. (;: . " --- i ' '-' - . .i - J i-. - . t U f ?. ..... J.-. i - -. ' - w -. . . f .-- i . D .:,V- -. I :- .. W - i y-- - . - - - - -... --.-. .r- - "-" ' :.-..- it. 45. kii-. w8 5 jdlumbus Itoiirual. Eatered at the Fort-ogee. Colambas, Hsb.,as seoond-claae mail Blatter. ISSUED XTKXT WXD&BSDAX BT NT. K. TURNER & CO., Colnmbufl, Neb. i or strBscarrnoH: Dae TMr, bymtll, postage prepaid,.... Six months.. Throo months,... $2.00 LJ . JO Payable in Adranoe. EVSpedmen oopies mailad free, on appuca Hon. ID SUBSOBIBXRS. Wliensnbscribors change their Pl0tf. "; dence they should at onee notify ub by 1"SJ postal card, giving both their former and then SrentTo6tiaico-the firat enables us to readily fend the name on our mailinR lwt. from wine .. being in type, ire each week prut,e.th on he wrapper oVon the margin of your Journal, the date to which yoor eubscriptioa is paid or ac counted for. Remittances itajTUi il either by money-onler, registered letter or droit, pabletotheoiderof t & Co. TO OOBUSFOaUKMTB. All eommnnications, to secure attention, must be accompanied by the fall name of the writer. We reserve the right to reject any jnannpcrij.t. and cannot agree to return the Bamo. We.d'-Mr a civrrespondent in every school-dietiict or Platto county, one of, good judgment, and I re liabh, in every way.-Wnte plainly, each lb-n. separately. GiTe us facta. WEDNESDAY. MAY 11. 1802 Coniinp: Events. -" Silver anniversary, admission of state of Nebraska, Lincoln, May 25-2(5. Annual meeting state medical society, Omaha, June 1-3. Annual encampment Sons of Veterans, David City, June 6-11. National . republican convention at Minneapolis, Minn., June 7. National democratic convention at Chicago, 111., Juno 21. People's Third-district, congressional convention at Norfolk, June 21. National people's convention, Omaha, Neb., July -L CoHgrcsftional Convention for the Third Con gressional District. The republicans of the Third congres sional district of Nebraska, will meet in delegate convention at Love's opera house in Fremont, Nebr., on Wednesday, July 20, 1892, at 7:30 p.m., for the pur pose of placing in nomination a candi date for congress from the Third con gressional district, and to transact such other business as may come before the convention. The basis of representation is one del egate at large for each county and ono for each 150 votes or major f raetion there of cast for George II. Hastings, candi date for attorney general in 1890, and is as follows: Antelope Madison f Boone '5 Merrick .r Bnrt 8 Nanco -1 Cedar 4 Pierce 3 Colfax 4 Platto 4 Cuming 7 Stanton 3 Dakota 4 Thurston 4 Dixon 15 Wayne 4 Dodge.. .............. 11 Knox ! Total IB It is recommended by tho committee that no proxies be admitted to tho con vention, and that each county elect al ternates. Delegates or alternates pres ent will bo allowed to cast the full vote of their resiectivo counties. W. E. 1'Kr.nLr.s, Atxke IIakt, Chairman. Secretary Pro Tom. Tiik schools at Sidney aro closed, all the teachers having sent in .Iheir resig nations to the board and positively re fused to teach any longer, claiming to have been unjustly treated by the board. Helena and Return t)ne Fare for the Round Trip. .For the accommodation of those de siring to visit at points in tho vicinity of or at Helena in Juno during tho ses sion of the convention or tho supremo lodge of the Ancient Order of United Workmen, the Union Pacific willsoll tickets to Holena and rctnrn at ono fare for the round trip. Tickets on sale June 7 to 14 inclusive, limited to '30 days from date of sale. For additional informa tion apply to J. R. Meagher, agent U. P. System, Columbus. 51-4-5t Important Notice. U. S. Land Office, Grand Island, Neb., May 4, 1S92, Ed. Journal, Sir: Your attention is called to a new ruling of the department, to wit: After this date all proofs of homestead, pre-emption and timber-culture entries, fees for the examination of testimony must ac company each proof at tho rato of 15 cents for each 100 words. This applies equally to all proofs whether made in this office or before the clerk of tho dis trict court or county judges. In all commuted timber-culture proofs notice of publication must be made the same as in homestead entries, regardless of time of entry. No timber-culture entry can bo com muted until after four years from date of entry. Very respectfully, FrankiiTn Sweet, Register. D. C. Hail, Receiver. OayMorc-Not"All Right" in Wrong, bat the Argus is. Ed. Journal: Will you permit me to bring a little proof for the above heading. Brother Bixby is wrong in supposing that I write because of a little spleen against his person. How can that be, since I liardly know him by sight, don't really know if I would recognise him in a crowd. No, it is not the men that I write against, but their principles, being convinced that they are altogether wrong. Wrong again is the Argus, in blaming a writer for withholding his name as it has several correspondents doing the same thing. This writer docs not with hold his name because he might not let the whole world know it, but because it is not of any importance at all in a con troversary upon principles, which should leave all personality, all fear or favor out of