymen and three 'ministers was asked by Dr. Depaw of Pennsylvania to inquire into the feasibility qf consolidating the ed ucational societies. Dr. Depaw de clared that during the last year the ed ucational societies had collected $183,- 673 at an expense of between $40,000 and $50,000. He denounced this ratio of expenditure as unbusinesslike and demanded that the .committee be ap pointed and instructed to make a thorough investigation. Mr. Pyne stated that the committee courted an open, thorough and efficient investigation and it would show that every dollar expended was for the good of the church and society. The committee on Freedmen's Aid and Southern Educational .society was directed by a resolution to inquire into the finance of that sdciety, as it was al leged that its expenditures have in creased rapidly without a propor tional increase in the schools or their efficiency. It was further alleged that while white schools had multiplied rapidly, but few or no negro schools had been secured. The special order of the day being taken up. Dr. Goucher resumed the flcor and addressed the conference on the report of the constitutional com mittee. In 1702, he said, the first gen eral conference was held. In it were no laymen. The ministers had built up the church and the laymen claimed no representation in its government. In 1808 a constitution was accepted and every conference since then had met under its provisions and limita tion, thus making the constitution in effect a constitutional enactment In regard to the plan of lay delegates, the doctor said the constitution qf 1808 allowed the laymen as well as minis ters delegates. Dr. Bristol of Chicago argued that there was no Euch thing as two consti tutions and argued that it would be impossible to have a constitution for the conference and one for the church. He held that under such lessoning tho church would have to derive its life from the general conference. What is needed, he declared. '4s that we should decide what is the constitution of the Methodist Episcopal church, and once decided it will be forever." As he took his seat at least twenty five men sprang to their feet, demand ing recognition. Dr. Bristol's speech opened a new thought and his oppo nents wanted to stifle it Judge Law rence of Ohio, amid applause, secured the floor. He said there is no such a thing as a constitution of the general conference. There was solely a con stitution of the Methodist Episcopal ehurch. After mush desultory and rather acrimonious discussion, Dr. Graw earned the thanks and heartfelt grati tude of every one by moving the pre vious question, whioh was ordered. The amendment to the amendment and the amendment were both voted down and a vote on the substitute of Dr. Goucher was taken up, accepted and adopted. The Government Not Liable. Boston', Mayl . The very important point whether in the innumerable im porters' cases the United States can be taxed for costs has been finally settled by the opinion of Judge Colt of the United States Circuit Court It sustains the principle raised by tho District At torney that while the appeal comes up from the Collector in all such cases the United States itself is the party tc the suit, and therefore interest and costs cannot run under the Customs Admin istrative aet This means the saving of a good many thousands of dollars to the government Kb Mere Allans In Public Service. Washington, May 19. The Senate' Committee on Civil Service and Re trenchment to-day ordered a favorable report on Senator Gallinger's bill re quiring the heads of othe executive de partments to dismiss from the public service all persons who are not citizens of the United States by nativity or complete naturalization, and prohibit ing the appointment of such persons in the future. Standard's Laat DlTldead. Nbw Yobk, May 14. The last dlvi. dend that will be paid on Standard Oil trust certificates was declared yester day' payable June 15, when the trust dissolves to reappear again in some other form to transact business as'be fore. The undivided profits on hand amount to $3,000,000, which will enable the officials of the trust to pay a divi dend of a fraction over 3 per cent on the $07,850,000 worth of certificates. The Oldeat Ex-Spei BoBTOir, Mass.. May 16. The Hon. Robert C. Winthrop, the oldest ex-member of Congress, is 88 years old and is receiving many congratulations. Mr. Winthrop enjoys the. distinction of having known personally every Presi dent of the United States except Wash fcsgtom and JeJferaoB. DEATH IN COLLIERIES. rweaty-Two U, one Pit and Mere at Other Palate. Pxjth, May 16. An imaesse water spout burst' yesterday in the neighbor hood of the collieries situated in the City of Fuenfklrchen. the capital of the County of Baranya. The hutre volume of water inundated the sur rounding country and