the question. Thus, principles stand or fall exclusive ly upon their own merits. An anony mous communication lias an additional zest for the reader: "Who can that be?" and "the hidden waters aro sweet." Wrong again is the Argus when it holds up the fact, if it is a fact, and if brother Bixby is rightly informed, that one-half the wealth of our nation of sixty-five millions is in the hands of about twenty-five thousand icrsons. I say it is wrong to hold these up as the happy portion of our people, for they are not such by any manner of means,. -is they are envied, hated, bothered in all possible ways by beggars great and small, by would-be l)orrowers, by threatening letters, by thieves, robbers and murder ers. Are not men like brother Bixby, brother Saunders, or this humble writer who have just about our daily bread, a great deal safer, happier, having fewer cares, troubles, trials, envyind liatred to bear than the millionaires? Let us just .(think of Russel Sage in New York, or of i the. rich banker in Denver a few years ago. Hew happy are we humble mortals fliat we don't have to fear dynamite, nitro glycerine, poison or revolvers on account of our wealth! Wrong again is brother Bixby in what be says in the eame number of bis paper about the millionaire, Rockefeller, the Standard oil king. It is truo God gave the oil to us all, but so he did the miner als, the timber, the grass, and even broth er Bixby's brains and hands, as well as those of his humble opponent are given for the good of mankind, bnt if we had not improved what God gave us, we might be a burden and a shame to human society instead of a benefit liko Mr. Rock efeller, who is said to have been a poor clerk not many years ago. Let us look a little at Tom, Dick and HarryH Tom owns a piece of land. He has not earned it. The government has given it to him for a song as a timber claim, pre-emption or homestead. God has placed coal, oil, iron, copper, silver, gold or even diamonds in it for all but Tom claims it all for himself, and if that Tom should happen to be brother Bixby or this writer, then let anybody try to take it from us! "You bet" we or either of us would quickly show that uwe are not any better than we ought to be." Dick has a piece of land obtained per haps in the same way. It is covered with grass God has grown for us all, but Dick will not let poor Harry's cow eat a mouth ful of it, though the latter's numerous children may be starving no, not Dick, but he runs a fence around it armed with prickly barbs. Ho says "Hands off ! It is M I N E ! Brother Bixby wears a decent coat, eats a frugal meal, tires out his brains in his office. A poor Irishman, German, Swede Dane or Italian or eke an American work ing in the ditch sees brother B. and en vies him, though he is working at more exhausting work than the day laborer, and such a spirit of dissatisfaction and envy the Argus, according to my view, is breeding and nourishing, and these principles I am fighting and not brother Bixby or Saunders, with either of whom I could most heartily shako hands. Who will say that I am not All Rigiit? KILLED IN A WEECK. OVER THIRTY PEOPLE ARE IN JURED. Chlcaro Express Goes Through a Bridge at Itevere, Mo. The Accident the Re sult or Heavy Rains List of the Killed and Injured. Fort Madison, Iowa, May 7. A great wreck occurred yesterday on the Santa Fe twenty-five miles west of this place. A vestibulcd train went through the bridge and thirty-five people are reported to be killed oi drowned in the river. The accident was caused by the giving away of a bridge weakened by incessant rain storms and floods. . The following is the list, so far as it is known at the prcseut time, of the killed: L'OU MAKKLE, Kansas City, Mo. LUTHER CORNELIUS. Kirkbrldge. Mo. S. E. VERKLEIt, Westport. Mo. JOHN C. GROMES, Macon. Mo. Those injured, so far as reported, are: Express Messenger Reman, Riverside, I1L IIiiakeman Regal, Riverside, 111. Robert Schultz, residence unknown, Will Adams, Yorkshire, England. IIakdger, of Pittsburg, Pa. Allen, Pittsburg. Mus. Allen, Piiuburg. Unknown Italian. Unknown Woman. Unknown Child. About thirty others were injured, but their names and the nature of their injuries cannot be learned. In various reports which have been re ceived here the number of killed has been put as high as thirty and as low as seven. When the accident occurred a severe storm was raging and the train was running at reduced rate of speed. Near Revere is a small stream which the road crosses by means of a wooden pile trestle. There was an unusually heavy rainfall for several hours before the express was due there and the little stream was swollen until it pressed beyond its banks. The press ure of the water moved the wooden bridge on fits (foundation until it was out of line with the track, as the bridge was not washed away it was impossible for the engineer at a distance to sec that there was anything wrong. The engine left" the track and it and the bridge went down into the creek, followed by two baggage cars, the mail car, the tourists' sleeper, and a Pullman car. The California through sleeper, the last car in the train, re mained on the i ails. The scenes immediately after the train