poured a great stream into the mines, flood ing them in a short time and caus ing a terrible loss of life. The water poured into the mines so quickly that the unfortunate men who were en gaged at work in the lower levels re ceived no warning of their danger, and, before they had a chance to escape, they were struggling in the torrent which had almost instantaneously in gulfed them. They struggled desper ately to reach the shafts in many parts of the mines, which seemed likely to afford them a place of safety, but the water rapidly rose Jaigher and higher and in a short time every avenue of escape was shut off and the men perished miserably. It is known that twenty-two men are dead in one pit alone and that many more have lost their lives at other points. Owing to the great excitement that prevails in the place it is impossible at present to obtain an exact list of all the dead, but it will doubtless reach startling proportions. Pension Deficiency. Washington, May 16. Speaker Crisp laid before the House yesterday a let ter from the Acting Secretary of the Treasury transmitting an estimate of deficiency in the appropriation for pen sions for the current fiscal year of $7,674,132, and recommending that the deficiency be supplied by reappropriat ing that sum from the unexpended balance of 81,838,079 remaining to the credit of pensions for the fiscal year of 1891 A letter from the Commis sioner of Pensions shows that the total amount available for pensions for the months of May and June of the pres ent fiscal year is $10,237,440, and the Commissionar estimates that it will re quire $26,811,762 to make 'the payments for these months. More than $5,000, 000 of the $8,834,000 remaining on the books of the treasury for the last fiscal year has been drawn from the treasury on warrants by the Secretary and placed to the credit of the pension agents and afterwards deposited to the credit of tho Treasurer of the United States by said agents. H1CLD FOi: MUKDEK. Dr. Foglesonc of llllladalc, Mich., Tries Inaaulty, Paralysis and Jail. Hillsdale, Mich., May 16. Mrs. M. P.Foglesonof Waldron this county died under very peculiar circumstances last August and was buried. Rumors of foul play were soon afloat On Sept. 17 the body was exhumed and the stomach analyzed. This revealed strychnine in large quantity, but Dr. Foglesong had removed to Ilron son, and from there had been adjudged insane and sent to Kalamazoo. He was soon released as cured and was arresced and brought to this city for trial on the charge of poisoning his wife. After a long and tedious examination he was bound over to the circuit court to an swer to the charge of murder. Three weeks ago he was stricken with paraly sis, but is now well. He declares his innocence. Linking Sugar and Twine. Washington, May 10. Free sugar and free binding twine together is the little scheme which some of the West ern Senators are workiug up. They think they can secure enough sup port for such a scheme to put it through the Senate. The Senators from the Western States who are interested in the project say that any blow at such a monopoly as the sugar trust would be received with favor by the people, and many Demo crats think the Ways and Means com mittee of the House would make no mistake by taking the lead in an effort to break down the trust with free sugsr. Combinations of Great Interests. Cleveland, Ohio, May 16. It is rumored here that one of the greatest combinations of manufacturing in terests ever attempted has for a long time been under consideration and will be perfected July 1. A new corpora tion is to be formed with the name the Carnegie Steel company, limited. Among the establishments to be asso ciated together are Carnegie, Phipps & Co.. limited, and Carnegie Bros. & Co., limited. The Keystone Bridge com pany will probably be included in the combination. The aggregate capital Of these companies is $10,700,000. A Priest Opera tea a lottery. I5DIANAFOLIS, Ind., May 14. The Federal grand jury has returned an in dictment against the Rev. Dominich Bchaueh, a Catholic priest of Wahne tah, for operating a lottery. It ap pears that he decided to dispose of a horse and a number of tickets were sold to his parishioners. The StiUcrflIcM. When Jupiter and Juno's wedding was solemnized of old, tho gods wore all invited to the feast and many no ble men besides. Among the rest came Chrysalus. a Persian prince, bravely attended, rich in golden at tire, in gay robes, with a majestical presence, but otherwise an ass. Tho gods seeing him come in such pomp and state, rose up to give him a place; but Jupiter, perceiving that ho was a light, fantastic, idle fellow, turned him and his proud followers into but lerflies; and so they continue still rov ing about in pied coats, and are called Chrysalides by the wiser sort of men that is. golden