went down were awful. The oars were all well filled will passen gers, dozens of whom were seen struggling in the water. Those who were unhurt at once went to the rescue of the others, and messengers were sent to Mcdill, a junction town a few miles away. Although the wires were down, a relief train with surgeons was sent to the scene of the wreck. The wrecked train was one of the finest on the Santa Fe system and was composed altogether of vestibuled cars- P. O'SULLIVAN IS DEAD. mis Secret Goes with Hlaa to the Grave. Joltet, I1L, May 7. Patrick O'Sulli Aan, the iceman, died in the prison hos pital here at 7:40 last evening. His story follows him to the grave. Up to the last moment of consciousness he protested his innocence of the murder of Dr. Cronin. The confession which has been anxiously awaited for months and which O'Sullivan partially prom ised about two years ago will never be publicly heard. For an hour before his death O'Sul livan was in a stupor. He began to sink rapidly late in the afternoon and during lucid moments could only gasp a few words to those who sat around his bed side. His sister, Ann O'Sullivan, of Chicago, and a brother, Henry O'Sul-J livan of r onua, Iowa, were near him during the last hours. Dr. J. T. Fur gusou, the prison physician, attended him. When it was seen that the end was near, the watchers attempted to let the dying man know his real condition. In broken whispers he repeated: "I am innocent," It was an effort for him to talk and these words were all that came from the weak lips. Shortly before 7 o'clock he rallied slightly aud called for a glass of water. After that he became unconscious; the breathing was labored and feeble and at 7:40 he became silent in death. The relatives at the hospital at once announced that the body would be taken to Monroe, Wis., for burial on Friday. O'Sulll van's father and mother lie buried there, and a brother, John O'Sullivan, is a resident of Monroe. St. Patrick's Pills are carefully prepared from the best material and according to the most approved formula, and are the most perfect cathartic and liver pill that can be produced. We sell them. G. . Pollock & Co. and Dr. 'jHeintz, druggists. ONE BLOCK IN BUIN3 si. 000,000 FIRE IN CITY. NBW YORK The Meat Establishment of 8chi child Sulzberger Baraed to tha Ground Two Firemeu Seriously Burned. New York, May 9 The whole block bounded by First avenue and the East river, between Korty-flfth and Forty sixth streets, and occupied by Sckwara child & Sulzberger, the extensive meat dealers, was almost totally destroyed by a fire which started at 8:30 o'clock yesterday and raged, with the ex ception of a short interval, nmtil nearly 6 o'clock. The block consisted of a scrieB of buildings fonr stories high. At first sight It appeared as if the flames were the result of strikers spite. Twenty-five of the men employed in the tallow house struck yesterday, and became threatening that police re serves were sent to the building, but their services were not required. Mr. Sabzberger of the firm says that the fire could not reasonably be attributed to the strikers. Thedifflcnltjrhadbvem satisfactorily settled last night and the men were to have resumed work to day. In the basement of the slaughter house, which was almost the last of the buildings to catch on fire, were 700 bullocks and 700 sheep, the property of the New York Veal and Mutton com pany. As soon as the first alarm was sounded all the cattle were let loose and turned pell mell in droves into the streets, to be ultimately herded together "' housed in the stook yards in the vicinity. At 4:30 o'clock the flames subsided in a measure and the firemen thought they had them under control. The lull, however, lasted only fifteen min utes, when the conflagration broke out afresh, and with renewed vigor. The firemen became frightened and addi tional alarms were sent out until there were twenty-seven land engine and two fireboats throwing water upon the burning buQdings. By 6 o'clock the flames were under control. The damage cannot be correctly esti mated until the books of the firm are examined. The damage done to the buildings, which were mostly frame, will not exceed $100,000. Mr. Sulz berger could not give any positive estimate of the stock on bamd or of the machinery, but said the' total loss would be fully S300.000 or $1,000,000 and that it w.is well insured. Two firemen, Levens and Hannigan, had their legs broken by falling beams, They were removed to the hospital ADDITIOSAL LOCAL. ITlie Old Ueliable Icemen Bros. Shows. fcjiiy of our older readers will recall the naint (K tho nboro WflUknown eetahlibhinont, that tz- KitiltH in our city May 23,1 with le;iMin-. With inany of thorn it brings ividly to mi ml the liret elephant 1 1 icy ever kivv. There is a whole beruion iu tliHcartvrof thib tthow. It lroe thut when any ciutrti Ixx-omes known as an honestly con iluctttlonrai.tl fulfill it-iinmii--s In tho iillhliL, that itMicccoris, and ihu I.UMiitfri fliuiriishes and liccomeri a listure, to U' handed down from gen eration to Kenuration. It ir.nesalwi tli-i truth of the old proverb that "Honesty iti the hoxt ptil icy." The career of lyiiieii 15ron. phow f rom Ibl) to the irfeiit time Iihh been one of continuous fuccew. Ami the proprietors deserve it. They have alwayu Kiven the public the worth of their money. Iu the) dajb of humbui; it i really re-fret-l.iiiK to be able to penk in ternitof praibe fit an amiibeiiient enterprise. Thin year the mana Kertt proniit-e uri a new Mirpribe, in tho nhapoof the larcebt elephant on earth. It it Rajah, and today htanils tMoiuchex taller than Jumbo. It is the larxctl creature that breathes the breath of l:r fin r .. -li I . :..! . :-. nn me. jni" .viii iu luueeu n greai cunonjiy. iiio whole bhnw is wiid to be exceptionally cood. aud h w ill nii-j .ur K"e-s if their tentt. are uotl ......1. 