outsides; drones, flics, and things of no worth. From the French. Baron H. is tho most methodical of men. Yesterday he was questioning a new servant boforef finally engag ing him. "Where were you boi-n?"' "At Saint-Cyprien du Var." "In what year?" "In 1852." "At what age?" Texa3 Siftings. Cieaalar Silks and K I boons. Silks and ribbons may be cleaned and made to look like new by sponging em ynm equal parts of strong tea ftfdvfaWfir- u& with a not too-hot MARRIAGE IN PARIS. Saturday Is the Popular l ty For Work, ins-men Wfiat Li Xocotiury. Boforo Pierre can with safety seiect his particular Saturday he has a mul titude of civil and religious require ments to attend to. according to tho Now York Press. Noither ho nor Lizotte can think of such a thing as marrying without the consent of thoir families. If father, mother and grandparents are dead a family coun cil must bo called of the nearest living relatives to consider the case and give or withhold permission. If it is re fused to Pierro and ho is under 25, or to Lizctto and sho is under 21, tho marriage cannot go on. For eleven days before the civil marriago can take place thero must be posted at tho door of the mayors office in the arrondissement in which each lives a bulletin giving the names, occupation and residence of the per sons to be married and full data about both parties. If there is a religious service the bans will be published three. Sundays running in the church of the parish attended by each party. While these preliminaries are in progress Pierre is collecting tho docu ments necessary for the civil cere mony. It is no small outlay, for each must be made out on official paper an expensive luxury in Paris Thero must be certificates of the birth of himself and Lizette. When all this has been done it will bo safo to sign the marriage contract that is, if they have one, which is doubtful. A marriage contract means that thero is property to be regulated, and a Parisian workman and his fianceo are not often encumbered in that way. But oven if there is little property and Lizette has no dot at all. there aro certain social requirements for them both. Etiquette taxes them less in trouble than tho law. but more in purse. If Pierro were rich he would present Lizette with a corbeille made up of jewels, lace, and perhaps a cashmere shawl but as it is he will givo her some article for her wedding toilet; a whito shawl perhaps, or a veil, or gloves. He will send hor a bouquet too, on tho morning of tho wedding, and he will provido a ring and a marriage piece." As for Lisetto, sho must buy for her future husband his wodding shirt hose and cravat HE THINKS HE THINKS. Bat He Doesn't His Mind la Napping All the Time. In private conversation one day ono of Chicago's oldest and most learned physicians gavo utterance to the fol lowing: "Why is it that when we see a per son gazing fixedly for several moments at a certain point on the floor or in the street we say he or she is thinking hard about something? Nine times in ten a person thus engaged or disengaged is thinking of nothing. "At such moments, if you only knew it the mind is napping and there is no thought Probably one of tho oldest fads and it seems to bo nothing .more consists of persons, when at such times thoy are asked what they aro doing, saying thinking hard!' "In the largo majority of cases when a person is thinking hard or in tently, tho eye roams from one object to another, and tho hands and feet aro moving more or less. "The busiest hardest-working brain in the country insists on taking mo mentary naps several times a day. Just before dropping off' into ono of theso naps tho mind commands tho eyo to fix itsolf upon somo one object and stay, thus usually insuring tho holding of the head and probably ev ery part of tho body quiet Then tho mind catches its littlo nap. These little mind naps or flashes of rest may nevorbe more than twenty seconds long, and yet they have been discovered to do the mind a wonderful amount of good. "They nover come to the deranged mina. ana it nas aiso ocon discovered that the supposedly sound mind which does not tako them is on tho verge of insanity." Dyeing Living Flower. It is said that two poor Parisian women, who earn a livelihood mak ing artificial flowera. havo hit upon a process for dyeing natural flowers in brilliant hues. Public attention was called to tho matter by florists who received in a lot of flowers somo sweet-williams of a bi ight green color. It seems that ono of the woman poured some paint into a bowl in which some natural flowers sho was copying had been put in water. Tho next day she was astounded to find that the flowers had assumed the huo of tho paint Being a woman of an inquiring mind, sho continued experi menting and succeeded in producing various colors never intended by nature, but