1 ...., !... .-... t I M .. . .1.: . .. 'ii t. 1 iini"i on iiii-iiij ill. tMiiiuiiii.u, .it tins will iim the only hit;thnv to visit this section this e-tr, we advise :tll our readers to l0 uro and see it. There is no danger from whooping cough when Chaiub?rlain'tj Cough Rem edy is freel given. It liquefies the tough, tenacious inuuus and aids in its expectoration. It also lessens tho se verity and frequency of tho paroxysms of coughing, and iiiBunus a cpeedy re covery. There ig not the least dttuger in giving it t children or babies, as it contains no injurious substance. 50 cent bottles for sale by C. E. Pollock & Co. and Dr. Ileinz, Druggists. tf Males for Sale. I lavo twenty mules for sale, for cash. or on bankable pajier. 2-4p Patrick Muickay. Letter List. List of letters remaining in tho post office at Columbus, Nebraska, for the week ending May 10, 1892: .TohuJiauldwin, K. ff). (irnve, h. bcnnii, Tennain l'auemu-ia, Josepuaioo"' irwi: Harry atSTMale. C. (!. Isaac I'nytiili MisB Nellie UoaiiheareV l'hoebe rlora PanKton, Mrs.hu rieine bummers. Parties calling for the abovo letters will pleaso say ''advertised." Cakl Kkamei:, P. M. Bigger than .Inmhe. NvVhq, April 15. The steamship City of BanjKok, which arrived here yesterday from the East Indies, brouKht the largest elephant ever landcdyn this country. He came from Itangooii, in the 1 Jay of IJensnil, and is 11 feet, 11 VJ inches high, two inches higher than Jumbo was. His name will le liajah. Ho is consigned to Lemen Brothers, of Kansas City, whither ho whs shipped last night. Although n special car had been constructed for him by the Pennsylvania rail railroad, the roof, which was built as high as the railroad tunnels would allow, jnst touches his back. When placed in his car, Itajali knocked out the roof with his trunk. It was hastily re paired, and then Rajah Marteil on what will probably be nn eventful journey, in the care of" five keepers. Lemen Bros, and Ilajah will be at Columbus, Slay 23d. Some foolish people allow a cough to run until it gets beyond the reach of medicine. They often say, Oh, it will wear away, but in most cases it wears them away. Could they Ik induced to try the successful medicine called Kemp's Balsam, which is sold on a posi tive guarantee to cure, they would im mediately see tho excellent effect after taking the first dose. Price 50c and 31. Trial size free. At all druggists. 33-y The handsomest lady in Columbus remarked to a friend the other day that she knew Kemp's Balsam for the throat and lungs was a superior remedy, as it stopped her cough instantly when other cough remedies had no effect whatever. So to prove this and convince you of its merits, any druggist will give you a sample bottle free. Large size 50c and Si. 34-y Only 640 to Helena aad Retara. thx frjpmCt Union Pacific will sell tickets Columbus to Helena and return at one fare for the round trip. Tickets on sale-June 7 to 14, inclusive, limited to 30 days from date of sale. For any ad ditional information apply to J. R Meagher, agent Union Pacific System, Columbus. 53 4-5t Balls for Ssle. n ueod oi most, excellent, graue bulls Galloways. These are a hardy variety and adapted to Nebraska. About $50 eaoh will buy them. The bulls are coming two years old. Cask) or banka ble paper. 2-4tp Patkjck Mtjjuut. Mfllcr anantL iVnia McKakn. Henoer. nVNichoij "I have jrist recovered from a sec ond attack of the grip this year," says Mr'JamesiO. Jones, publisher of the Leader, Mexia, Texas. "In the latter caso I used Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy, and I think with.nsiderablo suc cess, only being in bed a little oier two davs. against ten days for the first at- ?MMk- The second attack I am satisfied would navo been equally as Dau as tho first but for the use of this remedy; as I had to go to bed in about six hours after being 'struck' with it, while in the first case I was able to attend to business about two days before getting 'down." 50 cent bottles for sale by C. EL Pollock & Co. and Dr. Heintz, Druggists. tf The Methodist General Conference. accommodation of those de isit Omaha during the session Methodist Qeoeral Conference,. Pacific willsell tickets at one e-fifth fare lr the round trin 1 points on its line within 200 miles of Omaha. Ti-kots on sale May 2, 4, 7, 11, 14, 18, 21, 25, 28 nnd 30, inclu sive, limited to oueVeek from dato of sale. For tickets or additional informa tion apply to J. R. Meagher, Agent U.P. System, Columbus. 3-3t The wisdom of him who journeyeth, is known by the line he selects; the judg ment of the man who takes the Bur lington Bonte to the cities of tho east, the south and the west, is never im peached. Tho inferenco is plain. Mag nificent Pullman sleepers, elegant re clining chair cars and world-famous dining cars, on all through trains." 'For information address the agent of the company at this place, or write to J. Francis, general passenger and ticket agent, Omaha. 52-12 A. O. U. V. Che supreme lodge of tha Ancient of United Workmeu convene at elena, Montana, June 15th, 1S92. For his occasion tho Union Pacific System 11 sell tickets to Helena and return at the low rate of one first-class fare for tho round trip. Tickets on sale June 7th to 14th, limited to 30 days from date of sale and 10 days transit limit iu each direc tion. For tickets or additional informa tion apply to J. K. Meagher, agent U. P. System, Columbus. 52-4-5t v Maximum Comfort en mate Kat. Trhesengers destined to mints east of tio Missouri River should patronize the Chicago, Union Pacific fc Xorth western Line. Maximum comfort and speed, courteous attendants, Pullman and Wag ner sleeping cars, Pnlliuan and North western dining cars, Pullman colonist sleepers, free reclining chairs, and Un ion Depots, combined mako this the popular route East. 3-atig31 Baby cried. Mother sighed, Doctor prescribed : Castoria I Haiaaae Socle It'h Work. In all large cities are branches of the Humane Society founded by Berg. A horso is discovered badly galled, or is cut or injured, at once a society member commands its rest and the immediate application of Haller's Barb Wire Lini ment, which experience has uhowu is the best remedy made. For sale by Wro. Kearville. 10 Jfefarftit Bate to Omaha During May. TheHlniuu Pacific will sell tickets to Omaha and return at ono aud one-third fare for the round trip, from all toints on its line within 2(H) miles of Omaha, May 2, 4, 7, 11, 14, 18, 21, 25, 28 and 30. Tickets are limited to one week from date of sale. For any additional infor mation apply to J. R Meagher, Agent U. P. System, Columbus. 3 3t According to the census of 1890, Chi .caJo takes rank, by virtu of her popu lation of 1,09S,57G people, as the eighth largest city on tho globe. Most of us desire, at ono time or another to visit a city in which so many persons find homes and, when we do, we can find no better line than the Burlington Route. Three fast and comfortable trains daily. For further information address the agent of tho company at this place, or write to J. Francis, general passenger and ticket agent, Omaha Neb. 52-12 What Uj Beaa Kaya. 'That he was first attracted to me be cause my complexion was so clear and my breath so sweet and he found out about my breath when when when he kissed me, and now, girls, I'll tell you how I made, my complexion so clear; I took just three bottles of Haller's Sarsa parilla and Burdock that's all." For sale by Wm. Kearville. 10 English Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft or calloused lumps and blem ishes from horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, gplints, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles, gprains, Soro and Swollen Throat, Coughs, etc. Save 350 by ubo of one bottle. Warranted the most wonderful Blemish Cure evor known. Sold by C. B. Stillman, druggist. 2finovlyr Backlen'a Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, totter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required. It is gu ran teed to give perfect satisfac tion, tir money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For nne by C. B. Stillman. Her Head was Level. "Say, Jennie, will you have me?" "No, Tom." "Why not, Jennie?" "'Cause you carry bottles in your pock et, Tom." "Why, Jennie, this is only a bottle of Hallar's Sure Cure Cough Syrup." Oaly WO to d aad Union Pai c will sell from Columbus to 'ortland am at one fur for the d trip, on sale iHy)9 to 14, 90 dayB from date of lusive, For tional infoi tion apply , J. R. er, Agent U. ' System, j lumbi If yon are troubled with rheuma tism or a lame back, bind on over the seat of pain a piece of flannel dampened with Chamberlain'n Pain Balm. Yon will be surprised at the prompt relief it affords. 50 cent bottles for sal by C E. Pollock Co. and Dr. Heintz, drugr gista. tf 4' ChlldMnfimfer Itjthe sinHPle of le tho Vnion and an from e tickets U reiuru , Tjcketa United to anktddi- MJagh- .a?e? Geaeral As mbly Port- id, May, 1892 lodation o i in the vicinf , durinl May, tho Ui : at ono fare TicketsXan salo May limited to 90 lays from litional in tiou apply toTLR. MeEgrtgent, ion Pacific System, Columbus, Nubr. is We Lead. Chicago, Union Pacific and North- tern Lino loads all competition. Short lines, quickest time, Uniou Depots, solid vestibule trains to Chicago, no vexatious delays or changes at tho Mis souri River. 3-aug31 MASTER'S SALE. In the circuit court of the United States, for the district of Nebraska. Giles A. Davis and Henry A. Pierce, complain ants, vs. Jeremiah N. Mitchell et al defendants, in chancery. FOUECLOSURE OF MOETOAnK. Public notice is hereby given that in pursu ance and by virtue of a decree, entered in the above cause on tin. 7th da' of July. lb'Jl, 1, 1). 