very available in art She immediately commenced dyeing flowers for the market and extended her practice to other sorts of blos soms, including white lilacs and came lias. The only colors employed by her at present aro violet green and pink. The violet is obtained by us ing tho "violet of Paris" dye. and the other two are due to two chemical compounds with long names, ono of which contains twelve and the other twenty syllables. New Orleans Pica yune. A Joke la No Joke. Writers and censors in Russia do not see whore the joke comes in, but have an altogether serious time of it Ac cording to a letter from St Petersburg a Russian newspaper published and the press censor overlooked a joke about the czar recently. The monarch hap pened to read the paper, laughed heart ily and sent the newspaper editor, the writer of tho joke and the- careless censor to Siberia. All. three are sen tenced for life. The Telesraph. Telegraph operators and electricians are greatly interested in experiments of two enterprising New Englanders. who are said to have invented a new system of telegraphy. Vibrations of the air are to bo used instead of elec tricity. Tbe Worm Turn. Editor There aro not enough feet in this line, sir. Poet Feet sir! Feet? I don't sell it by the foot It's a poem not a cord of wjipd,:?lLye, SOA.E SMALL HANDWRITING. Cur.it itl s of Mlcroicup.c Penmunship U"ilrh Hav? Uo-n Rocurded. In the slow old days, when people had moro time, fowor books, and. lot us hopo. stronger eyes than wo of the nineteenth century aro gonerally blessed with, observes tho Bookseller and Stationer certain scribes, skillful with the gooso quill, delighted in mi scroscopic writing, and literally gave to tho world whole volumes "in a nut shell." Pliny states that Cicero once saw the entiro Iliad of Homer con tained in tho shelly covering of a spec imen of tho foroat fruit By many this was long believed to be a fiction. They declared it was impossible, but that it could bo done was proven conclusively by Bishop Hucl of Avranches, in tho presonco of tho dauphin and a royal company. Ho clearly demonstrated with a sheet of paper and a common pon. that a pieco of vollum. ten inches in longth and eight inches in width, could be folded up and inclosed in a good-sized walnut shell. If finely in scribed with a crow quill it would hold in breadth one lino of thirty vorsos, and in longth 250 linos, thus making on ono side 7,500 verses, and on both sides tho whole 15, 000 vorses of tho Iliad. A still moro wonderful curiosity was tho littlo biblo in a walnut shell tho size of a hen's egg. an account of which has been preserved among tho Harlelan manuscripts, and which Mr. Disraeli quoted as "a raro piece of work brought to pass by Potor Bales, an Englishman and a clerk of tho chancery." It was quito unrcndablo without a magnifying glass, but con tained as many leaves as ji largo biblo and as much reading matter on each page. The author of this tiniest book on record lived in tho time of Queen Elizabeth, and in 1575 presented her virgin majesty with the Lord's prayer, tho creed, ten commandments, two short Latin prayers, his own name and motto, and tho date, all written on a bit of paper tho size of a finger nail, and set in a ring of gold, cov ered with a crystal. By tho uso of spectacles tho words could be clearly deciphered, and this work of tho emi nent writing master was tho wonder and tho admiration of tho fastidious sovereign and e'l her ministers and ambassadors at Hampton court. Very much the same feat was that executed by John Parker, of Winger worth, near Chestorfiold. in Derby shire, as lato as 1S28; for, within tHo circle of a pennypicce, ho succeeded in placing tho Lord's Prayer, creed. Decalogue, nino collects, the graco of our Lord Jesus Christ the namo of the writer, place of residence, nearest market town, county, day of tho month, and date of tho year, all in words of full length, and with all tho capital letters and necessary 'stops." as well as the numbers of tho com mandments. Theso characters were legible to tho naked eye. and a close calculator declares this piece of writ ing to be even smaller and moro re markable than that displayed in tho microscope Iliad or tho microscopic Bible. The contents of a thin folio outline the head of the features of Queen Anne, which odd picturo is about tho size of a man's hand, and is kept in the British Museum. At St John's College, Oxford, may also bo seen a portrait of Charles I entirely com posed of minute written words, which, at a short distance, resembles the lines of an engraving. By closo examina tion it will bo discovered that tho head and ruff aro a truly religious work, being formed of tho Book of Psalms, tho Lord's Prayer, and the creed. FORTUNE HUNTERS. Men Whose Buainot it ! to Prey Upon Wealthy Women. I havo always remembered how