11. Mercer, Special Master in t'hancery in said court, will, on the Sttth day of May. Itittt, at the hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon of said day, at the front door of the county court house in tho city of Columbus, Platte' county, state and dis trict of Nebraska, sell at auction the following described proiwrty. to wit: ThecaM half 04) of section one (1); also, the east li.i'f (' iT the southwest nnarter (l) and the e::M ie.l 4-j. the east half Oi) f the north n-i .(.. itler tli) of said section ono (1), all in v twisiup Mncntocn (17) north of range two (2) w-t of tiih P. M. in Platte county, Ne braska. 1). II. MKKCElt. Special Mnbter in Chancery. V. IT. Atwood, Solicitor for Complainant. 20apr6t NOTICE FOll I'l'Klill'ATlOX. Land Office at Grand lsland. Neb., April 6, lwe. J Notice is hereby given that the following nanied settler lias Bleu notice of his intention lo make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will bo made before the clerk of the district court nt Columbus, Neb., on May 2lst, 1KU2, viz: Thomas Wilson, lid. No. 17225, for the W. !4 N. W. i of section 23, township 18 north, of range 1 east. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence ujKin and cultivation of, said land, viz: Uudolf Muller, Otto Mullcr. John H. Craun nnd J. William C. Cniun, nil of Columbus, Neb. Fuaxklik Sweet, ISaprrtt Register. Dr. CLARK'S INSTITUTE FOtt THE TIIEATJIEXT OF TBE Drink Habit ! Also Tobacco, Morphine and other Narcotic Habits. COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA. ISaprtf FfiSS I feSc tveTol PHYSICIANS COULDNT CURE HIM. 10 8xoamsville, Hamilton Co., Ohio, June, 'S3. One bottle of Pastor Koenic's Nervo 'ionic oared me entirely, after physicians had tried It unsuccessfully tor 8 months to rrlievo me Df nervous debility. W. IIDENNEEE1D. Aluosa. Col., Jan. 'RJ. My wife waa troubled with nervousness about one year before she took Paati.r Koo niz's Nervo Toulc, and at that time, hud very teiiere attacks of spasms, convuMous. and palus In ddlercut parts of the body. 'WLeu in tbi &tit6 her lower jaws would act vio lently &r.d set sometimes, bito her tongue, breathe heavily, then uori, then scented to Mop entirely, get ;i w lid look In hr eyes and rolling arouna, thenntoisora times ttwculd take 2 teen to noul her In lii, otherwise her body would cramp and hoeo tori! hours. She took but two liottis of the Nerve Tci'lc which cured her entirely of ullthefe tonnenifc which niyseir and wife iilodly testify. It truly had tun desired effect. D. S. MrRTI.MS FREE A Valuable Book on Sforroua IMseakCS sent free to any nldreM, a.titi lioor uatlents can aieo obtain this uicdlciiie tree of cbarso. This remedy has been prepared by thoEever end Putor Koenhr. of Fort Wame.Ini. since ISM. and ia now prepared under his direction by the KOENIC MED. CO., Chicago, III. Sold by Drarsbrts at 1 per Bottle. 6fox A. large Size, S1.75. 6 Bottles for 89 CARTERS ITTLE IYER PIUS. CURE RfikBMdicheand reliereall tbetxoablM 1 dent to a billons state of tho system, snea asj XHwtnuM, Nausea, Drowsiness, Distress after eating. Pain In tha Side. Ac. While their moat rsmsrtiMt imrrms rmi rn "" wfrg d SICK gflUltfhft jet Carter's Littlo Liter mil M eaoally valuable In Constipation, curing and pra Tenting this annoying complaint, while they alM correct aUdlsordersofthestoinachtiBmlate tha Jiver and regulate the bowels. XTealftiwyoahj "HEAD 'AcbatheywwddbealnMatprieeleastofliOMwM anfar from this distressing complaint; but f orta sjaUly their goodness does notendhereandthoao whocace try them will and these little pWsvala. able In so many ways that they will not bo wil tsj to do without them. Bet after allaick bead ACHE fjathe bans of so many llTes that hera Is when vamake our great boast. Oarpillacuroitwhila Others do not. Carter's little Liter Mb an rety small and very easy to take. One or two pills make a dose. They aro strictly vegetable and do not gripe or purge, but by their gentle action please all who osethem. In tUIs at 25 cants; are for $1. Sow by druggists everywhere, or scat by mail. CARTER MEOrCINI CO., New York. SliAllPILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PWCE WHY IS THE W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE knH&cm HE BEST SHOE M THE OHIO fM THE MM0P It Is a ssssaleM sboe. with ao tacks or wax thrssit to tart the feet; awde of the best Sae ealf. stylish aad easy, and fcceaaas tee make ssorw shoes qftkU srosle than, cay other saaavaffttrvr. It equals aaad sawsd shoos eostlac from HM to gun, K UeaalaoBaadewesl, theflaaetealf VwsVa shoe ever offered for $iMi equal Reach haported shoes which cost from Sinn to MVZJXt. flaf. ) Haasl-SewesI Welt Shae. Sae calf. Pa stjllsh, comfortable and durable. The beat Shoe erer offared at this twice : same arada aa eaa. soavwaade shoes eostlac from as.00 to moo. f9 Pallee Hkmmt nnens, BaUroad Xea aadltterCarTterssllwearthem; Siieeair. BSSSSUHSS. SWSOOUS 1UMHL ajsaedte. OaepairwUl' 4x9 M 'a ealfi ao this price; aae laslda. heayy three solsa sxtaa wear a rear. i better shoe arer offered as this nice; oae .trial will coartace those 5 a bboo lor eosHon ana sarnee. iMirm fin i nml ewffa SIS aad SBA.AA WaikluMn's sSisi StfSS 111 ssttnsssr su) itaraia. Thna. whn haws Btsa them atrial will wear ao other make. RAW' Sg.wSjaaa1 SlS school sh wssWJ.wotasyaoys everywhere; t aa their Merits, theJajMaalax sales show. I HIsat twSfwKadwcd aho aa 9-W school shoes are swTaererjrwBere: laeysaa WW. shoe, bast iBpoctod Bswkosfl eosi Xawss are tasTbeati Csstlift.-See 1 arise aiwWSsaBSMltia the bottom of each stwa. laJstoi vTZ.j un wo rwriTiii'L a tSXISrS Taenifbyteria lfck- bhI ror me accomn Masse desir- ing to -wsh at poume b of, or at Portland, Jon Pa- cificVilRsell tickefc Yor tho roumDJtnb Vtol4 dbtoof inilnfiV sale. ForSickets or ail flrma- HJn- 1 m I nwswBln' '":' 3?wW IKPi? ' --.7m. BWJWJWJWJWJWjfeLJI'' H sKsl-'r-V'T '-Ib LsswswswswswssbwswswswswswMbV anfl swswswswswswswswswswswswswswaswswT ssSswswswswswswswswswswswB .etSwswswswswswswswswswswswswswsW COLUMBUS MARKETS. EP"On ninotations of t ho market s nrcobtained Tuesday afternoon, and are correct and reliable at thettme. OU.UK,UTU. Wheat Shelled Corn Ear Corn VaFca I ! A3 Vaa Floor llnttor TJggs Potatoes Fat hogs Fat cows , Fat sheep Fat steers Feeders , Hams Shoulders 3lllt?( . no ... $2fag3tj0 .. 1 10 .. 2WVt2."iO .. 5l(owi:o . . .-53 -X'iH m iift;i2!j I'UOIUTOK. utkstoo:;. MKVTS We want overy mother to know that croup can bo prevented. Truo croup never appears without :: warning. Tho first symptom is hoarseness; liien the child appears to have taKon a rold or a cold may have accompanied tho hoaie ness from tho start. After that a pe culiar rough cough is developed, which is followed by tho croup. Tho time to act is when tho child first becomes hoarse; a few doses of Chamborlain's Cough Remedy will provtmt tho attack. Even after a rough cough has appeared the disease may bo prevented by using this remedy as directed. It has never been known to fail. 2,i cent, 50 cent and SI bottles for salo by C. E. Pollock & Co. and Dr. ITeintz, druggists, -tf Po?Uajad nud:?l!ctiiru-Oiic Fare foij the ' . iwuiiti irii. Poi tile accommodation of those desir ing t visit at points iu the vicinity of, or at Po: tland iu May during the session of the Presbyterian General Assembly, the Union Pacific will sell tickets to Portland aud return at ono faro for the round trip. Tickets on sale May 1) to 14 inclusive, limited to 90 days from dato of sale. For any additional iuforiuation apply to J. II. Meagher, Agent U. P. System, Columbus. COLUMBUS PlaniM Mil We hdve just opercl a new mill on !l street, opposite HctiroederH'fluurhsK mill and are pre pared to do ALh KINDS OF WOOD YVOKK, such as Sash, Blinds, Store Fronts, Stairs, Balusters, Turning, Doors, Mouldings, Counters, Stiiii Hailing, ' Scroll Sawing, 11 auiug. STEEL AND IKON ROOFING SIDING. AND tSAllord'trs promptly attended to. Gallon oraddrets. HUNTEMANN BROS., jolStn Coluuihns, Xehraska. AtterprlalBglonaa-Xan: Tnie .t Co. instructed and atarlvd me. I workl steadily anl loud money faster than I expected to. I became alio to Luj an island nnd balld asmall summer hotel. If I don't suerwdat that. I will go to work airain at tha business in which I mads uiy money . Time A: Co.: Shall wo lustmct and start too. reader? If wo do. and if you work industriously, jou will in lu time bo able to boy an island and build a hotel, if you wish to- Maaey can lo earned at our new liao of work, rap Idly aad honorably, by those ofeithersez, young or old, and in their own localities, wherever they live. Any one can do the work. Easy to learn. We furnish everything. No risk. Too can devote your spare moments, or all your time to the work. Thi entirely new lead brings wonderful suc cewato every worker. Ketrinners aro earning from SCtVS to 9Bm per week and upwards, and more after a little expe rtenee. Wa can furnish yon the employment weteachyoa Ma.a2. ThU is an ace of marvelous things, and here is another treat, useful, wealth givinc; wonder reat cams will reward every industrious worker. Wherever yon are. and whatever vou are doingr. you want tn know about this wonderful work at once. Delay means much money lost to yoa. ho space to explain here, bnt iryou will write to as w,.?L'.li,,U.LrUulioyou,EE. Address. TUUJCac CO.. Bos; . Aoawata. MaUne. THE- SEED -HOUSE OF Offer all kinds of Field Seeds at VERY LOW PRICES. Call and see them. 2 Mar 2 mo. Scieatifc AMricai Ageicy for CAVEATS. S S BVMtK SSSSSlSk. DCSIOM PATENTS COPYRIGHTS, etc. rorlaftnaaUoa and free Handbook write to IHJNN A CO. 3S1 Bboadwat. Raw Toxic Oldest trnraaa for secarlnsT patents in America. BTrery patent taken oat by us Is brontrbt before thepebaebyanoUeeglTenfrceofcbargolntbe Scientific awcricao ftJr. m year: SUB six Booths. Ad Pubushxxs. W Broadway, i SU0 slxaioBths. Address MUNN X CO. New York. SINGLE-COMB, BARRED Plymouth : Rock -AND SIHBLE-COMB, WHITE LEGHORN, (Both- thoroughbred.) ff,". for hntchtiit.', Tor sale, nt 1.50 for one sett ins of 15 . "Orders from a distance proni'itly fillcl. n.p.cooLinaE, 9msr2m ' (iMiiraliiis. Acbr. 4 i, "15AKESIS sves Instant D Irclicr ami is un jnlalltblo Care for Wlex. 1'rk-cSl. U LDrusrjii-'tsorrnnl!. iV.uipIui If re. Address-ANAKKMS." 