ad mirably a Boston merchant of tho last generation discoursed in public on tho propriety of explaining business af fairs to womor?, writes T. W. Higgin son in Harper's Bazar, but when this was mentioned years after to ono of his daughters sho said. "I only wish he had applied it in his own family. " A rich hoires?, tho daughter of an em inent financier, told mo that sho was herself absolutely ignorant of all money matters. After her father's death her brothers had managed her affairs; then, "of course, "her husband; but sho herself knew absolutely noth ing. It reminded mc of another heir ess I had known who was twice married; tho first husband lost two thirds of her property; the second mado away with the rest of it. and sho sup ported herself and her child for tho rest of her life thero being nothing left t tempt a -hird fortune hunter by giving public readings. Ono of tho minor achievements of an eminent financier now under arrest in Now York is stated to be that of sweeping in among his vast losses tho wholo property ($14. 000) of two ladies, who had assigned to him certain stocks or certificates to be transferred for thoir benefit Perhaps it would bo unjust to call him a swindler, in this case, or to call thoso other men fortune hunters: they may havo expected bet ter results; but certainly tho absolute Ignorance, absolute folly of many con fiding women presents a combined temptation which uometimes demoral izes tho very elect OfTcrod an Apolosy. A thorougli-brcd native of Paris, nervous, energetic and impulsive, was riding in an omnibus to a railway station, where he was to take a cer tain train, in order to fulfil an impor tant engagement As frequently hap pens at such times, thero were several delays, and tho Frenchman all im patience, was rapidly losing his calm ness. When a heavily -loaded wagon finally knocked against the omnibus, damaged it and caused a delay of at least a quarter of an hour, he forgot himself entirely, and made a remark, and emphatically, which is usually ex pressed in polite literature by means of dashes. A gentleman sitting with his wife opposite to the Frenchman was much offended thereat and with threaten ing blows, said to him "What do j'ou mean, sir, swearing before my wife? You must apolo gize!" "Pardon, monsieur! Pardon! I mako ze apology. I did not know zo lady wish to swear ze first" -THE- First National Bank COX.TJsttT.BXJ0. DIRECTORS: A. AND EUSON, Pres't. J. II. GALLEY. Vice Prca't. O.T.ROKN.CMhiar. (5. ANDEKSON, l. ANDERSON, JACOll (! UEISEN. HEN KY KAG ATZ. JOHN J. SULLIVAN. Statement of Condition at the Close of Business March 1, 1892. ItESOCKCKS. Loans and Dimwits $204,7W 44 ,V'V.Jon(,s;: 15,500 00 Ikoal fcstntt friirmturonml Fixtwva.. 19,510 il Due from nhr hankn.. .. 37.433.3S " " U.S.Tn-wury. H75.0O tnbh on Hand 20,500.07 58,(115 (V. $-.38,111 71 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock jmitl in.! Surplus Fund Undiviilt-ii protitx Circulation Kotliscoiinto Di'iotits .$ 60,000 00 . 30.U00 U) 'AIM 1)5 . 13,500 (X) 5,6-JO 40 . 197,131 Sti $M1U71 gusmtss ards. y n. K1I.IAN, DEUTCIIER ADVOKAT, OHico over Columbus State Ilauk. Columbus, Nuhroska. j A AJLIIKKT & RKCIIKK, ATTORNEYS AT LA If", OHico over First National Hank, Colunihua, t'hraska. 50-tf yj K. TURNER & CO., Proprietors ami Publishers of the C0LCUBB5 JOwElTAL sai tfca HEB. TAaiLT J0C2HAL, Koth, iKK-tt-imid to any nridreoti. for $2.00 n year, t-tnetly in advance. Family Jouunal, fl.00 J ear. W. A. McALLlSTEK. W. 31. COUNELIUS. M' cAIJJMTKK Ac :OKl?l.llIM i. . ATTORNEYS AT LAW. ' Columbus, Neb. E. T. ALLEN, M . D., Eye -and - Ear - Surgeon, Secretary Nebraska Slate Hoard of Health, 300 Hamok Hlock, 02HA.I1 A, IV3KTI nKtf RGBOYD, jiAscrACTtntEii or Tin and Sheet-Iron Ware ! Job-Work, Boofing; and Gutter ing a Specialty. Shop on Nebraska Avenue, two doors north of ltanmust-en's. .A. E. SEAEL, rnorniKTou of tuk EMI St. ToMial Parlor. The Finest in The Cili. JS?The only shop on the South Side. Colum bus, Nebraska. 2SOct-y " L. C. VOSS, M. D., Homosopatliic Physician AND SURGEON. Oniconr rost office. Specialist, in chronic Hmjim's. Careful attention civcu to general practice. 'JinnvSm A STRAY LEAF! DIARY. THE JOURNAL OFFICE - ron CARDS. .EX VK LOPES, NOTR HKADS, BILL HEADS, CIRCULAKS, DODGERS, ETC. LOUIS SCHREIBEKf lv ii All kinds of Repairing done oi Short Notice. Knggies, Wag ons, etc., made to order, and all work Guar anteed. Also sell the world-famous Walter A. Wood Mowers, Reapers, Combin ed Machines, Harvesters, and Self-binders the best made. Shop on Olivo Street, Columbus, Neb., four doors south of Borowiak's. HENRY GASS. UjSTIDEBTAK-ER ! COFFINS AND METALLIC CASES ZSTRepairing of all kinds of Uphol stery Goods. Bicksmito ana Waaon Maker sis s&SJfaALsssl E3uE3HlSSBHSviS ll yBsBaastBSp G3BSSLA-SfB f- ,- I V 8-tf COLCMBUS;NEBBA0KA, H