'fiox Silo, New York atf. H6R1UN OEHLRIGH &BR0 llSMB ftssW wsssLbssssWBssV " a ? sssssssssTawsssssasssr- - C:sssssssssssssHsssssssssssssssssswsV- 0 wsssssssswBswSwsWssssssssswssf ? - IssssssVawssswawSia ! SsKli-wli What is Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescript for Inflate and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Caster Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays feverishncss. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea aud Wind Colic Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas toria is the Children's Panacea-r-the Mother's Friend. Castoria. "Castoria Is an excellent medicine for chil dren. Mothers have repeatedly told n of its good effect upon their children." Dr. G. C. Osgood, Lowell, Mass. Castoria is the best remedy for children of which I am acquainted. I hope the day is not far distant when mothers will consider tho real interest of their children, and use Castoria in stead of the rariousquack nostrums which ore destroy his their loved ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful agents down their throats, thereby sending them to premature graTes." " Da. J. F. Kucchklob, Conway, Ark. The Ceatrar Coazpaar, TI HENRY RAGATZ & CO., KEEP CONSTANTLY ON Staple and Fancy Groceries, ALSO AS FINE AN Lamps, Glassware, As Can be Found in This Section of Nebraska. 1 3The vry highest market price- paid in trade for country produce, tho present, in the (Jluck block, corner of Eleventh and North Streets, COLUMBUS, COLUMBUS SANITARIUM -FOK THE ) fflM MffRPHN Chloral and Tobacco Habits. Tho rotnetiv for alcoholism and kindred diseases contains hi-chlorido of goM, but nn hypoderhiic injections aro used except in tho most aggravated cases. The patient can tako his medicine at homo without loss of timo from business or work, without publicity. Tho remedy for tho tobacco habit contains no bi-chloride of gold. No bypodormic injections aro given, and tho romedy is wonderful in very respect. Tho best of references given. For full particulars, write the secretary, or consult tho medical director. A. M. Swartzendruver, ,w,,. C. A. Woosley, Wllr). C. A. Newman, Tro,lrc, Dr. L. C. Voss, ,, ,, ous.(;.HKrHKi:. LEOPOLD J.KGGI. Established 1870. BECHER, JiEGGI & CO., REAL - ESTATE - LOANS, - INSURANCE , COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA. MONEY TO LOAN ON FARMS nt lowest rates of interest, on short or lonir time, in amounts unit uiiiilinnnlu " - sv- S.V O'lll ll'lllUllr. HONDEl) AISSTRACTEIUs OF TITLE to all hVi.rvont THE LEADING INSUK tho niott lilxnil in iim. Lkih.imi juliuhtwi. iinil uromptlr tiaid at thin offir " Notary Public alwayH in oiHcr. Farm and city pmricrty for hhIi. I(llri eiklliUliiTiu i.f fikn.inn Cn . a s n An.i .! of Enroe, .- ,v....,.n. mC,w, luucmuiivmuuu wUhDOOynSg. TTTMLLSlIvETfE SEASOXOP war fjoiumuus. Aie is a bar, statxis I liafrttea Z m hy WlatoiJiiaCLo byT5ioTator IVsJoi g q y-MiujriwvKn, uy i.afiiiei Nfseconu UatAjrLiUte ? i w -inumt-vnz io MyuuMJm yoiFaro sure IU liV oq J hoTsoJn nut a trottpf. Thyteg, whfchTis gto-OQUfQ ; " Enlqflris tlla blooif-lyies. Asfciden and cscaptiWi C. 21 Ijeilififce ant full doflcriptirfcaall onorj!rsr V s' v 1 V lr -it-T- I O xflmarSm ' y A yf HitlH IHH fsftmma tmmmi - - 17 If K 1 1 asmmmmmmmmmmi smmmmi mmmmmi & smmmmmmmmmmv a--s---- TsstAsTra orTsamrmtTBAnf TnnraalSnr mnrasemberof SDurfamll K.ini.nvuiul c H m TITinirn trill iintn jin a TraTsairrrT-i IT "arsja. prOTlded you i SWuSil I. n w.hw r. I .! .. n ..Mini, nf nnr anrk and CA nn. i.A....u n -- . . w m , sBrmgM latere oroem. iiacanaueanaaourraauoBusus picnraaad it will oa rw- Ulnswf In nMf4AHw WAmstn uff h.MjMlll UlOlurSsaYlU Wlah.nnft t.mwni. vrllW tHm w..... v j.m .'..w nv .. H......W'. .-w. w--. . wc msUtf'nf m limirM HAra.nanwh...lr ff.a fB MMt lllll. 7 ---..-..-... .. -- ., -- w !tm "" caatRanooian at., cnicassouiivu. r,sji wtB.aaasst-ajaa ta i z jtt "zi """" "?? irz:irrzz'T:. " w;izi3T".'w.j- Ml HO Fa shahtafii slat nasi situs erayaa awe star Marvk - ' Castoria. " Castoria is so well adapted to ck&draa I recoramead it as superior to aayprwrriftfcT known to me." H. A. Aacmmm,tL V., Ill So. Oxford St, Brooklym, H. T. "Our physkkuM la tho children's depart ment have spokea highly of their experi ence in their outside practico with Castoria, and although we only hare among our medical supplies what la known as regular products, yet we are free to confess that tha merits of Castoria has woa us to look witk faYoruponit." TJsrrzD Hoshtax. mo PmmsiaT. Boafoa,: Anas C Surra, Pre., M xrmy Straw, Hew Yrk Ctty, HAND A FULL LINE OP ASSORTMENT OF Queensware, Etc., i For NEBRASKA. Ma27,'91-tf CUItK OF THE- E, E, - H. F. J. 1I();KENHHU(JEIC 1.B1KHEU.N8KN. renlostntein Platte conntr. i:.VN('K COMPANIES of thnWorld. O Our farm policies are' II -A. ' . twn Bicamiiiti iieKetii to nml from all i..r. laUK'Ul.tf 89at tbe Fair Grounds, 1 le aorth of naVeitrha uuda. Sired of Moni y. oy Almont. Boyd wnffjir,710 ewarded line cflrriajc sure, is rei :kablylow-non- Iowner's r or exwctiea s "1 cSth & Co. wiahtn to sasredaeaoaavCKhw-vw and at tha aante Uaia axtond our bnsjn am llOUivl QrtVeBl m w witli nsic- 30 DAYS susdasaka nswrasiMnsrsus Rasa JoeUed to m&k ikLaatst usvr: hub Bi.Lun.si nvsissv. . w.twww.iuun. Anbnuvn. ""Z. r . m ... ". .M. V. ... - . ,r --.'i -"'J.-.1Lr7r" .11 III. 11 III M KtmiW . ar1 ljar sf 4 Jf tl ff ' V V .. It. h 5 i t.. xm- & 2& -.?